Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1891, Page 3, Image 4

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K .delivered by Carrier In any part of iho City.
11. W. T1LTON - - - MANAGER
W , Business OfKco , No. 43.
* t' Night Editor. No. 23.
N. y. P. co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel loans , 204 Sapp bloclt.
Keal Hock Springs coal. Thatcher , 1(1 ( Main
If you want witter In your ynrd or house
go to Blxby's ' , HO-J Mtrrmm block.
Er , F. Eugene Hudolph of Monona county ,
lown , and Margaret Marks of Logan , ICy. ,
were married yesterday afternoon , Justice
Bwcnrlnpcn oftlelatlng.
The regular meeting of the Council Bluffs
council No. I , Commercial Pilgrims of
America , will ho hold this evening at 7:30 :
o'clock In Hoynl Arcanum hall.
The teachers nnd nuplls of the deaf nnd
Oumb institute w'll ' have n picnic this after-
nocn at Manawa. Prof. C. Spruit of the In
stitute will ctinncrono the crowd.
A suit for n divorce was tiled In district
court yesterday by Mrs. H. B. Grlmshaw
ncnlnst her husband , Ktophan Grlmshnw.
Bho asks the custody of the six-year-old
child , Netllo May.
The stilt brought by "Salvation Army"
Walker to recover a reward of Nols Carlson
which ho lind offered for the return of 11
team of horses which had been lost nnd were
found by u son of Walker's , has been dis
Four drunks were fined In police court yes
terday morning , their assessments running
from 10.70 to $15.70. They were nil nut nt
work on the streets. The cases against [ .
Hughes , charged with drunkenness and dis
turbing the peace , and William Probitolc ,
with assault mid battery , were continued
until this morning.
The members of the O rand Army of this
city nro lalklni : up the scheme of having n
reunion of veterans from Iowa , Nebraska
nnd Missouri , to bo held hero during the
summer or fall. . No dellnlto decision has
been reached yet , but In ease It Is decided to
have the reunion It will bo made ono of the
uroatcst nlTalrs of the kind that has ever
been held In the west.
Martha Luclla Adams has been visiting
Mrs , Hongland for seine tlmo past , nt the
corner of Tenth street aim Fourth avenue.
At about 10 o'clock she was suddenly t a It en
ill , and at 10 o'clock yesterday morning she
died of heart trouble. The deceased was the
daughter of , T. Q. Adams , a prominent physi
cian of El Paso , 111. , and the remains were
taken to thatplbcolastovenlng for Interment ,
This afternoon at 2 o'clock. In the board ol
trade room , thcro will bo held n gnneral meet
ing of the cltl/cna , nt which the question ol
having or not having nn agricultural exhibit
will bo discussed and finally decided. J. C
AVoodrulT of Creston , the designer of the
Blue Grass palace ntCreston , will ho pres
ent and will have on exhibition seine Plans
for the construction of a palnco. A largo
meeting ol the citizens is desired , as the com
mittee who have the matter in charco want
to know whether they will have the nearly
co-operation of the citizens.
il'Jc ladles'ribbed sill ; and lisle vests r
tonight and Monday night trom I ! ] > . m. , for
25c each , Boston Store. Council Bluffs.
Try Duquette ft Co.'s Pomona fruit ] ulco
tablets. They are delicious.
Col fax Springs via the ITouk iHliuid.
Everybody has heard of them , located on
the "Great Uock Island Uouto. " Colfax HIM
a dozen medical mineral springs and hun
dreds dally testify lo their merits. Savcn
first-class hotels furnish pleasant homos at
very low rnt&j to Iho throngs of health and
pleasure sookcra.
MoGcn KciulorH nn Important
DculNloti A alnm tlu : Motor Company.
An Important dccrco was handed down
yesterday afternoon by Jndjo | McGce , in the
cnsa of Maria Jackson against the Oinuha it
Council Bluffs bridge company. The ease is
Important , not because of the amount In
volved , but because of Its boliiK a test ease ,
which will virtually decldo a score or moro of
others. Tho'sult wus brought to compel the
motor company to nay about f 1WI for paving
between the company's tracks In front of
the plaintiff's property. The attorneys for
the defense combattcd thu claim on the
ground that the roud had boon built under
the old charter of lb ( > ( ) , in which there was
no provision for the paving between the
tracks. They also claimed that the company
was operating under the now charter of 18Si ( ,
in which there is such a provUlan.
The attorneys for Mrs. Jackson claimed
that the company must run under ono charter
or iho other , and could not pick out a section
of ono and u section of the other ns they saw
In making his dccreo yesterday Judge
McOo stated that thcro was ono thing in
connection with the that showed , to
him , nt least , that the company had built Its
line under the charter of ISSD. He pointed
out the fact that the charter of 188(1 ( granted
the company the right to build a branch to
any depot then standing or that might bo
erected thereafter. The company had
built a roud to Falrmount park
which , wus not a depot and that wus conclu
sive ovldonco that the now charter , and not
the old , was the ono under which the road
hud been built. Ho therefore hold that the
company was linblo for the cost of the
Attorney Baldwin asked that ho have tlmo
In which to lllo u bill of exceptions. The
case will bo taken to the supreme court , and
It will probably bo several years before U Is
tlnnlly completed.
ITc ladles' guaranteed fast black hose.
Sale prlco from ( J p. in. tonight and Monday
night , I' 'j'o a pair. Boston Store , Council
When about to build don't fail to set prices
on lumber of The .ludd & Wells Co. , 813
Broadway. Telephone US7.
Lost A lady's koy-wlndlng gold wntoh.
Finder wilt bo rewarded by leaving Itat Bee ,
II. Drown of Colorado Is tbo'guest of Mr.
L. W. Koss.
Preston Uurloy of the DCS Molnos News Is
the gutst of W. C. Unthank.
Mrs. G. A. BullU and sons of Hastings ,
Neb. , are visiting the family of G. M. Gould.
