flfi THE OMAHA DAILY BEj fflUDAY NAY 22 , 1891. Qenoral Tendency of Prices Upward on the Ohloigo Board of Trade , LOCAL AND FOREIGN BULL NEWS PLENTY Wvo Sleek VulueH Quoted Hll 1itly IJOWCP llniiKO of Ijcntllnir Ornlii J-'uturoH On Wall Street Mining SluircN. CIUCAOO , Mny 2l.-Tlicro was heavy trailing In wheat toiluv mid many rounil lots eh in o I hands lluforu Uiu opunlng tlio boars antici pated lower prices as the result of tlio eon- tlnilcit rains In the wlio.it bolt and. tlio lower forulKii market , but the sontliiiontof the trade was axulnst them nlinoRl from the outset and thoiiKh they succeeded In onKlnicrlnj ; two or thrco brcuKsdiirliu thocoiirso of thu session the pcnortil tendency of prices was upward mill I lie flow was firm lit tlio top inures of the day Tim Iti-ins of HOWS nhleh favored the bulls wore rcpoits that nn area of low tem perature was spio.idliiK over thu north western who.it bolt , ncvniiip tilled In Bonn ) places , and u nollllcatlon by the izovcrmncnt Hlgn il service tli.it severe frost * tnlRlit lie oxncetod in Iowa and Wlicnnson tonight. Added to this was the fact that there vvcro encasements of wheat nt ht. Lotus fornxport to Prance ; that exports from the so.iboard wore free ; rumors that heavy eniaircnirnts of room for shipment wore holne ijuletly negotiated lime ; and that rust had appeared In the icrowlni ; who it at mine points More o\m , the Cincinnati I'rlco Cum nt noted a IIIWIT average condition us the result of tlio recent drouth , and the As- Roclnted prfs 1'arls cables spoktt of the crit ical condition of the Trench erop which wus CHtlmated to bo'"J OOJ.OOJ bushels short , and of an attempt by Trench speculators to corner the market. July , which closed uttl 01 yesterdayopened at ( M'tft'PH.iC , sold up to $ ! oa1 , o.ised oil to OO'.c , advanced to fl 00 V1. dojllnul to U9e , and rallied to il UJ > . lly this time the small shorts had become llinroimlily scared , and vvhon near the clo o , dlsp.itchrs piuno In to- portlnc lar o oiiK.iKements fur prompt shin- merit from the seaboard and heavy charters hero thcv rusheil In to cover , and lifted llui pr co toflllPii The chariots hero were said to lie due to tbo bionU In rates \Mieat , coin and o.its room was ollered at Ic to lluffalo. Corn npiMiod weik on account of tlio line Krowinu- rains In the corn belt and receipts In nxiUhHiif the amount expected. Hut rallied with who.it and on uncrlna by shorts I'stl- niatcsof IICAVJ receipts for timioriuw and re ports of iiirno loading at country stations uiokc inhis later July openediitB5VWiiil ? > c , pold down to VViO. up to W5"1. ! and elf to Bj'jc The clus ni ; rally In whe it lifted It to M'/ic. ' Oats were xovurniMl by corn and went down with h" , In bplto of the predictions that the crop wuitid bo bclon the average. . l'roIslont h nl a weakening Inllucnco In thn lnr o roiolptH of hogs and the wenknot-s In corn then h the Iliictuatlons wcro nuirow , July porn shows a lo s. compared with yesterday - day of ncents. July lard Is unchanged and Cash quotations wore as follows : FI.OOII Dull nnd unchanged : spring. V > 00 < 3 b..V ) ; wlntur. 1500(3520 ( ; straits , (4.U5UO ) ; buk- erM. $4.254 M ) . WHEAT No. 2 spring wheat , tl.043 , ; No. 38prlm.'wheat , tl.OO ; No. 2 red , tlM &l.OG1 , . COIIN No. 2 , Me. OATH NO. 2 , 4 c : No. 2 white , 50'i5lo ; No. 3 white. WKc-lOUc. liENo. . 2. 8Jc. HAIILKV No. 2. nominal ; No. 3 , C0 < n.75c ; No. 4. ? 2c. KI.AX STED No. 1 , Jl I" . TIMOTHY , ' -rEi > Prime. ( l.snl.30. POIIK Mt'ss pork per barrel , 411.10 ; lard , per cwt. KV4U ; sliort ribs sides ( Uxise ) , IrilKKfUO. ) ; dry salteil shoulders ( boxed ) , 15.u ® 6.20 : short clear Hides ( boxed ) . W.20UH 25. WIIIHKI Distillers' finished goods per gal lon , (1 III. buOAit-rut loaf , unchanccd 5 , c ; granu- luted , ur.ehamicd ; standard "A , " unchanged. ItccoiptH nnd shipments today were as fol lows : On the produce exchiuiEO today , tl-o butler market was lower ; extra creamery , Kl7c ; extra firsts , luft\ \ > yullrsts. \ . iMoilio : extra dally , 15 < itlfic.oxtr.i ; firsts , Uffll.'c ; lirsts , 14Uc. Now Y4 > rk . NEW YOIIK. May 2l.-riouii-Uci-elpts , 24 : I45 bntrels ; exports , 4.417 barrelH. 5,1,70 sacks ; steady and fairly active : silos , 20 ( K)0 ) barrels. CmiNMKAb-Stundy and In falnlemapa. WliKAT-Kccelpts , II ' 4,400 bushels ; exports , 185,741 bushels ; sales , 0,11(1,000 ( busho's futures ; & 01.WXI bushels spot. Spot murKot , J ffilo hlKhor : strong nnd nctlve for exports ; No. * ' red. Jl. I I'tWl. 14 In store and elevator ; Jl.l.lii ( M.I4V iiflnnt ; JI.MJl.lr. ) f. o. b. ; ungriidiul rixl.fl.ITV ; No. 1 northern , to arrive. Jl.l.Pj ( M.14 > . ; No , 1 luird to anlvc , U.lliJ.Ol.17' , ; No. 2 Chicago , H.WJffJI.l. ? . . Options udviinccd Aionbovo jestetday's close , through unfavor able reports rcganllng the Trench crop and an active short demand , which offset the favorable weather for our own otops ; No 2 rod , May. Jl.lJ'j , closlm : at 11.1 1' . ' ; June , $1.11 ® 1,12 ; closing , at $1.12 ; July , ( I OS451.0US5 , closing at SM.O1" . ; August , * l.01i l aJ5 , closing at . inaSOI.04V closing at er closing at 11.01 : December. llAiiusv MALT-Dull ; Canada country made , i.'o'iiN-llecelpts , 4I00 bubhels ; oxports.OI- ( M bushelx ; sales , i' , 104,000 bushels futures- li'MKX ' ) bushels spot , blot market unsettled but fairly iictlvc. cosing ' tlrm ; No. 2 , 70o elevator , 7n a7lo alloat ; uiiKradcd mixed. WTJHe. . . . . . . . . , , . . Options depressed w./u. * * % .v | vnv. by reports of heavy rains In the west and declined to Jl OJ.o.'V | , closlnoasv ; May , ( Sijc , closing at OS $ c ; Juno , MJiit04c ( , cIoMng nt UIVc : July , t-'iSliklc , clos ing fttcajjc ; August , Biuerso. closing atoihc ; beptcniDPr , 6t'4c , closing ut Bli o. OATH Uvcolpts , KUlOO busbolH ; exports. 