8 THE OMAHA DAILY ! : TUESDAY , MAY 20 , 1801. THE CITY , Chief Senvoy and wlfo hnvo received nn Invltiitlon to nttcnd n recaption clvon by tha president of the Now York board of police on 11110 1. James Leo nnd Wllllum Carroll nro hold as HUsplclous cliurnctora They were nrroHtou In a led lng-houso with ft bolt of silk In tholr possession , nnd nro suspected of burglarizing ft store In fin Iowa town. Lnst Saturday the contractor com pleted the until nifr of 6tato street , be tween this city nnd Florence. Purtiog who have been over the road state that It IB In flrst-elnss shnpo nnd will furnish an elegant driveway as soon as the ouith settles. All of the prisoners ) nrrcstod on account 6f the airship farce with the exception of Turner , have been released. It is bo- lloved that Turner was as deep In the # nmo as any of them , but was deserted at the last moment by his pals. Missionary Hcody emphatically de nies the report that St. Timothy * ! ) mis sion Is to bo abandoned. Ho says there is a prospect that the mission may have to plvo up its present quarters , but that the nilasion will bo continued aomo- whore. A gang of tough looking characters , ( consisting of Fred COKOII , Frank Clark , Joseph .lories , George Clark , ICd War ner , Frank Unman and C. Schult/ , were taken out of a boxcar Sunday night , and .Judge Hulsloy gave them Ilftocn dayaon bread and water. Charles .1. Biunnjuin , the assessor of Douglas precinct , has broken the record , lie has completed his work and returned I his book to the county clerk two weeks before the date required by law. 13au- mann has performed his work but it Is In such shape that the ( services of an ex pert will bo required before any thing can bo ascertained regarding the valuation of the precinct where ho labored. lie failed to carry out his totals or recapit ulate. Ho IIUH ulbo failed to show what lands are improved and the facparato valued. A very small pill bum very gooJ ono. Do Witt's Llttlo liarlv Risers. Judicial lli'iir MimUTH. Judgo" lllncr , the United States dKilct judpo for Wyoming , returned home Saturday last. ' Friday evening Marshal SlmiRhtcr , Dis trict Attorney IJ.ilfor ntid Cleik Minor rrank , accomp.inloil by tholr wives , won ) Kuests at dinner at .luclgo Dundy's house , whore Judeo Kincr was a guobl during his stav in Omaha. Hofoio the party retired from the lablo JmlK'O Dtmdy " ( rnllcd a CUM" onJiidKottlnar , who threw up his hands. The runner. In ono or his humorous speeches , presented the HUM , n haiulaomo Winchester , to Jiidco Illnor us a token of ostuetn from the spoulter and the court ofllcurs at Omaha. JmlKO Ulnor was greatly surprised at this exhibition of esteem , but found words to express - press his apprcelation of the elegant Klft- JudKo Klncr , HUe UN compcor , Ji Dutidv , Is a great hunter , and has luatiy trophies of the ebaso as a result of his fre quent incursions Into the mountims. Tlio Judicial Nlmrods will iimlto a Joint nt- tacU on the grizzlies of the Uocklcs In the fall. How It Clinic About. Now , doctor. It's "no use. I've taleon your Hud ovei six month and I don't iol , well worth a cent my llvur an'il stomach nro out of order , so yen nay , but all your medicine ROCS for nnupht. flow , I urn Kolny to quit your remedies and take Hallor's Snisnpnrilhx and llurdoelc It cured mo once before when I was all run down , nnd I nave faith to uo- llovo it will do so again. Sunday HalnoiiH. Borpeant SlKwnrt reports to the chief of pollco that several of the saloon-keepers nro violating the Sunday Iawbutlccop up screens nnd blinds so that It Is Impossible to obtain evidence against