Mi's. A. G , Black and her duimhtcr , Miss
Lorn , loft lust ovcnlng , where they will visit
Miss Cornyo Jackson of Omaha Is in the
city , the guest of Miss Mary 1'uschcl of
Willow avenue.
Miss Jessie Farnsworth returned yesterday
from Hot St-rings , where she went t > ovcrul
weeks ago to visit hei father , who U thcro
trying to benefit his health. Mr. Purnswortti
will not return for about u mouth.
2. ' > o wlnto muslin stamped pillow shams for
tonight and Monday night at the Boston
Store , Council lUuITs. Sale price from tl p.
in. , ITc a pair.
Death ol'.MrH. I'nsey.
Mrs. Gertrado M. Pusoy , the wlfo of N.
M. Putoy , died yesterday morning at 7:30 :
o'clock. Her llfo bivs boon In iho balance
for months past and her friends were not sur
prised when the end came. That , however ,
did not lighten the blow. A husband , three
Children and u largo circle of friends uro left
to mourn the loss. Mrs. Pusoy was forty-
four years old at the lmo ! of her ncath. She
was married twenty-three years ago and came
to Council Bluffs with her husband In 1ST7.
She has lived hero ever since that time ,
Notlco of the funeral will be given later.
i ftaby wan licit , we ROTO her C&etorla ,
Vben Jlie wo * a CUM , ho crlcJ for CiutorU ,
Vhcn tlio bocwne Mica , the clung to Costorla ,
JVlten hv hod CUil ruu , the e v > > tlwm C f tori ; ,
Horrible State of Affaire Brought Out by
Ooroner Waterman.
Surrounded by liidcaurb.iblo : Filth
and Hitinlor | Ituittcu by Her
Hon nnd Ills \\llo-ln-
Mrs. Esther White died 'lost Wednesday
night at the residence of her son , William J ,
White , 1018 South Eighth street. The funeral
was to have occurred yesterday afternoon at
2 o'clock , and the body would have been
buried In thu usual manner had not strange
stones been circulated nt a late hour Thurs
day night by the neighbors. These stories ,
being brought to the ear of the coroner , put a
stop to the proceedings , end the Investiga
tion that followed brought to light a horrible
state of affairs.
William J. White , the son of the dead
woman , Is n well known chawctor about the
Blult.s. He Is known as the "charm doclor , "
and his peculiar method of medical treatment
consists of the local application of saliva.
Several yeais ago ho was married , nnd over
slnco that tlmo , according to the stories of
the neighbors , there has bocn blood on the
moon. Ills wlfo had no mo for the mother
In-law nnd vlcn versa.
Coroner Waterman made n visit to the
honso yesterday for the purpose of looking
around. Ho found thu house In a fairly or
derly condition , until ho asked to be shown
the room which had been occupied by Mrs.
White. On opoaing the door a horrible
stench greeted him The bed on which the
woman had rusted during her last Illness , was
ono mass of Illth. The rest of the room was
tilled with rubbish that exhaled a nauseating
odor. Vermin were everywhere , and In nil
the different varieties that uro known to
the naturalist. In the middle ol the
room stood a chair , on which were
two bottles. Ono was empty , whllo the other
contained about two teaspoon fills of am
In answer to the questions of the coroner ,
White said that ho find not called a physi
cian to attend to uis mother , as she would not
nllaw him to. Ito was very willing to con
sult a physician , but ho would not do so
against her wishes.
Ho stated that tbo clothing on the bed had ,
not been changed slnco last summer. This
too , was on account of the old lady's opposi
In reply to questions as to her death ho
suld that ho hud coma upstairs on Thursday
and hud found her drinking out of the ammonia
bottle that stood on the chair. Ho had at
once taken the bottle away from her. He was
unable to give much light on the subject of
the death Itself.
On going to the neighbors Coroner Water
man found enough rumors floating around to
warrant him In holding an Inquest. Seine
of the neighbors said that old Mrs.
White had been loft during the
past winter without enough to cat ,
ai.d to wear , and that at night she often
slept without enough clotning to keep her
warm. They bald that on ono occasion her
bunds had been badly fro/en during the
night. Some of them claimed that tnoy had
Tsnowii of White and his wlfo whipping the
old huly In a urutnl fashion. When asked
about this , young Mrs. White replied :
"Well , I never hit her so as to hurt her. "
The body of thu dead woman was covered
with big black and blus spots , which hud
evidently been caused by blows of some sort ,
but White said that his inothGr had been so
weak that when she tried to walk about the
room her limbs would often clvo wav. nnd
she would lull to the lloor. Ho thought
Durhups the spots might have been caused In
this way.
Coroner Waterman said ho thought that If
the old lady had not dlod of neglect , It was
only because seine merciful disease crept
in anil took her off before the neg
lect had had n fair uhnnco to get in its
work. Ho empanelled a Jury , consisting of
O. II. Lucas , W. H. . Hoblnson nnd C. Wcs-
loy. The Jury went to the roildcnco uud
heard the testimony of the man and the
woman , after which it adjourned , to meet
again this morning and resume the taking of
Coroner Waterman intended to consult
County Attorney Organ , but that gentleman
was out of the city , so that It can not bo said
Just what further stops will bo taken. It Is
probable , however , that no Informations will
bo lllcd until the jury has ilnishcd Its labors
and has rendered a verdict.
r > Se , OOc and 75c , gents' white and hand
somely trimmed night shirts tonight and
Monday night from (5 ( p. m. Sale price 4Uc
each. 'Boston Store , Council Bluffs.
Ion ! lee ! lcel ! !
If you want It pure and n
And at a reasonable pr
Follow no now dev lea.
But send to us in a tr
At our off
Mulhollund &Co. , No. 4Pearlst. , Tel. 103.
The llnost line of spring nnd summer eoods.
most expert workmen , is what you will llnd
ut Uelter's , the tailor , 310 Broadway.
