10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , MAY 23 , 1S01-TWELVE PAGES. rocord-lnju'nois ' this yunr If the team con tinue * to piny winning Dull. Paul Kndford Is n Httlo elicnib. Tlorso- stioo I'nul Isn't Htiyina much , but liu Is pliiy- Intr M line nt MIDI t llolu us nny tnnn In the country Ho Is accepting ci.uncos nt the rate of ninety-three in every 100. t Zlmmcr uti't catching as well M ordinarily Uils spring. In fiu-t , none of the Cleveland ! mon nro playing nt the pnlt they can. The jeold woatlier nt the Forest City is undoubt edly responsible for a port of it. A report is ijolnc the rounds that Hyrno will only keep three pitchers Hctninlnf ? , Lovcttnnd Terry , Carrutucr ? nhould not worry : ho would not bo lillo over n day or two , oven If the rumor \vcro true. Darby O'Brien hns been hitting In pretty linrdliick. Many of tils line drives have cone foul by n few feet or been shot rl ht Into ttio hand * of a Holder. Hut ho hit It right in the first Cliifltir.utl prune. A crusmlo U bclnc wntrcd npnlnst the pool rooms In Cleveland by the Leader. M hey are already commending to do much mischief and liarm to thu national Kama in the I'or- cst city , ns they do everywhere else. Klloy may bo nbln to keep in the swim with a little" moro practiceHo had not pitched much for two or three years until the pamo ho pitched nRalnst the tiianti. Under the circumstances ho did loniarknbly well. Olansrock Is nlnylnir a Rrcat game and bids fair U ) bo In the riiii ? for nmny yearn to come. Ho takes KOCH ! euro of hinistilf , naves his money , and 'viion ho retires for good ho won't have to shovel coal for a living. Sam \VUo olnys his old sou-saw gamo. Ho is no recoid player , -o to spenic , but ho often mnkes a trub at the Lull with his biff left duke where unotlu'r second baseman \\oulil easily get to the bull with Doth liamls. Davis and Chllds made n nrcttv simulta neous ntcal of third nnd sccona In ttio Brat Philadelphia Rnino. It so surprised Clumcnti that ho stood still and looked In bluuk nnmro- nient until It was too late to catch either one of them. IJemiuoIo Willlo Malni ijnvo fmntc-on men their IIMO on balls In a recent Hoiton jrimr. Jlrotitlip" ! cot to tlrsl llvo times witlmut hit- tins tilt ) bull , Kelly instructing Mains not to ( jive big Dare a good ball whcn'men wcra on tlio b.isus. Arlio Latham stole Jlvo bases on I'llrhor Hemming and Catcher Uon Dally. Jl limit have econ the fault of Hemming for Dally U a very line thrower to second base. ( ! : ilvin Is the lad that makes Arlio hug the ilrst bag when he gets thoro. Dnhlen , thu brilliant young third baseman of the Chicago club , will bo continued in the position until his woik shows sumo i.ltjiis of falling. Ho seems to bo improving right along , however , ana Hums' arm will have n good loug vacation. ( Jctzcln , Onn/el mirt Gumhort talk German together in high U. Herman Long is de scended from Hcndrlck Hudson mid the old Dutch Knickerbockers , but tils German is not high strung enough for the thrco G's Getzeln , Gan/cl nnd GtimDert. Miller nnd Kcilly , the short stop and third baseman of the Pittsburg club , nmdo n remarkable - markablo record In the game with the Cln- clnnatis last Thursilav. Uetwoon thorn tho.v nccoptcd aj chances without nn orrof. Twelve of them wore put outs. The PhlladolDltias have been an agreeable surprise party to tnoir eastern brethren. Cincinnati and Philadelphia nro looked upon us tlio weakest trams in the league , but they may badly fool some of the high salaried teams before the season is over. Cincinnati had better not bo too hasty in releasing Slattery. Elmer Foster's league record is very poo- while Slattery has always been considered fust enough for nny club. Foster is also a "lush , " Inclined to rowd.v- Isin and a very hard man to muuagc. Bassett looks like 11 Now York fixture at tuird base. Denny , however , Is still n , great man , and would play his old game outside nf Now York. Denny nlays short field mag nificently , nnd would bo just the man to play that position for the Piltsourg team. The evident Intention of nil the league clubs to set down hard on the men who will not Uctmvo themselves , ought to open the eves of some of the players In the profession. If ball-plavera want to bo rowdies , ttiov must do it nt their own expense this year. "Cub" strickor Id a smart Httlo bit of n roan. He is playing n fine game nnd has given up the philanthropic Idea of playing for 87 n week and his board. Cub's brother hood enthusiasm has dropped down Into a small crovlco near his loft nnklo joint. The Cincinnati boys pall well together , but two or three strong acquisitions to the team would swell the receipts at homo and abroad. Latham is A great card and in bolter trim than for m.iny years , but lo is not happy unless his team Is playing a win ning game. Dan Brouthors leads the Boston Hods in batting , and it should surprise no ono to see big Dan stand No. 1 In the association. Ho won't hit at