Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1891, Part One, Page 2, Image 2

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    o \TATT A TVATT.'V 0,1 crrvriii3 < T.xr
Omaha's Husky Ball Flayers Kcock a Gatno
Oat of tbo Mountalneora.
Gives Knimnn City a Decent
Hloiix City anil Mil
waukee the Other West
ern \VInnerH
Omabn , 10 ; Douvor , 1.
Lincoln , I ; Kaunas City , 2.
Milwaukee , 0 ; Minneapolis , 2.
Sioux City , 8 ; St. Paul , 1.
Notwithstanding the discouraging fact that
It wns col-1 enough to freeze Ice cream In n
hothousn yesterday afternoon and tlio clouds
Wora lowering aim black and full of It mo
julco and tbo Omaha team was sup
posed to bo lamentably weak on account
of the enforced nbsonco of Shannon
andMcCauloy , fifteen hundred or two thou
sand Indomltabla fans wrapped themselves
up In tholr gloomy forebodings nnd moped
out to McCormlck pirk to sco the flrit gnmo
of the season with the sturdy Denver crow.
They were also glad that the Lambs had
returned , you know , but were sad bccauso
they thought that In their crippled condition
they would have to glvo up a ball to Whlto
But there Is always some bitter with the
( iwcot , Isn't thoic ?
By consulting the score the clnngod post-
Ions In the toim will bo seen , nnd ns long as
vo won tbo ( 'nmo nnd no ono wns guilty of
in. error , common t or criticism would bo su
Despite this shifting around the boys played
iilco a nicely lubricated plcco of machinery ,
nnd for the uonco the absent were never
missed. Kvcrv man throw nil his ncrvo and
bono and sinew Into thu struggle , and such
tiluggiriK and such fielding nro seldom scon
Inside of any lot.
It , was simply picturesque ! And then the
umpiring of King Gnffnoy , who t.iado his first
bow to un Omaha audience , was a thing of
beautv and a Joy forever.
Well befitting Is his title of a monarch , and
when ho sttodo upon the Held clad in his
nobby ' blue cap , blouse nnd trousers , ho was
'fiven n hearty band. All the fans hud heard
if King ( . aIT's fame and they wanted htm to
inow It.
At first they thought ho was vorv funny.
nnu as uiu gnmu [ irucccuou a gnou uo'n 01
laughter was mixed with their cheers. His
voice , you know , sounds something llko the
dying cadences of a b.i oo as it echoes and ro-
vorborales fiom crag to crag within the
gloomy depths of some mountain fastness , and
whenever ho opened his smooth-shaven
Itlsscr nnd cried "Inl's ' , two oo-oo-ol" the
bleachers were besldo thomselvos.
But go back to the brilliant features of the
"Old Cy" had just cut n now sapling , and
I do bellovo ho could have stood there n
month nnd knocked out singles and other
vegetables ns long as Colonel McNabb and
Colonel Kouuedy felt like banding them to
I ) him.
Out of four times nt the bat ho got four of
them nnd thn other time ho was up , Kennedy
liked him so well ho gave him his base.
Commodoio Twltcholl and Dad CInrno
were also In the thickest , of tlio unpleasant
ness , nnd they Just ate everything , Including
dandelions , pigweed and clover , thoto wus In
their respective fields. Larry ginbbed llvo
llles nnd Dad three , nnd neither could have
made an error had ho tried.
Deacon Griflln occupied Manager Danny's '
fchoos , nnd despite the fact that ho thougnt
ho wns out in middle a couple of times , ho
chopped his way through without a blunder.
And Ignatius Donnelly I there's a boy
with hair on bis chest for you ;
oiii , U.o-nrtjsscont heaiHud- Walsh , there's
nnothcr of tbo same sort. They Just
fairly snatched things bnldbeaded' ' Ib was
lioxt to n pnyslcal impossibility to hit safe
past these two.
That old revolutionary hero , Billy Traffloy ,
was behind the blato , nnd talk about your
Mlko Kelloys nnd your Buck EIngs I Neither
could have touched old Trail 3 ostculay with
n ton-foot polo.
It wns a sight to see htm catch the foxy
McClollan napping at second with the bases
full , and flro him out by two feet or moro.
I toll you that was playing ball.
Eltoljorg began the gyrating not for the
Lambs , but after they had smashed In seven
' great opulent runs , nnd the Delivers were
'Forninblfng nothing but eggs , ho lottrcd nt
the expiration of the third in favor of your
t Uncle Norman ,
And the Baptist tenor continued to make
monkeys out of them on to the close of the
But lot's play the game all over again :
Donnelly , the lad with the lynx eye , waited
patiently and got his base on balls only to bo
caught napping nt second , however. Thou
Jack Halligan stopped up , catching ono of
Mr. MoNnbb's choicest slants right over tbo
licart nnd sent It out in the vicinity of Jeff
Bedford's sign for a couple of SUCKS.
If Jocko had only worn bis snowshoes ho
could easily have made the circuit. Ho's no
AIUUU uuni ; , iiu jur 3(111111 ( , worn mini/ nave n
dry day nnd level truck.
"Old Cy" followed , nnd the first ball
pitched ho swiped sldowlso with thai now
rmpling of his , and of course It wns a hit ,
nnd of course Jocko reached homo.
The Commodore wns given his base on
four wide ones , and on Do.icon Urlllln's safe
drive Sut scored and Larrv ambled down to
\ third.
It looked ns If the Limbs Intended to
mother tbo Toboaus1 right horo. but Sandy
got n trlllo venturesome , and In Irving to
run down to second through the agglutina
tive soil was easily throws , out by School
Toucher Reynolds.
Wnlsh loosened the filling In his tooth In
ondoavoilni ; to got the ball IntoKounUo's ad
dition , nnd the Lambs bad to rest content
with two runs.
But my 1 had ho only known it , that was all
wo noeded.
It was quick work In the visitor. } ' half.
Eitoljorg tossed McClollnn out at first.
Worriok fouled to the Commodoie and To-
beau to Old Oy.
Dad opened up the next inning with n rat-
tUng smash for two cushions , nnd then , after
'Trait had wafted , came In on Kiteljoig's. ' hit.
Donnelly cuived out a high one to McCH-
Ian and Jocko was sldolruckcd nt llrst.
But the visitors didn't tarry loin ; Curtis
wns sent to llrst on balls , Wllllo V.'hito boat
tbo harmless /ophyrs blnok utid blue , nnd
Chippy McCHvr forced Cuit nt second. Thnn
the Chippy sot a llltlo too gay , and Ola
Trait catching htm oit his base , GrlfUn ,
Donnnlly ami ' Old Cy" tun him down.
My 1 how till the country folk diet laugh
nnrt elnp their hands and guy the llttlu bird
ut this.
Hut Chippy has boon a vorv sick ball
jilayor for month or moro , which accounts
for his canary work nil through the game.
I/ The third was n great inning. Sut led off
with hit second safe hit nnd the Co mmodoro
went him ono Iwttor and Old Cv scored.
Here Mr McNabb throw up the sponge and
Mr. Kennedy , the man with the Oarie.cticlta
kick , took his plnco.
But It wasn't ' a change for the bettor , for
Rftor Sandy hid fungoed to Worries , Walsh
pushed out n safe ono and tbn Conimodoro
Joped homo. Clarice reached llrst by gruceof
an oiror at second , ami Traflloy foil upon the
bfllS nock for UO loot , mm DtU and Joe
floated In.
That xvus nil. for Elteljoi-g struck out.
U was nt this crisis lenvr jfol her ono
poor little stoop shoulder hectic riuil
Georgia Toboau , the man who U always
chewing gum , when ho isti't el-cwlng the
rag , gat It ,
Not man gave him his huso and ho scored
on Curtis' two-sacUor. After .hat , until the
last man went out , the game was just Ilka
eating btrawborrics nt three boies for a
Denver never agnln got as for as second ,
and poor Van Horn sat , on the bench anil
pulloa Uis tooth and gnashed his hair in si
lent but Impotent rngo.
