Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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A DVKlVTJgEMKNTS for thews columns will
JA be taken until 12 : 0 p. m. . for the evening
edition , nnd until SlO : p. m. , for the morning
rditlon and StinOAr lice.
rpKIlMS-Cunh In advance. ;
T ? ATES ArtiertlMjmcnU on this pare wlllb *
-I * charged for at the rate of 1H cenu per
WOHI fnrthe flrsthmertlon , and 1 cent perword
frr rnch Mibpequerit Insertion. und prr
line per i onth. No advertlwmcnt taken for
lets than 21 cuits for the first insertion.
TMTIAIA tlirurcs.r ymtols , etc. . countcach
J t none word.
rpltESE advertisements must run consecti-
J. lively and under no e rcumstnnc * will
they t n taken or discontinued liy telephone.
"PAH ! H.H ndvertlsln ? In tlie rolumns and
J. hnvlng their answers artrc ed toa"num-
\ nrrt letier In cnrc of TIIK Jlrr. will receive a
riumlered check to enable them to pet their
letters. Answers will bo orllvered only on
presentation of this check. Fnrloso answers
5nen\clopes properlv addressed.
I , advertisements tinner thn head of
"Special Notices" nre published In both
the rnorn'ne ' and evening roltlonsof THE HEE.
Ihe clrctilntlon of wlileh orcrepntesmorethiin
IP.fOOpnprrs dHlly , nnd plrcs the ad > ert ! er
the 1 "neflt not nnly of the J. rpe circulation '
TIIK Itrt ( n "maha , but alwi In Council BluflN
1 Incoln nnd other cities and towns .n thowest
Aflvrrtlilnp for thr e co'umni will bo taken
ontlic at > overondltlon = , lit the followlne bust-
remliouM" * who aronutliorlred to tnKcspocIal
t'Otlcri. ' at the same rules as cuu bo had at the
lnti In ofllcc.
O CS1N. fctreeU Lister Illo-K.
TOI1N W. 1JELU rharmucist. ( SJ South Tenth
* ' Mreet.
IIAPE" * EDDV. Hntloners und Printer
113 South ICth street.
"o II. rAKNSWOKTH , 1'harmaclst , 2115
O. ruinlne street
" *
\\T 3 Ht'OHES , 1'harmaclst , C24 North ICth
KO. W. I'AKR , 1'harmacist , 17tS Lcaven-
v worth street.
"IT t'tillKS' 1'HAIIMACV. 24th and rarnnm.
, rte. . tec top of first column on till * pigt.
\\7ANTED situation bv registered pharmacist -
cist ( German. ) Addiess O 31 , llee.
\\7ANTED-Nurslnglodoby a lady with
' ) t | > e.rlenc ; can glvo references If re
quired. Ail dress 211.'i Lt-avcnworlh st. M141 2s *
"AX1 ANTED Position as a drug clerk ; have
' t had 2 years experience : car. furnish best
of ii-f.'renccs ; am 18 years old Address box
OV , ronlanelle. Neb. Ml40 2C *
" \\rANTED Situation In barber shop to
' learn trade ; one > ear's experience ;
young man of 23 years. Address O2t , Hen.
" \\TANTED Position as housekeeper In wid-
over's family by a I ad v from the east ;
references exchanged Ilex 114 , Ilapld Cltv.
S. D. MI43 31 *
Snt'ATION Wanted Hy competent lady
stcnoinipher Hna typewriter : sulurv ROP-
omlnry. M , lice olllce. Counell HlulTs M147-20
" \\TANTED A position , bv young lady with
three yt-nrs expel lonco us stenographer.
Address OX' , llee ollice MI45 2s'
" \\7ANTED-A position ns stenographer. I
hao my own machine , refeiencee gilt
edge. Address J. P. Shelton , KirKsvllle. Mo.
M'J3120 *
\\rANTED Situations for good girls ; my
' waiting rooms uro always full from 0 a.
s m. toll p. in. Canadian Employment oflice ,
S14M S. 15th. Telephone 4 735
1' ) loir * , etc. , see tup of first rnlumnrm thtipage.
J I'M'out. Most wonderful advertising de
vice evnr known. Sells to e ery merchant
rnd manufacturer. Splendid employment.
Illz pay. Stondy work. Inclose stamp. Arc.
J. Mfg. Co. . liaefne. Wls. M133 2C *
"V\7ANTED Drug dalesman : acquainted In
> Minnesota. Dakota , Iowa nnd Nebraska
to icpresent well known New York manufac
turer ; exceptional position for man of ability.
AadressO. 2C , Hoe. M13Ti2t )
OS HOYS-wanted Tuesday ut the New York
1 ' ' - - " ' 3 , 212 N tilth street. 110 26
\\7ANTED-Tluncr , apply at Kitchen's res-
Ti Idcncc. Douglas and ICd street. MH6 27 *
' \\TANTED Gentleman of ability and hd-
T dress to act us local nccnt forstandurd
Eeml-monthly publication on banking ; a re-
inuneintlvu business for th right partv. Ad
dress Tlios. U. 1'uton , 03 IMno St. , New York.
12025 *
H1ESSENGER- . Rradstreot Co.
MP49 30 *
( JALK-MAN WA'NTED-An old ostubllshed
k ? enncern , manufacturing small portable ,
stationary and marine engines nnd boilers
want agents , with or without previous experi
ence. In local territory In every state In the
Ion : siilnry nnd commission. Address
anufncturor , " P. O. Ilex 324 , Chicago. Ills.
. ' MKV12C *
\V > ANTED Agents , male or female. Now
2. > e housotinld article ; profit , 300 per cent ,
Ramnle ajid Instructions. 10 rents. Goods on
COiuffllsi.Ott. Sstiiyuor & . Co. , Providence. K. 1.
M 640 aa *
\\TANTEn-Goo1 experienced solicitors In
' a genteel , honorable and permanent bus
iness ; good pay , ready cash. E 8. Mcl'auBhey ,
room 2 Iowa riavlngs bunk building , Sioux
City , la. aoai *
WANTKD--100 laborers , teamsters , shovel-
ersand trackmen for work In Wyoming.
Albright Labor agency , Jl'-M rarnum su 010
" \\7ANTED-Salesmen on salary or comls-
T t stun to bundle the new patent chemical
rnislns pencil ; the greatest selling novelty
overproduced : erases Ink thoroughly tn two
Feuundsna ubruslon of paper ; 2 > < OtoVKipcrcent
profit ; vne ngent'H salesairountcd tofojoinslx
days ; nnotbor $ . ' 2 In two hours ; we want one
" pcncraj agent for each state and territory.
Fgr terms and full particulars , nddross the
M.onrot ! Eraser Jlfg Co. , La Crosse , Wls. 475
. with peed address. Met , M'f'g Co. , 1C09
Honurd ut. , Omaha , or 137 N 12th , Lincoln.
_ - b87jl *
. NTED Men to traol for our Canadian
nurseries fctoneXWc'lllnzton.Madlson.Wls
730J1 I
see. top afjlrtt column nnlMspige.
\\TANTED-A girl 'or ceiierHl housework.
1 Mrs. M , Levy , 2Qj7 Dodge street , opposiw
lilgu school. _ liw 27
"VTEW uitiployment bureau , room 40 , bank
Jbuilding. . Sixteenth nud Dudge , opposite
ltnyd n'i > ; references : Woman's Christian
- ' s female help. M1M 20 *
l"\\ > ANTED Salesmen , ladles und gcntle-
l IIIPII , in the city and Interior towns , on
% * aliux or nimuilsston. Oall or address U. 1' .
IIurr , 1M > I'uruam street , third floor. M13C2J *
.4 OENT3 Wanted Ladles. I have the verv
-fi- best line of norulties for ladles' and chil
dren's use ever made : unlimited demand ;
lurso profits. Illustrated outalogu free. Mrs.
Q. Campl ell , 4S4 West Kandoiph street , Chi
cago. M1S4 2ii *
\\7 A NTED-Ono cook and one girl for gen-
I'Hil housework at the new M. li hospital.