Dry storage nt low rates , stoves and house
hold goods. J. H. Snyder , Pearl street.
11IKVUO.G MA.\ .
An Attorney HUH nn KHCiiitmlo with
JudKC McGce ,
A. W. Askwlth of the law linn of Wright
fc Baldwin was summoned before Judge
McOcco yesterday morning to answer to n
charge of contempt of court. The charge
nroso from n llttlo occurrence which toolc
place In the superior court on Thursday af
Quito a number of attorneys and others
wore iirosonl when court convened this after
noon. They evidently felt considerable inter
est In the outcome of the battle which was
being waged between ono of their number
nnd the court. After a fuw matters of minor
importance had been disposed of , the con
tempt matter was called up. Oeorgo
F. Wright nnd John N. Baldwin were
on the Held to look after Askwlth's Interests.
Mr. Hiildwln handed Judge McUco a paper
which contained Askwlth's statement , The
Judgurcml it over and then cave his statement
of the case. Ho siiM that if u court was to
allow attorneys to challenge It to come out
into the back alley to settle disputes , the
court might as well bo abolished entiruly.and
the back-alloy style of settlement t > o adopted
In the Ilrst place.
Mr. Baldwin claimed that the court
had no right to Impose thu line , as the court
had not been In session at the time of the ou-
cnrrenco. Judge McC5co was not moved bv
the attorney for thu defense , and hu ordered
that Askwlth bo contlnud In the c'ounty Jail
for one day ,
Attorney Bnldwli. asked that time bo given
him In which to lilu a bill of exceptions , and
aUo that ho have tlmo In which to prepare a
writ of ccrtiorurl. His request was granted
Dr. Warner's Wo corsets for tonlcht anil
Monday night from II p. m. Sale price -"Jo
pair. Boston Siorc , Council LI lull a.
Union Park races , Omaha and Councl
Bluffs , Juno 11-12 , M.IXK ) ; Sept. S-ll , M.MX )
Oct. 'IV.- ' ) For
'IV.$1,1)00. . programmes addrcsi
Nat Brown , sec'y. , Merchants' hotel ; Omaha
Drs. Wood bury , dentists , iW Pearl street ,
next to Grand hotel Telephone H3. High
grade work u specialty.
Youthful Miir lnrH.
As a goutlomau was pussintr the cigar store
of T. D. King & Co. lust evening at about 10
o'clock , ho noticed a couple of boys Inside the
store. Having a suspicion that all was not
right ho went to a telephone nnd notlllcd the
police. In a fuw mlnutw the patrol wagon
was on Its way to the plncu , and when It re
turned U contained : i small boy thirteen years
of ago. Ho gave his naino as Fruit Hanson ,
and bald Im was the son of the Janitor of the
Eighth street school. Another boy had been
Implicated in the burglary with him , but had
cscnK | > d when the ofllcer made the raid. The
name of the boy who escape , ! was Frank
James , who lives at the corner of Avoutiu E
aud Tenth struct. Young Jumes Is the
son ol L. C , James , who la iiow serving a two
ears' term In the penitentiary for bigamy ,
.avlng . been convicted nt too Iu t term of the
.Istrlct court. Hanscn has been employed In
.ho elnar store until within the past week ,
when no was laid oft ou account of lack of
work. Ho did not attempt to elude punish
ment by denying the crime , but said ho broke
' .n . to get seine cigarette * to smoko. The
lames boys will probably Do arrestort this
morning , and Judge McOeo will have a chance
to sond'a pair of unlucky boys to the reform
_ _ _ _
lOc fine French sateens tonight nivl Mon
day night from G p. m. at the Boston Store ,
Council Bluffs , lljj'c a yard.
Pianos , organs , C. B. Music Co. , M3 fl'd'y.
Furniture , carpets , refrigerators , haby car
riages , stoves , crockery , am ) all house fur
nishing goods , cash or on easy payments , nt
Mandci & Klein's.
Proceed I K of the Stnte Association
nt Sioux City.
Sioux Crrv , la. , May 23. JSpecial Telegram -
gram to Tun Bun. | The state association of
Jongregatlonal churches toJay decided to
hold Its next annual meeting at Mason City.
The attendance has boon largely Increased
by the arrival of more delegates today. The
two oldest Congregational ministers In point
of service In Iowa nro hero , Uev. Dr. A. B.
Uobblns , who has been forty-live yours a Das-
tor nt Muscatlne , nnd Uov. Dr. William Sal-
tcr , who has been forty-seven years n pastor
at Burlington. Today's ' session was occu
pied with routine reports nnd the reading of
papers and discussion of the reports of the
committees. Iowa and Tabor college reports
were read , showing both Institutions to bo
In the most prosperous condition In their
history , with largely Increased attendance of
students. The papers read and discussed
today were : "Soino Needed Phases of
Christian Truth , " bv Henry M. Ponnlnum
ofKcokuk ; "Tho Bearincs of Christianity
with Social Problems of the Day , " by F. L.
Keuyon of Clinton ; "American College nnd
Educational Society , " by Thomas Y. Gard
ner ; "Labor , Capital and Charity , " by
Henry M. Tuttle , Manchester ; "Latent and
Waste Forces In Church Work , " by Fred-
crick Hopkins of Dubuquo.
Supreme Court , Dcc'nlous.
Dns MOISKS , la , May 21) . | Spacial Tele
gram to Tin : HEI : . ] These supreme court
decisions were filed tod\v : The state of
Iowa vs O. P. Fari-cll , appellant , from Hard in
district , alllrmod. Sallic McConahcy vs
Thotnr.s L. Grilllcy , appellant , from Wood'
bnry district , nftlrmod. S. S. Ziglor vs
Phojnix Insurance company , appellant , from
Jones district , reversed. John L. Johnson vs
L. A. Knudtson , appellant , from Worth dis
trict , utllrmed. Theodore Bray vs Mason
Wise , appellant , from superior court of
Council Bluffs , afllrmed. Hussoll & Co. , ap
pellants , vs Nowtou Smith , from Polk dis
trict , nnirmcd. G. W. llaslen , appellant , vs
J. S. Morrcll nnd son nnd J. S. Morrell and
Ohurlos Morroll , from Poll ; dUtrlct , nfllrmcd.