anything unless It Is plumb over the homo phito , and ho Is n holy terror for working wild harum-scarum pitchers for bases eu balls. Plnkuoy Is opposed to chancing from third base to short Held. Pink is thoroughly nt homo nt third and shouldn't bo blamed for Wishing to stay nt homo to guard his old po sition. He's a willing plnvor but has sense enough to know that a man should stick to ouo position at a time. Once mcro the story Is started that Catcher O'Connor wants to join the Pittsburgs. So does Armdlo. Al Nichols and a few moro of that kind. A man who would deliberately ana cold-bloodedly break n contract Is not very removed from selling a bull game. Pittsburg Leader. Ono of the members of the Cleveland team pot u good dose of discipline from the man- ogcment for an csuap.idn that was not to his credit , nnd there are plnnty of doses loft for other culprits. The players who will not behave - have themselves need not oxncct to got any of the best of It this year. A MUM tt.lVH. Gtiirue. . //f'jbant. ' . Cone nro the plumes nnd pennons gay Of young Uomanco ; There linger but her ruins gray , And broken Innco. 'TIs n now world no moro to maid , Warrior or bard is homage paid : The bay-troo's laurel's ' , , myrtlo's slmdo Men's thought's resign ; Heaven placed us here to vote nnd trade , Twin tasks divine 1 Empires today are upsldo down ; The custlo kneels beloro the town ; The monarch fears n printer's frown A brickbat's range ; ( Hyo mo , In preference to n crown , Flvo shillings clmngo. .V 031K l.tl flK H31I I , K , Minneapolis Tribune : It costs f.100 to flro a shot from ono of the Italian Ironclads. It would take nbout sovcn phots to ttuow the country Into the hands of u receiver. Now York Herald ; Farmer Henrock ( with oulv ono pair of good trousers in thn bouseJames ) , whosp turn Is It to wear the pants today , yours or inlnol .lames-as ho hears n wrathful disturbance In the kitchen ) Sh-h I Mother's I pucss. Koto Field's ' \Vushinglon : Traveler Can I f-f-llnil my way through these w-w-woodsl Resident Not If It Is true that the man whoh-h-hoaltatos Is lost. Cloak Hovlow : Father If you paid moro attention to cooking and less to dress , my dear , you would make a much better wifo. Daughter Yes father. But who would marry mo I Now York Weekly : Mr. Plnklo (10 ( p. m. ) My dear , the doctor says a brisk walk before j'olng to bed will insure sleep to In- BOinultt sutTerors llko mysolf. Mrs. Pinklo Well , my dear , I will clear the room so you can walk. Please carry the baby with you. Epoch : Garzam It Is so hard to be poor. poor.Mnado.x And yet n great many people accomplish it , Boinorvlllo Journal : AVhon n man has a bad cough It annoys him to Imvo people eorao to him and toll him nbout their Infallible cures. Ho forgets how many times ho has Initiated his infallible euro on other pooplo. Now. York Hi-raid : Carruthora- Dread fully cultured iioopic , thojo Bostonlans. Friend of mlno thoro'8 got a hon roost ; what do you supooso ho nails ill wnltoCan't say. Cnrruthors The laity. Columbus Post : "Yc , " Mild the dotoo- tlm. "Jacques la a fellow of line presence , ( Hit hi * only.safety i la Uis abicuco , " WELCOMES THE NEW PARTY , Text of General Van Wyok's ' Remarks Be fore the Cincinnati Convention- VITAL QUESTIONS CRITICALLY VIEWED. Tlio Nebraska Mntcsmnii Observes Nothing of I'rnmlso Tor the 3lns es In the Principles of Clay iitul JeiYet'soii. At the Cincinnati convention Wednesday evening the fotlowlnir address wns delivered by General Van Wyck : Tlio actions of the old political pnrllc-s hnvo produced the legitimate fruits of thuir poli cies , In concentrating ami solidifying the tellers ers of the republic -laborers on the farm , itclvcrs In the mines , ihoso sweltering bo- nu.ith the furnace bent In factories rushing nulso beats in competition with throbs of Iron monsters , or who chain tbo lightning and make It do the bidding of Ilnaiiclal plants or bi'nr the whisperings of humble suppliants for bread ; these who lay the foundations of cities ; roar palaces of trade , thnt rival the centers of Luropean monarchies : who dig canals , build tlio Iron way to transport the commerce nnd tr.ldo o ! a mighty republic , have .secured nt Inst the furllnjr of the robot llauatid banishing from sight the bloody shlri. Tho.v have driven tbo people to union for protection ngninst trusts , syndicates , mo nopoly and extortion , when all can cordially dci'luro there Is no north , no south , no east , and no west. Chnunrov Dopow president of tbo groit Cciitrtil system boldly assures his brethren that the uprising will soon disappear. Ho is confident it cannot .succeed boraiiso it Is comjioM-dof onlx one class. It would bo Inter esting If ho would rouko an Inventory of how many classes have run uoth parties and the government during the last twenty years. Hut why lint , if It has n miijoiity of the votes and then and n cause which com mands the devotion of good men nnd true. Hosldos. Cluiuncoy Is