8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEES THURSDAY , MAY 21 , 1891 A Of27tt.1t.ltl A , IloJicmlnti Knlr. The fair to bo given by Count Prokop Volky No. 200 , the Bohemian tumors sokol , Ollvola Hatdlcst No. 63 , J. C. D. and Star of Liberty lodge No. 145 , C. S. P. S. , for the benefit of the now union Bohemian hall will bo hold in National hall , Twenty-fourth and 1 L streets , commencing next Sunday after- 1 noon at 3 o'clock. The ofllcers and com mittees have been as successful as they have been energetic In their patriotic labors. The following Is a list of the contributors and their glf t t I'pilnotn'Hokot. bed loiinec , lianplng lump and rlllu ; Court Prokop VtilUy. Nu 2W , Inilu- iM'nili'Mt Order of I'orcHtors. an iilbnm ami ! - ! lloo/dti HviilKxly. No. m. ( . ' . H. I' . H , WjOltil vela Hrtolest , Nn.V \ > , J. 0. D..tlOnnd nn oak bed stead ; T. Helchenbey , rocker : V. llolo iliivok , not sliver xpooimt Vaclav 1'lvonU * . gold but ton , li ) cant pin and vine ; Clmrlcs Hlnxor. silver upoon and nluhtgown : Joseph Dopitu. 11 , Joseph Kntitre , ono dozen bottles of wines Mark Ilonklil. breastpin and ciirrlncss Joseph ! > . llrown. silver rn tor : Jixcnh I'oiilio. box of olanrsi Jincpli Hrdllcka. * ! ; lletimrd II HIM. box of clears ; WrlRbt A llnldwlii. suit of i ! Howard Meyer , album ; MVollstcln A Co. , cliaiupfiRmi wlnet II. lloyman , suit of elothi'M ! ( ' . A. Molcher. box of flno panori Jarnli JaskaluK. clears1 lintllul ft Co , 1'litn ' Mfo" cnlTout C. T. Vim AUen , shoes : II. I. . Hoitlr. shoes ; Mohorry Ill-others colloo pot ; Joseph Kriius , tl ; I'rank I.orenz. Mel llnstun store , water net ! IVr-cms & lli-rry. W : Captain J. I . Thomas , slip ) ers ; HI1I& Dulurol. climrs and winui 1 rimU I'o- telku , dukiijS. M. Press , trunk ; 0. M. Hunt , HjT J O'Nell. ItiJ lines Mnnifirill. wines . I. l.cvv. smoker ; Oeorgo MuD.-ininll. colleo put ! AV. . Sine , pnpeisi llowlmid .t Itrndfoid , caul ) John Hnliert. p.ilrnf plctuiosi Monies & Hmltli. lumps ChliMiiro Stole , shawl ; ' 1 lion as Hock , clirars , W. II ICynoCo..siiltof clolhe-j ; Hontli Oiniilm Nuttonnl linnU. J" > ! Jami-s II. rieinliiK. Jli John I'rey. wines Daniel Kalteity , fli ( icnrKo .1 Slltn'r. beer ; Herman /.filer. eluiiri ; R. J feykoni & Co. . collar und cult box : Prcd Howley , ulR.'irv Klynn IliothuisS Co. . ami and vest ; ( ins. Wordoinun. wlnu ; Jomiph Albreeht. wine ; Henry Mies , Clears ; MotIliothurs beer : l > r S'otiIsltv ' , electric motor , Mor/.V Her. beer , lloiriiiiin ft Mren , rlirars : H. C. ShrlKley , ? l : ( Jus. He-Idler. wines O'driuly .V Illiike teas Mlchnol and Thomas O'Connor , wine ; Ilriino fritlimin. . > ics Pat rick Kourloy. clvais ; Thomas Doctor. ( I ; Henry Martin. clKttrs : ( i..an tor , clears ; Charles llnnnsc , cUnrsi H. I ! . 0 rot to , wMiu ; A. W. llnbcnck , ? . " > worth of goodsMr . Tobias , table cloth ; nnd chair tidy ; Mrs. Slllioin. tl : Mrn Tra , ILfiO ; Mm Molcjsosky , tl ; Mrs. Daml. fie cents ; MIH , Mleliul , to ispoons and fnil.s ; Mrs. Dlcntsbler. liaiidknrclilufi ; Mri. Anursory , lare curtains and tidy : Mrs , Hany. | tl ; Mrs. Koiitsky. tl ; Mis I'avlliu , M cunts ; Mrs. Jnros. Mi-onts : Mrs Hlmek , tl ; Mrs. Krainollsfh. tl ; Mrs. Itulal.M cents ; Mrs. Novak , Hotter stand : Allcis Novak , silver c.-islor : MIH Kranek. fruit stand ; John I'mnek , album : 1'ianli I'r.incMc , wlnoset : Mrs. Mnntonsek , pillow shams ; Mis. Slaceli , pillow nliams ; Vao'f ' ACo.baUorV goods ; , ) . 