10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : 9ENDAY , MAY 24 , 1801-SIXTEEN PAGES. Just arrived , another lot of bnhy car- rlngax. Wo bought them nwny down nnd will gltc you n benefit Monday. Itnby cnrrlngcs nplioNtciv I In damask anil silk plush , nt $ ( { .50 , $9 , $8.50 , $8.00 , 9D.80 , $10 and $ 12 c.ich. The prl.es Wo nsk nro only nluiiit onn-hnlf regular re tail price' . Gel one Mondny. Ladies' ' Jackets $5. $ Great reduction In liulli" * ' jack I's. All Indie * ' jackets In rheiiut cloths , wl h ml front nnd rolling collar , cord and tnssel , worth $8.50 ; Miinday imly sfftcnch Ladies' Capes at Half Trice. Ladies' ' Shirt Waists 85c 200 Indies' French percale shir w.ilsls , In light nnd dark col : r , plaitel front and back , nt the ltw price or 85c each ; cheap nt f 1.25. Ladies'Dressing ' Sacques $1 , $1.25 , $ I.5O. Moni'ny we oiler ! l numbers In ladles' dressing sncqnes , blonde style , plaited front nnd back , line o nbroldered u illnr nml cnlTs , utipl. $1.25 nnd $ l."tO each ; worth $1.50 , $2 nnd $2.50. Children's ' Bonnets. Special lot of chll Iron's bonnets nnd bats just arrived. On bale Mondny , they nrc beauties nnd the prices .are nwny down , nt 25c , iI5c , 50c , 75c and $1 each. Summer Corsets 50c. 100 ilrzoii regnl ir $1 quality summer corcclH , Men lay 50c. BENNISON BROS STOSIUMOFSDMMERSPORTS The Customary Weekly Round-Tip of Base ball Intelligence. - MOVEMENTS OF THE GUNNERS. ! The Bykers HiiilHOtr V\itlilii the Squared Circle Kchocs from the Turf , niul Breezy TVIIscclliuty. The Omaha team returned yesterday In good condition physically , but considerably broken up over the misfortunes of Manager Shannon. They were In high spirits before < tbo snd Intelligence of Mrs. Shannon's death reached thorn and were playing the greatest kind of a came. Since then they hnvo boon greatly dispondont , but will do their boil under the circumstances. Their Into trip was a most satisfactory ono. Whey won nine games out of the fifteen played. That is plenty peed enough , and nt that ratio could Well lay claims to the pennant. The record of the trip including nil the , games playou by each teams \ as follows : Doiivor'H Cyolo Toiirnoy. Arrangements nro rapidly formulating for the second tournament of the Denver Cy clists' union , which Is booked to coma off nt Sportsman's park on Saturday and Sunday , May no nnd ill. As the dntojall on Uocora- tion day and Sunday , consecutively , U Is looked forward to by oil the western wheelmen - men as a gala ovont. The wheelmen of Denver - vor generally carry out In a praiseworthy style any undertaking which they take upon themselves , nnd the event of thu D. C. U.'s second tournament will bo no exception. The cnuo for pnoumatln and cushion tires will.un doubtedly draw many wheelmen there from the tributary towns , and the very appropriate- dntos for a nice three or four days' excursion to the Queen City should attract many there to witness tbo sport alone. Every accommo dation for visitors will bo looked to. Sports A11 old say : "Accommodations are being made for u largo gathering and many celebri ties are expected to compete. Omaha will likely send out the boy wonder , IMxloy , nnd Jack Prince has promised to bo on band. 1'neuumtlcs will nlso bo soon and cushions In grout variety. In order to give the solids n fair show , the pneumatics and cushions will bo penalized according to tholr ui > oriorlty. No pains will bo spared to made this tournament the most successful one over bold In Colorado , and Sports Afield semis out a hearty goodish to the creditable under taking , ns well ns to those who are putting forth such worthy efforts to make It mich. For Information regarding any dutnll of tbo moot , n postal to olthnr U. C. Hopkins , president , Times ofllco. or J. A. Mculro ! , Bocrotnry , Sports Afield , Denver , willrecolvo prompt attention. The Qinahii Atlilctln Club. The Omaha athtotlo club scorns to bo flourishing llko a green bay tree. They are to hnvo a splendid new club house , com pletely equipped with gymnastlo apparatus , blcyclo and prdostrlan. track nnd all other ppurtannuccs pertaining to such nn enter- prlio. Judeo T , J. Uudlck bat made the cluh proposition to build Iho club House on bis lot next Plaid Dress Goods 79c Mondny wo offer choice of nil our fine plaid die-B foods , nil now spring goods , formerly Bold from OSo to $1.25 yard , at only 70o yard. Baby Carriages at wholesale prices. Dress Goods Monday wo will plnro on our dress peed a counter 160 pieces flno dress poods of all descriptions , In line wool goods ; no matter what the loss is to us you can take your