Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1891, Page 7, Image 8

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A IVK1trlHiMKNTS : for tlicpo columns will
J > 1m liikrn until 12'.10 i ) . in , , ( or tlio ovrnlnR
trillion , nnil until 8:0p. ! : in , , fur tlio niorulnz
< ' itlon nnti fetiNiiAv Use.
lii ndvfinec. :
] > ATHP AdvrrtlTtnrnts on this
J churned for nt tlin rnlo of Hi cents prr
fi.rllio first IniiGrtlnn , nnil Iccntticrworil
for nili ! put sequent Ineottlfin. find ll.fiO per
Jlnr- per Ironth. No ntUertlii'iiiMit taken for
Inn ilinn 111 cents for tlio llrst Insertion.
INITIAL ; * . llKiircs"symboK etc. , countcnch
rnnnn word ,
rPllKPK ndvrrtlsctnonts must nm cnn'eeu-
tlM'ly and under no circumstances will
I o iii km ordlRcontlnnoil by telephone.
TrAIITlJ-r ) mlvertlslntt In tlieso column * nnd
J lunlnc tlmlr nnswersiifldrrMed tna"nutn-
1 eied letter In cnro of TIIK HKK. will rucclva n
muni eml check to rnnblo tliom to get their
Jcltpri. Answers will bo nnllvcrcd only on
rie cnttitlon of ttils clicck. I'ncloso ungwors
in envelopes properly addressed.
A 1il ndvertl cMeiils 'unrter thn hcnd of
j "Hpei'lnl Notlcps" nro published In liotli
tlip tnornlns nnd pvenlnc rdltlonsof Tun HUB.
HIP elicnlntlon of wlilch nirurpfentcsniornthnn
! 0.f 00 pi : jiers dully , nnd plves the advertiser
In1 1'Tinllt not only of the Inrcn circulation of
TIIK HKI : In Omnhn , lint nlso In Council ItlufK
Lincoln nnd othcrcltles und towns In the west
Advertising for these co'umns will ho taken
on the nl ovn condition" , at HIP follow Ine busi
ness houses who nrpnnthorlfcd to tnkospeclnl
not Ice * , at the sumo rates us can bo hud ut the
main oDIec.
tfZt N. Street , Lister lilook.
FTiTlNV. \ . HILL , I'harmncUt , _ S20 South Tenth
. ) ' Mrept ,
" _ _
IIAHi : ft EDDY. Ftntloncrs und Printer
113 South Ifith.trcel. .
H. FAUNSWOItTTfi I'liarinuclst , 21 115
. fuming street
" \\r J. IM'OIIES , I'harmaclst , C2 North Ifith
. strept.
i rbTw. 1'AUIt , I'harmaclst , 1713 Leaven
v * worth street.
T CGIIKS' 1'IIAKMAOY. 24th and Tarnam.
for rnlfii , tic. . Me top of frit column on thl i > nae.
AOOOI ) bookkeeper uould like set of books
to write up evenings. Address O 11 Hee.
M883 24 *
' _
ANTHD-Hltuatlon In prlvnto famllv of
_ 3orU ! Address MC7 HCP. SKg ! *
_ _
" \\rANTKD Sltuntlon as cfurk by Rcrman-
* Amerlcnn , 24 VP'irs old seven yearn' ex
perience u lib Importing nnil exporting honso
in New 'oik cltv : llrst-elnss recommenda
tions fu-nKhod. M. liB. HcooHlco. ' *
" \ AT" A NT K I ) Situation ns bookkeeper or
t otlmrolllco work by a voiinc ninn who
ipnnks rngllsh and German. Address M ni.
Itce olllcp. M 82.1 21 *
" \\7ANTKD A position with a grain or ele-
' valor , liavo had
company long expnr-
loiii-p. can glvo the Ucslof referunco. Address
O 7. lice , 87i2J :
"l\7ANTI'.D Situation by cnpanlc. steady
' t'anndlan miller a Hist or second hand.
I ) . M. , IfiO" l.OCIlht St. 7 2 IM *
\\rANTKD Situations for good girls : my
' waltlnK rooms me nlwnys full from n a.
m , tofi ii. m. Canadian Employment oilier ,
814'JS. ' IRtli. Telephone SHI 71)5 )
J in Hitc * , rtc. , ire < np ) / flrtl column on
Tt'SToiit. Most wonderful advertising device -
" vice known. Sells to every merchant and
iminufacturor. Splendid employment. Hli ?
Ti'iv. Steady wont. Kncloso Htump. Arc .7.
' '
Jl'f'g Co . Knchic , WIs. MSsl 2T1 *
100 brlcklavers , wnges 44 4-D
* T cents pnr hour or $1.00 per dny of 0 hours.
Apply at Hulldor.V oxcliango. Llborty and nth
Ftieets , fitb lloor , I'lttsburg , 1'a. Contraollnc
llrleklayers. M873 2i *
\\7ANTKn-Salesmcn wishing a dcslrubln
11 Hide lino. Ilnhy carriages and reed
rhiilrs. Address "Chairs nnd Carriages. " Nn.
4DU N. Jtli street , St. Louis , Mo. 1187(124 (
T\7ANTI7D Salesmen on salary or commls-
i * slon to handle the new chemical liquid
court plaster , the crnutcst soiling noxoltyovur
produced. It relieves and ( julekly euros all
ordlnni v cuts , burns , bruises and embrasures
of the skin. 100 to MO per cent profit. Ono
agent's sales amounted to $100 In n days ; an
other 810 In 2 hours. Wo want ono cnorpetle
general neent In each ntnto and territory. For
term * and particulars address , with stamp ,
Kxcclslnr M'f'g. Co. , LaCrosse , WIs. M87721 *
V\rn OI'I'KIl aKcnts big money in o.xcluslvo
ii tenltory. Our now patent safe" sell at
dlcht In city or country. New agents first In
field aelimllv gottlng rlnh. Ono npcnt In ono
( lav cleared ISd. So can you. Catalogue free ,
Alpine Safe company , 3G3-371 Ulark street ,
Cincinnati. O.
WANTED A young mnn of nxporlcnco to
work In drits store , 702 N. 10th , 8.1U-21
17ANTKD-A druggist , 702 N. ICth.
"VY/ANTKI ) 2 good house painters ; steady
i work for good men. O. L. Nelburg , West
Point. Neb.
" \ \ 7 ANTED Ilnrbor at 1402 S 13th street.
> , - .
\V ANTKD-Sollcltorfi for the finest cony- '
* ' rlzhtod advertising scheme known , ' 'all
today or tomorrow. 0. ! ' . Itlnohait , floto ! ;
liotol. J1S51 24 I *
PANTSMAKEU wanted. 2111
SKI S3 ,
\\7ANTED-A boy ; ono with some nxporl *
> once In carrlacn painting profcrrwl. at
P. Itelnhardt'B. IS2I N 24th st. KM 22 *
WANTED Klftv men to surface on Iho
Missouri Pacific at Union. Neb , J1.50por
dny ; railroad fare fifty cents. Hnilth. Glllctt ,
Ac Co. M743 S5
WANTED Competent carpenters can find
steady employment In St. l.onla at SI per
onypfclKht hours. Apply at Mcchan'cs' ' c\-
chniiHO. yt. Louis , ftlo. M043-'a *
WANTED A good tailor or talloress to
\\orKlushop. Address J. A. ICurvau , 3KI
8 Hlh street. 77021 *
\VANTED I'lvo firat class tinners and gal-
vnnlzud Iron cornice workers ! Moady em
ployment. Apply tit once , Oochran V Pow
ers , 1010 Pine sticot , St. Louis. Mo , Mtil.l sa *
WANT HP AOnNTS-Tliu "Novelty Wax
Tad" prevents sticky Hut-Irons ; polishes
cuIVs , collars and bosoms. Sample s..t cents.
Btninps taken , fctayiior & ( , ' ( > . l'rovltlcr.en.K.I.
M040-28 *
"lATANTI'.P Salesmen on tnlary or comls-
i i slon to handle the new patent chemical
erasing pencil ; thn greatest aclllng novelty
overproduced ) erases Ink thoroughly In two
Fccnndaiiio ahrntdon of papnr ; ' . " ' 0 to.VH ) per cent
in oil l ; ono agent's sales n iron n led toUGiOlnsIx
; days ; another 1.12 In two hours ; wo want one
general ugent for each stata und territory ,
ror terms and full particulars , address tlin
Monroe Kr.isor MfK Co , l.a Crosse , WIs. 473
t { T\7ANTCn nnd pnntnloon mnkora to
i work In shop. Contluonial Oloiblnir
, < t House. 177
MT.N with good address. Met. M'f'p Co. , I1U9
Howard st , , Omaha , or ll > 7 N 1-th. Lincoln.
