Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1891, Image 1

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Solicitor General Olnrko Attacks tbo Heir
Apparent to the TLrono.
CoiiHtcrnntlon UoignH In thu Court
Uooni UN Cumin II 'H Imwyer Kc-
fer to tlio Prinoe In No Uncertain -
certain TcrniH.
LONDON' , Juno 8. The baccarat game was
plnycJ lu rouit today. The court wiw
crowded long before the opening time and In
terest In the case did not seem to have dimin
ished In the slightest degree. Lord Colo-
ridge , the lord chief justice of England , when
ho took his seat on the bench , was flunked on
clthersldo by about twenty-live ladies. With
the exception of the reserved space loft for
thu prlnco of Wales , and which the latter
promptly occupied , the body of the court was
filled with barristers , the plaintiff , the do-
* -4vidants , representatives of the press , the
jury and a few specially favored spectators ,
whllo the galleries were in the main part
filled with fashionably dressed ladles.
Tno plaintiff , Sir William Gordon-Cum
mlng , was as dlcnlflcd ns over , and , accord
ing to all outward signs , utterly mini died and
supremely culm nnd collected. The plaintiff
occupied a position almost under the jury
box , while In the same row , only further
away from the jury , sat tbo defendants.
During the delivery of the latter part of Sir
Charles Russell's speech for the defense , the
portion uttered today , the plaintiff calmly
listened to It with studied dignity , never for
a second turning his head towards Sir
Charles Hussell , who , hut a few foot away
from Sir William , was denouncing the latter
In the most severe manner. Occasionally
the baronet looked straight nt , the prince of
Wulos , who was immediately In front of the
plaintiff , but tbo heir apparent never motSir
William's ' gaze. The prlnco of Wales ,
< throughout the present legal proceodlnga , has
' "demonstrated the fact that ho. is "sticking"
to the Wilbon.s , mid that ho will continue to
do so. No bettor evidence of this Is needed
than the fact that young Arthur Stanley
Wilson has boon elected a member of the
Murlborough club , the prince's pot club , upon
tha nomination of the prince himself.
Sir Charles Hussell then took up
his address for the dofcnso which wns
interrupted lust Saturdaj1 by the ad
journment of court. Sir Charles com
menced by calling attention to Sir Will-
Tim Gordon-Cumming's method of playing
b.iccnrut , saying : "If Arthur Stanley
Mlson swore to took place , it excluded all
I thut clnss of suggestions , of which there Is
no trace in the correspondence between Sir
William , General Williams nnd Lord
Coventry to the effect that the
accusation arose from a misun
derstanding of the plaintiff's
system of play. " bir Charles said that in
his opinion the only course open to Sir Ed
ward Clarke , the leading counsel for the
plaintiff , was to announce the whole accusa
tion as an Invention. This , ho said , would
bo fatal. "Wns it possible for un.v innocent
in ( in to adopt the course taken by the plain
tiff ? " asked the attorney. "Ho savs bo did
not ask to bo confronted with the witnesses
because ho was advised not to do so. But
the impulse of nn honorable man would have
boon to that his accusers should bo
brought face to face with him. " Instead of
this the jury had had placed before them the
feeble suggestion that the witnesses mistook
f or acts of cheating coups trals. If this was
so the plaintiff's conduct could have boon ox-
plninoil , hut there was not a syllahlo of a
suggestion of that kind uttered ut
Trantiycroft. The plaintiff signed that paper
and know that tha so doing wns tbo sumo as
nn admission of guilt.
Sir Charles then cleverly endeavored to
discount tbo arraignment of the Wilson
nlly and other members of the Tranbycroft
ikrnrut party which ho anticipated would
bo oV.o of the few errors of the address for
the plaintiff which Sir Edward Clurko would
make. Ho concluded with the remark that
he confidently left the defendants' ' case in
tl'o bunds of the Jury , being fully aware that
tie | latter would do their duty and by their
verdict uphold the evidence which had Ocon
given In the defendants' bohulf.
When Sir Charles Russell sut down there
was a murmur of surprise , the counsel for
the defendants having closed his address
rather unexpectedly. Solicitor General Sir
" Edward Clurko.loading counsel for the plain-
' "tilt , look the lloor , and In a few sentences
tersely invited the attention of the jury. Ho
then commenced by saying it had been "com
mon talk" that tlio prince of Wales' continual
presence In the court during the trial of this
suit wns for the purpose of restraining
tongues of tbo lawyers engaged In the case
from commenting upon the prince of Wales
connection with it.
This remark caused a sensation , but It was
nothing to what , followed.
Continuing , Sir Ed ward intimated that tha
presence of tlio pilnco In court would not
prevent him from making any comment , nec
essary , saying that the counsel hud a painful
duty to perform und that ho Intended to per
form , it honestly nnd fairly. His opponents ,
ho continued , had always been careful to-
allude to him. the counsel for the plaintiff , as
"solicitor general , and , " ho added , "while 1
am proud of thut title , I must lemind the
Jury that 1 nppoar in this case simply ns nn
English barrister , nnd 1 am obliged to disre
gard my friendships nnd even my own inter
ests , und comment on the conduct and evi
dence of ono of the highest in the land. "
Sir Edwavd Clurko , us ho uttered those
last words , turned smiaroly around until ho
faced the prince of Wales , upon whom every
eye In the court then turned and who ner
vously crossed his logs , whllo the audience
was utterly aghast nt what wns considered
to bo the audacity of the solicitor general. In
several directions the whispered comment ,
* "Why , ho Is going to attack the pilnco of
TvTNos , " wns distinctly heard , mid caused all
attention to bo riveted upon the plaintiff's
counsel. Continuing , the solicitor general
remarked :
"Sir Charles Hussell for the defendants'
behalf has snld that oven if the Jury found for
the plaintiff and disregarded the doi-umenl
the latter hud .signed at Tranbyeroft , the
military authorities would take the mutter
up and thut Sir William Gordon Cummlng's
name would bo striukon from the army list.
1 wish to say In unmistakable terms" ex
claimed Sir Edward Clarke , raising his voice
until It echoed tellingly through the court ,
"that It wou'd ' bo Impossible for the authori
ties to do nny such thing and yet leave on
thut list the names of thn field marshal , the
prince of Wales , and General Owen Wil
liams. "
This bold statement seemed to completely
take awny the hrcatn of the audience and
caused by fur the groutoit sensation of the
tiinl. A hushed murmur of astonishment ,
not unmixed with dismay , swept
over tbo couit room. OHO
must thoroughly understand the almost re
ligious worship of royalty which prevails
throughout Great Britain to clearly grasp
the full meaning and crushing significance of
thn solicitor gnnornl's ' words , aimed directly
fit the heir apparent.