But tbo Lambs were not. nearly through
tholr courtesies , nnd they kept hammering
the ball Juat ns If they were biought up on It ,
nnd In the seventh tboy stuns licit In a couple
moro nins , and another ono , and the last In
the ninth.
Now. wnjti't that a purty good game , after
To Jur the two loams will moot ngnln , and
If you fellows who weren't on hand yester
day want to sco some fun , just go out aud
see Cnptntn Donnelly Immlla the boys in Man
ager Danny's stood.
And say , Uaffnoy himself Is worth the
prlco of admission.
The score :
Alt , II. 111. Btl. 811. fO , A , H.
IJonnolly , 31)
Hnlllirnti , Tt ) ft 2 1 0 0 10 1 0
Twltclinll. If ft 1 3 0 U 5 0 0
Drilling ! )
Walsh , is II
( Jlnrko , m & 3 ! i 0 0 3 0 0
Trallloy , o : i
r.ituijorK , p 2 o i o o ii a o
linker , p . . M
TotnU 41 10 16 J 0 27 13 0
AII. n. In. nil. 8ii. i'o , A. E.
McClollan. If. .i II 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Worrlck , 2b 2
Tobenil , HI.
ourtis , rf : i o 2 o o i o o
White , M
McUnrr , : tb
U'llrll'll. Ib 4
Reynolds , o
Mo.Nnbb , p
Kennedy , p 3 0 1 .0 0 1 0 0
Totals . . „ M 1 "o "T T 27T 4
Omnlm 3 1400020 1-10
Denver 0 0 0 J 0 0 0 0 01
Huns earned : Onmlin , 7. llnionn balls : Off
r.ltuljorK , 2 ; olT llttkor , : i ! olT McNabb , 2 : otr
Kcnncdy.a. Hit by ultchor : Hy Ki'iitiedy , 1.
Htmck out : Ily filtcljorn , 1 ; by It.iKor , 1 ; by
McNiibb , 2s by Kennedy. 0 Two-bawo lilts :
HalllKiiM , Twltcholl. Trallloy , linker. Time o
RIUIIO : ' 1 wo hours and ton minutes , llmplro :
Kins OnfTiioy. w
Lincoln CelHu'iites Her Hcturii Home
at Kansas ( 'llj'rt lApensc.
LINCOLNNob. . , Mny 2. ! [ Special Telegram
to Tin ; Bni > . ] When tbo members of the in-
vinclblo Lincoln club appeared on the
diamond this afternoon thov were accorded a
perfect , ovation , nnd thov responded by doing
lit ) the Kansas City nine to the tune of I to 2.
The only runs mndo by the Kansas City club
were duo to errors. The Lincoln team cot In
Its walkthrough sluggingniul good all lound
The 'armors made their flrst run In the
first Inning' . Cline was the first at bat , umt
thiough an error of Manning ntsecond got to
first. On iv saciitlcu hit by Havmond tie
made second. Jack Uowo's hurd hit took
Cline to third , but Jack himself went out.
Burkott's hit to second brought Cline In.
IJiivo Howe \vivs thiid man out.
In tlio fourth Inning for the Farmers Torn-
noy got to lir.ston tlio inauility of Swnrt/el to
got tno ball exactly over the pluto. Stnfforil
mndo n splendid thioo-bagger mid brought
Tomnoy in. The spectators arose cnmnsso
at this Juncture audyollcd huskily for almost
fho minutes. Bcfoio the crowd had got
through shouting Onoy Patlon struck safe to
left and brought Stafford in. Wilson wns
third man out. Tlio score then stood throu to
The next innliifircsuHod in a geese egg for
each duo
In the tlrat half of the sixth Burkott struck
to Pickctt , nnd the ball wus delivered to
Sto.iuib on first , nnd muffed , letting Burkett
bnvu tlio Ili-st base- . Dave Howe bunted , nnu
got llrst giving Hurkett second. An inior of
Manning on setond iriuo Burkctt third.
Tomnoy went out , but. brought Huikettin.
This was the hist run made by the Lincoln
In the last half of the sKtli the Kansas
City club saw nothing but noose. eggs on Its
side of the score. In thu seventh Inning ,
however , It broke the spoil \\ltli nnu run.
Ounson struck n sky semper to Putton.
which was captured on a harit run. Swiutzei
struck n weak grounder to Stafford , and
ht.d hnully got started to tlrat bo-
fora ho wont out. Manning stiuck
to Hnyrnond , nnd that gentleman
muffed the lull , letting Manning land on
llrst. Hoover than selected Raymond as a
good nmrk also , and reckoned well , as that
Rontlciimn made u torrilh'nlly wild throw to
llrst. If Dave Howe had boon ton feet high
bu could not hnvo stopped the ball , and bv
the tune the sphere was found Manning hud
crossed tlio homo plate
In the next Inning Smith made a two-bag
ger and was brought in by Plekott. Score :
I.lnroln t 4
Kunsia City 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 U J
KanioJ run : Lincoln , 1 Two-lnso lilt : Carpen
ter , 'llirco-bmnlilt : HtnlTurd Mtiltm Imtoi : llnjr-
ineni ) , I ) , llowo. I'ltkctt. Imulilo plnrn : I'lckctt to
Htournn I Ir'ttm \ + a on tialli Mvnrt/ul. 2 lilt by
nltthcil bill , M.itlnnl , 1 Struck nut. StulTonl , 2 :
Swurtzul.1 I'iKBiHlbiilNi WIlMjn ( Knnsiu Oily ) , 1.
'llinc1 Collins One hour nnil fortjr-llvo minutes. Umpire'
Down Go tlio Mi lors. *
Mii.w.vtiKni' , WIs , May 23. Milwaukee
won today's game In the eighth Inning by
making three successive hits , which were
coupled with disastrous oirors by Shugart
nnd Mitchell. Outside of this inning
Mitchell bitched a wonderfully strong gamo.
In the llfth inning Minneapolis had three
mon on bases and ono man out , but tbo side
wus retired on n line double play by Burke
nnd Pettlt. Score :
Mllnaiikeo . 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 I I !
MhmcnimlU . I 1 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 J
Knritctl runs : Milwaukee , . ! Mlnnoinolls , 1 TITO
Im.M'lilH : Dnnunn , AllwrtH .Mltrhnll Homo run :
.Miyimlil. stolen bnvi. I ) ilryniplo. MniKiirt , 2 ,
Treiulivay , Dnrllnit. Doubln | ilny < llurku to I'otllt.
rirst b io on bnlli : ll > Divloi , I ; by Jlltcliull , H.
lilt by pltcliod ball hlioch StiiRk uiit. Uy
Dnvlci , 4 : bj lllteboll 2 I'-n-o I l > : ill v l ) > rllni2.
'lime. Tnoliours tlniplrciblrlot tnul Ennllu.
nilly" Hurt Dill It.
ST. Piui. , Minn. , Mny 23. Ilnrt and Bald
win enabled the Sioux to win a gnmo from
tlio Apo-itlcs today. The latter could not tind
Hail's curves , and Baldwin muffed three
foul Illoo , nach ono of the batsmen scoring.
E.irlo's catching was line , and his batting
was the fcaturo of the gamo. Score :
hr.7Ti'fZ j siotix cur. "
n In ro A B ! n In ro A F
O'Hourko , 3 u o ! l 1 U I'oorinan , rf. J I 1 U 1
Siinniiio.rf U. Ib.l 2 II 0 0
llnlitnln , o ( 'stnmii ' , lib . . 1 2 1 A 1
J O'llrlea , Ib 0 1 4 0 OI.NI 'Imlson 2b 1 0420
111) , . 01 1 3 2 Silii'lbouk , as. 0 3 ! l i 2
llnmburi ; If. . . I 0 1 1 OiKnrlc , u . 1 (330
Ciinley , Sb 0040 I ( ionlna , cf . . .1
( iiinili'ii'kh tf 1 0 2 U 0 Vim Djko , If 0 0 3 0 0
M.tUn , p . . .0 U > I II Hart , p . . . .0 0 0 2 0
Tutnl . .4 4 21 3 7 Total . . . 8 11 27 15 5
r.y INMM ; > .
