TTTT7. rVMATTA HATT.V \ V AT A AT" 97 1RO1 8PE01RL NDTIGES. AnVEnflFE > rKNTMorthcc column * will be tnVen until 12 0 p. m. . for the e f n HE edition , nnd until Kj.Ojx. in. , for tb tnortiluc rdllion nnd StwiiAr HEB. rniiUMS-Cash In advance. ; T ? ATES Ad ve rtlsemrnU on thin pareirlllbn Ji charged for nt Hie rate of 1H rent * rr worri fcirtho firstlnsertlon.iindlecntprrword for eneh nnb eqncnt lnstMlon. find ttM ptr linn pir month. > o adTcrtlscnicnt taken for ktw tlmu 11 cents fur the first Inncrtlon. INITIALS. llKurcsrsymlolii. etc. . counteach rMmo word. rpllI'PR nrtTfrtlfomcnt * mnrt run ron'ccn- 4- lively and untlrr no c'reunulnncM will they tctnkcn or discontinued by telephone , PAltllFH nrtvrrtlnlne In these columns nnd linvlnc thrlransviersiindrrfsed toa"nura- Irred It tier In cure of Till. HFK. will reccljea muni ntd check toenable them to Ret tliclr letters. Answers will lo delivered only on presentation nf Oil" check , rncloso uiuwcrs HM-n\ elopes properly addressed. A Ll. HdriTtfortnrnti under thn licnd of J.eprclRl 3\otlici " nro publUhod In Imtli llin mornlnir and evtnlnp edltlonsof Tlir. HKK. the circulation of wlilch nfcrecnlcn morclhiin ' . ( Ufxipaprrn dully , nml clvts the ucUarllHT llip I encfit not only of tlip Inrpc. circulation of Tnr. IltiMn Omaha , hutnlso 'n CouncilHlufTn , Lincoln und other cities und towns In tlio west BRANCH OFFICES. g for thesn column * will bo on the nloverondltloni' , at the following bu-d iiess houses who urenuthorlrexl to tnl < e special notices. at the KUCIO rates as can bo had at the main office. SOITTH OMAHA IlltANCH CITICE No. IK3N. Mreet , Lister lllwK. TOIIN W.llELlTI'luTrmaclst , llih A Mason ' Rtront OHA'-E & . KIIDV. Ftatloners and Printer JUSoiith intli f.trceU SH rAKNSWOUTH. Pharmacist. 2115 Cumins Ftreet. \\r .1 Ht HUES , Pharmacist , C24 North ICth MreeU GKO W. rAItn , Pharmacist , 1718 Leaven- worth Rtreet , 1TI UOIII-b' IMIAUMACV. 24th and Karnara. SITUATIONS WANTED. lot ralet , etc , , let tup of first column nil \\rANTF.K Position In drug store. , 3 years experience and ono toini in modlcal col lege. Age 24 ; single ; best of references. Ad- JressO ' , ' , nee oflice. tllbl 28 * \\7ANTr.I > Position ns clerk or traveling ' man hy German Americans aced 24 : 7 years' experience In Importing and exporting biislncxs In > ew York : good ofllco man : codec trnde preferred : first class New York refer- Hices AddressO.a-l.lteo. 1M 2 * \\TANTri-Sltuatlori liv middle need lady ' a H Address Mrs. E. 1 * . TliornpMin , > OOS Ames qvonuo. Us--1 ? * \\7ANTKI ) Position ns boot.Keeper by gen- ' tlemnn with Syenrs experience In bunkIng - Ing and wholesale business ; host references nddrets O3.1 , Hee. 1M-1 \\7ANTni ) Situation by rcirlstprnd pharmacist - ' cist ( German. ) Address O 31 , Hee.M1.S2 M1.S2 27 * \\7ANTCn Nursing to do by a lady with experience ; can gho refeiencos If re- 3 n I red. Address 21I. ' > Leaden worth st. M141 2S * \\rANl ii : ) Position as housekeeper In wld- otter's family by H lady from tbo east ; references exchanged. Box 124 , Kapld Cllv , S. I ) . M143 31 * \\7AISTnil-A position , bv younplndy with ' three j ears experience as stenographer Address OIC , lleo office. M145 2S" "VX7ANTED sltnut'ons for gowl clrls ; my * waltlm rooms are always full from 0 u , in. ton p. m. Canadian Employment ofllcv. -.S14 S. ISth. Telephone SM Tin WANTED MALE HELP. fin rofrn. rlc , , tee top nf firt column on Ihtupnge. WANTED A few energotlo ngcnUs Ui sell magic hpoclaltlos. Including magic belf- llghtlng pocket lamp , magic dlmo savins bank and oilier good selling articles. All our needs sell at sight. Apply with references Northwestern Specialty Co , room 4011 lleo bldg. Oiniiha Nub. M1U7 bright boys , must write a ' fair Iinnd and bring refeuxiev Noith- wctorii specialty Co. . room 4JO lleo building. _ _ M ia > l'7 " \\rANTEU A neat appearing young man ' with good address to canvass In city and road. Salary , commission and railroad ex penses paid u hustler. Call at 7 p. ju. . Pull- rnaii housa , E. MeKernan. Mlir g * _ T\7 ANTEI > Salesman for every state and territory to sell our goods by sample to the wholesale and retail trado. Our goods soli everywhere. Good s ihiry paid. Perma nent position. bend stamp for terms. Oara- ucopo manufacturing company , Chicago. III. Mir.721' _ _ _ WEQFPEH agents big money jn exclusive > territory. Our now patent safes sell at night In city or country. New agents first In field actually getting rich. One ugojit In ono ( lay cli'iimd fc& go can you. Oat nloguo free. HJplno Safe company , 3C3-371 Clark streot. Cincinnati. O. _ AGENTS. K > to HO per day collecting small pictures for us to coppy and enlarge , bat- li > fietlon : xuuruntcod and u J4 outfit free. A. I'nnno ' & . Co. . & 0 Ruado street Now Yor k 25 BOYS wanted Tuesday at the Now York Bargain Store , 212 N llitli streot. H02 i _ \\7ANTED Tinner ' , applv at Kltcben'H resT - T l idcnce , Douglas and .Cd street. M14G 27 * JU ESSENGEIt wanted. Bradstroel Co.MW030 MW030 * \X7ANTED Agents , miilo or fomalo. Now i 2 , " > c housetiold nrtlulo ; profit , UOO per cent. Baniulo and Instructions , lOennts. Goods on commission , btayuor & . Co. . Providence. R. I. MG40 ! : * " \X7 ANTED Gooil experienced solicitors In TV a gimtool , honorahlo nnd permanotit bus iness ; good pav t jeady cash. I ; 8 JlcUa.ugboy , riHim 2 Iowa Savings bank building , Sioux City , lu. \\TANTED-100 laborers , teamsters , sliovel- crsutid truckmen fur work in Wvomlng. Albright Labor agency , 11JO Purnam st. Uiu WANTED Salesmen on salary or eomls- slon to handle thn new patent chemical rraslng pencil ; the greatest soiling notolty e\cr produced ; erases Ink thonuighlv In tno seconds ; no abrasion of paper ; 2U ) to 500 per cent profit ; ( HIP agent's Milesuu-otintnd totOJOInstx aiiys ; niiutherKB In two hours ; we want ono general agent for each state nnd terillory. ' 1'or terms tuid full particulars addrchs tlio Monroe Eraser Mfg Co. , La Crossn , Wls. 473 M EN with good address. Met. M'f'g Co. , 1 J9 llovard st Omaha , or 137 N 12th , Lincoln. fcs7Jl * I ) Men to trv\el for'itr < 'itnadlnn nursi > riekbtouo&.Wcllington.Maditon.Wis 7.10.11 WANTED FEMALE HELP. Fnrrattt.rtc. . see top nf firtt enlumn nntlilsprigf VTI\\ employment Ijurouu , room 40 , bnnk * > O building , opi > o lto Huvden's References , Uomnn'fl Christian association. I'lrst class female help , M 1V > 27 * WAKTKD La ly or gcutlonmn to superv. . , agents In Omaha ami Council llullt | > fo the nut en t cloth and rubber skirt protector also ludy ncenl * . Every lady wants one on flirht ; thousands In use In the east already. Apply In perwm to W. McQulkton , Mlllard hotul. Vtodnesdny and Thursday botneon U and 12 a. m. iMt-Sd * \\rANTED-A girl for general housework. l Mrs M. Lory , 20J7 Dodge slreot , opposite high seliiKiI. 