Amidst this storm the prlnco of Wales sat
on the bench to the left of the lord chiaf jus
tice , Immovable- a inusclo of his fuco ap
parently twitching , loaning his head upon his
arm and endeavoring to appear totally uncon
After the sensation hud somewhat subsid
ed , Kir Edward devoted his attoutiou to the
discrepancies which ho assorted existed be
tween the precis drawn up at Trantiycroft
\sJilch accused Sir William Gordon Cum-
filing of withdrawing as well as adding coun
ters to those ho had previously staked at
baccarat and the statement which
the Wilson family disclaimed , that
Ihoro was a preconcerted plan to watch
Cuiamlng on the second night of the baccarat
Claying. Sir Kdward followed this with an
arraignment of the Wilsomi , whhh was most
severe nnd cutting.
"Yes , " exclaimed the solicitor general , re
ferring to the Wilsons , "thov undoubtedly
have money , but oven If Sir William Cum-
tiling would condescend to take it Irom such
n source , I shall not usk the Jury to fix the
damnsrcs beyond n nominal FUtti. "
When the court adjourned for luncheon the
prince of Wales hurriedly loft his scat on the
bench and contrary to his , usual habits of
politeness completely disregarded the hUtnblo
courtesies of the several dames seated in his
immodInto vicinity.
After luncheon Sir Clnrks resumed his ad
dress to the Jury , saying that there wns noth
ing In the accusations against the plaintiff
thut could not bo explained by the system of
play which Sir William Gordon-Cummlng
adopted , though Ilia Jury were * asked to bo-
llovo that the plaintiff hud descended to a
depth of tricks the lowest shurpor would not
do. The solicitor general then commented
surc.istlcally upou the ornamental position
occupied by the head of the Wilson family ,
who , counsel said , was notconsultcd through
out tlfo proceedings and who apparently had
to give Ins son-in-law Mr.
way to - - , Liycott
Green , who wns deputed to defend the family
honor. "A man of the mature ngo
of thirty-one , " said the solicitor general ,
cuttingly , referring to Mr. Green , "who rode
to the hounds four days In the week. When
Mr. Gruen heard tbo prlnco of Wales say ,
glvo him another tenner , I wish people
would put tholr stakes lu a conspicuous
place , ' he ( Mr. Green ) catno to the conclu
sion that Sir William Gordon-Cumming had
been cheating and rose from the table , but ,
changing his mind , Mr. Green wrote to his
mother-in-law in magnificent tones of elo-
vatcd morality nnd then returned to play
again , afterwards directing the attention of
the prlnco of Wales , who was again present ,
to the affair and who , without hearing Sir
William Gordon-Cumming's version of the
occurrence , condemned his intimuto friend.
What was Sir William Gordon-Cunimlng's
reason for signing the document about which
so much has been suid C' asked the solicitor
general , looking straight into the prince of
Wales' eyes. "It was , " ho said , after nn
effective pause , "to save the prince of Wales.
Among the mass of the people , " Sir Edward
continued , uttering each \\oril with startling
distinctness , "it is known that n club or
inn could bo prosecuted for playing baccarat ,
and in a great part of the com
munity there wns a feeling that this
unhappy accident ought never td have been
allowed to become known because the cir
cumstances were at variance with the feeling
and with the conscience of the people.
"Then there was the strange und suttle in-
lluonco of royalty , " still''more solemnly nnd
dramatically said the solicitor general , "and
Sir William Gordon-Cummtng's ' action in
signing that document was due to the inllu-
once which has adorned history nnd which
bus made many a knight do an unknlghtlv
and dishonoring deed to save their king , be
cause they gave their honor us freely ns they
would have given their llvos for the Interests
of the dynasty or to conceal the foibles of a
prince. "
A slight ripple ofj applause , which was
promptly suppressed , broke out in court as
the eloquent Jurist uttered the lust words in
n most touching and impressive manner.
"Tho document , " continued Sir Edward
Clurko with increasing toree and amid the
most deadly silence throughout the court
room , "was signed Dy Sir William Gordon-
Cummlng in order to save the prince of
Wales from scandal. The motto of Sir Wil
liam Gordon-Cuinming's race is , 'Without
fear. ' He came into the witness box without
fear , confident of a verdict which would
wipe thl1 , stain from his record of service
. , with his gallant regiment of brave soldiers. "
Sir Edward Clarke used plain language
throughout when ho referred to the prince of
' .Vales , and whan ho made the assertion that
tbo afternoon precis was prepared by Lord
Coventry uud signed by Sir William Gordon-
Cummlng solely to shield the prince of
Wales from scand'il , it caused ono of the
greatest sensations of this sensational trial ,
find ttinaA ll'Tm Virtitnl tVin v/trti ilra rtinrln { n
court were so surprised with them that they
were generally discussed afterward and were
commented on In club and other circles far
into the night and early morninir.
The solicitor genera ! quoted us the basis of
these startling allegations an extract from
the earl of Coventry's dairy , In which the
following words occur : "We were Induced
to recommend this course because wo de
sired to avoid scundal and in order to keep
the name of the prince of Wales out of It. "
"Sir William Gordon-Cumming , ns well as
tbo curl of Coventry , " said Sir Edward , "is
loyal to the prince of Wales , who has been
most kind to him , and Sir William Gordon-
Cummlng signed that document because ho
was willing to sacrilico himself , as his old
friends were willing to sacrifice him , in order
to save the reputation df , the recollection
of whoso friendship will always DO bright in
his memory. "
The solicitor geuoral then said slowly to
the Jury : "It is too late to undo much of the
mischlor which has been done , " nnd then ,
facing the priuco nnd looking the latter di
rect In the fuco for about the space of a
minute , ho continued in a voice apparently
shaken with emotion , "and It may be too late
to SIIVB the reputation of some people men
tioned in this case , but" again turning to
the jury "it is not too late for you to pre
vent the completion of the sacrifice of this
gallant officer. "
Sir Edward Clarke's speech was regarded
as a most olomiont und telling effort , and
when he closed his remarks there was a
burst of spontaneous applause , cheering and
clapping throughput the court which caused
tlio lord chief Justice to shout , "Silence , this
is not a theater. "
The action of the lord chief Justice had the
desired effect , nnd the applause stopped , hut
as Sir William Gordon-Cummlng rose from
his seat a nilnuto later and while the prince
of Wales and Lord Coleridge were still on
the bench there wns a renewal of the cheers
and hand clapping , of which the plaintiff ap
peared to take no notico.