HI I'aul 0 0001001 0 4
Hloaxdty u 2 J 0 1 101 ti
Knrnod mini HluUY City B Tira-bifo hits :
ICiirkfonlni ( l u un bum u St. I'nil I , S. Sluax
I Uy 8 llmliiviun urrurt St. I'uul , 4 , Sluut
Cltr , 3 Mtoluii luiuii biimiiiio , 2 : ( inoilnnoilk-li , ' . ' :
iiunins I'uorinnn , 2. Hr t lutj on tnllni Oil
Mo kln 4 ; off Hurt , Ii. Double pl.ijfri : llnmburi ;
niul Hal I win lilt b iiltrlimt bill : O'llrlon , Ilnrt.
BtrurXout : Ily .Mwikfn d | Hurt. i. I'lutnl bnll * :
UnMwIn , J Knrlu.l Wllil pltolinu Moekln 'lluiu
Two liuuri nnd tun minute * , liuiplra K'nlsht.
Htnntliiii > .
1'layed. Won. Lost. I'ur Ct.
12 dOO
12 , ra
13 JiSI
15 VM )
15 .VO
19 ,
CollH ( Jet n NKo Dose Of
Wliltownwli nt Homo.
CHICAGO , May ' . ' 3. After a day's rest ,
Harry Wright's team sailed in and won IU
lint gnmo from Anson's colts todny , bosldos
giving' tlnm their flrst coal of whitewash on
the homo grounds. Both pitchers were effective -
fectivo nnd woio well supportad but Thorn
ton Ima inncli the bast of it , the Phillies get
ting in n lucky hit Just whoa it wut ucodod.
Score :
Oblcuao . 0 0 0
o o o i o o i i * a
lilts : Chicago , 5 ; Philadelphia , 0. Krrornt
Chicago , I ; I'lilfadolyhla , I. Uatturlbs ; titoln ,
Klttrldani Thornton , Clements , Farnnd
runs : Philadelphia , : ! , Two-lnno bits : Dol-
elninty , Annon. Tbrec-biso lilts : Thompson.
Stolen banes ! Wlunot. Double JilayM ! Htrln ,
I'felTor , Alison , 1'lrst base on balls : Hy
Thornton. : i | by Htoln , n. Htrttck out : Hy
Thornton , 4i by Sloln , a. Time : Ono hour
nnd twenty-live minutes. I'mplrot Lnch ,
CivctvxiTi , O. , May 21. A poor decision
by the umpire and two errors by Kocnan in
the llrst nnd second Innings gave the visitors
the llvo runs that won the game. On the
whole the game was excellently well plnvod
on both ftldos , Hichnnlson , Clark nnd Me-
I'heo doing exceptionally good work.
Although the weather was quits chilly , 1,531
people were present. Score :
Cincinnati 0 00100010-2
Now York 2 . * 7
Hits : Cincinnati. 7 ; Now York , 0. Errors :
Cincinnati. : i ; New York , 2. Kiirned runs : Cln-
clnnatl'i New York. 2. ( latteries : Uuryoa
Riid Keonan. Ewlng nnd Clark. Two-btso
I'll : O'Hourkc. Thrco-hasu bit : Tlorimn.
Kuns batted In : IhJIIday. - ; U'KourUe , ' . ' ;
Connor , ( lli scoek. stolen biscs : tloro , Con
nor. Olimeoek. Double plays : Olnsscock ,
Hleiifirdsoii. I'lrst on bulls : IMiiclnnatl , ' . ' !
Now York , II. Hlruek out : Ity Duryea , III bv
Knlng , 4. Passed balls : Keonan.llil
pltchos : Dtiryen. Tlnio : Ono hour and llfty
iiiliuitoi. Umpire : Hurst ,
Cf.KVKi , Nb , O. , May 23. There were many
features in today's Cleveland-Boston ganle.
Klrst , Clarkson was in very bad form nnd
pitched n miserable game , forcing In ono run
on balls. Secondly , n greased ball found Its
way Into the diamond. When it loft their
hands It went up in the air like a toy balloon.
Umpire Powers declined to take it out of the
game and a jawing match followed. In duo
course of time tbo ball found Its way to Doyle
on third base nnd ho throw It
Into the lomoto right Hold , where
Vlau , who was not hi the
game fired It over the fence. Powers there
upon lined Dovle. Third , Nash talked loud
and cut n monkey shltio or two and Powers
lined him Nash seemed to like that sort of
thing anil kept on and Powers ordered htm
eft the Held , but later coolnd olT nnd Nash , to
the merriment of all. wont to bat. All lu nil
It wns a unique exhibition.
I'hnclnnd 0 0 2 0 2 II 1 0 1-0
lloston 0-2
lilts. Cleveland. 11 : Hoston. 8. Hrrors :
lloston , : i. Km ned runs : Clo % eland 3 : llos
ton 1. llntlcilov druber and /.linmoi : ClarU-
son and llonnctt.
PiTTsnuuo , Pa. , May 23. No game , rain.
Nntioiinl LCIIKUO Stumlln .
1'layed. Won. Lost. 1'or O't.
Chlcaso a. IS 8 .701
rittsbnrj. 23 11 11 M
Clo ) > eland 2S 15 13 Mi
1'hlhuloluhlu W 14 U .M't
Hello 27 II 14 JS1
Now York 27 12 H .441
Hrooklyn 26 111 10 VS. * >
Cincinnati 27 10 17 70
. I .Tf Kit I VAX ASS O CIA T/O.V.
ColttmliiiH HrticcH Up mill Wins n
Ciiiiiii * IVotn lialtluiDi'o.
B\i.TiMOiti' , Md. , May iJ. Columbus won
In the ninth Inning , when a bit , a base on
bills nnd eirors by Hay and Gilbert let In
three runs. The fielding was bad bccauso of
the wet grounds. Score :
Haltlmore . 4
Columbus . 300 10000 y 7
lilts : II tltlmore , C : Columbus , 0. Triors :
Ilaltlinoro. 4 ; Columbus. J. Darned runs :
Haltimote , 1 ; Columbus , I.
Pimvii.iriiiMnv 2J. Tbo Cincinnatls
put up n poor Holding game this afternoon
and the Athletics won handily. Score :
Athletics . 7
Cincinnati . 3
lilts : Athletics , h ; Cincinnati. Ii. Krroru :
Athletics. 2 ; Cincinnati , S Karncd inns :
Athlotlci. 2 ; Cltielnnatl. 1. ll.itterles : Cross
and \Vj hlng ; ? .lalns and Ilanloy.
BOITOV , Mass. , May -.1. Both teams bad
their best nines In tbo held today and Boston
won by superior batting. Score :
Hilton . 0 7
bt. Louis . 0 1
lilts : lloston. 10j gt. Louis , ( t. Hriors : Hos-
ton. 1 : St. Lonls. 2. n.irned tuns : lloston , 1.
Hatterlos ; Haddock und Alurphy ; fatlvetts
and Hoj le.
WASIIINOTOV , May 2J. The ball game
scheduled for today between Washington
nnd Louisville wns postponed until July 7 , In
older to nllow the clubs to take tlio train for
the west.
American Association Standlni ;
1'lnvod. Won. Lost. 1'or Ct.
noston . M 20 10 .7.M
Haltlmnro . IC1 21 U . ( . < !
bt. Louis . as 21 17 . & . > !
