Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1891, Part Two, Page 13, Image 13

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Grateful acknowledgements Thcso
tf Am I really cured ?
OMAHA , Neb. , Juno 1,1891. Dear Dr.
Goo Wo : I write to toll you that since
treating with > ou I have boon a
changed man. Not long ago when several -
oral doctors hero in Omaha told mo that
I had an incurable case of consump
tion I thought I was doomoJ , but under
your care I was cured in as miraculous
it manner as over was a human being.
My cough has entirely ceased. 1 will
call and son you soon. G'nxl byo. you
may publish this letter. Vourp ever
grateful. MAUTIN L. Axut'iisoN' .
li > nrl and Clifton St , Clifton Hill.
OMAHA. Neb. , May 1 , IMM. I have
Buffered for 10 years from lost vigor or
loss of manhood and was completely
run down. My memory was poor ,
health bad , and 1 began to show symp
toms of ins \nity. I never doctored for
years as I had not much faith in tuiv-
oncs ability to cure mo. but at last I
thought 1 would try Dr. C. Goo Wo. Ho
has treated mo for three months , and
today I am feeling perfectly well and a
man in every scnce of the word. His
medicines are wonderful.
IlAuitY MovrAorn ,
700 N. 10th S : .
This certifies that I hnvo Ivneu under
the treatment of Dr. C. Gee Wo for nick
headache and gonnral debility. Could
not do anything. I now feel , after -
VTOOKS' treatment , perfectly cured. I
liavo previously tried all Kinds of medi
cines and doctors. Always relieved
only for a time. Anybody wishing to
BOO mo can hce mv healthv appearance
by calling at Io02 oth St. [ Signed ]
MUb. H. LITOK , 1502 nth St.
Dr. C. Goo Wo Dear sir : For the
past 0 years I have doctored without
success for heart disease , pain in the
chest and kidney trouble , and since I
have undergone a short coin-no of medi
cine with you I can say I amalmnat well
of them all. - [ Signed ]
West Albright , South Omaha.
1 have .suffered for some time from
female weakness and sick headache ,
and could not got any rolio. from any
eourco whatever. I was asked by some
friends to try Dr. C. Gee Wo. and now I
am happy to say I am quite well again.
I have , and will in futuro. recommend
his treatment to all my friends , oa his
cure has been permanent and very
much to my satisfaction. [ Signed ]
2050 Q St. , South Omaha.
And of all the great Chlnoso
philosopher * must ba studied
by Chinese in order to gain
the respect of his countrymen.
Dr. C. Gee Wo was born 3S
years ngo , and received his
lirst instruction in a lurge
Dublin school. He next on-
tcrud an academy containing
S.oOO students , and after
studying a number ot years
botany , matera modica , phy
siology and hyciono , uhlloso-
phy , chemistry , mathematics ,
astronomyotc. . in fact o very
know branch of science ho
began to talc a instruction
fioni his learned father in
testing and discovering th
actions of the different medio
cines vegetable substances
which wore indigenous to
China , Ho was now ready to
enter the National Medical
College at Pole In. which ho
did but only after ho had been
thoroughly examined as to his
qualifications to learn the
noble art of healing. Ho sat
isfied the faculty that his pro-
ten sions to bo a doctor were
not groundless , and was al
lowed to enter the rolls
of the college as a medical
biudont. His course of study
at that noble institution em
bracing all the ditTcreat
studios pertaining to the an
atomy of species was rigid indeed , but
by indefatigable application and en
thusiastic /eal ho mastered his studies
and graduated in eight years first in a
brilliant class meritoriously receiving
his diploma as a doctor of medicine.
Hu then studied undnr several high
physicians and re-solved to enlarge his
sphere of usefulness by travel , and in
vestigate the medical procedure of other
countries. Ho came to this country and
resolved to remain as ho was fascinated
by the free and enlightened spirit of
the people of the United States. Since
then hundredsof sick and suffering with
chronic and stubborn diseases hnvo
( locked to his ollico and his profound
medical experience oogan to toll.
All Diseases of
For the benefit of those who cannot afford to come t3 Oimh\ and se3 the Donor In person , ho has
resolved to give his follow man thebenefltof his marvelous remselies You can get the mjdlclnes from
your drugzlit or by writing to the Chinese Medicine Co. , Omaha , Neb. It will be sant prepaid to any
atldr Si. There are only eicht different medicine ? pat up , each 0119 for a certain complaint , as the doctor
does not pat up cur * alls. Those persons dsslrins otier medicines , for diseases not harein named , must
write to the doctor , enclosing 2o stamp for reply. To such , the doctor will sand , free of charge , a book
and a question blank. Fill out the question blank with tha symptoms , and the neosssary moJIclne to
suit the cass will be sent , sealed anl free from public caze.Tlisse are the medicines you can gut from your
druggist or from Dr. C. Qe e Wo :
5r. C Gee Wo's Lost Manhood Cure.