10 < l 27 \V ANTED Salesmen , ladles und centle- TT men. In the city and Interior towns , on salary nr rommUilon. ' Oall or address ) 1) . P. llurr. iva I'aruani slreet. third floor. M ISO Is * "WANTED On cook and Ono girl for gen- ural housework al the now M. U. hospital. Must bovonipetont aud nlllliiR. Good wage * aud pormununt position to the right parties. Must luoo rvfervuco. Apply U ) < 1'J 9 JOtli. JOtli.115tu 115-tu \\7ASTKD A girl for general housework. iiU ? Uodgo street. 1IW-27 \VANTElf-Mlddie ajod lady logo In conn- 11 try on a farm to do housework for family of 8. Cull nl room COO Now York I.lfobulldlm : . lli-Jl * \\7ANTni ) Olrl for eeuurul houttonork at ? T niioo. 2007 Oass. 119-27 * WANTED A competent girl for second work nt a beautiful noun try home : fifty miles from Omaha. Chai. A. Uurvoy , 15N rurimm street , 121 " \V ANTKD-A Blrl to do lioiuework In fan > llyoftwoj m u kt bo u jrood > ok. Apply ; between the hours of 0 and T o'clock p. in. at tit " SSlli ave Qig > I tflOO a month , ladles or crullitmcn. Do you . PftanlUr AddroM with Hanip , K. U. Tick- ' H. 1 N. .Main. Wichita. Kmi. aC2u ; _ PATTERNS AND MODELS. RSAhDEllbOW , corner r > [ Ilt-J.'f FOR RENT-HOUSES. r ro'r ' . .Cff ( I M o' > ir < . i.AUntn 1 inn n17 > n KENT-KIM. 6 rooms. 2d Hour , 000 S. 10th : 130 ou Heed * Selby , Ii , Hoard Trsde. M18J JK\V tirlck house , o rooms. 2.171 Harnfy < strict. Mueaton & . Allen Co lsr ; rurnam street. M Kit 21 * rir.N-UUOJI hoilso with barn ; desirable lo- eallon. moderate rent. Uoard Ilros14in M 7 T7-OH HKNT lly Juno JM. a It-room houm J- newly painted nnd pipercd. well. cistern nnd city wulcr , bath nnd furnaces. SIM Dar- enport. MKVI a * A ID-room furnished house In peed location forrrnt for It months from June 1. Ad- drett O IS. llco oOlci- . 013 2W TTIII'TI.KN 0-room hrlcl : IIOUSM. all mmlcrn. -L1 cxcont lurnin'i'.t-1 M per month , near t-lirr- tuBii uM-nuu motor. U. 1. llurrlson , UJ2 N. V. Life. 014-JE ! FOIt 11HNT A few vpry desirable 4 to I ) room llat : r.'l'to MO ; U blockH north of poitofflco 1 IIUTO our comer flat purtlc * enn rent cnouuh rootni to more than pny tlio rentiinU still hn\r fmircood rooms to lire In. ! Jc ICnherln. 1G1B ChlcHCU Street. 2-rooin ) ion e with all modern ImtirovenicnU und barn : fine location for a pliyslcUiu J. H. 1'anvtle rental uRt-ncv H1 Ot'SK to let , 12 room : * ator. bath , etc , 2f . Call 2KI1 Half HownrO. M1U.I 87 | 7\OU \ KENT Two 10-moin brick residences , X all con\enlcnce . Just completed , OJ7-"iOU Georcla mo. llenttril.uo for Hrst year. J II. Purroltv , Doueluti block : i " 7 FOR KENT A 0-room house , with all mod ern ( .otncnlcnces ; ( Jaoo a mouth Apply I' . Mtlht. 1013 . Ilth st. MU..P-JO F OK ItENT-Coltagu nicely furnished. W Dim-nport st. ilii'i9-27 * KENT-Modern n-roorn flat , now dcc- .1 orations. Coed locality. It. b. hklnner. 1014 rainaiu st. 145 7JIOK KENT-S-room Hat , Lange biosi : . 13th J-1 and Jackson. MS'JO 21 > Ei Olt KENT 7 room brick bouse , all coa- venlenccs , 117. Inquire IM ) N. 2Sth avo.C3 151-1 * HOl'PfC for rent Two story house R rooms with all modern Improvements , 2.HS Lake sticct. C. \\oodworth 1M2 DouRlas. U02 ADESlUAHLEcottiiffo for rent-My larse , H-room cuttRL'e on la > ent > ortstrcctheated l ) > furmice. bath , etc. , electric appliances for hells und cas llshtinp , liinre stable for coir mid horses , jt > om for live cxrrluRcs , drlvew.iy nml ciKd lawn , will 1m rented reasonable to desirable tenant ! the whole or part of furni ture und carpets for sale. Apply on premises , U tor KB A. Joslyn. LTiT- Davenport street "I7UK KENT 10-iQom now brick residence , J- between Mason und Pacific on 'Klthmo : liath , Ras , laundry , fumuce , oak floors and finiM prates and munkilH and e\ery modern ctimenlence ; partly furnished if desired In- aulre on premises or room 442 , lice building. 807 S-KOOM brick house , all con eulencus , J5 ; - ( i-toom brlcK house , CO H. R Cole , 0 Con tinental. 028 FOH SALi : Aery neat modern C-room hoiisd und lot. fuming st near LOHO a\e. , only f.1.200 and easy terms. A nice homo for Mn.ill money You Miould see It. W. A. Spencer , K7. f'hamber Commerce. U'4 27 nOI'ES. ill kinds tlireo nicely furnished Itund.vA Co. , 1U14 Capitol ateniic. S07 FOit KE.NT-Houses with all modern im provements , sio.un boat : 1 block from high ftfliool : l l.OJtif * > 1.03 pet month. Also Rtoms , 24th and HinenporU H. It , Iroy , 200 VY Llfo. 1H5-J5 TT you wish to rent a house or store see II , E. J Cole. Continental block. 744 WELL-FrilNlSHEn ii-room house , wlti all conxonlenccs and comfortH. ou p.i\od street ; low rent to satisfactory small family with Rood references. Unfurnished If de sired. 2010 Ilinney St. Kounfare 'place. "IJ10K KENT LSIrpe nuniborof houses , stores , J-1 Hats. ctc.r > .00 per month and up. New list ' 1st of each month. George J. l'iul , 1001) ) 1'nrnam strunt. 'Mi ,1y2 TpOR KENT 2 clRht-room brick bouses with -L1 cltr water , bath and sower. 100 feet from cable lino. T. I' . Williams , Tirsl Nat. Hunk bulldliitt. "IjlOK KEN ! ' Four 6 and 7-room flats with J bath , hot water , etc. ; paved streets ; near business : nil improvements : only i-5 per mo. I.'ofL'itMiros requlrnd. The Mead Investment Co. . 442 Dee buildlti : ; . 740 FOK KENT , cheap ; u good 'en room modern hoitso. Inquire 2T > 20 Capitol avpnun. II. II. Kobison. MB75 J1S 5-KOOM house , nice yard , shade trees , city nnd cistern water , elegant nelchboihood. 2 blocks from street cars , 1411 P. 7th avenue , or Hell's pharmacv , cor. Ilth and Mason , 390 FOK KENT Handsome 11-rooin modern house : all coincidences ; In perfect order : pa\ed streets : motor , and within 5 inh'iitcs walk of postofliee. Nathan fclielton , 1014 Tar- iiiini street. MI51 CUiR RENT JO- room house.centrally located. -L modern Improxcmeutb. luqulru , 712 N. lfltb. _ FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS Fiirrntt * . etc. , fee tup nf first column nn this pige. LARGE south loom for rout at 2103 Douglas streot. M1M 2 * FOR RENT Nicely furnished room in pilvate family. Desirable location. Address Of4 Bee. l.r4-27 * ELEGANT rooms , single 01 cnsulte. furnish ed or unfurnished. C1I North If-tlu 140-27 * rpWO nicely furnished rooms for rent , 2I2H JL llarney st.- ' MHS4 26 * I7UIRNISHED rooms for light housekeonlng , JL ; without chlldicn ; f > 07 S 13th street. 114-27 * "Vrit'ELY ftirnlshtd looms with or without J- > hoard , on motor line , Hll S 20lh street. 