Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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by Carrier in any part of the City.
jQlMliieM Otlieo , No. 43.
Xluht Bdltur. No. 'St.
X. Y. P. C .
Council ninffA Lumbfir Cfl. . * ! .
Graft's chattel Irmni. 3K r np blocit.
U ftn want wfctov In vour yawl or house
Ktt t Blxby'c. 3TO Morriftm hlix-lc. .
Jtwl Hnnncii. thu l y burglar , Is to b
tiittun tn Uta EUIom reform chuot tomorrow.
nitnXtrfflnnlx. the dlluged emtxwtlcf. was
iidmiltod in bull yeisterdnv In ttjosntn of ? ftifl.
A inntrlnra Uwnie was i ui-d vesttirdnv to
Hole tintiwn ami Maulu.i Wilt , both ol
„ r-hildrrtn of J C. .
IKf ffttlhwanna worn reported ill with
dlbnUiL-rln yesterday.
'llio Union Pacific tnni mall duu- tiers at I
o'clock Thurmlav afternoon did not arrive
until ly : n ) yoaturday morning , the delay
bcli ; duo to a wrceliod freight train.
Ttjo PoUnivnttamin C'ounu fruit Growers'
aim Gnrdnr-rV ajsoi.Uion will bold Its regu
lar mmitlily mee'tintr Mils afturnnon at i
o'clock In ttiu former's hall nt eounty court
lioiut- ,
A regular mcoilne of Council Blurts coun
ell No. I. Common ial Pllcrlma of America ,
\VI1 bo bnld nt T SO o'clock tins Gvonini , ' in
Iloynl Arcsnum ball. All mt muers are re
quested tit IIB pmspnt.
A telegram was rcrfivcd yosttu-dnv from
( iooreoVondford niiiiouiu-liiK tbat ho would
bo unable to fulliill thu eiiiKiwincnt which bu
bad made fnr a lecture mm Sunday evening
tiu tbo PiTshytorian cliurcb.
Tbe spiritualist < orictv In to bavo a pirnic
tomornuv in Fairmnunt purlt. Thorouro tone
no a numlicr ( if spiritualists Irom Omaha bo-
sidus tbnso from tins fity Tlio o who KO
vlll leave thu motor lini * JiiKt bofom it i-ntors
the pan : , and \vnlk dn\vn f .rahnm avenue
Ulllll thov moot the : " > ad which leads up to
tha i.nit ridat where tlm picniu grounds are
to bo. W
Smith was put under bond in the sum of
flQXT , and was released nutil this morning ,
when hu will have a hearinj ; .
Union Park rni-ns. Omaha and Council
Bluffs. .runu'.l-l'J , $4.iK)0 ) : Sept. S-ll , $ il.iIO ( ;
Oct. 20-iJ , fl.KK ( ) . For programmes adiltt'ss
Nat Drown , scc'v , Mcrrhants1 hotel , Omaha.
Drs. Woodbui-v. dpiitists. 'Kl Pearl street ,
next to Grand hiiti-i. Telephone 143. Hifjh
trade work .1 spei-ially.
I'RRSOX.l L. I'.l It.l G li.ll'HH.
Prof. .1. C ICiiur of tin ) public school" ; of
Farrairut. la. , is in the city , tbu cuost of
Prof. H. W Sawyer.
Mrs. H. W Sawvcr of St. Joseph has
arrived in the city on a short visit with bur
husband. Supunntciidcnt .Snwver.
John N. Bnldwiu has arc-pted nn Invita
tion to deliver tint aunuiil address boforu thu
fe'i-aduatjiiK class nf tno hiub school.
Mr. and Mrs. B. I ? . Reynolds , WHO linvo
been viiitliifr A. S. Unnbain and fam'ly for
somu time pis.t : , returnud to their homo yes
terday moniinp.
.1. W. Purejrov , TI. II. Van G.niut , Fmd
Davih. D H. Terwilliifnr and E. H. Hill Ii-uve
' next Monday inornini , ' for Madison Lake ,
Minn. , wnero they will llsh for a wf-ck.
W G Patterson , formerly the inanniror of
the Wostc-m Cniou toli-snipb oQli-o m this
city , but now oceunvini ; a similar position in
Blittc , Mont. , Is In the Bluffs for a few days.
Mrmil Mrs W B. Fisher luft vcsterd'av
Tor Atlantic , where tbuv will attend tbo
cradtmtiiiic exercises of the hiuh school. A
sister of Mrs. Fisher is iimoni ; the jjrailuates.
Cashier C. R. Hiuniaii of the Cltiruns'
Slatu bank in this city lias bct-n onuaired in a
liciit against temptation within tbu last foiv
wct-lis. A month or moru MJO bo was oircrod
the position of assistant cnsbior of the Xa-
tlonal Bank of thu Republic iti Chicago , a
noiv linaucuil institution with l.u.KiKK ) ) rapi-
tal. The salary olfored was fTi.OOO year for
the first vear , to be increased thereafter and
to commence from tbu time he si Knitted his
willingness to accept thu position. The offer
was held onen until June 1 , and dnnnj ; the
month of May many urgent letters wnro re
ceived uy him from the Chicasjo institution ,
to all of which hu returned nositivo and
prompt dfflinations. Mr Haniiau tuts had
equally tempting olfors from Omalia and
other cities , but bis financial interests here
are too frivnt and protltablu and his faltn in
Council Bluffs too strong tn permit any other
to tempt dun to maie a chanyu.
Spruif- < via tinHiiok
Everybody has bean ! of them , located on
the "Great Hock Island Koutu. " Ooifux bus
n dozen moulcal miiiond springs .ind nun-
dredh uailv testify to their murim. Savon
Hrst-fla.sH hotels furnish pleasaut homes at
very low rates to the throngs of ncalth and
pleasure seeker- * *
DlHtrict Court \e\vu.
The attornuvi were to have madu their ar-
Ktimunts yesterday morniui , ' in thu casu ot C.
E. Stonu .urnlnst the city for Si.OtK ) damat-os
on account of the ovoi-Jlow of water from thu
street upon the plalntilf's property , butwhun
thu court opcnud in thu inorning thu plamtiir
was of ttio opiiiion that hu hint fallen to make
a case , ami ho thuroforo dismissed Ins case
without pmudle ] < > .
Tbu oaio of Schroeder airaiust MoDonald
was tried unit taken under advisement by thu
In tru afternoon the suit ot Marion Patter
son .nmiiiMt W. II. Dooluy was on trial. This
is a suit to recover JUl.iKK ) daiiwws
fur fuLso Impnsoiimunt , Thu plamtiir
was. a corter at the Oirilcn hoiibu when it
was under the innnnucinuiit of the defendant ,
Hn was urn-sled for ttiu larcenv of a mild
watch bulonmm ; to the daughter of thu uo-
feiidant , A short tiinu buforo thu w.itc-h
was stolen a boarder at the hotel was ro-
lluved of a larfju amount of numuv. Patter
son alHitit that tliKu becnmi' unusually Hush
with money , aud bo was suspected 'of thu
theft. Hu was 111 thu ball adjoining Mlbs
Dooloy's room almut thu timu thu watch was
stolen , and hu was aecomln lv suspected of
tbu thuft of that also , anu'was arrested
L pen trial hu was in-quitted , and hu now
brings suit for damages. Thu jury was em-
piinuulled and thu latter part ofthu afturnuoii
was occupied with thu taking 01 testimony.