In the Insanity of Etntnii Busso , from Har-
risou district , afllrmed.
A Victory Cor the Hallronds.
Four DODOI : , la. , May ! 22. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BUK.J Judge Stevens In the
district court toJay rendered an Important
decision concerning the title of the Mason
City & Fort Dodge railway to Its right of
way between this city and Belmond. The
riuhtof way was originally granted tounothor
company which let It Ho unused for several
years and finally sold It to the Mason Citv &
Fort Dodge company. A number of the
property holders claimed that the use of the
right of way was practically abandoned and
brought suit to compel the present eomtmny
to remove Its tracks. The test case was de
cided In favor of the company , but an appeal
will bo taken to the supreme court. Judge
Young of St. Paul and J. F. Duncombo efFort
Fort Dodge conducted 'the defense.
The U. S. government are using largo num
icrs of the Improved Howe scales. Borden
' Sellcck Co. , agents , Chicago , 111.
Chicago .Mr Ship.
Aerial navigation has buon agitated for
.undreds . of years , pud In proportion to the
Imo , talent and money whlnh bus baan da-
oted to It , less has actually been acenm-
hed than with almost any other icicntlllo
ir mechanical problem to which serious and
larnost attention has boon dircctol. It Is
into natural that the utmost curiosity should
, o aroused when an Inventor declares that ho
ias at last overcome nil obstacles , and has
onstructed a ship that will successfully
.mvlgate the air at n speed of 100 miles per
hour , and at all times bo under the absolute
: ontrol of the operator.
These are the claims nude for the Chicago
. .Ir ship that will bo exhibited next Sunday
ut the fair grounds , when Prof. King will
make a number of ascensions previous to his
sail to Chicaeo , which is announced to take
place at 4 : ! ! 0 in the af tornoon.
To have an Idea of what the air ship is like
all that is necessaryIs to Imagine a largo :
cigar flouting in the air supporting a small
boat. The sustaining portion of the ship Is
sixty foot long and about thirty fret hi diam
eter , tapering to a sharp point nt each end ! ,
and has a capacity of about llfteon thousand t
cubic feet of gas. Ordinary coal gas has u
iftlnp power of about thlrty-llvo pounds to ;
acli 1,000 feet , while hydrogen gas has
double that power. Hydrogen gas will bo
used Sunday to Inflate the buoyancy chamber ,
and It will bo generated with a portable gas
machine at the place of inflation , water , sul isl la
phuric acid , zinc nnd Iron llllngs and lo a
few other chemicals being nil that U re
quired. Attached to the lifting part of the
ship Is n wicker basket or car eight feet long
bv four feet wide. On each side of the bas
ket are largo wings or fans , capable of being
enlarged or tnndo smaller , and lowered or
raised to any angle or position by simply
manipulating two handle bars.
These fans or wings control the steering of
the air ship and exert the same Inlluenco
upon it that a rudder does upon a steamship.
In front of ttio car Is located what Is styled
a wind divider , built upon such a plan that
very llttlo resistance Is offered to the ulr dur
ing a Ilight through space.
At the roar of the car Is situated the
propeller , made of papier macho. This Is op
erated by a dynamo of two-horse power
located In the forward part of the car. The
dynamo also drives the balance wheel , 10n
queer looking arrangement fastened on the
bottom of the basket. This wheel resembles
a hollow corkscrew partially Hat toned out.
By it the operator is enabled to lower It.jr
raise his ship to suit hh own pleasure and
take advantage of the favorable air currents.
This Is the most Important pleco of ma
chinery about the whole thing.
Dr. BIrncy euros caturrh , Boo bldg :
Westerners Pensioned.
WASUINOTOX , May 2J. [ Spjclal Telegram
to Tim Bnn.J Pensions granted Nobras-
kaus : Original Guorgo J. Stonoy , Hoary
Ladleu , John M. Browning , William 1C.
Garner , Uuphael S , S. Mullln , Elijah Brown ,
Henry Fish , George D. Cornell , John Porter
ter , Jr. , John U. Wright , Peter Kuslor , Mor-
rltt J. Fumuclllf , William H. Barlow , James
B. Elliott , John W. Jacques. Additional-
William Crockword , James Sunn on , Samuel
Bumbang. Increase Ahira / . Jones ,
Charles W. Gnrno'y , Henry Stump , Jacob
Gels , James McPherson , Thomas B. Beach.
Original widows , etc. Barbara , mother h.of
Martin Lame.
Iowa : Original William B. Murray , ,
John Bacus , Peter Delia , Andrew J. Uau's ,
John Hart , Samuel GarlandMorunn
B. Wllcox , Enmnucl Esllngor , Sam
uel H. Davis , James M. Young ' ,
Adolphus McGulgan , Michael O'Mal- :
loy , Isaac Sanborn , Jr. , George Hoyt ,
James U. Stlilman , Madison C , Allen , Isaac
T. Pago. David P. Cole , Honrv J . Welbh ,
William H. Acton , Edward W. Haynes ,
David H. Hall , Anthony Eugene , Dennis ,
Charles Defrce , Alonzo F. IitkU , David ft
yor , Hiram S. Angstcnd , Hlr.ini P. Duller ,
David Ody , John F. Creos , Chailos H. Gilbert :
bert , George W. Flick , Charles W. Steven
son , vYilllain Mann , James Gregory , James
W , Barker , Sumuol Bellcsllclil , John Will ,
William Dixon , Increase William C. Howen ,
August Wlckman , David Hunbv. Noah Mor
risen , William U. Bowlos , li.ivld Idler ,
Gcorgo W. Swift. Wr'ter ' H. Bell. John J :
Protextor , Theodore E. Butler , Klnm Uob
blns , Jacob Hurt , Henry M. McFarlanJ ,
Amos E. Pennlngton , Uobort Platt , Henry E.