Athletics . : 1(1 ( 17 .4S3
Loulsvlllo . M 17 21 .447
Coiuinbiis . 37 111 21 .412
Cincinnati . M 10 2-J .421
Washington . . . . . . .31 0 23 .VM
Illinnls-lowii I enuiiu
At Quincy Qtilncy , 3 ; Davenport , 1.
At Ottawa Ottawa , fi ; Joliut , a.
At Cedar Hnplds Cedar Uaplds , 4 ; Ot-
tumwa , 0. .
1'ltiXCKTOX M'l.Xf ItAfT.
Vnlo Wins n Giiini ) She Lost Tbrougli
Her Hlvul'f ) Nei'voiisno-H.
NEW II vLN , Conn. , May 2.1. The Yale-
Princeton championship bisoball game
here today wns ono of the hnidcdt fought
struggles for supremacy that tbo two teams
hnvo over had. When defeat scorned inevit
able for Yale , the Princeton men became
rattled , tin d what should have been a ! core
of 1 to 0 tn favor of Princeton , was quickly
For seven Innings the Princetons had the
best of the name , nnd In ono inning the
erratic playing of two mon cost Princeton
tbo gnmo.
In the second Inning Young made a two-
bagger with two men out and scored on nn
error by Yule.
In the eight1. ! inning King , in trying to put
a Yale man out at llrst , throw the hall into
the crowd and the game was tied. After that
the Princeton men became demoralized.
Score :
Yale 0 * 4
Princeton 1
Hits ; Yale , 7 : I'rlncoton , a. Krrors : Yale ,
fi ; I'rlnpotnn , 4. Htittorles : Hewers unit
I'oole ; Yoiurj and Hrokaw , Two-base bits :
Young. Stolen basoa : McDIting. 1 ; Ileall , 1 ;
1'ayni' , 1 ; Kins , 1. Klrsl triso on bulls : Ciiih-
Ini ; , 1'aiKe , Hrokaw , King , I'lrst base ( in
errors : Yule , 4 : Princeton , 5. btriick out :
l'oole.2 : Case. 1 ; .McCUing , ! ; I'nrker , 1 : 1'ow-
ors. 1 ; CnMloy , 2. 1'assed Halls : Hrokaw , 2.
Tlnio : Ono hour and forty-Ilvo minutes. Um
pires : lltiuly ot Hartford and HopUna of
Now York.
SI'.lltIt * OF HFOKT.
Pnpllllonlns. .
Pii'iLt.ioy , Neb , May 2 , ) . fSpecial Telo-
grnra to THE Bui : . ] A very OYcltlng game of
ball was played at the ball park today be
tween the famous Wilco < c hotel nine and the
town club. The result of the gamowaj 13 to
17 In favor of the town club ,
Union Gets There.
UNIONNob. . , May 2J. ( Special Tologrnm
to Tin : Buii.J The game here today between
the Union nnd Murray clubs resulted In vic
tory for the homo team through hard hitting
and good Holding. Score : Union , ill ; Mur
ray , 10. Batteriesl-\ : > Union r-Vans broth
ers nnd Llravos and Hose ; for Murray-
Thomas Murray and Johnson. Umpire :
Itoal lloavj woitflkt I'vont.
South Omaha Is to bo the scene of a tremendous -
mondous pugilistic event on tbo night of
the 23th. Herman teller , a real heavy
weight , tipping tl'.d beam at 2iM pounds , will
nttcmp to fall upon the frame of Patrlcus
Daugherty with skin gloves and lull him to
sleep for # 100 n sido.
t\Hilton Killed'Km.
ASUTOS , Nob. , May 2J. ! [ Special Tclo-
gram toTiiK BKE.I The game of baseball
played here today between the St. Paul and
Ashton baseball clubs resulted in favor of
the homo team by n score of 10 to 0. Bat-
torlos for St. Paul , Bennett nnd Harris ;
for Asbton , Ruin brothers.
lliinnlni ; Ilrnnil Jump Hecoril Ilrnkon.
ST. Loui- , MayTho { Intor-colleelato
running broad jump record was broken ut
the Intor-colloglatd contests here today ,
when C. S. Hobcr Jumped S3 foot" % inches ,
thus smashing tbo 2J foot 0 Inch Jump of A.
Sharrnuu of Yalo. .
' Htnnnmlilp
w\t Bre'mor Haven Arrived , the Hlbo ,
from Now York.
At Brow Head Passed , tba Etruria , from
Now York for Liverpool.
Winner of tho'ltgntuokr Also Takes tbo
Latojrtlrcas Ho Phases.
Pool Hointi rjjjlit Adds Xe ft to the
Sport ChlciiKii'fl Trnclc Still
Muddy , Hut tlio Going
11 'Good.
1 Ji
CiscivXATt , O. , Mny KJ. Lntonln opened
the first day's racing with an attendance of
10,000. it was n pleasant afternoon , but the
track was slow , All the races were well
contested , but the fcaturo of the day on
which universal Interest wns aroused was
the La ton I a derby , the fourth race , Tbo
Judges were Messrs. J. V. Hoblnson , Ed C.
HopjKjr nnd L. P. Tnrlton ; the timers ,
Messrs. Ooorgo Cadwallndcr and U. J.
\Vouoy ; tbo starter , J. O. Sheridan.
I'lrst race , mirso S'/W. for tbrec-yoar-ohls
and upwards , ono mlle : Whitney ( o\en
money ) won , Toner second , Hindoo Lass third.
Time : l.Vtf.
becond rate , sellliu , ptirao } iOO. for thieo-
yoar-oldH and upwards , ono and one-sixteenth
miles : Uurler (8toll ( won , WoodMilo
second , spectator third. Tlnio : Ij.Vi'.j.
'Ihlid race , purno $ 'ijO , for two-year-old
colts thai hnvo not won a race of $1,000 value ,
llu furlotijjH : Two Hits 0 to 1)u ) > n , I'rlncu ot
Darkness second , Cover ton tlilui , Time :
roiirth race , Lntonln derby , for throeonr -
old foals of li i ) . cloM-d with ninety-one un-
trios mill ) and ono-half. Slat tors : DIcKur-
son. 117 ( K. U , HliiuiiH ) . uVj to 1 , Ui'ori.0town. 11"
( ' llrltldii ) 8 to 1 ; ICliifiiinn , 128 ( Murphy ) , 3 to 1 :
I'out fccont , 112Allon ( ) , 7 to I ; Allan llano. 117
( llntl away ) , 'totol ; Halgowan , 117 ( CHoiton ) , 8
to 5.
The rnco was was beautifully contested.
Georgetown led , with Dlckcrson second , Bat-
gownn third , KIngmnn last. At the three-
quarters the order was , Georgetown two
lengths in front , Dickorson second , Balgowan
third , Allan Bane fourth , Klngman llfth , nil
close together. In the stretch Georgetown
led , with Dlckcrson second , Klngman third ,
Balgowan fourth , Allan Bane llfth and Poet
Scout sixth. So they came under the stilng
and nt thn quarter It was Georgetown , ulck-
orson , Balgownn In the order named , with
Klngman following IcUuroly In the roar. At
the half the only change was that KIngmnn
wns third us ho pleased and Allan Bane wns
At the throc-quaitars Dickorson led , with
Georgetown second , Klngman n good third
and Allan Bane last in a eloso bunch. On
the turn Klngman came to the front nt his
lelsuio with Dickorson nt his heels nnd Poet
Scout n good third. In this order KIngmnn
won bv a lomrtli. with Dickerson second n
length ahead of Poet Scout third , the others
closely bunched , rime , 2:4V.f. : Klngmun Is
owned by Stone & Allen , who bought him nt
u Chicago snlo for , { ,500.
I'lfth race , pnrso ? T > 00. for two-year-old
llllles , four IIIKI one-half furloius Vunclu .o
( MoTi ) won , Juan secondHasnerthird. Time :
SlUli race , pnrso W > \ for three-year-olds
nnd upwards. oim mlle : Dr. NavutG to 1) ) won ,
Yale 'ill second , Meta third. Time : 1:4J : > 4 ,
Great Sportat Cinuoscnd.
