r TT-TTi ! ry\1 ATTA HATT.V TVFiTFV MYVNTnAV M A V 9S IfiOI. 8PEG1HL NOTICES. A InVEKTJHEMKNTS for them colunns will bo taken until 12:10 : p. m. . for the cronIng edition , end until 81:0 : p. m. , for the morning rrlltlon indt { nAr Her. \ rpKHMS Cash In advance. ; TATK5 ArtTertl'crnPnts on this partwlllbe J charprd for at the rnto of 1H cents per om for the first Insertion , and Icnnlperword for rnch subppqurnt Itisrrtlon , nnd II.SO per jln1 r > er month. No advertisement taken for ir * lima 21 cents for the first insertion. TN1TIALH. llurcs.rsynilols , etc. . countcach J. rsnno word. fpllEsr advertisement1 ! must run ron'ecu- J. llvi-ljr and under no c'roumstano-s will Ihpy 1 o inkrn or dlscontlnucxl by tolrphone. pAHTIES ndvertlslng In thrMi columns nnd J havlntr their nnswpr iindrrffedtoa"nutn- Icrrd Uttrrln coroof Tin : HIT. will recelyea numl rttil chrck tornnble thorn to pet their JpttPM. Answers will be npllvrrcd only on prc'cntnllon of this check. KtiPloso answers In rnvcloprs properlr iiddrcsspd. Al/l , tdvprtl'cmcnts unt'pr ' the hond of "Ppfplal Notices" nro publlshpd In tioth the mornine nnd cvpnlng pdltlonsof Ttir. Hr.K the peculation of which nfcrc-gates morptlmn ! n.rnopipprs : dully , nnd gives the advertiser IliPlx'tirllt not only of the large circulation of THE IlfK In t'innhn. hut also In CouncilllliilTs , Lincoln and othcrcltloi and townsln the west BRANCH OFFICES. A'lvprtlslng forthe o columns will bn taken optlip nliovncondltlonf. at the following busl- tip'-s IIOIISPS who are nuthorlred to take special rrjtlcps.Bt the game rates us can bo had uttho main ofllec. ROVTII OMAHA JiltSCH CITlCE-No. iKT.l y. ftrpct , LIstPr Illook. TOHN W. IIELU Pharmacist , f20South Tenth d .trpct. GIIAPE ft EPnV. Ftatloners and Printer 113 South IGth utrcet. H. VARNSWORTH , Phurmacist. 2115 Ctimlngstrpet. I \T .1 lU'OHES , I'harmaclst. 024 North ICth stroct. p EO. W. PARR , rimrmaclst , 1713 Loaven- ( . ? worth Btrt-et. Hu IMIAItMACY. 21th and I'nrnam. SITUATIONS WANTED. Torralet , etc. , itt top offrtt column on thtojnge. "WANTED Situation by capable , steady ' " llatindlnn miller a Ilrst or second hand. I ) . M. . 1007 Locust st. TO2 23 \VANTED-A position as stppocrnpher. hnve my own machine , refercucps ni edge. Address J. P. Shelton , Kirksvlllc. Mo. MffJt 26' ' " \VANTED Situation as hoiisekeepcr or * npcond ulri In private family. Addres M C7. llec. AI04I 2 WANTED Situations for good clrls : rny wnltltiR rooms nro always full from 0 a. m.loflp. m. Canadian Employment ofllrr , ai4JS } , IJtli. Telephone S84 Tttt WANTED MALE HELP. } 'orratr > , tte , . ttt ti > p nf Artl mliimnon l \ * / ANTKD-I'rartleal bioom maker , M. II TI Noc , tprlngflold , Nob. 9J023 * \\7ANTED-An nctlvp , reliable man salarj $70 to JsO monthly , with increase , to rep resent In his own section a responsible Now York house. Hoferencci. Manufacturer , Lock h3X 15s. > , New York , " \\7ANTED-A man with oxpcrlonco.it rut > ' ting and joining frjnio- * . Call at 5M N. IGthstrruU M9W-25' iS9ENGER : wanted. IlradstreetCo. M049 30 * WANTED Agents to sell the roll a bio sel lighting pocket lamp. Address IMG 1'oya insuraucu building , Chicago. 111. Mxo " ' WANTED-An old cstabllshe concern , manufacturing small portable stationary and marine engines nnd boiler WHIII agents , with or without previous expert once. In local territory In every statoln tli union ; bal--y ; and commission. Addrc1 " .Manufacturer , " P. O. Hox324 , Chicago. Ills. MO.V1201 VVAiN'i'un Agents , male or romaie. i\ow i ' 2.V-houscnold article : profit , 300 percent , Bamplo and Instructions. 10 rents. Goods on commission. Stayncr & Co. , Providence. R.I. MG4025 * " \\7ANTED-Gooil experienced solicitors In > ' a genteel , honorable nnd permanent bus iness ; good pay , ready cash. K S. McC'auelipy , room 2 iowu Savings bank building , Slbnv Cl t y. In. WJ-JI * \\7ANTED-100 bricklayers , wages 44 4-0 cents pprhouror4.oo per day of 9 hours. Apply nt Itnllucr * ' exchange. Liberty and Oth Mrccts. Sill Iloor. 1'lttsburg. Pa. Contracting llrleklayt-rs. MS73 Si * \\7 ANTKD--100 laborers , teamsters , shoVcl- ' ors and trackmen for work In Wyoming. Albright Labor agency , 1123 Fa mam st , PIC WANTED Klftv men to surface on the Missouri Parlflo at Union , Noli , J1.SO per day ; railroad fare ilfty cents. Smith , OlllPtt A Co. M74J 2. . ' 7ANTED Salesmen on salary or cowls- slim to handle the now patpnt chemical , . .IK pencil ; the greatest selling novelty ever produced ; erases Ink thoroughly In two i.pcoiidsno ; abraMon of paper ; S'tltoftOO percent profit ; ono agent's sulesiiipoiintud toK20lnslx flays ; aiKiUior } : t ! In tnoliours ; wo wantono KPiieral ngont for each state nnd territory , rnr terms and full parttoiilari > , address the Jloniou Kraser Mfg Co. , La Crosse , Wis. 473 M KM with Rood iiddrev ; . Mot. MTp Co. , 1000 Howard St. , Omaha , or 137 N I2th , Lincoln. H7J1 * 17ANTEH Mon to travel for our Canadian nuni-rles btoneA.Wclllngton.MadlbOn.Wls 7UCJ1 WANTED FEMALE HELP , For rateetc. , tee lop vfjtnt column W ANTED AKOodRlrlfor general house work. 518 S. 2.'d street. M2-2.1 * cooic. City hotel , 731-Si * \\t ANTED Girl for gpnornl housework. TT Must bo competent. 2TO6 Hamilton street \\TANTED-A first class dressmaker to not as forovtotnan : steady position for the right person : also waist nnd skirt Unlshurs. Jlrs. H. U , Moses , 2ZK r.inmm HO i : ) ' \\7ANTED firstolavs wuUtmnkers : steady t oiiiployiiient to right parties.o pay from J111.W to IIS.OO per week. Enuulro at HIM Dodge. aiDC6'5 \\7ANTED-Good girl for kitchen work. * * Apply 020 S. 13th and Mason sts. \\7ANTED-A girl to do housework In fam- llyoftwo ; must bo a good cook. Apply lHtwi'oii the hours ofC and 7 o'clock p. m. at I'll i5.25th live. 012 2a * $100 n month , Indies or gentlemen. Do you wtint It ? Address with fclHnip , E. M. rick- ctu 131 N. Main. Wichita. ICun. t-frt u * FOR RtNT HOUSES. rratefetr. , 1)17 HOl'SK to lot/12 rooms ; water , bath , etc. , UVCallftai Half Howard , Mini 27 FOR RKNT Ono olngant furnished room , fci'Cond tloor.all miHlern conveniences , } ll.OJ ) per month : must have reference. Mrs. 1L U Wosi' ! . . -"Sh ] 'ariiam , Ml 23' FDR RENT A few very desirable 4 to 0 room Hats : t.'l to JIB ; nblools north of jiostolllce 1 ha > u ono corner Hat parties can rvnl vnongh rodins to moro than pay the rent nnd still have four seed rooms to live in. See Roberts , IMS Chicago mrcet. JICSJ3l roll RENT 10-room now brick rosldenc" botwovn Mn on nnd I'acltlo on : wtha\e : nnth. gits , laundry , furnace , oak tloon > ami HnrM grntcs and mnntols nnd every nnxlorn coiiM > nli'nce ; partly furnished If desired. In- uulro on premises or room 442 , lleo building. WT 8-ROOM brick house , all convenience ! , t.-a ; fi-nxim brlek house , fcM. H. K. Cole , o Con- tlnenlnl. t j " \TE\V trick homo , 0 nxiius , 2TO Hartley A > Ntreut , t > incatou .V Alien Co. , IWJ7 rarnam 6lrtH.