Morgan's prices for furniture on Install-
mi-lit plan lower than any othur nousu tn city
Mar Bouricius. musiu teacher , removed to
KJa Uroadway , over C. B. music company.
'ml ilVellH Invcntoi-y.
The inventory of thu Judd-Wulls company
was tiled In thu oillcu of the countycltrlc
yiisterday afturnnon byV. . H. ICnupher , tfiu
nsnignott of thu tlrm. It siiows thu assets of
thu tirm to bo as follows : Uoal estate , * lll-
lnort WM 'o the nmount of
, book act-oiinte. S-tKX ) ; uutes. SI "Ib-
, * ,5W , with an oneumbrancu of
Thu bond of the
ashigiieti was alwj an-
M | ' ' " ' nWuU ll ! ! tllu
Jfm ? f ! "if ? - m
of SM.IKXI i , with . tlio following , , suountiuH M
I. .Seal * , C. H. Mitehull. W. L. Patton E T
Wutunnnn .1. B. Weaver , J. U. Snydun D
Carnw. N Seliiux E. H. Sluwfe. B !
Crnlts , l . H. diiaui'lla and Uoorgu Mutcatf.
Try Dmiuetto A Co.'s Pomona fruit Jtilea
tablets. Thu.v are delirious.
Cli'iiu LT | | .
Thu condition of icuny of thu sti-eels and
alloys of Mm oily bus pivoa nso to a swat
dual of uompliiinton thu part of thou who
nru tutorut t In Um hualth and walfnro of
thu eity. Many of tbu alloys ara so tilUiy
that nothing ( nit uv ml days of hut woothur
Is niMituU to start an wpidunim of oontucious
dtkuciMw. Thi'eu oaswi of diphthuna wwu re-
portud ywhirday. ail of which can bu tmund
dirooUv to thUi onu uausu. , v complaint was
untaitHi at thu polkti oourt vu-itonlay that
John Quit * , who liv a on North Suvuiith
ttirtMt , had violated the onltnuura which for-
i , I1 } " IiromUouous dumping of tilth on tfau
lots whom Urn city Umlla. Ojuts was ar-
r * ' jl mt * r m the ufUinioon and wul bavo a
, , { r'"W on Uiu oburga Onuof tbuasu or
" " '
'hthuiia reported .veslctxlay was next door
K Pits' rcaidtnco.
Oity Authonties Deoitlo They Want to
* Hnndlo Same County Oaah.
.Siirvlues tin ICiiiiill/.ei-M | for Wliloh thu
Council Ui-niHi-il P.-iyiuiMK Pr-
senlctl to tllu SiiperviHOrt
Otlii-r Uoaril Nuws *
A bill Was mibmlttPd to the board of super-
vlftQrt yesterday attunioon by the city coun
cil for fey * wbilu ai'liiiK as a board of equall-
Mtton. Cnttl about two years i uo It bad
always been thuustom for thu city to pay
the oouiu-iitnuii at the rate of $ J for each duy
that they sjwnt In ai-Ung ai niombui-s ot the
etunllzntton | Imni-d. At that timer it wan du-
cidwl that the citv wa not 'lablb ' for the pay
ment of a mil nf that land , and the council
rufunod MI allow the bill. A suit was brought
in tbe superior f-otirt. to onforca the payment
of-ho bill , hut the pluliulll.'i were dufnnted ,
A now tuck has now been taken , and the
'enmity supervisors ara asked to pay the
ifiunuil for its st-rvic"s.
Thu oill is is follows , for the vr > nr IHTO-
Mayor Macrae , nine dnva , SIS : Alderman
Caspar , thirty day * , jtii ; Everatu nmu days
3lb ; ICnophei' , twenty four davs. ft > : I.auv ,
rtfteen dnvs , tO , Mikosell. ten days. ! 0 :
Smith , thirty dnys.sou - . Wind , twenty-eight
days , jrui : Wood , twenty-nix duvs. WJ- City
Clerk Stepliunson , Uli'rtv-two days , Sit.
Total , . S4i .
Thu fuliowing bill was aUo prcscntpd for
! 8U1 Mayor Macrae , three days , 3d. Alder
man Brown , sixteen days , $ UCnspar-sovn- ;
tnen davs , SM , Univos , lifto'-n iays. SO ) :
Pace , sixteen davs , S'ii ; mith , llfteen ilavs ,
StO ; Van Brunt , nine Java , ill ) : Wind ,
twelve diivi. * ' 4. Wood , ttfei-ii dayj , SX ) ;
( "h-rk Mtop'iet.son. nineteen davs. St *
In defense of thu bill it is claimed bv the
founeilmun that the hoards of equalisation in
every township " ' theoountv are otiid by the
supervisors , with thu i-xci-ptiuti of this town
ship , which has always bnrnu its own bur-
d ns tbraiigh its unusual generosity. But
the city is not so generous .is it wa' . and the
members of thu board are luft t < i look to thu
county for thuir pnv The matter was re
ferred to the countv attorney.
W H. Thomas , county recorder , filed with
the board of supervisors tbu noticu of thu ap
pointment of P J MaeBridii as his deputy.
An appropriation of ? IK ( ) was voted to
assist Ih joining tbo Blue Grass league , with
tnu provision that thu mst of the nunuv nee-
us ary should bo raised bv private subscrip
T. S. Campbell , clerk of tlio district court ,
submitted his report to tlm board. The re
port showed thu total receipt to have De-en
? l. < l.'i.H.'i. and the total expenses $ > . UJ. leav
ing a balam-e of fl.TTT 45 , which ban been
turned over to the county treasurer.
A communication wis : before the board
from P Whitnev. tax agent of thr North
western railway company with reference to
thu assessment of curtain property which m
his opinion ibould have been assessed by tbe
state exei-utivo c-ouni-il. There ivuro four
teen lots in Howard's addition which had
been with tricks , tlnrtv-dvo in
Fleming and Uavis' addition which
had been intended fnr the storing of
cars , and several in Beers' sub
division , which were to be used as a
depot site. After in examination It was de
cided to drop the fourte'-n lots in Howard's
addition , ami onu of those in Beer's subdi
vision , but to allow the othurs to stand .13 as-
County Assessor W D Hardin presented
a lull forS..VJ3 for expenses incurred in thu
making of tbe assessment. Thu jill was pro-
notiCKd satisfactory , and will be allowed
whun thu proper time comes.
-Ar.K : SALE :
\t tin- Boston Store. Council
I own.
Special Junu sale for two weeks com
Ono or two of the thousands of bargains
offered at this great sale.
IQu Vlgoroux suitings for UJc a yard , 10 in.
l- ' u Columbia suitings , choice styles , S'uc ,
or 1U vard.s for $1.00.
5o eballlos for i'-jc , or 10 yards for i5c.
lllc outing flannel foril c.
Chaiitong Pongee , worth 18c. fnr lilic. !
lOu ludii'-s' ribbed vests Tc , or 4 for i'lC.
JOc ladlus' shaped vu-ts. 1 ' c or - fori'ic.
.rilc ladles' fancy vests ' ! 0c.
"ic ladlct' silk vests for 4lc. !
Me balbnggnii hose I'Jc or : t pair for . " > 0c. received another lot of our SJ..1)
adies1 f.iat black hose , worth l.'ic , for this
ale -'ic a pur Ask to see tbum.
4SO brilllantines. during sale for 3c.
.Vic l r lltantines , during salu for .Klc.
All thu nuivuat and noit ; dLairiblu shades.