Giuvrsi.ND , L. I. , May 23. Fully 10- ,
000 persons made the Journey to this
course today and for three hours allowed
themselves to bo made prisoners. They
came to see the racing and they were fully
rewarded for tholr'troublo , for the finishes
were exciting enough to satisfy the most
blase , especially in tbo Bedford stakes. St.
Plorlnn was n strong fnvorito and nt the lust
furlong polo appeared to huvo the race won ,
out Just then GarrlaOn brought Nomad up
with a lush , and it was all the favorite could
do to win bv nshoit'hend '
Only two favorites won during tbo day , whllo
the other successful horses had peed prices In
the betting. Attcr'tho hist rnco Phil Dwyer
accused Jockey Myer Bergen of malting
trouble nt Iho post and threatened to have
his license revoked _ Bergen replied rather
strongly , and thci ; > ifseniioiico is tljnt a
recotmnendation has boon made to the board
of control to tnko bis license -away.
The pool room fight is getting hotter and
hotter every day and today the wires loading
from tbo Western Union office , situated out
side the track , were cut. Thoofllcers of the
Jocltoy club vigorously deny having unv con
nection with this nnttor and promise to tor-
rot out the tfuiltv parties.
Klrst race. swcop-talos. 11,003 added , for
maiden two-year-olds , |
\ fttilonss : The Hull
Gito(4 ( toll MOII , Suliinlonghoconj. Patrimony
Colt third , Tlnio : 1:1(1. : (
Second race , handicap , $ t(0n
added , mlle and a furlong : Ken ( even money )
won , H.inqtict second , Text thlra Time :
Third race , a sweopstrkes for thrco-j car-
olds , J1.0JJ added , maldun nllow.incm. ono
mlle : 1'o snrn H to 1) ) won , 1'lcknlckor sec
end , 1'ort Chester third. Tlnio : 1:41. :
Pourtli rncu. Hodford stakes for two-year-
olds with fl.'V ) added , llvo and a half fur-
lens : bt. Klnraln ( U toS ) won , N'oiiuul sec
end , Vlctoiy third. Time , 1 uy' ,
Klfth race , M. James hotel , for tbrco-
yo ir-olds.ind up. with 41,5 U added , ono mile
and nuniirter : Kingston and IChuThotnas
were the only utartors and Kltisston won
easily. Time : 2:11H :
blxth race , sclllna sweepstakes , $1.000 added ,
one mlle and a sixteenth : Admiral ( Mo 1) )
won. I'oarl &ut second , Kliusbtldgo thlnl.
Tlnio : 2'iU4.race :
race , sweopstukes of i20 ouch , for
lon s ! Merry Monaicli ( J to 1) ) won. Air IMant
second , Klii ; ! Mao third. Tlnio : 1:13 .
KO'H Now Truck Still MutlUy.
Ciuavno , May aOver ) four thousand
people witnessed the racing nt West SIde
traclt toduy. The programme offered was a
good ono , although many horses were
scratched. The weather was all that could ho
Joshed , but the track was deep In mud.
Tun llrst race was wou In good style by
the favorite The second was the best bet
ting event of the day. Money poured In on
Lemon ( novv Ivanhoo ) nnd Fred Tnral , nnd
the two went to the post equal fnvoiltes nt
three to ono. The race was won by Fred
Taral after a rattling finish with Loinon Ina
noso. Four favorites won and the crowd was
bnppy. Following tire the results :
rirnt race , aolllmr , two-yoar-olds , pitrso JIOO ,
half a mllii : Nlantlc won , Urandma soLond ,
Jack KIcluilliMi third. I'liuo : ' > TV > ,
Heconil race , solllni ; . thrno-yoar-olds and
niiward , pnrso flOJ , thioo-nnurturs of a mlle :
I'n'd T.iril won , Ivanboe ( forinurly I.onion )
second , IConoiiiteo third. Time : I : , ' * ,
Third race , tlio oxiioiltlon stakes , ? 1,2")0
added , ono and oiiP-oUhth inllin : IHhol won
by t\\n loiiRths. I'aklr second , linruli thlid.
I'linii2Uy. .
1'onrtli race , pnisi ) iWfl , throo-yoir-olds and
upwards , one nnd one-sixteenth miles :
HuiiltMiy won , Unnricu second , Ullfoid tlilul.
Tlnio : a:07. :
I'Mftli raco. pin so $1" ' , thico-yoar-olds and
upward , sovmi-ulithlhs of it mlle The Moor
v on ' , 1'ut ( Jonley t > uuoui " ) , iturJoo third , Tlnio :
Hoard of A ) i > UilM Adjourns.
Dincuio , May ? ( . At the final session of
the tionrd of appeals this morning odds nnd
ends of business .occupied the uttontlon of
the members. -corn'nilttoo was appointed
to wait on Dlroct6r tloneral Davis nnd ijaln
proper rcc-oxnltloti'pl'light ' ' horse Interests
the woild's fair. ' >
The next inootlnri'At ' the boird will bo holu
In Now Yotk December 12.
31.1 V JIKKT AtiAIX.
Cliunci ) ol' a Sctt/nil | Gn Itctwron Cor
, Cnft , Mny 23. Jim Cor-
belt today rccoivottriJa telegram from Now
Orleans from the Ol/mpto club offotlng a
$ 12,000 purse for'j n llght between him nnd
Slnvln. Corbctt lopliod that ho would
bo In Now York in two weeks and would
then talk fight. Ho stated that ho will piob-
nbly not engage In another contest for n year ,
when bo will bo larger and stronger.
Regarding another mutch with Corbett ,
Peter JacUson said today ; "I am perfectly
willing to fight It out , nnd In fact think it U
the only courao open to us. "
Jackbon .snld that on leaving Australia be
had promised tbo Sydney gymnastic olub as
soon as Goddnrd put up n forfeit ho ( JacU
son ) would meet him. Jackson said that ho
had been Informed that thu club had made u
match nnd accordingly sent a letter by the
lust steumor nfllrniliiL' bis willingness to kcop
his tiromhu , but stating ho would not leave
for Sydney until summoned by cable. Ho
said bis letter should reach Sydney tomor
row , nnd ho would allow ton days for n reply.
nnd if none was received ho would
ugroo to another match with Cor
bet t within tlio time immod by the
latter three months from dnto. Ho further
stated thai should Goddnrd hold him to a
match and should bo ( Jacxson ) win , ho
would make no other ongitirflmmits but return
hero nnd giro Corbctt the llrst match.
HiicHttio tt'r torii Union
CiitCAno , May 'J5. Ed Corrlgan , proprietor
of the now rnco traclt , today began suit In
the federal court to compel the Western
Union Telegraph company to furnish him
news of the pool-rooms nnd rnco tracks of
tbo country nt cortnln rates which ho alleges
nro grunted to other racing associations. Ilo
says tbo company demands exorbitant prices
for service.
_ _
Important Decision ICondoroil by
.IiHlgo Field ( ) l"Kan UH City.
KINSAS CITV , Mo. , Mny 23. Judge Field
of the circuit court of this county nos ren
dered n very Important decision this morn
ing , based on the dram shop net of
1800. Tlio case Is an Injunction pro
ceeding brought by nil adjoining property
owner to close n saloon. The Judge made per
manent , the Injunction restraining the saloon
keeper from conducting the dram shop busi
ness. The county and city licenses of the
saloonkeeper were declared void on aevctal
grounds , nniong which nro tbo failure to so-
euro n petition for the Issuance of n 11-
ccnso signed by a majority of the cltbcns
living In the block In which the saloon is to
bo located ; tbo fnlltuo to indemnify the city
nnd county against Sunday opening , selling
to habitual drunknids nnd permitting gamb
ling nnd music In the plnco , and because the
amount of bond was loft blank , whereas tlio
stntuto requires It to bo W.OIK ) , and n falluio
to Incorpotato In thu bond the provision In
the latter part of section 1'iTl of the revised
statutes. The decision holds that n saloon
lieonso may bo attacked both collectively and
diioctly ; also that n saloon lunnlng without
u license is n nuisance nnd that nn injunction
Is the proper proceeding.
