Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 03, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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, .
A DVKHTI8EMKNT8 for tlicco column * will
Jt ho mkcn until 12iO : | > . in. , fur the orrn ns
edition , nn < l until Rlinp. m. , for the morning
rdll Ion nml SUNDAY HKt
mKKMS C'ush In mlvnncB. '
17 ATE ? Advertl e nrnUrm1hl ptiRen'llltio
Jl clmrpril for nt the rnto lit Hi crntu per
nrci for thn first Itmertlnn , nncl 1 cent per word
Irr nidi MlbucqtiPtit Insertion , nnil II.WI ) % r
line per n nnth. No rdTrrtlM'tiirnt taken for
Irm limn ' . 'I ' cents for the HrM Insertion.
TN1TIA I.H. II * nymlols , etc. , ccmntcacn
JL mono woril.
rpIIEHE nrtvnrtlsempnts piost rim coniccii-
J tlvely nnd under no etreumstnnres will
thry to ( iikcn or discontinued by Icdcphone.
"l ) Aln IF.h advertising In thrsn rnliitnni and
J luivlna their nnswi rsnodrr : scd ton. ' ruim-
1 nc d letter In cnro of TliK Ilr.K. will receive n
t mnl PH dchrck to rnnble them to get tholr
JHIITH. Answnrn will lei nplltercd only on
tne'-cntntlon of this rhrck. Fneloho unsworn
hi rn\ elopes properly nddrcssoil.
A Idi nflirrtl priiciitn nnficr the head of
J * " prclnl Notices" nro published In lioth
the mnrnlntr nnd evening rdltlonsof TllK 1 1 UK.
the elrciilnthm of which ngRrepiilesiiiorelliiin
Sn.tonpiiprrs dully. nnd given the advertiser
HIP bom-fit not only of the liirpn clr'-ulnUonof
TDK lirr. In Oninlm , hut also In Council HlufTs.
1 Inroln nnd othcrcltles nnd towns tlthewcst
Advertising for these coining wip n tnkon
on the nl OVP conditions ut the f I'.owtnK busl-
np houses who nro nuthorlml to tnko flpcdnl
notice * . lit Iliu sumo rates tin cnn 1)0 ) had ut the
imi In office. _ _ _
. . IC2 N. i-trect , Muter IlloK. .
TOIIN W. HEM * Phiirmuclst , llth & Mason
< l street.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
& KDDV. Ftntlonors nnd 1'rlnlor
CHASE ICth fitrrp * .
_ _ _ _ _ _
IL rAHNHw6KTH. Pharmacist , 2113
. . mins street
r , T\r J. HUGHES , Pharmacist , C24 North ICth
. * street.
If riEO wT PAKK , Pharmncist , 171S Lcnvon-
Ij VI wet tli street.
IIS1 PIIAKMACV. 24th and I'arnnm.
J"orrnif , f/r. / , Hrtiip n/j\nttotumn \ n tli
" \\7ANTED Position by male stenozrnpher
'itid bookUeeper ; best of references , Add -
d re-is O IV. Ueo ollleo. M4H ! C
WANTP/D A position ns mnehlnest or en-
llne ( > r ; Imvi ) run larse plants In the east ;
alHOHmiill engine norks nnd maehlne shops :
A I references. J. II. Malllnson , C02 N. 17lh st.
"I\7ANTKD Pltuatlons for uood clrls ; my
> waltlns rooms lire always full from ! ) a.
tn. to U p. m. Canadian employment olllce.
: il4'i H. 15th. Tolnphone Ml. -Mj
\V ANTKD Uy a yonna lady , a position In
ixitloii Htoro ; mivnrnl yours" experience ;
rcfciciifo given. AiUlress O Xt , Heo olllce _
PROFESSIONAL nnr-e. Mrs. . . . Houton.
1813 l/'assstieet. Omuhu. 3flt J'0 !
TATANTr. ! ) Position as clerk or traveling
W iniiii hv Oerniuii American : ased 21 : T
years' e\nerlencn In Imporllnir nnd exporting
business In New YorK : Rood office innn : cotleo
tr.-iilo pieferred ; first elass New York refer
ences. AiidressO. I'fl. Heo. IMS *
J nt inlrs , fir. , tfttiipnf Hrt nituninnn ( * > iot.
\VANTii : ) To.unstors , sbnvelors and
T > traeUmon for work In Wyoming and
South Dakota. Albilght Labor Agency. 1120
ruriiam street. MIS1
\TrANTI3D An Industrious VOUIIR man to
* fill responsible nos tlon ; Rlvo references.
Address OU ( , Hee. M 470 4 *
S A"oENTS-Iln quick. Itlu-money. Send for
aVsamples , Hollable poknt lamp : peifeut ,
Rliiiple. Hiifo , always ready ; light' Instantly ,
Postpaid , M cents , or f4.01 per do/en nv ex-
prexs. ( > em savings bank , 15 cents
( l)7i'ii. ( postpaid. New "MS" ring pnrzlo post
paid < i cenlK or W.OO per 100 by express. Keep
posted. Always something new , Sceurlty
No\o ty Jlanufacturlng Co. , IDS Clark Mieot.
ChleaRo. ai Hi' ) : i *
\\7ANTEIf01othliiE sulesmun Wo want
un ugiint or firm In every county of the
T. S. to bundle our line of meichant tailoring.
Hunter MIX' Co. , Clnnlnimtl. l > . Piinls to order ,
IM. suits , fl'i und upwards. Write fortmnnilpM
nnd rules of solf-nioiisuroinont. M 4(17 ( 3 *
WANTKD--Siilesman for every state and
lenltory to soil our goods by snmnlo to
the wholesulo and retail trade. Our goods soil
everywhere. Good sularv paid. Permanent
position. Send stump for terms. Cuvuscopo
aifg Co. . Chicago. HI. M 4USi. '
AGENTS. f.r to $10 per duy collecting small
pictures for us to coppv und cnlmgc. Sut-
kifmiUon guaranteed and a ? 4 out ( it free.
A. Punno & C'o. , 50 Itoudo street New York
1WANT an all round printer for permanent
position. ho Isa good local vrltor and a
coed solicitor , makes friends and cun keep
tli'Mii ; must send satisfactory referenced ns to
hones ! v , sobrletv. fiillhfillness and nctlvlty ;
wages from ? 10 to I.'i ; state experience ; want
"m right nwnv fora largo weekly In Kansas
l , tlooofllco. 418 8 *
WANTKD Seonlo artist , fieseo painter and
lady to paint pictures. Stnta previous
oxpnrlenco. Address for six days , Henry Pal
mer ArtCo. , AtlnnllC , In. 4524 *
W \ * > A competent butter roll iniiUer.
Apply to the Cuilahy Packing Co. M4U 4
" \ , \ /ANTED lly Industrious young man. to
' ' learn railroad englneoi Ing , wages no ob
ject. Address OS7 Heo. M4I i 4
" \ \ ' ANTED Salesmen on salary or commls-
> ' slon to hnndlo the now pitent chemical
JllU erasing pencil ; the gi en test soiling mnol-
tv C.NCI pioduecd : cruses Ink thoroughly In
two seconds ; no abrasion of paper : 201) ) to 500
percent , prollt ; ono agent's sulos iimoiinted
to iit.n In sl\ days ; another J'I2 In two hours ,
"We w'lint ono general ugent tor enchstuto nnd
terrltoiy. 1'or terms und full p-irtlculurs. ud-
diess the Monroe Eraser Mfg. Cp. , Lu Urosso.
" \\f AN'l ED A mini of good address to call
' ' on the muniifuctiirlim Hades and tulto
orders for stumped mil embossed work. Wo
wiintii U'sjilunt reiuesentutlve to jiuiidio ex
clusively ull the goods of our o\\n iiinnufuo-
tiim : u man who bus sold Ittho.ruphiuorlc
prett'ired : Milnry und eommlssloii lo thn light
mini Address with full particulars. .1. W.
Curroll. 78 Duunost. , bow \ onMUM tl
" \\7ANTED-A few energello ngcnts to sell
niaitlc Kpoclultles , liicliiillng magic self-
lighting pocket lump , muglc illmo suvlug
bunk und other good soiling urtlclns. All our
poods sell ut sight. Apply \\lthiefcroncos ,
Nortliweslein t-peclully t'o. , room 401) ) Heo
bidir. Omiihn Nob. Mil7 !
Farrntnttr , , tee Jop offlrnt roltimn < n iu' .
11 III , forKcncrul huuseuiiik , 2122 St. Mary's
I n\enue. M47 ! )
\\r ANTED -Good general borvnnt. 2110
V > EmmetjtU M477 4
" \\rANTED Competent sowing woman. Mrs.
