8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , JUNE 1 , 1801. CAPTAIN YEOMAN'S SPKKOII. Text of iJio Orntlnn Delivered nt HntiHron ) I'uric Saturday. Following Is Uio text of tlio oration de livered by Cnptnln Ycomnn to the people nt llnnicom park Snttmlny afternoon ! Thirty years ngo the graves wcro flret filled with thoio In whoso solemn ami tender memory this sad nnd reverent day ha& been established. What mighty changes since that niomor.iblo tlmo. The grasi Is green above the mined forts where the grim guns thurdr-rcd and the Hags waved defiantly In tin ) face ot the foo. The cotton grows along the historic valloyi where greater and brav er armies than were over marshaled by Caesar or Napoleon mot In their great strug gle. The corn waves over the Holds where thousands dlod ; the MOULTS bloom bcslilo the grim entrenchments where death flamed from < ncry side nml ntiRlc. The children piny bc-ildo rulntd mounds that wcro once heroic monuments of human vnlor. 1 ho plowman turns the sod that once ran red wltti human blood. hilcnco broods above the dark and gloomy wilderness , and the soft Virginia sky lovingly hangs OVPC It a tender banner o u/uro as If to cmbruco the snot whore 10,000 heroes lay iioun In tholr last nlcop. The retiring Khcnandoah pours Itsulf llko n flood of light through the green Holds of the valley whcio Sheridan avenged the bloody raids of Jack- Ron , whllo a thousand mill wheels sing the hunn of n now life unto the re deemed and regenerated { Southland , The rocky Itapldnn and the Kappalmnnock Join their united wtitcrt In ponce bo-ado the hcighta of Krederli-ksburg , where stubborn valor stormed nnd lofty patriotism bled in vain. Tlio bloodv .lames , that once llowed tliiougli the bristling fortressosof Hirhmond Vorktnwn mid the peninsula , bearing on Its bosom hostile llcol.s that have miulo Its iiaino forever famous for the battles of the Monitor nnd Mcrrlmac , nnd with the story of the old Ctimboiland going down with all its guns firing and every pennant and ( la ; ; flying , now beats upon its swelling Hoods the whlto sails of : i mighty commerce. Petersburg , where rebellion died at last , but stubbornly and bloodily to ttio end , sees the now froudman planting in his own Holds and worshipping bcsido his own hearthstone. Hoiindtop nnd Gulp's hill still tenser ubovo Cemetery Itldgo , where the hcroos ot Oottys- burg , utivcxod by the thunder of the c'iniion and the slinrp rattle of the. imibkotry.serenoly sloop In the vorv cemetery ana heart of the nation. The Hoods of peaceful trades How by the hills of Vicksbuig , whoio deadly fortresses once thu udored destruction to all commerce. Peace and beauty hung like a benediction over the mountains of the Cum berland nnd the bloody llelds of Stone river , Nashville and Franklin. No cannot thunder and no Hng-i sweep through the storm of war over ulunt Lookout , where Hooker pl.mlcd himself above the clouds. Unswrpt by shot and unscurrcd by shell , Mission Uidgo lies sleeping above the happy homes and peaceful Holds around its base , wtiero Hhoriuan nnd Woods , with prodigies of valor , rode and stormed midst rocks aud rebel guns to victory above Its crest. The lion furnaces of Chattanooga almost light up the daik recesses of the woods where old I'.ip Thomas and his men stood like a rock at bloodv Chickumaugn , while along the Hery pathway that led from Chattanooga to thosca thcio Is a now dream of free anil en nobled labor. Fruitful fields and gloaming wheels and humming factories have tilled the bloody chasm of the war , and the bcaiM of shot- ilddcn and bullet-torn Atlanta , the gateway of tlio south , can bo been no longer through ttio mighty marts of trade and the lofty spires ttiat crown her hills. The long roll boats no more ; the bugle call to horse is hushed ; the forts btUtlouo longer In our front ; tholr embrasures thicnten no tale of Hnino and death ; the ramparts are unmanned , the grim guns aio silent , the muskets are stacked , the swords uio sheathed ; the shot-torn and tattered flags are folded away with a benediction ; the sentinel's steady tramp is hoard no longer , the watchful piokot is withdrawn ; the old army blue is doffed forever ; the horolc dead sleep iu peace upon the Holds thov won ; the last tattoo is beaten and the mighty war is done. The plow , the shuttle and the mill wheel , the pulling furnace , the throbbing cnglna and the swelling sail are the emblems nnd the servants of the day , requiting labor nnd enriching our marts of trade \ \ ith the royal spoils of the world's commerce. Shall we forgot in this now dream of peace nnd prosperity the results of the war and the bravo men who by their death have miulo these viibt results possible ! In the very be ginning of the fight while all souls glowed with the whlto heat of patriotism the \\ildost enthusiast suw on the oxtio-nest edge of the horizon of his lounitod country no .such vast ' nnd prosperous enterprises as'havo been on- thionod by bialn and labor in the busy ago Blnco the war. To those who have given their lives unto this end lot this day ho forever consecrated , whru the spring opens nnd nil the world has put on its role of green and is adorning itboU with ciowns of flowers , lot us go forth upon this UOth day of May now nnd forever to place upon the graves of those who bv their aontlilobs valor have foro\or won and will tot ever wear the Imperishable and unfading Immortelles of tame. blnco history was first graven uprm tablets of slono it has been n custom among all peoples ples and nations to honor the dead fallen in dofciibo of their country. There was no nation bo pagan but held un Immortality for its fallen defenders. Iso people so stole b'lt glowed ut the recital of their do ithloss deeds. For the sacred cause of unity , our honored dead offered up their lives upon its altar In the holy cause of liberty they gladlj mot nnd embraced death. In the universal cause of humanity , they gave up mother , gUtor , wife , chlldien and home. Iu the Interest of thu world's siurol brotherhood they gave up nil ambitions and slmplv asked to dio. For the poor and do- splbcd negro tholr lives wuut out in the ma larial swamps and cotton fields of the south. They so hated slavery that they became bondsmen unto ilanth for thu lolonso of tlio slavo. They so loved liberty that they abindoned all the lovm nnd pleasures of llfo and nil the hlirh ambitions of youth to free the enslaved , They so loved tholr country that they gave up llfo , ttio chances of fame , and all the thionglng aspira tions of noble souls to save it. In what light i-an wo s > ot the high murk of their pattiottsm ? In what words can wo toll thu story of tholr courage ( \Vlth what ) nngu.iio can uo ndorn their loftv heroism ! In u hat way can wo truly speak of tholr de votion nnd sclf-bncritlco to the Idea of na tional unity I What a picture of those hereto days hangs In our memories ) Two hundred and fifty thousand souls , of the host and bravest Iu our land , lay down in death ! the bright and enthusiastic boy ; the young imiu Just tilling his llrht station of profit or of trust ; the middle aged man surrounded by the monuments ments of his own labor , nnd to whoso skirts utmy wife nnd childrenfnr dearer than life- nil wont down gladly unto death. They stood Iu the first Hush of youthwhen nil the world terms glorified , nud llfo hut n long oxnmpli ) of ennobling vlituos ; nt the very threshold of ioal llfo , when the gates to mnnhoodoro opening wldo before thorn nil thn ( insslbllitlns nf thu fiitnm. In Mm full fruition of their powers , when the harvest- tlmo of life's tolls had como to thorn , and they each nnd nil hoard the bugle call of duty In tholr quiet , clto lives nml trans formed Into horoosmettho most cruel futo of nil our centuries. In nil the bloody annuls of those weary days ot the war , there was not an unworthy net recorded of them ; magnificently patient In waiting nnd hopeful in defo'it , they more than fulfilled the proudoU Hopes nnd sur- parsed the loftlost oxpoctntlons of tholr leaders ; the recruit became n veteran , the oltlzon a drilled and obedient soldtor , tlio quiet gentleman and the gentle boy stormed Into battle Hue gods nnd died heroically for the grandest cause of the century. How valiantly thov fought , how serenely nnd sublimely they died I The fair-haired. brlght-oycO buy rushing llko an enraged god Into the red storm of battle is strlckon on the Held , gasps "mother" and "country , " and dies \\ilh \ a smile on his face. The gallant , strong younc man , slnaucd llko a Hercules and hnmUnma as an Apollo , the proud hope of father , mother , sUtors , fulling in thelntrcnchmonts ho bas won , with his latest breath sends n hist message home to loved ones , bids his comrades fight on , nnd dies \\.th hU eyes on the old Hag that floats in triumph over the smoke and terror of the Hght. The father and husband , stricken on some bloody raid or lonely picket , dying ulono by some- spring side wlier.