Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1891, Page 12, Image 12

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What the Fashionables of the StatJ Find to
Amuse Them.
and I'li-nsurcH Wliloli Inter
est this llev le H of tlio
World .MovoiiHJiitH of
Well Known I'coplu.
, IlllH'olll.
Mrs. II. P. Dobbins Is visiting relations lu
Miss Nellie Dronson loft Monday for u
month's vacation nt St. Paul.
Mr. aim Mrs. ( J. U. I'nco anil daughter re
turned \Vcdnosdiiy Iroin Marysvlliu , Kali.
Mrs. J. O. IJaUer of Phillips , Nell. , is tlio
gurst , of Mrs. M. I. . . Iiife'U'.v , at 1M)0 P street.
Miss Alice Wnll.ico of KustLincoln arrived
homo Tuesday night from u visit with friends
In Sowuril ,
A. C. L'ass , formerly of thU city , but now
with the Wtiito Hroast coal company of Den
ver , Is in thocity.
nMlss M. Weeks was u passenger on tlio
EtUhorn Monday for Sioux City , where she
goes to viilt friends ,
On Tuesday , lit the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. b , A. Warner , their daughter Funiiio
was married to Mr. ( Joorgo Sloat.
Miss Fannie Coimrn of Omaha , who lias
been thoKucst of Mrs. Gcorgo Uowertnan ,
returned homo Tuesday.
II.V. . Norris of tlio state university left
Tuesday for Orlnnell. la. , to spend the sum.
mcr vacation with friends.
Miss Etta U.vo of Holilre''o Is visiting her
lister , Mrs , J. D. Cogswell , at 1410 Ci street ,
'jbu will remain in the city several days.
Prof. A. H. Kdgrer and faintly loft Wednes
day evening for Llottenborg1 , Sweden , where
they will make their futuio home.
Miss Esteo Green of Fiilnnont , who ha *
been visiting In this city , the guest of Mrs.
( J. M. Sunder , returned homo Tuesday.
Rev. J. L. Edwards mid his friend , C. E.
Uroinley , of Marshalltown , la. , left ut 2:40 : l >
m. Tuoiday for an oxtenUotl visit In Salt
Lake City.
Superintendent II. S. .tones of the public
schools ha ? been Invited to deliver the annual
address at the old settlors' reunion to bo held
in Palmyra In June.
Norman B. Miller loft Tuesday for Galll-
Uin , Mo. , where ho will attend the wedding
of his sister and make u visit of several
weeks ainoug friends.
The lawn sociable- given Tuesday evening
by tlio Baptists of Noith Lincoln at the resi
dence of Mrs. T. J. Hush was well attended
and everyone had a pleasant timo.
The members of the Happy Evening club
enjoyed a dance on Tuesday evening. A
pleasant tune was enjoyed , and another
dance will bo given on Tuesday evening next.
Attorney C. L. Ulclmrds , who has not en
tirely recovered from la grippe contracted
last March , left Tuesday on the noon train
for Hot Springs , where ho Will remain for a
couple ot weeks for the benefit of his
Lieutenant E. T. Wilson , the genial re
cruiting ofliccr who spent several weeks in
Lincoln last winter , Is again established in
quarters in the government building and will
put In two weeks in an endeavor to induce
Lincoln joung men to don the blue.
The following Lincoln people went to
Omaha Wednesday to attend tl > e Thomas
concerts : Mrs. P. V. M. Raymond , Mr. and
Mrs. W. O. Jones , Mrs. H. A. Ensign and
sister , Miss Ilaird , Dr. Kightcrand daughter ,
Miss Joy Webster , Mrs. E. Bignell , Mrs.
Saulberry , Mrs. W. Q. Bell , Mrs. Buoson ,
Mrs. Leonard , Miss Martha Funko and the
As ( ho mists of Inst Saturday morning be
gan to roll away , they lifted a load from the
brow of many a little pupil ot the South
Paru school. It was the day of the long
thought of picnic. At 10 n. m. , under the
guidance of their teacher , Mrs. Owinti , thov
took possession of Oiirtleld Park. Never did
a band of little ones enjoy n day more , and a
number of older persons who \\ero also on
the scone imagined they were young again ,
nud Joined in the snort. Over ono hundred
partook of u feast that would tempt a king.
pity Treasurer , A. W. Bradt , was a Topeka -
peka , Ivas. visitor this week.
Uov. T , S. Leonard has returned from a
visit of a month or more in the east.
County Clerk VanOyno erf Saline county ,
was u Beatrice vjsllor" Monday.
Mrs. C. C. Olllaspio has returned from a
visit of several weeks with relatives lu Fair-
Master Marion Hawkins , son of George E.
Hawkins , has gone to Iowa to visit for the
Wallace Robertson returned Monday from
New York , whenoti ho had been on a visit
of several ft'coks.
Misses Nettie \ \ addoll and Thompson of
Odcll. wore visiting Irionds and relatives in
the city during the past week.
