Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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"onr Secretaries Appointed from n List of
Forty Applicants.
"Jttcncly to Commence JUillilln the In-
ilnstrliil Hcliool for GlrlH-No-
brnskn Funeral Director *
-Odds and
LINCOLN , Noli. , Juno -Special [ to TUB
n. ] Tim members of the state Iwanl of
loulth , Mr-un. Thaycr , Hustings und Goudy ,
not In tlio yovornor's ofllco tills morning to
lorwldor the matter of utoiitinn | ) ! four sucrc-
.urlcs for the stntu bonnl. Thuro were uoarly
'Orty nmillcnttons lot the positions. The
uhmcti vroro Halilutimn of Ord nnd
Ueghloid of Frlond , roculnw ; Stewart of
Auburn , eclectic1 , Allen of Oinahu , homeo
pathic. Clovornor Thaycr was opposed to the
IJnppolnttnent of Stewart ol Auburn "nnd In-
fclstod on Woodward boltif , ' chosen Instead.
Jlut Hastings mid Uoudy favored Stewart
end tbo majority prevailed.
\Vhon It catno to consider how long the
Various secretaries should soivo the names
Voro ahiikon up In n hat and Ur.iwn out hap-
liarard. ' 1'hls ' resulted ns follows : IK'uhlold ,
onn year ; Htownrt , two yunrs ; Halduman ,
three years ; Allen , four years.
For sonic titnoitlio police , under the direc
tion of the mayor have been wati'hlnc the
drug stores on Hunday to sue whether or not
Iho ( h'Ufrtfista " > voro accommodating the
thirsty on thoqulot on that day. Not meet-
in ) ; with success a strruiKcr UnlHiiir from Don-
yer nnd Kivinff the name of A. N. Peters , was
Employed to como here und eo if ho
could Induce some of the druggist. !
to sell him .101110 liquor. On
Bundny ho made a round of
oil the dnlfl stores pleading physical dopros-
Blon and asking the druggists to sell him Just
f. half pint to brace himself un on. 'i'ho mi :
SJorlty of tlio druggists refused to sell with-
* cut a prescription , but seven wuro c.iugtit by
the trick. They wore : Simon G. Hay , 10'Jii
V ntroot ; n. O. Kastlm , 12i4 ! O street ; Blitz
( U. Klnnoy , M.'H ) O street ; T. J. FIOKonbaum ,
> 400 O struct ; J. O. tt'oomimor , ! 3 North
Ninth strco ; B. J. Alexander , 117 North
Eleventh street ; A. L. Shadcr , M47 O street.
Warrants were sxvom out for tno arrest of
these Bcntlemon. All of them were arrested ,
hut gave bonds for tliolr appearance next
Ilanlth Ofllccr Bnrtrnm ims completed his
Voporl of the deaths in Lincoln for the month
of May , and figures them up at thirty-eight.
t.a grippe kept up its puce during the month
ud carried olT live persons. Two deaths
.each uro lulii at the doors of tuberculosis of
the lungs , bronchitis , croup , lack of vitality
[ 4ind convulsions. There were two sulcidcs-
Iwno by mornhino nnd the other by strych-
fjilno. There was ono murder from n gun-
joliet wound. Entrocolitls , porotonltis , pueu-
tenonla , meningitis , marasmus , in Humiliation
Hut the bowel' * , auoploxy , softening of Iho
Iliraln , romittont- fever , typhoid fever , gen-
jVjral paralysis , dropsy , Wood poisoning ,
\vhooplng cough , old ngo , heart failure , and
.congestion of the lungs nro each credited
Kvlth causing a death. There were four still
corn which nro not included except in ceino-
.ery interment. Age by vo&rsunder ono , 10 ;
, , lvo to ten , U ; ten to twontv , II ; twenty to
thirty , (5 ( : thirty to forty , 3 ; forty to lifty , 3 ;
wllfty to sixty , 3 ; sixty to seventy , 4 ; seventy
/ to eighty , 1.
Adults Males 9 , females 7. Minors
i ttialss 13 , females 7. Married males 3 ,
XemalosG ; widows 2 , widowers U.
Commoncotnont exorcises at the state unIversity -
' Ivorsity luwo been in progress during the
week and will continue next week. The
examinations will bo made tomorrow ,
L'ho competition prize drills of the university
' ciulots will also bo hold tomorrow uftoriioon
on the campus. In the evening the Palladian
exhibition will bo hold in the chapel.
Kov. II. S. Wunamakor will preach the
bacealaurcato sermon nt the opera house
( Sunday morning at 10:80 : o'c'ock.
Tlio programme for next week Is ns fol
lows : Tuesday at S p.m. , commencement
concert lu the university chapel ; Tuesday ,
0:40 : a , m. , clast day exorcises in the chapel ;
"Wednesday , 2 p. in. , annual meeting of re
gents ; Friday. 10 n. m. , commencement oxor-
clses ut the opera house , Prof. James II. Can-
Hold , university orator.
TIIK OIHI.S' ituroitM scnoor , .
, Burnett Brothers of Oonuva have made
final arrangements with the board of public
lands and buildings to build the now indus
trial school for girls nt Geneva. They nirroo
toMJonstruct the building for $37.1)75. ) Work
ion the structure will commence ut ouco and
Hvlll bo under the supervision of lion John
iSteon of Wuiioo , ox-innd commissioner , who
I lias boon chosen for that position , until the
building Is completed.
onns AND ENDS.
It Is reported here today that Judge Mason
told General Vifqunln that the rumor con
necting Mtvson's name with the world's fair
commlsslotiorshlp was well founded.
The sixth annual convention of the Nebraska -
, -braska Funeral Directors' association will beheld
hold In this city next Monday nnd Tuesday
In Oddfellows' ball , Eleventh and L stroots.
There uro 130 undertakers and ombalmurs in
the association.
According to the report of Councilman
Burn a the temporary water station at C
Btreot will cost $1,370 nnd will furnish 700,000
gallons of water per day.
Sing Wall , a Chinaman , was robbed of $35
yesterday while away from his washing es
V. O. Wnrron of Omaha ; , who Is stopping
on A street , reports to the police that some
body stole a six-year-old roan mare from htm
last night that he had purchased only yester
day.Tomnoy , the second basuman of the Lincoln
club , Is suffering from n rupture of one of the
blood vessels In the head.
