Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TtoUBSDAY , MAY 21 , 1801. 3
DcllmeU by Carrier In nny part of the City.
Business Oflico , No. 13.
Wight Kdltor. No. 23.
V. Y. P. Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , conl.
Craft's chattel lonns , 0-1 Sapp block.
Ifcal Keck Springs rotil. Thntchcr , lOMnln
If ) ou xvnntvntcr In your ynrd or house
po to Htxby'c , : W Alorrlnm block.
" \Viirnlo nirchnrd nnd Myrtle Evlln wcro
mnrrlcd in this cltv yestcrdny nftcrnoon ,
Kcv. 0. W. Urofts oniclatltifr.
Thofnncrftrsorvlco of the Into Mm , Annn
Miiniilng will tnko place this morning nt 10
o'clock nt St. KYiincls Xnvlcr's church.
A son of C. C. Ynncey , who lives on South
Sixth street , Is laid up with u broken arm ,
He Is doing n.s well ns could bo expected.
Marriage licences were Issued yesterday to
.Tnines C. Johnson and Pctrn M. .Itirgcnson ,
both of this city , nnd to Mntthew U. Hno nnd
Avis M. field , nlso of this city.
The Ohio club of Omahn. together with the
representatives of the Buekoyo sin to of
Council liluffs nnd South Onmhn , will hnvo n
picnic in Fall-mount pnrk In this city ono
week from next Saturday afternoon.
The now proprietors of the Ogdcn hotel
linvo decided to spend sovcrnl thousand dollars
lars on improvements on the hotel within the
next few months. They propose to muko it
lie finest $ 'J n day house In the west.
The " " which Inst
"library party , wns given
week In the pnrlors of the Presbyterian
church , will bo repented next Tuesday even
ing In the Mnsonle temple for the benefit of
the Women's Christian association hospital.
H. Hlckoy wns nrrestod InOnicor Murphy
yesterday on n charge of drunkenness nnd
dhttirlntii. the peace. When ho wns searched
nt the pollco station ho wns found to hnvo n
villainous pair of brnss Unucklos in his pocket.
The Royal Neighbors of America gave n
very cnjnyiiblo social Inst evening In Hughes'
linll. There were about three hundred pres
ent. A musical nnd literary programme was
presented , nfler which dancing wns indulged
in. Refreshments were served , nnU nil in nil
it Wc.s a. vorj pleasant affair.
In police court yesterday moraine Alf
.lotinson and Lew Smith , two railroad men ,
\vcro lined $ lr-'JO lor general cusseclnoss.
Two women hnd deposited ? 2ft uplcco
\vlih the city clerk for their appearance , but
they wore not on hand for trial nnd the bail
xvn ? declared forfeited. D.inlo ! Sulllvnn nnd
.Tnck Smith , two Weeping Water butchers ,
who had become engaged in n , light on Lower\vay Tuesilny wcro lined $15 each.
Hov. G. W. Crofts of the Congregational
church hns received nn Invitation from
CJcorgo L. Farnham , principal of the Ne
braska stnto normal school nt Peru , to de
liver nn address before the senior class of the
institution on Wednesday forenoon , .luno 7 ,
the address to tnkc the place of thousunlpro-
Krammo of oration by the member. * of the
class. Hov Air. Cibfts delivered the bac-
calaurcuto address before the class of 'bC ,
nnd he has accepted with n great deal of
pleasure the chance to visit the place again.
The members of the Council DlulTs Howlng
nssocintlon have derided to organic several
racing crows , nnd to hnvo n regatta some
time during .luly. Besides the crows from
this city , several nro expected to bo hero
from neighboring towns , und nn effort will
bo mndo to provide something out of the
usual line in the wny of entertainment.
The prl/.o for the successful contestants is to
bn n Imndsomo gold modal nnd n sliver cup ,
both of which will bo on exhibition In n few
days nl Burhorn's Jewelry store.
I. B. Kcuves , quartermaster ot the Ne
braska division , Sons of Veterans ,
nnd Past Colonel Al. P. O'Brien ,
hotli of Omaha , wcro In the city
last ovenine , for the purpose of organiz
ing a cnmpof the order here. A mooting was
hold In Urlesbach's hall on upper Broadway ,
thcro being aboiit llftcen Sons of Veterans
present. A temporary organization wns ef
fected , hut the jxjrmnncnt ofllcors will not be
elected until the next meeting , which will be
next Tuesday. In thn mcnntlme nn effort
will bo mndu to double the membership nt
loist. It is thought that n largo number can
bo induced to Join the cnmp , nnd with that
cml In view the charter will be held open for
some tlmo yet for signatures.
Fruit farm for sale on reasonable terms ;
within one and one-half miles of the P. O. ;
oil In bearing ; jjood buildings ; possession
plven nt onco. Call on D. J. Hutcblnson &
Co. , t > 17 Urondway.
J. G. 131xby left yesterday for DCS Moincs
for a short visit.
M. B Drown of S.ilt Lulcc. who has boon
vlsltinp in the HlulTs for soniettmo past , left
for his homo yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. II. W. Tiltoii loft for'Colfax yester
day morniiiK to speiul a few days with her
husband , w ho bus been there for the past
Try Duquette & C'o.'s Pomona fruit Juice
. tablets. They are delicious.
Dry stoniRO at low rates , stoves and house
hold Koods. J. H. Snyder , Pearl street.
AVur Over n Scliool HOIIHI * .
A petition was Hied in the superior court
jcstorday iiioriiliiR by Joseph Moss of Lovo-
Innd to compel the school directors of
Lovcland to build anew school house. The on-
llro board of directors , consisting of John H.
