THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , "MAY 24 , 1891-SIXTEEN PAGES. 11 THE CONDITION OF TRADE , The Meeting of the Nebraska State Business Men's Association. THE WHOLESALERS DO NOT COMPLAIN. Omnhn nnd tlio HurromdhiR Territo ry Aiutroncliliix a. I'orloil of Great I'mmiprlty Tlio Trade Out look \Vni Never Hctecr. The event o ( the past week from n business MnBdpomt wo the meeting In Omaha of the Nebraska Stale Huslneas Men's ' Association. The attendance was largo and a great deal of Interest was manifested In the subjects brought before the association. The business men themselves were unanimous in voting the meeting n success In every respect. The affairs of the association appear to bo In a prosiicrous condition , and no discordant cle ment appeared nt any tlmo during the ses sion. Outside of the regular business for which the meeting was hclil.tbcso assemblies of business men are generally regarded with favor. A largo number of the moil actlvo nml enterprising of the merchants of the state are thus brought together , and they cannot help but bo mutually bcnclited. They nro enabled to compare notes nnd ndvlso as to the best methods of conducting the various lines of business. Bv holding the meeting IP Omaha the vis- ! .ors wcroublo to become better acquainted with the Jobber * from whom they ouy th ir goods nnd to learn something of the methods of handling produce , etc. , shipped In hero. That they availed themselves of the opportun ity was very evident ana the different busi ness houses spent n good doa' ' ot tlmo Ic showing the strangers through. It was not entirely a labor of love for a number of the Visiting merchants loft orders with the Job bcrs ns pleasant reminders of tholr visit Some who had not boon in the habit of purchasing their supplies hero wcro so well pleased with the larpe stocks of goods nml reasonable prlcos that they voluntarily promised that Omaha should have their busi ness hereafter. TUB WIIOI.F9AI.B TIHDB nf Omnlm U hnldlncr Its own in COed shnpo nnd the pist wc k has seen a largo amount of poods shipped from hero into the surrounulng territory. As a rule the Jobbers hnvo done very llttlo complalnlne about the condition Of trade. They are meeting with good suc cess not only in holding trudo In their own territory but nro gradually opening up now districts as Omaha nnil Omaha business men become better known. Dun k Co. In tbelr trade review of the week report "trade nt western cities quiet but very hopofuL" The llrst is true of some lo-nlltics , especially as regards the retail Ir ule , while the latter portion of the asser tion is indisputable. Whatever may be the present condition of trade one thing is pretty certain , Nebraska nnd the surrounding territory tributary to innhn , nro on the brink of the greatest com mercial prospcnty over exDoriencoO in the X neat. Everthing is working in this direc * * tion and nothing appears to stand In the way The farmers nro confident of nbuiidant crops , the ground being in good shnpo and everything favorable while condi tions in Kuropo nro such as to maintain the market * , for the leading farm products even In the face of n heavy crop in this country. The merchants from the different parts of the Btato who wcro attending the convention in this city were enthusiastic over the outlook for the fall nnd winter trade nnd they almost Invariably expressed themselves as looking for bnttor times than wcro ever before ex- jicrienced In this section nf the country. The recent crop failure and closeness of money in Nebraska drove out of business the weak merchants' nnd others who wanted to got out of business made tbo times an excu&o for failure , so that the merchants still In business represent the more solid class of men who have the enter prise to push their trade for all there is lu it , If the reports of the merchants themselves are to Do believed , the outlook for them Is especially pleasing , and they have reason to foci confident. With the country enjoying a Omaha cannot help but bo prosperous. COU.S'TUY I'KODUCE. The market bos presented some note worthy features during the past six days. Eggs bavo been In very light receipt and have sold largely at Ific a big prlto for this season of the year. The high price does not appear to materially Increase the receipts , and all arrivals are picked up promptly. Poultry has sold nil tbo week at about Btcady prices and the market has been devoid ol nny interesting feature. Ituttor has been very weak. Eastern roar- Vets were in such shape that the packers and shippers could not afford to pay over U@lOc nor lb. , nnd as the bulk of the receipts bavo had to go to them it follows that the greater proportion of tlio butter has had to sell at that range. Some select packages are picked up by the local retail trade ut a llttlo more moneybut the demand from this source Is limited. The bay market has firmed upon tbo de crease in the receipts. FIIU1TS. In the way ot fruits about the only thing to attract noy attention has hern strawber ries , They have been arriving at the rate of two or three cars per dav and as prices have been low Blocks have moved off freely. The quality of the fruit has been qulto good , but this week the St , Louis county berries will commence to comn , and they have the reputation of bclm ; tbo tlncst grown. The crop is said to bo largo and the fruit very choice. CONCEIISINO VEOETAni.ES thcro is very little to bo said. Potatoes bavo been slow and tne market Is low to what It was last month. Homo kinds ot new vege tables are scarce to what they usually are nt 'this season of the year. MAItKETS. T.hls has. boon a wouk withont any special feature of change In the wheat situation. Copious rains In this country have assured the growing crop of winter wheat and also a -Ujry flno stand of the spring sown grain v hlch has bad a bearish effect on our domes- tin market , local operators being very bear ish , The foreign situation is unchanged since tne last report and foreigners are rep resented to bo buyers of our new crop futures. Exports of Hour nnd wheat have been quite largo , bat our homo situation bos counter balanced this to such an extent that the market ut Chicago closed Saturday with a loss during the neck of So per bushel. Corn bos ruled very weak and with a ma terial lass in value. The long expected re ceipts huvo materialized. The visible supply Is expected to again show qulto au increase. Prices have been very soft and there seems to bo n great deal of long stuff thrown on thu market from all directions , us well as a con tinued hammering by local boars with