Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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AI > VJIT1SEMKNTH for thri o columns will
be taken until I,0 ; p. m. . for the evening
trillion , nml until flU ; > p. m. , for the morning
rdltlon i nd ' l MIAV HKE.
rPKHMS Cash In advance ;
- Advprtl oment nn this parewlllha
KATFS- - for t thn rule of 1'4 rents per
tierfr r tlio first Insertion , nnd Icent tmrword
for nrli Kill sequent In ettlon , nnd ll/rt per
llm tcrtinnth. Nond\ertl cnifnt taken for
Jr > tl nn 11 cents for the first Insertion.
Ml IAI.S. fig r . . symtols , etc , , counlcnch
i ono wordT
rPIIE.T ndvertlsomentn must run eon ecn-
J lively nnd tinder no eln-umstunc'-s will
tin y 1 c fitken or discontinued by ti-lephonu
iJAinil-S advertising In tin- columns and
J hiivlnu their nnswrrinndrc'tcd toa"num-
1 etrd letter In care of TIIK Hl.i : . will receive a
run'cmlrhrrfc ' tnrnnWe them to eel their
leltrr * . Annwers will I e nnllvered only on
pirwentatlnn of this check. I tn'.ose answers
In cnvf InfK-H properly nrtilrc * ed.
A I I ndvi > rtl enienls imrer the hnid of
J\ "Sprrlnl Notices" nre iMil > ll hed In both
tl > r worn n < i nnd ovenlntr eultlninof Tin : Hr.r. .
the elriMilntlon of which nrerecnte * moretlmn
! r ion jnprrs dully , and clvw the ndvcrt'snr
lite 1I'm-fit not only of the lorge circulation
TIT Hir. 'n rimnhn. Hit nlso 'n ' funnel ! Hlnffs ,
T Inroln iind other clt'cs and towns n tbo west
" "
Advertising for these column- 111 V-o tiken
en the above condition" , ut the following nu l-
nc hout-oR who arc authorised to tnkespeel-tl
lint Ires , lit the snine rules UH citn be hud at the
innlii ofllcc.
R Ut\'T\ } \ OMAIIA itltANrll C'lTlCE-No.
. : nsiN. : Street , Llste
ToilN W. HELL. Pharmacist , llth i Mason
M stror-t
C IIAM' A. EDDV. Stationers und Printer
filS-nitli IBth treet ,
CJ ! ' KARNVWORTH , I'lmrniuclst , 2115
r * . Cnn Ins street.
\\r .1 Iirc7ficsn'hnrmacli.t , C24 North 10th
> } . street.
7 tF" W. I'ARR , I'luirmaclst , 1713 I.cavcn-
V I wt.rth street ,
T T I Tilll & ' 1'HARMACV. 24th and Tarniim.
Jrt tntrr , etc. . nctopof frtltolnmiion tlilf pige.
' Waited.-I'mTr fiist-clnss
jiib romposltors , non-union men. to whom
Kti-a'ly employment will ho clvcti at * H t > er
werl until nfter the world's f.ilr. These men
tire niinlred us ( in mldltlon to the rcisulnr
fori-i-of u No. Ijobofllce Steady employment
pu ir-nti-od good workmen. Addres * . I 4 cnrn
of I.nrd & Thomas , 45-10 Randolph st , , Chlc-tco.
" \\7ANTED Position ns menosrnpher or
> > tjpi-wrlter. Mury Hart , Elkhorn. Neb
_ _
-sIONAL nur e. Mrs S. E. Houton.
IT > c.tss street. Omuha. 301 J.W
\\'ANTED Position ns elerk or travellnc
tiiun hv Herman American : need 21 ; "
years' cMierlonco In Iniportlni : and exporting
hiisliicm In New York : good olllco iniin ; collro
ttiiiie pii'ferrcd : first class New York refer-
CMI.'OS Address O. 18. lice. 1042 *
"IV" ANTKIl Position ns bookkeeper by gon-
' tlcinnn with 0years ! experience In "bailie-
IMC : ind wholesale buslnes best ioforuni' 's.
Address O : jl. lire.
" \\f fN I KD SItnut'ons for good clrls ; my
' wiiitins looms uro always full from ! > a.
ni to'ip. m. Cuiiudlan Employment office.
: i4' ! . * nth. Telephone SHI . 7.i' .
J < > r lalff. etc. . trctoiinf nit column on
\ArE ori'r.R agents big money in exclusive
> tirillory. Our new patent safes sell at
F jrht in i ity orcountiy. New ascnts tlist in
Held a < tu illv eettluK rloh. Ono apent in ono
diiv I'lfaicdS-ti. Ho can yon. Cntiiloguo free.
tnc.ifi ) company , IX-371 Clurk street ,
( . nii-innat i. O.
V ANTED Good painters Monday mnrnln ?
it Iloyd new ouera house. P. Pavosich.
MIII5 1 *
" \ \ " AN I ED A man of Rood address to call
* ' nn the manufacturing trades and take
nr.lers for stamjied nnd embossed work. Wo
want ii'sldent representative to handle n.x-
clus\c-y | ! all the cuods of our own manufac
ture : u m.iu who has sold lithographic work
preferred : salary and commission to the rijiht
num. Address with full particulars. J. W.
- * ' - < > ! ] . js Duane St. , Now "i orK. M.MVI G *
Jb.ttUUUki . i - i .1 . . .I , , - - . . . .m . - - 1 . . *
V\7"AN A flist-Cl.iss bread nnd cakp
v > u.iker ; peed wages and stead ? work. Ad-
iS. l-'tiesler , cltv bakery , Norfolk , > 'eb.
M371 2 *
V T ANTED AKents for the Iliiilders' Guide.
' Saves ovorvbody $ jo In tlmo. money und
mistakes. $75 nor month to agents. Sumplo
book 51) ) cents. Money refunded If dissatisfied
for uny reason. Address I. I * . HioUs , I' , O. box
107. Oinuha , Nob. JU14 l
V\rANTED Stonofjrapher and telegrapher.
' Reference und written application re
quired. McCoid-Hrudy Co. K5-1
WANTED Tint. " onoi etlo youns men.
twenty to thirty , of peed address to co
to Iowa. 312 , Paxtc block. M101 1 *
TANTED A few energetic agents to snll
nin le specialties , Including muRlc self-
is pockut lamp , music dlmo suvlnc
bank und other cootl sulllni ; articles. All our
co 4ls sell ut slsht. Apply with references ,
Notthwcslern Specialty Co. , room 41)3 ) Hi-
bid. * . Om.-iha Neb. Ml07
' a ITc'.ise'spenmaTr-
\\r ANTED-l'uplls ut -
ii Mtlp class , n. w. corner ISth and l-"tirnaiii ,
Tut'sclay .mil Thursday oveninss. JI742 Ji *
\\7ANTED--100 laborer * , teamsters , shovul-
TT ersiuid trackmen fur woik In Wyomlns.
Allnltflit Labor UKency , 1UJ l-'arnum st , UHi
"l\7ANTED Sulesmen on salary or enmls-
V T sliuOo handle the now patent chemical Ink
craslnu pencil ; the cieatest polling novelty
over pi educed ; cruses Ink thoroughly in two
teenndsno ; abrnslonof paper ; 2ito. ( ) > 00 per cent
profit ; one nccnt's salesatrounted toHi20Inslx
tiny * : unother ic ; In twohours ; wn wantone
. iiscnl for cneh stnto und territory ,
'or ' lerniH und full parMculnri , address the
Jlni-nio I'raser .Mfg Co. , La Cros-,0 , WIs. 47)
M KN with eoocl address. .Met. M'f'K Co. . 10 0
Howard st. , Umaliu , or 137 N 12th , Llncnln.
n to travel for our Canadian
nurseries Mone& Wellington. Madison. W is
J ( u r-itrndr. , fee tap nf Hitt column < m t/id ji-iu ? .
\VANTED-At once , twonty-llvo oxperU
Tt onctid sales Indies , Now York liargnln
store. 212 N. ICth st. M40I 1
" \\T ANTED Good wulstmukcrs at once. Call
t > sit liwn Dodge. Mt'.7 : l *
WANTED Twenty bright business women
to meet the mitnagor of the McOulston
f kirt Ent nliipii Co. ut the parlors oftTio.MII-
lard. Monday , betweunl ) and 11 a. m. Mt)4 : ) 1 *
\\7 A N T ED-Cilrl for senoral housework in
' snrill ttimlly. Must tie good cook and
laundress. lle t wages itaid for good girl.