? * \\rANTnil-.Men to tra\el for onr Oaniullan
It nursiIi < ibtoncA.Wclllncton.Mudlson.Wls
_ _ _
, tee tup of Jlrtt column on tltli piue ,
" \\7ANTI5D-A girl forcflnoral homoworl ; In
ii sniill family , Addtoss24i3 Charlc * nt.
\\rANTKD-Olrl for cenoral bousowork. In-
II iulto4IO | North2 Jd street. ( GO-22
" \VANTKD A RoiMlirlrl for general house
i work. BIS S. 2Vd street B72-2a *
W 19th struct.
WANTED Sutnrdny ; lady ( widow ) MM
Instruutlnns , tukeehargo of books. (113 (
K. Y.JUI fo. ' 870-22' '
W . HHIKNCKD cook nnd ( nundrcss ; small
family ; Urge w.igos. 1W4 Wlit at. Sfl'J-21 *
W "ANTI'"D Uocrt eoou. City hetul.
\\7 ANTKD ( Jlrl for pennrsl liotieowork.
11 Munt be competent. 2.V5 Hamilton utroot
Kit 2:1 :
\\f AM'KU-A first clussrlro > "niiiil > iir to net
ii an fornwonvini itcady iio-tltlim far the
rlilit pcrsnnt nlin waljitund kUIrt llnlshnrs.
Mn.II. c. .Mn oi , WK.irimm WJ ii
"Vii ANTKl * A flrst-cli s diiMtin.'ikfr tin *
ii nicdliiti'lyi frlnK roforenvcui
Dull at SSU I'urnum ht.
EXI'KUIENCF.D Klrl for Rencral
aill St. Mury'i avo.
TV A NT n l > Glrl fur llulit lioutcwork nl nl
TIN mu.
l'ornituU.tutnpof _ _ lnltalitmnniilMi pij
KENT 8-room lint , Lunge bloou. 13th
- and Jackson. M8W ! 23
FOU KENT Hlx-room cottage , city wntor.
bath room , pleasant locality. Aprdy nt
818 S. ! Bth avenue. M bfc 2J >
"I IOU HKNT . ( tine I. furnished house , six
- 1rcotns : nil conveniences ! two snunrrs of
motor. Address Ullllcu olllec. MfWO 21
TIAKN-IKJOM house with barm desirable loX -
X cation , moderate rent. Heard llroi. . 1410
DoiiL'ln-i st.
.M 837
KENT lly Juno 20. a B-room house
newly painted and papered , well , cistern
iinfl oily water , bath and furnace. KM4 Dav-
en port. M8KJ
0KOOM dwelling for runt. 1315 Cass street.
' ' "
MS30 'I"
A liKSIKMII.rcottage for rent My large ,
loom cdttntto on Davenport st root.heated
liy furnaci' . bath , etc. , electric appliances for
I.eliM und KIIS IlKlitin ? , lanso Ktiililn for cow
nnil horses , room for flvo ctirrlnRus , drlvnwuy
nnd Knod liiwn , will liu runted ruiisonublo to
desliahlu tenant ; tlio wholu or purl of furnl-
tnro und utirpots forsnlc , Apply on premises ,
Gcorxo A. Joslyn. S B Davenport struct.
70.-I 20
I ] OI'HKH , nil klnds-thruo nicely furnished.
Hundy V Co. , Kill Cnpltol uvoniiu. t-OT
171OK Itl'.NT Houses with nil modern im-
- movements , steam heat : 1 block from hlRh
school ; fi'i.OO to ! f.y.0tf ) pot month. Also stores ,
24th und Davenport. II. H. Iroy , 200 N.V.
l" you wish to rent n house or store sco II , K.
Cole. Continental blo'-k. 744
POlt HKNT 10 room house , nil modern Im-
provements. No.27l5llulf-IIow.ird treet.
Knqulio ut 411 I'axton block. Krf-21 *
A ! i-room linusp. with
all coiHcnlenccM und enmfoits. on
street ; low rent tosatlsfaelory sinull family
with good references , tlnfiirnlshed If do-
hlifd. 2010 Hlnm-y St. Konnt/o place. M.Vjj'
irolt KENT o number of hou rs , stores.
JL Huts. ete..f.VOJ per month and Ui. | N w
list ' Iht of each month. Ucorgo J. I'linl , 1MO
I'd i mini street. DPI -Jy2
i : room house. $14.212,1 S. llth street.
mm in 2T
17IOU UENT-T-ipRatit : 2 floor house , all mod-
JITII Improvomenls.No. 403 N , ! Ed ! stieets ap
ply at 1JUU l''arnam slieot , W > 3 24
T71OK HKNT S olcht-room brick houses with
J-1 eltr water , bath and sewer , 103 feet from
Pablo lino. F. K Williams ; t'lrst Nat. Hank
bulldliut. 8:3
OWI Davenport st. . n rooms nnd all convnnl-
PIICCS. IM.UO ; 2.VJS Davenport St. , 11 rooms and
all conveniences , $70.0(1 ( ; ; | | 2 North 2.Hh st. , 11
rooms nnd nil conveniences , fd.OO. Thcso
hou'esaro In tlin host resldonco portion of
Omaha , two blocks west of liUli school. K. I ) .
Chapman. M4 I'axton. block , owner. MJ
1J1OK UKNT 1'our 0 and 7-rooin ll.its with
bath , hot wnter , etc. ; paved streets ; near
business ; alt Improvements : only I'5 pernio.
Kofereners reiilred. | The Mead Investment
Co. . 44J HCP building. 740
IJ1OH Hr.NT Two 10-room brick residences ,
JL1 nil conveniences , just completed , "iN.VJ )
fioorgla uvu. Kent $10.00 for llrst your. Uonnl-
sou ft llros. „ . ' 137
HUNT Klalit room house nnil barn , fat
bouth 27lh street. Ajiply en the premises.
FOll KENT , cheap ; a good ten room modern
houso. Inmilro U Capitol avenue. H.
H. Uoblson. 31075 .118
5-UOOM house , nice yard , nhade trees , eltv
and cistern water , elegant neighborhood , 2
blocks from sticetcars , 1411 S. 7th avenue , or
Hell's phnrmacv , cir , llth and Mason , ! )9U )
FOU ICKNT Handsome 11-room modern
house ! all coincidences : In perfect order !
paved streets ; motor , and within D minutes
wallcof postofllco. Nathan Shelton , 1014 I'ar-
iiam street. M131
Odl2 Oap. uveniic , a nice S-room cottage with
'hath. Ini | . 2. > 1S Cap avenue. M270 2. > *
IjlUlllinNT 10-room housecentrally loeated ,
J ? inoilerii Improvements. Iiujulro , 712 N. lUth.
FOK HKNT f-rooni cotta-o , bath , etc ,
" Stanford f'liple. " Apply , 0. S. Kljjuttor ,
40'/Hist National bunk " " ' "
Cnvr.NTHKN C-lt. brlok houses with bath ,
tJ * sewerage , etc. , VJ block from Sherman uvo.
Motor on Kynor street : T2J.M per 1110. Water
paid. O. F. Harrison. UI'J N. V. Lltu. 33g
Fort ate * , rtc.fcttnpnfjlr > l mlumnnn thl *
rpWO furnished rooms , siiltublo for eentle-
JL man. 4ii4 N. 17th street. M b'U24 ' *
FUHN1SHKH front room In private family.
513 south fflith avenue. MS9I 24 *
nicely furnbliod foment. 2128Ilarney
st. MB84 25 *
"T71OH KENT A largo alcove room to n con-
JU tlcmun seeking quiet , homelike surround
ings In small family. Address O 8 llei ) ofllcn.
MS70 24 *
TnUHNlHIIKDor unft.rntshod rooms for rout.
JL : modprn , at S09 North 17th street. MC21 24 *
NICKLY furnished parlor and bed room 312
per month ; loforcnces ; n-c coiner 2Jih
and Hamilton. 8U024 *
"filOH RICNT Ono elegant furnished room.
* } second Iloor.all modern eonvenlenees , 110.00
per month : must have rofcienco. Mis. H , O.