Mav , Oliver P. Murtlns , Hobison Kcarns ,
Kimble Dcrrlckton , Henry Ash , Original
widows , etc-Caroline L , , widow of Charles
F , Marshal ; James , father of George IcsW. .
Uhodes ; Martha , widow of Stephen B , Lowe ;
Harriet , widow ol William Potto ; .
National Federation cfn-4psrica Formed at
aMectirgin New York.
Adopted Calling on I'nr *
null and Mol'artliy'tto ' Send Funds
for the Uellcf of.'tlto Kvlot-
, ' " * '
cd loiinnts.
NEW YonK , May 22. Dr. .Tosoph F. Fox ,
the Irish member of parliament who has been
In this country for sonio tlmo past , lately re
turned to this city from nn extended tour of
the United States and Canada during which
ho had conferences with the leading Irish-
Americans In the dllTorcnt cities as to the
practicability of putting some new llfo into
the homo rule movement hero. As a result
of his Investigations , ho Invited n number ol
gnntlomcn to meet him In conference at the
Hoffman house yesterday afternoon. In re
sponse to his Invitation the following gentle
men met yesterday noon in the parlor In
which so many meetings of the Irish parlia
mentary fund associations have been held :
Eugcno ICelly , Colonel William L. Brown ,
Dr. Thomas Addis Elliot , Miles O'Brien ' , ox-
Mayor Grace , Judge- Morgan , J. J. O'Brien ,
Judge Joseph F. Daly , Dr. Duncan , Patrick
Glcnson , president of municipal council of
tuo Irish National league , Joseph Kelly ,
Hugh King , Major John Byrne , nil of NLW
York ; from Philadelphia , Uov. Barry M. J.
Hyan , Fraycrs Hnggi-rty , Joseph Shcehan ;
from Boston , Thomas D. Fltz , John Faber ,
Patrick I'ox , M. U. Holmes and K. E. Bluett ;
from Knodo Island , Uov. John Brcnnun ; from
Kansai , Donalus O'Brien. Letters were re
ceived sympathizing and endorsing the move
ment from Kiehard Kcars and Dr. Thomas
O'Hellly , J. D. McConnell , Wllllum Purcell
and Joseph O'Connor of Buffalo , J. II. Car-
berrv and James EKlu of Cincinnati , D. P.
Sullivan and Uov. Calltuan of South Boston ,
Uov. D. T. J. Connelly and E. Calllgan Lovoll
of Manchester , N. II.
The bodv organized by electing Colonel
William L. Brown of New York as chairman
and Major Byrne secretary. The ouject of
the meeting having been brlnlly explained
the following resolution was presented to the
committee on the parliamentary fund by
Judge Morgan and J , J. O'Brien and was
unanimously udcptcd :
Having. In view of the present deplorable
condition of the evicted tenantry of Ireland ,
who. rulylng upon the promises of support and
protection that hail hutm hold out to them by
its lenders In the "plun of campaign" for
months past , have fur principle and country
snlTurcd humiur , want and eviction , which
siilTeriiics are now doubly aggravated by the
apparent Indifference of thu leaders In this
condition by Uio stoppages of moneys itnd sup
plies and by thu withholding of funds whluh
bhoiild be applied to save such tenantry ( rum
further and gi eater physical distress
mid starvation ; now the executive committee
of the parliamentary fund association , under
whose auspices a poitlou of the money now on In 1'arls was collected , desliciusto
present their views at the meeting called In
this city of renresuntatlves of other organiza
tions oflhc United Stales In nieutlng anscm
bled , unanimously.
Ucsolved. That apart from any political
question upon which the Irish members of
parliament are divided , and apart from any
consideration of the nnrpoie.s for which tin-
money was originally subscribedthis commit
leo Is convinced tliut In thu present Its Ilrst
and paramount duty IK to relieve the distress
of thu evicted tenantry of Ireland and that It
re < iucsts , urKes ami demands that Mr Justin
McCarthy and .lames Stewart I'arnull should
appropriate all the money now on deposit In
Paris to rulluvo the distressed tenantry and
from time to tlmo release such as may be nec
essary for that purpose until the cntlro fund
Is exhausted.
Ittiholvvtl , That wo ask and beseech the rep
resentatives of the Irish organizations In
America to co-operato with us , bo that the
present great milTcrlng "of thoio who have
borne and still are boa'rliiK the brunt of the
battle shall be Immediately released.
Resolved , That resolutions bo road
and ursrou for adoption by the ropresenta-
tlvcs of the Irish societies In America at the
ineutlmt culled In thla city.
For the committee :
\VlI.I.IAM K. CillACB ,
WlM.IAM . Hit , \VN ,
Mu.mO'lIlUh.v ,
J , If. DUNCAN ,
Consideration of the project of forming anew
now agency to help the cause of homo rule
hero evoked considerable debate. During
the discussion it was manifest that the senti
ment of all present ran strongly In tao direc
tion of taking soinn imcodlato and active
steps tu render practical help to the majority
party of the Irish parliamentary body.
"inally a committee was named to consider
steps for the formation of a now organization
as follows : Messrs. McCalTerty of Philadel
phia , Fltz of Boston , Brennan of Uhode
Island , Fiihra of Houhestcr and Wallace of
Now York. After deliberation the committee
returned with u report , which was unani
mously adopted as follows :
1. This organization shall bo known as the
National 1'ederatlon of America.
2. It shall conslstof Individuals and associa
tions for the purpose of aiding the people of
Ireland to obtain home rulo.