1,233 bushes ; sales. hJ5,000 bushels futures ; 112,000 busholsspot. Spot market lower and weak , but moderately active ; options active but heavy , Muy closing utMjUut Juno , sane , closing nt KJUc ; July. StUS-VPic. closliu at wye : An- ( just , 4IU 4.iyc. closing nt 4lo ; fcoptomber , W ffl40o ; spot. No a , white , 58ijo ; mixed western , W B53o : wnlto western , 5b.vjo ; No. 2 Chicago , HAY I'lrni , MoiAssFS--Porclgii , dull ; Now Orleans , itoady. ( iiilot ; common to fancy , 25JV ! . KVK-Stendv , iiulot. - l. < ios-Qnlol , Him ; western , 10)o ) { ; receipts 0,7.1(1 ( packages. POIIK Qulot. firm ; old mi , s , ( Il.oofil3.00 : now mesh , JliOmifclAlK ) ; extra prime , (13 so , CUT Mr TS--atcady , iju et , LAUD Liiuvr : western Hteam , M.C5 ; sales. 000 tlorcosat IC.Vito.o7i } ; option bales. ; i.mO tierces ; May. 1.44 ; June. ( ( .Hi ; July , W.70f6 S',7J : 1 ! > ! ! " ) ' ' , . > 7l ! A"KiiHt. W.bl ; boptomber , W.7fft(1.7l ( ( , closing at 16.77 bid. lluTTKH-Palr demand ; fancy , steady ; western dairy , IWlSoi vvosturn crcamory , 14iJlo ! ) ; wi-storn factory. ' UhitlSot Klglns. ( Uo , " " ' " " steady ; okiins , 6 < jijc. Mlhvutikco Slurkots. MILWAUKEE , Wls , Muy si. ri.ouit-lln- changrd , WHEAT rirni ! No. Ssnrlng , on track , cash , ll.n-4Ol.U : July , ll.01iNo ; , 1 northern , ( l.wo. ColtN Ixiwor ; No. ; i , on track , 5'Jc. ' OATS Kiulort No. 2 white , 52o , lUlll.KY KHHler : No 2 In stole , 74 c. lUK-Daslor ; No. I in store , We. Plto VISIONS Lower. Pork , July , (11.15. I.ard , July.fU47 . KfCEiiTS riour , fsSOO barrels ; wheat , 10,500 bushnls ; barley. 2,800 bushels. Hiili'vit..NT8 Flour , A X ) barrels ; wheat , 15- fXX ) bushels ; barley , 51.WO buihels. Ht. hoiils * MurketH. ST. l.oitis , Ma , May SI. WIIBAT Strong ! ciish. ( laiHJuly,07'o. ; CniiN-oaiili , WU 'I July. Kl'fp. OATS-Knsv t cunb. 4Sl'u ; July , 42 0. PiitK-itiMlor : : l 1. 7)1. ) WlllSKV-d.ltl. Wliuat Market , MINNKAI-OMB. Minn. , May SI.-WitEAT The shipments today wore 14 earn uioro than < rure received , There was a wry good uu- ninnil for No. 1 nortliorn both forcpotdollvcry nnd to arrive No 2 northern sold fairly tit iibout ! IJ under No. I notthern except for a fancy lot which brought a little more. There was very Illtle aln fdr any other grades. Mlllirs and rlovatoriomp.inlr-s were both In thcmarkut nnd the competition worked prices on contract who it a little neurorUi the July option. Thn bull , of the sale * was made at about li < nuclei today liccuipts for 21 hours. counts ; shipments. 1 10 curs Closing quotations : No. Ihnrd May. l 07 ; on truck. ( l.o" ( l.07i { . No. I northern May. ( l.trtt July , ( l.wi'ti reptemborr4Jic ; on track , l.0iai.i.l'4 ( , No. 2 northern , Mny. (102 ; on track. Jl tr4ni.ti2S { . KntiHiiH City MarkotN. KANSAS OITV , Mo. M-iy 21. WitKAT-Oulpt ; No. 2 luird. cash , 055J05Jie ; May , ! )5c ) asktd ; No , Z led , cash , IKio. CottN Lower ; No. 2 , cash. G05014'r | ( | May , ' . OAT"Lower ; No. 2 , cash , 4434liu ! ; May , 4l'ic bid. 1/lvc Livv'iiiMiot , , May 21. Wit i. AT Holders offer moderately. , Cons rfrin : demand pcot ; mixed wostorn.js 4id ! pcronntal , I. vim -Prime western , .lslld ! per ewt. TAM.OV I'liio American. 21s 5d per cwt. Cltiulniiiill O. , May 21. Wnr.AT-Htcady ; No 2 red II uu Cons In moderate demand ; No. 2 mixed , 50 . tATH--Harely steady ; No. 2 mixed , We. \VliiSKl--tl 10. Duliitli Vlicnt Market. lltiumi. .Minn. . May 21 Wheat opened weak at Jl IIU : July sold down to ( I. II up to ( I. IS , oloslngat * I.U3i. Cash who.it elused nt Jill for No I hard ; No I northern , tl.tis ; No. 2 not lliQrn , sellers , 'loli'do llarkctH. TOLEDO. O. , May si. WIIUAT lllghor ! cash , M > y Cons' -Steady ; cash and May , Ole. d ( jtilct ; cash , 54u. NKW YOUK , May 31. riiotemporof the stock market today was rithcr iciietlon iry. but there was a lack of llfo In the dc.1lln.rs , There was a stiong opcnliu. but except In Heading there was no material Improvement. The capture of the business of the Coxes and other new freight i-onli lots , which will brfng the tonnage of the country up some 2OuO,000 moro for the ensuing ye if. and the approach of the time when a vote is to bo taken upon the ex tension of the tttlst , m iclo the stock at' tractive to buyeis for the tlmo bonu and a rise of 2'J percent was the result. The gen eral list , however , sulToiod fiom the waiting attitude of those who might be bu > eis owliu to the prevailing uncertainty of the money market. The concosilons from the best prices , lion over , were very matcilnl In the loading stocks. St. Paul and Union Pnclllo yielding most readily and showing the most animation besides Heidhu However , both the Lake I'rlo nnd ( Jroat Northern showed marked stiimvth at times ' 1 bo announce ment that a largo imonnt of cold would go out on Saturday gave the bears an oppor tunity to press the list down , and biioynnov In Jlcadlng was short lived , and special w oak- ness was soon