Moses , . ' . ' .ILS rnrnnni. 841 23 *
TTUJHNISIIKD fiont room torrent N W cor
-U 20th nnd Davenport. KI3-S5 *
l/'OU 1UINT--OI1O or two furnished rooms on
J ( Joorgla iivenno. Kuforences c\ohangert
Address Mf > 3. lieu. BUS
SMALI , room for rent : gentleman only ;
prlco W 00. Call BIT N 17th street. 727
PLKABANT rooms , single or en suite. H.t
South 20th st , 778
T71OH RENT Two furnished rooms : 110.
JL ? Northwest cornet 3-'d and Oumlng streets.
MC47-2J *
ILKASANT furnished room with board.
Itcfoience * 2214 Kiimam. 293-22 *
N1CKLV Furnished largo south room for
rent ; modein comonlcucoi , 201Q Harney
hlrcct. MM1
TTIOH HKNT rurnlihod rooms , 11X17 Douglan
JL 748
rfMir : St. Clalr ruroin-an hotel , cor. 13th and
JL Dodge , will hproaftor make low rates for
rooms by the week or month , clthor vlth or
without board. 7S1
Forratrt , rtt. , scetnpcrflrtttolnmn on this pngt
rpllHEIJ rooms , llrst floor , and thrcn on seo-
X end. for housn keeping , In private liouso
812 South 10th street. M75B2I *
Ij OU KV.NT I.urgp. llzht basement. In-
JL1 qulro Mrs. l.angc , cor. 13th and JacKson ,
_ _ MMU 29
TN ono of the best pirts ot town , unfurnMiHd
for light housoKi-cptng ; rufeieneni
o-NChanged. 0 10 , llco olllcu. M 8li ' , ' 4 *
NT.W , mortein anilmostdeslrablnln thoolty ,
Tluee or foui room sulli s.sl3S.22nd stieet.
T. U Von Doru. MIS4
-I I'NnJltMHIinD rooms , firnt lloor. modern
t | niiiivciiinnt ) > < , rangu In Mtulicn. : IIUH. 20th
bt. MI17 J4'
_ : _
"TjlOll KKNT l'liie , small family ap.irtmimts ,
JL' nil oiituhlfl ri'Onis. best locality , modurn
ImprovitnintF. Iuuliotci5 | VaMcn block , b97
Furiatei , tic , , rtt tnnof jiittcotrmn
Tho4.storybHukburidln , wlVli
I or without power , formerly occupied by the
Ik-o I'uhllshlng i'o.UHI Farnam st. The build
ing has , i fireproof ci'tr.ent hiisomcnt , complete
stotim-lic.itlir. ( lMiires.water on nil thu lloor-- ,
gnsutc. Apply ut the ollli'o of The Hue. U1J
"IpOlC IJIINT Ofilco rooms , southwest corner
.V loth and Chlcaw snouts. O , T. Davis Co. .
15J3 raruam street 813 27
lOll K1INT Or salu. my hulldhiR on Jones
st. but. lOtluVllth. Cf.A.riludiiuUl.SIOS.iri'.h.
[ ? OH HENT-DosU room , at Oil N. V. Llf-
bids. 8i9
Tj'OJJ ItKNT The three-story hrlclc build-
* Inc , 1110 DoiiL'IuHstreol * Hiiluiblo fur wlioln-
Halo purposes , 1110 pur mouth , Clui.s h'auf-
munn , 1JU2 Douglas st. ' MM
Forrittcr.ttr , , rtttopnffrst rolmim n thlt
T/IOK UITNT Nicely f"iiirnNhocf"rooms wl
JL1 Urst-vluki boui-U , 1721 D.ivunport stroot.
JJOOMS and bourn. 5IW Doiiulas.
UKMSIIKD riwms nnd lodglnit houso. Ilia
N , ICtli. opjio.ltu JuTorson ( S.jii.trB.
MMS-niilO *
I UHNISIIL'D roami kiid board , JiCi livlfa.
TlOlt UKNT llrlok wnrehouso. two itorlosi
- - blah basement , hydraulic olovntor , track *
ago ; best location In city. A C , 1'owell. 321
ftrrattii , rtc. . Mt fop nt flnl ei < t\nnn mi thti VKJ *
" Hi : . COLi ; rental ngeuuy , ( Jontlnontiil blk
"jJ 741
HI1. Iliuy , rent-it nKont , 206 N. Y. lilfo.
MM m" .
rorrattt , etc. , tee top of frit columiion thti page.
\VANTKD-Iloard nnd room for man und
' wife , private family piufurrcd , Htato
terms. Address , O 4. Hoc oll'co. ' &V2J *
of furnished rooms by a
' prominent young business man. Must bo
flrst-cla s nnd located between 17th and2. > th ,
Howard and Chicago streets. Hoarding houses
need not apply. L 08 llco , 'JM
WANTKD To runt Oor 10-room house , mod
ern conveniences , no row preferred. Ad
dress lock box CJ2 , Mill
Forratefete. , tcttnp nfflrtl rotxmu o l/if / pa < }
13 AUN for rent. 2025 Howard street.
JI743 24
QO ncro blno grass pasture for her M. Insldo
0 city limits , 11.00 per week. Inquire II. A.
1 loiniin , 4IUtiouth Kltii street MG72J
" \\rn have the best horse pasture In this
TV Htatp , at Ollmoro Station , thrco inllos
sontli of Omaha ; 1C ) acrosof bluogras4 , nurlnR
wnter , board fencu ; have iiRood one-halt mile
truck on the farms will take u few hordes or
colts to bieak or train. Harton & 1'he.lps or
A. W. I'holps , V Sou. MJJU 23 *
IHAVi : n peed pasture , two miles from
South Omaha , for horses und colts ; blue ,
timothy nnd cliner grass ; horses called for.
Uco. U , Clans , South Omuh.v M.VH-M : . ' ) *
Vnr rates , etc. . rectnjxifflrtt column on IM *
I71OU SA LK Furnlturo of 21 room house. All
JL rented nnd In good part of city. Address
Goodrich. 007 S. l.'lth htroot. 410-21 *
FOU SALi : At n Kroat sacrifice , clcgnnt
household furnlturp. line carriage team ,
carriages , slolgh. harness und robc4. also line
Jorsuy cow , A. J. Hunscotn , 1824 Douglas st.
60730 *
TJIOIt ' SAliK Furnlturo of a 10-room liousp
* - Chuap , Hotiso for rout , Inqulro 1923 Uotleo.
Forratc * . etcfcetnptif Jlmt
FOU SALI > Klesaut delivery wagon , brand
new , made In the city and warranted. M. A.
Upton Co. , llco building. M7
11 OOD horse nnd busgy for sale. 2111 Cum-
J Ing street , 8 4-22 *
A Good driving horse , looks well and safe
for lady , MS N. V. Life. UK ! 22 *
"IT OK SALi--l : doubio oarrlugo , 1 phaeton , S
Jhorses , 1 double harness , 1 Hlnglo harness ,
1 fresh milk cow , Inrjulio at thu Boston
store , 114 bouth 10th stieot. 13. >
Ton SALE Family carriage. LcoA Nlch-
JL' ols. stable -8th and Loavonworth. M&09
HOItSi : auction every Saturday. 2 p. m. , at
1'loneor stables , llltli nnd Harnoy. Horses ,
wagons harness , etc. Huyers ana Bellurs
should attend thcso sales. II. Homan , 1'rop.
It. Wells , auctioneer.
Ferrates , rtc. , tcftop of first column on 1/if.i pige.
ONE full sl70 , and ono child's bed , willd
antlqiio oak. wllk woven wire siirlag and
mattress , ns good as now , nnd perfectly clean.
113 S 21th street. Klvo tlmo. 812 22 *
FOK SALK An elegant flio proof safe with
burglar chest. I'hll Stlmmol , Oil Jones st , ,
Omaha , Nob. 931
FIMlNITUltn bought , sold , stored. Wells.
1111 Furmiin strcut. 737
POlt SALE ! W loads of sawdust : aKo kind
ling. Omuha Hux Factory , Kiist Umahn.
Ferratesetc..ttetnpof Jlnt rrilnmn enid ( pige.
GD. OASK I'enman , teaches pcnmnn-
ship Tuesday and Thursday ovoulags , 214
S. ISth street. J174J .12 *
ENGKAVINO Wood , zlno.ehnlk , etc. Work
guaranteed on tlmo und quality , Ilrlg-
ham. South Omaha. Ml'J ?