Dr. C. Gee Wo's Kidney and Liver Cure. "
Dr. C. Ceo Wo's Rheumatism Cure.
Dr. C. Gee Wo's Sick Head ohe Cure.
Dr. C. O3 e Wo's Indigestion and Dispepsla Cure.
Dr. C. Gee Wo's Female Weaknsss Cure. ' '
Dr. C. Gee Wo's Catarrh Cure. ( . -
Price per bottle , $1.00 ; six bottles for $5.00. ,
Put up by the Chin ese Medicine Co : , headquarters ' ana main offices Omaha , Neb. Chinese office.
Fekin , Cnina. ' '
Office Hours from 9 a , fit to 9 p , m , Every Day
Consultation Free
Ho is a Chlnoso physician
who after a life tlmo of study
in China among 600,000,000
neoplo comes to this country
located at Omaha , and in two
years cnrns such a golden
reputation that his name ia
on every tonguo.
are beginning to send him
chronic cases that their ut
most skill could not overcome.
does it. "Surely doctor , "
one of thorn exclaimed , a
short time ago , "you do not
pretend to understand the hu
man system bettor than
American or European doc
tors. " "My dear sir , " ans
wered the Chinese phy
sician , "you doctors are i > o
biased in favor of your old
school of medicine that you
ascribe all of my meritorious
success to luck. I do not euro
disease by examining the
parts of the human system ,
by being able to tell the
Latin and Greek names
of the bones , muscles ,
tissues , etc. , but bv studying
the disease , examining the nature and
characteristics of my patients and judi
ciously giving them the use of my Chi
nese Medicines , which I have learned
by deep study over all the surface of
China to bo a swift panacea for all of
the most terrible afllictions to which the
human body is heir.
by the hundreds have been beheaded ,
and the Chinese doctors are imme
diately ready to examine miuutoly
every part of man's wonderful mech
anism and to experiment with certain
Do you wish to learn mv wonderful
treatment'1"asked ; Dr. C. Gee Wo. "Oh ,
No. the other doctors ah would
ah oh certainly. " ' 'Your patients are
a thirdly consideration. I do not think
you care to learn anything now , you
know all , public opinion is n good
thing , and the learned man took his
DOCTOR jm VOL' ' !
Explain That Man's
O3IAUA , JUMP 0 , ISfll.
This ia to certify Unit I htul Soiivlio
Rheumatism about But on years , and al
though I treated fur it almost contin
ually , and went to two Hot Spring , I
wns only nblo to obtain temporary re
lief. I was advised to try Dr. ( . ' dec
\Vo , but had so little faith in him uluii
liu told mo ho could cure me that I re
quired a guarantee before I would treat
with him. Much to my surprise ho had
entirely cured me. i consider him : i
clover m\ti : and a skillful physician.
JOHN SIIKLUY. 171 i > Cuss St
For the last few yeari 1 linvu boon a
victim of chronic sickness of \oril
kinds. My trouble bofjati with rhou-
matlsin , then homori-lia o of the lun s
and llnallv heart disease coiniK"ti ] , y
wrecked mo. I sold my proportj and
wont to Kuropc. 1 spent most of my
money triiug to pot well. At last I re
turned to Omaha and bognn to doctor
with the Chinese Doctor. Ho has t > u-
tiroly cured ino and today I am grate
ful in attesting to his skill. I will advise -
vise nnyonosutToriiiR : is I did to too Dr.
0117 Eighteenth St.
South Omaha. Oct. 11 , IS'.X ) . Dr C.
Gee Wo Dear Sir : I feel very grate
ful to you for the good you have done
( or mo in the past seven weeks. I am
fooling well and strong again , nftiT being -
ing treated by some of the best physi
cians for 8 years and teeoiviiHr but little -
tlo bcnolitJ I am willing that } ou
should use my n.ime in any way youseo
lit if it will bo of any bone'llt to others.
I shall always remember you for the
good you Jiavo done mo" , and faliall
always speak a gnod word for vou
[ Signed ] Mils. T. G. lll ( K ,
Albright's Addition. South Omaha.
Dr. C. Gee Wo Dear Doctor : I
write this to thank you very much for
your kind and olllcacious treatment in
my case , during the last two months. I
have not over felt like I now do , halo
and hearty. My disease , general debility -
bility , pains in the chest hnvo nil gone.
My brother' * family are likewise in
good health. I write this and you are
at full liberty to publish it in order that
my frinnds may find that I owe my peed
health to you. With best respects , I
am tiuiy. M. V. VAN' Wouxinit.
17J7 3rd St. , Council BlulTs , la.
11 DOCTOR : o. QEE wo , 019 % North. ietn street I
TIITO UTi'MMr > r > n i r ivrITI PT
Df the Union Park Trotting and Running
Scenes at the Council muffs Park
The llorscH on Hand and Those
to Conic A List of
The spring trotting anil running mooting of
the Union Park association opens up at Union
park , Council Blnffs , next Tuesday , contlnu-
'Incr until tbo 12th inclusive.