Mr. Isaac C. Jones and Miss Georgia E ,
KIrklln , were united in marriage at the
Christian church parsonage Thursday evenIng -
Ing last , Rev. R. II. Ingrain , ollleiatlng.
Charley Reynolds a leading member of the
Sons of Veterans of Uis city , has been ap
pointed an aide-de-camp of the staff of the
nUito commander of that organization , with
the rank of second lieutenant.
Xncbnriah Hoylo died at his homo six miles
northeast of the city on Wednesday lastand
on Wednesday morning of the present week ,
his father , tlio well known William
old pioneer and highly esteemed cltUen of
this county , also died , and was buried
Friday. Both caino to tholr death by reason
of heart disease.
Mrs. Forcutt Is visiting In Omaha.
Mrs. R. K. Woolsoy entorUlnod a company
sf friends at their beautiful homo on Wednes
day evening.
W. 1) . Robblns and wife visited from St.
Joe dunni : tlio week. Mrs. John Mcllnervov
ncci'inpani d them on their return home.
Mr * , Virginia Hendor-ton and daughter ,
Mlbs Delia , after an absenceof two years , re
turned Friday. They are the guests of Mrs.
( .ieneral Coo and Mrs. R. M. Rolfo. Miss
Delia has been attending the college and con
servatory at Uln-rllii , , Ohio , aim also Hcl-
inuth college at London , Canada ,
Mrs , C. W. Van \\yelc entertained n num
ber of friends out ut Love Lodge on Tuesday
evening ut cards. An elegant luncheon wa's
served during the evening. Those present
were Mr. and Mrs. Melsey and daughter uf
Omaha ; Mr. and Mrs. Cleave , Mrs. Price ,
Herbert Price , Mr. and Mrs. . E. E. Woolsov
and two daughters , Dr. J. C. Crttnpboll anil
James Reed anu wife. .
Society people wore given n surprise on
Wednesday when Mr. Charles Hlcklln of St
Joe , and Miss Kdna Huwko ot this ettv , were
united In mnrriago. Both are very popular
here and received hearty congratulations all
around. Mr. IHcUHn Is commercial agent for
the Santa Fo road with headquarter * m HI.
Joe , and the bride Is the daughter ot ono of
Nebraska City's lo.idlng merchants. Ele
gant presents were received and among thorn
beautiful Holituiro ear-rings from the groom.
The bridal bouquet thrown from the stairway
was caught by Miss Mliumh Iliuvko. Those
present were Mrs. Win. E. Dillon and son
LeeMrs. . Nannie Brusha , Mrs. Bennett of
Lincoln ; Mr * . Taylor and daughter of Plans-
mouth ; Mrs. F. D. Spencer of Kansas Cltv ;
Mr . W. S. Rector , Mrs. St. Clalr , MUs Pot
Hull. Miss Mlmuh Hawko and William
W. C. Langford Is In Nebraska City.
Ex-County Clerk E , B. Hubbard , p'aid Au
burn a vUit IHV week.
Auburn h to hnvo a kindergarten school
tbu suauMr , the huinu beginning Monday
U. Ii varliige and Judge J. K. Church
duavured the orations at .Nemciku city on
A IttrM uuuttor of our cllUens attended
r.Ue isyfuK of th iwiier stone of the Mottio-
U. t i > iiuri ) m London lun Thursday.
J ( < Mry Aruulrotii * . ka ! Miiiim ou the south-
tru i > irt ol Nebraska for the Contolidutua
ifi > < uu.ii by , Omaha , paid Auburn all ) .
f. * : > i , - > 4 .r.loy lost
t i , 1 1 in u of A-jburn will glvo a
t" * ' K iK'v t ; ra hTiso onThurs-
< / n < tsili m v/ceif , U'o object bsiug
U t jlA > ( . r 'ft , "V barii
( J.JI. Taylor's /rlcnda
gnvo him a plciwnht stirprUo , nt his homo on
Monday evening , tho' occasion bolng hU
fortynlnth birthday anniversary.
Dee Wheeldon of ( Srongor , who had for
two years been totally ilcuf , U rojocnir ! | once
more over the recovery of his hearing by the
usoor thoaudiphone. By the use of this In
strument ho can hear an ordinary convewn-
tlon quite well.
Iiiivhl Clly.
MlssJcnnlo Cook loft last Monday for a
short visit wail her sister In Kansas City ,
E. E. Leonard returned from Chicago ] JnU
Monday. Mrs. Leonard will return In a out
three weeks.
ThoB. AM. an excursion from Colum
bus to Lincoln last Sunday. Quito a number
of our citizens took in the Lincoln and Don.
ver ball game.
Mrs. Sylvester Johnson of York , Neb.who
bos been visiting her sisters , Mrs. C. J. Mil-
nor and Mrs. Darwin 'Sabln , for the past
week , returned Homo lost Saturday.
