Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1891, Page 6, Image 7

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Wheat at Chicago a-cl Northwestern Points
Generally Lower.
Trail o AnVctoit liy Conllntiirt Hnil
IVcntlicr ItniiKo f
rtiturrH Knllrontl and
Mining Stocks.
OIIICAOO. Mny 22. The fact that the ore-
fllcteU HOXCTO frosts In Iowa nnd Wisconsin did
not appear lust nl-iht and the continued grow
ing rains In the wheat belt developed n bear
clement on the ho'ird of trade today which
curried the prlco ot the July option down l"iO
at the close , In comparison xvlth the fig
ures yesterday. In addition lo Iho wonther
conditions the iccolpts In the northxxcsl were
heavy nnd thcroxvoro rumor * that llioamounl
of xvhoat reported taken yesterday at tlio sea
board for iixuort was exaggerated , July
ouentd allI.OIIil.Ol" , ngalnsltl 01M al tlio close
yesterday xtllh tuiiiiy biokcrs In posscoSlon
of selling orders , llofuro the Muslim xxas txvo
hours old tlioy xvoro xvllllug to sell at a cent
boloxv the opening llguro. It looked xcry
much na though the ) n < ivy oporalois bought ,
and nt Noxv Vork xvero trying to ssilp small
profit * out of Iho market , nnd meanvxhlln
drlvo the general tradi > olT on the short sldo of
It. The trade , hoxxoxnr , xvas in equivocally
bearish nud It xvas nl xxork to drlxothe mar-
tot below the "put" ti Ice. July broke In the
curly dealings lofl.OJ'i llaldnln and Tarnum
boughl n qu intlty fiom JlOI's ' iloxxn , xxhlch
rallied It to ilOI'J. ' Now Vork soul In
u fileidy stream of helling oidets and the
downward moxetnent xvas resumed and not
stiivcd till'civ * xvns re ichcd , Prom that
point U recnxi red to it M > ' . hung aiound if I < " 0
for along time and then sold a aln at'UV *
This bre'ik Induced soiniicli slioit soiling tlnil
the crowd was veiv easily frightened Into
buying Its wheat limit tisnln and July Im
proved tol03D 'Iliim-llln. ! ill this prlco xxas
enough tu bicak It back to &I.OO iiualn xxhere It
do tul ,
Corn was very weak , prluelp-illy on iiecniint
of the fnxorahlectopeondlt mis. Tothlsxviis
ndded heavy rcielpls of the contract grade
Xt'W York Markets.
NEXT YOIIK , .Mny V2. I'l.ouit Uicotpts , 22,012
p.iukiicus ; e\porlR , R(1JI ( barrels I4,7. > 0 saelcs ;
tnarkot ( julut , ( jluslng xxuuk ; suloa , 20,100 h.u-
\VllKAT-Itueolpts. 711.200 bushels ; e\pnils ,
P2.1I14 husholH ; Hales. 11,2HOJO ) hiisho'sfutunjs :
SIW.OCO hushels Hiiot. buot , uieiiud )
BtroiiKor , closed louor ; fairly netlxo chlelly
export ; No. a , II.U'jOl.Hi ' , In xtoro and
clovnton l.l3 4ai.j4 > i nlloiit ; II.UMO1 IB" " ,
t.o , b. ; unsradid red , Wc@l.l7 ! ; No. 1 noit'i '
"u to nrrho. II.MUiNu. I hard to nrrixc ,
II.HW ; No. SOIileiiKo , Jl.ll'tGl.l. ' ; NoSMIl-
wnukec , e. f. and I ,'S. ' Options opeuul
Htt'iu ndxiincu on ntiougor cables and fot-
olKiier9hu.xliiK ; xxe.ikened lT ( , c ouoontraot
deltxery and need crop xxeatlici ; adxanci > d
. ) " 4l.lli. ! closing al tl.lQif ; July ,
l.tU ) 'j ' , closingaKI.tW'i ! August , il.OIMftlo.i , ,
ng at tl.M'i ; beptombcr , fl OJVfel m , ,
. . .w .ng ntfl.0.1' , ; October closing , u JI.Ol ;
pocoinhor. t\M\ \ . closing at tl Oa ; May , (1H'I2) ( ' )
II.OSUl.iWV. closing atJI.US' , .
OOIIN ItciolptH , 47tl4 : bushels ; exportsO.XM
i busliels ; hales. 2,4'JO.OOO ' bushels futures ;
' biwhuU spot. Slot market netlxo. de
cidedly lovx or ; No. 2 , 074t'ii.o ) in olux ator. Us ®
60lo alloat ; unsrnded mixed , ( > 4tlo. ; yullou ,
t l670Hc. Options PuttSo lower on favorable
weather for the crop ; May. LtiSittOViC , closing
' at BB c ; June , CHjaw'Se , closing nlOl 'c ; July ,
W'idi ' iC , closing at COSJc ; Auguiit , Wiidtll'ic.
closln.j at ! VI3.o ; Kiptemuer. Miittlllc , closing
at .vjijo ; titoiior. WiiinJe. clojlni ; at WUe.
UATH Hecelpts. tiu.WO bushels ; exporls. l. < 4
bushels ; Hales. 2" , xi bualiols fuliirea ; UD.OtiO
busholsspot. bpotmarkolilull and lower ; op
tions less nctlvo and lower ; Muy , M'jc , closing
lftO o ; June , SU'io , cloalni ; al 50'4c ; July ,
IBUJt-'t'ic. closing ui 4ilc ! ; August , 4IHJTBUC .
closing al 4)1jc ( ) ; No 2 , wiiitc , M mixed
westoru , SXiJAV ] : xvtilto xvestoru , No. t
, . Chicago. WiiiAljic.
/ JlAV Klrm. qiifct.
lloi'.s Qulot , Him ,
Moi.AssKsroielgn , dull ; Now Orluans ,
quiet , linn.
Hx L hteady , quiet.
Kads btcady ; xxestori ) , 10jc ! ; receluts , 3,530
I'OIIK Quiet , steady ; old mess , $ II.OK21.,00 ;
noxv IIU-HS , li0048IJ.2i ; ovtra prime. Jll.RO.
CUT MKATS ( Ju.ut , Bteadx ; mlddleA , quiet ,
Brm. *
iMIin-Kaslcr. dull ; xxesteru steam , W.05' , .
Option sales. 2,500 t It-rues ; May. tl.W ; Jiiiic ,
IU.fl2i JulyW70 , closing ut WOd askoJ ; August ,
W 8J ; t-eptemlicr , Wit ) .
IltiTTi.u-rnlrly active and steady ; xxestorn
flalry , liXiM.'o ; western creamery
western factory. t04H5c ; KUIns , I'Hj.
Clltl > l.--Qiilct , xro.ik ; skims , ' "
LtVKiu-nou Mav 22. WIIKAT rirint do-
inand Impioxing ; holders otter upariugly ;
Cnllfornla , No. 1 , hs per ceutil ; KIIIIBIS xx In
ter haul , ts * fitid. liecelpta of xx heat the past
tluec Ha ) a were 201,000 Luntnlii , Including 7I.IM
COIIN I'lrin ; mixed xxestorn. 5s 4'id per
cental. Itecolpts of American the past Ihrco
diiya. 102.WW centals.
I'KAH ( Jamidlan , fls 2VJd nor cental.
