Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1891, Image 1

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The Cincinnati Oonfcrenoa Promulgates Its
Principles with a Whoop.
Colonel Gougnr HllcUH in Her Iilp ami
GulH HcfHclI' Into Trouble I'l-o-
h.bltlon I'luiik Overwhelm *
CINCINNATI , O. , Mav 20. A llttlo political
giant was born Into the world today. It Is tno
literal truth to state also that no moro won
derful exhibition of lung power ata national
event was over hoard than In the Cincinnati
music hall this afternoon. From thn moment
In the morning when the great Bothering of
farmers and wngo workers voted eagerly for
making the formation of n national executive
commltteo n part of the programme
the result was to n certain extent
foregone. All doubt was removed in
ten seconds when to.vnrd evening , after
scenes of almost unprecedented turmoil , the
fresh , clear countenance of Ignatius Don
nelly of Minnesota , chairman of the commit
tee on resolutions , beamed from the rostrum
on tlio struggling , yelling mass of
humanity In tlio convention , and Don
nelly , with n dignity befitting lib words ,
announced that the committee had became u
unite for Btnrtinp a third party in the nation
without another Instant's delay.
It was marvelous to see the effect on the
delegates nnd spectators alike. Fatigue fore
boding quarrels vanished ns if struck
out by lightning Breathless nnd
hushed thu listening hundreds waited
ns Donnelly continued , earnestly : "Wo
think wo have performed n work
that will effect the politics of this country
for thu next fifty years. " That was enough.
Tno audience could contain itself no longer ,
but with dynamite force exploded In a a tor-
rifle I bunder of applause ,
Thocommltteoon resolutions appointed by
the national union conference remained In
session until ! l0 : : this morning when an ad
journment was taken until 10 o'clock.
After the opening exercises of Iho confer
ence this morning reports from the commltteo
on arrangements and credentials helped kill
tlmo pending the exciting developments that
many looked for when the platform commlt
tee was loudv to report.
jcsse uarper , inu Illinois grcciiuacKor , mi-
dressed the convuntion. He was sliut off by
the report of the credentials committee. The
committee announced that nny delegate rep
resenting several organizations could only
cast ono voto. This created a quiet sen
sation. Total number of delegates reported
was 1,417. The report was unanimously
dopted ,
A terrific uproar was suddenly caused at
this point by Graver of Wisconsin starting
n hnrunguo 'in opposition to organizing at
Oti''O ' n now party.
Yells of "Sit down I" "Put him out I" and
( similar shouts from the floor and gallery had
no effect The chairman pounded wildly
with his hammer and the Wisconsin man
was finally hauled down by the scrgountrat-
arms. ,
When order was restored the report of the
committee on permanent organisation was
heard and then Mrs. Helen Gougar wns given
nn opportunity to express sympathy with ttio
movement and plead for a prohibition plank
in thu convention's platform. Mrs. Gougar
denounced the banquet to bo given the dele
gates to thoconvention toiiight.dcclarlng that
brewers were bucking It. There was much
feeling displayed over the talk , nnu it is
stated that Mrs. Cougar's delegation would
repudiate her sentiments as to the banquet
and would attempt to discipline hor.
United States Senator PelTorwns at this
point introduced ns the. permanent chairman
of the convention and was given n flattering
reception. The assemblage before him ho
proclaimed wns ono of the most important
over convened on American soli. They wcro
upon the eve of nn epoch more important to
the ititerests of the people of this country
> 4 nii probably nny that over confronted
thofii. Tlioy had before thorn a power which
was crushing thu people , nototilyln America ,
but in all the world. They divided
upon some minor matters , but thanks bo to
Hod they united on this the money power
must bo deposed. There was now no such a
thing ns stopping the avalanche. Lot them
only keep It , however , In the middle of the
road. Let them not go astray after this ism
or that ism , but begin today [ cheersj to
spread the main Issue' .
Mrs. Marion Todd of Chicago , in nn elo
quent address , presented Senator PefTer with
" u basket of flowers.
An appeal was made from the platform for
money to pay the faro homo of the colored ol-
llunco delegates from South Carolina , and
contributions were generously made.
After some opposition the report of the
committee on order of business limiting
speeches to IIvo minutes was adopted.
The report outlined a nroci-.xramo for the
appointment of n national commltteo. An
attempt to modify thu report EO as to practic
ally make the unit rule got the convention
into u parliamentary argument. It was over
whelmingly defoated. It was necessary to
apply the previous question before n vote
could be obtained on the report of the com-
mlttco on order of business. It went
through with n rush and when the result was
announced pandemonium broke loose. The
convention then took a recess.
It was not accident that the third party en-
' thusinsts .scored heavily In the adoption of
the report of the coiruMJttca on rules. The
Miiiisachusets delegation , which controlled
the rules commltteo , fo.iring that the plat
form committee's report would bo adverse to
immediate action for a third party , conceived
tlio idea of providing in the rules committee
report for a national commltteo , nnd Dele
gate Brown of the Bay state , In explaining
t.o ! rules to the convention , gave warning
that the adoption of the report meant the
birth of a now party , his Idea being that
there could bo no executive committee with
, out n third party.
Vf ho report was nevertheless adapted , and
the result Is thut whllo the commltteo on
resolutions was tugging away , some of Its
members being the brainiest opponents ol
third partyism at this time , their action , Iniil
It been adverse , was practically forestalled
by the adoption of the report ot the commit
tee on rules.
When the convention reassembled a totter
from L. L. Polk , which wns road , advising
this conference to issue nn undress and defer
action on a third party until IS'.1 ) , caused a
breeze , and when n motion to refer it to the
committee ) on resolutions was declared car
rlcd there was n loud demand notably from
the Minnesota delegation -that the negative
bo put moro forcibly by the chair. The do
mam ! was renewed and continued from tlmo
to tlmo during the reading of a number of
miscellaneous telegrams ,
Mr. Fish of Minnesota argued that Mr.
Polk's letter was Ill-timod and claimed Unit
it showed how useless It would bo to refoi
the third party question to the meeting In
Ignatius Donnelly , chairman of the coin ,
mlttco on resolutions , cllmboit upon the ros
trum at this juncture and almost his first
words caused a whirlwind of excitement
The declaration from Donnelly which set the
- . convention wild was to the effect thut ho
was ( hero to report that the committee on
platform was a unit for the wntil
tlon Ofituo third party. Donnelly evident ! }
fe\t \ that bis moment of triumph had come It
the struggle which ho himself so deftly
hegan lust twenty-four hours before , und Tor
which ho find been so publicly castigated b >
( jeueral Weaver. Two alternatives were
presented , ho said--either to ignore a thin
party or divide the friends of reform.