The countv officers nro very busy this week
movini. into their now quarter * In the now
court house. It having been accepted from
the cdntractor by the county board last \veok ,
everything being satisfactory.
The Misses Etta Woods , M.mtlo Woods ,
Mamlo Dnyo , Anna Nloiiriu , Mary Smart-
Jan and Messrs. A. 13. Hughes and D. C. Mc
Dowell , all of Schuylor , were In attendance
at our school oxurelsos at the opera hutiso
hist Friday evening.
Dr. C. C.Clant left last Thursday for
Kansas City , Mo. , whore ho will visit tils
daughter , Airs. John Welsh. The doctor is
Siidly In need of rest from his practice , and
wo hope a two months' vacation will do him
i cliron.
W. S. Potitt of Fnfrbury visited friends m
this city Monday.
Henry Tutt , after ( i two months' stay , left
for Kansas City Thursday.
Mrs. A. M. Leslie of Boston Is the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Phillips.
.1 J. Buchanan of Hastings returned homo
Wednesday after a week's sojourn in this
II. B. Davis has gone'to St. Joseph , Mo. ,
where ho has a position with a wholesale
llrm. ,
MUs Annlo Park of B6ston is visiting her
cousin , \V. E. Uoo'dhUO" Miss Park In the
lady cornctist who played at the Crete Chau-
tauqua last year. ,
Blue Valley lodge , No. .V.1 , Knights of Pytti-
las , are now the owners of u $1,000 hall. The
building has been translerred by the Knights
of Pythias hall company to the lodge by rea
son of the Pythian order being recognized
under the state laws.
The Silver Solo band of this city was ten
dered the appointment as SOL-ond regimental
band of the state. The appointment will
most likely bo accepted , and even now the
bovs are wondering ; is to'their now duties in
the next Indian outbreak.
' Sutton.--
Miss Mary Moore has returned from Blair.
Mrs. W. Bemis of York , .has been visiting
Mayor Bomls and his wife spent n portion
of Memorial uny in Sutton.
Mrs. I. N. Clark wont over to York this
week to visit her friends there.
Mr. llairgrove and family have taken a
trip to Jacksonville , 111. , for a few days.
Miss Jennie Waddle is in town visiting
with her sister. Mrs. Aggie Stewart.
Geo. W. Tonnlo and wife will shortly move
from St. JOQ to Sutton. He will make his
homo bore.
Miss MInnIe Cllft and Miss Mattie Peter
son have closed out their business. They
will take a summer vacation.
J. W. Johnson , secretary of the board of
transportation , and his son Clarence , were in
Sutton a short time this week.
Maggie Roberts , Myra Clark and Emma
Bishop wont to York last week as delegates
to the Christian Endeavor convention.
Tekamah schools closed this week.
Kain and lawn tennis do not go well to
R. T. Adams Is called to Decora , la. , by the
illness of his sister. ' '
Judgoand Airs. M. K. Hope well entertained
.the young people o the Baptist church last
Sutuiday evening ,
Mrs. D. C. Wallace , assisted by Mrs. C. A.
Hinsdnlc , gave a delightful entertainment to
the Presbyterian choir Friday evening in
honor of Prof. C. F. Beck.
On Sunday evening Rev. H. C. Dayhoff de
livered the baccalaureate sermon at the Pres
byterian church , and on Thursday evening
a class of seventeen graduated from thoTcka-
nmh high school.
Mrs. .1. F. Nesbit entertained a select com
pany of young ladies Thursday evening In
honor of Miss Lida Chirk , who has Just re
turned from New York. -
"Fails ity.
F. O. Edgecombs of the Journal was in
Lincoln this week.
Charles Stratton of Omaha spent a few
da3\s in the city this week.
Brown Kcim of Kansas City is visiting
relatives and friends hero.
Mrs. B. F. Morgan is spending a few
weeks in Lansing , Kan. , with friends.
Miss Norma Popper of Alcdo , 111. , Is the
guest of her sister , Airs. Frank Martin.
Miss Beck came from St. Joseph last week
and is the guest of the Misses Watts of this
Burclars entered the house of Dr. H , L.
Randall last Sunday evening und seen red a
gold watch and chain.
Mi-s. Martini Weaver , wife of ox-Congress
man A. J. Weaver , arrived in this city lust
week with her family attor a year spent in
Kensington , Pa. , with relatives.
Miss Fodo Castcller is visiting in Chicago. .
Mrs. J. R. McLatighlin gave u 4 o'clock tea
to n large circle of friends Thursday.
Mrs. George Sellers ot Fremont , nee Miss
Ada McBride , was visiting with her parents
the first of the week.
Rev. J. V. Whiting , pastor of the Baptist
church hero , has resigned and has accepted u
call nt Fairbury , Neb.
Mrs. J. H. Adams hold the Congrcentlonnl
sociable at her residence Thursday ovcnlnir.
Everybody enjoyed themselves and nil had a
good time.
Mrs. T. P. Welch , nco Miss Luln Mc-
Laughlln , Is spending a short vacation with
her parents. Mr. Welch come down Tbuis-
day to remain over Sunday.
Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Hennett celebrated their tenth year of mar
ried life and Invited in a tow of tholr Inti
mate friends to tea and spend the evening.
Mrs. Dr. O'Connoll and two children of
I'Oiuta , Nob. , have been visiting n short time
as guests of Mrs. R H. Chtndgo. Thodoetor
cttino down Tuesday mid they all returned
home Wednesday.
Coffee-colored laces nro bon-ton.
Gulmpjof nainsook are worn again this
A cream-white guipure Is very much wor
on fashionable gowns.
A neat stamp box Is inado In the form of a
United States mall bag.
Cowslips and HMOS seem to bo the favorite
llowom now In millinery ,
A ring in oxidized silver represents a com
mon nail bout Into n circle.
Some 01 the niou charming table decora
tions are those done with foliage only.
Buttonholes edged with gilt or silver braid
are chic , with buttons of these methods.
In low cut shoes the luco oxford Is seen in
cumbinatlan of pateut calf , sucdo mm ooze.
Thumb rings are the latest fancy of the
fair. Thov are luoky to wear on u Journey.
The Medlcls collar Is still used , but Is much
cut away la order not to conllnu ttio throat
too much.
A silver ring that Is rath or novel In design
Is In the form of a strap apparently buckled
around the linger.
A now font mi ) of the season's silk is the
shot eii'cot which runs through all the dif
ferent vorlotios of weave.
U Is quite the style to announce an Infant's
arrival by sending out tiny cards , engraved
Wttli the little ami's uauio.
In the evening drosios there Is either no
Bloovo or one. so short as to bo described more
properly as rutllo than alcove.
A brooch H made , in the form of n largo
pausy In enamel , with n bu act with iuiall
dluumi'Js creoplug up the atom.
Kurah U generously brocaded with poiupa-
dour dujijfuu , uud also U decorated wuU
a'.ln motifs under the nntuo of'"Slirah do
White , stnjwn with tiny apmys of : nlnk
roses and forgot-mo-nots , Inclosed lu a laco-
llko brccade , is the man effective combina
tion for waistcoats.
A few skirts with hip draperies nri sojn ,
but they are so In the minority ar to bo un
You must sit In the mlddlo of yoiir saddle ,
with the body In an upright , but unalTectoi
position , bending neither , forward , ' back
ward , nor to either side.
A late novelty lu shoos for drois Hurpascs
Is a laoo Balmoral tiiiiuc of patent calf or seal
leather , with n snake head tip. Tills h nude
over an English Hat-loot last.
Spotted parasols imitate a woolen fabric ,
and have a curious , shaggy spot. Pongee
parasols and umbrellas are also shown , nor
Inn the Japanese shnpo disappeared ,
( jold and silver mounted card and letter
cases are now made in sots of three sizes.
Tnov are made In a variety of funcy leather
and usually come In a plush or leather ease.
The trimmings still show Jet more than-
ever. It SCOIIH to be decided that Jot , with
nn admixture of delicate lines of gold , shall
be a summer garniture throughout the MU-
son. " i
Many of the prlncasso dresses have all the
seams corded the full length of the skirt ,
n 1th cords covered With the anmo material ;
or iitruln , the scams are covered wltn narrow
Perfumed gloves nro n novelty on sale at
some of the shops. They are usually the
Suede moiisquctalre , and they are so treated '
with orris root that their fragrance Is' prac
tically imperishable.
Sprays of ( lowers , either carried in the
hand or lu the place of a bouquet or attached
to the side of the dress and bunging down
ward seem to be absolutely indispensable as
a pnrt of the toilette.
The gayest of nil effects Is seen in the bro
caded material of which some parasols and
coaching umbrellas are made , and wtik-.h iu-
ttodnco so many different colors In the
pattern that they can bo curried with any
dress. -t't
The turned down collar , called "the ISM , "
is the latest collar to bo worn with the tailor
dress. Reversed cuffs are also worn , but
they ore rather troublesome and conspicuous ,
and the usual plain cuff with lluk.i is pre
The parasols nro striped slid -or1 satin dis
play black and white , black and gray , lilao
and white , blue mid white , .and red with
cream or white , or ecru witU'brown , light
green with black or darn red , and blue with
a darker bluo.
The bridal veil originated in the custom
of performing the nuptial cereinoto * under a ?
square piece of cloth hold 'dver the bride
and groom to conceal the blushes of the lat
ter. At the marriage of a widow it was
dispensed with.
New bodices for homo gcwns have a
drapery across the bust made by cutting the
fronts three Inches longer and gathering this
fullness In at. the arm sizes and again at the
center. Round fronts are worn with pointed
backs and vice versa.
The sleeves are still worn largo , and nro to
have more than over the long , tight cuffs ,
and those latter are to be richly embroidered
and Jeweled. It is said that gloves with
gauntlets are coming in , owing to the tight
ness of these new sleeves.