mistaken. It is not of ono class but of all religions , nationalities and occupations. DIvMUSImi : > is'iifsrnir.s are uniting against ouo class ono class which concentrates all the wealth , all tbo usnrj , nil the syndicates all the special legis lation winch has plundered the people for a third of a century. The ciftod Chauncoy only needs to transpose - pose his elegant extract nna say it must suc ceed because it unites all the Industries in a , striipglo for lair play against combinations of capital which destroy prosperity and crush out the independence of the peoplo. TMov are uniting , not as ono class or with ono idea ulono. They have agreed tUat criminal mistakes exist In our social nnd political system ; that reforms In each are needed ; that injustice piovails followed by depression in business : that toilers are inad equately rewarded ; that strong mon , willing , Industrious , are Jostling each other In the avenues of toil In ttio often fruitless effort to cam broad to support wife nnd children. In the time ot Charles I. the court and church compelled the docma of the dlvlno right of kings as In our tlmo the court and church proclaimed tlio divine right of slavery. So a distinguished railroad attorney nt thq moat Inopportune of all occasions , commemo rating the birth of Lincoln , boldly stated n revelation ho had Just received from the Almighty , to the ortoct that , unequal condi tions of the human family wore Intended by the divine Creator for wise pur poses , but they were Inevitable and could not bo changed or modltiod , must bo born cheerfully and with Christian resignation , and tli.it ono of the Christian duties of railroads was to keep millions from starvation by giving them employment when that employment would barely do it. So u few days ago an eminent bishop en couraged the tolling millionaires by assur ing them tli it acquiring money was n dlvlno gift. The religious sentiment must always bo encouraged when It can bo utilized by avarice and extortion. Hut the public ! mind , trained by longsuffer- Ins in wrong , revolts at such doctrines , and with nn Instinct quick with years of bitter experience.'dissolves thorn AS by a lightning Hash of indignation. And these YQIH have culminated In tb,3 11RTKUMIVVT1OV Of TI1K MUr.TITlWi : of all classes for redress , not by lira or dyna mite , but standing In the full mCrX-uro of American manhood , do It by the ballot which falls gently as the snowllako , but n\ncutos a froomnn's will As lightning docs tbo will of God. After the oil parties have entailed this con dition of affairs wo are told relief can only coma through that source. The democratic pirty encouraged nnd strengthened the slavery of the black man , vvhllu under the republican has grown the power of corporations and syndicate * , entailing - tailing slavery of the whlto man. Till ! MONBV I'OWliK has taken the place of slavery. Combi nations have momborshlp in each , contribute - tribute to the corruption fund of each so tho.v can control both. Those influences control republican Massachusetts nnd Pennsylvania ns they do democratic Now Jersey and Now York. Tno party name moans nothing , is scarcely n dividing lino. Wall street make * Its politics contribute ) to Its interests , and n change of administrations make no change In the finances of the nation. The sanio policy under either directs the treasury in contraction of the currency. The manufacturers of Now England nnd the mine-owners of the mlddlo states are given the power and each to maito exactions from the pconlo. The democratic party professes to bo in favor of met : SII.VBU , yet , when the party Has Is unfurled nnd In the fueo ot platforms tholr rccognUod candi date declares in favor of Wall street , and the gold basis , then , free silver gees to the wall. The people hnvo boon hoping for relief from each party for years ; uvory time they have been bunion and will bo. The money power has nncbincryof both ; another struggle in that nrcnn will ns usual bo fruitless nnd will bo only another locking of horns with the wild boasts at Kphosus. The apologists nnd defenders of capital and corporations are now In sackcloth and nshos , fearing that tearing apart the loading strings from the old p u-tioj may load to excesses. They never wept over the real excesses of the old parties when manipulated so the Coulds .and Vnndorlults enjoy and monopo lize the wealth of the earth and the dlvlno gifts of the Almighty by excesses in the ac cumulation of millions wrung from the wages of toll. The sacrodnojs of property has always boon preached to the victims of eruolty , whether wrung from iho black by the laih or iho whlto by combinations. There must bo n radical change to secure relloi. The last democratic and present ad ministrations hive ; boon donating Si'i.OOJ.OJJ for every $100,000,030 tho.v have p'xld by pur chasing bonds not yet duo , so THU stmt'i.us MiV UK viiioiumi ) am ) an excuse furnished for taxing still moro the people