Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BJSJ iTKLDAY , 31AY 22 , 1801.
Uruinosx Men Wind Up Their Sossloa at the
Eunqnet BoarJ j
Adr < xtitnjcs oftlie MrfronollH and Its
Importance to Nclirnrikn Seine
Timely Speeches JMuile by
Omaha is nil right.
This was the verdict rendered lost night
by tboNebraska Stnto Iitiinc < s Men's as-
oclatlon , and It showed that the clear
sighted and cnorgotlo gentlemen who com
prise that organization know a good thing
when they see it.
Aftcr.three days of business deliberation
the association closed its second annual con
vention yesterday afternoon to accept the In
vitation of the Jobbers , manufacturers nud
packers of Omaha nnd South Omaha
for n trip to the Mnijlc City
to inspect the mammoth packing houses.
Owing to the rain which was falling heavily
when they returned to this city , they de
cided to forgo the pleasure of the carriage
drive that had been arranged by the enter
tainment committee.
The closing event of the business men's
visit to this city was one well worthy of the
occasion. It was a banquet tendered to the
city's guests nt the Mlflard , and in the lan
guage of the profane historian , it uas "away
up in G. "
Covers wcro laid for IfiO guests , and It was
n goodly array of representative Nobr.iskans
that were seated around that bnmiuot board.
The tables were arranged in three
rows down the long dining hall ,
and nt the head tableuts
seated Mayor U. C. Cuslilncr , uho nniclaicd
us toast mastcr.and on bis rightueio Messrs.
E. Hose wntor , Walter N. ICci-nan , 0 J. King ,
George II. Webster nnd H f Hodgln , while
upon tbo loft were Messrs. Tbomus Kilpat-
rick , J. K. Leo , L. C. Maxwell , S. S. Eng
lish and J. S. Bishop.
The dining room presented a pleasing ap
pearance as ttio guests of the evening en
tered nnd wcro shown to their seats. Costly
china and shining silver wcro only loss at
tractive than the many elegant vases of laro
cut flowers that so liberally adoinod tbo
tables. Their richness of color and do-
liclous fragrance were all that INO.S needed
to make the scene almost nn ideal ono , even
had the clcaant spread that \vas to lollow
been less perfect than it was.
The following excellent menu was served
in tk3 Mlllard's ' inimitable style :
Mock Turtle. Aur Quenelles ,
Santerni ! .
Hltcod Cucumbers.
Pweot Broad Oroqunttus. Mushrooms.
' 'Illotof Hoof , Nonpolluliio ,
Urcun 1'uus , Asparagus ,
Chicken Salad.
Imperial Punch.
Snlpp Lardpd , nu Cresion ,
Jullonno Potatoes.
Assorted C'at.p. Vanlllu Ice Cream ,
CofToo , Clears.
Perhaps the only criticism tbnt could be
Amdo would bo that the munu was a tritlo
too long , but at 11 o'clock the clears were
lighted , nnd the toastmaster arose to execute
the duties devolving upon him.
Ho gazed regretfully after the waiters who
were escorting the last of the empty dishes
to the unknown regions in the rear , aad
said :
"Business Men of the Stnto of Nebraska :
I had the honor a few dn\s ape to bid you
welcome to our city , and tonight I am proud
to sco the business interests of the state so
well represented hero. You nro the men on
whom ueponds the honor ot the state nt homo
nnd her credit abroad. Tonight Is but the
beginning of the grand end thnt will bo the
result of the work of your nssociation. The
clashing of Ideas In your meetings will
result in good for the state. I am not hereto
to make a speech tonight , but to sco that
others do their duty in that direction , and I
BOO that the first toast on tbo prosjr mmi Is
Omaha , ' and it will bo responded to by Hon.
E. Uosowntcr , who was never known to make
a prohibition speech. "
Mr. Hosowator was warmly greeted nnd
spoke as follows :
"Mr. Toastmaster and Gentlemen of the
, Stnto Business Mori's Association I cannot
apeak about Omaha without recalling the
past , which rises like a dream before niv
mind. 1 see myself bound for the struggling ;
town of Oinuha in the territory of Nebraska ,
nnd ilmillv arrive as the terminus of the then
nearest railroad at St. Joo. I wns brought up
the big muddy stream in nn nn-
clent steamboat that carried the
trafllo for the western countiy.
We stuck on sand bars , and got loose only to
land on another sand bar , when seven days
out and within sixteen miles of Nebraska
"From thcro wo came by wncon and stage
coach to Omaha. Wo passed Bcllovuo , and
in the distance n largo white lullding was
noiutod out as tbe old territorial capital on
Capital hill. The road ran down through
rnvines , through which the co.ich rattled at
terrific speed , nnd finally upset near where
Judgu Il.iscall's house noxv stands on south
Thirteenth sticot. Wo put up nt the then
best hotel in the city , tha Doug-
Ins house , a palatial ono story
barn , where several of the prominent
citizens and bunkers of the Omnhn of lodnv
were boarders. Down the streets worb
blocks of one-story buildings , and on ono of
them was the sign of Kouiitzo Brothers bank
ing exchange.
"Tho old poitonico Is probably the onlv
brick building of that tlmo that Is now stand
ing with the exception of the ono afterward
remodelled nnd now the Union 1'acltlo head
"Omaha was then n city of 1,000 or5 , ( > 00 in
habitants , and the mails came by stage or
rlvor and were sometimes cut off by snow
storms for iovornl days. The telegraph -
graph passed through hero \\ith its
llrst trans-continental wire. I remem
ber going down to the rlvor umk
where n largo concourse of people
were gatboicd and some dirt was sbovollod ,
. while a man in a rod shirt mounted a wairon
nnd predicted that fcomo day 10,000 pcoplo
would make this city their hotnu. That was
A. J. Popploton. fApinauso.VbonCieorco ]
"Francis Train said the day would oomo
when ho numbered in the population
of Omnhn they called him crazy.
The vista of years pusses , and a year or two
later I can see the business houses all closed ,
nnd tbo cltUens nrmed with muskets were
gathered together to resist the attack of In-
dlons , Th.itas the Indian scare In tbocltv
of Omaha in IbtB , when the place bad a pop
ulation of r > , ( XK ) . That was twenty-six years
ngo , when the great poet , John O. Saxe , ap
plied thU description to the cltys
Hast over boon to Oinnhu ,
\\hrro Hews thudnrk Missouri ilown.
Whom four strong scarce can draw
An empty wonon thro' the town ?
Whom sand U blown from a\ cry mound
To III ) your nyos und ours ami throat ,
NVhcrti all the stoiimurs are aerouud
And all the shantlus are nlloat ?