John Duck was tried before .lustico Fox-
tvorthy this afternoon on the charco of
Stealing forty bales of hay from a car at
University place. Although the wires had
been removed from the hay found In Duck's
barn , Biicknor & Counts , the owners of the
stolen hay , claimed to Identify it.
The Omaha club Is stopping nt the Llndell ,
The soaking rnin of tocluy prevented a game.
The Nebraska Traveling Men's association
of Lincoln will moot ut the Hotel Lincoln
Saturday evening , Juno 0 , at 8 o'clock. The
formation of a lodge of Commercial Pilgrim *
of America will como up for discussion.
In Jiidgo TIbbott's court Ambrose Eddv Is
endeavoring to collect $5,01)1) ) ) from throe" In-
JTirnnro companies. The defendants do not
wish to pay because they say the building
can be replaced for loss money.
.Harriott CoiTmnn and her husband nro dis
satisfied with the trade of their live-story
tmlldlng on O street , near Fourteenth , for a
fiirin southwest of the city. They decluro
that the farm has been sold at sheriff's ' sale
to satisfy u mortgage and has never boon re
The iMinual oratorical contest of the Union
society took plnco last evening , nud proved to
bo un.unusually line entertainment. The con
testants worn CSoorge , L , Soldon , L. E.
Troyor , MUs Loulso Pound and H. W ,
Ouatntnnco. First honors were awarded Mr.
Otialntanco , while Miss Pound carried olT
the second prize. Their subjects were "Tho
Buffrngo Franchise , " und The Last of the
Kplcs' ' ' , respect 1 vol v.
Clyde w , Wnrllo asks for n divorce from
Ills wlfo Nolllo on the grounds of unchnstlty.
Lura C. Carpenter complains in district
court that she has tint been dealt with fairly
by the United Status loan und investment
company. She owns $ -,000 stock In that
company and by nn understanding with that
company It bought at sheriff's sale her prop
erty ou Tenth near Park struot. She was to
KOI the benefit of the samo. The stock cor-
Utlcatcs she holds bear lha signatures of
Max Meyer uutl S. Sloman as president nnd
secretary , when they do not hold such oftlcos.
Shu tlu-roforo claims that the whole thing U
u scheme to defraud hor.
Do Wltt'8 Llttlo Early Hisers , fiost llttlo
jilll over made. Cure constipation every
tlmo. None i < < jual. Use them now.
, . KiincocdliiK l < Vunnutly.
* ' The board of directors of the Heal Estate
Owners' association hold u meotlug yester
day afternoon and passed upon a number of
bills , .
The committees appointed to canvas.i tbo
buslnou portions of the city reported pro-
gresi and asked for further time. The lists
produced by the members showed an encour
aging outlook , the nmount of the snbicrlp-
lions being all that hud been axpoctrd. One-
half of ono of the clocks in the ccntar of the
city produced nubscnptloas amounting to
ever WO monthlr.
The board talked ever the situation In a way nnd gnva tno committees further
time to complete their work.
Constipation poisons tno bloods OoWitt's
Llttlo Early Hlsors euro Constipation , The
causuremoved the disease Is conu.
Preliminary Trial of the Institute
Doctor * Commenced Yciterdny.
Judge Flolsloy's court wa crowded yester
day afternoon by doctors , lawyers and lay-
men. Many of the visitors were drawn there
out of curiosity to hear the ovldonco lu the
coxa against the medical Institute doctors for
the alleged killing of Isabella Ueavcr and her
Ofiloer Edfjohill brought Dr. Sinclair and
Provident A. T. McLaughlln from the county
Jail to the pollco court In the patrol wagon.
The prisoners were handcuffed together.
The wrist ornaments were removed before
the doctors entered the court room.
Assistant County Prosecutor Morlarty
arose , and addressing the court , asked for a
continuance of the case until some day n ext
week , preferably Thursday or Friday. The
prosecutor stated that Detective Haze , who
Had the case in clmrgo. had boon suddenly
called away on an errand which itva Im
possible to delay.
Attorney Frann Ransom stated that the de
fense was ready for trial und urged nn Im
mediate hearing. The prosecution was
Dually prevailed upon to call what witnesses
they had present.
Jt was afterwards learned ttiat Dotoctlvn
Haze's Imperative business was a trip to
Fremont to witness the hanging o' Sh.opb.ord
and Furst. When this was brought to the
attention of the judge ho said bo would look
Into the matter.
Ueal Ponnlugton was the first witness
called , ilo lives at Springfield , Sarpy county ,
and knew Miss Beaver and her family. Wit
ness called upon deceased at the institute
once during January , but did not know what
was the matter with her. Ho did not see or
know any of the institute doctors.
Albert U. Ilo.ivor , u brothcrof Isabcllo ,
told his story again. It was exactly the same
statement that ho made at the coroner's Inquest -
quest ami which was printed In lull m TUB
Ur.i : nt the timo.
During the examination of Mr. Beaver Dr.
McLaughlin leaned forward in his chair and
listened anxiously and intently to every word
the witness uttered.
Mrs. James Hoyco of Carroll , la. , was the
last witness examined. Her testimony was
the same ns at the coroner's ' Inquest Thurs
day ovoulne ; .
Judge Hclsloy then announced that the
hearing would bo continued until 2:30 : p. m.
Wednesday , Juno 10.
The prisoners wore again taken below and
after the handcuffs were placed upon them
were .loaded into the patrol wagon and ro-
turnc'd to the county Jail. Dr. Williams is
still out on ball.
Howe scales , trucks , cotTco mills , car-
starters , Hnrrisoi. convoyor. Catalogues ol
Bordcn & Sclleck Co. , agents , Chlcajjo , 111
May Hiivo lU-on Miirilnr.
EI.M CKKIK. : Nob. , , lune 3. To the Editor
of TiuUr.E : | : In TIIK Bir. : of May 30 is a
special telegram from this plaeo in regard to
the death of younir Watson , who was run
ning a barber shop here , in which there were
several erroneous statement ! ) . The author of
that telegram says "upon investigation it
was found that ho hud shot himself. " The
fact , is , there was no investigation. The coroner
ner came and merely looked nt him and pro
nounced It a plain case of suicide , and turned
the body ever to tlio undertaker.
