Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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A nVKIITIHEMKNTS for thcM columns will
C * be tnkrn until 12SZO p. m. . for the evening
edition , mid until 8U : ) p. tn. , for the morning
cfMuon and HONDAY HKK.
niEKMB l'.ish In advance , *
T > ATES Advertisement * on this papowlllbo
r VcharRed for nt tlio rate of IVS cent * per
ftnnl lorllm first Insertion , nnil Icentpcrword
fr-r oticli pul.foqiirnt Insertion , nnil tl.'iO per
llni1 tier ironth. No ndvrrtlHcmcnt tnkcn for
ICM limn .I ccnU for the first Insertion.
INITIAL1 ! , llssymbols , etc , , counteach
iisono word.
nillEHE advertisements must run con eeu-
JL tlvcly and under no r > 'numstnnc ! < < 9 will
Iliry Ve taken or discontinued by telephone ;
PAIfTIRH ndvrrtlslng In llirsn column * and
having their iinnwerqiinilropsed toa"num-
tercd letter In euro of TIIK HFB. will receive a
nnml cmt check to enable them to pet tholr
letters. Answers will lo ) tinllvcrcil only on
Tiie cntatlon of this check , I.ndoso answers
jn envelopes properly addressed.
A Ll > ntUertl cmcnts linger thn lienil of
/i "Hpeelnl Notices" nro published In both
theniornlntr nnd evening eilltlon nf TUB HUB.
the elrcitlatlnn of which nL'Rrrgatcs morn than
1P. ( 00 papers dully , nnd given the advertiser
11 e benefit not only of tlio largo circulation of
TUB Hrr. In Omnha , hut also In Council Hlii ( to
Lincoln nnd nthercltlcs and towns
Advertising for these co'umn * wij ) ' ; o taken
ontl'n nl ovn conditions , lit the f V.iowlnz bust-
ne houses who are authorized to tiiUespeelM
jintlce . nt the same rates us can bo had at the
main ofllce ,
CftffN. , Street , Lister Illook.
TOHNTy. HELL. 1'harmaclst , llth & Mason
* ' street.
IIAPE Ac E'nnV. Ftatloncrs and 1'rlntor
113South tilth street.
O II. I'AHNSWOUTII. Pharmacist , 2113
k. C'liinlnit streoL
J. IH'OHES , Pharmacist , ( .24 North 10th
street ,
GEO. W. PA nil , Pharmacist , 1713 Leaven-
worth street.
1'OIir.S' PHARMACY. 24th and Karnam.
f , etr. , KC top of flrst column on
SITl'ATION AVanted Ily man and wife ;
.competent to take charge of farm orilalrv
business. Addrp < sl'25 , lleo. - ' MC550
\\7 ANTED-l'osltlon as chanlbermald In
' hotel , Call or addross2KU O.ipltol ave.
' MCO ! ) 8 *
HOTEL cook ( whlto man ) , all around cook ,
wants apormanont situation as moat and
pjistry cook forcltv or country hotel. Am a
total iibst.ilner , with reference. Address , HOT
211. Central City. Nub. M575 S
\\7AXTni ) Situations for good girls ; my
' w tiling rooms arn always full from 0 a.
m. tor , p.iin.iUnniiilliiiiKEiiiployiiiuut ofllce.
S. l.Mh. Tolnphono 884. 249
> IIOI'E SIONAL nurse. Mrs. S. L' . lion ton.
W15 Cnss street. Omaha. : ioi
Im tntr * . etc. , rrr tup of llrt tnltimnnn th
WANTED Neat , oxporlonced mllUer. 4ll.r.
N. 21111. I f.2li ( *
\\J ANTED For tent show , a boy snnin
drummer ; musicians that nlav In band
and oichestr.i colored musicians also must
own Instruments. State whnt you play , low
csttvilary , etc. Address. P 8 HKK. f > 5.-r.
WANTED An active , reliable man salary
$70 to M monthly , with lia-iea'-o. to rep
resent fn his own section * a responsible Now
York house. Hefeienccs. Manufacturer , Lock
box ins. ) , Now York.
WANTED Throe Rood eanvassois ; good
wairos. Call after noon at S. C. Stewart.
N 13th street. Mb2Q 8
\ \ ANThO State agents for the sale of Dr
Douglas' 1'amous IIareInc. ! Positive
puTo for all femalu diseases. Special terms.
Price $1.00 pur box of ono months tioatment.
Addtcss Dr. Douglas & Co. , South Bund , Ind.
MC20 8 *
10TO AGENTS wanted , ladles or gouts. In the
northwest to sell a family and poisonal
necessity of genuine merit. Prlco low. Easy
ofs'tiuto frlouds of olthor sex. Hogln now ,
and during spare moments n xt30 days , with
phuk ; nmleiergy , you should maUe $10 to $100.
IMoiiJo Tiii'ntlon thjs paper and write lit once
ttiJ.S. Dillon , M. D. , Lock Uox 331 , St. Louis.
Mo. MnlOb *
" \X7ANTED-Salesmon and salesladies ovcry-
when ) , on salary or commission. Call or
address McQulston Mfg. Co. , room 32 , Harker
bloolc. M013 J.t *
\X7ANTKO-Organl7ors by the Friendly Aid
T Soulety. Pays Its inonihors $100 every
months. Has paid ! : tOWO ) ( In benefits ,
( escrvo nnd benefit fund hold tn trust by the
ntati'of Massachusetts. Terms liberal. Ad
dress Friendly Aid Society , Waltham. Mass.
MSK ) Jy3 *
\\7ANTED-AtGrand Island and Norfolk.
T active young mon and boys to work In
tent Holds. J. G. Hamilton. Secy. M5'17 11
AENTH ( ! wanted ; cash registers. First-
class , responsible agents to sell "The
Ashler , " the only register perfectly adapted
.Tfoi all stores ; cash or credit business ; roa-
toniililu prices. Amerlonn Cash Register Co. .
li8 ( Jiilnoy ijtreot , Chicago. BI5I1 0 *
\\7ANTK1) To.imstors , shovolcrs and
T trackmen for work \Vvomlnjr and
South Dakota. Albright L.ibor Agency. 1120
Farnnm street. M4S1
I WANT mi all round printer for permanent
position , who Is a good local writer and u
cnod solicitor , mat friends and can keep
them : must send sH 'sfnctory references as to
litmcstv , snhrlctv , tultlifuliu'ss and activity ;
vciigcri from $10 to f IS ; stale o\nerleiien ; want
if tin right auay for a largo weekly In Kansas.
Addiess O (11 ( , lieu olllco. 418 S'
"IX'ANTED-rSalesmen on salary or commfs-
T i .shin tu handle the new patent chemical
ink erasing pencil ; the greatest selling novel
ty tnor produced : erases Ink thoroughly In
two seconds ; no abrasion of paper : 200 to sou
percent , profit ; ono agent's Hales amounted
to M.'O In six days ; another } .W In two hours.
Wo wint ono general agentfor eaelistate ) and
torrlroryi For terms and full particulars , address -
dress the Monroe Eraser Mfg. Co. , La Crosso.
Wit. 247
- r
Furtvtfii.rtr. , rettopnf Jlrtt column o
ANTED-CIrl for housuwork,4 in family
T > ,713 , Oass ht. 0471
\\rANTED-A girl for genqral ho\\sowoi \ l > In
> 1 hiimll family , with ruforonccs ; 11W Far-
1 jiam street. 522
WANTED A girl for general housework as
first or second girl. German profered.
North-oast corner 10th and Howard. MU47 0
" 1717ANTED Girl for general house work.
W | 8tl S. ISth struct. MOI4 13 *
TV ANTED Good girl ; irood wages , paid ;
Herman preferred. 520South : 23th street.
WANTED Competent sowing woman. Per
manent ompliiyment. Airs. A. M. Carter.