The jury , it wns plainly Jovldont , nppeared
to bo greatly impressed with the speech of
the solicitor general , and ns he ended a re
mark was hoird throughout the court. It
was , "Gumming will got n verdict , or at least
the jury will disagree. "
The court wns then adjourned till tomor
row , when the lord chief justice will sum up
and thu case will bo given to the Jury.
The prlncu of Wales has gene to Ascot and
will not attend the dimming trial tomorrow.
'London 'HiiML-M Not Humility.
LONDON , Juno S. Hardly a single omnibus
of the 875 vehicles belonging to thn London
general omnibus company was - to
day , nnd It is estimated thut about llvo thou
sand men nnd ton thousand horses are Idle
through the strlko which commenced yester
The , road i-ar company camn to a decision
today to offer twelve hours worn per day
from July lit , driver * to bo paid 0 shillings
per day , and after n year's service 0 shillings
(1 ( pence per day , and condui'tors to receive 4
shillings 0 pence per any , and after a year's
service 5 shillings per day. H those terms
nro not accepted a lockout Is certain. The
company Insists In raCuM'r. ' ; the demands of
the strikers to dismiss uinploves who have
boon faithful to their woik. The combined
decision of both of the roads means a slight
decrease lu the wages of their employes ,
t Tioii
Iqtnouc , Juno 8. The torpedo boats Ai-
miranto Lynch nnd Almiranto Condell , ac-
companlod by two armed transports , at
tempted to bombard Pisugun at long range
today. Very few shells reached town and
the two vessels soon retired. Congressional
shliH have gene in pursuit.
The Itatu will bo ready to sail for San
Diego Saturday ,
Munloretl liy ChlnoHe.
LOXPOV , Juno S. Advices front Shanghai
report fresh outrages against foreigners near
Klnklung. Tbo English millenary nnd the
custons ofticers were murdered , und the
European residents ore appealing for protec
tion by u man-of-war , L
Mnnlnur MiiHHiioro' l.omli-r Hiin .
C'M.currA , Juno 8. Dispatches received
hero from Mnnlpiir state that Soploy , ouo of
the leaders in the recent revolt ngalnst Brit
ish authority , was hanged this morning for
his complicity In the uaassacroof Commander
Qulutou auU party.
Nebraska's ' Embryo Soldiers Out on Parade
at Geneva ,
Plntt.sniouth Preparing to Celebrate
tlio Glorious Fourth Ilur lari
at Pawnee Cltj New Hank
ut Dunbar Insanity.
OBXP-VA , Neb. , Juno 8. [ Special Telegram
to THIS BBH.J Upon arrival of afternoon
trains the city was suddenly filled with bens
of Veterans at 8iJO. ! Camp Counl'ot was held
nt headquarters In the Hotel Jameson , com
posed of Colonel Coates , H. M. Eaton , C.
J. Humphrey , Fillmore Dorsoy , and staff
onicera. At 5:30 : the dross parade was held
with Colonel Coates commanding. Upon the
arrival of Colonel Coatcs at the depot n salu to
was fired at the grounds , nnd nn escort was
formed , headed by the First regiment band ,
and escorted the colonel nnd staff to head
quarters at the camp grounds. The parade
ground was suddenly transferred into n
tenting ground , allvo with blue coats. Kvory
train Is bringing more , nnd by tomorrow
night , if the prospects for nice weather con
tinue , there will bo a largo addition to
Geneva's population. Indications are for
sunshine tomorrow , which has not boou ex
perienced hero for four days.
A Iilvo Town W.ll Celebrate.
Pi.ATTdMourfi , Nob. , Juno 8. [ Special to
Tins BKH.J Preparations nro being made for
a grand celebration in this city ot Fourth ot
July. It will bo a dual celebration , and will
embrace the usual festivities in commemora
tion of Independence clay , and the opening of
the Missouri Pacillc cut-o ft by way of this
city to Omaha. L rom sunrise to sunset visi
tors will bo entertained with n divers ! lied
proirrumtno , and in the evening the opera
house and hulls will bo opened for various
entertainments , Parades and an old
fashioned picnic will bo ono of
the features of the day. There
will bo n game of baseball ,
foot races , horse races and a multiplicity of
games and pastimes. Some of the most
noted speakers will bo present to make in
teresting and appropriate addresscj , and
many of the most influential men of the stale
will ho in attendance to participate in the
festivities of tbo day. A grand pyrotcch-
nical display will bo made in the evening as
prophetic and emblematic of Plattsmonth's
bright and brilliant future.
CuiiiEiiT oj ; , Nob. , Juno 8. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BEI.J : The entire board of
managers , including ox-Governor Furnas , of
tbo stuto board of agriculture , arrived hero
last night , and today the members wore ex
amining boveral sites ottered for the state ox-
puriraontal station. The location which will
in all probability bo selected is one-half milo
north of Culbortson , and is a beautiful tract
of forty acres under the big Culbertson
ditch. The board loaves today for Denver
nnd other Colorado points where irrigation
ib practiced. The members of the board all
expressed themselves highly pleased with
Culbertson and its irrigation interests.
Instituted n. New Order.
Noiti'oi.ic , Nob. , June 8. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bnu.J E. N. Haworth , S. N.P.
ot tno oruor or commercial I'ligrima ot
America , Instituted Norfolk council No. 4 at
this placo. This is the fourth council in
A mcrica and the second in Nebraska. There
wore thirty-six charter members and the
now order starts out under the most favor
able circumstances. Mr. Haworth Is from
Council Bluffs. Ho institutes council No. o
at Dos Moluos next Saturday night. Ofllcers
elected were as follows : W. W. Llllie , W.
P. ; H. C. Thurber , W. N. P. , James H.
Hamilton , W. C. : F. L. Hull , secretary ; W.
C. Sutpbor. , treasurer.
Address tf > Itcllcvuc Students.