Where taverns Imvo nn an\ltm < guest.
i'or every corner , shelf and crack ,
And half Out pi'oplo going wust
And ull the other * gulm ; bnuk ?
Where thoaton are all thu run ,
Illtxxly scalpers eoino to trade ,
Vhuro arurytlilng Is overdone
And ovorj body under paid ?
"Tho pool did not live long enough to see
the Omaha of today , but some of you bnvo
neon thu transformation of the past ton rnar3 ;
Ton years ago thuro was no paving , no saw-
ors , no water works hero. ToJay Omnhn
has the finest paved streets of any citv of her
f Blzo In America. Wo have n svstein of water
works with an original capacity of 4OOU , < KO )
dnllv , nnd now of Js.liOO.OOJ , with machinery
i thnt will give a capacity of 105,000,000 gallons
lens dally. The water worki company has
just put in tbo largest pump in America at n
cost of 1160,000. It will pump 20,000,000 gal-
Ions per day , aud is a marvel. If you go out
there nnd see the machinery you
would bo surprised that uuy city
would tmvo Huch an Immense plant.
A eanUonian from itochcstcr who was out
there Sunday told uie that his city , which is
of a\rul tuo sntna tire as Omaha , had nothing
thnt would compare with It.
"On nlns'sntrcot railways nro the lincst of
of any city of UiO.tfK ) population In the coun
try , 'i hey eurpaM all ether ? In extent , var
iety and lint clau service.
"The wutcr males are 159 miles In extant.
Thu wholesale business Is oxtonsivn. In 1890
tbo Jobbers did n business of $147,000,000.
When I took the first Jobbing census In 1S75
the total business was $7,000,000 , nnd now the
grocers Mono don business as largo as thut.
in the way of manufacturers wo canuot boast
of as much as the older cities In the cast , but
n wonderful amount Is done hero. Via did
3" > lOiieUOO uusinos * iu that diicctlonllostycar ,
uf which U0,00.,000 rcptocnts the smelter ,
which has no superior on the globo.
"Six years neo the city of South Omaha ,
the Magic City , MIS nnly n farm , with ono or
two bouses , where now Is n population of
10,000 , and some of the finest parlt'liR ' bouses
In America. Twenty years ngo ono small
pailtlug house , with a total capital of
f..iHK ) . was nil Omaha had ot that
biancii of business , and six years
airo Jinn cs E. lloj'cl wixs cotmmrntlvoly tbo
only packer In Omaha. Mow tno business at
South Omalm amounts to more in a week
than was then tlono in that business In
Omaha In a year. They now slauijhter 5,314
cattle nnd nearly 10,000 hogs In a
day , and last jeer they handled ( H.OOO
cattle , 1,703,000 bou-s , l.'O.OOO sheep , and 7VX , )
horses at the .South Omaha stockyards.
Those flguros speak for themselves of eu-
crgioi uropcily iliwctod.
"Four or tivebusliiojj men got together
with thuirhondv shouldeis and purses and
subsrrlbcdabonusofJ75',000 ' ) to induce enst-
cnrluluts to come out hero and start pnok-
Inc intorusUs UuitnriMiou-tliuthird mid bid
fair to become the second In the world in Iho
next two years.
"Our banks have constantly on deposit
$15,01)0,003 ) and $ .T > < ) , UJiOlO , annually passes
through tbu clearing bouse.Vu tnoinlso
well to shortly rank nnxt to Chkagoln
Ihmncial tnattcisasscllas a packing cuntor.
"What OinahnUclt * In property shomnltes
up in cnercy , and as .vein's roll by jour asio-
cl.itlon will see the result at jour jcurly
meetings , A mo\o is now on foot to lay a
pipe line from tlw great Western oil Holds of
Wyoming to Omahn. This will Involve nu
outlay of $0,000,000 to i7.000.000 , but eastern
capitalists are now loolcmg Into the matter.
Oniiibn will bo tlia center of rolmcries and
It.stuiid of Importing will export the oil of
the vest. With It will como cheap fuel and
with that manufactures.
"Omaha looks back thirty-six years , jet
the future Is still bright and full of promise.
It will bo the center of clvlllationlth ,
no other largo citv this .sldo of tbo Hooklo-i.
Out of the oarlh moro wealth shall eoino
than has noon ilujt out of It. The farmers 01
Nebraska will to the backbone of Omahn , us
they arc the backbone of Nebraska ( Ap
plause. ] When the plains of the state are
irrigated as tboy ought to bo Omaha will bo
cllv of half a million population. " ,
Mr , llusewater's remarks were very liber
ally applauded.
Mr Thomas ICilpatrlck spoke nt some
length. Hi * topic was ; "Tho Wholesale
Merchant. " Among otbor things Mr. Kll-
pattick Hold : "In spo'ililni : for the whole
sale Interests of our city , as well a for my
self personally , lean sny with the tnostoain-
est sincerity thnt I am Klad you have ngnln
favoicd our tily with your convention.
In these days of ' forced indus
tries , when wo hoar so much
about the McKlnloy Mil and
the free coinage of silver , wo nro upt to bo
carried away with tbo supposed prosperity
which Is Involved in these names aim for the
moment to forget that 'Corn Is king , ' and if
king , then nowhere else does ho upiioar In
such majesty as la our own state of Nebraska.
" 1 undnistand tbnt your principal und most
direct object is to adopt und perfect some
method by which you may guard yourselves
against bad deb Is. It is , indeed , a
dllllcult proolcm und ono In which
we , as wholesale merchants , are doubly
interested. I am told that the method
adopted a your ago is n good one , but you
must never forget that tbo host way to avoid
bad debts U to sell for cash. This has boon
a bad year for business and , I may add , had
It not boon for patience , mutual help and for
bearance wo would hnvo had many inoro
failures both hero nnd elsewhere. As it is
wo have had a good inuny.
"i nm conlldent as any ono can bo , who
docs not absolutely know the future ,
thnt wo nro entering upon u season
of prosperity. I trust that you may nil re
turn to our city iioxt year and that then wo
may all rejolcu together In our good fortune. "
Air. S. S. Kngllsti responded to the toast
"Our Guests , " In which ho said :
"His said byon-auuient wlso man that ho
who hesitates is lost. So when your com
mittee came and asked mo to respond on behalf -
half of Omaha , \\hilo fooling sorry for you
all , I declined to hesitate for ( ear
of being lost. If I had the tongue
of an Ingcrsol , I might express my thanks to
you for your roval entertainment , but the
thoughts will not come. Wo arose infatuated
with you tUat we should like to lira with
you always. Your gates xvoro oiibncd wide ,
you beckoned and we came , w * saw and were
conquered. Tbo business men from all over
the state all say that they are proud of
Omaha. There will bo no cessation of the
prulso which wo shall give Omaha upon
our return homo. JNothhiK has been
left undone which could be dono.
