G THE OMAHA DAILY BEErTHUKSDAY MAY 21 , 1891. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Favorable Drop Weatbor Bonds Chicago Bull Profits Glimmering. WEAKNESS IN WHEAT AND CORN TRADE. * hvc ! Stock IliislnoHH Throughout tlio Country Generally Htoaily null Uii- Changed Itullroatl Hcourl- ties Other MurkctH. if OIIICAOO. May JO. Jupiter Pliivlus put In * Ills our on the bear side of tlio cereal markets today nnd us u conRe < | ucnco bull prollts not only in Kriilns but In provisions iilso went glimmering. Copious rains were ruportod tliruiiKliuuttho wliniit , corn und outs bulls , with tnuru promised nnd fours of short crops on account of drought were dissipated at least for the present. As 11 coiiiciuonco | thu mar kets all opened weak nnd operators on the bear sldo proceeded to take their prollts , though the marked recession In prices was less duo to tliulr olTorts than to a deslro on the part of holders of loin properly to make their ilulT. To mid to this discomfort of the holders the receipts at all points were more liberal , llio foreign nir.rkets were lower and to day's steamers loon out heavy shipments of gold. The only Important point which the bulls lia'l In tholr favor was the Ilradstroet report that available stocks of wheat cust of the Uoohles had decreased S.KI,000 : bushels lust week , lluylng against puts early ab sorbed a liu'n' < ] ( iiinnllty of wheat that had boon thiown overboard at the start on stop loss orders. After this buying was over the market again broke badly. Several of the luigo sliorls bought on this break and caused n lespcctablo rally. The llradstrect report pave It another llttlu lift after It had again Mggcd but. Us course thereafter was gencr- ornlly downwind. July opcnu1 at Jl.Ol'.iftl.CU1 , Hold olT to Jl.00' ' $ , rallied to 11.01 ! . ' , . bugged to li.OOU , recovered totl.oi'j , broke to ? lKUrot ( ) ! < o oSI.OO ai.COl , ' and closed weak nt 11.00. Corn wus weak from the start. There was h < avy and general soiling. Cash corn was iiiito | weak booiinseof the lic.ivy ollVrlng.s anil of course aided In depressing the futuros. The nilns in the corn belt and the weakness In wheat were the main causes of llio dcslto to soil. Pi Ices declined throughout the ses- Blon wltlioiit niali'ilnl reaction ; July going from fi7'iB.Vi'4u at the opening , broke to .V > ! iC al the oloso. Oats were not us weak relatively as corn , but llio rains nevertheless weakened some what llio position of holders. July opened at l.'iiiftlli'BC. sold to Ki'io ' , and elf to 4.Vie- 'I he Impnncd outlook for the corn crop materially weakened pru\lslon . Large re ceipts of hogs and a general desire to raid by Cnhh iiiiotntlons were as follows : FI.OUH Dull nnd unehaiiKed : HprlnR. $5.00 ® 6..M ; wlntur. & 3.0W25.20 : straits. * 4.0CX33.00 ; bak ers , f4.23Q4.riO. WIIKAT No. 2 sprinc' wheat , tl.03 ; No. Usprlni : wheat , * l. ( , ( ai.oat ! ; Na 2 roil , J1.0554 , CoilN-No. 2 , OOc. OATS No. 2 , M > oi No. 2 white , 52 < S32ie ! ; No. Bwlillu , 51Q5IVie , KVK-No. 2. Me. HAHI.KV No. 2. nominal ; No. 3 , 72 < ft73e ; No. 4. nominal. KI.AX KKnii No. 1 , $1.17. TIMOTHY HKEII 1'rlnie. $ l.il1.32. : I'DIIK Mess pork per hnriel , $11.15 ; lard , per cwt. $440 ; short ribs sides ( loose ) . t.VtO5.05 ; drysalti'il shoulders ( boxed ) , 5.U © 6.20 : short clear sides lhii.xril.in.n.4.1 ) : ( ) WHISKY Distillers'finished Koods per Bal lon , $1.17. KUdAit Cut loaf , unchanged , 5 c. IteuolptBiind shlpinentH today were as fol lows : On HID produce oxclinnuo loilay , the hut tor market WIIH lower ; extra creamery , lG7e ! : xlra ilrsts , llffllSc ; lsts. | , 1246 : ij ; evtra ' : "rstHl li < ai:5oi : Urfts > 1 F Now York AlnrkctH. Nisw YOIIK , May UI.-KMHIII-I.CSS active , cln > , iiiK heavy : snlos , 20,885 barrels. HiiKAT-uecoipis K4rKK ) Dushels , , ; pxporls. 70,1110 hushels ; sales KI.ScO bushels futures ; 152,000 bushulH spot. Spot market , 21Jii"u ( lower , iiiuiluriituly nullvo. chlelly exports" ; No. 2 red , (1,1.1 In nloro and oluvalor ; il.l ' v © - ' H.O.i6I.W ( ) No. 1 northern ; , lo nrrlvi' , II II',1 No. 1 hard to arrive. * l.li ( i ; opiloiis have been lendliv downward all UirotiKh llio day und eloyeil 2iliu ! lower ; the deellnu was Umply throuKh a deslru to Ihiuldnto ; the expert - port deinaiid enlarcod a llttlo on the more fa- vorablollKuies ; J > fo 2 rod. May , $ l.r."il.l5 8 , cloilui : nt * I.12J , ; June , tl.inai.12clos - hiB. ( Ml ! July. I.08WM I0 cloiiMK at 11.08 ! . : Aimiist , tl.OI-1.0.