Prospects nro flattering for ono of the larg
est , most interesting and successful racing
sessions over held In thU part of tbo coun
try , and with good weather their fulfillment
Is Inevitable.
The association , of which John T. Stewart
Is president , and Nut Brawn , set-rotary , has
i pared neither money or labor to insure this
end , unil it is gratifying to learn that their
efforts are to bo abundantly rewarded.
Thoroaro hundreds and hundreds of lovers
of fast norse Utah in this city , Council Hluifs ,
nnd tbo surrounding country , and there Is no
reason why the meetings of the Union Part
association should not bo us suc
cessful as these held at St. Paul , Minne
apolis , Kansas City nnd Denver.
The presence of a largo crowd on the open
ing day will insure this , us the trials of speed
down on tbo card , and tbo class of horses on
to red cannot fall In giving the coiuplctcst satis-
fnctkm. A good tlrstduy moans a vast deal
to the general success ot the wbola session ,
and Judging from tbo unusual Interim man
ifest the management will receive this.
The Council BIuRs park Is one of the most
picturesque and accessible of nil tbo numer
ous parks In this part of tbo country , and ttio
course unsurpassed in tbo United States. It
is a full mile , with tbe finest of curves , and
very fast , and there is not a driver or a
: jbcioy who has over driven or rludou hero ,
but who gives it tbo preference over all , The
grandstands are large nnd commodious , com
manding an unobstructed view of the entire
circuit , wbllo tbo refreshment and stabling
facilities are. convenient anil most complete.
The stretch of scenery to bo surveyed from
ttio grand stands is a beautiful ono indeed ,
tbo park with Its expanse of sheenv turf and
groups of graceful maples to the loft , nna in
front and to tbo north tho. verdure-clad bluffs
v Uh sinuous roaches of the glistening river
occasionally breaking on tbo eye. In this
plorlons Juno weather , with the added stimu
lus of sleek aim' satiny trotters and runners ,
shifting In tbe near foregrouml , the speotaulo
Is indeed one calculated to quicken the pulse
and eliuldou the eyo.
Already there nro many hones on the
grounds , and more are arriving every hour
and all Is bustla on tbe track and about tbo
stable ? Tbo Sioux Rapids meet is afl and all
tbo horses entered there will arrive today ,
witli tbo majority ot tbo Myers seen at the
recent Sioux City meet and a number of
ipcciivl events will be provided In order that
ill desirous of competition will bo afforded an
opportunity , and the card will bo really a
good ono.
Ignis Faluns , Nat Brown's 110,000 utallion ,
attracts much attention , Ho U a handsoma
bay , with a morn of 2:23 , and tbo best of
blood courses through his veins. Ho was
sired by Editor (2123) ( ) , mark 3'i'lslro : of
sixty-tbrco trotter * and eight paceis In the
2:30 : list or bolter. Hlsdam was Lulu Wllkes.
by George Wllkea.
Kd Ktuowalor , tbo phenomenal young
tracer , Is another notable horse on hand. lie
iimda a record of 13 "JU In his two-year-old
form , uml Is coming every day. Ho Is tha
'property of Klmor Solomon of this city.
Kd Perry of Wnhoo is on hand with a num
ber of good ones , among which are Uoldle ,
Misfit and Happy May. In addition to these
ro Hanuory .v Callony's WlniloxT Wllkcs
'ul ' Jilonmout ; H. J. Parrlng's Olou Wllkes :
Ur.Vaao Gary's Ivanhoo , En Wlckeiu's
NellloCaffroy ; W. H. Dudley's Chester D ;
Ed Pattco's Sailor Boy , and dozens of
There nro also a largo number of runners
on hand nnd moro are to como In today and
tomorrow. There aio good event ! down lor
the bang tails each day , and the chances are
for several extra dashes , as everything Is
to bo done to make the programme the best
that has ever been given hero.
The Union Park association will hold Its
summer meeting at tbe Omabu driving park
the first week in September , 1 to I inclusive ,
and again nt Union park , Council BlulTs ,
Septembers , 0 , 10 and II , and the fall meet
ing at tbe same place October 20 to ' 1 Inclu
Following nro the entries for this week's
moot :
Trotting. 2:50 : class , purse $100. Nabob , b.
g. , S. D. Yeoman , Sioux City.
Sailor Boy , ch. s. , E. Pattoo. Noola.
Lady Ayroa , g. in , W. E. Pritchard ,
Happy May , b. m. , Bntton & Perry ,
Nellie CalTroy. br. m. , EdVichbam , Coun
cil Bluffs.
Frlsno. b. g. . II. W. CUman , Omaha.