Go on ana , us wo RO with you lot us bo mu
tually proud of uch other. "
The toast ' 'Our Association "
, , was re
sponded to by Mr. J. S. Bishop. Hct > nid :
, "I sco all around these tables tbo best bus
iness men of tbo state of Nebraska I am
proud to bo permitted to bo bore and am
proud that wo bivo such n mntlnitlcout city
to mtot iu. Wo have been rojally enter
tained during our short stay.
Our association is for our mu
tual good and bonoflt. The middle
inon of tbd United States have boon ainot
the last to como together und loin hands for
tbulr own benefit.
"Tonight wo nro two years old , and I pre
dict that iu another ) car wo shall have
doubled our branches and our membership.
Vo biivo all derived a bonollt from ttiib meet
ing. In comparing notes wo gain "Ssomo
knowledge nnd much useful Information.
Much Rood has been accomplished by our
mooting , and ingoing back to our homes wo
shall carry with us a pleasant remembrance
of Ouiatin. I liopo the inlddla men of the
United States will soon meet in national con
vention. The result of such a mooting would
bo to solve the problem of bad deals "
Mr. Louis Helm rod was called upon to respond -
spend , but was so hoarse that bo could
scarcely speak , consequently ho made only
an niologv. |
Major Cashing thou dcoided the mooting
PlniiH for tlie Ilcucfit of State
HeruliniitH ,
The business aon's convention wni called
to order at 0:30 yesterday morning by Yico
1'rosldont King ,
Tbo flrst business takou up was a discus
sion of the feasibility of organizing u west
ern association comprising the states west ol
the Mississippi and that they correspond
with the National Grocera' association , ask
ing them to co-oporato in tbo formation of n
national husinrai association ,
On motion of Mr. Ilodgln a cotnniittoo of
three , Mr. King of Lincoln , Hussoy of
Omaha and Frioud of llumboldt was ap
pointed to devlio ways and incaus of pro
Following this came n discussion of the in-
a u ran co question ,
Secretary Ilodgin stated that thoiuoaof
av. > to business flro Insurance company was
nquu-stionof very sober thought , but as the
question bad been brought up before the con
vention a plan might bo formulated thnt
would provo a success. Ho thought the only
top to bo taken was to appoint a committee ,
to report at the next nn mini coin on lion.
Mr. English thought the question a Utal
one , but was opposed to the convention tak
ing uuy action now toward organizing n com
pany , as there leiniilnod too much work in
completing the organization. Ho would favor ,
a committee to Investigate ana report at the
next convention , however.
Mr. Leo of Fremont , nlxvays looked with
a good deal of suspicion on now companies.
If the association will raise the requiroU
$100,000 capital It would surely bo u good
Hung. If wo were thoroughly on our foot
and could Insure the business men of the
Rtnto ut a les rate than they are now getting
It , it would , surely risult In iiuinoasuiablo
Mr , Ifaullns of WaUdlold wantodto know
if the insurance business would bo properly
In tbo line of the work of this association ,
Mr. King ot Lincoln said ho had nlway *
thought the Insurance rates in Nebraska
aboutdoublo what they ought to be. Ho felt ,
however , thnt mutual insuranca o-juipanln a
were not succotsfuL If tbo business men
would wise Iho capital they might mnVo n
IUGCOSS out of n company. But the rliks
should bo limited and the utmost care oior-
cl.sod in preparing n code to govern such a.u
Mr. Uonown of Omaha , snld the matter
would require time , nnd could not bo mast
ered In nn hour or a day. H Is n , great ques
tion In the business world. The question of
Insurance nnd rate Is something that men of
Ions experience must handle. Wo hnvo rates
In Omaha ns hlgu ns 7 per cent. Ho would
not take such risks , ns ho was certain of In
curring loss for his company. It Is n hard
question to handle , and would require n
thorough Investigation , The mutual plan Is
out of tbo question In this slate.
Mr. Baldwin of Lincoln , thought the con
vention should confine Itself lo the Insurance
against bad debts. Do not think thnt freight
rates , running iho slnto legislature , and nro
Insurance should cut any figure In this con
vention ,
Mr. Hodgln coincided with Mr. Baldwin ,
but thought tbo boat disposition of the ques
tion would bo in the appointment of n coin-
m It too to in.iko research and report ut the
next convention 0110 way or the other.
Mr. King said that It would bo an Instruct
ive thing for this committee In Ihoir luvc'tl-
gntlon to find out what the Insurance com
panies wcro making on their risks In this
sluto. What Is tholr actual per coat of gainer
or loss.
Mr. Bcnawa said the premiums paid In the
elty of Omaha last j ear was about ? 100,000.
Mr. Travli of Lincoln was opposed to tl H
insurance suggestion and thought the 1011-
vcntion should muko nn exclusive study of
thu uiurchunlz'.ng business.
Mr. Tllshop of Lincoln don't know much
about Insurance , hut has thought of Ita httlo.
Sees many diniculttcs In tbo way of forming
n mutual insurance company. Believes our
meiehants , however , nro paying too much ,
and thnt something ought to be done about It ,
Shouldn't bo hasty , but glvo tbo mailer
proper thought la nil Its phases , and next
year , with inoro delegates , moro enthusiasm
and moro money , if wo see our way clear in
thu Insurance business , then we can take de
cisive stops In the matter. Would favor the
appointment of a committees.
Mr. Kngllsh moved tno matter of insurance
bo luft to a committee consisting of Bonawa ,
Bishop and Ilodgln. Adopted.
How to collect and how to make safoxrad-
Its \vas next discussed.
Mr. flodgln said ono of the best plans for
collections nnd credits is tbo credit boon us
adopted b.i tbo Fremont branch , which con
tains a report weekly , monthly and yearly on
collections and credits.
Mr. Hardy from Lincoln Ibought Iho proper
way was for employers to make tboir em
ployes pay tholr debts.
Mr. English was of u like opinion.
Mr. TravU of Lincoln said when ho hire * n
man no expects him to pay his doDts.
.After a long and Intoro'ulng discussion ot
the subject by the members of thecomon-
tion It was laid over for further consideration
nt a future oay.