pick of the entire lot Monday at 60c yard , and wo will pivo you n pointer , they are dirt cheap nt 6do yard. Buy the baby a Buggy. Ghallis , 160 ] > locos figured challis po in the crush Monday at 2o yard , and an ele gant line goes Monday at Co , worth lUc. SWISS Embroidery Floifncings , Wo nro overstocked on Swiss em broidery flouncincs unil wo are offering them at prices that should sail them quick , at 6c ! ) , CUc , 76e , 8oc , 08c , 81 , $1.25 yard. Fine grades in black nt 70c , $1 , $1.23 , $1.60. $1.75 and $2.60 ynrd , everyone ono n prout bargain. Baby Carriages sold very low now. BENNISON BROS , o the northeast , corner of Fifteenth and Harnoy streets. The lot Is forty-four feet wide by seventy foot deep. The bulld- , ng Is to bo of brick with walls twenty feet nigh and the front to bo of Chicago or St. Louis pressed brick. Judge Kcdlck stated in his proposition that tie would have the building completed In sixty days from date , and a rental of $1,500 per year will bo charged. The club Is to bavo entire control of the building. The proposition of Judge Rodlck was ac cepted and the following gentlemen appointed a committee to conclude arrange me nts mid superintend the building : President George W. Amos , James McDonald , Chut. Hedlck , Uobert Wells and H. T. McCormlck. The plans of the building will bo com pleted at once and the work pushed as rapidly as possible. It is the Intention of the asso ciation to have ono of the finest athletic club houses In tbo west. Particular attention will bo paid to the interior furnishings and the setting up of the gymnastlo apparatus. Twenty-two now applications for member ship were road nnd upon a favorable report of the directors were elected to full membership , making a total of elghty-ilvo members in good standing. A gentleman desiring to join the club should scud their application to any of the following gentlemen : K. Wells , llll Far- n urn street ; W. tf. Uotty , postofHco box 558 ; W. H. Crnry. 205 Now York Life building ; H. Y. Cook , 1313 Fnrnam strnot ; P. S. Hob- bins , 2010 Harnoy street ; G. W. Ames , I50T Furuam street. The Sitiuitl'iii Growing Squally. Already there Is a cloud hovering on the horbou of the Western base ball association. This is as exasperating as It is regretful , and thoroughly demonstrates the necessities In the case. St. Paul isn't "drawing flies" simply because her team Is four or flvo games behind the leaders , and for some un accountable reason Denver is pro wing wabbly. What has bocoino of that $5,000 guarantun each club was obliged to have deposited with Treasurer Krauthoff as a surety for playing out the season ! It would have served n handv term about now , but of course was only a bluff. It seems that there are no winning ball towns In this whole circuit without winning teams. They must all have them or fall by the wayside , nnd Omaha is no exception to the rule , h'o far the patronage hero has been miserable , nnd with another spurt of bad luok would grow worse. Lincoln is allvo simply by the grace of the Farmers' peed fortune on their first trip. Sioux Cl y is chaffing , as their team is falling short of expectations , and there U nn uucnsv rninblo In other quarters. This Is all to bo lamented , but when ) Is the remedy i Tlio Sleepy llollovvH. The famous Sleepy Hollows have been re organized under a much stronger manage ment and nro ready to cope with all clubs in Omaha and Nebraska. They play their first with the Nonpareils today on the Nonpareils' now grounds at 3:30. : Following are the players of the Sleepy Hollow : Culloa , pitcher ; MaVoa , catcher ; Olmond , first base ; Kelley , second base ; Dowlas , third base ; Gibclow , short stop : Ahlqulst , loft field ; Weller , center field ; H. MoVon , right field ; Smith , substitute. King Kol's club ought to bo a ringer , as they'nro n very Quo lot of base rutinei-s , batters and fielders. A lircak la tlio Staff. The Western association has boon unusu ally fortunate- fur with her umplrlcal at tachments. Out ono member has proven In competent , nnd ho was resigned. Hut the selection was u had ono to begin with. In addition to being a man of very poor Judg ment , Collins Is an Invalid , and unlit for the onerous duties and severe trials that must befall nny ono In his position. No failure should bo made In filling hla place. Give us n strong man physically and intellectually another Knight , Gaffnoy or Kmilio for In * stance , and the season will Do finished peace fully and successfully. A Team Korcly Tried. The members of the Omaha team have been severely bornft by the grim visitor this season. Three