To take the place of the comfortable and
becoming furs nro all sorts of combinations of
feathers and gauzo. Long llchus of gauze
edged with soft little plumes' , which seem
part of the delicate fabric , arp'to bo made to
bo worn with decollete dresses.
Ono Of the latest things 1n the way of
feminine headgear is the chnpeau "Rachel. "
It Is of black open straw , with kuot of blue
inoussellino do solo in front. The crown is
encircled with the same material and orna
mented with a pair of black wings.
A new dcsicn in gauze is the "forked light-
ring , " which Is now being made up prettily
over black and pink. A dress of this hud u
front worked on net with Jot ; the design ,
larpo bows and small flowers with pendant
fringes , the ell'ect is most graceful.
Fronts are still lapped to the left , many
forming n point nt the bust-nnd nuother ono
at the waist line. Double-breastecl , bodices
having a point and tapered darts are becom
ing to a largo nguro. The back may bo in a
point or narrow coat shape.
In fashionable Parisian hnirdrcsslng of the
moment the dlstlnctivo7eaftro Is the solitaire
curl , which leaves the wavy front hair and Is
brought low down on the forehead or is worn
at the left temple. The rest of the bang is.
drawn loosely back to meet the small cell into
which the long hair is twisted.
The now sailor hats are nbsurd ; there is
nothing else tD say of them. The nrowu is so
low that it Is a mockery ; it Is compensated
for in the brim , which is wider than usual ,
They are to be worn very much tilted for
ward , and the preference Is for mixed straw
of various colors.
A bed without a canopy , says a writer in
the Now York Sun , is today like a pretty
girl without nn admirer. The style most
fancied is the brass ono with uink canopy
and side curtains , a pink coverlet and bolster.
The white iron bedsteads usually have either
white or yellow canopy and drjtpincs. As
the bed stands back in n recess , a pretty
motto may bo painted on the wall Just above
it *
The newly imported ornaments of French
Jot for dresses , counots and wraps nro of ex
ceeding elegance , and show deep pendent
pieces with largo spearhead drops attached
to a belt , which brings all of tlio hanging
pieces to a line five inches below the waist ,
garnishing the front of the skirt with superb
Round necks nro preferred to the V or
square shaped. The simplest challis or ging
ham frocks may bo worn with guimps , or if
high-necked they may bo shirred , laid in tiny
plaits or shirred around the neck or across
the front to imltato a round or square yoke.
Sleeves are the high-topped coat-shape or of
the skirt style gathered at the top and culT.
A dross in gray bonguliriq is mndo with a
bias skirt , each seam bning corded und lln-
IshCil at the bottom with a pulling of the
same material. The corsage is inado with
out darts , the fulloss being gathered to a
point at the bolt under a motif of Jot. A
shower of line Jot falls from the edge of the
corsage , forming n point half wnv down the
The largest Importation of cotton goods
this season seems to be ginghams , exquis
itely line Scotch weaves , illustrating many
now devices of pattern. The most notable
features nro extremely largo plaids of gorge
ous coloring , closely imitating the tartan and
the clan plnlds , uud the combining of groups
of variegated line stripes with wide white
sateen stripes ,
A now skirt called the "umbrella skirt"
Is made without a seam , except in the mlddlo
of the back , the material' being used hori
zontally , and has four largo and elongated
pleats In the back. If a ( Jounce is used on
the skirt it is usually wider at the back than
the front , in order not to detract from the
height of the wearor.
With the turn down collar the tailor inado
girl and her tailor have agreed that Jaunty
Hinall bows bltull bo worn us cravats. Black
satin bows very carefully made with the
ends stitched across nro correct , and narrow
linen washable ties in all colors pink , blue ,
bull and mauve , with embroidered white
dots are charming for spring mornings.
For the shirts and chemisettes to bo worn
with these cravats , the shirts nro made
"soft , " with stilT collars , the plastron of silk
or unstarched batiste In tucks ,
The "tailor made girl" is rejoicing this
year in tlio smartest of now garments a
frock cout the counterpart of the serious
masculine habiliment. The coat Is perfect In
cut , carefully fitted and linishcd In every de
tail , especially in the facing of the lapels
with black silk , upon which she especially
insists , nulls not too conspicuous , us it is
thu style of the long coats so much worn.
The latest nookwenr , for this style nf cos
tume Is the old fashioned "stock , " or "double
scarf , " worn a n cravat. It Is a voluminous
piece of bias silk , black being the most cor
rect , folded twlco around the neck and lied In
a knot with two "ears" in front , in exact re
production of the style of our grandfathers.