'Iho following resolution was offered and
adopted :
llusolvcd , That it Is tbo sense of the Ne
braska State Business Mrn's association thnt
not loss than 8100,000 should bo raised bv pri
vate subscription uud otherwise , in addition
to the ? r > 0OUd appropriated by the legislature
for the purpose of making a proper display o (
Nebraska products and attractions nt the
world's fair , and
Uesolvcd , That Iho president bo nnj is
hereby authorl/od to appoint n committee of
live to co-operate with n like committee of
other organizations hcroiKor appointed , in
fiirthorlngolToits looking to n proper rcprc-
soutnllon of Nebraskainlerosls at the world's
The special commitleo appointed lo report
on Iho raising of funds reported as follows :
Wo have investigated the plan proposed by
the Commercial directory company that is to
sot asldo ono dollar for each member In the
county where the number of members oscooil
tbe costs , and n fair profit to the Commcrcin
directory company for transacting the busi
ness. Wo bellovo It to bo n feasible plan and
wo roeommona Its adoption.
The committee to whom was referred the
mutter of forming ; a western businessmen's
association recommended that the general
secrutnry bo Instructed to correspond with
other business men's associations on thU
subject. Further , that If possible , said or
ganization bo formed on principles similar
to these governing the Kobroska State Ilusl-
ness Men's association. Further that the
parties endeavoring to organize the National
Gioccrs association bo asked that tboy co
operate with the association In forming a
National Business Men's associalion to in
clude nil classes of business , and tbo general
secretary report at the next stale convention.
Ttio following committees were ap
pointed ;
State trade coinmittco S. S. English ,
Eagle , R II. Moora , ICoarnoy , H. M. Bron-
son , Albion , > T. H. Ilusslo , Omaha , andJ. I >
Fhke , Beatrice.
World's fair committee It. P. Hodprin ,
Omaha , H. J. Lee , Fremont , W. E. Hardy ,
Lincoln , C. llanscn , Hastings , and D. i > ,
Uolfo. Nebraska Clly.
Slate legislature commitleo Louts Holm-
rod , Omaha , C. I ) . Hoffman , Olarks , J , O.
Chapiu , Lincoln , Louis , Voith , Grand Island ,
ami Thos. Hitwllns , Wakofleld.
The following resolutions went through
with a whoop :
Your committee on rosolulions would re
spectfully submit the following for tbo u.\f-
proval of this convontlon :
Kesoltod , That wo are under deep obliga
tions tt > the members of the Omaha liourcl uf
trndn for the USD of this room nnd the many
courtesies cvlcmlod to us. nnd we hereby oi-
tend to them our heartfelt thanks.
Uosolvod , That our thanks uro duo the press
of Oinnlin fur the court osios extended Inlliclr
reports especially to Tim HEP. commending it
for Its liberality nnd enterprise.
Ueiolvetl , By this convention Unit wofully
apprt-elatu tlio magnanimity of the Union
I'uelliu railroad in stvlng ns the oximriluu In
South Omnlm nnd to all lines centering in thl *
city for reduced rates , also to the proprietors
of thu .Mllhird for u Ilka concession.
KosoUed , Thnt In the fitet that the Chlcuxn
nroc'ordeemiMl Oils convention of siilllciont
liiiporUnuo to spud n snoi-lnl rcDOltorln the
person ot Jlr. S McKlnzle to report the | > ro-
ceedliiKs. wo feel and nppronlnto the compli
ment and trii t Unit our members ' " '
this publication their hearty Mippnrt.
Kesolvi'd , Th.itu 1110 under deep obliga
tions to Mi O. W. I.lnlngurof this city for lilt
kindness , Ki-nernslty nnd courteous l
Ity In opening his homo and art galluiy to the
inviiibotsuf our con vontlou ,
Itesolved , wo are sensible ot ournlill-
nations to the 400 retailers of the clly of
Omnhn fortho Interest they lm\o taken In in
tending the contention and assisting us In our
deliberation * .
Itesolviul. That wo , the members of tlin No-
br.iHknStnto Itiislness Men's association , extend -
tend our thanks to Mayor 1C. 0. lliiihlni for
his address of welcome and words of ndvR-e. .
KosolMid. That wo uro especially Indebted
to I'reililunt O. II. Wobstei\und Buciotary 11.
I' . Ilndgln of ' .ho Commurulul directory com
pany and to the members ccncrnlly.cspcciiilly
the committee ot arrangement * of the loe.d
branch at Omaha , for their untiring otlnrts In
organizing this association , the result ( if
whlrhuo Iioliuva will lionf lasting hcncflb to
the business Inturests of Nebraska.
Unsolved , That e t.iko this motliM of
publicly cxurcssliiK our [ rutlturto to tlo ]
wholesale more-hunts of Omaha , pucker.of
bouth Omaha , for their Kt'iicirouo Ity ,
and particularly for the elubonto bnii'iiii't '
which has buun prepared for our ontortiiln-
Itesohed. Tbnt It should be the duly of
eM > ry inoiiilinr of tills association , without IT-
gnrd to olllelal position to keep its nlijoct *
and Intuiustrtoter uppermost In hlsmlnil , nnd
tolene ; no effort untried that would ttud to
piomoto Its uelfiro ; anil advancement ,
Uuipculfully Hubmlttud ,
, O. 8. llENAWX
W. E. llAiiiir ,
_ _ Uommlttuo ,
Sparkling and Doliolons.
In purity of quality and delicacy of flavor
Saterlan Ulngor Ale bos no equal , either for
eign or domestic , Uottlod at Kxtclsior
Springs , Mo.
I'nnk UtllolulH Arrcstoil.
PiiiiAtiEi.i'iiu , May 21. Francis M , FCcn-
nody , president , and Henry S. Kennedy ,
cashier of the suspended Spring Garden Na
tional bank , have been arrested on warrants
sworn out by a depositor of the bank , charg
ing thorn with receiving deposits whutt ttioy
know the bank wns insolvent.
The statement of tbo condition ofthoPonn-
sylvanla safa deposit and trust company
shows nn apparent doliclt of $ "J7,000 botn'oon
the usjots und liubilitloi.
N'o griping , no nausea , no pain whoa 1)3 )
Witt's Little Early Hlsors are taken. Small
pill. Safe p > ll. Best pill.
TlulfOt AtflMltH 111
DKNVP.K , Cole , , May 21. The annual con
vention of the Railroad Ticket AgciiU imocl-
ntlou Is in scdilou hero. Delegates are pros-
out from every stuto In the union , Caimdk
and Mexico.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing bynip is the host
of all romedlo * for children teething ;
u bottle.
A Line of Steamers fefiih to Bo Established
by n Indicate.
Coolry's lIliipHS Mny Itosult In
His < > m the Inter
state CoiiimciHta Commission
A Talk with llojL
Is to luvjallii ) of stoamoM thnt
will run direct from this port to ouo of the
niuny navlgublo ports on Bristol cliannel ,
\\bicb. cuts through Iho southwest corner of
\Valci. The arrangements for the line nro so
noirly completed that it Is stated on Rood
authority tbnt sorao of the new vessels wilt
bo tn commission M early "as IbW. The syu-
dlcnto back of the enterprise rcprrsunts a
capital of $3,000,000. It is the Intention to
build ton stcol steamships , wblcli nt Aral will
run between Chlcaijo mill th u English ( oust.