* ' \\o \ then gave way lo Uobert Schilling o
. Wisconsin , secretary of the committee , who
rend the platform as follows :
Your committee on resolutions begs to sub
mil the following :
1. Thut In vloof the great social. liuiui
tilal and economical revolution now dawnlnf
upon the clvlllted world , nml tlio now uml llv
Icj Jisuc confronting thu American people
webollovo that tlio tlmo liai nrrlvciltora
cry.stldzntlnuof the political reform foree.iof
our country and the format Ion of wliatuhonld
liu known ns tlio pcuplu's party of thu United
btntesof America.
S. That wo mint heartily endorse ttio de
mand'of ! tlio platform * us adopted at St.
I.oiiU , Mo. . In Ituii ; of Ocala. Kin. , in UK ) , nnd
Oninlin , Nob. . In l ll , liy tlio Industrial organ
izations there rupiciontcdsummarized us fol
lows :
A The right to mnko mid Issue money at a
unvprulRti power to tie maintained by the people
ple for the common benellt. hence no iluinand
the abolition of tmtloniil bunks us banksof
l sne. mid as a substitute for national bank
notes we ilonmml that leiral tender treasury
notes \IK \ Issued In siilllelent volume to trans
act tliobuxliii"not thu country on u cuili bails
without ilnimik'o on-special advantage to nny
cliiKS iiruiillliiK , such notes to he IciiU tender
In payment of all ( lelts , public and private ,
nnd Hiich notes when demanded by the | ) eiilo |
Mmll lie Ion lied to them nt not more than 8 ( MIT
cunt per . ' 1111111111 upon noii-lmtuir Mhiitdu
products. UH Indlcnted In tlio suli-tiensury
jilnn und nl. n upon real entitle , with proper
limitation upon tlio qunntlty of land nnd
amount of IIKIIII'.V.
II We demand the. frco nnd unlimited coln-
U Wo demand the pn liie of law * prohibit
ing alien ownership of hind und that congiess
take prompt net Ion to dovisi'some plan to ob-
taln.iill lands now owned by nlten anil forvlgn
syndicate * ! , nnd that all limd held by mil-
roa'dsaiiil other rcirporatlons In excess of ouch
as N actually used and needed bytlit'tn uo ro-
claliiu'd l > ' v the KoveiiiiiKint and lieu : for
actual sott'lorsonly.
1)llclluvlint In the iloctrlno of
rights to all nnd spcelnl privileges to none , wo
di'innnil that taxation national , state or
municipal , slmll not ho iisud to Imlld up uno
inturi'-l or elnss at thn oxpent J of the other.
E Wo demand that nil rovumiM national
state or county > liall bo limited to the no-
cossltlci of thn govurninunt uconomlcdly : and
lioneMly ndinlii 1stc-rud.
! _ \Vodoinuul : ajiHtnnd equitable system
of graduated tux on Incomes.
( iVo \ ( lomand the most rigid , honest and
Just niitloniil eontrol and Hiiiiervislon of tlio
meant of public communication and transpor
tation , and If this eontrol and supervision
does not rcmovu tlio abuses now cxIstliiK wn
dimmnd the govnriiient ownur lilp of such
ini'iins of coinmiiuluatlon anil transportation.
II \ \ ' ( . deiiiniid thu eloetloii of iiresUIcnt ,
vice iiresldent and United Status senators by
illreet vote of the jieople.
'I. That wo urge milted action of nil progres
sive or iuil/Mtloiis In nttemlln. ? tlio conference
called for Kuhruary IS. . IhtB , liy six of thu lend-
liik.- reform organlxatlons.
4. That a national central committee bo ap
pointed by this conference , to bo composed of
u chairman , to bo elected by this body , uml of
throe members from uncli state represented ,
to I'o ' iiainiul by oaeb xtate delegation.
IS. That this central ratiiiulttco shall rcpru-
Hent this body , uttcnd the national confer
ence on rubniury 21. INK , and , If possible ,
unite with that and all other reform orguuuii-
tlons there assembled.
! > . If no satlsfuetory azrecnient can bo ef
fected tills commltteNlntll call a national con-
venllot , not later than June I , IS'.fJ. ' for the
purpose of nominating candidates fur piesl-
ilmitntid vice presldunt.
0. That , tno members of Iho central com
mittee for each stale where there. Is no Inde
pendent imlltlralnrcanl/iitlon conduct anac-
tlvu system of polltlenl imitation In their re
spective slate * .
Aildltlniiiil resolutions not a Part of the
platform were presented. Juoy reconi-
moniled favorable cousiiloration of unlvoraal
sufTrape , dunmnded treasury notoi to pay
soldiers equivalent to coin , favors eight
hours a day nud condemns the notion of the
world's fair commission with reference to
The name of the new party , the "people's
of the United SUto-t " elicited
party - , n mac-
i.llieent outburst of apnlause , nnd us each
plunk was read the cheering wns renewed so
frequently that the great hall seemed to re-
verber.ito'continuously. .
A plank recommended universal suffrage
to favorable consideration and another de
manded the payment of pensions on a fold
The farmer met with a rather chilly recep
tion , but the latter was roundly ctioercd.
At this junction a delegate objected that
the platform wns one-sided for the farmers'
alliance , but ho met with little uncotmiKO-
mcnt , and Schilling < lcclurcd that the con
vention was hero for harmony and for the
now "docl'ir.itlon of independence. " Ho an
nounced that the pension plank was left to
the soldier member on the committed with nn
Inquiry us to whoter It wa satisfactory , and
on his acquiescence it was adopted unani
Davis of Texas , a lank six footer In n light
suit , who had olcctrillcil the convention after
Donnelly's speech by n lotifj , weird whoop of
exultation , was conducted to the platform
and to ttio intense delight of "l ° convention
repeated the unearthly Indlau-liko thrill.
Then ho announced himself iia nn ex-coisfed-
erato and declared himself for tlio platform
every plank and every resolution.
An extraordinary spectacle followed.