Again ho says : "The boll entered his head
about an Inch ahovo his right oyu and came
out behind the loft ear. " Such was the do-
clslon of the coroner. Now as to the facts
about that : Dr. Uathnck of this plaeo
and others b'Hlovo that ho had been
shot twic . Aotinp upon that Idea ,
a rolattvo of Watson wont to
Kearney and got t.wo physicians
from there and with Dr. Bathrlclt made an
examination of his head and found that the
ball tired Into his forehead had penetrated
the brain and was extracted with Olfllculty.
Another ball had entered above and back of
the right oar. passing through the brain and
lodged near the skin on the opposite side.
From these nnd other fuels in connection
with the snd affair , a largo number of the
people of the town nnd surrounding country
belicvo that Instead of It beluga plain case of
sulcido that it was n cold blooded murder
and they will never believe otherwise. A
good deal of indignation is felt and freely ex-
piotscd in regard to the way the coroner
acted in the matter , but the tinttor is not
likely to end horo. Jusnci : .
Before buying that typewriter , why not
look at the bust ( the Caligraph ) i
Do Witt's Llttlo Early Kisers ; best llttlo
pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bad breath
Dr. Kensington treats the oyo,1310 Dodge
Pnrk Pavilion Concerts.
This afternoon the Quintette club from
Boyd's opera bouse orchestra assisted by Mr.
T.ibor ut the piano will inaugurate the sum
mer concerts at the pavilion In Hnnscom
park , playing every afternoon from 3 until 7
o'clock with the exception of Sundays. The
programme is an excellent ono and the enterprise -
prise should bo encouraged :
Festival march . O. I'cdcraon
Uvurtnrn . nn
Komuuzo for Unto. . . ' . K. llacli
Jlr , O. I'odorsen.
Concert waltz . Uixnor
Sorauado for oolln inul lluto . Till
Mr. I.otovslcy and I'oderson.
Ovnrturo . , . Suppa
Violin solo . Dollerlot
Mr. K. Nordin.
Selection ntnorotu . C/.lhulka
Unnoort wait * . Htrauss
U ill lop . . . , . t'aust
Somiiwliiit Mixed.
Tha case of the state against Dravton
Cronk came up in federal court yesterday
foronoon. Cronk Is charged with tilrculatlng
counterfeit money. A wltnoii named Pool
stated that he got $11 In spurious com at the
request of a man named Cooper.
THRSOXA I , I'M ll.t till.t t'HS ,
G. F. Betts of Lincoln is at the Millard.
J. F. Con way has gone to Onawu , iown.
H. Helm of Grand Island Is at the Dollono.
A. W. Wells of Schuylor is at the Millard.
C. E. Broudy of Fullortou Is at the Paxton.
Con W. Lloyd of ( iothonburt ; U at the Mil-
Mrs. LioutonantTrultt has gone to Chi
Hon. C. II. Van Wyck and wlfo nro at the
( Joorgo K. Colton of David City U at the
E. A. Stevens of Grand Island is at the
Murray. '
Prof. C. D. Hakcstraw of Lincoln is at the
James Morrlll of Hastings Is a guot at the
T. E. Gage of Lincoln is n guest at the
T. M , Trans and son of West L'olnt are at
the Paxtou.
T. M. Franco nnd son of West Point are at
the Paxton.
James Hackioy nnd wlfo of Louisville , ICy. ,
art ) at the Uellono.
Miss Dun-own of Port Uush , Ireland , Is a
guest at the Paxton.
Mrs. Bon Craig , of Mnryvlllo , Mo. , is visit
ing in the city for a Jew days.
Mrs. A. J. Turklo has loft for a few
month's visit at her old homo in Cincinnati.
Dr. M. K. liognn , of Wayne , was In the
city yesterday and spent some tlmo uclne
over TUB BKK building ,
J. C. Carson of the Lco-Androosou com-
pnny itartod for New York jostcrday and
will sail on the loth hist , , for Liverpool on
the steamer City of Now York ,
John It. lirvntian , proprietor of tbO Hotel
Hartley nt Uanid City , is nt the Paxton on
his v\nv homo from tbo swslon of the grand
ladRo , ICiittjhts of Pytlilas of South Dakota ,
at MudUon.
Expedition to Discover the Spot Scut Out
by a Ohloago Paper ,
Ijoi > f > cucok ( > Snyfi Ho Hasn't ICvldcnco
Knon li Vet to Warrant nn Arrest
Swept from n Vessel
nnd Drowned.
CUICAOO , Juno n. f
An expedition organized by the Chicago
Herald yesterday sailed for tlio Bahama
islands on the Ward line steamer Santiago
from Now York. The object of this oxpcdl
tlon , which is composed of Walter Wollninn
Washington correspondent of the Herald
Charles Ledoror.lhu well known artist of the
Herald an chief artist , a photographer , a serv
ant and a mechanic , Is to search out the spot
where Christopher Columbus llrst sot foot
upon the soil of the now world. If success
ful In llndlnj this spot , the location of which
has hitherto been a matter of great doubt am
of endless dispute between historians and
geographers , the expedition will there erect
a monument from the Herald to tbo dis
coverer of America.
II.VVBS'T i\oi-nn : nvinr.s-cn :
The douth of Tracy tCltzborcor Is still bo-
Inc Investigated by Chicago ofUeors. State
Attorney Longoneckor sold : "I still have
oflleers working on the case , but have not
sufilciont evidence to warrant the arrest ol
Post Trader Fmlay or any ono else. I wil !
admit that It looks bad for Flnlay. Why
should a man In n responsible government
position , a man who bus n wlfo and child at
one of the principal hotels of the city , tnko
bis wife's maid to n lying-in establishment ,
introduce himself as her husband , visit her
often during her Illness , and then take her
away I 1 susnect that all Is not right , but wo
must huvo more evidence that a crluiu was
committed before wo can order nn arrest.