By the tlmo the whole ten nro cotniloteil ) tbo
expectation Is to oxtcnd the route so ns to Include -
cludo Hamburg nnil Bremen. The steamers
ulllnll bo constructed with n vlow to moot
ing tbo limitations of tbo Wfllaml
nnd St. Laurence rlvor eatmls ,
xUiieh roprc-icnt ti navigable distance
of over seventy mllos. Hence tboy wilt not
Uo as largo aud capacious us the ordinary
oi'cnn vessels , but they will bo largo enough
for tbo purposes of the syndicate , which will
bo controlled by tbo Great "Western railway
of England and tbo Cardiff dock trust ,
JiniflB COOLKl's 1U.NKSS.
"Judge Cootey , chnlrmnn of the Interstate
coniianrcQ commission , Is a very sick man , "
said Judge ICnupp , also a member of the com
mission , nt tbo Palmer house. "To tell tbo
truth , I fear bo will never preside at uuother
meeting of tbo commission. Ho Is sevoiitv
years of ago now and his Hfo's work Is be-
pinning to leave Us truces. Wo have \vaited
lor him a day or so , but as the advices ro-
oolvcct tills morning state that ho U no
bettor wo will go to work without n chair
man. Judge Coolcy has woittcU incessantly
all his Hfo anil no labor could bo more trying
than the duties Involved in tbe chairmanship
of tbo Interstate cotmiicrco commission , I do
not like to cause any ulurni. but It Is my Judg
ment tliutJudgo Cooley will notboalilo to
resume bis work wltb us , If ho recovers nt
all. Ho is now at homo at Ann Arbor ,
.Mich. , whcio bo U confined to bis bed most
of the time. Should bo retire fiom active
work the government will lose ouo of its
wisest , ablest and most conscientious ser-
\ants. "
The proposition to reduce the nil rail rates
on corn and oats from Chicago to the sea
board to meet the low rates in effect by tuu
Inko and rail lines has been voted down b\
the railroads in tbo Trunk line and Central
Trnlllc association. It s understood that the
eastern trunk lines' uro responsible for this
result. They are sure to got business tiny-
way whether It is brpught them by their rail
or Inko connections and thov have no Interest
in reducing tbo rate liy rail.
The annual meeting of the stockholders of
the Chicago. Burlington & Qulncy was Held
hero ycsteiday. The old board of directors
was ro-clcctcd.
A delegation of Doston alderman and ofll-
clals who are making1 u tour or tbo country
lavnstlfjatlng the street , sewer and water
systems of different titles , arrived in Chicago
josterday ana visited.various points of Inter
est. The delegation KO to Milwaukee from
hero. lx
The Washington ptroct tunnel was the
scene of nn exciting accident at seven o'clock
last night which but for tbo presence of
mind of tbo passengers would have resulted
in serious Injury and. death to a number of
passengers. At that hour the tunnel wnj
nearly full of trains and two or three stopped
in tbo middle of tbo tunnel to allow these in
advance to got oat of the way. As a heavy
loaded Madison avenue car entered the tun
nel tbo grlpman , seeing the tram ahead of
him , attempted to stop bis train , but tbo
brakes refused to work and the train slid
down the Incline and smashed Into a train ,
causing n bad smash. The women screamed
and the occupants of the cars scrambled out
and all rolled together on tbo ground. Man )
were scratched nnd bruised. H. J. Odea ,
who was not quick onougn , was caught in
the wreck and sustained internal injuries.
It was two hours before the track was
SHOT nr A si'Rixo ou.v.
John Castle , living near Bad Axe , Mich. ,
was shot by a spring gun wbllo entering the
yard of Walter Hiohards last night. Castle
and Richards nro neighbors , and of late
storlos have been clrcuIatttiR connecting
Castle nnd Hlchnrds1 young aud pretty wife.
These stories reached Richards , and ho
quarreled with Castle and forbauo him the
wr.sTEitx rcori.n i.v CIIICAOO.
Among the western people In Chicago
today were the following :
At the Grand I'nultlc Mr. and Mrs. Don
B. Honin , J. F. Klrltendall , J. S. Colliu ,
At the Luland N. C. Blalto , Cedar Kaplrts ,
At the Auditorium H. F. Batchellor ,
Miles City , Mont. , J. N. Cassady , jr. , Council
At thn Wellington Hon. G. AV. 13. Dorsoy ,
T. H. Taylor. Charles Burmster , Omaha ; A
11. Ca'vard , Crosco , In.
At the Palmer U. S. James , Hot Springs ,
'At' the Trrrnont S. F. Weeks , II. D
Brown , Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Colo. Miss C.
Cjlo , Omaha : Miss Wooloy , Oeorgo E.
Wooloy , Salt Lake ; B.J. Van ValUenburg ,
Mindcn. Nob.
II. A * Taylor is attending a confer.'nce of
barbed wire fence men.
Hon. and MM. W. A. Poxton loft for homo
this ovcnlng. ATKINSON.
Do Witt's Little Early Klsors ; best little
pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bad breath.
The Grand Army VoterniiH Will Prop-
orljr Observe It.
The old soldion roali/to that they are Ret
ting well.along in years and this year the
Decoration day parade will bo dispensed
with. The veteran's" ' fool to old and stiff to
mnrch , but will spud rommlttces to visit oath
cemetery and dccotato the graves of their
oomrados. The usunlimuslcnl and oratorical
programme ntll bo phen at Hanscom park at
2 o'clock Saturday nfiornoon , May 30. Colonel
Champion S. CbasqSvlil prcsldo nnd J. A. O ,
Yeoman of Fort DOIlgo , In. , will deliver ttio
oration. Tbe following committees will tmvo
charge of tbe arrangements ;
General Committee George A. CusUirpost
No. 7 , John B. Siwbllt , secretary ; John W.
Vanilla \ Of porfoot purity.
Lemon -I
- Of great strength.
Almond -I Eoonomylnthclruso
Rose etc. ? ) Flavor na delicately
and dellclously as the fresh fruit.
llonzn nnJ TmncU Oixrrlty ; U. S. Grant
[ icst No. 11U , Simeon llloom , J.V. . Hllor
nndJncob fnwcoU ; Ooorgo Crook p ° it No.
l'J. n. It. Hull , clmlrmaut W. O. McLcna
and A. K. Ulioidc < < .