-t. M il 20' FOR RENT A 0-room house , with all mod. out conveniences ; IJO.OO a month. Apply K. r-tuht. 101JB. llthbt. M'JBS-S ' TTIOR RENT Ooltagu nlooly furnUhi-d. 2 H J ? Davenport su M939.27 * FOR HEM' Modern 6-rooni Hat , new dec orations. Good locality. U N Skinner 1014 rurnnin st , VIJ RKNT 8-rooni Hut , Lange blosw , mn und . ' 2tf HOTSEfor rent Two story house S nx with all modern Improvements , 2.15 Lake street. 0.1) , Woodworth 15U Douglas , UW OOL nine-room furnished homo for three or four monthi ; all conveniences. Uall rwim 4 , Hs.rker blk. _ Iou.RKNT Two 10-room brick rosldenoeJT - "IJconTcnlencps , ju t comuUaed , 307-MJ Georgia ' aye. Rent t30.do for Una year. J , II. 1'urrotto , Uouglaa block. 3 I FOR RENT-HOUSES. f trrrntft.ae. , tft top uf lr * oxumn n < \ tflu FOR KENT Six-room cottage , city water , bath room , pleasant locality Aptilv nt B12H.r.th : avenue. Mfe'eas ' * rphN-KOOM house with barn ; doslrable lo- J. cation , moderate rent. Heard llroi. . 1410 ) ouglus Bt. MP87 I7-OR KENT Ily Juno 50. a 0-room house -L newly painted and piporcd , well , cistern md city water , buth and furnuco. 2U Dnv- nport. MKYIg-i * A 10-room furnished huusa in good location for rent for : i months from JUDO 1. Arl- drussO 15. lice-olllcu. 013 211 * " [ 71I1TEEN ' 0-nxm brick houses , all niodrrn. -L' cxcout furnnco.i22.ria nor month , near Sher man avcnuo motor. U. 1. Harrison , U12 N.Y. Life. 014-JW DESIRAIILEcottnso for rent-My largp. f-MMMn cottaffo on DnvciinortHtroot.honted by furnace , bath. rtc. . electric appliances for bells und gai llghttnr. larzo stable for coi and horse" , room for live carriages , driveway nnd good lawn , will bo rentwl rensonahlo to dcslrablo tenant ; the whole or part of furni ture and carpets for sale. Apply on premises , Ocorgo A. Joslyn , 2o22 Davenport street. TBS 20 I OI'SEH. all klnds-thrpp nicely furnished. I Rundy&Co. . 1014 t'apltol aveiiuu. WIT TflOH KKNT ! lou > .cs with all modern Jm- - - provptnputs , steam heat : 1 block from high school ; ti\00 to VYXOO per month. Also stores , ! 4th nnd Davenport. 11 , II. Ircy , 2ofl N.V.Ufe. 1H.1-J5 II' you wish to rent n house or store .see II. K. Cole. Continental block. T44 AWELL-nJHXISMKD It-room house , with all con vnloncus and comforts , on paved street ; low rent to satisfactory small family with peed references. UnfurnUhcd If de sired. 201U lllnney St. Kouutzo place. .M.V.l' . ' KENT I.argo number of hou c , stores , Hats etc.S. > . ( )0 ) per month and up. New li t 1st of each month. Ueorgo J. 1'aul , 1GOJ rninaiu , tre it. roJy2 , 'K room house. SI4. 2I2J S. lltli street , 111174 m Si IfOU ItENT 2pl2ht-room brlcU houses with cltr water , bath and Miwor , 10J feet from cabin lino. F. 1' . Williams , Tirst NaU Hank bulldlni ; . S3 OWl Davenport St. . 0 rooms and nil convcnl- -cnccs. f.Vl.tU ; 2Vs ) Davenport t. , II rooms and all conveniences JTO.OO : U12 North 23tht. . , 11 rooms mid all conveniences. JV..OO. ( These hciiscs urn In thu best residence portion of Omaha , two blocks wust of hlith school. E. H. Chapman. M4 I'axton block , owner. 5' IJIOIf KENT four fi and T-room fl.its with i bath , hot wntur , etc. ; paved streets ; near business ; nil Improvements : only { il per mo. lipfereupps rPiulred , The Mead Investment Co. . 442 lieu bulldlni ; . T40 FOU KENT Elzht room hou o nnd barn , W4 South 27th street. Apply on the premises. M740 25 * POH KENT , cheap ; a good 'en room modern house. Inquire 2.V.V Onpltol avenue. II. II. PobNon. ' MOT. ) J16 5-ltOOM IIOIHO , nice yard , shade trees , city nnd cistern water , elegant neighborhood , 2 blocks from street cars. 1411 S. 7th avenue , or Hell's phiirmacv , cor. 11th and Mason. 171OII KENT HnnUsomo ll-room modern IIOUHC ; till comenlences : In par foot order ; paved streets ; motor , and within . " > minutes walk of postolllce Nathan Shelton , ir.14 I'ar- nuin Htrcet. M151 C12 Cap. uveniie , n nlco t-room cottaao with biith. I mi. SSiljL'ap a\enuo. M2J 23 * niult KENT 10-room hotisp.ccntrally located , - modernImprovomunts. Inrjulre , 712N. 1'Jth. 41 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS For rota. rtc.rcttnpofflrtt rutiimn on J/i ( 1U1INISHED rooms. DIG S 20th st. MPM2G' ' TTlUItMSlir.D room for rent , private family. -U U14S. 10th street ; ? ii a month. ailffSM. * desirable rooms on second ( leer at oTrcnror. HON. 2.1th at MB 30 * TJARLOR and parlor bedroom , largo , first -L Iloor : front room ; permit light houso- knonltiir. Mint , tt" f,1 N' "nth eK rtf } " ONE largo and onn small newly furnlshnd rooms , slnslo or en sultc.urlvato residence , can do light housekeeping ; GOQ S ITth stroct. 100-27 * riWO nicely furnished for ncnt. 2128 Ilarnoy -1st. Mb84 2.'i * 'ITIUIENISIIED front room for rent NV cor -I ? 20th and Uavt-nport. KiS-2.1 * FOK RENT Ono or two furnlslied rooms on Ocorela uvcnuo. Inferences exchanged. Address M.SS. lice. fcOS OMALL room for rent : centleman only : i. ? price 80.00. Call 017 N 17th street , 727 PI.KASANT rooms , single or en suite. II. ' ) South 20th st. 778 "VTJCEIjY Furnlshcxl largo south room for Jrent ; modern conveniences , 1010 Harncy street. MUil THOU KENT Furnlshod 1007 rooms , Douglas J ? 741 rpIIE St. Clalr European hotel , cor. 13th and JL Oodco , will hereafter rnako low rates for rooms by the neek or month , cither with or without board. 7S1 FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED Forratcs , rtc.tcctoiofjlntcolumn on thli rplIItEE rooms , flr'-t floor , and three on seo- J- end , for house Keeping , In private house. G12SouthlClbstrect. M7M20 * "IJiOU 11ENT Large , Ilcht basement. In- - - qulio Mrs. Laiisc , cor. Uth mid Jiickson. MbOl 29 NEW , modern and most desirable In the city. Three or four room bultcs.S15S.22nd street. T. I * Von Dorn. M484 UNKU1IN1S11ED rooms , flr-t noor. modern improvement- ; , range in kitchen. 310 S. 20th MI17J4' FOU ItF.NT Kino , small family apartments , all outside rooms , best locality , modern improvements. Inquire CM 1'axtcn block. bUi FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Forrataetc. , rretojiofflrrt column < m IMt paye. "VTICELY furnished front room , with board. i > 320 S. SOth Bt. Jl ! > S5-2C * FOR a reasonable price rooms single or In suite with board at 411 N. lUth. Mlb'J 30 * LARGE front utcovo room with tint class board. Iteforcnccs. 113 S. 20th st , JIIM927 * DKSlUAIU.i : rooms with flrst-ulass board 1522 Chlcapo st. MU.U 20 * ALAHOE nicely furnished front room and board for2 , ( j per week. 2011 llarnuv it. 5191027 * FUIINISHEI ) room with board , very desira ble and first class. 201 S 23th avo. ttW 31 * n HEyoung woman's homo at 10 ! ) S. ITth , J. have some good rooms nt reasonable rates , and also would furnish a limited num ber of ladles with meal tickets for $ J porweek. Koferouco required , ( WI-23 * FOIl ItENT Nicely furnished rooms with llrst-class board , 1721 Davenport street. rURNISHED rooms nnd lodsln ? house , 410 N , 10th. opposite Jefferson Square. M505-n > 30 TJIURNISHED rooms and board. 