> r A. M. Curler , ! 130 | h'uiiKtm street. 437
* \ , \ ' ANTED A girl for gcnoial housework
" " fJ Mrs M. Levy,2i.17 ) Dodge street , opposite
high sHhool. _ 4.-.OJ
\VANTED- A competent girl for general
TT liiiiisuwork In family of 4 ; mini Im a llrst
clnseoolt and C'all al 1 U t'apltol
u % f. 417 2 *
V\TANTKD Coinpi'tent girl for housoworU
' In family of two ; best wages. Call I02rt
New \ < .rk Lite. ll'j ' n *
" \\rANTED A llrst-elms draper : none
other need apply , E. H. Torrlll. 210 ! )
Dnugliu street. Mint'
\\7ANTED-A elrl ut 1010 Turnum stieiit :
t' liorimin prvfutrod. Mlito
\ \ } ANTED-GIrl to doIlsht houTtwo7k iinil
il tukoeateof childicn. MM ti. 2Jrd t.
A comiiotent girl for second
work ut n beautiful country homo ; llfty
mile * from Omiiha , ( Jhus. A. Har\ey , Ull
I'nriHim street. Kl
? OR WENT--HO"ulSE37
F rri\lf \ , elf , , ie tnp ttf flrttrnlu > nn p 17
KENT- rnlshcd 5-rooni cottngo for
IhuAiimineri doslriibla location and low
rent. Address O. &u. lice. 4JJ
I ) AIK ( ukeniiH , between Jucksou nnd l.oav-
eiiHoith ts , yory di'ilntbio house , S roonm.
bath room , turimcv , Inquire Itoom tJ , IM kt , _ 4IS-7
QOl'.Miapltol Avunno s-room cottngo. West
-J half 2311 Davenport itrcct. Ohoati. Imiulro
nt WIS Uitpllol ! i'iiuo. MJU 5'
O-KOOM lioime , city and elituru watur , 110 to
Onmall fuinly. ! Corner nth amt Paclllc.
_ _ 408 u *
' | fOt ( UENT-l-rooin Hats to fan ! ly without
S- children ) modern linproii'incnta ; prices 115
tOllN 1701 Webster t , 400
KKNT 19-roam boumj , all modern con-
M'lilitnco * . onrpcta. window llxturcs and
IRC , for tale. Inquire nt I7UO Dodge otrcot.
for ratef.etr * re * tap of flrtt column on tnlt rnm
IT OIl KENT 12 room house. 1001 N , Z7th avn-
Jntic , f fi , with I urge Darn , furnnco. RIIA , ate. *
0 room liousoj2218 l.caveuworlh Ht. $12. both
gns , tnantoU. nte. 9 room , 1719 Dodgti st. , MO ,
all modern Improvement * . 5 room. Mist and
Mimon. * l. ' > , olty water , largo yard , H. U.
Ulark & Co. , 1218 llarnoy st. M475 7
FOIt KENT furnished house , all modern
convonlnnces ; four months ; cheap to good
purty. 2721 Jackson street. Call In morning ,
| M44n :
fjlOIt KENT Two ID-room brink residences ,
JL' nil conveniences , just completed , W7-.V)1) ) )
OoorBla uvo. Kent } : ti.oo ) for llrst year. J. 11.
Piirrotto. Douglas bloctt. 24'J '
f I' yon wish to rent a house or store sec II. li
JLCole , Continental blook. 230
KENT Four C and 7-room Hats with
bath , hot water , etc. , paved streets ; nimr
business' all Improvements : only { . ' . " > per mo.
Kiiferences required. The Mend Investment
Co ,412 Heo building. 231
K-KOO.M house , nice yard , shade trees , city
Jnnd cistern water , elognnt neighborhood. 2
bloeks from direct curs. Ull H. 7th avenue , or
Hell's pharmacy , cor. llth and Mason. . 232
' KKNT lO oem house , centrally loeat-
Ii'OK modern Improvetnuiits. Imiulro , 712 N.
mh. >
TjiOH KENT Ily Juno 20. a 0-rooiu house
J- newly iialnted and p.tporcd , well , cistern
and city water , bath and furnace. VEIW Dav
enport. Mffil 4 *
rpl.N-KOOM hou o with barn ; de-lrablc In-
JL enllon , inoderato rent. Heard llroa. . 1410
Enow I'J-room housn with all modern
IniproveiiiiiiitM and burn : line loe'itlon for
a physician. J. II. I'urrottu icnlal agency.
boated ni'Mleni Hats , 707 and 70 ! )
STHAM _ llltli. K. KliiRcr , l.MO I'limum.
20I-J27 *
KEN C-room hiIck houses , nil modern ,
uxeout furiuice.t''J . " > per month , near Sher
man avenue motor. C. 1' . Harrison , 012 N. Y.
Life. 01I-.I22
TI1OK HP.NT Klut. 0 rooms. S < 1 lloor , 000 N.
-L1 lilth ; iSW.Wl Heed i Solby , 1J , Hoard
Trade. Mill I
. . . .IHNT 8-rnom Mat , Lange block. Illth
anil Jueksoti. JH17U 0
LfOH KENT-Modern ( J-room Hat , new dnc-
oiatlolis. Uood locality. Jj. b. bklnner.
1014 Kurnam st. W >
r.l Ol'HK for rent Two story house 8 rooms
- I with all modern ImpioVenmnts , " .MS Luke
Htteet C. I ) . Woodworlh 1512 Douglas. 102
"II1OH KENT 7-iootn house , 202-J Harney. In-
JL1 qultoA. ll.UIndstone , 1310 Dotislns street ,
FOR ItHNf Kitchen , dining room , and ex
tra rooms If desired , in Hut of 22 fur
nished rooms , rumlly of five persons will
board with put ty. and can have any amount
of II rst-cluss benders besides. Inquire li')2 ) S.
13th. 4UI-S
" oiTuENT New 7 iMom house , with all
modern Improvements , 1 block ruom Wal
nut Hill motor , JJ5. Theo. Olson. ' .IH N. Y. Life.
F IK KENT Eight-room house and bain.
821 &outh 27th strLoi. Apply on pioimsos.
10-HOOM liouse. barn ; Kount/o Plai-o : ? .t 01
a month to tight parties. J. J. Oibson. It.
: ) , Crelghton block. Mill" )
IrtOll HiNT ; 10-room new brick residence ,
between Mason and Pacific on .Will ave ;
hath , gas. l.'iumliy , furnace , oak Hours and
lines ! plates and manluls and every modern
eoineiilunce ; partly furnished If desired. In-
uiilro on picmlses or loom 412 , Hoe building.
S-KOOM hrlek house , all eonvonlencos , l-'S ;
li-iooiu brick house , iJO. 11. R Cole , 0 Con
tinental. U2- )
OI'SKS. all kinds tlueo nicely furnished ,
II llundy .t Co. , 1U14 Capitol avenue. WI7
UliNT Houses with all modern im-
piovements , steam heat : 1 blook from high
Hcliool ; $2.i.OJ to f" > ) .OJ jiei month. Also stores ,
24th and Davenport II. 11. Iroy , 200 N. Y.Mfo.
"IjlOU ItKNT Large numborof hoitsps. stores.
JHuts , uto.i.l per month and un Now
list 1st of each month. Ocorxo J. Paul. 11501
K.Trniinihtieiit _ , 'JOI ' .Ty2
FOU KENT , cheap ; a good 'en room niodfrn
house. Imiulro - " > -1J Capitol avenue. 11.
II. Hoblson. A1U7..Tll !
IflOK KKNT llur.lsomo 11-room modern
house ; ull conveniences : in perfect order ;
( laved fitiuets ; motor , and within u minutes
wulk o' postolllco. Nathan Shelton , 11.14 l-'ar-
niini Htreet. MI. > 1
Furratc.i. clc.nettnpnfflnt column on tlili pie *
: ! ; or four looms , private bouse. 012 So
Kith street. Mil , ' ) 4 *
TilOU ItnS'T Desli uhlo rooms for light bouse-
J kouplng ; also single rooms. 2317 Douglns
stieot , M47.I 4 *
irOK KENT riirnlshed rooms ; gas and
Jbath. . 1721 Dodge street. Uofuronees.M .
M 471 7 *
FOU KKNT Largo furnished front par or
? . ' > UX ) . also u number of smaller looms
for gentlemen only. Table board If dcsliod.
ran North Ihth stieot. _ 4CT-2 *
F OIt KENT Nicely furnished front looms at
S20 South 21th Htieot , near Lou\eiiwoith
motor. M4il : 7 *
"VTIOKLY furnished largo south room for
-Li lent ; modern conveniences.01' ' ) ll.iiney
cool furnished room for the summer
_ j2JJ mithJltji ( JUU ) . _ 421 ! 1 *
T AKGi : front room , 17UI Capitol avo. 418
NEWLY furnished room , suitable forvontlo-
mnn and wlfe.iulvato rcsldenco , luforencn
required , ( iyiS. i7ih street. lll-i : *
POH INT | ; Kimilshod rooms , 1C07 Douglas.
front moms , light
Ing. newly papered ; J7 aud upwuids. 410
S. lUth htroet. :1 : < 1 lloor.
A7 EKY plunsunt front loom in private fam
ily for gentleman. 8J3 S. 20th st. 3JI
TOOK KENT Nicely furnished room , gas nnd
JL1 bath. 2010 liurney street. Kefeience re
quired. ! BM2'
IjlUKNlSIir.l ) looms at IdOH Cupltol uvc.