11. WatUns > Co. , liimbnr : l V. niTinnU. tl ; K. S. M. , cradle , quilt and chair ; T A. Kopek , sliver knives and foiKs ; Mr . Votiiai-ka , dish and pbite ; Mis. llurkn , Kims eantor ; Nebiimkn S.iIncs hank. f5 ; Kudolph Dart/ , soda water ; 1'r.ink Ii.iltnur , clgais ; MiiKilallmi rivonUa , lamp and te.i sot : Nu- braxka sbou compnnv. .slippers : Thomas Oeary , boots ; Henry I'lshor , JSs ll.nbara 1M- vonl.a. xoda ; I'nuik J. Shelany , piano ; Jolin c. tl , 1'iod Kruir. hcer. Hoard of Indication IMuellni ; . All incrnbors of the board of education were present lust night. The contract with Kggos & Bock to build thu Brown park school building for rll.liri ( wasslgncdana the bonds approved. J. K. Owens was awarded the contract ; to grade the Brown park lot at 9 4 cents per cubic yard. James I ) . .Ion os was appointed a committee to sco to having the old mown park sciiool building removed. The contract with the Smcad Heating com pany was sent back to have separate con tracts drawn for tbo Brown park and Fouith ward bulldlncs Kdu-ard Kit/K < ; riild Again. Edward Fitzgerald , ho of police familiarity and prison records , with nn unbroken record of thlovings , was before Judge King , charged by S. M. 1'ross with stealing two dummies , two overcoats and other garments of ttie value of $ . " > 0 , and tbo Just Judge Justly bound the larcenloiiH Kdward over to the district court to answer to the charge of grand lar ceny. Heavyweight Klilit. A ton-round "glove contest for $ .10 n side and the entire gate receipts will take place. In Gel-mania hall Friday evening between William Walker , the heavyweight black smith , and an unknown. Both men nro in line trim and they promise to give a rattling light from start to finish. Notes Aliout tlio City. L. J. Carpenter has returned from Boat- rice. Francis McBride will remove to Chicago Juno 1. V. A ( u-ccn. nn early day citizen , Is back visiting friends. T. F. Fuller of Swift & Co. , who has boon In Chicago on n short visit , has returned. The Swift Baseball club will play 11. C. Ilnrtry's Tips next Sunday forenoon for $1011 a side. A mnrrlngo license has been granted to Kmll Stoltand Miss Matilda 12. Klof. both of this city. A. SIpo , father of Joseph W. Sipo , on his way back from the west , Is visiting his son nnd family. Joseph Ueddln , charged by Mrs. McXa- nrnra with criminal assault , was discharged by Judge King. James P. Hayes , chief of the G. II. Hammond mend 11 TO department , has gene to Chicago on a fortnight's visit. William h. Oroyson of Swift ft Co. , with his wife has sailed from Furopo and will bo at his desk again on Juno 1. The Bohemian Turners have elected John Movarec to Jill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Joseph Boowar. Assessor Klclmrd Haurigan has made his first estimate of tha annual assessment and places the llguros at ? l,9ti5,000 , with SJ 1,000 In out-lying additions. Yardmaster Joseph Henry's barn , Twenty- eighth and K streets , win blown over last nluht. No damage was done to his horse or buggy in the burn. Thlrty-llvo business mnn attended the meeting of the Merchants' Protective union piuscnt. In No Xiunis for It. Now , luubaud , I told you to got blue rib bon , and you brought red , mm jou brought codfish when I said mutton , mid. worst of all. you forgot that bcttlo of Bailor's 1'aln Paralyzer , when von know how I Miller from headache and rheumatism , and Us the only thing 1 over got that helps me. O , dear ! what n nmu. The following marriaro licenses were Is- iiicd by Judge Shields yesterday : Name and Address. Ace UniiifM I' . Joiii-s , South Omaha . -j | 1 IMim 1'rost , Houlli Omaha . to I Jarceu Thompson. West Omaha . : w I Anniu Krae ur , Omaha . in No griping , no nausea , no pain when Do Witt's Mttlo Karlv Utsors nro tauon. Small pill. Sato jll. ) Best pill. The production of spectacle has been mndo ptactlcablu outstdo of the largo cities by Messrs. Ullmoio and Ysilo , who have given years of study to this interesting style of stngo amusement. Two special sl/os of tccnery nro carried , so tbo production is feasible upon any stage of fair dimensions , Everything Is carried , so the cities that are visited are not depended upon for an > thing. The prices of admission are