them. At seine of tbo * aloons 11 crowd Is continually hangln ) . ' around the outside , anil a signal is given when a policeman appears in sight. Dyspepsia has driven to an cany and even iululd.il ijruve many a man who , 'if ho had tried the virtues of Aycrs Sarsapatilla , would bo allvo today and in tbo enjoyment of health and competence. SufTere'r , bo warned In season and dun't ' allow the system o run down. Her I'ooKat Plotted. Mrs. Carrie- Marks , living at 1303 Capitol avenue , had her pocket nicked on Sixteenth street near Douglas Saturday evening. Tha llKnl-Hugurod artist secured a purse containing JO In money and some valuable papers. The papers \\cro of value only to Mrs. Marks , and she reports that she will Bay nothing about the cash If bor papers urc returned. O , If I only had her complexion I Why , It is ca&lly obtained. Use Pozzoul's Coinulox- Ion Powders. o A A'.VO DXVJiMtiXTS. ' { Iplilpoula" which was successfully given last Friday evening at the Boyd will bo re produced at Washington hull next Saturday evening , with the same cast which appeared In the original production. Thcro will bo a few changes made in the introductory pro- , gramnio but the porformauqo will bo in every way as worthy as on tun ilrat presentation of the suci'dd vantiita. Thcro have boon so many demands made on these at the hcaa of the entertainment to repeat the performance that they IMVO dually consented to give Omaha people another cbiuico to see thl scriptural operetta. The railroad comedy , "Tho Limited Mall , " VyliJcU was written bv Elinor K. Vance , who has been it life-long railroad and tolograpb man , will bo the attraction at the Iloj it dur ing \\\o \ \ last , turco evenings of this weoic. The pla.v Is said to abound In tnrllling situa tions , and liiu mcclmniral effects are tho' most Ingenious and novel of any that have boon icon hero. _ _ _ _ _ Colonel Uobort (3. Ingci'soll , the brilliant Orator and thinker , will deliver his latest looturo , entitled "Shakespeare , " at the Grand opera house on Sunday evening next. Mattie Lee 1'rlco , the electric girl. Is the prliiclp.il fcnturo at the ICilon Museu till * week. Her magnetic powers are wonderful Dv merely placing each hand on the side o a iiliiilr she ran raise three men. The McKaj triplets are a tile of loveliness , ns well a < curios. In the theater an excellent enter talnincnt Is provldcd.tho boautlful MacCombc twins being the feature. A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. I Delicious Cake and Pastry , Light Flaky Uiscuit , Griddle Cakes , Palatable and Wholesome. jfo other baking powder Uoot such work. it 11U3Y DAY. nml Hnfo Blower * I'lyTllclr Calling \\llliont AlolcNtatlon. Burglary continues to bo as popular as ever. Sunday afternoon the residence of John McUlurg nt Twcntyllrst and Hurdottc , was entered nnd the burglars secured $ " In money and jowclry valued at > 5. It Included a pair of earrings , a locket with a diamond set , rinps nnd a watch. IMcClurjr , who Is a motorman on the Hans- corn park line , took his family out for n walk and was away from the house about an hoJr. The burglars got In by lorclng tbo back door. The Hitchcock building , at the corner of Twentieth and Fiirnntn , was entered Sunday night by burglars who broke open four car penters'chests nnd stole two largo chisels. It Is supposed that the tools were wanted for the purpose of committing other burglaries. Uurplnrs also entered the lumber ofllco of W. L. Irish nt Thirty-second and Spauldlng streets , Sunday night and blew the safe with powder. They obtained about $1 In money that was In the safe , but