BEM.KVUC , Nob. , Juno 8. [ Special Tolo-
gratnloTiic BEI : . ] The annual address to
the students of Bellevue college was to have
been delivered at the Presbyterian church
tonight by Uov. Stephen D. Phelps , D.D. , of
Council Buffs , but for some unknown reason
Mr. Phelps did not arnvo. Dr. Kerr was
then prevailed upon to take his plnco which
ho did , delivering n short historical address ,
selecting as the subject for his remarks , the
"Counsel of Trent , ana the Hoformation of
the Christian Ctiurch , " at the conclusion of
which ho was accorded a vote of thanks by
the entire congregation.
A Nobr.iHkn Girl.
Coi.t'Muus , Nob. , Juno ' 3. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BKG.J A telegram was re
ceived today from Miss Mao North , daughter
of Hon. J , E. North , that she had received n
medal In the graduating class of the school of
oratory and dramatic , art in the Chicago
inimical college. Miss Mao has spent but two
years at the college. Considering that she
had scholars of Hvo years' attendance to
compete with for this prko she Is entitled to
moi'o than usual credit.
Nineteen charter members organized n
camp of Sons of Veterans In this city this
Taken to the Asylum. ,
OSCEOI.A , Nob. , Juno 8. [ Special to THE
Bmt.J John Farrls of Sherman county , Kan
sas , was brought bo f ere the board of in
sanity of this county a few days ago and ad
judged insano. Ho catno into this county
about ton days ago nnd said that ho Intended
to kill about half a dozen of the prominent
persons of this place who ho suid bad been a
little too familiar with his wife , who , all of
her neighbors say , is n very nlco woman.
SUorilT Hamilton started for Lincoln today
and will deliver Farrls over to Superintendent
Kuapp of the Insana asylum ,
Horse Tlilnf Arrested.
BuiiwBU , Nob. , Juno 8.--Spocial | to Tun
BUE. ] John Cowlos of Holt county was ar
rested hero lust night for stealing a team ,
harness and wagon from Put McDonald , n
saloonkeeper nt Atkinson. It seems that
Cowols filled up on bad whisky at Pat's sa-
lobn and conceived the Idea thatii'tonmof his
own would bo very desirable. Ho drove
about eighty miles yesterday and put up at
the best hotel , roglstotlng under the name of
,1 nines f'onlme. It Is thought that McDon
ald , having found his team In good shape ,
will not prosecute thu follow.
Got linn bu fi Notes.
GoTiiKSiiuiio , Neb , , Juno 8. [ Special Tele
gram to THE B KB. ] A. H. HuJtlold , presi
dent of the Gothenburg Improvement com
pany , arrived last night from Milwaukee.
Work on a Jl5Ko ( ) brick block began today.
There bus boon plenty orralu hero and the
crop prospects nro good.
A Store Itnr lurUod.
PAW.NKI ; Cirv , Nob. , Juno 8. ( Special
Telegram to TUB BKR , | Beaver Brothers'
clothing store wiv entered lost night nnd
homo clothing nnd some furnishing goods
taken The cillmuto ot the goods > tolon Is
not yet known. There la no trace of the
thief as yet. _
tlio Firemen.
Hen CI.OUD , Nub. , Juno 8. ( Special to
Tin : DEI : . ] Tlio ladles of thU city gave n
dinner and supper yesterday for the benefit
of the lira department. The atTulr was a
social and llnnnclal success unit netted the
ludlosfll. ' ) , wuieu was gratefully received by
the ilromen ,
Itunbar Hunk Opened.
DUHIUII , Neb. , Juno S.- [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB DCE. | The Duubar State
bank was opened for bitsints 'today with n
paid up capital of $10,0 K ) ami power to in
crease to SM.OOO. Oeorgo 1L Vosi of Omaha
is president , and E , O. Klnof Dunbar
tbc Corn ifttlac Plant.
CITV , Nob. , Juric S. [ Special
Telegram to Tun BKC.l Manager Fred
Smith of the Nebraska uUillllng company
today received a tologmm from Oeorgo L.
Woolsoy , who Is now in flow York , which
reads :
Hot estimate at once on cost of IncroiiPlnir
our capacity to .VWO bushels dally. I will
rctiiin to Nebraska City HOOII nnd wish to
commence the \vorl < of unlar incnt ut thu our *
llest possllilu d ly.
This moans considerable for Nebraska
City. It is the result of the nbs6rptlon of
the Schufcldt and Calumet distilleries by the
whisky trust , nnd leaves the distillery in
this city the largest ono operating outside of
the trust. The onlnrgcmeiit Is to supply the
trade that will not patronize the trust ,
To Increase the capacity to f > , OoO bushels
n day will can so nn expenditure of
of about jW.OOO aim will mnko the concern
thrco times its present si o.
An eltort will bo madatolinvo the improve
ment completed by September 1. SInce the
news crane In increasing the distillery's ca
pacity to 5,000 bushels and the cereal mills
to n similar amount , this together with the
corn used at the stock ynrJs and packing
house , has caused considerable talk of organ
izing a regular corn exchange.
Kansas Peon'.e's Party Orators will
Stump the State.
TorniCA , Kan. , Juno 8. Kansas will send
twenty-live people's party < jrntoM Into Iowa
next fall to take part In tiio state campaign.
1. Vnndcrmclcn of the citizen's alliance at
DCS Moines arrived in the city Sunday nnd
the negotiations have already been completed.
The men who will go to Iowa are the pick of
the alliance orators , the bcit recommended
to the people's ' state contra.1 committee , as
follows : Senator W. A. PetTor , Jerry Simp
son , John Davis. John G. 6tis , WlllUni
Baiter , John F. Willits , Anna L. Dlggs , Sara
Wood , W. Hutloy Of Parsons , W. F. Rlght-
mire of To [ > skaS. II. Snldoi ; of Kitigrnau , A.
L. Sharp of Council Grove , Noah Allen of
WichitaMrs. , M. E. Lease , Van B. Prothor ,
state lecturer ; S. M. Scott , assist
ant state lecturer ; W. A. Yvllk-
ins of Wlnlleld , Senator , Wheeler of
Conconlln , Dr. Walling of Sumncr county ,
D. D. Bnhrcr of Hush county , Captain H. S.
Osborno of Stockton , W. J. Babb of Wichita
and George W. Holleuback , of Comancho.
Ucv. Mr. Foster of this city , a colored divine
who was n candidate for-jitatq auditor on the.
people's ticket , will nlso bo sent to talk to the
colored brethren. P. P. Elder -was asked for ,
but his duties as memberot the nationtd
committee will keep him looking after the in
terests of the party in this state.
Tlio people's party has decided that it must
carry Iowa this fall at all hazards , and the
state will be Hooded with speakers.