None other need apply. 252J llarnoy street.
G1RI. Wanted ( ieneral housework , family
uf J ; German nrufuircd. ( 'all oil 1'urk uvo.
, i ± LI
\\rANTED , A comiMitent Rlrl for second
> work nt a bountiful country homo ; fifty
miles from Omaha. Chus. A. llarvoy , 1514
ruriiuni stn-ot , 121
} 'o > i-otef.r' ' . . itttnpof Hn > mil'i'itn onlhli p ij
jT OIt RP.NT I'urnlshed house. II rooms , for
J. Hummer , all com culunccs. 25.15 Hamilton st.
2i ! ! ) .10 *
Avenue S-room cottase. West
h.ilf 2i4I Davenport street. I'lioau. Inquire
at 2."ils C.-tpltoI uventiu. Mill f ,
"ITlORRKNT-Sovdn room Hut ; modern c on-
JJenlonces : JV > . Wright & , Lasbur , IHUI I
Ilow-uid street ,
TllOR RI'-NT S-room ( lat , Lniigo block , l.lth
JL1 unit Jackson. Mi7'J : ' C
TX rANTED-l'nrnisht > d cottaco for bl oirt
> > | time. Uall or address Wi Llfo bulldlni ; .
SiU 1
TOK UKNT I'art of furulshttd house In v ory
J. dcsiruolo location. Only two In fannlv.
Will Itiko boanl for rent. Ilitve some Ural
class Ijour.ler. that will take hourd with
renter. Icqulro No a l Douglas street.
street.Mai. % i-
STEAM heated modern llats/707 untl 7W )
MHith 16tli. 1' 1' . RliiRi-r , lil'J ' raniiun.
FIl'Tl.EN 0-nxiiit brick houses , all modern ,
excopl f urntcer : < S M ) nor month , ncitr Shur-
man avcntiu motor. C. 1. llarrlsun , 012 N. V.
Llfn. OH-JS !
TpOU RENT 19-room hou , all modern con-
JL Nenlcni'us oiirpt-U , window tluuros and
range , for auto. Iniiuiroat 1711) ) Uoduu strnot ,
_ _ iJTJJ
fpKN.IiiHIM house with barn ; do lrabte lo.
- * - ration. mtHterate rnt. Ui'.inl Ihoi . llli )
pousl is st. M si ;
UK ii. , I'i t\iss t
for rales.ele. ret in > of' ' * > " < ! rn > mn nit < ftl < miO
TiMNEnow 12-room hotl o with nil tpodern
JL' Improvementnnd barn : flno location for
u physician. J II. I'arrotte rental UBOIIUT.
JjiOR RENT Two 10-room brick residences ,
Jall convenlencot. Just complelod , 5J7-.VU
Oeori/la nve. ItontUJ.oo for Brst your. J. H.
I'nrrotte , DoiiRlus block. : H7
ItENT-Plat. li""nioms. . 2d Hoor7" & X.
10th ; J.W.Cn Rued & Solby , n , Hoitrd
Trndo. MIR.I
if'OIl RENT Hy Juno 20 , a D-room house
newly pilntad nnd pajiorcd. woll. cistern
and city water , bath and furnace. : s)4 ! Dav
enport. MS.VI 4 *
FOR RENT-Modern fi-room nut , now dnc-
oratlons. Uood locality. L. S. Skinner.
K I4 riniiini : st , tilt
II OR KENT 7 room brick house , all con-
vcmleneeM. $17. Irniulteltt ) N. 2Hlh ave ;
HCTSE for rent Two story house S rooms
with nil modern Improvements , s.'is Like
sttcet C. D. Woodwortfi I'lTJ Douglas. i JJ
I/OR RENT 7-room house. 2ttt. ' Ilftrnoy. In-
J- quire A II. Oladstduc , 131U Doutrlus streijt.
FOR RENT New 7 room housu. with all
modern Improvements , 1 bloi-k 5rom Wal
nut Hill motor , * 2o. Tlteo. Olscn , ' "J4 N. V. Life.
1/OH RENT Hlelit-rooin hnus and barn.
JMl South a7th street. Apply on promises.
_ _ M2204 *
-1 0-ROO.M house , barn ; Kountzo I'litce ; } .C > .OQ
l a month to rlKht parties. J. J. Olbson. R.
3 , Crelshton block. All
FOR RENT 10-room new brick residence ,
between Mason nnd I'aclfle. on : K > th uvo :
bath. BUS , laundry , furnace , ouk floors ixnd
finest K rates and nmntols und every modern
cijmeiilenco ; ptrtly furtiNbed If desired In-
uulie on picmlscsor room 44J , Hcu building.
S-ROOM hrlck bouse , all convonlcncos , 123 ;
Ornom brick house , UO. H. II Cole , ti ( Jon -
tlnental. _ ICH
ES. all kinds three nicely furnished.
ilundy & Co. . 1C14 Capitol avenue. K)7 )
"IJIOII KENT Houses with all modern im-
JL ? provcinents , steim heat : 1 block from hlfth
school ; iii.OO to J.Vl.03 pel month. Also stores ,
21th and Davenport. II. II. Irey , 200 K.Y.Mfo.
TP vou wish to rent a house or store see 11. E ,
-1 Cole. Continental block. 714
WEM.-PUUXISHED -room house , with
all con\enlences and comforts , on paved
street ; low rent to satisfactory small family
with good references. Unfurnished If de
sired. 20IU lllnnoy St , Kountro place , M.VlV
"I71OU ItENT lirse nunihorof houses , stores ,
-L Hats , etc."i.OJ pur month nnd up. Now
list 1st of each mouth. George J. I'aul. Wft
1'arnain stient. 001 Jy3
3/IOlt KENT Pour 0 and 7-rooni flats with
bath , hot water , etc. ; paved streets ; near
business ; all Improvements ; only i' > par mo.
Inferences reriulred. The Mead Investment
Co. 44U lice building. 740
Foil KENT , cheap ; a stood 'en room modern
house. Inqulro HrCJ Capitol uvenne. H.
II. lioblson. Mi.75 J13
S-ROOM house , nice yard , shade trees , eitv
'J nnd cistern water , oleirnnt nolnhborhof.d , 'J
blocks from street cars , Itll .s. 7th avenue , or
Hull's pharmacy , cor. llth and Mason. tfJO
FOU KENT llnndsomo 11-room modern
bouse ; all conveniences ; In peifcct order ;
paved streets ; motor , and within 3 niln'utes
walk o' postoftico. Nathan bheltou , 1014 I'nr-
uani street. M131
EjlUIt KENT 10-room housc.rcntraily located ,
- * - modern Improvuments. Inijulre , 712 N. 10th.
. cte.tteetopnfflnt mlumn on thli pipe.
rpWO nicely furnished ulcovo rooms , south
JL front ; also ono buck room with gas und
batli. 2570 llnrnoy st. MP.43 1 *
[ 7011 RENT Two furnished rooms forhouse-
J keeping. G07 North iCtb street. M"J'J2 : *
T/U'RNISHED front rooms , light housckoep-
JInc. . nowiy papered ; $7 nnd upwaids. 411) )
S. 10th street , M floor. M.7J7 2 *
VERY desirable front , second floor rooms ,
olthor furnished or unfurnished at the
l > en'/er 116N.25thst. Mj42 2
RENT Two furnished or unfur-
sliod fiont rooms. Apply2413 Dodge.
VERY pleasant front room in private fam
ily for gentleman , faii h. 29th st. 'M
InOR RENT Nicely furnished room , pas and
biih. 2010 llarnoy street. Reference re
quired. : t2S2 *
FURNISHED rooms atlCOS Capitol ave.