large lines of shorts. The market closed \\lth a loss of 7c per bushel for the week on the July option. The demand for cash corn has ceased almost entirely. U Is possible that it mnv not stop bore ; howevorthero ; appears to bo no doubt but what the market \\111 bo oversold nnd the reaction caused by the same must bo sharp when It comes. Oats cloiod on Saturday at a decline of Go per bushel for the wcok on tbo Julr option , caused by the copious rains. This cereal last week was reported as being Injured by * the drouth , but nil fears In this direction are dispelled and many think that they will soil till loucr , as the growing croo U doing nicely and the acreage is exceptionally largo. Provisions bavo had an uneventful week , suffering a loss with the general decline In pork. The market In barreled pork U es pecially heavy. Many country holder * are yet clinging to tbelr holdings and It seems almost Impossible for the mar- kflt to react as they appear un- , -Cvllllng to take a larger load. Chicago local talent , understanding , this continues to hammer the market on anything llko a re action and some sar will ovcntuallv force the county out. UU predicted by provision men of good Judgment that we mar ox poet to c pork below | 1U before any material re- Kticn uia. be expected , Th following ar Stock Hccelots. Estimated Todav. OlDeial Ycsterdnr. Cattle. K cars. 1,250 Cattle . 47 cars. 1,000 Hogs . , G" cars 4,701 Hojs. . , 54 cars. 4,081 blioep . . . 3 cars , 057 Sheep . . . 1 car , 23 Highest anil Lowest Sales of ! lo-4. Today. Yesterday. Illicbest 1445 Highest ! l.40 Lowest 14.15 Lowest 4.15 ItocclptH anil SlilpnicntH. Showing the oftlclal receipts and shipments of cattle , hogs and sheep on the dat.M Indi cated : _ IMtlH. 7Mi r 15 'intunlnjr. M iv 1(5 ( Munilnr. Mnr H. Tuodir , MHV 19 . Wednesday. M r 2J Tliuradnr , Mar 21 trlilir. Mar ' . . . . gatunUr. Mar SI. . 'Ihlrd week of .May. . . Hccond wvek nf Ma ) . Irsl vreolc of > liy . \iurtli week of April I'hlrd week of April. Second week of April SlIII'MLNTS. llom. I Mhaap Thurnilay , May 14 . . . 814 rlday. May IS 62 ' . aturdiy. May 10 . . . . 700 163 Monday , > l ly 13 401SI Tue-day. May 19 ( SI \\ednevlaT.\lay SO. l.SUJ Thursday. Mny 31. . . . 1.710 'lilrdweekof May. . . . . 2. JUS 4.S73 Second week of Mnjr. . . 4,778 6,8-1 223 First week of Miy .15 " > S 7.KI 183 Fourth week nf April. 5 , OS 7,713 2,074 Third week of April. . . ASM 7471) ) 4 < 4 Second wuok of April. . 4,070 3.1U ) Prevailing ( 'rices on Cattle. ThofoltowlniU a table of prlcoi paid on thlsmarkot for the grade ot stock mentioned : 'aney steers , lav ) to IfiO ) Ibs 15.25 ® 5bO Prime steers , 1250 to 147 * > Ibs 4.85 545 Uoort steers 11V ) to 1S50 Ibs 4.50 a-V.-O llutchers * steers. 10X ) to U)0Ibs. . . 4.00 S4 00 'iilr xtoeis , UOO to 115) Ibs 350 l.05 Common steers , BOO to 1200 Ibs U.25 djl.25 h'atrto oed cows 2.00 ft-'lOO Good tocholcocows. 2.71 ( fd.OO Choice to fancy cows 3.75 & 5.50 Heifers 2.0J CtJ.50 Vourllnjs 2.00 ( ft. 1.50 I'ccders 2.20 O4 10 Stoekcrs 1.25 (8J.75 ( Ganncrs 103 W2.00 Hulls 1.75 < O\en L75 S4.GO MIIKH L50 4.CO Oulves IM & 5.50 Western cornfcd steers 2.'fl "i25 Westurn steers \fi Western cows 1.03 Uanfj > of Prices I'nltl for llo s. The follciwln ? table sho'rs the ran o of the prlcos paid for lie s on the days Indl- catod : Monday , May 11 . t 4034 70 Tutsday. Mav 12 . 4 40114 70 WcdiiUMlay. Mnv 13 . 4 JlVftl 70 Thursdav , Mny 14 . 4 3VTU fiO 1'rlday , May 15 . 4 : wru co Saturday. Miv : 10. . 4 : > 'iC.t GO Monday , Muy 18 . : . . . . 4 r.31 SO Tin-sday. May 10 . 4 25754 55 \Vednosdny.Miiy20 . 4 1VSI 55 Thursday. May 21 . 4 15iM 40 Friday. M y22 . 4 15 ® 40 Buturdny , May 23 . 4 15i41 45 AvcrnRO Price of Ho is. Showing the avoraeo price paid for loads ofhoireontho days IndlcatoJ in 1833 , 1SS9 , 1SOO and 1S91. May 'VI , Mar "JO May Mar 'M 10 Sunday. 392 4 42 5 3oi II 11.1 Sundty. 4 38 520 IIn 4 MS4S 39.1 Sunday. I TO n < S4S 300 4 35 Sundnr. II 4 4 H 3 S3 4 20 521 is 4 IS .1 SS 4 2J 56 to 4 II H 112 4 07 623 17 Sunday. 394 4 47 4 II 13 4 ? < Sunday , 4 2J b 4U 19 4 IIH 8 87 Sundiy. 4 43 SO 4 . ' < 385 4 M Sundar. 71 4 27'i 3271 , 4 20 4 4i 21 4 3I'4 3 75 4 K 21ZJ ZJ 4 11 t > 34 llteheit nnil Ijuwast S ilos oT The following condensed table shows the hlKhont and lowest sales und highest und low est avurugo of the silos ot ho s und the dates at this market In each month durlnj tU months stated ; IBM. 22 M rcb 14 SO 14 m (3 1 > April 4 20 am 4 16' 3 M May 40S 3 'S 4 OK 3 B7. June . . . . 3 U 3 .1U 34 ! ) 337H July 377K .1 37S 310 343J ; AuKUit. . 4 IS 330 3 44 September 4 Si ] J 70 4 37 October 4SS 3 40 4 21 NoTcmbcr IS J 7S 3 t'J 3J December. 37S 3M 3 47"- " JUd I8V1. January. . . S7S J7S 3554 331 February. SbS J'.0 3 4i 32.14 Maren 4 40 7 US 4 27 April 6 IS 4 SO 4 92 443 May 4 U ) 4 IS 4 tW 4 K HIIRO of I'rlooa of Shoi'p. The following table shows the prlcos paid for sheep ; Prime tat sheep 15 25 W 00 Uood fat cheep 4 05 ( $5 25 Common to medium sheep 2 75 ( el 50 Westerns 2 70 ft b5 llecelptH nnil Disposition of Stock. ( JfllcUl receipts and disposition of stock as shown by thu books of the Union stockyards company for the twenty-four hours ending nt 5 o'clock p. m. May 23 , fsoi , IIBCKIPTS. Ora h racktnn Co c 1,401' ' Iboi ) II lUmmondCo , ill SK7 Hwlfl.tCu ill % , ; Tlie Cudivhr 1'iukln * Co. . IS .lVi J I * fqulro , . " .lViM 8rtlpp r nd fcedert , . . . "iii L llOr r , . , . Total Ilnioultl | ii lurtlio Week. Official receipt * and dUoosltlcu of skocl : aa Itown hjr tJx t olu ot tha Union itookjarui conipiny for the weckcndlnjat 5 o'clock p. m. Saturday , May Zi. ICJl : UECEIPT3. DISPOSITION. Cattle. Onmlm Parking Co 4 The O. II Hammond Co. 1.014 1.471 " " Swift A Co 7.IZJ Mm 7M" The Cudihr fncklnz Co. ill B ( Uppers and feeder * . . . . Lclt over Total Xt.4l > i llcprcHcntntlvc Sulcs. BTKKIH. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. Mo. Av. Pr. II 00 41 .lir.TiOO' 21. 1213 r-33 12 1Kb ! 4 00 40..1IH7 5 10 40 .1271 540 20 f H 4 W ) ID 1224 5 15 Cl 1110 f > 45 11 K ; I 4 M 3H. II7J 5 15 19 13V ) SCO 1270 4 75 10 1415 520 21 1402 5 GO 4 T5 50. 1270 5 2) 10 1403 5 U5 2I..1&8 4 10 21..122. ) 523 18..1420 S 03 MIXED. 10 1100 5 00 COWS. MO 1 25 1 .1000 221 1. . OS1 343 T- i a-i 10. . Oil 2 40 6 . ( H7 340 ? tt 1 7S 2 1230 3 00 1 IJUO 4 00 707 1 75 14 P02 321 0. 1077 400 l 1 1. 11S3 3 25 1..1S30 425 2. 7U7 2 00 CO1VS ANE IICIIEIIS. 13 752 3 75 IIRIfKIIO. 7 . 411 1 83 3 5W 2 2 $ CAI.VEI. 4 44 % 3 00 1. . 270 323 10. . 1S3 450 3 3)3 3 10 710 2 00 1 5JO 225 1..UDO 240 STOCKEUS 3 . 078 2 ( X ) 3 . 470 3 00 19. . C63 340 lions. No. Av. rth. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 104 , . .IH ( 240 ( I H. > 70 . . .231 1JO I M22'5 bSM . 171 320 4 05 05 . , .2n8 200 4 221 , M . . .15S 40 4 05 Cl . . .224 1.-0 425 r.iV 120 71 * .270 210 425 V 12) 70 . .215 SO 425 75 . 123 SI . .222 100 425 71) .171 240 ClCl SICl . .207 4 25 8KI 101 Cl . 214 4 25 KIU7 .205 200 8. . 228 SO U7 .171 C3 .SW 2M 4 25 111Kl I1) ) 40 01 , . . .522 ICO 425 Kl . .17. ! If ? ) Gl . .277 2M ) 4 25 HI I7S 240 67 . . ' . ' 4S lif.l 40 70 217 1.0 425 70C IU ) C * . , .210 N ) 425 . .2:17 : 1:0 57 , SS - 425 67W3. . 201 243 51 . . , .2i" ICO 425 W3. . ICO . . W SO 425 CO ? JS 120 15 . .2.4 2X > 425 4 17' ' 60 . . .2117 1JO 423 . .211 210 4 20 fit 227 1& ) 425 , .2-JO 120 4 20 SO . . . : ra f > 3 4 27i ! . .ISO 40 4 20 43 4110 . .204 1G3 4 20 53 4 = 0 .203 120 4 20 54 . .a 8 IM 43) . 210 2) ) 4 20 C2 . .241 200 431 . .247 120 4 21 CJ . 270 250 430 \FJ t > > IU tW V - V U ( > * * .U 1UU i try Mil . .201 420 7l ) . 241 I20 > 430 71 237 2UO 4 20 71 . . .2IX ) SO 430 57 . . . V24 4 20 CJ . . .271 120 4i2i : ! 4 . . . .2.V ) 4 20 6D . . .253 tO 4324 114 . .211 SCO 420 fiO . . 252 4 35 7 ! ) . . .212 240 420 Cfl . . . .272 4 35 79. . . S 100 420 72 . .257 SO 4115 .443 425 05 . . . .279 435 . .21J 200 42215 CO . . . . ' 114 4 45 71 . . . .201 tO 4 22'iSIILEI' SIILEI' . No. Av. Pr. 201 Colorado owes , corn-fed SO W 7J go Ijlvc St ick M ir ct. CIIICAOO , May 23. [ Special To osram to THE Htn.1 Only u few car lends of natbo cattlu were received today , Tuxas belli ; ; credited with almost the entire supply , and the bulk of thorn loliiK assigned to dressed beef tlrms. Practically thcro w.u no market , sales bolnc on a too limited scale to fairly ostabllsh quotations , fcc.ittcrlir sales reported did net Indicate any material lluctuutlons In values. The rnnco of prlcos Is } I.50 < 5J4 SO for Inferior to extra co.cs , heifers and mills ; fi0034 50 for stockors. and feeders ; Il.40i7ri.50 forcomiron to fancy shipping steers , and iI.5oa4.S5 for Texas eiittio. Cubes are quoted ut < l.75ii500. The Rencral murkut Is loner than It iras a week ago. Tlio only otais of cattle for which Drlfiii have even a som- blunco of tlrmucss Is the kin I tint exporters bcek choice 1,100 to 1.500 pound steers. They ha > e"held thnlr own. " Other descriptions , without exception , have suffered u decline , the shrlnkaso varying from l.V5i25o per 100 pounds. Within the last fifteen days there has been a depreciation In grades be low choice of Me ® { I. W ; common Texas cattle andgradosof unlive ? \\hlchthoyctmo Into direct competition snlTerliic most. They nro now barelv 50e hlchcr than at this tlmo lust ye. ir , and iho difference In the best grades Isonly ulxiut tl 00 per IOJ ILs. The heavy re- celuls of Texas cuttle must be hold account- ablu for the present demoralised condition of the market , and ns thcro Is overi" Indication or continued heavy nrrb als from that quarter the fiiturodoes not hold out much encourage ment. Choice corn fed steers nru scarce an 1 must continue so formunv weeks to come , and unless the foreign demand clurlnz the summer pro\osmuch weaker ill. in at present thcro Is no warrant for sui > ] x > sln2 prices Hhould ran o hUlier. The bulk of natbo cattle received at Chicago durinc the neck sold nt * 2 OC'ftW.SO for cows and bulls , und at f 4.7525.75 * for steers. hairs of Tcxans uero larsely below tl OJ. Hales wcro at $ I.45 M.C5 for poor to prime hoaty and medium wo'ibts , and & .25Q4 GO for common to boat lUht. ' This Is an ad vance on I'rlday's quotations of So per 100 pounds. The market opened early and actively and by the in'ddfo of tPe forenooon nearly all ( ircstolhngs had been pu hcd o\ur the scales. The bulk of them sold within a ran o of f l.4. > 34 U ) , there belli ? a d.HTcrcnco of only 5c per 100 pounds between tlio market valuonf heavy and light weights. Thcro was little trading in culls and thin pics at ti.VJ l.r > . .Notwlthstandliu to day's udvani.0 , prices are still from 15&20c loner than i.t the clo o of last \\eek. The receipts of the neok. thouzh 10,000 head less than lor the corresponding wuck last year , wcrolar o for the season , and as tiny hid fair to continue liberal for some time to come , buyers ro not oporatln ; with much confi dence. This Is not to bo wondered at uhen the Uut condition of the m irkut for hos pro ducts Is considered , bhlpners are not tailing nearly as many hogs us they were a few wo Ks a o. I'roni ninety odd thousand u neck In April , shipments huvo fallen to the neighbor hood of sixty thousand. Ilpnever , the num ber Kolng east ard Is larger than In uny past > car ut thla staso nf the season. OATTLE Heceluts , 2,01.0 ; shlnrucuts , 1,300 ; market Inactive ; natbcs weak ; Texans lower ; export hooves , ty&a 00 ; shlpperi.t5.OOJi5.S3 ; Tex ins , $ itt < t5.00 ; heifers , .1.7.vai.25j cows , Uoos-Uocclpts , l.WO ; shipments. , WO ; market weak ; mlxoo ana packers , f43.YiM.41 ; prime butcher , , W C5B5.70 ; shippers , t4.50fiJ4.C5 ; ileht. i.ioai.2.- > . fcm.Ep Receipts. 5000 ; shipments , 2.700 ; market llrmnatbo ; < , M.50S5 40 ; ucsteros , H.75 ® 5.25 ; lambs , DO.75Q7.uO. St. I.ouls Ijlvi ) Stuc'c Market. ST. Louis , .Mo , Muy 21. CATTLE Uocoipts. 1.200 ; shipments. 1,200 ; market steady ; fair to fancy native stners , $1032C.W ) ; Texans and Indians , J..Sxai.V ) . lions Itcccluts , 11.100 ; shipments , 3,4"0 market a shade hhther ; ho ivy , tl.5024.C5 mixed , H.0031 50 ; light , tl.IOQil.45. City liivi ; .stuck .Market. ' .Mo. . May 23. Cattle Receipts 2.0JO head ; shipments. 703 head ; market steady : steers , tl.'KK * 5 ; cows , II.50B4.50 stackers and feeders. t..50'iil.23. ' llofts Kecclpts , 7.71X1 nead ; shipments , 1.IOC head ; market tteady ; jill uradua , M.oO < 31.47)i ) The Iiiiprovoniont Il-conl. The following figure } show the totals o real estate transfers , building permits and bank clearings for tbo past week : IIEU. ESTATE TilANSFEIIS. Mondav $55,300 Tuesday 2V > 33 Wcdnexday 2,7rj Thursday ' 21.210 1'rlday 4V.M Saturday 2 < 4n Total { 201.499 Dim.UINQ I-EIIUIT3. Monday I 50.250 . Wednesday . 4,500 Thursdav . ut25 Friday . 0,520 Saturday . ) Total . , t t > 3,135 IJ INK CLtAHI.NaS. Monday . t ( VVU'K.SO Tuesday . 7TJ.7t.oa Wednesday . 6ai.041.7il Thursday . C4.M7U.IO 1'rlday . C2I.C4I5.S Saturday . IG..arJ.TO Total . 