U. Its object shail be to raise funds In Amer
ica to assist the in'ople of Ireland In furtherIng -
Ing this ohloct. Individual membership shall
bo granted to these contrlbnt UK W a year or
upwards. Societies alllllatlng shall bo per
mitted to do bo by thu payment of tl for each
month after organization These funds shall
lie controlled by u body of nine trustees , a
majority of whom will have the power to.
transmit funds.
4. The olilces of til's organization shall be In
Now York and the temporary organization
shall conslstof a president , thrco vleo presi
dents , u secretary , tiuiisnrer and right trus
tees. The president shall bo cx-ofllclo mem
ber of the board of trustees , with a right In
vota on propositions. The secretary shall bo
named by thu president and thu board of
trustees , and shall receive such compensation
from tlmo tp tlmo as shall be determined by
wald board.
After the adoption of this report , the com-
mlttco were further empowered to nominate
ofllccrs. As a result of their deliberation Ur.
Thomas Elliott was selected as presidentanU
E. K. Elliot , treasurer.
Previous to the meeting of this committee ,
n meeting of the executive committee of tbo
Irish parliamentary fund was held , Mr.
E. Kelly presiding. On motion of Me. Grace
It wus resolved that It was the sense of the
executive committee that the funds now In
the hands of Mr. Kelly bo appropriated for
the benellt of the evicted tenants In Ireland.
Mr. Kelly was also authorized to at once for
ward them for disbursement. Before au-
Journlng u vote of thanks waa tendered to
Dr. Fox.
Man Is often docolv'ed ' In the ago of a
woman b- her gray hair. Ladles , you can
appear young and prevent this grayness by
using Hall's Hair Uonowor.
Iowa iMIiiflw' . Demands.
OSKAI.OOSA , In. , May C2. Iowa minors In a
spirited meeting last plight decided to stand
by the action of tholr tstnto ofllccra. They
hold a night session'at which they formu
lated n general demand for eight hours work ,
p.iy every two weeksmnd , other things were
adopted. The operators uro also Ilnn and will
Import now men. v ,
Vanilla } Of perfect purity ,
Lemon -I
- of great strength.
Almond I E ° onorny In tholr uao
Roseetc.rj Flavor no delicately
and Uellclously aa the fresh fruit.
Old and Exprlenced ? Manufacturers of Clothing ,
Retail to the trade only such garments as win merit for them
selves , gives value received for the customers money , secures
the confidence of the people everywhere and justly entitles
them to the name of
Reliable Clothiers
There's no slight either in cut , fit or appearance of our
medium grade suits , they're our own make , and the suit we
sell for $7.50 is worth just seven dollars and a half.
In our $10 suits you'll ' find numerous styles , sack and cut
away , they're all worth ten dollars a suit. For $12.50 you'll
notice the quality is better , the trim somewhat finer.
Our $13.50 and $15.00 suits your own judgment will de
clare them good enough for any purpose or occasion.
There's neither profit nor pleasure for us in showing gar
ments that cannot be satisfactorily recommended.
Important to Mothers
25 dozen Star Shirt Waists , in dark blue percales , regular
$ i and $1.25 goods , on sale Saturday morning at 750. The
Star waist needs but little comment , and we hope to see this
special bargain lot equally distributed among the trade.
Men's Furnishings
Our window display affords but a meager conception of
the real bargains we are offering in cool and comfortable un
derwear , neglige shirts , hosiery , neckwear , novelty straw hats ,
etc. Our facilities enable us to reach the bottom figures in
supplying thirteen stores with furnishings. Our prices for first
quality goods you'll always find reasonable.
Mon y Cheerfully Refunded where Qoodp d j not Satisfy.
Southwest Corner 15th and Douglas Sts.
When you Pass Halt at our Windows.
( Send for Ilustrnted Catalogue. )
G. A. Schoedsnck , Proprietor , Offices 621 Broadway , Council
Bluffs and 1521 Fnrnam St. , Omaha. Dye , clean and reflnlsh goods
of every description. Packages received at either office or nt the
Works , Cor. Ave. A nnd 20th St. Council Bluffs. Send for price list.
Merchants who luivo shop-worn or soiled fabric's of tiny character can have
them ri'dyed nnd finished equal to now.
' '
I'DO'CTOR Tlioso Celebrated KNOLISII' .
IfiGKER'S nilaaroal'celllroCuruforSIrk llrailnchr , ) > no , and ; :
Coiiillputlon. M'liill , plrni. !
I PURE nnt and n fuvorllo ultb the ! Sold In England for ! . -
d.dn America for l5o. Get ;
ihcm from jour Druggists , or ;
send to W. II. I'.oom : A ( O. , ;
40 Mf.t llrnaclnays Url. J
ever a n. Jiicqncmln < k Co. . Jewelry Store
Council Bluffs , la.
This Elegantly Appointed Hotel
is Now Open.
George T. Phclps , Afanagcr.
OTFIOR , 41. ' > llroadway , Council IllufTs , la
Gesjler's Magic Headache Wafers. Cures all
bcadichcs In 20 minutes. At all druggists
Flour MeroliimtH I'rotoHt.
M.\USIII.I.IH : , May 22. The Hour merchants
of this city have drafted a memorial protest
ing against the report of M. Vlgcr , a mem
ber of the customs committee of the chamber
of deputies , advising a reduction of the duty
on foreign wheat from f > francs to 'I francs
per hectolitre for a yoir. The Hour merchants
declare that this reduction will ruin trade
nnd they add that ten Hour merchants have
already been compelled to close- their estab
Small In size , creat in results : DoU'llt1
Llttlo Early Ulscrs , Host pill for Constlpa
tlon , best for SicU Headache , best for Sour
ll ( > < liiMil Kuoli.
i : , X. M. , Miy 22. News of an
affray between sheep heritors nl OJo I.o
Frigo Wednesday has been received , Three
were killed outright ana others were seri
ously injured.