All ouriUe and ie black liunrietuis , serous ,
etc. . in onu lot for "i"1 o during this sale.
All our $1.'HI ' olaclc goods in hunnutUis ,
serges , whip I-OMS , suin strip-s. draped'
Al mas , in onu lot tor this vile TTKe.
Council Bluffs , la.
< Ju iriufly Rt-port.
The following is a list of misb subscrip
tions received by thu Woman's Christian as
sociation hospital since February - , Ih'Jl
l'reilti'rlna ! oil . * iii U ) Mrs J M. 1'iiinrr . J UO
Mntniii-rrluir nc 14 U Tldnlnil di at.
KlrM M. K. utiuti-li. 4i ( Mi ceicner . . . 3(0 (
KplxiopaU-lnirrli. .1) S Mr rticoitnro . . i U
IJuiuln ohurc-h l i 15 .Iinoua Kldtiil . . . 3 u
Consrn--aUuiiid oh l.i ill lldr. L. , v. Mule . . . S ( U
Chlciini l.iunticr ( n il l Mr.liny . . . j 11 ]
Mr llnnu-ollvi-n-lt ii ikinir < i Mujnu . . . i uj
Iinl > ; Ki'wl . S > ill Mr < s Knrniwnrth i IJU
Mltl > cliiMil u-nUit-ra \ ! > U Mrs K \ \ Iliniter Jut
V A. I'lnrlc. . . . Ii UU Mrs Mue Williams. J ( U
J U. llk-t- . . lAuUIMrs V 11. llnjs . . . - ( O
Mrs unniBxi-K . 11IU Ml > U'aliIIIU - > . . J u )
Dr. Hun . . . lOIUIMm. V. Nliliul . I ( O
\lr.llatu-nliinir . ID IUIJ. r Hart . 1 uu
Mr Krnnlc l > rnu > ID IU Knv ( i Crtillh . 1 M
Ilr Ijirn-tmi 10 UU Dmalm Krli-ml . . . . 1 uu
Mr XVIillam * . iilHitir IU UJ Mr li-nttwiuer . . 1 UU
Mr * J T llnlilnin IUi 'Mr ' H W Uuii-ltim 1 ( U
Mr I ) C.trrlui : . It ) U ) Mr. W r liurmi-n 1 IU
Tim MlMiJiiliniiin lu ill Mr riiHrli'5 HuiiKliil I IU
Mr . lr Hulu H1 iu ilr Kliiplnt- . . . 1 UJ
MM Untwnrtli . . sin H < | . Purrac-k . . . 1 m
llujml Nululiliiirx 10 IU Mri > IjaVulct . . 1 uu
Mr Ua > mimit & in Mr'.CIIntun . . . 1 uu
Mr liiuii" I'-islun i ui Mrs I , W I ) ij- . . 1 uu
Mrs swniixm - . i Mrs I Pattunun. . 1 10
K J D r . 4 lUiMrIliirn . 1 UJ
Mli * llit l . . . .no Mrs J N Murplir I i J
Mr Ami-ill i an Mrs r x Stulllni ; . . 1 10
Ml 11 ill rlii . .HI Mm II. Jnmni . . I lU
Mrs. ' Erti i ai Mrs W Munro . I tu
Mr Irn Ili-nilrlckM . ' HI Mm. Ilr lltiwnr . 1 HI
Mm. W. ltun > nn . . Hi Mrs. Jmlfo 'milh . 1 uu
.Mrs H 1'lmlps . ' . HI Mr J V Hunt . I uu
Mr . I.MIIM . . . 5 IU Mr J \\uiKiwnnl 1 IU
Mr ltdi" . . . iiWMrn I. W Pallers 1 uu
Mr KlcUi-r . . & m Jlrx. LeniitiiEvr 1 U )
MrF \ * ll > < lu ' 'U ' Mm I , M Uinlmia. 1 ( U
Mr A KllcUnciT. . & ( II Ml.niiii - rin . i 10
\lrt < Kiml-atl . . . A UU Mrs L.iriu. . Hurt . 1 uo
.MlfB s iiarrloiii An ) .li-tinlii i-ilu . . .o
Mrs I N" llalilwla. & uu Mr. Wllllaioi . . M
.Mrs- 1 ii' . i KIcniKlu j uu .Mrs ? lmart. . . M
Mr K iop . . . . 'i in c.i li . jo
1'U-iO ! ) * t. Kuiclii-rs. u iui _ . _ _
SRIII t'eumiiii. . . . UMi folal . fuU it
The llniMt ilnu of .spring and summer
goods , export worhinun , is what yon
und at tJuitur's , thu tailor , aiu vay.
Pianos , onnuis , C. B , Musfo Co. , 33s B'way.
of ( Jllh-ei-s.
The followiug ollloers xvero uluctetl at the
mtMJtinu of thu Ivanhou uommuudury. No. 17 ,
ICnight Tamplurs , Thursday night Eminent
uommaiidur , T. S. Couch , generalissimo , A.
Elwoll , uuplaiu j nural. Goorgu H , Jackson.
prwlaui. T. B. Laremsordur. . H. A. Cox .
tno urer , J. B. Atkin. . senior warden , J. H.
bafely , junior war-dun , Vic Junuiugs.
Ex-Aldermun J.V Mlkosoll and William
Waltuw have hau tboir gambling co-st * 0011-
uiiued iuderliutttly. They claim that tbum is
a stutu urdlaanuti Against gumuling , and that
tlm oily ha no right to nuss au anllnuuuu
ooveriiig the am ground. Tbuyiil nght
tbu emm oti thu ground thut it should tmvu
boMi Drought iiodwr tbu stntuttw af tbu staiu.
Ixiht , IllN Wealth.
Norman Builwk , a Siuux city man , wafc
brought to tun iKJlioo atal.uu vmtunlojr aoun
m a statu of utoxicnt , < n.Viuu bo was
found oy U Ulcer ux janiul aa was at ibo sa
loon 4opt bv W lliam Probstcle on tinpei
Broadway sbnkltig dice at $1 a shako. Hi
told the ofllcer that when he came to tllisoltj
lie bad f tO in his pocket , but when ho was
suarrhed ho only hint $ JS.I. ( ) Wtiuro It ai
went be dims not know
DeWitt's Little lv rw Risen for tha Llvar
JU.ST ; V.S ir LI It 13 1) .
Union Paoltli' Dlcuilcn Itx VMs
to tin * City Coitiiiill.
The cltv council met lust evening to arrive
at a settlement of the tax dispute with tin
Union Pauillc railway company. Thu com'
puny was represented by George F. Wrighl
and John N. Baldwin.
Mr. Baldwin stated tnat acfordlng to the
ileclidrm of thu supreme court tlio boundary
line of states separated by a river lay on tbi
line miilwny between thu diillned banks ol
thn river. This theory would bring
, Va feet of thu Missouri river bridge in Iowa
and 1,710 feet in NubrasKa. Thu asseaamunl
of tbu bnugu in Nebraska amoutited U
i il'il.OOO. rhu assessment of that part of thi
bridge Iving 111 Iowa should be much less ,
out it had been entered on the assessors
books at the same valuation. Hu objected tc
this , and stated that his company would bi
willing to pav taxes on the bridge on the
oasis ot a valuation of J47.UOO.