Chestnut Wllkes , b. in. , W. C. Swartz ,
Silver City.
Oliver J , b. g. , C. D. Talmaco , Denver.
Miss-Fit , Britton & Perry.Vayno. .
Trotting , 2 : ' . " . ) class , purse MOO.
La Count , b. g. , H. D. Hills , Syracuse.
Bay Fran if , b. g. , A. Tnompson. Omaha.
Oregon Patchen , b. g. , B. E. Grant , St.
JohnnloBo gs , b.s. , Matt Robinson , Omaha.
Black Jim. b. g. , J. O. Barnes , Denver.
Victor \Viikes , g. g. , F. L. Uathburo , Den
Wander , t. g. , D. Joycie , Sioux City.
Running race , live-eighths of a uillo , all
ages , purse fciOO. S.QVOII entries.
\V K1)N'KS1 > VV * KCONl > l IV.
Class , ! > : 10 , purse SIOO , entries not com
Free-for-all pacing , purioSIOO.
Kd Uosowater , g , s. , E. Solomon , Omaha.
Joseph L , s. g. , A. J. Potter , Otntilm.
Aluiont Baahaw , g. 3 , F. Burns , Ida
Grove , Ia.
Running , nil iigos , three quarters of a mlle ,
purse $ 'MO , eight entries.
TIIUII4D.VY , rilllll ) IUY.
Trotting , 2 :3. : > class , purse WOO ,
Wander , D. Jayclo , Sioux City.
Mnxor Cobb , Jr. , b. s. , F , M. Pierson , Au
burn , Nob.
Bay Dan , b. g. , Woitcott & Britton , St ,
.Mazy B , b. in , M. Robinson , Omaha.
Ethan Alien , b. s. , Adam Thompson ,
Sailor Boy , ch. s. E. Pattio , Ncola.
Billy Burton , b. s. , J. D. Yeoman , bloux
Pacing , 2"i : ! ) class , purse ftOO.
Montog , b. s. , Dr. J. II. Mllburn , Mochan-
csvllle , In.
Prlnco Alraont , b. s. , Adam Thompson ,
Davy B , g. g. , Ed Burk , South Omaha.
Kosouls , b. p. , Aniojsa Pratt , Cushlng ,
Ciroat Western , ch. s. , G. F. Balloy , Fair-
Running , tbreo-year-olds and over , purse
$200 , llvo entries.
Freo-for-all trot , purse $300.
Jessie Gains , b. m. , R. T. Knlba , Sioux
Almont Bashaw , g. s. , F. Bunu , Ida
Boimer Boy , b. g. , W. W. Scott , Beatrice.
Priuco Mc.Mabon , b. s.
Imnmau' b' Dot nls
' ' B < Cunningham ,
Thalburg. b. g. . C. C. Bates , Dos Mollies.
Winslow WilUos , b. s. , Flunnery & Col-
lonv , Omaha.
Block Victor , b. g. , James Flaunory ,
, Omaha.
. , . . - - - - , Brothers , St.
Flossy Rood , b. m. , O. L. Maxwell , Koar-
noy.Joseoh L. , Sp. g. , H. A. Potter , Omaha.
BUly Maccrackeu , b , g. , F. M. Dally , Au-
Abdallah Wllkes , b. s , A. Canflo'.d , Tecum-
Running , threa years and over ; puno fcXW ;
cloven entries. _
Do Witt's Little Early Risers for the Liver
The Latest Gossip from the Busy Basebill
for the Bykers The Knights
of the fllits The Uitco Track
and Sport * of All
Tboro is an unsettled and uncertain condi
tion of things existing In the Western asso
ciation that pnrtenas speedy developments.
St. Paul is In a financial strait , as tbe check
they gave to Omnha a couple of weeks slnw
in payment of their guamntco munov was
allowed to go to protest. Whether this has
been settled yet or not Is not kuown , but it is
evidence enough that the apostolic aggrega
tion is on Its last loa. However , Its affairs
may bo arranged so as to enable it to pull
through , but it Is highly doubtful. Lincoln is
making dally pleas for support , and it must
come , or it Is good-bye Lincoln. Notwith
standing the Farmers have a powerful team ,
nuu nro In the lead for the pennant ,
they are receiving next to no
patronage at all , and such an oxpcnslvo lux
ury cannot bo sustained much longer unless
there Is a change for the oottor. If Omaha
cannot capture the Hag , every crank would
prefer to see It go to the Nebraska capital ,
which is moro than Lincoln can say for
Omaha. Still there isn't any very great
danger of the pennant going there , It Is a
long ways off until October 1 , and In the In
tervening period Milwaukee , Kansas City
and Minneapolis ara bound to bo heard from.
Milwaukee has a splendid outfit and is put
ting up the stlffost kind of a game , and her
chances are among the best. Kansas Cltv ,
with her able corps , cannot continue much
longer In the hard luck that thus fur has
overshadowed her efforts , and when shodoes
begin to come , sho'll como llko a whirlwind.