KilO rarnam street. 457
" \\/ANTEI ) A comiietont girl for second
p-tUt work at a beautiful country homo ; fifty
miles from Omaha. Clms. A. llarvoy , JM4
Farnam street. 121
tet.tti ; , ite top nf flntt column nn/id ( / pioa.
10 and see Prof. Waring
Alullnm and real iiHtroloaor at 322 N , ICth
sti-eel. $100,00 to anyone who can c < jiial him
in telling past , present and future , causing
epeiMly marriages , hrlnglng the separated to-
Holhor , and In business affairs hlsailvlco Is
ttivalnalile. Ho tells your name In full , asws
iu > ipii'stlons aud uses no cards of any do-
Bcrlptlon lu his profession ,
batSniotlon givt'n or no pay ,
Consultation fee , ladles , 11,00 ; gentlemen.
( I.OJ. M : > ? J
M1U. Chambers , mngnutlo healer and
celebrated olatravoyant and Iiiicillnin ,
400 N. llUhjitriiot. 4U8.u *
MADAM Do Carson , born with a double volt ,
daughter of the-wunny houth U the won
der of the world In telling past , present and
future. Come aud sou her ( H)7 ) N 101 list rout
upstairs. 517-lt *
MRS.VALLACE , olalrvoyunt ; naturally
clfted : tolls past and future , love trouli-
IIIH , absent irlunds , chamjus , travel , husluess.
OiM I'lirniuu street. Jlwl J
MRS. Nannlo V. Warren , clairvoyant , trauoo
flpuaklng-writing und rullulilii'linslness
tnolinm , four years In Umahii , H'J N. lllth. 2UO
MRS. FORT , palmist fortunu teller , tells
pastandvfuiuro from lines of tlio hand In
old gypsy way ; ladleiionly ; fee II.OJ. IHUU N.
SUh. M7MJ1S *
e. , icf top uf flrtl rojumu mil/it *
GEO. r , Oollonbook. toaohor of thu banjo
_ with llospo.Wl3 DdURlus. _ ; ' 19
' '
'OSr'OURbiiylmtaplano. . oxmnlno tbo now
X > C4le Kluiball pano.A7 ! " '
for ratff.ete. , trf tiino urtt rinumn mi ( All nt0
THIRST floor private house ; yard nnd shade.
-L1 OU . ICth street , MOU 8 *
RENT Furnished flrst and second
doors of residence SO Hurt itrcet ; nil
conveniences. M&III8'
MIWO O-room now brick hotlftos , 257:1. : 2375
JL Hartley direct. Umcaton & Allen , fMI Par-
mini street. MG.H K1
T71OH HKNT-Choap. Eight-room furnished
JL1 house , on motor line : Inrao shady yard :
good barn. Macleod , 015 N. Y. Ufo. Man 0
TT1OH ItHM Now ono story slxjroom house !
* - greenyard , collar , city water , near car
line , north part city , tnnulro corner 281 li nnd
Lake , Olrnn. Mu4 ! S
TflOIl HKNT-Slx-room Mat , with bath , llrst-
JL'elass bulldlnir , fc'i.fO. Imiulro Netherton
Hall , room iBO , Klrst Nat , llitnlf. M.V.I . 8
fOI3 Capitol Avenue 8-rbofn cottase. West
-J half V1I Davenport street. Uhoan. Inmilrn
nt 2.US Capitol avenue. Miil : 10 *
"TOOK HnNT10ioom brick house , all eon-
- vonlonces , SUth Ktrcet , $ . " > < ) . Inqulro Noth-
orton Hall , roOn KO , 1'lrst Nat ; Hank. M50I 8
ItHNT ll-room brick 'house , centrally
located , desirable for first-elans hoarding
house. Inquire NotUorton Hall , room .GO , I'lrst
FOU KENT D-rooni dwelling. lnrro ; yard ,
nil modern conveniences , Imiulro Nether-
ton Hall , room 'CD , First Nat. Hank , MM I B
fTlOU Hl.NT 'Handsomely furnished nlno-
J- loom IIOIIHC , 34th , near Karimm. Imiulro
tit once. Notherton Hall , H. US ) , L'lrst Nat.
Hank. MM1 a
T7IOK KENT 3-rooin flat , with bath. IU ; 10-
JP .oom brick ( fuelling , Mill street , fft ) ; 11-
room hrlcK dwelling , Ua H trtreol.JVi. Have a
lanso list of Boo > l n > stiloiic < H. Inrpilro Notli-
orton Hall , room 3-'Q. 1'lrst Nat. Hank. MM ! 8
( TOK KENT I'onr room cottage ! well and
JL cntorn ! wator. Call at 2012 8. iOth avenue.
BI5 ! 1 H
" 1J1OK KENT 4-ioom cottage with barn ! part
-f furnltnro for sale , l"Zi a. Uth st. 5S-18 *
FOK RENT Furnished 5-ioom cottasc for
the summery dcslr.nblu location and low
rent. Address O. Ml , ilee. 4.
now 12ioomhouse with all modern
Imurovomeiils and b.irn ; flno location for
a physician. J. II. L'arrottu rental axonoy.
TT OR RENT Hrlok house , eleven rooms ,
JL1 every convenience. Apply ou picmtsea.
Dr. Swaitzlando , " ( Jlli and U.inltol avenue.
THOR KENT 10 room house , all modern Im-
JL' provcments. S. 2Jd. between St. Mary's avenue -
nuo and Howard. Enquire cor 21st und Ht.
Mary's avenue. 610
STEAM heated modern flats. 707 and 709
South IGtli. E. K Klnger , 151 ! ) Karnam ,
1WI-J27 *
I71OK RENT O-room houso. modem convon-
L' lonoes , "Cf Davenport street. Inquire
02U Davenport street. 48 ! )
17-OR KENT Ily Juno 20 , O-room house
JL1 newly painted and papered , well , cistern ,
city water , bath and furnace. 2304 Davenport.
MS\I 10 *
FOR KENT I'nrnMicd house , nil modern
conveniences ; four months ; cheap to good
party , 'JT.'l Jackson street. Call Inmornlm ; .
M44J7 *
IK you wish to rent a house orstoru see H. R.
Cole , Continental block. 2V3
5-KOOM house , nice yard , shade trees , city
and cistern water , elegant neighborhood , 2
blocks finni street e.irs , 1411 K. 7th avenue , or
IJcll'.s pharmacy , cor. llth and Mason. 2T > J
TpOR KENT ID-room house , centrally loeat-
JL1 cd , modern Improvements. Inquire , 713 N.
19lh. 2XJ
TEN-KOOM house with barn ; desirable lo
cation , moderate rent. Beard llros. . 1410
Douglas at. M t > 37
T71OR RENT Elegants-door house , all mod-
JL1 crn Improvements , No. 40S NId st. Apply
at ISO ! ) Karnam st. BJOf
FOR RENT ft room house. 0 room cott.igo ,
bath. eto. Apply 0. S. Elguttor , 801 N. Y
Llfo bldg. < W
TTUFTnEN C-room brick hodscs. all modern.
JL' except ftmiace. 'L'.M nor mouth , near Sher
man avenue motor. C. F. Harrison , Ul-1 N. V.
Life. 014-J2U
HOUSK for. rent Two story house 8 rooms
with all modern improvements. ' . ' 'IS L.iko
street , Q. P. jWoodworth 151'i Douglas. 903
FOR RENT 7-room house , I03. Hartley. In
quire A. II. Gladstone , 1310 Douglas street.
. M23
"I71OR RENT Kitchen , dining room , and o\-
JL1 tra rooms If desired. In flat of fur
nished rooms. Family of llvo persons will
board with party , and can have iiny amount
of first-class-boarders besides. Imiulro 002 S.
filth. 401-3
FOU RENT New 7 room house , with all
modern Improvements , 1 block , ftiom Wal
nut Hill motor , 435. Thoo. Olson , 704 N. Y. Llfo.