113-27 * FOR RENT Nicely f nrnleilicd room , gas and bath. 2610 llarney street , lleforence re- ijulrcd. 117-2H * rEKY desirable rooms on second floor at the Prender. 110 N. ith st , M9 : w * ONK large and one small newly furnlshnd rooms , single or on .sultc.nrlvato residence , can do light housekeeping ; COD S 17th street. 8011-27 * FOR RENT Oneor twofurnlsned looms on Georgia tnentic. Icfcrcncc3 exchanged. Address M IW. Hue. 8Utl S'MALL room for rent ; gentleman only ; price JUKI. Call 617 N 17th street. 727 ILEASANT rooms single or eu ulto. 115 > outh2UthsU 778 "VTU ELY I'nrnlshod largo south room for J- > rent ; modern conveniences , 2010 llarney street. MW1 K1OR C KENT rurnishottjooms , 1007 Douglas 740 rpHE St. Clulr European hotel , cor. 13th and L L'odgc ' , will hereafter make low rates for rooms by the week or month , cither with or without board. 7bl FOR RENT ROOMS UN FURNISHED Fnrialcn , cte.tct top nf firxt column ott thii pigs riMlRRE or four rooms , private house. G12 So JL ICth street. Mlffi 28 * "IT'OU ' P.ENT I.nrze licht basement. In- ' -L' quire Mrs. l.angc. cor. 13th uud Jackson. MWJl 29 "V KW , modern and most desirable In the city. -L > Throe or four room sultos.blSS. 22nd street. T. I * Von Dorn. M48J 4 nNITltMSIIED rooms , llrst floor , modem 1 lmpro\emonls , ranso in kitchen. UlOb. 20th bU M1J7J4 * " 171OR KKNT Pine , small family apartments , JL all ontsklo jcionis. best locality , modern Improvements. Inquire CJO Pu\tcn block. HU7 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. } 'orittti > , etc , reetopoffint column < m thtt page. SINGLE front room und first class table board { JU per month , also two large rooms. W2N. 17th street. MlTU 3I 'IT'OR ' a reasonable price rooms single or In .L1 btilto with board at 411 X. llnli. MUH2 30 * LARGE front alcove room with first claw board. References. 113 8.20th bf. MWJ27' ' A LARGE nicely furnished front room and board for 2 , U per week. 20U llurner st. MIHO 27 t ' URNISIIED room with board , vorydeslra- JL' ble aud flr t class. aJlS25tho\e. iUUji * BV3U KKNT Nlooly furnished noms with flrst-clasi board , 1721 Davenport it reet. 601-28- TplIJNlSUEOroomi.andlodKtiis ) house JN. . IBlh. opposite Jcffunon Square. , 410 IpUKNISllF.nroonii und board , 1023 bodge. PAWNBROKERS , J RHD Mohle. 8. K. cor. Far-juna and Ilth. FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES. For rain , rtt. , < etop of fntcvlrmn on tfifi fiyt , SMALL stores for rent. 41H S 10th Imitllre Mrs. 8. Lehman , sat X aoth. FOR RENT- fine store room nnd basement nt IfiW Chicago it. , near 10th it. Mlttl 31 * l.t't ? 1'UUIltll IUM V/l' . VJU 1 UIUUIII alAllu uul.\ < Ing has a fireproof cement b otncntcouiploto steam-heatlnc flxtiirvs.KHter on nil tbo floors , pm. etc Apply at the ofllco of Tbo lleo. (115 ( IOU HCNT-Ilrlck storo. 710 and 7U N. 10th " .I , with steam heat. Apply to 2.VK ) llrlsto' Mnrtlss Hros. I7 Sir * TTiOR KENT Office room * , nouth eit corner -I ? If.lli and C'lilcuco strcots. O. 1' . Day Is Uo. , 15 1'arnani street B43 27 TTIOH 1 2KNT Or Rale , my building on Jonot st. bet. IDtU&lUb. U.A.LIudqulsOiaH.IMh 747 Foil ItCNT Desk room , nt 0)1 N. V. Llfo bids. H10 [ fOll 1IENT The three-story brick build- hur , llio Douzlasstrecl , suitable for whole sale purposes , f 110 per mouth. Chas Kauf- mann. 1JJ3 Douglas st , l/GJ FOR RtNT WAREHOUSE. Foil KENT Ilrick warehouse , two itorlas ; huh luiHiMncnt , hydraulic elovutor , track- use : best location In city. A C. 1'owulL ail FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. Forratct , etc. trttup of first column onthiepnot \\7K luM ! the best lioro pusturo In this ' ' stat . at Ullmoro Miitkin , three miles south of Ninth Omaha ; ICO HCTC of blue pr.iss. print. water , board fonef ! IIUNP a good one- bulf mlle tiack on the. furm : will take a few her o or rolti to break or train , llarton ti 1'hultiH , or A. XV. I'lieljc. A. fcon. MXiU-Jb * WANTED TO RENT. ror ratci , ttr- , tee lop of first column tut tltti WANTHD-Hulto of f urnlstied rooms by a prominent youtic business man. Must bo first-class and located between 17th and 2T > th. Howard and Chicago streets. HourUlni ; houses need not apply Ll lco. ) ZTiS RtMTAL AGfcNCY. Icrrntr * rtt. "re tnpnf ( ! r column > m thtt O" K. COLE , ronUl agonoy. Continental blk KorrntM , etc. . nnti > p o//r t column imthw OLDEST , cheapest and best house In city. Williams it Cross , 1214 llarney street. BEST storaiebulldlns In Omahn , covorn- lucnt bonded wareliouxu ; household Rooas cared for ; lowest rates. W. M , Uushtntin. 1015 Lcarettuorth IS' ) I'nST nnd best storaco for furnlturp. WWulls , llll Tarnam hU 7J7 STOKAGE of household poods : clean , dry place , prUutely stored , trnns moderate ; wo also More hto\es durlns the summer" : we will get thorn from the houses aud deliver them In the fall in peed trim. Tel. 060. 1207 Douglas. Omaha Move Rcp.ilr Works. 733 FOR SALt FURNIIURE hTC. etr , , arc top of flrtt column on this page. O NF full Mzo , aim one child's bed , folld an- tlciuo O.IK , with o\en wlie spring nnd mnttri" > s , ns good us new , and perfectly clean. JLI S , IMth street. Can sh e tluio. Mlill 7 OU SALH At a Rroat sacrifice , household furniture , line cnrrJiiRfl team , carriages , hlolch. harness and robes , also fine. cow. A. J. HunBcnm. Ii24 Douglas st. UI730 E1OK ' SAliE Purnltnre of a 10-room hou o. JL' Cheap , llouso f-jr rent. Inqulto 11IJ3 Dodco. 2MI FOR SALE HORsES WAGONS ETC. Forratcfcic.tcftoimJJIr > tt column otiOifn pige. FOH SALIy Elegant delivery wagon , brand new. mnde In tbo city and warranted. M. A. Upton Co. , llee bulldlu ? . KJ7 "I7IOH SALK--1 double o.inlago. 1 pliaoton , 2 " * - horsts , 1 double harness 1 single harness , fresh milk cow. luqulru at the Boston .tore . , 1H bouth ICth Htreot. Foil EALlriimlly carriage Tee & Nich ols , stable ibtli and Loa\enworth. M500 HOUSE auction every Saturday. 2 p. m. , nt Pioneer htables , 13th and Hiiruey. Horses , wagons harness , etc. llujers ana hellers sb on Id attend these Bales. U. Homau , Prop. K. Wells , ntictioueer. M FOR SALt MIoChLUANEOUS. Forratcn , tie. . , rcetnp ofjiret column on tlift p ige. OR SALE Pine cabinet scwjns mnchlne , -L almost now. cosi $7."i. An elegant machlno In lirst class order , tuust be Hold before Juno 1. Will dispose of It at a great sucilUco. Address O 2S , Bee ofilce ll'j ai * INCH high crado bicycle rode six months , in o.xtra. good repair. Address O 25 , Bee. J110J27 * TIIOU SALH MagnlficO'H upright piano at a -L big sacrltlce. Incjulru at "llll Culduell st. , aftero'clock evenings , - JlKsS TTIOIt BALK An elegant Qro proof siifo" with -L burslur chest. Pbll btlmmol , 1)11 ) Jouea St. , Omaha , Nob. 031 FrRMTUIIE bought , sold , btorod. 