by n high larliT. J'ux nn Impoverished people to make the bondholders a present of . " cents on every dollar the government OWQJ thorn , not yet duo , on the nssumod business principle that It is better to add one-fourth to the principal than pay n low r.ito of Interest for n few yeaw , when wo will soon bo otlarlng n bonus to the bondholder to I mm oo him to extend the time of mntuilnt ; bonds , or issue now 01103 so there should bo no disappointment In seeing soon nn empty treasury m n search to dump it somowluro. The sohenio was davUod to MARK DON'VTIOXi TO TUB STtTKS of the raonoy they had paid to nld in suppres sing the rebellion , nnd millions tnkon from the people in Increasing tno prleo of the noe- ossnrlos of , ltfe , was gambled nwny , not to the Individuals who pald.lt , but to the states , principally the wealthy one * of the oast. With as much honesty they might nay the sluvoholdlng states for the sluvoi lost by emancipation , On an honest count , thora Is probably not n largo surplus , nnd our republican brethren will .soo to It thnt It shall not Inoroaso rap. idly. They nra adopting the policy of O CM > 5li COLMiOTIONii AM ) QUICK I'VVMBVU. They havu baon much oxorcliud nbout tbo Ion of tlio morplmtitmirinu , that It must bo ro- s to rod at nnv cost. \ \ o built a Chlnosa wn'l ' of hlgu UiritTs around the republic , nnd then lament the loss ot the carrying trade , nnd they n > - > lly ) oonoluuo wo cuii re gain at Imst u portlix Siwo _ tax labor mil - - Uonstotllvldo aud , , presented with compliments of the season to lines ulrcadv osUibllshod nnd doing \voll , notablv the Pnclllc mall , owned nnd controlled by the magnates , who nljo own the Pacific r.illro.idt ; nnd then the .pooplu are to bo allowed by u Qulxotlo proposition of building In our ship yards n line of steamers TO CIIOSS THE OOSAV l.V FIVE 1)1 VS. So wo cnn bo startled with the great Imoot'H ' given to ship'buildlng and the currying trjilo by Innto MitHldlcs. Both parties nro now on their coed behavior - havior , bidding for the Independent support. On Jinan ccs they nro n stand-off. OS' TAHIIT , the democrats nro more Hush of promises , The most dirtli-ult ono to reedccm will bo to corral their own member. ? so they can nlwnys count on tholr own rank nnd Illo ns well us leaders. While the republican nttltudo Is no' , so tragic. It Is cortaluly moro comical. Major MoKinley , his rivals nnd ao-worlters In tnrllt glory , nro eloquent on free sugar , boasting what , they have done for the people. Wo should bo rejoiced that they enjoy moro than expected. If n small dlspansatlon of freedom from taxation gives thorn so much npparent sittisfaetton nnd glory , wo trust they will continue the good work. They have , llko obUlnata sin ners , year by year refused to ro- cclvo tree grace or free trado. They Insisted , no matter how poor nn Amor- lean might bo , ho would never enjoy his humble garments , the board roof which cov ered his dugout nnd sod house , the salt nnd sugar ho used on his table , the tin cup from which ho drank , and the tin pall In which Im carried Ills dinner , unless stamped , tariff duly endorsed and tax mid. After entreaty year by year without avail , the peo'jlo bo- c.imo aroused , and McKlnloy and certain leaders could nt last SPO blood on the moon. They saw the necessity of unloading to MIVO what was found to bj a sinking ship , to throw out to the angry clement , so they throw out < -nun , and then relo-itod ; the storm veered , and so did the ship ; the captain threw out graplmg irons with n bounty hook , nnd assured the cnno planter to "stay by hor" and they should have the same amount of money di rectly from the treasury , and so you have the luxury of frco sugar by paving from ouo pocket instead of the other. So while thn re publican party has been making much noisy cacjtlos over bringing lorth this ono egg , it proves no rcr.l egg after nil. Why dors Major McKlnloy stop on frco sugar'l The p.'oplo want riiui : SALT , nii'.i : i.i'Mnnn , nnd largo reductions on the necessaries of lifo , but the major says no moro , nnd you find the door locked the key on the insldo nnd thcro is no hope for that organization , nnd vou llnd yourself burred out from both , with no hope except in an upright manhood to untto for ono common purpose for homo and family. They seek to nwakcn nrcdjudlces by de nouncing the productions of the pauper labor of Kuropo. What do they care about the frco labor of America , except that It con tributes to their further enrichment. To re strain this class of patriots laws were neces sary to prohibit with a penalty the Introduc tion of lorelgn labor under contract. Heretofore American Inborors in the coke mluos in Pennsylvania were driven cut and their places liliod by contract labor. Ko- tribution came. Anotnor strike. You saw tho.v wcra slaves , Hungar ians imported to starve out American workmen known sarcastically on July 4 nnd other holidays ns sovereign. But the pauper svstoni