Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1891, Part Two, Page 12, Image 12

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We arc overstocked and dull times , makes goods move slowly , so we propose to make prices that will reduce stocks in every department. We will slaughter $50,000
worth of goods in order to get our departments in proper shape for fall business. From this time on until stocks are reduced you will find prices paralyzed in
every department. Bargains every clay in the week. Come in and see for yourself
Monday wo offer choice of l t
figured Ohallla nt 2c yard , worth whole-
Halo < ! c.
Dress Goods
Wo place on our count ri Monday
over 100 piercs tin- Wool Dro s Goods ,
in plaids , in stripes , in Henrietta , in
fact , nil kinds of line wool fabrics ; they
must bo clc3"d out , the prices wo pot is
no object. They must go , as wo nro
bound to unlo.ul ; tno prtcu we quote ,
4Pcyard. is not half usual price ,
Dress Goods
Monday wo offer ! ( ) piece10inch di
agonal atripo Dross Goods , all new
spring Hhades ; they po Monday at the
f o irf ul cut price of 22c j aril . _
Black Wool"
Grenadines ,
A beautiful summer fabric , 42 inches
wide , all wool and very light weight ,
worth and cheap ut $1.J ! jfl , they po with
the other bargains atil yard. _
Black Grps
Grain Silks ,
Wo havn just 4 pieces loft , and every
yard Is warranted. They are good
value at * 1 yard. Don't forget thU
black silk at 7o. ! ) _
Bargains in Baby Carriages ,
How the Eoya in Blua Won Farao on
Lookout Mountain.
Almost FnliuloiiN Change i Which a
Quarter or a Century Have
Made In the Mist-
Crowned Mount.
Written for The /Jet ,
Your special correspondent , having sot. out
io revisit former battle tlclds by rail and
"light his battles o'er again" with n pen ,
can find no better pluco to begin the cam
paign than the top of Lookout mountain.
From a military standpoint it is unstrato-
gical to leave so much unconquercd terri
tory behind him , but us his movements have
created no suspicion as yet ho promises to
retake Nashville , Franklin and other .strong
points at such times as shall scorn most con
"Looking- backward , " lot us view Lookout
us well us it can be seen through enveloping
mist. 03 It upi > eared on the morning of No
vember 24 , 1WKI.
General Grant Is in command nt Chatta
nooga , General Hooker has brought from tha
Potomac the KlovenMi and Twelfth corps ,
and General Sherman has coino from thn
Mississippi with the Fifteenth corps. Every
thing Is ready for ono of the striking dra
matic movements of thu civil wnr
Indeed , the curtuin rose for the first act
yetttoruay , nnd without further prompting
than the word "forward , " without u pause
to shift scenes or miiku exit and en
trances. greeted by "thunders of ap-
jilauso" from every reverberating surface
around Chattanooga , 'JSXX , ( ) boys m blue
under the eye of General Grant and under
the lead 01 Gordon Granger , went through
the H rat act u gallant style , taking the Hrst
line of works in Chattanooga valley , and
carrying our advance line well across tbo val
ley toward Mission Illdpe.
The next round of tbo triple battle ( for wo
mustcbungo the figure to tmrmonlzo with a
familiar title of those days ) , was taken by
"Fighting Joe Hooker ; " and the antagonist
before which ho "squared off" on tbo morn
ing of tholMth. was no less than that rham-
nlon of the Interior , Lookout mountain.
'i wenty-fl vu hundred feet high , tbo crownIng -
Ing plateau defended by rocky palisades llftv
tq noventy feet high , a battery on Point
Lookout , unu strong entrenchments on the
Blopoof the mountain extending from west to
east around Its northern enu , it seemed as
thouuh Lookout could defy any antagonist
and laugh at all the blows which might bo
rained ajalnst his rocky ribs.
But Fighting Jo was ready for the fray at
4 a. m , , his red face shining with the Joy of
anticipated conflict , und hit backi-ri wcro
General Geary's division of the Twelfth
corps , General Osti-rhauV division of the
Fifteenth corps , and Generals Wblttakor'a
ttoil Grow > ' i brivadca of the Fourth corps.
la oracr to rive tbu readers of Tiir. BKE u
r sliUc idea of tbo battln , I lovltit them to
Ix/jvuxi l/rtjvut members of \ \ hlttakor's
brigwlv , tad vlevr the coolest from tbo right
cwvr / / tbtry flifbt tbolr wav around
, U. jLuvvJuUU ) ftcwj under the crowmug
, to the nest of
'sf j roynd ut 1 * four-fifth *
( Jurffsrl landm-apo. Dim
. ; * iUi * tn vl lule at tlmc.i
HI U * n\firj T < dJ , but much of
' ,
( * in Illinois
"rr ot that tra
Financings ,
Prices Cut in livery Department.