did not disturb uny of the books or papers. Entrance was effected through the window. The explosion was not heard and no clue was obtained. Is No Nnine for Ir. Now. busbnud , I told you to get blue rlb- bpn , and you brought ted. and 1.011 brought codllsh when I said mutton , and , worst of all , you forgot that bcttlo of Hallor's ' I'nla Piir.'ily/er , when von know how 1 suffer from headache and rheumatism , and Its the only thing I ever got that helps me. O , dcarl w hat a man , Terrible SliiiiiIitcr. The Immense stock of the celebrated and world-ionownedCnickorlng fc Sons' pianos , Cluifeo Brothers' pianos , Wissner pianos , Malhushick pianos and Gordon pianos , will bo closed out nt great bar gains at No. NilU Chicago street , The stock is brand new from the factories. Any ono who nas sin Idea of buying a I piano in the near future should not fail to eomo and got prices nnd terms on the llnest sloi'k of high yrado pianos over exhibited in Omaha. Take this advan tage and buy your piano direct from the nmnufncturcis Chickoring , Chase Bros. Co. , W. L. Hay General Agent , 101:2 : Chicago btrcet. MUST 8TOI STKAIjINO JIATS. Judge Mumly Will HoKiilato Federal Court AlniHOH. Judge Vamlcrvcntor of Cheyenne was In the United States court yesterday arguing a motion for a new trial In u case In widen ho Is engaged. During the argument some ono , cither accidentally or lnteutlouallycarrlca off the Judj'o's bat. The factcamo to Judge Dundy's ' notice nnd ho Instructed the district attorney to bring the matter before the grand Jury If the bat was not returned during the day. The Judge re marked ; "This thing of ta'dng ' the best bat In sight is getting too common am ] it has got to stop. Wo must treat strangers with more consideration. If lawyers who are acquainted want to rob ono another that's another mat ter , but this court will not allow n stranger In the city to bo llecccd In the court room. " The Judge added , la reply to a qurstloutbat his ruling did not necessarily npnly to um brellas , as ho bad no use for them himself. Constipation poisons tno blood : DoWltt's ' Liltlo Early Ulsers euro Constipation. The cause removed the disease Is gone. for Old Work. Mayor Gushing yesterday attached his ofllclal signature to $1-IOO of district curbing nnd $7,000 of district paving bonds that were voted last year. The money that is raised from the Issue of those bonds will bo ex pended In pntchli g up where tno work was not completed last season. DoWllt's Uttlo Early KISOH : only pill to cure sick h cndocho and rcgulatctho bowels Decision In Favor or the Chicago .Milwaukee & St. Paul My. The now Pulnee sleeping cars of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. . with electric lights in every berth , will continue to leave the Union depot , ' Omaha , at 0:20 : p. in. , dall.v. Passongora taking this train avoid transfer at Coun cil Bluffs , and arrive In Chicago at 9:30 : n. in. , in ample time to make all eastern connections. Ticket olllee , IfiOl Farnam street. P. A. NASH , J. E. PunsTON , General Agent , City Passenger Agent. PRICE SAKE OF x i BALBRIGGAN AND GAUZE UNDERWEAR. Beginning Monday we will offer 125 dozen of fine Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at 3S < ? each in all sizes , 34 to 44 , in natural mixture , a , French finished „ neck , and in every respect a regular 7Sc garment. This great value will be on sale until the lot of six cases are sold. Mail orders promptly filled , but must be accompanied with sufficient postage. Lot No. 2 We will offer 100 dozen of Men's fine gauze Shirts , made French neck pearl buttons , and full