- the burning agony of death has Impelled him to drag himself for water to cool hi ) parched lips , or In some swamp or thicket where hU bones slmll bo forever utiburlcd , n prey to the rvlld beasts or the clement , looks with louder but fnat-tfluzlng oyoi on the sacred plctuio of Hud Chili ) , auU < Ucs at last vrltU A prajcr on his lips for these loved ones and the coun try to whom ho has given his life. O , uncoiiquomblo heroes I Let It never bo snld that the great republic Is forgetful of your deeds and unmindful of those whom you most dearly loved. Hut ovrr some grnvcs today are written the word "unknown. " There Is no pathos In war llko that which sunounds an unknown grave. Unknown ! What volumes In the word' Dying nlonc , with no voice to cheer , t.o form to look upon , no last words to any human being , no sight of the flag , no touch of the comrade's hand , not n soul to assure that the sacrifice Is well made and to be un- regretted I but It Is to Ho foiovor with grave unworstilped nnd unwept by the tears of nn > thing on cm tli ha loved , J'crhaps ho was the tondercst , gentlest boy of the household ; yet neither father , brothers nor sisters shall ever bedew his grave ! Perhaps the proud , strong husband ; yet the light ofvOman's eyes shall not shlno upon the sod nor her voice lead their chil dren above his grave. The unknown grave should bo the especial recipient of the tears and flowers of nil lovers of the republic , sltico none of Ins own blood may weep over him or garlnnd his grave with ( lowers. There Is ntmthcr class of graves today whoso devoted occupants should win our prajcrs nnd tears , since wo cannot reach them with flowers. In the gloomy and for bidding woods that surround the place that was once the prison pens ot Anduraonvillo , n hell more terrible than sntan could devise , Hleeu thousands of ttio noblest heroes of the war , it was not given tn them to fall In the thlukest of the fight. Neither in the flusti of conquest nor the billet ness of defeat did they breathe their last. The storming party , the rally nnd the charge , the fierce onset nnd the rrlm grasp on the Intrcuchmonts , the terrible rush upon the guns , the ehoer-i , the fire , the smoke , the llamo , the wild mail hell of hand-to-hand light , and the old Hag gleaming like a thing of lifo and beaut } in the led storm of battle , did not rob death of Its terrors as It did for our more fortunate comrades. But torn with hunger , racked with disease , exposed to the stoims of winter and the clul ! winds of spring , without blankets nnd without shelter , huddled into n pun where even living room win denied , whllo tod's ! c'irth Is so largo and free , they wnited serenely , heroically , and with the tilvliiest courage and with the sub- limcst patience ever specifically given by tlod to mun for the cud that so s'uicly came. How thousands of them piayed for one hour ot health nnd strength and then for death In the roar of the conflict nnd under the folds of the Hag ; but thiough It all they novcr questioned and they novcr failed. How true , O my breth ren , were they thiough It nil ! Thcso and of aucii as these arc our dead. Blessed nnd thrice blessed forever bo the mor.iory of them nil. nil.And And now , in the presence of those graying veterans bore , 1 cannot forbear a word or two of the great war itself. The guns that Urea on the Hag at Fort Sumter thundered through the mUhtv north , nnd everv patriotic heart iu the land rcgisteicd un oath that the Insult should bo avenged. From every house and hut , from every homo and hamlotfrom every road and city avenue , the quiet tides of patri otism formed the mighty throng of heroic citizens into the blood struggle. The farmer forsook the unturned furrow , the laboier left the spade in the earth , the mason dropped his uplifted trowel , the clcik his yard stick , the merchant loft his store , the student his college , the lawyer forsook his books and the preacher his pulpit , to en roll themselves In the ranks of the great war. The mother took aside her petted boy and .kissed him , nnd then gave him up to the great God of war. Ho was all she had , the dearest hope of her declining years , the finest fruit and ( lower of her blood. iho wife , with every sense stirred to the certain danger nnd almost certain death , con secrated her husband to the sorvlco of the nation , nnd Spartan llko , wldowoJ herself that , the union of those states might bo saved. Without discipline and without experience , how could those pelted boys and raw civilians make available