Must be competent and willing. Good wugcs
end permanent position to the rl&ht parties.
Must hte : reference. Apply to 410 S 2uth.
_ . _ 115-M *
\VANTED-AglrI for general housework.
f XOJ7 Dodife strt'cU 10U-27
1 \\7ANTED-MIddlo aged lady togo In conn-
i try on u farm to do housonork
f a * * M * Jit-fit-tu 11 ui iv for family
of 0. Call nt room OUO New Vork Llfo building.
ITANTED-GIrl for general housework at
< once. 2007 Cuss. 119-27'
\\rANTbD A competent girl for second
T > work at n beautiful country home : fifty
mtlc * from Omaha. Chits. A. Harvey , 1514
rarnam street. 121
TANTEDOood girl for kitchen work"
T T Apply P2U N 13th and Mason > tH. M0732u *
\VANTED-A girl to do housework In fam-
' lly of two ; mu t bo u P < KM | cook. Apply
IxUweon the hours of 0 ud 7 o'clock p. m. at
111 H. 23th avo. 012 2n *
[ MOO a month , ladlei or gentlemen. Do you
l > wnnt III' ' AddroH with stump. E. M. Fick-
ett. 151 N. Main. Wlchltn. Ivun. h ! 20 *
roritiMti'c ( , , stttop offlrtl.eulu'ni nnIMi pj
" 17 > INEnowli-room house with ull modern
-a. liiipro\omnnu and barn ; fine location for
a physician. J. II. Parrottu rental agency
- TTOt'SE 1 to lot , I ! roomi ; fitter , bathr > to. l
425. Caliat'l Hoiniowaid , M1UJ27
'IT10',1 . ' , WENT Two 10-room brlok residences
J. all convenleurea. Jut coiuuluted , 5r-M'J
J arrvtle K , Duuglaa u ! " > tJ block. : J lforflm ' j-n- Ji7
for ratn.rtf ft too a' la-ft nihimn nn iM * yvft
"M.N-KOOM hotiMj with b rn | desirable lo-
ration , moderate rent. Heard Itroi1110
Douclus st. M kS7
Ty'Oll KENT lly Juno 20. a B-roora house
J- newly painted ttnd papered , well. cistern
ntid city water , bath and furnace. KM Dav
enport. MiC.323 *
AlO-room furnl he < l house In seed location
for rent for .1 months from June 1. Address -
dross OIR. lleeofllce 913 a >
FIITEEN G-rooi/i / brlek bouses , nil modern ,
except furiiHcet2.fi3 tier month , near Sher
man avenue motorC. . 1. Harrison , 1112 N. \ .
Life. C14-J22
Foil 1ENT ! A few very desirable 4 to P room
flats : Kl to MO : : i blocU north of postofllco.
I have one corner Hut parties can rent enough
rooms to more than pay the rent and still
have four ( rood rooms to flvo lu. fcec liobcrts ,
1GIS Chicago street. MIM031 *
"VEW brlek house , 9 rooms , 2.17.1 Ilarncy
J- > street , fcmcatou & Allen Co. , 1GOT farnam
Mrcut. M I042li *
TflOIl KENT A 0-rootn bou e. with all mod-
V ern conveniences ; tJatiO a month. Apply
E. i-tuht. 101.1 a. nth M. MUVS-M
TJ1OH KENT Cottage nicely furnished. 2 _
JD Davenport st , MuV-27 ) *
771OI5 ItENT-Modern C-rXin Hot , new dec-
-L1 orations. Ginid locality. L. t. Skinner.
1CI4 Tarnutii st , M5
KENT-S-rooni flat , Lunge blosit. 13th
and Jackson. M".1) 29
HOI'Sfi for rent Two story house S rooms
with all modern linprdveinents , 2.1S Lnke
hlrcet. C. D. Wood wet th ISIS Douplas. IW2
A DESIKAKLE cottneo Jor rentMy large ,
K-room , cottasoon Davenuort streeuhoau-d
bv furnace , bath , etc. , electric appliances for
bells und gnu lighting , lurze stable for cow
and horses. loom for ilvo carriages driveway
nnd good lawn , will bo routed reasonable to
deniable tenant ; the whole orpartof furni
ture and cnrpets fet sale. Apply on premises ,
George A. Joslyn. 2o22 Dmonport stieot
703 20
FOH RENT 10-room new brick residence ,
between Mason nnd Pacific on ; th ave ;
bath. gas. latindiy. furnace , ouk floors and
finest grates and mantels nnd every modern
convenience : partly furnished If desired. In
quire on premises or room 442 , Dee building.
S-KOOM brick house , all conveniences , S23 ;
G-room brlcK house , JJO. II. E. Cole , G Con
tinental. H2S
COOL nine-room furnished house for three
or four months ; all conveniences. Call
room 4 , Barker blk. MOW 20 *
FOR SALE A very neat modern C-rooni
house and lot. Cumins st near Lowe ave. ,
only $ .1,200 and easy terms. A nlro home for
Hinull money. You should sou It.V. . A.
S-pencT. R 7 , Chamber Commerce. K'4 27
H Ol'SES , all klnds-thice nicely furnished ,
llundy i Co. , 1014 Capitol avenue. WJ7
T71OR RENT Houses with all modern im-
JL1 pro\ements , sto.nii heat : 1 block from hlch
school : ? 2.i.OU to ! V.00 per month. Also stores ,
-Mil and DuW'iisiort. 11.11. Iroy , 2Jfi N.Y.Life.
1 5-J5
II" you wish to rent n house or store see II. E.
Cole. Continental blork. 744
\ VELLrrRNISIlI.Droom ! house , with
nil convenience * and comforts on pa\ed
street ; low rent to satisfactory small family
with pond references. I'nfurnlshed If de-
hlicd. 2010 lllnney St. Kountze place. M5 ! ) . ' ! *
IfOR RENT Lurso number of houses , stores.
Hats. etc.J."i.OO per month and up. New
list 1st of each month. Ui-orgo J. 1'aul , 1001
rnrnam stieut. HOI Jy2
T710U KENT 2 eight-room brick houses with
J ? cltr water , bath and sener. 103 feet from
cable line. F. V. Williams , Hrst Nat. Hunk
building. 8 J
f)5M Davenport st. . P rooms und all convenl-
ences. $ .VUH ) ; 2.10S Daen port st. . 11 rooms and
nil con > enlenecs , f70.00 ; 312 North st. . 11
rooms and all con > ctienees. ! MTi.OO. These
hou-os are In the best residence portion of
Omaha , t o blocks west of high school. E. H.
Chapman. 524 Paxton block , owner. KB
"ITIOK KENT 1'our 0 and 7-room flats with
J- ' bath , hot water , etc. : paved streets ; near
business : all Improvements : only $ ' - > per mo.
Iteforcnres renulred. The Mead Investment
Co. . 442 Heo building. 740
T71OK KENT , cheap ; a good 'en room modern
Jhouse. . Inquire 2.r > 20 Capitol avcnuo. II.
H. Roblson. MC75 J13
5-ItOOM house , nice yard , shade trees , city
and cistern water , elegant neighborhood , 2
blocks from street cars. 1411 S 7th avenue , or
Hell's pharmacy , cor , llth and Mason. 300
FOR KENT Handsome Il-rooni modern
house ; all conveniences : In perfect order ;
paved streets : motor , and within 5 minutes
walk of postofllce Nathan Shelton , 1G14 Kur-
nam street.
T1OR < RENT 10-rooinliouse.ccntrally located ,
modern Improx ements. Inquire. 712 N. li'th. '
Furratt * . etc. , terttipnfflnt column on IJit pips.
n WO nicely furnished rooms for rent. 2123
JL Hurney St. MS.M 23 *
T71URNISHED rooms for llcht housekeeping.
-C without children ; Ml S Kith street. 114-27 *
"VnCELY furnished rooms with or without
J- > board , on motor line , 811 S 20th street.