wccka ngo Pitcher Clarke mouruod the loss of his aged father , who died suddenly at bU homo in Oswego , N , Y , and at about the same lime Jlmmlo Donnelly received the Bad Intelligence ol the death of a favorite lUter , Qa top of this comes tb ACK SILK We are offering the greatest bargains in fine Black Silk Grenadines ever placed on sale in this country. We have an elegant line at 500 a yard , and every fibre is warranted pure silk. They are cheap at 750. Our line at 75c and 850 yard are simply beauties. Our lines at $ i , $1.25 , $1.35 and $1.50 yard are wonderful eye-openers. They are simply away beyond any competition. If you ever expect to buy a Black Silk Grenadine we would * advise you tosee our line at once. Monday we offer 5 pieces Black Faille Silks at 75C yard ; worth $1.10. A Black Gros Grain Silk at $1.15 yard. Every yard war- ranted. 10 pieces Black China Silks at 390 a yard ; worth 6oc. Large- line Cheney Bros. ' Figured China Silks at $ i yard. 5 pieces Black Satin Rha- dames Monday , just to reduce stock , at 790 a yard ; worth $1.15. A big line Brocade Silks , in fancy light colors , go Monday at 35c yard. Don't fail to see our Black Silk Grenadines at 500 yard. BENNISON BROS news of the death of Mrs. Shannon and the crlous Illness of MM. McCaulcy. Under uch circumstances a team could hardly bo expected to play up to tholr rightful stand ard , and yet they have done romarkubly well. 'I ho Sjrucuso Knees. The Syracuse , Nob. , spring races will be hold Juno 24 , 25 and 20. Following ls the irogramtno : First day , trotting , 3:00 : class , closed , $500 ; trotting , 'J:35 : class , closed. $500 ; troUlng , 2:29 : class , closed , $500. Second day , trotting , 2:25 : class , $500 ; pacing , 8:35 : class , closed , $500 ; trotting , 2:40 : class , $ iTO. Third day , trotting , 2:45 : class , closed , $500 ; pacing , 2:20 : class , $500 ; trotting , 2:50 : class , 250 ; pacing , 2:50 : class , $250. Mrs. McCnuloy Improving. The denial of the report of the death of Allen MeUauloy's wife is welcome news. She was dangerously sick , however , and her Ifo despaired of , but is mending now , McCauley telegraphs , and the big first baseman - man muv bo here on time to play this after noon. With McCauley and Shannon both off the team , the Lambs would have a hard row to hoe Indeed. Ilroiikl'iiHt Tor the Crunk ) . Game called at 3:80 : this afternoon. Buck Ewing is sadily missed by the Giants. The Omahos returned In the load , any way. way.For For a tied score horse and horse Is the latest caper. ' Kansas City has engaged a young pitcher 'named Johnson. ShugarU playing has been a revelation to the Minncapolituns. Pickott's hitting for Kansas City avails much , but his fielding is poor. Alison lot Stela go to Kunsos City , and then thought ho wouldn't do it. The Western association race continues the closest and hottest of them nil. Kansas City-toon : a Dig drop last week and landed at the tall end of the procession. Manager Shannon made the first homo run of the season at Atblotlo park , Minneapolis. Carroll has Joined Kansas City and young Grlover will hereafter ploy general utility man. man.Walsh Walsh had on his homo run hitting clothes at Minneapolis , and got in quite a number of them. "Runs batted In" died a pcacoful death. The committee on rules massacred it in cold blood. Samuel Laroquo has bo n released by Pitts- burg. Ho is a clover ball player aud original on the linos. Umpire Collins has resigned. Ho was about the onlv ono on the staff who failed to till the bill. Perry \Vordon Is loadlne the association In batting and Is ono of the Jour who are ahead of King Kelly. Manning is full of confidence and plays a great game. "Ho Is halting this season huruor than over before. Watklns made a big find when ho secured Second Baseman Conloy. Ho is flaying u remarkable game. . Pickott recently made the longest hit ever seen on the St. Paul grounds. The same moth-eaten chestnut acain. Joco Halllgan has boon hitting safely more times than any other player la the Western association , Sporting Tunes , Edward Itlfo Is sad. Ho says : "Tho Bos. ton team Is In tbo 3:12 : class. Columbus belongs - longs to the 2:40 : selling platers. " Cushman Is the kicklnglst manager in the whole western circuit. Ho will bo kicking himself on his next southern trip. Your undo , Adrienne Constance Anson , has wrapped his logs around the top rung of the league ladder pretty effectually. Mlnnohan did some magnificent batting in the opening gatno at Minneapolis. Ho made four hits three of thorn being two-buyers. Duke nnd Khnor Smith and SwarUol , three of the