1 O-ROOM houso. barn ; Kountzo 1'Iaeo ; * .H.OO
a month to right parties. J. J. Gibson , R.
3 , Crotghton block. MllO
8-ROOM brluk house , all conveniences , < 35 ;
G-room brloK house , 130. H. K. Cole , U Con
tinental. . . 033
HOUSES , all klmK-threo nicely furnished.
Hundy& Co. , 1014 Capitol avunue. 807
" 171OR RENT I arso number of hou.scs , stores ,
JL' Hats , olo. , > .00 per month and U | > . Now
list 1st of each month. George J. 1'aul. HlOO
strout. DOI-Jy2
FOR RENT , cheap ; a Rood 'en room modern
house. Innulro 2520 Capitol avenue. It.
H. Roblson. Ml > 75 . (15 (
FOR RENT Handsome 11-room modern
house ; all conveniences ; in perfect order ;
paved streets ; motor , and within 5 minutes
walkotpostotUco. Nathan Sholton. Ilil4 Far-
num street. M151
Forrata , ttc..eeetopofflr Crnlumn on this page
TrtOR RENT Nicely furnished room , gas and
JL' bath. 2010 Harnoy street. Reference rn-
( liiirod.
KIURNISUHD rooms at 1008 Capitol avo.o _
LA HOE front room , also small room , ! 1J3 N
ISthstreut. ' ' & 2.i-8 *
LAROE furnished room , modern convon-
lencos ; $12. r.34 S. 10th St. , flat D. M011 0 *
"VTICEIA' furnished rooms ; also rooms for
J- ' housekeeping , either furnished or unfur
nished , I3J4 C.ipltol avenue. M5G ! 8 *
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms at
2128 Hartley. , ' ' ' r.78-8 .
T71OU KENT I'nrnUhcd room , 1814 Davcn-
JL1 port st. Jl570b *
T710R KENT Furnished rooms , 113 S. S5th
JL' street. Splundtd neighborhood. M5i ! ) 0 *
T710R RHNT Nicely furnshud rooms In prl-
JL' vatu resklonce , 1523 Howard , corner lUth
street. All modern oonvoniences. Lann
around building. ' ' ' ' 497
T ARQE front room , 1701 Uupttol avo. 418
TpaiUlENT rurnlshed rooms , 1C07 Douslas.
YERY pleasant front room in prlvato fam
ily for Kcntlomatj. 835 S. 2Uth st. 31 !
rtlWO or four rjioms , llglit hoiisulioonlujr , 203il
JL St , Mary's avenue
IIKA8ANT rooms , sltiRlo or ou suite , in
South 20th St. 779
Fornite , etc. . reetop of flrst column un thh pi ye ,
IMiEASANT , furnhod | room with board ,
very desirable location. Rufoi encus. 3214
I'arnam. MK1I13 *
HANDSOME suite of rooms with board , 1832
Chicago street. MIHS 0 *
T\r.SIltAHLK second floor roomi , either fnr-
\J ntsliud or unfumUhod , and board at the
Fromtor. 110 N. 25th str.-ot , 81371 Jy5 *
TpURNIflHEDrodmund board , ( I per week.
. . M. > W)8 )
imiRNISHEDrooiiH with tint class board.
JL' 201U DoiiKlas street. 4W-llj'
lTr.Jt-eTas.-i l > oardf 1901 Uullfornlu.
LARGE front corner room , handsomely fur-
nUliiHl ! nlso smaller OML ; ilrat-clasa board.
11)01 ) California st. _ ra 12 *
K OOM8 with oxeollfliit board , JJ3 and * 3 * per
montli , 411 N. I'JthHtroot. ' 4SS-t > |
TjlUItNISUEl ) rooins. board,55a5Ht.Mary' nye
_ _ _ _ 68.Jya | *
. Olalr Eunipean hotel , cor. 13th and
JLDodae , will muUii lov ruto * for room * by
tbo week or mouth with or without board.
_ _
URNIS1IEI ) rooms und board. IOU Dodeo.
TOllED Mohlo , a E. cor , I'uruam and llth.
For rat tn , etc. , tee tonofflrtt column on WiU pig .
fJoAUtilNcf Tnhto Tioard. lor a few gents ,
with or without roomi bath und gas. 101.1
MftiO 12 *
PITM.MAN house , iilO : ImdRn street , for
Rood board , nice rooms , modern conven
iences ; rates and location It cannot bo ox-
called. .Mrs. Horn. 1'rop. M4G.I Jyg'
Forrnttf. etc. , tee fop o//r > tcoumu ( on Hits
T Wnd , sniairfaiiilly apartments
all outflldo looms ; best locality , modern
Improvements. ImiiilruKUl I'axton block. 267
V. modern and mostdeslrjiblt'ln the city.
Three or four room sultcs.SlSS.'i'nd street.
T. I * Von Darn. M481
For l atn , etc , , nee too of jinl cnfcmti on.til . p t(7 ( .
OR RENT-Tho 4-story brick 1mlidInit.wJtli
or without power , formerly ooitplod by the
Hco Publishing Co. , Oil ) Fiirnam st , The build
ing has a fireproof cement basementcomplete
steain-lieatlna llxturos.wateron all tholluom ,
Ra , etc. Apply at tlio nfllco of Tliolice. 015
fj'OK REN T Store , Rood stand , with ( f-rooms
JL' up.stairs , lately occupied as saloon , 2 < 12J N
street. South Ojualiu , Apply li 1'oaron. JIIOS
l.'ith .street , Omaha. 527-10 *
TflOR RENT In Shcmndoah , la. , a Rood
JL' brlok business house , third door from
nostolllce. Iniiutre of J. R. trvln , ShOnnndoah ,
In. A1308 13'
FOR RENT Or sale , my building on Jones
st.lot.lOth & lltli a.A.nindii Ut.yiU S 13th.
P OR KENT Doslc ' room , at 611 N. Y. Llfo
JL1 bullilliii.- , 203
_ a _
FOR KfcNT Thn three-story brlok bulld
lnir , 1110 Douxlas stieet , suitable for whole
sale pnipoMM , 4110 per month , Chas , Kauf-
iiiann , l.'lfc. Douglas street. _ 2(13 (
STOKh rooins at 707 and'OOfrouth IGtli , steam
heated. E. K Ringer , 15111 Farnain.
_ 05-J27 *
Forratct.etc. , teelop o/flnt column onthtepwi
GARDEN fa m to rent. T. Murray.
'T ' WILIj take horses In pastures of 300 acres.
JL ChalTeo farm , 2 miles s. w. of South Omaha ,
near Sarpy mills. _ M553 13 *
Tdrrata , etc , , ftt toynfflritentHmiion t/iJ ( KI/T *
HE. COLE rental agency , Continental blk.
. - 2" > 0
For raits , etc. , tec lop offrsl corumunn Ihti ptge.
WANTED Ity a Rontluinnn and wife , ono
or two furnlslicd rooms and board In
prlvato family. Address 1 > C , Itoo olllco.
' M 0i 8 *
_ _
Forratea , etc. , sectnp nfflrtt cohimn on thu page.
BEST storaio bulldtmt In Omaha , povcrn-
mont bonded aruhouse : household goods
cared for : louest lutesV. . M. llushman , 1015
Leavonworth , 205
CHEAPEST and best storage for furniture.
Wells. 1111 Furniiin street. 200
STORAGE of household goods ; clean , dry
place , privately stored , terms modurato :
wo also store stoves during the summer : \\o
will got tneni from the houses and deliver
them In the fall In good trim. Tel. BOO : 1207
Douglas , Omaha Steve Repair Works. 7.J9-.T17
OLDEST , cheapest and best storage house In
city. Williams & Cross , 1314 Huinoy street.