113-2 *
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room , gas and
bath. 2G10 Hamey street- Reference re
quired. 117-23 *
1UKNISHED looms. 310 S 20th st.
M0302G *
FUltMSHED room for rent , private fa in II v.
au S. 10th street ; $ Ca mouth. MU7520 *
YEUY desirable looms on second floor at
therrcnter. 110 N. 2'ith st. Mji41 UP *
/ vNE larpe nnd one finttll newly fnrnlsliod
V/ rooms , single or en sulle.tirlvute residence ,
can do light housekeeping ; 009 S 17th street.
_ IIOi27 *
TJIUKNI.SHED front room for rent N W cor
JC ? 20th and Davenport. saS-25 *
tJ-OR RENT One or two furnished rooms on
JL1 Georgia Hvcnne. Kcferouccs exchanged.
Address M W5. lleo. 8u3
SMALL room for rent ; gentleman only :
price K 00. Call 617 N 17th street. 727
"PLEASANT rooms , single or en suite. 11&
JL Muth 20th .st. 77b
"VT1CELY rurnlshod largo south room for
L > rout : uiodein cou\outcut.'cs , 2019 Harnoy
Btroet. MM > 1
FOR KENT Furnished rooms 1M7 Douglas 74G
rpHESt Clalr European hotel , cor. 13th and
JL Dodge , will hereafter make low rates for
rooms by the week or month , either with or
without board. Tbl
For rates , ttc. , sec top offlrst column on ( hut pigt
"OAKLOR and parlor bedroom , larso , first
-I. lloor : front room : permit llsht house
keeping ; rent * 12. 518 N 20th st. 54025'
rpHKEE rooms , first Door , nnd three on sec-
J- end , for house keeping , in private houne.
CISSouth 10th street. M7JG2G *
KENT Large , lleht basement. Inquire -
quire Mrs. Laugu , cor. nth und Jnckson.
Mt < 91 20
"V I.W , modem and most desirable In the city.
-L > Three or four room sultes.SISS , 22nd street.
T. L. Von Dorn. M4S4
4UNri'KNISHED rooms , first floor , modern
lmpro\eiuenth , run o to kitchen. 310 S. 2fith
st. J1D7J4-
"I7IOH KENT rino. amall family apartments
J-1 all outside rooms , best locality , modern
improvements. InijulroCiC I'uxton block. bU7
For rates , etc. , see tap of first rolumti nn IMs page.
\TIOKLY furnished front room , with hoard.
Mfms-ai *
TOU a reasonable price rooms blngloorln
J suite with board at 411 N , 19th. MU62 30 *
LAKOE front alcutu room with first class
bo ard. Kcfort-uces. 113 S. 20th st. - - -
"T\ESIUAllLEn > ouis with first-clnsi board
JL1S22 Chicago st. MttOgfl *
A LARGE nicely furnlshod front room and
board for'2 , K per week , 2011 Humor st.
OUKNISIIEDroom with lioard. verydeslra-
Jbio und fir t clusi. sui S 2Sth aa. . ttl031
T'llE young woman's home at 100 S. 17th.
have tome good roomi at reasonable
rate * , and also would furnish a limited num
ber ot ladle * with meal tickets for Wpor week.
Kufcrcufo recjutrod. 003-2J *
"I7 ' OK KENT Nicely furnUhod rooms with
L' first-class board , 1721 Davenport street.
KOl-28 ' *
T UUNISHED room * and Jodgln ; house , 416
-L N. ICth. opppslte Jollorsou Squu .
uud board , 19 l DoJce.
f 'or ratei. rte , , tee ton of jrrst rotrron on tMt pige ,
O SMALL stores for rent , 4lV ? 13th street
-'Inquire Mrs. S. Lehman. 523 N 20th. 111-00
FOU 1IENT-A flnoatoro room nndbasement
nt 1C18 Clilca-RO U. near 10th st. Mnaiai *
1TIOH KENT The 4-story brlcK bulldlne.with
JL ? or wltliout power , formerly tx-oupled by the
llee Publishing Co..010 Tumiim * t. The build
ing has A fireproof cement bnseinentcomplete
eteaiK-hcBtlne fixtures.watcr on all the Hoof * .
Kas. etc. Apply at the ofHeo of The llee. B15
FOlTllENT-Ilrlck store. 710 and 712 X.
ft. , with steam neat , Appiy to2.VKI IlrUto <
Mnrths llros. UI7 2
FOU KENT Ofllco room % souttiwest corner
ICth and Chicago streets. O. T. Dayls Co. .
15051'aroam street & 43 27
Tj OK KENT Or sale , my building on Jones
J ? st , bet , 10th i llth. O.A.LIndqulst'
OK UENT-Dcsk room , at Cll N. Y. Llfo
bldg. 819
Il'OK KENT The three-story brick build
ing. 1110 Douclasstreel , suitable for whole-
pale purposes. 1110 per month. Chas Kauf-
mann. 13J2 Douglas st , OG2
TT OIt KENT Unck warehouse , two stories :
J-1 hlch basement , hydraulic elevator , track-
ace : best location In city. A C. 1'owelL U21
rorrattittt. , ttetop ofjlnt column onthlepaat
WE hu\e the best horse pasture tn this
state , at Gil more Station , three iull s
south of South Omaha : 1GO ucres of blue gravs.
spring utor , board fence ; have a good one-
half mlle track on thu farm ; will take a tow
horses or colts to break or train. Burton A-
1'helus , or A. W. Phclpj & Sou. M3jji-JC'
For rates , etc. , sec top of first column on thtt page.
"I \TANTED Suite of furnished rooms by a
> > prominent young business man. Must be
first-class nnd located between 17th and 2.1th ,
Howard und Chicago streets. Hoarding houses
need not apply. LCsIlee. A" *
\\7ANTEI > To rent Oor 10-room hoii'e. modern -
ern conveniences , uorow preferred. Ad
dress lock box GJ2. Ml 11
trrratrn. rlt. . ft Ifijicif first ciiiumn on tliit mac.
HE. COLE , rental agency , Continental blk
Forratex. etc. , see tnp of Jlrtt roliimti tmUiis page.
OLDEST , cheapest and best storage house In
city. Williams & Cross , 1214 Hartley street.
BE T storage building In Omaha , govern
ment bonded warehouse ; household goods
cared for ; lowest rates. W. M. liushmun. 101. >
Leitvenw orth. 189
CHEAPEST and best storage for furnlturo.
\\ells. 1111 rurnamst. 7J7
STORAGE of household goods ; clean , dry
place , privately stored , terms moderate :
wo also store stoves during the summer ; we
will get them from the houses anddelUer
thorn In thu full in good trim. Tel. DW ) . 1207
Douglas. Omulm Stove Repair Works. 733
Forratet. etc. . * cc top of first column on tMt pag't.
ONE full size , and one child's bed , solid an-
t'rjue oak , with woven wire spring and
mattress as good as now , and pctfcctlv clean ,
113 S. 24th street. Can gle time. MKI1 27 *
ACTION of flue furnltuio May 25. at 10 a.
ni.atl.VJ South 12th st. J. G. Hess , man
ager. MOsG 26 *
TJ10R SALE Now oflice furniture , including
J- carpets , typewriter , fire aud burglar proof
safe. Address . E. llurllngltn ut Plensunt's
cigar store. IGth and Dodge. MOG3-2G *
FOR SALE At a great sacrifice , elegant
household furniture. line carriage
carriages , sleigh , harness und robes , also fine
Jersey cow. A. J. Hanscom , 1824 Douglas st.
007 30 *
Fi OH SALE rurnltuioof a 10-ronm house.
Cheap i , Ilouso for rent. Inquire 1923 Dodge.
Forratcs , ttcseetopuf first column on tMs page.
CXK"SALE Elegant delivery wagon , brand
JL new , made In the city and warranted. M. A.