A very small pill but a very good ono. Do
Yitt'B Llttlo Early Ittscw.
Of Council Bluffs.
DIIWTOIW I. A , Mlllor , F. O. Qloason , E. I *
Shuicart. K. E. Hart. J. I ) . Cdmundson , Ohirlai
It. llannan. banlcln ; binl-
nc s. I.ireit capital and surplus ot an/
bauiln Soullnvostorn IJIT.U
33. n. cnA.iiMitttj.i\ . it.
llye , Bar , NOJO nnd Throat
CouncilIllntla , - - town.
Horn t'yns , crosi pyot ,
piilnful anil wciik vision ,
fiirnuho , dcnfiiVM , till.
I'lmrcc * from the ears , < _
tnrrh , liny fc'ver , nittliiuii'
nml all iicuto utul clirunlo
affections of the tin out
i < l > odiiUy. OlaiJ eyiM nt-
UM | wlihont pnln. ( ] | H OI nccunttoly prcscrllio ! In
clllllcultcaiui , of ton curing chrunla nuiir.ilKli ant
lcH hcnrtncho. opornllitn , when nocm-
unry , pulnloinlporfonucJ , ussurlnx liuit roiulti
O 111 CO. Slui art-llenu block , room I Council llliUTi , 11
: - : -
raid Up Oii-iHiil , - - . - $ IO' ' ,00 ( )
Oldcit uritnnliod linnk In thn city. Knrolifn unit
( loino.tio uxchunuu unit local Mcciiritltti. Ksiiochi
HttiMitlon lulii to C'llluvllitni. Auojiirits of Inlivid
unit. linnkH. bunki'Miinilcorporiitlunt nollcltoj. Cur
ri Mnn < l0iico InvlM'il.
11KO. I' . SANFOHII. I'ro lilcnl.
A. W. IIIKK.MA.V , Cnshlcr.
A. T. KICK. AsiUUint Ciislilcr.
Kf Ciuin/Icrc / ' ttornoys at law , I'nio-
U tleo In the stiito unU
fiiiloriil I'OurtH. Koiinrt : i , I mid 6 Sliu url
llunu block , Council llinlTJ. la.
HI rh'HllllPrs Attornny al faw , No. IB )
, J , UlillHIjm , | 'Uir ; | slroet , ever llush-
nell'.s Htoro. T luilion | No. liVl llmlnust
' > b a. in. lo'Jp. ' in. Uounull IIIull.s , lt. :
Gas Heating Stoves.
Just the thlnx for hitth rooms , hod rooms , oto
L'ull and buo our tur u iissortincnt.
C. B. Gas nnd Elo3tri3 Llghi Co.
211 I'ourl an'l 310 Main Street.
D. H. McDaneld & Co. ,
Butchers' ' aid Pajlnrj' ' Su , ) , ) ] ! ) } ,
Markal Fixl'jm ' , Caslnj ] ,
piers nml Paiifirxuo Mivkura' Machinery. 82) .
'Main St. . Oonnoll UlulTj , lu. Also duulorj
n 11 lilt i uud 1'ur *
All kinds of Dylnn and Olcanlii ? do-no In tils
Highest Sty to of the Art , Fadoil nml Stulnocl
I'librlcsniado to look ai good a now. lloil
IVathrrs ( 'loaned lly Htvntn , In l-'ltHt Olnsi
Manlier. Work iirotnotlydone ntuljK'
In all iiiiru of lueoountry , tfoml roft. .
llst %
a A. MAOIIAN. I'nm.
101J IJroadwar , Noir : Northwestern UopoS ,
COUNCIL , lli.urra. I A.
CniC.uu ) , May 19. Hoports of EQ'icroui ' talp-
Electric Trussas ,
Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc.
AGEXrSWA\7M \ ) , D , C , R , JUDD ,
OOO BroadwAy , Council BlutTd , la
T12LI31M10NI3 UM. (
The New Ojrdun llotol , In Council HlnfTs. 1ms
bocn completely refurnished anil modernized
throughout , and In now ono of the hcxl hotels
In the Htulo It U located In the biHness pnrt
of tlu'L-lty and the olcctrlo motors pass the
doorcvorv fnur mlniitnt. Tire i-scapon and
lire alarms throii'-ihont the liultdltix. Stoatn
beat , hot and cold water anil sunshine In
every room. Table unsurpassed anywhere.
Hates , W.IK ) a ( lay.
QEO. M. WHITNEY. Mtumgor.
Medical and Surical Institute ,
mis' itEhUNdEus , Piiora
Chronic diseases of all kinds and deform
ities specialties. NOB. HG01 and MM Itroailvrnr ,
Council UliilVM , la.
WANTKD Oociil brlcKinakur to buy out
plant or inaiiufaeturo brlek by thu thou
sand or by thti day. . Ninie but cooil , responsi
ble mini need apply. Must K'VO ' oed rofor-
I' ( ! . tlreonwnod. Silver Ully , la.
\ T'AN'IVP-Tfro llrstolnsi coal mukors ut
\y Keller's , the tailor , . ' 110 llroadway.
ANIt'Iv 8-rooni dwelling In good rupalr
for rent , only 1 block from Main street.
Apply toV. . f. CooDur , 10 Main street ,
\\rANTKD--Hy a yoiinR man with exprrl-
i' eii"0 nnd references position In a wliu'o-
* nlo house where ho can advance. Address
KU I Ice olllee , Con null lllulfs.
ANTIM ) 1'lrst-elass chambermaid at
Grand hotel ; apply at once. Oeorgo T.
F'OK SAI.U Ourflno family horse , siillablo
for rldlnsurdriving. Apply to JIW S. Glh
rpo lovers of horses The larscst lot. of cxiU
-L mid the llnust In thn city ; also hay and
feed 0.1 all kinds , ut S. Uoldsloln & Co's loSi
WehJLH roadway.