-8. ! efoslni iitl. I" ' ' ; * 1'0 \ . closln ut * l.03Vi : Octoher. l.Oiy , closlnit nt JI.OP.I : Docoinher , 000 bushels spot , Sj ol market lower , fulrlv active ; No. 2 , 70o in elevator , 7lo ullout ; un- crudiMl mixed. Ii7i'o. Options depressed ' 4ff4 i'o on Incienslng supplies. May , (1 ! tWCOJc ) , B ; July , KVilU\c , iflVc TJ , , nl.ial. , . . . .Ml closing . . . t- ut . ( . . ; August . . : . , OATS-UccolplH. 8nKO : Oushels spot ; spot market lower , oiosliiK uuiiki option * fairly nctlvf , Inwur nml heavy ; June. fih.tieiUo , elos- ' init at MSii ; Ju y , Kl'ia.ic | , cl ! > sln ut M c ; llK"t' fc JS ? * ' Llo ! " ' " "tWios | ) ( ) . Ao . . . " ' " " , ' ' ' " llAV ! Inn. . Jvl.Vl > iiiuVt ! "n(1 ( llrllli c < " ' ( 'u to choice , .vrriKo ; I'aelllo eoiiMt. 254il21ie. Kmis Dull sieaily ; western , 18Soj ! ro- celiits. 2,1:17 : unukuucs. ll ; , . SUlAli-Haw. ( in demand , higher ; fair ro- ftnliiK' . 2 5-Ke ; contrlfiuals W test , 3 : i-lle ( ; Miles. 11 , f.'ll bags ; centrlfiiKals. l ! tcst.i.t-lCo : : molasses sucar , us test , 2 > 4C. and 4,0,0 tons do- mi'stlo iiiolnsses hiiKiir , 82 test , 2Uc ; lellued. Kenorally 1 l-HViM'sO ' bliiheri No. 1 , "je : No. J'-i1 ! , . 1,0"5 " 8l : , ' \U ! 'X0 < ' ' 3 ' > N" . I" . | . ( , standard a.l-ljiflo ; A. 3it4 Il-lfii- ; confectioner A. 4Soi powileriM A. 4 , o : Kriinulated , 4ic. Moi ASSKii I'orclRii , dull ; Now Orleans , quiet , bteady , St. BT. Jlo. , Mny 20.-Ki.ouii-Stendy ; . WHEAT Weak null lower ; closing I'ifi24o ! lielow yesiorilay ; No. 2 red. cash , tl.02i4il.OJ ! ; May.Jl.W ! ' , bhl.lul.v.W ; ! , ( : . Cons \\onk nml ( .hariily lower , closlnc 2(16 ( bllf , JuiyrM : fcMt..C' ' " " " BhttM os M"y > Wi ! ° OAW-l.iirgoly lower ; No. 2. cash , 4SSJo ; May , 48 ? | ( LVO. ! ) UVK Dull ; no demand , ll.\r Dull , for low ijruilrsj timothy more nctlu- . lllUN DiH'lln'iiK ' : sacliH , 77u this sldo , ' llui-rr.il I'nclmnccd ; crt-ixmory , dnlry , I'.Vtl.lc' . ICiuisSlronK at 13c. I'OIIS-.MKAI , l.uwor : H.004W.10. \ViiUKV-Lower ; tl.lil. 1'IIOVIHIONHDull , I'OIIK Muiidard mi's * , (11.50. I.AIID t < I.IO , Dur HALT SI BATS lloxcil slioulilors , t5CO | Joints , JAlft ; rlbx. W.2A ; short lear , W.il7j. ! ItACON itoxcd Blioulciei-n , 15.5'J ; IOIIKS , fO.M ; rll H. M..V < lUui. ( liKCKHTS I'lour , 4 , CO ) bbM ; wheat , 7.000biii corn. I'.oou Inn cult. 30,100 bit ) rye , LIKM bu ; barley , none. none.'r , < , ooo Wl j wheat , 2,000 buj corn , 51,500 buj oats , 28,003 bus rye , none , barley - ley 1,000 bu. _ MlnncnpollnVttcnt Mnrkct. MiNNEAi'Oi.iH , Minn. , May 20. Wnr.AT Sample wheat wan lower touiiy , hut held up better Hum July , This was duo to bettor buying of No. 1 northern by elevator com panies at 'ic under July. Other urndos were Rlow. No , 2 northern , except for fancy wheat , cold nbout.1c under No. 1. Huoolpli , 187 CUM ; rs shipped out. City KANSAS CITV. Mo. , Mny 20. Wit RAT Lower ; No. ' . ! hard , cnsh , IWiOJiiCi May , 05o bid ; No. 2 red , cash , 07o. I-'OIIN Lower ; N'o. 2 , cnsli. J2e bld | May , Kile OAT8-I.owori No. 2 , cash , 43c ; Muy , 44',5o ' bid. _ IMiluthliciil "Market. DIII.UTII. Minn , . May 20. WIIIJAT Tlccclpt" , rtl cars. I'ollowhiK worn the closlnz prices ; No. I hard. Mav , tl.rfii on track. * l.ofi(5 ( ( l.ii7 ; No. 1 northern. 5l y ( l.ui ; July. * t.05 ; Septem- her , lHioontraoklOiai.04'4 ) ; ; No , 2 not them , May , S1.01 ; on track , tl.ui@l.ua. Ijlvoi'poo ) .MarkclH. I.ivKid'OOU May 20. WIIIAT Steady ile- iiiand poor ; holders olTurmodcr.ilcly ; Kansas winter Imrd nomlnr > l , Cole Dull bill firm. I.AKD I'rlmo wesleni. II 's M per cwt. TAl.f.ow Kino American. 27s per c\vt. \ Cincinnati "MarkotH. CisriNN Ti. O. , May 20. WIIKAT Lower ; No. 2 red. Jl. ia ( 'DUN Lower ; No. 2 mixed , ( Wftfil ( ) ATH--\Voiil < er ; No , 2 mixed , 5''c. WiiisKr ll.in. Mllwaiilcco MlMVAt'KKK.Vls. . , May 20. WllKtT Kasy ; No. 2sprliiK. cash. tl.oWti.C4 : : July , * I.O'Ji. ! ( , 'OIIN Lower ; No.il , on Irack , ( We. OATS--Sleady i No , 2 white. 