developed In the othcts because of the possible complications which mav rlso bccnuso of the trans ictlons tu Heading. Lackawatina dropped off about 2'S ' aiidJersoyCetitr.il about 2 per cent , whltn pressure upon the losult of the active stocks wassulllclent to cause losses which In most cases oxci'cdou 1 percent. Atchlson. Hutlltig- tsn Hock Island , union P.icillc and Chicago Gas were coo'iileiious for their weakness under the pressure The Into tradlnir. however , saw a partial rally when the shorts began to take their profits foi tbe day and then closed qnlot Lnt at n fiacllomil improvement fiom the lowest figures. The fln il losses uio generally confined to fractions , but Lack iwnniia Is down Pg , Clove- hind , Columbus Chicago A , St. Louis , I3a ; Louisville & . Nashville , l'i. ' and bt. Paul , 1 per cent. The sluggish condition of the bond market gives great encouragement to the bears at Diesent who point to the fact that some Impiovoment must bo seen In this de partment hofoio any material advance can bo hoped for In the stoA list. Today there was a little mete animation and the total trans- nct'ons ' were brought up to & 'JS7OUO ' , though there wns tbo usual lack of marked features and a heavy tone prevailed In symp.ithv with the downwind movement In shares. The Heading llrsts , however , made a substantial gain of 2 percent to 54 for the same cause that-helped tlio stock , but the rest of the list woio traded In within narrow limits. ( iov eminent bunds have been dull and heavy. State bonds have been dull nnd steady. Petroleum was devoid of feature ; opened dull und remained so all dnv. Pennsylvania oil closed nt Mt ; Juno option closed at G8 ? ( . Total sales 4,000 ban els. The following are I ho closing quotations for the leading stocks on the Now \ ork stock ex change today AtchUon f dopruforred. . . . lit Adams Kxpress . . .147 N V Central 100 Alton A Terre Haute Jili N. V C. A St. L 12K do preferred ] V > do preferred 6 American KxptCBS , .114 Ohio A Mississippi . . 18 H. C. II AN 27 ilo preferred 85 Canndn Pacltlc 7 < > > l Ontario A Weitern . li ( > Cannda Southern . , . 4S'/i Oregon Improve . . . . 28 Central I'rtcltlc ) ' ( Oregon Nav . . . . 08 Chen A Ohio U , Oregon Trans. . . . . . . . 15l < do 1st preferred . . 4V { Pticinc Mail J4U do2ndpreferred. , . . 2P ( I'corla. Dec. A ICvnns. 18U Chicago ft Alton. . . .122 Ittshurif . . . 149 0.11 AO 6M j Pullman I'nlnco .IbO C. O. U. A 4t I M > ( Delaware-A Hudson. Km Hock Itlatid 74H Pol.Ij A W H4 < St. I , A 8. K. Istpfd . 60 I ) . A It. ( J preferred t . \ $ Ht Paul ( ! 3 Knst Teun . . . djtf do preferred . . .11014 do lit preferred M > M P.MInn A Stin 104 do2d preferred . . . 1114 St Paul A Omaha. . , . 2SK Krlu IWH do preferred . . 84 do preferred Tenn Coal A Iron . .tiitf Fort VVnrnu . . . .I'M Texas Pacltlc 14' < Chi A Unit III . . . . . to 'lol AO. Con prof'd. 60 llocklni : Vnlloy . . . Union Pacltlc 444 { Houston A Teins U S Kxprem 10 Illinois"Central . . . 07 \V. St. U AP 1U' | Ht I'nul A Dulutli . 28 do preferred . KunsMi ATezim. . . . 28U'M , W ell's-l-iiriro ICx " . . . . 140" Jjiku Krlo A Wusfn U Western Union . . . . 7'l do preferred * - - .M ) I Am Cotton Oil 2t' I nke Hlioro 10S ) ( Colorado Coal M'l Ioul vlllu ANaih , . . 7&M 'llomeitnko ' 10 Louisville A New A. . 24i < | lron Mlvor . . . . 100 Memphli A. Char . . . . 34 Ontario 3j Michigan Central . . . b'i > iculck llver & Mil , I. H V\V 7'.i l do preferred 3t > Hi do preferred tt > K Hutro Minn A St. 1. 4 llulwcr .10 dopreforrcd 11) ) lllch AW P Tor. . . . 28 JllsiMiurl 1'iicltlc . . . . ( ,7H Wisconsin Central. 19h MolilloAOhlo . . . 41) ) ( .runt Northern pfd. b8 Nnshvlllo Chiitt M N ,1 Central . 1I3U Lead Tiust 17K Norfolk A Went pfd . 5J < { Sugar TruHt KUt Northern PiiclMo . . . . 24 Voiilberii Paclllc. . . . .to doprofcrrcd . . . . Ii7l4 Ore. H U .V Utah Nor 24 U P. Denver A Uulf 1'J I ) A It. ( i W Northneitern . . . . 10.lt do preferred The total sales of stocks today worn 251 , 107 shares , Including : Atchlson. "J.7IO ; Lackti- wanna , ' 'O.ir.'O ; Loulsvlllo k Nnshvlllp. ti.IIIO ; Missouri Piiclllc , . 1,170 ; Northern Piiclllc pre- forird , 4-)7' ) ; Heading , 2ftti3 ; at. Paul , 7,5.0 ; Union Pacltlc. 105j. . IIOVluVV. NKW YOUK , May 21. The Post says : The possibility of the Hank of England making a further advance on the premium of gold Is a question of only secondary Importance. An advance of 'id ' per onncu for gold Is only about 1-1(1 ( of 1 percent on the dollar and would bo equal to only a little more than 'ic reduction on the pound In the rates for ex change. The only thing that will stop the ex ports of gold tire either n decrease In demand from importers for exchange or an Increase In the supply of exchange from other sources than the gold exports The exports for dis counts yesterday and still easier fcpllng today u fiord tno prospect that com mercial bills fiom this side may soon bo discounted on such terms as to afford the supply of domatid oxchamio , hut the supply of cummcichil bills is still vety small , _ The "Monoy .Market. NEW YOUK , May -MONEV ON Gu.t. Easy. ranging from : i to 4'j per cent ; last loan U per cent ; closing offered at J per cent , PIIIMK MKiiOAKrii.K PAPMI nit ? nor cent. bTKiii.i.vi r.xoiiANOB Qnlot and weak at W.M for sUty-day bills and Jl.s.7 ! * for do- miind , The following wcro the closing prices on bonds : U H. 4 , rfk-lilored llt > > 4 * | M K. AT kf . . . . 