Iloldcn , Joseph D. Lalte , U. W. Jones , Hlloy
Jones , John Kldcr , Patrick Cllhnore , and
Hobort Fox are made dcfcndanU. The
iilnintilT alleges that n meeting of the school
board \\ns hold early in March , nt winch II
wns decided that some of the school bouses
In that district should bo moved , and a new
school house bo hullt in Uovclnml. For this
purpose n tax of 51,000 was voted and col
lected. Now the plnlntifT claims the direc
tors refuse to carry out their former plans ,
and the plnlntifT wants a writ of mandamus
issued to compel them to build the new houso.
Connell IlIufTN Sun UinliroIlnN.
Just received over ! X ) sun umbi-cllas , the
latest style handles. Gloria silk , guar.uitecc !
to wear much better than nny all silkcosting
don bio the price , equal In appearance to nl
silk , extra value , Jl.iB , Jl.WI , f l."i , fJ.'Jf , and
f * fS.fO. ) Ask to sec them. The bust value ever
shown. Uoston Store , Council DlulTs , la.
All Amateur
The house of S. B. Wadswortli , at 821
1'arn nvenue , wns entered by a burglar night
before last. Thu unwelcome visitor entered
by a back window nnd came Into the room
whuro Mrs. Wadswortli was sleeping. She
nt once began to scream nnd the fellow took
the hint nnd left the sniuo wav ho came. Ho
got nothing for his trouble. Ho nlso entered
the residence of F. O. tilcason , with almost
Identically the biuno experience. In nil prob
ability that burglar has come to the conclu
sion that P.irk avenue Isn't what it Is cracked
up to be us a field for burglars to expeilmeut
lee ! lee ! loi-tJ !
If you want It pure nnd n
And nt n reasonable pr
Follow no now dev lea.
But send to us In a tr
At our off
MulholUnd & Co. , No. 4 Pearl st. , Tel. 103.
Illrtlidiiy Party.
A. S. Wesley , the eldest son of Mr , nnd
Mrs. C. Wesley , celebrated his twenty-fourth
birthday Tuesday night nt the residence of
Ills parents , WJ Sixth street. The affair wns
iUlot | , being attended only by tbo relatives of
the family Mr. Wesley's two brothers ,
James and George , with their wives , his two
sisters , Mrs. Taylor of Council HI lift a and
Mrs. L. Davis of Omaha , und his cousin , Mr.
W. Selss of Maryland , were present. A
very pleasant time was hnd.
Shnntong pongee at the Boston Store ,
Council Bluffs , for I'J' o a yard , the latest
wash goods fubrio known , cjual to n China
MIU lu appearance mid finish , warranted fast
colors. Wo are now showing a beautiful
range ot patterns and colors at the above
price , 1'J o , Boston Store , Council Bluffs.
Sleeping Servants Diatnrbjd by \ Midniglit
Prowler of Evil Propensities.
\Vlinlow Soreeim Cut by the
Who Kvidutitly HUH Hume HI ills
tcr IiHlKn ) Other Than
A sensational occurrence took place at
about I o'clock yesterday morning at the
residence of Chris Lursen , at the corner of
Fourth street anil Ninth avenue , Unoof the
rooms of the house was used as a bed room
by the servant girl and three children of JVlr.
Lnrsen , the four occupying three teds. A
man removed the wire screen which covered
the window and then proceeded to put him
self Inside the room. Ho succeeded la pet
ting Into the room before anyone In Uio house
was awake , and ho then proceeded , to get
into bed with the servant girl. About this
time she awakened and commenced to sercntn.
The fellow threatened to kill her unless
she kept quiet , nnd In this -way ho
succeeded In getting her to stop her iimso for
an Instant. Sue again began toscre.un , nnd
the fellow , evidently fearing that the family
would bo roused by the outcry , flccatnped
through the same window by whlcli ho had
.lust as ho wns milking his flying leap n
small son of Mr. Larson rushed Into the room
in time to catch n glimpse of him. Ho gue u
description of the fellow to Ottlcer Wu wk ,
who went out to llnd him. Ho at last ran
across a man who , he thought , answered the
description of the one wanted. At tlao station
the man cave his nnmo ns Thnnas H\nn. \ Ho
told a number of different stones as to his
whereabouts during the night. clalinhiR atone
ono time that ho hud been on the streets all
night , and another that ho Tind stayed at
Aeumar's hotel , tlosnidthut ho liait licon
working on the Flood farm , twelve inilos.
of the city , until Tuesday , when ho left for
the Blurts.
Either the stuno fellow , or one whoso tnstcs
were somewhat similar , tried to enter the St.
Louis house n short time later in the morn
ing. Ho raised u rear window and got hiton
room which was occupied by two servant
girls. They at once set up a lusty screaming ,
and frightened the Intruder n-\\ay. It Is also
supposed that the same tnim Is responsible
for the nssnult on Miss Wilson night hcJoro
last , near the corner of Eighth nvinuo and
Ninth street , which wns mentioned in Titu
Bci : yesterday.
The corset department of the Boston Store ,
Council Binds , is second to none In this vest
crn country. All the leading makes always
In stock nl our popular prices , oraers taken
for any special cor-et not in stoclc. Boston
Store , Council Bluffs , In.
A Kino Operetta.
An operetta In three acts \vlll bo given at
the Broadway theater Monday , May OS , by
the Catholic choir of this city , assisted by
some of the best talent of Ornaha and Coun
cil Bluffs. Fifty voices will participate , ac
companied by Dalby's orch stra.
The sottlnir of the stugo. as well us the
costumes , will bo very lino.
A very effective drill nnd fancy dance by
twenty misses , under the dlri'ctfon of 1'rof.
Chambers , will bo highly entertaining and
Seats reserved at Opera house drug ; store.