Kcccjitlon U. H. Dall nnd Simeon
riowcH A. 1C. Ithoadcs , Prnnc1 ! * Onrrlty
nnd J. II , Ucovoi of tbo Sons of Votorons ,
nsslslcd uy Airs. West of ( Jcorgo Crook
I\lrs. \ Lnndiprln of U. S. ( Jrnnt c rps nnd
Mrs. J , U. Hooves of CJeorgo A. Ouster
\Vnumu's Uollnf corps.
I'repnrhiR ( Irouuds , etc. John U. Snwhtll
and J. li. Hooves.
Music and I'raRrninnio H. M. Stone , U. S.
Grunt post , chnlrmnn ; W. O. Mcl.enn ,
George Crook post ! W. 1 . Ilrowno , Ooorgo
A. Ouster post ; Mrs , I ) . O. Iltioadt nnd Miss
Hatcrly of Grant Woman's Relief corps ;
Mrs. Dennett nnd Mrs , Hull of Orook
Woman Relief corps ; Mrs. G , II. lUiotlcs
und Miss Clnni I'ecnnn of Ouster corps ,
assisted bv tbu president of tbo tiny.
In mnlclnn their announcement tbo Gtwid
Army comrades say :
"On frlOuy preceding Memorial dnv tbo
school children nro requested lo contrlbuto
llowers for decoration purposes. The school
clilldrcu of IHU scraped lint und mndo band-
nRCJ for the wounded .soldiers mid It should
boa plcasuro tojnv to AntherIlouers tostrow
on tie graves of tboso who died for tbo
preservation of tuts union.
"Comrades will bo deluded from the
posts to address the scbolnn of cacti school
In tbo city on tbo day the Dowers are Kntli-
01 cd.
"A meeting of the general commlltoo nt
B 11. Unit's oftlco room , U10 Now Yorlc
Life building , on next Friday ut 4UU :
p. m.
Kov. T. M. llotiso Tolls What it Is Iilkc
\o\vninl | iMi > \fir. .
Kov. T. M. House of Champaign , III. , for
merly pnstor of tbo first MothodUt cnurch
of tins city , pi cached in tbo now church nt
tno corner of Twentieth and Davenport , last
night to n fair sized audlcnco.
Ho look n text from tbo eighteenth chapter
of John. The words quoted for
the central ibouphl ware : "My Kingdom is
Not of this World.1' The speaker said
thai Christ had boon solicited to become
tha earthly king of the .lows and
nssumo regal nr.indcur , but this he
loftijed. Ills words , houovcr , did not moan
that bis kingdom .should not bo connected in
uny way wltb the world or should not bo not ,
til ) on oirth. Tbo words meant to convoy the
fuel tbnt Christ's kingdom was dllTorcnt'from
all cut till ) kingdoms.
The soiiker ) ) then went on to show how
tbo klntrdom of Christ differed from tbo
kingdoms and empires that bad orison ,
nourished and fallen , and bow it would
alvvajs bo dilleronl Irom any oartbly king
dom Tbo kingdom of Chi 1st , Iho
speaker said , was not patterned after
an ) thing human , was not born of
man's wisdom and did not como us
tbo result of wnr or bloodshed or states
manship. While oartbly kingdoms were
bounded by rivers and mountains and wcro
nt nil times in danger of retie rcssion and
decay , the kingdom of Christ was world wide
uud eternal.
Harlbly kingdoms inlchl crumble lo pieces
oven our own beloved republic might give
way to tbo encroachments of Inlldolltv or In-
toinpernuco and go down in ruin , but the
kingdom of God , the speaker hoid , would
eventually 1111 the whole earth and spread
peace and happiness over nil creation.
teething ; Else
equals Ajcr's 1'ills for stlmiilntlng a toipid
nvcr , strengthening digestion , and regu
lating the action of the how els. They con
tain no calomel , nor any other Injurious
drug , but are composed of the active princi
ples of the best vegetable cathartics.
" I was a suKcrcr for jcais Iiom dyspepsia
nnd liver troubles , ami found to pcimanent
relief until I commenced taking Ayci's Pills.
They have effected a complete cure. "
George Mooncy , Walla Walla , W. T.
"Whenever I am troubled with constipa
tion , or suffcr-from loss of appctiti1 , Aycr's
rilhset mo right again. " A. J. Klscr. Jr. ,
lii-ck House , Va.
"I'or the euro of headncho , Aycr's Ca
thartic Pills are the most effective mcdlcino I
e-\cr used. " IMC James , Dorchester , Mass.
"Tno boxes of Ajcrs IMIls cured mo ol
e > ere headache , from which I was loiiKasuf.
fercr , " Kmaia Koycs , Ilnbbardston.Coun.
Ayer's Pills ,
. J. C. AYEK & CO. , Lowell , MOOB.
iiold by all Dealers In Medicines.
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
Tnomoit widely nnd favorably knownopec-
mllstilntno Unltoi Btntos. Tholr IODK ex.
porlcnco. romarknbloilflll nn'l universal euo-
cess In the trrntmtnt nnd euro ol'Nervous.
Chronic nnil Hurglcnl Dlnnascs , cntltla these
eminent ptiyslclnni to Dm full confidence of
the nnilotocl ovorywhnrr. Tlior puiranK-ot :
tbo aw I ul effects of early vlcr , und the tiumer-
or. o IU that follow In It * tr.iln.
Bpopcllly. potnnlctolr and poriiiniivntlr curod.
OHDEKS yield readily to tholr skillful treat-
crunranteed cured nltliont pain or detention
from buvliiflts.
nentlr and nucccHsfnlly cured In every usiso ,
sypniLiH. OO.NOHRMIA. : GLEET , sper-
nintorrVFoinliml WcHldicsi , Lost Mimhood ,
Night Emlsslonc. Decayed Kaonltlen , KemnU
WuukneBs and nil clolti-nto disorders proullni
to cither BOX positively en red , in well us all
functional disorder * t lint result from youlhf.'J
fnlllcior the e o ssof iiuitnro ynnrs.
HTPirTIII/lJOunruntcBd .lurnmno n 11J
J 11\1O1 U I\u cured , removal coinplot
. /Hliout cuttlnc , canstio or ( llhunllon. Curd
otfoctcd nt bumn by patient without mo
ment's pain or annoyance.
flTNl ? The awful rITncts o !
L.UKL cariy vice which brlnRi
nrganlo ivonK'nrsi , drstioylm ; both mind nnd
body , with ull Its dro doil Ills , pormiinently
11IJ RTTQ Address those who have Im
Ul\O , Ills I IJ pnlred thcnii hos by Im
proper Indulgence und solitary nablU , which
ruin hoth mind and body. iinltUn ! them for
bnilni'us. Hindv or nmrrlUKCi.