CllKl-.SB I'llio xvhltuand colored , 57snorcv < t
HEKC American refilgerutor biof , foro-
nunrtorH 4s ; hindiiuailers , vd per cnntal.
American llxo cattle , .sinking of the otTal , "
per pound. .
I.O.NUOK , May 2i Amor'ean refrigerator
beef , forcquiirto , 5s ; hliidquarturii , "a pur
Jbs by the carcass.
> rnrkot.
lMs'KU'OUH , Minn. , May 22. WIIBAT
I'liOBinnploxvheuliiiarkclxxas sloif. Itccolpts
xvuro ullttlo Iiirecr and shlpmi'iitH Hinullor
No. J northtirn sold fairly nt about 1 cent
under July xvlth fanuy ears brluifliiB 11 lltilo
inure , hut No. lliurd , No. ' 'northoru and the
ioxvorKradesi xxeioi-Mromolv du 1. ' 1 hero xxns
no compotltloii tonpenkof hutxxeen injllork
nnd ulox'iitoreompanliH for I o. 1 nortliora
Tlioy wt-ro both ready to buy ut u cent
under July Uccolpts for the past 24 hour * . 1.0
aw ; shipments. 72 caw. Closing ouotntlons
baraMuy , tlMi on track. *
1 northeru , Uuy , ILM | July ,
A ! . . , i
PopterabcT , OlUcion trnek. ( t.OIOI.Mif. No. I
2 northern , May. * ! Oil on track. 11 OIOI.OIU. I
MiNNKAfo to , Minn. . May aa-The North- '
nealetn Miller s.iys : The output of the mills
the uittxvook WHS 111.075 barrel * , nvoraglui ; i
Z Slit dally , against I4lri the prex Ions xvcok.
Un.lHI for the cnrresiiondln * tlmo In IM' . and
1.W.700 In IWl. With the Hour market In Its
present lifeless condition there Is a decided t
Intention to shut don n tlmnilll * Only cloven
mills xxrro In operation \\uiliie diiy fourof
thoio belntJ operated by the I'llMluirys. In-
clitdliu the Ijltieuln at Auoku They xvero
urohatily urlnillnx nl the r.ltcnf a.0.0 barrels
jier twonly-fljiir hour * . The Hour market Is
very Hat nnd sales were ri'duced to a mill-
liniiin , millers contending that they had not
KRCII thu like of the present < tnto or thlntfs for
two year * . All markets nrc .1 bo til on a par ,
Kxen bakers and loxv ( rridcsKccm lo bo only
In inodnr.iloddmnnd. Tnu ox port shipments
for the week were only 2M70 birroli , against
IXl/i.O bnrrols the iirccedluit wuck ,
St. IiouN 'Market' ' .
ST. Louts , Mo , Muv as. WiiBAt-Wcaki
cash , (1.0114 ; July. ( i5V3' > 1 > V.
Cons Kmlur : c.isli , .M e ; Inly S''ic. '
DATS l.oirnri cash. HISu : July , tOc.
, . , . ; JflOO.
\\IIISK\--tl.ll ) .
City Markets.
KANSAS OITV.MO , Mny 22.-\ViMAT-Wc.iker : ;
No. 2 hard , , Die ; May , Ulo bid ; No. 2 led ,
cash , n'Q
CoilN-I.owcr ; No. 2 , cash and M.iy , 40U ©
( e.MTS l.o er ; No. 2 , cash , 43io ! asked ; Muy ,
Duliitli \ \ lioul Market.
DUMttll. Minn. . M-iy -Wheat xvas dull
and closed "te lower than yesterday nnd 'ic
under Iho openlnt ? Uoi'olpts , Ml c ir- . Closing
pr te-i xxuiuNo I hard. July. JI.IU'i ! No. 1
noitliirn Inly , * l,07'iNo. ; 1 hard ,'j ;
No I northein , e.uli. iiul' { . ! 'Markets.
rtsciNVAii , O. , May 2. . WiiKAT-Stcady ;
No 2 red. II V
( 'DUN Dull ; So 2 mixed. Wi
( ) ATrt Nonilniil ; No 2 mixed , M
Milivaiikfo Mnrcot .
MIIXXAIKIU , WIs. Mav 22 WIIE\T Quiet :
No 2 suniij ; . cish. : iu.&M.nj. \ . July , SI.OO.
CollN-Dull , No t , 57e.
TOI.KIIO O , May M.--WIIIAT Lower ; cash
nnd Miiy. SI li 'i. '
t'olis-Ste uly ; cash and May , Clc.
OATS Qulol ; cash , fl.c.
Nrxx VOIIK , Mnv 22. The sto ! < mnrkel dls-
ll ye'l unexpuctcd actlxlty and btrciiKth
tod.iy und the icsullof the day's oper.itlons Is
to moxeiilmosl everything m.itcrlnlly higher
to last exonlni ; Tlio Inlurvlow wltli Iho Oor-
mau hanker , llcrr Illolcherods , In which he
posltlx cly states thai Hie Importations of sold
Into liussU had Increased , unx-o the hulls new
life nt thu onotiln. , while the shorts made a
rush to un or sulllslently , disclosing Ilia na
ture of the tradliiR . it presenl and especially
of the Bflllns of the last few days Hu-
mois of all kinds xvero nlloit , lunxoxcr , and
onu that Iho Hank of KiiKlnnd had reduced
its premium on Amorlc 111 Ktld especially In connection xvlth the buying for
arhltiary account xxhlch xvns istlmilcd at
onto I.\WO shares , Hankers of Inlluenco were
iiRaln initRiiokun In Ihelr opinion tlio
drain of Kold from tin HO shores Is ended and
aiiacllxaniid buoyant inarkcl sounder
today. A check xvas Klxcu to thu uuxvard
movement In Iho first hour by the further
actual I ikltiK of ioll ; ( for export , indvhllo
the traders xxero flglitlni ; the rise xxlthalllhu
> lm In Ihelr power , they could do nothing
moro than Klxo a tcmpor.iry check to the un-
xxuid moxcmciit. The west tlitui appeared In
tlm maiUot as a buyer , and nolwlthstnnd-
Ini ; thu ndxcrhc InlluciiLes iiient oned , another
spurt xxas m idoln tin ) o irly afti'inoun which
earilod up rapidly , the not ad-
xanco amountliiK to oxer2 iici cent In many
of the loading shares The Improx'omcnt xvas
specially xxell distributed unions tlio Ic.idliu
slocks and xxhllo bt. 1'iiul maintained Its lead
in the matter of actlx'ity olhciD xicro equally
as proiiilnenlou the upxxard moxoinenl. Nexv
llfo xvas Klven the Industrials and liotli coid-
nno and rose xvlth tlio lest of the mar
ket , the foimcr again crossing 100 The
ois xvoro again sliong and tocolxcd not only
their losses of ve teulay Lint becuicd a mater
ial naln as well ,
The nftotnoou broughl ovcrytlng up to
higher Iliturcs than liavo been attained In
n , any days and xvhllo there xvas thu usual
icalU.itlon of prollts on the ndx'anco of the
day In the lust hour It made only n slight Im-
juesslon uiion prices and oxen this xxas ncti-
trall/ed before the close of business , xvhlch
xvas very strong al the hlghu t prices reached.