soldiers. The mothers , sweet hearts and wives , dally recipients of their kl'idness and chivalric gentleness , wondered now inuy coum occomu cruci instruments 01 war. Soldiers , in the machine sense to de stroy and kill , they never were ; hut they wcro moil of ideas , filled with the divtno Inspiration of human equality and tub rights of man and determined to preserve the unity of thoiiO states : nnd it was the-o inspirations that mudo them invincible citl/cn soldiers ; and while thu world waited and doubted , the the historic answer was written in the blood of these unconquerable men. The speaker then reviewed the great bat tles of the war , beginning with Oonclsoii , bloody Shiloh. Stone Hlvcr , Chanccllorsvillo , ttie bloody repulses on the peninsula , the slaughter at Frodoricksbiirg , the defeat and betrayal ut the second Bull Hun , and then the splendid and soldierly lighting at Anllo- tam. Then unuio Chattanooga and Cbicku- mauga. There nt Chiekninnuga stood old Pap Thomas nnd his men , outnumbered but undaunted , outflanked but undismayed , and lighting with high hearts to hold the field , beaten but not defeated , overwhelmed but not disheartened. No soldiers over displayed greater courage or discipline , nnd the battle - tlo of Chlckainaugn stands us the loftiest picture in our military history. In the meantime Grant had run his ( loot past the guns of Vicksburg , crossed the Missis sippi , in ado that splendid Inland movement from Grand Gulf , fought the battles of Big Black nnd Champion Hills , nnd given the country Vicksburg and the Mississippi for a Fourth of July celebration. Then came the columns of Sherman with their long and rapid marches from the Mississippi to the Tennes see to relieve grand old Thomas and his men , who were holding Chattanooga till they starved. Then came Stuart's cavalry raid , and numerous reverses , followed nt length by Gettysburg. Then cnmo the slogo of Atlanta , Altoonn aud the beginning of thu cud. One parting word , my comrades , nnd I am ftono. You nio veterans in ago as well ns service now ; your heads uro graying , your steps are faltering , nnd the quick eye fs dulling with incieasing years of ago. Your ranks are thinning fast , and death , the gruat recruiting otllecr is rapidly enrolling you In thu ran Its of the comrades on the other side , Vetornns of the grout march , you uro steadily tramping behind an unfail ing leader to n shoreless sea. Gray and gri/zled soldier.- , who laid with undying grip the heights of Gettysburg on that terrible but immoitul day , you shall soon behold the heights of immortality in the oily of the Prince of Peace. Yo who with mighty swoop bestrode the top of old Lookout , planting jour banners among tho-.tin's , and stormed over Mission Kldgo llko n fabiod story of forgot'ou times , yo Mintl soon storm the gates ot death nnd bo Clowned with immortal honors In the great i auks of the men who dlod for men. U'o uro nil consoled to Know that the futura of our dead Is safe , their fnniu is sure and their im mortality certain. In this hour of consecrated eulogy of our dead , no noble soul will douy n little chnplot to those who foil on the other side. Their cause is lost foiovor ; indeed the genius of liberty and the spirit of modern clvill/ntlor foredoomed it to defeat ; but never brnvon men stood embattled In n losing cause ; tholr ruined homes and broken foitunos nttest their sincerity nnd devotion , nnd they filled the lost ticuchos of defeat with tlio bust A I1 are Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and t'aslry , Licht r'laly Biscuit , Griddle Cakes , Palatable and Wholesome , L No other baking MAY This is the time of year wlalen past experi AN EYE-OPENER. ence has led us to expect hot weather. When , 500 SUMMER COATS AND VESTS. man meet ( his intellectual every you mops Sixes 34 to 42. In genuine French Nankin , in handsome pin brow and faintly gasps , "I-s-i-t-h-o-t-e-n-o-u-g-h- stripes. These goods will wash nicely , wear like iron , look " ' well , and hold their shape. They arc made with patch f-o-r-y-o-u ? We've had this sort of weather pockets , have pearl buttons , button holes made with silk , and once a year as far back as the oldest inhabitant the backs of the vest are made of the same material as the vest itself. These ccats and vests worth dollar and arc a plump a tant can remember , and in all human probability " half , but for an "eye opener"we will let them out at the re bility we'll have the same sort for a number of markably low price