Hu raised thu same objection to the work
done ay thu assessor on thu Iowa side of thr
bridge"'n ' IMKI. when thu property
was assessed at tllu aainu figure. Hi.
stated tnat all thu taxes duu from
thu company had been pild for thu years
1WM and is'.ii.with the exception of tbu bridgt
tax. and t suit \\-ns now pending in thu
Cnited States court over tbu p lymunt of tin.1
I MM tax. *
Mr Baldwin also called attention to thu
tax levied on tne f'nion P.icitic company in
the vear I 'J. ' Thu assessment was placed
at s-u.'i.d K ) that vuar. This he considered an
outrage , and tnu tax would never Do paid. A
suit was pandlng in the United Slates court
to dcaitlu this question , and hu felt confident
that thu company would win. The lands be
longing to the company bud been asse hed at
J10X ) per aero , whilu those of individuals adjoining -
joining were assessed at 3 10. It was so ai.ui-
ifustly 'iiijiiBt that hu bad not thu slightest
doubt but 'bat tbu supremu court would re
duce tbt * assessment.
After a long and informal discussion a
compromise was olfected between thu city
and the uompunv. Alderman bmith moved
to reduce tbu assessment on thu east half of
thu tindgu from SllS.OOJ to StiO.OOO for tbu
year IMll. fhu motion \vaj > carniil. Tbu
taxes for the vear IsMi wore thuu taken un.
Attorney Baldwin agreed to pav taxes on the
biiMs of $ Uir .OOl without piMialUfs. and that
thu suit now pending in thu fudural court
Simula be dismissed. A resolution reducing
the assessment for that year from
fh'J.i.iKX ) to Siti.03'J. : and authorizing the citv
attorney to enter into an agreement with
thu attorneys for tnu company for a dismissal
of tbu suit , \viit. adopted. A resolution was ,
thii passed reducing tllu assessment on thu
bridge for IMKI from Jl-Jfi.O Kl to f XI.OJO. Each
01 these resolutions weru accepted bv thu
attorneys fnr thu company , they ngreuiug to
the" taxes thut wuro dnu on tnu new
Cay of settlement.
The sanction of thu board of supervisors
will be necessary to render thu action of thu
council binding , and the case will be pre
sented to the county board at its session
today. _ Economy
Is practiced bv many people , who buy in
ferior arnclcs of food because * cheaper than
sta idartl goods. Purely infants are entitled
to thu best food obtainable. It is a fact that
thu Gail Borden , "Eairle" Brmd Can
densed Milk is thu best infant fooJ. Yea
grocer and druggist Keen it.
Attorney Kranlc Cu liiua-i Vindicates
HiniHi-ir ill-lore JuilKt * Diinily.
There was nn extraordinary scene m the
Cnited States district court , yesterday after
noon. Something like a month ago a young
attorney , Mr. Frank Ciishman of Bassett ,
Nob. , was arrested on a chargu of having
been connected with name counterfeiting
operations discovered along the line of thu
Elkhorn railroad. At thu time of the arrest
Mr. Ciishman was at Fremont , whore he said
bu had gone to attend to some private busi
ness.Hu was brought to Omaha and lodged in
thu countv Jail. After several days he se
cured bad and then Wiite.1 about thu federal
court building for about three weeks for his
trial. Some of thu parties arrested at the
same timu were convicted of passing counter
foil money. District Attorney Baker found
that ho had not sulHciont evidence to convict
CiiKhman , and rather than fail in the attempt
ho had thu case dismissed lust Thursday.
But a single dismissal ot the case did not
allay the perturbed spirit or nonl the Injured
feelings of Mr. , so bo requested
Judge Uundy to give him ten minutes to
statu some facts with regard to thu catu in
open court. Judge Uunuy sainted thu re
quest ami at.I o'clock yesterday afternoon ,
whun thu oiihiness for the day had hueii com-
pluuid , tie judge said hu was ready to listen
to anything that anyone imgnt wish to bring
tauforo the court ,
Mr. Cushmiiu liaa neon pacing back and
forth across the court room with ono hand
thrust into his pantaloons poekot. and tno
other clutching a small roll of manuscript. Hu
was evidently prepurtng for a great
oiTort , for hu glanced nervously at tbu judge ,
and occasionally halted at the toule in front
of his honor's desk and drew a short oreatb
as though about to spoik. Finally whun
Judgn Duiidy aunouiux-d thut hu would huir
any miscullanuous business Mr. Cushman
said :
"If your honor nlease , I have a matter that
I wish to explain here in oppn court. '
"Proceed , " said the judge , and then Mr.
Cushmau dulivored one of tbu most remark
able speeches over heard m the. court room.
Hu reviewed thu facts connected with bib
arrest and imprisonment , and declared vo-
bumuntly there nuvor had baeu thu
slightest grounds for suspecting that hu hi.d
been guilty of committing a crime against tnu
state or imtum.
"Alter waiting hero fnr twenty-three , long ,
weary days.1 said Mr. Cushimin , straighten
ing himself up tp his full six tout and two
incbt-s , and lifting bis long arm atiova bis
head , "begging thu prosecuting attorney to
give mu a trial. I am licallv tuid tbat thu case
is dismissed for wnut uf uvidunuo. What has
become of thu oviduncof Has it taken wings
or lias it meltud .itvay * If tbu prosecuting
attorney uvor had anv uvlduncu against mu ,
why didn't hu Keep UI
"I am told that I may go. Yes , I may go
now. after my reputation has been be
smirched. I may go now ami begin again
undur a cloud to establish a reputation tbat
ought nuvor to have been biackuned in this
heartless and shameful manner by sleuths
who sinilu at m because I complain of tbu
treatment I have received. Thu prosecuting
attorney would not oven grant mu a trial in
which I would li.ivo shown ttiu outraguous
nature of tins arrest and unprisanmunt. No ,
I am simply dlsc-nargod and havu thu
privilege uf going Uat-lc to my homo
\\ilh the stigma ami sbamu of having been
arreaU'd and placed in jail clinging to me ,
following mu. yua preceding me , iiko a misty
"I was accused of circulating counterfeit
money. Slxtv days buforw these arre-ts wera
madu , oufoiti ihu prosecuting atturnuy Irauw
anything about thu coiinturluitlng , 1 wrote to
Senator Chnrlui F Mander on stating that
thu towns along thu Elkhorn road weru
bumg lloodud with counterfeit monuy. That
lutter was given to Attorney Baker , ami yet
hu hud thu audacity to have mu arrested as >
thu aecompllue in the crime. '
Then , turning toward .Mr. Baker , Mr.
Cushman pointuu at him with his long bony
linger and 1n a touu of burning indignation
autod tbu prosooutmg attoruuv if bu bad auy
exilauuttun | to give of this uxtraordinary pro
cedure. .Mr. Baker paid no attention to thu
speaker , but biuiutl bunsulfilhsomo papers
on tlm tatilu bttfnro bun.
tThun was no mora raoson for supposing
that I should commit a urtmu against thu
country I love , " uontmuud Cushman , turning
to thu attornuys and jurymen in tno court
room , "than there might buva owm for sup
posing tbi.t tbu eartti wiui going
to swing out of its orbit or
Unit tbu light of tbu HUH was
about la full. 1 love tbo country and IU laws.
I um a law abiding unison. 1 go out from
tbi coun room today with aoltwr uoiHHiittneu
and a pure record saratithing Unit tha proM-
cutiug mamuy do M 101 PO.IMMCI '
"Stop Stop " shuut d Judge Dundv "I
will aut rxrrait cou to niitijr aiion unv p r-
stoiml abuHa m 'ho rourt room. I siuiply
UranteJ ; - u tau pn-'logo of stauni ; tlio facts
with rcganl ; o your casivurfil when vou are
through with those you inU4e iuit.