53 0. Toll-ill ) 3lnrkotM. TOLEDO , O. , May 2)--\ViiKAT Lower ; cash , II.1M. ( 'DUN htendy ; cash. ( Ve. ) OATS ijiilot ; cnsli , O''c. Niw : YOIIK. May 'XI. The ilomlnant factor of AVa 1 1 street Is still the exports of Rold and to ( Ills uncortalnty Is due In a ) ! rcat measnro the anathy of llio leadliu ; operators who have been " ( > lately urrayed upon the bull Hide. The premium oll'ered by the Hank of Kncland keeps the movement low hut It Is not seriously believed that there will bo an other rise on thai piemluni , and It Is KrltliiK linril toholl cold even at thu conces sions made , which points to an early end to the inoveiiHMit , though advlcos from llio other hhlo Indicate a state of affairs wiilch would demand mim > cold If It can ho obtained , The ovl'leiit disposition of the foiolKiicrs to buy stool , s at llio concessions In pilees which have hcon made In the Inst. few days Is recardi'd as a coed SIKH Ihat there has liecu uniloiibledly heavy roverlns of shorts for the account of foii'len houses. Ills a mutter of conjccturn wholhi'i1 the movement will cease with the diminution of tliu foreign short Interest , or whether llio purchasers for the Ion ; ; account will bo continued. Today llio purchasers for forulcn accoiiul were an olTcctual factor In keeping prices up. thoiich the tradliiR element Is. still bearish and supplied the stocks wauled as usual of late. Commission pcoplo were llttlo and the market resumed u semiprofessional - professional nppearaiico. The market today was linn with llio close stroiiR and Motive. The llnal chances are marked , and Loiilsvlllo & Nashvlllo Is up.i ! ; Missouri I'a cllle and rnlqn I'acillocacli P. ; St. I'aul. C'hl- ea o , Cincinnati , t St. Louis , Hook Island and Houthorn I'aelllo eaeh l i ; Nortliwe.slern and Lackawaniiiioaeh lAtclilson " ; , Chicago ( Jus , lluillnston , Now ICiiKland , Northern 1'acllic preferred and rennsylvanla iiaeh 1 per cent , and the others fairly large fractions. The total sales of stocks today were 2:17,151 : shines. Including : Atchlsou , 15kso ; Iteadlni ; . Laekawaiina k Wcslern , 7.N.V ) ; Louisville .V Nashville , 8,170 ; Missouri I'acllle , 7,0 0 ; Norlhern 1'aellle preferred , lO.lrtj ; St. I'aul , B4 > SO ; Union I'aelllc , I4.01U ; Western Union , 2,250. Nr.w YOIIK. May 20. The I'ost Rays ; In the afternoon the woakenlnt ; of the oxohaiiKo market was a llttlo more piououiiced und de mand hills wore heavy atH.W.i. This alVorded thu po--8lhliltle.s ol u decline tomorrow to a point that would not admit of further Kold exports. The debit balance against the Milfoil Stales must have been pretty well paid oirby thu eolil uxpoils slnco January , and with a decline In the price of wheat today which will admit of oxporl. anil with Kurop'o ready to buy baek sumu of the $ I2DOJ.OOO ( ] of securities sent baek to this countrv In the last six months of IRiK ) a drop In the rates of ex- chaiico Is about duo. The oasler rates for dis count In London today afford ground for the presumption that the Hunk of Kugliiud rate of discount Is unchanged. The .Moiiny Market. NKW Yonic , May 20. MONKV OK CAr.r. Easy , riinKliiKfroniSVi to 41J per cent ; last loan U per cent ; closing ollered at it per cent. I'IIIMK MKHCANrn.K ' - 1'Ai-KH-riiiT nor cant HTKHI.INO KXCIIANOE Wonk at fl.KI'J ' for slxty-duy bills and II.H744 for demand. The followliiK were the closing prices on bonds : It ink Nr.w YOIIK. Mny SO.-OIcurliiBH. tlH,6TOOIO ( ; biilp.ncos , JJ.T'.T.TOS. ruil.ADKi.i'iiiA. Mny JO.CloarlnKS.tll. . 112,070 ! hiiluncos , Jl.'ltl.Tuo. .Money , 41H poroent , IlAi.Ti.MOiii : , Mil. . > iuy A ) . Uli'iiilnirH , * I-'I5- CUM ! Inilnnccs , Jjai.MT. Money , (1 ( pot- tout , M-.w OUI.KANS , I.ii. . Mny liO.-ClonrlnKi , J9I4.- 4M. llw Vork coiiiiiiorolul , as contsi bunk , Jl per { 1,000 iiri'in'iiiu , llOMON. Muy LU ClonrliiKS , fU.IST.SO'J ; hnl- iinci'H , { Lxn , ? * . . . Money , 5 per oont. Kxchiinijo on Now York. I5c illscoiint. rit. IXHTIB. Mo . Mny .U L'li'nrhiKS , WIWS18i liiiliinoL-s , Klcih-j : | . .Money ' ( iM uor cunt. Kx- I'liaimiMin Now York. 10 cunts iireniluin , Ullii'Allo , Miiy SO. Hunk i-lourliics , JU.OiKi.OOO Now York cxvlmiico M cnntH proinlum. Itiitos for money cnsy nt SiiQll | ior ci'iil. H'.orlliiB ux- was Htuiuly and nncliuimuil. Itohton Stou c Markot. 110RTOX. Muss. , Mny ) . The followln : wuro the uloslnz prices on btouks In the Huston clock market toiluy. Hunk of KiiKlniul llulllon. LONUO.v , May W.-Tho aiuouut of Imlllor ROIIO In the Hunk of England on balance to * any Is A-jaiooj. ; _ HtockM. I.ONno.v. May 20. 4 p. in. closlnp ; : ' Connoln , mnnef . .7 . . Itilfllll noli"central. . . . . .lMi ! L'onioli , account. . . . t'iHiMo < lonnrd ( ) . SS'i tr. 8 , 4 . 13l < * * ' . I'ntil common. . . . ( UM U. ? .4W . ll N , V. central . WIH N. V. , 1 ! . A O. 1st * . . . . : im l'enn < rlvnnla . 61)2 Canadian I'neltlc . TV ttcndlnit . 