THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : ftONDAY , JUNE 8 , 1801. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OI-TICK : Np. Ill PEAUL STttKHT. Cellxeiiit DV C.'nrrlcr In nny pnrt of IhoClt.v. II. W. Tir/TON MAXAOKIt * iiion'co ' , NO. v ) . Nlt-litidltoi. : No. S3. N. Y. P. Co. Council Illuffa Lumber Co , coil. Craft's chattel loans , i04 ! Snpp blocic. If } ou want wntor In vour vnrd or house into Blxb'p. : rj Morrlnin block. A. J. MniiUcl spent SMindnj In Sioux City ivlib Mr. Klein , tlio junior member ot the Brm of Mnnik-1 .t Klein. Tbo county auditor will bo ready this morn INK' to pnv all claims that were allowed by tbt ) bonrd of supervisors lit Its Inst session. A scaled verdict In thu { 10,000 dnmnco suit Of Mnrlon Patterson niralnst W. H Dooley ( till be opened in district court this mottling. The Infant child of Prcd Mowry died > os- toi-dny morning. The futu-rnl took plnco In the aftt-rnoon from the residence , JMSnxu- nua O. Messrs H.V. . nnd L. C. Ilcslov hnvo re- ttiriu-d from Wntikcgon , III , whom tlu-v wcro called to attend their mothct's fuuuiul last Tuesday I'bo nmrri.ign of Miss H\a Marks , dnuirnter of Mi. nnd Mrs. A. Murks , to Mr. Monis I'olsyky , will occur tomoriow evening nl Hughes' bull nllio'clotk I'bo Council HlulTs Kowlng club is making Arrangements for n Inrgo reception mid dancing party to bo gien sonio time during tbo nrcscnt month nt Miin.iua. Mrs W W Sherman , who hns acted as precentor in the First Prcsbvterinn church r for over n > car p-ist , has boon rolnforccd bv n double fiuurtctto which will bore-after as sist at the music Stipulations have been Illcl in tbo Mllstilct court in the dnmngo suit ngiunsl the Non pareil company , In which tbo plilnlifY dis misses bis libel suit ngainst the defendant , in consideration of a retraction which printed sonio weeks ago. The Nouparicl pa\s all costs. Ham Parker , head clerk at Mandcl & Klein's , ictiirnrd jestenlnv motnlm ; fiom a very sad crrni-tl to All Plc.isant , In He was called to attend tbo funeinl of bis younger brother , wtio died siiudcnl } nftei- few du\s Illness while visiting the old folks in Mt Pleasant. The dead lirotlierwiis a prominent business man and capitalist of Otttitnw.i. In , Ambrose Hojo nnd H A White weto ar rested nt n Into hour Snturdnv night on n complaint made by Al Well , tbat thov wcin following him around the streets with c\i dent Intention of doing him bomo dam ito A third nun wns In tlio pirty Lnif ho eseipud Bovd and White were sl.itcd with \ngriincy. and w IP have a heating this n firning In police court. An open air nicotine on tbo roiner of Not th Main street and Brnadwiu last oven- lug conducted by mo-iibers of the Bethel mission in thewestcui p-ut of the citx , attracted tractod n good deal of attention and drew n crowd when ono of the members became shouting hapny nnd fell In n 111 He laid for Uvi'ntv minute's on the stone stejis lending un to Dr Su\bcrt's ofllce Dr. Sovbelt's alien tion was c.dled to the prostritd man nml ho coiro In the-door to lend assistance , hut was told that none needed. The spectacle of nn apparent ! } lifeless mini Ijing on tbo stops and the ptnsldnn standing above him torn- .tccnlly smoking hU pipe drew a Ricnt kowd. osir Hulbort , n llftoon-yonr-olil Kill , has been mnkliiK a ( lis uhlint ; exhibition of ber- sell finin ono of the icar windows of the citv jnil , wbeio she has been conllned for several days past for stabbing .mother cj- prian lu n row on Pierce sticot last week. Ladies who pass on Ibn street aio pieetcd b > the u'irl with insulting epithets and , in fuel , all passcrsbv are llatilo to the same treatmrnt. She has spent the nicntcr part of the inontn in jnil and the citlonsho llvo In thnt vie in.LV are bcKin- ning to ifemand that they bo riddul of the ntilsafico. An application will piobabl\ made to have her ! > ont to tbo reform school ns soon as bur tot m in tbo city jnil Is com pleted. Pianos , or cans , C. B. Music Co. , 533 B'way. s\i.rt At the IlOMtoii Store , Coiiu.'ll Itlun'-i , Iowa. Special June snlo for two weeks com mencing SATIJHUAY , JUNE 5. Ono or two of the thousands of bargains offered nt this great sale. WASH GOODS. Bo Vlgoroux suitings for lOc a yard , ! 30 in. Ujdo. L'j < fo Columbia suitings , choice styles , 8 } c , or ianrds for $1.00. So challlos fory < c , or 10 yards for'Joo. lc ( ) outing flannel ford'fc. Chnntonp Pongee , worth ISc , for 12' ' < c. HOSinilY AND UNDI5UWKAH. lOc ladles' ribbed vests 7c , or 4 for J.'ie 20c ladies' Hhapod vests , % or a forSoc. ftOo ladies' fancy vests Il'Je. 7. > o ladies' silk vests for lilc. 2.'io balbrlggan liose llo ) or .f pair for f > 0c. Just recolved another tot of our No ! i75 -ladles' last black hose , worth 4. ) C , for this Mile J.'iu u pilr. Ask to sea them. DRESS C5OODS. I5o brilllantlnos , durlni ; salu forltlc. fiOo brilllantlncs , durlni ; sale for.'I'Jo. All ttio newest nnd most doMrnblo shades All our Wo and 7fic black hcnilettas , serges , eta. In ono lot for fi7t o during this sale. All our $ l.l)0 ) black goods In honrlottas , serges , whip cords , satin strlojs. Drape D' Almns , In ono lot for this sulo 77 c. BOSTON STORK. Council Bluffs , la. Try Duquette & Co 's Pomonn fruit Juleo tablets. They are delicious. A ItolMeroiiH Coolc. Annlo