'Wolls. lilt Furniun street. 7J7 POK SALE IK ) loads of sawdust : also Iclnd- lins. Omaha Box Factory , Eust Omaha. MISCELLANEOUS. Forratet , etc , , tee tnp njflrfl rolumr ; on this BALDNESS positively cured. No mistake about it. Send for descriptl > o circular Address "Anti-Bald , " oox aij. Daveuport , ja . D. Case's penman class , 18th and Karnatn. Tuesday and sday evenings. M 2 J2 * \\'Elmxo eight empty stalls in our largo and ' airy htublo , 131" Plorco btroet , u ar 13th street , Omaha. Complete facilities and flrst class attendance. Everj thing on ground Iloor. Address the O. H.'ilrunmona company , South Omuba , Nob. JI luo jo GD. OASE Penman , touches pennian- ship Tuesday and Thursday oonlnirs. . ' 'H S. 18th street. W74J J2 ENGIiA VINO Wood. zlnccbalk. etc. Work guaranteed on time and quality , llrlg- 1mm. bouth Omaha. M1UT / > AHDEN farm to rent. T.Murray. M748 GOOD homo for ladles during conflneinout. luqulru at Mra. M. I'rasll. 1470 South ICth. M121 ) i " 11/rASSAGEtriJatnient.olootro-thermal / baths , XU-bcalp unfl hair treatment , nlaulcuro and chlrorHKllgt , Mrs.PoutaiUH S.IStli\Vitiinull blk. 749 WANTED TO BUY. t'lirrate.etc. . tcctopofjlntcolumnon Hit * page. \\7AM'EI-Houso ) and lot.Yunt a cenT - ' T tractor to build me a homo , llnve my own plans. Address O UJ lieu Oltlco. M15'J ' 2s * \17ANTED lo otty a second hund two- > seated cnrrlago or phoaUm for one horso\ \ Address P. O. Uox 723. M1U2 2 To buy good resldonco lot or bouse und lot , or MM era ! lots located ho us to make a good building sight , must bo In Jlrst class resuleueo purt of the city. Parties nnsnerlng this Khoitfd Khe full description of property , lov est price , terms , whether Incum- berud , and If so how much. 0 II ) , lleo oOlco. U71 [ r you have any old clothes to sell lot me know by Mail. Kallsb , 215 S. 13th streot. M G7G-J 18 MASSAGE , BATHS ETC Forrntet , etc , , tee tnpoffint column rm this page. AS-SAOE bath at Madam Smith' * parlor > , . 3d floor , 4.M S. 15th su 2i7 3I MASS ARE treatment. Elcctrlo batbf by lady of experience from tbo oast. Hours from t to U p. m. IbO" Purnam street. M MASSAGE cabinet baths , tap worms cured in 24 houn > . Mdmu Uuerotte , IDZi Dodgo. M707JI6 * MASSAGE Madnna DeUler. ever CIO 8. 13th * 21W-10 HAIR GOODS WIGS , ETC. Forratu , rte talop of firtt rolnmti on thti page. BEST line Imlr foods In wtsst ; nMr a res. lug , wigs , switches , bangs , hair chains , utc. . n cpeolalty. Darles , hair goods and ml oppoalte pojtodtce. Ill S. litti sUOmaun. PATENT SOLICITORS. for rota , etc. , in top of firtt coumn on thii AtENTTawyers tnd 8ollcltor 7ar\V.B es i Ua , Bee btiildln ; . Omuha. Uranob offlce at U. U Oousullttloa frae. TS1 MONEY TO LO Nj-REAL ESTA I E FnrritM , tic. , tfttap ofJSrtt column nnlltli PIIIPT and second ftortzajB loans. Alnx Moore , 401 lloo bldgj ; ; 3 per cent Drst tiiortrsago lonns. Itlchard C. Pnttetson. DOT Now York Llfo. SI674 MOUTOAOE1 ? wmUpd , lone or short time. George O. Wallace. 210 J. J , Brottn build- log , ICtb and Diuslnnji > > VO MONKY to loan otuhitorovcd city property at current ratcV-'fnnds on hand ! no de lay. Geo. 1' . lllust .VUo > , 20.1 KnniRo bldg. 75i OE. A.G. M. Anthrtii31SN.Y. Llfobulldlnu lend money on farms In cholcd counties In Nebraska and Iowa.tuio on gHKl Omaha reil- dcnco property ] lowest rates ; best terms ; no dclav ; money read/ . Titles and values passed on here. 7i3 BUILDING loans 0 to T per cent ; no addi tional charges for commission or at toriior'a fees. W. U. Molklo , first National bank bldg. 7.V PllIVATE money to loan. J. 1) . Zlttle , flU N. Y. Life , 757 " \fOUTGAGE loans wanted. McUaguo In- uU-tcstment company. 753 MONEY to loan on Omaha property. Fidel ity Trust company , 1014 larn.iin. 7OT EASTERN money to loan nt tery low rates. U. 11. Iroy , 2uO N. V. Llfo. M.'KW CHEAP Monov-Pliila. MortK geand Trust Co. , wants gilt edge loans. Geo. W. P. Coatcs. rcprescntatlro , 7 Hoard Trade OG1 MONEY TO LOAN CHAT ThLS. I'orratcf , etc. , tec tup of fint colum i on thin p tgc. TITONEY to loan by H. P Masters ou chattel lU-und collateral securities for any tlmo from 1 to 12 months , lu any amount to suit bor rower. Loans madu on household goods , pianos , or gans , horses , mules , houses , leases , \uirchoiiso receipts.otc.ut the lowest rates posslblo with out publicity or removal of property. My loans lire so arranged that you can make a p.iymcnt of any amount at any time and ro- duee both principle and Interest. Ifvouowoti balance on vmir nioperty or have a loan that you want emuged 1 will pay it off and carry It for you. Hi ou flnn It moro convenient eall up telephone 1UJ1 and your business will bo arranged at homo. Money always on hand. Nodelav , No pub licity Lnwcht rules. II P. Masters , Iloom4 , Wlthnell blk. IMli and llarney sts. 761 / 1IIATTiL : loans t lowest rates. Oil New WYork Llfo bulldlns. IL A. Morris. 874J-M * HA. DAUNEU Ioir.s money on chattel se- curlty. KoouiM , Chamber of Commerio. JlSSi 4 0 /CHATTEL bank , DIB S. I5th nt , . loans money \Jcia chattels or collateral at reasonablu rates 76J MONEY on furniture , horses , etc. Keystone Mortgage Co. . room 208 Sheely block. MbOI BUSINESS CHANCES. Forrcttw , etc. rtclnpnf firtl column tin tills page. DRUG More , Portland , Ore. , east side , cen trally located , well established , good pay- In : business. Hont flu per month with lca e ; stock and fixtures Imolco i.1.000 Prleo $ l.r > 00. Reason for selling III hnalth Tor particulars and terms address D. U. Lynch , Portland. Oro. M1M ) 2d' I A SCHEMT-S to Make Money , is the title of L\J our now Look , containing ten luglllmato and honorable schemes for making inone * on small caultal ; e\pn e tricks and hwlndling In business ; gives liintf , and advice that may bo worth thousands of dollars to you. The schemes are so clearly explained any ordinary person oan understand'them. It will gl\eyou now Ideas , aid you In planning other deals und onuhlo you to grasp future opportunities , bent pieimla for II. American Book Co. , Omali.1 , Nob. M120J23 VX7ANTED A good practicing physician of ' some oxpcrlenceja good opening in small butlhely town In northeastern Nebraska ; German preferred. Address O , 'JO , Bee.Ml3 Ml3 ? 