no moro than in the larger cities , nnd tbo same grand per formance Is given , The company Is not "split up" for the smaller cities , us ninny suppose , but comes in its entirety , so you can sec spectacle ut homo without going to the larger points. How vftcctunlly this Is done nuiy bo seen at the four performances of W. J. till- ir.oro's great spectacle , "Tho Twelve Tempta- ttons , " which opens at the lloyd on Sunday ulght next. _ Clarence tnle ) , the big headed boy now on exhibition at the Uden Musco , Is drawing crowds. Hu Is a phenomena , Inasmuch as ho is but six years old and talks and acts as Intel- gently as any man. "Desperate Chances , " a a thrco act comedy drama , Is running In the thcatro and is a novel entertainment , Ucsjlor'sMagloHcadacho Wafers. Cures all hcaduchcs Ini ailnutcs. At all druggists Dr. Criun , S.W. cor. lOtli nnd DoOgo Ita.curo3 ctuicor und all chroniu diseases. SOFTENING UP CALVINISM. Modifications in tbo Presbyterian Oonfcsiion of Faith to Bo Submitted. JUDGE COOLEY A VERY SICK MAN , Domantln of Organized ImtiorllcfiiHctl by tlio Worlil'H Knlr l oiir l Civil- Izlnjj Influence < > ( liiifTnlo 11111 on Indians. CHICAGO Orncc OP TUB DUE , I CHICAGO. May 20. f It 11 given out onielully that at tbo Presbyterian general assembly which meets at Detroit today tiio cominlttco appointed to revise tbo Westmin ster confusion of fallb will submit a report mlvlsliiK Unit "no alterations or amendments be proposed that would in any way impair the Integrity of the reform or Unlvinlstlc system of doctrine taught In the confession. " If the report as presented bo udontcd tbo aim of tbo committee , ' 'to bridge over thn gulf that appears to Ho between tbo spirit of tbo confession and that of our church in those- latter days , " will bo reached. Two chapters have been inserted , one relating to the work of the Holy Spirit , and the other to the mil- vorial need of tbo gospel. The now confes sion nas nothing to say nbout men and angels belng"forcordnlned to everlasting doith , " but It will require a theological mlnil to see n dis tinction between "to p m by' and "not to elect untoovcrlastingllfc , " tbo latter being the now reading. The rolcrcnca to "Infants dying in infancy" hits been modlllcd. Tbo Hotn.m Catholics are no longer "pnplsts" and "Idol aters , " but they nro included among "tho ad herents of false religions. " juniiH COOI.KV vnnv SICK. Judge Cooley will not preside at the Inter state railway commission at St. Paul tomor row on account of bis Ill-health. Tbo com mission ban considerable work before It to accomplish , but Colonel Morrison will per form the chairman's duties and only four of the members will bo present. The quartet will consist of General \V. l-i. Bratrg , Colonel W. H. MorrisonV. . 0. Vcazey and Judge Martin A. Knnpp of Syracuse , N. Y. , tbo newlv appointed commissioner. Judge Cooley Is said to bo a very sick man and bis filends are thoroughly alarmed. S-ETIIUK ron oiitMNunn I.AIIOK. Orgnni7cd inhor received a setback and n surprise from the directors of the world's fair last night. At the mooting of last Friday evening the outlook was very favorable for the granting of a minimum scale of wages , out lust night's meeting reversed all action and declared against granting the demands. E\-ProsIdent Uago said , after the meeting , that ho saw no way In which the matter could bo reopened. Soon after the meeting opened the committee In charge of the matter pre sented n lengthy report setting forth the arguments made by the labor organizatt us , the granting of the demand for arbitration mid eight hours and proceeded to give reasons why tbo minimum wages scale cannot bo conceded. The report sajs in part : "Tlio propositions involve ttio making or n law by the corporation which shall llx the terms , or at least a minimum rate of wages , betuecn either parties who must