Bunks , n girl who hns been In tbo employ of J. R Kimball , created n largo sized disturbance in the vicinity of Pourth nvonuo and Ninth street jesteulny nfternoon. A dispute arose between her nnd the wlfo of tier employer ns to the amount of money that was duo her. Mrs. Kimball gave her her walking papers , but she refused to tnko tliLin. She claimed that she hud been robtiedof l , mid she Insisted on ht.i > lng right theio until she had thnt $4 given her. At hist she bccamo so boisterous tlmt the pu- trol wagon wns culled for , and the wilful Annie was taken to thn police stntlon , where she wns booked with disturbing the peace. Kho will liavo a hearing In the police court ' bis morning. Bright upliiml hay nt slaughter prices for next thirty davs ; 4W ) tons , H. L. Cannoncor- tier Pearl and Oth avenue- . Prs. Woodbury , dentists , 30 Pearl street , next to Grand hotel , Telephone. 115. High grade work u specialty. Union Park races , Omaha and Council niuffs , JunuU-13 , e-1,000 ; Sept. Ml , . .WX ) ; Oct. ! iu-'J , ' , flXX ( ) . For programmes address Nut llrown , sco'y. , Merchants' hotel , Omaha. Qnlct The damp nnd thientcnlug weather of yes- terdny hnd n depressing olToct upon the pub- lie In general. Several picnics had been ad vertised to take place In Kulrinount park , but they had to bo postponed indollnltely. The motor line , how ON or , was fnlrly well patron ized all day , especially in the nfternoon. Mnnawu was very quiet. Yesterday was the ilrst Sunday hhu-e the oponint ; of the season nnd great preparations had been iniule for the entertalninnnt of the guests. A small 1 ! crowd took In the Inue , ns the weather wns ' Just right for tlshing , nml many an Innocent catiUhwas Jerked irom , his slimy testing place by the relentless rod of the ifsboruian , There Is something in bu } Ing u first class piano. They always .speak for themselves , and just now the I lard man pianos talk tbo loudest. They nmko friends and now cus tomers wherever they go. A coed word for tbo ilculer who sells them Is never out of the way. Of the 41,000 now In use the Mueller niuslo company have sold not a few. Morgan'i prices for furniture on Install- tucut plan lower than any other house In city. i i Mar llouriclm , muslo teacher , removed to 533 Uroadwav , over C. 13. inuslo company. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , Preparations Completed for the Races at thn Union'Driving Park. STABLES NEARLY FILLED W.TH . RACERS , Already Plfty Kiitrlos Mnd - A New Turn In tlio Hnri-lHun County Sent War-No mm roll Ijtliol Stilt DlKllllHSLMl. Tbo races nt the Union Driving park will commence tomorrow , and tbo prepmatlons for the event nro nbout complcti-d. The park has hcon cleaned nnd track rolled nnd put in first class condition. The only thing that Is wanted now In order to assure the success of the affair is a u < ssatlon of hostilities on the part of the weather For snvernl days past the horses which are to nko part In the races liavo bcnii arriving , and the stables nro now nearly full The racers eomo from Denver , Stuux Cltv , Omaha , nnd other places nil through Iowa and Nebraska. The races will last fourda > s. On Tuesday there will by trotting bv the ! 2 : " > inn'l ) ' 'JS ! classes for purses of MOO , and running , two and thrceearolds , live-eighths of n mile , for a purse of $ lfiO. Wednesday there will bo trotting by ! 3 : S class , purse of ? 100 , p icing , frco-for-all , pursotw ( , running , all ngos , tbrce-quuitcrs of a mile , purse of flOO. On Thursday there will bo trotting and pacing bv the . .11 class for purses of ? ) UO , and running , thrco jear-olds nnd over , purse of * ! oo The i aces will close on Friday with n froo- for-all , pur-o of flOJ ; pacing , ! i 'JO class , purse of flOJ , ind running , ono mlle and re peat , puise of WO The entiles for eaih day's races will close it 1 p m of the day piecoding the tuco. Them lm\o alro.ul ) noon II fty entiles made , and theio uill ptoUibl } bo more than this nt the close. Tbu finest line of spring nnd summer goods , most export woikmen , Is what iou find at Keltoi's , the tailor , J10 Broulway. Trensmor'H itoport. The follow Ing shows the condition of the dty's finances for the past month , according to the ropoit of City Treisuror ICinnchan ( Mer- On Hand. Ui.iwn. Ouncral fund . 8 11T71 fit Iliind fund . . U.uib T5 Intuicst pn\lng and grid- . Ing fund . 12.881 Ji Interest sonei sltiU fund . 4,0 1 (4 ( liiilsnifiil fund . 41 \ \ Wiitorfund . 0linr > ( I'jirU fund . 2o'i ' 70 I'url , slnUIn/ fund . 1H 0.1 Library fund . 21'J ' 02 T'lirlilnenml slduwallt fund. 2.07U IKJ I'ollcu fiinil . Il'i : < l74 Intcrsuotldii sewn fund 10.17'J ' 4a flU'C'llll II'-SCSSIIII lit LTlllllll- fund . 2I1 > 7 44 Iti'dmiiptlon fund . 'r > 2\ -i-woi d'Mrli ' t .No 2 . -Mi V ) CllliildKi' fund . It'll 2 12 I'mulid Hi bi . 11.101 h2 hewer fund . . . 4.s U 74 Total . SIW.JJS ( iS Special -iessnic'itt pivlni ; fluid . lib. 11)00 ' -IH-cl il so ei fund . , U.B . , U Total . JIO.OIS XI Kalance on hanil Tuna 1 . . b..J'JO ' ,15 Total . $10. ' , ITS ( $107 , ' ! 