Wailsworth of Indiana , 1111 ex-uniou soldier ,
rushed up to ex-Confcdcrato Davis hi full
view of the convention , iitul the two , being nt
one tlmo mortul foes , grasped hands. K. W ,
Humphrey of Texas , organlncr of the colored
alliance , which numbers over half u milion
members , seized witli the Inspiration of the
moment , suddenly joined the ex-soldiers and
ut'ilil a perfect cyclone of cnthusinsn : udalo-
gate moved thu adoption of the platform as
The convention went wild nnd the dele
gates mounted tables and chairs , shouting
and yelling like ( Joiuinunchos. A portion of
the convention in thunderous chorus snug to
the tune , "uoodbyo my lover , goodbve , " the
words , ' 'Goodbye old parties , goodbye , "
and then tno "Doxology. "
In tlio forest of flags and state banners
that had been gathered with the benrcrs
arouim the trio a Kunsar. man , on the shoul
ders of two colleagues , standing- choirs
raised the ICnnsus banner and held It aloft
P.ISI anovo an otnors. TIIO
. . lumiiu , surpass
ing in its remarkable uml vigor
anvthlng that previously had taken place in
the convention , lus.t.oil fully u quarter of an
hour till it ceased from the pure exhaustion
of lungs.
Several delegates urged the adoption of the
report , one suggesting that it bo by u rising
"Question , question , " catno from all parts
of the bull , but the pent up enthusiasm had
to have vent , nnd one after another of the
orators ivllovod ihmsclves , the delegates
from time to tlmo cnlllnc on the promlnont
men in the convention Weaver , Wilklns nnJ
"Previous question , " shouted the delegates -
gates , but it hail no effect on an Irrepressible
man who was hound to speak hls > piece.
When ho had finished , the chairman's gnvrl
foil hko u trip hammer , und order was finally
Ttio platform proper , exclusive of the reso
lutions , was uaopted by u rising voto.
At ihlnntngo tno convention was llttlo bet
ter than u hou ling mob nml in the midst Miller
of California cai'io to the front on the prohi
biton question , which hnil been ignored in
the platform nnd resolutions. AU efforts to
choke him off with points of order were in-
effectual. The resolution olTcrod by dim was
brief hut to the point. U said ;
r Hetolvcil , Thutvo favor the nliolltlon of
tliu liquor trutllu ,
Confusion bcoiimo worse confounded , fifty
orators wcro clamoring for recognition , but
the first to succeed was Schilling of Wiscon
sin. He declared himself a strong temper-
nnco man , ono who neither drunk nor oven
smoked , but ho opposed the discussion on
the question of prohibition ut this tlmo , Mr ,
Schilling doolnnul thut the resolutions pro-
poiod by Mr. Miller had been fully con
sidered and voted down by tliu committee on
platform. To spring it now was plainly
thruwlni ; a llvobraml into the convention ,
and in his opinion it was a deliberate attempt
to cause a split In tbo party.
The pressure nt thU ttmofor recognition
was oxtr.ionlinary. In desperation the
chairman proposed to give ten of the most
vociferous lU'legutes who wore crowded
uoout his desk clamoring for recognition ono
minute each , nnd u Imiulrod wntchos were
pulled out to malto sura that none of tbo
speakers exceeded the sixty-second limit.
The prohibition amendment wns over-
wholmliiKlv defeated.
Tbo resolutions \vcro then adopted with
only three dUsitintlng votes.
At this Juni'.tiiro Genorul .1. D , .Weaver re
lieved Chnlrman PolTer , who was worn out
with his fruitless efforts to preserve order
and hud beside to catch , a train for Washing
A resolution agiilnsl trusts wai choked off
by a point of order raised by Schilling of
Wisconsin that all resolutions should bo
referred to tbo committee on resolutions
without being road.
Then the convention got down to business
apaln and the matter of choosing a national
committee wan taken up , Chairman Weaver
Ten Persons Killed nnd Mnnj Others Fatally
One of tlio Mont Terrific St'irms I2ver
Known in the \Ve t Unl'or-
ttinutuN Horribly
Cirr , Mo. , May 20.-SpecInl | Tclo-
AU of Missouri und Kan
sas was wlud-awcpt today , the greatest InJury -
Jury having occurred in the central part , of
this state. Near Mexico , Mo. , there nre ten
dcutt nnd others not yet found running
the numocr up to twenty , Honoris
irom iMoiico , JMO , , ten 01 n tcr-
rltlu cyclone thut passed three miles
northeast of that town nt 3 o'clock this after
noon. It struck licnn Creek neighborhood
ubout six miles northeast of the town going
in a zigzag direction northeast. It laid waste
the country as far ns discovered for ton or
twelve miles , carrying everything before It.
It was the most tcirlblo tornado that ever
swopi over this section , carry death and de
struction with it.
The news was received in Mexico about G
o'clock calling for doctors und help. All the
doctors of the city responded.
The first house reached was that of a Mr.
DulTy , who lives half a inllo souta of the path
of the cyclone. There wcro found six out of
ono house In the storm district , the family of
John LJoerper. The boy of six years was
killed instantly. Ho was fearfully mutinied ,
almost beyond recognition and cov
ered with mud. Mr. Doorgor
nnd his dnughcr , twelve years
of tti ( j , ' were in one bed. The daughter is
fntully Injured with n largo hole In her side ,
one leg broken and several severe cuts in the
head. Mrs. Doergcr was In another bed
with two children , nnd both were seri
ously and probably fatally Injured. Mrs.
Doer cr Is seriously wounded nnd presents
u terrible hi nt. Her held nnd fuco nre cut
and covered with blood. Mr. Doorgcr had
cuts on thohond , body , nnu and Is probably
internally Injured. Ho will ilio. His house
was swept from existence. The barn was
blown down und two horse : } killed.
Tlio next house was William Strauborn's.
Thorn wcro there William Vostmyer , wife
fatally injured. Yostmycr's house ami every
thing on the plaeo was sivopt away.
The next plnco was E. B. Norris' . Thora
were found seven Injured , Tbo lirst was
Miss Gertie Fletcher , daughter of U. S.
Fletcher. She is fatally Injured. Her
skull Is broken and her head laid open , pro-
duciii ) : concussion of the brain. She is hurt
fearfully and will dlo. Cutoh Norvis is
badly hurt , but not dangerously. Ills wifa
is faintly hurt , nnd his son and daughter
nro very seriously mangled. The
daughter's ICR IB broken anil check cut
to the bone. Mrs. Emily Se.d , a widow aged
sixty , will dio. Old lady Norris is fatally
hurt. All those people of 1C. B. Norris' fam
ily wcro at F. S. Morris1 during thu storm.