The officers working under mo nro trying to
secure such evidence. "
Ill the furious storm of Wednesday mom-
ing Alexander Simpson , unto of the
schooner N. B. Moore , was swept overboard
and drowned. The schooner loft Mnnomlneo
on the previous afternoon bound for Chicago
with a cargo of lumber. A dense fog made
it Impossible to see any distance ahead. No
ono saw him go overboard , and the llrst inti
mation of it was a piercing scream that came
from the side of the vessel over winch ho
had fallen. There were no hand rails , the
lumber being piled ton feet above the edge of
the ship. A sudden lurch and n dip Into the
trough of the se.i , and the mate was pitched
headlong Into the water. One of the sailors
telling the story last night said : "Tho cap
tain rustled forward and cried. 'How many
men will man a boat and snvn Simpson J' No
ono answered , ns it would have been ns much
as their own lives were worth to have entered
a bout in such a sea. It was horribly dark
nnd the schooner's light could not bo seen ton
yards away. Wo should have all boon lost
nnd the schooner as well if the boat hod been
launched. We felt nity for the poor fellow
who was battling for his life , but dare not
venture out to save him. Wo hoard bis
screams several times after that , but they
grow more Indistinct until finally wo hoard
thorn no moro. Wo were about six miles oil
land. It may seem cowardly to lot conn-ado
go down in that way , out It was tbut or our
own lives , and wo hud to bring the ship safe
into port. U half the crow had been lost , the
rest would have not been able to manage the
ship , and she would never have reached
port. "
Contracts were lot yesterday for the con
struction of the electricity building nt the
world's fair as follows : Carpenter and Iron
work , Arthur Johnson ft liro. , of Omaha ,
$101,444 ; exterior covering , Park & Bates ,
Chicago , $ S5iOO ; painting and glazing , W. P.
Nelson & Co.Chicago. ? 0'iOO , ; lathing anil
plastering , John Griffiths , Chicago , 50,000.
The contracts for the water mains In the
building and the laying of the same was lot
to MacKitehlo & Nichol of Chicago , for
$ irJ55. !
"You can bet two to ono on Iowa as a re
publican state In a presidential election , " said
ox-CJovernor Samuel Merrill of Iowa at the
Grand Paclho today. Although ho has spent
the lust two years in California the veteran
ox-governor still registers from DCS Monies
and the management of his U9U00-aore farm
on the Pacltic slope does not provi-nt his
koaplng an interested eye on th'e affairs of
the Huwkoyo state.
"In the campaign which resulted in the
election of Governor Boies , " said ho , "un un-
fortuimto political situation and the liquor
question were largely Instrumental In bring
ing about the result. The radical elements
on both sides of tbo liquor question are grow
ing toward n compromise In the shape of
local option and the party is not Hkoly to re
peat its mistakes of two yours ago. The
farmers' alliance has undoubtedly drawn
more from tbo republican than from the dem
ocratic party , and like nil secret political or
ganizations is a very uncertain quantity
when it comes to ilguiniB on the outcome of
a campaign. The 'vote for Jaekson' policy
of the democrats , on the other hand , 'keeps
their organization comparatively intact , and
when breaks occur in tbo ranks of their
opponents they are usually In a position to go
in and possess the land.
"General J , B. Weaver continues his efforts
to got back Into the house I see nnd now
grasps nt the now people's party as a moans
to attain his object. < Vs soon as I road the
resolutions udonti-d at the Cincinnati conven
tion I said 'that's Weaver , ' although I didn't
know until afterwards that ho was thoro.
Weaver is always on hand upon such occa
sions and is always ready to drop a party era
a cause as soon as be has found that there Is
nothing In it for him. "
Speaking of politics In California
the governor said : "Wo have some prohibi
tionists and some alliance men out there , but
neither of them have cut much of a llguro so
far. The prohibitionists draw mostly from
the ranks of tbo republicans , but tno alliance
membership is about evenly divided between
the two parties. The democracy includes tbo
sumo elements that It does In other status.
There the old Spanish and Mexican clement
belong to It , and It would naturally bo ex
pected to vote solidly as It does elsewhere ,
but the democrats have been in olllco so
often that they have nllcnatod a good many
members of tlio partv by their bad records ,
and uomo of the disaffected have gene ever to
the alllancn. "
Commenting on the principles and compo
nent elements of the two parties the
governor said : "Tho democrats are not
proirrcsslvo ; they always hungpn behind.
The republican party Is not perfect , of
courai. It has had bad men in It , but It has
always been the party of progress , and If the
democrats will give us twenty years more wo
will beat ovorv country on the face of the
earth in everything. "
Governor Morrlll Is on his way to Europe
on a trip of rest nnd recreation , and expects
to bo absent about two months.
A 71:11111111.1 : ! MISTAKK.
Arthur McCartney , a venerable citizen of
San Francisco who arrived at the Tromont
house In company with his two daughters
today , had a peculiar experience nt Kansas
City last night , whore hu was mistaken for
Schwolnfurth , the Uockforu humbug. The
fact that Mr , McCartney has hU two daugh
ters with him only Inado the situation moro
complicated , as it was reported that Sctiwoln-
furth was leaving the city and taking two of
Kansas City's fair daughters with him. As
Mr. McCartney was about to board the train
ho was surrounded by u howling mob and
only saved himself from violence by drawing
his revolver. Finally the mistake' was dis
covered und the loader of the mob apologized.
Among the western people in Chicago to
day were the following :
At the Grand Paclllc Thomas M. Long ,
Pocatcllo , Idaho ; C. J. Ivcs , Cedar Kaplds ,
In. ; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Woodburn , E. E.
N'augle , Omaha.
At the Lolanil C. 1C. Mead , Des Molnoa ,
[ a.
a.At the Auditorium Mr. and Mrs. O , W.
Power * , Salt Lake City , Utah ; F. W. Little ,
1. C. French , Sioux City , la.
At the Wellington H. T. Clarke , Miss
Clarke , Omaha.
At the Palmer Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mil-
ard , Omahu , W. C. Winter , Council Bluffs ;
H H , Jewell , Bismarck , N. D , ; John Few
ler , H. T. lUlnw. Omatarj ; Mr. nnd Mrs. J.
Mllli , Ucn Molnoi , la.