_ _
For rofw , etc. , tee top offlrat column nil this page.
T7IOR SALE Furnltnro of a ten loom house ,
JL' centrally looatod. Rent $25 ner montli.
Address IM lleo olllco. 4Xi-l ! ( *
FOR SALE Furniture of a. 10-room house
cheap. HOUHO for rent. Inquire Deuce
HOUSEHOLD furniture- now arid .second
hand , for sale on easy payments. Call
and examine before purchasing , . Store "IB-IT
Howard street. M331 J30"
FOR SALE At. a gr6at sacrifice , elegant
household furniture , fine carriage team ,
carriages , blolgh. harness and robes , also line
Jctsey cow. A. J. Hanscorn , ltc'4 Douglas st.
C07JI5 *
Forrate * . tic. , teelop nf flrst column onthis pagf.
BROOD mare with nice mare colt at her
side , from the famous "Ncmaha Chief. "
$150. K. F. Williams , 2.05 S. 13th street , or 205
N. ICth street. MC388
NEARLY now top buggy for $30 , do'ublo
buggy harness for $18.00. Co-oporatlvo
Land and Lot Co. , 205 N. Ibth street. M8J3 8
C ORSALE Ladles' phaeton , nearly now ,
J very cheap. Inquire at 1'ark Avo. Livery
stable. 581 li *
TT1OR SALEor trade , small , KOntlo four year
JL' old horse now being broken. Would llKo to
trade for carpenter work. O. W. Shields , 2314
Emmet. 055
rPIIE Standard Cattle Co. have a few gentle
JL old cow ponies suitable for children that
they can sell cheap. Apply at tholr office at
Ames. Nob. M474 1C
TT'ORSALE Family carrlaso. 'Lot iiloh-
JL' ols , stable 28th and Ije.ivenworth. m2C3
"TjlOR SALE Dandv road wagon. Can bo soon
J room 4 Hoe building. 213
Ferrates , etc. , rtetop offlrtt column an this pige.
JL' onco. Imiulro H. 0. Clark , 1318 Harnoy.
_ _ _
FOR SALE Wlnto'plno kindling at Consol
idated Ilov & Mfg. Co. , 20th and Walnut.
Tclcphonu 1J3. G18 8 *
APES forsulo-No. 1.5Sv4S\30 oiitsldo'incns-
iiroment with burglar iiroof chest , double
Hanged doorsoutsldo and limkle , combination
lock , Hoard llros..St. Louis. No. 2 , 70tUx33.out- )
sklo muasuremeiiUDtobold ; NorriSife Co.loora
same as In No. 1 , Thoao n.ifes are tlyi'propcr-
tyof Washington county , they are lust the
safes for county purposes. Address Thomas
Wilkinson or W. O. Harrison. Illalr , Neb. 4M 8 *
TfOR SALE An cluennt flro pioof safe with
JL' burglar chest. 1'hil htlmmol , Oil "Jones
street , Omaha , Nob. 270
TT1OR SALE Magnificent upright a ,
JL' blu-'biorlllce. Inquire at 2419 C.ild well 'St. ,
after 7 o'clock ovonlngs
For rate * , etc. , rce top vfjlnt column on thlfpage.
" 1717 ANTED To'buy a horsn arid buggy , tlrst
T class bo.ird In payment. IUJI Uallfornl.i
strcnl. . - MailO *
_ _
ANTED To buy good rdsldonco letTer
lioiwe and lot , orsovoral lots located HO
as to make a good building sight , must bo In
first cliiHs residence part of tlio olty. Parties
answering this should Rlvo full desorlptlou of
Cropeity , lowest price , terms , whittling liicum-
urud , und If so how much , O 19 , Duo olllce.
IF you have any old clotlios to sell lot mo
know by Mall. Kalish , 213d. UtU street.
M 07S-J 18
_ _ _
For rates , etc , , tee tup nfflnt rodimii on this pine.
rilOLSTKRINa and mattrosM ' " "To"m >
vated ; also f urnlturo repaired , E. I'olor-
fron. 1130 North 18th at. _ . M591-2U *
MASSAUE Madam Dolzlor , eror 010 B. 13th
WANTED A genllo driving horse for Ita
keeping by responsible party. Address
I' 7 , Ik-u olllco. MKH 8
\VAItNINCI Uudoritnndlne that Irrospoii
> i sllilo piano tuners are traveling through
the stutu us being In our employ or representIng -
Ing us , wo would warn the public to bownru of
them unless they can nhow proper creden
tials. Max Mover & Hro. Co. , largest and most
reliable nuulu house In thu west. fidJ 13
IF you wish to advertise any thng | anywhere
at any tlmo wrltu to ( loo. 1' , Konell & Co. .
No. 10 Spmeo street Now Yovu. To get complete -
ploto Information you should be careful testate
state your wants fully. MM1 10 *
WANTEIV- subscriptions for LadloV
Homo Journal before July 1. F.llza-
bolh O. Morroll , IUI1 Farniim , Onialia , M < , til a *
171URNITIIKE bought , sold , Stored.
JL1 1111 Farnain Mreot 271
GREAT bargains In all kinds of Jewelry ana
silverware on account of the recent tire.
B. Jonasen , I'arnan and llth streets. 171-J'tt
p AT VE R'N S'AN'D MODE us. " " " '
R. corner Uth and Jiujk on.
. 11IKJ24 *
ForrnfM. tit. , ttetopnt flril rnlumrt an Wilt
FOll 8MjE--Tho fix Mires of'tho ' Frenchi res
taurant In TIIK Ilrfci building. Auply to
171BH Jackson street. 1 633-0
TTIOUSALK-Stook ofItnus * and dm * sun-
-L ( Irlos , well asBortciyPuvoleo t ono thou
sand dollars ; for saloiRf tnkun at once for
oventy rents on the dolliTr of wholesiilo prlco (
Will trade for clear1 property. Address. ! ' . l .
Clawson. Vor ! < , Nob. " \ 2II-J
A\fANTED A man t < VWo a half Interest
Win a livery , bo irdnnnd sale Htable. A
due cliuuco for tlio rlglvcimiti. Address P. 19 ,
lloe. _ > M.VW III *
"IjlOR SALE or trndo-jio ) ) of t ho oldest cro-
-C eerles In the olty. Audrou 1 17 , Hoe dllleo.
. f 10 *
WANTED Parties having money to loan
on real estate to correspond with Deo. J
Paul , ICO ! ) Farnam street. MB87 13
whole sot ahstr.icts In county and
excellent farm lo.ui business In western
Iowa for sale or trade. Address P I3.caro
HCO. Mumno *
B ANIC stock for-sale. About 11.00 } worth.
Hunk of highest credit , big surplus.
Party needs money and will put Price down tea
a figure that will sell It. A. K. Rlloy. room 41' ' ,
Harker block , . M040 8
171OR SALE-A first class , well cstabllHhfd
U butcher business lu this city. Kino fixtures
and good cash trade. To anyone meaning
business hero Is an .oxccllont . ulmnco. Musi
be mild In next sixty days. M. A. Upton Co. ,
lli'O building. MM ! )
17IOUSAIjlt.EU will buy an old established
JL' business where party can clear $150 per
month. Address I' i. lire. 4W
fTiOIl SALE Purnlturo and uiulortiililiiK
JL business In good town , with or without
store building ) part cash , balance gilt edge
paper or clear real estate ; Invoices about
fo.UCO. Box fll3 Lincoln. 2 .