of A'nerlcn was found to bo as distasteful us the pauper sys tem of Kuropo. Even for men who had only breathed the free , fresh air of American , and the lords thought the case needed moro than naturalization papers and ballots , so they Im ported , as Illegally , another foreign band , the Pliikortons. and they soon engaged in their fayorito occupation shooting Innocent men , ns they dlu In Nebraska , nud children In Now , Tor oy. And the great state of Penn sylvania was not aroused at this Invasion of its sovereignty 1 The national government has boon In vain supplicated to enforce the law ngalnst tnls Importation. with all tholr defectives and the I'lnkor- tons added no case of violation could bo found. The Erlo road is moved by Imported mem bers of the Italian Matla. The lines of the Central Pncillc , Senator Stanford's roadsaro worked by Chinese. Yes , this lynx-eyed government did find ono poor fellow , llko the fisherman of Gal- lllco was earning his daily bread uy daily worshlp.nnd , following the Redeemer of inon , would not Icavo his iloclc until ho was assured of another chirgo in Amorlca , nnd ho was called , and n government with n thousand eves , quick to see when not dazzled by tlio glare of gold , detected this to their outr.igo , nnd so zealous was this government of ttio people , bv the people , for the people to protect labor and vindicate the law that the lone case must bo dignified by judicial process nnd decision. Years ago the people oxorclsod the legal and universal right of patitlon ; that was un heeded ; the burthens were increased ; then labor relief societies were organized to ao xvhnt the state neglected at Ilrst for mu tual improvement , principally for charitable purposes , TURN ro PISCTS-SUBMEPini. All this in peaceful and loal form. You remember the storm of derision and battery of sarcasm. Finally the farmers in the northwest could endure It no longer nnd they exorcised the inoro rugged right of the elec tive franchise and secured n lo islaturo here and there as the constitution allowed. That was moro unendurable than llios to the Pharaohs ; that outrngo could not bo toler ated ; what presumption 1 And the political bosses who are proud to bo moved , llko Punch and Judy , by wlros In the hands of corpora tions , toro tholr hair and howled themselves honr.so about political farmers nnd statesmen with hayscod in tholr hair. The machinery of both parties was active for tholr over throw nnd reverses in tlmo followed. Out of It , however , was secured ono victory , worth all It cost , the establishment by the supreme court , that the people by tholr legislature had tbo rirfht to control railroads nnd regulate - late the rates , thnt railroads were not private property but were publics highways , nnd , as such subject TO COSTHOI , nrjTiin pum.io. Lot us never forgot to thank the old grangers for tholr struggle which nccom- plishod so much. Lot us preserve that de cision as our sheet anchor. From then until now , corporations have boon moving heaven nnd earth by scon nnd unseen Influences , to hasten the tlmo whou that decision shall bo reversed or modified. Thny have bcoti seek ing to control the appointment of members of that tribunal , and to prepare the people fern n change by gradual approaches , and the Minnesota case n few months ngo was n feeler and forerunner , when It was held that although the right of the state was recog nised to control railroads , yet that decision sought to cripple the right to terrorize its oxerclso to attempt to dragoon n sovereign state which , In the oxarclso of lu lagltlmato functions has moro of sovereignty than the supreme court , as much of .sovereignty ns the United States itself , ns fully sovereign as nny power and government on earth. The puorllo attempt of the supreme court to chock Its proper oxor- clso will bo only the waving of n rush , but It Is the supreme court over again , paving the way to another Dred Scott decision to tell the whlto men ns well ns black that , in fact n legislature has no right to interfere with railroads that corporations are always bound to respect. Till' MINNESOTA CASR said voa hnvo the right , that should have boon the end of the caso. But It further added oxerclso this right gontly.do not bo un Kind. Calculate well then If you transgress the limits corporations usslgn. They may bring you here before our Httlo bench nnd appeal to us and if wo think you have fixed charges on freight or passengers too high wo will rovcrso your action nnd in this bold nsiumptlon of legislnttvo prerogatives will bo reversed ttio former notion and the power of < lie people fritted awnv , Wo must moot tnnt proposition boldly nt iho outset. Let us see to it thnt railroads and oven courts shall know that this power Ml U.I. NOT III ! STOI.KX WDM THE .STATES nnd It can only bo done by your own right arm with a ballot lu It. Then that portion of American sovereigns who llvt-d by toll and whoso hnlr was not adorned with