The llrsl prices xxero In almost all eases ihe
loxxest. and thn lust the highest. The
cnlns Ineludn UnlotJ I'aclllc , 2 > t ; .Sugar and
llouk Miami , 2' . ; Loulsvlllo & , .Saslnlllo , 2'4 ;
bt. 1'iuil .mil lliirlliuton. 2V ; Uluxcland , Co-
lumhus , Chicago A. fct. Louis. 2'i ; Chlcigogas
and I.ackaxvaiinn , 2 nor cent , AtuliiMin and
Missouri I'aclllc. lSouthoin ; I'aclllc , 1'0 :
Noithwestein , I'luland und I'aelllc Mall , > , '
each ; Wheeling .V I.ako Krlo pioforicd , I per
cent , and most of thu rest largo finclionx.
Kouds xvero quiet , thu total s. ties of all is
sues reaching only $1,0 < ? , OOJ. but , i si run , ' le id
piuvullcd whllo only a few bids xxoto material
Qovornment bonds have bcou dull uud
r > ttito bonds luix o been dull and steady.
I'etroleuiii opened steady , and thoraxxas no
change In iirlcus thtouuliout the day. I'l-nu-
sylv.'inln oil spot closed at d'.l'ic ; Juno ontloua
closed alfiS'nC. Total s.ilui. 2. ' > , IKJJ barrels.
The folloxxu mo thu oiosingiiuotatlona for
the jeadliu ; stocks on the Now V ork stock o\-
change today
Alcldson . . . IIH do preferred . . .UT
Adunis lC < | ireas .147 N V Central . IDI'f
Alton ATenellniito .1254 N V C ASt It . HH
to proft-rred . I2i do preferred . . 7
Bion't" * Utpre Ohio A Ml H.slppl. | 1SH
I C. U A % _ _ . , doprelerrod , . . 86
Jimadu I'acltlc. 7T > | J Outirlo \\Vstcrn 17
Canada Southern . . . < . Oregon Improve
Central I'-ultlc . . . . dOfci
hfi A Ohio . . . . H6 ' Oregon Train Ill
do 1st preferred . . 47' < I'ncllloMill tJJj
do2ndpreferred . . . 27j I'cnrls , i > ce & Uvnns , ju
Chicago A Alton , . . u.1
. Pullman I'alaco. . . . 191
O. 0. U. Aft. L . . . litii
) elswnro A Hudson 132 lock Inland . 77U
) oll. AV . . . .117 Ht. I. A H. K 1st pfd . CU
.V II. (1 ( lire forred 57 St Paul . f4' {
imt Ti-nn 0 do preferred . . . .11,1
do Ut pruforrod . . 51 St P. . Minn A.Mnn 1UO {
do 2(1 preferred . . . U bt Paul A Omilm. . . . 20
Ivrlo ( lo preferreil . 84' (
do preferred W > ii IV im Cent A Iron 31 \
ort XVayno IM I'erasPncltlc . . . 14H
'hi & Knst 111 l > 2 lol A.O. Con prof d. 60
loekliiK Valley . . . 27 Union Pnclflo . . . . 47
louston A Toxiis . . . < il U H. Kxpross . . . . U )
Illnols Central .8 X.V.M I. A P . . . . 10M ,
Ht Paul A Duluth . . . 28 doprofom-il . . . . 21 JS
uuuhi .VTexus ! & < ( 140
.like lirlo \Vesfn . Uli , \VeUern Union
do preferred 57K Am. Cotton Oil . 24 < (
ljx'o Hhore. . Colormlo Conl . Jii'ii
[ .oulsxIllo.x.Vash . . HontO'.tnko . 10
.DUlnTlllii A Now A. Iron Sllxcr . 11)0 )
Memphis A Char . OntHrlo . 3S' '
MlthlnanContrul . _
Mil. L H A W ( /J' < do preferred JO
doprofurrud . . . . DO Sutro B
Minn. AHt. h < llulwor M
dupreforred 10 Itlch A. W. ! Tcr . Mf ,
ilUiourl I'acllla . ri < ( XVIsconsIn Coutral. 20
Mobile A Ohio. . . 41 lirout Northern pfd liSi <
Nashville. Chntt . . . .100 ( hlraiKKiai MM
N J Central . . 115 Loid Trust . . . Wi
Norfolk A XX est pfd M' ( Suunr TniKt . Wi
Northern I'uoltlo 24h Souihsrn I'aottle . . . 3H4
do preferred . . CJHiOn- U A Utah Nor 21.
U P. Denver A Uulf iu > < 1) A H ( i . 40.
iNorllnTeilern . . lUSXjl do nn-fcrrnd "l' <
The total sales of stocks today xvere : i.7.7uo
Hhares. Inuliidlui' : Atehlson. > .M7i ; I.acka
xv iiuiiii.lli.tO ; Loulsxlllo & Nashx-llle , Its.mO ;
Missouri I'aoltlc , (1,075 ( ; North American , 3.750 ;
Northern Puclllo preferred , 15,50"i ; Kti.iilin" ,
4.020 ; Hlchinond ft West Point , 4,425 ; St. 1'mfl ,
100,110 ; Union 1'aclllc. . ' '
Fliitinuliil lluvloxv.
Nr.xv YOIIK , Mar 3 The Post savs : About
II o'clock tt xxns reported , and Is undoubtedly
true , tlmt Ihu ll.inkor iiutnnil : had reduced
its premium on Aincrlc.iu Hold oaalea 'id par
oiincu The le ltlm.ile licet of iliis , If iindls-
lurbcd by otherc.iuses , xxould bo to ndxniii'O
the prlco of dmniuid bills In this inurket to 2
or 'ii4 per cent on n pound , hut In this unsa It
did not do so beoniihothero Hus temporarily
al leasl been seine fulling elf In tlio < leinaii ( .
for exchiin.'e and the knoHledRo that
thin xvas the ensu Induced some of llio b.uik-
eia to hesltato nhuut shlpplnc MIIIIU of
the Ko'.d ' enlaced for toinoi row's steamers
from Ilostoii because they piobably luixo nut
sold the oxchaiiKo iiKalnst Iho Rold and would
not xx nnl to bo obliged to do t > o on a falling
markcU As for thu Hank of Kiuland theio Is
no loisou for a coiitlnuunco of char.'liu n
premium for cold , us U tins already largely
reinforced Itssucclo re : > eixe , ilii.OOO bolus re-
porleil an haxliiK KOIIO Into the bunk in bul
lion today. The bunk N only p ly In. ; out cold
on regular dinfts upon deposits and probably
xxould not sell any KOld at all , oven at the
price of 7ti shilling and 8 uonco per ounce as
xvas char eil for llio t\U ( > .OJO Roll ]
brought oxer hero to allay tbo
panic last December , no Unit nil tilings
considered , the oxpoitH of t5OMOij ) nold fium
thin country hax-u put the ll.uili of lluttland
In a position xvlioro It will ho able to ulTon
relief toothers Instead of plnoliliu the xxlmlo
money murkot In order to iniiliitiln Its o\\n
iiosltlon. Tlio xxholo llniineliil condlllou o ;
l.'uiotio U still xory mn.itlsriict.ny , but as fur
an this country Is umceruod Kuropo otiunot
druw any more cash out of in llinti vui oxvo
no nmttor lioxv hadly tlioy tiilttlit waul It , or
hoxx much promtuiu they mUbt bo willing to
par for gold. _
ll-iik Olenrtincos.