This Is said to bo tbo llrst case In the state
where an injunction has boon resorted -
sorted to In order to close a saloon ,
and the decision is based on llko
proceedings , which have been sustained , to
close bawdy houses. The case has boon ap
pealed. If the decision should bo sustained
bv the appellate court every saloon in this
city will bo nlloctcd and every saloon license
is void.
Story of n Six Yours' Wur IJctwcen
Tuo Families.
STIIAC-USK , N. Y. , May 2J Clerk of the
State Senate . lohn Konyoti of this city has
Just made a purchase of real estate In this
city Involving nn investment of SIBO.OOO. The
purchase was effected tluough an ugont , for
had the original owner known the real pur
chaser ho would not have putod with the
property for love or money. Tbo plot adjoins
nn nnnrtmcnt building owned bv Clerk
Kcnyon in n fashionable part of the city.
The owner of the ground w * > Uharloi Blair ,
a broker , who also built an npaitmcnt
building adjoining Kenyon's. The lima of
division between Kcnyon nnd the Blairs worn
so close that t hey have for six years waged n
war on each other. Thu trouble grew out of
nn encroachment upon the property of the
Blairs bv the Konyons when they Hrst built.
As the Blairs made Kenvon piy dear for this
mistake in surveying and which has devel
oped the quocrost character , tlio Ifcnyons
raised n fence of corrugated iron twenty feet
high ngalnst the windows of the Blairs'
building to kcop out the sunlight. Then the
Blairs built n kind of tiandboK structure
six stories high. ! > o that their tenants could
pore into the \\lndows of the Konyons'and
rented the bulldlnc to Tom , Dick and Hairy.
It Is said that the warring families have
spent at least f J'l.OOO each In venting their
spite on each other.
n Wealthy Ki
NKV. YOIIK , M-iy at. Another Impending
marrlugo between nn Amoilcan actress nnd
a wealthy Englishman Is reported. The
nctross is Miss Toma Hnnlon. a daughter of
Thomas Hanlon , the oldest of tbo six Hanlon
brothers , nnd the Englishman Is Gerald
Wnrrlnor. Ho Is nn Oxford man with n
largo Income nna largo expectations. Miss
Hanlon has noon an actress slnco she was six
years old. Her llrst apponianco was nt
Booth's ' theater In fuppoit of .Too Jefferson ,
and for three years she played all tlio chil
dren's parts In the plays produced there.
After that she went to school until she was
twelve , when she accepted an engagement
with Haverly'.s Juvenile. Pinafore company.
Then she returned to school , which she loft
when sixteen , ana slnco that time she has
been on tbo staco. Her latest engagements
were with the He , She , Him and Her com
pany , the Fny Tcmploton burlesque company
and tbo Miss McGlnty company.
Issued. ly tlio Unitctl Stales
WISIIIVOTOV , May 23. Iho weather crop
bulletin was Issued by the signal ofllco today.
The timely rams which occurred during the
week over the central valleys , says the re-
nort. have prevented the threatened drouth
over the principal wheat and com states nnd
will doubtless prove of great value to the
growing crops.
It will bo seen from the chart that exces
sive rnlns hnvo occurred from Now England
westward ovov thostates of tbo Ohio valley
and tbo southern portion of tbo lake legion ,
nnd thence further westward to the Kocky
mountain districts. Within the greater portion
tion of this area tbo precipitation oxoeodod
ono Inch , nnd In Kansas and portions of Iowa ,
Missouri , Nebraska and Colorado It exceeded
two Inches.
Excessive rains also occurred in tbo con
trol portion of Minnesota nnd the DaUotns
and portions of Georgia , Alabama and Mis
sissippi , while general showers occurred
thioughout Kentucky , Tonnossoo. Arkansas
and southeast Missouri. Tl > o rainfall for the
season continues In excess generally through
out the northwest and from Dakota south
ward to Texas.
Unports from the spring wheat region of
Minnesota nnd Dakoti state that recent
showers have greatly Improved crops in that
section , especially late wheat , whllo warmer
weather nnd moro rain will bo beneficial.
Tbo crop conditions were also generally Im
proved In the states of the Mlssoutl
valley nnd In Illinois nnd Iowa ,
nnd 'wheat Is bending In line condition
except In the central counties of Illinois ,
whcro Insects nio damaging grain nnd hay ,
nnd oat crops will bu short. Corn plintlng
Is about complete , but the cool woathur has
retarded growth.
Severe hall In Comanche county. Kansas ,
destroyed much wheat. Some damage re
sulted from the sumo causa In several coun
ties In Missouri , and In the latter Mnto a de
structive tornado occurred , causing injury to
crops nnd loss of lifo In Boo no , Audrian nnd
Plko counties.
In the states of the Oblo valley nnd In the
Inku region the crop prospects were greatly
Improved by recent tains , although In many
sections tlu inlnfall has not been sufficient
to completely irliovo crops from the previous
drouth conditions. Fronts on the 17th
caused sotno Injury to crops nnd fiult In
Michigan nnd in the northern portions of
Ohio , Indiana and Illinois
Crop prospects were also Improved In Ten
nessee and Kentucky , but the light rains
have given only temporary relief. In Tonne -
no ° see inst nnd small Insects damaged
wheat. Texas nnd western Arkansas nipoit
weather favornblo ; cotton plants small , but
in goo 1 condition , dcep-rootod nnd
well cultivated ; corn In tassel
and general prospects promising. Consider
able injury resulted from hall In Texas ,
where these storms covered an area of iil)00 )
acres. Some bunollt rbsultod from showers
In the northern portions of the gulf states ,
but tlio drouth continues in the southern sec
tions and the outlook is generally moro un
favorable than during the previous week ,
The weather condition gonanilly in the
south Atlantic u tales was too cool for cotton ;
tno stann ot cotton and corn was poor and In
some sections cotton Is being rcplnntod ,
Light ruins revived crops ( n the northern
portions of the south Atlantic states , but the
ground continues too dry.
Colorado reports that ralni over the whole
state generally bonoiltod crops , but where
oxcesslvo caused some dnmngo to alfalfa.
Knlnx are not favorable , however , to the
sheep Industry.
lira. Helen Dasyo Kills the Babe that Would
Have Eoproacbocl Her.
\Vortlilcss Charles Cnrpcnter
\\ltli Killing HlHVlloHomo
Nous from AH Over
tlio State.
KKAIIVET , Nob. , May W. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BHK.J The coroner's Jury In
the. cnso of the Infant found In the channel
south of the lake ycstordny , returned n ver
dict this evening. Mrs. Helen Basyo , mother
of the child , Is charged with drowning the
little ono. This decision Is based upon n
string of circumstantial evidence which In
the minds of nil fully warranted the verdict.
The woman is about fotty joars old and has
not lived with her husband for six years.
She tins tbreo children living by her hus
band. The child which the Jury charged her
with killing was six weeks old and Illegiti
mate. The father of tbo child worked In
n livery stnblo last winter but loft
for parts unknown o.nlv In the spring
Mrs. Basyo worked In ono of the hotels dur
ing the winter , lorvlng hero n short time ago
for Gibbon , where tbo child was born Slnco
her return she has been living with her p ir-
cuts to whom shu told that hho had disposed
of without nny explanation. She
has not jot boon found by the authorities ,
who mo making n diligent sc.uch It Is sup
nosed that she was taken to Koauiej or
( 'helps comities bv some ono who Is Intei-
cstcd In maintaining her freedom. She was
hcon in thoviu a short time after the dis
covery of the body of her child.