strongest pitchers In the Western as sociation , are not able to do any work us yot. Kansas City will bo In the Hwlm when some of her pitchers got la condition. Man ning's boys uro hard lighters and great fin ishers. Plckett is a lame man. Signing too many contracts anil being jugged up ou several lawsuits la liable to make any man lame , not to say tired. Danny Stoarni la oft in hla batting. Dan Is a uo batsman and it's only a matter of GENTS' French Underwear , 68c Our own Importation , pouts'French bnlbricpan shirts and drawers , n very supcrinr quality worth lit lo.ist $1 , nro now on stxlo nt U8u cash. LADIES' Black Lisle Uests , 50C A flno fast blnck joraoy ribbed llslo vest , no sluovos , silk ribbon * drawn through nock ana sleeves , nnd only CUe each ; they are cheap. Bargains in Wall Paper. LADIES' Fancy Stripe Vests , 12C Monday wo olTor10 doon Indies' fancy strlpo jersey ribboil vests at l"c each to close them out. They nro worth 25o. LADIES' Black Silk Vests , $1,00. , Only n limited quantity Indies' hlack silk jo soy ribbed vests on sale nt $1 ouch ; peed viiluo. Bargains in Baby Carriages. Black Canvas Cloth , 69c Monday wo ofTefr an all wool blno . summer canvas cloth 42 Inches wia' nn elegant fabric for summer , only 0 yard , worth $1. Good time to b'uy Baby Carriages , Children's Fast-Black Hose 10c pr. Bargains ! in Wall Paper. BENNISON BROS a short time when he'll bo lining the ball in all directions. Fournler Is wilder than an Indian buck on tbo warpath. Seventeen buses ou balls Is a pretty decent record. And thcu after that ; o win a game I Wllllo Mains Is Captain Kelly's winning pitcher. Ho has pitched but ono losing eamo ind that was against Boston. Out of six games ho has won live. In the North Pnclflc league on Saturday the Tacomas defeated the Seattle team IS to 5 in twenty-two Innings 1 It was ono of the most notable games on record. The Cuban cigar factory , 1515 Farnam street , will present the first member of the Omaha team making a homo run on the local grounds with a box of flno cigars. Minneapolis clings up near the top with a very tenacious grip. It looks ns if tbo "Millers" were under the impression that every game counts and so It does , O. P. Caylor is seriously 111 nt his homo in Now York , nnd during his absence from duty S. Goodfrlond , ono of the globe-circling tourists , Is editing the Sporting Times. A w eok ago Elmer Smith led the Western association batsmen with a percentage of ,450. There are but few of tnom now nhond of Hal llgan , Shannon , Walsh , Sutcllffe and Twltcholl. Kansas City has had to pay moro fines so far than all the other clubs put together. What does this moani If the chamolons did more playing and less talking they would stand better. Joe Walsh's colors as the "king" shortstop of the Western association uro said to have been lowered to Shugart. But the Flour City poopio admit that Joe is a great plaver. Minneapolis Tribune. The weather has been too frigid to draw good crowds. The weather was bettor at opening tlmo than It has boon since May 1. This Is touch , as the Western contingent is now invading tno chilly north. Johnnie Sowdors is doing prottv good work in the box for Kansas City. Ho recently astonished his admirers by crackiiicr out four hits in ono game , and several of thorn have not yet recovered from the shock. The Western association Is having the best pennant race of nny baseball organization in the country. The teams nro nil closely bunched nnd uro so oven In strength that its a nip-and-tuck struggle every day. Sportlug Times. The feature of the contests at Minneapolis has boon Umpire Gaffnoy's work. It Is n pleasure to witness games when the players do not keep up n continual wrnnplo with the umpire. "Long hvo the king. " Minneapolis Tribune. The St. Pauls and Kansas Cltys played an exciting series of fdnr games in the former city. St. Paul bolted away with two of the games , much to Manning's chagrin. Watklns likes to bury Kansas City every time his team plays ngalnsttthcm. A wild and woolly Minnonpolltan savs : "Excuse mo. plenty if I grow too enthusiastic , but I consider Sotcliffo tbo most valuable man on tbo Omaaaitcuin , How ho over cot away from the ribaguo is a mystery. Old Cy plas ball all the tlmo. " With his eye to the telcscopo at Now York , Will Harris makostthls obviously correct ob servation : "Latham is doing some great ball playing tor < the Clucinnatis , and has proved very conclusively that ho has neither n glass eye nor a Blues arm. aud in fact the dude is playing great ball. " Mr. Leon Vlau , says the Inter Ocean , couldn't have pitched a bed of bricks