GAHDEN farm to rent. T. Murray ,
GOOD homo for lad lex during confinement.
Inquire nt Mrs. M. 1'rasll , 1470 South Kith.
M121 J4
MASSAGKtrontment.olcctro-thermnl baths ,
scalp and hair trp.itmont , manicure and
chiropodist. Mrs.l'ost/JlOJi S.lJth.Wlthnoll blk.
WILLIS COV , house mover. 013 South 17th
street , and 8U South 23th avenue.
133-May 25 *
or t offs , rtc. , tte top nffrtl column on this page
HIGH class dressmaking. Evening , dinner
nnd tti'ddln-.trouaoau u specialty. Pit
and style warran oil porfoct. It. G , Mu\well ,
Kamgu blouk , room 4- ! . 40 ! > J0 *
TT1NGAGEMF.NTS to do dressmaking In fain-
JJJ Illcs solicited. Miss hturuy , 2(110 ( llnrnoy
strcot. M32UJ9 *
rorratn , rtc. , reetopof fir t codiinn on ( Mi
WANTED Mrs. P. P. OofToy. the wife of a
mechanic , to call or address 1 > . .1. Connol-
loy , 18D I'rlnco street , Hrooklyn , N. Y. , to lenin
somolhlngot great liuportnnco. M7l)0 ) l *
COUIIKSI'ONI ) For amusement. Instruc
tion or matrimony. The host oorrcspon
clonco bureau In existence. Full particular- )
In plain sealed envelope for 10 cents. Lock llov
H2G , Omnhn , Nql ) . 77B.M28 *
I'orratet , etc. , tee topofflrat coumn on tliti page
JL Co. , lleo building , Omaha. Hranch olllco nt
Wnshlugton , D. 0. Consultation ( roe. 721
FinKitrt.rtr trr tnp of firn coiiimii nn inn
CIO UND A palrof oyc-glasscs. Kunulro nt
JU thn Morse lry Goods Co. 85fl 23
7'orriifrntc. , ttetnpojftnt column un thti 71.106 ,
BKST line hair goods' In west : nnlr dressing ,
wigs , switches , bungs , hair chains , etc. , a
Nppulnlly Iliiilns , hnir goods anil milliner ,
oppoalto poitulllcp. Ill S. l.'ith bt..Oiualiii. 7.VJ
JpKEDMohlo , S. K. cor. Karimm and llth.
r'orcKfx , etc. , reetop of flr l column nn thti
FIHST nnd second mortguga loans. Alex
Moore , 401 llco bldg. 80in > ab
G per pent first inortKiigu loam , Ulchard 0.
I'atierson , 107 New York Llfo. M074
MOUTIIAGHH wanted , lorn ? or short tlmo ,
GeorfioO. Wallace , II10J. J. Urowa build-
Int. . lUth and Douglas , MJ
MONTVto loin on Improved city property
at current rates ; funits on liamli nu de-
lay. Uoo. 1' . lllusl A Co. . 2U1 HniiiKO blili ; . 751
OF. fc O. M.Anthony. niSN.Y. Llfobiilldlnic
lend money on farms In cholco counties In
Nebraska and Iowa , also on good Oiiinh.i resl-
denco property ; lonest rules ; host terms ; no
dclav ; money ipady. Titlu-s und values passed
on huro. 74J
loans n to 7 per cent ; no uddl-
. . ' ' '
foes. W. H. Mciklo , I'lrsl Nutlonul bunk bldg.
"I UIVATH money to loan. J , D. X.IUle , 014
JL N. V. Life. 7S7
MOItTGAGH loam wanted. McUaguo In
vestment company. 7.V )
MONHV to loan on Omaha property. Fidel-
Ity Trust company , lilll 1 uriuiu. 7.V )
AHTritN money to loan at very low rate * .
( II. H. Iroy. 2iO N.Y. Llfo. MIM
0 111 : A I1 Monoy-PI lla. Mortgage uud Trim
Co. . ants gilt edge loam. Gtc , W , I' .
Coutet , Ttprv > entiitlve , 7 Douitl Trad * 001
ForralM , etc * teetop o/Jlr t tolum i on thtt page.
* "
ONEYto"loan by
und collateral sccJlr/tlcs / for any tlmo from
1 to 12 months , Inr.Uny amount to suit bor-
Lonns made on houuf'liold ' goods , pianos , or
gans. horses , mulcx. UoiUos , leases , wnrolioiiso
rocolpts.otc.nt the lowest r tcs possible wllh-
out pifbliclty or romOViil of property.
My loans nro so nrrafJKcd thatyou can make
n niiynient of nny niirtiiil | | nt any tlmo and reduce -
duce both principle uml Interest.
Ifyouowofi balance on your property or
hnvo a loan that you WjtntpnuiiKod 1 will pay
It off nnd curry It for ypn. If you find It more
convenient pull up twpphono 1021 nnd your
biHlnpss will bo urrunpod nt homo.
Money nhvny.s on liuiul. No delay. Nopub-
lleltv. Loweit ralrs : , 11 P. Mnstors.
Iloom4 , Wlthnell blk , 15th und Harnoy sts.
at lowest rates. ( HI New
WYork I.lfo bulldliiK. It A. Morris. 874J21 *
HA. DA UN Kit loiir.s money on chattel so-
curlty. Hoom &lClinmborof Commerco.
M324 ) U
/"IHATTHL bank , 1119 S. ISth st. . loans money
Won chattels or collateral at runsonnblurutos
7tK )
I ONKY on furniture , horses , etc. Keystone
l-Mortgago Co. . room 2U8 fhccly block. MSOl
Forratt , rtestttonafflril column DMid ( /
AOOOI ) clnin : stock of hardware nnd fur-
nlturo In a good NebrnsUn town , ubuut
\VIlihollclioiipforcnslior part cash
and balance terms to suit. Might takeMHIIU
trade If doslrublu property. Address o 111.
Hvoufllco. M875S1'
ONKof tlio best located aniCflnolv furnished
nillllnury stores In tlinstntn for s.ilo cheap.
It Is having a largo trade , everything lulls
fuvorj reasons for sclllns , sickness and
dcath niMiussjtJjMlei ; . SCJ 1 *
"TTlOIt SAI.i : A clean stock of ladles' and
Jgouts' riirnlshlns nnd knit Roods with u
llmi line of Imported yams with show easu
und Uxturos. In u coed locality ; will Involco
about $ . ' 1,000 , will soil for cash only , address ( )
G UPC. ' *
MAN" with cash cansecure tntore'st In tlio
greatest advertising copyright In tlio
\vorhl. Apply at once. O. V. lUnohnrt. Globe
hotel. MM024 *
BOr.S anybody want to partlelpato In a
good .speculation where plenty of money
pan bo innilo In a short tlmo without risk ?
Advertiser has { ' . ' . . " 00 and wishes parlnnr with
sainu nnionnt. Hoforuncos exchanged. No
humbug. 1 mean business. Address M 0.1 ,
Heo. MW7 S3 *
AI.In Rood manufacturing plant In tlio
huarlof the nlty with all necessary ma-
chlnory. 1'rlce JT.OOO. 1'or Halo or trndo for
good Oniahii realty or u farm. Johnson , room
U. Hoard of Trade. 8KI ' . ' ! !
TJ1OK SAMI Stock of drills and drug sun-
-L dries , well assorted , Involeo lit ono thou
sand dollars ; for sale If taken at once for
seventy cunts on the dollar of wholesale price ;
Will triulo for clear property. Addicss , T. H.
ClIIWHOII. York. Nol ) . SH-JU
HOTKL I.easo nnd furniture of forty room
hotel dolns good business. Must bo sold ,
oM'n at a Micnllcu , as proprietor has other
business. Centrally located In pity oftiUOU. ;
Address . S. Cooper , No. 10 , Main street.
Council lilnlTs , Iowa. 130J4
TJIOR SAliF rnrnlturo and undortaklnc
J- business In Rood town , with or without
.store bulldliu ; ; part uash , b.ilanco gilt edRu
paper or clear real estate ; Invoices about
nuOO , llox 01' . ' Lincoln. 7U3
iflOK SAIilAn old established and Rood
-L tiayliiR clvar slorp ; good reasons given for
holllnit. K L'O lieu olll u 5U-2
Forrato , etc. . rectnp ojfflnt \ column on
JforOmulm lots or farm in Kastein No-
liraska or Iowa. George. 1) . Hutchhi'-on. fi'JO
1'axton. - MSb'Jil ' *
WANTUD A smiHl htock of groceries or
stationery i.nd fancy KOOIK Will KVO ! In
cxuhango a housnaiid lot In Monmouth park ,
also Imiiroved property In Alnsuortli. Nun.
l'oslbly u little cash.glvon. Address O 1 Hoe.