_ ] _ 243C _ *
TTIURNlSHEDrooms.cornorBth and Jackson
JL1 streets. No. ( X)4 ) S. latii. 203-11
or four rooms , light housekeeping , 2020
JL St. Mary's avenue. _ 172
L ARGE south room for rent at 2100 Douclns
_ struct. _ MIGa 2 *
] " > LEASANT rooms , slnclo or eusulto. 1T >
South 20th st. _ . _ 77a
" 1CELY Furnished lar o south room for
rent ; modern con\enlenccs , 2U19 llainey
st rect. MM1
Fc KENT Furnished rooms , 1U07 Dougfis
rplIESt. Clalr Kuropoiin hotnl , cor. llith and
-L Dodge , will hereafter make low rales for
rooms by the week or mouth , either with or
without board. 7S1
for rafts , tit , , fee top of first column on ( Jii
ri ll REE or four rooms , private house , 612 Ho
J- Kith street. Mlffi ) 2 *
"VM'W , modern ami mostdesir.ibleln thoottv.
i- > Three or four room MUltcs.SliS. 22nd street.
T. L. Vou Dorn. .M4sl
1 UNFURNISHED rooms , first floor , modern
"J : Impi-ovcmcnts , r.ingo In kltuhon. aiG S. 20th
st. M117J4 *
FOR RI.NT Pine , sm.ill family apartments
nit outside looms , best locality , modern
Improvements. Inquire. I'M Puxtcn block. b97
For rate * , etc , , uttupnfjlnl column ri f/ifa page.
1.1 ANDSOMELY furnlsh looms , with llrst-
1 class bourd. Day boarders solicited.
17J2 Capitol Avenue. M403 2 *
DESIRAHLE rooms tf 1th board. 1S22 Chi c.-iso
stn-ot. Mliyi 2
"V ICELY furnished rooms und bourd : peed
1 > Incailun : overythlng now and modern.
tfiOS.'Ilitli street. MWi 1 *
A LARGE noatlv furnUhcd front room and
bo.ird for two. * . " > per week , 2011 Hnrnev
street. M3J5 3
:1CELY furnlshod rooms with or without
board , on motor line HI I ri.J'th ' street.
MIU ! 2 *
1DLEASANT room with bourd. References.
J. . 2211 ritrnam. 327 5 *
FURNISHED room und boaid. 2011 ; Hiirnev
street. 324- . " >
I A ROE front alcove room with first class
Jlioard. References , UUJSOthir. 2111 *
ITUHl RENT I'le-isant rooms with or with"
Jout bourd atl ) south 25th nvenuo. M2.ll 4
"I/IOR ItKNT Largo south room , with bourd.
J-1 2IO'i Dougliisst. M id. „
IJIUKNIdllKl ) rooms nhd toard. TlOl DodseT
J" Midi
l'orttitcjietteetiii } if flrtt column on HIM pigt.
COME ono und all und Icitrn your fnturo
As 1 havn been In Om.iha nlno months 1
will start wcat the 10th. Mrs. &to > ur , 4J > N Kith
straut , M7 l 1 *
MRS. WALLACE , elitlrvoy.-int ; naturally
- Kitted : tells past und future , love troub
les , absent friends , t-hunzos , travel , business.
IJi'i ' Knrnttiii street. Muui J l
, \I US. V'OKT , palmist fortune teller , lulls
* ' * - past and future from line * of the hand In
old sypsy way ; ladles only ; feu Jl.Oi it'll1 } N.
S Ui. M7.-K.lla *
MliS. Nannie V. Warren.clairvoyant , trum-o
sueuMiic , wrlllni ; und roliublo uu.lnos
nn'dlum. four years In Omih.x 119 .V. loth. 7W
MASS-AUU Madam DoUlcr. over010 S.lath.
or lotts. ttc. , ifelop of font column on thts jhtge
H1011 cltts.s cTres. nltklns. J-ivcntnT. " dinner
und wcddliu u specialty. Pit
and style warrHti ed perfect. IU U. Maxwell.
Kam 'u block , room IJ,1. lOAJl'J ' *
IT'NUAUEMENTS to do dressmaking In fHm-
IU llltu. bolli-ltcd. MU $ bturuy , 2C10 Hiiruey
street. Maso *
Mohlc , S. E , cox. Faruum anil llth.
For itifM , f ( c. , tee top of frit colvmn on Ihti page.
O SMALL stores for rent. < IS S 10th street.
Mrs. S. Lehman , 523 N SOth.lli-M
HALl'ofllco torrent In Heo bids ; : low rent ,
Address O 41 , lleo olllce SI4-w' :
"WELLrentedia-roonilHilldlnir with store
' room below , In Jotter's addition to
South Umah.1 , at $ .1.500. Mortgaged W'I
years at s per cunt- Want to exchange for
Omaha business or residence lots. A. K.
Rlley , loom 40. darker lllk. M37M 1
F OR REST In Shcntindoah , la. , a good
- brick business bouse , third door from
Dostofllco. Inquire ot J. 1C. Irvln , Shcnandoah.
la M.S K
. rooms nt 707 and TO ) South ICth.stoam
heated. K. 1' . Ulngcr , IJlll Kurtiani.
. *
IPOll UtNT : The 4-story brick bitlldlnz.wlth
- 1or without power , formerly occupied by the
lice I'liblNhlng Co. , DIG Fumum st. The budd
ing hus u llreproof cement Imminent , complete
Mc.ini-hoatliir flxlnies.vnitor on nil the lloor * .
BUS. otc. Apply at thoolllcoof The Hue. U15
IOU UENT-Orsnle , my building on Jones
st. bet. lutb llth. O.A.LIndgulstaiOs.I5tli _ .
TOOK KENT-Dosk room , at OJ1 N. Y. Llf-j
1 ? Iddrf. S'9 '
l OU ItENT-Tho three-story brick tiulld-
-L Ing , u in Douglas struct , suitable for wliolo-
sale purposes 1110 per month. Uhas Kuuf-
nmnn. VAK Douglas st US
FOU KENT llnek wnrohon e. two stories ;
lileh basement , lijdninlli' elevator , track-
utto : liest loritlon In city. A t' . 1'owell. 32t
* , etc. , tcetnp o/Jlrft foliimn nnthtepiat
linAI'--lnci bloele B
- - hlRh grnclo , rode
months. In extra good repair. Address O
Sj. lien. MllSi 1
FOU SALK-Chean. A wood \ \ heeler & \ \ II-
> -oii No sowing niachlnc , late improve
ments. iom : 14 , llll' block. M'WJ 1 *
I HAVE a peed tanie-eruss pasture of 100
ai'ies , 7 miles weit of Omaha , for horses
and cattle. Mrs. Ivathrono Krnst , box TWI.
Omaha. Nob. M340 C *
STOCK ranch for rent ; abundance good
water ; good ranee ; SO acres In ciop ; 1'JOO
acres fenced. P. O. liox 17 , Hstrr.sburi : . Colo.
M31J 7
" \\7E hnro the best horse pn.stnro In this
' -.late , nt Gllmoro Matlun , three inllos
outli of onth Omaha ; KiO acres of blue crass ,
spring water , board fence ; huvo it good one-
half mile track on the farm ; will take u few
horses or colts to or train. Ilartcm .t
1'holDs , or A.V. . i'helps , t bon. Ma.VJ.J6 *
Forralct , etc. , fee tup of ( irsi roluinn on thin
VKTANTHI ) To rentg-ooom bouse w Ith barn ,
' ' Must uo centrally lociited. Small family ;
no children. Ad Jress O M llee , M Js'j , L"
" \\7ANTni ) Suite of furnished rooms by a
' i prominent /onus bus ness man. Mu t bo
first-class and located between 17th and 23th.
Howard and C'hlcaso streets. Hoarding houses
need not apply. LusHee. ; C > 3
Formic * , ftr. , Hxtnp nf first column on thu
OLDHST. cheapest and best storage house In
city. Williams & Cros , , 1J14 Harney street.
M4'J7 '
BT.ST storage bulldlirj In Omaha , aovorn-
ment bonded warehonso ; household KOOIIS
cared for : lowest rates.V. . 51. liushman , 10I"
Leavenworth. 1H9
CHKAl'EbT and best storage for furniture.
Wells , llll 1'urnani it , 7"J7
STORAGE of household goods ; cloitn , dry
place , privately stored , terms moderate ;
wo also store atoves durln ? the summer : we
will get thorn from the nouses and deliver
them In the fall in good trim. Tel. COD. 3207
Douglas. Omaha Ptovo Itepalr Vo ks. 730
ror talcs , etc. , tee topnf Urtl column on ihli pagt.