Lieutenant and Mrs. iJ. ! Duff nro at the
Auditorium on their \yeddlnct tour. Lieu
tenant Duff was formerly stationed at Fort
Mcado but'wlll IP.WO tn"a ifow dayi for Fort
ICectfh .where ho wilt btvanuo n company
from among the Cho.Yonno Indians now on
tbo Tongue river rosorv.qtlor. and will horo-
nftor bo stationed at Fqty.Keogh. .
Dr. Blrnoy euros crttixrrn. Boo bldj
Vci-dlct lu tlto Olscu-JJteycr Case Tlio
Criminal Milondar.
The second trial of JAiqcaso of Charles it.
Qlson , administrator of the estate of Edward
Olson against Max Moynr has ended. This
suit grow out of the destruction of the Meyer
building on lower Farnnni street.
Two years ago , during n heavy wind , the
Meyer building blow down and at the same
time crushing the store building of Edward
Olscn Just cast. Olson was in tbo building
and was killed. The administrator sued
Meyer for $5,0XV alleging negligence. The
case was tried ar , the last term of court and a
verdict of disagreement reached by tlio ] ury.
Last week tbo second trial of the cause
wnt commenced. Yesterday the Jury re
turned n verdict , the findings of wnlch were
that there was no negligence upon the p.irt of
the defendant.
In the criminal court the case of the state
against GoorgoMathows was ca'led. ' Mat hews
Is the man who , as a waiter nt the Now York
chop house , a few weeks ago , attempted to
murder Oftlcor Houscr. The prosecution
not ready and the case wont over until
Juno 20.
The case of Ncls Cednrnuist. charged with
the crime of Incest , was continued.
An attempt was made to bring up the case
of the state against Harry Kiitish , but it wont
ovor. I'ho defendant is charged with the
theft of a bank chock. The defendant was
ready for trial , but tbo cheek , which forms a
part of the evidence , was In the pocket of
Dotectlvo Haze , who had gene to Fremont to
witness the banging of two murderers.
Judge Estollo has sot the following crim
inal cases for trial next week : Monday :
Henry Kousel , burglary ; Kennedy and Bob
bins , gambling ; Golser and Price , gambling.
Wednesday : Alf. Grlflln , soiling mortgaged
property. Thursday ; Jack Shepard , assault
and battery ; Mike Johnson , assault with tu-
teut to kill. Friday "Tody" Brown ,
assault with Intent to murder.
The case of George J. Stornsdorff against
D. P. Kedman was tried before Judge Davis
d nd submitted to the Jury last night. Sterns-
norff sued for commission on a sale of real
cstnto. The striking feature was that George
W. Amos , the principal witness for the defendant -
fondant , toatillcd that the plaintiff should
have sued for 0 instead of 4 per cent commis
Judeo Estcllo sat ns nn examining magis
trate yesterday afternoon and heard testi
mony In the case of the state against Van
Cloftor nnd McLauuhlln. who nro charged
by John N. Miles with having disposed of
mortgaged property in Nuckolls couuty.
Should the Judge conclude there is a case
against the men they will bo taken back to
that county for trial.
Falling of the hair is the result of Inaction
of the glands or roots of the hair , or a morbid
tsato of tbo scalp , which may bo cured by
Hall's Hair Kcnewor. . ,
St. Agnes' 'Festival. '
Never was a larger nor bettor served audl-
ouco gathered In Blum's opera house than at
the literary and musicttl entertainment and
festival given by the ladles ot St. Agnes' con
gregation. * '
The largo room nud tlio galleries were lit
erally packed when Ftlther D. W. Morlarty
stepped to the front' 'Of the stage and an
nounced the Initial ploco of the programme.
Misses May Adonis aiid Mollto Condon put
the largo nndlenco1 ' * ln the best possi
ble humor by playing the "Irresist
ible Gullnp. " Then St.-Agnes' choir rendered
well "Como Whcro tyly Love Lies Dream-
Ing. " Hutchlnson's " "Pierrot" was llnely
rendered by Mr. 'ThVmas P. O'Grady.
"Dream of Hoavori ) ) ' an Instrumental duet
by Misses Anna Neonan and Airuas Nichols
was well received. , Misses Agnes Clenry
and Minnie Monarty were accorded n hearty
encore for their rendering "Tho Two Forest
Nymphs. " Mrs. Dennis McCauley sang
fully up to her standard and pleased
the audicnco with MUlard's "Waiting. "
"Tho March Triumpbale , " an in
strumental trio by Misses Jennie
Knno , Theresa Casey nnd Mollie Her was
well executed. "Homo to Our Mount'ilns , "
from Verdi's ' II' Trovatoro , by Mrs. Thomas
P. O'Grady ' and Mrs. Dennis McCauley ,
moro than delighted the well pleased audi
The closing chorus , "Come , Rise with the
Lurk , " by St. Agnes school choir , settled a
fooling of satisfaction In every parent pres
The musical programme was exceedingly
The tables. laden with every deli
cacy , were invitingly presided ever ns
follows : Mesdames Susan McGuirck
and George Klinger had table No. 1 , Mesdames
dames James Powers and Frank Tobm nt No.
'J , Mesdnmcs Moses M. Redmond nndJFrancls
Boyle at No. 3 , Mesdames Patrick Rowloy
nnd Morgan Hoafoy and Miss Minnie Haf-
fcrty nt No. 4 , Mosdatnos Daniel Kafforty
and John J. Weir and Miss Annie Hynn nt
No. . "i , Mesdames J. C. Nichols nnd Patrick J.
MoMnhon nt No. 6 , Mesdames Thomas Hock
und Edward Burke at No , 7 , Mrs. Jennies
Walker nt No. S , Moidamos Anna Murphy
and Andrew B. Haley at No. 0 and Mesdames -
dames Timothy J. Flaherty nnd PntricK lllco
at No. 10.
The patronage was beyond expectation ,
nnd nearly a cool $1,000 will bo added to the
churrti fund. It was a St. Airnos success.
Notes ' limit the City.
A. C. Power will make another short visit
with friends in Lincoln.
Ofllco Manager John Forbes of the Cudahy
packing company , has gona to Chicago.