V 215 0 *
'Ij'U'UNlSIIEDrooiiis.corMor ' lltb and Jackson
_ streets. No. IUII S. I'ltli. 20J-.I
r1WO or four rooms , light housekeeping , ' "O''ii
JL i t. Mary's uvouiie. 172
rooms , single or en suite. HT >
JL utli 2Uthsl , 778
I'm tatei. ete , , tee tup ufjlrnt column an tlili
lids. 17th a\e. , between Jackson
und Lcavenuoitn , 41I 4'
1)AKLOIEninl parlorbedioom.tlrst lloorfront
room. biiltuVilo for light hoiisoKeuplng. ! > 1S
N 2uth. street. : nj 2'
FOK UI'.NT rind , smnll family apartments.
ulloutsldo looms ; Ih'-il locality , modern
lmiin ements. ImiulioCi. ! ! ) P.ixton hliK'k. 2. > 7
irOU UKNT-Ono largo front room and klt-
JL' elum for hoiueUeuplng. C07 Noitli lilth
street. Mw'J2' : '
X KW , modern and niostdnslralile In thuolty.
J-s Thron or four room sultes.SlSS. 22nd street.
T. L. Von Dorn. M4SI
4rNl'rit.MtfIir.D rooms , llrst lloor , modern
Improvements , range In kitchen , ilia S. 2ith )
M. MI17 J4'
t orrcittnrtc. , Kf top of tlrtt column im l/ite /
rilllEftt. Clalr Kuropuan botol. cor 1.1th and
1 Dodge , " 111 make low rales 'or looms by
tlm week or month with or without boatd.
> OOM with tlrst-elass lioard , 1814 Dodgo.
t 411-3 *
1OH KENT--Largo 1 neatly fiunlsliul front
* - ruuir with board. No. 2010 California M.
403 7 *
" 1J1OK KKN'lV-l'uriiUhoJ room with < l
-L deslrablu location , taulo board. 201 S. 2.111
423 ;
IjMIKNlfHKD rooms and board , IDil Dodge.
JL .M2A3
ALAIttlR ne.uly furnished front mom and
board for two. 13 per wcuk. 2011 Iliirney
street. Mass a *
) LEA8ANT nwm with board. Itoforeners.
L " - "I'urnani , 327 > *
TilUHNISIIKD room und board. 2013 liurney
JL1 trfut. a2i | ;
OU KENT Pleasant rooms with or without -
out board at Ml bouth 23lh uvuiiuo. M2JI 4
! "IT'OH UENT-Larso south room , with board
J 2IOJ Douglas Kt. MllUa
'x cornur 15th uYul Jackson.
110-JJ1 *
ronato , etc , , teetopof j\nt \ column ontMiftge ,
Oil ItENT-Tlie V-story brickbulldln8.witli :
or without power , formerly ocuplod by the
lice Publishing Co. , 016 Karnam Nt. The bulld-
InS bus A II re proof ennui nt bastiment.comploto
steam-heating fixtureswater on nil the Hours ,
gas , etc. Apply at the ollleo of Thn lice. 013
T71OII KKNT In Slienandoah. la. , a Rood
X1 lirlok business liouse. third door from
tiostolUcc. Imiulro of J. It. Irvln , Shotmmlnuh
T71OU KENT-Or ale. my building on Jones
-T st.boUIOtlt & 11th U.A.LIndiiulst.aia.S 15th.
iroit KENT-Dcsk room , at Oil N. V. Llfo
JJ building. 203
FOK KhNT-Tho three-story brick bulld-
Imr , 1110 Douglns .street , HUltnblo for whole
sale purposes , fill ) per month. Chns. luuif-
maiin. iiu2 : Douglas street. 20.1
Forratt , tteitetni > nfHrtl rotiimnnn IMtpige.
1JULLMAN house , UIO Dodge street , tor
good board , nleo rooms , modern conven
iences ; rules und location It cannot bo ex
celled. Mrs Hum. Prop. M4K1 Jy2 *
( JTOKK rooms ut 707 nudTO1South inthsteam
\J heated. ! ' „ 1' . Klngor , 131n I'arnum.
Forruln.etc. , teetop offlrit column ontMepnae
iron KENT A good dairy farm ten miles
JL1 not th of Omaha on It. K Will make ex
ceptionally eu y teims to u good tenunt. Ap
ply for particulars , Henry Momony , P. O.
Coirinan. Nel ) . M 4M 3 *
THAVE a good tame-grass pasture of 100
acies. 7 miles west of Omahu , for horses
nnd cuttle Mrs. ICuthroiio Ernst , box 7V1. (
Omiiha. Neb. MilQ : G *
ifOlt KI.NT I'rom June 10. blue grass pust-
urage for UK ) horses. Seymour park ; am
pin simile , water pine and plenty will bo pro
vided. Apply to Dr. Uoorgo L. Miller , room
1)12 ) N. Y Llfo bills. ; * ' 8-t !
STOl'lC ranch for rent ; nbundunco good
water ; good range ; Hil aeies In ctop ; 1,200
acres fenced. P. O. Ito.x 17 , Harrlsburg. Colo.
M1114 7 *
\A/U huvo the best horse piiflturo In Ibis
i state , at Ollmorc Stutlon , three miles
south Of South Omuha ; KiO acres of blue grass ,
spring water , board fence ; have u good ono-
liulf inllo Hack on tlio farm ; will take a few
horses or colts to break or train , llarton &
Phelps , or A. W. Phelps .V Son. M33U-.1U *
rorrnf.t ( , etc. , tee top of firtl column on this page.
A YOUNG lady holding a good position
wishes room and board In strictly pri
vate family. Iteforences. OC2 , Heo. 4V4-H *
FarratrKetc.ffr.ti > iiifflri < t column on this page.
BEST storage building In Omaha , govern
ment bonded warehouse : household goods
euiod for : lowest lutes. W. M. Unshman , 1013
Louvonworth. 2C. " >
and best storage for furnllute.
Wells. 1111 Kiirnum street. 20G
STOKAOK of household goods : cloun , dry
place , privately stored , terms moderate :
wo also store stoves during the summer : wo
will get tiiom from the houses uiitl deliver
them In the fall In good trim. Tel. IH : 1207
Douglas. Omaha btovo Kcpulr Woik-t 7i0-J17 !
LDEST , cheapest uud best storage house In
city. Williams & Cross , 1214 liurney street.
Fnrratef , etc. , tee tnpoffltst column on tMs page
SALESbediooms sols , ( list-class und
very cheap ; also other goods , 1.117 N. 17th
street. 4M-4 *
"IjlOKSAliE Kurnlturo of a 10-room house
JL ? cheap. Ho use for rent. Inquire 1023 Doago
AUCTION Thursday nt nrlvuto sale : house
hold furniture. 1024 Kurnum stieot.
stieot.MU9C 4 *
HOrsEHOLD furniture , now and second
bund , for sulo on easy payments. Cull
and examine before puruhaslng , Store Ifi'Jl
llomird sticet , _ Mail )
FOR SALE At a gieut sucrlllcc , elegant
household furniture , line C'trrlugo team.
cut t luges , slolgh. harness und robes , also line
Jeiseycow. A. J. Hanscom , Is' . ' I Douglns st.
L07JI3 >
_ _
Forralcs , etc. , etc top nf Jint column on ( 'id ' pige.
rplIE Standard Cattle Co. have a few gentle
JL old cow ponies suitable for children that
they can soil cheap. Apply at their olllco at
Ames , Nob. M474 10
TTIOKSAL-E t double carriage , 1 phaeton , 2
JL' horses , 1 double harness , I single. hurnoss.
1 ftesh milk cow. Inquire ut the lloston
store. 114 South llith struct. ji3-4 :
FOR SALE Good family driving horse ,
weight 1,200 : huiness and phuaton. H.