11,405,701. * U A decrease of 11.1 percent from the correspond spend Ins week of lust > ear. Wo flnd St. Patrick's Pills to bo very extra and to glvo splendid satisfaction. Tboy are no\v about the only kind called for.V. . A. Wallace , Oasis , lu. For sale by druggists. Juror in Jail. Ainonc the members ol the recent grand Jury of Oa land , Cal. , was Jim Qatnlan , an ox-pollcoonicur. The Jury in Its report criti cised the management of the city prison , especially the dark cell , which they claimed was not properly ventilated. One night last week QulnUn bad n practical experience with the Interior of the jail by bclog locked up for drunkenucKS. THE SPECOLATIVBillARRETS , Bears Score a Signal Yl6 ffa the Oiioagj Wheat Tf.rle/u ; CORN AND PROVISIONS ALSOJAKE A DROP. ii _ _ _ _ _ " \Vcnther Wns ths Imtmrinnt Cinslil cratlou Heavy Ilcoolptu ol'Gr.iln in tlio NorthueH Stoo'i" ' nnil Ilomls. CIIICAOO , May 21. ThoboiN Hcorotl a victory and were In tlio supreme control of the market from the atirt , So much lone \thcatwas thrown overboarl at the opening that It put thij bull partyto a great disadvan tage nil dav. TliIt went Into the hands of people who did not want It except as am munition to USD on any bull party that wai daring enough to attempt a rally. Vessoli were chartered todny for 3.VOOJ ) binhcls of and 4,437,003 bushels of corn , but no at tention was paid to such mittnrs : the call for margins was too loud ami persistent to permit of other considerations. Wheat left off ut a decline of 1'jc , corn dropped "o and pork 27ic. ! The weather was the nil-Important considera tion , The brilliant weather following the recent - cent hcivy and general rains made a crop outlook which the ordinary bear seemed n Ill- Ing to bank on to lils last dollar. Tlio hcioy rcceluts tit Ouliith and Minneapolis 243 cars tocethcr with tlio news that the corn flood from the country had started , also fur nished great encouragement , The m tin bullish Items were the reported en. ? igomentH of 110,003 bushels of wheat hero. t-0WO bushels nt Duluth , and lin.OOO nutliols at Now Vurk for export. Tlio Toronto millers' convention also promulgated n bullish ctitement regarding the scarcity of supplies In tlio Dominion. The early cables f urnlshud a lltt'u encouragement but the closing f.ivoroJ the bulls. The wheat market opened very weik. with sellers s-o eager to dispose of their property that they started by olTerlns July at 'iftle uiulor yes terday's clo-.ii ! „ ' price. Competition to got rid of It , however , was so keen th it It could not bo absorbed In audUlcnt quantities and fust ruotigh lo suit tlio unlnppy holders who underbid each other until OS' c was the sclIiTs' asking price : thus In about a minute's trading Uc was lopped remorselessly oft the price. The price hero mice be I ne down could not bo lifted again , at least not over 4o per bushel or so. July sold on the first decline to ( b'jcund did not subsequently get aboveM'ic und It closed at 94tC. Tlio gooj account from thn corn fields and the liberal receipts wore the Influences under which corn dropped 2io ! and closed with a de cline. Theduys receipts were TOO cars. The export demand U the factor In the market. Atlant'c clearances yesterday were over bO.OUO bushels and SOO.OOO bushels were t lUen here to BO out by way of Montreal. Thvro \\ero idlers at the opening of July at from M'.tc down to 3.1 0. a recovery to .VJ'ic , and then a steady decline set Inlilrh con tinued untilfll'Jo was reached. Covering of shorts ag tin carried It up to 5Jc , but It closed There was a blc stump In oats at the start , pirtlculurly In the July futures. The open- InK for .Inly was nt 4J2I54C. | but Inside of a minute It was -elllns nt 4le. There was a re action to 41Ic only to bo followed by another dcitllno to4lc. The close at 41Sc Indicated ale lo sof le over jesterday. Long oats canio out In lar o ( iiiaiitltlcj and the solllns was heavy. The crop prospects are still unfavorable , but receipts continue litfavy , causing wcak- IH'-S In the cash markets. Tlio re was conddorablc activity In the pro- vlslonjnarKet und a inuuh lower ran Co of prices. Lous HtiilT c.iinooiil. Helm art 7-lu pen boiiclit heavily , covering froiu , liWfl to 15.000 barrels of July pork ut arjund til. Cudahv took 5.01/0 b irrels for September. The oik- ness was due to syniD itnytrlth corn. There was a slight reaction from liottom prices , but the market loft on * weak , Tha decline In pork amounts to37K cunts and In lurJ and ribs to 10 cunts. The estimated reco pis of liojs for Monday are 27.00 , ) , and for the wcok 1J7.0.0. The lendlnR futures runted ( tsfollowg ; AHTICLKS. Ol'fcX , WHEAT No. 2 Mar s i NX 11 i 101 t 1 02 June 1 ui 11 1 Ol' ( Julr 58.1. Cons No 2- Mflr , . . . . Juno 44 41 4. Julr 53-SV < MJi OATS-NO. 2- Mar 47 Juno 44 ' Julr. 41-42' < If' MESS 1'oHK Mar 10 67 10 s ; 10 47H 10 45 Julr 11 U ) 110) 10 ID 10 7 Scptomber U 3) nti 10 94 LAIIU'- Mar 614 6 424 6 3314 September. . G 6j C45 C 44 RIIIS-- & 8.1 5Ki 570 5 nn 5l > 7 ! 4 b. ( . 5i7M September e s > ' , 07U H It Cash quotations were as follows : 11.0011 Quiet und unchanged : sprlnz. MOO & 55i ; winter. t. " > . ( XXtt3.'A ) ; straits , tl.GOQ5.00 ; bakers , $4.2. > a4.50. WHEAT No. 2 sprinz wheat , Jl.02li48l.03 ; No. 3sprliu wheat , UGft9oc ; No. 2 red , Jl.J2-a ! { . . t'on.s No. 2 , 55c. UATS-NO. . ' , 45 > ie ; No. 2 white , 4Tc ; No. .1 white , 44Uia48c. IHK-No.i. t4c. HAHLEV No.noiultnli o.3 , CSaTGc ; No. 4 , linn. I'tAx SEEII No. 1. Jl.ia TIUOTIIV SEED 1'rlnic. tLSO. Tonic Mess pork per barrel , $10.'i5@IO.fiO : lard , per ewt. $ a.2.i ; short ribs , sides , lloosn ) . r .T.'f4' .h- > ; dry silted shoulder- , ( boxed ) , iMWO-XIO : short clear sides ( boxed ) . $120ii)3J. WIIISKV Dlgtlllors' UnUlicd x'oods per gal- ion. 11.18. faunAii Cut loaf , yQ't'ic ; granulated , 4JJc ; standard "A. " 4c. Kcccipts and slilpmcnts today wcro as fol lows : On the produce oxchanzo today , the butler market was unchanged ; extra creamery , 10 ® ITc : extra flr > s , IW Ii'Ji. : firsts. IMS 64 : extra dairy. l531Gc ; extra Hrsts , Htt 15c ; U ts , ISffl IJc. Kgc , castor ; l45i < SI5c. New Vori .Markets. NEW VOIIK. May KJ. I'LOUli Receipts , 19.153 pacKiiRcs ; exports , , K barrels. ; i)4 sacks ; market dull anu heavy ; sales , n.250 b.irrols. CoiiNME\t < Dull unif easier ; yellow tJ.iott 3.S5 , WiiEAT-llocolpts 121003 bushels ; exports , 7,090 bushels : s.ilus. 4 , < 0OJO bushels future- , ; 1JI.UOO biibhels spot , boot market loner , fair to actlvo , but weak ; No. 2 , ( l.llMOl.U In store und elevator ; II.12ISG1.H alloat ; J.1. ! > , 1.M4 f. o. b. ; ungrudrd red , ( I ttJI.I U ; No. 1 northern to arrhc. II.13H ; No. 1 hard to arrhc , II.IGU. Options declined early ijaiSc. chlolly May , on Increas ing supplies , favorable crop reports and continued clelh cries on contracts. advanced JjaiS'c on export buylni ; , cloiliiK weak at ittSo under yesterday. No. 2 May. iUO'.ttl.ll * * ' , closlncat tl.ll > : June. il.ioui.iuu. closing attLiqV ! July , < 1.07'ii 1.07V. closlnc at JI.OTV ; AUKUSU ( i.04tl.04S , closing at (1.044 ; SoptcriiB < r , tl.WUai.CJH ; closliiK at tl.aiJi : October closing uttl.OP , ; Dciouiber , tl.M'4l.04 Iu. . rioting at tl.Olh ; May. ( lb'CI.U& ) > 4. closlns HltOh ) ' . . JUIII.EV MAI.T Uulli .Canadian country mad H.OOtti.05. . * Cons ) tecolpts,00,20) bushels ; exports , 51,025 busholn ; sales. 