08 Col la \ Si'iiiK ) < via tlic ITouk iHliuid. Cvcnboth has heaid of them , located on the "Great Kock Island Route. " Colfnx has a dozen medical mineral springs and hun- dicds daily testifv to their incuts. Seven first-class hotels fiunlsh pleasant homes at vciy low iateto the thiongs of noaltb nnd plcusuro seekers. JOn.lolncd the I'oard. At nbout 2 o'clock jcsterdny morning Attorney - tornoy C. M. Harle was aroused by a loud lapping at bis door. When ho answered the summons ho was informed that , the LiOgan- Itcs had taken anew tack in their war with the Mlisouil Valley over tbo removal of the county seat. Judge Wnuelv * of Sioux City issued an Injunction bntunliy restialnlng the board of supervisors of Hairison county from taking any action in the county seat matter. In the application , which was made by the friends of Logan , they clnu-iro perjury. forcery , bribery , and , in fact , almost every crime known to the code , on the patt of those who have circulated the petition for the re moval of the county seat from Lognn to Mis souri Valley. Mr Hail will go to Logan this morning on thocailj tiain for the purpose of lookin ? ever the ground and seeing wn-it Is necessary to bo done. As there Is nothing loft fortnom to do , the sunervisors hive nd- Journcd until thu temporary Injunction is dissolved , which il Is thought will ho in tbo course of the next thrco or four weeks. Buy your futnituro , carpets , stoves nnd household goods of Mandcl & Klein , Council Bluffs. Prices \ery low ; frolirbt prepaid to > our city. I1 Irpinon'H Toiirnninenr. The Council BlutTs hose team will start tomorrow morning over the Milwaukee for Cedar Knplds to attend tbo firemen's state touinamcnt. There mo sixteen members of the team nnd they will bo accompanied by Messrs. Thomas Bowman , M. F. Kohrer , J. 1.1. Tcmploton , C. I ) A'nlters nnd James Maddcrn. They have been practicing almost unceasingly for soveial wreks past nnd they nro confident of making a good record in tbo contou with the crack teams from other parts of the state. DeWitt's Little Uarlv.Risers for the Liver ODDN .t.M > I.XIiH. The fly spider lays nn osg as largo M 11 self. self.A A babe is born at every beat of the human benit. There are 13,000 different kinds of postage stamps in the world. The male of the nilk worm moth travels at the i ate of lOl ) miles a day. The amount ot gold In the world would fit In u loom twonty-four feet each way. In average condition a turnip seed may In crease its own wiight fifteen times In a ir-In- tite. tite.A A small photographic appnratus attached to a klto is tbo latest photographic novelty in Paris TUo number of pissougsrs carried by nil the railroads In the world averages 0,500,000 a day. Ono of cultured Now York's musical papers recently spoke of Kansas Citj ns being in Nobiusku. I'ho ordinary watch mstal passes through tbo bands of thlrty-llvo workmen before it Is ready for use. To effect thn respiration of a carp , Ul.IJyO arteries , \ usselsoins , bones , valves , etc , , nro necessary. The telegraphic revenue in Bnghmd for Ib'.io was nearly Jl,000,000 : ! , an incieaso of 100,000 over IsbO. The average cast of constructing n mile of railroad In the United States nt tbo present time Is nbout f 10,000 , A little girl of Joplln , Mo. , cried n whole day over the death of Barnum , believing that there would bo no moro circuses. A New York broker has framed sots of dinner cards. o\or ono thousand live hundred In number , as mementos of the good times ho had. had.There There uro spiders no bigger than a grain of sand , which spin threads so fiuo tbat it takes 1,000 of them to equal in magnitude u single huir. huir.Workmen Workmen engaged In making repairs on St PattIck's church at Potuvllle , Pn. , found n six-foot vein of coal immediately under the- building , A girl down In Kentucky has recovered $500 damages from n steamboat company for naming a boat after her without asking her permission. It Is calculated tlmt If the motion of the earth was suddenly arrested the tornporaturo produced would bosufflcieut to melt and oven volatilUo It. Tbo Hamburg clgarmakcrs1 atrlko which ended roceuUy coat tug Social Democrats gf Germany , Knfthmi , Switzerland , Franco nnd Denmark IIOO.OuO According to the census Philadelphia is the greatest manufacturing city of the union , leading all other cities in the value of Its products by f.5,000,000. Contrary to the general Impressiontho cost of first-class railway travel is less In this country than In Hurope. For Instance , when Queen Victoria Is traveling b ) rail In her special train she cvcrclscs no deadhead ruilits She pays at the r.ite of $1.1U a mile , whatever thu distance , In addition to first- class fares for all tbo party , servants in eluded. The Vermont mnpld suVnr crop for thotsen- son Just closed Is not nt 17,000,000 pounds , of which 40 per cent. Is syrup , nnd Its market value is estimated at $1,200,000. Imllnn Engineering nnnouncos thnt Ameri can cotton seed Is n failure In India , the lieivy monsoon rains facilitating a fungoid disease that attacked all the plants. The biggest orange tree In Louisiana Is claimed to bo In Tcrrebonno parish. It Is 15 feet in circumference and f > 0 feet high. The yield this year Is expected to reach 10,000 oranges Michigan will not grant licenses to news- lo\s ) , bootblacks or messengers under four teen j ears of ago unless they huvo uttcndoil school at least four months during the pre ceding year. A bride was arrayed In her wedding