Room 51 , chuinluir ot commerce. _ 4 10-2
FOIt SALE A flno pair of Iron-grey Norman
mures und a bluck horso. Henry Itaian
iii7 : : N.2ithSt. ) 410-4
"IJ'OKSALK Kumlly carrlaco. Lee
J _ _ ON stable. 2S 1 1 1 u _ ndLo.i _ vo n worth. m2C3
HOK3E auction every Saturday 2 P. M. , nt
Pioneer stables , Itlth and Harnoy. Horses ,
wagons , harness , etc lluyora nnd sellers
should attend these sales. II. Hainan , prop. ,
I ! . Wells , uuutloiieur. _ 2liil
1'OU SALE Dundy road'wagon. Can bo Mien
loom 4Jleo buUdjng. _ 212
FOU SALE Elegant delivery wugon. brand
new , miide In the city and warranted. M. A.
Upton Co. . Hoe bilUiln | , ' . KI7
Formic * , elc. , eeetnp offlut column on tilts p jye ,
"IjiOK PALE or exchange for plano.ono brown
JL' stallion , Clyde , one full single rig , 2 young
cows , .splendid milkers , ono line dining net
nearly now , ono baby carriage , ono largo
range , two gus stoves , one small cook stove ,
shudes , curtains and pelts , etc. , etc. This
will boar the closest Inspection , call und see
It Itood 17 Hoard Trudo , 1) . U Douiio. 451 5
01 IK AI ' High giado byelclo lode ( i months ,
In e\tia good repair Addioss O 23 , Hee.
M42U.'I *
FOU SALE Anologunt fire proof sufo with
burglar chest. Phil ritlmmul , Ull Jones
street. Omaha. Neb. 270
; SALE Mugnlllco'it upright plnno at a
blgsacilflco. Inqulio ut241'J Uahlwoll st. ,
uftor7 o'clock evenings '
Fnrratrrtr , , netopof flat column nn
IjltlNTING Presses Wuntod-l'iist pony.
JL about 18 by 2d , Jobber about 10 by U unit
HOT about 5 by h , Hrlghum Printing and
Engraving ( Jo. , South Oiiiuhu. M4M ) 4
\\T ANTii ; > To buy for cash u flrst-oluss
> lady's clrlvlng hoi so und phaoton. E. ! ' .
Kinger , No. 131' ' ) I'urnum street. MI7.5 *
WANTED A cottage of.3 or 4 rooms with
yuid , or.'l or I unfurnished rcoms. Kent
must bo leusonablu. Address O , OJ Heo.
M478 4 *
WANTED A inutohed eurriiigo team ,
> i weight -MOO to 2.40U Ibs , must bo .sound ,
perfectly broken , gentlu und pleasant drivers.
Address o M Heo olllco with price and descrip
tion. M4tu 5
\\7 ANTED -To buy n first class lady's drlv-
' T Ing horse and phauton for cash. Addiess
E. V. KIngur , No. 1311) ) I'uinuni si. M4II 5 *
\\rANTED-llollordosU. medium aUo , Ad-
> i dioss O 52 , lice. 407 2 *
V\ ANTED To buy good residence lot or
> house und lot , or sovei ul lots located M >
its to miiUii a good building bight , must bo In
llrst clium residence part of the city. Parties
unswi'ilng this .should glvo full description of
nroporty , lowest i-rlco , terms , whothur liieum-
beied , und If o how much. O 10 , Hue olllco.
Iryouhaxonnypld clothes to soil lot mo
know by Mull. Kullsh , 215 S. mh street.
M 07U-J 18
Forrnta , ( te. , ttetop offlrtt column on Ihlt put
GEO. F. Oollonbeek , toucher ot the bunjo
with Hospo , 13U Douglas. 24'J '
Kl'OltE buying u pluno o.xumln thu new
ealu ICIubull pluno.A. Hoapu,151J
For rate * , etc , , icetop of Aril rulumn on thlt
ror amuMJinont. Instruotlon
\J OT luatrlmouy. Thu butt rorrvipOndonco
bureau , particulars In plain sealed onveloiio
for IQc. Ixwk Hot aai. OmalHi. _ 2IC-J27 *
ferrattt , etc , , , tet [ top of fnt cotutnn on Ihlt pagt ,
HK. UOLIi roiitulagniioy , Continental blli.
> 0
Forratt , rte , , tretopof'tfrtl roliimn on thlt
GT TtAIN Monitors frt sale or rent A line
of craln nlovators'Hii thn II , ft M. 11. It In
the bolt Rraln scctlflrt'ln Nobrnskn , toKnthor
or separately , with u tr.illsfur olnvntor nt Iiln-
coin , Address Hot filtU.lneoln. Nub. M4858 *
lilOH SALK KiirnTliltb and undortuklnK
X business In peed laivn , with or without
More building ; part cash , balance Rill odKO
paper or clear rani instate ; Invoices about
EI.UCU. lloxi \ \ Lincoln. , , ! M.1
ltSAl < K-An old'6AabllMed and Rood
paying eluir storeroOttd reasons Riven for
selling. K SO Hoe ofll < % _ S !
IiKAN Rcnoral utoeM 'of merchandlso for
C farm and money. UoA ' . " > , 1'ratikfert Ind ,
- 781,183
HOTKIj men tnko notice. Do yon want n
rood business ? liny the Commercial , tha
leading hotel at llroken How. .Nob _ 4W
1 fsfinjHfito Make Money. Is the title of
L\J our new bonk , contnlnlm ; ten legitimate
and himorable aohemes for making tnotunon
Minulli'iiultal ; exposes trli-ks and swindling
In business : Klves hints and .ulvluo that may
bo worth thousands of dollars to you. The
schemes are so clearly explained any ordinary
person e in iindut stand them. It will give you
now Ideas , aid you In pl-innliiK other deals
and enable vou toprasp future opportunities.
Hent preinilu fur jl. American Hook Co. ,
Oinalin. Nell. '
_ _ _ :
FOK SAIjK Stock of drugs and dniK sun
dries , welt nssorte'l , Involeo at one thou
sand dollars ; for sale If taken at oneo for
sovcnty cents on the dollar of wholesale pricni
Will trade for clear property. Addiess. T. II. York , Neb. 214-Jll
HOT Alt Lease and furniture of forty room
hotel doliiL' good business. Must bo sold ,
oven at a : ierlllce , us proiirletor has other
business. Centrally located Indty ofinOOJ. :
Address W.H. Cooper , No. 10. Main street.
Council HlulTs , lown. l.Wjl
Forralt * , fir. , rrc tup < > ! first roliimn on
CHOIcn stock of jceneral nierehandlso and
sloni bnlldlnc near DOS Molnos to ex-
channi ) for lj cash and Improved farm In
\\eitorii Iowa or southeastern Nebraska.
Rood * > ; ImlldlliB , $1,500. Address
T. K. I'ntK'son , Vandalla , la , .Midi I
VOK THDI' . 1 0 acres In Hayes county. Ne-
-L brasUa , near eoiinty stint , for , r > oriu ncres
or other Umuha propeity. Address O fii > , I lee.
lidino In Ues .Molnos for ono In Omaha.
llutchlnson Jte Weail. 1.VJ4 Douglas. 4.1 il
GCixllOwith brick block of three houses. 10
rooms each , rented for ? 1" > 0 per month ,
only four blocks from court house , price J.IO-
( KiU , Ineiimbranco J'J.IWO. ' Will trade eiinltv for
Kood vacunt lots. K. 1' . Itliigur. 1'iiU L'arnam.
yoi : *
rilO I'XCIIANOi : Corner f.iclnz llaiiscom
JL park and live oilier coed lots for Chicago
residence property. Address O 40 , Hen.
_ _
\\7ANTKD-To trade piano for a family
' ' horse and light phaeton buczy. A. Ilo3 | > a.
1513 DoiiRlus. 7ri
Furratt * , etc. . rtftnp /irxtciiliniiii / on till * \yiys \
j ; riucn.NT ; ilrst mortitacu loans. Ulchard
I'U. 1'attoison , UJTNow York Life. Mb4
MOKTOAOKS wanted , limp or short ( lino.
Oeor eO. Wailaie. aiOJ. J. Hrown biilld-
IIIR. Kltli and DouRlas. Ml
LOANS made -it low niles on eltv propeity.
W , M. Ilairls , It U Frjinzer block , opp. I' . O
K..tC.M. ATiThony US N.V. Llfebulldliis ,
lend iiKinrv on fariifi In choice counties In
Nebraska and Iowa , ullon ) Rood Omaha resi
dence property ; lowest , rates ; best terms ; no
delay ; money ready. Tlllesand values passer !
on here. ' ' S7. >
BUILDING linns Bto 7 percent ; no addi
tional charges for cnmmlsslon or attorney's
fees , \V. II. Melkln , KlrstKutional bank bldp.
' CTl
| _
MONHY to loan on Ifnllroved city properly
nt current rates : funds on hand ; no de
lay. O eo. V. llusl ! &CO..UJ.I ItaniRO bltlj ? . 274
HIVATRmonoy to loan. J. 1) . Kittle. 014
N. V. Life. _ " - _ J.T7
MOKTOAtiK loans uifntcd. McCaRUO In
vestment company. ' " S78
MONEY to loan on Omaha nropcrty. I'ldol-
tly Trust comp.iny , 11114 Ktmium.