The King's Daughters will hola u picnic in
Syndicate park next Thursday afternoon ,
The school exhibition will not bo made till
next week and will bo hold in the room now
occupied by Massou & McMillan , No. 2103 N
Messrs. John S. Walters , R. A. Carpenter
nnd T , C. Marsh , nro the committee having
charge of the Knignts of Pythias picnic in
Syndicate park Saturday afternoon at 4
A Morchnnt'H Opinion.
Mr. John Caraghar , n merchant at Cnrag-
har , Fulton county , Ohio , says that St.
Patrick's PllUurotho best soiling pills ho han
dles. The reason Is that they produce a pleas-
nut cathartic effect and are certain and thor
ough in their notion. . 'Pry thorn when yon
want u reliable cathartic. For sale by all
druggists. , ,
Pnllrcmnii ll > r the Park.
In compliance with1 the request of Dr.
George L. Miller , of Uio bourtl of park com
missioners , for two pollcomou to bo on duty
at Ilanscom park Sumlay imornoon , Chief
Seavoy has detailed 'Sergeant Graves nud
Officer Koyser , who wMkwort to the super-
tondont of the park every Sunday afternoon
or duty from 3 to ( ! o'cloolc.
Vanilla - \ Of porfoot purity.
Lemon -I
- Of great etrangth.
Almond -
Rose etc.rl Flavor OB delicately
and dellcioualy as the fresh fruit.
Trade Well Sustained in Spite of Heavy
Exportation of Gold.
HNO | lit Iron nt Plttstiurg 1'rcvcntod
by the ItcoponlitK of Knrnnucs
Quito ti DourciiHo Shown
In 1 "allures.
NRIV YOHK , Junofi H , O. Dun & Co.'s
Weekly Review of Trade says :
Whllo-tho hesitation In business hn * not
cense ! and decided activity Is hnrdly ex
pected now until nftor the close of the llscal
year , it continues to bo a matter of surprise
nnd congratulation that the money markets
and tradu have been so well sustained lu
spltoof heavy exports of gold. The Now
York market has been easy on call , dropping
from ! ) } to ; ) per cout , with heavy receipts
from the interior. Reports from other cities
show that money is tighter at St. Louis ,
tight at Nashville , firmer at Now Orleans
and Plttsburg , in hardly adequate supply at
Cleveland , not stringent but. affected by dis
trust on account of city llnaiices at Philadel
phia , firm at Boston , In good demand at
Chicago nnd Milwaukee , but with supply for
nil legitimate needs nnd easy ut nil other
points roDortlng ,
Trade Is not very active , but most every
where hopeful. Failures at Boston have
made shoo manufacturers cautious. Hides
are easy , dry goods quiet and wool sale * mod
erate ,
The exposures of official ano banking mis
conduct nt Philadelphia tend to mnko busi
ness inactive and no life is scon in iron.
Wool Is dull , though some concessions are
made by western holders.
At Pitts burg n rise In iron Is prevented by
tbo reopening of some of the Mnhonlng and
Shenandorth furnaces and preparations of
others. Window glass Is fairly active , but
Hint is dull.
At Cleveland iron Is in moro demand ;
trade is good In dry goods , hardware and
irrocorios nnd dull In shoes.
Some activity Is noted nt Cincinnati in
clothing and at Detroit tradols up to the
average In volume , though ttbo late season
has made tbo wool inovo'mont less than
Throughout the onst and south the line crop
prospects give oncournyoniont , almost the
only complaint now coming from Now Or
leans from drouth In tbo adjoining regions.
In the northwest continuous rains have
made the crop prospect unsurpassed. Chicago
cage reports larger receipts than a year ago
of Hour , wheat , cheese , hides and three times
as much wool ; .smaller receipts of oats , rvo ,
barley , lard nnd but one-third n- < much cured
meats , with full trade in dry goods and bent
prospects generally.
St. Louis notes a fair volume of trade , Mil
waukee great Improvement from rains and
St. Paul also , while at Minneapolis the lum
ber trade Is unsurpassed.
At Omaha and Denver trade is fair ; nt
Kansas City dull because of wet weather ; nt
Louisville the outlook is good , but at Nash
ville a heavy dry goods failure causes some
depression , nnd there is no improvement nt
Now Orleans reports trade dull , cotton in
fair demand , sugar active , molasses dull and
rico qulot. and lower.
At Savannah trade improves and at Jack
sonvilleill is quiet and steady. In the great
industries there is a bettor demand for iron
ns yet without change in prices. Moro orders
for structural Iron comes from the break In
the building strikes.
Tlio special caution appears in tbo boot
nnd shoe trades nnd abuses of credit are
being corrected. In dry goods it Is noted
that there Is no talk of prices as usual ou the
eve of n now season in men's wear goods ,
nnd the business In light vvclghu not what
was expected , but the orders for dressed
goods nro far In excess of any previous season.
Sales ot some cottton goods are recorded
at the lowest nrlcns ever made. Wool moves
slowly , but yielding at the west gives u bet
ter prospect. In breadstuffs the decline con
tinues , but wheat is 2 ' cents lower ; corn , 2
cunts ; oats , lf ( cents , nnd cotton also de
clined ; ! - ! ( > cents. Pork products are lower
und coffee about 3's cents , wbllo tin , copper
and lend are all stronger. In general the approach
preach of harvest , which is expected to bo
most bountiful , has its natural effect on
prices and trade is but little embarrassed by
speculative movements.
The business failures occurring throughout
the country the last seven days number 'J24 ,
ns compared with n total of 25-1 last week.
For the corresponding week of last year the
figures were ! i05. .
Covered with Soals. Awful Spoo-
taolo. Cured in Five Woaks by
tl o Cuttoura Bamodioa.
About tlio lit of April Imt 1 noticed some red
plmplos Ilka coming out all qvor in/ Doily , but
othing ot It until some tlmo Inter on.when
It began to look Ilku sjiuts of inor-
tir : .ipotU'cl on , and which cnmo OH
In layers ui'compnnlcd with Itching.