off a ladder last summer. Ho was so madly in love with his mustache and an unknown brand of chowlns gum that baseball lost Its test. But ho has freshened up n good deal this year. Ho Is a good deal wrapped UD In himself and somowhut giddy at times , but as a pitcher ho is becoming quite port. Jerry Denny , who was for a long tlmo re- garaod as the princa of third basemen , is now on the market. Two or three seasons ago his release would have brought from $0,000 to $3,000 ; but when ho is thrown over board by the Now Yorks , as ho will surely bo In tro course of a few days , ho will find it ndifllcult matter to secure a llrst-class posi tion. Denny's decline is duo to tils Intem perate habits. The Washington club Is really the only ono in the two loading organi- zutlous anxious to secuio him. It docs not take our Gorman cousins long to "catch on. " The Frole Prosso sayn that the reason King Kol.'s Todtschlagors didn't win a recent fame was because they nad CARPET DEl'ARTMI-NT. It is our Intention to do Doiible the Business in our Carpet Department this Benson that \ve have done In any preceding season. To ac complish this we shall this week Reduce Prices on nearly every grade Carpet in our stock. We quote THE FOL LOWING VERY LOW PRICES : Heavy Velvets $1.1O to $1.2B. Other Velvets.8Bc to $1.1O. Body Brussels 90c to $1.25. Tapestries BOc , OBc , 7Bc , 8Oc and 9Oc. Wool Ingrains BOc , GOc , 6Bc and 7Bc. Part Wool Ingrains 4Bc , BOc and 6Oc. Cotton Ingrains IBc , 2Bc and 4Oc. Hemps IBc and 2Oc. We make and lay Carpets at lowest prices , and guarantee perlect workmanship. BMna Matting , We believe we are selling China Matting 28 per cent less than any other house in the city. We quote prices 12jc to 4Oc. Gram Get our prices on Lace and Chenille Curtains. They are the lowest we have ever given. We shall sell Shades this week at WHOLESALE PRICES. It will pay you to get your shade work done by us. BENNISON BROS traveled all night neil bad sand in their eyes. eyes.Wild Wild Bill Widnor has failed to sot Perry creek on flro and tbo Corn Huskcrs will release - lease him. St. Joe O'Connor has had the bulk of his salary oaten up so far this spring in flues for abusing the umpire. Billy Moran's Convicts in the Two-Evcd lenguo are tailing the procession , and Billy has caught in every game. The absence of Shannon and McCauley from the team was responsible for the loss of Wednesday's game at Milwaukee. Billy Alvord , Dos Moincs' old third baseman - man , made two errors In n game for Cleveland - land the other day that were responsible for eleven runs. Edwin F. Stevens of the Herald , and Sir Tim Murnano of the Globe , two of the best known baseball specialists in the land , are traveling with the Boston lougucrs. Larry McKeon , the delivery end of the old tlmo famous Indianapolis battery , Kocnan nnd McKooii , has applied for a position on the Western association umpire staff. Lincoln gave John Irwm the rnzzlo , but Brother Arthur stored him away on the Bos ton team. Brother A. is cuto. Ho loaded up some of tbo family on Washington in 168'J. Tip O'Neill is sick nnd Joe Visnor is playing - ing with tbo Browns. Washington released Josophus on the pravo charge of being in ca hoots with the green evod monster. Chris will got the best of any disorganlzor in tbo land nnd is likely to find Visnor a Moses in meekness after ono debate. Inter Ocean : Along in the game somwhoro Pfeftorcamo to bat. Ho Immediately ob jected to a shining silver buckle in Clnrkson's bolt. The sun reflected In bis eyes bo said. The bleachers laughed full loud and froo.nnd a man In a chucked shirt arose and observed , "Mako 'm take off his shoes , too. " Frank Hough , tbo famous "Man Behind the Plato , " has a pain , nnd ho says : "If some Inventive genius will only coin now ex pressions for 'You've got a great eye , " 'It only takes wnnst to hit It , ' 'Got In the game , ' and 'Mnka him put It over , ' ho would onrn the everlasting thanks of the spectators , who have grown weary of listening to the snmo old cries season In nnd season out. " Harry Stovoy hasn't boon well this snrlncr , nnd commenting on an incident in tbo Chicago cage sorles , Lconnrd Wns'iburno said : "Harry Stovoy drngccd his six feet up to the nlato like n man with one foot In the grave. 