4U ) U H H , coupons . . IH ' Mutur.l Union bi . . . I'M 4 , re l'lcred .IW N J Cent Int Cert .ltti 4H" , coupon ! . . . lilt Northern 1'uc. im 115k. PaclHokiof 113 . . .tit do2d 1M ( I/nililnn Stamp Ii 87 Northwestconiohi. .135 Tennvoee N S , Os , , 1(0 ( do debeuturn&i lot'/ do S . . . . 100 U U A I. M.tion is MI. do 3 . . . . I'll M. L A S. K. Can M 1U.I Conailn Southern ' 'di 1'7 ' Ht. I'nul rouioli I. . ' Central Puoltlo lit ) 107)4 ) Mt. P C. A , P. liti . . .III ! I ) . Alt ( I. lit. . . . . 114 1' . P L.j Tr lta HI do 41 Wi" r. P. 11 ( I Tr Ken . (1 ( 1) A U U wuit Ul . . 'M ( Union Patina I t . . 1US KrleSd , .IUO'4 ' \Veit Hhora , , . , . .lWi ) M K. A T. ( ien'l ( H. TI'j It nlc Olenrnnocii. NEW YOIIK , Mny Sl.-Ulcnrliijs , tH7,209OJO ; { balnncos M.7til,04. . Plltl.\UKi.l'HIA , Mny2I.-01oarlngst0.40I,251i | balances , { I.ROo. Money , 4ttlii percent. llAt/nvioitE , Mil. . May 21-Clearlimti , K,37U- 6M ; balances , ( JVtb& | ilonoy , U percent , NORTON. May 2l.-ClearlnijR , I.\OI0.45I ; bal- anceH , tl.hlo.ioi ) . .Money , fi per cent. KxuhaiiKO on New York , loai2'Jo ' discount , CINCINNATI , 0. , M y 21. .Money hardening nt.ViM IHIT rent. Now York oxcfianne , tOUOJ percent premium. Clearances , < J.UI50 ) , UilifAOo , May 21-Ilatik olearlngs4MW,000 | , Now I ork exchange T.VS'-.lo premium , Hates for money were steady at fiilO ) per cent. Ster ling exchange was steady and unchanged. llostou Htoult Mnrkct. BOSTO.N , MOM. , Mar 2L Ths follow lug were ) the eloslni prices on stocks In the llostou ' stojk market today ! I AtchlKon A Tnpckiv 2t , Calumet A llcclft . , { U lloston AAltiMiy , 2j'trauklln ' I7A do Maine 1V7 .Huron . , IH Chi. Hnr A Ijulncy WiV Kcar iuKO 12 Knilern It It U > iltrlilnirir It It . . Powablo ( now ) A do preferred . ( Julncy 102 MUM , Central . , Inmarack IH McJlcnn Con com AnnlKton Lind Co. .67J N V A N Knglanrt . lloston I.ind Co 20 do 7 118 " in lilrco IJIIH ! Oo. 21J4 Old Colony \Vcit Knil Land Co. .200 \VI * 'pnt com TIM Hell Telophone. IT .Mlouer Vlln Conoic ( ) I.imson ! * toro H Atlantic Il < M . llo'lon A Mont. . . , , Il N U T . . . _ Io.Ni > ox , May 21 4 p. m closing ! Con ol , money . . WWii llllnolB central IWM Coii oK account . UU MeOcanOrd . t ! S 4 < .UIJ st Paul common . . 1.4 * < u. ns . IU2 IN V central . . 104 4 N \ . P. A O IMs . ! < ( 'PcmmylvniilA ' SIS Ciiiiiullnn Paclllc . , . 7H Itindlnif Id ] * Krle SOW Mexican central n 4s. 74U KrlaZili _ . _ . . . . . . . IUO I llnrnllvcr 4Vjd per ounce. Money : ) percent. llnnk of ICn laiHl llulllon. LONDON. Mny 21. Tlio Inilllon In tlio llnnk of iiijlnnil : Inorcnsodf \ 5. wo ditrln : the ti.ist wiMik 'I ho proportion of the ; II.ml ; of Knmml ri'scr\u to lltilillllv wlik'h lust wrok uus aL'.W tier cunt U now .UW ) per cent. Tlio amount of bullion KOIIO Into the Hank of KiiHluml on bul- UIILU toitny Is i'UH.OOO , 1'arlH llontcs. IHiu , May 21. Thri'o per cent rente ? , tnf file for the account. ThnuinUly statement of flit ) Hank of I'liinoo shons tin tneiiMiMO of l.lilT.iuj mines Kold niul , " > , SJ.VU1X ) francs ll > ur. Denver tlnliio ; Stoulcs. IJENxnn. Col. , Mny 21. lltislnois was MTV llKht on the niliiliiL'\oliatuc today , nnd prleei lowur tlnui tiny duy this weuk. Totul sulus , 10- Onsh.it us. Uloslntf : Alleifluny . 14 .luit'co ' . . . Amlt ) . I Hi U-iMl lenilur Argonaut . 23 l.lttln Itulo . 10U lltllaral . 25 Malchle's Sllll I'l'llllUlHCO IllllVK QlllltUtlOIIX. SN riiAsct- . Cul.i , , M ly SI. I ho ollliMtil closing ijiiot itlons for inlnlni ; stouks today weto us fidjows : AHll . . . . Z1 uphlr llest Allcliher . . 41 PlltOHl Wi IlndlcCoiKoIld ilrtl IUO ' $ ? ( hnlhir . -'Jl Mprra Nevada , Con Cala A Va , . 181" ) , Union Con . . . 2X ; ) iruwn Point . . I"1 ! lltii . , W ( iould A Currr . . .MO Vt'lfow JuiXet . 2iJ Iliilo \ Non ross . 210 ( 'oinmonwtalth 71 M ex lean , HPI N. Hello Isle 1.3 Mono 5 New Vork 'Mining QuntatloiiH. NEW i'oit'C ' , M.iy 21. The following tire tlio closing mining stock cpiotatlons : St I.oiils "Mining ( Jiidtutlons. Sr LOUIM , Mn. . MiiySi Tlio'niliilint tnnrKot was Intictlvu but urlci'S wuio Htm. The follow- Inir bids ueiu in ide on c.ill : AlltltllH Mount Itoy Atuerlc in M llrcen. . . ( irnnlto Mountain I , Kiln AlOort . Kllz.ibutli 2UO Monlro'u . \Uttlll The Siifjur Murke' . New VOIIK , May SI. SiuilAU K.ivv , active and Ilrin ; centrifugals. Ut ! test , 5 : i-I 3.IV. bales. 2'JOJ lio'slio.i < U nioscovado , OJ test , 1 1-lCc ; 5,000 hags centrifugals. IH ! test , at Plillidolphla. 'I l-li > c Uollncd Is ng iln iiilct | and higher ; No. 7 , 'ij ; No 8 , II 1-ldo ; No. I' ' , 3' c ; No. 10. : ilMlloNo ; II. .I'-io ; olV A. I'.Solc ; mould A , 4'Jo ; stand ird A , 41.jc ; powdered A , 4Jie ; granulated , 4'jc : cubes , 4J o. Now York Dry Goods Market. NEW YOIIK , May 21. lliislncss In dry goods continued on the favorable b.slsof yester day with jobbers more active. Thu demands In the hands of ngotits were Important and contracts are dull v inndo for future dcllvoiy. In some dttccllons there Is as yet no Imptovc- ment. but the Indications are thin the de mand will bo very general In a shoit time. Now York Coffee Option * . NEW YOIIK. May 21. Coffee options opened steady , unchuiigod to 5 points down ; closed steady to I ) points down. .Sales. I.ViV ) bag" , liii'lndlng May. $ 7.8 ; Juno. * 17.70O17.7 > ; July. I17.50 < T017..0 ( ; Aiuust , J17.0- > @ 17.10 ; September , sfl0.4rili'i ! ( ) ; October , $ l\8 : Dfconiber , $15 OJ ® 1'ib'i ; March , JII.80. bpot Klo dull , but stoadv ; fair cargoes t.UOJ ; No. 7 , SlS.SO. MlHocllancons MnrkotH NEW YOUK , May 21. I'ETHOI.I DM Dull and we ik : crndu In bauds , Parker" . $ tLO. ' > ; crnclo In bulk , $1.10 ; united closed at tJ.Ki for June. COTTON SEED On. Strong nnd ipilet. TALT.MVVVoak : city , JJ.UU for packages. H ISIN Quiet and steady. TuiiPHNTiMi Dull ; lower ; , i7jij ! ( c. 1'KI lllON-Dtlll Coi'i'fcii Qulot and steady ; I , ike. Mny.tl2.00. LKAD Sttongor In tone ; domestic , $4 . ) . " ] . TIN Steady and ( inlet ; straits JSl.40. OAi.currA , May 21. LiNSKiui-lls per nuar- ter. Traders' Tnlk. OittCAno. Slay 21. Logan t-.Co. toToncrayit Hryan Wheat cables o.uno cosy this moinlng anil tbeio was feonio selling orders at thoopcn- Ing. but tlutsu weto quickly absotbed , tiioro being good buying eiders on band and through most of the t-csslon the market ruled linn and closed at the top. Lower tempcta- ttito In the extreme northwest caused fears of ftost and there were liberal charters hcronud considerable taklngsof wlumton those iboatd , which hud their orToet. while California to- potted the sale of cargoes at the highest price jotscourod on this advance. Another Hood of corn ciimo on this market again and the only strength was apparently borrowed from the wheat pit. Tlio closln * wns at about the open ug price , while who it closes no illy ' 'c higher. Provisions early wore ho ivy. but later theio was fair huvtn. , and especially for July , anil some curiosity Is expressed at tbo moagro carrying charges from July to Sep- tomboron pork. CIIICAOO , May 21. W. O. McCormlck & Co. to 1' . 0. BwnrtCo. . ; Heavy rains fell last night throughout the spring and winter who it regions. Tbo local scalpers stalled free soil ing nt the opening , based on the rains , but BOO 11 found that the on > ct had been dis counted yesterday and that the break mot heavy buying from thu outsldo and from our hotter cliths of local operators , both to cover shot Is and for long account. Except the Im provement In our own ciop prospects the news has been decidedly of a bullish charac ter. Cables , although lower , did not show as much decline us W.IB expected , The under tone of the market at the close was sttongand It looks as If for the present the dollar murk was about tbo bottom of the iiri'tik. Corn Is very weak The urgent cash demand so notice able during last month scorns to have fallen off entirely nnd recolvois quote car lots as unsaleable at fair prices , most of them being eont to olovalors. Receipts mo Increasing and an evident discouragement IH beginning to show Itself timontr the bulls who have hold on up to the present time , Provisions opened weak and lower. Hears took advantage of thu largo receipts of hogs and the lower ho marivot to hammur provis ions nt the oucnlnc , causing the unloading of many lots of outsldo stulT. The decline in ihu price of corn and tbo prospect of a good grow ing crop Is rendering bears In provisions very bold. Outsldo trade Is small and , unless ft Impiovos , wo think prices will go lower , ( JincMio. MaySl. Iv'onnott , Hopkins & Co. to S , A. Mc\\honor : hnow storms In the far west and frosty weather In the northwest didn't prevent wheat from opunlni ; woak. There vsiiro some good buying orders that rallied thu prlco about lu , hut It was a dull tniii Hot most of tbo day and as soon as buy ing ceased tbe prlco broke baou tothooponlng Iliturcs , Cables worn fairly good , not materi ally lower for American wheat , considerably dearer for Ktullsh homo grown and consldoi- ably cboapor In Paris. 'I hodopnisslon In corn and oats added to the weakness. Just At the olose on reports of .W.OOOimshels being worked hare for shipment and tlfty-nlnu loads In Now York ports bu > crs took fright nnd bid the market up to quickly , 1'nll n irtlculars of tbe transaction were not obtainable , but the re ports weiu generally accepted as true. The tine rains and tbe blugglsh tone of the foreign ndvtccs are having tholrellcoton our market. Hears nro grow ing more confident and longs are easily ktatn- peded. Until a bettor sentiment prevails It will bo illlllcult to bring aboiitanytiilng like a bull movement , bhould the predicted fioxts and severe freezing w outlier In the northwest imitcrlall7o wo may gut a further ndvanco to morrow , which will meet determined opposi tion fiom thu boars. Coin and outs wldo- Mprotid rains and Increasing receipts have made these grains very woak. Mouths ago wo expressed a eonlldont bullet that reserve Htosks of corn were larger than snppokod and that deliveries would Increubo with favorable prospects for the next crop , This is usually the case every spring , farmers hold on to wheat until tbo now crop Is reported and then rush tholr grain to mar ket. There has been a general bulling of pro visions by holders , 'I ho small decline In prices does not show u weak market when thu wouU- IICHS In corn Is considered. A rally Is now In order und would bo easily ntarted. The clos ing was firm ut nearly top prices. Ntw YOIIK. .May 81. Kcnnctt , Hopkins A , Co. to S. A. . MaWuortcr ; JAftcr a temporary show of Btri' 'iittth brought aLiHH by the InlliK'nco of ln t ight's elosiiict , nliUll by higher prices for American stocks InUijidon , the