contract to- tfotbor , viz the employer and tbo employed. Such it course , if adopted by this corporation , would bo without a precedent either In state or municipal legislation , or by private cor porations prosecutlnir their own affairs. It nlso appears that tbo labor representatives presented to the Illinois general assembly n petition that the minimum scale provision bo incorporated in n stnto world's fair bill , and that a committee , having charge of such legis lation rejected tbo petition , thereby refusing to give a fixed minimum rate of wages either the moral or legal force of a statutory ena t- ment. This notion of the state legislature forms an immediate precedent unfavorable to the adoption of the proposition. "Tho board is advertise required by its by-laws to vertise for bids for contract work and for materials and to award contracts to the Uest and lowest responsible bidders ; to invitoopcn competition from all sources , and could not , cither directly or indirectly , give any pro- fcrcnco or advantage to local contractors. "It Is expected of the board that it will pursue all reasonably rational and useful methods in prosecuting the work which lies before you. It is expected that it will not enter upon experiments or practice decided innovations upon established methods. " A vote was then taken on the resolutions and thov wore adopted with only about per haps a do/on dissenting votes. The labor representatives are extremely dissatisfied and have telegraphed Mr. Powderly to lay the matter baforo the Cincinnati convention and a mass uueting will bo bold here Satur day. iMi'oitrvNT MouTOAnn nnciiiox. Judge Holland passed on an important branch of tbo Leopold litigation yesterday. February 8 , 1890 , the firm executed a tr.ort- gage in favor of Stolnbuch & Co. for $ : ? 0,000 advanced. Henry Leopold represented that bis ilrm was abundantly solvent and did not want the mortgage recorded , Helylng on bis statements the Now York 11 rm failed to re cord its mortgage until November fi , IS'.K ) . In tbo meantime Leopold Ill-others attached the same property to secure the payment of $1G- 000 to Francis B. PcaboUy , SIU.OOO to Samuel Cole , $7.000 to Carrfo B. Leopold , $ UOUO to iBnau Hrtss and $15,000 to Lehman Spelgel. Then the firm confessed judgment for $1:10,000 : and failed , loavine the New York firm without security for the $00,000. Stoinbuch & Co. lllcd a bill to sot aside the subsequent mortgages on the ground of fraud. The Leopolds conteuded by demur rer that the Now \ork people word gulltv of neglect In not recording tho"mortgage. . The court said that if the Leopolds had not failed It could not bo suid that complainants had no rights bccauso the mortgage was nota matter of record The demurrer was overruled , and twenty days were allowed In which to amend the bill. A TIMtlU COTTTltUST. . A meeting of tlio stockholders of the Inter national terra cottti company was hold hero last night. The object was to consider the advisability of forming a terra cotta trust , taking In all the manufacturers in the United States. A majority of the stockhold ers favored sueli a plan , and a cominlttco consisting of Charles B. Fuller of Boston , A. B Ilnllmnn of Chicago , Kdward Lauorbach of New York , and Charles Corroll of Iowa , was appointed to arrange for the promotion of a trust and instructed to report when it should have been accomplished. llfl-T.U.O IIII.I.'S A gentleman wilting from Darmstadt , Ger many , says the Indians with Colonel Cody's Wild West show are happy and contented. Most of than hnvo sent money homo A Purt Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pastry , Light Flaky Biscuit , Griddle Cakes , Palatable and Wholesome. L Wo other baking powdu docs such work. GRAND SPECIAL. Twice each year , once in the fall and once about this time in the spring , we arrange a grand