3,1X16.0X1 blishols futures ; 112 , ( X ) bushels spot , t-j ot nvirket steal y ; mod erately active ; No. 2 , ( iTHOT'ic in cknaior. c. > a Olio ; ungrndful mined. WiS'i'c. ' ' Options liftl'tc ' lower on crop new und u gen eral deslro to soil ; Muy. ( AitOIVtc. closing U16.V ; June , CO'jitOlc , ckMnit ut tosci July , S'l'ittWI'tc. ' ' clo lns at.W.cj AUKiut , 5s ® ' ,0'4c. ' closing uttoVc ; teptemtienj.isii'it.Vjc , closliis at 5i ic. . OATS-Rccelpts. Ct.000 biirtiols : exports , 1.145 bushels ; sale2.XUW ) liuslujls futures ; 50,000 biifchclsspot. . ' put niarktlcnul und loner ; op- tlon fairly acute but wiiaker ; Muy , 4'c ' ) , clos- lnzat4Dc * ; June , 48 > , e , closlni ; at 4j'c : July. 4mt4l > c. closing nt 4T 4c ; August closing at " 4"Sc ; September , UdHc , closlnir at Me ; .No . ' , white. 5lu ; mixed western , 47iHWc ; wnllo west ern , 5.Viftlc ; No. 2 Clilcaico , 5 'Jo. llAV-Qnlet but limit ihlpineuts , 50a55c ; gcxMl to choice , COSVc. llors Ouiet tut steady ; state , common to ch lu > ' . S.&c.'c : I'aclllc coast , 2.viJJ2 Jc. Kdiis steudy but quiet ; western , 10c ! ; ro- ciduts , 4 , W packiigcs. 1'oiiK Qulut.ktuaay ; old mess. Jll.OOftlJ.oO ; now mess , < liOOttIi.'J5 ; extra prime. (11.50. CUT .MEVTS.-bteady , nu ct ; plcklod bellies. 5Uc : pickled shoulders. K'c ; plcklod Imnis , J < > i CtlOSc : middle.- ' , dull , Urm ; short clear , 7c. l.Aiiu-Kaslor , dull ; wcntcrn steam , K155J sales. 250 tierces ; t wOTli , elinliu tij. . " , ; Option Hales , 1,250 tlurce * ; .May. fl.ll hid ; Jum * . (5.54 Ii ill July , IQ.I.I ; Aucust , to. 73 ; September , W-oJ ttao.ic oslnut 16 8 . bid. lltiTTKll-l'alrdomandi f iney steady : wrst- , crn dairy , loarc : western creamery , 14aiUc ; Wfitvrn factory. 10tCI5c ; Kl.-ln , luo. ( eusy ; purt skinm , 48.fc. .M liuicapulls AVIicut Jlnrkct. MiNNBAi-pr-m , Minn. , May ffj. WHEAT - 1'r.cci of wheat loner , cuuti'ii by a break In futures. Scarcely anything done In low grades. Receipt * , wheat 145 oars ; shipments. : cars. Close ; No. third. Miy. tlMUt track , 11.054 : No. 1 northern , May. II.WUI Juiy.fl.OI'i ' : track , . No. 2 northern , May , HOO'i ' : track. tl.CO'tttl.OI. _ _ St. I < I > IIH M'nrk ( > t < i. ST. l.otrt . Mo. . May 23.Vnit IT Lower ; cash , ; July , ( > IHc. COIIN txjwcr ; cash , 51'ic ; July. 50SC. < ) -Wo.ikca ! h. 4lo ; July , 4Jic. ! ronK-r.aslorIIoa ; LAUD Qulpt ; ( ooo. wiu Kt-Mcaily ut ll.lo. IIUTTEii-.DuIl and unchanRcd Mnrki'l.i. I.i vr.iifoou May 23. WIIE IT Dull but firm ; California No. I. f > sO' < , d Ss7d per cental. Cons o.ulct and lower ; mixed western , 5 3'4d ' per cental , llEEi1 Kxtru mess , fifs per tlerco. LAUD Prime mess , ails per ewt. Milwaukee Market ! MILWAUKEE , WIs. May si Wnr.vr Quiet ; No. 2snrlnz. cash. (1 01T&I.K ( ; July , ( We. COILS Weak ; No. : iiV > c. O\rs-Ixjwor : No. i white. 47o. 1 I'novisioNS-Kaslor. l'OHK--JnIy , 110.77'i. Kansas City Markets. KANS\S Cm' . Mo. , M-iy \ViiKAT-Lowcr ; No. 2 hard. ai'ifWIe : May , Wo bid ; No. 2 red , cash and Miv. lU'ift ) " . * . COIIN I.ottur ; No. 2. c-i h and May , 48liC. O rs-Lowcr ; No. 2 , c.ish , 41ttll'ici ' 404c bid. Cincinnati Markot.i. O. , May 23. WiiEAT-Weak ; No. 2 red. ( I COIIN Lower : Nix 2 mixed. 57c. ( > ATS--Lower ! No. 2 mixed , 4'J\j. ' 10. Toledo Market * . TOI.KDO. O. . May 31. WHEAT rirmor ; cash and Muy. 41.07. Cons Lower : cash and Mny , 55c. OATS Quiet ! cash , 40'5c. STOCKS A.VIt llOXDii. NEW YOHK. May 23. The stock market to day continued Its upward movement and while in only a few stocks was there material Improvement for the day , e\erything ad- \aiiccd and bull points for next week wcro thick. The bank itatenicnt showed a small Increase In the surplus reserve , but this had no apparent ulTcct at the time , for It had been effectually discounted In the curly dealings. The prnngcrs naturally led In the market and buying orders from the west were. If any thing , the leading clement In the strength nf the market , the conlldeiice bcltiK based on the latest reports of the condition of the crops nnd the anticipation of un unusuatlly heavy freight movement this season St. Paul was , as usual of lute , tlio most nctlxo fctock by a lar o majority , but Rock Island displayed the most strength and with the two Industrials It Is alone In scoring a markcl adance for the day , The opening was made nt a slightly loner class of prices than those of last evening and Louls- villo & Nashville was down fi per cent , hut tne buying began In earnest Immediately and prices under the lead of Rock Islindand Northern Pacific preferred mo\ol up until checked by realizations. Rock Island was up I3 ; . Cordage nnd Snsar wcro stronger In the later trading and failed to react with the general list. The is uo of the bank statement was anticipated by another up ward movement when most of the list reached the best orlces of the day. The trad In-- , how ever , was devoid of special feature and tlio mirkPl finally closed f.ilrlvuctl\a unil stroni , Ih jugh not In all e ises at the best prices. The tlnal es of note Include only cord.i o l' . Rock Island Piaud sugar I per cent. Tlioro were 17'J. 178 IMed ana ll.lti unlisted shares traded In. bt. Paul contributing U4.274. bonds were dull and \vlthout feature of Importance , out they displayed a strong tone and a feu- are materially higher than thu last previous siles. The business amounted to only f 170.00) . and was cmifi Hid to ii comp iratlvely small number of Issues. Ooveminent bonds huvo been dull and steady. State bonds ha\o been dull and featureless. The total sales of stocks ted ly were 101.121 share * . Including : Atehlson. a,1 * , " ) ; Loulsvlllo & Niishvllle. 4,1.15 : Missouri Pacific. 2.OJ ) ; North Ainer'c ' in. 1.741 ; Northern Pacific pre fer led , 4,085 ; Richmond k West Point , 1,015 ; St. Paul. U.267 ; Union. Pacific. 1.VJ07. The following are the closingntiotntlons for the lending stocks on the Now York stock ex change today Atchlion .1111 .Nnrlhweilern . lift Admit Rxprcn . . . .147 d'iproferrcd . 135 Alton ATerrollautu. J7'n N V. Central . 1014 do proforreil 123 N. V. GASt. L . 