T71OII SALE A first-class meat market with
-L good trade. Ice house , slaughter house and
everything In flrst-ol.iss style , will bo sold at
a bargain ; located In ono of thu bust towns In
Nebraska , only 50 miles from ( Jinaha. Address -
dross OGH. Hce , or Louis Holler , ' butchers'
tools and supplies , 1116 Jackson st. 487-9
LEAN general stoclt of merchandise for
I farm aud money. Uox 295 , KranUfort , Ind ,
HOTKL men take notice. Do you want a
good business ? liny tlio Commercial , the
loading hotel at Hrokcn Row , Neb I0i )
-I SCIinMHS to Mnko Money. Is the tltlo of
L\J our new book , containing ton legitimate
and honorable schemes for making monev on
small capital ; exposes tricks and Dwindling
In business ; gives hints and advlco that may
bo worth thousands of dollars to you. The
schemes are so clearly explained any ordinary
person o-iu understand them. It will Rive you
now Ideas , aid you In planning other deals
and enable you to grasp future opportunities.
Sent prepaid for 81. American Hook Co. ,
Omahn.Nob. M13U2.1
Forrntc * , tic. , tectnp nf flnt column on tht p vjt
I ; PERCENT first mortgage loans. Richard
' 0. Patterson. IO7 Now Vrork LI to. M074
XTKAT cottage and full corner lot. 4 blocks
J-X from motor , $1,500 , J300 cash , balance $20
per month. 4-room house and lot 4 mill's
noithwcst , $700. Hutchin&onVoad , 15.M
Douulas. ft" ! ) 8
T71OH SALE Host bargain In the city ; housn
J built for myself 3 years ago ; full lot.sphm-
dld barn for 2 hoisus , on 20th st. near \T.nut !
Hill motor ; willjnovo Inlor2 mnnths :
easy terms. Thoo. OJscn. 201 N. V. Life.
' * 594 12
( ) RTCAC. FS wanted. , long or short time.
( Jcoiyo O. Wiuliuo. 10 J. J. Hrown build
ing , ICUi and Douglas. 531
LOANS made at low i.1tos * on cltv property.
W , M. Harris , II a ) Kionzcr block , opp. P. o
4 JO
O E.&O.M. Anthony < 3l8N.Y , Llfo building.
lend money on fanny In choice counties In
Nebraska and Iowa , alspon good Ornali.i resi
dence piopeity ; lowest , , r.ites ; bust terms ; no
delay ; money ready. TltleSand values passed
on bore. ' ' < l' 275
_ _
TDIJILDINO loans 0 JC 't percent ; no addl-
tIonalchargosfor commlsalon or attorney's
fees. W. H. Molkle , ITlnt'Nutlonul bank bldg.
_ _
MONEY to loan on ly\p ovod city property
at current rates : f unui on hand ; no de-
lay. Gco. 1' . ijlust & Oo.Vffi'llamgo bldg.274
PRIVATE money to-Uaaii. J. D Zlttlo , OU
, ISiX-HCe. jStmaoasj * > ; < t , ii'dv j JHT' '
TVf "OliTtJA'CK" loans Wanted. 'McOarfiid In-
JULvestnlont company . ' > ! ' ' 278
MONEY to loan on Omaha oroperty ; I-'ldol-
ItyTrust company , 1014 Karnam. 2j
TpASTERN money to loan at very low rates.
Jllll. H. Ircy.llMN. Y. Llfo .M2SO
KIMHALL , Champ & Ryan
make loans oh Improved
city property at'lowost rates
ISO'i Karnani street 4I3-J30
CHEAP Money I'hllu. Mortgage and Trust
Co. , .wants gilt odao loans. Goo. W. P.
Coates , representative. 7 Hoard Trade. 281
MONEY to loan on city property or eastern
Nebiaska farms , E. F. Ringer , 151 ! ) Kar
nam. 2J8-JC7 *
Forrattt. etc. , tcttop of first column on this jugc.
MONEY to loan bv IJ. P. Masters on chattel
and securities for any time from
1 to 13 months , In any amount to suit bor
Loans made on household coeds , pianos , or
gans , horses , mules , housed , leases , warehouse
receipts , etc. , at the lowest rates possible
without publicity or removal of property.
My loans are so arranged that you can make
a payment of any amount at any time and ro-
ilnco both principal ami Iiitotcst.
If you owe a balance on your property or
have a loan that you want changed I will pay
It off and carry It for you. If you find It more
convenient call up telephone ItiJl and your
business will bo arranged at homo.
Money always on hand ) . No delay. No pub
licity. Lowest nites. H. F. Masters ,
Room 4 , Wlthnoll blk , 15th and Harney sts.
M ONEY to loan on ehattlo security. No
publicity. Address lleo. M 508 13
MONEY to loan on horseswagous.furnlturo ,
Dlanos&collat'al security , lluslnessstrlet-
ly confidentialFred Terryloom 43J Ramgu blk
* l IJ
HATTEL bank. 319 S. 15th St. , lo.uls money
on chattels or collateral at reasonable rates
M ONEY on f urnlturo , horses , etc. Keystone
Mortgage Co. , room 208 Hhcoly block. M281
"JVfONEY loaned On furniture , llvo stock.otu
J-'JL from'l to : i months , without publicity ;
lowest r.itos. DuIV Green , room 20 , Contlnon-
tal block. 210 J37
/ 11IATTiL : loans at lowest rates. 03.1 Now
VA'ork Llfo building. R. A. Morria. 874J31 *
HA , DARNER loans'moiioy on chattel so-
curlty. Room 51 , Chamber of Commerce.
MJJ8 ) 0
Forralc , etc.ttet > ipof tint column on thd pjgs
"PERSONAL A lady'wlth roforoncus would
JL like to give mnslo lessons lu ovehamro
for room. Address P 15ulfoo olllco. Mli-l i : *
/CORRESPOND for aMviJomont , Instruotlon
V or matrimony. Thai best correspoiidunco
bureau , particulars In iDllilu seuletl envelope ,
for lOu. Look llox 330. Omaha , , 210-J.'f *
For nitex , etc. , w tupt > fjlrtiolumn on tills pigt.
AbSAUE Madam LtJl or , over 010 S. Illth.
_ 2U9-JyU *
MASSAGE troatment.olootro'thermal baths.
scalp and hair trua.L iont , manlcuro and
chiropodist. Mrs. Post ytf .USth.WitluiollWk.
" \rASSAGEoablnetbatibn , tape worms cured
J-iXlu2l hours. Mdmo Uuuiotto , 10JJ Dodicu.
_ M7Q7JI1 *
MISS STOWE , ' inassuaiao , cleetrloian , 313
Ramgo block. / M 3 > i * . 1. '
or off * . fte Mttop offifat column on thti page
HIGH class dressmaking. Evening , dinner
and wcddln ? trouso in a Hpooialty , Fit
and style warran od perfect R. U. Maxwell.
Itumgu block , room 4J3. 4aviiu *
NUAUEMENTS to do dressmaking tn fam-
Illeu solicited. MUs httiray , 2010 Iliirnov
iitreot. _ M32U JU
lornitet.ttc. . ice top of ft nt countri on ( Alt ptj
ATENT lawyers and solicitors. G.W.Siu-s k
Co. , lleo bulfalnt' . Omnha , Ilrancli olllco at
Washington. I ) . C. Coniultutlou fioo. 2.M )
hereby given that sealed bids will bo re
ceived at our olllco , Ponder , Nob. , up to 1 p. m. ,
Juno l5lb'Jl , for the eruutlou , construction anil
complot'on of a two-story and
brick building , SJxlOO foot In accordance with
the plain and vpoolfloiuluns on illu In our of-
flou ; also bids for furnlihlnx any part of tha
material , or porformlng any part of the work ,
Wo reserve the right to rojuct .any and all
bld . WenorBron , JTdJt'it
It Is a most olllcaclous remedy for Dyapop
sin , Uronchltis , Pnoumon a , the Qrlp nnd
the woahonol nnd doblllt.Ued coiulltlon
caused by it It U a porfeet stimulant for
weak and t red norves. During the hot
vro.Ub.or It will ha found , whan mixed with
water to'boan ' admirable antldoto to the of
fdCWof the heat.