28 FOR SALE One of the best dairies nnd J milk routes in the city of Om.iha. In- qulreof L.V. . Wright , riorence , Neb. M137J1 * F IuR SALE At u banraln , burglar proof steel chest , made by Hall Safe & LOCK Co. , with consolidated time lock. Good as new. W. Clumtiorllu. Clurks , Nob. 12aU : * TTOIl ' SALE Steam laundry In Omuhu , In -L'operation ; doing peed business ; new nia- chlnery. Address O 27 , Hoe. 11S27 * T7IOU SALE An establlslle * coal bushiest In JC rUiilHha.1v Address O 20 , llc Oillco. JI03528 * BARBER shop for sate ; 2 chairs ; good trade. Address J , II. McKee , llolnon. Neb. M1U2 2 /"VNEof the best located and finely fiirnlshed V/mlillnery stores in the state forsalo cheap. It Is having u largo trade , eory thing lulls favor ; reasons for selling , sickness and . death ; address O G Uco. 6U1' FOR bALE A clean stock of ladles' and gents' furnishing and knit goods with a flno line of imported yarns , with show case and fixtures. In good locality ; will linoko about U.OOO , will soil for cash only , address O mice. bfklSS * FOR SALE Stoclrof drugs and drug sun dries , well assorted , invoice at one thou sand dollars ; for sale If taken at once for seenty cents on the dollar of wholesale price- Will trade for clear property. Address. T. II. Clawson. York. Nob. 214-Jb HOTEL Lease and furniture of forty room hotel doing good business. Must bo cold , even at a sacritlcc , ns proprietor lias other business. Centrally located In city ofiO,000. : Address W. S. Cooper , No. 1C , Main street. Council lUnlfs Iowa. 1.WJ4 FOR bALF Purnlluro and undertaking business in good town , with or without store building ; part cash , balance gll t cdgo paper or clear real estate ; Invoices about &I.WO , Box 042 Lincoln. . 70S FOR SALE An old established and good paying cigar suiro ; good reasons given for Belling. K : lira ofllco 522 FOR EXCHANGE. Furralct , etc , , rcctfpnf fint column on thtspigc. WANTED Stock of general hardware , Jl- 000 to $4.000 , for first mortgages and land ; write particulars. Address Look box 8S1. bloux City , lu. M142 31 * I/lOU TRADE Imp ed bto-k ranch ! 0 -L1 acres , on railroad in North Nobrask.i.prac- tleally clear , unlimited free rango. splendid forsheep ; will Icasu. Address lilt * Lowe a\e. . . Omuha. 127 S74 F I OR EXCHANGE-Cloar lots for horses. 2015 Miami street. M033U ) * \\TANTED-To trade piano for a family i" lior > o und light phaeton buggy. A. Hospc. 1513 Douglas. 735 0 LEAN general stock of morchundlho for farm and money. Box SO , Frankfort , Ind. 700 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. For rate * , etc. , tte top ( if 6rst column on tills piye FOR SALE Modern suburban residence of thirteen rooms , beautiful location , large and convenient bain , two cisterns Uvoucies ground , with fruit , lawn and shrubbery. Will bo sold ut a bargain. Address LockDrauer. 32 , Blair , Neb. MtoJ 29 * FOR SALE Pour Dnest , new three-story htono houses In eHyri ! . ° ith and Oass streets , one block south of Crelghton eollegunll mod ern Improvement * . htfl ! | oed finish , city und soft water , heated U/'latest Improved hot u liter system , electric light and belU through out , plate und urt clar-.s. elegant hardware , electric and gas fixture's on motor line , pat ed strnct , healthy locutlqn niostdeslrnblonolgh- liorhood. Parties desiring elegant and com fortable homes urn Invited to look at these buildings. H. T , Clarke , s w. cor. Eith nnd Cuss , or rooms 10 and 20 , board of trade build- Ing. / 0.5 with sidewalk to motor , boo Smealon 4 Allen Co. , 1U07 Parnam st. , , M1043J DOyoulntond buylug or building an elo- gant borneIf sdj eho reading of this add may save you from 4.I.OU. ) to iM.OOO , The ad vertiser oners an oingnnt 12-room house on the Unest rpstdenee street , pavol. In the cltv , 1 mlle from P. O . lotrfJiMO. block from mo tor line , house basovcry modern convenience ; price very low and v > jitlu ) take u good resi dence lot as part payment. Address LU7liea 181 SOUTH OMAHA lot , tXH below cost , prlco 14)0. ) Porn bargain In the Magic City cull on Dinoaton & Allen Co.,10U7Paruam Ht.Omuna. M1U4 31 T7 OR SALE-ao beautiful residence loU In J- Lincoln Heights , now addition to Omuha ; for ale on nine years * credit at 7 per cent in terest , only one-tenth of principal to be paid down. Cull immediately on J. A. l.ovgron , fcn clal agent , room J03 Brown building , eor. ll > th and Douglas ste. U04-31 Al IN K business property In goiid live city , county seat uud 1C , R. division ; 2-story brick bullalngtiuys2JiHrcenton ! Investment. Good reasons for selling ; will soil at n bur cruln. Add .MM M M llco. BUI' : 'G A BARGAIN KORSALE-CornurlouM foot front , two small house * . II.W. KVJO cash , balance ' monthly , tiiuoaton A. Alien Co.uf \ ! 1'arnanisU M10431 TJ1OR South Omuhu property , uumnoss , trunk- -t- ago or residence , go lu the lonJInz real es tate dealers in South Omaha. Ed Johnston k Co cor. 24tt > aud N it * . MTU v\ Used up. It's the only way to use some things , but it's a bad condition for a man or woman. It means disease. Take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. That means health. It invig orates the liver and kidneys , purifies the blood and cleanses and renews the whole system. For all scrofulous humors and blood - taints , and even con sumption ( or lung-scrofula ) , if taken in time , it's a positive remedy. It's a guaranteed one. In all diseases of the liver , blood and lungs , it's warranted to benefit or cure , or the money is refunded. No other medicine of its class is sold , through druggists , on this pe- cidiar plan. You can judge why. You only pay for the good you get. KOU HAIii : llhAfj KSTAl'U. For rule * , tie. , tet fni nf tint column 'in thin ptge Foil SALE or trade u lot In South Omaha. 1'owlor nliico. A bargain , \ory cheap. Ad dress O IK ) lleo oflicn. M15S 23 JL. lllcc , real estate. OCJ Life building. 2M.17 * T7IOK SALE A fine Improved f rm of 200 Jacrot , 100 under cultivation : shade trcet ; fruit , windmill , wagon boalei , otc. : 101 miles west of Omaha ; KM per acre. Address O 4SIlen. 7C7 rOK SALE , cheap , caby pajnicnts : I'-i-story new c-ruom IIOUM' . with bath , collar , etc. : full lot N. hhclton. 1CI4 rarnam. Oft J.7. 'illlSON. ' solo aconl Kountzo 1'laec. loon. a. Crelchton block. 1UI FIVE-room houses In Orchard Illli. ! .503 oacb on monthly payments , llioma * r. Hall , 3111'azton blk. 742 "T71OK ' SALE To workliiRmen only ( -pecu- -L' Inters need not apply ) 011 time or monthly payments a neat coltuBo at less than actual value. Inside property , only ouo block to electric line. Innulro at room 202 , Omaha National bank building MG ! CLAIRVOYAN l rorratcetc. , tec top nf Jim column imt/ifo p ae. COME one and all and learn your future. As 1 ha > e been In Omaha nine months I will Ntart west the 1st. Mrs. Stever , 45i ( N Kith street. M794 28 MHS. WALLACE , clairvoyant ; naturally elftcd : telN pastand futute.loio troub les , absent friends , cbunees , tni\tl : , business. IJS ) Karnam street. MW ) J 1 * MKH. TOItT , palmist fortune teller , tolls past and future fiom lines of the hand In old gypsy way ; ladles only ; foe 81.0J. ( I'lii : x. i4th. M7.