13 American Kxpross . .115 do preferred . UM II. ti U. AN 23 Ohio A Mliiliilppl. . . IB Canada 1'uclHc. . . . . 774 doprcferrcd . 85 Canada Southern. . . . ! U Ontario A Wcitern. . I 7H Ccntrul I'aclHc < U1 { Improve . t > > ( Chen. A Ohio lj ( f Oreiton N ar do lit preferred . . . 43 Oregon Trans 1KM do ind preferred . . S3 Pacific Mall 3C4 Crdeaao A ; Alton. . . .Ml I'corla , Dec. A Kvans 111 C. U. AQ 6-JVi riltiburg HO (1C. C. A ft. I U | J Pullman 1'ulaco . . . . .183 DelawaruA Hudson. U'S ! Heading 32 Del , I * A W IT < . Itock Iilaiul 7SH I ) . A 11. U. preferred 57 > St. I. AS. K. litpfd . . CO Kn t Tenn ( ! ' ft. I'aul G4TS du lat prcferroJ . . . 51 duprefvrrol 113 doSd preferred . . II Bt. 1' . . Minn. A Man. lOIJf Erie SH St. Paul A OmMia. . . . 20 do preferred 4. ' * do preferred 81 Fort Warne IV ) Telin. Cual A Iron. . . 314 CM. i K.i.t. Ill til Texas I'ncltlc 14V Hocking Vnllej . . . 2'i Tol. AO. Con prof'd. 74 Houston A Toifti . . Union 1'nclHc 47 Illinois Central . . . . U b Kxpres CO bt. I'aul A llulutb . W &LL. A I * IOW Kansas A Taxis do preferred . . . . fl i trie A Wusfn . II - - - i Kx. . . 110 do preferred . M i Western Union 01 lake t < liurc HO-lf Aw Cotton Oil 24 lA > ulsvllle.VNa5h . . 771 Colormlo Cual lxtil vlllo A NOT A. Memphln A Char 31 Iron Hllrcr 100 MlclilnanCcntrul . . . 10 Ontnrlo S8 < < .Mil. , KS A W 70 Qulckillrcr iH dopreferrol U ) do preferred 3CH Mlnn.AHt. L 4 Sutru 8 do preferred. . . . . . . 10 ? 5 " ' " lll.'nourl I'acltlo Kim iiir-h. A W" i''Tcr. . . ' . Mobile A Ohio ll'-j Wl con ln Central. . . 19 Nailirlllo Chntt 1UU lireit.Sorthernpfd. . N..I. Centrnl 115 rhtcnunUa Norfolk A Ueitpfd. MK Triut . 1SH Northrrn Pnrltlc. . . . 2i' ( Trunt do preferred 70 oulbcrn I'ndlic . 31 U. P. DonrerAUuir. Ml < Ore S 1 A lit ill V r 2 Plnnticlnl Itcvlew. NKVV YOIIK , May Si. The Post says : The hank statement was again something of : i surprise , though not so Rreat n one us last vsci'k. Insto'id of the expected decline of iltO- 000 or inoie , there nas an Increase of * ttlMi In "as reserve. The jxportsof nearly . . . . . - of cold In the last week are reflectol In the decrease of t7.WlGOO In the deposits and tilts decreased the rccinlro- ments for the 25 per cent reserve by $ lb,400 , The decrease of (5.G57.4UO In the loans Is a no. tlceiihlo feature , nnd the fact that concurrent with this , money ha been riuotably easier this week than last warrants the infcfenco that loans ha\o been voluntarily paid off by the borrowers Instead of being called on by the banks. The statement. In fact , Indli ates thut the money market ! s progressing towards an uastcr condition , and today cull loans wcro freely oiTerod at 3 per cent. The Tribune says : Tooro Is a general ex pression of opinion ninonc foreign banking houses that shipments to Kuropo for the sea son have been made. It was admitted that some further sums might go , but they were not likely to reacli Important amounts ac cording to most views expressed. The result was a return of confidence to the stock mar ket and It rose sharply 1 to 3 per cent on the attempt of bear operators to cover outstand ing contracts. The belief that the cole movement has virtually censed was fos tered by the cabled Interview will the well known llerlln banker , Huron Illelch- rodcr , who declared that the requirements o ICussIa for gold to moot maturing bonds hai been satisfied , The close relations betweei the financial countries of Germany and ICus- slun empires irave the utterances of the Ilaroi in irked wo ght. More Impnrtiint evidence that the Kuropo in demand forgotd had ccasei In the minds of m my ( junkers was the dl from London that the Hank ot Had reduced the prleo It was p tying fo American uuglca lu. The etTcct on foreign oxclianuo was not folt. but some dealers thought that firmer rates would follow It was tint believed hero that the market could advance siilllelently to offgot tlio banks' leliutlon , ai.d It nas comcdc < that the governor ! of the great Knullsl Hiiunctal Institutions would bear In mind an ; iieccss try future step In allaying the dimiani for gold. Thcro was I..OOO.OW In gold cell taken at the hub-treasury for shipment n > today's ble.imcrs. This Include * I'.OJO.CKK ordered on Thurs lay by llnrliuMagoon A Co. , Includln. the J.vw.oou to go out of llostoi by thohtoami-r > eythlu. The whole iimoun of thu exports will re ich tJ.UXOUi ) ; this In eludes tlio sum of t.XOU > ] gold taken by ex porter > In the open market horo. H nk IlAi.Tiunnn , Md . Muy SI Clcarlnis , 12,034 , 787 ; balances , i IJl. VS. Monuy , C per cent. New YfliiK , Muy i'J.-llanlt clear , njs. tllX ) , balr.nces.f. % I.CJ2. : Tor the neuk clear iii s were KA1,7 1 .2T3 ; balances i-1l,3.G : ! I'lilUDKli'MlA. Miiy 21. Hunk clearings to diy. t'.KW.Wl ' balances , * . ' , .VC(5II. ( ( JleiirliiL- for the week. f.UU > il.u7i ; balances , (10.123,41. . | llosTOs. M y 31. llantt cluarliun today | were H5r.O Oils biliinpo. il.iMi.TTi ) . Money. I perecnl Kxulianuo cti New Vork. 15in.tclU ) I count. I or the week o earlngs vrcrn fJI.'P-'J. 16J ; balances K' ' For the numovieo hist year clcarlius were til ,57l > ,50.1 ; balances (11,105.115. liurAno , May SI. S'orllni ; exclmnuc , ll.g-ij forHlxty duy hll s ; II.K7Lt for demand. Htm clearings today , il.LI42uOO. Hank ( dealing fur tlio wcuk , I UIC5,02L UK i last Ib3 , 8' , 3 fo ( same wockluktyoar , lUtoi for mouoy wcr easy on the basis nf 5 percent for call and 5 > { per cent for tlmo lonns. The .Money .Mnrkrt. NEVT VUIIK , .May 23. MONKT ox CAU , Kiay , call loans at 3 per cent ) closing ottered at 3 percent. PIUVCB MBtirAXTtLis IArr.n 5'ftT per cent. STKituxa RtcilAMOK Qnlct and steady nt " " ' for sixty-day bills and ( I.87U for de " in and. . . . The following wcro the closing prices on bonds : If " > 4i , rcitlitorol , llj VI K AT M 414 I u 8 4 > , ojupoat. . .119 Vlutiial ITn'ontH . . . In ) 4H , ro UlcriHl . lu ) N J rent Int Cert .li > . " < 4H < . coupon . 101 Niirlhvrn I'ac. I U .ltd I'arlfleGsnr * V > . . .Ill 110 Iioulilana i < taiiiri 4 , SS Norinnosfconiols Tenncuct ) N. s. < t . . .IOI ill dt < bentnro3 . lot rte S . . . , IBJ U ! > . I M ( inn. S < . S5t { do 3 . , , . , , TO . U , V : * K. ( ion M 1O ( Canada Southern 7 1 7 'aillconsol * . .I7t < < Central I'ncino Ills..lo414' : 1' C. , V I1.1 1 . . . .1I3 II. AHO.l.l Ill iT. 1' . UUTr Kcti . l > 0 ilo Is < i3K T I1. It Tr. llcti . .1.1 1) tit O Wcftlitv. , 77'jUnion ( I'x'lUc I H. . KM irti-M : < . . . .lin'i Wet Shore. , 107 M. K. AT. tion'l m. 7MI Itoston Stiio'c .Market. HOSTON. Mum , May23. The following were the olosltu prices on stocks In the lloston ttojk market today : Alclilunn A Tdpeki ami Atlantic ! F7 > Uo lon AAlbtnr . . .in lloiton A Mont. . . . . ll dJ Malnij IIM Icnlumct A llecli . . - . ' * > Chi. llur. A gulner Pi'fKninklln Km KaMorn It U b' < . .111 Huron 2' < Htchtnir * It It . . . . 