Thu cast Is ns follows :
Sir Henry Glcnvlllo Philip Gaschnl
Herbert Glenvillo It. J. Wherry
Stella ( ilenvlllo iMlss Soplmi Gcrnor
Irene Glenvillo Miss Cello. Mulnueeu
Mr. Ulnggolu Jack McWililams
Mrs. Kmpgold Mrs , A. Unrraugh
"Xnnlo" Miss. Jcnn lo Heating
Farrel Henry Guschul
Nopslcnoro Miss Agnes McXaugbtou
Florence. . ) , . _
Emily f Mlss Brown
Gypsies , Fairies , Guests.
Is It r < mHtltiilionnl ?
N. A. Bonner , who was arrested several
davs nco while Irvine to soil irooil * for nn
Omaha commission house , bnd his trial yes
terday morning in police court and the case
was taken under udvlserncat. He ls makliiff
preparations to light his bnttlo for all it Is
worth. The enforcement of the city ordi
nance , which wns passed several years ago ,
compelling nil pcddlcn to take out license ,
has been the cause of cons.idcrn.blo unnoy-
nnco to the city , no less than to the paddlcrs
themselves. Mr. Bonner ha H ro
taincd the services of West A Wliecler ,
who state that they will rnlao
the question of the constitutional lly of the
ordinance in defense of their client , In case
he is lined by Judge McGeo. It lias uUvays
benu regarded us the law of the land , al
though the point has never been decided by
the courts. Banner's attorneys nro confident
that If thn matter Is brought up in court tbc
ordinance will bo declared unconstitutional ,
nnd ns it lias always been the custom of thi
police judtro to line all who violate this oral
nance it Is probable that the point will bo
decided beloro long.
Coll'ax Spring ) via Hie Hock Island.
Everybody has heard of them , located on
the "Grcnt Hock Island Koute. " Oolfnx hns
n dozen medical minonl sprln gs nnd nun
dreds unll.v testify to their merits. Seven
first-class hotels furnish pleasant homes n
very low rules to the throngs of health atu
pleasure seekers.
Pianos , organs , C. B. Music Co. , 63 $ B'd'y.
Union Pnrk rnces , Omaha nnd Councl
Bluffs , June IMS , $1.000 ; Sept. 8-11 , S.liOO )
Oct. 20-22 , $4,000. For programmes address
Nut Brown , sec'y. , Merchant * ' hotel , Omaha.
Failure of n Coal Firm.
Thu establishment at 539 Broadway , kept
by the Council Bluffs fuel company , other
wise known us the firm of J , H. McWIlllnms
& Co. , was closed up yesterday on a. chuttc
mortgage In the hands of ilrs. Martha Sut
chffo , a sister-in-law of McWilllnms , who
lives In Omahn. The mortgage ; was for the
amount of fci.OOO. Mrs. SuaclifTo took- posses
slon of the plnco nt onco. As soon as the
MTulr became known , an attachment wns
levied on the plnco from tee superior court ,
bv the Citizen's State bank , ttio amouni
claimed bclnir about $ * VX ) , duo on notes ,
Mr. MoWilllams was in Omahn yesterday ,
so that It could not bo learned what the as
sets and the liabilities of the concern wore
but Ills thought they will bo found to bo
about equal. So far about f..OtXi of outstand
ing accounts have been found , ovcraiiU above
the chattel mortgage nnd tlio four notes held
hy Urn Citizens'
Drs. Wood bury , dentists , 30 J'earl street ,
next to Grand hotel Telephone ll. > . lligt
grade work u specialty.
Furniture , cnrpeU , refrigcratori , baby car
rlnges , stoves , crockery , am ) nJt house fur
nishing goods , cash or on easy payments , at
Mandcl .t Klein's.
An Insiino Piillcut.
A. Anderson was arrested yesterday mornIng -
Ing by Onicor Kemp , on u cbargoof insanity
Anderson wns found lit his residence 01
Broadway between Seventh and Klghtti
streets It is said that his Insanity Is duo to
the death of tils wife , whlcn occurred a short
time ngo. Ho will be given a hearing before
the board of Insane commissioners today.
When about to build don't fail to get prices
on lumber of The Ju.ld . & Wells Co. , M3
Broadway. Telephone iis7 ,
The finest Hue of spring and summer coeds ,
most expert workmen , Is vhat you -will linil
at Heller's , the tailor , SlO Hioadivay.
Court \ < ten.
Nearly the entire day ycjteruay in the dis
trict court was taken up with Vbo argument *
of the nttornoy s In the cnso of CocWa Jfc Mor
gan ngalnst M. E. Smith .t Co. The case
was at lust submitted to tlio jury at 4 o'clock ,
The rest of the day was taken up hi em pan-
nelllnp a Jury tor the trial of xho case of T.
L. Miller against the Chicago & Northwest
ern railway company. The plaintiff Is suing
Tor f.'KH ) which ho chums ns tlnmnres for the
{ lllliif ? of n tcnni of horses near Mynstcr
Hptlngs hist July. The Jur.v wns secured nnd
the trial 6t the suit will DO taken up this
The Ilo3ton Store , Council IJlunS , closes nt
0 p. n > . except Mondays and Saturdays. Mon
days 0 o'clock. Saturdays 10 o'clock. Boston
Store , Council llluffs.
The choir of the First Methodist church of
Dos Molties , nn organization widely known
throughout the state , will appear for the
first tlmo In our cltv Friday , Mny 2Jt , In n
concert In St. Paul's church. The proceeds
of the concert will bo devoted to the Angelic
choir of St. Paul's church ,
The members of the choir nro Mr. C. 1j.
Keelcr , organist ; Miss Mnry K. .lohns , so-
prnno ; Miss Mctta M. Hills , nlto ; Mr. C. W.