Upton Co. . llee building. 837
T71OK SALE 1 double c.irrlage , 1 phaeton , 2
Jhorses. . 1 double hat ness , 1 single harness ,
1 fresh milk cow. Inquire at thu Boston
store. 114 South ICth stieet. 133
OK SALE Family carriage. Lee & Nich
ols , stable 23th and Leuvonworth. M509
HOKSE auction every Saturday. 2 p. m. . at
Pioneer stables , 13th and Huriiey. Horses ,
wagons , harness , etc. Uuyers ana sellers
should attend these sales , li. Houan , I'rop.
R. Wells , utictloneor. Xi2
Forratcs , etc. , set top of first column on this page.
FOR SALE Fine cabinet sewing machine ,
almost new , cost } 7i. An elegant machine
in first class order , must bo sold before June 1.
Will dispose of It at u great sacrifice. Address
O 2s , lleo oilieo. 125 31 *
INCH hlghcrado bicycle rode six months ,
in extra good lepalr. Address O 23. lleo.
M103 27 *
"VTEW upright cabinet grand piano for sale
-L > cheap : u ed II months : part cash , balance
on time. Address O 17. Hoe MUT.C-2U *
FOH SALE Magnificent upright pluno at a
big sacrifice. Inquire at 2419 CalUwell st. ,
after 7 o'clock evenings. K3
TTlOn SALE An elegant Ore proof safe with
J- burglar chest. Phil Stliumel , 011 Jones 6L.
Omaha , Neb. ajl
UKN1TURE bought , sold , stored. Wells.
1111 Furnuin street. 7J7
F OH SALE M loads of sawdust ; also kind
ling. Omaha Uox Tactory , Eubt Omahu.
rorratcf , etc. . see top of first column on Uito page.
WANTED To buy good residence lot or
hou < e und lot , or several lots located so
as ! to make a good building sight , must bo lu
first class residence part of the city. Parties
answering ' this should glvo full description of
Croporty , lowest trice , terms , whether Incum-
crud , uud If so bow much. O 19 , Hco office.
F you have any old clothes to sell let mo
know by Mail. Kullsb , 215S. 13th street.
M C7G-J 1C
Far rates , etc. , see top nf first column on thte pige.
\\rANTED-PupllsatG.D. Cahii'i , penman
' T class , ISth and Tarnum , Tuesday und
Thursday evenings , M7J2 J2 *
W E liavo B'pht ' empty stalls In our luriro nnd
' ttlrv stable , 1317 Pierce stieet , near 13th
street. Omaha. Complete facilities and first
class attendance. Everything on ground floor.
Address the G. H. HummonU company , South
Omaha , Nob. MU.030 !
GD. CASE I'cnmun. teaches peninan-
ship Tuesday uud Thursday o\oulngs , 211
S. ISth street. M74J J2
ENGIIAVINGVocxl , zinc , chalk , eta Work
guaranteed on time uud quality. Itrlg-
hatn. Mntlh Omaha. M1U7
AltDEN farm to rent. " T. Murray.
GOOD home for ladles during confinement.
Inquire at Mrs. M. 1'rusll , 1470 South IGth.
M121 J4
MASS A GEtrt'atment.olectro-tbcrmnl baths ,
scalp and hair treatment , manicure and
chiropodistMrs.lo ! t,31 K S.lSth.Wlthnell idk.
\\riLLISCOY. homo mover. 513 South 17th -
it street , and bU bouth 23th uvvnuo.
For rates , etc. , set top of first column on tliii pigs ,
T OsT OK STOLEN Klaok morocco leather
-I-J pocketlKKJk containing deed of lot In
Nortlilleld addition. Omaha , und rcglst < > r'u
receipt for 100 acres land , Holt county ; teach
er's professional certificate , and otbur papers.
1'or reward return to A. S. tchuett , Dolmonlco
hotel , South Omaha. MI30 28
LOST Pocket book on Webster between 15th
aud IGth. Finder can retain money If other
content * are returned at guriUcuieu'b dtllv-
ery window at postofQco. 1 ! 23 *
Korratw , tic * tcttop of first column un thU page.
B linn hair seed * in west ; nulr dressing.
wlpa. awIlvhoH , banes , hair chains. etc _ > IP.r
specialty. Darlcs , hair goods uud milliner ,
oppoilU ) postofflce. 111 & llth st-.Ouiahtt. 7W
tie. , tee top offftt mlu-nrt on ( tilt pays
ANTED-Vlrst tl\Iit \ aee loans of K..OOO
nnd unwards ; .curent , rates * money
Hint here. Second nUuteaito lnans. { Loon up.
Alexander Mooro. 4JI tie , building. MBC1-20 *
FIRST and second'jn'ortsase loans. Ale *
Moore. 4U1 Heo bldg. ' fi32m2S
Gpor cent first mortfcheo loans. Richard G
Patterson. IU7 New York Life. M674
MORTGAGES wanU'd > lone or short time.
George G. Wallac * ) 910 J. J. Urown bulld-
liiK. 16th nnd Douglaa. i ,
MONEY to loan oniMiDrovcd city property
at current rates : 'tunas on hand : no d < > -
lay. Oeo. 1' . Hlust & Oo 2ttt llninge bldp. 7.M
E. A a M. Anthony. 318 N.Y. Life bulldlnK
lend money on farms In choice count las In
Nebraska and Iowa , also on peed Omaha ro-il-
denco property : lowest rates : best terms : no
delav ; money ready. Titles and values pusst-d
on here. 755
loans 0 to 7 tier cent ; no addl-
t lonal rhiirsc ! ) for commission or attorney's
feus. W. It. Melkle , First Nutlonal bank bide.
_ W6
PHIVA money to loan. J. D. Zlttle , Oil
N. Y. Life. 757
M OHTOAOE loans wanted. McCacuo Investment -
vestment company. 758
" \rOSKY to loan on Omaha property. Tldel-
liJLity Trust company , l&li 1 aruum. 7M
EAPTEKN money to loiin at very low rates.
H. 11. Ircy. .MO X. Y. Life M3ta
CIIEA1' Money I'MIa. Mortcape and Trust
Ckx. wants pllt edpo lomis. Geo. W. 1' .
Coutcs , repre entiitl\e. 7 Hoard Trade Wl
Forroltt , tit * , tcetopof Jirrt column on ( / ( jig \
MONEY to loan by 11. K. Masters on chattel
and eollnU-ral s.ocurltles for any time from
1 to 12 mouths , lu any amount to suit bor
Loans inndoon household poods , pianos , or-
pans , hordes , mules , houses , leases warehouse
ncelpts.utc.iit the lowest rates possible with
out publiclty-or removal of property.
My loans are * o arranpcd that you can make
a payment of any amount Ht Htiy time and re-
duee both principle und Interest.
If you owe a balance on your property or
liavo 1 a loan that you want cfmnzed 1 will pay
ItofT 1 and carry It for you. If jou Una It more
convenient call up telephone 1G21 and your
business will bo arranged Ht home.
" Money always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity. 1 Lowest rates. H I' . Masters ,
Koorn 4 , U'ltlinell blk , 15th and Hartley sis.
ns at lowest rates. IKEl New
York Life bulldlus- - A. Morris. 874J21 *
HA. DAKNEK loucs money ou chattel se-
curlty. Uoom 54 , Chamber of Commerce.
M---S J 0
/CHATTEL bank. .110 B. 15th St. . loans money
v-/ou chattels or follutertil at reasonable rat as
M ONEY on f ttrulture , horses , etc. Keystone
Morteaco Ck > . . room 20S Sheoly block. MS01
ForraUf , tic. art top of Jirtl column cmt/id page.
1 A SCH EMES t o Muko Money. Is the title of
iv' our new Ixiok , contalnlnp U'n legltlmute
and honorable schemes for making raoncv on
small capital ; exposes tricks nnd swlndllnp
In business ; plves hints and advice that may
be worth thousands of dollars to you. The
seljemes are so clearly explained any ordinary
person can understand them. It will che you
new Ideas , aid you In , plnnnfnp other deals
and enable you tojrrasp.future opportunity s.
bent piepnla for (1. American Hook ( > ) . ,
Omaha. Neb. M129 J 2 >
\\7ANTED-A seed practicing physician of
* BOiiie experlencql ; Rood opening In smull
but lively town In northeastern Nebraska ;
German preferred , Addruss O , IK ) , Deo.MKI3
MKI3 18
FOR SALE One oLtuo best dairies und
milk routes In ttm city of Omaha. In-
qulreof L.V. . Wright.Tlorence. Neb. MK7J1 ! *
FOR SALE At a bargain , burglar proof
steel chest , made by Hall Safe & Lock Co. ,
with consolidated time lock. Good as new.