1KJ Dodge. FOR RENT StORES & ' " OFFICES' . For rate * , etc. , itttoo of prttcolrmn on IMt piye. HENT- fine store room and basomeut JL at IGIS Chicago t. , near Itth hU .M'.MJI * HEN T The 4-story brick . 4or without power , formerly occupied bytlio lice PublUhlng Co. , Did rarnam U The bulld- lni { has n llruproof cement b.isi > montconiilute | gteam-hoatlni ; flxturr'swntci on all the lloors. gns. otc. Apply at the oflicoot The llee. U1J FOR ItKNT-llrleU store , 71D and 712 N. IGth sU. with steuin heat. Apply to25M llrUto1 Martlss lira * . HIT 2J * 1OR REST Onico rooms , southwest corner JIGth ' and Chicago streets. O. V. Davis Co. , 1535 i'urmuu street fc43 27 T7'OR ' RENTo7 ale. my building on Jones i' bUbot , lOth&lltn. H.A.LIndijul t,310S.lSth. ItENT ikk room , at Oil N. Y. tide. j9 Il'OIt KENT The three- tory brick bulld- ing , 1110 Douglusktroot , vultablu for nhole- , . flio pur mvatli. Chas Kauf- inaiin. IJJi Douglas > U tU3 FOR RENT WAREHOUSE. J7IOR RENT llrick warehouses two stories ; J high basement , hydraulic elovutor. track- ugo : best location In city. A C. 1'owclL asi RENTAL AGENCY. Trrratft , ttt. , ttt tap uf flnt tftumn or tf.tt ikiat HE. COLE , ruuul agency , Continental blk 744 Hll. 1IIEY , retiUl itceat , 204 N. Y. Ufa. 11X3 m FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. Fnrrattf , tte , , tee top offlnt column " \\7 H have Uiu best horsp pasture In this * ' slate , at Ollmoro Station , throe tulles * oulh of ! * outh Omaha : 1RO acrps of blue crass , spring wiitor , hoard fonre ; have a good one- half mllu track on the farm ! will taken few " "horses or coin to brenk or train , llnrtim k | 1'hclbs. or A. W. 1'holps k Son. M3JO-JC * B ARN for rent , 2023 Howard street. M7 < 3 24 I HAVE a good pasture , two miles from _ South Omaha , for horses end colts ; blue , timothy and clever grass ; horses called for. Uco. U. Cans , South Omaha , M5M2f , * WANTED TO RUNT. rorrattt , tte. , tte top of flrtl column nn lhl pige , \\7ANTED-lloard and room for man and ' wife , private family preferred. State terms. Address , O 4 , Kce ofl'co. 8 , " > i-2J * WANTED Suite of furnhhcd rooms by a prominent youim busiiioii man. Must bo llrst-ela i and located between lth and Kill , Howard and Chicago streets. Hoarding houses need nut apply. LCSlloe , uV ! WANTED TorentUorlO-roomlioii t > . mod ern con vcnlenccs no row urefoi'cd. Ad- drcM lock box fi.0. Mill bTORAGh. For rate * , tte. , leetnp of flrtl column on thu p < io . OLDEST , cheapest and best storapo house in city. Williams k Cross , r.114 llarney street M4D7 BKST storneo building In Oniahn. eovorn- inent bonded WHrehoii'o ; household goods cared for : lowest rates. W. M. llushman , 10U Leavonworth. 189 /"IIIEAITXT and bust storage for furniture. V-/WollN 1111 I'arnatn St. . 7117 8TOHAGK of household poods ; clean , dry plate , privately stored , terms moderate ; vrunlso store stoves during the .summer : wo will got them from the houses nnd deliver them In the full in peed trim. Tel. U . l'-1t7 Douclit * . Omaha Move Repair Works. T.H FOR SALfc FURmiURE fcTC. For rate * , ttctee topnf frrt column on ( Mi page. AUCTION of fine furniture May 2.V at 13 a. m. at-W South K'tli at. J. G. Hess , man ager. M0:6 j * FOR SALE Now ollleo furniture , including carpets , tynow rltcr , lire iind burglar proof safe. Address w. E. HurlliiEliu at I'lcasunt' cigar store , 16th and Dodge. MWM--ti " 171O11 SALE rurnlturo of 21 room honsi- . All -L icntcd and In good part of elty. Address Goodrich , 007 S13th street. 410-'J4' TT'OR PALK At a great sacrlHce. elegant -L household furniture , line carriage team , carriages , sleigh , harness und robes , also line Jerhcy cow. A. J. Hanscom , 1S24 Douglas st. 00730 * SAIjE"Ftirnlturo of a 10-room house. Cheap , House for rent Inquire 1923 Dodge. 2u9 FOR SALE HORSES WAGONS ETC. rurratet , tte. , tte topnf firtt column otithli page. FOIl SALE Elegant delivery wagon , brand now , mailo In the city and warranted , M. A. Upton Co. , Dee building. KIT FOU SALE I double ourrliigo , 1 phaeton , 2 horses. 1 double lmrne.1 1 single harnc.ss , 1 fresh milk cow. Inquire at thu Doston Btore , 114 South IGth street. 133 fOR SALE I'limlly carriage. Leo & - Nichols ols , stable 2Sth and Loavenworth. M500 HOUSE auction every Saturday. 2 p. m. , at Pioneer stables , 13th and llurney. Horses wagons harness , etc. iluyors and sellers fhould attend those sales. II. Iloiaun , Prop. It. Wells Huctloneor. ' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. For rates , etc. . teetop nf first column on ( hi * Kf\ INCH hlgn grade bicycle rodoslx months , Jv' in extra good repair. Address O 2.V lleo. M10527 * "VTEW upright cabinet grand piano for sale JL. > cheap ; used 3 months ; part cash , balance on timo. Address O 17 , Hop. MuiO-2tir T71OK SALE Magnlficoit upright piano nt a Jbig hacrlflce. Inijnli-o at 2410 Caldwell St. , after 7 o'clock evenings. THOIt SALE Au elegant flro proof safe wltl : -I-burglar chest. I'hil Stlmmol , 1)11 ) Jones St. . Omaha. Nob. USI TTUJKNITUP.E ' bought , sold , stored. Wells. Jmi Furnain street. 737 71OU SALE-no loads of sawdust : nlso klnd- llns. Oniuha Dox I'uctory , East Omaha. WANTED TO BUY. For rattf , etc , , tee fop offlrtt column on t/if / pige. P to buy a lot on . Utli or 14th streets at fair figures for n customer. A. 1C Itlley , room 40. Barker block. M UGO 25 w ANTED To buy good residence lot or hou o and lot , or several lots located so as to make a good building sight , must bo in Hist class residence part of the city. Partle1 answering this should give full description o : property , lowest l-rlco , torms. whether Incum be red , and if so how much. O 11) ) , llee ofllec. ofllec.OT OT : V\ ; ANTED to buy a sound young gelding In > coed llcsn weighing 1,000 to 1,100. m Doug las block , opposite Hay ( lens. MSsJ 2C fV you have any old clothes to soli lot me LUnow bv Mail. Kalish , 215 S. lath streot. M GTC-J If MISCELLANtGUS. For rates , tte. , tee top nfflnt column on tMt p ige. \\'E have eight empty stalls In our largo ant > n\rv \ stable , 131" Pierce street , near I3tl street , Omaha. Complete facilities and firs class attendance. Everything on ground door Address the 0.11. llummonu company , South Omaha , Neb. ' GD. OASE Penman , tenches penman * hlp Tuesday und Thursday evenings , 21 S. IStu street. MT42 J2 ENGRAVING Wood , zincchalk , etc. Worli giiaruntcod on time and quality. Itrlg- ham. South Omaha. .Ml'/ ' G AUDEN farm to rout. T. Murray. M74 G OOD homo for indies during confinement. Imiulroat Mrs. M. 1'raall , 1170 South 16th. M121 j MASSAiEtrcatmenteleotro-therrnalbath . scalp und hair treatment , manicure and chiropodist. Mrs.l'ot,3l3i ! S.I5thWithnoll blk , 74f WILLIS COY. house inovor. 