of years to come. The only way to get even is to ANOTHER ONE. 200 single Black Alpaca Coats , sixes 34 to 40 ; worth just a TAKE IT COOL dollar fifty YBc. A OO AT. STILL ANOTHER. ' 300 handsome plain brilliantinc coats and vests , worth Don't stand off the ice and man buy your three dollars , in four different shades [ not all in one coat thin clothing of us. Our assortment of hot but one shade in each coat ] , weather clothing is nearly double that of any AT any former season , and just as the oyster sea FOR THE OTHER EYE. son is opened with a can-opener , so will we corded mohair and 300 splendid fancy coats vests , posi open the torrid season with tively worth four dollars , MORE OFEIVYET. AN EYE OPENER. 200 skeleton coats and vests , made of splendid all wool . flannel , in grays , tans , browns , slates , modes , &c , , worth four dollars and three-quarters , AT S2-9Q. AND STILL THEY COME. Tomorrow we will put on sale our entire . thin Over a thousand white and fancy vests , and silk mixed and first purchases os coats and vests , separate all silk vests , ranging from 750 to $ . | 50. Every one a money coats , white and fancy wests , and dusters. The saver. prices ? They'll help maintain our well-earned EXTRA SIZE COATS. reputation of being Nebraska's Price Makers. EXTRA .LONG COATS. EXTRA SHORT PRICES. CORNER DOUGLAS AND FOURTEENTH STREETS. blood of their race. Hut cournifo and devo tion are never wholly lost , and when thop3r- toct union of these people shall have como , the union of wnlch our finders drramod and for wtiluh their sons "died , then the lustrous couraeo of our focmon shall become a part of our common history of our common r.ico nnd common blood. I lift my soul unto ttio vision of a noble future when strife and clamor between the sections shall bo hushed forever , and ono people , with ono llai ? and ono destiny shill loach onlv the gospel of peace and good will from our north ern boundary to where the southern cross blazes nbovo the southern ocean , enlarged patriotism and cnliirhtedeil states manship \\ouUltiastcnthodav. Its ilawn is almost hero. The blue nnd the pray sloop in peace side by side on ovorv hilltop and In every valley of all the battlefields of the re public. Over thorn bend the same heavens ; ubovo thorn shlno the same stars fixed and immutable ; over them sweeps the same Hag free and immortal. Fallen comr.idoi of the bllio and stricken foomcn of ttio gray , yo have pitched your tents together In the eternal bivouac beyond the stars , where yo shall camp together in that mysterious and unknown silence that shull bo broken only by the rovclllo of the llfo immortal. Lot us heed the lesson of their lifo nnd death , that when the last hour is como unto us all , when wo have boon mustered out by the Great Captain of nil armies , when no loud reveille shall c.ill us again to the stern battles of life , when the last tattoo Is beaten and lights are out forever , that we shall bo worthy to join the immortal ranks of the comrades on the other side and march before the Oieat Keviowlng Olllcur , when tlmo and earth and hostile armies are no more. And now break ranks , aud farewell. The vocal organs ore strengthened by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Clergymen , lawyers , singers , actors nnd public speakers Iliid' this preparation the most effective for ir ritation and weakness of the throat nnd lungs and for all affections of the vocal organs. Decision iu Favor of the Chicago Milwaukee & St. I'aul Ky. The now P.iluco bleeping cars of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Puul Ity , with electric lights in every berth , will continue to leave the Union depot , Omaha , at 0:20 : p. in. , daily. Passengers taking' this train avoid transfer at Coun cil UlulTs , and arrive in Chicago at 0:30 : n. in. , in ample time to make all eastern connections. Ticket olllce , 1501 Farnam .troot. F. A. NASH , J. E. PunSTON , General Agent City Pussonpor Atjont. OMAHA'S OltDICR. Kvtroiuoly Quiet and AVell Hujoyed Hallmtli ) 1'nHsoit l > y tlio I'olloo. Omaha will .soon have n reputation of bolng ono of the most quiet nnd law-abiding cities tn the west on Sunday. Uotwcon the hours of 7 u. in , and 7 p. m. yesterday not a sluglo nrrost was made by the police. This is some thing unusual and has not happened before for over a your. Sunday arrests so far have avot-nped about twelve , nearly all of which have boon for drunkenness. Yesterday quite a number of saloons had their sldo doors open .nut dispensed