Minneapolis bos materially strengthened her
team , and is playing tbo most uniform ball ,
Just now , of all of thorn. Her chances are not
to bo sneezed at. Omaha Is doing well , and
promises to do better , and If beaten it will bo
by only n length or two. Sioux City , St. and Denver are slowly , but surely sur
rendering hope , and another month If they
fail to brace up , will see thorn out of the
race. Then expect n crash. A llttlo moro
wisdom In tbo formation of next season's
circuit will oparo ttio management and the
fans a vast amount of worry , nnd It is sato to
suy that at least three. If not four of the clubs
now In the Western association will not bo
n U again.
Na lt > 'n Costly Hronk.
Tommy Naglo , the old Omaha backstop ,
mysteriously disappeared at Chicago the
other day and all the fans were banging by
the oars. Detectives were put on Tommy's
track and ho was treed at his homo in Milwaukee -
waukeo along with hU runaway bride , Miss
Natalie Morgan , pnpa Morgan refused his
blessing on the return of the pair , but your
Undo Anson didn't. Ho took Tommy back
and knpt him ono Oay , and then as a reward
for his short-coming presented him with lux
release. Tommy wrote to Manager Shannon
to know what Omaha would ao for him , but
as tbo Lambs have two first-class catchers in
"Old Cy" nnd Billy Tratlloy , they could do
nothing. Tommy now open to an engage
Shannon anil the CroriM-IOyinl Hoy.
The superstition of the average ball player
is well known. Friday U a black day to
thorn all , and to meet a funeral or a watrou
load of empty barrels while on the way to
the groumU means sure defeat , If u player
going Into the park stubs hit toe , bo must
turn back and again carefully walk ever ttio
obstacle. Besides tbeso tboro nro scores of
other ovll omens , but tbo bane of a bail
player's existence Is a cross-eyed man or
woman. They inevitably bring bad luck. A
case lu point U that of Manager SLannou on
their late visit to Milwaukee. On the first
day cvorytning was lovely and tbo
Lambs won easily , but on tbo
second day a crass-eyed Western
Union telegraph messenger strolled in
to the hotel where the boys were stopping.
Shannon saw him and bis heart sank , but
when the ovll genius took a fancy to Man
ager Danny and followed him about the cilice
as if ho was a curiosity , he was driven to
desperation. Ho went to the clerk and told
him if bo didn't fire that boy out of the ofllco ,
ho would kick him out. And as circum
stances would have it , wbilo Shannon was
talking to the clerk , the boy with the bad
oycs approached and said : ' 'Say , who told
you you cold play balll" A dextrous dodge
saved his anatomy from a collision with the
manager's onorgotia foot.
"That settles It , " remarked Dan to
Donnelly , " wo nro in for some bad
IUCK. I never had anything effect
mo like the sight of that boy. "
An hour afterward the boy came Into the of-
flco and inquired for McCauloy. Ho had a
telegram for him from his homo in Indianap
olis , notifying him that his wife was danger
ously 111 , and to como homo.
"What I toll youl" remarked Shannon , as
Allen hurriedly seized his grip and started
for the train , "that boy has done us. "
"Don't worry , " returned Jocko Halllgnn ,
wo can lick these duffers with eight men. "
But In the afternoon , Just as Shannon bad
climbed Into the buss to go to the grounds
for the game , that Irrepressible cross-oyod
messenger ncam made his appearance.
This tlmo ho had a telegram for Shannon
himself. His face blanched as ho took the
missive. Ho know it bore evil intelligence ,
and ho hesitated before tearing It open.
It read :
HiiiixjKpnirr Conn . Miiy 21 Uattlo lylns at
the point of death. Oomu Homo Immedlatuly.
Shannon Jumped trora the 'bus and burned
to his room , changed his clothes and caught
the 2:30 : train oast.
And Omaha lost the game
The TcnniH Cliil ) .
Through the energy of the officers of the
the Young Men's Christian Association Ton-
nls association ftvo now courts hnvo boon
built at the club's grounds on Harnoy street.
The wtaolo number of courts Is seven , and of
thcso the tivo now ones ara models. They
have boon cnrofully graded , clndorod nnd
rolled with thostoain roller ; ample space on
the side lines and bacic of tbo base linoi bos
been reserved for playing. Owing to the
rainy weather the work on the now courts
was delayed , but they are now ready for the
lovers of the "gentlemanly sport. "
The membership of the association num
bers nearly forty and Is confined strictly to
members of tho'Younrt > Mcn's Christian asso
ciation. Among tho'rtKjular playora hero are
probably the best wlcldors of tbo racket In
Omaha. The percentage of old college mon
who learned their gdrmi at the Now England
schools Is largo. It h Intended to hold a club
tournament within a month from date , and at
tbo present writing tbb result in singles und
doubles Is doubtful , although Doano , with
practice , would put Up n better gnmo than
any one in the city , probably. But a number
of the boys will bo homo from college In a
few days , and It is htntod that tboro are some
"sharks" in the delegation.