finery and 200 guests had assembled nt Key port , N. J , when shu received n note from the gloom tlmt he coil HI n t bo prcjcnt , ns his wedding clothes didn't fit him. The smallest republic In the world Is said to bo Frnncovllle , ono of the Islands of the Now Hebrides The Inhabitants consist of foru Europeans nnd 500 black woikmen tin- plojed bj a Fiench company. An electric motor Is employed to operate n plow on the estate of one of the Sp.mlsti no billty. The current Is generated by means of a stteamof water at sonio distance from the fields where the blow is employed. A London paper recently contained thcjfol- lowing advertisement : "A lady wishes to have twice u week from the country a supply of li\c sparrows for u favorite cat. Addiess , with terms , Trixie , Bishop's road , \V. " A joung man in La Porto , Cal , advertised for a wife , nnd bis sisteranswerpd the adver tisement , nnd now the \oung man thin Us there Is no balm in advertisements , and the- old folks think it is pretty hard to havu two fools in one funllj. : The kail inujah or death plant of Java hns flowers which continually givooff a perfume so powerful as to o\crcome , if Inhaled for any length of time , a full-grown man , nnd which kills nil forms of insect life that comes under its influence. The comparative occurrence of the small or "lower case" letters in English fiction or his tory Is as follows : z. 1 ; J , k , q , x , J ; b , v , 7 ; g , p , w , v. 10 , c , f , u. in , 12 ; d , 1 , 20 : h , r. : iO : n , i , n , o. s10 , ; t , 15 ; e , 150 ; total , Ml. These ratios will bo changed little in newspaper work. The hottest region on earth Is on the south western coast of Peisia.whoro Persia borders the guif of the -.atno name. For fortv consec utive da ) 8 during the months of July and August the thermometer bus been known not to fall lower . than 100 degrees Fahrenheit nightorduy. ' Theio are about fifteen thousand boot blacks in New Yolk. Twelve thou and of them : ue Italians and the other .1,000 are made up of Irish and colored men. Thu Ital lans aic the best nnd make ttio most money. A good man can make $1.50 or * ) a div. On Satuulay and Sunday , which are the best iU\s in the week , ho can make moro. DeWitt's Little Knilj Risers , best pill. Found n CTood Homo. A llttlo waif has found a good .homo. The story is somewhat peculiar , as told by the Dallas ( Ore. ) Chronicle : "Julius U'iloy and Mrs. Wllov returned from their trip to Cali fornia. They came back with an addition to the family of acharmlng HttlPgirl that Julius savs ho would not take a million for. They had stooucd at Astoria , and after registering at the hotel they went out to visit , friends , re turning at 9 o'clock p. m. When they entered their bedroom the little stranger was lying on the bed , with a label atUc'hed to her clothes , on which was inscribed : 'To Julius Wiley.1 Mr. and Mrs. Wllov made the best of the situation and brought the child homo with them. Julius declares that neither no nor any of his friends in Astoria know any thing of the child , nor whence she came. She is a remarkably bi Ight and affectionate little one , about two and one-half years old , and has already won n warm spot in the hearts of her adopted parents. " Kdltor'nVliiniiiK Pair. The editor of the Baitlett ( Tox. ) Democrat is well fixed. He announce ! In his paper re cently : "Tho Democrat will bo gotten out by our two children , Rosabel and James , aged fif teen nnd thirteen > ears respectively , during our nbio-ice at Co r I can a. Any local items handed in to them will bo appreciated by the editor. " After ho went the young ones sold : "During his absence the paper Is In charge of 'us children,1 and if ho don't return too soon wo expect to make n real llvo o oer ou t of It. If you owe the concern anything please call and settle nt thu earliest possible mo ment , as it takes money to buy Ice cieam , soda water and keep the paper going. " Groclc and Roman Chestnuts. Genuinely witty stories tire ruro , snys the Now York Homo Journal. Wendell Phillips declares tlmt there uro but twenty-live original witty stories in ex istence , and that all the others nro founded upon or borrowed from theso. Ho tells us that the story of tlio in in who was writing n letter us follows : "Sly dear friend , I should tell you moro if there was not an imnuclent fol low looking over my shoulder and reading every word'1 you lie , sir , I have nat read a woid you huvo written" ' comes from Kpvpt , nnd is two hundred and fifty years older than the now testa ment. So with the story of the man who said , "I would ha\o been u very handsome fellow if they had not clumped , mo in the cradle. " "Tako tlio Irishman , " says Mr. Phil lips ; "who carried around a brick as n , specimen of the house he had to soil ; take the Irishman who shut his eyes and looked into the glass to see bow ho would look when ho was ( load ; take the Irishman who bought a crow , alleging that orows were reported to llvo two hundred yours , and ho was going to sot out and try it ; taKe tlio Irishman who mot n friend 'who said to him , 'Why , sir. I hoard you were dead.1 'Well , ' ways the innn , I biinpobo > ouseolam not. ' 'O no , ' says ho , 'I would rather believe the man who told mo than you nny day. ' Well all these are Greek ; use-ore or moro of thorn , of u parallel character eomo from Athens. Dr. Blrnoy cures taturrn. Boo bldj Two lUUIi'oud PrcHl.lontH Meet. Juugo MoWhorter is president of the shortest railroad system in the world. It is something moro than throe miles in length , between Craw ford and Lexing ton , t > ays the Atlanta Constitution. Of thlb road Lurry Gunlt tells n good story on the judge. "Ilamn wus In Now York a few months ago , nnd while in Colonel John Immui'b olllco ho mot Jay Gould. Ho wus intro duced to the W/.ard ! ua the president of the Lexington Terminal. "Yes.1 said Mr. GoulJ , 'I am clad to meet jou. You have a .ilio road. By the way , Mr. MoWhorter , how many miles are there In your j stem I' "Nearly five , replied Hamp "All under ono mannuomcntl' nsltcd Mr. Gould from force of habit , "And the llttlo Wizard darted under Ilio tnblo to save himself from being bulled out of the sixth story window. In the Hotel Kilt t'ttliit ll' "James , I don't sco you waiting at table any more. " No , sab , I'so been promoted. I'so entry clerK how. " "You an entry clerk I I never know you were a bookkeeper. " "Ob I ain't. I ' do , Jos' keep my eve on um brellas , hats and things de Doa'durs leave m the cutry. " "THE BEE" CLAM BUREAU , .Pension , Indian Depridiiofij Land Patent and Othar Oiainui to BtfiProsecutcd , READ THE FOLLOWlWG' ) CONDITIONS. All Claims Arising I" &el rnnkii , Knn- HI : , Inwn ami K/iitUi 'Dakota Will lie llnndliMI < > y Tito Hoc About thirty days ngo n now nopnrturo \\aRlnniijiurntoilbylho San Francisco Hx- nmlnor , now the lendlnc piper on the Pacific cooHt , Its proprietor , Mr Hearst , son of the la\c \ Senator HeirU of California , who tms a very Inrgo fortune nt his command , conceived the Idea of ottnblUhttiK a uurcau of claim ! nt Washington , mmnod by the ablest lawyers nnd specialists conversant with the routine work in the viirlousdopartmonts nnd bureaus of the Rovortrncnt. The object of Mr HuiMt In thl * uiulertaltlni ? is clearly set forth In tne prospectus taken from the i\amltior to bo published In n later Issue of Tm : Hr.r. When the announcement of this now departure - parturo was made negotiations wore nt once entered In'o between Titn linn nnd the pro prietor of the Uxnminer to Join bands and mutually sir\ra In the enterprise. Thoio ar rangements hr.vo now been perfected nnd agreements entered Into by which Tni'DnE becomes comes n co-worker of the Examiner In the tcrntoiy where Tin : BUB enjojs so extensive n subscription patronage. Under this arrangement nil applications for claims , either for pensions , Indian depreda tions , land or mining claims , patent or postal claims In the states of Iowa , Kansas , South Dakota nnd Nebraska , will bo taken In hand by TUB 15nu Bureau of Claims m Omnhn nnd through It forwarded to headquarters at iVashlngtonhcro the Examiner bureau will prosecute them to u final and speedy con clusion. Tnu Bre takes pleasure In offering' to all Its patrons nnd particularly to subscribers to THE WBPKI.I BEU. the services of thU now bureau which , we Have no doubt , will prove of great lid vantage to them , both in prose cuting now claims to u uccussful Issue and In expediting all claims entrusted to TUB Bci : bureau. The Conditions. As n condition precedent to nny person nvalllng hlimclf of the services of the bureiu , Tin : Bic : will require that the applicant shall send In n subscription to TUB OMIIIV WBRKI.V Ben for a year. A remittance of $1 will ontltlo the person sending It to one year's subscription and also a membership In the Claims Bureau association composed on- tirelv of subscribers to TUB BI.I : . All persons now subscribers of TUB Wrekn BI.K who will solid us one new sub scriber \\lll be entitled to mombotship in the association in their own na.mcs and the now subset iberlll also reuoive ono uertllluato of membership besides his pnpor. Subscribers of TiicDiit.\ Urn who send in subscriptions to the woelcly will bo en titled to the same privileges as those of THE WM-KI.I Bi.r. No service will Do undertaken for any per son who Is not an actual Subscriber of Tac BEE. The Tqiytis. The terms under which claims will DO prosecuted will depend entirely upon the amount of service rendered in eich case.Vo can safely assure all pitrons of the bureau that the charges will ba _ yory much lower than rates charged by JLho regular claims lawyers and clalius aronU at Washington. It goes \\lthout saving that the Examiner and Tin : BUB are In position conjointly to ex pedite business and do service at more lib eral rates than any other medium for the prosecution of claims. In the matter of fees and charges THE BEE desires only to clear expenses. The bureau is intended for the relief of the people Irani the rapacity of logalsnarks. In miny cases foes allowed attorneys are Irrevocably fixed by law , and in such the question is decided. In other claims such a charge will bo inado us seems to cover the actual expenses involved in collection. Wo nmko no effort to solicit your patronage , as does the ordinary njren who seeks your claim for a financial consideration. Such is not our pur pose. We offer to ono nnd all the services of a well equipped bureau , where a claim of any natuio can bo sent , or information in regard thereto be obtained. If your claim