Summer Silks
ir tilpcps flnn miatlly Summer Pllki Monday
nt only -iv yard. A No a lot of Ilzht colors In
llrocuilu tiifUs go In the same lot iitUUu yird. :
Silk Grenadines ,
You rannot find them anywhere else at Me.
Home proplo think thry art ; not all silk bc-
catiMj tin' prl 'u Is so low. but we guarantee
cv TV liber to be silk , and they are as food as
you pan buy olsi-whero at "us end H. " > e. Our
Illsick SIR Orenadlnos at 7. > c , Me. f I. l.i"and
Jl.fjO n yard , rre the greatest bargains ever
shown In Omaha.
Oriental Laces ,
100 plere One cream and white Oriental
Ij-ire * , formerly holil from : r > e to .Vc vnrd. Von
IIM : tiiko your pick of thu lot .Monday at.O '
Jersey Ribbed Vests ,
Ziflornn Ladles' Striped .Ter ey Ribbed Vests
rhoy an > worth Just - ' . " > c. and you can take
them uway .Monday atTu each , Is Tc cheap
enough ?
ing agnlnst us. Can the mountain bo taken
against such odds )
But without stopping todebato the chances
of success or failure , wo cross Lookout creek
a mile und u half from the end of the moun
tain and uscenu the slope to make , if possi
ble , under cover of the fog , a secret side en
trance on the lofty stage of that splendid
theater of war.
After a hnrd climb straight up
the slope wo sco rising before
us n cold , gray , upright wall of
rock fifty foot high. Wo cannot cllmn to it ;
but our assigned duty is to fare to the loft ,
and advunco In line of battle along the
western slope of the mountain , to stnko the
enemy on tbo flank and In the rear , while
Hooker senks to force his way into the clouds
by nn attnrk on his front.
Now , wo appreciate tue military valu < ; of
in 1st for nn attacking force , for not a shot
has been fired at us , and our presence on tbo
mountain is entirely unsuspected. It. is as
though the Oiod of battles wcro sheltering us
with u pillar of clouds through which the
enemy could do us no harm. Hark , our
artillery in Lookout valley and on Moccasin
Point nro beginning to play the overture of
thu coming fight. What music. If or.o were
not ( [ Uito so dose to it ! Sub-bass of slcco
guns from Cameron Hill , trombone brass
pieces tooting from Moccasin point , parrotts
pounding war drums in Lookout vultoy ,
staccato notes of skirmishers , tromola shriek
of shell , unu when the con federate buttery
above our heads makes a fortissima reply , it
sounds as though the- entire orchestra of
Mai's had burst in flinders and tilled the
entire vault of sky with sound.
But the artillery overture U slackening ,
and the battle begins in down right earnest.
Judging from the sound of the contest , it is
evidently climbing up townrd.s us , ariven
from rock to rock by the terrific pounding of
Fighting Jo , ana if so , the time has coma
for our flanking force to show for
what purpose they have done so much hard
And lo , our opportunity bus roine ! for ,
emerging from a thick growth of pines , the
loft flank of the enemy's works lies In plain
view and so situated that wo can cntilado
their line or even attack them in tbo rear.
With such advantages in our favor a
formal command to charge Is hardly neces
sary , nnd down on them wo rush like the
swfop of an avatunche , tiring , yelling , fixing
biyonets us a IImil course If they slmil linger
long enough to try the taste if cold stool , but
they ' -stay not on the onlcr of their going ,
but go at once. "
And now the fog , which had lifted n little
as wo charged the works , wrapped
friend and fou nliku in its gray
folds , and for an hour or moro the
buttle may be imagined , uut can hardly be
described. It was anything that the tense
Imagination might create out of wonderfully
poetic elements. It was n chaos of vapor
wnich Inul swallowed tbo unlvorsp. It was u
cloud saturated with sound. It was Jove on
Olympus hurling thunderbolts. It was the
descent of Jultovah on a second in behalf -
half of un oppressed ) > coplo. It w ts not "tho
battle ubovo the clouds , " Dut u I a tlo in tbo
The enemy ore evidently fulling buck , but
slowly , obstinately clinging to every defen
sible position , and wo have to buy each ucro
of rock with full price of hard lighting und
harder climbing ,
Uut the enveloping vapor begins to sway
ami lift , ana show signs of parting , as though
Mars wore Impatient to view the battle and
had hired .Kolus to turn bis winds against
the mist und drive It uway. It purls beneath
our feet.anu , looking downward , we see -why.
It is Moccasin Point and. If so , we are
Hwlnglng around towards Chuttanooga , and
all except thu plateau of the mountain ubovo
thu palisades will soon bo ours !
Aud listen , our army in tbo valley below
ham caught sight of our advancing flags , ami
a SO.UX ) soldier IMMVOT shout Ioap4 upward to
greet "Old Glory1' as it waves over our pantIng -
Ing but victorious line !