size , 34 to 44 , at 25c each. Other dealers pay more for these goods than > we sell them for. Send in your mail orders ; they will receive the same care in our mail order depart ment that any customer would in our store. Lot No. 3 150 dozen of regular cut gauze Shirts , sold all over the city at 35c aird 40c. Wg will offer at this sale the entire lot at 15c each. See display in our Douglas street show windows REDUCED PRICES on all lines of finer grades of Underwear. We arc overstocked n this department , and have inaugurated this sale with a view to reduce some large lots. Continental ClothingT Houserl CORNER DOUGLAS AND 15TH STREETS , 1-xa.rgrest , OlothiiiQ House West , of t/ho Mississippi- ONE EVERY FOUR MINUTE Our great sale of Men's Suits at seven dollars and a half -which is now in progress promises to beat any sale we have ever held. Our regular customers are so accustomed to getting bargains of us that it takes something out of the ordinary run to startle them , but we've succeeded this time. Around the tables set apart for this great sale , all clay long you'll hear : "That beats anything I ever saw. " "That's good enough to wear anywhere. " "Say ! Jim ! that suit is just exactly as good as the one John paid fifteen dollars for. " Once in a while some doubting fellow comes in expecting to find about an eight dollar suit for seven fifty. He picks up one worth fifteen dollars , examines it carefully , says con fidentially to " a salesman : "That ain't seven and a half , is it ? " and when told that it is , about all he can say is : "W-e-1-1. b-y g-o-s-h ! WHAT THEY . ARE. They are in all sizes , in Sacks , Frocks and Cutaways. They are in plain , plaids , stripes , checks , mixtures , pepper and salt , &c. They are in brown , blue , black , gray , tan , steel , slate , gold and brown mixtures , &c. They are suits many of which are worth fifteen dollars , the majority of them worth fourteen , thirteen , twelve , and eleven dollars , and not a single suit in the entire lot that can be matched under ten dollars in this country. They are made of all wool cassimeres , diagonals , cheviots , tweeds , flannels , and silk and wool mixed cassimeres. They are " made of goods that will stand by a man like a poor relation. They are" cut in style , lined and trimmed in shape , an'd made just as well as suits sold for twice the price [ many of them are silk-faced ] . THE PRICE OK THEM. We placed eighteen hundred of these suits on sale on separate tables last Wednesday morning , all in one lot , all at the uniform price of We were crowded with lookers , lookers became buyers , buyers became our best advertisements , because they found out that they had a bargain and were not slow to tell of it. T FOR MEMORIAL DAY TM To make it more interesting for the old soldier who defended his country in the hour of her need , we 'will add to the sale for this week three hundred G. A. R. Suits , made of the very best all wool indigo blue flannel , with either single or double breasted sack coats , made with eyelets for interchangeable buttons [ G. A. R. buttons being furnished freej. These suits , like the old soldier in the time of the late unpleasantness , "They fit , and fit , and fit. " TAKE OUR ADVICE Don't wait ; the sooner you get here , the better for you. ( Why not look in our east show window and let the suits talk to you ) . RASKA CLOTHING COMPANY Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets. Why Ho Didn't Go Up. Juilpo Holslcy'a nnrno appeared on tbo post rs or the nlrshlp lauirs ns tbo onicl.ilvlio .vns to perform the innrringo corotnotiy , but : io claims to