is worth less or illegitimate you will bo so notified without fear or favor. If the claim is gen uine it will receive prompt attention and ofilcient prosecution. If unsuccessful , no charga will bo made ; provided , however , that claimants must clofray their own ex penses in the preparation of affidavits , depo sitions , and other ovldenco outside of Wash ington. Wo will furnish the necessary legal papers nnd boar the Washington expenses only in unsuccessful claims. When claims are allowed , a reasonable fee will bo charged to cover actual cost. All letters will bo promptly answered and nil information concerning form of applica tions for claims , terms , ntc , will bo given with as little delay as practicable. No letter will bo answered unless the sender encloses requisite stamps for reply. No information concerning any particular claim will bo im parted until tlio applicant has become a member of The Boo Claims Bureau associa tion. tion.Address Address all letters relating to claims to MAXAGLII OMAHA BEE BUIIEAU OF CLAIM ! ) , Omaha , Nob. HOVFII Oil A. II A. Confirmation at St. AITHOH' . Confirmation services were bold In St. Agnes' church , Twenty-third and Q streets yesterday forenoon. On his first pastorlnl visit to this parish , lit. Hev. Klchnrd Sentinel ) , UD. , bishop of Omaha , confirmed 10 $ pOSttllMltS. ( . i Under the supervision' of the Sisters of Providence the auditorium had been tnsofully decorated tor the solnmiV' ' occasion. To the right of the sanctuary'ft''tin ono nnd been erected for the bishop. On the right of the bishop sat Father Mnrtarly , pastor of ht. Agnes' , nnd on his loft sAt Father Colonorl. At 10ir : > Bishop Scannoll examined ttio children , rather Charlcn Mugnn conducted mass. Father Bnirctt e > 1 tit. t'otcrs , Omaliu , delivered an appropriate'and ' powerful soi- nion on "The CJospul oftho Day. " After the mass liUhopHScannell gave an Instructive lecture to * chose nbout to bo confirmed. Mr , and ) Mrs , James II. Hale , wcro sponsors. 'After the confirmation the blstiop delivered another impiesslvo lec ture to the class , in ) The choir furnlsho./ fine tnuslo for the. occasion. ' A finer audience uaror filled tbo largo auditorium. Gun < 1 11) Shoot. The regular shoot of the Gun club was hold yesterday afternoon. Out of twenty-Hvo blue rocks , Chniles M. Sanford got 19. O. I ) . Brat- TWO GREAT MINDS AGREE. Sir Marroll Mackenzie nnd Profesbor Koch , tliu highest authorities in Kuropo , unhesitatingly rccotninana tlio Sodun Pustules iTroohca ) for till Tin-out , Lung nnd C'utarrhiil dlbuusos. Agulnut Mnlnriu nnil other nttniHnhorlc intluonccs , these troohos uro without oquttl. Bowuro of Imitations. The genuine must huvo the testimonial nnd uifimture of Sir Morroll Mackenzie around every bos. Price 60c. ton , IS , Bernard Blum , 10 ; L , Dlnnchnn ) , l.ri ; F , J Egccr , 11 : and Thomns Kelly , 10 , In n swccpstnkcs match , llvo pairs. $ l.N ) entrance , L , . Blanchnnl won first on , anil Burnnrd Blum second onI At ten singles , f I i > 0 crttriince , F. J HggCM took first motiio > ' S ntd | Bernard Blum second end on 7. L , Blanchnnl got 0 and took first money on a shoot at five pairs * 1 entrant.o , nnd Ber nard Blum second with t. At live pair * , 1 50 entrance , Bernard Blum got II mid first money , nnd Charles M. Sanford - ford took second money on 5. Noti-H Atioiil the rity. . The city council will hold an adjourned session Oils evening. A nlcasntit social dance was given In National hall lust evening. A rat killing contest took place yesterday afternoon nt the Dollar Saloon. John S Cardflck has returned fiom IMtU- burg , 1'u , mid Is v'sltlnir James II. Fleming. The Hill Stars yesterday nfternoon on the Third ward grounds , walloped the Climax by n scoiO'of 10 to 11. Charles King of 1'itt.sburg , Pa , \lsltlng his brother , Cliarlqs King , timekeeper at the Cudahy packing company Next Sunday will bo observed ns child ren's uny In tno 1'resbj torlnn i hutch. The exercises will bo bold in the foionoon. Hev it , A. Trelber , pastor of the German Methodist church , who has been r.t Grand Island and through tbo nolchboring sections , has returned. The switchmen will hold n picnic nt IVn- bosh , on the Missouti I'.icillc , Sumlny , Juno SS. Tickets for ttio round trip and admission to the grounds will bo onh 31 Uov Thomas Stophunson will clvo ono of his series of c.istei n lectures before tlio Young People's society In the Baptist chinch , Twenty-seventh , between M and II streets , this evening. The Ladles' Aid soclctj of the Prcsb.