The collar Worn with the stock must bo
higher and more llaring than the usual band ,
and Is modelled after the collar * of the same
Wncn P hy won tick , we g Te her Caatorfa ,
Wbcn ahowMft Child , slio cried forCutoria ,
When aha became Mlu , the clung to Ca&torU ,
We have straw hats for every man and bo ; , \ Omaha , they must be sold in the next
ten clays. You can buy a single hat for less than dealers pay for them by the case. Men's Fine
Mackinaw Braid , in all shapes , at 25c , 35c and 50c. Don't be afraid of the quality on account of *
the low prices. Hat dealers get double these prices , The finest braids manufactured will
be found in our stock , prices $1 , $1.25 and $1.50. Don't pay a fancy price for an article no better.
Young men's flat brims , the latest shapes , in black and colors , $1.25 and $1.50.
We idave all sizes in the balbriggan underwear advertised last week at 75c per suit , anc ]
about two cases each of the brown balbriggan shirts at 15c and 25c ,
Good clothing is always the cheapest. Don't buy until you have seen our popular
styles , at $12 , $15 and $18 , for hot weather. Don'tfail to see our skeleton scrcre coats and vests ,
Largest Clothing- House Vest , of tlie Mississippi-
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
'Tno ' most widely nnd favorubtjr known ( pec *
inllBta In the United Stntrs. * Tliotr lone ex
perience , romnrkublc iklll and universal auo-
co&s In the treatment nnd cure of Nervous ,
Obronto nnd Bi/rtflcal .DUnuses , entitle these
editnent physlctnnsito the full confidence ot
the afflicted Ovorvvrhorc.riiey.guiirantee !
the awful pffectfl at early vlco und the iunior-
or. evils Ihatfollowln Its trnln. .
apoodlly. comnletolrnnd pormnnontly cured.
OUUEHS yield readily to tholr skillful troat-
rnarunteed cured without pnln or detention
from uuHlnft < as.
nently nnd RuccossfDlly cured In every ease ,
nmtorrlMS = , Seminal Weakness Lost Manhood ,
Night Emissions. Decayed Kiicultlcs , FemaU
Weakncas nnd all ddllcuto disorder * * peculiar
to cither BOX positively cured , its well as all
functional dlsurdcm-that result from you thf.'J
follies or the excess uf nmture years.
< \TITrTin. ? Uuiirantond permanently
O 1 I\l\j 1 U 1\C cnred , removal complete ,
without ctTttlni ; , cuustia or dilatation. Cure *
effected nt homo by patient without a mo
ment's pain or nnnojrance.
A TTPT ? niPnTho awful effects of'
foUlxl ; , L/Ulxll early vlco which brliiRi
oraanlo weakness , destroying both mind nnd
body , with ull Us dreaded lib. permanently
HPQ RPTT's ' Address those who have 1m-
UIXO. IJLil 1O paired themi Ives by Im
proper Indulgence nnd solitary nnblts , which
ruin both mind and body , unfitting them tor
buMnoss. atudv or marriage.
MARBIED MEN or these entering on that
happy life , awnro uf physical debility , quickly
Is based upon facts. First Practical experi
ence. Second Every cnio Is specially studied.
thus itanliiK right Third medicine * are
prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit
each cnie , thus effecting euros without Injury.
Drs. Belts & -Belts ,
No. 108,110 & 112 N. Eleventh St. ,
U'rotuciixl l . S. 1'utuiits.l
of Iron nutl Steel Kib-
lion , Yiir.l Lawn Fences , Ko Farm ,
Stock , Parli anil Ct'inctcry Fences. Iron V.isos , C'luilri , Pottoo
niul CrcstlnsB. Hoht ajuiits for liuuktliorii
( iulvunlicii .Sieul Itllibou Wires.
TelophoQo 1772. Samples at Factory.
By the use of
Pond1 a Extract
Pain will disappear.
Inflammations vanish.
Hemorrhages cease.
CA1IIN , SM tn JMI. AiTonlliiK to Sloumor
niul location til Muti'ruom.
, M.en , wruio. .
lMllTnaMUitc | (
ShllVICK Ol' '
vlu l milondjrry , t'vary Kurtnluht.
lllllMny. HI'ATK ( It'NKVADA. U A. M.
16 l .M y. tiTATK OK NKIIItAsKA. I I' . M.
llth Jniie. STATKiOf ( .KOUi.lA. I I' . M.
CA1I1N , K' & nml upnarili. Ili'tnrn. fiii una upwurdn.
Stci'raxunt luw inioi * .
Apply i" IIA' AI.I.AN. SI uitrriil , or to
11MOOUKBr UI r'nrnuiil Hi. , OuiAlm.
monil llmnd.
OrliHntal Had Oaly Clvautae.
* r > fciKv1 reiUtlt , toic * k ,
UrwfiH * > Cl lMl ra A t * k /'id-/
Mon/ * 4 lu IU'J f J ( > cZl lt ulLi\ !
aooLbrvh Vu < laM * r0i > i Mfttrtfu-
lMM * iBtm. ,
la > tvnr > . tut bwtlcuUri , UiUu al ftu4
"llclltf for t.dlr..Mln-ll.r ! , b ; rrlura
Mull. > ! > . Aa .J4 ir ,
Tim second term of this academic b : > iilna llrst
Monday lit July niiil clotos tlilnlVoilncMlay In
December next.