bo ublo to provo nn ulibl. Dodd wuituil on him about n ween ugo and wanted ilm to K ° tollio park anil oQlclato nt avod - 'Wbnt Is there In itl" doinandoJ the judge , Dodtl thought that thcro might bo $20 in It , bnt said the ceremony would liavo to be par- formed nt n slight olovation. "Sco hero , " said tlio proapcotlvo Uho tlor , ' 'the Omuhas will play nt homo Sunday and 1 want to sco 'am , but I'll Just miss tliu gama forfiO , Understand mo , though I won't RO up 1,000 foot. Wouldn't do it for dollar n foot , but I'll Just go up forty feet nnd not nnothor Inch. Have her tied fust at that height and if everything suits mo I'll ' no up when 1 jret my twenty. If you waul mo to do the Job coma around Situntay nnd closu thn deal , otherwise I shall talto in the ball gamo. " Tliat was the last the Judge board of the matter ! > o fur ai ho was personnllv enncornod , nlthotiKh ho FHW his name In print , for tio\vus not callud upon n nlu by Mr. Uoilil. That was now U li'ipiicnod ' that ho w.is not on hand to Und out now it fools to gut letdown down without going up. Agate bearing si'ftles , coiToo mills with fee po\ur , RVCOOM rofi'lgjrotors , butter coolers Catuloguuof ilordou & y.Ulock Co. , Chicago The VnxtnlTjiiitcf Flro Did not olTcct tlio hotel proper In any wny so ns to lntorfo.ro with the operation of the house. Only Uio ixnnox wus diuu- nseil ntul puesta hnvo been enroll for without the Interruption of u single duy , American Woiulcrw. Yellowstone pnrk U beyond nil nuos- tlon one of the world's front wonders , and tlio Union Pnclllo oxcurfalon In July will bo the event of the EOIIBOII. Able your nearest Uulou Puclllo agent about nlivuyH Enjoy H. SCOTT'S ' EMULSION of pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypo- phoaphltos of Lime nnd Soda la almost os palatable OB milk. Children enjoy It rather than otherwise. A MARVELLOUS FLESH PRODUCER It Is Indoodt and * the Uttlo lads and lassies who take oold easily , may be fortified against a cough that mlsht provo Borloua , by taking Scott's Emulsion after their mools durlna the winter eenoon. JlcK-HrC Of HllllittltlotU Olid { > { ( ( > tlOIU. 3C3P TTOTJ . nonppptltf , IiiillKi-ntliMi , riiilillrnrr , Klclt- HriiiU-nlii * , "all ruuiluuu"or li > lii ( ; llvDh , .Millll \ llnil luiitwlint ynuiippil. They tone up tlimu-iik itoiniu h ami hiilld up t ' OMAHA Send for circular or c t | un W. J II. 8UKUWOOD. < rt Now York SCHOOL OP I.lfo llld'v , Omaha , Neb , TELEGRAPHY. BE A EVIARI APOLLO WAS A PERFECT MAN. HHMCT IN FORM 1-MATCHltSS IN WARI \ So auloul IMT * ibe anciiuu fur cltlwtrl nin Ibsl i puo ; boj.al tlrta vtrtpullodtitb. rv ry KAN can be BTROMO I and VIQOBOUS In all reicecti. YQUNQ MEN OR OLD , niffirlng frcm HERVOD8 05. KBILITY , Loit or Falling Man. BtoK. rhjilcal Eicinri , Mtntal , Wnrrr. Btunttd Der.lofment , or anfTCRBOHAL WEAKNESS , can b > rtltand to PERFECT HEALTH ail tha BOBLE VITALITY of BTROKH > IEH.th rrldo and rovtrof Natloni. \Vo claim liy yearit of practlco by itir HCliMlrn niollioiU u uniform "MonoroLY or BOCCEEB" in tr > > it- Intrnll Dlnti.i , Weaknmeinnd i AMittloni of Men. TcetlmonlaU ' IrhmMBtatDft anil Territories. nun uriir unfit/1 , ! " H'kntnt/rc .Bcnlod.post. OUR NEW BUUnli. lil furallmltPiltlnii- : It whtlo you can. FuIIXiuUnitloni for UOME TREAT. MSNT. You can 1 IAJ1LY KE8TORED ai Thoniandl biTi lie.n or ui. Rit4 or teitlmonlati Addr n at onto ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO , N.Y. HeWs NoSe Tonic Pills" Ouroln flinonlt-HcrToiiiaiiarhj > l' fl eilllcbllltr , Mt l Kxhiuitlon , l' la / / In the Hick , ColJ Hindi or Fcelllid if Clrculitlon , lllae LUei ender tlio II Kin , I'lmpltii and nil other A f nous II or Wood L-lioaiontnEltliorBci. \ \ Eobb'o Nerve Tonio Pills MAKES NEW HEALTHY BLOOD AMD RESTORES THE NERVOUS SYSTEM They brlmt the rosy tlntof Jlcaltlito tlio allow cUcclt. Ityouorosullarlng from Do- riingemBntol the Nerves , Bmpuro Illood or Punt Krror you ehould ot onoo tnko Ilr. IloIiUH-Norvo Tonic HMIls , tbo Oroul Hfo nono\vcrot they will enrich your Illood Tn" trcnRth.ayour Kirve. . 