-KJ1B ) "l\rANTED-AlltoUnow Mrs. Dr. OK San , ' ' tells truthfully all about absent f i lends lost I and stolen properly. She U the best ever here. All liuhlness confidential. Send 2 cent stamp for Illustrated circular. .C. " .N. st. Omaha. MVI-J8 * MKS. Nannie V. Warren.elair\oyant , traitoo HueaMuz , wrltliis and reliable DiiHlncss medium , four years in Omaha , 111) ) ; > ' . li.tti. TjJ MAfeSAGE Madam Uelzlcr , over CIO S. 1.1th. 2011-jb LOST For ratai , tie. , eee tnp of first column nil tM > page. LOST Small Mexican dog. l'i reward forie- tuni to 7J4 & , ] Pth street. M IW 2' LOST A buncli of keyn in Hanseom 1'nrk on Minday. I'leasa return to Commurclal National llaiil ; , I.i2-2b * LO > T OU STOLKX Hlack morocco leather pncl.etbook containing deed of lot lu NorthUeld addition , Omaha , and register's receipt ' forIWJacreb land , lloltcountv : teach er's ' professional certificate , and other papers. 1'or reward return to A. & . bchuetz , Dolnionlco botcl , South Omaha. Ml.P.I 28 PERSONALS , For rait * , etc , , ttetnpof firtt column on tlilt pig * t'OL'LD like to hoar from J. 1) . Timell at 'once. Address A. Me. , Lnion , > cb. 10 31 V\7ANTED-Mr . P. P. ColTcy. tlio wife of u moehanlc , to cull or address P. .1. Connol- ley. IB ) Prince street , Biooklyn , N. Y. , to learn something of gi cat importance. M7UO 1 * CORREi-l'OND-I'or amusement. Instruc tion or matrimony. The best corrospon deueo bureau in uxlstonco. Pull particulars In plain sealed envelope for 10 cents. Look Box 32b , Omaha , Not ) . 770M28 * DRESSMAKING. or totes , etc. , stcltip of fist column on thin page. HIGH class dressmaking. Evening , dinner and uuddlng.trouseati ' a specialty. I'll and style war run ed perfect. R. G. MH-W II ICamgu blool room 4.i ENGAGEMENTS to do drossmulilt.u in .k Hies solicited. Miss faturay. ' 'tllO linn y street. M320 j ' MU&IC ART AND LANGUAGE. Forritexetc. , tectop nf finl column < m thii pige G EO. I' . Gollonbock. teacher of tlio banjo with llospo , IfilJ Douglas. 24 ! > EPORE buying a piano exumlmi the now 'su&le Kimbull pluno. A.Hospo.UU Douglas 77fl nit : u TNSTRUMENTS JL ibJL plucod oa roaorJ May 26 , VAnnA TV JJEEIIS. Rosltina AltendorlT and husbund to Her man Bush , w lauibos foot ofiotnyi : , ' AllllurdA.O'sadd 110,000 Herman Bush to Albeit Altendorff , w liDv&OS feet of lot33J ! , Mlllurd.lO's udd lu.OO I. A Benson , trustee , to Albert Allen- dorff , lyt 7 , blk 41 , Benson . 110 TJ S DuBoi.s to E J Hedges , lots 2J and 23 , blk 4 , Missouri Avetiuo PurK . . 7M Andrew Hanson and wlfo to .lucob King , s ! i of lot ID , blk 2 , Mlllard Place 3,030 Andrew Hanscn njid wlfu to L A IClng , u ) of lot 1U. blk 2 , Mlllard Place . . . . 3,000 L L.lohnson and wife to I'lunk Cul\lii , lot Ii. blk 1. Polsom Place , und lot 3. blklt , Wostbldo No.3 2,000 AinellB James and husband to l M Cress , 8 : io feet ot lot 11 , blk 3 , McUav- ock A O'Keefo1 * add 2,000 LA King and wlfo to Hnrtman A , Rub- bins , s'i nosw nnd HOSW 2i.5-l : | ) 3,003 K .1 Lowls and wlfo to S J d Mattlce , 10.'x ] . ! feel nt twIntP'El fuel n of nw corner of hlktlll. Ornalm 5OM S J H Mattlce to P J Lewis , 102x132 frtit ut point 402 foot n of no corner of blk 311 , Omaliu . ' . fi.OOO Merchants' National bank to Scott J uok- son. lot 101 , Gise'sudd . . . . COO K C Patterson and wlfo to S 8 Wertz , lots 27 and 30 , Mayfield 4,000 I'opplcton Park Building association to llelinu CoUotb , lot U blk C. Popplo- tonpaik 4,500 \ \ Lbe-lhyet ul to George und Mary Bruckner , lots 11 und 12. Uu.h A. bel- by's add to HouthOmaha 600 Heirs of Jacob Sbhull to Mary A Elliott , undivided 4-5 lot 10 , blk U , buull'i 2nd udd 3,000 , Heir * of Jacob H Khullto Ida II Law rence , undivided 4-5 lot J , blk 11 , Snutr > < 2nd add 0,000 South Omaha land company to Robert Punston , bti lot I , blk 347 , .south Omubu 1,740 Ql'IT CLA1U DECIIg. L , I ) Ilarrli and wife to 11 O Moody , lots 2,6 and Ih to 23. blku , lots 1'and 5 , blk 2. Portland Plaeo. . . , . . . . . 1 O R ghormuu to P D Brown , lot 2 , blk II , Putrlok'v Snd add 1,400 Total amount of transfers. I C3.001 Otjr Council D. Jotter ITM granteJ a liquor license it IV Twcnty-seveuth street Ordinances No. 233 , croatlng n | > ouad tnnt- cr ; No. 'Mi , fixing tbo Rrude of M street rora Sixteenth to Txvontlclh streets ; No. , tlxtng the pi-ade of Tivetity-thlnl street rora A toll streets ; No. 2M. fixing the rrniio ot tbo UoulovarU front L to U streets und conncctluR Btieo.'s ; No. 2tl7 , llxlng ibo Wytnttu str.-et Irorn Ninotennth to L'ucntlothstrccU ; M ) - " 3 , tlxlnu tlio grade. of Nlnotcenlh sttrct from Uroxvn \Vyumn , and -Oil , creating invlnit district No. 1 and n-ovldinir for k-ru tiru Thlrty-tblrJ street i-orn H to 1. Mtvtv wore tussod llnally. No. . ' 7D , cio uln i. piMdliif ? district No. was rent ! P street from 'rwcnty.fourtU to Twenty- 1ft h will bcprutii'U. The volition of Lundburc & lUgodorii'n and 11. .letter's n | > j > i cations for license wcro referred. The notlco of Samuel R. UrlnRhnm to hnvo certain HcensM grouted on which prott'sts i d been tiled for not having compiled \vlth bo law , wcro referred. The mayor approveJ the bonds ou liquor Icon sis. Petitioners want a sidewalk on the cast side of Twenty-fourth street from N to Q streets , l nclneer Klnp's estimate for prodlnr ; Thirty-third stnnjt from H to L. streets is 7bs . . " > ( ) , nnd intersections ll.i'JO.liO ; for rradint ; P street from Twentv-fourlh to Twenty-fifth streets is $1,000 , und tlUO for ntursoctlous. Counpllnion O'Uourko and Walters , with 2lt.v Uiipfiier r Kliip. will nee about correct- t\K \ names of irrvgulafitius on et roots nnd tv | > ort. The comtulUoc ou flro nnd water rccom- nondcd thai n warrant bo drawn when there s monolu the fund , to pav for a coal liouso and poui ; for the now tire company house , in pursumico of the offer of the packing and slockyards companies to'iires > ent tire com pany out fit. Engineer King will famish an cstitnnto and the committee on Erects nnd nlleva will receive bids for the extension of the Q street storm-wntor sewer , from Thirl y-second to 'J'hlrty-thlrd ( .Ircets. An estimate will bo Furnished of the cost of a storm-wuter sewer , from H and Tivonty-llrsi btrt-ots to Twenty- ficventh street , uud conuoction with the stockyards sewer. Mayor Sloan's appointment of the following Nothing Else equals A } cr's Pills for stimulating n torpid ilvcr , strengthening digestion , and regu- latlug the nctiun of the Ixiuils. They con tain no calomel , nor nny other injurious drug , but arc