A llurilar Captured.
Spnivoriii.i : ) , Neb , May 'J.J ( Special to
Tin : Bir.Burglars : ] effected an
Into the drug store of L. A. Hates this mornIng -
Ing , nnd not Uncling what they \\untcd there
they went across the stivot and entered the
general store of C. K. hpenrmin and D O
Urawner. Whllo there thov were discovered
and the store was surtounded nnd n burg
lar captuiod , Ho gave his ns John
Smith , and says he is from Kansas Citv. Ills
partners m ulo their escape. Ilo had on his
person when nrrostod , twunty-throo watches ,
two revolver- ) , two money purses containing
$15 , nnd several aunll aitlclei of Joulery
tnkfii from Bates drug storo. He is sup
posed to bo of the same gang that \\ent
through n saloon and hnrdwaio store nt
Loulsvlllo Tuesday nicht. us six half nlnt
bottles of nhlskjoio found imar tbo tail-
road track \vest of town , also n number of
pocKet knives nnd ra/oi'3 Smith was given
a hoailng this morning and pleaded not
guilty. Ho was bound over to the dlstiiot
Irrigation I oiids' Voted ,
McCooK , Neb , Mav 23 [ Speclnl Tele
gram to Tin : B" ! 1 McCook ! m scored nn-
other point for iirigation in the Republican
valley An elect ! m was hold hero today to
vote on the proposition of issuing bonds of
the precinct in which .SlcCook is situated In
nltl of the south side irngatlon canal The
bonds cuiriod by about llvo to one and on
I'll bdtiv next an additional force will bo put
on nnd tbo illtch completed within the next
sixty days In nngnginir mon and teams
profeienco Is given to tlio tnrmuts of tills
count > Eighteen thousand acios will bo
under ditch this year from this canal alon" .
This Is the first Instance of a city voting
bonds to help the farmers , but oven business
man felt that ho would bo lopaid for the
small Increase of taxes on account of the
bonds. A committee is now out sei .aitis.
pledge ? ft oiu the farmers for the not In do
ditch and t.ioy have already J'0,000 ' ncies
pledged. The north side ditch will put about
180,000 acres under ditch Ued Willow
count } Is bound to have irrigation.
Trout Mol idy's Homo.
STtMiir , Neb , May -Special [ Telegram
to Tin : BISK ] The many friends of Hichard
Melody living hero \voio greatly shocked on
learning through today's Bri : of hia sudden
death and the treatment of his remains by
thu authorities of the Omaha medical insti
tute. Mr Melody came to thh country nnd
homestcaded a quaiter section of land twelve
miles north of this place For the pist two
jcars ho has lived in town , and owns a good
House and lot. Ho has a brother living In St.
Paul , Minn. , who isoll olf. Mr. .Melody
served through tbo rebellion In the Firat
Minnesota artillery and had recently made
application for u pension. Shortly after
his return from the war ho was
lost In a bli/rard. Ono of bU foot so
badly fro/on that mi amputation w is neces
sary. The oii'iiutlon was not skillfully done
nnd for the past year thu limb gio.itly an
noyed him and ho went to Omnlia to have
another ono performed ,
Held for
BnvTincT , Nob. , May U3. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin. Bi.i : . ] Chailos F. Carpenter , n
worthless young fellow of this city , was
bound over to the district court In the sum of
$700 on the charge of manslaughter. The
chat co Is based on the death of his wife ,
Thursday morning last , which necessitated n
coroner's inquest , nt which the sad fact was
in oven that the unfortunate woman had died
practically of starvation or lack of proper
nourishment nnd clothing. A few days before -
fore her death she gnvo birth to n child ami
It was conclusively shown that for months
before her illness thn poor woman was not
supplied \\lth the commonest necessaries of
llfo by her hush md , who was a healthy ,
vleorous joung man of twcnty-lho jears.
The dead woman was but nineteen yea's of
A I'nhtor'H Ynuatlnii.
NOIUOIK , Nob. , May 23. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Br.r. ] Hov. J. J , Paikor of the
FIrjt Presbjtorlan chuich will deliver a ser
mon tomorrow evening to the graduating
class This will bo his last sermon In Nor
folk for a time , as ho and Mrs Paikor , to-
fe'othor with Dr John Askln wife , pastor
of the First Prosb > tonan of Kearney ,
start next Wednesday for Now Yoik , whoie
they sail on the Teutonic on Juno 1 1 for
land , tholr i oinicr borne Mr Pinker has
had chaigo of tin ) church nt this place for
MX years , coming hero when there -.vns com
parativaly no oiganbatlou in thu church
has built It up until at piosnnt It is one of
thostiongost In northoistcrn Nebraska.
( reps tn Itciil Willow.
MtCooit , Neb , , May 2 , ) . , 'Spoulal Telegram
to Tin : Hi i : . ] McCook was blessed wltb
another heavy rain today. This ina'tes ' nltio
days out of the pist ten that It has rained
and tbo ground H wet down to the 1'w.ilest ,
dentil over known.
CrniH of nil kinds nro looking lino. Kyo
nnd wheat nro already headed out nnd oats
never looked bettor. Corn Is from tbieo to
six inches high nnd alfalfa promises nn im
mense crop nnd will have to bo cut nj soon ns
the farmers can got on the ground with a
machine. Thn acreage In Hod Willewtouu ti
ls double that of last your.
Prospect H Niner II Hor.
iMi'Fiiui , Nob. , May -Special [ to Tun
BIIK.JCrops weio nov&r moio promising at
this time of year than they nro at , present.
Wheat and lla\ both now cover the ground
nnd have n very line color. A larjjo ncicr.Ku
\uisbown. Oats looks well , but the amount
town Is not equal to last joar. Lauk of scad
\\asthoroason. Corn Is nearly nil p ! inted ,
much of it now being up nnd looking v , ell.
Potatoes nro very good and will undoubtedly
yield well , All kinds ot garden truck looks
butter than at this time Ju nny year slneo
this county was snttlol About alt tun culti
vated land Is being eropj.
IlroKo HH | I/eg.
CIIKTI : , Neb. , May 2.3. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Hnn.J P. J. U'ldcmanlior , a furniture
dealer of this city , broke his log below the
knee this afternoon Ho larlatod n colt , when
thn colt Jumped , ontungllng Mr. Undo.
machor's leg with the nbovo roiult. The
doctors declare tbo break vf ry serloui out1.
Kolinol r > riidtiat H.
I1M7B Sriiisat , Neb , Mny ' . ' -.Special [
Telegram to TUB BEK.JConiinonconiont ex
ercises of the Btuo Springs high school took
place last night. The ntimbor of grnduatcs
wns unusually small , only two coining for
ward to receive the honors. Hov. Lowler ,
pastor of the Mothodlst Kplscoiml church ,
delivered the jirescntatlon nthlresi. The
graduates acquitted themselves with much
Chlncli HIIKH Appearing.
lli.t'R Si'itisos , Neb , May 2 : ) . [ Special to
Tim BIK.J : The recent copious rains hurt )
have done nil immense amount of good , nnd
crops hnvo not promised so abundantly within
tlio memory of man. No Injury has boon done
by frost. It Is reported , how over , that chinch
bugs have made their nppcarnnco In some
Holds n few mlles east of hero. Indi
cations for fiult nro no less favorable than for
Dntdmr flunk Incorporated.
NKIIIUSKV Girr , Nob. , May 2.1. - [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Bcr. | TheiDunbar Stnto
bank tiled articles of liicoiporntlon with the
county clerk today. The capital stock Is
tlO.O'X ) . Tbo incortKirntors nro George H.
VoosV. . L May. U. W. W. Jones , ( } . JJ ,
King , Henry W Kruse , 1) . Kruso , George L.
linker and C. H. Wilson. The Institution
will do a general banking business.
Still It Itlllns.