Listen again , a splendid hurst of muilo fol
lows hard on the shout , to Interpret to the
car what U hero evident to the uyo :
" 'Tls the * iur span-fled banner , U long nmy U
1Tl'Jriiradabana ! luthoxalloy Is playing
K with fortissimo vim , uiid we , up hero"uro
writing with tire aud steel the score which
Ifjiplrw them.
A V'd'J-v ' ' * "ow almost clear und wo can
MO to K''tt wo drlvo the cnoray past the
l.rartm bouse , anil some distance down the
* * l rn W of the mountain , cupturinp two
I'i8 < ' ' ! L artillery aud u considerable number
of iirfoociers.
Wbwol make the victory compluto by
3 < Mn unbleached muslin 3r } yard.
Host standard prints 'Ac yard.
Host Indigo blue prints tic yard.
SU-iti ligured D ; rralcs olc yard.
Cheviot shirting's 4Jc ynrd : worth lOc.
100 pieces dro s ginpharna oo yard.
Utlcai'fi-in bleached muslin .Sicynrd.
Good 80-in bleached muslin oc yarJ.
Ou'.ing tlanncl 1'JJc yard , worth 18c.
Hcot-h zephyr gingham IPc yard ,
worth 2'tc.
White India Linens-
Just for fun we will lot out o9 pieces
white India linoniitoi.y ; ! 5io yard.
Check Nainsooks
100 nieces white check nainsooks , you
can have thorn us long as they hist at
aic yard.
Turkey Red Dam : sk
" i pieces Turkey red table damasks ,
colors are fast und they are good values
at Hoc ; they po Monday at l(5c ( yard.
Children's ' Corset Waists
50 dozen children's corded corset
waists , to close them quick , at 2oc each.
Baby Carriages at Wholesale.
surmounting the palisades and capturlnf : the
last stronghold of the cnoray )
Because , wo arc only foot soldiers. Wo
nro almost as happy as anecls , but wo have
no wings , and so cannot charge up a perpen
dicular wall of rock.
Besides , our ammunition is exhausted. Wo
started up the mountain this morning with
llttlo impediments except men , muskets
and sixty doses of that strong m ulcino
which Undo Sam prescribes for secession
fovor. The men awl muskets are here , most
of thorn , but satpotor and iraleun are lack-
Then , too , it Is late in the afternoon. Wo
have been climbing Ilka goau and lighting
HUe li ons for seven or eight hours , and a
mile or more of mountain side , still strongly
defended , lies between us and the only
road by which we can reach the top of the
mountain.Vo have done enough al
ready to inaKo Lookout forever momor
ble , ana wo will complete our contract tomor"
row , if the enemy do not decamp during the
And now , I have too much regard ror the
comfort of our UEE brovcts to ask them to
bivouac up here on the "noso" of the moun
tain , on November 24with stonns for pillows ,
focks for mattresses , nnd with rock * which
slope so much that you slip raoro than you
sleep , with a strong northwest wind blowing
and nothing but cxtromo weariness to enable
one to exact any rest from the situation.
Those of us who had to , did it : and most of
us "still live. "
As I pen these closing lines , on the peace
ful top of j ookout , taking "inino case In
mine inn , " and lifting my eyes at times to
glnnro nt the grand scenery which lies be
neath and around mo , my mind swings pcnt- !
ulum-liko through an arc of more than a quar
ter of a century and my thought ! , fall into the
rhythm of then nnd uow.
Then Chattanooga was a sprawling i illage.
Now , It is a beautiful city which numbers ,
with its suburbs , 50,000 inhabitants , boasting
a large banking capital , extensive and varied
manufacturing interests , many miles of paved
streets , moro miles of electric road thnn any
city of its size In the United States and many
local attractions which make It n Mecca o'f
visitation for ovor-incroasing throngs from
both north and south. Then , Lookout was n
fortress. Now it Is an incorporated
town , with n mayor and live aldermen ,
many beautiful residences , brand gauge
track which climbs the mountain by curves
and zigzags , a cable Una which gees directly
up the slope and another In uroccss of con
struction , millions of money already ox-
pcuded und millions more pledged to make
this one of the most attractive pleasure ra
sorts in tbo union. Then it took us seven
hours to climb the mountain , in the face of
the enemy. Now you can climb it ui hovon
minute * by the cable incline. Thi-n our bill
of faro after tno battle was coffee , hardtack
nnd "alt pork , nnd our bed roe n was all out-
doars. Now , on the highest part of the
mountain , stands Lookout inn , a splendid
hotel which cost upwards of ? IOO,000 , with
100 rooms , a noble dining room finished in
oak , wheru hundreds of guests might sit
down together nn Ideal Inn , the manager of
\vhich , Ir. Uharloi T. Wilson , formerly of
Dostori , co.nbinus the business push of the
north and the cordial hospitality of the south
o perfectly that his guests bless the day of
their coining and regret the hour of their de
parture. Then our scanty supper was dis
turbed by the olllcious otters of confederate
sharpshooters to settle our coffee with load.