composed of the acthe princi ples of the best U'cetable cathartics. " I w js a suflciei lor jcars from djspcpsla find HUT troubles , and found t o pcrnuncnt relief until I commenced Uiklng AyerN Pills. They ha\e e/Iected / a complete cure. " Ceorpe Mooncy , WnlUi Walla , W. T. "Whcne erl am tumbled with constipa tion , or suffer from loss of upjtctitc , Aers Pills set me right again. " A. J. Klscr , Jr. , Jiock House , Va. "I'or the cure of headache , Aycr's Ca thartic Pills are the most cffcctn e medicine I e\cr used. " It. K. .lames , Dorchester , Mass. "Two boxes of Ayers Pills cured me o ! se > ore headache , from w lilch I was lone a suf ferer. " Emma Kcjes , Hubbnrdston.Conn. Ayer's Pills , . C. AYES & CO. , Lowell , Uaas. Sold by all Dealers in Medicines. A ( JKNUINK MlCltOIIKKn.I.KU H K1D1) S ( IKItM KHADlCATOH-Curcs nil illseaics Lecnuno Itkllln tliu lulcrobo or Kcrm I'ut uii and retailed In ! . f C and t ; ' > nlzcs , tlie Inttor 22 ( cations M nl nnr- where prepaid on reoelit | of price orC. O 1 > We l uo n cimriinteo to euro Tlie public , trail o and 1olil T u ; > pllPrt lir the Coudman Drui : CM. . Mi- . Coruilok \ I.und , Onialin. C. A Mulilier. Ilowurd Slyern nnd 1C .1 Peykorn. [ South Oinali ; A I ) Vat- let mil M I > Kill * , Council Hltit > We should like to give a new chimney for every one that breaks in use. We sell to the wholesale dealer ; he to the retail dealer ; and he to you. It is a little awkward to guarantee tr ; chimneys at three removes from you. We'll give you this hint. Not one in a hundred breaks from heat ; there is almost no risk in guaranteeing them. Talk with your dealer about it. It would be a good advertise ment for him. 'Pearl top' and 'pearl glass , ' our trade-marks tough glass runtime. DEO. A. MAcurrn J , Co. A Written Guarantee to CURE EVERY CASE or MONEY REFUNDED. Our cure Ii prinuuiuit anil not ft inlcliinjup. Cu > c * trrntod nru jcun iu 1mc < nwn nKjiii | > tmn lnce. Jly dtticrlWneMfe fully can trmt > uu ! > / uull , and veclrntliv unio Unms cuar.into * to clil oriefundallmuiivy. Thot.euliu pirft-'rloconio h-i' f or tivatmi nt can do so aml ll ! j > ay rullrooil faro bolh way and hotel blll while licie If r full to care. We rlnllrnira the orldfor a ca o that our JI\O10 11V MKDY will not euro. Wrlto for full | rtliulai t nnU irrtthocridrnrp. Vc Vnow that } ou am fkt'j > tcnl ! , juttl > no , too. n § ttio mok vmlnuit phjMil innli-m- niiVirlKFiialilr toclvo more limn tcin | > rillof In our fl\c } can' j > iactlio vltliihc JIfflC UKMLliY It ha hem inoit dlttlcult to ovcr < ! oiiWhDiifj | dUcii a ntniit all eu tullinl ft > orlnc . Hut under our utronf ; cu3r iiloc j ou i.ioiild ) not holtatc to try thin rum I'JT. Ynn taLc no rhani f > of Imlncyourinoury. Woirnar antes to cur or refund c i rjr , und n w liavo n reputation to jirotiTt , also llnanUnl bncVlneof tied , 000. Hlnriorfcilly i-afeto all who lll try the tlrnt nirnt. HurRtofonjyovihiTBbMnputtlnpupatiil pojlnn out j our inomy for dlfferrnt trcatmi nti anil altliouEli you are not yetcurrd noono ha | mld bart jour mjn. cy. Ho not auj moruinouiy until Jim try us. Old chronic , dof-pBeated cow * puird In 30 ta DO days. Jn * VrHlcuto our tlnani-lal stQiidlnc , our lupuUtlnn ai liuilneii men. Wrlto ui for luimn and oddnux of thote vro lm o currd who lm crlMin pormlwlun to r * fci'tothem. ltco UOiion1y i > o < laeo to dothl < ) It will > ave > ou a world nf niitrirlne from mental strain and If 5 ou ore niarrlwl what may your offuprlus ulfcr tlirouEh your o n m-KllBcnto. If } our symptomi ere oin tin oat , inucoua jmtihcs In muulh , rhrumatUm In liono und joints hair falllnic out , eruptlom on any part of thttliudy , ffcllnsof irincral dcnroolon. inlni In bead or bonm , you hn e no tlm to wn.te. Thoao who are constantly toUIn ? mercury and potath ehouM dlncontlnuelt. Constant UMJ of tlm.-u dru ; will lumly brine fcorrs and inline uln n In the rnd. Don't fall to write. All corn stpomlenre m nt > ralrd In plain unvrl OK * . Wa Inrite the mint rigid ln i-.tlsntlon and will do all In our I'owir to aid yun In It. Addrru , COOK lti:31iitr CO. , HinaJm , Xebrail.a. Oflicu 13th anit Farnnm. corond floor , enfan e 13th Fl BAD BLOOD I : Pimplei on the Foco j BreikingOut ) j Bkln Trouble ! | little Sorts | Hot Skin I : Both I Blotches | : Oold Boreii Bad Breath | Bars Mouth or Lip ! | ; If jou uiriT from our or ; DOCTOR "ACKER'S i : ENGLISH : 13LOOD ELIXIR ! i W H Y ? BECAli85.YAuiii1LOI" > I Him jou crrruted mcrcnrrl If ° ' .dl11''oa. : Ie1 vaurMlf tbc needrd atuullon At Uie tlmet. : We nWd cot till jou that yon rrqalro blued ; multciiie. tneniurt fr < lora froin the ftjr tt ; To oure nillontn . Blck Haadache Conitlpuloa. Ual&rla. Llv . r Ooniplaluu. Uk the aifo ana certain reamdy , fOUTH'B BILE BEANS _ U tljoBilAI.LBIZE(40 ( little t-i.iu to fbe hot- tlo ' ) . They ar trr < nicxtooiivenUnti ault kit aauat 1'rleocif oiibcr tlio. 'J& c nu per boiUe. KISSING at:7' 70 : rhoto-irraTurO rVIOOiriV , panel siteotttU ulotur * lor 4 e nu > ( ooppsn or etajni * ! * Uakiiraof "IlUeUvao * . Ku iouli Mr. jt > dpe and clerks for the election to be hold Monday , Juno 1 , on tin quratlon of issuing . First warn -Pir < t preolnottuilcos , J , Alcxnnilerychlefjt'l , Ucrnanl Murphy , Anilerson and Charles C , Stanley , Clerks T. II. Hulrhrr aud li. A. Cartiontpr. Sccnnil prot'laol JutletH , Michael Connor. ) , Janiun Carroll , JohnC. Carroll , Frank Hum- jwrl and Chariot Akofrr. Clerks , Thoitmn CJcary and Chnrlcs I * 1'ortor. Third pro- clnct .ludgcs , Hugh Carpcnlor , It. A Mt-r- rlarn , Htlwanl 11 1'olsley , U. II. arifllth nud R C. Nltscho. Clerks , Ell H. Douil iiud Mirhnel I * . O'Donncll. Swcond rd rirstiirecltirlJuJgo , Dan iel Sulllvnn , .larne Conlcy , Klrhnnl Hatinl- pai , and Danlol O'Conncll. Clerks , William S Anderson , lid ward Murray mid Mlchiol Hansou. Second p roc i net Judges .John FYle * , John Lyons. John Mflxiuncll nnd IMward Knlii Clerkn , Joro- in I uii A. Kaln , Henry Michel mid John r > . Vosburgh. Third jireclnct Juilpin , John llnKley , , lnhn liullou , John Urouti anj George Wooil , Clerki. Jntnos Calllhnn , 'hllln Monroe nnd John Mclntyro. Ti . 'd WarJ - Kirst prccinrt Judeos , Charles Knu'hold , John IJouci , Michael Cor- ( x > rnuJohl .tor and D. Davidson. Clerks. Anton Morn au Patrick Trnlnor. Second precinct .Inilf s , John Dano.r. Christ UlolT , James Wlor , John Brown anil Patrick Itvan. Clerks , Homy Dltzen and fhomas Dowlltip. Tourth Ward JuilKiw , U. K.Scott , I'harlos Cummlug , Anthony Smith , Michnol Lan- nlnn and Hood Uarnoll. Clerks , 1'hllln D. IJrnytoti mill J. W Ivolly Adjourned to moot Tuesday vunln . Mrinurlnl The < o who have llowers to coutribtito foi decorntlnc the prnvon of our fallen horoei on Memorial day will plua o scud thorn on Sat urday tnornltip , May 30 , before P a. m. to tbo real estate ofllco of Mason ft McMllllnn , room ! 