McMcckin , tenor ; nnd Mr. C. M. Kccler ,
basso. Miss Floy Brundnge , the accom
plished whlstlor , has kindly consented to ap
pear wlttetho choir and render several selec
This Is the musical event of the season
and u crowded house will surely greet our
Ucs Moiucs friends.
Visit the Bostot. Store , Council Bluffs
when in need of wall paper , window shades ,
lace curtains , chenille curtains , portieresetc.
Boston Store , Council Bluffs , la.
DeWltt's Little Knrl'y Hlsers , best pilL
\VroiiK Dlntrlut.
Frank A. Webber was brought before
Commissioner Hunter yesterday morning for
a hearing on the charge of having sold
liquors In Portsmouth without n license from
the federal government. Ho was brought in
bv Deputy United States Marsha ! 1.V. .
Heemsof Hnrlan. An Interesting question
is involved in the cnso as the facts nro stated
by the parties interested.
Webber lives near Dcnlson nnd hns nn
undo who has been running a temperance
billiard hall In Portsmouth for
some time post. Webber came to
the conclusion not long ago that
he could open and maintain a saloon thcro
with prolit tc himself nnd with pleasure to
the swarm of thirsty fellows who hnd been
patronizing his uncle freely , and nt the same
time hnd felt yearnings for something n trllle
stronger. Ho consulted a banker of Portland
to tlnd out the proper wav to go to work to
get a government license for the business ,
nnd ho claims that no wns told that it woulu
make no difference whether the license was
Issued from Council Bluffs , Burlington or
Dubuiiuo and the application was therefore
sent to Dubunue. It arrived soon after , and
over since Webber has boon running his
Dubuquc , however , is in the Third revenue
district , while Portsmouth Is In the Fourth.
Wcbbc-r trcelvod a call from a collector not
long ago , who wanted toseohlslicfiise. Upon
being shown It , bo pronounced It no good , ns
It had been issued from the wronp district.
Webber aid not believe it , so ho went right
on with his business , and the result is that
ho is In trouble.
When brought , before Commissioner Hunter
ho waived examination nnd wns bound ovoi
to mvait the action of the federal grand Jury.
His bond was fixed
DoWltl's Little Early Itisers ; only pill to
cure sick headache and regulate the b'ovvcls
An rlecnnt nffnlr took place last evening at
the residence of Mr. John Hanthorne , on
Madison park , tn the shape of a double wed
ding , The contracting parties wcro Mr.
Ly man T. Shug.irt and MUs Joanettc Han-
thorne , and Mr. Eldon II. Lougeo and Miss
Cornelia Hnnthorno. The wedding ceremony
was performed nt S'IO : o'clock , Kov. T.
J. Mnckay ofllclnliug. The parties entered
to the strains of Mendelssohn's wedding
march , played by Miss Gr.ico Gloason. The
house hnd been beautifully decorated with
flowers. Miss Jeanette wus dressed in bluish
ereen falllo slht with inarechul neil roses
and gloves to match , while Miss Cornelia
wore a gown of bluish gray falllo with pink
mnrcchat noils. The grooms wore full even-
Iny dress. Only the members of the families
of tha nurtles were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Shugnrt will reside for the
present at 001 First avenue , with Mr. and
Mrs. E. L. Shupart , tl.e parents of the groom.
They will bout" homo after Juno 1. Air. and
Mrs. Lougeo will remain nt the homo of the
bride's parents. They will take a wedding
tour next fall.
All the parties nro well known in Council
Bluffs. They have a wldo circle of friends
who will unite in offeriiiK congratulations.
For Sehlitz boor apply to R. 11.
Heavy Hull Storm.
Tlio storm yesterday morning developed a
great deal of energy in the vicinity of Silver
City , sixteen miles south of Council Bluffs.
A perfect deluge of water fell , accompamcc
by a heavy fall of hail. Conductor J. T. Bel
of the Wn bash reported yesterday upon his
arrival in the city that ho saw hni !
stones that measured five inches in
circumference. Severe damage was inflictci
upon the growing crops , nnd particular ! )
upon the gardens. Trees were stripped 01
their foliage nnd the crops and gardens
beaten Into the ground. The storm burst at f
o'clock nnd continued for nearly an hour. It
wns accompanied by a heavy wind , which as
sisted the hall in doing a great deal of mis
chief. The track covered was not wide , but
ns fur ns Conductor Bell could sco the de
vastation was comnleto
Constipation poisons tno Diooa : Do Witt's
Little Early Ktsers cure Constipation. Tbo
causa removed the disease is none.
$1OO Sick Benefit.
Mr. J. C. Grason received n pleasant sur
prise yesterday in the shape of n draft for
$100 from that now nnd exceedingly popular
organization , the Order of the World
Lust December ho formed ono of the
charter members who instituted the new
lodge hero. The order provides for a sick
benelitof $ ' , > 5 per week. Mr. GraSou had n
severe fall in March last that confined him to
his bed. On May S ho Hied his physician's
certificate of disability and yesterday
ho received four weeks' Indemnity. CountIng -
Ing the tlmo for the transmission of the cor
respondence with the head ofllco in Boston il
was only about a week nrter the recontton ol
the proofs of disability until he liad his
money. The order pays a weekly indemnity
offJS , and * l,000 at the expiration of ten
years , the life of the policy. This is bettor
than nny old line insurance , and makes n line
and safe investment at only $ J.50 per month.
Small In size , trrcat m results : DoWltt'
Little Early Hisers. Best pill for Constipa
tloa , best for Sicn Headache , best for Sour
Arrested Himself.