Now a ttno orchestra plays Its way through
an extensive programme , while wo eat our
wny through the elaborate bill of furo
Aim n wonderful change has taken place In
tbo spirit of the southern people. They are
ttio same gallant , high-spirited people who
resisted our arms so stubbornly lu ISUi. ;
Hut they uow "shako'1 an re.idlly as they
then shot , und welcome us to their
hoinos as heartily today as they then
sought to welcome us "wilti bloody hands to
hospitable graves. "
A bountiful Incident which took place this
afternoon shows this change of spirit in a
striking way. As the writer and his brother
were picking their way nrouni Lookout
Point , trying to recall the landmarks fiiinllhir
to them twenty-olght your * auo , wo cumo to
wbnt appeared to be the Craven house , u
familiar landmark on the northeastern slopn
of the mountain , but we were not quite cur
tain. Seeing a swectfucnd lady standing in
the vard with u child in her urmt , we si\M :
"Good evening , inaduin. Is this thu Craven
"Viu , " slio replied , "this house stands on
the sama foundation , but the house of IUOM >
days was badly sputtered by shells , aud was
destroyed after the battle. "
"Anduro you Mrs. Craves I"
Ladies' ' Balbriggan Vests
We have about 25 dozen ladles' fine
bnlbrigRun vesta , low neck and jio
steovusi , they sold last reason at 4oc ;
we will close the lot Monday at He
Bargains in Wall Paper.
Ladies' ' Balbriggan HOBS
Wo offer Monday 100 do/on ladies'
regular made b.ilbi-Iggan hose at He
pivir , they cannot , bo bought wholesale
less than i2.ij a dozen , figure it out.
Ladies' ' Fancy Hose
"Wo have about 10 dozen ladies' fine
fancy stripe brilliant lisle and fine cot
ton hose , in fancy high colors , for
merly sold from 8oc to & ! : you can take
your pick of the lot Monday at cOc pair.
Children's Lisle Hose
This is indeed a great slaughter.
Children's fine quality brilliant lisle
hose , also fine cotton , in navy blue ,
seal , browns , tans , drabs ard blacks ,
formerly sold from 35c to Soc. They go
Monday at loc pair. Don't you think
the price is low enough ?
Bergmap's Zephjrs
, ' J
200 pounds Bergman's best zephyrs ,
32 laps to the pound , go Monday in the
crush at 5o OKthat's cheap.
Get the Baby a Ne\v jCarriage-
"Yes , I am Mrs. Craven ; and I did not
leave my homo until after nine shells had
gone through it. "
When wo told her that wo were in the
force which carried desolation over the Cra
ven farm , she welcomed us to the house
with the greatest cordiality , talked with us
aoout war timcj without the least troco
of bitterness , and when wo took
our leave , gave us a drink of
water fresh from the well , and presented
each of us with a beautiful rose , Inviting us ,
with a loco as friendly as the morn' , to call
As wo scrambled up the "noso" of Look
out , over which wo made a pell-mell charge
to relieve the Fortieth Ohio on the afternoon
of Novembfr 21 , 1803 , wo realized that a
wonderful change had taken place within a
generation. Then stflrn men resisted us with
all their might , whore today a gentle woman
welcomed us. Then bostilo bands offered us
cold broad on the very spot where touay hospitable -
pitablo hands gave us a cup of cold water in
the spirit of Christ , and this garden slope ,
which then flamed with battle flres , which
caused the lifo blood to dye the breast of
moro than ono oravo boy , now presents us
with roses in token of "peace or. earth , good
will towards men. " A. H. THAIS- .
For boqnot , purity and healthfulncss , Cook's
Extra Dry Imperial Champagne has no rival.
It is splendid with dinner.
In IIclV > nsc of Mine. lilnvatsky.
OMUIA , Juno 5. To tbo Editor of THE
Br.n : Will you please afford mo space In
your columns for the following :
In defense of the Into Mudamo Helen Po-
trowna Blavataky I would like to state that
every attack made against her character Is
false and groundless.
What is her alleged crimol or what did she
do , that such men us John C. Bundy , Elliott
Coucs and others are trying to ruin her repu
tation ) tier oltcnso is in proclaiming the
truth as she saw it. Her motto always has
been , and Is , "There Is nothing higher than
truth. "
Every truth-loving manor woman who will
investigate her doctrines must admit that her
teachings ore of the purest. They briefly
are ; Man , know th > self , purify yourself ,
subdue your lower miinial nature , live up to
your higher self , purify your thoughts , hvo
for others rather than lor self.