market beef - camodiill and later w.in wonk , The air has been full of rumors that largo amounts of gold would bo shipped Uy Piiturdayf but until the last half hour notUliu was known definite. Ilarlne Macouti .V lk > . nnnouncen they would ship } | , OAi.nw ) . , The street esti mates iitoh.illo hitmint.s ( all the way from fJ.OOO.ooo IIM. M.tWOO , The Hank of I.nglaml ngalit i gained a largo amount of gold on balam-o and It was st iled In tbo l.omlon eablo that these . cciimulallons whloh , of course , are uuiarrlvnls of American cold , would iirobably iistnp any further de mand upon thlscoitnttyi Other advices are that the Kothschllds v lll sblpJUI.OJd.UOO to Ilitssia tomortow , whteh will moro than olTxet the gains the li.ink has in'ide In the past few days and restore the former position which nuj demimi further drafts upon this coun try. 'I ho movements of today' * stocks show very clcnrly that the advance of vestrr- dny was not etui-ed by purchnsps for long nccount but was another atlompt of thu slmrts to cover. Heading advanced 2 percent mi tlio announce ment Unit Co\e Ilrothi'ts . Co. had m ido an arr.inuement with the Ueidlni company by wlilch they would siilpall their coal , amount ing to about 1.500,000 ton * per your , over their lines. Instead of met the I.chlish Valley , as heretofore , but upon tbo advance there was heavy trades made and the price fell buck again. No doubt nil the other coal companies mo distill bed by this news. There has boon heavy soiling of lead trust , causing the prlco to decline 17. 1 It Is rnmnrad that the trust will not piy the quarterly dividend at the usual time , but will adopt the policy of liay- Ing dlv lilends soml-aiiniially. This Is only a rumor nnd we glvo It only for what It Is worth. The market closed dull at about the lowest prices. o.ii.iiiA urn OMAHA. Mny 21. OATTt.E-Ofllclal rocoluts of cuttle iJSO , us comuired with V..VJ yi'stordav ami 5.1 Thursday of last vveok , I'lio host guides of both beeves nnd butcher stock wen1 steady ; other glades slow and weak. 1'ocders quiet and iiiiclmtied. ! llod-i oiilclnl receipts of lion (1.51' ( ) . as compared with H.OLl vcsteiday and 4.215 Thursday of last week. The m.irket vvns fi ilUo lower All , old. The inn o of the prices p ild was } l IViM.-iu. the bulk sell- liu nt $4 2.vai..l5. l.lelit. (1.1131. .1 , hc.ivv $411031140 mlxc'd. $4 25J.ta : The average of the inlccs p ild was fl'.T'i ascompircd with $4.lii | jestord'iy and Ji 4 'i Thiirsilay of lust f-HBPl' Olllclil rccelnls of heep 220. ns compaiod wlth25i > 7iistiitday iiinl isi Thurs day of ItiBl week. Natives , SI HO ® ! ! OJ ; west erns. t.7. ltl81 Hcci'lpt.H nil I DlnpoHltlon ol' Stock. Olllclal iccclpts and disposition of Htock as Khowti by the books of the I'nlon ' stockv arils company for thn twenty-four bouts ending tit 5 o'clock p. in. Mnv 21 , lull , UECini'IS. Disposirio.v. lluyers | Cattlp Holt" Omaha P I.WJI 'lluli II Hammond ( .o. . 2UO .114 Swift A. Co 141 , " ' ' r.-o The Cndiihy Packing Co . . 104 : .1 P Vpilres w- . Lee ItothLhlldH It Becker it Dovan Illmbler lllncki > hlie 4'J2 ShlpperHand feeders .141 " " LeHOicr "lib lotnl , . 841) ) . ' I.cprcHC-iUntivo No. Av , , I'r. No. A .M'r. . Av. I'r. ; i n no J I 75 IIJ I.'R ) fi 10 12 .H $1 a 1 7111 4 00 lt ! I07J 5 10 II 117. ' 1 770 17 r > 20 IIat MVi 4 .17'J ' IK 1J2J ft ata ' UO a i 540 11 ! 'nl 4 50 0 iai 540 r. .ms 4 05 1175 BBJ 575 COWS. 2 00 ! W ) (2 50 Jim 400 'no J 10 lOliO 12 7" . Mil ) 42-i ! ) ) - a oo I'KI ( .1 Si ll.'O 425 10 to 2 ' . ' 5 Wt4 : i 50 STOCKEHS ANIIKUKIICIIS. 1 60 30 4J.1 B2 70 7 718 a 75 2 50 4 ! ) W 12 B5 25. . 85 J 4 10 2 7J 8 078 3 50 I..KOO 2r.o 2. IM a 7- 1 .1440 . ' 100 1. 111K ) 2 75 I..1070 .2 . 75 1..115J 300 1. 1750 275 2. . 4)5 ! ) 275 COWS ANE'HL'lUmS. 20. . 753 a CO1 ' ' * ii EI tens.i . 24. . 760 3 75 i OXli.V. 2 .1500 2 50 CALVES. I. . 1110 275 275Mil Mil , KEIIS AND SIMUNOFltS. 2 milkers , each $ HO 00 1 cow and calf SI ou 2 COVVM mid calves , each 27 50 nous. No Av. fit. Pr. No. . Sh. I'r. 77 .IfiJ 1 ' 0 $1 11 C4 207 24 J $425 05 . , .177 2sO 4 11 C4C5 120 425 71 . . .18'i 4 4. . . 2117 425 28M ! i ? U'JM 4 15 70 22 ! ) 40 427'i M . . .Tr.5 M ) 4 15 81. . , . .225 40 427H 70 . KI 1I5J 4 11 M 2.C1 120 427" IN ) 73. . . 221 ICO 427'j .2,8 , 40 4 20 00 . . .SW 11,0 42 'i 88. . IH 120 4 20 70. . . 228 12J 427'i 81. . StlG 2HQ 4 20 200 427' , 88. . 17(1 ( 120 4 .1 KS . 210 40 42'ii HI. . . 200 120 4 2J OS ' 2hl 4 27'S 78 21X ) ino 4 20 7J . .215 4 Hi" 4 I . i 220 2iK ) 4 20 52. . 271 103 M ) fej 420 0.1. . . 231 100 42h ! 817S ! IIW 120 4 20 8J . . 2.15 100M 4.10 7S . 207 320 4 20 05 . . 2-1.1 1JO 4 % 78 21J 2 0 4 20 IU . . ,2 ( > 2 1.0 4.IJ 78 . 177 60 420 7.1. . . 2iu 1(0 ( 430 71 . 11)1 ) 4 20 0 _ > . . .224 4iO : 4 J5.J 4J 4 2J 71 . 4.10 & .210 4 20 (1'J ( . . 80 4iO : 21 . " " 177 4 " 0 fid . . .an IOJ 4.10 71 . 214 3jo 4 iij 70. ! xlTJ t 8) ) 430 7.1 . . 187 100 4 20 OJ . " 40 431) ) b. . . 1IS ( 40 4 2. ) ft ! . "Hi 40 4iO : 81r.u .20' ' ) 1JO 4 25 72 . . . .2,10 40M ) 4ilfl r.u 217 40 4 25 70 . . . . .240 : t ) 4.10 70 2-JH 210 4 25 70 . . . . 2CI 400 4 i.0 400N 717J 217 1(10 ( 4 2-1 ( > 7. . . " " ' 5 N ) 4:10 : 7J . . . , lirj bO 4 25 7- . ' ' , 120 430 75 235 12J 4 25 67 . , . ! .2 ( > .S 1JO 4 = 10 71GU. . , .2ut 240 4 25 10 . , . . .327 430 GU. . . . . 2211 B ) 4 25 5 . . .2. 430 GO , . 2U 40 4 25 a. . aid 4110 O'l . . .223 1.M 4 25 21 . . . . .2u7 4:0 : 411 . . . 