hay seed when they had peace ful mooting ) for social mill bonutlclal im provement , wcro branded as socialists , mi- urcnlsts nnd dynamiters. Thu only drnnmlto over sown among them was thnt plautod by the Injustice and wrong of iho ruling and money power nnd the tellers are uow care fully gathorluguu mid packing it In the bal lot box. A few years ngo some men In Now York city , seeking toaouuro better pay for honest toil , were arroitod and sent to the tombs as conspirators. At the snum tlmo olght mag natoa mot In Wall street scheming toad " yuuco iho pnco ot coal and pruvoat proJuo UIHLEIN , President. AUGUST UIHLEIN , Secretary. ALFRED UIHLEIN , Superintendent. KEG-BEER BRANDS ! BOTTLED-BEER BRANDS : BUDWEISER , PILSENER , PILSENER , WIENER , EXTRA-PALE - , EKLANGER , CULMBACIIER. EXTRA-STOUT , "SCIILITZ-BRAU , " "SCIILITZ-PORTER. " ANNUAL CAPACBTY : ONE MILLION BARRELS OF BEER. Schlitz Beer is said the World over and has a world-wide reputation for being the best ; it is warranted to be pure , wholesome and palatable , and brewed from the choicest Hops and Barley-Malt. TO R. R. QROTTEX. tlon. After short plotting ! they nrrangou without opposition , ns thov controled the market nud Increased the price , stopncd pro duction , turned the laborers ndrift to starve or beg , increased the price of coal on hand so that ,000,000 was added by the stroke of n nan to the prollt but no police justice darolnyhls hands on tholr shoulders and invite thorn to the hospi talities of the tomb. The question arises , WHAT 1UVK Till ! OM > PUlTir.S done for you except to bring this condition of nlTnlrs upon tno people I You don't bollovo the hnlr of the dog will euro the bito. Therefore , tholr contlniinnco will not work n change , or miracles. The no tion must bo reversed , nnd nil the stock nnd btrnd wntorors , the usury gatherers , the com bination of men and corporations , in ull trusts , sugar syndicates , stockyard and olo- valor pnoU , all combinations whereby the neco3snrio83 of llfo and specially protected articles tnko advantage of tlio bounty of the nation by increas'lng its burthens , should bo notllled that water must ba wrung out of railroads ; that all alliances increasing the tuxes of tlio puoplo shall bo overthrown ; that tariff nnd protection at once bo withdraw from nrticlcs which consplro to restrict troJo nun prevent competition. You wnnt to . OIHMNI/.I ; r.v'KUY cb issi , make as many divisions ns there nny bo classes , then u-ilto tiom | la n central union nna , when necessary , nits * thorn nt the ballot box against policies and mrtloi which con trol the g'ovornmontrtoenrich ttio fow. They who led vou Into tills slouch will bo bal nid to pilot , you out. You will , not newer In the future , do InJustice - Justice to nny class , however much you may have been wronged. * ! You are NOT 8KKKIXO VI'.NOKAXCK. While you mnv not > hope for indemnity for the pnst , stand firmly for protection tor the futuro. You want no Qdlxotio campaigns or tilt with wind mills ; you know thn nature andcauso of the malidy which 'illllcts the people ; wo don't believe in any faith euro in politics aud tt-o people have no confiidencc in medicine mon or , niuwihs. All sorts ot bchomcs will bo started for your amusement nnd to divert you from ttio romoalus which mav bo of ndvnntngo. \Vo want a fair rate of interest , then STUINOUXT UStlllV I.VW3 and tholr violation to bo punished as the violation of ether laws are punlshod. Rob bery by usury should bo punishou ns swiftly as other robberies. Then you wnnt fair rail road rates tixod by legislatures nnd corpora tions , which openly or by stealth refuse to obey , to bo punlshod by forfeiture of tholr charter. Make tncm tlrod of violating Iho law and the demands of the pooplo. Lot us do ai our fathers did , demand only what is right nnd enforce obodlouco by what ever means may be necessary. No wildcnt schemes or oalloon theories will nld just now. Wo nro yet of the earth , earthy , nnd deal with men raoi-o than n "Httlo below the angols. " It is criminal folly to usk for mon by the hundreds of thousands who nro not afraid to die ; whnt wo want is millions of men who are determined to live , and that their wives and children s hall llvo determined to onjov the fruits of the earth , if they cannot tbo pretended dlvino gift to make monoy. Why tnk ! to you nbout adhering to the old purtios , when they hnvo cacti abandoned the principles they professed before monopolies obtained nbsoluto control ! You stand today whore Jackson , the great prophet of the democratic party , stood sixty years ngo. You stand whore General Harri son , the grandfather of our distinguished president , stood llfty years ngo , and where the parties they represented stood , but stand no longer. j \ncsox , In his veto of the bank hill , July 10. 