to a fa vored few , mostly well known customers of aiich resorts. The police are making an effort to close up every saloon on Sunday , but a few barkeeper * still keep ahead of Scavoy's men , Pozzonl's Complexion Powder is universal ly known and everywhere mtcomod as ttio only Powder that will improve the complex ion , eradicate tan , freckles and all skin dis eases. American IVomlnr-H. Yellowstone park is beyond all ques tion ono of the world's grout wonders , and the Union Puclflo excursion in July will bo the event of the bouson. Auk your nearest Union Paulllo agent about t. m Rlio'll Cio Homo. Kitty Sankoy , the young woman taken from the olU womcnft1 homo Saturday night as Insane - sane , was removed to the county Jail yester day. Last evening M. SanUoy , n brother of the unfortunate girl , arrived In the city fiom \Vulnut , la. , anil stated that l.o would take his slstor to hi * homo where she would ba cared for aud treated for her malady. The Kxcclslor Sprlugs , Mo. , Iron water Is the best I have used. J.V. . Moore. M. D , , t&o UaUMi Sftw Vort city , AMUSEMENTS. COLISEUM. WEDNESDAY , JUNE3. Afternoon lit 2'iO : , Kvonlnitnt 8 o'clock. Under the Aaspiccs of the Apollo Club , ins GRAND FESTIVAL ORCHESTRA ASSISTII ) IIV Wonderful I'l.inlst. GA.MPANINI lllio ( ircat Tenor. M is s Fl emxi.T.iii Q Tlio dimming ConUnlto. Admission . " > ( ) Cunts ; Ko ened Scats 1 > Conls nn-l $1. Oi sale nt Mnx Mujror A. Hrn. < 'n'n iiuinlo Mnro. M.'itlnoc ale cl * ci at nnun Wcitnuiday : cvunlni ; sitaalbp tn afti'r tho'o lumrc * snlu at Coliseum l.icurMon ritoi on nil Ki.iili running Into Onmlift nnd Council Illiilts See local pipers and tic km u tMiUabout rules anil apccl.ll trains. DIME EDEH MUSBE. Corner lltli and ruinam SticuU. \vir.ic : oi. . ' MAY avni. Mnttlo Leo 1'rlce. Plio electric nnd niaiinotlo K\r\ \ \ A I'nule A MyHtcrjr A iiorfoct ulottrlo battery. Tlia McKi'UTriplet * .lennlo. minor and ( iladyn Tlio Mac onibor Twlnn , In roiiKu nnd dances , sketches nnd delineations. A tlrst-clnti Hjicclalty entertainment. FREE OP COST. Any lutr , send Mump and net fri'O sainplo I parkuuo of Lyiiian s Oak Lauf SpoclUc fur Ko- m ilo'I rouble * and Luueorrtiiui tlio most snc- tudsfnl foiiialo roincdy over sold.ou Hill HCO tliouxcollont elicit niter takln/ the llrat troal- | niLMit tl Ui at dniKBlsti or by in-ill LYMAN MEDICINE CO. , KANSAS TITV MO. JOSEPH BILLOTT'S ' STEEJ. PEJ3. GOLD MEDAL , PARI3 FXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST MRFECT OF PENS. H B ' " > < " ' " " ' " " " " ' U IflS If 0B V i i B \ a rC Ull 9G > ncTAIN A ROPTUnC orKlvoroltutlll < o"lir. 1'lorco's Maenotla 1 lasllo Truss. ' Itliasruredtboiisaudsl If > on anttlie Illirtl'send loin tuniiH ( iirfrrol'iiniiililvt I. llnaiutlo liliutloTru Co. . bun ITnncl.i-o , ( at OMAHA Bund for circular or call onV. . J llliMliniWOUD , til Now Vork SCHOOL OF Ufo Hid f , Omaha. Neb TELEGRAPHY AGENTS WANTED- VVC&M.:3 : County of the btnto lllKcommlisnin i-iclnslvu ter ritory. Corrutpoul and Ket full particulars 'lilt MIIILA.MI I'OfTEIIY til HOdG\IM.B 0 , \ f it'll to ( " ( JIlfl'flf'fui'M. Notice Is lierebv plvon tlmt Biialud bids will bo roi'olvud by the Hoard of Tru-.tct-s of tlio \llliiKO of Oiilduilil. NobraHlui. up In 6 p. in. JiliiuUth , IV.il , for tb'i > oniitriirUim of iisvutuni ofuiter win ki In said \llluuo. In neeonl.ii.ru wltb tin ) ill. ins nml sioc'llli'aioiH on tllu liiiny olllcu : ulso liliK for fiirnlKliln. iiuy p.iit of tint innturliiliir iioifiirinlnu any pirtuf tlio work. Kiu'b lild niii-t bo uec-ninpiiiiiud with u CITII- llud ubi'cU of t'jO UH u Kuiiranti'O of KOOI ! fuMh on tlio part ot Uio blililrr. Iluard reserves the risht lo iiiji-i't "Ky , , " ' " ! " " ljllls.1 , , JAS. \ \ . HOLMijL'isr. VllliiuolVric. lIllllltM. Notice U lieri'by Klveu Hint tlio Hoard of Triisti-osof tlio v UiiKuof Oikland. Nubnisk.i will , on tbo Utli ilny of June , 1M > 1 ut ulKli p in hell on open blilh. wulur bonus of , ulcl luio > to tlmumoiintof 7..Vaoo. ) I THE SPECIALIST Morctlmn 15 ) cari experience- tlio tro.itmont oof PRIVATE DISEASES. AcurOKuarantued In .1 to5 days , nlttiont liolosiof an lionr't ) tlmo. GLEE T. Tlio most complete and absolute euro for gleet and nil nnnoylni ; dbclinrKea over known to tlio medicil profession. I'uruiunuiitly cured In f ruin J toll ) Uaja STRICTURE Or p.ilnln relieving tlio til.iddcr enrol nltliout piln or Instruments , no cutting , no dtl.itlng The moat rciuark.ibloroincdy known tn modern aclqnco , SYPHILIS. Cured In 30 to M dnyolr ) Midrow'i