'Poor Harry Is very 111'snld Tim Murnamo In the press box as a sympathetic tear stole down bU cheek. Just then Poor Harry moaned fitfully and wrapped his bat tour times around the ball. There was a woman \vastilng stops in front of a house near Throop street , on Congress. She dodpcd Just In tlmo. Poor Harry crawled around the bases and back to the bench , " An Olln Podrtiln ofSports. Jack Cnrkook defeated J. H. Quinn , the Paclllc coast champion , at Hockford , 111. "Farmer" Burns Is going to accept Evan Lewis' challenge to throw him three times In an hour and a half. Mr , E. B , Sears' St. .Bernard dog Hospor , second in value only to Sir Bcdivoro , dloJ at Boston of lymphangitis. The Diamond base hall club would like to make dates with any teams outside the city. Address C. II. Frank , 1517 Jones street. E. E. Mockcll , Lincoln's champion cyclest , and Curt Clark , of Hastings , will rlda a thlrty-llvu mile race at Lincoln Decoration day , Georpo C. Osborno of Toledo won the cham pionship cup nt the tourney of the Ohio Trap Shooters' league nt Fimllny. Thcro were twenty entries nnd Osbornc shnttuiod forty- eight but of fifty blue rocks , buatlng his own record of n year ngo by ono bin ) . F. P. Clark of North Baltimore broke forty-six. The teams formerly called tboVobstor Street Juniors nnd the Illfh School Juniors bavo consolidated and will hereafter l > u known as the Invincible * . Following nro tlia names and positions of the pluyor * ! Sownnl , second ; McKell , llrst : Fnloonor , third ; Bushman , short stop ; Coburn , right ; Itiitltir , left , Cuscnden , middloHrown , pitch ; Smith , eaten , nnd Godsoo , sub. Perhaps sprinter * are not the allnkost people ple alive , taytt the PlttsbiirK Chromrlu Tele graph. It has leaked out that Fiirroll. Donovan van , Billy Mills and pang bent the llariium circus pitoplo. A runner named Curon , ron- noctod with the circus , runs ono of the horse * with a tblrd of a lap start , and tno horse gan. orally wins ' han bo trios. Ever uluco ibo Domestic Dep'm't 100 plrro ( liiB drcst ginghams fir yard. 1 raso : i-ln ( ! . Ule.U'hcil iniislln , HljnriN for $1. Slm'osllno ' : i < J-lii itnliloirlicd iniislln , 15 ) n > 'iN for 81 ; DP ynnl wholesiK 20 pieces pink dumbrnys , ( ! c janl ; worth liljc. KIrgiinl line line Scotch ypphjr Ring- ImiiH , Mniilny ISc jnnl ; or h ii'c. 15 plorCR liluo check ch tint shifting * , Monday 4c ! ynrd ; wnrth I0e. 2o niece * hlrlncil oil lug llaniirls , Mon dnyISo ynr. ' . 100 pieces linniNomo French ta lues , braiilirnl color ? , 2iic ynrd. 1 ciiso llgiircil percales , ilG-ln wide , 7jo ynrd ; worth l'2Jc. 10 pieces : ii-ln ( solid black b.itthto cloth 7c } anl , worth l'2Jc. 2. pieces solid black French henrlcUns , 25ci\nl. 100 ( bathe,4 ptlldws . " > le erch. China Draoeries 16c. A new line of elegant figured China dra ] eric' , just the thing for a. Miimi'cr cnr nln and lo ksjtnt like n China silk , only 15c jiird. Marseilles Bed Spreads $1.25. This is n good one , longer size , elegant line patterns worth anj where $2 ; yon can get them Mondny nt $1.25 each. LADIES' Opera Length Hose $1. $ Ladles' fast black flno gnage opera length hose , our own iiiiiorlnton | ! nnd IH cheap nt $1.50 ; but we are letting them out nt $1 n pair. ' Ladies' black silk inlttH 2iic pair , worth 40c. 40c.L L dies' black silk m'.ttsuOc pair , worth 75e. 75e.Ladles' Ladles' blnck silk gloios oOe pair , worth 7. > c. Ln Ics' blnck llslo gloves loc pair , worth : J5c. Ladies' fast blnck hose 50c pair , worth 7 tie. tie.L L dies' bnlbriggnn luhe 25c pair , re duced from 50c. Ladies'fast hlnck silk hose $1 pnlr , worth $1.50. BENNISON BROS professional cang Joined the show they hnvo claimed that the man ought to mnko n good race with the horse even tin from n standing start tbo horse to take the outside of the course. The performers all thought that Caron was as fast as any of tbo professionals. A circus man backed thohorsofor$50 against Furroll. The stood , with the best ] ockoy lu the show on bis back , was beaten by flvo yards. About $100 was captured by the run- tiers , who hot it at ono against two on Fnrrcll. The lady who holds llrst place among ten nis players today is Miss Ellen C. Hoosovelt , writes Herbert Honshaw. It is an open ques tion whether she is really the best among the fair wioldcrs of the racket , but her tltlo of champion , which slio won last summer from Miss Towiisond , who hud hold it ever since her memorable victory in 1SS8 , entitles horto that distinction. She , with her younpor sis ter , Miss Grace Hoosovolt , who Is considera bly her Inferior , also holds the doubles cham pionship. Miss Hoosovolt's skill has boon largely developed by her former prnctlco mutches with Miss Hobinson , nnd though she usually defeated at that time her sub sequent work would indicate that she is now superior to ber instructress. Both the sisters nro pronounced types of fomintno athletes. Tholr training is like that of u college