NKXV VOIIK. May IM.-Cloarinzs. U03etUrJ3
I'llll.AUEi.riiiA , Miiy22.-CloarlnBBJ10.2A47S
baltiucosi(2,450lifl7. (
UliiCAno , May 22. Hunkolcarlnii > , tlUUI7,000
New lork cxclmiiKo xvas 75o promlum. Itatos
tor wouoy xrcro eaiy at S per com un call uud
, . . . cent on tlmo loans. 8'orllnR ox-
chungo wassteidy and uiirhnntfcd.
llAt.TiMOMK , Md , Mny 22.- Clearing * , 11,073-
57 ; balances , tJV ! > ,4W Money , 0 percent.
CINCINNATI. ! ) . , May M. Money , ft per cent.
Now York exchange , 70 per cent promlum ,
Clearancetl,8H > , 00.
IIOSTON. May 2-V-Oloarlnn , JliOlHVOi , bal
ances , $ t.ci2,8i : > fl. Money , f > per cent. nxoliiui0'o
on Noxv York , lOc discount.
Tlio .Motiny MurUrt.
NEXV YOIIK , May 23. MONRV ot CAM. Kasy.
ranging from 'l to 4'i ' percent ; last loan ; i pur
cent ; earning filtered tit U per cent.
1'iiixii : MKiirASTit.B I'AI-KH % T7 tiereont.
hrKiiMMO IIxciiANOR Dull and steady nt
.M'4 for ilxty-duy bills and ll.SiSi for de
mand ,
The following xvoro the closln ? prices on
bonds :
Itostuti Hlocc .Market.
Ho'Tov. Muss. , May 22. The following were
the closlu ; prices on stocks In the lloaton
"took marKet lod.iy :
IiOMiov. M iy 22- p in. closing :
Cnusols , Tiioncy T Vilt Illinois central . 101
Coasol < , account. W I1-li. Mexican Ord
IIIf .Ul' < * t I'uiil iniiiiiion
If " 4' < | i . . . . . . .IU2 N V ( Viitrnl . 1021 (
N. V f. A O Ms . H >
Cim uli t'aclllc Mexican Cent new 4s. 74' <
llnr silver 41'id per ounce.
Money 'I pel cunt ; r.itos of discount In the
opnn market foi both short nnd three months
bills , 4 pur cunt.
Hank of KU IIUM ! itiilllon.
I.ONIIOV. JIuv KJ Amount of bullion ROIIO
Into ' the Dank of HiiKlaud on balance today Is
I'iirN .
, May 2. . Three per cent rentes , ftlf
for the account ,
Denver 31 1 n I n j ; Stocks.
vvBli. Col. . May 22. Ituslnojs on tlm
mliilni ; evchaii'u today \V.IH an Improxeinonl
oxei yestorduy although prlcesdld
inatei hilly. Closliu :
luitlco II
Amity l.i'fiil londpr . 'M '
Argonaut 2) Ilulu Itulo 1W (
llnllaral 2 > Miitchless
M ly Maiepiui . . . . ll" >
HnriRitok . Ul MornliiKdllm 44
Hate- Hunter . 10 Ore H )
IllK Indliin . 13 I'ny Hock 2V
IIIOlx . H 1'nloil lifi
llronnlow . Ill I'.irk pin I8' ' <
Culllopo . 32 ItPCd Nnllonnl A7
Century . 110 Illilto 10.
Clay County . II Itunnlni ; l.odu 24
CiKlilni ; . A I. u on worth | 4
Dlimondl ! . . . . ll' ' ( lolinJ pfd f > ' <
DcnxorCni A Oil . t' < 1'nr.zlor l'3 (
Kniiiioni . , ! . " .ii ClntidlnJ II
( iold 'I CiottjMUurK 18
.Sun rrnuclsoo Mining Quotations.
S\.v I'lMsrisco. Cal i , .May 22 - the olllclul
closing ( ( notations for mining stocks today
xx ere as follows :
AUi tii , 20
llulncr 2" > Ophlr
lloKt A lleklier . . tut 'I'otusl '
ll < dloConsolidated HI ) 24'i
Chollar . . 2iO Sierra Nevada 2"l >
Con Cnln At Vii. . . . 1175 Union Con , 2"l2i > 5
Lroivn I'nlnt . . IfO Utah 5W )
Cnnlil A Curry . . . .515 Yellow Jacket . . . . . 270
Halo A Norcrois . . 2iO Commonwealth . . . . 70
Mexican M Nov O 2" >
Mono ( .5 N. Ill
St Iouls Mining Quotations.
ST I.ottts , Mo. . Jlay2i. The mliilnx market
was InuclUo today , but prices generally uoio
unaltuiod. The following' bids were luiulo on
call :
American ii1 Mount Key 4'i
( ir.mlte Mountain . .232. ) M llrecn ( > 5
l.ltllo Albert . . . 10 1'at .Murphy. 2
Monlrose la hllvi-r Aito ISO
Contr-.l hllier . . iil/abotl : 20i
\ < : \v York Mining Quotntl ins.
Voirc , M.iy SI The foliovln are tlio
-itouk cinol.itlons :
Alkc . . . Horn hllver M )
Admin < on m IronHllvei * 10J
Do ulnood 1JO Ontario JS'JO '
Ilomotaku tliU
Now York JJrv CJotiils Market.
NEW YOIIK. May S3. Thuro was continued
( rood trido In dry soo.K at first hands chlelly
for fiituiudolhery haekliisshnAo advanced
In pilces and stniKl.irds h.ixo n.oved 2J ! to a
per cens In the same dliuutlon The cotton
Koods market also uulns In lone. Jobbuit hid
a coed roKiilar trade. Tlio Everett classes nro
olloicd by agents , U low prices to close out
Xow York Co .Too Options.
NfcW YoitK. .May SS. ColToa options opened
luroly stoidy and iinclmii pJI to 10 points
Tlio SUKIU3IarkOt. .
NEW YOIIK , May S3. SUOAH rulr raflntni ? ,
in-IOobld ; contilfuxals , ofl test , 5 y-lol' o
Id ; refined , nuiut. tiiichaiiKcd.
MlHUll.incoiiH MarkctH.
Nnw YOIIK , May 22. PBTIIOI.UUM Steady ;
lulled closed : it bit'ic for June.
COTTON SKKD Oir. Quiet nnd steady.
TAM.OW Oulot and steady.
KoriiN Dull ; sto un , common to good , J1.50.
I'lO Iiio.v-Dull ; American , $10 OOffilS.OO ,
Ooi'i'KH Nnmlniil I ako , May. Jl.MK ) .
LK\II Dull , linn ; domestic , f4 : U'/j.
TIN Qnlct and easy ; straits , JJi.lO.
Woof * Steady , dull ; domestic ) lloece , a4QI7o ;
Hilled , tCtt-l-io ; Tex is , 17.Mc.
LONDON. May SJ. Ou.cirrrA Lixsenu Its Cd
icr quarter.
IjiNsuKu UAKK Western , GO Ibs , Us Cd per
1.1NSBKD On , S.'R ld ! } pur ewt.
UoaJN 50s per c t.
Trmlcrs' Talk.
Ni.w YonK , Miiy 23. ICeiinett , Hopkins .V Co.
to S. AMoWhoilcr : Tlio HtocU m irket has
liccn very htroiiK today with transactions
rKor than on any iiruUous day this \\eeU.