Charles Shock wns brought to the pollco
station In a c.iu last night , also In a beastlj
state of intoxication. The whole left side of
Snoolc's fnco wns covered with blood , flowing
from a wound on the forehead , mndo by r
contact with the sidewalk. Shock managet
to get into the cab ufter he fell , but refusei
to settle for the sumo and so wus driven to
the station and given n f rco bod.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing byrup is the host
of all remedies for children teething ; - , > o cents
a bottle.
Stole a Wntuh.
Oniccr Uouden arrested E. T. Lltchwlrt
last evening for stealing n Indies' gold watch
from Sadie Paine , at Ol'J North Sixteenth
street. The timepiece ls valued at about $ .V
nud Lltchwirt will probably have to answer
to the charge of grand larceny.
Another IIcuvju eight .
William Walker , the heavyweight black
smith of South Omaha , nnd an unKnown \\il
light nt Gcrmunlu hall
Friday night fur a
stuko of glOU nud guto receipts.
Whf u fiabjr vtat sick , we gsre her Cutorta ,
If hen oJiawM a ClUl > liho cried f or Castorta ,
When ilia become UUs , site elung to Castorta ,
Whan ilia Led CUlUrcu , ibe j vo them Cailorlt ,
r OP-
Beginning Monday we will offer J2S dozen of fine Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at 38c
each , in all sizes , 34 to 44 , in a natural mixture , French finished neck , and in every respect a
regular 75c garment. This great value will be on sale until the lot of six cases are sold. Mail
orders promptly filled , but must be accompanied with sufficient postage ,
Lot No. 2We will offer 100 dozen of Men's fine gauze Shirts , made French neck , pearl
buttons , and full size , 34 to 44 , at 25c each. Other dealers pay more for these goods than we sell
them for. Send in your mail orders ; they will receive the same care in our mail order depart
ment that any customer would in our store.
Lot No. 3 150 dozen of regular cut gauze Shirts , sold all over the city at 35c and 40c. We
will offer at this sale the entire lot at 15c each. See display incur Douglas street show windows.
REDUCED PRICES on all lines of finer oracles of Underwear. We are overstocked
in this department , and have inaugurated this sale with a view to reduce some large lots.
LnrQest Glotl-iiiicj House West of tlio Mississippi-
fcOXTIMT.t ) ritOM KIIIST I'.U.K.j
declared a welcome recess to cnahlo the over
heated delegates to select members of the
national committee from their respective
After tno recess the roll of states was
called for members of the national commit
tee. The convention adopted the innovation
of appolntlnp three members from each state
instead of ono member as the old parties
The nlllancc congressman , J. G. Otis of
Kansas , noimnnted H. E. I'aubencck of
Illinois ns chairman of the national execu
tive committee. There was a great outburst
of cheers when Tnubeneck's name was men
tioned. H , W. Lamb of Texas seconded the
nomination , saying ho liaJ watched Taube-
neck's record and was satisfied. Tnubeneck
was chosen by acclamation.
Loud calls for Tiiubeneck finnlly brought
that gentleman to the rostrum , where ho
made n brief , but very manly and modest
speech , thanking the delegates. Ho said :
"Gentlemen , you sco hofdro you all Hint is
left of the celebrated independent party in
the Illinois legislature , so often called the
'Dig Three. ' " Ho ntided that while ho
highly appreciated the honor the convention
hnd conferred upon him he scarcely felt equal
to doing tlio position of national chairman
Justice , but he would 'do the best ho coulu
und would rely upon the assistance of the
other members of the committee. In conclu
sion ho said that they "wcra standing on the
brink of the conflict betwceu capital nnd
labor nnd the longer tllat conIllct wns post
poned the worse it would bo. "Our poli
ticians , " he said , "iniplit as well try to stop
u cyclone or tne movement of the stars as to
evade this issue. " * * * " '
The following resolution , Introduced by
Alnson S. Green of Massachusetts in behalf
of the nationalists , was referred to the vari
ous reform bodies for their consideration :
OHusoheO , That when In the course of ImM-
nusiconsolidations In the form of trusts or
business syndicates It becomes evident that
any brunch of commerce Is used for the be
hoof and uiofit of a few men at the opcnse of
the general publlu wo liellcvo that tlie pconli ;
should assume charge of such coimni-rco
through their national , state or municipal ad
A few moments of confused preparation
for ndiournraent slao dlo ensued , then the
chairman's gavel fell and the first convention
of the people's party of the United States
had passed into history.
The following is the national committee :
Arkansas , L. P , Peathorstone. Isaac 13. Mc-
Crai'kcn , J. O. A. Bush ; California , Marion
Cannon , II. C. Dillon , A. G. HInckly ; Con
necticut , Hobert Pique ; Florida , W.
I ) . Condon , L. Baskins , J. D. Goss ;
Georein , C. C. Post ; Iowa , J. B. Weaver , M.
L. Wheat , A. J. Westerflcld : Indiana , C. .A.
Powers , Lcroy Templeton , J. U. Comstock :
Illinois , S. W. Norton , A. J. Streator , H. E.
Taubcncck ; Kansas , P. P. hlder , Lcvl Uura-
bauld. H. b. Osborn ; Kentucky , L. Graves ,
S. V. Smith , T. G. Fallln ; Louisiana , J. J.
Mills , Dr. H. B. Paine , John Pick-
ott ; Massachusetts , G. F. WnMiburn ,
E. G. Brown , E. M. Boynton ;
Michigan. Ben Colvln. Mrs. S. E. V. Emery ,
John O. Scabell ; Minnesota , Ignatius Don
nelly , C. N. Perkins , Andrew Stevenson ;
Missouri , Paul J. Dickson , J. W. Hedgers ,
W. O. Alkcrson ; Maine , H. S. Hobbs , V. A.
Howard , S. M. Smith ; Nebraska , .7. IT.