The house was swept cntlrelv away.
The cyclone seemed to bo the hardest at
tills house , Tbo house , bedding and furniture
are scattered ever the fields for half u mile.
The house of Valentino Krulo cuupht lire
and the balance of hU property swept away ,
including the barn and outhouses , but no ono
was hurt.
The residence of T. 13. Hall wns blown
down , but his family was nil saved by Koine
Into u cellar. A horse was carried half a
icilo nnd dashed to pieces.
Thomas Workman's house was swept
The homo of Boston Kunltol was swept
away , the wind being terrific there. Mr.
Kunlccl wns picked up nnd thrown against n
wagon and instantly killed. His large orch
ard was picked completely up and
carried several hundred yards and
deposited In the creek. A farmer by the
iinmo of Kodircrs was lulled , and several
whoso names could not ho learned.
The force of Iho cyclone was so great that
it blow barb wire fences down nnd laid the
wheat fields as Hut as if mowed in harvest.
A fanner named Crane , in a wagon , wns
caught In thu storm and literally torn to
l'\l 7VI A , 31 IS T < 1 K K.
A Iiriiilc Out of tlio Wrong Bottle
with Sail KcMiItN.
Sioux F.U.M , S. D. , May 20. [ Special Tol-
cgramtoTiiE HBB.J B. H. Hoover , a well-
to-do and retired farmnr of this city , died
last evening nt Madison , whore ho was visitIng -
Ing his son , from a close of poison nccldout-
ally taken. Ho was in his son's drug store
nt the time and reached for the bottle marked
spirits frumcnti hut took a drlnlc from ono
marked aconlto , swallowing lull ono ounce ,
lie lived three hours after the accident.
TUO remains tire now Doing convoyeu to
Waterloo , la. , his old home , for burial.
Dakota Silver Ore.
, S. D. , May 20. iSpeclal to Tin :
Bm : . | Today witnessed the shipment of the
llrst car load of galena or silver ere to the
Omaha smelters from the newly discovered
silver mines , nine miles wet of hero. The
contract has boon lot for the regular delivery
of the ere nt this place for shipment , und
teams nro now being engaged for this pur
pose. The second car will bo shipped tomor
row , nnd It is expected that soon a car load
per day will ho in transit. Judging from
numerous assays received from samples sent
the smeller.- is expected that each car
will not about Sl.iiOU It has long boon
known that tins portion of the southern Hills
contained rich silver ore , but this Is the first ,
successful silver mine so far discovered. As
ft consequence ttio country Is now being
thoroughly prospected nnd numerous rich
finds are being discovered dally. Several
transfers of rich tin properties in the imme
diate vicinity have also recently been made
to wealthy capitalists , ono In particular
amounting to WT.'i.OOO. Much enthusiasm is
holng aroused over the bright prospects and
real estate in this vicinity has taken a de
cided upward tamlancy.
Sontli Dnkotu Odd
YJINKTOX , S. D. , Mny 'JO. [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB HiiJ : The grand ledge of Odd
fellows In session In this city today olcctod
ofllcers M follows : II , A. Pipar , Load Citv ,
grand master ; D. F. IJojtor , Alpma. deputy
grand master ; J. G , Ito.ich , liurloy , eriimt
warden ; J. W. Goodnor , Vlercc , grand secre
tary ; ( JoorgoV. . Snow , Snringllold , grand
treasurer ; O. S. Unsford , Keiitlehl , grand
representative sovereign grand lodge , Madi
son , Lake county , was selected as the next
pluco for the meeting of the grand lodge ,
V w ICvltleuiio Hconrcd.
Sioux FAU.S , S. U. , May L'O.-fSpecln
Telegram to Tin : HUE. | I ) . K. Powers at
torney for Plenty HOMOS , arrived today from
1'lno Hidgo aponcy whore ho had gene to se
cure now evidence for his client In the approaching
preaching trial. Ho assorts that ho secured
ovldonco winch will positively acquit his
client of the crime of murdering Lieutenant
Casov. American Horse , one ot the head
nml Influential chiefs of the Sioux tribe will
bo n witness for the defendant. Already
some of the special jury panel nro arriving In
the city preparatory to tlio opening on. Mon
day ,
Ciiircil to Death.
DKUIWOOH. S. D. , Miy ' . ' ( ) . [ Special Telegram -
gram toTiiK BKE. ] Word was brought In
from the I'owdor rlvor today that on Sunday
last James 1'uclps , an old cowboy , In n spirit
of bravado got oft his horse for the purpose
of narking a calf by tbo cars. Hi ) compan
ions watched the fun wlthi .interest until n
cow which the culf wan following turned on
I'hclps , nnd bofora his horrified companions
could reach and rescue him gorea him to
Vow Trtlls * MitrJcrcrH.
STtmniP , S. ! . , May CO.f-lSpcclal Telo-
pram toTni : DKE.J Tto men charged with
killing Indian Fowr. Tails were arraigned this
afternoon nntt pleaded not guilty. Tbo tlmo
for trial will bo fixed tomorrow morning ,
when the judge will decide whether to admit
the prisoners to ball. A special session of
court will behold , or the cases will bo con
tinued until the October terra.
An Attorney Hunt to Jail.
STUIHIIS , S. U. , May 80. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Dun. ] T. E , Hatvoy , cx-stato attor
ney , of Mcadc county and a prominent law
yer In the Black Hills , wns sent to jail this
forenoon by Judge Thomas for contempt of
court. Harvey wns 'abusing ' a witness In a
criminal cnso and woulu not cease when or
dered to do so by the judge
'TJtiti"t A
Heated St'iiKKlo .Mny KIIKIIC Ovc-r tbo
Question oP U vision.
DETIIOIT , Mich. , May 20.--Tho central
figure at the opening of the Presbyterian
general assembly by Virtue of his official
position will bo the retiring moderator Will-
lam Moore. Leading candidates for the suc-
cosslon of Dr. Moore's place nro Dr.
Charles Dicker , pastor of Cavalry chucb ,
Philadelphia ; Dr. Baker , also of Phila
delphia ; Dr. William Green ot Princeton , Dr.