MB452J *
rr ROOM house nnd full lot nearly clear on
I pavpd street to tr.ide for cluar farm or ( list
mortgage notes. 1) , room 54 Chamber of Com
merce , Omaha. MlX. <
WANTKI ) To trade piano for a family
horse and light phaeton buggy. A. llospo.
1.1KI llouglas.
3- ? 3 >
" 1TIOI ! KXOIlANT.n Cash and unlnciimbercd
Jfit m land for a stock of boots nnd shoo.H.
Addrjss 1 * . O. llo.xOI , llrokcn How , Nob.
Nob.M70&23 *
FOU SALK or trade for unencumbered land ,
4 tenement brick hnu > o In Kounue Place.
Frank T. Unnsom , i2. ) l'u\ton bldg. S1J iTJ
T71OU fiXCIIANOK-HOO ) equity In modern
JL 8-room brick house , now. for clear out-
nldo Iota well located. A. V. TuUoy , Now
York Life. M Kt4
TT > OU SALE or trade for unencumbered land ,
-L 0-room house and 2 lots In Nebraska City.
I'rnnk T. ItuiiBom. I.'IO 1'axton bldg. 513 - ' - '
0 Boncral stock of for
farm and money , llov-MS , Krankfort , Ind.
For rates , etc. , fee topof tint column on thti pzya
"jjlOU SALE Oheau , nlco home , olghl rooms ,
Jbarn , modern IniDrovements , noiv , In-
qulru of owner , cornurl'uth and Maple sts.
M 8b8 24 *
FOR SAt.K Cheap for oush. 2 lots on lny-
iiinnil hlroet , Oounell llluITs , or fortrado
for lies Molnes property , ono block from elec
tric , near rulrmount park. Address M Wl. Dee
A FIXE business property In pond llvo elty ,
count v seat and K. H. division ; 2-slorv
brick bulldlnc ; nays 20 per cent onlnvustrnont.
Oood reasons for fulling ; will ioll at n bar-
Rain. A del rcss M 50 llco. 812 20
'T71OU SAljE To worklusmen only ( spoen-
.V lators need not apply ) on time or monthly
payments n nimt cottage at less than actual
value. Insldo property , only ouo block to
electric lino. Inqulro at room 202 , Omnha
National bank building. Ml ) %
FOU acres and lots In East Omaha see Star
Loan & Trust Co. M744 21
FOU SALE-Elsht room hou o. full lot for
$ .1,300 , cmiulro of owner at 2b21 lllondo Ht.
FOK HAIjK On monthly payments , lot and
two houses on P. 15th st. , near Dorcas. O.
V. Davis Co. , IMS Kurnam st. U01 Zl
L. HIco , real ostato. 02J Llfo bulldliii ; .
"I71OK ' SALE A line Improved farm of 200
JL' acres ; IXI ( under cultivation ; f > ha o trous ;
fruit- , windmill , wagon scales , otc. ; W ) miles
west of Onialiu ; J-M per ucro. Address 0 48 , lleo.
s 707
FOU Bouth Omaha property , nusiness. traok-
IIRU or reslelence , co tu the leading roal'os-
tatodoalors In South Omahu , Kd Johiuton tc
Co. . cor , glth and N sU. .M70.'l
FIVE-room houses in Orchard lilll , Jl.MO
onch on monthly payments. Thomas K.
Hull , 1111 I'axton hlk. 742
FOK SALE , cheup , cany pnvments : 1'J-story
now ( J-room house.wlth hath , cellar , etc. ;
full lot. N , SlielUm. V > U 0) ) . " >
J.I , ( JlllSON , sola Jvyent IvounUo Place.
room : > . ( ) relcht < [ irjs
TAO you Intend buynl''or ) hulldlii ) ; nn olu-
J-/sant homo ? If so/tlin / roncllnir of this add
muysavoyoii from fJ.Wto ) * IOW. The ad
\oitlsuroirors an ulteant 12- room honso on
the llnest resldeneo strwit. pavod. In the cltv ,
1 nillo from I1. O . lotUlxHO. block fiom mo
tor line , house hiHuvcry modem convonlunco ;
prlco very low and would tuho a good rcsl-
denco lot us part puymunt. Address L U7Ilen
_ ' 187
t'nrrate , ttrettlfipofTtrtl column nut/its / page.
O LUI-ST , cheapest aim best Morale , liousu In
city. Williams & fttM , 1211 Ilarney street.
BKaT utoraco hulldlli In Omaha , BOVOIII-
ment bonded wurnbluihu ; hoiiHehold KOOOS
cured for ; lowest rutuV'W. ' .M. llushmun , 1015
Loavonnorth. > ' 169
CHEAPEST nnd best stem o for furniture.
Wells , 1111 I'urniiiii sU Tiff
KTOKAUK of household Koods ; clean , dry
place , privately btored , terms modcr.ito ;
wo also store stoves during the summer ; wo
will gel them from the honsert and dullvor
them In the fall in good trim , Tol. UW. 12u7
Doticlas. Uinulin HUivo Hopalr Works. 71)0 )
Forratetrte , , Me toiiofjlnt column an tlth page.
\\J AJtTUI ) to buy n sound youn Roldlnx In
T I peed flesn wolghlnRl.OOO to 1,100. 'JU DOIIR-
1ns blouk , oppoilto llaydonn. MSsa ii
\\7ANTEO--To buy Rood anund nnd safe
> > Indies * drlvhiR hnrat ) , also plmuton. Ap
ply after 0 p , m , 2017 Harnoy street. MPJO J.I'
B K'\OLE uuntcdA Kood t-ocond-hund
dnfoty blcyulo. Addrusa M37 , lluo olllfo.
T you have any old clotlio-t to koll lot me
-know by Mull. Kullah , ' . ' 15 S , nth utrcot.
M C76-J IS It I
Nothing Else
equals Ayct'a Pllh for slImnlallnK A torpid
ilvcr , stiengthctiliiR digestion , and rcBU-
luting the notion of the bo cls. They con
tain no calomel , nor any other Injurious
drug , but nro composed ot the active princi
ples of the best tcKctablo cnthartlcs.
" I Mas a sufferer for years from dyspepsia
nnd liver troubles , and found to permanent
relief until I commenced taking Aycr'i Pills.
They liavo effected a complete cure. "
George JlooncyVnlla Wntln , W. T.
"Whenever 1 am troubled with constipa
tion , or suffer from loss of nppcllto , Ajer's
Pills set mo right again.-A. J. Klscr , Jr. ,
itock House , Va.
"Tor tlio.curo of headache '
, Ayr's Cn-
thartlc Pills arc the most effective mcdlclno I
crer used. " U. 1C. .James , Dorchester. Mass.
"Two boxes of Aycrs Pills cured mo o !
severe headaehc , fronnvhlch 1 was IOIIK a snf.
fcrcr. " Kmtna Kccs ) , llnliliardston.Conn.
Ayer's Pills ,
rnxrAnnn nr
l. J. 0. AYER & CO. , Lowell , Ma i.
by all Dealers In Medicines.
Vorfates , etctcetoi > nf flrtt roliimn nn/ili ( pig *
ClOMIv onu nnd alt and learn your future.
'As 1 have been In Omaha nine months I
will Htart , wobt the 1st. Mrs. Sto\cr , 4 1 N 10th
stroot. M704 SI *
\VANTni-AH to know Mrs. Dr. Do Sun ,
> T tells truthfully nil about absent ft lends
lost nnd tttolon prupurty hlie Is the rest over
here. All business confidential. Scnil " cent
stamp for Illustrated cliciilar. 32S N. lOtn St. ,
Omnha. t-tll-ab *
WItH. Kny , fortune teller , tells past , present
nnd future eiery day. except Sdnday , fee
6oc. One week only. N 15th nnd Spuneor St
east of Sherman uve. RCI22 *
MHS. WALLACE , clairvoyant ; naturally
clftcd ; tells past nnd future , love tiouti
les , absent friends , uhamjos , travel , business.