1 would ncrntch every nlaht until I
wns raw ; then the nmt nlijht the
fcule.1 Lolnn formed moimwhllo
uoro scratched oil MKidn. In vnln
Old I consult all the doctors In the
county , but without aid. After
Klving up all hopes of rocovcry ,
, I Imppi-nod to sco nil udvortUomout
In tliiMiowoiuipor nbont your CUTICUIIA UKMi-
DIKS.aml purchnsod tliuui from my drueijht , nnd
obtained almost Immodliito rolluf. I lietMn to notlco
that the scaly eruptions Kradiiully dropped olT and
disappeared omt by ono , until 1 had boon fully cureil
1 had the dlnotmi thlrloun months linforo I bcuan
tikln ; the KK.MKUIKS. nnd In lour or llvo wuuki
was entirely cured , My dlsoano was oo/ouui and
paorhiHla. 1 know of a ( treat many who have titkon
the KK.MKDII-IS , and thank mo for the knowledges of
them , Q < pvclally mothers jorlio hnvo babes with
scaly eruption ! on their heads nnd bodle.i. I cannot
exprcsi my thanks to you. My body was covered
with ncnltts , nnd I wnn tin nwful ppoctnclo to bohohi.
Now uiy skin l a * clear nt * nhHhy'H.
UKUUGR COTKV. Morrlll , WIs.
Cuticura Resolvent
The nuw blood itncl skin imrlllur uiul K'routfwt ,
uf humor riniiLMllos uituriially Itoolransu tliu
lilood of ; ill Impurities , uml thus rutniivt ) tliu
nuiisul , uticl CimcuKA. thoKruut skin oinu , nnd
UimuuiiAtioAp , un nxiiil8iiu | sUIn licuutlllor ,
oxtornully ( toulcur tlio skin und itciilp und ro-
atnro tlio liulr ) . ctirn every RpocUtt uf UKOiil-
/.Inif , ItuhliiK , tmniliitf , Hcnly , and pimply UI'J-
ousus of tlio Skin , sculp unil lilooil ,
Sold ovorvwhori ) . I'rleo : C'unotmA. f > 0o :
BOAT. Mo ; UKSOI.VKNT. J . Pi-ftiiurod iiy tliu
t-HTSuiid for "How to Cure Hkln Discuses. "
04 ptiKi" . < ' > U UliiHtMtlons , und 100 testimonials.
II'M-H blauU-heudH , red , rough , chuppod ,
and oily sliln enroll by UUTICUIIA SOAP.
f'lmst ' 1'nlns , Borono- , * , WoaUne.sH
luuklir * Coiiiili , Abtluim , I'lmirhy ,
nnd Inllamniutlon IIKMKVKDINONK
I'AiN-l'i.ASTKit Nothing I Ike It for wouk Urns
Graduate Dentist.
A KullSot of Teeth oa Rubber ,
for KIVK IKII.I.AK.S. A perfect
Utituaruntovd. Tenth oitractoj
I without pain or dinner , nnl
' without nnnusthotles. Gold and
sllvur Illllnio nt loitust rnoti.
llrldyo and Crown Work. Tooth
without plates. All work iror-
lanted. '
Kntrnnco , lotu stroul ulovator. Opua eTODluji
until a o'clock.
National Bank
u. a DEPOstTo y. OMAHA. N 51.
Cnpltnl , - - - - S4OO.OOO
Surplus Jan. 1st , 180O , - OU.OOO
onicers and l > lrocu > ri--lenry . Vatei , I'roildenl ;
* wli H. llsx-l , Vlc . | 'rusldont | Jnnius W. Sara ta. W
V.ilorio , John U. Collins , U. U Uuiblut J , N. U
L'utilck. W11 - A. llugiiQJ , caihlur ,
Corner 12th aud I'urnam3ti.
A GeuernlUunUluzlluuluosjTraniao t l
Enjoy the Reputation of Reliable
Clothiers ,
No special sale advertised or cut price mentioned , but what the
customer can fully rely upon as bona fide. Our special men's suit
sale at $8. $10 , $12..5O and $15 is still in active opera
tion. Hundreds attracted by this sale have been led to sec the
folly of buying trash at $3.50 , S-l and $5 a suit , thrown out by others
as catchers for the unwary , when an additional dollar or two will
secure a man's suit that's got the material in it for service ,
that's got some style to it , and necessitates but one purchase where
at least three would be required to secure the same satisfaction
in trash.
and Children's ' Silits.
In this department we're a little crowded , and for
$2 , $2.50 , $3 , $3 , 5O and $4 ,
You can secure knee pant suits with all the style and appearance of
suits that cost twice the money elsewhere. You'll sec lots of life in
our children's department. It don't take long to educate the people
to know a bargain from a bait. The bargains are here- , come and
get 'em.
Hot weather clothing and furnishing goods in every department
at correct prices for modern styles.
Southwest Corner 15th and Douglas Sts.
( Money cheerfully refunded when goods do not satisfy. )
( Send for Ilustrated Catalogue. )
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Many \onrs' uvporloncc A ii'Ktilar entflimto In medicine . at illplnunvt alinir. Is still trimtlnit with lha
fironKistiincuci.i. nil Norvoi is. Chronic mill 1'rlvnlo A puriirinuiu euro KuuiiiutuiMl lor Catarrh
H [ > urmitorrhat : ! : , Lust .Muni ; looil , HiMiilimlViiknai * , Nlvht LII.HIOK , Inipotjncy , Syphilis , Stricture , und nl
lU < m < 4ea uf tliu ItlOuil. dkln uml Urinary Urirans. N. II. I Kimranteo CM ) tor uvury utisn I iimlertiiku uml full
: nt.'uro. Consultation free Honk ( Mynterloi of l.lfo ) sunt fruo. Olllco UourH U a. m , loS p. m ,
10 n. m. la 13 m. bona atnui | > for reply.
- > . < .avr'W- : ,
"Lot another mint praise tlio < , and no * , thlnn
'mil mouth , A stranger and not thlno own
lips. " Jtov. fipnnro MlllniCurlllc. . lownt Kov.
Anthony Jacob * . Sidney , Town ; Itov. ,1. W.
. 'artor. I'loiisaut Mrnvo. lowuj Kifv. K. ! ' .
I'orry. Cedar llaulds Iowa ; Hev.V , It. I < llo.
liiiavcnworth , Kanua : Hov , J. T. Multifold ,
KinorHon , Iowa : Kuv , .1. W , Ciithciirt. Kmur-
son. Iowa ; Itav , Oilman I'arUrr. Kind-son ,
Iowa ; Hon. T. J. Abel , Dcuntur , * Illinois ; W.