OIi.MKN OV'ANT and psychometric , or char
acter reading ! * ; also diagnosis of disease.
Fond look of hair for readings hy letter. Hun *
day * and ovmilnus. Mrs. K. HoopiT. 14.'Avo-
iino K , near curlier 10th St. , Council II ulls.
Terms. .Vic and JI.IM.
JrOIt KENT Two newly furnished rooms )
bath , hot and void water and steam heat
Grand hotel nnnox. second lloor.
FOIttiAMJ-Ku Kent Wanted If you want
to buy , sell t rent anything In the real
estate line don't do It until yon huvo neon our
largo list of bargains. Swan & \ValUer \ , No. 119
Main and H : ) 1'oarl streets Council HinlVs.
SO.MK line roshU'iKH ) property for rent by
Day ft IIess , i U 1'uarl Htroet
ITlOKSAIiK-lIolel centrally lo.-nto I , dolna
JJ Rood business. Or will exchange for good
farm In western Iowa.
llotol lease , turn turo and fixtures ! an A.
No. 1 ehiinco to sto | ) Into n good paying busi
ness. Iteasons for Bulling , other business ro-
iiutrln ? all owner's uttentlon.
llar alns In residence and business prop
erty. K. 1 * . Ollleor , real ustnta and insurance
usent. No. IN. . Main St. . Councli HI nil's.
GAUDKNS Seine choice Kardcn land near
Conir-1 II Illultti forsalu on easy terms , also
vineyards nnd a largo Htit of Iowa farms.
Johnston & Van I'attun.
TpOfTitlLvr Thu Mo.Mahon block , II lory ,
J- brick , with basuineut and elevator. . W.
Squire , 101 1'oarl street.
. or Itont 'JxrUoa Ua I. wlti
- liomoi , oJ. . U. Itlaa. WJ Mila at. , Ooaaoll
iho Woiulci'l'iil Now 1'roocsH Vapor
Wo sell the only tronulno Mow Process
nnd tuo celebrated Quick Meal New 1'roeess
.itovcs , the boat mudo. Ono difference be
tween Iho Konulno nnd Imitations is that tbo
imitations have u small nccdlo-HUo tube to
clrmv olT oil that don't ovnporato ; iho genuine
nns no such ( ilmllanu , Wo have sold nearly
ono hundred already this season. Lights
llko L'as ; absolutely safe ; no sinolto or soot ;
as siinplo as a cook stove. Sco us before
buying. A ftnv line $35.00 gas ranges closing-
out at $10.00 each.
The host ever oITored ; 20 per cent dUcount
ever last year's prices.
TJUWII Mowers.
Highest grade only $0.00. Screen \vlro
doors , frttines , etc. , oto.
Lnrpost stock In the -.voit. The fnmous
Little Giant UOV'H who'-l , the Victor , highest
gnido , world's best wheel , bath for ladles and
gentlemen. Coi.i ; & COM : ,
41 Main Street.
I on'r Glvu Away Money
And sot niilhln * In rutuin. Von are
( lulnii II whun you pay the prlcn oonurionly
( or an ordinary lawn mower If tliu nrlco
iHinoru than * -VK ( ) . Wo will null yon 11 llrst-
olnsH , warnintcd nnd Kuarantocd twelvo-lncn.
mower for fri.oo. Kxanilnu thoin. ,
( J. rdcii I' OHO o per Kt.
Good quality and will give you satisfaction.
OOIIKI and HLd It.
'J'lit ! Ilcflt llol'rlKcrator ,
Is the North Star It IH not llko seine others
that nro wiirr.intoil to frcu/o without leo In
doi-iliiys. lldoijs IIKOSOIIIO Ice , but ti os IUHI
and [ iroilnees a lower leiuior.ituru | wllli lcs
than any other refrigerator on the market.
Mexican llainiiioolcH , 75o.
They are worth looking at and will glvo you
lots of cnmfoi t during thu siiniiiivr.
Columbl t ] tluyili)4.
1'k'iity of thuin now to miniily alt demands.
Tlioro IH no ether In the world equal to It.
llasu balj noodH , Htnp-laddur.4. water coolers ,
hampers and clothes baskdlH , the llKhtn ni
Ifti cream fruoxom , thai fren/.u In from three
lo llvu inliinicM , from il.5 up. Junior KHSO >
Itiiu Htnvtix from tl to $7. thn rullablo , the bunt
prk't's. ovtiiiornlliiK Htovo Hindu ; forsalo only
at 1' . U. DuVol'H. fM ) > llroadway.
Ills the iiinonnt that people srive , not so
much what I hey earn , ihatuvtuiluiillv makes
tlunn rluli. In huylim a lionsuholil nuevailt/
Ilkuu infrli-'cralor II is well to roimldor MHIIO-
Hi. \ \ % IIHO ! than the "llrnt vosl In clotrrinlnlmr
IU economy. The lincinsuy llouuoliold Itufr K-
nr.itor Is as hiindfomu ut a ploun of parlor
fnrnlturii and I-IMIM losi than liny oilii'r Ilrst-
nluss nrtli'h1 , and ktaiU > i at the head IIH ao
ci'onoml/.urof leo , irlvlnc lliu low otl cold ulr
lomiiuraliiiu. All the paulilng IH mlnoral
\vunl. thu host non-coinlnctor of hunt and
molstiiio known. All part * can bo taken out
iiml cli'iined. Investigatu thu ( iuornsoy
louNi'hi ! > .d before bnyln : , ' .
Thii Now Qiialior Ulty U In every rosncot the
counterpart of the iTillndulphlii , and much
I'hmtimr , 1'ioin Jl to t7. Wo carry the Phila
delphia also and you can take your choice.
Kurociii DoorH
and window Huroont , the luwst nml finest In
Iho city , nml all the luuist novultlos In th
Imrdwuro line , ut HIIIIQAUT A UO.'H.
Mo. U Main Htiuot , Uouuoll Uluffi.