Col. . J.K. 1IOVU , Supt. I'ost-OIIlco , KAUMDAI.C , ICY.
" °
For YOt'NK WO.1IEN nnil ( HRLS.
Lar c Illustrated Catalogue sent on application.
Kcv. E. N. KNdLISII , M. A. , Principal.
Mrs. Ilubcock's Konllworth School. .1 Ilinrdinannd
J > avfth < KilJiirairlav\lopenSe \ ] } > temlitr23 , Jsil , ( it
Kenilwortli. Ill , , ( ! . ' ) miles north ol Chicago on I.nko
tiuuro. ) New nnd thoroughly tMiutppoil buildings
erectoil especially for the nclioul. but three minutes
wulK from the railway station. Huporloradvantugci
and bountiful locution. Knrcirculars , nddrcua
MIIS. M Ally KKVKS BA1JCOUK , Kenllworth , III.
French Monthly MniM'.ln : ? . An Inr.ilu iblo help
French a Indents und lencliors. t'tea suniplo cop
Aildio. * : I It : I u.rr ; : i Co. , W , Ma.lUo i S. ) . . Xe.v Yo
" ' Tr a U' ' U I > A flr * Blorpnlnc [ titb.i
S H Jw JL SJ J-X/JLcurfdln lto2Oili7i. (
* 4JV , DR.J ETEPHENB.L.biucm.O.
So auiioui nerc the anelenu for ( UlwiTt men lint
i puny bojHL { Mrtli wer puttoJcatb.
. Ever ? MAN can be 8TRONO
I &ndVIGOROUSIn&llreipecti.
affarlng from NERVOUS DE
BILITY , Lull or Falling Man
hood , rhyllcal Czceiiet , Mental
Worry , Stunted Development , or
reltorcd to FERFEOT HEALTH abd
MEN , thg Pride and Power ot Hatloni.
Wo claim by years of practice by
our oxclnslvn methods u uniform
Inc all Dleraies , Weaknenei nnd
I Afflictions of Men. Testimonials
' from SO States and Territories.
fflllD * dirtir 1/"fifXfntfrcc.sealedpoat- ' -
UUK HEW BOOK paid , fnrn limited tlrnp. Oel
It while you can. Full Explanation for ROME TREAT
MENT. You can lie FULLY RESTORED ai Thouiandl
nave been by ui. Read our teitlmonlali. Address at onca
Leaven | MlSSOUItl I'ACIKIC. I Arrives
Omaha. I Dc'pot liilli and Wub tcr Sts. IJim hi .
10.IW n nil..SI. Lonl'T.V K. C. K'xpfv * * . . . l"ii. : ) u in.
R.'U p ml. , .ht. A K. O. Kiiirutt. . ! 6.SO | i m.
Li-imii" ) K. r > , ST. Jill ! A C. II. I Arrives ,
Trnnnrurl Union Depot. Council Illuin. iTiaiiHfer
100J a m.Kan-n | Clly Day Kxpru 64.1 p m
IQ.I.'i p mi.Kan iia Clly Kjiilit rixproiK. . . KM u m
TinrAfi'o. IM.'A I'A"CIKK\ Arrtvns
Trnnter I Union Depot , Council lllutls. Trannfer
U.HU p in . Nlaht i : prn ( i.W H m
U.iU u m Atlantic | { * i > rn < ii . I 6-M P m
S.UI p m Vi-itlbulo Limited . llO.IiO nm
17iivor"lirAiro.V | ( NollTIIWKH I'KltN. I Arrlvui
Trtm ier | Union Depot , Cuiincll Dluiu. i'lrun < lU |
0.10 n ml Chlrnuo Kxnro j C.OH p m
' ' " "
6.UJ | > m | ! ! ! . ! . Ubuib"J".finltea . i I'-'w ' u m
10.00 p in' ' Kmlern r'lyer l" u m
b.OO p lui , Atlantic J'lill. ' . . : * n m
p mllii ( > -nt. onlyi li. < U P m
Oil AHA . ' ; Kl' Ltll.'lb" i"A > riiiii"
I'nl'Hi ' l oitiii-M I
Associated with Tlic San Francisco Examiner
For the States of Nebraska , Iowa , Kansas ancl
South Dakota , for the collection of all legitimate -
mate claims before the various Depart
ments of the Government.
EDWARD P. ROGGEN , Manager ,
Room 600 , Bee Building , OMAHA , NEB. ,
Will practice in the SUPREME COURT OF THE
UNITED STATES , the Court of Claims , the several Courts
of the District of Columbia , before Committees of Congress ,
Indian Bepredation Claims.
We Obtain Pensions and Patents.
All Classes of Land Claims.
Mining , Pre-emption and Homestead Cases _
Prosecuted before the ; Land Olllco , Department of tlie Interior , nnd
the Supreme Court.
Thousands yet entitled. Write for information.