The moxo In prices lias been somewhat Irreg
ular but without exception upward , the lars-
oit \anccHbeliiK made InatoekH In uhlch the
short Interest w as creates ! , Whllo theio huu
possibly lioon considerable buying for loin
account the innrUot has uninlstaUably been
made chiolly by BliortH coxerliiK * l.ondon
started the ball In this direction anil ls re
potted to have taken : > 0OOU to 4'J.i ' 00 shares , the
Inilk of It to cox vr shorts. Traders hero xvero
aUo largely short of the niiu.Uut , their
s-.iles haxliiK been made on the strength
of largo cold shipments on Wednesday nnd
the expectation of fuithor Bhlpmimts today.
Theio him been $ . ' ,00,000 void un0'iijed for to
morrow but the Impression bus got abroad
and Is based Momexxnatoii cables from
dou that xsoh.ixu seen the end of Kold slilp-
ments .mil as theao xxero the chief Induce
ments for muKIni ; short sales Now there Is a
prospuot of their coaslni ; to cox or tlio pre
vailing bullish sentiment outnldo of wall
street xxhlch IssostioiiK that where tr.idois
tiled tocoxei shorts thox found no stocks fur
h.ilu and prices adx'.inccd fiuiiiieutly with
nnd 'io strides Instead of Iho UHiial IIKIVU-
incut. Thu market did not hold Its oxtreino
advnnco but ut tlio uloso it was
CHICAGO. May 22. Konnott , Hopkins A. Co. to
B. A , MuWhortur : Wheat xxas stiong on cut hewing
owing to bettor oablcs , liul BOOM eased elf bu-
eaiiso the fro t-ipruaO rumors of laslniglil
did uotocuur. Kxpoils nt four All an tin put in
ug.regaled uhoul4iuouo husliol * In xvliualanil
Hour and a liberal quantity v , as engaged for
future shipments. The splendid weather nut !
glowing tiop prospects oimxeluh all ether
considerations for the moment nnd local
talent and llnauclul strength aru inaliil )
urruj od mi the bear xldo. It Is predicted that
wheat xvlll sell nt H5u 111 July null other MiHT
In proportion. The bulls bollovu It xvlll soil at
( I.5 , h.islm ; tholr prediction on the oxtiaoi-
dliiary demand from abioul for eash stun
On this showing July oiuht to increase lt >
promlum oxer ether options , bill siK-uulatorii
prefer to short It and tula ) the chiinco
of gutting the xvhunt from llio now cro |
to till tbolr coiitiitclH. Thu proposition bofon
the xvarehoiisu eommlhslonurs to ( xtahlixl
nuxv gra ( us of No. 1. 2 und ,1 hard xx Inter Is for
thoconxoiiloncuof xxestern shippers xvho dual
largely In Turkish xvhuat and xx 111 haxo m
client on spoculnllxu uraln , hill tlm noxv
grade , If ndopled , xtould not ho dollvuiuhh
on contracts. Today's i-lmitorr. , , . ' , > 0i bush
ols. Corn and out ! * The line xxeatlier ban
tired out the longs and they hnxo guuuriilly
turned tholr holding oxur to the vletorlou
buirsilio have niipllnd them tu lining o.
Humorous short contracts. There buonm to
have been nn t-xtenslvo liquidation ot botli
long unit short Interests , ami the nil irp do
cllno in prices hus oporutud to largely Increase
raculuts. After thu IS cum iluolluu la corn it
otll looks toohhVtCthn urijorlty of traders.
OaH got n blink vyc.
C'tiiCAno , MnyZMtV. a. McCortnlok & . f'o. ,
to I' , a S rtx , ft Co : The wheat
market h is been Ki'.Vllcnl illsiippolntinont to
the friends of thuM/iiVl sldu. Flu frosts Hint
were | iroml cd fadfcd to miitciInl zn and the
shipping records < lkt not show the ficlht eu-
Raucincnts for tlft | yviooj busliclH of ttlicnt
which was clalmc'l'to ' haxo been worked for
export from Chli'iil ) joUcrdny. The result
wn an undertone"U thu upenlnt us xxoik as
It xvus strong nt tljMVioslint jesterdity , ' nnd nt
no tlmo during thtntjurnlngdld any conaldur-
ab'osttength show iKolf In sptto of thu fact
that the mnjiirlty ohox sxas iiullNh , I.l\er-
pool reported Itlghcl'm irkets forsp it and fu
tures. llurllu adx'Utcoii | : nrirlts for xxhoit.
klilimi'iits ( from ftfot'Atlnnlla port * \voio IT'-
O'W bushels nnil "i-.ft'O'piek.Uos of Hour. ClosIng -
Ing cables xxero thiystioiuest of the day , vet
the close of the market Isxeiik. . It Is fmpos *
ilblii to piedlct the Immedlato future of the
mnrUet xxhlch woiks HO by conlrnrlos.
Corn nnd oats ( lee 1 rains , much Improved
crop prospi-cts heavy recolpts. Improved
grading nnd a radical /ailing oil In the cash
demand \ \ 111 account for the Kieat xxeakness
which bus exhibited Itself III n uoncuil liqui
dation of long Intcioit fet * both local and
country account , Provisions xve.ik and lower.
The decline In corn makes It Impossible for
bleeders of hogs to marUot them at much ro-
ductd prhes , and under heavy receipts prices
hnxo declined 8Jo toU o ilurliu tlio past six
xscukn and Indications are Unit they xx 111 lltul
It pn fl able to market a lirjo : number of
Miniimir hogs. With tlio ptosont laMe stocks
hi ro thu only salvation of proxislons has
deemed to bo In n decronsu of summer pack
ing , which now seems Improbable. The lesult
hus been free soiling of ton , ; inox Islons and a
general disposition on tlio part of heavy
xielght local tiadeisto taku the beat side. In
vloxv of thesn fm ts x.u are not cert ilu that It
xvlll not bo the best thing for longs to tnko
their losses Instead of standing further pun
ishment on that side.
O.U . 1 HA llK 8TO VH.
OATTLJS oniclal rocolulH of cnltlo 1,000.
as compired xvlth 6SD yestordav and ILII
1'rlday of last xxoek. The maiket was s'oxv
and likiaiu ) loxxor on all sni'les of beoius.
( looil butcher stock xvas a'tlxu and Him. other
grades slow aad lower , recdurs-xsoio slow
and unchanged.
llodti Olllcl il recoluts of lions J.OSI. ns
compared xvlth ( iVl ! > joslcrday anil 4il'J :
I'rlday of last xxeok. The nrirknt xvas
slo.v and weak to 5c loner. All "old. The
ran o of the prices paid was 4l.1VIll.40. the
bulk selling tit J-I.ViHi I..K ) . l.lzht. * l.l' M..iO ;
hoavv. ! 4 J > 'i6l,40. mixed. (4SO2I.S'i Thoiixer-
IIBO of the jirlces paid xvns fl.'l'i ascomp ired
xxllh HS7'4yesl idiiy and Jl.ri 1'rldny of last
HlU'F.1' Olllclal receluls of sheep 2J. ns
eompund xvilli , ' 1 vcsleid.iy. Tlio maikel
xvas iinch ingcd. N.itlxeJ.I.OOSUOO ; xxeot-
erns , $ J.7 , " > ® i UO.
Kcucliits an I I isjiohUion of Stouk.