1'rlco. 80 cents a Ylsl. for ealo by ilruggliti nr sent by m lt. HOBB'S 1Y1ED1OINE CO. BAN PBANOI800 , CAL , _ CHIOAaO , ILU nmjle Uitm.lht mo l po eiful ItatOiiciIuMot l' r. lecllrtilt. Nottful. it.poilpllri. bend K.liumci ) lot taitl'uliri. AJJien UciS UKUG CO. , llufftlg. N. Y. For § ale be Ooodoian Drug Co , , Otauba She Saved Her MONEY , And so cnn every need Housekeeper by nlirays liar- liiuidCAMPBELL'S ' VARNISH STAINS. the only article ever pioduced with wlilch Hny per- nun cnn ut illuht oxjiomu nnd by ono npiillentlon leitnlnund Munltli iildlhnnibcr et * . llnreaus. lied lend ] , Clmlrn , THble * . Dnnrs and nil klndi nf wood' work In bcnullful tint ! of CllintltV.VAI.NUT , MAIIUMANV , HOSKWOOI1. OAK. or VKHMIUOX. It lll lund wanning und H very ilnrnblo Half a pound will rotliiln ntul tinlih n net ot ( Imlm nnduno pint nlllordlnarlly ronowariminbsrfet Kor roomi unoiiuiirt to ono nation according to > Uo. Trite" JIAI.K l'IN'1'H.'iOci I'l.NT ? , We. Ulcliarilsoii Co. , Onmlia , Wlioleiule Agenti. WEAK WOMEN ) Sino Vourscho- * . r p llcniis wlllcuro weukbiicn , tnk nw y tli.it Kloomy , tired ( pvllng , lint ! nprvou eilmusllun , put ro cn In ytiur checkbrlKlitcnyoiiruu | ! Kl o you nollfo , iiinbl- thin , nppetlto , mtiko ) on tenfold rnnro nttr i.'tlro Atiolulwly llurmli'i' * . Huro. fl n t > f poitpiill I'amplilotfree NKIIVK IIKAN CO , lluft * o.N 0 bold by ( ioodnjiiD Uniif tu. , IIID rnrniuiSt Omaha Nebraika. [ Muttorlng front I ui erffcti ol H * * r 0 m imu w mwm w * J youthful BfTOrl * rlydec Twiwtlnrw6aknfM | , lott inauDooil , elo. I wftl wml a Tfcluabl * treatlw ( ; ijl ! 'Jl conulnlni fullptrtlculnrt for Lome cura , VllliK of rbarK A § pl ndia medical wort I ahoulil U read jre O man who It nervous and dobllttaUd. Addreri Vtot , r. C , I'OWLIUI , MooUm , Conn < IB not pleasant to lake , ns It Is corn- posed of all the modlolnal qualltlos that go to make now and rioh bloo-1 without oompolllnff the consurnor to pay $1 A BOTTLE FOR ONE-THIRD SYRUP which can bo bought any waoro for thlrty-flvo oaiita a gallon , as all BU.V- oparlllas aro. BEaOS' BLOOD PURIcIBRaad BLOOO MAKBE la composed of pure modiolno , and ul- IOWB the puroha3or to add syrup \vh oh is advlaod when glvoa to chlldron. If your ( IriiKSlst Unas not keep It iiccupt MO Miottltulo , liiiturilur dlroat fro n U.KS .Mf'it Co. ! , l'Ji-1'j ' ; Muililx'.m til. , Uhlc.uo , III , mill tnuy "III fiiruiud. i\irciii prujiald , one liot- , tlufurtl oral \ for H CcMSaBirji'i Atthmn Care nmr/aili 10 nit o i imtiint rii'la / I1 ! * irortt CUM ; laiarti co& .i forUtilt tl.cpl cStctl curei vhiraallcti rj IV1. .t1 /rial ronMtcfi l/i / neil i * fire ( . Trie * , 0 cts any 31.00 , of Drnij'iii < vr kr nail. Fimjl. rnHj ] f > r Wit tend tlin nutrvrlnnii Frrnrh Krmiily CALTMOS fr Mami n IrcalKmrantrofliuK AI.TIIOH will KTCII * IHwharcr * A * rm | . lon , , i : I.O.Itur. \ . I/it //am//ay i/talu/ieJ , id t ; . . , , VON MOIILCO. , IUI. l , rlt. i ( U(1.il lll , Uklfc i DOCTOR McGREW ; THE SPECIALIST Morothati 13 roars experience In the treatment o'f PRIVATE DISEASES. A euro guaranteed In 3 to 5 diy * . without boloii I un hour's time. GLEEI1. The mot complete nnd nbviltito euro for gleet and nil nnnoyliiKdlscharKcs ever known to the nicdlojil profession. 