013 South 17th street , and 613 South 2Jtu avenue. . 133-MayI PfcR&ONALS. J'orrnlf * . etc. , teetnpof firtt column nn thlt \\7ANTED-Mrs. lP. . Colfoy. the wife of n T > ineeliiinle. to call or address I' . .1. Comioi- ley. 18J 1'rlncu street. Brooklyn , N. Y. , to learn something of gruat Importance. M700 ! ) Kor aniiisumcnt , In true- VJtlonor matrlliiony. The host corrospon dcnco bureau In oxlstonco. Pull particulars In plain sealed envelope for 10 cents. Look HOT X'B , Oniuha , Nob. 77GM2S * MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTA I E Furr itti , tte. , ttetnp of Jlr t column mi t'lii \\7ANTED-Klpit mortgage loans of and up urds ; current rate- . : money right here , -ecoml mortgage loanJI.OOJ up. Alexander Moore , 401 lleo InilUllng. FIRST and second mortgage loans. Alex Moore , 401 lleo bldg. 80iin'-'i * Gpor cunt tlr t mortgage loans. Richard C. l'nttoi > on. 107 Xtiw Vork Life. MC74 MOUTOAGES wnnted. Ion ? or short time" Goorgn G , Wallace , 310 J. J. llrowu bulld- Ing. 10th and Douglas. MJ AlONEYto loan on Inioroved city property flat currrnt rales ; funds on hand : no do- lay. Ceo. 1' . Hluat .1c Co. . 2UJ Itamgo bldg. 754 E. & a M. Anthony , 318 N.Y. Life building .lend money on farms In choice counties In Nebraska and IOMH , also on good Omulia resi dence property ; lowest rates ; best terms ; no dclav ; money ready. Titles and values passed on here. 7M "IJMJILDING loans n to 7 per rent ; no nddT J Jtlonal charges for commission oral tornov's fees. W. U. Melkle , I'lrst National bank bldg. 'M PHIVATE money to loan. J. D. Jtlttle. 014 N. V. Llfo. 7i7 ! "irORTXIAGE loan * wanted. McUaguo In- lii-vestinent company. 7M A f ONKY to loan on Oniahu properly. 1'ldel- i'i-lty Tru t i-ompuny , 1G141-arnam. 753 EASTERN cioney to loan at > ery low ratt > t. H. U. Irey.anlN. Y. Life. MMJ CIIEA1' Moner-l'l.lla. Mortcageimd Trim Co. , wants gilt odpo loans. Oco. W. 1 * . Coates , rt-presontutlve , 7 Hoard Trade 061 PAWNBROKERS. JJUIKI ) Mohlo. a E. cor. Furouui and llth , MONEY TO LORTJ CHATTELS , t'ormtet , tit , tettop ° fft rolum'i on thtt p tgc. MONEY to loan by . rT MMtcn ntTrlmt'tci and collateralBecujftics for any tlmo from 1 to 13 months. In ilAy amount to suit bor rower. * IxinnS rnndo on houV old Roods , pianos , or- patis. horses , mule * , luiiscs leases , wurohouso rccolpts.otc.at the lowest rates possible with- publicity or removal of property , y loans are s o arranged tlmt you can maxo a ' payment of nny am fi/it at any Itmo and rc- 'uco both principle iiiill-tntcrcst. If you owe a balance1 on your property or ave a loan that you want changed 1 will pay n toff ami carry It for you. If jou find It moro convenient call up telephone 1G2I and your business will bo arrangul at homo. ' Money always on llnidT ; Nodclar. Nopub- leltr. Lowest rates II r. Masters. Room ! , Wlthnoll U1R 15th and Ilarnoy sU. sU.7C1 /1HATTKL loans at lowest rates. 021 NPW V-'YorkLlfobillhllna. 1L A. Morns. 87IJ21 * HA. DARNER loans monpy on chattel so- curlty. Room 54 , Chamber of Commerce. MiW 10 /CHATTEL bank , : I19 S , IJth st.i loans money on chattels or collateral at reasonable rates I ONEY on furniture , horses , etc. Keystone L.Mortzago Co. . room 2t Shpely block. MSOI BUSINESS CHANCES. Forratrt. etcitftopof flnl column on ( hi * FOHSALE eotitl-payliiEdruestocks In soiithonstcrn Nebraska , Kothell & JJ'Mcnt. Crab Orchard , Nob. M10T 20 * Tj OK SALE Ilarher shop and bath rooms In A- county scat ofl,500 Inhnbltants. Cheap If sold soon. Address O 22 Heo. MM4 25 * T71OU SALE An established coal business In U rOmaha. Address O 20 , lice olllcu. JllKBIS * BAKltnU shop for sale ; 2 chnlrs ; good trade. Address J. 11. McKve , Hebron. Neb. MD42 2 * ONEof the best located and'flnoly furnished millinery stores In thcstate forsalo cheap. It U having a largo trade , everything In Its favor ; reasons for bolllnp , sickness mid death ; address O 6 lice. t02 1 'OR SALE A clean ' stock of ladles' and gents' furnishing and knit goods with a line I line of Imported yarns , with show ca" > o nnd fixtures , in u good locality ; will Invoice about i JJ,000 , will sell for cash only , address o - llee. * M 2s * FOR SALE Stock of drucs and drug sun dries , well assorted. Invoice at one thou sand dollars ; for sale If taken at once for voiity cents on the dollar of wholesale price- Will trade for clear property. Address. T. H. Clawson. York. Nob. 211-Ju HOTEL Lease and furniture of forty room hotel doing good business. Must be sold , cvou at a sacrillee , as proprietor has other business. Centrally located in oltv of 30,000. Addrc ; > sV. . S. Cooper , No. 10 , Main street. Council Kluirs , Iowa. 1IICJ4 "TIIOU SA.LF Furntturo and undertakinc JL business In good town , with or without store building ; part cash , balance gilt odco pupuror clour roul estate ; invoiced about SJ.WJ , Itox 012 Lincoln. TUS OIl SALE An old establhhed and good paying clear store ; good reasons given for ling. K 20 Uco oHIce 5-"J FOR EXCHANGE. rorratet , ttt. . ttetnpnf first column on IMtjyage , FORTHADE Nice 0-room residence , with 2 full lots , plenty of fi ult , wood-uork fac tory , : t4\ifi ! , with good engine with lots of ma chlucry such as lathe1 * , plalnors. framing ma chinery , etc. . etc. , all complete. Located In ono of the best towns In state. 1'resent owner not a mechanic and. will trade for stock of groceries , notions , boots and shoes 01 clear property. Kothell & D'Ment , Crab Orchard. Neb. JI1W ) 2or IT you have land ; City property , mdso. or anything else to exchange , write the West ern Kxch.ingo Co. . Columbus Nob. M 077 23 * FOU EXCIIANGE-Cloar lots for horses. 2015 Miami sUeeU , MKC30 WANTED-To tradd' piano for a family horse and light phaeton buggy. A. Hospo. 1313 Duuglas. . "i FOIl EXCHANGE UtOO equity In modern f-room brick housonew. . for clear out- sldo lots well located. A. 1' . Tukey. New York Life > M234 CLEAN general stock , of merchandise for farm aud money.410X295 , Frankfort , Ind. ' fi < - 700 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Forratti , tte. , tee topnf flrtl column on this juja TT OIl SALE Modern suburhmi residence o _ JL thirteen rooms , beautiful location , largo and convenient barn , two cisterns , lire acres ground , with fruit , lawn and shrubberv. Will bo sold at a bargain. Address Lock Drawer , 3" . ' , Iflalr , Neb. .MOfl 29 * TJAXSCOM 1'laco Property-In selecting _ J-L nlco residence lot for a customer 1 have left with mo s > omo elegant building sites In Hanscom 1'laco at reasonable figures that would bo the choicest locality In Omaha , for a home. It would pay nnyono while looking for a choice residence lot to son me at once. A. K. Itlley. room 40 , Ilarkur block. MOfl2J ( FOI SALE four finest , now three-story stone houses In city. 2. > th and Cass streets , ono block couth of Crelchton college ; all mod ern improvements , hardwood Onlsh , city and soft water , heated by latest Improved hot water system , electric light and bolls through out , plate nnd art glass , elegant hardware , electric and gas lixtnrcs , on motor line , paved street , healthy location , most desirable nelKh- Irarhood. Parties desiring elegant nnd com fortable homes are Invited to look at these buildings. II. T. Clarke , s. w. cor. 23th nnd Cass , or looms 19 and 20 , board of trace build ing. UJ5 5 A CUES. 5 miles from P. O. . for 1MO. Corner. 