It would bo Interesting to hold a ladlos'
tournament this soo.4011) ) and the tennis club
will bo glad to offer ltd 'grounds ' for the pur
pose , There is material In this city for ladies'
singles and mixed doubles , and a tournament
would call it forth. The high school tennis
club will hold a tournament on the club's
grounds at n near dayv"
The entries for slrikfoa have not boon made
for the association tdurnaincnt , and it will
rvqulro several weeks' playing ore the men
can bo classified. Will Doano and Arthur
Guiou , Herbert Rogers ana Battln , Richard
son and Brown , Hholdon and Oigood and
others will play lu doubles.
Tha following are the officers ot the asso
ciation : M. W. RlcaanUon. president ; J. W.
Battln. vlco president ; John Brown , treas
urer ; \V J. Foyo , secretary.
Breakfast for the C'runlcH.
Omaha is playing good steady ball.
Milwaukee U making a killing spurt.
Stafford Ueops UD hls'llck at tbo stick.
The Diamond has quit Its baseball pools.
What has become of White Wings Teboanl
John Irwlu's Uttlo boy died QUO day lost
Milwaukee Is about through with Gussla
Dave Rowos smllo those days wouldn't
melt a bar of railroad iron. His team is put
ting up a great game but doosn't draw files
at homo.
Campion Is in it on first with big Tom
Kansas City's poor showing Is hard to ac
count for.
Omaha Is turning out bandsomo crowds of
the fair sex.
Old Joe Miller has caught on with the
Corn Huskors.
Duluth yearns for St. Paul's franchise and
may got It yet.
Joe Walsh hogs the newspaper notices In
the cities abroad.
Old Jacir Uowo gallops right along abreast
the young bloods.
Howard Earlo , now with Milwaukee , was
married la. t week.
Has anybody heard a word about Pool
Burns this season i
Dave Rowe would bo the right man In the
right place ut St. Paul.
Charllo Spraguo's debut at St. Paul was
anything but electrifying.
Flanagan , ns yet , has failed to make his np-
pearanco on first for Lincoln.
Park Swartzol was with Lincoln In 13S7.
Ho pulled them out in second placo.
The Apostles cling to the last hole as If
they intended to hold it. to the close.
And rnaybo the Farmers didn't play In
luck In their last scries with Donvor.
The warm weather pitchers nro about duo.
That gag won't hold good much longer.
Billy Trutlloy is catching as good ball as
any catcher In the Western association.
There will bo a largo and onttiusiastlcldol-
ecatlon go down to Lincoln this morning.
Abnor Dalrymplc plays ball Just llko ho did
six years ago. He ranks vorv bleb as a left
Elmer Foster cost the Kansas City club a
llttlo mint , but as yet ho has done next to
Larry Twltohell loads the left fielders of
the Western association , If not of tbo whole
Omaha regrets that she lot young Stafford
go. Ho Is the best man In the ! armors' Alli
ance team.
Omaha has four ox-brothorhood players In
her ranks , and they nro daisies , too , everyone
ono of thorn.
The Lambs will bo homo ono week from
Tuesday , when Kansas City will bo here for
three games.
Managcf A'nn Horn says ho will win a
sramo or two bafora full or ho wont have any
salaries to pay.
Trodway aad McGlono were godsends to
Minneapolis. Tredway alrea ly leads the
team In bltttnp.
"Toad" Rimsoyis getting in condition nnd
will pitch in Thursday's gaino against
Omaha at Denver.
Milwaukee has signed Gus Kroclr. the old
Chicago pitcher , young Mcakln of St. Louis
and Rojontlml of Ilolo' .
( Jeorga Strlof. the ola tlmo Cincinnati second
end baseman , has succeeded Collins as a
\Vesturn association umpire.
Manager Watklns of the St. Pauls made a
bid for the management of tha Wasbingtons
He has a hankering for Uilondors.
Mlnnchan Is Minneapolis' crack sticker.
Ho corks thorn out with refreshing regular
ity. Besides being a ball player , Minnie Is u
U Is n notlcoablo fact that both Walsh and
Shannon play a iriich moro brilliant game
abroad than they do at home , and thov are all
right here , too.
Anu wasn't that a pamo of Shannon's nt
Kansas City last Tuesday J Twulvo chances
without an error , and three hits , two runs
and a stolen base.
Jimmy Manning declares that the Cow
boys will bo as good as second bv the middle
of Juno. If they got within hailing distance
by October they will do well ,
Lincoln will not win tno Western associa
tion pennant , nobody need worry. A careful
study of the signs of the Zodiac reveals a
uroat probability of the bunting comingrigbt
hero. May bo.