Insist on Setting it from your druggist , as
It has been proven to b the ONLY PURE
MEDICINAL WHISKEY on the market.
Write for our book. .
Hoohestar , N. Y.
Forralen , etc. , tec top of first rnlumri on this page.
wr *
0 LEAH land to cxclmngo for mdso. HOT
( NOShotmndoah , la. M621 15 *
FOH nXGIIANun 60 acres near DCS Molncs.
Very line farm to trade for oltv property
In Omaha. Will assume encumbrance. A. K.
Ulloy , room 40 , Hitrkor block. MB40 8
1/IOH EXCIIANOE f < l,00o enulty In Omaha
-I ? residence for Iowa farm , business block or
mctrhandlsu. Address C 7 , Hco , Council
Hluirs , In. M IHI 13
_ _
TTbilSE3 for lots , W3 Brown building. ,
stock of general merchandise and
\J store building near DCS Molnes to ox-
chango. for. ! i cash and Improved farm In
western Iowa or .southeastern Nebraska.
Goods Invoice J3.00J ; building , $1,500. Address
T. K. I'attcson , Vandalla. In. _ M46t
fpo F1XOIIANQI/ Corner facing Hanscom
X park aud Dvoottior good lots for Chicago
residence property. Address O 40 , Hco.
183 J 20
WANTED To trade piano for a family
horio and light phaeton buggy. A. llospo.
1513 Douglas. 735
Forraten , rtr. , tea topnf ffrjt column onifi / piiw
FIVE Acres I have a spculal snap a mile-
and a half from the exchange In South
Omaha , on five acres with complete buildings ,
used for market gardening ; crops all In.
Everything on the place , furniture , horses ,
nagous. ho's , chtckcriM , etc. . go with the place.
Party going back to the old country. A. 1C.
Hlloy , room 40 , Darker block. MGIO 8
GOT to have some monry. A customer will
soil a r t for J-VI.VJ for which ho paid
$ .1,000 and put In as further Inducement tli ireo
clear lots in Hapld City , 8. I > . Lot In good
locality. Will soil for ii.ilf cash. See A. 1C.
Hlloy , room 40 , Harkor block. MOID 8
SEND for Real Estate oxehango list. Oeo.
J. Paul. 1COU Farn. street. MG89 !
Oil SALE Farm adjoining city of Illalr.
Nob. 11.V. . Mollildo. M50W3 *
FOR. SALE Or rent ; hotiso with 13 largo
rooms and largo attic , double lloor. brluk
In the studding , adamant plaster , splendid
furnace aud all' the other modern Improve
ments ; lot 40xl- , Improved with sod and
lari/o sire shade trees ; the house m almost
completed ; there is a good stable on the lot.
Price. $ Ji,000 ; il.OOO cash , balance ) $100 every 3
mouths ; will also take a lot between Karri am
nnd Cumliic west of Jf-'il st. In p.irt paymont.
Willis M. Vates , 3.M and California sts. 450
FOR South Omaha roporty , business , track-
ago or residence , go to tbo lo.ullntc' t ds
tate dealers In South Omaha , Ed Johnston
Co. , cor. 24th aud N bts.
F lVE-room houses In Orchard Hill , $1,500
each on monthly payments. Thomas K.
1'axton blk. 287
TjlOR SALE A homo at a bargain : conven-
-L' lent house of 10 looms ; modern Improve
ments. Including range ; lot 13x120 fcut ; line
shrubbery , etc. ; $1,5 0 ; $100 cash , balance J100
i > \ory II months , with Interest at 7 nor cent.
Willis M. Yatos. & W. corner 32d and Califor
nia sts. 4 5
OK SALE A line Improved farm of 200
acres ; 100 under cultivation ; shade trees ;
fruit , windmill , wagon sales , etc. ; 100 miles
west of Omaha ; $ 'J per acre. Address Q 48 , Hoe.
Q UOHHINS.real estate. 10-'J N. Y. Life blrtg
FOR SALE Elegant homes on montly p.iv-
monts. Will build any priced homo to
suit you. K. K. Hln-'or. 1513 I'.irn un. 20r-J.'i *
FOR SALE , cheap , easy paffencnts : 1story
now C-room house , with ba" , collar , eta ;
'full lot. N. Sholton. 1014 Karn im. Or ,
FOR SALE To worklngnien only ( specu
lators need not apply ) on time or monthly
payments a cottage at less than actual
value. Insldo property , only ono block to
electric lino. Inqulro at room 202 , Omnha
National bank building MG'JU
Ferrates , ttr. , tcetop of first cnlitinn onthh page.
IOST A light gray sack coat with day
J book In. Hotiirn to 014 rarnam and got
toward. MI554 Ul
Pimpleu on the Faeo |
Breaking Oat | |
Skin Troubles | :
Ilttlo Bores ) Hot Skin ) :
Bolh I Blotoaes | '
Cold Bores ) Bad Breath ) ;
Bora Mouth or Lips | ;
If you > uirir from nnr of ;
Ifimo jmptoiiK , tuLu ,
'S ' !
H T8 you ever nnoJ mercury ! If o. did you
alia yourself tha needed attention at the time I.
Wo need not till you that you rau're ' a blood ;
medicine , to ensure frceilom froni the utter er- ;
fecli. l r. AcUer'n Knullih Illood KHilr Uthp S
only known medtclno that will thoroughly eradl- ;
mt tlio pol oa from the y"11.n < 11',1.'itl'I/,5t"J ) '
yourdrua-irltt. or write to W. II. II MII .KII Ji :
00. . 4.0Vttt Jlroadway , New York City.
Half million In dullr uao.
The "Muglo" self Ushtlng
Pocket lamp. Price fur Iniup
ami outfit , express prepaid , tl
I.lvo onprKi'tlo IIKOIIU wanted
oTorywhtro , Nortliwoilorn
Kpoclnlty Co . Itoom tOJ Hco
llulldln , Oiunlin , Neb
: DOCTOR Theia Uolcliratcd Jl.VHI.lMt ;
PflU ara a 1'o IllvoCuro for Hick ;
lAGKER'S llcaduuhe. Itlllaui > nr * t and !
Canillpullon. hiimll , iilcu - :
1 PURE ant and n fuvorlto lth the-
Iadl . Bald In KneUtnd for ! . ;
i PINK IHd.ln Amerlc * for * 3e. Get ;
Ihcra from your Drotrzlatu , or ;
and to W. II. IIOOKIKA ( O ,
\ PILLS 0 " > i ( llroido ; , K < V rV. ;
Xfittcft to t'OHtt'Hftol'H ,
Notice Is huteby jilven that sc-ulud bids wll
be received by tin ) llo.nd of Trunli'usof thu
vltliiRo of Oakland , Nebratkii. up to ri p. m.
JunoUth , IhDI. for the construction of a by t' ni
of water workH In said village. In ateordanco
with thu plans and .siioelflcatioua on file In my
otllco : iilao bids for furnishing any part of the
material or purforfnliiK any part of I ho work.
Eaeh bid must be accompinned with , i crtl-
llod ulii'ckof IJOO asa guarantee of wood faith
on thu part of the bidder. Hoard reserves thu
riifhl to rojeot any and all bldit. .
JAS. W. Ilomyuisr , V llase Corn.
lii.7-2aj 1.3-5-8 M
Notice Is hereby Riven Unit the Hoard of
Triutuesof thu vJlaKuof O lUand , Nebraska
will , on the Uth day of June , IWI , ut ul li
aclook u , m. . aell on open bids , walur liomU of
aid village tn thu n mount of f7.vij.oO.