A. Strona , C'oiiiinll lIlnlTs , lowu. Wluni suoli
uon UH tliu iibovo liuve plvon tliolr tostlmon-
: ilh In of Moorii'H Tree of lilfo und tlio
wlioloialo ilriiu houses Kay they have
( Iven ( 'ntlio satisfaction whnru thuy Imvo
> eon sold , what but-ur pvlrtoncn do you want ?
iVIiy should you sutTitr wluui you can bo uurod
by nsliiK Mooro's Trcoof I lfo.
Moore's Tret of Ufo. n iioiltlvo euro for KMner
nd Mver Cooiplnlnt nnd nil blood dlloMoi. Pool It
ay to suitor whim you onn ho citrud by lulm Mooru's
1'ruoof Ufa , t'nu l.lfu Hoinedr'
H'dtff citiitiilnlnii < > ii iif//i litlit-
Onlll to imiA-i ) it H'ortliiitltu HIIIIIU.
' fnlln to til i' 11 HI' tlte inoHt / '
; rccuiiiiiieiid It ,
L * ! < f < 'ii tlitmmtinl of tht'in ( frillIt. .
KT otltri' ii'iltt' ' IHIH rt'rr _ < riirt'il 0110-
Dor / / ! .
o lint tiiltn our iriirilor It.
Enquire uf you- ] > liiiHifiin iclmt
irntff iiirt-H hi'Ht rcmiltH.
' ' . " I.omlHinlt'fi'u In flit *
Bnin'inbt'.i" Hi > < n-llinu Ijtlilti
ijtnl tin i , liiitttaltiHH , initlletl / .
Yuitctiii obtain Loinloiitli't't'u "till or
Hixirlillniicliurt't'ri' ivntttt' In aolil.
'uiton A Onllathur , Distributing Aitonta for Omaha.
77in Sltirntu , Cor. J-ltH unit
lithfi muni mibMtitntttillii roiiMfri 'f ( < if
Iloti'tliillillni / In Oiniiliii , N erf i-ii I
firtiritirlelt Jirv iriillH riinnlmi from
bdHi'illi-nt to roof. All tlia ci-lHni/ii mill
floor * Iliiril tcltk AHttaHtou Jli-tt jii-ouf
i n / ntiiKililnu It hniniHHllilu to burn
r1 1 / ( / , . / ' / ! fMi-tijit-H < IJK ( lira Hlurnm
tliroiifjlioiit tliu uiillitinu. titi'iiiii lu'iit ,
liot it ml culil irtiti't' ttiut aiiiiHltlnitln
tsvet'urouin , 'Auulo uiiHiirj > M e ( ( itnu-
THE SPECIALIST 15 yean nvporlonoo In t'io ' Iroit mat oj
AcurOKuarantced In 3 to 5 dayi , without holoiiot
an hour's tlmo.
The moit compU-to aiul ahinlutii euro for loet nnil
nil luinoylnu dl < c.hirK ; s ever known to thu
| irolos9lon. I'ermiinontly uurmt In Iroin.i to lij dayj
Or pain In rnllovlmi the bind.lor vurod wllhout p.ilu
or Inttriimtmti , no cnttlni ; , no dllntlnu. The must
rcuurkabloromudy known to niodurn > el < jiico.
rurod In PiO lo W diiynDr 'AlcCrow's tnmtniont for
thU turrlbla blooddlHOnialiai been | ironoilunt > d tlia
most succOKMf ill remutly uver tlUeovorod for the ah *
lollito euro of thu dboaiu. Ills silicon with I UN
dl > oH e hni iiovor bvou eiiuallal , A cuiuplutit cum
uuoruntuod.LOST MANHOOD
nuss.ull woakneiioi ol tt o sovual or .nni * norvoun *
And llmldlty und duaponduncy absolutely curoU.
Til crullof Is Immndlaiti nud eomplote.
nnd nil dl-mnoi of the liloo 1 , llvur , kldnuy ) , nnil
bladilor permanently cured.
The doctor s "lluiuo Treatment" for luilloi li pro
nounced by all who luif o u ud It to hu the most com-
plutoiind convenient remedy ovur oilereil for llui
trciitmont ot fumalo dlaoaioi , It U truly a wontlurfui
remedy. Hours fur laOlui , from 'i lo I only.
Mnrrollou' uccc.n In the treatment of prlvatndli *
uttnea him won lor him u leputatlon which In trulp
national In character , and his Kronl army of ptulimt *
reaches from the Atlantic to the 1'arltlu. Thu doctor
Is a uruduato of "rotiular" medlclnu and has hny
lonu und eiiruful exporlonce In lnxiillil pructlcu ,
anil Is ulimsod amoiiK the Icadliitr apoamllsti lu mo < l >
rrn Hclonre. Truntmont by uurrunpondunco Wrlta
for circulars about each of the nbuvu dlto nu > , frua.
Ollico , Mill und Fnrnam Btromn , Omaha
Nob. KntrancD on olthnr utroot.
ll'e Offer VHU a
it'/ilr/i Imnrn tiiifetltu
Ufa of Mother < unf Clilfil.
Jlab * Coiiflnfiimni of Hi
1'aliif Horror uiulJtlik ,
After lulngonebottloof "niollicr'n I'rlend" X
i ultcreil but lltllo pulnaml did uot uiinirloncu thai
wcaku < * NS afterwnrd usual In such cascs AlrM.
Oiou , Ijunur , Ho , , Jan. 13th , II'Jl.
Kfut by esprcm. chnrg'ii prepaid , on ri'cclptof
prlci > , tl'M per bottle , Hook to tluthcrs mailed fr o.
ItltAUFIliM ) Illt'l4VTOIt { ' CO. , I
Half million In ilully uso.
Tlio "MuKi > > oir Ilithtini ;
I'ocket l.iimp 1'riro for lump
nnd oullll oipross prepaid , fl
Livuenerxi'tio nueius wanted
everywhere Ntirlhwrilani
Hpcclalty Co ItoolnJ llea
llulldlnv , Omalia , Nub.