Mr. Vnndernielen said this morning : "Wo
have engaged Ignatius Donnelly' nnd several
other well known orators from Minnesota ,
President Loucks of the South Dakota
alliance , Captain C. A. Powers of Indiana ,
Contrressman McKcighan pf .Nebraska , W.
S. Morgan , author of 'To the Wheel and
Alliance , ' and Charles H. Cunningham of
Arkansas. Wo propose to isitnply Hood the
stuto with people's party speakers. Wo have
the votes and propose to carry lho state. "
t _ _ _ ' \y \ * '
Heirs Dissatisfied with fjva Bcqitcsln
oi'Good Old Mr. Grimes.
ATCitiaox Kan. Juno . < Tclo-
, , ,8.7fSpocial -
cram to Tun IIBI : ] The trial of the Grimes
will case was begun In the dfstrict court to
day. The case Involve * o-oparty valtfod af <
8150,000. Most of the propoi ty was originally
the estate of the lute Major E. B. Grimes of
the United States army , whdwas for many
years quartermaster stationed at St. Louis.
Ho loft it to his mother , Susan Grimes , who
died a year ago , giving most of it to live
children , limiting the sharq of ono of the live
and entirely cutting off two'children of n de
ceased son. The reason given iu the will for
the unequal division was that tlio fifth child's '
husbanu was Indebted to E. B. Grime's
estate. No reason was glvon for cutting elf
the two grandchildren. The best lofrnl talent and a long
and expensive litigation is expected.
A hake llutinlnif'Awajr.
ATCIIIOX , Kan. , June ' 8. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THE Bne.l Sunflower lake , which
is part of Sugar lake , a largo and beautiful
shoot of water covering a great many thou
sand acres In Missouri , opposite bore , has
broken into the Missouri river. A stream
twclvo feet deep Is plowing through the
newly formed channel nnd the swift flow is
constantly wldcnintr the break. It Is feared
that much of the water in Sugar , lake will bo
drained off and the oeauty and tha value of
tbo lake as u pleasure olid fishing resort
greatly impaired. Suear infto men declare
that the connection with the'river has boon
made by fishermen who are offended because
the Missouri low against sonlng | is enforced.
StlekuiK in tha Mud.
A-rciiibov , Kun. , Juno 8 , fSpomal Tele
gram to Tun BKI : . ! The Missouri Pacific ,
is still In the mud botv/oon hero and Loavmi-
wortb , thcro being no loss than six bad land
slides within as many miles. As fast us
shovelors dig tbo earth away more comes
down. Superintendent Hathburn hopes to
get the track open by tomorrow night , but
the bluffs are so badly water soaked that it is
doubtful. All tbo spare section men between
Atchison nnd Omaha and on the Central
branch division are shoveling. For tno
present trains are sent to Leavonwortn over
the Hock Island by way of Edgertnn Junc
tion , thrco miles east of hero.
First Annual Mootlu 'inom Settlers
ol' South Dnko a.
Diumvoop , S. D. , Juno S ISpocIal Tolo-
grum to TUB Bui : . ) Thc society of Black
Hills Pioneers to momborsl\il \ in which only
tboso who anlvedin thu Hills earlier than
January 1 , 1877 , ara ollglblo , hold us fl t an
nual excursion today , going by special train
at 7 : ! ! 0 o'cloclt this inornlngiofcr the B. & M ,
railroad toCusterCity and returning to Deadwood -
wood at 80 : o'clock toniithf Upwards of
eight hundred cxcursionistB were on the
train. A royal reception w/w given them nt
CustorCity. Colonel W. -Stoolo of Deadwood -
wood was orator of the duynid ( made u nmg-
nillcont speech. 'I'lio excurlpu brought to
gether many of the pioneers who hud not
mot in fifteen ycurs , and guyo an opportun
ity for the interchange of mtviy reminiscen
ces nnd hair breadth expcno.uccs with Indians
in early days. _ . {
Married on nn UVjufHlon.
BISMMICK , N. D. , JuiioS.r-Anione a party
of eastern excursionists In tftls city yester
day werq Dr. W. Han ford White of 857 Fifth
avenue , Now York , nnd liplcn Paul Ding-
llth of Vnnkton , S , D . , who ftor a brief
courtship in transit , resolved to unlto tholr
joys and sorrows. ItovVticorgo Kline , chap
lain of thu lower liouso of the
n on n coil them one. tha Imppy couple
will proceed on their tour td the Paculcwhen
they will go nnd oxplora the mysteries of the
old world. ; ,
_ _
Now IIUlHViintod ,
STUHOIS , S. D. , Juno 8 JSpoCial Telegram
to Tin : BKB.JLocal bidders IfoVo received
notice from the chief jquarterniastor of the
department of Dakotif that proposals to fur
nish military supplies at Fprt Meado. opened
April S , would npc'bo entertained. Now bids
are invited , tq bo opened July 1. Prospects
for big crops probauly led the quartermaster
to belfovo the articles could bu furuisncd at n
lower figure than those quoted by contractors
a month ago.
Western Farmers Will Got a Share of the
the Premiums ,
How Secure tlio Iloimty A Number
ot Innpootorn Soon to Itc Ap
point oil Myntory Surround I tii ;
Kchollold't *
Dl.'iFouiiTccsTit STIIKKF , >
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Juno 8 )
Souio fanncra In Nebraska , Illinois uml
Indiana and n low ether states' ' huvo been
writing to the ituornul revenue office that
they fear there will bo so much rod tape in
securing maple mid boot sugar bounties that
they will have to abandon hope for it.ho
law gives u botmtyof about" cents a pound ,
so that all the bounty realized on 1,000 ,
pounds , which is a Rood yield , will bo $ JO. To
secure this a farmer must take out u liccnso
and submit his product to n government inspector
specter to be tested , weighed , etc. Further
more , as the Inspector may not get around
on tlmo , ttio fanners say they may
miss the opening of the market In
the first part of the maple sugar
season when the product demand- * about 0
cents more than It does later in the season.
Commissioner Mnsun said today that he ex
pected to recommend to the secretary of the
treasury the nppointmontof the ton or twelve
sugar Inspectors within a week or then days.