JAS. W , Iloi.iiijuisT , VllhiKo Olork.
nS7-3'JI-a-5-H.M )
Yellowstone parlc Is beyond all auoh-
tlon ono of the world's u'ruiit wonuora ,
und the Union Puclllu excursion in July
will bo the event of. the souson. Ask
your nouroat Union PauiQu ujcnt ubouL
Storlcn of the Flclit for the Snlloitt
Told by Tlioso AVIioVcro III It.
The flrst voluino of war roconh on the
Wlldornoss eatnpnlpn Is about ready to bo Is
sued , says the Washington correspondent of
the St. Louts Globz-Uomoorat. It contains
the reports from the lieutenant general down
to the colcmol upon the tl htlnr ; , which began
early in May , ISiil , and lasted well Into the
sutnmor. At Spottsylvaiilo , on May 12 , Interest -
torost centered , as all of the Army of Potomac -
mac welt romambof , iu the onpturo ana possession -
session of what is variously known to history
as "tho Salient , ! ' "tho Angle" and ' 'tho '
Slfiuehtcr Pen. " 'Hancock , tn his report , tolls
the story of the assaalt at dawn In those
words :
"Tho direction In which our troops should
advanca was ascertained by a line deter
mine l by a compass on the map fioiu the
jlrou'ii house toward a largo whlto house
Known to bo Insldo the onojny'3 works , near
the point wo wlsliod to strllto. The formation
was as follows : Uarlow's division In two
lines of masses was plauod on the cleared
Rromul which oxtcudod up to the
cnomy's line ; Brooko's and Miles'
briRados In the front line , Urown'fl
and Smyth's in the second line ,
each ropimont forming double column
on tha center. Dlrnoy's division formed In
two deployed lines on Din-low's rlnht. In
front of him was n marsh and a dcnso wood
of low plnos. Moll's division formed in roar
of Blrnov. Gibbon was In reserve. Tt.cso
preparations were scarcely completed nt day-
llcht. A heavy fop decided mo to delay the
order for the assault to commouco lor n snort
ttmo , until wo should tuwo sufllciont light. I
therefore waited until 4:35 :' , when the
order was gtvon to ndvanco. Blrnoy hud
some dinicnlty in making his way through
the marsh ntid woods in his front , but bo
pushed forward , ovnrcomlnft nil obstacles ,
keeping well up with Barlow's division ,
which moved at quick tiuio for several hun
dred yards , his heavy column marching over
the enemy's pickets without tiring a shot ,
rocnrdless of n sharp llro on Its loft ( lank
from the enemy's picket reserve , which was
posted on the high ground on which tno Lan-
drum house stands. It continued up the
slope about half way to the enemy's line ,
when tlio men broke into ntromandous cheer ,
and spontaneously taking the double quick ,
they rolled like an Irresistible
wave into the enemy's works , tearing
away what abatis there was in
front of the Intrcnchmcntn with ttiolr hands
and carrying the line at nil points In a few
moments , although It was desperately de
fended. Barlow's and U I nicy's divisions
entered almost at the same moment , striking
tbo enemy's line at a salient Immediately in
in front of the Lnudrutn houso. A llorco and
bloody light cusuod In the works with bayonets -
nets and clubbed muskets. It was short.
however , and resulted in the capture of
nearly four thousand prisoners of Johnson's
division of Ewoll's corps , twenty pieces ot
artillery , with horses , caissons und material
complete , several thousand stand of small
arms untl upwards of thirty colors. Among
the prisoners were Major Kdwnrd Johnson
and Brigadier General Oeorgo H. Stouartof
the confederate service. The enemy fled In
great confusion and disorder. Their loss in
killed and wounded was unusually groat.
The interior of the Intronchmcnts presented
a terrible and phnstly spectacle of dead , most
of whom were killed by our men with the
bayonet when they penetrated the works.
So thickly wore the dead nt this point that
at many places the bodies were touching and
piled upon each other. "
There are no more interesting details of
the Wilderness lighting than the daily memo
randa kept at headquarters of the Second
corps oy Major W. O. Mitchell , aide to Gen
eral Hr > ncock Hero is the story of the
preparation for the charge at day break on
the 12th.
"At 10 p. m. the corps moved toward
Brown's house , near Ny river , where wo had
examined the ground in the evening. Night
exceedingly dark and roads very rough ; men
tired nnd worn out , but kort well closed up
and moved along briskly ; no accidents save
one , when some pack mules laden with en
trenching tools ran away and made some con
fusion under the supposition that wo had
marched into the enemy. When the troops
arrived at the Brown house tboy were quiet
ly marched in front of our intronchinent.s
near to the enemy's picket line , so as to bo
ready for the Intended assault in the morn
ing. This was accomplished without nolso
or confusion , and was most happily favored
by an exceedingly dark night. The mon ,
too , knowing that wo were near the
enemy , and that wo wore engaged in a
perilous undertaking , kept remarkably quiet
during the whole movement. Before day
light the troops were formed for assault as
follows : Birnoy's division 'on the right in
two lines of battle , nut a few paces sep
arated ; Barlow's division in column of regi
ments , doubled on the center ; Gibbon's and
Mott's divisions In the rear of Barlow and
Blrnoy , in two lines of battle , each division
with but very short intervals , thus making
almost a solid rectangular mass of nearly
twenty thousand men to burl upon the en
emy's works as soon as it should bo sufll-
ciently light for our purpose. "
Then came the charge , of which Major
Mitchell says : "A dense fog fell before day
light. and wo all stood shivering with cold
and wet until 4o : : : a.m. , when tbo fog lifted
somewhat and the command was given to ad
vance. The whole corps stepped off the same
moment , and in about thrco hundred yards
marched over the enemy's picket , who were
so astounded our appearance , marching on
them out oi the fo r , that they never llrod a
shot , nor did wo. out moved right over them.
The llrsl lire wo received was from the picket
reserve stationed ut the Ijandrum house ,
about half way between the point at which
wo formed for the assault nnd the cnomv's
works. Tholr Hro killed Colonel Strieker ,
Second Delaware volunteers , mm a few men.
A regiment was sent tn disperse them , and
our column kept on to capture tbo works ,
which wo found to nq about one-half milo
from our point of formation , The ground was
open and rolling from the Land rum house to
the works , and the troops dashed over it in
tine style , not meeting a heavy lire until
when within about throe hundred yards ; the
Iilsh brigade then gavpa wild cheer and 1m-
* modiately the enemy pponod n tremendous
lire of musketry on us over the parapets with
some artillery , but nothing could now stop
our men. who rushed up to the works , and ,
tcarinc the abatis away with their hands ,
poured In like a great 'wavo ' , driving the
enemy out pell-mell with clubbed muskets
and bayonets , capturing twenty pieces of ar
tillery and nearly four thousand prisoners.
nearly the whole of the celebrated Stonewall
brigade. "
Among the fruits of the charge were Major
CJonctul Kdward Johnson , commanding a di
vision , and Brigadier General George A ,
Stouart , commanding u brigade.
"Gen.orn.1 Stouart surrendered , I bollovo , "
reports Major Mitchell , "to Colunul Heaver ,
.Ono Hundred undForty-eighth'Ponnsylvanla
volunteers. The prisoners got mixed up
among our own mop Jn thd works , and were
dodging in all directions from the bullets of
their fnonds , who were ( Irtng upon us as
thav fell back. Jn the midst of this confusion
and crowd a soldier attracted my attention
by shouting out to mo , 'Major Mltoholl , hero
Is u rebel couerul. ' JL atoned "do up to lion.
oral Stouartvlio gave mo tt.s name and
rank , and I directcu u captain of tbo fifty-
third Pennsylvania volunteer * to conduct
him to Gonorul Hancock. When Stcuart wai
taken to the general the latter , who know
him before thu war , hold out his hand , say.
ing , 'How are you , Stouart ! ' The latter re
plied , 'Under the circumstance * , I decline to
take your hand. ' 'And under any other clr-
-cumstances I should not havu offered it , ' said
General Hancock.