FfUMTl'Ui : Seven-room Hat cheap : rooms
all ranted. 1013 Howard. MDU3 1 *
LUCTION Thufeduv : it private sale ; house
hold furniture. 1024 1 urnam street.
MbOG 4 *
HorsrilOl-D furniture , now and second
hand , for sale on oisy payments. Call
and examine before purchasing. Store 1KI
Howard street MIEII , I3J
THOIt SALE At a Rioat sacrifice , elesant
JL household furniture , line carriage team ,
carriages , slolcb. harness nnd robes , nl-so line
Jersey cow. A. J. Hanscom , lti'4 Douglas st.
G07J15 *
F OR SALE Fiirnlturo of a 10-room house.
Cheap. House for rent Inquire 19J3 Dodeo.
For rates , etc . see foi of frft column onthLi ]
TJiOliSALE A family horse , C years ola ,
J-1 Apply to Ed Myer's barn , Cass streot. be
tween 17th and lath stieets. M400 1
rpOP bnpKy price ! C1 : on t me. Oo-Opera-
4. . tlvo Land and Lot Co. 203 N. 10th street.
OR SALE cheap Horse , harness nnd top
wagon used sixty days. 2UIG Grace st.
MIS07 1 *
FOR SALE Dandy road wapon. Can be seen
room 4 Heo building , 212
FOR SALE Elesant delivery vrngon. brand
new , made In the elty and warranted. M. A.
Upton Co. , Heo building. KIT
FOR SALE 1 tlotibio carriage. 1 phiicton , 2
horses , l double harness , 1 single harness ,
1 fresh milk cow. Inquire at the Uoiton
store , 114 South JOth street 133
SALE-Kumlly tarrlaso. Leo vt Nich
ols , stublo Sbth and Leavonworth. M503
HORSE auction every Saturday , 2 p. m. , tit
Pioneer stables , nth and llarnoy. Horses ,
wagons harness , etc. Huyers ana boilers
should attend these sales. H. 1 Ionian , Prop.
R. Wulls. unctloncur. 3oj
rnrrate * . etc. . rectnp o/ first
"IjlOR SALE Miienlfice'tt uprlsht piano at a
JhUs.tcriflcu. . Inquire nt2ll'J C.ilUwoll st. ,
after 7 o'clock evenings. MlteS
FOR PALE An Elegant flro proof safe with
burslarchest. I'hll btlniinel , 911 Jones St. ,
Omaha. Nob. Q3I
FfRNlTiniE bousht. sold , stored. Wolls.
llll Kurnaiu strcou m
1'nr ralfji , etc. , tee top o/Arst column on fhtj page.
V\7ANTED-'lo buy a second hand two-
' seated CRrriute or nheiitoii for 0110 horse
Addiess P. O. Hex 721. MIC' ' 2-
\\7ANTED-To buy Rood residence lot 01
' house and lot , or several lots located so
us to make a peed bnlldlns stcht , must be In
llrst class residence part of the city. Parties
an-iwei IIIR this should glvu full description of
property , lowest ] .rlce , terms , whether liicum-
liuied , und If so bow much. O 1'J , Hcu olllco.
IP you have any old elothns to soil lut nio
know by Mall. Kullsh , ' 'las. Uth streut.
M C7C-J 10
for nifr * , ft' . , ure tup uf tint column tin thin pige.
" 1)LRTRAITS from bittliiRs or photos. II1.I
JUiiingit block. M iJ * , &
GRLAT bargitlns In all kinds of jowulry and
sllvcrwaro on account of the rucunt .lire.
S. Jonasen. l-'arinin and llth streets. 171-JJO
GD. CASE Ponnian , .teauhes penman-
ship TnesUuy und Thursday OvonliiRs. 214
S. Ifth street. M742 .12 *
1T1NC3RAVINO Wood , linechalk , cto. Work
Jin.truntced on time und. quality. Hrlc-
huin. south Omaha. . . , MlL/7
Q.\UUKN farm to rent. T. .Murray ;
GOOD homo for ladles during conlltioimmt.
luqulro lit Mrs. M. Prasll. 1470 south 10th.
_ Mliil J4
MASr-ACiEtrt'atment.uloctro-tliorninl baths
itcalp and hnlr trontmont , inantuurd nnd
chiropodist. Mts.Post,3194 ! S,15th. WUbnoil blk.
For rates , rtc , , tcetapof first column un thn p ig >
\\7A TNTED-iJy doiiiostlo litdy iiu
\ - a t ae-
i ' ( lualntuncu of some peed , honest , sobur.
enerwutlo nmn boiwcuu thirty and forty yours
of HKU ; bachelor preferred ; object matri
mony ; I tnuitn what I suy ; nn trltlurs wanted.
Addruss MM Hull. Uniaha.Nub. _ MjlTS-l *
VVTANTED-Mn. iCTTcofrey. the \vifo of a
i moch-tiilc. to call or addrp > s P. .1 , Contio.-
ley. I'rlneo streui , llrooklyn , X , \ \ to It-urn
koniethjiis of itroat Importance , _ M7tO 1 *
for aiiHiscinent , Instructon
or matrimony Tbu bast earrt poiiduncu
bureau , particular * In plain sealed envelope.
for Wo. Look Uox. aw. Owahu , ; 16-J
tnlumn nn thlt p3 < 7 .
'n " llIES to Mridloncy ; Is tlio title of
L\J our new look , rtimlnlnc ton logitlnmto
nnd honorable solieniimior inakltu tnonov on
small capital ; cxpo < ivlTlcks nnd sHltullIni ;
In business ; Rives ItliiMfJuid advlco that may
be worth thousands of&tlollars to you The
acheme.s aresoolcarly Militlned any ordinary
person can tinderstiiinrtfiam. It will clvo you
now Ideas , aid you It ) pliinnlnc other deals
and cnnblc you to prasp future opi > ortunltlps.
Sent prpjiam for $11 American Hook Co. ,
Omaha , Neb. 'l ' li.2 '
" ' _ _ . :
F"oIT'SA LEOne cft Wio best dul-Iu7 and
tnllk rontns In U1"- city of Onn. ia. In-
qulroof UV. . Wrlglit anrcnee. NuK "i' Jl *
BARHER shop fo > jalo ; 2 chulrv soo.l
trade. Address St ; 11 , Mcldje , Ilubron ,
Nob. MOI3 3 *
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
OSEof the best located and finely furnished
millinery stores In thestate fur mile cheap.
Itlshavlni ; a l. reo tr.ide , everything In Its
farori reasons for > olllu2 , sickness mill
death ; address O 6 Hoc. S-M 1'
1T1OR SALE Stock of druirs and drug sun-
JLJ dries. Well assorted , Invoice at ono thou
sand dollars ; for s.-ilo If taken at once for
seventy cents on the dollar of wholesnlo price )
Will trade for clear property. Address , T. II.
Clawson. York. Neb. _ 'JU-JU
H XTEI , Lease and furniture of forty room
hotel dolnp coed business. Mint bo sold ,
even at n sacrifice , as proprietor has other
business. Centrally located In eUv of : lOOJ.
Address \V. \ S. Cooper , No. 10 , Main street.
Council lilniri. low > . _ iiflj : <
TJ\OR \ SALP Purnlturo and iindcrtaklnz
JL1 business In good town , with or without
stoic building ; part cash , b.iltitu'0 silt udpu
paper ot clear real estate ; Invoices about
iJ.wHoxOrJ Lincoln. 7M
iroll SA LE--An old established nnd Rood
Apuylns cl.'ar store ; good reasons Riven for
solllnc. K 20 Heo onico r > 'J2
Vorrate * . etc. , rcctopof f.rtl column on i
T71OR EXCHANGE Insldo cleirlots
JL forChlcago property. Address O 55. Heo.
Gii\140with hrlclc block of three houses. 10
rooms each , rented for JI.VJ jier month ,
only four blocks from court house , price i.W.-
Ono , Ineiiiubrance iO.OOO. Will trade eiinltv for
good vacant lots. E. 1' . Rlugor , loi'J ruinum.
2QS-3 *
rpo EXCHANGE forner facing Hunscom
JL park and flvo otnor peed lots for Chicago
residence property. Address O 40 , Heo.1S.J
1S.J J 20
\\TANTED-To trade piano for a family
' horse and light phaeton buggy. A. Hospu.