S. H. Hnyden of Cleveland and Dr. John
Hall of Now York. Hev. F. M. Koberts ,
chnlrmnti of revision of , the Presbyterian as
sembly , arrivo.l last night. The commltteo
of reverends reported at a meeting nt Wash
ington lust February. It is believed that U
may cause a heated struggle at the present
assembly. It will bo referred to the presby
teries nnd if adopted by'n majority of ttmni
will bo passed upon by 'tho next general as
lr. Hobcrts said today : "I consider it on
the whole rather a conservative report. Wo
propose to mid one or two sections to the con
fession of faith , to drop out some parts en
tirely and to change worlds nnd phrases hero
ana thero. I prosuino that the extreme con
servative nnrt radicals will not bo suited. "
The full report of the committee on revision
vvas made pnolio this morning. The commit
tee has aimed to make no alterations that
would in nny way impair the Integrity of the
reformed or Calvanlstio system of uoctrine.
Two chapters have been Inserted In tlio book ,
ono relating to the work of the Holy
Spirit nnd the other , to the uni
versal offer of the gospijl. The greatest
cuangoin tno uooic. asyas expected , lias
taken piano In the third chanter , which treats
of the eternal decrees. This has been recast
rather than rewritten and the expressions
considered objectionable bv so ninny have
disappeared. Ono of the changes which will
meet with general approval is the confessional
statement regarding Honinn Catholics. They
are no longer called "papists" and "Idola-
tors , " but they are Included among the ad
herents of "falso religions. "
Kn Iish IjiitheraiiH.
ST. Louis , Mo. , Mny 20. The National
English Evangelical Lutlicran conference
was opened nt Bothlohaai church to lay. The
conference , which meets oyory three years ,
is attended by delegates from nil parts of the
union. Uov. Fred ICuogele , president of
Virginia , read the annual address. The address -
dross closed with .a call to the members
present to adhere strictly wytirtf' * Brines of
thoorber. \ " . ' - '
Claimants ol' llio DuviH Millions Malt-
ln n Pretty Fight.
Hnr.fiNA , Mont. , May pO. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tnu Bnn [ ThoJdistrict court room
atButte was crowded- this morning when
the famous Davis will case was called for
A sensation was promptly sprung In
the nnttiro of an aflldavlt signed by. Henry
A. Hoot , ono of the conto.UrinU , nnd on the
strength of which a continuance was granted
till Juno 23.
The points In the aflldavlt are ns follows :
A ( Hunt truly belives the will of
Davis purporting to have been macio
by nim in Van Btireti county , Iowa , In 1800 ,
is a forgery , nnd that it was limdo by .James
K. Kudy , a grandson of James Davis. The
hitter's was the nuino on the document as
witness , llo is now dmil , as is also Job
Another alleged witness , thu only living
witness to the will is J. V. Sconce , now a
resident of Arkansas , and the contestants
claim they can imponch him , Letters
known to have boon written by Eddy
have recently como Into the possession
of Hoot. By comnarison those letters
nro to bo used tooitablish the handwriting of
Eddy in the will , both by persons who know
his writing and by experts.
J. D. Weaver of DCS Molnes , la. , afllant ,
says he has letters from Eddy to which the
latter subscribed the nanie of James Davis in
style of that smnaturo to the will. No oppo-
. miuu wu : > iiiuuu lu iiiu api'iiLuiiuu jui cuu-
tinunnco , ni.d by conseut.'Juno ! 3'2 wns set as
the day on which the ciiso will bo called
again j
Wrecked' liy a Cow.
TOKONTO , Ont. , May 20. A cow on the
track caused the derailment of a fre6ht !
train at Cburchvllle , Oaf. , on the Canadian
Pacific last night. A farmer named Fergu
son and the engineer of the train wore In-
stantlv Killed und several , trainmen wcro seri
ously Injured.
Help Growing Crops.
ST. PAI'I. , Minn. , May 20. Heavy ana gen
eral rains fell In Minnesota and North and
South Dakota yesterday and with good effect
on growing crops. For tlio past week many
parts of the thrcu states' have reported tlio
ground badly parchea and crops suffering for
Il'nai Iditfi AdJonviiH.
ST. Louis , Mo. , May yo. The grand ledge
Una ! ' Brlth has
adjourned to meet next year
In Cleveland. J , L. Hciw o' Indinnopolls , Is
clectea president. C
M. Jean JiicqnesVelss , a distinguished
French journalist Is ( loud. <
Thu Thirty-first annual aanvontlon of the
United Status llrowera' association opened at
Cleveland. - ' _ .
A powder o.vplonlon at1 Acuas Callentos
ilex. , canned eight deaths arid tlio destruction
of much piopotty.
Kirn at Houston , Tex , , dnitroyod coven
stores nnd thirty residence * . Loss J-' ,
with small Insurance.
Tlio American IliiptlHt home mission society
met In ( , 'liielntnitl inn ! Hev. .Mr , Mooritlionso
presented tht > fifty-ninth imminl report of the
sonlcty , Miowln ; good progfynn In work ,
Tlio Northern I'.iclflo express poiiipnny lias
been robbed of iMO.OJQ to ( lioOO on thu line lie-
twcunClilnpowa Kails anil Abbolsford , WIs.
The safe WHK taken from thn'cnr for trnnsfur
and when opened the inunuy was missing.
The Kentucky republican tate convention
wiis ( Killed to order at Iio.vlngton. The con
test for tlio gubernatorial nomination Is be
tween I. Wood of Moilnt Sterling , and lieorgo
Denny of Lexington ,
Tlio secretary of war nmdo allotments ot
mutiny to various states and territories for
arming and eitilpiliis | | inllltla on tlio basin of
mnurcKslonnl icinesentntlon , Illlnnlx g u
12J.'fl , Iowa 111.117 $ , Nebraska * 1OJ7 , South
Dakota * ' , , Wisconsin 11-M35.
A report Is current In ilun Kranohco that
M , vi.O ( > J U on duiinslt In n banlchure In the
credit of thu I'hiilan Insnr-rnnU and their
Hfent In the Culled States. Thu district at
torney mutes that If thhbu afaet It will bo an
liiipurtant clrutmmtanco in dnterialnlm ; thu
pill ) of TnimtmU , tjne alleged Uhllhin rotiei ,
Thu Knbhts of I.nbor convention In HCSI > | OII
at gi'ntldali' . 1'iv. , rt'Milvfi : ! to continue the
coke strike six wcalm longer. A split cio-Mir-
red Ixitwoim tbo Kill 'hts of Lulior and the
rnlleil Mhiu wurkor * ovt-r thu refusal of the
former to allow equal representation In the
convention. Asa icsiilt an order was Itemed
by the United M no workers' otUuluU culling
upon members to return to work.