The objects of the society shn founded ,
worked and lived for , uro as follows :
1. To form a nuculus of a universal brother
hood of humanity without distinction of raco-
creed or color.
! J. To promote the study of Aryan and
other eastern Uturaturas , religions und
sciences aud domouitruto the importance of
that study. i > ( >
U. To investigate unexplained laws of nu-
uro and the p.yscbivnl pjworj latent In nun.
Now I would like do ask every reader of
Tun BEE If thoivt .is anything wrong or
fraudulent in her machine * and ambitions I
Herself she always ignored. For humanity
she alone labored uu ll tolled until she died.
And now , after 3hn < jtiis : left this earth und
can no longer dofiiiiu herself , men like the
iiLwvo mentioned , iwbom she never harmed ,
attack her most niCruilL-ssly und try to slander
her In the eyes of itho world.
Further I defy nnyona to prove that she
over asked IhiancmUrcHot of any thcosophist
for herself. it-
Should any of till readers of this like to
hear any moro alxmt thcosophy I would state
that every SunJtyjiiu 4 p. m , , tbo Tbeo-
sophical society mi.sjUieotiuRs ut the Frenzcr
block , opposite iXMtqpjco , where nil questions
of visitors will bo cheoi fully mmvorod.
li. O. II. BHIIQATII. F , T. S.
DuiidrlioiiH in I o Sky.
An earuest llttlo maiden
Peered up Into the night ,
Where merry stnri wore twinkling
And marveled ut tbo sight.
"And docs the grass , " sue questioned ,
"Crow tiluo where it's so high !
And uro they dandelions
The stun , up lu the sky I"
\ \ oil .Merited Praise.
In almost every neighborhood there is some
one or moro porsous whoso lives have been
saved by Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera und
Diarrhau Ktmody.oiwbobuvo b < > cn cured of
chrorilo dlarrbua by It. Such bersous tuko
special pleasure in recommending the remedy
to others. The praUo that follows the Intro-
duulon und use inakca it very popular , ! i1
and 0c ml bottles forsalo by all druggists.
Huck Towels ,
L'ifl dozen All I.lnon Iftictc Towel * . The o
towels tire not worth 2T > o , but they tire worth
lie , but they go to reduce stoek at.l"-iO " vault.
Alarzo lot of BoyICneo Pants formerly
wild from 4S3 toTji1 , chotcn Monday at V pair.
all sizes 4 to 12 years. THAT'S CHEAT.
Turkish Towels ,
100 do/en Turkish Towels slzei 17x3fi Inches.
What do you think of It ? Only 5c.
All Silk Ribbons ,
200 pieces All Silk Klubons In number 1C and
number Hf , In plain Armures and fancy stripes
and fancy color * ; they are worth from J3c to
* 1 yard. They go Monday at lue yard.
Summer Corsets
A roju'ar ! 1 Summer Corset , In white only
at Oc. Just half price.
Bargains in Wall Paper.
Meeting of the Masonic Grand Lodge ol
A New Order for the Benefit of the
Ilcjiiilar SoldierM mul Sailors
A .Move to Protect Tliclr
nights News and Notes.
The Masonic grand ledge of Iowa held Its
forty-eighth annual session at Cedar ] Uapids
on Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday of
last week.
The report of the secretary showed a balance -
anco in the treasury of SI,5 S..W.
The. grand muster reported that six char-
ten bad been issued during the year aud
eight dispensations issued for tno formation
of new lodges.
The Committee appointed by the grand
master to cxpol members of the United States
Jurisdiction Scottish rite reix > rtcd that thir
teen of such members had been tried and
found guilty as charged. The report was
approved by tbo grand master and the mo
tion to approve the actions of the grand mas
ter iu bringing to tnal and expelling tbcso so-
called "Cornoau Masons" was made the
special order for Thursday morning.
The following officers were elected for the
ensuing year ; R. G. Phelps , Atlantic , grand
master ; W. L. Temple , Osceola , grand ward
en : J. E. Nye , West Union , Junior grand
warden ; F. W. Cua'o , Cedar Falls , grand
tieasurer ; T. S. Parvln , grand secretary , and
George B. Van Saun , Cedar Falls , cusUxllau.
The next mooting will bo held at Dubuquo.
At the tune sot the report of the committee
on Jurisprudence came up for consideration.
The committee reported adversely to u repeal
of the laws heretofore adopted concerning the
expulsion of members of tbo United Stutcs
Jurisdiction Scottish rite , and the report was
The commlttco on appeals and grievances
reported udversoly on the petition of F. C.
Hills and C. C. Wales for reinstatement , and
the report was adopted.
Chris Hartman , grand treasurer of Ne
braska , was a-visitor at the grand lodgo.
Hon. George W. Ball of Iowa City was ap
pointed deputy grand master.