W. Chamberlln , Clarl.s'Keb. 123 31 *
FOR SALE Stcamrlaundry In Omaha , In
operation ; dolup flood business ; new ma
chinery. Address OSZMice. 116-27 *
" 171OR SALE Throe ppod-paylng drue stocks
-L1 In southeastern , .NelirusKa. Rothell k
D'Ment , Crab Orchard Neb. * M107 26 *
TT1OR SALE An i-uTJlliln'Ureo | nltbusluesi In
JrOmuba. Addri'i-s'Qao. ' Becoftlee. MOIBSb *
BARHER shop for sale ; 2 chairs ; good
trade. Address J. II. McIOjc , Hebron.
Neb. M042 2 *
ONE of the best located and finely furnished
mtlllnerv stores In thestato forsulo cheap.
It Is having a largo trade , everything In Its
favor ; reasons fen selling , sickness und
death ; address O C Itce. 6521 *
FOR SALE A clean stock of ladles' and
gents' furnishing and knit goods with a
fine line of Imported yarns with show case
and fixtures. In A good locality : will Invoice
about $ .1,000 , will bell for cash only , address O
5 Hee. bC32 *
FOR SALE Stock ofdrugs und drug sun-
drlcs , well assorted , Invoice at one thou
sand dollars ; for sale If taken at oneo for
Kivcnty rents on the dollar of wholesale price ;
Will trade for clear property. Address , . T. H.
Clawson. York. Neb. 214-JO
H OTEL Lease and furniture of forty room
hotel doing good business. Must bo sold ,
even at a sacrifice , as proprietor has other
business. Centrally located In city ofwOOD. :
Address \ . S. Cooper , No. 16 , Main strret ,
Council Bluffs Iowa. 130J4
FOR SALE Furniture und undertaking
business In good town , with or without
store building ; part euMi , balance gll t edge
traperor clear real estate ; Invoices about
U.OOO , Hex 042 Lincoln. 70S
FUR SALE An old established und good
paying cigar store ; good reasons given for
soiling K 20 lleo oflice 522
Forrafai , etc.'see top of first column on this
- - - ! - . . . , . . . , , . . . , .
TTlOK SALE Modern suburDan residence of
JL1 thirteen rooms , beautiful locution , large
and convenient burn , two cisterns. 11 vo acres
ground , with fruit , lawn and shrubbery. Will
be sold ut a bargain. Address Lock Drawer.
32 , Illalr , Neb. M0s3 29 *
FOR SALE Four finest , new three-story
stone houses In city. 23th and Cass streets ,
one block south of Crelghton collegeull ; mod
ern lmpro\omonts , hardwood finish , city and
soft witter , heated by latest Improved hot
water system , electric light undbellsthrough-
out , pluto and art glass , elegant hardware ,
electric and gas fixtures , on motor Hue , paved
street , healthy locution , most deslrablo nolgh-
liorhood. Parties doslrlng elegant and com
fortable homes are Invited to look at these
buildings. 11. T. Clarke , s. w. cor. 23th and
Cuss , or rooms 10 und 20 , board of trade buildIng -
Ing , UJ5
K ACRES. Smiles from P.p. . fprtl.Bpp.
'J ' Corner. 24th si. . South Omaha , Jl,500.
00x150 , 27th , south of J , tl.fiOU.
lliitchlnsun & Weud , 1524 Douglas.
810 23
4:23 SECURES u. lot In Omaha with sidewalk
to motor , bee Smcuton & Alleu Co.
1' st. M104 31
OUTII OMAHA lobirxx ) below cost , price
tiW. 1'or n bargabi u the Magic City call
onMiu'uUmA : Allen CuiU < 07rarnuin bt.Umuna.
> n t M1U431
CHEAPEST lot In tfo'LIty. < . houth fiont on
Ohio street. ] lttluvest , of 2th avenue ,
ouly ei.050.00. A\V U. Qulis , Mi N. V. Life bldg.
Mill9 2Q
FOK SALE 2fl beiurtful residence lots In
Lincoln Heights , iiMr addition to Omaha ;
for sale on nlno years. . , credit ut 7 per cent in
terest , only one-tentlj M principal to be paid
down. Cull immediately on J. A. l.ovgren.
special agent , room 3p5"UroHri building , cor.
ICth and Douglas sts. ( J , 034-31
A FINE business tirbftrty In good live city ,
county seat and'lt'K. division ; 2-story
brick building ; nays 2apc.r cent on In vestment.
Good reasons for semnj ! > ; will soil at'a bar-
galn. Addr.-ts M fiO lf % , By. 26
TTtOU SALE At a buV jln. 0-roomed modern
-I ? dwelling on \ Vlrt'Trice. ' . (7,000. M. F.
Itoys , U. 7. Chamber of Commerce. Oil 25
SEVEKAL good farm * for Rale In southeast
ern Nebraska. Terms to suit , Kothcll A :
D'Ment , Crab Orchard , Neb. M1M 20 *
AKAKOAIX roi : SALE-Oorner lot , 50 foot
front , t no small houses , ilv ) > , I.KO cusli.
balance ' monthly. Smeaton A. Alleu Co. . 1U)7 )
1'urnam st , M10431
FOK SALE , cheapeasy payments : IH-story
now C-room house , with bath , cellar , etc. :
full lot. N. bhelton. 1514 I'arnatn. lr > 3
JJ. ( JII1 < ON , fcolo aeent Kouutto 1'lace.
room a , Crelghton block. OJ3
" 17011 * South Omaha property , tmsiness. track-
* - age or rtisldenee. lend
go tu the Ine real es
tate dealers In South Omaha. Ed Johnston *
Co. . cor. 24th and N sti. M7O
ITMVK-room ' housei In Orchard Mill , II.MJ
J- each on monthly payments. Thomas I' .
Hall , ail Paxton blk. 743
US SALE To worLlngiucn only ( spocu-
- laton nevd not apply ) on time or monthly
PUT moms a neat cottage ut lens thau actual
value liiklae property , only one block to
electric Una Inquire at ruom 202 , Omitha
National baok building MOJO ;
Fdrratftete tretopaf frtlcolumn nn Uitu pag
NEWoottaro and full corner lot close to
motor. tl.woitKiO cash. t20 per month : a
nice homo , liutchlnson A Wead.lXM IKiunla-s.
DID 23
L. Illce , real estate , U2. Llfo butldliiR.
2MJ7 *
FOIl SALE A fine Improved farm of 200
nores ; 100 under cultlvntlon : shade treei ;
fruit , windmill , wagon xcales , etc. : 10) miles
westof Omaha : fcwper acre. Address a 4Sllee.
DO you Intend buying or building an ele
gant homo ? If so , the reading of this add
may save you from &UX to 14,030. The ad
vertiser offers an elegant lit- room homo on
the finest residence street , paved , In the cltv ,
1 mile from I' . O , lot 01x140 , U block from mo
tor line. house has every modern convenience :
price very low and would take a good resi
dence lot as pan payment. Address L 37 , llee
_ _ _ _ 187
Forratei , tit. , see top ofrst column on this pige.
Stock of general hardware. M.-
WWton.OoO , for first mortgages and land ;
write particulars. Address Lock box Ml.
Sioux City , la. MI42 31 *
TlSADE-Improved Mock ranch POO
J-1 acre * , on railroad In North Nobrasku.prac-
tlcally clear , unlimited free range , splendid
forBhocp ; will lease. Address llltl Lone live. .