Edmeston. William Dysart. W. H. West ;
New York , Jacob H. Studer , Joel J. Hovt ;
Ohio , IlugoProyor , J.C.H.Cobb , H.F.Barnosi
Oklahoma , Samuel Crocker , A. E. Light ,
John Hogan ; Pennsylvania , P. A. Thomp
son , F. H. Agnew , Lowls Edwards ; South
Dakota , J.V. . Hardln , H. N. Loucks , Fi-oJ
X.uup ; Texas , \V. H. Lamb , Thomas Unities ,
J. H. Davis ; Tennessee , H. P. Osborno , G.
W. J. Kay , John A. James ; Wisconsin , Hob-
crt Schilling , Alfred Manheimer , A. J. Phil
lips ; West Virginia , Luther U. Shinn ,
Gtorgo W. Hammeut , Thomas C. ICeeny ;
Wyoming , H. Brotenstcln , James A. Smith , !
H. D. Merritt ; District of Columbia , Leo
Craudall , S. A. Bland , II. J. Schulters.
The Ohio delegation in the iiationaal union
conference hold an ndjourncd meeting today
nnd decided to hold a state convention to
nominate candidates , also to put tickets In
nomination in all counties.
DoWItt's Llttlo Early Risers ; best little
pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bad breath.
Kclcutiu Iootorn Npt Having tlio
Peaceable Time Ima I'mlilc.
The afternoon session of the State Eclectic-
Medical society was nialnly taken up In the
discussion of papers on ferbllo diseases. At
the evening session tht'-electlon ol several
new members was the llrst order of busi
ness.Quito abombsnellyas thrown into the
camp of the medicos py the report of a com
mittee finding that ! ) r , II. O. Conwny of
Omaha and Dr. A. Oppprmau of Auburn had
violated article li'J of tlju podo of ethics. The
report charges the dpptors with extensive
advertising. The suggested that
the doctors bo called to account and bo made
to answer for the mlsdvinoanor.
Dr. Comvay nniiouico4 | that ho was ready
for trial , nnd that lit ) would act as his own
attorney nnd mnko bi pwn defense.
Dr. Dales Jumped to. his feet nnd stated
that If nny member of lie society didn't like
the rules uo would bo nt liberty to withdraw ,
but If any ono had violated the coJu ha was
in favor of expelling the offending member.
Dr. Conway slated that ho was willing to
withdraw if the association would allow him
to muko a farewell speech. The request was
granted and Dr. Couway snilod in.
After stating vthcre nnd how long ho had
studied medicine , nnd where ho graduitod ,
the doctor took up somoof hisudvcr'isumenta
which seemed to bo the c.uiso of the trouble.
After reading extracts from his different
papers , the doctor dared nnd dolled nny mem
ber present to provo that every word con
tained in them was not strictly true.
After spending some tlmo eulogizing him
self the doctor proceeded to llro his hot shot
nt a Lincoln eclectic university , which ad
vertises extensively , and directing his remark -
mark ! to several of the faculty present.
Speaking of some of the faculty of this col-
legu the doctor said :
"They have no raoro right to lecture there
than a dog. They nro men who Crazy Horse ,
and his murderers would not have tn his I
baud. All the difference Is my advertising la
true , Iheir's is not. It has been proposed tome
mo to rec-int nnd remain in tlio society , but I
decllno the offer"
Ur. Conwny spoke for nearly an hour ,
raking nearly everyone and citing instances
innumerable where physicians advertise.
Dr. Oppennan made an apolouy to the con
vention which was accepted anil ho was not
At the close of Dr. Conway's speech Dr
Wliitoinan of Harvard , Nob.'aroso and asked
to bo allowed to withdraw from the society
on account of the stand taken against Dr.
Conway. Ills request was granted
A general discussion of the topic under
consideration followed , and then the secre
tary's report was read.
Tno election of oflicors followed.
Below is the result. President , Dr.
M. A. Carrikcr , Nebraska City ; first
vii-o president , Dr. J. D. Howard of Har
vard ; second vice president , Dr. 11. B. Mor
ton. Wahoo ; secretary , Dr. A. Opporman ,
Auburn ; treasurer , Dr. A. L. Hoot of Lin
coln. Board of directors : Dr. Van Camp ,
Dr. Keycs and Dr. Nichols , nil of Omaha
At the conclusion of the election the ses
sion ndjourncd to meet this morning ntSU : !
The physicians In nttcndnnco nt the con
vention nro : Drs. Hamilton Warren ,
Omaha ; H. B. Morton , Wahoo : H , Y. Bates ,
Sprlnglteld ; A L. Boot , Lincoln ; A. Oppor-
man , Auburn ; P. L Moore , Julian ; J. M.
Keycs , Omaha ; M. A. Carriker , Nebraska
City ; N. J. Carrikcr , Omaha ; J. 1C.Vhito
man. Harvard ; D. II. Conway , Omaha ; G.
W. Pr.mglc , Lincoln ; I. Van Camp , Omaha :
I. D. Howard , Harvard : H. S. Grimes , Lin
coln ; W. Mclntyre , Unadilla.
This morning's session will bo the last of
the convention.
DoWItt's Llttlo Early Risers. Best llttlo
pill , ever made. Cure constipation every
tluio. None equal. Use them now.
Chairman of tlio Stnto Ilcpubliunii
Committee 'lalkn aliop a Mule.
Hon. J. C. Watson of Nebraska City was In
the city yesterday , and while talking with a
BIK : reporter , ho said :
"Thcro seems to bo ndcslro among a good
many republicans to have the stnte conven
tion held early. In nil probability tbo central
committee will bo called together soon to so-
loot the time nnd place for the convention.
The principal light will bo upon the election
of n Judge for the supreme court. I have
heard that the independents will probably
bring out cx-Judgo Kces
, ex-Attorney Gen
eral Lcesc or Judge Morris of Crete.