Ho would not Indicate who were to get , thcso
positions , which pay 5 < 5 a day and traveling
expenses , but said that Ohio would got two
by vlrtuo of the fact Unit it was a maple
sugar producing state anil was the homo of
the author of the present tariff law ana Sen
ator Sherman , ono of the leading tarilt
authorities In the upper branch of congress ;
that the president's state would have to Do
given ono because it produced a
great deal of sugar , anu innt
Kansas. Nebraska and California , each
a sugar producing state , would got throe
more. Louisiana , ho said , had demanded the
appointment of all the others , basing Us
claim for the places upon the fact that It
produced more sugar than all the other states
combined. The commissioner said that
sugar producers will never have any trouble
about an early and prompt inspection of their
productions , as deputy collectors of internal
revenue can bo called to assist the regular
inspectors In their work , aiid that the pro
ducers can combine or concentrate at given
points In such a way si * to or.ablo an inspector
specter to pass upon a great many samples iu
ono day. The treasury department is
arranging every facility to glvo sugar pro
ducers advantage of tuo bounty law.
Mystery begins to surround the rumored
approaching marriage of the commander-in-
ehief of tuo army. The current number of
the Army and Navy Journal , which is the
somi-ofilcial organ of the war department ,
says : "Wo do not publish the Chicago tele
gram announcing the marriage of General
Scholleld , as wo have authority to atato that
the reports are absolutely false. " This pos
itive assertion by a seml-oflicinl paper which
says it speaks from "authority" is causin ?
much comment in army circles. Many
prominent ottlcers Insist that the wedding
will ndvcr take _ place , and , the fact that the
general's relatives hero arc In the dark on
the subject makes the affair speculative , to
say the least.
Acting Secretary Chandler today afllrmod
the decision of the general land ofllco holding
for cancellation the pre-emption claim of
Benjamin LaCluiro in the Yankton , S. D. ,
district , hold by Squire \V. Smith ; nlso the
decision in the contest case of Cederholm vs
John L. Morse against Cedorholm.
A. A. Pnngborn was today appointed post
master at Willow Island , Dawson county ,
Nob. , vice M. B. Murphy , resigned. The
following postmasters were todav appointed
for Iowa- Cromwell Center , Clay county ,
H. Hclken , vice O. W Clark , resigned ;
Fredonia , Louisa comity , J. Gamble , vice W.
L. Curtis , resigned : Granville , Sioux county ,
S. E. Stoll , vice J. H. Downing , resigned
A marriage license was yesterday Issued to
Robert L. Donoghuo of Slater and Annie
Hockman of Bertonville , Va" .
Several Offers for nti Intension He-
oelvccl by tlio Treasury.
WASHINGTON , Juno S. Several offers for
an oxtontion of 4 } > j per cent bonds were re
ceived at the treasury department this morn
ing. They were all from western banks.
Secretary Foster called on the president
this morning and Informed him of tlio result
of his recent conference with bankers in Now1
York and of tholr proffered willingness to
take up the entire \yt per cent loans If ex
tended at 2 per cent.
No conclusion was reached at this confer
ence as too best course to bo followed.
The question will bo again considered at the
cabinet meeting tomorrow.
There is u great conflict of opinion us to the
future action of the treasury department with
respect to this loan , but It Is generally under
stood that Secretary Foster favois its exten
sion at 'J per cent. Ho nil ml tied as much this
afternoon. He said that Mich a course- would
raise the credit of the government ; and at the
same tlmo cui.blo the national banks to in
crease tholr circulation , allowing greatl }
needed relief nftor the great exports of gold.
Ho said also , however , that tncro were so
many arguments In favor of an extension at
u low rate of interest that ho really did not
know but what It might llnnlly bo concluded
to fix the rate at 1 per cent ,
A statement prepared at the treasury de
partment shown that the 4 par cent bonds
hold by national bunks are geographically
distributed as follows ; Now England states ,
era banks , which are said to favor tlio 1 per
cent rates , hold more than one-half of the eii-
tlro amount hold by national banks and more
than tbo banks of the Now England and mid
dle states combined , Tlio strongest point in
favor of the a per cent ruto Is the agreement
of the eastern bankers to purchase the ontiru
outstanding loan of fYIOOU,000 , at that rate ,
wlillo the western bankers , known to favor
the 1 per cent r < tto , have so far spoken only
with icspeijt to tbo bonds now hold by them ,
PrcNlilcnt IIiirHson Will
WASHINGTON , Juno 8. The president had ace
co nfc re n co today with Secretary Foster and
Comptroller Lncoy In regard to the case of
the Keystone. National mink of Philadelphia ,
as a result of which ho dictated a letter to
Major Stewart , acknowledging the receipt
of the resolutions of the common council ,
calling for n government Investigation of tba
bank , mid buying that ho will facilitate a
thorough examination of tbo affairs of tlio
bank to tha lull extnnt of his power and will
seu that anv ofltcor of the government found
guilty of wrong doing in that connection Is
held to u strict accountability for his ac
tion , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
Temp < 'runoi ) Women CuiiHiiro Itlalnu.
WtHiiiNoiov , Juno 8. Thp world's Wo
men's Christian Temperance Union In session
hero has adopted a resolution , censuring Sec
retary liUino for hU action in issuing In
October lust n circular Instructing the United
States consuls In thu south and central
American states to rupert to the department
cl state the best means or Introducing Amur-
lean boer into these countries , and various
ether articles connected , with the beer and
mult truilo.
Much PUSH About Nothing.
WASUI.XOTO.V , Juno 8 , Usferrlnu to tbo
published statement that a " iff the tlmo ho
was a senator President It 'ion exorcised
ill * Iniluenco to have the , " * sion allowed
which \yns recently grantcdw. \ ' . Ell/nboth
b. Unnlson , his brother's \ w , Pension
Commissioner Uaum said W " - ' "An ox-
umlnntlon of the papers in the o and In.
milrics among these who have charge of
It for years full to disclose any ' .erco.sslon
whatever by KCiiernI , senator resident
Harrison , or by any ono ropm ng htm.
" 1 ho case was never disallowed. ' truth Is
Mr. Harrison never made any --eqticst , at
nny time , In any form directing the pen-Ion
which has been granted his bret dor's widow.
and know nothing about tlio s 'us of the
case at the tlmo the passage was allowed , It
went through on Its merits. "
Q my Taking Cure of Kr
W \SIIINOTOV , Juno 8. Senator Quay ar
rived In Washington last night accom
panied by Collector Martin of Philadelphia.