Omutia. 127 27 *
of stocks of merchudlso toex-
-i- > change for real estate In city and county :
also Texas lauds. CIS Paxton block. inK ) ' - . " > }
Foil EXCHANGE Clear lots for horses.
2015 Miami street , MiU ! 3U
\\7ANTED-To trade piano for a family
hor-e and light phaeton bugcy. A. lloipo.
1513 Douglas. 735
iriOIl EXCHANGE JJ.OOO equity In modern
- 8-room brick house , new. for clear out
side lots well located. A. I' . Tukey. New
Vork Life. A1234
CLEAN general stock of merchandise for
farm und money. Box-Mi , Frankfort , Ind.
ForritUstteim topnf firnt column onUitj pj
MllS. WALLACE , clairvoyant : naturally
clfted : tells past und future , loio troub
les , absent friends changes , travel , business.
1J.IS Karnam street. Mi04 ( J 1 *
US. TOUT , palmist fortune teller , tells
past and future from lines of the hand In
old gypsy way ; ladies only : fee $1.03. 0)1 ) N.
24th , M750J IB *
COME one und all and learn your future
As 1 have been In Omaha nine months I
will start west the 1st , Mrs Stover , 40C N Kith
street. MTPJ 26 *
WANTED-AIltoknow Mrs Dr. De San ,
tells truthf ully all about ab ent friends
lost and stolen property , fclio Is the best ever
here. All business confidential , nond 2 cent
stamp for Illustrated circular. 322 N. IGth st. .
Omaha. SM-2S *
MRS. Nannie V , barren.clairvoyant , trance
speaking , writing and reliable tmslmns
medium , four years In Omaha , 111) ) j1Mb. . 732
MAsSAGE Madam Dolzlcr , over 010 S. mh.
For rate * , etc. , tte top ot first column on tlitt page
UOt'LD HKO to hear from J D. Fauell at
once. Address A. Ma , Lnlon. .Neb. 12031
\\TANTED-Mrs. P. P. Coffey. the wife of a
I meclninlc , to call or address V. J. C'onnol-
ley , l ! > 0 Prince street , Ilrooklyn. N. V. , to learn
something of great Importance. M710 1 *
/ lOKKEbl > OND-ror amusement. I
Villon or matrimony. The best correspon
denco bureau tn existence. I'ull particulars
In plain scaled envelope for 10 cunts. Look Ilex
320. Oniiiha. Nob. 77GM25 *
Forrntes , etc. , see tnpof first column on Hits page.
MASSAGE bath at Madam Smith's parlors ,
3d floor , 420 S. 15tb St. 227 31 *
ASSAGE treatment. Electric baths by
lady of experience from the oast. Hours
from 1 to G p. ni. 16J7 Kurnum street , 1)07 ) 27 *
MASSAGE cabinet baths , tape worms cured
In 24 hours. Mdmo Guorclto , 1023 Dodce.
M707 J10 *
TVf ASSAGE Madam Delzler , ever 010 S. 13th
" -L
- *
or rotti , rte. , ttttop of fret column < m this page
HIGH class dressmaking. Evening , dinner
und ucddlng.trousouii a specialty. Fit
and style wurrun od perfect. R. G. Maxwell ,
Rumgo block , room 4 .
"I7 < NGAGEMENTS to do dressmaking In fatu-
XU Hies solicited. Miss Sturay. 2C10 Huruey
street. M33JJU *
Forratcs , etc. , tcctnp ufflnt column onthli piyt
GEO. F. Gellenbeck. teacher of the banjo ,
with Hospc 15U Douglas. 240
TDEFOREbuylup a piano examine the now
JLJgculo Klmbull piano. . Hospc.lDU Douglas.
I'orraltK , etc. , see topof first coumn on thtt pane
TJATENT lawyers a'ld solTcltors , Giw.Sucs &
JCo. . , lleo building , Omuhu. Hr.inch oQlcu at
Washington. I ) . C. Consultation free. 751
FRED Mohlc , S. E. cor. Farnain and llth.
SAMlEHfO.N , corner 15th and Jackson.
11G-J21 *
building. United States Indian school ser
vice , Genoa Industrial school , Genoa , Neb. ,
May 8,1391. Sealed proposals , endorsed " 1'ro-
po&als for erection of school building , " and
addressed to the undersigned at Genoa , Nob. ,
will be received at this school until 1 o'clock
of June 1 , 1MH , forfurnlshlng the material and
erecting u girls'brick dormitory building on
the school grounds In accordant" ) with plans
und specifications that may bo examined at
the omco of the "lleo" at Omaha , Neb. , und ut
this school. The necessary excavation and
grading will bu done by the school and the
gravel required In concrete work furnished ,
unscreened on the ground , without cost to
the contractor. Certified Checks. Each bid
must be accompanied by a certified
check or draft upon some United Stute-depos-
Itory or solvent national bank lu the vicinity
of the bidder's place of business , mudo pay
able to the order of the eomm ssioncr or In
dian affair * , for at least 5 per cent of the
amount of the proposal , which chock or Ur.ift
will bo forfeit * ! 1 to the United States In case
any bidder or bidders receiving unuwuid
shall fall to promptly execute a contract with
good un < l su Indent sureties , otherwise to be
returned to the bidder. The rlpht Is reserved
to retect any and ull bids or any part of any
bid If deemed for the -best Interests of the
burvlco. W , U. liuckus , Superintendent
Notice to Contractors.
Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will
lie received by the board of public lands und
bulldlusut the olllco of the secretary of
state at Lincoln. Nub. , until the 2nd day of
June , 1HOI , ut 4 o'clock p. m. , for thu erection ,
construction und completion of a two-story
brlolc und stonu building knownas"Tho Slate
Industrial School for Hays und Girls , " to be
erected ut Geneva , I'l 11 more county , Neb , as
per plans , siioclflcatlons und do igns now on
tile lu the otlloo ot the commissioner of public
lands and buildings at Lincoln , Neb.
Contractors will be required to conform to
rules and regulations as sot forth In specifi
cations adopted by the board.
The board reer > e the right to reject uny
and all bids.
Dated at Lincoln , Neb. , May G. 1891.
A. R. IlUMI'llllKV.
President Hoard Public Lands und Buildings
Attest : JOHN C ALLEN , Secretary of State
Ma J 24m
CA111N , IM to HI. Affording to Summer
and location of Stateroom
Intrroiodlatft nnd Mcerot-e at low ratca.
. A u u A N L. i :
LINE. I STE \ Mill I PS.
via Londonderry , every I'ortniulit-
llthMajr , 8TATK OK.NKVADA. A M.
2Mli Mar. HTATK OK NKUHASKA , 1 I' . U
CA111N , t ! aud upardi. Ill-turn , G > and upwardi.
Hteerngv at low ratei.
. toll. A A ALLAN , Montreal , or to
: . MOOUHa , lUtt larnauiSt Uoiaha
County f the MoUi IllKcomtnlnlon , rxcluilve tcr- >
rltorr t < irre iinJ and y t full iiarttculari.
Tilt. MlUU.MJ 1'UITKIIT CO , HOSlVlLLt , 0.
Nothing ; Else
tqnalf Ayr r' Pills for stimulating a torpid
itter , strengthening digestion , and regu
lating tlic action of Uic bo cl.i. They con
tain no calomel , nor any oUirr Injurious
druir. but arc composed tt the active rrtncl-
pics of the best egetable cathartics.
M I was a sufferer for years froradjjpopili
and lUcr troubles , mid found r o permanent
relief until 1 commenced taking A ycr's Tills.
They hate effected complete cure. "
Ccorcc Mooney , Walla Walla , W. T.
"Whenever J am troubled with ccnstlpa *
tlon , or suffer from loss of appetite , Aycr's
Wls set me rlpht again. " A. J. Riser , Jr. ,
lipck House , Va.
"Kor tlie cure of headache , Aer's Ca
thartic Pills arc the most effects e medicine I
ever used. " K. K. James , Dorchester , Mass.