The monument erected by the craft In
the United Stutcs in memory of
Brother Robert Morris , at Lagrange , Ky. ,
was unveiled by the irund loago of Ken
tucky May ' "J , the grand commandory acting
as escort. Aside from the address of Past
Grand Master Fitch , most of t'uo prourammo
of exercises was made up from writings of
Brother Morris apprporiato to the occasion.
In the table of statistics prepared by H. K.
Nicholas U. Ruckle In his lost report of cor
respondence , the total membership of
Knights Templars in the Unltud States is
shown to bo S. > ,00" > , being a gain ot ! ) ,5W in
one year. The following figures are also
given : Knighted , tl.-'SU ; affiliated , lHj ;
suspended. KJU ; oxpcllml , 55 ; died , 1,083 , U
will bo observed that the loss by dlniit ex
ceeds the gain by affiliation S90 , and the army
of non-contributing sir knights U thus In
creased to ttiut extent.
By order of the general grand master ,
Camp. Henry W. Monlhurst , general grand
recorder of the general grand council of
rovnl nnd srloct masters , has issued nn
official notlco of the fourth triennial assem
bly of that body , which will moot ut Minne
apolis. Minn. , Tuesday , July 'Jl , Ib'JI , nt ton
o'clock a.m. Arrangements nro being made
for reduced railroad und hotel rates of which
all member * will receive duo notice.
The Michigan Masonic homo at Grand
Kapids was opened for inmates on May ' 'lst.
Al lt regular monthly meeting Monday
night Capitol ledge No. a , elected the follow
ing officers : Goocgo W. Llnlngor , W. M. ;
John Prey , S. W. ; Thomas Molirtde , J. W. ;
Meyer llellman , trauuror ; John Bamford ,
secretary. The master un noun cud his ap-
NobrusKa ledge No. I elected thu following
Read These Prices.
Heavy velvet carpets S1.13 and Jl.2.3.
Othrr velvets S-jo to ? 1.10.
Body Bru elg OOo , 51.10 nnd 51.2-1.
Tapcstrv BrussoU , oOc. BOc , TOc , SOc
and OOo.
Extra super wool Ingrains , tVio and
7 c.
Wool ingnins , " > 0o and o'c.
Part wool ingrains us low ns 40c.
Cotton ingrains. l-5c , 2oc , 35c and 40o.
nomp lUic to2oc.
You nave seldom if over known as
low prices on carpets as we ar J making
now and it will pay you to examine our
stock before you purchase.
The season is well advanced and wo
want to close out our stock of mattings
which is yet quite largo.
You can have n good line to select
from nnd at almost your own prico.
We shall not ex pect to make profit
on matting remaining in this stoeK.
Gilrtains ,
Our sttck of chenille curtains is too
largo for this time of the year.
On Monday and through this week
you can buy at prices that arc ridicu
lously low , but wo must reduce our
Get our prices.
Lace GiMains.
Lace curtains will be sold by us this
week at lower prices than we can afford
but our lace curtain stock mut-t also
bo reduced.
Examine our stock.
Shades at wholesale prices for a few
ofllcers for the ensuing year : J. R. Stafford ,
W. M. ; John L. Meyer , S. W. ; John
Rodefer. treasurer ; W. C. McLean , secre
tary. The appointive officers are as follows :
( jeorgo W. Foynton , S. D. : August Schcitt-
ler , J. D. ; Henry Newell , T.
The following are the officers In Covert
lodge No. 11 for the ensuing vear : Ueorge E.
GibsonW. M. : S. J. Boden , S. W. : William
Hitter , J. W. ; M. O. Maul , treasurer ; E. K.
Long , secretary.
St. John's ledge No. 2. > , reelected the old
officers as follows : T. K. Sudboroutrb , W.
M. ; F. S. Hayes , S. W. ; W. W. Keysor ,
J. W. ; . H. "W. Slovers , treasurer ; J. B.
Bru nor , secretary.
Army and Navy Union.
Abraham Lincoln garrison No. 13 , Depart
ment of Nebraska , of the Regular Army und
Navy union , has been duly organized aud
chartered at Fort Omaha. The officers are :
G. M. Wright , captain ; David N. Driscoll ,
first lieutenant ; W. L. Allison , second lieu-
tenaut ; Alfred Hohn , adjutant ; M. Coady ,
quartermaster , John Gladiuicb , officer of
the dav.
The garrison Is officered with a full set of
subordinate officers and start-s off with a
membership of about lifty , who have served
or are now serving in thu regular array.