ISli'lDouglus. 735
CLEAN general stock of merchandise for
farm and money. Hot 2U5 , I'runkfort , Ind.
718) )
7"rr < te * . rtc . c ; tf > p of fimt column on thli pig'
Cjl.noi.OO Special fund , to loan on Improved
Pproperty. Ueo. J. Paul , 10JO l-'uruuni s * .
131 30
vJI'EC IAL fund of l,00) to on tlrst rnort-
O piiRO by pilvato party. A. K. Rlley , room
40. llarker block. M.I7.S 1
IT1IRST and seconil luoitgago loans Alex
JL1 Moore , 401 Heo bldR. SM 7'
0 per Cent first inottjtuRO loans. Richard C.
Patterson. i )7 ) New Vork Llfo. M0'.4
MORTJA.ES ( ( wanted' , lout ? or sboit time.
George G. W.illacoW10 J. J. Urown build-
lir. . ICth und Douglas. , " > bJ
MONFY to loan on city property or eastern
Nebraska farms. , 'K. F. Rlngor , r > l' ' ) Par-
TV ! ONEV to loan on , Improved city property
-HJ-at current rates ; .funUs on hand : no de
lay. Geo. T. Hlust & Co. , 20J Ramgo bldg. 751
E. & C. M. Anthony , 313 N. Y. L'.fo ' building
lend money on farnis In choice counties In
Nebraska and Iowa , alto on Rood Omaha resi
dence property : lowest rates ; best terms ; no
delav ; money ready. TJ.tlos uud values passed
on hero. 755
BUILDING loans 0 U ) 7 per cent ; no addi
tional charges for commission or attorney's
fees. W. H. Mclkle , First National bank bids.
RIVATE money to loan. J. D. Xittle. 914
N. Y. Life. . 75"
"TATORTGAGE loans jyantcd. McUapuo In-
J.Tj.vcstmeut company. , 753
MONEY to loan on Oh'taha property , fidel
ity Trust company. 1014 1 amain , 75' ' )
EASTERN money to loan at very low rates.
II. li. Iroy , 2 0 N. Y. Life. M303
CHEAP Monov PI lla. Mortgage and Trust
Co. , wants gilt ediro loans. Geo. W. P.
Coates icpresontatlve , 7 Hoard Trade 001
Forratc * , etc. , tcctop of frtt coliim i on thla pjgc.
MONEY to loan by H. P. Masters on chattel
and collateral securities for any tlmo from
1 to 12 mouths , In any amount to suit bor
Loans made on household Roods , pianos , or-
RUHJ , horses , mules houses , leases , warehouse the lowest rates possible with
out publicity or removal of property.
My loans are so arranged thatyou can make
a payment of any amount at any time and re
duce both principle and Interest.
If yon owe a balance on your property or
have a loan that yon want changeo. 1 will pay
It off and carrv It for you. If you llnd It tnoro
convenient cull up telephone ) 1 < * 21 and your
business will be arranged at home.
Money always on hand. No delav. No pub
licity. Lowest rates. H P. Musters ,
Room4 , Wlthnell blk. 15th and llarnoy sts.
; 7ci
MONEY loaned on furniture , live stock.ctc
from 1 to n mouths , without publicity ;
lowest rates. Duff Green , room 2U , Continen
tal block. 210 J27
/CHATTEL loans at lowest rates. 9.21 Now
V York Llfo bulldliu. R. A , Morris. 674jai *
H A. DARNER loans money on chattel so-
curlty. Room 51 , Chamber of Commerce.
M.i'Ja 19
/"CHATTEL bank , 1119 S. 15th St. . loans money
V-A > n chattels orcollutcral at reasonable rates
MONEY on furniture , horses , etc. Keystone.
Mortgage Co. . room 203 i-heely block. MS01
For rates , etr. . fee tiipufftnt ailiiiiui < in f/i ( < p c
MASSAGE cabinet baths , tape worms cared
In 21 hours. MdmoGuorottc , lO.'J Dodgo.
M707 ,111 *
MISS STOWE , masaouse , olectrluliin. 3ii :
Ramgo block. M UsS , 5 *
MASSAGE Madam Delzlor , ever CIO S. 13th
2UO-JG *
Vor rates , ttr. , tet top of first lulumn onthtipigi.
LOST Small Mexican dog. 85 tow urd for re
turn to ? J4 S , IBth street , M 151 2 *
tfrrntet. ett . tee ( o ifr ' J a-iuinn oni < (
HE. COLE , rental Agency , Contliioiilal blk
' i ! ' 741
l-'orrj ( , etc. . tecti > pi > f''lrj' column on thli pig )
G Eo. r. Gullcnbeck. ttauchcr of tbo banjo ,
with llospe , 151.1 iJouulus- . 24'j '
BEl'ORE buying a iditno examine the now
scale Kluiball plantv-A.HoiUc-.I5U Douglns.
- - - - -
ii-i-i ii i - - -i-u nrL rL
O SANDERSOM , cohior 15th and Jackson.
JL\ . tU < < 110-J24 *
_ _
Forrntes , etc. , tcetopof'fiM column on thli page.
BEST line hair goods tu west ; nulr dressing ,
wigs switches bxivlT. , hulr chains , etc. , u
specialty. Oa\ los , liaatr luoods nnd mllllnor ,
opposite postolllce llli ! > U5th nt , . Omaha. 75J
tor rule * , etc. , tee topoffirit couinn on tlili pay
IJATI.NT lawyers a-id Milloltors D. V.SuoTi
-L Co . Hcu ImUdtn ? . Oniuha. llr.inh ullk-u at
WuiUlnztnn. D. 0. Oonsuitjtlon froj. 761
6 B llon .
. cd
Ki&F tltuJer - * * / flFEn l < eantiful
# % & & Picture Dix.V and ccrds
" ? &r"'N > ' " > ' wntlOBiT < in iddrw ! r-
? XS * L uUIBE8 Jt W .
MW h . P llidnliJii
Dr. Io Duo's I'erlodiual I'ills.
Thl Kruncli remodr acti dlrecllr upon Iho gonera-
tire ontuu nml curoi mppruiilan ut thu murnej.
llurihns ) lor W , toaean be maliuJ BhouW not bo
ui HI ! during prvKoancr Jobtier < , druk'gUtianil tbo
public lupvlloti br UuuUman limit < - > Umalia K.
J IVi'kuraunrt ' llowarit iljcri. B .utlt Ouialll , M B
lilUuia iJ. \ . foitcr , Uuuncll Uluflt. I
Why a Lady Was So Unattractive.
"t saf 11 lady with pinch ; d features blue
lipami a ruddy nose. us 1 canto down In the
cart this morning. " said ono of the loading
doctors of America recently. "She wan un
happy , and really did tint know Iho cause.
Hut T as a physician , though never ImvliiR
scon her before , knew exactly the .source of
her trouble. What was It ? She was sutrerliiK
frntit raularla. This , you know , l < now the
pro it disease , and It scents to b-j-on the In-
crease. "
"Is nialarli dangerous doctor' "
"res , und no. It Is tlio Indirect cnu o of
many , porhtttH most dlseus > " < . and It always
puts nperson In u condition to Invite disease ,
although It is bad oiintich of Itself. "
"And what do you do fur lt > "
"Ah ! Tli-rc Is the liunle t pirt : of the sub-
lect. The principal remedy lias I eon nil nine ,
but ltlsnotulw.ysudvlsthle , One. thine however -
over , li almost a nei-essitj , In any cue of
malaria , anil that Is a pure stimulant , prefer
ably whiskey.Vherelt Is tlio rlnht Mud It
-eeins to kill all the itiirms of maliria , < iulukcr
Omit any other Known thin/ . "
The lemarksof the doctor arc most valu *
able , but hodld not KO on to state what Is
kno-nn to the writer that tilth himself anil
most prominent p'lyslcliins pio-orlbo Duffy's
1'ttre Mult Whiskey. Their rei-om for tills
nro ninny , theprlnc'p u onis being that It Is
the i nly medicinal whiskey In tlio market and
the ouly ono wliluh for years has stool the
most strutInlMna chentli'i.l tests. Of course
cl c tpcr and Impure whiskies hue lio'ti iid-
vocalic ! and eert iln nn Tiiplntis dealers try
to soil them bi't-iim they ertn make a larger
profit upon them than tliev upon a pnro
and expensive whlskcv lik - IhtlTv's Malt , but
anvoiiowho de Iies he.iltii and t-i keen off
m ilarla shnuld Insist upon haIm ? OutTyS and
11 l.o no other.