24th St. . South Omaha , Il"i00. 00x130 , 27th. south Of J , 11,000. Hutshlnsun & Wead , 1524 Douglas. 010 25 QEYEKAL good furms for sale in southeast O orn Nebraska. Terms to suit , Itotlmll } . D'Ment , Crab Orchard , Nob. MIOS 2G' ' FOI1 SALE or trade for unencumbered land 4 tenement brick house 'In Kountzo Place Frank T. Hansom , 431) Paxton bldg. CI2 23 poll SALE On monthly payments , lot mid J- ' two houses on S. ] 5th st. , near Dorcas. O. I\ Davis Co. . 1503 Farnam sU 031 2" ' AHAHGAIN TOR SALE-Corncr lot. M fee front , two small houses , $1,501. K > 00 cash balance monthly. Smcatou & Allen Co.W rarnam st. M1043 $23 SEOUIIES a lot In Omaha with sidewalk ' to motor. See SmcatonAllen Co. , KKI' 1'arnam st , M1043 SOUTH OMAHA lot , JJOO below cost , prici 4X ) . For n bargain In the Magic City cul ou Smcaton A : Allen Co. , 1007 rarnam bt.Omalia Mini : i FOIl SALIC On Dodiro SU opposite high school cronnds ; building lot lu\140 ; will bo sold at a bargain. Ames , 1507 Farnam. M057-23 IHAVEacouploofvery choice cast front lom InVo.st Cutunilngs add. to sell for tha owner at a very reasonable price , for a short time. Elegant building site. Would sell one or both. A. K. Itlley , room 43 , Darker block. M ! * 2.1 TMI'ICOVED 101 acres' of lown lann. well JLrented. 1'rlco4gXH-Y Jlortsagnd 8,000 , run ning .1 years. WanMl.trado i-qulty for de sirable residence in Omaha or Council IIIulNj stock of general morCnandl.se or gooil fruit or truck farm near Omii-h.i or Council Illutrs. This is a first cluss/Wjii. A. K. Itlley. room 40. llarkcr block. " MUC9 25 80 acres of land for F $ ) . ' mortgaged for $175 , long lime. 7 per ccnti. Want \n tnido thu equity. fiJj , for goodMmahn property and nut In a little cash If necuss.iry. A. K. Itlluy , room 45 , Darker block-.3 r M 900i > C1JIO an acre for one qfjtho finest pieces of land Pin Sarpy county.about : 12 miles from Omaha. Adjacent fiirii < s held at f-oO an ncre. -oniethlna tiiio. Wan * to sell rlxht awny. Good tunns. Undorf oed cultivation. 147 acres " mile from raimuy town. A , 1C. Illlev. room 40 , llarkor block1 M W9 23 CHEAPEST lot in the city , south front on Ohio street , llttlo weit of 2xth avenue , only tl.OM.00. W , H. dates , 503 N. Y. Llfo bldg. Mins 20 TGXR SALE 2.0 Iwautlful residence lots In ' J- Lincoln Heights , now uddltloii to Omaha ; for sale on nine years' crrdlt at 7 nor cent In terest , only one-tenth of principal to bo paid down. Cull immediately on J. A. l.ovKren. bpcclal agent , room 'JOO llrown bulltllnir , cor. IMli and Douglas sts. > 0)4-ai A KINEbnsinuss property In go < xl Hvoclty , tl- county scat nnd U. II. division ; 2-story brick bullulng ; uays 2d DOT cent on Invu.tment. Otxxl n-asons for elllng ; will soil at a bar gain. Addrutu MOO lleo. 802 20 T7HJR riA LE At a bargain. I-roomed modern X ! dwelling on Wlrt st , 1'rleit'.OOO. . M. F. Roys , R. 7,1'hambcr of Commerce. Oil 25 BALK To worUlngmen only ( sporu- laton need not apply ) on time or monthly payments n neut cottuKo t lots than actual value. Inslao property , only OUB block to electric lino. Inquire at room 202 , Ouimha NallouiU Lutik Uulldluj MCUC j FOU HATiR-ItKAfi KSTATK. Fur ratal , tie. , teetoprtfflnt column nn thlt O'KWcottnjre and full corner lot close to JL.1 motor , II-00 ; MW cash , (2U per month ) a Ice' homo. Itutchlnson A : Woad.lKM Dougliis. 010 25 T L. Rico , real estate. WJ Life building. J. 2.vU7 * T7KR SALE A flue. Improved firm of 200 J ncre-s ; 100 under cultivation : Miada trees : fruit , windmill , wagon scutes , etc. : 10) miles west of Omaha ; SJOpor tioro. Address U 4Mloe TOT FOIt South Omaha property , mismess. track- ago or residence , BO to the lending real cs- ate dealers In South Omaha , Ed Johnston & Co. . cor. 21th and N sts. MTia FIYK-rooni houses In Orchard Hill. 11.503 each on monthly payments. Thomas ! ' . Mull , ail 1'axton blk. 742 "IJIOH SALE , cheapeasy payments : l'i-story -V now ( i-rooin house , with fiath , cellar , etc. : "till lot. N. HhelUni. 1014 raruarn. OO .1. OIIISON , solo agent Kountto 1'laco. room a , CrolRMIon blouk. neO \O you Intend buylni ; or building an clo- L/tinut homo ? If 10. Ilia run dim : of this ndd nays.ivorou from 41,00) to il.OJO. The ad- tL-rtlier offers an ckv.-uit 12-room house on the Uiiost rosldoneo street , paved , In the clt.r , 1 mllu from 1 * . O. . lot 01x140. ' block fiom motor - tor line , IKHISO lint ovvry modern cou fnloncr : lirlco very low mid would take u coed resi dence lot as part payment. Address LyT.IJeo CLAIRVOYANl Forratetttetutopof fiml column anthti COME ono and all and learn your future. As I have been In Omaha nine mouths I wlllsurt west the 1st. Mrs. bto\cr , 4U > N IGth street. MTOI Si \\7ANTnD-A111nkmiw Mrs. Dr. DC Pan. > > tells truthfully nil about absent friends lost and stolen property , flio Is the best over heic. All business eonlldeiitlal.end 2 cent stamp for Illustrated circular. 322 N. ICin su. Omaha. * N > 4-2s MHS. WALLACE , clairvoyant ; naturally elf ted : tells past and future , Io\e troiib- ICH. absent friends changes , travel , bu lnc s. 1308 rarnam stiui-U Wl M2J * MItS. TOUT , palmist fortune teller , tells past and future fiom lines of the hand In old gyp y way ; ladles only ; fee 41.03. Wl1 ? N. 21th ; M7,02i' MltS. Nitnnlo V. Warren.clatrvoyaiit , franco sDcakln : , writing and rellaulo Dtisli medium , four years In Omaha , 110 i > * . Kith. M ASSAGU-MadamDoUlcr , over CIO S. Kith. 200-J6 MASSAGE , BATHS Forrntt * , tte. , tee topnf first column nn lMt3yr , MASSAGE treatment. Electrlu baths by la < ly of cxiiorlonco from the ua t. Hours from 1 to 6 p.m. 18)7 ) Farnam struct. TO72" M PASSAGE cabinet bathi , tafie worms cured In 21 hours. Mdmo tiuerette , 10i3 Dodgo. M70TJIC * M ASSAGE JIadam Dolzler , ever 010 S. 1'lth 200-JG * DRESSMAKING. or rolcfl , etc. , rtetop offirit column on this HIGH class dressmaking. Evening , dinner and woddlng.trousoau a specialty. Fit and style warran od perfect. It. O. Maxwell , llamgo block , room 4J2. 4aM 10 * ENGAGEMENTS lo do dressmaking In fam ilies solicited. Miss Sturdy , 2G10 Harnev street. M2.MJU * HAIR GOOUsjWl&o , cTC. c. , scftopof firtt column mi ( hit jtngt. BEST line hair goods In west ; hair arosslnir , wigs , switches , bangs , hair chains , etc. . a specialty. Davlcs , hair goods and milliner , opposite postolllce. 