I.I 18 1'nrnnm street. 001 Ma
It5 ! rollT , palmist fortune teller , tolls
past and future from lines of the hand In
old typsy way ; ladles only ; fee JI.oi ) . OTISS N.
2ith ; ai7.via ! *
MHS. Nannie \Vnrrcn.clairvoynnt , trance
snoaktns , wrltlnK nnd reliable nusiness
medium , four years In Omaha , 110 N liith. 7.Y !
M AisSAOE Madam Dolzler , o > cr 010 B. Kith.
l"orratt , ( tc. , ttt tup of first column mi tlili j > toe.
M AHSAOK cabinet baths , tape worms cured
In 21 hours. Mdmo Uueiutto , 10.3 Dodge.
M707 J16'
MASSAGE bath at Madam Smith's parlors.
Ilrd lloor , 420 S. loth .street. '
_ r'J ? ! !
M Dolzler , cvor 010 S. itl
20-J-jB *
For rates , etc. , ncctnit afflittmlumnnntliti jynge.
LOST Hunch of Keys on Douglus hlrpot , be
tween Kith and 20th. 1'luabo return to
Muichants' Nat. bank. S7I-22 *
TOST May 18. Nowfoundlnd dog. male ,
Jluoast white , no collar , return to A , Mun-
dulburK. 15 California street und receive ro
ward. 70022
Foi nifti , elr , , eeclnp o/flnt column n/i ( <
G KO. 1Gellenbock. . teacher of the banjo ,
with llospu , 1511 Douglas. 249
BEFORE buying n piano examine the now
Bcalo Ktmball piano. A.IIo-.uc.l.'ilJ Dotiglns.
ALs roit nitnoTioN OF
X building. United States Indian school ser
vice , Genoa Industrial school , Genoa , Nob. ,
May 8. ItiUI. Soalpd proposals. ondnri > od "I'ro-
posals for erection of school building , " and
addresiea to tlm undersigned at Genoa , Neb. ,
will bo locelved nt this schmd until 1 o'clock
of Juno 1 , JKD1 , forfurnlshlng the material and
ereutlm ; n g rls'brick dnrmltoiy building on
the school grounds In accordance with plans
and spcclilintlons that may bo examined at
thn olllco of the "llco" at Omaha , Nub. , and at
this school. The necessary oxuimillon and
grading will bo done by the school and the
gi.'ncl required In concrete work furnished ,
unscreened on thu ground , without cost to
the contiactor. Certified Checks. Kach bid
must ho accompanied by a certified
cheuk or draft upon some United State ? depos
itory or solvent national bank In the vicinity
of the bldder'a pliioc of business , made pny-
ublototho order of the comm'ssloneror ' In
dian affairs , for at least ii per cent of the
amount of the proposal , whloh clicck or drift
will bo forfeited to the United States in case
nny bidder or bidders rccohlng un awaid
shall fall to promptly executu n contract with
oed und Huulclent sureties , otherwise to bn
returned to the bidder. The right is reserved
to reject nny and all bids or any part of nny
bid If deemed for the Interests of the
service. W. U. Iluclcns , Superintendent
A Written Guarantee to
Otir cure is | > ermanent anil not ft pntehlnff up. Cares
tnnUxl flvo yeois njro Imo never seen ixkymplcm
Rlnte. lly describing ease fully wo oan treat jou by
null , mill wo fjlvo tli nine tinntRunrnnlcoto euro
oru'fundnllmoii'y. The owln > pi off r to como hero
foriiwitmcnlraiiilosi andwnwlfl pjy rnllroad fate
Imlli Mnrs and liotcl bllU whllo licro If MO fall to euro.
Wo chnllcneo tlio world for n ca e that our IIAGIO
IIKMKUY will not euro. V.'rlto for full particulars onil
( Tut HID uvIJfn . Wo know that you ale kp | < II al ,
Jn llr no , ton , as the most eminent phyildnns la >
n'M > r lit'enalilalnclro more Ilian tfmiiorary icllrf.
In our nvo } enrj' ri actloo with the XAdIC ItKMl.DY It
haa t.ccn mo t cllfHcult to ovircomo the prejudices
nu-iilnst nil BO cnlltil specifics. Bui under our etronc
Riiarantee you eliould not lioltala to try this rvmcdj.
You take no cl arco of loslnR } our money. Wo cuar.
auteotocuro 01 refund overTilollnr , and wo liavo a
reputation to protect , nUo flnamlal UocUiiRof SCO-
OOO.ItHperfecll/Baroto all who will try the ti cat-
ini-nt. Itcretoforeyou luvc been putting up and payli'u
out ) oar money fordlfrcrenttroatmenunnd althoueh
jouEronolyot cured no ono lias paid bick your mon
ey. Do nut watto any more money until 3-011 tiyuj. Old
chronls , deep i'atcdenieieuredln30to 00 < lay . In-
Voatlgito our llinneUI etundln ; , our irputallon AH
lrjslne men. Write us for names and addresses of
tho'o M o Imvo cured who huvo t lvcn perml lonlore
fcrtothem. It costiyou only po l K to dothlMll
111 sao } on n world of MiflTcrlnff from mcnt il itraln ,
and If j on are married what nmy your offipil"K uffer
tin oiicli > our own nrRlleenco. If your symptoms are
soie throat , mucous piuchcn In mouth , rlicumntlsni
In IjGtiL'B und joints , hair falling out , oniptlons on nny
rartof Ihohodyfeellnfrof uincral depresulon , pilm
m head or bones , you Imvo no lima to waste. Thodo
who nro conslunlly tnUiiff mercury end pota h Bhntild
dfseontinuolt. ComttAiit uiio of Iheaodiiiffs will surtly
brlnueoie > and oatlnB uleenIn the end. Dnn't fall to
write. Allcoireipimdcnco sent healed In jilaln cnvi 1
opes.Vo Invite the moat rlRld lnvii-lli"mon : nnd v. Ill
do alt In our poncr to nld ym In It. Addirss ,
COUK 1SK31KIH' CO , , Omaha , Ifetiraika.
Ofllro 13th and Karnnm. eceond floor , cntrnnco 13th ! t
Heal aorf Sin !
KortUo troitmont of all CHUONin AND BDHOICAI ,
DISKASISd. llrncos , Appllnncoi for Daforniltloinnil
Trussoes. llont Fncllllloj , Apparatus cud Uomcdloi
furiuoeoisful trtutmuot of ovorr form of illtoaia
icqulrlnu Medical or riurtdcal Trontniunt. NLNKTV
IIUOMS FUlt 1'ATIKNTH , UunrU nnU Attomlnnc .
licit Acconiniodatlon ) 'Vnst. Wrltn for circulars on
Doformillei am ! llrnrei , Trimot , Club foot. Oilnri
turos of Bpliui , riles , Tumors , Concur , L'ntnrrb ,
llronchlth , Inlmlntl.m , Klectrlcltr , I'arnlr'li. Kpll-
ertj. Klilnori , Hlailder. Kre. Kar , Skin anil Illooil.
und nil Hurtilcnl Operutloni. DISKABK-1 OF VVOMKN
n pwlnllo. liook 01 Dhomni of Woman t'loaVu
Imvo liitolr aildeil n Ijrlnif la Dopnrtmor.t fnr Woman
DurliiB confinement ( tltrlotlf I'rlvaUi. ) Onlr Italic-
bin Medical ln > lltuto Making a Bpocltiltr of rill-
All lll.wd Dlsuisei micconfilllr traatflit Mn > 1lolna
3t Injtrunionti nont br moll or xpre i ccourolr
ptickod , no umrki to Indlc.ita cuatonti or t endor.
ORuporsonni Intor'luit prufnrro . CXill anil coni'jll
u or cnil hllorr of rour rain , niH w Till mnl IT
Inln wrapper our HOOK TO MBV rltHK. upon frl'
T to. Hpeclnl or Nerroui Uls iioi. wlthqimtlon liu
Address nil Utters to
A. T. McLaughlln , President ,
fith and IIarn y Htreijt * . Oin ilia.
National Bank
Capital , - - - - $4OOOOO
Surplus Jan. 1st , 180O , - 62.BOO
OBoers and Dlroctors Honrr W. Vatoi , I'reildtnti
IxinlsB. ItcoJ. Vlca-rresident ; Jamas W. S r , W
V.Morse , John B. Colllni , | L U Cuiblnj. J , M , II
Patrick. W. IL A Ifuunei , caihlor.
Corner Uth aud Caroaia Sts.
: tiftx vtmsxr.