I'm ratr * . ttr. . rtr tnpnf dr f inltirnii enid ) UJ
O'Fir 1' e ! It atiTTI ai"e7""lie" 'i.\ 111 f 111 east front
-Jlof , very cheap for cash. Make an o'Ter.
lioorirp li Wallace , 310 J. J. lro ! n bloei. . K.tlt
and Douglas. ITK-'W
Foil SA M" J-room house , full lot , less than
'I miles from postolllce. iTOO , on easy | > ay-
munts. s.rooin housu nnd lot.Monmnuth Park ,
pasv u.iymcnts , ! , iX . 3-rooni linuse and lot.
Monmontli Park , easy payments , Jl.tKlO. Mnn-
miMith Park has elty water , uas. sidewalks
and motor line. Uood eottage , full lot.tiO-fout ,
frou , . ? uward nuaristh. e isy terms , fJ.OV ) ; ; ! 0-
feet front. liKK ( ) . New C-riHim house , full lot.
( Mflon Hill. i.MWO. ea y payments. Heorgo G.
Wallace , U10.I. J. Urown block , Itith A : Douelas.
rOK SALK I'our finest , now three-story
Mono houses In elty. - ' . " > th nnd Cass stieets ,
one block south of Crel hton college ; all modern -
ern Impro\ement9 , hardwood tliiNh. elty and
soft water , heated bv latest Improved hot
water system , electric llsht anclbcllstlirongh-
out , plato and art class , elegant hardware ,
electrli' and sas UMures , on motor line , paved
street , healthy location , most desirable nolRb.-
boihood. I'artles clnslrlng vlogant nnd com
fortable homes are Invited to look at these
buildings , II. T. Clarke , s. w. cor. SSth and
Cass , or rooms 11) ) and a ) , board of traclu bulld-
Inir. U 5
ADMIN'IHTKIX Halo at north door of court
hoiide. 10 a. m. . June fi , of undivided 'i of
lots 14 and 15. block li Patrick's addition ,
fronting on s-aunders street. M 1)0 ) 5 *
A run property. 1 have the finest tract of
land In houth Omaha , and can sail at very
lowest llpuro fiom 10 to 5J acres air ! is the
choicest kind of land for platting. A. K.
Itlley. room 40 , lliirkor liloL-k. MJ7S 1
HA VI ! MO acres of tlio best li iroved and
finest farms In western Iowa , i'tlce , ? 14-
41X ) ; encumbered $2Si ! ) . llu\o too much stock
for the farm and want to net Nebraska farm
In e\uh inpu , whore would have room for rat
tle. . A. 1C. Klloy , room 40. Harkor lllk , M fc 1
FO1 ! South Omaha property , nusilioss , truck
age or residence , so tu the leadln ; real es
tate dealers In 5outh Omaha , Ld Johnston &
Co. . cor. i4th and N sts. M7C.1
JL. Klcc , estate. 92i Life bulldlnjr.
. liM.r' *
ITUVn-room houses in Orchard Ulli , $ l.r > 03
-L each on monthly payments. Thomus K.
Hall , ail Pa.xtou blk. 74i
FOIJ SALE A Quo 8-room cotlace ; , with
bath , city water. sa . etc , In choice part of
Orchard Hill add. , 2'i block from motor lint ! ;
price and terms reasonable. I. L. Illumor.1)1 )
and Sffii llrown block. : ,2.-"i
"OOOH hculth compels owner to leave the
Jcity ; will sell the best built live room eot-
taco In Omaha for J1.900 , cheap at-00eash ! ;
and monthly payments. Hare chance to get a
nlco homo. Alex .Moore , 401 Heo Hldg. M34Q 1
11'you want to tray or ell lots In Dundee
Place addresser call , VV. . Poor , 240 Ilco
bl'd'g. Ma I a i *
IlOIIIilNS.real estate. 10.X1N. Y. Llfcbldg
. . . . S10J.S *
FOIISALH niegant homes on montly pav-
nients. Will build any priced homo to
suit you. H. t1. Klnircr. 1310 P.irnam. JOT-J-7 *
POIl BALE A fine Improved fnrm of L-00
uere.s ; 1UO under cultivation ; shade ttces ;
fruit , windmill , wagon sualos. ol . ; 10J miles
wostof Omaha ; J20 per aero. Address G 43ltee.
FOR SALE , cheap , easy payments : lii-story
new l-room house , with bath , cellar , etc. ;
full lot. N. Sholton. 1614 1' nil
J.I. GIBBON , solo agent Kountzo Place.
room a , Crelgliton blouk. UJI
FOK riALK Choice Improved property
brliuin j In good rental Tor clear lots. Hob-
ort U Garllclis.l"J ) > . V. Life lildg. MJIB 2 *
"IJ OK SALK To worklugmen only ispoeu-
-L1 lators need not apply ) on time or monthly
payments a neat cottage at less than actual
value. Inside property , only ouo block to
electric lino. Inquire at room i0i. ! Onriha.
National bank building MaiXi
Macbeth's " pearl top" and
"pearl glass" lamp-chimneys
do not break from heat , not
one in a hundred ; they break
from accidents.
They are made of clear
glass as well as tough , as
clear as crystal. They fit the
lamps they are made for.
Shape controls the draft ; they
are shaped right. Draft con
tributes to proper combustion ;
that makes light ; they im
prove the light of a lamp.
But they cost a dealer three
times as much as common
chimneys , and , as they do not
break , he is apt to be anxious
lest they stop his trade. Di
minished sales and less profit
are not agreeable to him.
, There are two sides to the
question. Have atalkwith him.
I'lttsburg. GLO. A. iUcntTii & Co.
On the Trac'k and in the Stub'o.
Kentucky Is wild on High Tariff just now.
The suburban hnndiiMp will bo run at
Shcepshoad Hay , Juno 10 , Tonny is a favorIte -
Ito uud sellinu 4 to 1. Tournament is favored
8 to 1 , and Fircnzl at J to 1 bus a regiment of
"Poor , broken-down Tonny' " How ho did
sbow his boels to tbat Hold. The Brooklyn
handicap distance was covered inJ:10 : and
20,000 people saw the raco. Tonny , 1'rinco
Uoyal , Tea Tmy and Judco Morrow were all
in a bunch nt the iliiish. Garrison , on Prince
Koyul'.s bnck , laid on the whip , but place was
the best ho could gut a short head m nil-
van co of Tea Tray.
In John Hplan's lbi ! ) stable will boNarldad ,
S:52h ; Nubby , J.-1SU ; Passenger , : > : : jO ;
ShawhanJ:2. : . " > ; Ciuess So , , ' : . ' ) ; jiaronstcin ,
by Baron Wllkos ; Student of Socrates , out
of Halllo Woodward ; Fern U' WllUos
Uoy , JiUI'j' , Voodoo , by Sultan , and several
ot tiers of tuoro or less promise. Navidad , by
\Vliipx , out of Lady Thoruo ( dam of Kunta
Clnun , J J7-jj , bv Williams' Miuibriiio , U
the stnr of the strinc , oosonoa "Deacon
Jim" Whltficld , if thn report bo true that ho
showed a nillo lu 2l5if : ooforo ho was placed
\vlutur quarters and Is said to have shown
even butter than 'JI5. : At any rate ho has
been matched against NnUon for f 1,000 u
side , nnd it will bt > well for the follower * of
tbo bip riiiK to keep their cluirvo\ant o > o on
him. Ho was oa t last se.isou tvlth Marvin's
Palo Alto string anil Is a fair trotter of the
bulldog tyno. John Madden of Lexington
bought this coining "phenom" Ia t season
nftcr seeing him snatch n well llnishod heat
from the Missouri wonder , McDool. owned
by J. II. Oglebay of this city n . IlulTalo
McDoel ImU won tbo first heat , and laying up
in the second and tbini was grabbing the
fourth , but Navidad i-amo on with a null
aim beat bun , Alter thiu .N'um'jrino ' Maid
went on and wou tuo
Billy Birch a Comedian of Eminent
Ability ,
AVlinro tlio Ony ninl < of IMiiuinRO
NCst Through tlio Dojj-Days
Attraction1 * I'
Tor tlio Uoiul.