EASTKUN money to loan at very low r.itos.
II. It. Iruy.'atjN. Y. Mfo ' / MiaO
I JUlAirLTchninp k Hyan
maku loans on improved
city jiroporty nt lowest rates
I20J Karnam street
/1IIKA11 .Money I'hllu. Mortgage- and Trust
\J Co. , wants silt odso loans. Ueo. W. I' .
Coatcs. representative. 7 Hoard Tr.ulc. _ 231
FlUSr nnd second mortgage loans. Alex
Moore. 4U1 lice bids- 8U ! 7 *
MONEY to loan on cltv properly or tern
Nebiaska faims. 1 . R Kinger , DIU Ktern
Fonatts , elc. , tcetop of firsl coliini i on this jiaye.
MONKY to lo.inlTy 11. P. Musters on chattel
ami collateral securities for any time from
1 to 12 months , In any amount to suit bor-
Loans made on household Roods , pianos , or-
KiuiN , horses , mules , houses , Inures , vvarehousu
lecolpts. etc. . at the lowest tales possible
without publicity or icmoval of propctty.
Mv arian ed that you can make
a payment of any amount at any time and re
duce both pilnclnal and Inteiesl ,
If yon owe a lialaneoon your property or
have a loan tlmt you want changed I will pay
It oil' and curry II for you. Jf you find It more
convenient call up telephone lli'Jl and your
business will ho arranged ut homo.
Money always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity. Lowest rates. II. P. Mnstois ,
Koom 4 , Wlthnell blk , 15th and Iliirney sis.
MONEY to loan on horseswnpontfurniture ,
planos.teollat'al security. Business strict
ly eoiitldontlul.l'rod Terryroom411 Kumgo blk
C 1IATTKI , hank , .110 H. l.'ith St. , loans monov
on chattels or collateral at reasonable mtcs
MONEY on fiirnltiiie , horses. oU' . Keystone
MoitgugeOo. rooin2iSilieely block. M281
" ] \ fONEV loaned on furniture , llvo stock.eto
J'lfrom 1 to U moiitlis. without puhllolty ;
lowest rules. Dull tiiecn , loom 20 , Continen
tal bIo"K. 210J27
CHATTEL loans at lowest rates. UJt ; Now
Yoik Llfo building. K.A.Morris. 874J21 * DAUNEU loans money on chattel se
curity. Itoom M , Chamber of Commerce.
, M I'M | H
Purr ifr , etc. , sec ti > ) > [ Jlrtt rodiniH OH/I ( / ( < ( no * .
COME ono and all and learn your future.
As 1 hiivu been In Oiuuhali moiitlis I will
.start weat the JUth , Mrs. ritevur , 400 N Kith
htieet. 7U ! a *
US. WALLACE , clairvoyant ; naturally
gifted : tolls past und futuie , love troub
les , ubicnt friends , changes , travel , business.
JiKM I'liinam ' street. MOU4 J K *
MHb. Nunillo V. Warrant clairvoyant , trance
speaking , writing tuid leliable buslnchs
medium , foiirjoar-s InflTMabii , 111) ) N. llith. 200
Its. TOUT , palmist fortune teller , tolls and futuiu fjuu lines of the band In
oldgypy way ; ladles flhly ; fee $1.0) . O'lHi ' N.
24thf M7..OJ
_ _ _ _ _ _
MASSAUE Mudiim Dulzlor , over 010 S. lllth.
Varrtttt , ttc. , ettn\t \ < > filM roliimn nn thttpiue ,
MAKSACE baths ut MJiilum tinillli's pallors ,
M lloor , 4VU8. 151 h lit. MIJ8 !
- \ ' / - ) ,
scalp und lialr treatment , lUJiileuru and
chiropodist. Mrs. Post > HKS.I3lh.Wlthnull blk.
t -
_ _
MAFSAUEcabluut baths , tape wornm oured
In 21 hours. MdiiiuroJiiXirotte , 1'J'iJ ' Dodue.
M7U7.II1 *
_ _
MlhS tiTOWE , niaajuuse , electrician , Ull
Jtamgo blouk. M asS , fi
MAbsAUE-MudunTDoizterrBver 010 S. iith :
- *
For rate * , etc. , tmlnp o/jIr < ( roliim > ii iAn j > ia .
IOST Largo dark
J btcul ehuln. Dollar lutUirud . E. II. . Mo ,
Valley , tug No. 12aJ ; reward for return to Ml
aotb street. ju : a *
LOST A rod note book with mime sowtxl on ,
containing uoton , papers , and receipt * val
uable only to owner. Leave ut IlKK ollluu and
receive reward. 40I-J *
i. tie. , ie topoffrtt run mil on tltU p ij
"OATENT lawjera ana solicitors. U.\Y.Sues A
-L Co. , Ueo bulfalng , Oinuhu , Hranoli odlcont
Wuibluiiton , D. U , Coniullutloii lico. 'JUi
_ _
Forrdfo.t , fie. , irt tap of frtt column an thii ) i tj
9ALE-2-J feet In bast block on Douglas
street , pnylngA per emit , 1M 2IS , Snd
street Ixitwcen Lea von north and Ht. Mary's
avonnut woiilrl innko a boailtlfnl homo. UOx
Hit. corner 1 Jib and Hickory streets , al > out.1
foot ixbovn crado. 100x127. half blook west of
24th onVlrl. . Mouth front ; tlie hast lot In
( Irammeroy Park , The abovii will be sold at
n rnnnonxbln price and easy terms. H. U.
Clark A Co. , 1218 Hartley street. _ M 47(1 ( 7
TjlOIl SALE Or rent : house with 1.1 largo
-L rooms nnd largo attic , double lloor , brick
In the studding , adamant plaster , splendid
furnnco and all the other modern Improve
ments ; lot 40x120. Improved with sod nnd
lariro slrn shade trees : the honso is almost
completed ! theru is a good stable on the lot.
Price. WlXXj ) 1 1.000 cash , balance J10) every il
moiitlis ; will uUo take a lot between Turnum
nnd ( ! nmlng west of 32d st. In part payment.
Willis M. Vales. : r.'d and California ns. 4.VJ
TT'OK SALE 1'Ivo-room house nnd full lot ,
J- north part ot ulty ; will takn NOIIIO trade
ns first payment ; b-tlunco monthly payments.
0. L. Ureen , 47 ilarkor blook M4 II 4
South Omaha ropertv , business , track-
ago or residence , go to t bo lead liu . s <
tiitodoaleis In South Omaha , Ed Johnston
Co. . eor. 24th and N sts. M230
ITHVE-room houses In Orchard Hill , $1,300
-L eueb on monthly puyincnUs. Thomas I' .
Hall , Jll Pax ton bllcT 287
_ _ _ _
I/IOK SALE A homo at a bargain ; con von-
JL lent hoilho of 10 looms ; modern Improve
ments. Including range ; lot I'lK 120 feet ; fine
shrubbery , etc. : } l,5 0 ; J.30 cash , Imlnnro 1100
e\ery : t months , with Interest at 7 per cent.
Willis M. Yates , A W. corner JX'd and Califor
nia sts. 4V1
F OU SALE A line Improved farm of 200
acres ; 10(1 ( under cultivation ; shade trees ;
frntt , windmill , wagon s 'ales , etc. ; lift ) miles
westof 'Jniiiliaii.'J per acre. AddrosO M , Hee.
| 288
_ _ _
J.I. ( IIIISDN , solo agent KotinUo Place ,
room a. Crelgliton block. 2S9
EAST front on 21st st. , near Ko.intzo Place
> o\12l , l,030. Hutehlnson & Woud. 1521
1fO\l \ HALE Kour finest , noxv throe-story
stone houses In olty. 23th und Cuss streets
ono block south of Crelghlon college ; all mod
ern Improvements , hatdwno.l Mulsh , city and
soft .witter , heated by latest Improved hot
wuter system , olectrlc light and b-'lls through
out , plato and art glass , elegant hardware.
electric and gas fixtures , on motor line , paved
street , healthy locution , mostdoslrublo neigh
borhood. Parties desiring elegant and com
fortable homes are Invited to look at thcno
buildings. II. T. Clarke , s. w. cor. 2. ' > th and
Cuss , or rooms 11) and 20 , board of tratlo bulld-
lii ! ; . 003
AD.MINISTUIX Halo at north door of court
house. 10 a. in. , . I uno 0. of undivided 'i of
lots II and 15 , block 12 , Patrick's addition.
fronting on Sunndors street. M.IH5 5 *
L. Illce. real estate , ffii Llfo building.
. 25.J.I7 *
"I71OK SATiH-iA fine 8-room cottage , with
JL1 liuth , cltv water , gas , etc , In eholco part of
Orchuid Hill add. . 2'i block from motor line ;
prleo nnd teims reasonable. 1 * ' . L. Hluiuur. 204
and -03 llronn blook. a2i-5
IT you want to buy or sell lots In Dundee
Place addio.ssor call , K. W. Poor , 2)0 Hen
bl'd'g. Miij : : .1 *
Q IlOlIIIINS.reul estate. lOi'lN. Y. Life bids
240.1 .8 *
F OH SALE Elegunt homes on montly p iv-
nieiils. Will build any price I homo to
suit you. E. I" . Itlngor , 1319 K 1111 tin. 207-J27 *
FOU SALI % choup , easy payments : 1'i-story '
now G-room house , with liuth , cellar , etc. ;
foil lot. N. Shelton. 1IJI4 Kaiiiam. im
"IjlOK SALE To workliiginen only ( specu-
JL1 biturs need not apply ) on time or monthly
puynicnts u neut cottage ut less than actual
value. Insluo property , only ono blouk to
electric lino. Inqtilru at room 202. Oni-iha
National bunk building Mf/Ki
For rain , etc. . see fop nf first rolmmi un thfji j0 .