Hcavj Raiu Fall Throughout the Northwest
ern States.
Coimlilcrnble Iiinngc In Sonic l.ocall-
tlcH from AVinil anil Hall-
Four InuhcH or Snow la
Si.nth Dakota.
ATCIIISON , Kan. , Mny -Special [ Tele
gram to Tin : URR.J li. O. Man of Concor-
dla , superintendent of the central branch di
vision of the Union Pacific , is in town to-
uay. jto brings good crop uows. Kluco tlio
late rains the "yellow patches" In the
wheat fields of Mitchell and Os-
berne counties reported last week have
disappeared nnd the plant has resumed Its
natural color and vigor. Mr. Man has ro-
prrw from nil over his division , which In
cludes portions of Kansas and Nebraska , and
everything is encouraging for a good wheat
yield. T. II. Fullcrton of the Chicago lum
ber company Is Just in from an extended
journey as far as the Colorado Hue. He says
the wheat Is In good condition every plaeo
except between Hays City nnd Ellsworth , on
the Kansas division of the Union Pacific ,
whcro It has turned yellow nnd will bo n
Washington , Kan. , on the 13. & M. and
Missouri Pacific roads was visited by a severe -
voro hall storm yesterday afternoon , cover
ing n wide range of country. Much wheat ,
was knocked down nnd cut to pieces , and the
fruit trees , vcirotablo gardens nud sprouting
corn injured. The hail stones were so largo
and fell with such force that young pigs and
chickens wcro killed.
llnln and Wind in Xoliraskn.
Aiiu.AN't ) , Nob. , May ' . ' 0 , [ Special to THE
Bii : : . ] Last night It rained hard for several
hours In and around this city , nnd early this
morning n big wind came up fiom the west
that blow down sign boards , trees and quite
n number of out buildings. The rain came In
good season for the farmers , ns the most of
them had lately finished corn planting. Seed
ing has been delayed considerable on account
of continued bad weather , but at present the
prospects for n good yield are flattering.
BRAVER CITV , Neb. , May ' . ' 0. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : BKn.1 A terrific storm of
rain and hall prevailed hero last night.
Much damage was done In some localities to
grain nnd fruit.
YOIIK , Neb. , May 20. [ Special to Tun
BEE. ] A heavy rain fell last night accom
panied by a light hail. All danger from
drouth Is now removed , and the farmers
have good cause to feel jubilant over the
prospect of a largo crop this fall. The
acreage of corn Is considerably heavl.'r than
last year and is nearly all In. Wheat , rye
and barley are about the same as last year ,
while loss flax is being planted.
FAIII.MO.NT. Nob. , May " 0. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK U n.l A very destructive
wind storm passed'ovor tills place nt an carlv
hour this morning. A largo number of wind
mills are repotted blown to pieces and
movable articles piled up promiscuously ,
doing much damage. The storm was accom
panied by a heavy rain.
Boiuitc1 , Nob. . May 0. [ Special to Tin ;
Ben , ] An Inch'and a quarter of rain fell
hnro nndovor. the iiprtn nnrtof Sioux county.
BWJi'ftHfTW'liVtKt W ony appreciable amount
this season , anil grain noede'd the mois'uvo
very much. Heavy snow the llrst week In
April was succeeded by a drv spoil just
uroitcn uy uvo rcirosningsnowcra. r armors
nro greatly encouraged.
UINKI.IMAN : : % Nob. , May 20. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bun. ] A heavy rain full hero
again last night. Farmers now say that
nothing but a hail storm or cyclone can pre
vent thorn from raising a big crop. Every
one is hopeful and In good spirits.
CIINTIIAI. Crrr , .Mob. . May 20. [ Special to
Tun Br.n. I Another line rain last nlirht gave
crops a bij ; boost. There was never liner
prospects nt thli season of the year.
WATKIH.OO , Neb. , M'iy20. [ Special toTiiK
Ban.1 A heavy rain sot in this morning nt
! 1 o'clock and continued until 0. The crops
nro looking universally well.
Snow nnd Uaiii in Dakota.
DnAinvoon , S. D. , May 20. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BLE.J- Snow fell here to a
depth of two Inches during last night. At
Lead City nnrt Bald Mountain there was a
fall of four inches. Ualn followed today nnd
the beautiful Is going off rapidly.
MITUIIKM , , S. D. , May 20. [ Special Tele-
pram toTni : BIE.J : The llrst rain to nny ex
tent which has fallen In this vicinity for sev
eral wccics caino last night. Reports show It
to have been general throughout tbo James
river valley. Farmers are jubilant.
Sri'iioiP , S. D. , May 20. | Special Tele-
cram to TIIK BRI : . ] A steady rain has been
falling the past fifteen hours nil over the
northern Ihllls. Crop prospects nro there
fore flattering.
Huno.v , S. D. , May 20. [ Special Telegram
to Tun BIR. : I Fears of a drouth wcro ills.
polled by n heavy rain covering nearly the
entire state west of the Missouri river lust
night. Hoports from nil parts of the state to
day concerning crowing crops nro of the
most encouraging character.
The Storm In Iowa.
Cur.sTox , la. , Mny 20. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Bun.J A small cyclone passed from
west to east about fo'tir miles south of the
city this morning unrooting houses and barns
and destroying shade trees und fences.
Many unroofed buildings wcro flooded with
water during the heavy rain storm that fol
lowed , but no fatalities have been reported.
Cuiiut livi'ina. In. , May 20. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK BKI : . ] A much needed rain is
falling hero. It will bo worth thousands of
dollars , as the ground was getting very dry
and crops were suffering.
Jl.l VJiXSTIXf.'S ItA r / ' VtiO.11.
I'orlliH Hxcontloii Coin-
l > lotl at llrokcit Mow.
- How , Neb. , May 20. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Br.n.j Arrangements foi
the execution of'Haucnstlno , which Is totako
place hero on Friday are about completed.
The scaffold bus been erected at the south
end of the court houso. The doomed man Is
cool nnd awaits his awful doom with a com
placency that is marvelous. Ho talks about
the preparation and makes suggestions to
tlio sheriff about hU clothing as If it were
some pleasure excursion upon which ho was
going. His appatlto for the hist month has
been good , and hu is looking much better
now than ho has any tlmo during the lasl
two years. Ho slccpi well nnd employs most
of his tlmo in making match safes and pic
ture frames. His bisters , Mrs. Ueedhcadnnt
Mrs , Bylur , visited him in his cell today. His
spiritual nuvlsor spends part of each diij
with him. From present Indications ho wil
meet his doom with courage und fortitude.