benefit sale of Clothing for our customers. This we do for a two-fold purpose : First , to show * in a measure , our appreciation of the magnificent support accorded us by the citizens of Omaha and the west since the clay we opened , and second , to create a grand and lasting advertisement for our store. Every man who takes advantage of the sale which we began on WEDNESDAY MORNING and who will tell his friends of the wonderful bargain he gets , is by far the best advertisement we can get , and we intend to have eighteen hundred such advertisements talking for us in the next ten days. We have been preparing for this sale ( and the sales to follow ) for weeks. Our buyer has scoured the eastern markets day after day for bargains ( as a scourer he beats Sapolio ) . He has bought twenty-five suits of one kind , fifty of another , a hundred of another , a hundred and fifty of another , and so on , making a grand total of I18OO SUITS. ! These Suits have been selected with great care. They come in sacks and frocks. They come in all sizes , from 34 to 42. They come in dark colors , medium colors and light colors. There are suits for young men , suits for middle-aged men , and suits for men who sit in the "bald head" row. There are suits for the laboring man , the mechanic , the merchant and the professional man. Not a suit in the entire lot but what is worth a full grown ten-dollar bill , most of them worth twelve to fourteen dollars , and many are worth up to fifteen dollars. We have put the entire eighteen hundred suits in one grand lot , and for ten days , beginning Wednesday morning , you can take you pick for Remember we are going to sell eighteen hundred suits in the next ten days a hundred and eighty a day and we always make a success of our undertakings. CORNER DOUGLAS AND FOURTEENTH STREETS. to tholr families from their first pay. They were surprised to see so many soldiers over there. They say : "Heap soldiers , moro soldiers than General Miles has got.1 They say that If General Miles had not scared them with so many soldiers last winter they would have been llcbtlng still. They looked for only a few soldiers at the time and they would whip them by detail , but General Miles brought more than they over saw before - fore nnd it frightened them. Their young men lost courage and surrendered without killing lots of people as they intended. IHltll TO FIND Till : 1TVTA. Commodore Lundlow of the United States navy does not think the Charleston will over find the Itnta und says that seems to DO the general opinion among the war depart ment ofllcials at Washington. "It is like hunting for n iibcillo In a hay stock , " said the commodore at the Palmer house. "Tho Pncillo ocean Is n rather largo body of water and it is no easy task to llnd any ship there that Is endeavoring to keep out of the way. " A NEW 1HNK. The National Bank of the Republic Is the name of a new llnunchil institution which will open in Chicago about July 1. H will have ? l,000.000 capital and will bo located not far from the corner of La Sallo nudJQulucy streets. novn IN TUB itor.K or A puoi'iii-.T. Ex-Governor James B. Boyd has becorao a weather prophet and boldly prognosticates as far ahead us next October. It will bo very stormy in Nebraska nbout that time , it his predictions come true , and the btorm center will bo located at tbo state capital. The governor passed through the city today on route homo by way of St. Paul , and talked freely nbout the situation. Ho has been east In consultation with ox-Attorney General Garland , who will attend to thn case in the supreme court. According to Mr. Boyd , cquluoxlal storms will bo light affairs com pared with the commotion which will take place In the ranks of republican ofllca holders when bo takes his seat again , and bo con fidently expects to do so. "Mr. Garland has carefully canvassed the points lnvlovcd'lsnld Mr. Boyd nttho Grand Pacific this morning , "and from what ho says I am conlldont that I shall take the scat to which I wivs cnoson by the people. Then , " ho added with humble grim humor in his eye , "thoro will bo a cyclone. 