BALDNESS positively cnied. No mistake
about it. Send for desurlptl\o circular
Addiess "Antl-Hald. " nov 211.1. Davenport , jti
WANTED Trial subscriptions for Ladles'
Homo Journal before Julv 1. Ell/u-
beth C. Morrcll , 1U14 Kainum , Omiiha. M4i : 8 *
ITU'ltNITUKE bought , sold , Stored. Wells
-L1 1111 I'anmm street 271
GAUDEN farm to rent. T. Muiiuy.
T\7 ANTED Somebody to adopt a boy baby
ono week ol.l. Must boa good home. In-
quliu 1470 S. loth. 2nd lloor. 417-2 *
IDOUTUAITS from sittings or photos , a l'l
JL Uamge block. M : ' .83. 5 *
GREAT hiirgulns In all kinds of jewelry and
sllverwaio on account of the recent flic.
S. Jonat-cn , Fur mm und llth streets. 174-J"0
ENQUA VINO Wood. zlno. elmlk. etc. Work
guurunteod on time and quality , llrlg-
huni. South Omahu. MIU7
GOOD homo for Indies diirlni ; confinement.
Inquire at Mis. M. Prasll , U70 South Kith.
M12I jl
or nlf . ffc. , tertup offimt coliimn un thjs ] > auc.
EXPERIENCED dressmuker wuntTTwork In
families , will hi Ing hoi p.-i long. $ l. 0 pur day.
Address .Miss llergon. SOD llowurd. M4J7 .1 *
HlOll class clrossinuklng. Evening , dinner
und wnddlii ? tiousnau u spcontlly. 1'lt
and style wurran od perfect. IL U. Muxwoll ,
Huingo block , room 4,1. . 40.\J1U *
ENOAtiEMENTS to do drossmiikliu In fam
ilies bollelted. Miss bluray , 2010 Iliirney
street Slaw Jl ) *
rpAKEN UP Itrown mare with halter and
-L collar murks on shoulder , It , Palmer. 4 Id
and Emmet Nlients. 4' 3-it :
F 1UED Molilc , H. M cor. L''arnam und llth. 201
IloilllH ,
Notice Is hereby given that tlio Hoard of
Tiustees of the village of Oakland , Nobiaska
will , on the Dili day of June , Ih'Jl. ' at olgh
aoloek li. m. . sell on open bids , water bonds of
aid vll [ ago to the amount , of f7. . " > ! ) ) ,00.
JAS. W. Hoi.MQl'l.ST , Village Clerk.
in.7-2Jjl-i-5-fM : !
For scalds
use Pond's Extract.
\V ATVI'IMi'n Awnts lo neil the I'lnloiij
> > JXlN 1 Ij ! U.rioiboi l.lnn. thu only llnooicr
Invuntod Hint holils tlio i ! ulliui Mllluiut pint , n pur-
feet Miireon , imti'iit ruecntly linued , unlit only bf
nicuntu , In Minim tlio ezi-hiKhii rUbt N Klvun ; on ro-
eelpt of ( Oeeiiti * we will send n nuiiiplu linn tij mull :
nlao elrenlnrs prleo lUt nnd ternn to iiuontH , AnuuiM
your territory nt onrti. Aililrciss Till ! l'IMK.sij
LINK CO , 17 Herman 8t , Worcusti-r
Pimples on the faca t :
Breaking Out t !
BkinTronblM ) ;
Llttlo Bores i HotBkla ) :
Bolhi Blctcliea ) :
Gold Boreal Bad Breath | ;
Bore Month or Llui | ;
ir you > utri r from nnr or ;
Ihc.o njriuptuin * ! tuLo
w ? win
W H Y ? BBOAltf , V,9uWILOOD I
, f.'ff and M.pticorr/ioiio
curud In 2dnr by the I'ronch Koiiiixly entitled -
titled the KING. It dissolve Bgnlimt un in
absorbed Into tuo mflamod part * . Will rotund
iiionoy If It do s not euro or CIUIMIS stricture
tivntluLicn. burn In u reliable article Ij.v
paokagu or 2 fur t.'i per mall prupald , Mr-
Cormli'k & Lund. Oi.mhu ; t ! , A Melchitr ,
Howard Mtm > i und I. .1 Sevkora. honth
Oinubui A , D.Foitur und M P , l.llln Couucll
Uluff * .
Each Season
Has Id own peculiar matAdy ; but with the
blood maintained In n state of uniform vigor
nnd purity , by the tun of Ajror'i Sars.ip.irlllA.
the system readily adnpt.1 lUclf to chrxnpocl
conditions. Cotnpnicd of UIP Imst altfrxtlTM
aiul tonics , nnd MIIR highly ronccntnitcd.
Aycr's Sarsni'arlll.i h the most otlcctlvo and
economical of ull bUxnl medlcinos.
"Koraomo years , at the return of spring ,
1 h.vl sorUni.i trouble lth my kidneys. I
was unable to sleep nlglits , nnd suffeied
greatly n lib pains In the small of my bnck.
I was nlso nllllctcd with hradnchc , loss ot
nppcllte , nnd lndlcstlon. ( ; Thcso sjn > i > tomi
Mere much worse l.-ut spring , e.M'Wl.illy the
trouble with my back. A friend persuaded
wo to use AyeHs Sarsaparllla. I began
taking It , and my troubles all disappeared. "
Mrs. Uenuvra Halangcr , 24 llrhlge St. .
Sprlnjjfli'lil , Mass ,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
I'ltKrAUKl ) IIV
DR. J. O. AVER & 00 , Lowell , Masi.
Bold by Uriigtilili. lillJ. Worth * i > \ > M\t. \
Anriiiun uuarantcoto
Our euro l > iHTinan. lit nml not iv rotrhlniT uji l'i >
tirntixl flro yfai np" lure ni-rcr Bn nnjini'lnm
Imo. -ilwrll > lnK. ofiilr ! w run trrit ) an ! > /
null , nml o elrr the Mine utroiiit RUumiti'i > to ctiro
arivfunilallinonpjr. IhovMhtf pii'fcr locomn hi n
for livatinint caiulo wi aiul Kill i y nllrimil fini
both wnijonj hotel Mill wluliheio If o fall tornrc.
Wo rhnflrnito tlio viorlitfor i cn that our M Mile
11 ! MrpY will not euro. > V rlln for full pnrtloulnii nml
urt thuorlilenro. Wo know tlmt you aio t.1.r ] > ! ltnl.
justly so , too , Hi tlio nio t pmhirnt | < lirtlrl.tni ) hmo
nrMrlminablatoRlri ) inorc limn tnnpoi-ary nllrf
In our ilro years' | utliij vltli thoM M1IC ltiMHY : ) It
lim hrcn nio t ilinimlt to o ircoiiii < thiM > n'Jtirtlriii
ninlmlnlliio-onlli'diiiMiilm. Hut umlrr our ntroni ;
euirunti'ojoui'lioHliI not lic ltat t try thli n-mwh.