This morning the senator , accompanied by
Mr. Martin and Judge Qlikcrton , the second
comptroller , called on the president and hud
n long talk. To start with ho handed the
president the resignation of Mr. Martin as
collector at Philadelphia. Ho then talked
with the president about the appointment of
Mr. Martin's successor " and about
the appointment of u successor o to
Judge Schollold of the court of
claims , who is soon to retire. Ho urged the
appointment of Judge Gllkorson , and It Is
expected that ' 10 will bo appointed. In that
event Senator Quay will prob.ibly sug
gest some ouo for second comptroller.
They Imy in tlio Grout Dining Hull
ut KnriiNulln'c.
OTTAWOut. . , Juno8. In the great dining
hall at Earnscllffe lies the remains of its late
master. The casket .stands on n pedestal in
the center of the room and all the appoint
ments arc most imposing. The hangings are
of vlolot and whiio and tholr arrangement
took until nearly midnight. When all was
done the metallic casket with its burden was
carried down stairs from the room In which
tlio dead man passed away. There the re
mains will Ho until morning , to bo viewed by
members of the household nuu-thu followers
of the late premier. Including the members of
the cabinet who called at EurnsclilTc today.
The Globe , discussing the political situa
tion , savs : "Sir John Thompson seems to bo
the candidate most likely to succeed Sir John
Premier Grc'eimwny Interviewed.
CHICAGO , Juno S. Hon. Thomas Grcon-
nwav , premier of the province.of Manitoba ,
passed through this city bound for Ottawa ,
to attend the funeral of Macdonuld. In nn
Interview ho suid : "It is utmost impossible
to predict what will follow the loss of the con
servative leader. A succession of liberal
triumps is ono of the possibilities. The con
servative majority was cut down nearly one-
half in the last election ana Sir John's dcatn
may result in swooping away what is left.
I can scarcely make a guess as to xvno will bo
the next premier. I think the conservative
party would prefer Sir John Thompson. The
( Cntholic argument will not , I think , effect
uny chances Sir Charles Tapper may have
for the position. "
Now York Presbytery Spends Two
Hours on Ills CIIHC.
NEW YOIIK , Juno 8. The Now York pres
bytery spent two solid hours discussing Prof.
BrigRt today. Tnere were sixty-five pres
ent forty-nine ministers and sixteen ciders.
A letter from Dr. Brlggs , withdrawing all
protest against what ho dooms the unjust
procedure of the presbytery against him , in
order to facilitate the time when his accusers
must face him and their charges bo tried ,
was rend. The committee to arrange for the
trial engaged most of the timo.
ThlnTc the Assembly Acted Unwisely.
Cniruio , Juno S. Drs. Worcester , Dowitt ,
Lewis and Hoyt , commissioners from the
Chicago presbytery to the general assembly
of tlio Presbyterian church which met re
cently at Detroit , made their report today at
a meeting of the presbytery convened for
that purpose. On the matter of the Briggs
case the opinion of the commissioners is Unit
the lissomDly Had acted unwisely In endorsing
ing the report of Dr. Patton's committee.
Dr. Worcester's scheme of settlement would
have been a bolutlon of tbo dlftlculty.
Discussed Jouti'iiml Matters.
NEW YOIIK , Juno 8. The convention of the
Lutheran synod of Missouri , Ohio and other
states today discussed doctrinal mutteis.
Tbo advisability of buying a now house for
the branch at Fort Wayne college in this
city was discussed. The matter was post
poned until the next convention.
Sermon by n St. I > uls Pastor CnnscB a
ST. Louis , Juno 8. Under the head of
"Creeds Crumbling" an oven Ing paper quotes
Ucv. Frank O. Tyrell , pastor of the Central
Christian church of this city , as saying that
all the signs pointed ton dissolution of ortho
dox creeds. Mr. Tyrell , lu sormoni/.lng ,
pointed out forcibly the dissension In regard
to mutters of oelief and faith which hiivn
shaken the Protestant church , nnd from this
drew conclusions that the creeds are crumb
ling and will ere long disappear. Ho cannot ,
he says , accept the belief of the trinity ot
Jesus , nnd asked us to why ho believed that
the Protestants creeds are falling , ho replied
that ono hud but to notice bow tlio teachers
of the gospel nro demanding the right to
make thoirown deductions provided that they
aeUnowludxo the dlvlnltv of Jesus.
The effect of Dr. Tyroll's statement Is ns if
a bomlysholl had exploded In tha midst of thu
orthodox ministers , and everybody is discus-
King the stand taken by the revorned gentle
man. _ _
Si'itiNnriEi. ! ) , 111. , Juno SIn the liouso to
day u bill was passed for the protection of
dairymen. It provides that every icilk
dealer who sells milk on credit bhall lllo with
the cleric of the county In which he resides u
bond In the sum of $ .JOOQ , for a faithful compliance
pliance- with the laws governing the ironic in
milk and for the payment of all taxes duo
from him on account ot the milk bought on
A bill to pievcnt child labor was also
passed. It lorblds the employment of uny
child undur fifteen years of ago unless n cor-
tlllcato bo issued by the board of education
or bchool directors that such child is the
means of support of an aged or Inllrm rela
Till ! Itli.tTH&lt FOItMAST.
t For Omaha and Vicinity Fair ; warmer.
For the D.iUotus , Nebraska , Iowa , Kansas
and Missouri Showers ; warmer ; southeast-
orlv winds ,
For Colorado Fair ; wanner ; southeast
erly winds.
Appointed a Houttlvor.
CHICAGO , Juno 8. On complaint of Anna
W. Balrd , ono of the stockholders in tha
Northwestern rubber company , Jndgo filud-
gett of the federal court today appointed
Edgar Whllchauso receiver. The bill of complaint -
plaint says the company is Insolvent nnd that
lu , debts ere over SIOO.XM ( ) , with no money
to meet a great , dual of paper long ago duo.
The nScclvor BH.VH tlio company's affairs nro In
bad conditional
, . . , <
'I ho Klre IvVuord.
GI.ASIIOW , Juno 6 , Today Mnlloch's glass-
wnro housu and the establishment of Willis
& NuUon , ribbon manufacturers , burned.
Loss , JiV.000. )
SKRUIIIIOOK , Quo. , Juno 8. The bush IIres
at Black lake have communicated to tlio
houses mid from thirty to tbirty-Uvu have
William H , Doyle Seeks Rollof from Buffer
ing in Death ,
Sad Sululdi ! of a Young Man Well
Known and I. Iked tiy All
U ho Knew lilin
At llvo minutes before 0 o'clock last night
woritmen engaged In Syndicate park hoard
the report of n gun.