17 St I.onis IMInlni ; QiiotatlonM. PT I.onis , Mo. , Muy 20. There wus not much radliiBon thu inlnlni : o\uhuiiu ) ; today prices tcnorully were iniehiiiiKed. The following bld.s were made on cull : Now York Coft'eo Options. NKW YOIIK , May 20. ColToo options opened stonily , unchanged to r points up ; closed lull und unchanged to . * > points down , Sales. oO hairs. InclUdliiK May. f,7.0) ) ; June , ilT.b'l ' ; July. $17.V ( > ! AtiKiist , Jir.lWilWO ; fc'optcnibur , 'IG.M ' © ! ' .M ; Oclolier. t\MU \ ; Docoinhor , il.'i.Uj ® R.irtj Mureli.il4.Ki. Spot Ulo .sloudv : fair car goes J20.00 ; Xo. 7. HP.f.0. Now York Dry Goods Market. Nuw YOIIK , May 20. The dry Roods market was morn an mated today , both for the fall trade and Tor current wants. Prices stoutly- Miscellaneous MarkelM. ST. Lot-is , Mo. , Muy 20. LBAD--Klrm , I4.S3. NKW YOIIK 20. ' - , Muy I'E-riioMiu.M-titeady ; llnlli.'d closed at lifs'jo for June. TAI.I.OW Dull ; easy. U SIN Dull ; i-asy. TiMti'K.NTiNU Dull ; lower ; ? i < ft'Jc. ' I'ld lilo.N-Qiilot" ; American , Slli.OJffllS.OO. C'oi'i'KU Nonilnul I.KAD-Qiilut ; llrm. TIN Dull , stonily ; slralts , ftJ.35. Tradoi-H' Talk. CIIICAOO , May 20. Kpunotl , Hopkins k Co. , o S. A. MoWhorter Good ruins whuro the wheut needed It most enconnijieil the hours to raid tlio market which they did most suc cessfully. I.onis were shaken out on stop loss orders and their wheut went to IIII short con tracts. Cables were fairly llrm und decrease In stocks cust of thu Hooky mountains of J.IIIO.OOO bushels , reported by Hrudslreot's.was considered ignlto bullish , hut longs hud hud enough of It for the duy und us shorts hud zunetnlly curried the news foil Hat on u life less market. Export demand continues fairly ; oed und tlio Miioiint on ocean passiico Is decteaslnc In spile , of liberal shipments from India nnd the United States from whence most of the wheat Is being obtained. To offset these Ijull- sli conditions Is the expectation of a bumper jroii In America. Heretofore on such an out- ook tiu trade has usually found It prolllublo to boll short ut current prices. Professional operators aio now Kener.illy ranged on tliut side. They are coinpiiclly orxanl/ed and 3lllclcntly led. This cun't bo suhlof the scut- Lored lone Interest which becomes panic- stricken when assailed as It wns today und Is euslly stampeded. Whllo brilliant crop pros- poets hero nnd abroad will dc- liress llio long futures. Die sharp de mand for cash wheut and rapid diminution of reserve stocks render it unsafe to short the July option except on veryslioiii spots. If the harvest should bo delayed by weuthor or other cuuscs the murkot could euslly bo cornered , Corn audoulH felt the de pressing Inlliienco of abundant ruins almost us sensibly us wheut. Corn wus especially weak and scored the lowest prices lor some months. It was felt that the Improved crop imispccls would Insure u more liberal nuirUet- it\K \ of stoeiH. The cash market wus decidedly weak. This encourage ! ] bears to raid prices. They found llttlo disposition to support prices and had things about their own way. Provis ions wore weak with other markets. Buyers yesleiduy Mere selling today , lieam wns ueurlni : toiluy. Ilynn wns a f roe fcller. Wo cannot look for much rally while cash busi ness is so ( ilM-ouraKlni ; as It has been for soniu tlmo past. CliiUAno. May 20.V. . I ! . McCormlek & Co. to V. ( J. Hwart.t Co. ; The copious rains which fell yesterday and toduy tliroiuliout the wheat sections both sprint : and winter , con verted the steady iniincia of yesterday intou very wouk one today. Long wheat ciiinu on ( lie market from nil iiuurters and the boars fought persistently and fearlessly. Ilull news Hccnicdlo liuvo no olToctim the market Ital- ttmoro reported sales of 100,000 for export In July and Now York advised that thu present bieak brings them with n limits of honiU'luruo buying orders. Tlio ruin , however , ont- wuluhcd ull other considerationsRuurautoe - Ing us It docs u line crou of winter wheat and materially Improving condition of soring. Itecoipts at eleven primary points , IMI.UM ; shlpiiicnts , 40S.OOO. Clearances from Now Vork , 70,000 bushels wheut. The eloso of the market Is very weak with Indications of still lower prices tomorrow. Corn was very uctlvo nnd very wouk. Thu rains had a strong Inlliiencu In breaking prices uud the weakness wns Increased by largo re ceipts und a very slr.ck shipping ilcmund. It U worthy of nolo lhal out of 440 ears received loday KM graded No , 2 , Incrrasingour slock of contract corn In stimi and relieving the appre hension which some of our timid