MAItHIED MiN : nr thosu ontorlnff on thnt
Inippy llfo , uwaro of physical dobllltyquickly
Isbmsfl upon fncts. First Pnietlonl exptrl
dice. Bocond Ev cry ca 10 U specially Htudlod.
tliui itarllnK rlKht. Tlilrd medlolnei nra
prepared In our Inboratory exactly to suit
each CH. e , thus olTectlntt euros without Injury ,
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
N tli : lo Conli-acioi-H.
Notice li hoiiiliy clvon thutkealixl bids will
bo rceulvud hy the Hoard of Kduuntton ol
NclMin , NtickoIIs county , Neb. , ut the First
Nntlonnl bunU In x.tld cltv. until H o'clock
p. m. , I'rlduy. the U.'nd dny of JMny , lrt/1 / , foi
thn iTucllon und cnmplotlon nf 4 blub school
tuilldlin : . Khtlmatcd rosl slxtocn thouKUnd
llvu linnilriMi UolIurn ( KU > nJ.CO ) . I'Untt on Illn.
( ! ontravlnrii will nctsompnny ouch hid with u
certified oliKOk pnynblo tofald Hoard of IMu-
catlon In thu sum of live huiidicd dollnrs
( ? , ) ) MM ) us us uvldrncn of KOOI fHlth. Tim
Ixmrd rcsiorrui the riant to reject uny nr all
bid ? UKO. K. MrDUNAM ) .
Five Hundred Meu's Sack and Cutaway
Street and Business Suits , new designs in cas-
simeres and cheviots , neat stripes , plaids and
mix colors ; seasonable garments of our own
manufacture , reduced for one weelc to th < ?
uniform price of
In order to properly display our large va
riety of summer coats and vests , more room on
our first floor becomes a necessity , hence this
extraordinary reduction in price on go xls of
true merit. Cheap gooclsareout of our line , but
youwill always find us with good goods cheap ,
our bargains are appreciated because they are *
always genuine.
We place on sale BOO dozen real French Mnct ,
Half Hose , in brown , tan and mode colors ,
regular price the world over SBc , or 3 pair for
$1. Our price until closed out , 2Bc per pair.
Popular prices 011 Boys' and - Children's
Clothing , Shirt Waists and Boys' Furnishings ;
reliable garments , honestly represented and
sold at Reasonable Prices.
Send for illustrated catalogue.
Money cheerfully refunded when tjoods do not satisfy.
, KING & CO. ,
Southwest Corner 15th and Douglas Sts.
Watch , our Show Windows all Week.
( Send for Ilustratcd Catalogue. )
imnATToniiJiiriN'n'rojrsTj :
Oinalm. I Dppiit llltli and.M mon bt . I Omnlm.
4.30 p in Uilcnito Vcntltitdc. . . (100 n m
DM ) n in CliluiKO Kxprut * . . 1UJJS u ui
I'SO p ni ( lilnixo Kxpreai. . . ij..M p ni
dlUpni . . . .Cliliiiiio A lo n Local. 8 15 n m
Onmh'i Dc-i'Qt Hull iind Mti'Oti SH. I Omnliit.
K. f. , SI * J AC II
Oniuba. Dvpnt lOlh nnil Mn on Stu
U.iU n'mi .K'nii u * Oltjr Day Kzprnii . . .I 6W p in
34i p m | K. C. Night K.xp. via U. I' . Trnni. I C 45 o m
Omulm. I Depot lOtli imil .Mnri y Sts. I Omnlm.
1010 n in Kansas Cltr'rfxprnss ( ex Sun. ) . 4 3 p in
10 20 ft m Denver ICxprem 4 00 p in
* CO lira Overland Flyer V W | > m
4 JO p TO . .Grant ] Inlnnil Kxp ( ox. Sun ) 11 65 am
7.W p ui 330 p m
l-onvoa [ CHICAGO. " .MUr & 8TrT'AlJIJ. I | Arrive
Oinalm. I U. i' . ik'pot.l and Miircjr 8 | Omul lm
C0pni ! | Chicago Kxpron I ILWura
U.lSnml ClilcnitQ Kxpron I B.1U pin
I iTveTl CHICAO'oririrjTl'ACIKIc ; I Arrives
Omalm. 1U 1 * . depot. lOtli nnil Mnrcy htt. I Omnlm.
ti'JO p m , Nlkht lxpro ] ! it U 'a u iu
II l'i u in Atlantic Kxpresi ( i U p m
tM p ml Ve'lltJiili ) l.linltud. . . . 10 tj'i n m
Leaves 1 MOU.V CITVA I'ACIHIC. I Arrives
Omaha I DcjKJt 10th iind Marc ) hta I Omulm.
715 n in I .Sioux Clly rai cnBor llO.VO m
515 p ml . . HI. Paul Kxproni llOS'i n m
Jj > uve aiou.x tirrr & . Arrival
Omaha Depot 15th nnd Wulnler hti. I Omaha
UUJp ml .St. 1'nul Limited I Si u m
Loitvoi It'IUCAKO.V NOIlTliWKSTKUN. Arrives
EOnmlin. lU I1 , tlt'iKit. tUlh nnd Mnrcy MH Omaha.
'J.l.'j n nil ClilciiKol'.xpro'o b.l' ) u m
480 p m Vu ttbulu J.lmltoil > .i. ' > u u m
! > 2U p m instern Hyer -51 p m
O.VU p mlxcal | ICast 1.x. ( oxcupt Monduy ) 010 p in
I-cnvoii" ! OMAHA \ 8T I.OUIH . . . .I Arrive *
Omnlm | U. 1 * . ileput. lUlli nml Murcy Wi.l Onmliii
4 OP p ni I . .bl. IxiiilK Uiinnnn Hall . . II ? S3 p m
Ixjnvu K. K .V.MO VAI.I.KY. Arrlvo
Oinnlia Depot Kith nnd Weliplor Bta. Omaha
MISSOUItl 1'ACIHC. I Arrlvoi
Uinulln. I Iop t 15tli BujMVobitor Sts I Onmlm
10W n m | Ft Ioul A K C. Kxprass , IGIO n m
U IS p ml _ Bt I oiiliiA _ K. U. liiprosi I 5 'JO p m
lxavus ; j K. C. , HI' . .101 ! A C. II. i Arrives
Transfer ! Unlull 1'i-pot ' , Council lllutr < . [ Transfer
1007 u m , .KnnBas Qty Day Kxpreia .I & .U p m
10 .1 p ml Ivnnaas City NlKht Kxpren | 6ZO a m
( IIICACO It I A I'ACII'IC. b Arrives
Union Dei ol , Oiuncll Illiins. Transfer
lixprum . 9 20 a m
Atliutla Kxpross. . p ni
Veitlhiiln Limited a in
toavot | CIIICAl7rNOUriI\Visri ! : < UN I Ar7lvo
Transterl UnlimIaHtytiiiiicllIliluR | > , iTrniinfur
Ixiavns | CIIICA < ; o7HUftI/N A QUINCV I ArrlvoT
Trunnforl Jlnjon Dyot , Council HlulH ITrarnfor
Nolluu t > Contractors.