1832 , said : ' -Eijuallty of talents , of education , or of wealth cannot bo produced by human In stitutions , In the full enjoyments of the gifts of heaven and the fruits of superior In- ilustrv , economy nnd virtue every mnn Is equally entitled to protection by law , Dut when thu laws undortauo to ndd to these natural nnd just advantages , artificial dis tinctions , to grant titles , gratuities and ex clusive privilege } to make the rich richer nnd the potent moro powerful , the humble mem bers of society , the tanners , mechanics nnd laborers who hnvo neither the tlmo nor the moans of securing llko favors to themselves have n right to complain of the injustice of tholr government. There nro no necessary ovlls in government. ItsovitscxUt only In Its nbusos. Many of our rich mon havu not boon content with equal protection nnd cqunl. benefits but have besought us to make thorn richer by nets of congress/ * Wo cnn nt least tnico u aland n.'alustnll uow grants of monopolies and exclusive privilege * , ngalnst nny prostitution of our government to thond- vnncoment of the few nt ttio oxpunso of iho many. " That kind of democracy is In nccord with our views , but the party of that nanio of this day seldom enforce tuom. So March , 1311 OKNIiltkT. 1IAIUIISOV then president In hU annunl massage speak ing of the currency said : "Tho Idea of making It exclusively metallic , however well Intended nnpoars to mo to bo fraught with moro fatal cousotmunccH than nny ether schomo. * * * If any single sohomo could produce the bffoct of arresting nt ouco , thai mutation of cdinlUlon by which thou sands of our most Indigent follow oltUous by their Induntry nnd enterprise nro riusod to the possoislo/ ! wealth , thnt Is the ono- If there In ona nurnmro better calculated than another lo prdduco thnt state ol tilings. so much doprcc.iUJd hy nil true republicans , by which the rich 'nro dally adding to tholr hoards and the poor 'sinking ' deeper Into pan- ury , It Is nn oxclusiyo mntullio currency. " So wo are In nccotM With Iho cldor Harrison. Tbo principles of the old parti-js have few dofonUors among fiolr present loaders , and these Booking roltof will find uo rotslug- place tUero. Liebig EXTRACT OP BEEP "IN DARKEST AFRICA , " "By Henry M. Stanley. "Tho Unhliironipiny's i\trnct : wn of Ihccholo ' ' . Vol. oit 1'nBO.A I "l.lebU anil iiHMt soups hail In bo propiro I in nuf- llclent qiinntltloi to crvoout rupfnli U > o rli weak ened ninn ni ho itncucroil In " -1'uito S3 , Vol I. "Ono Mmll mnunccul to rranl noiir my ttnt. Ho mis at once homo ton IIro anil l.ilil ulthln a few Inches of U , ami wltti the aiklltlnn of a pint of hot lirotli inado from the I.l t'hli ; Conipniiy's i\tract : of Ilccf wo roitorcd him ton Inaonjos. " 1'aco is , Vol.11 Genuine only with fno-sltnllo of .1. VON lx ' * LtKiuo's sl'jiiaturo In v6 * a " - * - * - liliui Ink across label , thus : DOES CURE In Its First Stages. Ut sure I/OH get the genuine. \V A ATTl ' n Aci-nti lo neil tlio iMnlou > JVIN 1 I'jl .ClolliLH MHO ; llio only Uncover Inronlocl thnt lioldn the clollioi nltliout plni ; n per- foot niu'co s ! patent recently Isautul ; sold only by niiontH , tn Kliiim tlio exclusive ) rlulit U Klvcn , on ra- colpt offOcunlt wo will send n nnmplo line by mill ; nlso circulars ; prlco lint and ternit lo nttonli ; Kccnro your territory t onco. Address THK 1MNI.K3S CT.OTHKS I.l.NKCO , IT llurmon 31Vorcottur Miru. OFFENSIVE with a Harmleu Bem dy. Bind it > mp for partlouTari. l. < > . 337 Vine. Cincinnati , 0. LYON & STATE A. MONROE UTS..CHICAGO. nlll niillilrM. lhijM ly tiili * ; ! l j < . j IJntfcrmi anj Ivjutprnvnti. 400 HntllluiUallonl -crlUo ertfy Irtil by Ihntll or Ilrum , tlil * > Tittnni f > j * , etc * ConUlai Intlnifun :4m : t ur Iltttih , l.ttrctri ' IMim Mvrf' - I-ul FRENCH SPECIF A POSITIVE anclpormanenl CURE for nil cJiieiseBOllneURJNARY ORGANS. Cures ttheraothertreatmentlallt. Full directions nllh each hotlle. Price , one dollar. See Elgnalurool E. U SIAHL. For 8ao ! By Alt I " cmale llean , lhemostpn rrful female regulator Per ( cctlyiafe. lc crf ll. | inoitpiicl. Scnilai. ( llimnlfoi ptrlteullrt. Addiell LION OKUC CO. , DuSllo , W Y. Korstlo bo Uoodmun DIUR Co , Oiniilia Nnpartlllcnrail DRJ H'tEPUENH J.rtj.uon o DOWMRICHT FRAUD exists In the clnlnis of nmimfiiutnrurs and dcnl urs for the old-fashliiiii'd " porons" plasters anil the many Imitations of HAN SON'S now on the market IIENSON'S Is the only porous plaster possesslii/ nittdlclnnl vuliio. Ilo bun \on get HKNSON'S YOU NEED NOT FEAR tlmt pcnploiilll liiiinryonrlmlr Isdjod If you IIHU that purffrt linllulliiii of imtiiro , Tutt's ' Hair Dye Nnnnurnn ilctrrt It. It Impnrtn nloisy rulnrnnil fri > Kh llfi > to tlm luvlr. ii : : llvnp. Iilltd. 