"Two boxes of Ayers 1'llls cured mo oi
severe headache , from which 1 was Ion pa suf.
lercr. " Emna Keycs , HubbardstonCoan. _
Ayer's Pills ,
. 0. AVER & CO. , Lowell , Mas * .
Sold by all Dealers In Medicines.
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
Tne most widely and favorably known ipeo
lallsts In tbc Unftel States Their lone ex
perience . , remarkable skill and universal suc-
ceu In the treatment nnd cure of Nervous ,
Chronic nnd Surgical DlonaKos , entitle them
eminent physicians to the full confidence of
the aflllcted evur > where. They puuranteo :
, the awful rffectA of enrly vice and the aumcr-
i or. oTll tbatfollow In Its trnln. _
ipoMllly. eoinplotelv and permanently cured.
OIJDER8 yield readily to Uiolr skillful treat-
ruaranteed cured without puln or detention
from business.
nentlr and successfully cured In e orycaso ,
nintorrVos , Fcmlunl Weukness , Lost Manhood ,
Nlpht EmlP lon , Decayed rucultleft , KemnU
Weakness and nil dellento dlsordTsi peoullaf
a either sex posltlsely cured , us well as all
'unctlonul disorders that result from youthf.'J
follies or the excess nf muturo years.
CTPlPTHyU Ouarantewd v > ormanently
O I I\lv/l Ui\D cured , removal complete ,
without cuttlnc , caustic cr dilatation. Currt
effected at hem by patient without mo
ment's pain or annoyance.
A IIPTJ rilPF The awful effc-ts of
OUKK LUM1 cary | vjce which brlnpl
oreanlo weakness , dcstroylnc both mind and
body , with all Its dreaded Ills , permanently
cured.RFTTQ Addn-ss those who bar * 1m-
JL,1 10 paired themi Ives by 1m-
proper Indulgence and sollturv nablts. which
ruin both mind and body , unfitting them for
business , study or niarrlazc.
MARRIED MEN or those entering on that
happy life , awuro of physical debility , quickly
Is based upon facts. First Practical erptrl-
ence. Second Every caie Is specially studied.
thus startlnp right Third medicines are
prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit
each ops * , thus effecting cures without Injury.
Drs. Belts & Betts ,
Don't b i Hu
by the fictitious olalms
made for Porous Plasters
that cure before they are
applied. Use Benson's , a
scientific preparation that
elves prompt relief and Is
Indorsed by over 5,000
reputable Physicians nnd
Druggists. Get the
Are you open to conviction ? If so. consider
candidly our machine. Don't repeat to your
self what Is told you. Investigate , and your
own opinion will bo of some vuluo. If you
wish expert opinion do not consult Interested
Send for Illustrated catalogue giving full
description of the Smith Premier Typewriter.
Mil Premier Typs Writer Co , ,
R H. MAYHBW , Manager ,
1009 } Farnani Street , Omaha , Nob.
lion ;
03 c !
Catirrli Q
'Jlr tn vtr QO
r + turn ; t I
0 H y Feur I
0 from thr * lotf *
National Bank
CapJtnl , - - - - S4OO.OOO
Surplus Jan. 1st , 189O , - G2.3OO
OBlcer > and Ilr ctorHenrr \ \ . raUi , I'reilrtenl ;
l jwln 8. lli'oil. Vlce-l're.ldeBti Jame < W. 8araic > . W
V.Mur.e , John H. Colllni , H U Cu lilni J. X. II
fulrlck. W II. S lluEtio < , on'.iler.
Corvr Ittb nud faraamSU
A General IluuklnIIustne Tr&niasta t
near FitlM.H'UT Kv
The ennit term of tbli acactx-clp > o r iHiitlnt Oril
Monitar la Julr not clotei laird Wedooiiar li ,
Dwraibnr oeil II.V.
001. l > Y. UuVD. Bupt 1'oit-Omee , KAlimiALt , Kv.
Fr nch Monthly Mitailnr , All Inraluatil * help to
KrencU itnrtnnu and ica.hcri. Kro ainplo nnpjr
A4dc * i UHUUTIA Co. , tr. iladUja S-jN ir Vor
TO WAKR ur A co/ti'st : .
Uut the Hoar or a Cnnitnn Wouldn't
! ) ( tllC IlllNlllOKH.
MoSTrr.i.inn , Vt , May B5. FrloudsofMrs.
Mary Norton , wlfo of Allison Norton of Ad-
ilUon , are divided In the opinion whether ho
was dead when placed In J er ooWn. Mrs.
Norton apparently died the other day after
nn Illness of four weeks with the grip. A
funeral was bold and the boJ.v was taken to
n private cemetery near MldJlobur.v. Ucforo
burial the coffin was o | > cuoJ and the mourn
ers wcro startled by wbnt they saw. Tbo
body had turned partly over tn tbo coflln.
'J'hohand.s , which * bad been crossed on tbo
breast , hail moved nud ouo arm bad been
raised toward tbo head. The face bad n llfo-
llko expression nud the wbolo appcnranco
was of that of ouo who had partially
awakened from n trance.
The body was Immediately removed to the
bouse of frionas near by and taken from the
coflln. The wLso won and women of tbo
neighborhood exchanged opinions on the
strange uffal rand the entire population for
miles nround cumo to look upon the lifelike
corpse. The doctors and tbo uudcrlakur as-
seru > d that thnonmu \vus dead. J ho wise
men and women were divided lu their views
and the neighbors did uotlcuow what to raako
.of It. For turoo dnys the body was held
while the discussion went on
Then somebody supccsted that the flrlnf ?
of u cannon would settle whether the woman
wns dead or only In n tranco. Tbo undor-
tuuer went over to Mlddlebury and procured
an old smoothbore cannon , Tlio body wn >
brought out attd placed ou a couch In the
front yard. The caunon was llrcd three
times. All the windows In thu house rattled
end tbo sheep got u scare from which they
have not yet recovered , but the body never
stirred Then they ourlod It. Uut the Addison -
dison folks hnvo not got through talking
about It yet , and some of thorn still bellovu
that the woman was lit n tranco.
Kterylioily Knows
tbnt at this season the blood Is flHod with
impurities , the accumulation of months of
close confinement iu poorly ventilated store *
workshops nud tenements. All thu.e Impuri
ties uua every trace of scrofula , salt rheum ,
or other diseases may bo uxpcllod by taking
Hood's Sarsajiarllla , the best blood puriliur
over produced. It is the only mcdlclno of
which " 100doses one dollar" is truo.
ll.tIt TU 11.4 VK TWO tllt.l 17i .
Unusual KcatnivN Attending the Iturl-
al of a Flc.liy Wuinnn.
NEW VOIIK , May 25. When Margaret Mul-
hanoy used to wobble through the cast side
streets everybody stopped and stared at her.
Margaret was fifty-five vears old and weighed
GV ) pounds. Her husband was dead aud shoat
at one time lived with nn ouly daughter. She
had a falling out with her child and went to
live with a cousin atIK ) Hamilton street.
Three months ngo her ilesh was accumulat
ing at such a pace that she wes unable to
move about. Heart disease sot iu nud on
Saturday morning Mrs. Mulhanoy died. The
undertaker fouud i' Impossible to put iho
huge body on ice , so It was embalmed. The
funeral tool : place yostcrday. A crowd had
gathered in the street expecting serious dlf-
liculty In getting the body out of the house ,
and they wcro not disappointed. An or
dinary coflln Is 10 inches wide and 13 high. A
plain cloth covered box III inches wide and 20
inches high enclosed the corpse. The hallway -
way being -Is inches wide the box had to bo
tipped sideways , while twelve brawny men
strained every tnuhcle to carry it through the
hallway. The task lasted twenty minutes.
No hearse xvas big enough to accommodate
tbo coflin and nn undertaker's wagon carried
the body to Calvary cemetery , followed by
flvo carriugPa of mourners. A grave is or
dinarily dug twenty-four inches wide.
Grouna had been bought for two graves , giving -
ing a width of forty-eight incnes. Seventeen
of the cemetery employes lowered the coBlu.
into the double grave.