Hhorls hiivo felt of a siiuee/o In thu Mny option. Uals were very weak under llio inlliieiico of lurgoly In creased lecelpts und general soiling out of longs for country account. Provisions lie- eolpts of hogs were ! > , OOJ In excess of estimates und the market lOo lower. There was general selling out of small lots of long stuff for coun- liy account at ( lie opening and although there woiu several reactions , tlio market was lame and wouk throughout. Several packers who have bought largely of July with u view to soiling short on bulges were free sellers today at the current market , .Should this continue lower prices must result. NEW VOIIK , M.iy : U Kennett. Hopkins tc Co. loS. A. MoWhortor : The market had u voiy hhurp rally toduy and stocks have been pin- chased with morn confidence than on any day fora week. 1'urly buying was largely for London account and no doubt was chlelly to cover shot-Is. It hud just us stimulating an ef fect on thu market , however , as though It had been for long account , although the ellcct will not bo ns durable , ( laid export seems lo bo losing Inlluenee In the minds of t radius be cause they have not iill'ected our money mar ket to nny appreciable extent and hecutiso It Is well known that shipments aru made under peculiar circumstances which are of a tem porary nututo and likely to bu followed not only by u letiiin of gold , but by nuicliases of American securities for foreign account. There was a further small quantity of gold tuken today. Sterling exchange Is weak und opinions dillor as to whether moro gold will bo taken for shipment Saturday. Tlio mar ket closed btroni ; at about the best figures of the day. CIIICAOO , Mny 20. I.ognn & Co. to Toncray & llryan : Thu bountiful rains reported last night where needed In thu west and north- went brought selling orders fiom these sec tions and piodnced au earliest desire on thu part of longs generally to stand from under. The clearance were reported as light ami the day's cash business limited. The market closes near the bottom. Corn wus weak from the Blurt , due lo the ouniii causes Influencing wheat. The clo o wus weak nt the bottom. Oats followed tlio lend of Its older brother corn , and closed low. Pork on the decline was bought by sliorls covering for July , but the Mice-ceding rally was soon lost und the close was about the lowest. HT. Loins , Mo. . Muj 20 , I.angenbtirg Ilroth- crs to Cockrell llrothers ; COMHOIIITV I Open. I HUH I | Cloto. | Vest. vTiic AT July CO UN July MM , 64K DATs- July. . . . . . mi 4 ! H OJIAIIA niocn. OMAHA , Mny M. OATTLK Official rccolou of cnttlo couiparca with l,4iu ycsteraay uud Wcdncsilayof Inst wcftU. The heft prtiilos of both beovo * ntul bittlivr Hlook vtvta nollvo nnd stonily ; jcM ( k'slrnblotrades of beores were 5o to ( Uo lower , nnd of huichor. slow nnil sng- liiK to lowori feoilpff.Avcro uncliunitod. Iloos-Ofllcliil rt < i'llta of hous 8KB na coninnrca with O.tcs yo lordny nnd 4 < K < 1 ncdnoMlny of IIIKU week. The iniirkut opened lOootcti \ Thn rntiio of the lirlocs pnhl wns $ l.l > ai\5. the hulk soil- "y. K.41"0 4- - I'lBlit. fU.Vii4.4Si hciivy I4.i 34.a.i : inlxcil. HMWI.IIS. The tivurnRc of the prlco-f pnhl WIIH f l.tciw ns compared with. M.4l i yosterdiiy nml > J4.48M Wvdncsdny of lust week. HllllKt'-Oniclul r ilnls of shrcp 530 , ns contpiirnd with 291 'Wfilni'sdny of lust week. l ho ninrkct wus ilctlvo nnd iiiiclmngcd. Nutlves , Sl.CO'SO.OOi ' .wuyurng , J.55. . Ilccclpts niul DlNpoHltloii of Stook. Oniclnl rocolnts nnd disposition of stock ns shown by tlio books of the Union stockyards coniimny for the twenty-four hours ending ut Bo dock p. in. Muy y > , ifOl. HBCKIl'TS. Western PnoklnxIOVH ! Great Ofl' lor the bCiisDii. CINCINNATI , O. , Mny sa [ Special TelcBriun to Tin : UIK. : ] Tomorrow's 1'rlco fiurcnt will nay : "Tlio returns for tlio week show noun- InrgciiiL'Mt In current packing operations , In tlio west , tliu totnl leliiK : II'O.UOO ' auulnst 105,0 0 the | > ieuclliixooh and 1100.000 lust year , nmk- IIIK a totnl of 2i'.HJiOJ : slnco .M.'ircli 1 aKnlnst 2GI5OOi ( H your HXO , fi decrease of 110,030 for tlio week uml Sj3lKJ ) for tlio season coiiipinud with last year. I.uitdlni ; places uoinparo as fol lows : ouKo hive St ok Mtir .ct. CIIIOAOO , May 2.1. [ Special Tolozriini to TIIK llKii.l Hail tlii-ro boon liny spoclal urgency In the demand for cholcu grades of cattle nil advance - vance in prices \\ould undoubtedly have re sulted as only a very small ] i nt of the olTor- Ings came under lhat head , Thorn was it fair number of such as aru classed us " .mod" and which buvo boon soiling around } . ' > .MK-5.0. ) , hut of the kinds that have recently sold at fti.OO and upward thorn was only hero and there u load. Tully ono-tlnrd of the supply was com posed of Texans , and n cousldcniulo parlof the remainder consisted of such sorts as nro salable to local butchers and eanneis onlv. Therefore whllo fancy beeves were quoled us high as $0,4 : di.50 ( ! ihcro was llttlo triiU n nt holler tliiin t-VUO , whllo prices below W.H ) bought most of the natives , and JiSOiit'l.M the bul.i of Texuns. 