On tholr way front work Ole Carlson , ono
of the laborers , discovered the body of a
man lying on the bank oloso to the roadway.
On nttprouiihlng the body ho dlsoovorod a
olstol hole in the left breast with llfo
scarcely extinct , and on the ground bosldo
the body lay n largo stnglo barrelled 44-cnli-
bro pistol.
Mr. Carlson ntonco notified ether men in
tin * punt , nnd soon the news spread over
the city and a large number of persona gath
ered at the place where the body lay.
Coroner Harrigun was summoned at once ,
and on examination found letters identifying
the deceased as William II. Doyle , aged
about twenty-live years , who resided with
his mother at 1710 Davenport street , and who
has been cashier of the Western Union tele
graph company In Omaha.
Mr. Doyle went lu the park along the main
avcuua leading from Twenty-fourth street ,
and nftor passing tlio turn-stile entrance
loading to the second lake , crossed the wlro
fence and laid down on the sloping bank , fac
ing the south , and fired the fatal shot , the
ball entering near the loft nipple and evi
dently passing through the heart , causing
death almost Instantly.
As soon ns possible the coroner had the
body convoyed to Heafey & Heafoy's under
taking establishment. Letters were found
upon the body , but the coroner declined to
make all of them public. Ono letter ad
dressed to his mother was a very tender ono ,
and In it ho enclosed a cheek for $300 , drawn
in the mother's favor.
Another letter to bis brother , August J.
Doyle , stated that he had been In poor health
lately and dlspatreu of evorgotttng bolter. The
letter closed with an affectionate farewell to
his biothcr , sisters uud mother.
W. W. Utnstod , manager of the Western
Union telegraph company , was at his homo
4022 Farnnin street when ho heard the news
of his cashier's suicide. Ho started at once
for Heafoy & Heafoy's , whore bo saw the
Manager Umsted was soon later by a BUG
reporter nnd stated that ho was greatly
shocked ns well us surprised.
Contluulne. Manager Umstod said : "Mr.
Doyle bus Ueou ailing for a long Ho
had the grip early in the spring , mid had
never fully recovered. Iu April lust Doyle
took u trip to Salt Lake and was gene a
couple of weeks , expecting to bcnolit his
health. No gooil resulted from the trip ,
as wo could see ; and Mr ! Doyle
returned to his desk still in poor health. The
last thrco weeks in May ho was at home the
greater part of the tlmo , trying to rest UD and
hoping hoping that the warm weather would
rovivo'hlm. Ho returned to work on the 1st
of Juno anil was at his desk part of Sunday.
Today ho did not como down and a messen
ger was sent to his house for the keys to his
desk , as was customary when ho was not
nblo to be nt work. Nothing was thought of
bis absence , us ho frequently stayed away
when not icellng well.
"Mr. Doyle entered the sorvlco of the com
pany about six years ago. For the first two
yours ho was delivery clerk and later was ap
pointed to the cashier's desk. Ho bus held
this latter position for the last three yours.
"Wo always reposed the greatest confi
dence in him , and ho was well liked by all
the employes of the ofllco and these ho cnmo
in contact with. His accounts do not con
cern mo a bit. I am positive , that his books
ara all right and in good shape. "
A call was made at the dead man's Into res
idence , 1710 Davenport street. The reporter
found the mother and three sisters in tears.
They were completely hoartbroitou and could
scarcely spsnk. The aged mother was es
pecially shocked nt the sad news , for William
hud been her favorite.
Air , Doyle hud a stroke of paralysis some
years ago and consequently walked with a
cano and n blight halt iu his step. Ho was
nn exceedingly sensitive man and dreaded to
huvo any ono notice his Infirmity. He was
Kind and his homo llfo most happy. Ho guva
a great deal of his earnings to charily , and
never saw a person in need without making
an effort to help him.
The sisters thought that tholr brother must
have been laboring under a temporary lit of
insanity at the time , caused by bis co'utlimed
failing health.
J. V. V.
Thirty-Ninth Annual Convention in
Session at Hoston.
Bosinx , Mass. , JdnoS. The International
Typographical union mot In Fanoull hall this
morning and begun its tblrtj'-nlnth annual
President Edward T. Plonk of Indianapo
lis said in his address In relation to a reduc
tion of the number of hours of labor that the
movement is ono that should only bo under
taken uhcn fully prepared for an ournostand
long struggle and then only by concerted
action by nil unions nt the
sumo tlmo. "It would bo n good
plun , " ho said , "to adopt n resolution
at this session and submit the question to a
popular vote whether or not wo shnll maUo
an attempt to enforce a nine hour day uoxt
spring. In this way wo may gain the sup
port of the American Federation of Labor. "
Drafts upon the fund during tlio year bad
been very heavy , the address said , the num
ber of lockouts , strikes , etc. , haying been
The treasurer's report showed receipts of
f. ' 3 , 18:1 : and expenditure * of 1,80(1 , ( over re
The committee on laws reported favorably
on suggestions that unions comprising three
bundled or inoru members may adopt such
methods iu ordering strikes a * iu their judg
ment seem the best.
First Case Iti-ou ht to Trial HosnltH iu
a Conviction.
Ninv Oiu.ntNs , La. , Juno 8. Bernard ;
Glandl , accused of offering n $500 bribe to
Henry B. Atwnod , u tales Juror in tbo lion *
nossy case , was brought to trial before Judge
Mars today after nil legal obstacles were
decided upon adversely by the court. It was
the llrst of the bribery cases to go to trial.
The bribers' committee had their leaders and.
a largo delegation in court nnd employed coun
sel to assist the prosecutor.
Alwood testified to u conversation In which
ho Htated that ho did not wish to borvo , as it
did not pay him to lese so muuh tlmo. Glundl
told him ho could got $50J to go on thn jury
nnd do the light thing ,
Ulundi'u defense was that Atwood had
been dunned by him for a bill and testified
thtoiiifh spite that ho kept a butcher shop
lust February , Ho WUH only in court thrco
times us iv spectator and had no connection
with Honncssy defense.
The jury lemulnud out throe hours , princi
pal ly for dinner , and tonight brought In a
verdict of guilty us charged. The ponulty la
a fine of not exceeding 11,000 , and imprison
ment In the penitentiary for a period not ox--
coedlug ono year , and the person so convicted
shall forever bo disqualified from holding au
olllco o [ , trust or profit In thU stuto ,
The grand Jury mot this evening and ad
journed until Wednesday. The Juy Is In
vestigating the slaughter houio tcaudal.