The objects of the Armv aud Navy union
are set forth in the following pivamblo to tbo
constitution :
Whereas. There are thousands of honorably
discharged regular soldiers and -alior , wLo
have spent the Dost day , of their lives In the
servleo of thN country , who uro today total
stranger- one another , and
\Vnoreiis , Thu army and navy of th.3 Tinted
SlatCM of America anthu prlntMitat iiirdlnns :
ana stron-Ti.-st Mipuort of vlvtlUatlnii In thu
protection of Its citizens , their lives and lib
erties , tlioir honor turl integrity , as well us
enfurcln ; the laws on tie ! frontier against the
encroachment of forelxu powers and the sub
duing of our most liaruHtlug und barbarous
enemies to clvlluutkm the wild : > nd uncivil
ized Indian- , which htivy been : i source of
blooilr slrlfo for nmny years , an I considering
It our duty for the purpose of fraternal recog
nition and the enhancement of social rela
tions between Its niomVrs , as well as mutual
protection and bonollt * , such us moral und
pecuniary benefits In vase of distress or do itli. '
und tln > continued efforts of still proiiai'Ming
the ttolfaro of our country und the progress |
of clvilUutlou In tliu future , therefore be It
Ko.solvod , I'liat we. thu rujiilais that wore !
honorably discharged from tln > regular army
and navy of thu Knltud .Status of America , do
and have orvanUcd as "The Itegul ir Army
and Navy I'nion of the I'mlcci States of
America , for th ndv.incdiutMit of and for
sov al und benevolent objects iicid purposes ,
and for thn protection and welfare of our
families and di > pi < ndt-nts.
The headquarters of the National union are
iu Boston , with ( icnorul Junies F. Hocho us
coinmitndor-in-chiof. The department of Ne
braska , consisting of several western status ,
with headquarters at Onmha , is commanded
by Perry A. Lyons , with K. J. Davis as as
sistant adjutant general.
Abraham Lincoln garrison will meet on thu
second and fourth Saturdays of each mouth
ut Pvthlan hall , near Fort Omaha.
Ills urgently requested that nil honorably
discharged soldiers and sailors of the regular
army und nuvy of the United Stutos correspond
spend with Adjutant Hohn at Fort Omaha ,
with a view to becoming uctlvo members of
the only association over perfected for the
bennlit'of tha soldier and sailor of the regu
lar service.
I. O. O. ! ' .
Omaha lodge No. 3 elected the folio wing
officers for the ensuing term : I { . N. Burgess ,
N. ( ! . ; J. K. Gillian. V. G. ; C. A. Patterson ,
secretary ; fc11. . Bryant , treasurer ; U. L.
Morgan und SilasVnght , roprojontntlvos to
grand lodgo.
The following are the oflloort of State
ledge No. ID for too ensuing term : J. T.
Vutcs , N. G. ; 11. H. Cooper , V. G.j P. Von.
strand , secretary ; Harry Jucuton. treasurer ;
P Vonstrand ana John Lewis , representa
Hesperian encampment No. 'J elected the
following officers for the ensuing term : M.
Johnson , C. P. ; J. W. Disbrow. II. P. ; D L.
Morgan , S. W. ; It. N. Burgess , J. W. ; C.
A. Puttupion , scrlbo ; George A. Bennett ,
K , or p.
Viola loduo lias merged Its official existence
into that of Marathon lodge , the consolida
tion having taken place last Monday night.
This li the second lodga Marathon has ab
sorbed , Puru ledge having boon taken hi
about u month ago.
Tbo grand ledge ot South Dakota elected
Wo are elosliiir out our too ! , of Wall Taper
at price * HO low that It will pay you to luivo
your p > pur tie < ! onu now nnd not wnit until
fallV can furnish you Hr-t ela s paper
li.inxor * and wl.'l guarantee all worn to bo
% 0i ) rolls Wall I'apcr nt 3o , So. O c. To , o
5.MO rolls Bllt Wall Taper , Tc , too , UVje , Uo
Try us once on Wall Taper , wo can save you
bltf money.
Monday wp off or I. COO China PolN , 13 Inches
lone , at liV c.ioli
H'O children's Hlgli Chairs Monday at 4 ! > o
enrh , peed ore * .
HucUeyo lawtj mowers { 4.SW.
l.CKX ) fo it lawn ho-ettc foot ; warranted.
Moot Burden rakes SSc each.
Good eirden lion 'J5Oi
? p.idrs and shove Is 4se.
Window screen frame- : > c each.
1 pound package mixed bird -eed So.
Lamp chimneys all size * . 5c each.
l.Oi'O bottles unionist lOc.
I.OcXI pint tin cups S > 5c each.
D lpper * . " > c. 7c , PC.
Cake pattle1c each.
l.dfl pie tin * Ic each.
Milk slilniniors. Ic.
Xutnies uraters. Ic.
C.iko cutters. Ic.
Tea Spoons , Ic.
Hrais bird case sprlnss , Ic.
t'epuer Uri-dce- .
Screw Drivers. Ic.
BriM Ward moo. Ic
Individual : - : ItIf. .
Ire picks V : ind I0e.
Gin > d carry comb V and IOC.
Salt- , and peppers So.
Lamp-thade .V.
Garden Trowels. 5o.