To conduct one's self with dignity and at
the same tlmo bo effective In n fighting or a
uiurdor scene on the stneo whore the weapon
is the sword or any form ol a rapier , ono
must have aomo knowledge of the art of
fencing , says Alexander tialvinl , son of the
great Othello. Vervofton actors make them
selves ridiculous In murder beetles by the
lack of such knowledge , and Often , too , pain
ful injury is inlltctod by men inexperienced
In the use of the sword. My father
otico came so near injuring ma serl ]
ous Itn a duil sun tint i the part
in the play was taken out. The
injury was inflicted , not because ho didn't
know the use of the sword , but because/ his
feelintjs so completely carried him away that
no torgot the use of : U 1 was playinc Autld-
ins to his ( Jonoliinus , and in the scene where
ho assaults Aulldlus ho rushed at mo with
his sword and kept plunplng so violently
that it was almost impossible to parry bU
thrusts. TIOIMvai some tiroporty which
was to have boon used , but there wasn't any
necessity for Its use , for when 1 went off the
staco I was bloodlni ; o.uito freely Irom sev
eral very smart scratches Once his sword
cut completely throuph my shield , and
another time ho wounded mo in exactly ton
different places. Then \\o concluded it was
time to cut out the perilous part.
Thcro are any number of would-be stars to
bo had , but very few deserve the name , said
a well-known theatrical manager looking for
a star , to the dramatic editor. " 1 was looKtng
over the available supply a day or two n o
and fell to wondering wuorO wo nro going to
find worthy successors to 13ooth , Uarrett ,
Jefferson , Florence , Hobson , Crane , Clara
Morris , Mary Anderson , Fanny Davenport
nnd a few others. Thcro are any number of
candidates for the vacancies , as 1 said , but
not ono of thorn could stand tlio test for four
or rtvo seasons without going to pieces. If I
were looking fora man who , by a few years'
grooming , could talto Uooth's place , where
would I tiud him ( Suppose 1 wanted a
man to follow Jciror on , in what
quarter ol the world could I locate
him ! A successor to Clara Morris would bo
equally as diflicult to produce. 1 admit that
there are some clover young actors on the
stage , John Drew , Louis James , James
O'Xoill. Robert Mantoll , John T. Sullivan ,
Hlcharil Mansfield and Nnt cjoodwin , for
instance , but would any of thc-.o llll a gap in
the ranks of Iho older actorSuch !
women as Koso CoRhlun , Ada Rohan , Julia
Murlnwo , Margaret Mather and Marie Wainwright -
wright deserve unreserved pr.iiso , but I
don't believe auy ouo of them will live as
long in a history of the stage as some of our
older women stars. Probably it is because
the world doesn't appreciate them and pre
fers horse play and furco comedy. At any
rate , as I was' saying , if I wanted a star of
the very lirst artistic magnitude 1 wouldn't
know where to find one. "
Mr. James Owen O'Connor will sail in July
for Kuropo to seek much needed rest. Ho
will return In September , it is hoped , men
tally refreshed and ready to rattle urounct in
Mr. ' Booth's place next season. Ho still suf
fers severely at times from the concussion ,
irritation and temporary deafness resulting
from the presence cf some foreign substance ,
supposed to be the fragment ol an nnicmic
eggshell , which ho got in the oar while play-
iiiK Hamlet at Hoboken , JN. J. , three years
Colonel John L. Sullivan will also go
abroad this summer , as lie says , to got
tiardou to 'sock a little pop and high pur
poses into his line in the great melodrama
'Honest Hearts and Willing Hands. ' ' '
Colonel Sullivan will return In the fall , in is thought , to moisten his hands and
elevnto the stage hcxt season. He will also
do all ho can to poraiiado Mary Anderson to
return to the stago. Ho is looking also for a
play that has an unsealed doom in it , Ho
says tbo old drama with the scaled doom is
getting passy and blaze. Jle will eet hold of
a doom that is not subject to letter rates , if
ho can. _
Elusion ! and Dramatic.
Tschaikovskv , the eminent Russian com
poser , will return to America next autumn.
The lady orchestra is now an assured
tiling. Miss Maud Powell will bo its ditec-
Henry firing comes to America this sum
mer as the guest of Ansiustin Daly. The trip
is absolutely for pleasure.
Miss Fanny Kico has finally secured a
comedy , in which she will star next season ,
entitled "A Jolly burpriso. " It is .said to bo
from tbo French.
Sagar and Fnnnio Midcely have been en
gaged by Samuel Popular Cox for Dotinolly
and CJirard'b "Natural Gas" next season.
Louis Harrison will bo the principal come
dian in Dave Henderson's now bu
"Sinbnd the Sailor,1' at the Chicago opera
house this summer.
Irene Kent , a young and handsome Brook
lyn girl , and tno daughter of a newspaper
writer , is to make her debut as a .star in Sep
tember. uuder a competent manager. She
will appear in a now emotional play called
"The Child of Destiny. "
MM. J. W. Cotton will summer with the
greatest teacher of vocal music in this coun
try , and that is sayini : a great deal , Mine ,
Louise Cappiai.i- Young , at her beasido cot-
taco on the Now Jersey coast.
In a card to the public Mr. Stetson ac
knowledged that , ho has no right in "Ham-
lut. " Ho says ho only claims the authorship
ola few of the local gags. The plav it-oil ,
he says , is the property of Mr. Palmer.
There will bo two companies on the road
next , season playing "Two Old Cronies. "
Ada Deaves , who carries the pmy , remains
with the company managed by W. C. Ander
son , which will bo known as "Tho Unique
Come'Jmns. "
From Now York comes the rumor that
Nahan Franko will have charge of tbo mu lc
for Kiralfy'-s spectacle , "Thn Fall of Jerusa
lem , " nt Kldorado on the Palisados. Jf Fanko
is wise ho will stick to obambor music and
lot the circus kind religiously alone.
This week Fanny Davenport is acting
"Cleopatra" in Newark , N. J. U will bo tbo
lluul week of he.1 scascn and she will then go
to her summer homo at Canton , Pa , to nurse *
her mother , who is still very ilj. It nad been
her intention to got to IZuroiie , but under tlio
circumstances , she of course will not leave.
Miss Coghlan intends appearing in a play
called "Dorothy's Dilemma. " Ji is another
version of the ( Jermau plcco from which
Helen Uarry's successful comedy , "A Night's
Frolic , " Is takoa. There will ba live or six
versions of the sumo picco on the road the
coming season. _ _ _
The Hotel Colon Is ttio best iu Valparaiso
as good , perlmns , us u fourth-rate boarulng
hou.- In Now York , but ohnrges are tromun-
doii'i. It Is kept by an aireu Hebrew named
Kcrbonhardt an undo ( so bo toils mo ) of
tlio illustrious actress , Sarah UornhanH ,
who dropped tlio KUL' from her oognoniBn
when she wont on tha stnco in defiance of
the wishes of her family. Thus writes
Fannie n. Winu in tlio Philadelphia Uo.wd.
Miss Carrie Wyatt who is playing n minor
character in "Tbu Buvoy1 * in the widow of
( ! co. 11. Lounsborry. cashier of tuo New
York po.toftiie ; for u porlo-i of seventeen
jcm. It will bo reinomboroU that on his
death , having shot himself , his accounts
wore short $ -1)1,0 ) 10. His actress wife
tnan rest under the sligtnu sncrillced ov"ry-
thing , including his lifo insuranci' , to pay
the shortage , now she has rotwned to tbo
stage for a living.