Olllclal 'locelpls and disposition of slock ns
slioxva by llio books of the Union stockyards
company for the luentjfour hours ending lit
5 o'clock p. m. May 'J3 , isul.
Iliiyprn | Oitllo I lluk' < I Sheep.
Omabi I'aiklu Co 1,118
'MuC II Hammond Co . . 18 41 !
n Ifl Ac Co 4US 241
'llibrndilir 1'ackliuCo . . . 1,10. !
I I' Squirm
Shlppemand feeders
Leftover 240
Total ,1,770 21
ItopresontnUvj bales.
Av IV. No. Av , I'r. No. Av. I'r.
1KIO Jl 50 ir > n $17" 17
4 LI 17 I ink ! 4 .10 41 1UJ.I 510
4 JO II 1I7'I ' 4 K ) 21 1112 r.20
no ) 4 r > 1IJ2 4 SO 41 tlllO 5:10 :
s ; > " . 4 3" > 10 8 4 110 10 l.7l 5 .15
2.110 1201 4 'JO '
COIX * .
1 75 I . UJU .1 2" a 375
SI'i L' 20 ; t . 1IVI . ! 4 S43 : IRO
711 17. UJD .1 li' > " iio > 4 2 >
K.T > J7. . wn : i fp" > 10" 1014
. k70 J 00 i. . uo : i 75
I" ! 2 . < r : > : i 10 700 : i5)
r > J.i OJ 21. , low : i.v ) 07a U CO
< JA1VE .
\ 200 2 25 10 . 1 > 2 3 73 2. . : i5 4 12',5 '
U 00
I 1V > 0 2 2.1 2 .1700 2 50 1..1380 250
1..12aO 2M i i
3 . 50 ! 4 00 0 . 503 4 25 0..100I 450
No. Av. I'r.
Standard cattle comp my
19 cows 1022 ? 4 GO
4ealves l 451
40 coxxs ll.B 4 S5
No. Av. dh I'r. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
07 . . .15 ; 120 $4 0 > 71 . " ' 1.1) ) 4 25
87M , . .no 120 4 H 71 ! 2.'l 200 425
M . r > 'j ' 11,0 , 15 . . . .245 120 425
HIOt . .17. ) 2-0 lr . . .2-.I 425
Ot . . . .llll 200 15 . . . 20,1 120 425
, . 170 OJ . . .210 120 425
, . aw 15 81 . . . , IOJ 280 4 25
, . mo II 70 . . . 247 1 < > 7 425
. 201 si 4 17" 0 ! . . . . .OS 1,0 ( 425
. . .178 .03 4 I7'i ' 73 . . . .2)1 ) 200 425
. .181 240 4 20 03Ml . . .21. 425
. . .211 IM ) Ml . . . 231 40 4 25
. . .l')7 ' ) 21K ) ( it . 215 210 4 25
. . .2W 4)0 ) US . . . .212 400 427' ,
.2IS : wo 4 2c 70 . . . 245 40 4 27VJ
. .IDS to 7S . . . .2:17 : 120 427" ,
. . 20S ire . . . .2G5 80 43) )
. . .220 ira 4 22'4 ' III . . . ' . ' ( .1 4.W
. . lie 4 22'i 7.1 . . . 221 430
. . .214 ice 4 22' i 70 4o ;
. . 210 210 42 ! , 4 32'/J
, . . .UJ 240 4 25 .ICI7 4 4'Jli
. . . ' . ' 41 1J ) 4 21 70. . . . 211 40 43.5
. 22. ) 40 4 25 Ift . . . .251 4.'I5
. . . " 51 81 4 25 Cl . 437U
, . . ' vn ICO 4 2.5 51 . . .aoi 440
. . . : o 1 M 1 05 .12.5
13 . . .103 325 0 . . . .103 - 30J
No. Av. Pr.
23 xxcbterns , wethers . . 07 { 4 15
Chicago I .vc ntoo < t Mar'.ct.
CiitCAfio , May 22. ( Special Tolojram to Tun
HKI : . ] The mostfnx'orublo Ihlug to bo H ihl of
the cattle nun Uul that It no xxorso.
11 was dull early and not a whll less so later
In tlio day , whllo us regaids prices , tlioy woiu
xvenk nil around. Thursday prices xxoro not
rtudllv obtainable , oxen for upper guides ,
xvhllo for anything Hhowlng laok of eood qual
ity hollers xxoro inquired toshndo former quo
tations. Thai butler quallllos xxoio nol also
JoHor xxas not by reason of any autlxltvln
tin ) dumiind but becausoot thu limited oll'oi-
Ings. The outlet for common cattle xxas
pretty thoroiuhly "choked up" and holders
of uluss were nol In nil Inslances able to
unload even ut a rudujtlou fiom vestcrduv's
lirlcos. Sales xxero on a basis of if .V > 3I 25 for
poor to choice cox\h , heifers and bulls ; $ . ' .ui@
4.40 for Hlockuis and fcodeis ; $ l.lX3 ( r)0 ) for
shlilug | steorn. and II.50S4 a5 for Toxim
cattle. ' 1 hu calf ninrkol was faiily supplied
and xxas easy alitl 7.VJJ.5.00.
Tliere xvas a continued depression In the ho. ;
market ; continued lad xxoather. liberal re
ceipts and tlio unsultlud tone of the provision
marUut till worked to thn dlsiidxantago of
Mil IMS. They xvero forced lo make fuillier
pilco coucusslonf ) , llio axorago decline for the
day buliiK about r > o per luo pounds , 1'rlcus
( hopped to IM.,1 < > Q4U ) for common to cl olcu
medium and heavy weights , nnd to tlOO@4fi5
for poor to prlmo light , xvlth tt 45Q4.55 for the
former and f I.i0lf : > 0 for the latter , Iho pro-
xailing Munich. 'Micro were many stilus of
culls and poor light weights boioxv * I 20. The
market closed Htoady tit llio dcclluu.
CVTIM : ItecolpK 1 > 0 ; slilpmouls , 4.SOO
prlmo hi'iivv and butcher weights , 14.53(21 ( d- ! > i
llchl , $1 IVTJI.Vi.
ailMU'-Kccelpts. 5VX ( ) ; shlpnuvntti. 2.000 ;
innrkot dull. loxvorlinjlxm , 24S5UO ; Toxnns ,
f.1 toji.LtJi xxostorns. $ i-V7t5.25 ! wool xxestorns
J5.155.1 > 5 ; lambs , tUUO.T5.
New VorkTul ) took .Market.
NKXV VOIIK. Mny Hrux'ES-Hocoliits , 2,241
bend , Ineliidlns , ' 51 t'.irs for s'lln ; maiket 15o
lower : native Htoypj. t5.IOii'15U ( ; bulls and
COWH , W.3)l.40 ! drMsied beef steady at H'i
lJ4c : shlpmontH tomorrow , 1.5du btoxca , 105
sheep ami B.2d < oiiartnrK of beef , ItecelptH.ililtll head ; market xxoak ;
xeuln. . O ; buttnrmllk. ? ! 0 ; < ai.OJ.
hllBEl'-ltecolpts.a'a hoid ; mantel sto.i
sheep , tl.Mift5.50 ; lambs , fl. Vft7OJ ; dresse
mutton. ll'ittlJ'ic ' ' ; dressed lambs btoady at
Hods' HecelplH , 4.2S7 ; consigned dlicct ;
market nominally steady nl ft.3 > & 5. w.