2i5 4 25 U ) , " 200 43U h8 . . 20' ) 24J 4 25 G , . , .ino 43J 85 . . 207 2UO 4 25 C8. , . . .254 200 4 J2S ! 77 Ib'J bJ 4 25 CO . .254v 20J 4i : } 1)1 ) . . . . . ' .Ml 40 4 25 02 , ' ' ' v ' KJ . .111-1 80 4 25 70 . . .255 240 411. ) 71J7 2 U 4 25 70 . . . . . ' . ' "il UJ 4i5 : J7 .an so 4 25 ( a. . , . . . 250 UJN 4.15 77 . . . .227 20 4 25 68. ,287 IJO 4 . ' 15 87 . . . 820 5.0 4 25 60 31(1 ( 100 4L5 ! 71 . , .20J 4 25 65 250 4i5 : if ! . . . .22J M ) 4 2.5 46 . . . .280 40 435 8S . . . .210 K1J 4 25 2MI . 240 4:1.5 : lit ! BO 4 2'i : > 9 . . . .2.S. 435 . . . Va 120 4 25 7J 2d7 BO 435 . . . .SIB IX ) 4 25 45 IIOJ 41) ) 1:15 : . . .247 40 4 25 CJ 2lkS J.20 4 II. , I'M 121) ) 4 25 51 ! 311 415 ! .21W 12il 4 25 Cu . . . .255 121) ) 4:15 : . 22d 1(1) ( ) 4 25 01 257 hO 435 . . 17U 1.1) ) 4 25 1,7 .Ml 4 40 .210 2(10 425 58 2tii 120 440 . . 207 40 4 25 CO . , . .259 ICO 441) ) 210 1JO 425 CU 24J 440 . . . .2S1 4 25 1'KIS AMI ) IIOIH1H. . . . . 00 2 lJ ) 15 . . . .112 325 3 03 , 5 . . . .118 - 350 I'ivo St iclc Mar ; cr. May SI. [ Sicalal | TolQsr.iin to TUB IIi.u. ] fc.ilcs of ctittlvworo lit htcndy iirluoa for coed to extra iiuiiUllus , but tliuio UIIH cou- tlnued weakness lit | ) W > r n"'l coniinon Kr.iilc1 * . Tlio luttor arc iirrlvmK I" lur ur numbers tlitin tlio luultlinntu ilonmncJlll nbsorl ) , wlillo uliolcu Rr.ulo oirorliiXB tire Iniiilt'iiiiatu. l-'roin $1.4rf ( J.50 for oxtr.i 1,450 to l.UK ) jionr.il fcterm prlcoa riingo ilowu us low IIH ( I..1 ffll.75 for skuloton COWH anil tuimcliited bnlla , Tlio lultur lire du.ir at iinylrirlco. Canners are tlio only buyoii for tliauclass. . Tliln Krass Tovtts uattltt am also nolllnK very low. Thuywi'ro fairly stoutly today as uomp.iu'd with Wednesday's prices , nut \vltliin tlin last llf- toiin days tliov liuvo Hil ttilnod u duullnu of Mo ( &M.OO pur 100 pniindsrTlio recolutH of Tuxas cattle durltiK tlio InkU fllx ( lays exceed 17VOO liuail. Tor bo early In the huason tliusu ro- ei'litn | tire iinprucodiintiy larjo. It Is scaronly to l o Mipiiotcd that , limy will conilniiu on MI Kuneroiis u bealo anil' tlio next fou days may theiulorn too a roactlun. Tliurn uas eontlniiL'd uoakno'-H la the ho ; market , today's. triitiliiK having boon done at prices uragluK about lOo lowur tlmn for ycs- tunluy. ( Jotni.irutl | > uly few trades wuru uf- fuctiid at butter than ( I (15. and at tlionloso ( I oo uas the ) i'\trt'muoulslclo ijiiotiitlon. Very coed heavy IIOITH elituueil owners at ( I 50C4.55 , mill tlirro were few MiltHOf llKht sorts at in IT $4.05 , rnlracthlty nasdo\eloi | ) > d nt leduced price , hut not all of the IIOKN could ho worliod oir and thu market wan decidedly llm at the cloie , OATTI.K Hecolpts , iv > 00i NhlumrtitH , 0.200 ; market dull , htoady to loner ; hcei steelu , 11.2.1 UO .M ; Texans. JJ.UXt4J.UJ ; btooUius , JJ.LK/iH.IU ; COWH , < I.T. ' . < i.l-iiO. HodS-Utieliits 10,000 ; shlpnii'iits , lO.dOO ; inarkut uuak. lee to 1'xi loner ; mixed and packurs , * l 3.V84.50 ; nrlina l.i-avy and butcher widKhts , flWHl405 ( ! llKht , I.7W04.W ) . bllKUl'-lteculptK. 8.VUO ; shipments 2..WO ; nunKul lo erprlmu ; nutlto * . (1.10 5.25 ; mUod vhueii and yiiarllnus. $623ft5.50 ; o turns , Ci.UJ 5.2S ; Tiixatis , MIXUM. Now Vork l.lvo Meek Mnrkct. NKW YOIIK , May 21. HEEVES KocolutH , 1,500 head , all for exporters und gluiiKhtororn ; j'o uuUo ; feolluu Urwj druskgU beef , ntcady ut 8QO ! c | shipments today , 230 beeves , nnd CO shcop , OALVKS Iloci'lpts. I.OWJt innrKot < c lower ) veuls. IkOOTHUOibultiT'iillk. ua.va.iW. HllKKl1 Itcccllitx , 4..IM1 sheep , dull ! Intnhs , sliiido llnnuit Hhccp , t4 MKitc.dO ; Intiibs , 17,00 ® OOJ ; dressed mutton , O'tOlte ' ; ycnrllngs , 11 ® ISJjot hinibs , U.JISC. . , , . iloos Uecolpls. I.IlOO , ronstgncd direct ! noinlntilly wenk at } 4.X-(25.40. : ( City Ijlvo Htook Mnrkct. K Aj.sAsC'tTv * , Mo . Mny 81. Cnttlo Hccolpts , 010 hcndi Dhlpnic'iits , ' . ' . 'JiO licnd : inniket , nu * lives , steady ! Toxiins. dull nnd lowers steers , f.l.i.Vif.'isii ! cows , { . ' .1034.45 ; Mockers and fecil- urs. $ . ' ,40ill.4a ( Moos Uroolpts , H.VMO head ; shipments , fi.ViO bend ; iiinrkct nbout steady ; bulk , } 4Ar'ifli.4j | till crudes , MooI..V ) s SIIKH1 Ui'colpts. 4,740 hcndl shlpniouts , WO head ; nmrKut , dull nnd lower. Ht. IjotilH IJv4 > Meek ST , Louis , Mo , Mny Ul. UATTI > -Hoeoipts. . ! .IX)0 ) ; 8hlinicutH | , lee ; full to fiincy untlvn steers W UOQ3.W ; Toxnns nnd Indliins , S..t 0 ® y So , Hods Itecclpts , 6.5JOI shlpinrntc. ISO ; market - kot stonily : heuvy. * 4.flXiii 05 ; mixed , (400 ® 4.M ; lluht , 4i5 : < a4.M. _ OMAHA ir10M.IJtAIUtETS. . Strawberries , which nro lit present rocelvltiK the most titti'ntloii of iinvthliiK In the fruit line , nro ollliij ) ( jnlto well but stilt thu cool weather docs not stimulate the ( lointind. Prlcus joslordiiy wurc low. OUANIIIH l.os AiiRelcs , fu'.7. > / . per boxi San DIC'KO. * l'.ri : ItlviMsldc' . fl.75. PlM'Al'l'M S I'cr do/ . t..V ) < il. ) 00. TIIAVMIHtlllKh I'CI 4-llllirt | CIISO. J2. ' > fKJM 00. CAi.iron.su ( 'iiuiuirK Per 10-lb bof.100. . Al'i'i.ivThe Is - iiiiirKul pinetlually out of good shltipliu ; slock. Ji i. vioss Choice slock , per boW SO ; fancy , $ * .o i. IUsANvs-1'or bunch. J..Vl < ii.'l 00 for fancy block for shipping. Some few clriniios will ho noted In n , not a- tloiiH , but nothing of nnv pi rat Importance The follow Im ; itiotatlons | nro b.ised on Jts- tcrdny's s ilus. HAIIIVHKS Per do/en bunches , i'VJJ.'lOc. PIA' : Pot bushel box , $ -Vi"i ; per ' bushel bo7W > Oo. Sot'TilhiiN CAtli.in.oWKii Per dozen , } J.'Xii ) I'OTAIOKO Iliinio Krown stock In small lots fiom the store. HO t'lic I.Kirt'cKChoice stock. Asi'AiiAiitrs-llomo urown stock , 50 < &G'e ! per (1(1/011. ( .NKW POT \TOKS Pur Ih , 2'B2'4'c. ' } ' ( itnnhii.N HUNS \ Vatl.75 per ; 3 bushel hosti ; I up , fl.25 per ij bushel box , TOP OMO > SPur bunch , aoo. TOMAIIIJS Snilhein stock , liushol boxes , } " > in ; fanc-y. c-t ito. il h isUuts , J5 5J pur orate , Pu PijANT-l'i'r Ib. 