1 was treated \\ith very scant courtesy when I was removed from oftlco , nnd my successor has shown all possible haste in removing men I nmioiuted and milling others in their places. When I got control again they cannot com plain if I am equally prompt ill putting thorn out , returning to their positions men who suffered by the injustice done to mo. " Mr. Bovd sovorijv criticized the members of the supreme court who concurred In the majority opinion , saying Unit they displayed pudi Indecent bnsto that they would not even allow him time for tbo proper presentation of his case and exercise his legal rights in tbo inoimses , WESTEIIN rr.ori.n IN CHICAGO. Among the western people in Chicago today wore tbo following : At the Grand Pacliic W. J. Carroll , Hon. James K. liovil. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. A. Nash. Omaha ; K. U. Smith , D. T. Hedges. Sioux City , la. ; Mrs. I. H. Stevens , Salt Lake , Utah. At the Auditorium- . II. Wltmor , Cedar Rapids. la. : J. W. Wells , Schuylor , Neb. ; T. A. Murphy , Dos Mnlnes , lu. At the l-ohmd G. W. Myers , Montana. At the Wellington-Mrs. O. J. Taylor , Sioux City , la. At the Palmer-H. L. Goodrich. Fremont , Nob. ; J. K. Klloy , Hon and Mrs. W. A. Paxton - ton , Omaha ; T. It. Jones , Salt Lake. Utah. At the Sherman J. U. King. Wing B. Allen , Omaha. ATKINSON. How It Cninu About. NOW , doctor , It's no use. I'vo taken your stuff ovoi six month and I don't gel well worth a cent * my liver and stomach are out of order , so yen sav , but all your mcdlclno goes for naught. Now , I am going to quit your remedies nnd take Hallor's Sarsnparilla nnd Burdock-It cured mo once before \\hcn I was all run down , nnd I have faith to uo- llovoit will do so again. A Iti-akoinnnV Ijlfo. On August IB , IbSP , Frank Marshall , a brakeman on a Missouri Pacliic freight train was killed between this city and South Omaha , bv falling between two cars. Today Sarah A. Marshall brought suit to recover (10,000 damages from the company. Sluco it Is now a well established fact that catarrli is a blood disease , medical men uro nulto generally prescribing Ayor's Sarsnpar- Ilia for that most loatusomo complaintand tbo result , in nearly every Instance , uruvoa tbo wisdom ot tbelr advice , .E. THE GREAT LIVER and STOMACH REMEDY Cures nil disorders of the Stomach , Liver , llom'ls , Kitlcnys , Hliuldar , Nervous llhcnssK , Loss of Apnutilc , Ilcii'lnt'lie , ( 'onsllpiitljii. Costlvcniss Iti.llgosli n , Bilious ness , Fctcr , Files lite , , nnd rcu tors the system lex liable to contract diseasi1. DYSPEPSIA. nADWAY'fi FIMjS nro euro for this complaint. They tone tip the Internal secretions to healthy action , rostoru strength to thu stomai'li , : uid ntmhln It to miffnrm its functions. I'rlcoS.'o a box. Sold by all druggists , or mailed by UAlJWAY & UO..U.J Wairon rilteot , Now York , on receipt of price. BATHE THE FACE WITH HEALING COOLING DOES NOT SMART NOR STING- REDUCES REDNESS. CHECKS BLEEDING. JUST AS IT REDUCES ANY INFLAMMATION , IT SENDS BACK THE BLOOD WHICH THE RASPING OF THE RAZOR HAS DRAWN NEAR THE SURFACE , SO LEAVES THE FACE WHITE , SOFT AND SMOOTH , WITHOUT THE SHININESS CAUSED BY OTHER LOTIONS. FOR THIS PURPOSE FAR SUPERIOR TO BAY RUM , COLOGNE OR PER FUMED WATER. BEST BARBERS USE IT. YOU HAVE A BOTTLE. WHY DON'T YOU TRY IT * WHEN PURCHASING , ACCEPT POND'S EXTRACT ONLY. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES , PROBABLY WORTHLESS. POND'S EXTRACT CO. . NEW YORK AND LONDON. NO O"LJR.Fx ! NO PAY. 1310 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Sevontrrn year * axierU > noo. A rt-'iihr Krnlimto In tnodiclno m dlpiomii shoir U tlll troitlnj 'Tlt'i thoKrcntest ucco , U NOTTOIM , Ctironlannil 1'rlvatci Iliai ui. A pjruinnont euro Kuarnulool for Catnrrh SpermatorrhiE. ! . Io lM nhoiid , Seminal \V nknu.i . Nlitlit l.oites , liniiotuncy. Srphllli , htrlctciro , und ail ills- e.uiii of the Illood , MKIn and Urinary On ; ins. Nil. 1 uuaranteu tr > fur every cau I iinilartikii and Mil ti cure Consultation froo. lljok iMjatorUi of l.lfononl froj O UiuliourJ-'J a. lu. tab p. m bundar U a in. to 12 m YOU NEED WOT FEAR thtit iMMipln T > III know j'otir Imlr Is dji'il If jou line tlmt jiorfM-t linltiitlon of imtine , Tutt'sCHair ' Dye Noono rim ilrtrct It. It Imparts a Rlntiy coloranil fri-uli llflitotlinlutlr. I'.itillynn- plk-il..l'i l ( v , l. Office.lit Turk 1'liM-o , N. V COMMERCIAL DRUGGISTS commit fraud hi substi tuting any other jioroiM plaster when IIKNSON'S Is asked for. They do so In outer to mukn morn rnonoy out of you by n-ll- Ini ; ) oti noniL'Iblntr Hint 001 ts them li ) llownr of worthless Ilullutlotm. . ( te. U 8TWtl A CURED i'jfi CcMffmiui' AiUiinftCuron > tr/aiiwr\T3y ( ! uulinTrii U lb worn cu i ; iiiLrti COD ) . W f rUU * l8 pj ff eti ourtl vttir Il oth ri Uil. A il trial xmffw f j | A noit tJitftital , I'riw , 60 cti , * P Dl 31.00. cf I > rejti'i tv nail. Caapl * riwX/5 nrH iuap. DU. K. SOIIirFTJAIfTf , St P QMinn , fcj I It. T. PKI.IV noiTiiAi it-H OKIINTAI. : UUUAU , OU ji.uimu. IIIAII : ; iriiu. : .3 ItfinovtBTull , I'llilpN > , l-i , cl- ICH , Mulh l-JlUliff , H.ifcli nnd Skill Dlioiu , aiiil DMT ) ' liltnilrli on Ltauty , nlid iltlUn ltliitlon. It li > Hl thu ti t ol ID ni. and li no tmlcM \ \ .u tt lt to ho Mirolttv pi > i uly inadu. At n 1 1 ti < i rtiuntiifflt of fclinflni imini' . 1)1 ) IM A. hatr > uld to li ludy of thulmut Inn I rironilnilutdim - nuU'vC'Hniii'aillio i liiiiniful c f nil Ilio > L | piriwuu- tlon " For millhy Pll llii-fe'Kl.H nllil Ft 11 y Guud Dital' enlnthel'iiltnl Mdle , Can ,1ainmt Knrupp ftHU.T IIOI'KINSVloii-r.S7UnatJolicfSt. V. Y DR. BAILEY , Graduate Dentist. A KullSet of Teeth on llubter , lor HVB Hol.l tin A porfei t lit itunranU-eil Teeth extracto I without | mm or ilaiik'or. nn I iTllliout aime llietlc > . ( iolil uiiJ liter Illllnifi at lowoit raett llrlUno nl frown Work 'leuth without t'lat All work war Ot'F'lCE , PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM Kntranco , Itib ilreet clcrulor. Open uvenlrui UBlllb o'clotk LE French Monthly lligniliu. An Invuluubla help to Kr-nilnluik'iiU and 11.1 licrn. Kfca unu-'o ropy , UKIILIKACU. , W. Madliya K < J.Newur MOORE'S TREE OF LIFE Hnimmu , In. , Nov. 10 , ' 85. Bit. J. B. Mooun Ooni- Sir : t tuko grout plcnturo in siiyiup Unit your rem edy for kiilnoy anil Hvor trouble ? , tlio Tree of Life , la all tbnt you recommend it to be. I spotlit from porsonnl experience - once , hnvlntr usuil it I can testify of gront bcncfiuinl results. Yours respectfully , ANTHONY JACOIIS , EvmiRolist. Moore's Tree of I.lfo , n poiltlvo cnro for Kldnoy end [ .Ivor Complilnt and all hloodilHoisos. Dool It ay to Butter when you can lie cured hr uiliu Moore's 'Ireoof I.lfo , the Ure.it I.lfo llemody ? UlNOOllN Floral Gonversatory. South East Oor. G and 17th , Lincoln , Neb W. S. Sawyer & Co. PLANTS AND CUF FLOWERS , General collection of piutita and cut flowers nlwiiys nil litind. I'lorul ilusljcns , hoiiipiots litihkotH , ot < - . , for D'lillul WiitldliiKsniid futi- ulH n biioelally , mid -iciit to any pur t ofllio htato. I'rleo lint fti'o. I ) scon lit In iiiiliir- iiKt > rion fiiiiiTiil HorU. Ti'lfuhdiii1 , .ill. HeWs Ncrvo Tonic Pills CurolUkOnionla , . e < uu < lllllll l'hil > cil lleMlltr , \ Itil Kxhauitlnn , J'tln lnthIlicltColillIiiudorrrctIlit < ] ClrruUllon , llluo Mnm noilrr ( lie If ! irimnl , and nil other.Nfrtoua or Illood rUoaieula Kltlicr bcx. Hotb'o Nerve Tcnio Pillo MAKES NEVHEALTHV DLOOD AMD