KaiiMiH Oily Mus blook .Mnrfcct.
1C ASsAsCiTX' . Mo. . May 22. Cattle Uocolpts ,
2.4JO head ; shipments , Ktu ho id ; market bust
Htoadyi othois dull nnd loxxtir ; hti'ers , f 1.1.5 ®
5t5. a foxx at * .00 ; cow * , $1.50 4.50 ; stockers
and feodeis .
, ,
llous-ltecelpts , 4.00 Head ; shlpmontH. 2i )
head ; murkot steady ; bulk , iN .luisUO ; all
B '
hiwwiMl'iiiii 410 head ; shlpmonts Sa51
liondl iiiiirket.fctoidy for best , others dull and
lower ! iniittoiib ,
SI. l.oiiln Mvn Stouk .A'nrkot.
HT. I.otriB. Mo. May 2J.-OATTi.B-He * .
1,400 ; shipments , 7wiO ; market steady ; fair to
fancy n.ulxn iteerj , Hll > IW.Wi Toxana und
Indluim , * J.7u < aia
.KH.ii.i : jnitiiE'rt\
l lour.
Omaha Mllllnc Co , Ucllanco Patent , t3.00 |
Invincible Patent , } 2 80 ! I/one Star Piiperln-
live , lisoi Snowllike , Jv. 0 ; Tntioy rnmllv ,
II ni.
It T , DivlsMIIICo. Illzh 1'ntont No. 1 and
Cream , tJ 85 ; Illuo I ) , full patent. f..Uii lluwk
eye. half patent , W.401 Hpoclal Itoynl , patent
No. 10 , M.l ) ; .Minnesota Patent , I.MK ) : Kansas
Hard Who it. patent , J-.iOi Nebraska Spring
xvho it , iiatenl.
S. tlilmiin's ' Hold Medal , M.W ! ( Snow White.
fiCJiKnMliike ; , W.20I low itiade , ! l.Wj bran ,
I ! ) 0 ; chopped food , * M 00 ! Minnesota Supct-
atlxe , t.MJO.
JUnt iiii ! 1'er do/en bunches , 25r,0c.
PKA' Per bushel box. ? . ' .25i per ! ikbushol
iox , 7V1isoc.
.t-itTiiiuN : Kit Per dozen. t''OSt
2.75.POTATOKS Homo itroxMi stock In small lots
'rum ' t ho store , Rift'ilc.
I.V.TTIICKUholco stock , 35illOo.
Ast'AiiAdtN-llomo KI-OIXII stock , SCVaOJe per
lorcn ,
l'.xx POTITOKS Per Ib , 2''R2Uc. {
SfitrrnitiiN UKANR Wax , * L75 per H bushel
iox | Htrlnj. , tl.2.5 per * j bushel box ,
Tot1 UNIONS Per bunch. 20o.
ToxiATS Southeiii stock , bushel boxes ,
' 5 1) ) I ; fancyer ilo. ( I baskets , * 5 6J per crnto.
Pit : Pi\M--t'or 11) , ttd'J'ic. Per ilorun.fl.SS.
Country Produce.
HUTTKII Hulk of fair to good country but-
er eolinr at WMOe.
HAV llest upland. $12.00 per ton.
Kods-Ucneral iniirUul. nc.
I'Yosli l''riilt , .
OiUNOFd I.os AtiKolcs. } J.75J,100 per box ;
San Diego , $ .1.25 ; Itlxcrslde. J.I75.
PlNFApi'l.l s I'cr do/ . J..504H.OO.
Ari'i.K.s The mnrUet Is piactlcally out of
good shipping Htock.
I.LMo.Ns-Uholce stock , put bov , } 0.50 | fancy ,
IlA.vANAH-Por bunch , ? 'fiOJOO for fancy
stock foi shipping.
Ilo UO.HCS 'Inlk ?
\Vo have our doubts on Hits subject , but tf
they could , wo bcllovo thoirtlrat words would
to to ask masters uluays to Itecp it bottto of
[ Iallcr'3 Bat bad \Vlro iLliilinunt on hand. It
is unequalled for cuts , bruises nnd sprains ,
In fact , horses fairly cry for it.
ttOVTIl O.It. I II. I.
Thomas McNcar , Ficd L , . Crnfton nnd
Thomas Ilulox- , mon ot K5od clothes nnrt visi
ble means of support , took n room nl the Do-
lone house nnd within nn hour 5x010
safely locked up In the city Jail. Soon
after going to their loom a lot ot
valuable jewelry nnd valuables wcio taken
fioin the room of Mrs Youtiif , wlfo of I-i.uul-
lord Young. Mr. Young ropqitcd the mat
ter to the police nnd Captain McMuhon
traced the tluco men Into n saloon and
arrested them. All of the stolen goods except
agold watchwas recovered , some of lion their
persons , soraoin tbo loom whore they were
dividing It up when nr rusted and some
which they had thnmn Into the sticot.
Judge King will Jump thorn in his legal
McNear , Ornfton and Henley got their
homings postponed till Tuesday aftctnoon
next at 2 o'clock. Hall in ? 1,0KI ( each was re
quited , ami ns the pi isoncis could not furnish
the gilt-edged recognizance they were hand
cuffed together nnd driven off to the county
jail for safekeeping till their hearing.
They Must C3o.
"l moan that this gang of Idlers and thieves
xvho infest the city and plrato on other poo-
tlo must go , " said Mayor fcjloano to TUB Uiu : .
"These men have so bold and aggres
sive that xx'o are compelled to believe that
they icgard themselves beyond restraint. I
pioposo making it my business to look after
these gamblers and lo.ifeis , men xvlth good
garments , soft hands , calloused consciences
nnd no xisiblo means of support , till the inno
cent will bo protected from temptation and
the homes of cill/ons will bo safo.
"I mean that they shall not only bo arrested
by the police , but shall bo Imprisoned unless
tliov give gilt-cdircd bail , and then , if lotind
guilty , shall ho iriven the penalty of the laxv
These gentlemen would better t.iko their
summer vocation from South Omaha noxv. "
About the rlty.
Mrs. Louisa Schmellng is listed among the
John U. Smith of U'.o. In. , is visiting his
sou. A. C. Smith of the stocxyards.
Don Howland , of the Huwsbrook restau
rant , had his till tapped for some $5.
Henry Mies will open his summer garden
on Twentjlourth street this evening.
'Ixxo children of Councilman John J.
Dougnortv are doivn with the measles.
Ofllco Manager D. CJ. Muv of Swift & Co ,
has gene to Chicago on a business trip.
Thomas Olllesplo of the Fourth ward
laments A successful raid of thieves on his
Little Corn , daughter of Chief Clerk Omar
Stoddard of the G. H. Hammond company ,
is down with the measles. .
Mr. Cbnprmn of IJoUon , Mass. . of the O.
II. Hammond company is visiting Manager
Hy. H. Meday of the local plant.
The members of the Sarsflold society nro
making ever > pioimration for a pleasant
social dance next Wednesday evening.
The dulopatos to the Cincinnati conference
nro beginning to straggle in und are mot
with approving smiles by their political
friends hero.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing byrup is the best
of all remedies for children teething : 20 cents
a bottle.
Kicry Man Can Ilitvo Garbage Ills
On n Wny.