TIIKNTON , Neb , May 2.1.Special [ Tele
gram to TUB BBH. | Tbo heaviest ruin
within tbo momon of the oldest settler fell
hero this afternoon , completely Hooding the
stieets. Some ball accompinicd , but not ,
enough to do any dam igo. This practically
Instil csn largo small grain crop , there uclng
fully a third moro sown this sptlntf tlmn last.
Ilo ivy Until Tall.
Cfi.iinifON , Neb , May 2.1. ( Special Tele
gram to Tur llni'j Another hoavv ram fell
heio this o\ening , making thu total rainfall
here for the last eight days four and 0110 half
Inches , as reported b.\ the government's local
weatho station located at Culhoitson.
un.Tri.'vfTi 7/itti.i.vs.
'Uiey DlNiMiis tlio Question of a Seal
( oiniiiKico Uciioi'lN ,
DiiTiioii , Mich. , May 2,1 After some nils-
lollancous business ut the Prosbyterlan general
oral assembly this mornlntr , ten minutes were
assigned between the first aid second orders
ot ' the day to the representative of the Uvnn-
g'elical church of Italy. Dr. Cook of Phil
adelphia took UD the llrst order , the
uport of the committee on n soil
for the assembly. After defending the ser
pent on the cross from these who regard itn
ugly and a symbol of satan , fuithor consider
ation of the repoit was made the llrst order
for Monday moinlng ,
Uov Lulgl , the loprosontativo of thoKvnn
irellcal church of Italv. iiaxo facts showing
the health n..d vlgoi or the churches there
Tt.o second order of the daj , mlni-ueiinl ro
lief , was taken up The committee repotted
n balance of $ | Q , < KK ) , the total receipts being
$170,000 The maximum sum per minister
luil been iKed by Iho assembly at 100 , and
the avenue piid was neail's ( ) . Key. Dr.
Cottell , set lottirv of the board , made an elo
quent and touching appoiil for this object
KUier Junliln of Philadelphia made n
stioug iiigument that the assembly should
act on the pilnclplo in the matter. Contlmi
Ing , ho said " \VlmtwouM be our present
condition but for thowoik done by tno mln
Istets and their families. Think of the ma\
i ilium , $ .100 Is that enough for men u ho
must spend ten of their best j ears in getting
nn oxpcnsho education nnd nil the rest of
their uoiklngyoars In uruuous\\otlc In which
money cannot , as a rule , bo laid upf Wo
must uot this whole matter laid on out con
science. U is a poii't of honor to pay honest
debts , and this is n ddbt of honor If over
thoie was ono. "
The committee on bills and overtures recommended -
ommondod the direct loforonco of certain '
oyertuios to their approptiato committees '
without delaying them bofoio the assembly
first. This uns adopted
The long standing matter of the pecuniary
obligation to thu church nt Jacksonville , Fla. ,
was referred to thu finance committee with
distinction ! to ropoit early next week.
Adjournment was then taken until Monday
morning In order to enable tbo delegates to
leave for the Ann Arbor excursion.
Baptist Publication Society.
CiMiNNVti , O. , May ) . The American
Baptist Publication society continued Its
si\ty-se\cnth anniversary meeting today. A
portion of the morning session was given to
publications , and n ntimbcrof addresses \\oio
mndo on the subject.
The mogrammo of the afternoon embraced
the young people's movement and called for
eight speakers , limited In time fiom thioolo
llvo minutes The llrt speaker was Ko\
Donald McLaurln of New York Ills subject
was. "Otlgln and Progress of tlio Move
ment. "
Uev Dr Wllktnsof Iowa filled the no\t
half hour with an mldiess on "Organisation "
Iowa , Nebraska , Michigan , Kansas and Oregon
gen , ho said , hud nlronity organised state as
semblies. They should orgnni/o us Baptists
It was now only a question of methods
There ias need of unitlcntlon There were
now i > ,0)0 ( ) organbntlons. There should bo
i..ri,000 ' or moro. Flvo common ptinclploa
were urged. The prayer meeting and con
fession of Christ , dopondeneo on tlio church ,
mombetshlpor b.iptbed belleyois , a school
for young convoits. affiliation with others
Hov. Pr Armltago of New York , thu
chairman , made a most stli ring mid happy
address of ten minutes in argument for work
among young p'opln and drawn fioin his
lone oxnorlcnco i aher speakers wet o Hev.
B. G. Alu.Miard of Aikansas , Mr J II Chap
man of Illinois , Knv. C. L Williams of Penn
sylvania , Mr. J , O. Stiples of Illinois and
Uov Alex BlaoUburgof Liwronoo , Mass.
A recess was tiiKon and members of the so-
doty wont to the Contial Union inilroad sta
tion , wluiio special services woio hold In tbo
new "ehnpol oir" picsonted the society.
This cm bo used for ilistrlbutlngllteialurons
well ns plaio to hold meetings.
' ! Send Out .Moio MKslonnrlcs.
Dri vn n , Ill . May Jl ! The woman's mis-
sloirirv hoard of tlio United llrotluen church
of Amcilc i adjoin ned yostoiday to mcot iit > *
Indianapolis next \eiir. U was decided to
put .Mrs J. T Slovens In charge of Iho work
of the association nt Berlin , to send six moro
misslonailes to Africa nnd tliten moio to
China. Ono i.f these to ( Jlilnn shall bo a lady
jihj slclnn , The delegates voted for the nliin
trusfos who sh i'l ' elect the now ofllcers , but
by a constitutional provision the vote can
only bo counted at Diiyton. The ballot , wa
sent thnra by n special messenger. : Ijittliernii Kynod. "V.
Li IHVOS , Pa , May } ' ) - Vt this morning's 1
session of the general synoj of the Evnngol
leal Luthc'inn cliiiioh the mo'lon ' to republis'i
the edition of the book of wonhln in be-
foiothe Omaha convention In ItssT ] < > d to n
long and nnlmateil dlicussion The motion
wa liniejli.noly postponed The fifTeet is
that the eoinmoi1 service iiuestlon , which has
hcmi a srinrcoof illsiilsslon , Is not to
be mVt'ii up now.
At the niteinoon session of tlio general
s.M'Oil of the Kuuitteln il Liithciean church
li'solutlons jirotfstlng luilnit Haptlst In
tmfeiepco with Iho I.'itheiau ' mUsions In
Gui'tnr , India , wi'to ndoiitod The prcamblo
states that the liap'Ist a''ent concnntratet
Ills cffnits on winning over the trustees of
the pionertv htM by tl o Lutborin congropn-
Una and then Instituting legal prnrei'dlncs tea
a transfer of a school or pr.uer house , together -
gothor with thn ground on which thoj nro
lei ated , from the Lu'h"iau to the Baptist
Went on an
noHii , Ky , M"2. . ' ! . The gotioial
nsieinbly of the Oui.i'iorlniid ' PrcsbMedan
cbuii'h went on an exclusion to I'vansvillo ,
Jm ) . , today to Inspr * t tlio Thornton homo for
aged ministots , o'io of the lending luatitutionu
of the chuieu.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Kefoi'inctl I'-cslj AhNcnilily.
Pnii Af'i'i "MM , I'n. , May ! M. At today'i
Kiwslon of the Koloiincd Crosby tnrian gen
eral n omil.v ! a vigorous piotoitvas entered
ny ilnnt opcnini ; thu ( Jol'iiiibiiiii oxX)4iton | ! on
Sunday. The lopnrt wn < roferroU to u coa-
Mny 1'YHtlviil ntM. F/oulH.
ST. Lot i , Mo. , May UJ.Twclvo thousand
youiitf puoplo funned a Miy fontlvm Hundoy
school parade , which tonk plnco thh morning
and extended over ihrno inl'os ' In length It
was n maiiillleuiil nlTalr nnd a succors In
oveiy way , TJi' ) day "vat passed Ja
and aitiui'umoiiliof , 'a'iou :