111 S. 15th sU.Omaha. 73J PATENT SOLICITORS. Forrataetc. , tee topof first coumn on IMt I MTENT laAryers aiiTsoIlultors , G.W.Suos A : Co. , Dee building. Omaha. Itr.inch olllcu at Washington. D. C. Consultation free. 751 MUSIC ART AND LANGUAGE. , etc. , tcctiip offlrtt column onlhti \ > i\t \ G -EO. K. Gellcnbcck. teacher of the banjo , with Hospo. 1513 Douglas. 24'J ' B EPO1EE buying a piano examine the now scale. Klmball piano. A.Hoape,151J Douglas. . RRILWKYT1MEGRRD Leaves ICHICAUU. HUllT.INtilO.S A Q.l Arrives Oirmlia. I Ucpot 10th nml .M ou Htn , I Oinnli * . 4.RI : p ru .Chicago Vestibule . 800 n ra 9.fl a in . .ChlniKO Kxprest 1(10 ( J n in 8.30 p in . nito Kiprt'si p ill tl.'X ) p ru ChlciiKO A Icma Loral . 815 nm U'ares tllUUMNliTUN A MO. ItlVKH.i Arrives Omnliii. I l > eiot 10th and Mii'onSti , 'Omnlia. ' lU.li n in Ucnrcr lnr 10 M a m 4JU p m 10.15 B m Ik'nvcr Klprcss aso P 7.10 P in Denver Nlglit Express i' . > J n m uW | > m Lincoln J.imlud 11. % ) n m S. ! ! ) n m . .l.lnouln lineal. , HWJ p ru leaves I K. U. , sr. J. A C. II. I Arrives Omaha. I Depot Hull and Mm on Sts. I Oniahn. fl.SO a m'.Knnrnt City Day Kxpri'is. . , . ] 5.M p m 9. 5 p mK. | ( XXIght Kxp. via U. 1' . Trans.I B.45 a Ix-ayes I UNION PACIFIC. I Arrives Omaha. I Depot lUth unit Mnrcy gts , | Oniahn. 10.10 ft ra .Kansas Cltj-Kxnrcn ( ox Sun. ) . 4..1S p m 10.30 A m Ik-nvor Kxpress 4i p ra 2.U ) ) i in Overland Hyor mo p ra 4.30 p ra . .Grand IslnnJ r.xp. ( ex. Bun ) . . II.W a ra " p in 1'nclHc Kxpress. . 3M p m "leaves | CI11CAO , MIL. & t > T. I'AUUI Arrlv Oinalm IU. 1' . depot. mil M rar SU. I Oinoli C.CO p ml dilcnKO Kxpress I V.'M am 8.15 mill Chicago Kxpre a ' t'.IU p in heaves I U1IICAUU. It. I. * PACIFIC. I Arrival Omalia. lU. P. depot. IDtli nnil Marcy Sty I Oninlrn. C.W p m , Nlunt Kxprosi I V.U ) n m St.l.'i a ml Atlantic Kxpron ti..ru p ni 4 0 ml Vestibule p Limited llO-W 11 in Leaves I SIOUX CITY A PACIFIC. I Arrives Omaha. I lX-Kt | 10th and Marc-y Sit. I Omaha. T.lfi n ml . . . .Moux Cltr rnsivncur 110.to m 6-TS p nil ( jt. 1'aul Knprota 'lU.5.'i ' a ra leaves I MOU.Y. C'lTVA PACIFIC. I Arrives Omaha. I Depot 151li nndVcbflor gin. | Omahn. C.OJ ml St. l'aul ' li Limited I V.Z'i a ru l " > ves | UIIICAoA.NUTHU WTKllN. | Arrives tOmnlia. | U. P. depot. IQlh ami .Mnrcy ht .l Omaha. V.IJ a ml . .Chlc.TKOKxpress 8 Pi H in 4.3) p m Vostlbulo Limited , ' .I/O n m H.M p in Eastern Flyer ? SI p m 6.VO p nilLocnl Knut Kx. ( except Monday ) K'.O p m J-cnvoj I , OMAHA \ sT. UJIJIS I Arrives Omalm. | U. P. depot. IQlh and Marcy Sl . | Omaba. 4.0U nil i..St. IxinlsC'nnniin ' ' p llall. . . . | H.'l.'i p m Iave I K. , K..tMO. VAI.LUY. I Arrive Onnilin. I TV > nnt I.Mli rtndVnh tnp I4t I nm.1. < i liUJ n mf Ulack Hills Kjpress I .VJU p m VtO n ra . . ( Kx. SatlWyo. Kxp ( Kx. Mont. 5.aj p m i.lU p inWulioo \ I.lnculn Pan. | Kx. bun ) ll.a'i a m 510 m'.Ynrk A Norfolk IK . ' p > Suniii'l.rill..Vi m Inves I C. . ST. P. . M. AO. I Arrives Omalia. I Depot lilh nd Webster Sts. I Omaha. 8.10 n in . . Sioux City Arcoinmoditloii. . IU p ra 1.00 p ra bloux City KxproM ( Kx , Sunday ) 11 tu p ra 1.15 p ra bt. Paul IJrniKvl ' . ' K a in 5.15 p ro llancroft l'a enifi-r ( Kx Sunday ) 3.li a in leaves I , MISSOURI I'ALIKIC. I Arrives Omaha. I Depot 15th and Webster jits. I Omahft 10iO ! m' . . .tl. 1-oiilsA K. C. tTao n m" ! US p m' ' . .st. Jxiuls.V K. U Lean's K. U. , 8T. JOB 1 C. II. i Arrives Tranifer Union Depot. Council lllnlTs. iTrnnster 10.07 ra.Knn | n City Dnr Kxprris S M p m 1U.&S p ml.-.Knnsn < City Mulit Kipreiv. C.-M a ra Ix-avcs | CHICAGO , u.T A"PA'CIFIC. . Tranfor I Union Depot , Council Uliiffn , Trnnnfi-r C.Jfl p IU . . .Nljilit KxprtMis I uvuam U.55 a ra . .Atlantic Kxpress I & . % 5 p ru 5.1X1 p ra Vestibule Limited 10A ) a in lx > avos ICHlCAIJOA.NOItTHWKSTKIlN.j Arrlvoi Tmniferl Union IK'lml , Council 1)1 u Us , ( Transfer 9.40 m . . a .Clilcniro Kxpress I KM p to Mil p ra . Vcitlbulo Limited ' ! : n la IO.OJ p m . . . , K stcrn Flyer I ! M o m KUO p ra .Atlantic .Mall . . . . . . . T.'U n m U.TU p 111 limn ArrominoilBtlnn ( Sat , onlyll li.40 p m l ares OMAHA AST UU'IS I Arrives Transfcs _ Tnlun Itopoljjtouncll lllarls. | Trui ft'r 4.40 p ml . St. Luuls Canon Uall..7 | li.l5 p in I * T S ICIIK'AOO , UUIII/N A OtJINCV , . . . . Transfi-r' L'nlon Depot , Council llluiTs. iTrnnsfor ii.io u in . . . .ChlrakM l.'tpruss 10UJ p ml Chlrniru KtprcM i V.VI n m 7.05 p ml Crouton 1-ocal 111.a ) a m Uwtet i BlOLXCITV A PACIFIC. I Arrives Translerr I'nlori IVsot. Cmiiicll lljults , Trumfiir IJJ'i a in loux ( . ' ' > 'llr Amimmodatlon I iUO a ra C.U'i p ra , . ht Paul Kiprt-4 . , , . , . ' 1U.UJ p m FRENCH SPECIFIC , A POSITIVE : andptrminfnt CURE tor all distantoTtiio URINARY ORGANS , Cures Hher other treatment jails. Fulldiitctioni with each bottle. Price , oni dollar. See signature ot E. U STAHL. For Bale By All Druggist * . < ioiiorrlioeti , ( Jleet anu l cure < l In 2 days by the Trench Remedy titled the KING , Itdl solve against nnd U ubsorbvd Into tuu luftamud purtn. Will refund money If It do i riot euro or causes uneturo Lienllemcn. hero U a reliable article. Hit liackugo or " for f.'i per mull prepaid. Met - t ormlok A : Lund , Omaha ; f , A. Melehnr , Howard Mpyers and E. J Srrknra. boulh Oniiihu ; A , 0. Foiter and U. V. tills Counull niutrs. A GREAT LOSS. The Enormous Amount of Life Which Urn Gene Out of the Amerhan People Can It Erer bs Usoavared ? lluvo you not'cod tint there arts moro iroliMi-Onwn men and weak women on our streets today than over before * llato you tot noticed thnt eprtnin of vour friends whom rou hnvo always known to be strong and ii"ilthy , are. for mime reason , wp.iV nnd low spirited ? Is It not possible that you yoursplf fpt-l a trifle less vlKoruus.tlion In the pest ? l tu fact that tlwAmrrlcaniiPOpIoarocrowIng weakeror Is It dup to some local cause ? There- can bo little doubt that it Is owing almost on- tlu > ly tothp fearful after offeets of the Grip. This terrlblp and mystprlous complaint startIng - Ing unaccountably and running severely , In- vnrlablv loaves the person In a weak , nurxous nnd run down condition , from which It iciiulro much tlmu to lecover. When pi-oplo are In such a state when nature Is weak and broken what uould common spnsti dlctatn should lie done ? 