.The garbage dumps are the busiest places
In Omaha yesterday , ns men with hand carts ,
xvheelbarrows , wagons and all kinds of vehi
cles are carting away offal and consigning it
to the muddy bosom of the Missouri. This
results from the action of the council last
night In passing nn ordinance repealing the
ordinance ! that created the ofllco of sanitary
Tao men who were In the fight , now claim
that the old garbage nuisance 1ms been
effectually knocked out. The hauling will
be a free-for-all affair and will bo under
police regulations ,
Tlio I xcolnior 8 | > r > lii } s Company.
This company manufactures the now cele
brated Satcrmn Ginger Ale , which is In general -
oral use on account of Its purity , n quality
and uelicacy of lluvor.
Proposition For n Hospital.
Judge 1'ot. O. Haxvos will present to the
city council n proposition to lease for n term
of years the property of Miss Anna Wilson
or. the north sldo of Douglas street , between
Ninth and Tenth streets , for a city hospital.
The lot Is seventy foot front on Douglas
street , lltt feet deep , und the hotiio contains
37 rooms with bath rooms ana ether accom
modations on each floor.
Imitations inuy bo clioap , but
they nro worthless. Ho sure to
buy the ponuino Johunn Holt's
Mult I'xtruct only. It will ( 'ivo
you the best Buttsfbution. The
_ genuine must lutvo the Bigrm-
turoof "Johann HolP' on the neck of
ovury bottlo.
1U.MUI Market I.tri'Ct , Denver. Colorndo.
Kliiln , 111 , nndeitern Croaninry llultor , iwsnnil :
Chuune. lU.IXJil A 1 empty eiut , with tillers to
loan to mv shippers and othur * to hu flllu I llvo cuotis
nnd up Ship ny ln t fridnht I ! io. | , clioip lluttur In
di'itmnd dnrlne Mny Itnllublu fur > iuotutlolu on du-
A. D. Boyar & Co
tS-M Kxchunuo llulldliu ,
boulh Omaha.
8 , J. OofTman , Smiley Iluutur & Grosn ,
° ' '
30 Kichsnuo Ilulldlnz
buulb Ouiiliik South
mi and
Omaha Republican Printing Oo , |
.inttluf , biiik Minpllc" , nnd uror/llilng In the
prlntlnir lino.
10th nnd Ilouul n tlrocti.
Ackeruiann Bros. & Hcintzo ,
Printers binders , Oectrotrporj , blank book mnnif
fin turon ,
111(1 ( Howurt troot ,
Olmrlcs A , Ooo & Oo , , KirkentlallJono3 , & 0o
Manufacturers nnd job \Vliolesnlo Mamifacliir'4
bers. Apcnti for lloslon Huh-
lerMiooCo. . I1W. HOI ,
lion Howard xtrjot nnd IllXi llanie.r Ht ,
William ? , . Van Aor- "w.'vTMorao & Oo7
nnm & Harte , f-h on Factory , Corner llth
and Doiuthii M < , Onii.
1212 Humor ,
fttroot ha Merchants Invited
Oiimlm. Neb tocall anil examine
Hugh 0. Olnrk.
OonlV < "lern Ajpnt of
Duimnt'f Hporllng ( lull-
powder , Atlas Iiluh cilo- |
iTiMIIastlnit ci\psfuse
1211 llnrni'T street.
Oarpcntor Paper Co. ,
Curry n full flock of
printing , wrapping unit
writing pipar , card pa
per , pto.
Qco. Oboruo & Co. , J. S , Smith & Oo. , V
113 S. Mill street ,
1IDS-UI2 Loavcnirorthit.
Qmnhn. Omaha.
Fanton & Viorllng Omaha Safe & Iron
Iron Works , Works
\Vronitlil nnd cmt Iron ,
bulldlne work , on lnoi. Mninif'rs flre mid burclnt
briwork , ganornl proof unfoj , Tnult'.Jnll
foundry , nmelilno ( in t work , Iron Bhnttcrs nnd
ldnck mltli work. U ! nrc c cnpoi ( I An *
Ur nnd mint. drcon.HthA Jncksomtl
Aouie Iron and Wire Wilson & Drake ,
Work ?
, M f K tutiulnr fluei , flr
Iron , wlrn nnd brft i w'ki box boilers , tank ) , oto.
Mia lUtlntrect.
tMotIll , Proprietor. IMorronmt lotli streotv
Rces Printing Oo.
I.llliOKrnphlng , 1'rlntlni
nnd Illnnk Itooki.
11th nnd Ilo
Her & Oo. , William Dant ,
I.lquor Merchinti \Vllios , Liquors and Cilia
111. llnriic ) 'Iroot.
Mnnufni tnr lia r >
n Ki'iiuol
lllttorj. 1313 Karnnm St.
R. R. Grotto , jPrank Dollono & Co. ,
10.H ) nnd lo.'i 1 nrimra St. vndn
1'rlce lUt.i on nppllcitlon : > Doiiklni Street
L. Kir&cht & Co. , Flick & Herberts
\ \ holo'ilu I.lquor Dealer * Wholesale MipiorDctlon
1001 Kiirtmm Street * 0 | - F03 S 10th St.
0. A. Stonohill , I. Oborfehler & Oo , ,
Millinery , Notloni Importers nnd Jobber in
Lloiki , it3 Millinery
208,210 nnd ZU Houlti llth.
11C-I13S lull St. , Oinitia street
Max Meyer & Bro. Oo. A. Hospo , Jr. ,
lcr * , dcilera In
ruusicnl lintrilinonU , 'Innoi , Orcnns , Artht1
< le , Mnlcrlnls , Ktc ,
Knrn im and ICth. 1511 Doticln Street
J * J. Johnson & Oo. ,
216 S. 13th strait ,
Ora.ili-x , Nob.
Consolidated Tank A. Booth , Packing Oo , ,
Liuo Oo.
Oysters , flsh nnd canned
Itellnod nnl lubrlcitlnt KOOl9.
oil' , niln Krc.-iio , old.
A II lllsliop , Mnnaxor. l.TCH Ixinvonifortb ,
* f
Omaha Rubber Oo. ,
Mnnufnrturlnx nnj Job
bers all kinds rubbur
1003 Kuril rn straat.
Sjo 1 Oj , ,
good urowori , doilori In
KiriU-n LT.IIJ , Kraln.ia4
tree si > o h ,
4VI-4.M Month 1'ith
M. A , Disbrow & Oo. , Bohn Sai'i & Door Oo.
Mnnufnrlurors of nnsh , .Miiiufartiirers of ino.llJ-
doorn. blinds nnd Inn * , bllnli , doari ,
.XIouldliiKs llrnnrhof- utn
Uie , l.'tli and Iiar.l its IGtli nnd dirk Mrejti.
Farrell & Oompwy ,
Wholnsalo tinnfiictiirnrf Minufao'gOj
nyrupi , inolii u4 aiU ,
vlnu/uri , Maniifn-tur'a utorataat
217-2111 South Sth itreot. stoiru plpj.
1213-1216 Ixmrenworthst.
Oonipany ,
1414and IHO Harnay it
Oiuuhn , .Neb
U , S , Wind Engine & A , L. Stranj &
Pump'Oa ,
Iliillldiy wind mill. . H 10U3-1MI Karaam itraak
nnd vii .lonei u ( I ir
Him , ucllnv mannuer. Omnli * , Neb.