treatment for this tcrrlblo blood disc no has been pronounced the tnoft succe slul remedy over discovered for tin * ab solute euro of the illioiiie Ilia success with nils dtyeuao 1ms never buon eiualo | ! I. A cumploto euro guaranteed. guaranteed.LO3T \NHOOO ncs , nil uoikncsKOH of tl o nexuiil or/'nn , norvoin- And timidity and despondency absolutely curoJ , Til urullof H Immediate nml complete. SKIN DISEASES , nnd nil ill ea oi of the blood , llvur , kldnoyj , nnd bladder permanently cured. FEMALE DISEASES The doctor s "lloiui Trn.itment" for ladles Is pro nounced by nil who have used It to bo the most coin- pUtoand convenient ruinoly ever offered for the treatment ot female dl-emiM It U trill ) ' \\oiulerlul remedy. Hours for linllei . from 2 to 4 only. DR. McCrREW'3 Marvellous nucci'ss In thy treatment of irlvutodls. c.i ei Inn won for him u reputation nlilch Is trulp national In character , iin.l his great army of p.itlenU leacbua from the Atlantic to the I'm Hie. 'I he doctor Is a graduate of rcvul.ir' modldno nnd Ins liny long ami careful CAporli-nco In htuplUl practlco , and Is classed among tint leailliu specialists In mod ern kclcnco Trc.ittnent by correspondence Wrllo for clicuhirs about each ol the above dlbo isoj , free OHIce , 14th and Furn un Streets , Omana Neb. Entrance on either street. " MOORE'S TREE OF LIFE PlonatintCJrovo. Iowa Dr. J. H. Moore -Dour 1P My wife htia Loon n'Ilk ' toil f.ipHOvorul yo irs with a coinpllcat on of In or untl I ; dtn-y troitbloH. Your ' Tree of Luo'1 has boi'ii of Krotit botioiU to lior > lie joins with mo in thutiUs to yon.tind otpio ca the wthh tluit others sullopin _ ' from similnr ctmsos inny Hn l oqutil roliof. Yours. KKV. . .1.V. . CAUTKU , I'nstur ( . ' . T. C'hurch. Mooro's Tree of Life , a pn ltlro euro for Kidney and LlTtr Coiuplilnt and all tloodcllnoaioi. Duoi II nr to suffer whan you caa tie cured by uilfli Mggrt'l NO OUREX ! NO PAY. Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Man > > cars' uMwricnro. A rcgulai tr.nliintu In nml tine as diplomas show Is still trcatlnir Ith tin grcalest Fiuvc's all Nervous ( hronlc nnd I'rlvito ! > | SI > IIM \ pi'ini inent euro RII.IIMIU- for Intnrrh bpcrnmto ! rio.i. I.o"t Manhood , Seminal We iknos * . Nlglit I , its M. Imp to icjr , Syphilis , --trlctiirc , and al tlheascs of the lll < Miil , bktn and t i in u > Orgmx N' U I gu ir intco fi'J ' ) lor every cii o 1 undertake and tall locure. tnnsultatlun fieo Ikxik i\Kst're3 ! of l.lfo ) sent frcu Ulllco hours 'J ' a. in UiSp. in. Sunday 10 u m to'i \ m bend st.unp for reply. THE OMAHA MANUFACTURING CO , No. 108,110 , & 112 N. Eleventh St. , = 1 = Ll'rotcctud by U. S. r.Uonts. | Mnniiractitrors of iron and sti-cl ribhon , yur.l mill Inuii ronccs , aNo I'm in stutk , l nrk and coinotcry foncos. Aruhlteotiiral Iron Vascn , Chairs Sottco and Cntlii s Htihi iiKunts for Itnulithcirn Galvanl/tidStcol Hlbboii Wlius. Telephone 1772 , Samples at Factory. i.ivn AGHNTS WANrni ) . HOTEL. Ttir Ktirrav , tor. l-llh tnnl Ifnrnt" ) , ii the most HiiliHtnntinllii roHHtrnrle : ! lintel lliiiliUni/ lit Oniiilin. lii-tii'ti brlrk jlru irnllH i-nn > tl f > tt < tm-iin'itt to roof. All tl > r > floot-H Illicit tfltli AHlicaton / / in-ouf intini , iHHlitnti It IttnutHHihlK to tun-it ( /i i / < / . - . l''ttwiirnin'H anil tlffi iiltirinn tln-anuli'ilif tit' ' t'l'll'llntltitcnm In'iit , litit nml viiltl ii tit f i' nml : m.s.'i/icj.i fri' -//l' < l"l'l. 'ItllitU UIIHHl-llllHHfll IIIIJ- H'/IUJ'C ! . B. SILLO WAY. Prop. iliircjiLrH ) .t Kiio.viPflpc , le. mi ; rcn > > .iy lor all tli iiiuialuri'1 oii.chttiBen ftn'J I'rlvntellscai. i.r . I'len A curtain i uri' for tindcblll - tat > ng v/ouUnutu jiceullnr ouonun. Ipreai rilioltatutfcolsata In roec.inincudlnc It la I'lIK'L QI.OO. NKBRASK./V National Bank V. S. DEPOSITORS OMAH111 Capital , - - - - S/.OO.OOO Surplus Jnn. 1st , I8UO , - Uii.BOO OHIci-r * and IHrcctorJ--tIo. rr W YaUy I'rinlitont. Lewis S. lluul Vice I'rosidont , Jninoi \ \ S M * W V MI.MO John H Collim II C Cmhliu. J. N II 1'atllilt W 11 S llugnui. caihlur Til Li IliCJN L3A.NK , turner 12th aud t'arnnruSti A Gtnor.il ll.ui kliullusluusi Graduate Dentisl. A I-ullSel of Tooth on lluhbur , I.T HVi : Hoi I.AIIS A pnrfflit ntirunriinteed Teulh uxtractol without pain tr dutmor , nnl nlthciut anauilliutli's. ( fold nml .liver llllliiKi at luiriiu racti iirl'tiio ' nnd Crown Work Tuuth vtlthout | ) late All worn itar- OFiCE , PAXTOH BLOCK , I6TH ANO FARNAM Kntranro , IUu ilraul elovntor Upun u untiU o'tlutk WANTED. , Total lliuej ot CITIC8 , COUNTIt-B. SCHOOL um. - , * . . DIBTHICTH. WATER COMHAHIE8BT.R.R.COMPANIEOUc. N.WHAnRis' ' & COMPANYBankers. I < H > I09 Dearborn Olroot , CIIICACO. 