Sheriff Jones received a long letter fron
Ansloy , Neb. , yesterday , of which the fol
lowing Is an extract :
"If the demands of the law of man must bo
met life for life I will take the condemned
mail's place and you can take my life. Jesus
laid down bis life for mo , a poor condemned
being , nnd I am willing to do for otbors as ho
has done for mo. "
The loiter was signed by Mrs. Olive M
Coroy. _
State Dental
Neb. , May -Special [ Telegram
gram to Tin : But : , ] The State Dental asso
elation took up regular business this morn
Ing. The clinical work was begun under the
supervision of Dr. Cole of Norfolk. Th
work was Interesting and instructive. Tb
most Interesting pieces of work were SPCCI
nous of bridge work by Dr. * " r of Gr.tud
slntiil and Dr. Trydon of Llnv .
The society wa * called to ort it o'clock
Ills afternoon again and n co. - - tciidanco
cad n paper on "Christian Sele , , ' . t Dont-
stry , " taking the ground that tl 'cullnr
tillosophy was applicable In a i re to
Iseases o'f the teeth as well us of > parts
t the body ,
Tonight the formal address clotno
vns delivered by Kov. Dr. John A i lilch
vai responded to by II. I. King of , out ,
X P. O. Smith of Denver , 'i-red
lecture on sub-nmrltio ( tilings , This was
ppreclated by the iientlsls , At a late hour
he meeting adjourned until morning. Moro
itercst Is manifested In this meeting of the
enlists than any previous ono. The dental
irofessioa of this state Is certainly on n par
vltli tlioso of eastern states , as some of the
mst talent of tlio country nro the prlmo
lovers of the Nebraska association.
A IMooiihlilmM' Captiirril.
BHXKKI.MAX , Neb. , May 20. ib'peclnl Telo-
rram to Tun Bii : ! . ] Deputies United States
larshals Hill and Stewart arrived hero this
lornlng and hiring a team drove out Into
lie country a few miles , returning
bout noon with a moonshiner's stilling
uttlt which they had unearthed on n farm
north of town. Stewart departed on the
ftcrnoon train with the still for Omaha
vhllo Hill remained and wilt take the former
o Omaha tomorrow. At the request of Mr.
lill no names arc given as yet ns no arrests
vill bo made until tomorrow. The find
rentes quite n sensation hero as It Is thought
evcral are Implicated , and many
re shaking In their boots for
he cxp02ted crisis which Is to
: omo. This stilling business , It Is reported ,
las been carried on for n number of years.
Joe McKcnnn , n B , & M. braitcman , while
naking n coupling In the yards hero today on
freight train had the Index finger of his
Ight hand mushed off , making a painful
Petitioning Tor ri
FIIIIMONT , Nob. , May 20. [ Special Tele-
: nim to THE BKI : . ] Tlio two brothers of
Christian Furst , who Is to hangin two weeks ,
vere today circulating a petition to bo pro-
cntcd to Governor Thayer asking
hat the sentence of death pro-
lounced upon their brother bo com-
nn ted to life Imprisonment. The grounds
ot forth In the petition nro that at the
imo of tlio murder Furs' , was n mere bov
inner twenty-ouo years old ; that tlio ovf-
Icnco in the trial showed that ho did not
ilnn the murder ; ho Is of weak mind
mil easily Influenced nnd that the ends of
ustlco would bo subserved by llfo Imprison-
ncnt. Nearly every person to whom the
wtltlon has been presented Inn signed. An-
ither ono is being presented to the jurors for
heir signatures , four of the twelve having
) ccn secured.
Asking for
FKBMOXT. Neb. , Mny 20. [ Special Tele-
irram toTiie Br.i : , ] Suit wns begun in tlio
Jodgo county district court today by Joseph
Steener against Alex Tunberg nnd Hurry
md George Hein. In the first Strenor sues
'or ? . " > , ! iOO damage. * , In the second
'or $11,000 nnd In the third for
NI/JJO , all because of tlio alleged em-
jnrrassmont caused the phdntilT by
-several gentlemen last fall when Mr. Stelnor
was In financial trouble. Stelnor wns ar
rested some two or three times and cast Into
irison , nnd when It came to proving un the
charges against him the prosecution did not ,
make much headway , and Settlements wcro
effected. Stolnor's wlfo was also once ar
rested and thrown Into prison , lor which she
iolns her husband In asking damages from
these they consider thulr persecutors.
Confirmed liy tin :
CITV , Neb. , M-iy 30.--Special [
to Tun Br.u. | Bishop U'orUilngton made
nls annual visitation to St. Mary's church
Monday evening and confirmed n largo class ,
Tlio church was very full and an attentive
congregation listened to an earnest and pow
erful sermon from the bishop on "Christian
Enthusiasm the Kffect of the Holy Ghost. "
Mr. Julian Motcalf gave a verv plua-.ant re
ception for the bishop after the sorvlco.
fled Cloud Will Celuhratc.
HED Ci.oi'D , Nob. , May 20.-Special [
to Tun Bm.l A nicotine was held in
thlsclt.v last night for tlio purpose of prepar
ing for the Fourth of'July. The city turned
out onmnsso nnd all worked together witli
l > erfcct harmony. Five hundred dollars was
subjcribcd and indications go to show that
[ ted Cloud will have a bigger celebration
than any town in the Ucpublican valley.
Struck liy Iji-litu n
Ei.Mwoon , Nob. , May 20. [ Special to Tin :
Bir..J : T.nst night during a heavy rainstorm
the residence of Amos Stiff was struck by
lightninir. The bolt struck the chimney ,
splitting It from top to bottom. It also spread
over the roof , passing down the four corner *
of the house aud toro off the corner strips
nnd siding. The family was severely shocked ,
but not seriously Injured.
The Union I'aulflu SIIIM !
FIIKMOXT , Nob. , May 20. [ Special Teltj-
gram to Tun Bin : . ] In the district court
today Lara Ericson brings suit against the
Union Pacific raihvay to recover $1.IO ) for
Injuries received by being knocked ever by n
passontrer engine on "section 10 , " October
last. Ho wiis an employe of the road.
A J'Muali'r Koiiml.