1'rpclso.ly what physicians say should liodonc. viz : nt lst nuluro.stimulate her lag ging faculties' , build her up. How ? lly using a pure medicinal stimulant , and for this purixiso there is nothing equal to pure whNkey. Doc tors , scientific men and the leading thinkers of the land have declared this mid hnvo tin- hesitatingly acreed that there Is no whiskey so pure and efllelont as Duffy's I'ura Malt , It stimulates healthily and bullas up wasted tls- sups , it renews the nervous organlrathm and assists to health. It Is popular because It Is so ptllclcnt. Great care should be tnkpii however - ever to secure only the genuine. Distrust any dealer who for any reason seeks to Induce you to buy . oinpthlng "Just as good. " llv thejudl- clous use of this pure stimulant nnd the after olTPCts of the Orlp may bo removed and health and strength put In place of weakness and debility. A Written Guarantee to CURE EVERY CASE or „ . . „ MONEY REFUNDED. Oir < rnU twrtnam-nt nn'lI10 ' * R | > ftlrhlnff up. Cnws inntpil n > o yi.in niro ln e nf fr tern i > jrnipumi Hmv. PyiloiilUlnKinM-fallr o run treat jou tiy mail ontt wo Ki P tl o i-11111 ® frtrong truarftntce to cai-o i r it r ml nil money. Tlioo who prefer to co-n hero forti-oaltrnntMndoiio nnd e lll pay rallrond faro I , Hi Y.-IJ s nnd hotrl bills wlnlo hero If we fall to euro. Wothnllenco tlio orJfor ] a cafe that our MADID I : . U' or Mill nolniro.Vrilo for full partlctilars mid Kvlthotvliltncc. > Vo know that j-ou nro tkrptlcal , Jujtlto , loo. us thn mo t cmlntnt pliyiWans ima nc rr Uenalilo to ulro moro thoa lnnpor rr rrlkf la our Uvo lean' praclkw with the MAniC ltUILl > \ H has l- n mott ilimrult to oTriwmr the prt-Jodl BRaln-l nil BOHiillrU spceldcs. nut umlcr our trons su.imnKo yon J ould not Imitate to try tlil rrmody. Vou t. 1.0 no ehaiiro of loslutcjour mOMf. We gv&r- nnlm to euro or irfund every ilollnr. and ns we. naro a r < * i < uUUon to protect , also financial liacVlnsorCO , - CW , ltl 1 > erroctlsafpto nil vlio vlll llT thetnat' ment. lleretofore'youlia el enputtlneiipanilp yln out } our money forillirerent ticjilmcntsnnd nllhoiisli youarunotjctcurednooi.ehai paM b ekonr mon ey. Po not wafte any more money until ) on tryu . Old ehronlr , deep e to > l cawi cun-d In JO to 50 dny . Jn- inllnMo our llnanclal f tanillns , our repul.-ulon n < ImMneomen. Vrllous tor naims and addrttses of thote we havocunxl who hare clren pcnnlwlonto re- fvrtothtin. It eo touonly jwilnso to dothl ilt will * ao 3 oil a w orl < l of iiufferlni ? from nientil Btmln. and If j ou onmirrled what may your offfpiliiR mlfer throuirh > our own neRlleenee. If } our tymptoiiu are tore tin ! t , mueous patehen In mouth , rheumatism In l > one nnd joints , hair falllni ; out , eruptions on any fartof tliebody.feellnffof peneral deprmtlon , imlni in held or lionf , } ou Imiouo tlmo to waite. The e ho nn > constantly InVlnB mercury nnd potnth should dl contlnuolU Con l ntiu-oof thcwdrutr wlllfurely trlnsaoivtnndcillneulierjln iliecnri. Don'tfallto wrlle. AlleonTHienJi'nce sint tealed In plalncnril oi * . AVe Invlto the mo't rlk-ld invertleatlon and will do nil In our po fr to nld yon In IU Address , COOK. lli:31iiY CO. , llmalia , AVtrafc . Ollieo JSth and Kurnam. feeond floor , entranee i BAD BLOOD I Pimples on tha Face I Bre&klng Ont | BklnTrontlesj Llttlo Sorts J HotSklaj Boll | BloUhe | Cold Bore > | Bad Breath | Bore Month or Lips | It ion miOtr from o T of ENGLISH BLOOD ELIXIR ! WH Y ? lUvo yon rtr n ed mircnrTl ItM.daTou | r've ' your tt tlio needed attention at the time ! . ; \Ve nrcd not ! ! you th&t yon require o blood : Smcdldne , toomure fmjlom fronj th V f.h.I . Ilrcti . . llr . Acl.er'iinEtl . : . . . _ hHlooJKIlltrlsth . . . . , . , , , v * HI _ . To cure Biliousness. Sick Headache. Constipation. Mnltrtn , Liver Complntnts. take the sale &nd certain remedy , SMITH'S UsothoBMALLSIZEf O llltlo bnaaa to the hot- tie ) . Tliey are tbo mutt convenient : cult all tuoa. 1'rlcoof cither flio , 25 csnvi per bottle , RTBejagBjf * at 7. 17. 70 : Photo-irrnvnro , panelstioorUua plotuiu lor 4 cents ( coppers or staaips ) . J. p. surra ACO. Matcra of "Bllo Beans. St. Louis. Me : DOCTOR These Celcbratfd ENflLIHIl ; ' Tills are a rositlt o Curofor Hick ; iAGKEPi'S Ilruduchr. Ilin u iicft , and ! Comtlpatlon. Hniall , plcns. ! I PURE ant anil u f.Torllc with the- a < llc . Sold In England for Is. ; j PINK .UA , In America for a. HGet ; thtm from your Druggists , or ; send to U. II. I'.OOEF.K * < 0 , i PILLS. 4C Mrit Ir ! i ) < ri7 , Krw Tori. AVocn ol' Gum Chewcrs. The girls in the central telephone ex change of Detroit are in a frame of mind over the now rules of the company which prohibit the ehewinar of gum during working hours , interdict llirtutious con versations over the wires , and require them to bay "number" iiibtcad of "hollo. " The day girls , who get 310 per month nro willing to strike , but they nro not organized and fear their chances of sneers would bo very small. The night girls , who got S20 per month , hnvo moro time to themselves , but owing to the nature of their work , cannot talk up the mutter of striking during work ing hours , nnd neither bet will trust the other to organize a union. The girls nro mad , however , and have boon mut tering over the no\v \ rule : > over since they wont into oflect last Friday. Life with out the soul satisfying chewing gum is u bore. Is No Name Tor Ir. Xow. busbnuri , I told you to get blue rib bon , und j-ou brought red , ana jou brought cotlllsh when I t-atJ mutton , unuV\von > t of all , you forgot that bcttlo of Halter's 1'aiu I'aralyzcr , when von know how I suffer from headache and rheumatism , uua its the only thing I ever got that helps uio O , dear ! what a men. Decision in Favor of the Chicago Milwaukee & Hi. Vaul Hy. The now Palace sleeping cars of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul Ry. , with electric lights in every berth , will continue to leave the Union depot , Omaha , at 0:20 : p. m. , daily. Passengers taking this train avoid transfer at Coun cil Blulfrt , and arrive in Chicago at 9:30 : n. m. , in ample time to make all eastern connections. Tlckot aflico , 1501 Farnam street , P. A. NASH , J. E. PllESTON , General Agent. City Passenger Agent Klvcr Tlliiinlniitcd by Fireflies , Ono evening not lonjr ape mllHon upon millions of firollic * issued fro neighboring mountiiin ridgcH anil took down the course of the Chlcknnmugu river , which skirts the city of Ringgold , Tonn. , on its southern border. The pyro- tcchnlo display was grand. Trunks of trees bklrting the river were plainly visible - iblo n quarter of u inilo distant , and the entire mountain sldo was illuminated. The horde of lirolliofi wore fully forty foot hiirh , und it took n quarter of an hour to puss down the atroam. floAVltt's Llttlo Early Hlseri ; best llttlo pills for dyspepsia , sour stomaclvbad breath. Swcnr AVurtlH Kupiiort n Charily. When Kloronco wits nt tbo height of her plory llioro wns nn enormous busl- no8s in woollens , the woollens for whlcn Florence was furaous. And the merchants - chants dealing iu these atufls required a number of porters to handle thorn. Among them wan a peed chap named Lucus Horsl , nnd It grieved him that when the porters used to collect on the pluv./.l dt San Gloviannt they would uo the most dreadful outliB. In nmklng an effort to stop this ho suggested to" hU companions that for