You taVo no chaliio of linlnit your money. We uiiar
nntoo to euro or rrfniul every tlollnr , nml ns e. Imvi-
rcimtnllon to iiroteet , lfO llnanclnl ImcklilKof 3CO-
000ltl | ) -tlytnfoUi all who lll try tlioticnt-
ititnt. ll rctofon'yoiilii\veli 'niiitllnBUianJ'nyliif | | | |
out ) our money for illlTeirnt troitmenls unit nllliniiKli
you oi-o not jotcuied noono ha < pnM bick jour mnu
uy loliotn.i > toiinymoreliloni < yltlillloll tryui. Olil
chronle , ( Jfep eiiteit cn o < run < l In 30 to BO ilny . In-
7i tlk'Mo our nnancUl Mnndlnir , our i-epiitnllou n <
biMliicsaiuen. Write ui for n mr nnd n.l.lrm.u of
thu > o wo IniTo curr < l ho Imve B ! > en jicnnlstlon to re-
fcrtotlum. It co' , ! jj on only iioitauo to ilolhliilt
will < iYo you n worl.l of nnflVrlnic from ment > 1 strain ,
aihllfjounroiunrriiil wliutinny jrour otrnrrlnir ullir
thiouith your own neitllccncc. lfyour ymitom | niu
Koro tluont , nmroiu pitches lit mouth , rlieumntliin
In liono nnd Joints , lialr f illlnit out , eruptions on nny
pnttof tholiodyfeellncof ( fenoral deprenlon , pilni
liihendorlioiui , you harono tlino to wa to. Ihoio
who nro con tanlly taklnc mereury nnd pot.tvh ilioulil
ili-dintlhiiolU Constant use of lhoo drugi will mrdly
lirlnit borvs nnd o itliiR ( ill f ra In the end. Don't fall to
wrlto. All corrf9H | > ndenco pent realeil In plain cnn 1
o | < . WoliiTltolhomoitrlBld Inrntleittlannnilitlll
do nlf In nur power to aid you In It. Adtltiad ,
COOK. Ki:3lKnr CO. , Umaliu , Xttiriiilia ,
onlro 13th and Karnam. feeond floor , entrance I3th &k
DB. Iluai'imETS'Si-Bcmcs nriioclt'iitlllrally nml
cnrufnlly proiumsl | irriiorlitlt | > iH ; iivisl for mnnjr
) onra In | irlnto iiract lev w Itli nurfcnn.anil form IT
uilrtyjiiirHiHuiIbytlioiMxipU' . i\ory : BlncloH | ' -
cltl < ' \ * aKIKXlAl rtirn for tiin dltoiuu nnraril.
Tlnwo .SWPlIlcs | euro v > Itlumt ctriiRitnK. ; pur- (
InK or reducing tlio Hyutem , nnd nru In fact nml
diTiItbuNiivcrolcn rcuieillrHol ihoAVorlil.
usTopruiNeirAt. . ' < oa. CUIIK.S. mitrs.
I I' < i\er , OoiiKi-stlon , InUnininfttlon . . * t5
U Worms , Worm KuM-r , Wonn Oillo , 'JH
It I'rylnir Colli' , orl lliluBuf lufnnts .V5
4 Dlnrrucii , of Clillilrcnor Adnllx . . . 'J.1
ft Dyneiitorr , ClrlpltiR , lllltotu Colic. . . 'Jli
< l Cholerii ftlorlintt , Viunltlub- . 2H
7 < : nuulis , Cc.lcj , ll.niH-liltli . . 'J5
M Neurillarlu , TonUmdiv. Knconphu , 'J.i
II ilendnrhOH , Hlrkllmulnclio , Vertigo . -i. >
111 Jni > iiiisln , l > llli > U3 Klomncli . . .Vt.t
11 HiipjireHHtiil nr riilntiil I'l-rlods. .v.l
IV ! WlifliiHi too t'rofusc IVrliKln
ii : J'rniip. I'oiiRh. DinieultlirrathlnR . . . . 'J5
II Milt Itliiiuni , Krswlai : , iniptlon : . .M.5
15 ItlieumutlMiii , ] tbi > umntli < l > nlns. . . < , 'JS
III Fovnrnnil Auue , Clilllo , Slaliirlo. . . . 'ill
17 1'IU'M. ' llllnilor JIIcoilInK . .50
] ! > Ciilurrli , lulluciiui. Cold In tlio Head . .TO
2H U lioiiplnif ( ! niiKli > Violent Comrtm. . .5O
21 > ncrnl llelillllj.l'byBlcalWinkiHiw .50
U7 KliliioyDlnrnno . . . . .31)
VSS .Ner > iiu lloblllty . . . l.OO
: < ( ) llrlnnry WunUiifiH , Wi > ttlnRlled. . nil
3it DlHCltsesof tliellciirl.l'alrillHtlonl. OO
Sold by nriigzlKts , or Kent postpaid on receipt
of iirlcu. Uu HOMrimiYR' MAXUAI. , (141 ( pngea )
richly bound In cloth nnd K < > li1 , mailed frvo.
Oor. William and John Strecto , New York.
To euro nillowsncss. Sick Headache Constipation.
Ualsrln. Liver Coniplnlnu. tnko the anfo
end cortnlQ remedy , SMITH'S
UsothoB > : ALI.8IXR0 ( | Ilttlo bonns totniobot-
tlo ) , Tlicy nro tlio inoBtcnnToiiiont : suit all 04193 ,
1'rluoof ultbur tlio , L 5 LUIII * per bultlo.
frCB&SBEVIaS nt 7' 17' 70 : Photo Knmiro ,
rlkH < JHI >
a jnnatsli00f Uib plcturo fur 4
ecnta ( coppero or etauips ) .
J. K. BMtrn&co. .
Vnkera of "ISIle Bunns , bt. Louis tic-
\j PatIv Komatif > 3 D gn.
Delicious , pjuiikliua , ard
aiipflUzln * . Sold 1)7 ) nil
ilnulors ttFKn Imnuttful
1'icturo Hook nmt cardi
bonttonny onu adtlrusev *
U.K.innrH A ci'
Dr. Iio DIIO'H rurioilical 1'ills.
Tlil * I'rencli remedy nets illrmitljr upon the Kunurn-
tlvo ori-'nni und euros Kiipinusiliin of tlio inense * .
I'J orthreo lurf'i , nml enn liu niallnl , Should not tie
mod during pri'Kiitmcy .lohbur1 * , diiiK lHts.iiitl thu
puhllu riiii | | > llud by ( . ( iioilinuii Dm. ; Cu. Oninliu : 1 ]
.1 IVilkonuiMil lliiwnnl MJITJ , Bmilli Uimhii ; M. H
Kllsuml A. D. Toitur Council lllillt.i.
' 11113 UI'J.lIjTY
tNSTUU.MENT3 pl'icol on record Juno 2 ,
1SJI ,
David Anderson und wlfo to L H Van
t-unt , lot 10 , blk 24vinth Omahu , and
lot ( ! , blk l > , .letter's add I 2,500
Joseph and li E Ilaiker to li L .lavnes ,
lots 12 , I.I and II , blk 2 , lots 12 , 1,1 ami
14 , blk J , Sherman Avunuti Park . . . . U03
.f limes llooth and wife to ( i Wand H K
Uert/ , lot 1.1 , bik 2 , Marysville , udil. . . . 4.2M
Muni ) to same , lot I.I , sumii 4.2.VJ
E A llenson , trustee , to Anthony Johu-
hon , lot ill , blk 'It , llenson 2ilO
ChurlesllniiidestoCioiiieiitliiil.Mlttuiier ,
und ! 5 Weiss Pluei 1,000
0 I' Iturlnr nncl wife to 1' D " 'eed , lot I.
blk U ) . ( Jrehuid Hill MO
KA Ciiipunter and \\ltoto A K Unnu-
barry , lot I. bll > 2 , LIIIWO < M | Park UI3
banuiioUll Llnnabairy , lots I.I and 14 ,
Ulkl.samo S10
hitiiiu to J A Coopur , lots 2 and 'J , blk U ,
same 712
L D Hants uinl wlfu to tinorge Ander-
MIII , lots' , Iilk2 , Poillund Phten . . . 1,000
Maty 1C Hall and hiiHbaml to M J Kulil-
.snn. lot 1. lilk.I , Dullolt Pluce 2.UOO
Joseph Kavan and ulfo to ilurhiiia
Kuulsky , lot 1U , blk U ) , lint add to
buiith Omahu . . . . 1'WJ
ACLessard to Horatio Holland , lot 2 ,
I'ulp Plaeo . . . ri.OOO
Nuthun Lii/arus and wlfo to John l.rlc-
hon , lot : n > . blk 2 , Holfiiian Torruee. . . . 250
Juliette Melunu und liushund to I' 1
Thomtiv , lot 1. I'liick'N Hub 1,500
W J McCoy and wlfo to M i : M Wlnstun-
ley. lot , . blk 17. Orchard Hill . . 4 . I.oyo
Paul Nelson and wife to Hubert Anilui-
hull et al , lot A , hilt - ' , \VenthlUu mid . . tOO
Di nnUO'lvuefo lo J I'l-'laek , Jut 22 , blk
4. lledford PliifO iX)0 )
W Lrielbv to Peter Crosby. lotH l ! ,2 > , blk
,1.V Lhclby's lli t add CfX )
O'I'Taylor urn : wlfo to C A Wt'storlltdd ,
lotuO.o , blk 7. llorbiioli's seunnd add. . 14,000
KDPlkoto J It llundrlx , lots ) , llurrOak 1
A K Mason and wife to W L llroekman ,
lots Jl and U.blkOVjilnutlllll \ 2.COO
Total amount of transfers 310,1)78 )
Tlie vocal organs arotroiiKthoned by the
tuuof Ayor'uCburry I'outoval. Ulorgytnun ,
litwjers , nitiKcrs , nuunwnud public Hpuakor.-i
lind thin | irep < kratloii the most uiiectlvo fur Ir
ritation und woaknui * of the throat undl
and for ull aUoctlons ol thu vocal organs.