'Iho market remained dull and weak for anything not good enough to ship east. Coed to cholco grades weru llrm , UnoveiiiieH4 In tliu receipts keeps tlio hog market In a staloof uiisoUlomenu Less1 than 12iHiu recorded for Tuesday was followed today by 28MJ'w ' ! It hlhi > result that that day's ad vunco was iost , 1'rlces for best heavy and niedliim weights foil hack to4.75. und elioleo light re ceded loil.To , thonilirkut closing woaic at n doeline. There was au' Increased percent , igo of light and common mixed lots , and not much trading was done at botlor than H'O. A corv- Hlderaiilu part of tliq Ripply changed owners below Ji.iw. ' OATTMItccolpts ; , 15,000 ; Hhlpments. - ; market weak und lower ; natives , tl.l5 ® < 1.5) ) ; stockers , ti.wCM.5'i ; Texans , } ; i.051il.t)5 ) ; cows , tl.uo&U'J. , Iloo.s-Hecelits | UWOO ; shipments , - ; market active and 'Mrongi rough and com mon , J.'l.7. > iCI.0 ; mixed and packers , H.Wft. 4.70 ; primu I.eavy and 'butcher ' weights , fl.liy 4.80 ; light , * I.H.VJI. ( . SllKiH' liecolpts. 111,000 ; shipments , - ; market dull ami lower ; common u.itlvus and westerns. Jl.5it5.0) ( ; prlmo woslerns , ii.lVifi 5.50 ; lambs. SJ.wm.M. Now Vcirk l.'Jyp Stock Afarkct. New YOIIK , Miiy2H-tlliivKS-UecolptH : : , lsoi : head , Ineludlng . cars for sale. Natlvo s leers , I.VIO&I1.40 ; Tnxans. } V40 ; bulls and eows , : ii50 : bond. Ii Med beef , slow at b'.iVj ' lOc. Shipments today , 42 ( ! beeves , and 440 iiuartersof beef ; tomorrow , 201 Leovea anil 40 tiheep , ( , 'AI.VKH liecelpts , : i.il : ; market Htriing and 5o higher ; veals , * VOoa7.Xl ( ; buttermilk ciilvea. fiOiUI.5) : ! , SIIKKP Heeolpts , 5G8 : market Uc higher ; Sheep , H50il ) . 'i ; lamhs. t'MK&'M ; dressed mution , li'Jttlle ' ; drcsied ycurllngs , HQI-'Sio ; s lambs , . Hods Hecelpts. I.UI2 , consigned direct ; nominally at 4.a ® < ,55. St. I.oulH lilvo Stook "Murket. HT. l.OL'lH , Mn. , May 20. OATTi.K-llccoipta. 3j)0 ( ( ; uhlpnionts , 1,200 ; market easier : good lo fancy natives , bleudy , 45.U > & 5.1KJ ; fair to good , H.lOii-'i.OO ; Texans and Indians , ' 4..V ) . lions Ilecolpls , 2,400 ; shipments , 1,7.10 . ; mnr- ket hleudyi fnlr to elioleo heavy , ( l.5i 4.U5 ; mixed grade * . JI.uo4sl.tO ; ll lil fair to best , tl.\YiUM. ( \ SllUKl1 Uccelpls , & , IOO | shlpmontH , ICO : iiiur- kct steady ; good to cliolco clipped , City Mvo Stock. /.Mo. , Muy 10. Cuttle KocolptB , 3,010 lie lid | bUluiucnU , 1,699 head ; market ntcndy to lOc lower ; strors. M.RT < iS.ROi cows , . . . . Mockers and feeders. $ ? ,454t4.4.\ lions Itrcclpts. iiHX : ) Mead ; sliljiineiitP , .1,270 iinnd ; market 60 to lee lower ; bulk , l4.a.Vii.45 | nil crudes. f3.rxX34.riO. SIIUKIlieeelpts , 810 head ; shlpinonts , 000 head | market , steady. OMAJIA } \ ' 1101,1 : ! * A Ii : MAltliKTfi. FroHh 1'riills. There wrro only about ono-thlrd ns mnny otrawborrles on the market yestordiiy as the ( liiy before but there were enough to go around , The general market on fruits was tiboul steady. Tlio following quotations nro based on yes terday's sales : OiiANfiKrt- Los Angplos $2.7533.00 per boxi Klvuras , fiOO ; ; Itlversldo , 1.75. The following iiiiotatlons are based on yes terday's sales : I'INKAI'I'I.KS 1'er ( loz , $2.25ffl2.50. yTHAWiiKiiiiiiis I'er 24-iiunrt cnso , 12.75 ® 3,00 for good. CAMfoiiMA CiliiiuilES t'cr 10-lb box , M. 00. Ai'i'i.r.s The market Is practically out of Rood shipping stock. LKMONS Choice stock , pur box , 10.50 ; fancy , J7.00. llANANAB I'er bunch , t2.5CxSn.00 for fancy stock for shipping. Flour. Omalin Milling Co. , Itollanco 1'iitent. MOO ; liivlnclhlo I'atciit , J'J.80 ; Lone Klar Superla tive , $2.50 ; iMiowllake , J2.o : ; 1'aney 1'umlly , ' ' H''T. Davis Mill Co. , High Patent No. I and Cruamf3.Kli Illuo I ) , full patent. $2.C ( ) ; Hawk eye. half patent , $ . ' .40 ; Special Uoyal , patent No. 10 , 1.1 ) | Minnesota I'atoiit , tlW Knnsas Hard Wheat , palent , $2b5 ; Nebraska Spring whoiit , patenl. f..OO. S. ! ' . ( J'.lmun's ' Hold Medal , J2.00 ; Snow Wlilto , JiM ; Snowllake. J.VJO : low grade , { I. IK ) ; bran , MO.i.Oi chopped feed , JJO.OO ; Mlnnesotii Supur- lallve , i2.lH ) . _ Country Produce. The butter market Is very weak and prices low. Kggs and poultry are about sloudy with the receipts light. The following quotations are based on yes- tt'rdav's sales : llAV Host upland , J12.0D per ton , Kims Ueiieral market. ! , . . 