"In case Judge Cobu does not decide to be
come n candidate it would seem that the se
lection ought to bo mndo from the First con-
gresslonnl district. I have heard the names
of .ludco Pound , Judge Chapman and Judge
Davidson nifntloned ns timber.
"I think wo will win. Look nt the bitter
nnd terribly mixed up fight wo had last fall ,
when it locked like iho ground had slid out
from under us , yet wo elected every olllcer
but the governor If the convention simply
selects a good man I think thcro will be no
difficulty in electing the republican candi
date. There is no reason why wo should not
elect our man.
' "I know that
some well known lawyers
, ' hold that n gubernatorial election should bo
held this fall , but 1 do not construe the con
stitution that way. Thcro is no authority for
such an election , as I read the law. It might
bo a good thing for some of the anxious can
didates who are already coming to the front
for the race a year from next full. "
DeWltt's Llttlo E-irlv Ilisowfortha
FliLL UIUIiT ItAItl ) .
Effect < n ilnincH IelIin of
1 1n-own I'rom a Horso.
About S o'clock last night James DcDhn
was thrown from a vicious horse which ho
wus riding at the corner of Seventeenth and
j Izard streets , sustaining severe injuries.
I Dcbtin wns nt ono taken to St. Joseph's
i hospital in the patrol wagon by order of
. Dr. King. After an examination had been
made it was found that Debbin had three
Bcnlp wounds nnd a broken rib.
Dr. Neville dressed the wounds nnd set the
rib. At 1 o'clock this morning the injured
man was resting easily. It 'is not known
whether ho hud nny relatives or friends in
the city or not. Nothing wns found on the
man's person to Indicate who ho was or
wncro ho came from.
The unruly horse was caught und placed in
a livery stable.
A very small pill but a very gooj ono. Do
Witt's Llttlo Earlv Hlson.
Phil Powrcsl s rather autocratic at times ,
but that docs not excuse Tony Mullune for
disgracing his team. Tony has had lots of
trouble before , but when the league teaches
him n lesson In discipline It will bosom'thing
ho will lemember till his dying day. Pus to
this In your hut , Tonv.
' Positively cured
CARTER'S these Little Pi.l
They also relieve DLs-j
tress from Dyspepsia , In-L
1TTLE digestion and Too HoartyJ
Eating. A perfect rem-
acts. Nausea , I
Drowsiness , Had Taste f
In the Mouth , Coated }
Tongue , Pain In the Side. I ,
regulate tbo Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Use the genuine.loimnnllofT'ti
Mult Kxtnit't , It iEthubobttnnlv
nutritive cxtnat. It is buedully
rccommondeil nurhinj , ' molh or ,
convalehoonts ntiil oho wouk and
ilobllltutod. Uownro of Imltn-
tinns The gonulno must hnvo
the Hltfimturo of "Johuunlloll"
on the neck ol every bottle.
G. A. Scnoedsack , Proprietor , Offices 021 Brondwny , Council
Bluffs and 1621 Farnam St. , Omaha. Dye , clean and refinish gooJs
of every description. Packages received at either office or at the
Works , Cor. Ave. A and 26th St. Council Bluffs. Send for price list.
Merchants who hnvo Rhop-worii or soiled fabrics of any clmrtiMor can hnvo
thorn redyod and finished equal to new.
First--National--Bank : :
Paid Up Ciii'Iln' ' , . - . . $ Kt,000 ) )
Oldest organized hank In the city. Korclfn nnd
ilmuf-tic t-xrhnnjro unit locnl si'CiirttlM. Kipi'ulil
attention paid to collection" . Aramntfl ( if Inillrlil-
unh. tmnki , bankers awl corporations eullcltuit. Cor-
rorinondencc lnvlti'il.
CiKO. r. SANFOHI ) . 1'rn.ldont.
A. W. UtKKMAN. Tnslilcr.
A. T llICi : . Assistant Cntlilcr.
The New Ojrdon Hotel , In Council HlnnN. has
been completely refilliiishud and modemlm !
throughout , and is now ono of the hotels
In the state. 11 Is loo.ited In the huslnus- ; part
of the city nnd the electric motors puss the
doore\ory four minutes. I'lro i , caies | and
fire alarms tbrou ihout the building. Steam
beat , hot and cold water and sunshine In
every room. Table unsnrptiviud anywhere.
Hates S'J.uo a nay.
GBO. M. WHITNEY. Manager.
Council Bluffs , la.
This Elegantly Appointed Hotel
is Now Open.
George T. Phclps , Manager.
Xr Qittnrlfirc. Attorneys at law. I'rac-
< X OilUIlllUb tlco In the state and
fe'lcral com I * . Koiins : i , 4 and 5
lieno block , Council ItlulTs. la.
HI rinnihnre Attorney nt , No. 10
. J , tlldllllJLlb , i > 0iri ! street , over llush-
nell's store. Telephone No.'l. ! ! .
hours , b u. m. to'J p. m. Council Klulls , liu
Electric Trussag ,
Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc.
GO3 Broadway , Council Bluffs , In
TliljKi ! JIONK-4.
ori'icR , ir. itBiin mi ;
Medical and Surgical Institute.
Chronic diseases of all kinds nnd deform
ities hpcolnltirs. Nos. " ( XII uiul 'MM llroudttiiy
Connell mulls , la.
Ji. ir. t'ii.i3ittKiiiti\ . it.