1'rleo , SI. Olllro , Ul > I'arlt I'liirr , N. Y YOUNG MEN OLD MEN 0T 11 THE TOIIS OF THl StRPINTS 01 DISUSE. Thty m ' < hirolo florti to frtt thtni < lr > i. f > . bat not hno lnj how to luccturallr rtfgSHAKEOFFTHE HOnniD SNAKES v ' ci ( In up la rt .t > lr o 1 > lnk lull > a nrlr OUR NEW BOOK Hot fro. r ° * > t " < "tlJ > f.r.llu.llrIClne. tpUloi , Orrtnl at Mai , iidhov tr HOME TREXTMENT. t > y mttho t izcluilvtlr onr awi , n wor t rnM-iot toil or rallloi o.n.rtl * i r. ind Mind , Efl.tti of Error * or Iie.ii.t. atinUd or Bknatin ERIE MEDICAL CO , BATHE THE FACE WBTH CQQURSG DOES NOT SMART NOR STING. HEDUCES REDNESS. CHECKS BLEEDING. JUST AS IT REDUCES ANY INFLAMMATION , IT SENDS BACK THE BLOOD WHICH THE RASPING OF THE RAZOR HAS DRAWN NEAR THE SURFACE , SO LEAVES THE FACE WHITE , SOFT AND SMOOTH , WITHOUT THE SHININESS CAUSED BY OTHER LOTIONS. FOR THIS PURPOSE FAR SUPFRIOR TO BAY RUM , COLOGNE OR PER FUMED WATER. BEST BARBERS USE IT. YOU HAVE A BOTTLE. WHY DON'T YOU TRY IT ? WHEN PURCHASING , ACCEPT POND'S ' EXTRACT ONLY. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES , PROBABLY WORTHLESS. POND'S EXTRACT CO. . NEW YORK AND LONDON. GOLD MEDAL , I'AHIS , 1818. Sweet Chocolate , The moat pop ular s w o o t Chocolate In the market. It is rmtritiouo aud palatable ; a particular favorite with childrenand a mostexcellcnt article for fam ily use. Served na a drink or eaten as Confectionery , it is a delicious Chocolate. The genuine is stamped upon the wrapper , S. Gorman , Dorchester , Mass. Sold by Grocers everywhere. W , Baker & Co , , Dorchester , Mass. Ptienoiine CURES Colds In th 'Hand by ont applica tion. Catarrh In a vtry thorl S time. 0 flay Fever enoi oi 0 frooi thrta toflva oiw 0D dayt , w E raoks M iniUnlly , liOo per Bottle , Oi'CCt'OM ' Inttda PktntltHt MtJttlit Cf. fhlclirilrr'a Knoll'li DlmnonJ Ilr ni1 g vi F a 9 IB u v * Otlglniil and Only flrnntnr. 'ill" for 'f\ltttitir I KnutiA IHa f llrd anl Gjl piiullla\ oilier. ff/ui Jan rou < Mli ' ' In .umii Ar ? ril ul 'i. iiitlmuuUlt i > 4 "llfllcf fur l.uillr > , "l Ii/ii' / . by rrlant Mall. l < MIUIT ( > illiw > nl li A'jm I'- " " ' Boll by aJl lot FKI.IX flfIIIAll ) ( ) > HIIK'NTVI , i li4t J'n Ixituly , uuj dtlln iltliitlnti. II lia > if o ihti lot or 10 ) ' IK , > n > l la 10 Iiiiiiiilrriui .uttalt to ho utoltli pn H urly inu'lx. Ant ) t no cuuntrrrflt of almllnrimiiip. Or U A. bMjtr ofiltl to i % Imly uf llmliaut Ion ) * 'Aiyou mlirawlllluclliHiii , 1 riT ) Mtllll ll'l ' ( loll * rnuir.Ci'UMi'aVtlii ) Ira.t luiriitrul or nil tbn klri jiifiHira- llf.n. . ' Fuiiuiluliy nil ! > rntritl l r ancy OuuOa l eraliitli.t'nUMKinira , I'anartu KH < | K.'iiiip * . fWtD.T. IIOI'K1X9 , 1'roy'r.s ; ( j | at J..iu Bt. , N , V i Aathnja. Cur * nmr/aili u tlr - . r.v la th rortfl caMl ; laauret cm > B foritbla alHjii C H curca vbtni all c > Ui t > la.l. < l " I < mrt 'fl 1tt MOfl tktftttnl , Irle * . 0 rti and " ! ' 5 l L .II tJ lJi pi yJ ? K ' HDD DR. OWEN'S With Double Wire Suspensory. fATENTED AUD. 16,1837. IMPROVED JULY 29,1890. nn. PANIC HOIJY I'KNSOUY will nil Rhou- rantlcComulnlnta den- ernl nnd Norrouu Dclillltjr.COBtlre- no 8 , Klil no y Dloru..ul. Norv- Dunne's , Tromu- lln.Boxual Ki linustlon , Wmt- lns of boUjr , Ills- Pasos citufccnl by Inillicratloiia In Vontb.ARO.ainr- rluJ or aiuslo I.lfo. BENT TO IlKSI'O ? IDM ! PAUTIRS FOU CEH- TAIN COlll'l VlM'a ON UO DAYS' TUIAL. Also nn Kloctrlo Trusa and Holt Coinlilned Bond 80. poatago for rnr.E Illustrated book , 2M pn \Kfii \ , nhlch will bo Mint you In plulu toaleU cnvul. opo. ilcntlon thla jmpur. Adclrrss Owen Electric Belt & Appliance Go , , 3O6 N. Broadway , St. Louis. Mo. f he Best Pill On Eartlit Dr. Holili'n LI ttio I'll IK ncl Romly yet promiitly on ttin LlVI'.U , Kill. I'OVCFM ami , clonnelnglho tynlom Ihor- ouglily nuil tlioy cur * linliltunl ooiiHtlpiitlon. Ilicy nro minor v nU < i ) , do nut l rlpo , > ory final ) , vR'j to take , ono pill n iloro , nud nro pnroly vctctnlIo. 45 plllslncncli vinl. 1'nr. reft rtlun'tloa fnllo thMr IIKC. They A RSO. LI1TI2LV OllISi : MCK A : ilf ! , imlnru Itcooiniiuinilril l > y ic J'liy- IIvluiiH. Forcnloliy < lniK i N or ( uiit ! 6 lentx n Tlal or6/or Jl.CW. AdJren noun's MCDICIM : co. , Props. ! an Francisco , Cal. Chicago , III She Saved Her MONET , Anil o run ovury itou > l lluunukuopor l > r iilitnys II T. Ink'on n ; i i id idCAMPBELL'S ' VARNISH STAINS. Iho only nrtlclii uvor prniliicnil with wlilcli nn > ' por- uii cnn nt ullulit mjinmo nivl lir ono niipllciilliiii ruilalnninl vurnUli iil < lCliiiubirtIi > ta lluruuui , Ilinl- ili-aili , Clmlr , Tnlilui , lloi-r uiul nil kliiilt < > r WOIM- work In lii-nutirul tlnln of I'llKIIUVVAI.MT , MAIIOliA.NV , IIO.SKWOOII. O kK or VKltMII.ION. It vrlll mnnil wnihliiK niul li vury ilurnblu Ilmf H puunil will ruilaln iinil Mnlili n act ot elm' ami mui pint wlllnrillinrliy niniivrnl'liiuiiiiir ul or riionii unoquurtto nno gallon nrruritin to aiin I'rlcui : IIAI.K I'l.NTH : vic , I'IN'J'-i. ! > > : llltluriliiiii liruii t'o. , Uninlia , Wliuloinlo Aurnli FOR MEN Olil Mon. U'uuU Milillo uuuil niuii. I'rninn- tiirclyolil Vimn Meu , hi In/ Inn k npiliuy M n. linxlit ryu Htriuut'iiiliililtliin and ilu- Hlicby UK ) { if Ni'rvn ll 'nin. Tlioy onrrn t yuiitli'iormrt.i ; urn nil IIMIVU tro.thli-H. ft IUM | lxl ixetn Narvrillttun Uo. , llulfalo , N , YJ Koly Liy Ooo'lriian lruk' < Jo. , niu l > 'urnuu tu