Mr Cushmnn then lowWd his voice to
conversatlrnal tones aiid ' ' * illd tint ha was
through. Ho thanked * Mo judge 'or his
courtesy in pormittlng blln1 to explain his
' case in open court. _
I noforo buving that tvjwwritcr. why not
look at thu best aba C.illgmpbi I
XO . 111'r. I L T. t K EX.
Alton Will .Vot P.-iy tfiu Flno IitipoNeil
liy Cliulrinuu I'hiley.
CiucAdo. .lunu \ Thu hlu-aga t Alton
rnad has not appoiled from the decision of
Chairman Flnloy of tbu Western Passenger
.issoclatlun by which it was ordered to pay a
penalty for violation af the agreement. Ttider
the rules It was allowed Uvo days in which
to make an appeal after tbu decision was
rendered , and thu stipulated timu has been
permitted to expire without any tuition on the
p rt of thu Alton management. Chairman
Finloy has just dictated a formal letter to the
general manager , reminding him that tbu
time lor an anpual has passed and asking him
to muko a report of all the tickets sold by bis
company at less than tarill rates from
Kansas City to St. Louis and from St.
Louis to Chicago between May 17
and Junu .1. This information Is
duslrcd in order that the chairman may
within ten days make a sight draft on ton
company for thu full amount of the tine im
posed , which includes tbo value of these
tickets at full tariff rates in addition to the
sum of f lux ) that was arbitrarily fixed by the
decision. This letter -vlll no doubt be ig
nored as thu decision itself. Thu Alton peo-
plu have not changed their position. Pres
ident Blaclwtoiiu and General Manager
Chappell returned today from a trip of In
spection over the road , and ttaov reiterate the
statement tbat thu linu will not hu paid ,
Tliuv say also that tbu Alton has no inten
tion of withdrawing from thu association ,
ana that if thu association is dissolved it will
be bv the withdrawal of the other roads.
Chairman Fitiley will have donu his whole
duty according to tbu terms of tbu igreument
whun ho has notified all the lines in interest
of thu Alton's refusal to pav the tines im
posed upon it. It will then devolve on the
-tssocintioii to deal with the matter as it sues
Chairman Midgley's call for the Junu
meeting nf thu Western Freight association ,
be.'iiining next Tuesday , was issued today.
Among the important matters to bo consid
ered are the following Proposal to appoint
inspectors at Missouri river points to super
vise tbu billing of grain ; application for au-
thontv to maka thu same rates from Chicago
to Covfngton. Neb. , that are in ellcct from
Chicago to bloux City.
I'uois-isBii Tiurni i osrcuKvr r. .
A meeting of the advisory board of tbu
Trunk line and Central Tralllc associations
will bu neld at the olllceof Chairman Blum-h
ard next Thursday for thu purpotu of arol-
trating claims for ditTuivHtiul passenger
rates from St. Louis to eastern n-nnts. Thu
joint committee of thu associations will muot
OH the following day to consider a variety of
motions pertaining to both freight and pas
senger business.
What tin- Maple Leur Will Do.
IC\N s CITV. Mo. . Junu 1. Tralllc Man
ager Businb.irk of the l ucago , St. Paul vt
It.insas City road , when bu read thu an
nouncement that the Western Passenger as
sociation had failed to .igrco on an exi-ursion
rate U > the Uutroit Grind Ar-nv of the Re
public convention , said' "Unless ttiu onu-
fart ; rate for the round trip is agreed upon
thu Maplu Leaf will go it aionu. Wu will sell
tickets to thu encampment at that rate irie-
spectivu of anv action thu association may
take. "
Th rf f C'M & I.
CiNVtNvtTi. O , Juno. > Thu dircc-tor * of
thu Cleveland , Cincinnati. Chicago A : SU
Louis railway company mot today and de
clared a quarterly dividend ot I ' 4 ppr cent on
ore furred stock and i soinl-anniial dividund
of l1 per cent on common stook. Thu resig
nation of General Manager Greene was ac
cented with regrets and bu ba ml olocteu in
his place Joseph R miscy ; ilr. . who has baen
assistant to Prusiduut J , A. Barnard.
No gnpmg , no nausea , no pain when Do
Witts Little EarhHUor. < ara ta ea. S.nall
pill. Safe pill. Best pill.
I.tftT OF .1 Xlt'fEIt F.I JULY.
\ Brother ofLovcJoy of Aiitu-Dclluiii
KUIIII ; Vies in [ own.
MONTH KI.LO , la. , Juno ! " > . [ Spscial Tele
gram to Tin : Bii.j ! ! John E. Lovejov , the
last icemborof thu noted family of that name ,
died at Center Junction this morning. Hu
had been a resident of this county more than
tlfty years. Ho was u printer by tradu and
was employed in the oillco of his orothor ,
Owen P Lovijoy , when the latter was mur
dered by a pro-slavery mob ut Alton , 111. , in
1KI7. Ho established thu Anamosa Eureka
lu ta.Vi. afterward retired to a farm , and
served several > ears as consul to Peru under
Lincoln's administration. For the last fifteen
years hu has been station agent for the Chicago
cage < t Northsesteni road at Center func
tion. He was born in Maine in 1S17. was
twice married and le-ivos seven children.
It \ \ UH a Lut.'kv Ai
Dis MoiNns , la. . Juno .V Two hundred
Diagonal excursionists er.routo fro n Cedar
Falls to Des Momus had an uxciting adven
ture at Vuluiiu yesterday. Hall a mile above
tlmt station thuy swept around a curve at
the rate of over forty miles an hour. A lurch
u as full and the tram began to Dump over
thu ties. This passengers held their breath
for a moment knowing that if thu tram turn-
ud over thuy wore in tor a desperate acci-
dunt. Thuir anxtuty was not lessened as
tbov tore over a bridge fifty feet lung , nor
did thuy broitho freely Ull tbu badlv demor
alized tram , tbe cars turned m all directions
but nght stdu up. stopped nearly two hun
dred yards from thu spot wtiere spreading
rails hud caused tnu tcadur and four cars to
leave the track. The loroinotivo clung to
thu rails and pulled thu luukv passengers to
safety. Nooody was hurt but several women
Well Merit < !
in almost every neighborhood thcro is some
onu or raoro persons whoso lives have been
saved uy Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and
Dlarrhiiii Rt-raody.or wbo have been cured uf
chronic diarrbiua by it. Micti persons take
special pleasure in rocommundlnu ; thu remedy
to othurs. Thu praisu tbat follows thu intro
duction and use makes it very popular. 25
and 50-cent bottles for salu hy ail druggists.
\Vc-Nti-rn I
WAMIIINOTON , Jmiu > . Special Tolugram
to Tin : BKI : . j Pensions wore granted today
as follows : Nebraska : Original James L.
Petit , Daviu Scott , Edward W Mutcatf ,
James D. Smith , Goorjjo W Touthill. Archi
bald Munn. Incrcaso'-Jblm Smith , Irv
Waldo. Francis M. Sraitu , John Puniull , Joseph -
soph Churob. ROIBSUIV Mlle J. WluUiman.
Original -vulows , ow. Minors of David Cor
nell , Surah N'oiT , Lucy M. Conklin , Mary J.
Scboller. minors at Jnlm D Uobmson.