Eye , liar , No onml Tliroii
CouncillllnITi , luwn
pulnriil mill wi'.ik cl-l '
t i-iiruclic , itc.ifnu < 4 , i.l
, rliiirKOi from the < .ri i
tarrh , \\-\j \ lev.T , n tnn ! i
t anil all iiciilu tin. ) ilirm ,
! ntli'ollom of tliu lliiMil .t
I tcil .ii liuiitiHila lili u. acciirutoly prcscrliul M
ilinifiilt ruim. i/fiuu i-uri.i4 c.'liriiuio nauriluli aril
nick lio.ul-ii.he. Hur < iuil u . T i IIH , , wiiun nacot-
yitrr. | ) 'ilMio.y | ivirfirnii. a * .irln . < hou rjiiilti
Otllcu.h.m iirt-l ! n < uloc . rjjiil Ltua.icll UluI ( . Ik
Gas Heating Stoves.
Just tbo tbln for Inth rooms , bud roo'ns , eta
Cull ami nee our larxo usM > itiuunt.
C. B. Gns und Eleilrlj Llgit ! Co
_ Sll I'oirl aii'l ' . ' 10 MitliiSlrnoL _
D. H. McDancld & Co. ,
Butchers' ' Pasiwri1 Su lhj ,
Markat Fixturaj , Casln ] ] ,
plcesnnd Saus.iso Makers * Machinery. ) .
WMuIn st. . Council UlutTa , la. Alw UoaluH
n llldea uud I'ur * .
VVANTni ) TwnuxpcrlniuTilololhliiKHitlcs-
' > niL'ii ut once. Referencerequired. .
Marcus ( . 'lothliu House , 021 Uroniluny.
\\7ANTii lly a young nnnwlth exnorl-
' I'licu nnd references position In a nho'o-
M lo hoiisnliero bo ran tuhancc. Address
K3) ) . lice dlllcc , Council llhllTi.
\\7ANTEO Klrsl-olnss cliiiinhermnld at
' ( ir.ind hotel ; apply at ouce. Ooorgo T.
I'hulps , manager.
V\7ANTK1) A competent clrl tn do gcncnl
' huusouork In a family of ! ! ; good wages.
WAN TniGood > clrl for /cneral house
I work. 'M Harmony street.
FOK Our line family horse , suitable
for rldln ; ; or driving. Apply to I'M a. Oth
' .reel.
TPO lovers of horses The largest , ot of oati
-L and the llnoat In tlio city ; alto hay nnd
feed ; > all kinds at S. OoUUtela & Co'u W3
\ \ est HroHilu ay.
OLAIIUOYANT nnd psychometricorcliar -
ueter roiuluiBS ; alMi illtiRiiosis of disu.iso.
Send loel < of hair for leadings by letter. Hun-
diiysiuid e\unln"s. Mrs. U. Hooper. US Avo-
line n , cm ncr 15th St. , Council II ulta ,
Term' ) . r and .
> ) e tl 00.
_ _ _ _ _ _
"IiOll HINT : Two newly furnished rooms )
J bat'i , hot and cold water and heat
Grand hotel annex , second Hour.
IlOIt SA1K I'orlSenl-Wiinled If you want
to buy , sell or rant iinvllilnj ? In iho real
estate line don't do It until you Imvuwiia our
larjro list of bargains. Swan & Walker , No. 11J
Main and ICI I'earl streets Council lllnlN.
TjlOK SALE or Trade A line imported
-L1 Clydesdale stallion. Uall on U. J. llutuh-
HIMHI .v Co. . I7 H roadway.
OMB line residence property for rent by
' arl str.-cU
_ _
"IJ1UK SAI.K Hotel centrally lontoil , doing
* t-ood business. Or will uxclmnxo for irood
farm In western Iowa.
Hotel le.ise. furn turn nirJ fixtures ; an A
r > o. I uhiincoU ) stop InU ) a good payiui ; busl <
nci Heasons for soiling , other business ro-
( inlrlni ; all owner's attention.
Ilar ulns In rusldenco and buslnen prop-
city. It. I' , ntllccr , roul estate und insaraneo
aaenU No. 12 N. Mnln St. . Council Hill Ifs.
GAKDCNS Sotno choice Burden liind near
Council ItlullV fors'ilu oneasy tcrmn. ulso
vineyards anil a Inr o list of Iowa farm *
Johnston & Van I'atten.
T/lHU IT farm for s.ilo or tr.vlo ; well located
A and nil | u boarliu ; KOO ! house and barn.
Vull take some good city property , anil KOOU
tlmeKlvoi. on balance. U.ill on or address U.
J. Hiitchlnson ft Co. . UI7
iroit HKNTTbo Mo luiuin bfoek , S story'
-L' lirlek , with baseiiienl mid oluvator. J. W.
Squire , JO , I'oiirl street
or Itanl Jxrloa Unl. wltli
J It. llloo. 10i Mala tt , OouaoU
Of Council Ulu.'fi.
CAPITAL STOCK . $150,000 ,
DIIIBTOIIS I. , V. Mlllor , I" U Qlowi , R U
Bhu nrt. R. R. Hart , J 1) Eilmiin Isoa , Oil irlai
It. llannnn Tr.miiot Kenoril Uanklnj bml
ntn Ivrxr.-est caplttl unl nurpltu ot aaj
bankln Hotithwoitorn
All IdniU of living anil Ukunlni dnnu In tha
llKlifhtbtyluoftliu Aru Kudul aaj Hlainoil
I aljrlca nmclu to lixik 114 ifooil a $ now. lied
1 dutlivl-h l IUIIIIIHI lly Mi'iiin , in I'lrHt V\uti \
Manricr. Work pro'iiutly done and dellroroi
In all parti of thu'jountr/ i und for prlc *
, , tt A. MrtOIIAN , Prop. ,
101J uroadnav. Nurtlnvu toru bjpoL
COUNCIL lli.urij. U.
Muy 10. ICouciiu of L'cucroui ruin *