81 KeanariM . . . .21 Flint \ Pore M 77 'gulncr ' I'M ' Ki-tJ. ACII7. | | r iMnnrifk IV ) Ma . Central . . 11 lln < lun l.iml CH . SIS Mexican Ten com v i ( We t Kmljn \ > \ Co 2I' < N.I \ N Knirland M , llelriVlaphiinc . . .3)7 d' 7 . . in i\\ ' tcr Power . . . . 3 Old Colour . I'M'/'C ' ' VI Ill do pfd I3H llulto VII C. . . . . 1SH Wl Cent co n AI'J N K V 5)it ) Allouet Mill Tolnowi V ( II \ II ( . II Mnnk of KiiKliuul Itullio : ! . LOMIOV , May XI Amount of bullion gone Into tjii Itaiik of England on balance today I ( MltCf. . , Stay ? l. Thiec per cent rentes , Dlf for the account. fcim > r 'Mining Stoulf * . nr.vvnn , Col. . May 2:1.Very : llttlo doing nn mining e\cliin.-o today , bales 17,400. O.oslng : a ) Amity . , it ( Lornl lomlcr . Arnonnut . 70 l.lttlu Itulc . 1CTJ llnllnrnl . 3S Malclilu s . . . . Mir Mnioppi . 121 llatiKkok Murnlnxtillm . . . . 44 llatei Hunter . . . . U1 * Ore . to IIlK Indltn II I'irllock . 3H HluMx 7V 1'oto-l . rj llrowntoiv . , . 17 'Pirk ' cm . . . . 18 Cnlllnpe . . . . Wjlltpod Nitlonal . . . 57 lenturr 110 llttilto . , 10. Clar County . . . IS llunnlnz l. < > 'lc . . . 24 ' ' Leiivenworth . . . 14 Diamond II . . . Ill , InlinJ pfd 5 Denver ( im A Oil . 4 * > Pntilor I > 1 ( ClnudliJ . . . . > < Gold 'Iraaiure . . . . 3'liettyi > btirk' IS San Francisco 'Mining Quotations. SAX I'utNCisto Oil i. . Miy ZlIhn olllclal closing quot itlims for mlnliu sticks todny were as follows ; AUa im ) toplilr U ) llulircr K I'ntosl IsO lle t A Ilclcher . . IV ) iMivnite l S IkdleConnolldated 4IS islerra.Nerailit. . . 34S Chollar . . . 27S IllnlunCon. . . . ' - S Lrown I'olnt . . . 1'IS lllaM S50 ( iould A Curry . . . VM ) Vclluw Jiekct . . S i Halo A Norcross . S'.S ' Cniumonwcaltli. . . . 7S Mexican .1J1 NUT. g 40 Mono 41) la Isle 4U Navajo 70 IN II l le RS New Yorc ! MlniMi Quntntlons. NEW Vo-t < . ! ly 2L The f illo.vliu are tlio loiln ; iiilnlns sto k < | tot itlons : Alice . \'A \ llnloNorcrosB . , iQ Adinu . WJ iloiiiftnke . lu ) pen . IW illnrnxilter . . . . 150 ( richer . . . . 210 Iron Silver . 11M k' t A llelclicr . . . . KM Mexican 'olio . It Ontario ; iiol1nr . 21(1 ( ( Opldr . ( M ) 'ronrt Point . I8U . IVAXO on Cain A Va . ISO Sierra .Nevada Oould A Curry . ? VJ I New York CuTco Optlonfl. NEW YORK. May S3. CulTao options opened rrcguhir igid unchanged to 15 points do line- , closing hiroly sto uly at IIVUM | x > lnts down. sales. : > 0.)0) ) liaes. Ill' hiding June. J17.f > .V217.6'i ; Inly. J17.25UI7.40 : Aiuust , t.U.K > ( llll' : Fup- ptiibor.tic.ivitlil.2n ; October , tnwan 05 ; De cember , IRK'nill 'JO ' : Jiinuary. { 14.70. Spot Ulo dull ; fulr cargoes fJO.OJi No. 7 , Sow York Dry Gooils Altirkct. NEW VUIIK. May ZIlnslncss \ In dry goods wascurt illcd by the half hoi day which was icncrally observed by both agents nnd jot- > crs. Demand wus offered In ordinary volume > nt without ohango In character us regards the larger part of the marliot. Prices un changed. Tlio SiiKiir Market. Nr.w VOIIK. May 23. SufiAii Haw held firm and ( | iilot. lieflncd dull : low grades easy. Molasses and foreign , dull 5 test. In hogsheads offered ut I Jo ; New Orleans , quiet and Urm ; common to fancy , 2" > [ H'ic. > Ilacelliineniis Markets. NEW YOIIK , May 23. Pia IiioN-Amcrlcan , 1'ETiioi.EtiM Ste.uly and iiilot | ; crude. In barrels , 1'arkcn , to 05 ; enul.i oil. In bulk , M.ll ) : refined New Vork. i > .20 : Philadelphia nnd Ilaltlmore. K. A'AS : Philadelphia und Now York , In bulk , tl.UX3l.C5 ; untied closed at r.SJic Tor lunc. COTTON SEEU OIL Dull and steady ; crude off crudes. 2i < iJ9ct yellow. 35'i f.rM ; . TAi.i.-ivt Dull und eaby ; city ( tJ.00 for pkgs ) It SIN Quiet und steady ; steam , common to good , ( Him s Mure doing ; firm : wet nailed Now Orleans selected , 45 und 15-pound , tttiSa ; Texas selected , 5) ) and ill-pound , Mie. TuurENTlNK Steady ; : > 7 * & . > * ic. LIVKIIPOOU May 23. TuiU'ENTiNE bplrlts 20s pcrcwt. LiNbKRiiUirS3id : ocrcwt. ANT > v Kin1. Muy 21 PETIIOLEUM 1C ! francs paid und sellers Trailers' I alk. BT. Louie , Mo , , Muy 23. Langcnburg Broth ers to Cock re 11 Itrothers : The following is the olliclal r.ingo of prices for the July option In this market today : COMMODITY11 Open. I HUii. I \M \ * . I Cloie I \oit. CIHCAGO , May 2X i Co. to Toncray > V llryiin Ilrllllant vve.ither a .ilu and crop prospects unusually good , together with the Illinois crop bulletin dcno'.liu .1 hUh condi tion , added to lower cables hnincht an ava lanche of offerings und a quick und ecveru de cline.lioit afterwards reacted on forolrn buying In Now Vorx , better clearances for the wouk than the preceding one , and cables pro- dieting wants of wheat from this country for the year us hl.h as2X > , OQ'uoo ' bnsh- cls. At the eloio It U announced that the Trench chamber has agreed to the committee's report tor u reduction In duties In wheat which many did not bollove would take place. Corn UUH a friend less orphan uuiilii today and judged by Its treatment In the pit of doubtful parentage. While corn und outs , us stated ycsiurday , nro still hlKh In price , wo think after ftiicli a de cline u reaction duo. In provisions thcro vvus some selling of loiu prop erty. whloh reduced prices , us thrra hcoms to ho few shorts. 'Ihecloso was hllghtly above the bottom In sympathy with wheat. CuiCAnn , May l. Kcnnutt , Hopkins & Co. to S. A , MoWhorter Provisions have xliown more weakness today than uny day of the de cline. Larger lines of Ion.1 property huvocamo out. The market lately followed grain ) > o closely thut It will proiubly continue to do- cllnu while grain ROCS dovMi , especially torn , and react with It though nothing on thu Moor now looksllko ru ictlon. It should not bo for gotten that Juno Is usually u month of low prices In provisions and linyus for consump tion at homo und alno ul evidently think this year will bo no exception. In whaat the con tinuance of brllllint weather , lo-s of conll- dunce und depleted margins , tivuthcr wltli depression In oilier markets aio responsible fet to lav's wo iknas-i. Liquidation by wo ik holders has betin nnlto general. It has hern siiit)0si.d that tliosliort Interest was limited , but some commission homes say tholr books are still heavily sliort whllu Purdrldgo U nil- duraKxid to have out u lar/cr line than for months. Ihu hpeciilatlvo temper la doeld- cdlv Loarlsh arid opcntors on that side find little opiosltlon und a iloldliu market , 'they uro liulined to press tholr luck vigor ously. It would siem prudent to cover on sofl spots even If sains are put out on llttlo raUcs for If unythliu should occur to seri ously alarm thu shorts the market la In shape to rally very ahurply. Prices may bo con siderably luwnr an the season advances If crops continue favorable hut we are likely to FCO sharp bulges meantime. The nowj has b.