AitlMirn ,
Miss Dollo Atulorson U aiwnJIiiK n few
days In Omaha.
Illrnm ItoborUon lifts nccoptf-d n position In
South Ouialia mid ts now luUallea in his uow
Mr. A. D. Stoivo of Missouri Valley , In. ,
has removed to this city nuil will OIIIMKO lu
business hero.
Our now marshal , W. W. CramlallIs
mnkliif ; many appreciated chnntres In the np-
ponrnnco of our streets.
Dr. A. Opporiiuu wont to Otnulm Tiiosdny
to attend tlio niuitml convention of ttioStato
Kclcctlo Mwllcal society.
John Webber of NoiiiMm Is the Init luan
to claim n wolf bounty , lie rawing kllloJ a
young wolf Intoly nnd saved the scalp.
U'ho stake rncos for the Nomnha county
fnlr for fouls of 1MU nro closoil with eight
cntrlos ; foals of ISSN with cloven entries.
Cln.Vto Hnir nnd Arthur Allen , two former
Auburn bovs , but Into of Beatrice , nru visit-
In 'tliolr relatives and ft lends lu Auburn tills
On Wednesday , H. Cooper and daughter
.Too started on n thirty dny trip to Pennsyl
vania and Maryland , I'lttsburR being the
llrst place nt which they will stop.
llov. A. 13 , Whltmorand fntntlv are spand-
InKthls week In Illinois , whom Mrs. Whit-
mor will remain for the summer. Mr.Vhlt -
mer Is expected homo before Decoration
Decoration day will bo observed by our
citizens nnd the exercises will bo led by the
Sons of Veterans , who expect to secure n de
tachment of arms fiom Lincoln for the occa
Memorial son-Ices will bo held in thn Metho
dist church Sunday conducted by
Kov. 0. W. linker , A.M. The Grand Army
of Iho Kopulillr post aim Sons of Veterans
will nttcnd in a body.
lr. 13. Stui7cncpRor , postmaster nnd mer
chant of South IJend , wns In Auburn Mon-
dny scoklng a location for n largo stock of
dry goods which ho recently purchased from
our townsman , .1. M. Llndscy. lie will proba
bly locate hero.
Auburn's high school commencement ex
ercises will bo held lu the uow opera house
on the evening of .May"J. . A cMiss of four
boys nnd four girls complete their prepara
tory education this yonr. Tlio Alumni so
ciety will tender thorn u reception on the fol
lowing evening.
Jess > o L. Hoot was in Omaha Wednesday.
Dr. A. T. Withers nnd family are visiting
in Oakland.
Mrs. Perry Walker has returned from her
visit in Chicago.
Mrs. George P , Nilcs nnd daughter are
visltlnjr in Council Bluffs.
John Shaforpf Custor City , S. D. , wns vis-
ItiiiR in our city last week.
Mrs. W. K. Fox is visiting her parents ,
who reslao in Shotmndoah , la.
Ous lllhtino has returned to his homo at
Albion , after a visit in tins city.
Mrs. Sarah IJ.vlor and daughter , Mrs.
Kaufman , are visiting In Warsaw , lud.
Mr. and Mrs. Low Myers of Cedar Crook
visited in 1'lattsmouth during the week.
H. .I. Straight left durlug the week for a
visit In the northwestern part ot the state.
Mr. nnd Mrs. R S. White and dauchtor
were among the Omaha visitors Wednesday.
lr. S. R Tabor of Murrey , who has boon
to Now York on a business trip , has ro-
Mrs. Hose Nudlchoffcr nnd son of Nnpor-
villei. 111. , uro guests of Paul ( Jot-ing und
Dr. B , D. Cummins and bride returned to
their future homo , at this place , after their
tour through the oast.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lohnhoft entertained a
few friends ut cards Tuesday evening In
Positively cured l y |
thcso Little Piils.
They nlso rcllovo Dis
tress from Dyspepsia , Indigestion - !
digestion and Too Ilenrtyf
Eating. A perfect rcm- [
cdy for Dizziness , Nausea , !
Drowsiness , Bad Tnatcl
la the Mouth , Coated |
Tongue , Pain In tlio Side , I
regulate tto Bovrola. Purely Vegetable.
No. 108,110 & 112 N. Eleventh St. ,
( Protected by D. S. Patents. !
M.imifnctmors of Iron and fituul Hlbbon
1'cnolnK ! Ijawn unit Yard TOIICHS for lesl-
dcnccs ; Tarm , Stock. 1'arlf and Cemetery
Kcncesj 100 styles Wrought Iron I'lcUot
1'cnocs : Iron Vases , ( 'bairn , bottees and Ciest-
IIIKH. Sohiuifents for "Holld Itiiukthorn Oal-
vaiil/uu rilool Ulbbon Wlrun. "
Telephone 1772. Send for Catalogue.
Plmploa on the F < lC9 |
Breaking Oat )
8kla Troubles |
littla Borea | Hot Bkla |
Bolls i Blotcliosi
Odd Sores ) Bad Breath )
Bora Mouth or Lips |
iryini niri'r from onr of
Ilicse DViiiutoni * . tuke
II.i you ever u ed mercuryl If to. did you
plve yonr elf the needed ntU'iitlon at the lime I
\Vo nred not till you that you require n blood
medlclno. to ensure frimjniii from the after ef
fect * llr. Aclier' Knutl h Illnod rililrUtlio
inly known mt-dlolno thiit w III IhoroUBhlytradl-
la ttio notwn from tno sj liu. Oet It from
iniirilrmn-'Ut. or wrltfl to H . II. l'll"u' , ff
I'O , .til West llronilwuy , > iwork : llr.
I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tlfll
TJV Otf'rr 1'rtii il Kri
irlilflt / nrr Hufrty to
J.ife of Mather anil Cltttit.
J ofM Cafl/llirlliPllf of Its
J'uln , Horror anil JHk ,
After mliiRonplujtllcnf " ,1lnthri- ' I'rlrnil" 1
( Mltcn-il bill link' | vilnanil ; Ul I mil cupork'nciUh/it /
iidfrwnril lnnnl hi mluli uniun. Mn.
r , lln , Jun. | 3tli , Utl.
firnt by oipross. cliargp ( irepaM , on ricefntof
pr.e.- , gl.r.J per bnuU * . Itoolc to tlullicrs nmllril frou.
SIItA FIiM : > UKfil'IiATUK ' CO. ,
SOLD nv A i.i ,
Notluo to Coiiirautora ,
Notloo U linroby Hlvon tluit sealed hldi vrlll
uq ri'fnlvud liy the hoard of pnhllu liuiih tinO
tiulhlliiEmit the aniou of thn oi'orutary of
stuto ut LliH'Oln , Noli. , until tlm ' 'ml day of
.Inno , IM ) | , ut4 u'olock p. in. , for thu urcrtlon ,
cuiiHtruutlon anil rmnplotlon ( it u two-story
lirltik und ktunn hiiltdlnv known as "Tho Mutt-
IndiiHtrliil Ho 11 oo I for lluys and ( ilrli , " to IKI
cruutcd at ( inu'V.i , I'llliiioro Cdiinty , > h , nl
I > r pinna. HiioullluntloniMnd iIofiRtiH now nn
IIUi In thu unlL-aiif the coinmliiloner of puldio
lundH and bullcllnz ut Mnooln , Noli.
Contractor * will bo wiulrn.l to onnfonn to
ruin mill ro ulutlonx us HOI forth tu Biiuolfl-
cutlnnn udnutod by the Uonrd ,
Tli lH.inl rosorvft ttio rUlit to rnjsnt nny
and all liUK
Dated at Lincoln , Nob. , May A , 1EOI.
A , It. HuMt'iiiiuv.
1'runldcnt lloarJ 1'ubllo l.muU nU llulilln. ! <
Attent : JOHN ( J. AI.LCV , Secretary of SUto
honor of thotr guost-i , Mr. ntul Mrs. L , A.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Prod Lnttmm. old roMdont *
of this city , will celebrate tholr twenty-fifth
woildltiff ntinlvi'rsnry nt tholr roslilonoo on
North Sixth street Mny 25.
The Inillot of the Kplscoiml
church KIIVO a biistnrsi inon'i onrntvnl nt the
opera house Thtirsdny cvonlnp , wnlch was
well imtronl/oil nnd proiiouncod < iulto u su > >
I. lloortrnm did York Monday.
S. C. Woodruff did York Monday.
Mrs. O. I'ctorson Is vMtltiR ntDonUon , In.