1'oiM.Titv I'holoo llvo hens. $1.00 ; roosters : ind mixed , M.5C < a3.75 ; good .spring chickens , K.51. K.51.HUTTKit HUTTKit The bulk of the good country but ler has lo sell at t'c ' per 11) . Low grades or huv liutter has lo sell even lower. A few packages > to the loeal retail trade at a llttlo better prices , but the demand from this source Is limited. The market for potaloes continues low rind dull. There aru no now potatoes here but a cur Is expected next weok. Old vogotahles as canot.s , patsnlps , oto. , nro practically out of the market. Tlio following ( jactations arc based on yos- lerday's sales. I'OTATOKS Homo grown stock in small lots from the store , bOS'JJc. LirncK--Choleo : ; stock , ILViilOc. Asi-AHAOUS Homo grown slock , 503Cc ) per docii. NKW I'OTATOES Per Ib , 2',4l321c. ' ( SOOTIIKIIN HKANS Wnx.Ji.T.'i pur H buslipl box ; siring. $1.25 per 's bushel box. TOP ONIONS I'er bunch. 20c. TOMATOKS Southern .stock , tmshol boxes , $5.0,1 ; fancy , crate , ( i baskets , $55'J ' per crato. I'lK I'I.ANT Per Ib , 2 < T62'ic. KAUISMKS I'orihwen bunches , 2025c. PIIAS Per bushel box , $2.25 ; per M bushel box. 75c. Cucujiiiuiis Per dozen. $1.25. CAIIIIAOE California slock , pur Ib , 2ic ! ; Foulliern. porerate. tG. ( > \ SouTituiiN OAUHI-I.O\VIII : Per dozen. J2.253 . ' .50. _ The I'axton Hotel Fire Did not cll'ect the hotel proper in tiny way so sis to interfere with the operation of the liousc. Only tlio annex was dum- Ufjed and guests hnvo been eared for without the interruption of n binylcday. I'KUSOXA L 1'A It A d 11 A 4'IIS. E. M. Bnrllott has pone to Chlcapo. Thomas Laliz of Hastings is at the Dcllono. ID. VV. Palmer of Hustings Is at the Millard. Dr. A. L. Hoot of Elmwood is at the Pax- ton. ton.M. M. A. Downing of Ivcarnoy Is at tlio Pax- ton. ton.J. J. W. Richards of Fremont is at the Mur ray. ray.Jolm Jolm L. McGce of Beatrice Is at the Mil- lard. lard.Hon. Hon. E. A. Cndy of Albloa Is at the Mil- urd. urd.Hon. Hon. Jack McColl of Cozad is at the Mil- lard. Joseph L. Bauer of Chadroti is at the Mll- ard. ard.Sim Sim H. Wlucman of ChicaRO Is at the Mil- ard. Joseph P. Shu felt of Geneva Is at the Jasoy. B. J. Davenport of Valentino Is at the Casey. C. A. Darling ana wife of Lyons are at the Millard. Judge J. B. Cessna of Hastings Is at tbo Millurd. J. T. Coming of Plattsmouth Is at the Dollono. ( JcorRC Thompson of Lincoln Is a guest at the Dcllono. Hon. J. C. W.itsou of Nebraska City Is at the Murray , Elmer Einerlck and O. S. Halo of Craig are at the Casoy. L. P. Albright and J. S. Gillian of Kcd Cloud are at the Murray. Mrs. N.V. . Hunting and Miss Notn Bunt ing of Duvid City are at the Murray. Miss Coo Uartmby mid sister , accompanied bj- Miss Unroll , have gone to Denver to ro- 8ldo permanently. C ! . Herbert Brown of Manttou , one of Colo- radii's bright newspaper writers. Is visiting friends In Omaha und Council BlulTs. Frank Grigsby , postmaster at Alma. Nob. , spent a day visiting friends in Omaha and loft last night for Chicago on business. Hov. Dr. Ives of Auburn , N. V. , who assisted at the dedication of llio First Meth odist church , started for homo yesterday. Mrs. John L. Webster left for New York last evening and in a few weeks will return with her uauRhlcr , Miss Flora , whoso school year closes in Juno. Mr. and Airs. William Solter of Burling ton , la. , who have boon visiting Mr. ana Mrs. .lames Morton , 1710 Chicago slroot , loft for Sioux City this aftcrnooa and will return Monday. Dr. Williamson of the Central United Presbyterian church loft last evening for Princeton , Ind. Ho represents the Omaha presbytery of that denomination In the meat- Ing of the general assembly which Is hold at Princeton. Yu J \Vith an old sore , ulcer , or shot wound that refuses hc" For Five years up. If I had a sere log , which so take would yield to m treat , c Ji O. c O. c , ment-tint 1 I took t.o and hc- bitllohor S. S. S. , wh cli prompt y cured it , i.nd c o m c there 1ms ho n no Ign