'JQ.J e. C'UOLMIIII us IVr ilo/un. JI.25 UAiuiAdK Callforuhi stock , per Ib , " 'ic ' ; sciiitliurn , nor crate , td.51. Country Produce. The dny was cold nnd rainy and the market was not very active. Prices woio Kcnortilly about steady. Thu fnllOttltiK quotations wcro bused on yes terday's sules. HuiTi.it Hulk of fair to good country but- ti-rgolnit utlKSIOo. \r-Ilest upltind. 112.03 per ton. I'dds ( i ( > ni-nil tiiiirkut. Tie. POUI.IIIV Oholco llvo hens , $1 00 ; roosters and mixed , $1503.1.75 ; good spring chickens , if ItilO , rioiir. Oinnlm MIliliiR Co. Itollanco Patent. } 3.00 ; Invincible Patent. 12 8J ; hone blur Supcrhi- tlvc' , } , ' .r > 0 ; bnowlhiUo , $ . ' . .0 ; Fancy I'umllv , $1 DO. K T. Davis Mill Co , IllKh Patent No. 1 and Croniit , S..W ; Illnu I ) , full patent , f..CO ; Hank i-yo. half patent , $ J.40 ; . ' pec-lal lioyitl , patent No. ID , t.i.li ; Mliiiic'vjtn Patent , * J"0 : Kansas Haul Who it. patent , ! 'o5 ; Nobniska Spring who it , p itont , & . ' . ( ! i. S. P. ( J'lmiin'saold ' Modal , V " 0 ; Pnow White , SiC'J ; Siionllalo. WVO : low crade , JI.OO ; bran , $10'0 ' ; chopped food , J.'iiOO ; Minnesota Super lative , * J UO. The Ho\vo scalps , the only scale with pro tected bcurinps. No check rods. Ctit.ilopucs of Bordcn t bollock Co. , Ajts. ( , Chicago , 111. / l.ItSO.llM It A CHAt'HS. C. W. Collins of Bcatrico is at the Pitxton. S. II. Davis of Grand Island is at the Pax- ton. Charles E. Hall of Lincoln is at the Mil- lard. Joseph GoldRraphcr of Fremont is at tbo Dellouu. Uov. JV. . Stewart ol Bcatrico is at the Mlllard. W. fj. Graham of Gaudy is a cuest at the Millard. J. A. Archibald of ICearncy is a guest at the 1'axton. E. T. Wittso and wife of Ponder are at the Puxton. N. B. Ours of Dawson , la. , is a guest at the Dellone. O. J. Showers and wlfo of Long Pine are at the Murray. Mrs. E. A. Conclmioy of Avoca , la. , is a euost at tbo Dullono. Colonel Frank Ireland of Nebraska City Is a guest at the I'axton. J. D. McDonald and C. S. Pcnllold of Fremont - mont nro at the Murray , DoWltt's Little Eany uisors ; only pill to _ euro sick headache ami regulate the bowels The following marriage licenses wcro Is sued by Judiro Shields yesterday : Name and Address. A e I Krud U. Puncher. Omaha . 2(1 ( I Mlnnlo Downs , Omaha . 17 J John I.orcnzcr , Omaha . 20 1 Molllo Mills , Omaha . 10 j IMcar Kirch. Omiha . 21 | Nolllo Kurt , Om.iha . 10 Uesjler'sMnKlcHcudacno Wafers. Curcsall headaches in 'M minutes. At all druggists Improved Crop Outloo'c. ST. PAUL , Minn. , May ! M. Reports of heavy rains continue to como from till over the northwest. The crop outlooit materially improved. | Ubc S. S. S. , when you nio I a tonic. If you da not , you should. It IB thu t.tf- o B t nnd Old People. beat Hlooil inLdlcliio My mother who Is a very old niadu. It laily , WAS physically broken Is ptiuly down. Ilio UBO of .Swift's Hpcclllc ( S. S. S. ) lias entirely co n t n i n- restored her health. Ing no poi U. II. DlMVOIITII , son of any Greenville , H. C. kind , and c.inbj tak en safely by tlio most do Icito child , i'o. It cures all b'ond tiouLlos fiom in ordlmry face pimple ( o the \voist form of contagious lllood T.ilnt. BOOKS OH BLOOD 4lD SKlH DISEASES flC . riiofavvlU Specific Co. , Atlintt , Oa. WANTED Total itsuei of CITIES , COUNTIES , SCHOOL VWB VW DISTRICTS , WATER COMPANIES , 8T.n.R.COMPAHIE8i > tc. Corrc.ondinre | nollclted N.W.HARRIS &COMPAHYBankers , loios Dearborn Street , CHICAGO :3 : Wc'l Street , NEW YOUK 70 Gtdto S * . . BO8TOH- P. T. HUGHES , \V110AI5S.AIK CASH COMMIBdlON-MKItOH AN11 16.V. 1151 Market I.trrc-t , Denver. Colormlo. Hltln , III nnd Western t'rviiniory MnlK'r , Kwnnil Clici'ie. lU.OUd A 1 emil7 | uftc C HO , wit b Illlern to loan to Dir elil | > puri unit ntliura ui bulllluil , llvu cuni-i anil up Hldp br Init rrululit ( Jood. cliuap IlillUir In . itumnml ilurlnu Mny. Hulliiblo ( or uuotatlohi on do ni nnd nndSOUTH SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO , - LIMITED. LIVE STOOIC COMMISSION. A. D. Boyer & Co ta-'M Ki'lnntio llulldhu , Bouth Omaha. 8. J , Ooffinan , Smiley Hunter & Green , & Co. , I SO l.'iclinliKU llulldlnz WEiclmnKO HullillDtf I buulh Omalia. toutU Omunu. c , GUN POWDER. Hugh 0. Olark , f * Oeiil'Western Agent of Pupont's SiHirllnK dun * pondpr , Atla hlKnoipIO * / slrp , IllnHliik' capsf usa. 1718 Hartley street. PAPER. Carpenter Pnpcr Oo , , Cnrry n full stock of printing , wrnpplnij niul nrllhix I'ipor , carJ pit- per , cto. Rees Printing Oo. l.lthouraphlnit , Prlntlni and Blank Hooks llthandllowardSts. LIQUORS. Her & Oo. , William Darst. I.liltior MiTchinti [ Wines , l.liuorj | and Cl- 111. llarney stront Manuraitiir'rslCeniioty'i Kirs inst : Iliilhi llltlurJ Inn rnrnnm St. Onmh-v