Iowa. Original Freeman Buull ispocial
aet . Henry Burghardt , JJauert H. Hlllor ,
John W Armptiust , Beniiimin Ansbury. John
Sowers. John Amman , , Goorge. Nuwport ,
Jacob Voiiug , Louis H. Barter. Hiram 1C.
Phnlps , David M. Mitcttull. James M. Pottur ,
John Autwinu William H. Sylvester. Will-
lam Uigbam. William WrtruJ , Tboinas H. An
drews. James A. Swnusop , AlfnU L. Tobin ,
William S. Wilson , Additional Jnsuph
Clumonn i Thuinas ILoValluy. \ . Incruasu
Benjamin F Chapman , i.luu-lus II. Brack-
shire. Jo p r Haguns , Hugh Davidson , Cas-
nor AnnOrust , Thomas Walsh , Will.
lam H. Oxiuy , David Slamiker , Al-
lun H. Holi)3 ) , jAllL-n D. Thomas ,
Jiteoph S. THU John I. MuElrav.
Turner Young , Ell Marvel. GldiKin Baugh-
tnan , Hoary C. Waiter. Reusuo William
Welling , Luvi S. Hutton , Kolmrt H. Johns-
Um. HuiH uu mil inuratiM ) Samuel V.-Stan-
tlHnl. Original widows , etc. Minors of
GuorgB W W TtmvHrt ,
Sou tti Dakota. Original -Samuel Suther
land , Fmucis Rtcbinon 1 , William W
DeWitt's Little Early Ul ra , ttiit pill.
Two Men Di-mviieil.
BHLLKrVlSTMVK , O. , JlltlU .5. AilMirt Dillon
and Harvuv Wtiituludl were dmutd vvhilo
uu the Luwuttown
V verv small pal out a vi-ry 00.1 jnu. Do
W.W 3 Little i-artv
. Titts nrMMi r > i i tit rii'nfifT
Pension , Indian Depredation , Land Patent
and Other Olairas to Be Prosecuted.
All ClaliiiH AriHlnit hi NolminUu , Ran-
n , Iowa anil Smttli Dakota
Will Ri > Handled by Tliu
Ui't ; Uurcan.
About tblrty dnys aio n now ( tunarturo
was limucttmUHl by the Sinn Francisco Ex-
amlnur , now thu U-mllni. paper on thu Paoiiltf
coast. lUi propriutor. Mr Huarst , son of thu
Into Stmntor Huaratof California , who bus n
vcrv largo fortunu at bl.ifomtiinnd. com-elvod
the Men of ustabllshtni ; a niu-e.iu of claim * at
Washington , tnnuncd by the abimt lawyers
and specialists conversant with the routliiu
work in thu various ilop-irtmcnta .ind bureaus
of thu Kovnrtimunt. Thu object of Mr.
lu thl" undurtakini ; la clearly sot forth In
ttio prospectus tnkcn fi-om thu Cxutnlnur
to nu publluluHl in a later issue of Tin : Dim.
Whun thu antiouiH-emunt of this now da-
parturo was inndu noifotliittoas were at oucu
untcrcd in'o bBtwocti Tiin Qr.B and thu ro.
priutor of thu Examinur to join bntids am !
mutuallvsiriro in thu oulorpriso. Thusu ar-
ratmumt'iits hcvo now busu oarfi-ctcit and
n rct'inunts ontorcd into by which TIIBBEB becomes -
comes a oo-workor nf the Examinur In thu
territory whuro Tin : Bnn enjoys so uxtonsivo
n ! iiiD < icnption p.itronaio.
Umier this ( irraiiKcmi'iit all applications for
dmms , either for pensions. Indian duprcJa-
tinns. land nr mining ilnltn < i , pitunt or postal
claims In thu stntcs oflowa. Kansas , South
Dakota and Nubmskn. will be tu'.iim in bond
by Tin : Bin : Bureau of Claims in Omaha ami
through it lortvarclcd to huudquiirtcn .it
> Vibhimton : where thu Examinur bureau will
prosecute thorn to a flna' and sucedy i-ou-
Tun Bnc takes pluisuro in ollcrinu to all
Its patrons and particularly to suuscrtbiTs 'o
TUB WECKI.V BBC. thu services of this now
bureau which , wo nave no doubt , will provu
of rcat advantairo to them , both iti'jiroso-
cntintrnuw claims to a sncosasful issuu and
in axp attint ; all olaim > entrusted to Tin :
Bin : bureau.
Tin * Condition * .
As a condition Drccedont to iny person
availiujr hnmulf of tbusurvicesof tlnbjwau.
Tun BII : will rcauiro that the applicant shall
send in a subscription to Tun OMAII.V
U'BUKI.V BBB for a year. A remittance
of ? 1 will ontitlu thu tionon sendlm : It to onu
year's subscription and also a membership in
thu Claims Bureau association composed en
tirely of subscribers to Tin : Bm : .
All perwms now snlxcnbors of TUB
WHKKI.V BKI : who will send us one now sub
scriber will bo entitled to ini'tnooriliip in the
association in their own names anil the new
subscriber will also receive one O2rtillcato
of membership besides his paper.
Subscribers of TiicOviLT BBC who scud
in subscriptions , to the weakly will bs en
titled to the same privileges as thoac of Tun
\VCIKLV Bm : .
No service will no undertaken for any per
son who Is not , an actual subscriber of Tin :
Br.i : .
Tin * IVi'MiH.
The terms under which claimsi will Do
prosecuted will Juuend entirely upon thu
amount of service remiuru-1 in each. case , tt'u
can safely assure all patrons of thu bureau
that the cnarses will bu very much lower
than rates charged bv the regular claims
lawyers and claims .uronts at Wibhtmjton.
It KOBS without saving that thu Examiner
aud TUB BIK are in position conjointly tn ex
pedite business aud do survica at more lib
eral rates than any othur medium for the
prosecution of claims.
In the matter of fees and charges Tin : Bni :
dusirea onlv to clear expenses. Tno bureau
is intended forthuroliuf of the peonle from the
rapacity of lo alanarks. In many cases foes
allowed attorneys are irrevocably fixed by
law. and in such the question is dociuuu. In
other claims such a charge will bu made as
seems to cover tbu actual expenses involved
in collection.
We make no effort to solicit your
patronage , as does thu ordinary atront
who s ( > eks your eluim for a financial
consideration. Such is not our pur
pose.Vo offer to one and all thu services of
n well equipped bureau , where a claim of any
nature can bu sent , or information in ragard
thereto bu obtained. If your claim is worth
less or illegitimate you will bo ao notillnd
without fear or favor. If thu claim is ROD-
uiuu it will receive prompt attention and
olllcient prosecution. If unsuccessful , no
charge will ba mane , provided , however ,
that clann'ints must defray thuir own ex
penses 111 thu preparation of aRldavits. depo
sitions , and othur ovuli-nco outside of Wash
ington. Wo will furnish the necessary legal
papers and bear tbu Washington expenses
only m unsuccessful claims. When chums
arts allowed , a reasonable fee will bu charged
to cover actual cost.
All letters will bu promptly answered and
nil information concerning form of applica
tions for claims , terms , ntc , will bu g'von
with as Httlo delay as practicable. No loiter
will bo answered unless thu sendur encloses
requisite stamns for reply. No information
concerning any particular claim will bu im
parted until the applicant b'is become a
member of The Boo Claims Bureau associa
Address all letters relating to claims to
M v.N.uiit OMAHA Bic : Brmuu or CI.UMS ,
'Omaha. Nob.