every oath uttered \ line should Ixs paid ; the tnonoy iut in n. box and kept until there was enough to buy a litter to bo used to curry homo or to the hospital the poor people who foil 111 on the btroot or wore injured in any ivny. The mon were pleaded with the idea. The n.K.iociatinn grow , and before long the half of oronco wanted to join it. No matter w tit the strife in Flor ence might bo , when the bell rang the call nil discoid WIIA forgotten and GuolpliM nnd ( ilbolincs joined hands in caring for the sick and needy. There ire three governors to this order , and they mint bo a noble , a prelate and u workingmnn , who may or may not know each other's name , as , in the imlor , ouch is simply known an "Hrothor " All signs of rank nro for bidden , and the true democracy , that of oed deed , reigns supremo. Fight with n KiUttc.snnkc. Thomas Jenkins , a hard-forking negro who is fond of hunting , nnd who owns n small farm near O | > olika , Ala. , had a terrible adventure with a largo rattlesnake , which ho Bueeeodod in kill ing only after It had bitten him twice , says the St. Louis Cilobo-Doinomit. .tonkins was nt work removing the debris of an old outbuilding , when the snake sounded its rnttlo almost under his feet , llu sprang back just In time to escape the dart of thu reptile , and btruck at it with the small hand-ax ho carried , but was bo unfortunate as lo tea it entirely , when the mmko with incredible- rapidity celled Itnelf about his leg. Ho endeavored to throw it olT , when it buried its fangs in the fleshy part of the limb. Before it could withdraw them ho seb-eil it back of the head : uul choked it , as ho thought , to death , for its folds relaxed and ho was able to fling it from him ; but , upon reaching the ground , the reptile revived and turned again to the attack. Jen kins again endeavored to kill it by a stroke of liis ax , but only succeeded ' in bororing the extreme tip of the tail , and the next instant the writhing creature had struck him on the tinkle , when ho brought the blndo down upon it. cutting it entirely in two. Calling his wife to tibsiht him Jenkins managed to reach a phybician living near him , and whoso immediate attention to his two wounds probably saved his life. The limb is much swollen and of a livl < " blue , but no danger is an ticipated. The wounds wt > ro in both in- btnnc.es deprived ol tholr full domllinon.s by Jenkins' heavy trousers and block ings , which absorbed much of the poibon and thu ? prevented Its entrance into the body. The biiako was nn old ono nnd of unusual si/e , and carried the extraord inary number of thirty-seven rattles. These reptiles are unusually numerous in this vicinity this vcar , the ono killed by Jenkins being the 100th killed in ono week. Klcctrle Klovutorn. A large number of electric elevators are now running in this country. The original plan In this class of work waste to nut a motor on the elevator oar nnd to let it engage by means of snur gear with a rack extending from bottom lo top of the bhnft. Moro recent and moro correct practice is to place a stationary electric motor either at the bottom of the shaft , or at the top , and to use it in place of the ordinary steam or hydraulic plant. Yet another practice is to hnvo the electric motor pump up the water for the hydraulic elevator. A recent reversion to the earlier methods , but with a decided nov elty in the application , is to place the motor under the elevator car. and to connect it with n series of gear \vhcols which grip the guy ropes very btrongly and thus cause the car to traVel up or down in a 6ort of "hand over fist" style. To put It another way , the cuy " ropes are bimply flexible rails"on which traction in secured by an increase of friction that does not greatly check bpced. The gear locks automatically wlintmvm * 11m mnt/M * ct/tt\r < n * /l lm * > rn the puy rones become factors of fliifoty as they wind in and out of tbo goniu Should a stoppage occur the attendant in the olovtitor merely attaches a crank to the gear and winds the car up or down until a point is ranched whuro the passengers can alisrht in comfort. How to Keel Your Plnco BX coins on the tnblo and arrange - range thorn in the form of a Roman cross that is , four pennies in n perpen dicular row for the upright nnd ono on each side of the second coin for the cross piece. You will then hnvo two rows , the uj ) nnd down row with four coins in it and the horizontal row with three in it. Ask your friends to place them in two rows with four in a row hy only changing the position of ono coin. They will try , but they won't succeed. Then crush thorn by placing the lower coin of the perpendicular row on the center coin. Of court.o you did not stipulate that the coins wore not lobe placed on top of one another , und you have done the trick fairly. But it always leads to a dispute. An Klcetrlo Cane. A novel application of the chloride of silver battery has been made in the man ufacture of the electric light cane. Four cells nro placed end to end in a small tube of cardboard and inserted in n hol low cane. The silver wire nt ono end is connected to ono end of the carbon filu- mont of a small incandescent lamp snugly placed in the head of the cane , and a small brnss strip or spring is ex tended upward from the /.ine bottom , f-o us to mttlco contact pos.iiblo with the other end of the carbon filament. When a light is required , pressure on n biiull push button on the side of the cuno closes the circuit nnd ignites the lamp. The head of the cano ! * solid silver , which makes a good rolloclor for the ight , and a very thick lens ! H fitted into the top. Those canes have byon used with great success for theatrical pur poses , and have a very pleasing effect. I A Vienna doctor has declare .1 that cancer can bo arn. ted by an Injection of ono of thu coal-tar derivatives , methyl violet. Nothing Else rrjuals Aycr's 1'llls for slImiilallnB n torpid itvcr , strcMKthcnlng dlp-silon , and rcgu- latins the action of the bonds. They con tain no calomel , nor any other Injurious uniK. but nro cumiK ed of the active princi ples of the best u-gL'tublo cathartics. " I was sufferer ( or j tars from dyspepsia end liver troubles , and found i o permanent relief until I commenced taking Ayer'H Tills. They have effected a compielo cure. " Ueorce Mooney , Walla WallaV. . T. "WhcnoviT 1 am troubled | th consllpa- tlon , or suffer from loss of apatite , Ajer's 1'ills .set me right nfahi. " A. J. Klser , Jr. . itock House , Va. "Kor the euro of hcadacho , Aycr's Ca- thartlo Mils are the innst effective medicine I oer used. " R. K. .Taints , Dorchester. Mass. "Two boxes of Ayers I'llli cured nio tit severe headache , from which I waJlongasnt. fcrer. " Kimna Kcyes , Hubbardslou.Coiuj. Ayer's Pills , ' nr t. J. 0. AVER & CO. , Lowell , MM * . Sold l/y / all Dealers lii Meillcluta.