19 Wall Streot. NEW YOltKa iqU.BOBTOMi RHILWftYTIMEGHRD I.cives ItlllCAIiO. HUUUMiTON AQI Arrives _ Omahn I Depot IDth mid .Mason Ha I Omahn > t > U p III ] LhlCIIKO VuStl'llllO . . . 8 ( L1 D'V * i m | ( hlea o Kxpresa . . . . m.i < j a m tl.Mpmi < hlc IM > HM'ri'si ' .1) ) p in ( i V ) p ml . . .Chicago , V Ion a Local. . . . . . 8 15 a in i iMi c7TflirULINtiTN"'i ) ' Mil IllVfiu Airtvo O inaha I Depot jlllh and Ma o n Mia. I Oinalin. Itn a m ] . . .Denver i\pio : | 4U > p in 4 ni p m II''U p 111 > iri u in II iU a m ' .100 p m I.e es K. C , hT J. A. 0 II Omaha Depot 10th nml M.ISOII Sts Omaha , U.HJ n ml . KiunmiTrity lm > 1.1 prim I r > W > p m IM p ml 1C C Mght Kip % l V I' Trans | i , 15 - Lc.ivct I tr.NION I'ACII If Omaha. I Depot 10th and Mnro Sts 10 11 n m ilnnsas City rtinrnn ( ot Sun ) 10 20 n 111 IKimer ilxpross. . . . 2 M p m ( Herland I Ijer 4 'IU p m . .Crand Inland ICxp lev Sun ) 7.U p m 1'acltlo llxpross . . . . 1.0 nui | CIIR'AiO ( , Mill A. hT I'AUli OninliaJU I' ditpot. . .in I Murcy Ht fi/iO p inF..7. . . . .Ciilt > iiKO l.'Mirns4 9 I ft a in | , , . . . . . lilciiKQ Liprcst _ „ . . . „ . Lcino ) f nilCAOO. II I A. l'ACinc Oinalin | U I' dcpnti lutli and Maicy ll'.Mpni. . .77. . .NlKlit IJxpri-ti ii l.'i a iu Atlantic i\pru-n : . . . . I .iO p in . . . . Viiitlliiilo Limit' " ! . . Loiius f MOU.X cTH .V I'AIIIIO. Oiualin I lluput lUtlijind .Mmuy hti I ( nniilinL 7 Ifi a ml . . bloiiit flty I'Ti-isi-nifor Ill ) A'p ' nl I , lip nil . Ht I'niil l.kiiniiH . . . .Ill ) u a in " " I.I-IVOH I hloiJA I ITV A. I'A ( II U' . I Arrnos JJiimlm J ljuiiitIfith | and ttulinUr bl * . \ ( inmlia. _ ( Tuip in I . . Ht 1'uiil LlmlliMl . . { UXiitin " * I.oa\ei ICillUATiO A.'NOHTIIWKM'KHN I "Arrives Omaha It ; I' di'pt'1. lOlli and Miircyht _ I ( iniahii \Mn\ai \ I OMAHA A. SI1 LOUIS . . . I Arrives Oniiih.i It ) . I' , depot , 10th and Mnrfy Bin. I ( lumtiik " 7tJ | i mj _ m. Louis Cniinon Hall. . . 1 12 P m l.rav p j \JliT I V A OTlJVT Arrive ( Jrnnlia I Depul lOUi unit UolwU-r HU. _ I Oma " " . . ' - ' - VUt a m Illack Illlts n liUO a m ( Cx Mill Wyo lixii iK Minil ' 6 10 p \\iiliini.V Lliicnhi run IM Hum II , I1 , n in f , 10j ( m . irkAJ > 'orfulR ( L Hnndiiy ) II iS it nj TA-UVUII" ! ( ' HI' I' M .VO. Arrlvca Omaha I llepiit ISIh nmlWi _ li"ler Slj Oinalin "b 10 a ml "Slum I Ity Accomiiiodaflon ui ) > p lit I ttl p m hloux I Ity Kxprms lix : Humlayi U 10 p m > p in Ht I 'mi I Limited 'i > n iu a i. . p n llancrufl I'aim'iiwr Illx Siindayll M l' > a m l.oorrt I MIHSdlJUl I'A ( II 1C | Artlvoi Ollll.lll. I Hep it litli MILI WobHlor Ht < I ( imihii. in u ) ii m bt I.uuli \ K C ICtpriHs fl n n lib u ti p in ht Louis \ K C Lxpruss LCIKUI I K C , HP JOI\T II TraiiHfur ! I'nliiii Dupol dm in n _ IIJiilt _ llfiff . Kuntat t Ity Hay Kxprvni I r , i : im at City Mulit i ; pro'H _ j _ i et n in 1.1'nvui ' (7lllf'AliO ( , It I A I'M II'IC. AlllVl'l Trail for I Union llopnl , Cimnill Illulls , Transfer " 0 : iO p in Mclit r i > ii ! i | ' -1) a ni V U a in Allanllu l.tpriMs . ' . A | . in 6.W p in Vcitlhiilo Ltiulti'd i III a. a in Lcnvin It llCAIIO\NUItPII\M.ril'KUN | I Arrived Trnniicrl UiiUin l ) pot. Ciiiiiii'll lilulU iTiai.-tqr U in a in Clilrauo Kxiirnm 1 ni P n 5I/J p in Vmtlljiilii Lmiltol v u it in lUUI p in . . . Knilurnl Iyer . 2 ( JU p IU HW p nig . . . , Atlnntlo Vail 7 t ) B m u."w ii lii'luwn ' Arrunniiuilalliiii inn only ) > tu p in Ld i vtii OMAllA 1.hr LiH IH I Ariivos Ir.imfi't ' I'11 lun llopot , C mini II Illnllf I Iraiinfojr 4 10 p un , Mt Louis Canon Hull . . \tt \ 16 p-M- Lcarm irillc'Aiio , lltllll..s \ gllLSDV I Aiilvui" Triinkf'-r1 I nlcin liVpot. I mi in II Illiiir I'ln.mfijr ' .i II a ni " . . . ciiluiKo iiiri'i : | . . ] i'1 * ' t > m IOM ( p ml Clili'iuo r. pru a | u 10 n in 7UJ p nil . . . . ( rciton Luc nl II u u m ij. ni-i i HHU't I II V \ I'Ai IKH Anivm 'Irnmlnrl I niun llm < t i ' in- II Illult * lra Ior 7 O'i a in MI in i Ity An HUH I niun | 1) ) 40 tt m I , ( w p in Ml I'aul KMHU s luO ) P m , . . I MIJJ Hunorln3 frcra Uio effect * o youthful trron * * - rnrly dDi-ny , wwtlaif wcahnrM. lotl niiuihou'l , to. I vtlHk uJavaluaBiu tr utl-i ( ualijli coatalnlni fulliiarlii-ulars for luimu euro , I'llCI' of cliarxu A iplendld nmdlcal workt aliould Ixt read by ererj I mil wl" Ii nrrrniM and di'hilltahul. Addrer rrur. v , o. i/o\vcimiuocjau , C'OUK