oarsman anil duo regard Is paid to diet. The two girls take long tramps in the country nnd do other active work to kcoo tholr muscles in trim. As their name implies , they come of good old Knicker becker stock and nro omen . of much refine ment nnd culture. Their summer homo is in Poughkccpsio , N. Y. Goswlp Among the Gunners. Billy Townsend , secretary of the Omaha Gun club Is visiting his parents \\ashing- - ton City. The Prairie cun club bold their opening shoot today nt tholr grounds In the northeast part of the city near Beechor's lee house , Goodlov Uruckor and Frank Pitrmclco carried oif their share of the moneys hung upnt the Des Moines shoot this last ueek. Pnrmoloo was a winner in ovcry ceut In which ho shot. Colonel Jack Morrison nnd the sportlnc editor were the puusts of Major Cuarlio Williams nnd Captain Gene Wright of Mis souri Valley ono day last weak. Tnoy ro- colvod royal treatment ami made n bag of something like two lumdred plover. The next shoot for tlio state championship medal for riflemen will bo held nt the Husor park range In August. Mr. Fred Fuller , ono of Omaha's leading rillo shots , aud n genial all-round sportsman , Is entitled to the bulk of the credit for inaugurating thc&o medal shots. John Potty won the modal nt the opening shootlast week. The Queen City Gun club of Denver , will hold n big trap shoot Juno 2. 3 , 4 nnd 5 under the management of J. A. U. Elliott of Kansas City , ami the champion of America. Among the crack shots who will attend aits Frank Parmeloo , Goodlv Brucknr , H , U. Kennedy nnd John Field of this city , Ctmillo lludd of Los ) Moinos. J U. Stico of Springfield , III , llarvoy McMurchy of Dayton , O. , Al Uandlo ofClnclnr.ntl.aml many othoni.lncliidliijf loams from Hclonn , Mont. , Santn Fo , Opdun , Salt Lnko City , Laramlo , Cueyonno , Albuquerque and elsewhere. Of prizes there will bo u liberal supply. Cash to the amount of $1,200 has been subscribed and there will ho nhand- sowo ullvor challenge- cup ana other prl/.es. On the llrst ilav limnlnmto tnrpots only will ho used , and the diamond tintlpo mutch will bo nhot nt 1 p. m. On the second any live birds will bo used nnd thu rhallongo silver cup wilt bo Hhot tor In thn afternoon. Durlnu thu third and fourth days both live birds and Inanlmnto targets will bo put up. To every event thcio will bo uddcd money. rln K nl'tlin Wliool. Two runs today Florence nnd Council Bluffs. Lot everybody turn out. Quito n number rode to Florence Wednes day evening , loturnlug by moonlight. What n racing team Kastman , Siofkln. Msrris mill Con null would make , and u hard ono to down at that , Fred ( ' . Miithows has resumed his accus tomed place ut the club housn. Ills eastern trip has not won him away Irani the G , O. O. In thn least , What's tlio matter with our racing board getting up n race between the Omaha Wheel dub ami Apollo Cycling club for Decoration day , There are several good men In both ulubs who would tnoKo a vary pretty race. Wnlt Morris Is happy again , Ho has re ceived his "Victor U. " cushion tired safoty. 19,000 rolls of wall piper ntHc" " , So , ( f. lee rotj. rinegllt wall jiaperat fii4o , 8e , lOo , 1'J'ie. 15a roll. roll.Wo Wo can sa % o you at luast 50 per cent on wall paper. Tiyus. Lightning leo cream fieocr , 2 quarts , tj" H.ai : otliei s ? es In sunn ! ptoporllon. lluekeyu lawn moms$4.lK \ 1,1)00 ) foot lawn hose IK ; ( out ; warranted. bteel garden r.iUos 25o each. Good gulden hou ale. Hpiuli s mid sho\ s 4e. \ \ Indnw scri'un frames S. " > c carh , 1 pound pauUaKu inlvol bin ) KOC < ) do , Lamp clilmneys , all sires , , * > u ucli. l.ouo buttles aiiumla lle. ) 1.000 pint tin cups 'Jic ! each. I ) ppors 5o , 7ei o. Cu lu put ties , lo each. 1,000 plu tins lc each. Milk Skimmers , lc. Caku ciilteitlc. . N'ntiiieii grateis , lo. Tun Spoons , le. lliass bird eagu springs , lo. I'epuer Dredcus , lc. Seiow Drivers , lc. llrass Wardrobe , lc. Individual Salts , lo. Ice picks So and lOu. Good curry combs , Se and lOo. Salts and peppers , 5o. I.anip8hailosr > c. Garden Tronols. 5e. Hinges , "e pair. Wlrn ( ili'turo cord. So package. Ioer ) o.'g beaters lOc. Tack hammers.f > uuml lOc. Serub brushes * > < , lOu . nil l.'c. Copper bottom wiibh boilers , COo. Wash boards lie uueh. Clothes wrliiRurs $1. ? . ) . Western \vushliiK machines 14,50 , Solid copper tea kuttlu tt.15. Copper bottom tun Uottlis , 250. S-foot stvplnddcr 58e. FoldliiK lronln Loarilsn''c. ' 1,000 glass rose Jars lOe each , worth 40o. 1,000 glass tanco dishes ; iio ! uach , 1,000 glass tuiiibUirs'Jlieiiiioli. 