Tlm 1'uxtoii Jloicl I''lro
Did not ctTot't thu hotel proper In nny
\Yityso us to lutorforo with tlio operation
01 the house. Only the ntinox was dum-
UL'od nnd gnctsti liuvo boon otvrod for
without the inturruptlon of iv btnjjloduy.
All That Grain West of the Rockies
Bought by n Syndicate.
Wlilo nncl Growing * Inlorrat In Ho-
clproolly ly tlin IVople InRiiUH
to Write KtlltorlnlH for Now
York Truth.
CMICAOO Opnrp. orTitR Hrr , )
Ullll'AUO. JlltlU - f
A promtnont member of the board. of trade
Is credited with the assertion tlmt KivticU
syndicate has purchased all of the cash \vlioit
west of the Hocky nioiiutiiliiii , and nearly till
t liu option wheat IM well. The prices paid
\voro from 10 to Ifi cents nbovtf tlio ChlraKO
prices , limiting allowance ) also lav freighting
to thin city. Statistics .show Hint tlio whunt
crop of Franco It short fur short of the do-
mnnil. The syndicate Is buying for spocuU-
tlvo purposes , mid will ship the grain to
Tucotnn , which has not hllhorto figured M
a grain port , has gathered lit grain lately
fmin all the tributary district , not only
through Washington and Montana , hut
llrltlsh Coluinhln as well. Uhlcngo
capitalists who have Invested , intend to
build half a do/on moro elevators there. Kor-
shaw , of wheat corner ronutntlon , is at tlio
hcnil of tlio ( MilciiRo .syndicato In that city.
Deb liiKorsoll anil n lot of other good people
are share owners in the investment.
As Indicative of the wlito and growlne Interest -
torost In the reciprocity niovoini'ntV K.
( Curtis , illroctor of the bureau of AiiiorU-iui
ropubllc.s who is at thoAnditorlnni , ? nv.s that
slnco the treaty .vith ilnull was siiinext 'J,7l)0 )
questions have been answered by the bureau
In record to trade relations with the now re
I.VOAM.Sviu. . UK AX r.niTou.
It Is said hero that John ,1. In pills has
dcllnitoly decided to go into Journalism and
that In a very short tlino bis name will ap
pear with that of IHiikoly Hall on the editor
ial papo of the New York Truth. Tlio agree
ment between Hnll nnd tlio ox-senator
is mild to luivo been signed last week
at the Grand 1'nulllo hoUil anil is to thoolToct
that Ingalls is to contribute l.OOU to I.-'IH )
words weekly for tlm editorial i > ago of the
Truth , and is to receive $ J5.000 yearly there-
Matthew Moiinghan , ttiowoll known Jockey
wlio rode the horse Kiley last year and was
tinilor contract wltli Loirignn In the Lexing
ton meeting , mot with a serious and possibly
fatal accident lit an early hour this morning.
llo was lying on a marble .stub In a TurklHli
bathroom at the Urovoort house and went to
sleep. While sleeping ho in some way fell
from the slab to the lloor , striking on his
head and cutting a gash about six Inches long
over his left temple. He became delirious
almost immediately and it required throe
men to take him to the sleeping rooms. Doc
tors found tlmt he had sustained a concussion
of the bruin. Monaghan is twmity-imo years
old and lives at Sandy Hill , N. V. Ho baa
been a Jockey during the last four years. Ho
was in the employ of Unrrlguu until a few
weeks ago , when 'he loft him , although ho
did good work in bU last race in Chicago a
lew days auo.
Kive hundred lathers struck yesterday for
an increase of 21) ) per cent in wages. All the
big contracts In the city are Interrupted.
(5. L. ( Jodfroy of the Utah commission
passed throuch Chicago today on his way to
his homo in DCS Mollies from the cast. In re
gard to affairs in Utah hoaid : "Tlio prac
tice of polygamy is slowly but surely dying
out under the pressure brought to upon
it by tlm lidmuuds law. I do not think Urn
Mormons have experienced any ubango of
lieait on the subject ; they have simply been
the inevitable and decided to submit to it.
"As a result of this the Mormon or 'peo
ple's' party , us they call themselves , is begin
ning to disintegrate. The purchase of the
Suit. Lalte Herald tlio other day was not so
sigmlicant as the dispatches in the daily pa
pers might indicate. Tlio paper didn't go out
of control of the Mormons , as the same edi
torial force and management is retainml.
Only n part of the stock was sold to demo
crats. It is one of the many indications ,
however , thn' , the Mormons have
decided that they einnot attain
control of affairs as .Mormons , but must cast
their fortunes with the republicans or the
"At present all the aiiti-Moriuons , whether
lonublicans or democrats , work together and
call themselves the 'liberals. ' Several at
tempts have been in.ido to lorm Independent
republican and democratic organisations ,
but the fear of tlio strength oC the Mormon
clement lias kept thorn together. If , however -
over , as seems probable , the Mormons should
divide up , the binding tie would bo removed
aim tboso bopar.ito party organisations would
bo brought about. "
Superintendent Hobort P. I'ortor of the
consns buieau , who is Just returning from n
trip through the west , spoke in the most en
thusiastic terms at thu Grand I'uclhc today
of Omaha and of Nebraska. "Tho growth of
Omaha , " said he , "Is one of the marvels of
our American life , and tiio next ton years
\vlllvhco a continuation of this remarkable de
velopment. Thrift and enterprise and energy
seems to be la view there , and throughout
the west generally. The crop prospects in
Nebraska arc very flnu and /armors hiivo
ovcrv'.i to anchor their fortunes to that
state. "
wisnurnon.i : ; IN cnimfio.
Among the western people in Chicago
today were the following :
At the Grand I'ncillc Mr. and Mis. Guorgo
Fanyan , Omaha ; John 1' . Allison , Sioux ( 'ity ,
la. ; John R. Watson , Jamestown , S. 1) . ; Mrs.
\V. C. Arnold. Huron , S. D.
At the Auditorium Airs. S. TJ. Dews , Miss
UOWH. Cedar Raiiids , la. ; O. Morgan , Miss
Van X.nndt , Miss J. Victor , Omaha.
At tlio Palmar Mr. and Mrs. James II ,
Morton , Miss Walton , Omaha ; L. S. liullard ,
Pierre , N. L > .
_ _
UoWItt's Little Kiiriv UISOIM iof tlio Liver
DeclHlon In Fuvor ol' llio Ohl < ; a < ; o
Mihviiult < M > & Ht. I'uul Ity.
The now ljiiluco alooplntr u-vrs of the
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. ljaul Ky. ,
wilh oloctrio lights In ovary berth , will
continue to Icnvo the . Union ilupot ,
Onmhn , ut 11:20 : p. in. , dully. I'ltsseuifniM
talcing this train avoid traiiHfor ulUoiin-
ell JilulfH , and urrlvo In Chicago at 0ii : ) )
n. in. , in ainjilo time to mako-nll custom
connootiona. Tiulcut olllco , Ifldl Farntun
, troot. F. A. NA.SH ,
J. K. PKKSTON , Gunonil A 'out.
Uitv I'assongcr AgonU
TIic County Dooltel.
The county court drew n crowd of lawyers
yesterday. It was tlm llr < t d.iy of the luno
term and the docket showed ISO e.isos for
trial. The call was niudu and at the eimn
more limn half of tlio case's wuredlspoiej of ,
either by cuntinuanco , soltleuiont or ( ! ! $
The Baby 'S
Moalth often plvoa fontl parents
very jrroat nnxloty nnd cnro. S , S.
S. , Is the popular remedy for cWI-
clron. Ills safe , palatable and cloeo
the work. David Zartmnn. of In-
dopontlcnoo , O , , eaye ;
s. s. H. nrmi : ) MY
IIAIIV or'i in : wmisvr
DIriCIIAl'.lii ; WAB
OKfi\itiVJ : : , H. H. u-
MADi : A IT.llMV-
NUVl'CUItl. "
finnkH on Illnoil and akin < ll ea c free ,
Tlir Sll'T \ ai'KClVIC CO , , ATf NTA.HA.