Miners. : o p.ur
\ \ lrn ( .Ii-turo cord. So paikso
Dover e ; ; b > : it T , Hit ; .
Tack hammers. 3c and 1'c.
Scrub brushes. V. IDe. .xnd USc. ,
c'opper bottom w h boilers , 3To.
Wa > h Doardi lloe.ich
ftofhes wrinsenil.7.3.
Western washing machines It
Solid copper tea kettle (1.15.
l'opp < > bottom tea kettles , iV.
Vfijot.U'pladder TVS : .
Foldlnr Ironln'J to.inU O o
J , n > claAS rose Jars We each , worth tOc. flass yauctt dishes 3So each.
1. ' 00 ul.-iss tumblern USc each.
2.00U blown ilas.s tumlers.fflc set.
Glass fruit UUhes l. > c. iV. IJ.V. wortli double
1.0 < ) i ) zl.i > .s tincer bowls lUu each , worth We.
llanil lamps Uc. 1'J and k .
Glass cream sew lUo set.
Surar. sifters , with sllrer tops I5o.
water pitchers l'Jc each.
' the following officers at IU annual sessiou at
Madison : Grand chancellor , W E. Tipton ,
Armour ; grand vice chancellor , A. D. Keller ,
Elk Point ; grand prelate , C. A. Mason , Vermillion -
million ; srand keeper of records aad seal , U
S. CJ. Cherry. Sioux Falls : grand taa.ster ot
excheiiuer. J. A. Trow , Madison ; crana
master-at-arnis , W. It. Limmernoff , HiilCitv
For supreme representatives John K.
Brenuau of Rapid City was elected for the
long term and A. C. Phillips for the short
in the use of Sulpho-Sallne cares blliousnwx'
constiuntion and all diseases caused by a ( Sr-
pid liver.
I'Kft'KuyiisT tutors.
The policeman who Un't a round Is often a
The nimble dime soon wastes the slow dol-
; lar.
lar.Ho who lives up to his opportunities is us
ually too busy to live up to his income.
Trouble drowned in tno flowing bowl is
always susceptible of resuscitation. -
It's odd , but n man with a temper like a
steel trap is always most dangerous whou ho
is unrung.
To be founn out in endeavoring to evade
the duty on wool , maices Importers look quito
Happily , the I'rosbvtarians will no longer
sec snakes. They have voted to discard It as
un emblem.
The principal charm about donning your
last suumlur's waistcoat , says u Boston edi
tor , is to tind some stray dimes and quarters "
in the corners of the poenets.
The present location of women's pockets is
very annoying to uickpockets.
A woman can hoodwink u man Into believ
ing that she is a saint ono day , a sago the
next , and a flirt the third.
Many women are as bad as they are
The orchard U thodudo of botany pleas
ant to look upon , expensive to keep , and of
no earthly use whatever.
It Ls ttio amuition of the amateur photog
raphers to make a good Impression.
Hfiivcu help that man who is so fur
beyond redemption that ho lies to himself.
Lobsters may not bo intellectual , but they
nro well red when they go to dinner.
"There is always room ut the top , " buzzed
the fly as ho sat down on a bala head.
A man may never moot thu note ho gave ,
nnd yet have u personal ucquulntnnco With i
Nothing to .spoak of a cipher.
Kven a treadmill will tarn when trodden
The toper s | > omls his time rumagln' around.
Tno c/ur requires almost as many BOldlors
to enter Moscow as did Napoleon 1.
Anomalous Philadelphia city of straight
streets and crooked wuys.
"Tho Needs of the farmer" are ono to bo
allowed to map that which ho sows.
Baseball observes every holiday by doing u
double amount of business.
Known by its spurlty Counterfeit com.
Always In the tqiring of life A gymnast.
Wo learn much from little things , onto
poultlco can uovor touch a man the art of
The captain of a vessel may not bo much
of a painter , yet ho Is looked upon as un
Ultramarine deck-orator.
Is heresy , after all , anything but hli
I-say I
A mile is tbo ccntlpodo of distance , It has
5'JSO foot.
Weeds are often made to tlplfy sin ; they
mere resemble truth , however , slnco "If
crushed to earth they will surely rlso again. "
The mini who keep ono eve on his neigh
bors when bo U hoeing his row leaves lot * of
untouched weeds anil spoils Ion of potatoes.
The haughty girl sometimes turns up her
nose so that U will not bo in the way.
The lav/yon uro a great help to the rail
roads because they uxpreis no many opin
ions.Monov spent for adhesive platters can bo
charged to payment of u back tux. ,
Sometimes it's thu hinlost kind of wark to '
got the strapping big follow to uauUlo uo.v.i
to work.
Hworn off The tight boot.
One of thu barbarisms Toaitlng la llai In
hot weather.
Take a lesson from the strawberry-box. li
s never full.