"Kid" Nichols made a record of twelve
atrlkooats against the smoked Italians ono
day last week. Tbo kid says bo has no use
for Omaha or any of Its cltlzens.and the town
might M well put up the shutters and bo
done with It.
Tbo Sporting Timestho most popular baseball -
ball sheet In the country , bat boon hand
somely Improved , H das been enlarged and
weatberboardcd. Editor Coylor Is still on
the sick list , and his pungent paragraphs are
sadly missed.
Next week commences a long slogo on the
homo grounds. Following is the schedule :
Kansas City. Juno 1(5,17 ( and IS ; St. Paul ,
June 10. SUand 21 ; Minneapolis , 2i , 23 and
2t ; Milwaukee , 20 , 27 and 23 ; Sioux City ,
Juno 30 , July 1 and ; Denver , July 3 , 4-4 ;
Kansas City , July 5 , 7 and 8 , and Lincoln , 1C
11 nnd 12.
It is funny how tbo ladies at the ball nark
catch on to the sobriquets given the various
plavors of the homo team. Sutcliffo Is in-
variablv called "Old Cy , " Grlllln "Tho Deacon -
con , " Halligan "Jocko , " McCauley "Papa , "
Shannon "Manager Danny. " Clarke "Dad , "
Donnelly "tho Yale Professor , " Twltchell
"Commodore , " and so on down through the
Whisperings of the Wheel.
Mllcago for May 1,183 miles. Pretty good
showing for the condition of the weather.
Several now members were taken In nt the
last mooting. Among whom were Dick Bolt
ar.d Sam Runimol of the Tourists.
An insurance company has boon organized
in Buffalo , N. Y. , which insures your wheel
against loss and damage by theft or firo.
The rains have Just about spoiled the roads
for several days to como. The Council Bluffs
boulevard scorns to bo the only popular run
Walt Morris Is thinking seriously of train
ing for the York races. Walt ridds a cush
ion tire , "Victor B , " nnd Is capable of mak
ing some very fast tlmo.
Quito a party of wheelmen intended to go
down to the Newton meet , but owing to the
sclfish-llke management of the races , they
have decided to remain nt homo.
Noticed quite a number of whcelrnon
In Hanscom park Sunday afternoon. What
n pity that one of the nicest roads to the park
is spoiled by rotten cypress blocks.
Messrs. Rider and Mockctt of Lincoln , nnd
Austin nf Chicago were callers nt the club
house Tuesday. Mr. Rider gave an nxhlbl-
tlon of fancy trick riding upon nn "Eagle"
m tno ovciiinir , for the edification of the
loungers at Pcrrigo's.
J. Henry Kastman will establish some road
records Just as soon as the weather settles ,
His records will all be pneumatic. Among
the first'ho will tacule will bo the Florence
and Calhoun runs. Mlttauur holds the solid
tired ordinary and sufotv records for tbo
former. The latter U hold by no ono to our
Billy Head , ono of the oldest active members
bors , has made up his mind to glvo up tbo
'blko" ns a moJo of conveyance In the future.
Wonder If ho does not Intend to buy a tnn-
com or a phaolon I When nn active cyclist
suddenly lo w all interest in the sport nnd
gives out that his wheel is for sale something
serious U the mutter.
The "Called Run" cards for Juno nro out.
Several nlco llttlo trips are scheduled. Com
mencing this morning the boys are requested
to attend the following :
Juno 7. Platsmouth and return , start nt
7 : 'M n m.
Juno 10. Florence Lake , start at 7:15 p. m.
Juno 14. Missouri Valley , start at 7:30 :
p. m.
Juno 17. Run around the cl'y , start at 7:15
p. m.
Juno 21.-Elk City , start nt 70 : ; ! a. m.
Juno 21. South Oiniibu , start at 7:15 : p. m.
Juno 21 Blair , start at 7:30 : a. m.
The members of the Iowa division must be lot , The writer notices by
a programmo for thelrstatj meet , which occurs
this month , that only two races are open.
The balance are for Iowa riders only. These
two races are run on the first day of the moot
Several of Omaha's fast mon were going down ,
but ns there Is no Inducement whatever tlioy
will probably stay at home. Cyclists hero
who only a few days ago were
llgurlng on the good time tdev would have ut
Newton tire suddenly silent upon tbo subject
and are disgusted svith the way In which vis
itors nro snubbed. If the Iowa moot U a
iiieot for Iowa men only , then O. K. ; no ono
Liut Iowa mon will attend. If It is not. why
don't the racing Ixwrd have several moro
races added to their list and give ouuidori a
chuncoi Walt until the Nebraska division
ms its moot , Then , as In the past , members
from other divisions are particularly Invltod
to contest.
Wo want our boys to inont the best and not
* > Imbued with the feeling that they are a
Ittlo empire all by themselves. Last year's
.oumamcot was open to all , aad onlv a few
of the races were reserved for Nebraakn
men.York Is the only town that scorns to want
the state moot and she ought to have It.