RESTOREa THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Theylirlnrjthoro y tltttofJIcallhto Ilio RlilloW check. If ynuuroDUlIorlnif from lo < ronKementof the NcrvoH , nipiiro Illood or 1'ufct ICrrorw. you should nt onoa tuko IIr. IlnbbH * Ni-rvo 'jTonlo IMIlN , the Uroiil fclfo Jlcnow < rnH they will oorlch your JllooJ toil ftreinrtliou your Nerve . I'tlro , 60 cetiU Vlftl. Torealo l < jr aruigl6tsoment : by icall , HOBO'S tVlEDIOINE CO. rnopntT9ita < LAM tMCIBC.O. OAki CHIOASO. IIU DOCTOR McGREW ; THE SPECIALIST. Mori-limn li > e.in oxpcrlonco in tlio treatment of PR VATE DISEASES. A euro Runrantceil In 11n A clays , without lioloiioi n n liour'n tUuu GLEEP. The mo l complete nnd nlmihito euro for uloot nnd all iinnoyliin ( tUcluria's OU.T known to the medical prufesalun 1'crmiuicnUy ciirtMl In froinitolu ilttyl STRICTURE Or pnlnln rolleilnir Ilia Mmlilor cui-wl without pnln or liiKtriiiuentH , no cutting , no illhitlnic ' 1 he moil rem.irkubloremedy known to modurn Hctquco SYPHILIS. Cured In no tofpOdnyn lir MUlrew's treatment for tills ttMrtblo liloiulillseu'Olni't Luen pronouIICIM ! III * mom iiccu < tul remocly uvur ( Uncovered for llic nb- eoluto euro of the illnuuo lilt BIICCOJJ with U > l ( llM'ii-u lm never lieon mimillo I. A complete cur * KUiininteed. LOST \NHOOD nessall wo lUncnos of it o oexuiil ortrnnv nervous * And timidity mid despoudeney absolutely euitiJ. Tlio relief b Imincdl uo unit complete. SKIN DISEASES , . _ nnd nil dlsea-oi or the hlooil , liver , kidney ] , and bladder permanently cured FEMALE DISEASES Tlio doctor 9 "I Taica Treatment" fur Indies Is pro- nnunrcd by nil n ho hnvo nnud It to bo the mo t com- plclonml ctinvi-nli'iit ri'mod ) over oltcred for Hit treatment of fmnnlii ill-e.uoj It IH truly a wumlerlul reined ) , llunii lor Ittdlet . fium 2 to 4 only DR. MoOJREW'S .Mnrvcllnil' ucci" In the trcntiuont of private dl- e t t'i Inn wnn for him n lepntntlon nhlih In trull ) nntliiird lu ctinrui tcr , and hts Kreit urniy of pniloutd lenchei from the Atlantic to the I'.iHMr I'hn d.n tor It a itrmlunlo of * ri iilar' ineillclno nnd IUH hay lonti nnd rarufnl o\parli > m > o In lioapltnl priu'tlco , mill Is claimed IIIIKIIK llii > leii'llim HpeclnllstH In moil * rrn m-loticn Tro.itment by i-orri' < pondinro Wnu for clietiLirs about each ot Iho ubmo illioiiei froo. Olllcu , 14th and Fnrn m Slraots , Omaha Nub. Kntranco on either struot llnMI Korlhotroitmontof nil Cllltns'lO AND SL'llOIOAfi lllHK.AbKllrucoi ) , Appll iiiciii forD'ifuniiHimanJ Trunuoi lloit Kncllltlo * Appuratui end Itomudlal foriuccoKful treilmoiit of ofofr form of ill o i in < julrliiK MoJIcal or Hurulcal Trunlmont. NINIM'V IttJOMS KJH I'ATII.'NIS , Hoard nnd Attimdiinc * . IIHU ArconiMiuilnlloni Wmt. Wrllo for clrculari on liofonuitlOH and llrnrot , Truism , Cluu IVuU Curva tures of bplno , I'llus , Tumors , I'nnccr Cntnrrb , llrocichltli. Inlrilntl.in , Klui-trlelly 1'aralyils , Itpll * vyiy. Kldnoyii , llladdcr Kyo. Knr , hkln nud Illood. unU nil riuult-nl ( Iporntlons UIHKAHKS UK NVUMCH n Bpcclalto. Hook 01 llsi ) > a < os of Woman l'r o. Vff , liatuhiluly mldi'il : i lytru In Dnpirtmont for Woiima Durlnif ronltiitmirnt ( Strlr-tly I'rlvslo I Only Unit * . liln Mmllml ln > tltnto Making A HpocUlly of 1'llt- VATi ; DHKASKH. All Illuod Il m os mircoofully troatei ) . .Modlctn * ) r Inttriiments font by mill or eipron leciimlr pnrkud no m irks to indlctla contents or tondor. OIHI porioni. Inturvlovr prefurrail. Cnll nn I coniull u * or und liUory of your i.ne , nnd wo irlll send la Inln wrnppor our HOOK I'O MKN FUKK ) upon j'rl- VRIn Hpctlnl or .Vervain llno sc i , wlth.jiioitl'ja llll , Addre nll Ictlur * teA A T. Mol-niiflhiin , . t/th / und Hurn y Ktri'ii , OiuuUii. * ferlly nfe , heerfall. SpoktpAM. hmd tcltiiini > Uo rutUulm. AJJieii LION DKUG CO.Ba ltll. V. Tursalu bu Ooodiuuti Drue Co , , OtuaUo.