' Little Early Ulsun ; beat little
ills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bad oraatn
Another Bool anil .Shoo Failure.
BOSTON , Moos. , Juno ! . Francis P. Emery ,
boot aud shoe manufacturer , assigned today
for thu benullt of his creditors to Joseph F.
Lincoln of this city and Frank W. Breed of
Lvm. As soon as a financial exhibit can be
prepared thu creditors will bu callud together
to take action.
Pozzoni's Complexion Powder is universally -
ly known and everywhere esteuraud as tno
only Powder that will improve thu compiox-
ion , eradicate tan , freckles and all skin dis
Di'uri'tiHed SoltCoal Output.
W tbiiiMiTux , JtinuS. The conaiia bureau
bulletin on thu subject of the bituimiious uoal
product In Pennsylvania shows tlio output to
bo .WUn.tKMi short tons m IbbO , n total a hurt-
uu'u of J7'J.Viluuu.
Dr. Birnuy cures cniuri'ii , Boo blilff
Hiiinoi-eil Mii.'oesMiim Itaiini.
UI-TIIIIII : , Oul. , June .1. It is said hum that
Governor Steelu of Oklahoma has boon of
fered the position of nominitsionurof pensions
by Prtfeiditnl Harmon.
II IH Will ! W H Inciiusianc.
ST. JooKiMi , Mo. . Junu "i. C banes Gray ,
oolurad , shot IIIH wifu nmt blow out his
bnuiu last night beuuiue of ui wttu's in-
M vj r
If. iin'bfkt nutritive toniu In
f U\nf > piiu. fur the ' .vtmit anil 4u-
jiiliatM . tail lurliiK cuuvai k >
ami' HfWttrM of mhur HXtruvl *
id n- ! it's ' Mint hit rant. Al-
HIIVH ia ' , .r HI-i auitiB 'T'lbiinn
Huif > * ' n a .npi r * 4 ir < ia
H N' II % Mf S I -i "
- ' u \o ! " u Jui juj- * ' . , N y
With an Entirely New Line of Goods Bought for
Cash Direct From the Manufacturers.
Cash Always Talks.
I have secxjred somn of the SCOM n's Black Worsted Sn.ta .
greatest bargain in man's and At , S7.OO
boys'suits heard of this
in SOO Men'1 * All W3ol Ores * * Su u ,
. I sell men's and '
city. can boys'
in different styles , from
clothing SO per cent off of manu .
S5 to 88.
facturers' prices. I am prepared
to back up every word I say by SOO Boys' All Wool Knee Pan la ,
showing goods and giving in different styles , at
prices. For example , here are 6OO.
a faw leaders : 6OO Boys' Suits , age 4 to 14 , dur
ing the sale at
6OO Men's Working Suits S1.0O.
4OO All Wool Bovs' Suits ,
8OO Men's Suits at 4 to 14. at
I Carry a Splendid Line of Gents' ' Furnishing
Goods , Hats. Caps , Boots , Shoes , Etc.
48-548 Iniete/ / , Council Bluffs ,
t'OH-\lr , I'ur Id-lit W iii'-d 1 Twin , m
JL to Imv. MM ! < n rent myihliiK ni tin T ii
est-ati1 line dun t do it until /un hit\ - * < < ti < mr
iar.'o lli.t uf liir-ulnh. ; bwim . \\.ilUci. . Nn 1 . '
Main and UU 1'i-iirl btrcctH Council lllutN
PAsTI'UAGE fnr her ( is may no Had nn th i-
( iulln bor farm. Apply to John ( Luc. l'iU '
I ) ro.ulvriiy
] 7UNE lin'il liorsu. that can lieai - . ! " > . will -.ell
-L ortrulu.ddross nr call mi D Drmrn.
UC2 W - - > t llnudw y , Cantu-il 11 In UK.
FOTl RENT-Onu < if tlic tui > t piiyins bole's In
Missouri V illey. la.- nn blin-U from
depot : - ' liliitUfr un p > su > ( IIi-e : 3 miod
niniiis , p.irtlv fiu ill-lit-1- < -.i-.y terms to riulit
Ii.tnyddn - II. f War-icr. Mis-Minn Vailey
- winV ulvi-i- n'J Main struct and II !
I'uarl , Council Illuirs. v u 111 always tlnd
a "simp hiirsaln" in real islittif you want t < i
buy. or a cnoil puu-u to ilM i linr ain if yon
want to soil or trade.
FOR-\Jn- \n ili-tr > ct-ind liiMiranco hii-.i-
iiuwj iiod llvT.took aud c-on'mlllua 111-
tcru t in in t-st ilillsliud bus.IK > * < < . Will takn
sonm coed city properly Johnston ft Vim
Foil -ALE Elcsant i-sirria- team ind flno
single drivi-r ; pii nrosinalilu ; c.ll
and six ; tlu-ui bcforu hiivlni ; . Uuuo M.mitti ,
sains stalili-s No. 41b North seventh sti-eut.
Council llluIN.
\"AGNIl'lC'EN'L' [ iu-ro ompurty III flvc-ncru
Jl- tracts I in-11 c.l'i ! niili-s litim pastullici * .
f < irsac | on n-asiinnblo ti-nns. rioino line resi
dence proiii-rty for rent by Day & lies" .
FOHALK Our flno famllv llnr < c. suitable
fur riding or driving. Apply to KS ) S. fith
TTIORALE Uotol c-entnilly lo.--itoJ ,
-t ; Kcxiil tiustiuOr ) will uxehiuuu for
larrn in wL-storn IUW.L
Hotel k-ii-iu. fariiituro anil ( Ixtiire-i : an A
No. l c'h HIGH to it n Into i puuil paying busl-
ni'is KUISOIIH fur sullltu. otliur Uiislnus' . ro-
qiiiriiu .ill ownur's .ntuntiun
Hart-'uinH in resldunc-u and biislnus prop
erty K. I' Oltli-t-r. real ust.ito and uiriii
Nu IN. . Main sU. ronnci ! Hliitrs.
FOH UENT The McMabon liloi-k. ; story
hrlulc. with Iiiihc-Micnt and oluvator. J. W.
i-qu-n' . 101 I'D irl.irtti. .
T31OR3ALE .ir Itont Jinloa laaJ. wltii
-1. hauiH * . uy J. It iliaa. 1UI Mala OanaaU
Hie \ \ omliu'l'ul Xi'W lriinsn Vapor
We sell the only cPnnino Now Process
and the i-elonrated Qux-k Meal New Process
stoves , thu neat made. Ono diiforcnco lic-
twetm thu s'cnumu ami imiuitions Is tbat the
imitations bavo a-.mall ncedlo-lilto lub to
draw off oil that Jon't evaporate , the genulm
lias no such Illmllams. Wo nave sold nunrly
ono huudred already this season. Lights
HUe tras , ab-olntc-ly safe ; no smoke or soot ;
as simple as .1 cook stove. See us before
buying. A few flno i'ij.UO gas raiiHus closmij
out at. ilU.uO each.
The ot-st over offered. (1 ( pur cent discount
over liibt i'Dni's uiices.
LIIUII Miiwcrn.
grade only SO.UO. Si.-recn wire
fnuuia , etc. , eto.