Many of her prominent business mon have
interested themselves in the undertaking nnrt
have manifested a desire to have the wheel
men take possession cf the town on the 4th.
The programmo Is now In the Imndt of the
printer and will bo very attractive. Chlof
Consul Perrigo assures that the races will
bo very exciting events and open to the
world. A largo delegation will go down from
hero on tbo ovnniug of the third. Let nil
turn out nnd help make the annual state
meet of Nebraska division a grand success.
Apoll > IlylcliiK Notes.
The club's mileage for the montn of May Is
1,511 miles.
Mockott and Ryder of Lincoln were In the
city last weolc ,
Five now members were admitted at the
last regular mvctlng.
Oulto a number of the boys rode out to the
Fort Wednesday oyonlng.
Several of the 'boys arc training for the
meet nt York on the Fourth.
"Monto and Mully's" now whooli have
arrived. They are "butes. "
At the last rosrular mooting the resignation
of Mr. E. R. Smith wns accepted.
What's the matter with the pool sharks ,
They do not como around any moro.
Pixloy nnil Schncll wore not in it with
WerU nt Council Bluffs a couple of weeks
Wcrtz is still waiting iiatlontly for that
Englo. with which ho Intends to do 'em nil on
the Fourth.
The called run for today Is Elk City It It
a fine run and a largo crowd should turn out.
Start , 7tO : u. in.
Two moro good mon gene wrong Waldron
now riilos n baloon-tirud safety und Bert
Potter a Victor model B.
Muntofcrlng received n vorv hard full
while riding on Hlnnoy street last Monday
evening. The result is a broken arm and u
smashed up wheel.
Heard the Omaha Wheel club wanted a
road race with the Apollos. UV11 , they can
have It any time. Tno kids would llko to SPO
how fast Colonel Jnclc Kastman can imsh his
baleen tiro.
The called runs for the month of Juno are
as follows :
Sunday , Juno 7 , Elk City. 50 mitoi.
Wednesday. Juno 10. Bayiln park , 10 mllos.
Saturday , Juno lil. rioroiico. 14 miles.
Sunday , Juno H , Glonwood. 50 miles.
Thursday , Juno IS , South Oinahu , S mlloi.
Sunday , Juno 21 , Blair , by moonlight , 51
Wednesday , Juno 21 , chair factory. 7 miles
Sunday , June 28. U : u a. m. , Panllllon , 15
miles ; 2:30 : p. in. , Imngton , 111 miles.
The runs to Papillion mm Irvlngton nro
scorch runs , All weekly runs leave club
room at7HO : p. m. Tlmo for leaving on Sun
day runs will bo on the ooard by Thursday
of each week.
O. BiFA'Doiiy , Captain.
ATMNTir , In. , Juno l.-To tint Hportlnst
julltor of TUB I IKK : I'IIMWO xtatu In Sunday' *
HKK the birth nlueo of lloli rit/slniniona , the
coiHiuurorot Jriotf Ditiiipti'y. Mitiuby.
An I.- Sidney , N. S. W.
OMAHA. Junes. To the Hportln ; ; Kit I tor of
TIIKIIKK : rio.ixi decide the folfiiwlnu and
suit lo u but : A nnd U anil 11 unit | ) , lilgli IUo ,
11 mill I ) W. A and O 47. II bliU seven ami
makes hlsli. low. Jack mid olT llvo. A nnil ( J
muko right llvo ami gamy.Vuuwliu7iiuu -
Ann. A and C.
CKNTKII , NoU-TottioSportliis Kditor
of TUB HKK : 1'loafo Htiitu In Hiinduy's HKK
whetlior MrOiirr mid Tahonii of Donvor. anil
\\llMii of KUIHHS City , pl.iyuii with Umnh.i in
M , llo does Oaiiavnn rank with Omnlia'1
present Holders ? K. I. Ouudy.
Ans , ( I ) , McGarrouly. ( Jj , Way below
lli.vm. Juno 3. To tbo Suortinz
httltorof TIIKHKK : To dcclilu u bet ulouttn
Mliitoln Hunilay'tf llr.K whether bluvlu und
fnokion over unit ? Which ilo you cotmldur the
joxt man JitvKsoii orl'orbottJ U , II , Iowa.
Ans. (1) ( ) , No. (2) ( , Juckxon ,
OMAHA. Junes. To the Nportlnii K.lltor of
TIIK HKK I'lmisenfatuln Hnnduy's HKK to ilo-
ojiln a but Did .Me A .cor KO to I'ltivuluiiil frmii
MlltriuiKfo nnil did ho eror play with Jllu-
IIMpulll' IHllllftlUHt
Au ili , Yea , Yes.
A very small pill but a very t'oo.l nna
Witt's Llttlo Early RUor *