of y o u r o urn ; this was in 1S8I1. K. U. IJosT.Nowton.N. C. former self. S. S. S. , has cureci many such cases after every ) ther remedy had failed. .OOKS OH BLOOD H/iO SKItf P. T. HUGHES , W1IOAKSAI.K CASH COMMISSION MBHCIIANT 1U2 1554 Mnrkct I.trrot , Dunvor. Colorado. Kliiln , III , , "nil Wi'Kom Cre.nnory Iluttor , KsK nni\ \ Clienio. IU.UXI A 1 c'initr | t'KK emu * , with tlllum lo hmn to mi hl | > peis nnilothuri lo liollllu.l , llrocimci nnil'up. Ship uy hut frclulit. Cooil , clioii : | lluttur In lU'tiinnd during May. Hcllublo for fjuotutluhs on tlu > manij. SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , LIMITED , LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. A. D. Boyer & Co 6S-9 Kzchanifo llutldln , Boulli Omahu. B. J. OofTraan , Smiley Hunter & Green , &Go. , 30 KictmtiBO Ilulldluz 20KxctiftnKO Ilulldlng Boutli OuJitia. Bouth Omanu , OMAHA UlIIUIOTlffi ( l DIRECTORY. A. II. Pcrrigo&Oo. 1 M- AII.Mnkoi , All Prices , All ' "cycles SeMen Montlilr PnrK PnyiucnU. 131 ! . DodurStreet. . t < I nliik. BOOK BINDERS & STATIONERS Oinaha Republican Priutiug ( b. , Law triers , bnnlc suppllci , nnd everything In the printing lino. lOthniul Douuli * MrcoK Ackennaim Bros. & Hciutzo , I'rlnlcris binder * , eloelrolrncr * , blank book ninnii- fntturen , Illflllownrl ulrocl , Onnli-x. Eagle Oornico Works F. Rnernpin < ; Manufacturer ! * ofnnlvan- Rnlvanlied In n cornices , Ued Iron Cornlc-o , DurniiT wlndnwK , il ( ir Wlnilowcnp'.ini'tnllc'iky- caps , tin lals etc. Tin IlKbtn etc. 1110 nnd 1113 Iron nnd Mnto roofer. DodKO St. Hll Knrnain St. DRY GOODS. M. E. Smith & Go. , I Kilpatriok-Kosh Dry Dry pood' , fnrnlshlnj Goods Go. , , notlom. nry coodi. notlom , uantt fiirnHhlne k-iiii'li. Cor. llth nnd Howard Kts. Corner llth nnd llarncy ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Wolf Electrical Oo. ELE Dotnilt-Aiitom .TEI . ) MOTR3 Illuslrnted Ciitalo us nnd ( iencratatlo free. H. A. Klnner , litn'l Alt' 1C14 Capitol Avcnuo. Kfl-3 N. V. Life llld'K.t FARM MACHINERY , ETC. Parlin , OrendoriF & T. G. Northwall , Martin Co. , General western Corner Jones nnd Uth U. Sknndla I'low Co , Omaha , Neb. MI'.i-I.IJl Sherman ara. FLOUR. Broken Bow Holler E. T. Davis Mill Co. , Milling Oo. , C. (1. Underwoo 1 , Ofllco nnd warohouio , Mannccr nt Oninlu. 10W N. lOtli Btroct. Cor. 8th nnd Jack ton ( tv S. F. Oilman , Omaha Milling Co , , Merchant Miller" , 1011 N. Itlth stroM. OtlK-o anil Mill 1313 Noith C. E. lllack Mnnacpr. Kith Street. FURNITURE AND CARPETS. Dewey & Stone Fur Ohas. Shiverick & Oo. niture Oo , , Furnlturo nnd Carpiti Kurnlturo nnd carpoti , 1115-1119 Karnam street , 1200-1210 Karnam St. IBeeho & Runyan Fur niture Oo. Succosnors to C.A. Hcebo A Co. . I draco nnd lath SH. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Schneider & Loomis , J. T. Robinson Notion Oo. , Jobbers and Importer ! of ' fientu' fiirnMiln * trmli notions nnd furiiLthlnj in'f'n celubr.itfd bran 1 "HurkHkln" ovornlli , pnnK Hlilrtt. rent < , etc. lilt Ilownrd street. Cor. Uth nml Howard Ul. GLASS , PAINT , OIL AND DRUGS. Kennard Glis3 and J. A. Fuller & Oo , , Paint Oo. , llOIUoiiitlu Strjjt , 1(03-1112 Ilarner utroot. Oinaba , Nub. Omalin. William Oumminga , Blake , Bruca & Oj . lAjavunwortti tt. UW-WJ C17 nnd 613 South IClh St. , . Onmlm , Neh. Omaba , Neb. GROCERIES. Pnxton & Gallagbor , Meyer & Raapka , 705-711 8.10th utreot , IIW-HUJ Hume ? strodt , Omnhn , Ncn. Omaha , Nob. D. M. Steele & Oo , , Sloan , Jobn'on & Oo , Vlh mid ilroot , 1291-1:03 Jones Onuiln , Neb. Onmlm , Neb , Allen Bros , , McCord , Brady & Oo , , 1114 llarncjr strujt , I3th and Ixuivenworth , Onmlm , Neb. Oinuhn , Ni'briiHkn. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Toncray & Bryan S. A. MoWhorter lrolnTH , tirnln , i > rovl lori < .112 Ift.S'ntl Hank llrokur undvlocki. all H. Mill I'flVlltll WlKK to .S'UW Kl. I'rlvalu wlro to ( 'lit- York , Clilcauu and HI. BI.-U.SI. Umls und Nuit l iuli. l.'aith vralli Vork. kouiilit for ull markuu , Oockroll Bros. ' Ilrokurs. Private wires to Nuw Vork , C'lilcauo A Ht. l.oult. ypc'clal Btli'ii- llun KlTon to track Lld < ( ingrain , ' GUN POWDER. Hugh G. Olnrk. flonlVp ' lern Agcnto' l > iiiont' | Sportlnj dun * l > o nit or. Atlas hlKho < plO * Ivo.lllnMlllK cnl'S , f mo. l'lIliirnor \ ftreot. PAPER. Carpenter Paper Oo. , Cnrry A Mil > tock of | > rlnllnir , wrapping nml wrltliiK paper , card t > - rcr , etc. Eces Printing Oo. I.ltliOKrnpblnc , Printing iinil Illnnk Uooki. llth nml ll PRODUCE , COMMISSION.