( J. W. Ctrcon was nt U.xvld City Woilnoa-
tiny.J. .
J. A. Mnrttn roturucd from Kcnrnoy Tuoi-
.lospph Kltubnll Is visiting tit Denver ,
A. 1' . Mndbure did Council niuIT * this
w cok.
C. .T. Anderson visttod \Vnhoo the past
J. K. Welsh of IJostou wns In the city
Tuesday ,
Decorntlcn dny will bo duly observed In
Stroinsbtir .
btromsburg will cclobrnto the fourth of
July this yenr.
Kov. G. A. Hobson of Surprlio was ninong
us lust Monday.
Miss Klnthlor Harrington U vlsltlns with
frloiuls In Lincoln ,
Joseph Dti Koiihcr of Vulnnmlso wns here
Iho llrst of tlio weok.
A slxty-llvo-foot linn stall has boon erected
In the Stroinsbtirg park.
Frank llucklcy wnn nn Oniilm visitor a
portion of the past wec' { .
.1. 0. Hniitoll of WnUolluhl Malted with Ills
brother hero the past week ,
Mrs K. 0 II.vtkellamldiniRUtor otSlgour *
noy , In. , vUltod In the city lait wook.
.1. \ \ ' . Wilson returned Monday from n ton
day's visit nt Lincoln , Omaha und Croto.
Captain Krlo Johnson WHS nt Lincoln a nor-
tlon of lust week. Mr. Johnson has glvuu up
his tvlp to Sweden.
Mr. und Mra. J. G. Greou nnd Mr. nnd
Mrs. l . T. Uuckloy wore in uttondanco upon
the Knlchta Tomplnrs' bnmiuot ut Yorn
Monday tiiBht , _ _ _
Mrs. W. .1. Dennis of Lincoln wns visiting
n town Monday.
Miss Dora Wtaironhorn cntno down from
the university and spent Sunday at homo.
Arthur Lewis loft Wednesday evening for
I3attlo Crock , Madison county , whcro ho poca
to work on the Enterprise.
Drs. Monllth , Klrkpntrlck nnd Mansllcld
nttondcd the uicotlnw of the SUto MoJic.U
society nt llcatrico lust wook.
Miss Mlnnlo Lewis , who Ims mndo this
city her homo for several years , loft Titos *
dny for Denver where she expects to stay
for some time.
Grandpa Oukos , n ho.irty old pnntlomnn of
suvonty-elftht.vours stariuil Wudnostmy fnr
his former hone In Cleveland , O. , to visit
for n couple of months.
Mr. Slj ; Grcon of Plnttsmouth , the newly
elected secretary of the Young Men's
Christian n'tsociation , was In town the llrst
of the week huntlnir a homo for his family
whom ho will brlnj ; up In n few days.
llov. A , G. Mtisson went to Lincoln Wed
nesday us mlnlstr'rlnl dolopito to the Kpls-
copnllan conference of tlio Nebraska diocese ,
lie wa ? accompanied by S S. Kaloi and A ,
G. Lnmorenux who went ns lay delegates.
In the nbsciifo hf the nastof of the CoiiBre-
pntlonnl church , liuv. .1. 13. Ilreroton , the
Yount ? 1'eopIo'H Socloty ot Christum En
deavor took charge of the evonlntc services
last Sunday and afforded very creditable ox-
The board of school directors mot last Fri
day ovcnliiB mid clouted the present teachers
for the comlnir your with the exception ot
throe who fulled to apply for their positions.
The board met again Monday nnd lillod ono
of the positions , that of principal , by aoloot-
ing Miss Porter of Peru , Nob.
Mrs. A. v. Ashbrook of Linwood , Knn. , is
the puest of her daiif-htor , Mrs. J. 13. Sexton.
The piano r cltnl ( jlven by Prof. William
Ll hton nt his homo Monday evening wns n
rnro musical treat to the Inreo number who
were present ,
Mrs. FH/gorald nnti nleco , llttlo Lillian
peds , have cnpnpod pnssu5o for Kntjlund on
the steamer "State of .Nebraska , " whlcu
sails from Now York the ' . ' 3lh. They expect
to bo absent until nuturnn.
Mrs. Genie L. Worloy of Lincoln arrived
In the city Wednesday to conduct "An Even
ing lu Cblnn , " nn entertainment that has
pleased the Lincoln people so much. Owlnp
to failure of tbo ha gaRo master to put her
trunkh on board the train , It wns imposslhlo
to hnvo the entertainment until Friday ovou-
Our customers nil speak highly In pralsoof
St. Patrick's Pills. They nro the best.
Ilorry Bros. , Carroll , Nob. For sale by druij-
Y M.VKKBr. '
TNSTnUMENTS plaoaU on rooorJ May 22 ,
1IBDt. .
WAtlltAXTV Dlteni.
I'K Iliilloy and wife to H H Mvrray. n
( M fret lot 4. blK.'l , I ; V Hnilth's . . . . . . . $7,500
Mloliunl lluchlor nnd wlfu toCOTKO (
Oiubi'i nai futitlotti. blk 10 , S i : Koi-
ors' udd . 1030
G 12 Unrker und wlfo to A M andV E
t'larlf. lot , Clifton 1'laco , lot d , blkll ,
Orchar.1 Hill . . J.15Q
O W Hrlu'L'H und wlfo to I. 0 Gibson , s H
lot 1. blk 01 , South Omaha . . 073
1C A Curiiontor und wlfit to A U Wood
ward , lotHA and R. blk 2 , l.lnwood park. ( VJ3
A .1 Olurk ' 10 A U Woodward , lot 4 , A J
Clark's sill ) . 1,000
Donno & Itoblnson to MnrRiirct Jnn&on ,
lot III , blk J , Valley I'liiuo . 400
IMS Iliiinphioy anil wlfo to 1'rccl ( iood-
rlch. l'J\l " ) foot ut pt&ii : fuot o of nw
lorsw nw 15-lS-lil . 600
S U.luhnsnn and wlfo toi'alhni' Nlchol ,
lots 4 and S , blkfi , Newport udd . COO I
.John McGIvnrn to Illnim Mlllm- ' lot 12. '
Idle 14. North Oinnhii . 1,000
0 1 < Miller nnd wlfo to M II Kurd , lot 20 , I
hi k& West Hnd udd . a.500
S A MoWhoiti-r uml wife to 1'etor Ivor-
POii.ot ul , lot 10 , blk II , Drown park . . . 000
.1 .1 Mcfilvmn to Jnnic'i Donnelly , Inls I
and 2 , lilk.'l , Coltaco I'lnoo . fiOO
Oiniihu Mdsn ( Jo to ll N roster , lot I.
Mndsiiy udd , and lot 12 , ulkG , llcdford
1'laco . ' . 2'U00
W II Uolibliisnnd wife to A 0 I'oaruon ,
43x1078 fviit In lot KM , Rln'i . ; | , MO
South Oiniihu I.nnd I'o to I ) L Holmes ,
n'Jof ' lot 2 , blkfil. South Omaha . i 373
K.MdtunhDrKlo I K KulMir , lots 14 and
! . , hlk M , Hose lilll . 82.i v T ,
1 < W. Smith und hUhhand to A 8 Oarlor , V
lots 10 to 12 , blk 1 , Wood's I'lucu . IV.OOO
A N ril.ow : ind wlfo to II J NuUon. lot 33 ,
hlk 4" . Oraiidvlcw . l(03
GiorcdVllklns to lliinry Wllktns , lot 82 , .
blk22G II lloirfcsudd . 100
Jumps Donnelly , ftr , to O W 1/ymnnn , lot
U , hlk 7 , liymunn I'liieo . l
A AV llolhrooi ; to ( Hobo liiui ; ( c Trust
Co. lot 4 , blk 7 , lots b tu 10 , blk II. Umaha
View . 2 , < KS
0 n Perkins to 1'ubllcj ulat of Uncoln ,
Total amount of transfer * . $43.261
Tim Smith Premier Typo-rWelrt
never fulls to convince those who In-
vcstlr'ito ( , its merits , that It In the niosl
durnhlo , hna the moat perfect nUpimont
la the oiiwlost lonntod , nnd littn mori
0od iiolnU than liny oilier Typo-wrltor
on the market.
The Sflii.ii Prcniior Typs Writer Co , ,
K H. MA.YHBW , Manaier.
ICOOi Fanmin Street , Omaha , Nob.