Notluo N hereby plvnn thnt sonloil lilils will
l > u rneulvotl by tliu ixiird of publlo hinds nnil
Lmlldliu's nt lliu olllcu of thu hcerolitry of
xt.itu nt Miicoln. Nttt ) , , until tliu uil iJiy : ot
Jiiius Ib'H , ut I u'olocU p. for thu unii'llon ,
coiistruutlununil coinplotliiii of u two-Morv
lirlulc anil stouu litilldlns known nH"rtiu Mut'o
IndiiHtrliil School for Hoyn unit ClrU , " to bo
cruutfd nt Geneva , rillnmr onnnty , . llll , ni
iHiriilniiK , hiHiclflcntlonhHiid dmixiis now on
tliu In tliuothooof thu vniiiriilsilonurof nubile
ItiiuU nnd UullilliiK nt Mnnoln , Null.
( 'ontriiutors will l > o roqnlrwl to conform Ui
rules nnil Mutilation * HHHUI forth Iu sicolll- |
ciitlons ndoutud by thn boir ; < l.
Tliu boKrd ri ) cr on tlio rlsht to rujootuny
and all lilils.
Dutcd at Lincoln , Neb , Mny fl , 1801.
1'rcnldrnt Ilo.ird I'nlillo LnndH und llulidlnis
Attuat : JOIINU , Al.iJt.N , Becrutury of Hlntn
Morolliiin 15 ronra oxpcrloncu In tlio truatmontof
Acuro jjuamntccd In H to 5 dar , wltflont hola ot
nn liour'a tlmo ,
Tha moit cnraploto mill ulnoluto euro for Rlcct and
nil ivnnoylnK ( lUclmrRi'ii over known la thu muillctt
profosslun. rcrmnnuntlr enroll In fruniitulO Uayi
Or pnln In rellovliw tin ) blnilder curnil without pain
or limtrnmtmu , nu cuttlnj ; , no illliitlin : U'lio mosl
rcmnrkabluruuiedjr known to uiodorn nclouco.
Cured In 30 to M rtuyx Dr. MHircw'ii treatment for
thin torrlblo ljl < HKlill o.iioliaj been iirononncctt thu
most nuocossful rcmeily cvur illHcoronxl for tlu > uti-
Bnhilo euro ( if tha illioinn. Hit HIKCCM wltliinH
( llseime lim nuvur boon equalled. A cumplcto curi
nessnil noikncinon nf tl xoxnnl orvnin , nervom.
Anil timidity iind rtuiponilunor nbnolutuly turuJ.
The rolluf lit liiinuMllutu und complete.
nn < J all dl > rn < oi of tlio blood , llvor , kldnojrj , add
bladder periuiinontly curnd ,
ThoOoetor "HomnTri-itniont" for lnillc > li pronounced -
nouncod lijr nil nho h-ivu uiinl u to bu the mint crim-
plctemid conviMilont roniof \ over oHITCII for tint
treatment of fomnlo dlKcniui. li I truly Konderlul
remedy , llouri for liidlu < . from y to 4 uuljr ,
Mnrvolloan iirec In thy treatment of vrlvnte rtl -
onsei him won for him u reputation which IB trull *
national In charnetcr , nnil Ills ureal nruiy of patlonn
rcattuH from the Atlantic to the lnrtlc. | Tha Uoitnr
li a Kraduntu ( if "reirulMr" meillclnn and har
IOIIK nnd careful oipnrlenco In honpltul prnctlnt ,
and In cla Hl nnionK Ihx lendliiit apeelallBtii In mod
ern Hdaucu , Troatniont by ( virreipomlenwi. Wrltu
for circular ! about oitcli of tha uliovo rtlio i e , froa.
Olllco , 14th and Farnam Struots , Omah.i
Neb. Kntranca on either etruot.
Forthfl Iroitmont of nit CJino.Vin AND RtJKOtOAr ,
DlrtliAHItd. llrncos , Appllnneoi for IJofonnltlui.anil
Trusseui. Iloit Kacllltlos , Apparatus tnil lloiuedlui
forfuoeaiiful IroittiiHnt of ovorr form ut dliuKia
retiulrlnir Medlmlor Sunjlcal TrontiUBiit. NINICTV
ItOOMd I-1)11 ' ' '
I'A'l'IKMIt Hoard and AtUimUnca.
IliiI Accommodntloni . .Vint.Vrlto for circulars 01
Deformities und llrnroi , Trussni , Club ruaL Curra >
turoi of Hplno , IMIii * , Tutnon , Cancer , Cntnrrli ,
lironchllli , lnlinlnttin , Kloctrlcltr , laralysli , Kpll-
eysy , Kidneys , Illaddor. Ky , Kar , Hkln and Illooil ,
and ull HurkMi-nl ( Jpurnllnio. DISKAHK4 OK WOMKN
nspeclalUi. Hook 01 Dln'mui of Women Froii. Wo
have IMely addrd n lylnx In Dnpartmuat for Woman
liurlnit contlnoiiient Ititrlrtlr I'rltnUi I Only llolli-
liln.Mudlcnl ln tltuU > Mftklnu a Upaclally of I'Ht-
All Illood Jllroisei succmsfally tnialoil. Mnillrln *
3r Inttrnnienti snnt by mat ) or oxprosi socitroly
pHckod , no iiitrki to liullenlo e.ontuun or nunJjr.
Oniparxma * . lnt rr | r prufurrot Call and coiKUlt
us or send lilt ory of your ca o , nn < t wo will mil In
lain wrippnronr IIOOKTO .MKS ntKKi upon Pri
vate , HpeeUl or Nnrroui 1'Uousoi , wllbquosllouUit
Address all Ittlorito
A. T. McLaughiln , President ,
/tli und llirn"y ( tHroiiti.
| BnHflrtng from
lh ullucts ol
youthful orron
i-arly decar , wastlnavrvaknru , lost munhiK > . | , cite. .
I will will nvaluaola UvutlMi ( x-alnl ; uintulnlni
fullpanlculon for Iionui cure , FltUlt of clmrKu
Acplondul iiibdlral work I tboulil l reodliy crerj
maurho ! iii > rvniii imd dchllllAUMt , Addrei %
Vrof. V. C. I'OWbliltfllooUum , C'ouui