Widows , Minor Children. Dependent Mothers , Fathers , nnd
Minor Dependents Brothers and Sisters entitled.
Pension laws arc now more liberal than formerly , nnd inun.y nro
entitled to bettor rates. Apply at once for list of questions to
determine right to higher rates.
All letters will be promptly answered and all
information concerning form of applications for
claims , terms , etc. , will be given with as little
delay as practicable. No letter will be an
swered unless the sender encloses requisite
stamps for reply. No information concerning
any particular claim will be imparted until the
applicant has become a member of The Bee
Claims Bureau association.
Address all letters relating to claims to
kcaii of Aims
Is not ploaant to tuko , oa It is rom-
posodof all the modlolnal qimlltloa
that pro to mtvko now nnd rich bloo-l
without compelling the consumer to
which can bo bought any where for
thlrty-flvo o nta a gallon , an nil niir-
nparillns aro. BEQGS' I3LOOD
compose : ! of ptiro modiolno , tvud al-
lewd the purohaaor to add syrup
wh'oli is udvlsoi whoa ylvoa to
If your ilrilK.'Ist ( loon not keep It uocnpl mi
Mibntltutu , ' "it owlur ( Uriel fro u Hi > ( .1 'M'J
( Jo. . lin-l'JT ' Mlelilcim St. . C'liloiuo. III . an I
they will fiirvs'uru. uxprusd piujmld , utiu 0 < > t-
tlo forI ornlx fortV
Old Men. WutiU Mildlo 'mi" ! men. Pivnui-
lun-ly olU YIHIIIK MI-II , lirln- ! > ' . ' > . Humify
HII-II , urlKlituyc. Hlri'iixtli. uniliiiion .mil ilf-
. . "I'lr.'i-t
aliotiy n o n { Ni-rvn lli'iii.t. Tlmy
youth'Hurr'irH. ' i-uio.ill ntiviti . . - . ( I m > t
six bosunt\ Nerve lluun < > HiilT'ili. . N 1
Boly by ijooiliii.iu I'ru ' ' y. niu t ini.mi ft
K _ Til'"ir7t-7l ir -eiruin ( > i I.J f . 11 I'M.
I'ot nule by Ooydlilau Drug Co.
f he Best Till On Eurtlit
Dr. iiobli'M Little
'IIICJ ' Vccolnlilu I'lll * net
& ' "
{ vTVvWi7ti'5V"T *
. , . , . ( mil < 'olllH |
cl an ln0 the system tlior *
nuuhly und they cur *
Imbltuul ooiutlimllon.
They nru eugar contuil ,
du not Krl | > , very
email , uauy tu Into , ona
t i pA * . . . Iilll n < ! ese , anil uro
purrly Vt'UCtlllllo. 4S iilllHlnoacli ivlal , -
'oct ' ill i > dlou fnllnvm tlii-lr lieu. They : AIISO
bi'ViiiiV ' ouiin SKK ; IIICAII/U'HK >
jil , , , . , . , ,
mil are Hcc < uiiiiiciiil < liy ; , H -
lIclniiM. rurnala by ilrHKOl t or rutit by uulU
( .ontH n MulurO for Jl.W. AiMroii
IJ'S MKD1C1MJ CO. , Props , t
'an Francisco , Cal. Chicago , Illi
t t.l. 'I' . I'M. i .X I4III K.L4 Ir ! * . . ! N'l'AI.
-j - li'uio\ > liih. I''- Ii . -k
KKi ifii , Jl .Hi 1'nii'liii. . itMlimiii * m
Jpv > I mery bk muh utt
" - ' * . > . . l.cuiui , niul ill ( IK
yfTVii h i iii.n. It I" "
f/fVB i-'i ii l"1" ' ' "
l-ll ) li.u.lf . A ' < l'l '
nn I'i.iii.t' . . ifit "t
. .1111)1 ) ! ii.ui.H. I't 1
A. bujir > uicl lo n
' ' or tin baut ton
nlllllll 'III ' 'Illiu ' !
lin.l . . or all
hi. fl.m | ii | ' "l -
h.iii " I'm J tor
urn l.t I'i.t I'iii' < ' I " '
U.ll'i ' r I !
A POSITIVfi andpsFminenl CURE lor Pjl
MiiMooliK. U HI IN AR Y OR G ANS. Cur MX
wharoolherlicitrif tbli .FuiTdiiccliunjwIINeacI * "
tonle. I'flce. ono Uoilar See nonaiura ol E , U
S1AHL For Bolo Uy All Dru clata.
fit * Scbltfa isn AJUIBII. Our * mnf/ui/ / i
" " m/.jij rV 1 > u.i ill UM > ; Itjurn M
frrUbU lUipi < J rt etint vbtrt fcll lt ri f 11.
r < ( nmtifu * . U. nvti i if I. I'd * * . ' .
811.00 , r lrajilit 1 ; utll. * f |
. . " " * - - -
* api TT" . 1 .strptoi