Largest stock in thu .vest. The famous
Littlu Giant hoy's whu"l. the Victor , niches i
tfi-adu , world's bust wnecl.ocnh for ladiei md
fjenttumcii. COI.B it ,
41 Main Street.
I'on't ( Jive .Vxvay > | iiniy
And K"t iiiiililiu In ri-tuin. Yuii are simply
< | IIIILIt | w lion you pay thu prli-n ucimmunly
ahkcd for an urdlimry lawn miiwur If ilu- price
Is iniiro than iVinV " 111 soil yon a tlrst-
uiabs. urr.inti.-l , ind n'mnintuud ' twelvo-lnuh
ninvsc-r for S , " > .00. I\.IIII.IK ! tlu-ilo
( Jitrdi'ii him * " H > ! pt'iFt. .
Good ijuallty and will „ ! * < ! you
Comu unit it-u It ,
Tilt : H ht
[ B the North Mar It In nut IIUo MIIIIB
that iiro ttiirrintnd to freuui ivltlidiit luo In
dni-diyv ! It does use sumo um. lint ' \ < nm l ss
and proilnui's a Uiwnr tnmpuratuni \ > ltb less
tliiiu any ullirr rufrUur.uur un thu aiarkou
.tlcviiiuii liaiiiiiinulCH , . u.
They are \\urtli lookini ; .it ind will | vo you
lots of uumfoit diiriim the iiiiiiniur.
Colunilii i nicyttliM.
Plenty uf tliuiii nuw -.upnly .ill domantls.
There is mi olbiir In lliu norfil uijual to In
llaso ball 40'i'lH , iton-luildi'is. water < < mlars.
biuniiors and ulutbth.iskul.s , the liuhui n
* ILO rrouin frt't'Zert , frmizo ill fnim thrao
to llvu lamnuis. from M.J3 un Junior 1'itwi-
llnu xiovus frcim it m $7. the Itnllablo. tbu but
I'routttis.Kvapoiiitlnu-tlovo madu ; fursaluunly
at I' O. UuVul's. V 4 llniadway.
ICu-niiiiiiiiual ItufriKiM'atoi-i.
It la the ainuunt tlmt puuplu uve , nut art
mutth what thuy mini , that ivuatitally mukos
tlium rluh. In liuy < nii i boubiibnid niHslty
liUo a rufrluuruuir it IH well to iounularHJIDO -
tli. ir ulm limn thu ( ir.t cu-.t in diituruilnins
its tM-iiiiiimy Tl | 'iuorniwy ' Iliini-iiliuld liotr K
enitur m an band oiiiii i t ploue uf rmrlor
furtiituni and " ( KiH Iu4 than mv ottiur tint-
olafH artlulo. itmi itKiiUa it ttiu luutil UK nn
l.-u. ulvin tbu luiut < ill nlr
tuiiiiicr.iuiro. All tlio puublnt ; ig111111)1 i )
Wdol. Um lmt mm--omliU'Uir of limit , and
inoiKturu knuwii. All ; i.iro > uan > i tttkun uut
und olnuniHt. lnviktii-tte thu
uiiyin.- .
Tlio Nuw Qnakvr t Ity i to uvury runiiiHit Uin
oouniorpiirt uf tinI'lilliidolphia. ' . and mitrli
i-ln-nUHr. Kroiii i. ui * 7. Wo carry the I'lilla-
dolphin aUu and yo < i can tuko your ohuluu.
anil wlnduw suriHuiB. ihu lurwNt nnl fluent In
Mm i-ity. and all tin ) latcot niiv IUui in tlio
hurUwuru dmu ilIfJAUT , V < o. a.
So. II Main ' 'limit. Cemnul ! niulfw.
AH klmlsnf Oylni ; mil OtiMiidu lnu'nthd
Ultflu'st-tyiu of ttioru f uln J nut * sl unuil
F UJl"lCi El.tllu ) It ) lOOK .Id < OOll AS imT lilMJ
IV itin rs i ( ' .mi i liv ' 'tt * uu. In ' mi
M uintTVtirl ; jiruttititlv doito in 1 < Uillvnroi
In ill pans of iho jouutry = mnl fur , ir oa
/ : A. nArn.vN , Prp. , .
OP Cou T i .
DIIIE-roils t. A. Mlllnr. F O'Gloiu n. E Db
Shuuart. E. E. U irt. J I ) Eilinuiulson. ' b irla
It. llannan Fr-ins lot -onuril u.uiitiii ; oa l-
ncis. Liriui capail aud suryim Jt iaj
bnn ln duuthwu.uini KUT.T.
INTERESroN TIM - . DE ° 0 3 T3 ,
Jf. If. CIl.t 1fBEltJLI\ . O.
Hfn , Enr , N < i wi anU Thruat
Council Uluffs , - - IUITIU
painful anil wnalc Tl ti n
enrnrhu , dcifnt * * , Ul -
churuoi from tiio * ? ir i <
tarrti , liajr fciror. acthi
atitl nil icntu nnil * hrmuo
atlcrtUiiis if ttiu throKl ti
till rtiliuut u tin tJas o * iccur Utlr rosc Ibol
dttticiilt f"ii i iftPti utmi { tir-nuo dour la in
hick Uendatlta 'itirKicai jpHrniluua \ tt > 'i a 4
nry [ iatnlu < lr perfornma. nvsurmx o-u nsull
otllee shuirnrt ( Jciiu iioclc < num \ > ua i > HIuiT *
Over C n. lui-iiuonnu t < o. low urytjr
FirstNational : - : - Bank
oldt'st Mruanirwl tiantc in ihu oily. Kormcn and
< iurati tlo exdiauL'ti ( tint aecirltla * tC p uta
attftitlon pil'.i Ui oolloctlon * . Acajjutu it itnliviil
mils , biiik brinkt'ts mid ucjniurnlluiu Huilctluil , ur
rniimnileiin ) invitCMl
l.UU I1 SAXKOJII ) | > rn1tint. (
\ . \V UIKK.MAN I'aihtnr
A. f Uici : . Vattitaat ' iiuer
Tim New > 'Liliin Iliiiol. in Co ini-ll II uirs n. LH
buon < - > iiiiii-tulv | ri-fiiriiislui.l nn I iiiiuliiiiiui-d
tliniiiutiiinl and h IIIIMT uuinf the icsi.iii.uiia
ill tbo MI it < - U is ! nr itmi In ihu iiiihiiu-is gurt
ufttuit-ity ind tlio it iii-trio iimiurHi rliu
diitir uvury fuiir ininiiti . Iti i si iints md
tire nliiruis ilinni.-liiiiit tin- liuildliiiimm
bout , but mil ruld Aiitur and -uu > ii mi
every nioiii. Table niiiiiriis ; > i-d anywiioria
Itatus. ! . ' * > a Hay
Gas Heating Stoves.
Xn Aanual Nu SMOICS.
Just tlm tbluu fur iiatb rmims , liu 1 r" < us -t
Call mid sou our inr u a uitiiii-iiu
C , B. Gas nncl Ele-jtrlj Li j iC j
' ill I'onrl and V1D Mutn Sir uu
Council , lu.
This Elegantly Appoints i H Hat
is Now Opan.
George T. Phelps , Manager.
D. H. McDaneld & Co. ,
Butchers' ' aid Pas on' Sj ) ) , ; ) ] ,
Flxtaras , G3hi ; ,
VliiUun * ' Mauhui' TV < c %
M ln * u.
a llldi anil
Medical and Sur icil in-t.tato
UUH liEl.I.INI , EHH. I'Uol's
' 'h run i HsKi-i-s if nl . iido tn i I ' rn
I l-s - < { l lli ' > \ UA.jL UUU J& Ur .4 V 4Vr
jum u diu ! a. 1.0 ,