2,000 blow n glass ttnnlers 'We sot , _ _ Glass fruit ( fishes 1.10,2.10 , 'J5c , wurth ( 'oublaf 1,000 class fliiKor bowls lOc each , wcltli 40& Hand lamps l.lc , 10 nnd 25c. Glass cream sots 19o sot , biiKar Hlfturs , with sllvir tops , 15o. Glass water pltoheis lOo uach. BENNISON BROS "Ills a bird ! " and resembles a pncutnntla very closely. Walt will now rtiuuio hli pos'ition as assistant chief scorcher. Have you tried the lovely coast down Lcavonworth from Park avenue to the Six teenth street vloductl The man who laid , that pavement could not bo punished rnora than to bo compelled to coast the distance on a wheel. Why don't J. Henry Kastman try to lower the record to Florence and return. Jack ought to niako some very fast time with his "balloon. " Think it over , old man , and turo the Florence incdal if it is still In istcnco. Francis J. Glcason of Philadelphia has Just patented n paounmtlo tire which is a novelty. It Is constructed la sections , each section having a normally open hole for the passage of the ulr ftom ono section to an other whoa under pressure. A pneumatic saddle Is tlio latest fad and halls from tno "lund of uncertainties" Franco. It Is n rubber covering which fits snuglv over nny ordinary saddle and can ba Inflated with air or filled with water as the rider sees fit. Cyclists who have tried It pronounce It a Hue improvement. - Another good man has gone wronir. Blllr Eraorson now rldoi a bran now cushion tlrod Columbia safety and actually likes It. As the weeks roll by and the season advances the "old guard" forsakes the G. O. O. mid fall in line with the "chain gang , " whose watchword Is "Comfort and Safety. " An eastern club offers a prize of two thea tre tlciios wconly to the club member mak ing the best pool score during the week upon the club's tables. Hero is a good scheme for the road onlcors to think over. Offer a modal to the wheelman having the best attondancfc _ during the year on club runs and see If more attention 1s not paid to wheeling la Omaha Wheel club. Something ought to bo done to abate tlia dog uulbiinco. It prows worse with oacU year. It Is a common sight now to see a wheelman flying along with half adozoit snapping curs at his heels. A ( rooa dose 01 lend would warn some of the do owners that they should keep their dcgs nt homo. la some of the eastern cliie ? wheelmen carry a suit of slung shot attached to the handle bar of their machines nnd use It with tolling ef fect upon the unsuspecting cur as ho yelps alongside. The run toGlonwood last Sunday was o "corker , " the best run held so far this sea son. Onlv two mishaps marred the pleasure of the trip . Lytlo bioUo the handle bar nnj Siofkln his sprocket wheel , the > "trained" It homo. Kelly and Huinell of the Touristj oc - comr/nulucl the club down nnd cntne back a few hours In advance. In the afternoon a partv consisting of Mittuucr , Mothows , Mor ris , ICpenottcr , Scannell and Smith pedaled over to the deaf and dumb Institute to moot the returning Glunwoodltus. The "Klub ICIckiM- " says the uuxt time the buglnr takes his Instrument of torture along he will carry a gun and the Omaha Wheel club will bo minus a huclcr. As usunl the pneumatic wai out of Night most of the time. QllCfitloilH nilll AllHWTH. A. Mtiy 2J. To Uio HportliiK Editor of Tut : HM : : A but 11 that lloyd would not bo oliutcd Kovcrnur. Whowou/ O.K. Ana. H. NEWMAN ( Jliovi : , Miiy 18. To the Hnortlnd Kdltorof THE HEK : I'loimo answer In fruNiiAir HKK Urn followliiK question : "What IH the bust limn evur uiuilu by ruiuilnx ! ion > fi 'JM yiirds ? " Ans. There Is no rocoid for 250 yards for a running horse. NKMMIN tlliovr , liny 12. To the Sportlntt Editor of Tim Hr.Hi I'li'ii&n.inswertliofcilluw- IIILIn MIMIAV HIE : Where did Hurl , now with ht , 1'uiil. play List year ? Also I'ourlnor of Ih'ii vnr ? To ilui-lda a Dot , who Is thn butter nllflii'i ( Jump of Scuttle , or Wolllmim of last jo.ii'fc Illalrlotiin. Wliut Players formed U)0- ) h'tttnrli'i ) for - mittlo mid Tacmna In their ructuit twimiy-iwo liming guimi pliiyod kt Tiici . i ? JAMK.SlcKxv. . Ans. fl ) With St. Louis. (2) ( ) Now Hod- ford , ( ! i ) Camp by long odds. ( I ) Don'lbnow. ' LKmiA , May II. To thn Kpoitliu Kdltor of Tut. IUK : who l tlio ho.ivywoluht i-hain- ulonof this mirld. John \ > . Sullivan ui ITunk .S.itlny-.lim Kiiiillni.iu. Ann John L. Sullivan U the champion of till * world , SUi\n | probably of the next , . NHW.MAS ( laovn. Mtiy SiTe the 8iorn | > Editor of Tin : III.KS-l'leuKe ktiilu In Hl.'MUY' & lUc : whut linn bfcomo of Jnok NJWiiiun--f.inr ( Vonnx , An * . Ho la In Oraahn , Idle. Ho wlll.how- ever sign with either Denver of Graad Hnp- Ids today.