240fl N street , opposite the postoflleo As llowcrs am very scarce In South Omaha It is earnestly hoiicd by the t.rntul At my of the Kcpublle post ana llower couimlltco that nil uho have ( lowers will send a fo\v If It bo only u couple of bunches it will aid , nnd ns tbo rnusu Is n noble onu lei nil respond. Wo would bo dun to have a number of ladles moct with Iho ( lower committee on that inornlr.7 to assist In nrruuglfg ; the flowers. Mit . J. U TIIOMA , Chnlitnuu Flower Commlttoe , OtldfUlonN' K South Omaha lodge , No , US , Independent Order of Oddfellows , eleclod officers as Jol- lows , for Iho ensuing term of six inoulbs J. C. Thoraas , N G. : D. V , Bujle s , V O , Allen Uealou , socmtury , Andrew 11. Miller , representative to the Brand lodge , wnlch will nieut In Lincoln in October lu its Ihlity- fourth annual session The ofllccrs will bo installed ou Monday evening , Juno 1. Merited Promotion. John M. O'Hennio , muster moctiatiic of the Union stock yards railroad , has been ap pointed to a similar position ou the Union Pii- cilic and stutloued nt Cheyenne , Wyo. Mr O'Hourno's many friends , although Ihny re gret losing him , uro fongrutululing him ou his advHncomcnl. John McConnell bus boeu appointed to fill the vacancy caused by Mr. O'llcarno's resignation. Seine Finu Cuttle. William Wallace , of Cnln , In. , was in with n bunch of very tine cattle yesterday. Araoug them were u lot of two year old Polled Angui cattle that averaged ii : * > 4 and sold for fo.M ) . These catllo wcro raised by J. M. Bullion ol Do Witt , They wcro among the finest catlla over seen in the yards. > oti R Aliout the t ity. Mr nnd Mrs. Dauiol Flaherty hitve returned after their jtedJing tour. Letter Cnrnor U.V. . Miller has returned from Lincoln and will rusumo his carriu ; duties today. W. Ii. Vaughn , ono of tbo popular men al the stockyards , has returned from Schncc- ludy , K. Y. , uud brought his bride with him. W. Darlington of the commission firm of Darlington , Quick A : ( Jo. , Chicago , vvns visitor \vilh J bamuel Oosney ol the Samuel Gosney commission company. Edward Corrig.m , who went with his brother , Commissioner Corripan , 01. a visit lo Denver , Colorado Springs , .Lcudviile , Salt Lake and Ogdeu , has returned homo. Dr. and Mrs. M < Kllmtrluk ] buvo gone west on a trip intending to visit Denver. Colorado Springs und other Colorado points before thoi" return. They expect to return about Juuo IH. Uov. O. N. Dawson , who has bocu out in the neighborhood of Fremont ou Clmutuuquu work , has returned and.reports the crop up- pearance all lhal could be desired iu those sections. All Indies Interested in orgnnirlng n lodge of Pylhiun Sisters are urged to meet nt the hall of Lily Division No. 8 , McGlnnis block , nt 2 o'clock this nf ternooti. Mrs. M. D. Wood of Kansas City , Me. , supreme deputy chief , will bo present uud orgnuiio the ledge nnd In stall the oQiccrs. The first annual ball of the Snrsficld so ciety will be held this evening in Howloy's hnll. The committees und members mo de lighted with the promising aspect nnd nro conildcnt of being able to give their friends one of the ploasuntost social treats ever en joyed in Ihis city. A large number of lickoU have already bocu sold and its success is us- sured. For Schlllz beer apply to It. U. Grotto UO rutnarn. Funeral ol' MIHH Io\vo. The funeral of Miss Irene P. Lowe tooK place ut'J o'clock yesterday afternoon from I he family residence , corner of Sixteenth and Haruey streets. The deceased was the eld est child of General aud Mrs. W. W. Lowe , ami was In her twenty-seventh year. Shu hue ! been a sufferer from consumption and went to rioi Ida last SepteniDer to spend the winter , rctutning u short time ago to see her patents , and also as it proved , to die. She was n fn- vorito in Omaha's social ciicles , mid was lov ingly regarded by acquaintances us well ns intlmulo friends. She was n most lovablu und accomplished young lady , and possessed of attributes that won ixnu held Uie estcemof all While it was feared that she could not oulllvo her illness. yet ercn to Iho neur friends of. the famlir tbo end cutnu somewhat unexpectedly , und those less n ar wcro shocked usvoll us inex pressibly saddened by the unwelcome mtol- ilgeuco of her death , The funeral was largely nltondod and the mrtsslvo casket was well nigh hidden under the exquisitely beautiful llorul tributes nt sorrowing Irlcnds. There were countless bunches , baskets , wrc.iths and crosses of rare ( lowers , nnd several very o lub- orate and l > eautiful sot " pieces. Kcv. Newton M. Mann , pastor of the .First Unitarian church , oRlcialoil , and Iho Uni tarian church choir , of which Iho deceased bad been a member , sweetly sung n number of selections. The remains wore taken to Prospect Hill for Interment , and worn sadly follower ! Ibilhcr by n long cortege to lay to lusting rest all that was mortal of their dear dead. * Dr. Blrncy cures cniurrh , Bee bldff. Tnj lor 1\ tin Not Lost. Nr.musKA CUT , Nob. , May 25.-To the Editor of TIIK BKE : I wish to write you about the article In regard to George L. Taylor , my husband , found on the eighth page of today's issue of your dully , and of which 1 triad to telephone you thU nf tor- noon. Mr. Taylor is not collector for thn J. I. Case company. Ho traveled for thorn several years , but stopped last Deccrabur on rtccount of hU health. Then Mr. Taylor noxer has had any business dealings with H. H. Van Brunt whatever ; therefore no sutilemonls lo make. Mr , Taylor bad no valuable papers In bis possession , for he U In no one's employ nnd woula have no reason or authority for having any. Thn facts o ! the uaso are these : Mr. Taylor lia been having a severe atlack o * la grippe and bail not fully recovered when he started on a business trip of bis own. The trip was lo In clude Lincoln , Omaha ana Council UlufTs. Hn was to write us ovary mail , und not doing go , I became very anxious and telephoned II. I. Forsjith , whOHO oftlco , I understand , is la the Von llrntu building , Mr , Taylor has nut lost himself now or any olher time. I re ceived a telegram from him this morning and he Is lck , an I supposed. I have written thus ox pllcltly 10 you would fully understand. Kcupoatfully , Mu . N. F. TAIUIK , 1519 Second Avenue , Nebraska City , Nub. Premature gray whiskers should be colors to prevent the appoaranoo of Age , amliiuck ingham's Dye la bjr far Iho best propurallo0 lo do it.