Dr. Birney euros catarrh , Boo bldjj.
In Memory of Miirtjr Ijovtjoy.
ALTON , 111. , May STi. yesterday was
Lovcjoy day here. It was hero tbnt the great
abolitionist leader conducted his campaign
against the slave traders , A rickety , tumble
down house marks the place where Ins news
paper was printed. Here it was that Klijah
P. Lovejoy was murdered , making him the
first martyr to the cause of slavery In
America. The Lovojpy camp , Sons of
Veterans , from St. Louis was present acd
with the local Lovejoy club and members of
the Uuion Brothers of Friendship inarched
to the ccmetory where the martyr Is buried ,
Kach member carried flowers which were
placed on tbo grave. Rev. H. D. Slovens and
Kov. Dr , Bruin delivered addresses to the
thousands of people assembled iu the cemo-
DoWitt's Little Early Risers , best pill.
"nrjrTTirTCincAiTa uTin.iKcTO.N 4 < j. 5rrjve
Omnlia. I Depot 10t'.i nnU .Ma on bt . i Ouialin- _
p nil . Uilrairo Ventlbtilu . ' K.IX ) a in
U..VI n m1 . riilcaco Krpri-s . ilU.05 a ui
V.y ) p mi . Chlrnvo K ; irpi < . | c.20 p m
Cq | ijnl..Clitcairo& IownLooaI..I _ 815 n tn
ix-iites IUUUMMSTON .v .MO. KIVIUII-I Arrir < -
Oinnlin , I Depot lUlli nnd Ma on St < i Oniiilm.
1U.25 a in' ' . Denver J > r Kxpion . 1 4 OS p ni
10 2j u nil . Dendnuod Kxprvus . I OKi p ra
UI.VS n iu > . . . .IX'nriT ICxpro * . , C.'JU p tu
7.10 p iu . . . .Denver Nlclit Kxtireaii. . . . il.U n m
j.U ) p m . Llmmln I.Uultid .
8.1A n tu , . . . . . . . . .l.lnculn Ixical. _ . . . . . . . , I jlCX ) p ai
Ix'nvi'i j K. t1. , ST. J. A 0. II. | Arriroi
Umalia I Depot lUlli and > la un Bin , I limnhii.
9M n rat. . .Knnfnn City I > y I'-zpresi i 5 M p m
H.I5 p mlK C.NIcht Ktii.ln II. Tnmii.i li.45 a in
Ix-nvr * I VNION I'ACIKIC. I Arrtvut
Oinahn. I Depot lutli nnd Marry St , | Omaha.
10.10 a m.Kan | u I'lty'KxprOM ( or Fun. ) I < .3S p r
lO.'JO a in Denser Kxpres , . -i.\ \ I 00 p ra
S.MI p m | Utrrlnnd Flyer . , , ) Hub p iu
< M p mi..Grand Inland Krp. ( ui. gun ) . 1J1.0D a ui
7. * ) p m 1'aclflc l'xpre t 330 p ul
"LOJITCI U'HICAKU , Mil. A hi' 1'ALL.i
Omaha * U I * , depot , anil Muruf rt * . \
G.VOprai Chicago Kspteo U.M am
8.1 L a m | . . . .Chlcak'O Uxprim i U1U pm
lxiarer" | " CIIICA < ; O. IU1. A I'ACIKIC. pxTFiroT"
Omaha 'IJ. ' I * il < 'p"t , jUlli und MHTCT htii ' Onuilm
C.'JI p m. NlKlit Kiiireo I V.M a iu"
11.15 u tn Atlantic Kxproin . . . . I Gt5 p tu : p ml . . . . . Venlbulo l.iinlioa . . . . . . 'lli-V. ' run
leaves l Tfi7)T x t i ITTTAciFic'.TT ArrlfcT
Omaha I Depot llHIi and Miircr M . I Oiiiatiu.
T.l.'i n ml . . . .Muux i It ) 1'a fenKer lli-o ci
& : u p pi' ' St. I'aul Kxprfni. . . . . . . . . 'IO.M n in
l.enTiSlOl'.X ' riTVA I'ACIKIC. , .Arrlvt *
Omulm. I Depot IMli mid \Vflr UT MII. Onmlin. _
_ . | _ | . . . . . . . Vnul
_ Umalm it ? I' , Ui'i'iil Hull n.l
11.15 loj CliU foKxprc .
4 W ) p ml Vc tltul l.luiltvd
P.20 p lul la t in 1'ljr.r . . . . , - - H m
C..t " ) p mlLocal Knit lix. ( cieopt Monday ) , U'.O p m
"i * T < ii I OMAHA A ST. LOUIS , | Arnroii
Omalia | U , P. depot. IWh nnil Mnrcy St J Omahn ,
40il p tn | . . . st. lxml Cniinng Hull . . iltM p n
invo i K. , K. & MO , VAII.K > ' . ( Trrlvo
JJraalni ' Depot tilli nnd Welnlcr rin , I Omnlia.
( i.diTiTiul . . Illncl ! llllli X pH' .7.T i fcib jrTn
VM n m' ' ( Kx k ti WTO. Kxp IKx .Mini i 'i.o p m
t.HJ p m Wiilioo A I.liKxiln J'un iit. ; sun. II . > j n m
HO p ml .ViirJtNorfnk ! ( K * . hunilayi M U3 n m
Ix-mcs I r.ST. I' . . M. iO. | 4.rrlvM
Olunlia | nci > ol l.'ith nnrtS'eb terMt I Omalin.
c 10 it n : | Muux ( It ) ArcuinmiKlntlun liiii T iu
1.IU p m > lutix < lt > Kxpri > ( Kx btindari 12 4U p m
1.4 , p ni , . . . ' u I'nul Limited . . . UU a ra
JL''li.U.l4i"'r'iri'"i't'rll'ih"r'llnJf' ! ' ' ; ' .45 n m
J.cnToi f MHidUHl I'.UIKIU. rTrrTrcT
UmBin. I If pot 1 Sth and \Vct tcr &t . I Oiuilia.
10-10 n m' ' . .i-t. l/oil \ K' C , Kiproin . c.iifl n in"
. ) pjii _ fiLIxiiil _ , v K. C. UsprDii . iai p in
_ . _ t'lilon | i | Mjt Counrll llluiTi.
1IIUT a roI. .Kiili ni"fU < r l > i > vE\pr
IDA" ! p iu' ' . , KB tunn Cltr .Night K pT' "
Trnnfer I t'nlon Dopol. I'oanill llliin
C..KI p in . Mt'Ul Kiriiroi . . j 1' W n in
UTiinml . Atlanll" Kiprtit . . . . ' 5S4 p ui
1-.U p nil . , . . .Va'tllnile l.lciltcd , . , 10
Tr n ior
1 > 41 a ml . . . .ChlraEO Krprpii. . . I r. ' ) p m
1UI p in . Vttntlbulo J.lmltvl. Mi'IU m
13UI p ol . . . - Knilern Klror . V 2IX ) p ra
e.UO p in . Ulantlc Mall . , I " a m
JUW p lu limaAC'onimo _ < 1atlon fKn' i nyt ! t41)
U'lrei 1 OMAHA
'Jmiiifi' " ! L'nlun l ) ( H > t. Count 11 llluCi
4 40 p in I .Bt. Ixiuli C'annn ll lt .
. . . . . . . . . f i. ,
Tr ntf > irl Union Depot , fotinc'l Illugi
y 40 n ID . t lili'atro Kxi > rei , . , . . . , ,1 n.20 p m
II ; Cxi p in , , , , .Clilcxo Kxprrm < , IU * m
T.Oi p ta C rciicn Ix.rnl . , , , . .111 'AI n m
ToBTeT T Si ( > lX" < TlfvTTACI-IO l"Arrl e
Tranil r I'nlun | ) < ot. I oundl llluiTi. iTrunifo
'M a ! ' Nti > u > I'ttr AoooiumnilaUon I t I'J foiu ?
t.tX > p m , . El I'aul E piM . , . | ICOJ f