\- erian church will meet at the home of Mrs. Susan A. Van Llew nnd Miss M > ra P Brig- bam , TwenU-fourth nnd is' streets , Wednes day afternoon. The Bohemian turners will plvo n dance nnu turning exhibition in National hull , Twenty-fourth nnd li streets , Saturday evening , Juno 20. Tbo committee on arrangements consists of Adolph Swoboda , John Frank , Jaros nnd Mark Bouknl. New York Press. In older to confirm his story Mr. Pnlslfer should have a bar shoe put on Tcnny. Lest benny have fotcotton the root In which the lameness was It may not bo out of place to remind him tbat ho said It was the off hind ono. JTfjit lip for years the offer that's made by the proprietoi s of Dr. Sage's Ca- tairh Remedy. It's nddicbscd to you , if you have Catarrh. It's a reward of & 500 , if they can't cure you , no matter how bad your case , or of how long standing an offer that's made in good faith by re sponsible men. Think -what it means 1 Absolute confidence in their Remedy , or they couldn't afford to take the risk. A long record of perfect and perma nent cures of the worst cases or they couldn't have faith in it. It means no inoic catarrh or $300. If you fail to be cured , you won't fail to be paid. But perhaps you won't believe it. Then tlicie's another reason for try ing it. Show that you can't be cured , and you'll get $500. It's a plain business offer. The makers of Dr. Sage's Catanh Remedy will pay you that amount if they can't ctnc you. They know that they can you think that they can't. If they're wrong , you get the cash. If you're wrong , you're rid of catarrh. RAILWHYTIMBOHRD I.t'ftVOH I K C.hT J AC II I Arrlvui Oni .h. I Depot Illlh nnd Minon 81 I Om ilm 'J n rai Knit'ns City Day Uxprcis I f > M p in 45 p ml 1C V Mitlit Kxp vln tJ. I1 run * I ( . C ) m J-oives I UNION I'ACIFIC I Arrives Omaha. | Depot lUtli nnd Mnrcy bti I Oinnhn 10 10 a m Kanias City K.inren ( ox bun ) ( I' , p m 1020 n m Denver Kxnreis 400 p m 2 60 p in Oicrlnnd Flyer I * U5 p m 410 p m .Urnnd Inland I5xp ( ox Sun ) 11 M a m - -1 p in TilclBo " J to p m I.eivo I CHICAGO , MIL. It hi' 1'AUIj I Arrlvo Ojuiiliu | U 1 * . ilopot , iin I Miroy Sti I Onnilm C 10 p ml.Clilcuk'O Kxprcis I ? ' 7 > 0 m 9 IA a m | . . . . . . . ( .lilcnitQ jixprcsa I n 10 ui U-a\u < I CHIC \.O ( , II I & I'ACIHC fAmvc * Om lia | U I' d' pot. lUtli nnd Mnrcy Sit I Oinnlia 6'JU p nil . . . . MKht Kipress . . . , I Mill n m 9 15 a raj . . Atluntlo ISxpr9 i 0 M p ni JJOp ml . Vcntllmlo l.tmlt i | . . 1065 u m l.enrci HIOUX CITJt 1'ACIHO Arrivoi Omaha Depot 10th and Mitrcy Sn Oiniha. 7 15 n ml . . . .Sioux ( tty I'linsenifur . . . .MO .1' ' p m i)5.'i n ml StTnul Kxpru llO&Snm CIIICAI.O.V .Nuni\\ i > nu.s : Arruos Omnhn U I' di-pot. loih nml Mnrcy bti Omaliii ff15 a in . . . . ChlcntiOhxprcM b 15 n ni I.M p m . . Vestibule l.lniltod ' .i JO a in uvu p in Kn.torn Hyer M n in S20p m Locnl Ka t llx nxcept Monda > ) b JO p in Leave OMAHA .V SI LOUIS Omaha IT I' , t'eput , IQIli nnd Murcy I Omiilm ml M. LouN I nnnon Hall JJl'J * 1' " , ' " IA-IUO K I ! \ MO VAl7l.KV" ( liiinlm I llnpnt Ifttli iiiulotiitcr Qt Om ilm II U ) n in I . HI ck lllTr"KVirus7 | 1VU p m DUO a m I ( llx b.itlWyo lvp ! ( ix : Muni " > . . < ) p in & 10 p in Wnhuo X Lincoln i'nn ( Kx Sinn II t'i n in & 1U p in \iirk A Nnrfulk. liikiliulny ) Jll Vi n m I .onsen C hT I' .M AO I Arrlvi9 Oumlm Dcput Ulli and \Vulnter Hts I Omahti b ll > * ii mi lutix city ACLOiumodntlun Viuj p in I U ) p m Sioux ( .11) Ki | > rc."s IKx biinday ) I. to p in & 4p m tit l-uul Limited Vfi n in 5Ji j uill | ncriIl famenirer ( Hx sunduy ) b li n in Lravea iHiSOUIU i l'A ( iHC I Arrhei Ouiiini. I Dfpm 1'jlli nml Wi-bucr ht I Oiinilia 10 V u in st | .mili .V K C KxpruM ! ii 91 n m I ) a p in ! M LoultAK C Kxprt- > I 5 U p in Uve I K C SI' JOK * I' II I .Urhti Trnniturl t'njiin Di-pnt Cniincll llhilTn I'lfniinfur 10UO a ml Knninillly liiy Kxprv I 6 II p in 1U Ii p ml Knn n City Mkht hiprinn I Ii VJ u in iave I t UIrA.O ( Trr \ l'Al ltl Arrlvu4 Tranfc-r I Union Depot , I'nuncll HliiITi 'Iriinifer FOR PAIN CURES AND PREVENTS Colds , Sore Throat , Bronchitis , Rheumatism , Neuralgia iifliintiintloii of tlio I.n ns , Klitnor * mill llowi-l. , SoHtlti , Chllbltln * . VeuH llltoi , Tootli 3hc , HeiiUcU * 1'alns In ttio llnrk , I'lii'tt nml l.linliniul nil ttio tmuM CONSEQUENCES OF TMiNS COLO. One nppllcntlunof U UWAUKAUV ) UIM.UU' to thotmt * ntToclol will in t ntlr ralloro nnl.oonouro tlio luilTt'M'r IntLTiuill ) In ilii.p of ( roni thlrtr in l ly OreM | In linlf u tumbler of nMi-r u nil ) euro In it fo tmtni'Mt' frump" ' ( untm " < our stnnincli t'ullc t'htulviuv lle-utliurn Dlnrrliooi SIcH llonilnclio. ' Nii'M'n Vnnillliik' I'nlil 1 mll Scrvou iH > , lH'pli'niHM mil nil Inloriml iialin UHunt n Uolllf for nlo tit ilrtli ! > ! l U It VDWAV A CO. U Wnm-n 1 OPEN AGAIN With an Entirely New Line of Goods Bought for Cash Direct From the Manufacturers. Cash Always Talks. I have secured some of the SOO Men's Black Worsted Suitd greatest bargains In men's nncl A.I. SV.OO boys'suits ever heard of in this ' OOO Men's All Wool Dress Suits , city. 1 can sail men's nnd boys' in different styles , from clothing SO per cent off of manu SB Lo S8- facturers' prices. I nm prepared to back up every word I say by SOO Boys' All Wpol Knee Pnntq , showing goods and giving in dllferenl styles , at prices. For example , here are OOO. a few leaders : BOO Boys' Suits , age 4 to 14 , dur ing the sale a * . BOO Men's Working Suits Sl.OO. AI.S3.OO 4OO All Wool Boys' Suits , age J 8OO Men's Suits at 4 to 14 , at S4.5O , S2-12B. I Carry a Splendid Line of Gents' Furnishing ' Goods Hats Caps Boots Shoes Etc. , , , , , . . CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK . 8150,000 , SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 70.000 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS . . . . 225.000 I A Millar , F O aio uon. II f * BluK'ixrt. K. E. [ < irt , J. I ) Gdmniulson. Ch trial It. Il.umnn Tr.insiat Kenertl bankln : bail- nets Lnrtost aiut nurpliu ot any baixln Southwestern I. ) w INTERESrON TIM - . DEP 331 T3 First-- : NationalBank : -or COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. raid Up Ciiiiitti" " , . . . . $10 > , ( ) ) Oldest orKuil/iMl bunk In tlio city 1 oroUn iin 1 dniue'tic exchiive unit locil nocdrlllji KIJI icl i intention ( inlil to o illt'Uloincco ititu of linlivll tiaH b ink , bHiiki > r < nml c.irpor ill J u lulkltdJ > 'o rpopunituncu Invltuil ( .ICO 1' . SAM OKI ) 1'ro.lcleiU A. W. K1KKMAN. Ciuhlor A T HICK. Aiilitiint QR.AND , Council Bluffs , la. This Elegantly Appointed Hotsl is Now Open. George T. Phelps , M.inager. COUNCIL BLUFFo Medical and Surgical Institute I ) US. linhhlNOKHS. CHOI'S. Chronic diseases of nil kinds and ( U-fonn- Itlcs Apoel Uties .NoJoOl anil JOU Itro uln.iy Council Itlulls , I.L ELECTRIG TRUSSES , Belts , Chcsl Protectors , Elc. AGENTS WANTED DR. C. B. JUDD , 606 Broadway , Council-Bluffs , la TELEPHONE 264. NEW OGrDEN HOTEL. Tbo Now Ocilmi llotul. In Council Illiiirs. b is been i-onilik'tuly rufnrnliliud mill iiiu < lornl/u < l tliroiin'lioii ! , unil Is now ono of tbo lit-st Imluls In tbu Hl.itu U Is louiitod In the buslniiss p.irt of tbo elty , ind HID nliiutrio niotoi-s piss tlio doorovury fuui iiilnulos 1'ltu osc-ius and Ilio alarms tbroiuboiit tin-biilldlnx. Moam liot and ( -old water and hiinslilno In u\ciy room I'nlilo unsnriiiisiod anywburu. ItatLH , } , ' . ( ) a day GEO. M. WHITNEY , Mannffor C. A , HAMMER , UST1CE OF THE PEACE Ol ru i : , llrnadway , ( .ounc-ll Illurfs , In 27 MAIN Over O. II Jiu'iuomln & Co. , Joivolry s-tor D. H. McDaneld & Co. , Butchers' ' aid Pas'nrj1 Sa lln , Market Fixture ] , Gasin ] ; , pIccMnid t > an .io ( Mitkcri' Machlnory ni ) . K ! Main t , , Coiinotl Uluffg , IA. Aluu Q llldti uuU I uiu SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OhAIItVUYANTniid psjcliomotrk- cliar- * icti-r 10 Klines ; iilsudtiiRnoslH of dlfcuaeO. Send lock of bull for lu.idln s ! > } lottur. bim < d.ijs nnd mailings Mrs 11 Hooper. 14J2 Ave * nuti H , mint L-ornur 15th strcot , Council lllulIVj I'eims , 5Uo and tl.OO. " 17OK STor : want S\ - Kent-Wanted- ] j ou -A- to liuv. soil or rout anytliliii ; In Ilio rual estatti line don't do It until > on lia\o boon onr Inr/o list of bargains S\\uii \Valkci , No. 1IU Main and III 1'u irl slrputs. Cotintll IllnlTs IJASTIJHAOKloMiorso , miiy bu lmd oii tbe JU.illu her f.inn. Apply to John C. I.oe , 100 lire uluuy. " 1711 NT bred liotso. tbat can bo it ' . ' -.II , will Hull -L or trndc. Addinss or cull on 1) ) Iliuwu. " UStst Hroadwaj , Council lllulls. Fou IUNT : Onu of the lui ) _ . Missouri Valley , la. ; ono block fron. depot ; - ' lilooUs fro-n postolllcu ; J3 good looms , partly furnished ; easy terms to light liaity. Address II. O. XVurnor , Missouri V AThwan 4. Walter's IIJ Main htiect and 11 1'eail , Council lllttrN , yon will always lln , .1 "snap h ir , ; iln" In real estate If you want tq buy , or a good plate to list u bargain If you mint to sell or trade. FORbAM' ! A n abstract and Insurance hush ness ; good Ilvory MocK mil continuing liU. lerest In nn established business Will tnkej some good city pioporty , Johnston .V. Van fatten. t Tj'OI ! ALlKlegant tijain and line -L hlnL'lo dt h IMS ; prl es 10 isnn-iblu , cull and see theiii befoio bin In. . Isaio M , bnilth , sales stalilis ! xo. 41t ) North be\onth stiuut , ( . 'ounell lllnlTs MAOMf ll'HNT aero nropeity In lUe-acro tiaets loeitted " milts from postolliee , foi sale on leabonablo tuims soim > llnu icsl- dtneo piojierty for rent bv Day & . Ileus. .SAM. Our fine family hor-e. miltablo for riding or ilflInj. . Apply to l.U b. OtU ect. _ _ IjlOK Ur.NT Tlio MoMubun blook , a stor * -L brick , with basomunt and elevator. J. W Siilro. | ; ui I'oarl at root. ITIOK s u. K or Itont JKrJia land , Wit ? JL' houioi , or J. It. Uloa. 101 Miln nt , ( JouaoU Bluffs ji. ii , i'ii.i.itiiiieiix , Ji. it. Kje , Knr , Noio and Thrunt SH | > ( .ll\hlU CouncillllurTi , - . town , buru ujtii , cross oyoi imlnrul nnd weak vision , J , ilt-ifnuia , < IH- charKUi I ruin tlio oirs , cV tnrrli , buy fovur , ngthniu' nnd all acute und clironlu iltectlonj of the thru it it 'paililty ( ilnii uyui nt- luilwliliQiitpniii ( ilnmu , acciirituly proiorlbe ! In ilinicult c 1101 , urton curing chrcinlo nuiiriUU and elci lieadii-lia. Hnruleil operation ! , f ion noco iry , pilnluiily purf'irinul , ainrln { he it rixulti OlUcu.hliUkntt-llenii Uluci , ruu-nl Council llluUi , U I'rao tleo In thu mid con its , KoDtns .1. 4 and lltno block. Council IlltilTs. la. HI ril,1lllllPr5 Attorney at f.ixvf. No 10 . J. tllillllULIb , | > 0irl strout , oviir llnsh- nulls store Ti-lophono No 3" l Iliisincsa IIOIIIH. U u ni. to'J p. in. Uouncll IllulH la. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAU DYE WORKS All kinds of Dyliu und Ulc.iniii { dona In tba fllKbi-sfityloof tbo Art , Fatiu I and Ht.ilnoil I .ibrlcu inadu to look ai KCIOI ! as MO.T Hud luiitiura lioaiidl Hy Mcatn , In I rst I'lnis \Vorkproniutlydonunnl dollvorod In uti iriru of the country bond for prlc4 " 0. A. MAOIIAN. I'rop IQU Ilroadwar. North vojluru COUNCIL lli.iifi-s IA. Gas Heating Stoves. No ASIIKH ! No hunKE. J uit tbo tbliiK for butb rooms , bed room * , eta Call and fct-o our lar u a C. D. Gas nncl Elootno Ughl Co. 211 1'tarl and 810 Mulu 3trcat ,