-tn I illllsh today but traders gave It no at tention. Charters for 255,0 > J bushcU were made hern und New Vork reported 224,000 hiishols for export taken w lib the prospect for furthorHlilpmuntc. There will probably ( ben liiMndrcioaso In the visible supply reported un .Monday. Corn und uaU-Gn eipectatlons ot mom than 2.1KX ) cars of corn for tlio llrst two days next week , there was heavy Belling and ofoitHulso. Thu shorts uru niimcrahlo and are ll.iblt ) to bn fiiiddunty stampeded , A good many Hhoestrlnr operators re nnort 5)OUO ) whero5WX ) ( tould bo lee much If'tho market turned , CintAOO , May 23. W. 0. .McCormlck ft Co , to I. U. * wnru A. Co. Prime In bin report us to winter said that althoiish Ihucond tlon had rutrozudi'd Honiuwlmt , no nerloiiH dun airn IIUN bci'ii done und thut the ruin comu In time to put spring wheat In inagnltlccnt growing ehupo. Tliunlutu board of agrloulturoof Illinois guvu a incut glo account of iho coudltloa of both syritig winter wheat In the state. These things coupled with the beautiful fprlna weather following our heavy rains , and with lower cables all nrounil. have been too much for ( the holders of wlieiit and tha history of the morning's market sliows a general unloading nOi addtilon to very lar osnort Rolling Homo cablegrams stitcd that the reduction of the 1 ronch dutr was meeting with serious oppo sition , and this ncldcd to the general bearish fool ! I nit. 0 i-arancos f nun the soibnard were Inslginilciiiit. lluth whuat nnd Hour re. , dp Is nol eleven primary points were 402,100 , unit shipments on y to.iXO. Thcro was some little reaction Just ! > < fore tlio clo o lint tlio undertone of the market Is undeniably henry. Corn actlvo nnd very weak. The crop reports of the morning snld corn had gone Into tlio groini I In good xh.ipe. nnd Hint our tine rains hold out a in ignltlcent prospect fur the com- Ingciop. Receipts at olovun primary points v i > roGsAX | ( ) mid the shipment * only 2IS.DOU , proving conclnslv nlv th fallliu olT In the cash demand. Anotlur feuluro which encouraged heart was ( In * contlnitaiico of tliogixxl grade , SOOcurs grtulliu No. 2out of TOO nct'lpts. Wo should havononio llttlo reaction of covering of ohorls , but the nnrket Is undoulitodly hoivv. Uats active nml woik nlthinuh they Hid not break as much us lorn , Crop reports Mate thut some damage has lioeii done to oats by tlm drv weather and that tlio most wo can expect will be a fair crop and not u largo one. Provisions weuk and ( oner , The break In corn vtlll Induce a heavy feeding of Minnncr ho xand with the falling off In outside buy IIIK orders wlilcli Is so marked nt tlio present nnd Ilio ( llnpoiltlou of outside holders to unload , wo sco but little chinco of preventing i\ further decline iroiind (11.00 for Septomher pork. Thcro was he-ivy buying by localHhorln , but ihoiUMiiiuul was not sollh'lent to canto men a decent reictlon. Indications favor still lower prices next wcok. GIOIUI : ; FACK. I'ruveu to Uclont ; to n ICniiHits Jnll C5eorpo . Brown denies that ho is CJeorgo Hendricks , but his photograph says that ho Is an accomplished prevaricator. Friday night CJoorge was arrested ns a vag bj Oftlcers Hudson nml vVulkor , nfior qulto n ehuie , and locked up. Yesterday morning Sergeant bl wurt thought ho had seen that face bcforo , nnd on looking over a lot of photo * praphs that are kept on lllo at police head quarters , not necessarily for publication , but os an ovldonco of goad faJth , ho discovered nn astonishingly good likeness of George , for whoso arrest , by the way , n reward of $ i3 U offered , It sci-ms that Mr Hrown-Hciidrlcks brokrj Jail at Hiawatha , Kan. , lust September , and since that time he Inu been roaming free as a bird \\iiurorcr fancy und good Judgment dic tated. It uould seem that discretion \\oulil have kept him awav from Omaha , but ho didn't think so , hcnco his grief. Shortly after his prisoner's escape , Sheriff. Cashman catna to Omah.t in search of his man , but although ho was hero at the time and , lu fact , has been hero ever since the officers failed to locate him Ilrown was * brnkoinon nnd was arrested for disposing of mortgaged property. Ho iv us very Indignant over tus arrest , nn it was not until he was shown the ohoto- craph that \\cakcnod and admitted" who ho was. Ho denied that ho saw eel his way out of Jail , but insisted tbat a couple of friends of his , an engineer and conductor whoso names ho tefused to give , sawed their way Into tlio Jail three aays before tlio tlmo set for his trial , nnd he merely walked nut through the hole His wife , who was em ployed about the ] all during his Incarceration the tv , departed with him through the same aperture. Since their residence in this cltv , the pair have lived at l.tll ) California street , nnd n complaint was lodged against tlio woman some time ago , charging her with being a sttcet walker , and an ofllccr was detailed to watch the place , but bo failed to run across Ilnwn , who kept himself very close. The woman Is much smoother than her husband , and when the latter was unbosoming hlmiclf to the detectives this morning she remarked , "shut your mouth , vou blamed fool , don't vou see that they r.rc just twlng to pump you ! " Brown was told thut the sheriff was com- mi ; after him , but ho said ho would not go back without a requisition. Dr. Blrncy cures catarrh , Hue bldjj. Hired to Murder. Henry Lon.T wus hold to answer before the superior court for the murder of Osctir Gran- doll , at Hod Bluff , Cal. The only direct ovi. dcnco against Long was that of thu Boydcn brothers , one of whom Is also charged with the crime. Ho alleges that Long confessed committing the murder to them. The exami nation of Mitchell , Boyden nnd Hughes , charged with the same en mo , Is now pro ceeding. P. T. HUGHES , W1IOAK3ALK CASH COMMISSION MBIICHANT 1W.MMI Mnrkel I.trcet , Dearer. Colorado. Klein , III , nnd Wo tcrn L'roimerr llutter , K , ' 'nncJ Cliucrc. 1U.UU ) A 1 emptj cun cues , wltb tillers to loin to mr itilppi'ra nnd utbari to bo tlllu J , tire cnsci nnd np Ship br lust freight , flood , chctp Iliittor In demand during Hay. Uuftabla fur quotutlo'i * on de mand.