Of what followed this capture of the
angle , or Salient , nt daybreak , Mitchell
suya ; ' 'Fighting continued unceasingly and
desperately over the captured works : the
enemy made desperate efforts to regain them ,
throwing their strength upon tbo ttallont
angle held by the Second and $ lxth corps.
Our force at that pnlut win exceedingly
strong , throe or four deep In some places.
The enemy persisted in their attack until
about midnight of the 10th , but were forced
to abandon thulr position and leave us in
possession of the works which tbo Bocond
corps had no gallantly carried. In this battle
the troopa of the Socoud corps were con.
atantly under heavy muikotry for about
twenty hours. During the night tha enemy
withdrew into n second line o works , and In
the morning the captured oitronohmonts
presented n terrible .spectadj of doud and
woundoJ , who were , Indeed , piled utxw each
other for several hundred yards ; the result
of ono of the most brilliant and deadly unt
iles of this great war. The enemy cannot
hnvo tout loss than 12,000 to Ift.OOO men killed ,
wounded nnd captured this day the hardest
blow they hnvo yet received In this campaign.
Nothing could oi-eoil the .splendid Intrepidity
of our galhint olllcors nnd soldiers an ring
this bloody contest. Hurry Bingham of our
stall badly wounded In thu thigh. "
Died as n Miidlcr.
Monterey nnd the .stuto of Nttovo Loon ,
Mnx , , has boon the tho.itro of many military
tragedies , but the shooting of Salvntor Ki-
tuporron , second lloutonnnt of the Mexican
cavalry , on the morning of May H ) , was the
saddest that has over darkened the annals of
the state , saj'.s a correspondent of the SU
Louis Globe-Democrat. A brief history of
tlio event which led to * ho execution Is necessary -
ossary to a proper understanding of the caso.
Lust December n company of the Thirteenth
regular cavalry was ordered to do spoolal
duty at Caderoytn , n small town on the Gulf
road. The company was In command of n
first lloutonnnt and the deceased , A dlsputo
nroao between the ortlcors , and Lieutenant
Kuepurron fearing , as his frtenes say , that
his life was in danger , drew hu pistol , but
did not shoot nt his superior. It Is claimed
that ho snapped the pistol , but It missed
tiro. For this ofTcnso ho was
placed under nrrost nnd tried
by n general court-martial and sent
enced to death. There wore extenuating cir
cumstances admitted nnd the cnso was cur
ried to the highest Federal courts. Pending
a decision the first olllcor of the company
was shot dead In the portals at Montnroy by
one of his soldiers , nnd tlio soldier , while yet
the smoke was curling from his weapon , wiw
shot down by the captain of the company.
Whether tho.-to deaths ulTcctod the pardoning
power or n6t will never bo known , but the
llndlug of the court was npurovcd. and now-
orful personal appeals by persons intimately
associated with President Diaz were una
vailing. The death warrant was signed nnd
carded Into execution. That the ofilccr was
admired by the people nnd dearly loved In
his regiment was well known by the author
ities , as tbo precautions taken by the com
mandant of the department were ample
The time of the shooting was kept n pro
found secret , The cathedral clock chimed
four. There was n sharp bugle call , a hilr-
rylng of mustering feet , quick commands
and rapid evolutions and in a few moments
the garrison fell into lino. The gate tn the
roar of the barracks was opened , and the llth !
Cavalry , in full marching order , on foot ,
issued forth , followed by tholr band , with
urn filed Instruments. The rah Cavalry fol
lowed , and then the 5th Infantry. They
formed a square , thrco sides of which con
sisted of the respective regiments. The
fourth was the wall of the barracks. The
general commanding the department , and
stall , took up a position in the cnntor. When
the troops halted the commanding olllcor
culled , "attentionI" "Fix bayonets ! " Ho
then announced the sentence , nnd added :
"If any man moves in the ranks or glvos
any expression of sympathy with the pris
oner or fault with the sentence ho shall bo
committed to prison from ono to llvo years ,
depending ou the gravity of the offense. "
The silence as of death , fell upon the sol
diers nnd the few spectators wno who were
allowed to bo present. Afar off the church
bell tolled the knoll of the dying. The early
sun Just glided the mountain peakcs that rise
like giant sentinels around the historic city
and ono'a thoughts wont back to the dull
gray morning long ago , when an American
soldier knelt upon his coflln and mot a bloody
death almost on the saruo spot. Great white
wreaths circled the higher hills. It la now
4:45. : From out the gate ibsued a company
of the Thirteenth , nt its head a prisoner and
by his side a priest. With a llriu tread and
a proudly lifted head ho marched , never fal
tering or halting , but with a bright smile
upon his face , ho looked the least concerned
of the party. Ho halted at a small marked
elevation twenty feet from the barracks wall.
His company filed past and formed in front ,
four files deep. Two'llnos advanced , halted ,
and ono still advanced. There wore six mon
in each lino. The llring party thus' consisted
of six mon in the front line within ten feet of
tbo prisoner ; , and the second line within fif
teen feet. The other two lines formed a ro-
servo. The death knell tolled and , the clock
struck R. The officer advanced to bandage
the eyes of ttw prisoner , but the latter
waived tbo oftlcer aside , and said :
"I have looked too otten in tbo facojof
death to fear him now. "
'It shall bo as you wish , " said the captain ,
us ho took his pinco at the loft of the llring
party. Taking off his hat , the prisoner sur
veyed the assembled troops , looked once at
the sun-tipped hills nnd said to the llring
party : "Shoot straight for mv heart , but do
not strike my face. Adieu. " And bringing
his hands to the position of "attention , " ho
awaited the end. There was a slight flash
of the captain's sword. The guns came to.
"Heady ! " Another flash. "Aim } " The
blade drops. Six sheets of llamo dart toward
the prisoner , who sprang into the nlr with
three bullets in his heart. The surgeon'took
his wrist. The captain cave a quick com
mand , a soldier stepped from the ranks , and
placing his rltlo to the prisoner's bond , fired.
In loss than fifty seconds from the drop of
the sword Lieutenant Estuporron was dead.
The bugles sounded. The troops filed past
thu body ; it was put into a coflln and the
grim tragedy was over and as bravo u mail
as ever buckled on a sword had crossed to
thd "bivouac of the dead. "
Doiully Work of aOK 'CJSH.
"A most singular incident occurred hero
today , " Major Mlcholl of General Hancock's
staff writes lu his hcadquartcia dully uiurn
oranda of the Wlldornoss campaign , "Wa
had several guns In position behind n rifle pit
which ran through tlio yard of the Shelton
house , occupied by the troops of Brooko's '
brigade. These guns were firing rapidly nt
some batteries of the enemy placed on the
ether nido ot Swift Run. In the Shelton
house were several ladles who had refused to
leave , notwithstanding tlio danger ; they had
taken refuge In the collar nnd had with thorn
n nogross , who.whon the lire was about ( bo
hottest , bccamo delirious from fright , and ,
nicking up n lire shovelful of llvo coals from
the hearth , rushed out Into the yard and
threw the coals into ono of the gun-limbers ,
nvplodlng the ammunition it contained , kill
ing two men , I bollovo , and burning the eyes
out of ono or two others. 'Iho negross , who
was unhurt , ran Into the house again ai If thu
devil was nfter her and nearly scared to
death by what she had dono. Colonel II rooke ,
Fifty-third Pennsylvania volunteers , witness - *
ness this affair with many other olllccrs. I
myself arrived on the ground Just us the men
wnoso eyes had boon burned out were being
taken off the field. U was not supposed that the
nogress had any Intention of doing Mich
mischief. Sbo was so crazy that none bu-
llaved she know what she had done. "
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