An enterprising manager of Toledo will in
troduce u bit of stage realism in a new L'nclo
Tom company which ho has oiX'anUud for
next Moason. It con-slnu In killing Undo
Tom in a brutal way each evening ai'd sot-
tluig for him at the box oftlca Bovural alnu-
houses Imvo offered to sign for tlio ( .oason ,
agreeing to furnUh as high as twenty ITndo
Toms each , provided their names are not
used. The manager thinks it , will bo a great
card. Ho will also dUchargo tbo little Kvn
h < > had lat season and ongiu'o her daughtor-
in-Uw in her placo. HI * forciwr llttlo Kva
will celebrate bur goldun wedding in Septem
Illily Hircb and mnolf were morn tiers ot
IVrham's minstrels In l-oi , suld J u lion-
uett of Lo Augolos the otuer duto tliu
writer. Ho was the funniest mau on the
minstrel stage , do wivs not n singer or a
musician , but ho kept nn luullciicoln laughter
from tbo tltno bo canto on the stage till ho
disappeared. He did not know how funny
ho was himself. H was not alone the nudl-
enitj whoonjoyod his wit , buttho | iKirformi'ra
also. He was always ready to pick up some
thing that some of Uio mcmboniof the trouno
bad boon doing und tell It. Of course. It
amused tbo nudlonceand tickled the members
of the company. The tlrst minstrel show
Ulllv was IntorcstPil In was the Hlrcb , Wain-
bold , llarkus and Heruuril combinntion. Tlic-v
intxdo n great deal of money In Now York
Dtirlne tba vncatlon season tlioy used to take
a trip to tbo country for two weeks nnd al
ways bring back J'XX ( ) each. They usi\l to
spend the summer tn Kuropp or nt the fash
ionable watering places. Wnmbeid is now
living In New York city In luxury , but poor
lie , ilth. Backus is dead nnd Bernard Is liv
ing on his money In Now York city.
The play In which Kva Hav Hamilton Is to
appear next November Is entitled "Tho Ham-
merlons. " In the opening act she will ap
pear as Nadlno Brenn , and lit the subsequent
three acts she will assume the role of MIN
Hnmmerton , which is n pnlp.lblo play upon
Robert Kay's family name. The surprising
revelations nro promised for tha fourth nnd
last act. As yet the cast has not been en
tirely arranged , but It will bo In part as fol
lows :
Nadlno Hrcnn [ Mrs Robert Ray Hamll <
Mrs. Hammerton > ton. .
Mr. Hammerton . . . .
Mrs Vinton . . .
"Josh" Dan ( Mrs. Vin ton's HUH ) .
Lawyer Howe , also a dotcctlvo .
Nurse Connelly .
Baby 1 1 ammerton .
There will bo fourteen characters In tbo
play. The compiuy has not iw yet boon engaged -
gaged , but promise Is tmide that It will bo a
strong ono. The scones of the play will bo
laid In Now York nnd vicinity and nt Atlantic
Citv , whore the stabbing of Nutso Donnelly
llrst revealed Robert Ray's unfortunate nmr-
tlal complications. In the initial net
will bo portrayed tlio llr t meet
ing between Mr. Hnmmerton and
Nadine Bronn nnd tholr subsequent mar-
rlago. The second and third nets will deal
with their married life. The climax in the
third act will bo the stabbing of thu nurse at
Atlantic City.
to it \\liv IVnori ,
Constublu Ciooi-Ro \ \ \ McCluskoy ,
whoso bailiwick is in the western part
of Hill county , Texn > . met with nn experience -
porienco recently that will lon roiiinin
fresli in Ills memory , llo urreslod n
mnn fflvlnt , ' his name as C' . C' . Lewis on
two charge * of hort-o steaUnjr pending in
tlio courts of Dallas against him. Ho
kept the prisoner nnd the nllogecl stolen
stock in his po ses-Mon anil charge
for some hours. Whuii ho started for
Hillsboro , borne thirty miles distant , fur
the purpose of reporting to ShcritV t'ox
with his booty , Luwis bucceodecl in con
vincing Iho coiiMtablo that it was all a
mistake- about his having stolen the
property , and on his trip McCluskey
omitted to hamlculT hi& prisoner.
The otlicer necked the two alleged
stolen horses together , placed his pris
oner on ono and rode the other himself.
After they had traveled a short dis
tance , Lowib , who was much larger than
the otlicer , suddenly turned in hit > baddlo
and dealt McCluskey a blow with
his fist whicli for the time being ren
dered him unconscious , and also dig
mounted him. Lewis then dismounted'
secured the olllcor's pistol an d proceed 01
to heat him in an unmerciful manner
Constable McCluskey regaining his
sens > " 3 , and lindinjr 'his pistol gone ,
pleaded with his. late prisoner for his
life. The latter finally desisted from
his blows , covered the olliccr with the
pistol he had robbed him of , forced him
to take a pair of handculls from his
pocket and lock himself to a barb wire
fence near by and then throw the key to
the lock on the handculls in a
Lewis then robbed the officer of $1 10
in cash , which ho had in his pocket ,
swapped lints with him , shot one of the
liorseb dead , mounted tlio other , nnd ,
with his captor's line fcaddlo , pistol ,
brand now hat , and the nionov above
mentioned in his possession , coolly tipped
his hut to Oflieer MeCluakoy , and , after
wishing him good luck , proceeded on
his journey us though nothing had
transpired to mar the bcronity of the
surroundings. Parties passing along
the road after the lapse
of some time , discovered
the unfortunate oflicor's predicament and
liberated him by breaking the fence
wire. Every effort made thus far to
oirecttho capture of this modern Claude
Duvnl has proved futile. At this time
there nro twenty Texas sherifl't. on the
lookout for Lewis. Oflieer McCluskoy is
badly beaten and bruised up , and is very
much chagrined to think ho could bo &o
thoroughly taken in. He IP regarded as
ono of the bnivebt and most humana
oHiccrs in Toxns.
Itoinancf of Counterfeiting.
Charles II. Smith , the man who kept
the government authorities in alarm for
twenty years by his astonishing counter
feits , is at present living in New York
city , where ho wanes at his trndo as an
engraver. Hrockway , his former part
ner , who printed the plates which Smith
executed , is in Now York also. Tlio con
spiracy in whicli they were engaged was
the most formidable that was over di
rected against the securities of a nation ,
and yet Smith has never hpont a day in
jail. Ho turned ntntoV evidence. A
very dramatic piclurr. ' , that of Smith ,
working for twenty jo.mi for Iho banknote
note- companies in New York eminent
in his profession , rcspoctod by all , his
daughter the wife of a well known ban le
er nnd .spending his leisure Hours dur
ing nil that time in the preparation of
an astonishing series of imitative mmos.
Colil Clinrlty.
A Brussels banker ib fond of exorcise.
As an exhibition of his skill in skating ,
ho made his niitogr.ijili on the ice in a
very artistic manner. Some gentleman ,
having admired thosignaturepi'ocuedoa
to write above it as folhnvb : ,
' On demand I uroinino to pay for the
benefit of the poor the sum of 6.0UU
franc.- ' . "
They sawed out the block of ice and
having called a hack , proceeded to thu
baiiK and carried the fro/on notenf hand
of foot , wo mean to the cashk'i 's
counter. The cold temperature happily
prevented the molting away of Iho ly l
draft , and the banker having boon ap
pealed to ordered It to bo paid.
The directors of the American Trotting
Hegistr-r association have rosoivod that the
government of light harness contests would
bo .strengthened bv having but ono adminis
tration for the country , am ! the officers of the
National Trotting association and of the
American Trotting association Imvo been
asknu 10 titko .stops which ; \ill result In union
or consolidation.
Each Season
Has ItH own peculiar malady , hut with tlio
liluoil maintained In nstato of uniform vigor
and purity , b ) tlieuicof Aycr'shnrsapurllla.
thu sjslfrn u-ndily nditjits ltslf to clinngod
condillona. f 'ompnti-d of thub itat ! < 'ir.tlru.s
nnd tomes , and hi'ing highly conccntrutcd.
A > cr'j b.irsniarllln is thu nu t cITectlvc and
economical of nil blood medluitii-g.
"Korsome years , at thu return of spring ,
1 had si-riuus trouble \\llh my kidneys. I
was unable to sleep nights , and .sullercd
greatly with pains lu the small of 1115 hack.
I waf uho ailllcted with liyiJ.'iclic , lost ( if
appotltn , and Indigestion Tlio-uj yniitomi |
ucru much now tail spring , o > i > clally the
trouble with my back , A friend [ cisu.-ulcd
me to usu Ayt-i's Sarsupaillla. I tciMU
taking It , and my troubles all dUuppfiirvd. "
Mrs. Uenevra llelatigtr , 24 llrUgu St. .
d , Mass
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
DIl. J. O. AVEK rt : CO , Lowell , Uni * .
, tlnxibVur