1'cnuanontly cured In frumitolU day * STRICTURE Or piln In relieving the bliililor curort without pala or lii < < truniciil % no cutllim , no diluting. The must rcnjurknblo remedy known to modern ot'ncu. SYPHILIS. ( 'inert In no to 60 ilnjB Dr. Mi ( iron's treatment for thin terrible blooddlsoaio has been pronounced th * must successful remedy cverdNcovornd for tup ab- toluto euro of the dHeasi * . Ills succon with t till dlHc.i o haii never been cqunlloJ. A complete cut ! fiuurautoud. fiuurautoud.LOST MANHOOD ncB , nll eikne o > oftl e aoxnal oriran < , norroni. Anil timidity nnd ite ] > unilfnf ) abjolutcly curoJ , Til orullef la Immodlnte und ( omplut . SKIN DISEASES , and nil ill'cn-oi of the blooJ , llvor , klJnoys , aad bluildcr pcrmanoiitly euro I FEMALE DISEASES The doctor a "Hon.o Treatment" for ladles la pro nounced by till who hive u e I It to bo the mutt com * pk'tonnd conM'iilcnt remedy ever olTcred for th * treatment of feinulndhcisc * It U truly n wondcrtut remedy. Hours fur ladles , from 2 to 4 only. DR. McGREW'3 Marvellous nuccesn In the treatment of private dlt- e.nc'H has won for him a reputation which Is trulp n.itlonil In character I his irri'it nruiy ol patlcnti readuM from the Atlantic to tliu Tarlllc. Tliu doctor li n ( ; r.uhiiito of regular" inodlrlno and has h lonf and careful i-vporlenco In huipluil ] anil l cla Ht'dnmoii" the leading speclnllstt - em nilonco. Trunt n int by correipoiidonco. U'rltt for circulars about ouch of the above dlieise , fro * . Ollico , 14th nnd Farnam Strtsets , Omaha Nob. Entrance on either street. MOORE'S TREE OF LIFE J ii : > roui > , In. , Nov. 10 , ' 8.5. Dit. J. B. Mooiti-Ioir : ) Sir : 1 tnlco { front pleasure In Biivliif , ' Unit your rem edy for Iddnoy und llvor troubles , tlio Tree of Life , fa nil Unit you recommend it to bo. I spoiilc from porsonnl cxporl * enco , hnvlnir used it I cnn testify of ( front boiioliciul results. Yours respectfully , ANTIIONV .f.u'ons , Evmifrolj i- - Moorn'sTrcooff.iro. n ponltlm euro for Kldnnr and llv r Compl lint nnd all blood dlija > ui. Ifcioi II ny to inircr when you cm be cured by mltu Moore t Trroof l.lfu , thodrest I.lfu UeiuoUrT U 'I ' IA/T * Morililii llnltli S I JjivJLcur.UlnlOtoaoiUM , Jill lit AlAUVtlW l HI * I * rWVBl . k INSTITUTIS. Fnrtha treatment of nil CIIHON'IO AND HmttlOAI ( < DiaKArtKS. llrntoi. Aplnnce | for ! Mforinltloi al Truiioai. lle t Fntllltloi Anpsrilui tnd lloniocllel foriucconftil tr ittuont of aury form or dl i toqulrlni ! Mudlcalor Hur loal Ircitmunt NlNBTx ItlJoMS rlt ( I'.VTIH.Niy , llonrd and Allend nc . llii.t Accominodntlont WuitVrlio tur circular * oa laforiiltlo and llr.icei , Truitui. Club Kv t , Curra * turoi or hplim , rile > , Tuniori , Cniiccr , Calarra , lirunchill' , inhilMtin Illnclrlclty. I'ar.ilyiM , Kpll- cy.y. Khlnoyi , lll dder Ki Unr , Hkln and llloo'J , nnd nil Huu-lcnl ( IpurMloni IHxKAHm OK WOMKN n rpi'clnlto. lluokoi DlioniMor Wumun Kru . W Imvc ) Intoly addi-d n lylnj In Ixipirtmonl for w ° n > > Durlnit confinement ( Strictly l'rlv lo.l Only HoJI ' UlMpillnil jnitltuto JUHliU i rJpocUlty ot l'IU All illAOdi > l > on oi nircoofully trcnlol. Medlclni it In.trumenti nont br mill or o pr n " ! imikii ! , no marki 10 Indleato mnlontt or noWji Ouoiior > unHi Intor'lew prururrinl. t n nn 1 coni V u.orKindhUory of ynur c . And wa trill end IV hln ruppirnurllOoK I'O .M V KHK < | upon Tt. ttli > . HpccUlcr NiTTom Dl oa ti , < rlthrua | iloulllL Audreonll llttontu A. T. McLaughlln , President/ Mb and Uururjr btrcatt , Oiuaha.