HAHTINOTOX , Nob. , May 2'J. ' [ Spoohil Telegram -
gram to Tun Bui'.l The body of nn un
known younp man about twenty-two years
old , was found floating In the Missouri river
on the Nebraska sldo today. Sheriff Brown
and Coroner Kclfert loft this afternoon to
take charge of the body und investigate the
affair. No clue tj his Identity.
KiTi < > TrwTiTio " riny.
WATCUI-OO , Neb. , May 20. [ Special to Tun
BIK.Tnls : ] morning while little Nellie , the
llvc-year-old daughter of C. S , Wells , a
farmer living six miles south of hero , wns
playing In nn old ctilcUi n coop the roof fell
In on her , breaking her neck , which caused
Instantaneous death.
A lioy Drowned.
CKXTHAI , CITY , Neb. , May 20. [ Special to
TUB BEE , ] A ten-year-old son of Mrs.
Cudnoy was drowned wlil'o ' fishing In Warm
slough , a mile west of town , last evening. Ho
attempted to wade across ot a point where
them had once been n dam , and went to thu
bottom of a ten-foot holu. Tlio body was re
Morrltt CoiiHilraoy | lji\v : l
Si'iiiNai'iKMi , 111. , May 20. What Is known
ns the Mern'.t conspiracy law , being a con-
( tllicatlon of llio common law on the subject
of conspiracies to commit crime , the passing
of which was Iho result of the anarchist riots
at Chicago , In which i , number of policemen
were Killed , was loocnlod by u vote of the
house today. _
Cutting Don 11 Cliloauo'N KlncM.
CIIIOAOO , May 20Tito first oftleial act of
H. Wi McLaughroy , the now chief of police ,
was to dismiss -100 polloomcn In order to keep
the expenditures of the department within
the appropriation for It for the current fiscal
your. The chief says thut wherever ho can
find any dead timber ho proposes to knock
It off.
Tim Flro l ( uoril.
Sioux Car , la. , May 20 , [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BiK-Tho : | Hubliard & Gere
linseed ell mill took lire early this morning
and wa& totally destroyed. There were
aO.OOO bushcU of grain stored In the elevator.
Loss , $130,000 , ; fully covered by insurance.
Another DynaiiiKi ! Vlollin Oi-ail.
NKW VOIIK , Mny 20.An unknown Italian
who was Injured yesterday In the explosion
at Tarrytown , dial early this inoruiug ,
His Alleged Dcsiro to Become a Third Party
Presidential Nominee ,
ns ,
CoiiMiiltatloi with thn I'renlilfiit Un
decided us to HoNlgiilng Imnil le-
cltiloiiH 1'oMtmiiHtarN Appointed
SIIINHTON Buittsvu TUB Bnn , 1 ' ,
A'ASIIIXOTO.V. 1) . C. , MH.V .U J |
Ignatius Donnelly us n presidential catidl-
date Is n contingency much feared at tin
national headquarters of the farmers' al
liance hero. The headquarters are kept ad'
vised of the Insldo political workings at Cin
cinnati and a letter mailed from there test
night and received at headquarters this af
ternoon covers the situation as viewed by the
national ollleials of the alliance. It wns
stated at headquarters that Donnelly was be
lieved to bo shaping things BO ns to bccomo
the third party nominco In case a third party
was determined upon , llo has Identified
himself with nearly nil of the wings ol
the convention nnd has dipped Into socialism
In his book on "Caesars' Column. " The
present conspicuous part which Donnelly Is
taking In the '
C'ncinnatt gathering Is con
strued nt allianeo
headquarters as n strong
bid for the prosldontlal nomination. Ills
claimed hero , however , that Donnelly Is not
a member of the regular alliance , but. belongs
to some local organization which has nothing
tfl lln wlttl Mm tllltlnnnl nlllrtimit it-tntntnniit
This local organization Is confined to Mlnno-
seta , lowii and Nebraska , nnd Is not roeoff-
nizeit by the national headquarters. The
Donnelly boom is therefore very distasteful
to the national ofllclula.
uisiitu. : : HAUM'S CASI : .
It Is generally supposed that the exact
status of General Uiium Is now sett led , al
though what that status is may remain ix so-
crct with the president some days nt least.
Late tills afternoon the commissioner of pen
sions saw the president und had a long con
sultation , during which the entire adminis
tration of pension affairs was gene over. The
meeting came about by nn appointment ,
which indicated that the president was de
sirous of talking over matters with Ins com
missioner. The latter nud called earl } ' in the
day and sent his card to the president , , vho
happened to be engaged nt the tnno , so ho
sent word to the commissioner that lie would
see him at 4 o'clock this afternoon , which Is
after the regular business hours of the white
house and the time when the president usu
ally takes his recreation. Cicnoral Ktium
was back at the appointed time. The proil-
dcnt received him cordially ami n lengthy
consultation ensued. General Uaum's retire-
mentis wholly depending upon the uttitudo
and wishes ol the president. The consulta
tion gnvo ample tlmo for the commissioner to
learn exactly how the prosi.lcnt felt on the
subject. It Is not likely that any delinito ac
tion would bo taken In the absence of Secre
tary Noble , but that oftlelal Is ex pee ted hero
any day now.
Tno nstlstant secretary of the Interior re
versed the decision below and directed the
cancellation of the homestead entry of
William S. Bush for the southeast one-fourth
of section IS , township 2U , rniigo 10 , 'west
Niobrnra district , contested byMnthlasNow-
buur. The decision directs that the entry of
Nftwbiuir bo admitted to record. The as
sistant secretary directed n readjudlcatlon of
the timber culture contest of Andrew Llnd-
strum vs Bert K. Wheeler , Watertown , S.
D. , which Is heldforcancollation by the com
missioner. Ho afllrmod the decision oclow
in favor of the contested In the case of Pat
rick Crcany vs Daniel li. Gorman same dis
trict , but reversed the decision bolov hold
ing for cancellation the timber culture entry
contested by Charles E. Norton hold bv John
Crummcr , Mitchell , S. D. , district' , anil from
thosRino district ulllrmed the decision hold
ing for cancellation the pre-emption cosh
entry of Helen K. Wheolocl ; .
Captain F. 13. Irwlne , Twenty-second In-
fan try , has been rotlroJ witli the rank of
major on the unlimited list of the army.
Judge Heponni of Iowa , now solicitor of
the treasury , has accented an invitation to
deliver the memorial address nt Urafton , W.
Va.on thciiOth Instant.
Assistant Bccr-ilary Crounso has been
designated n member of the commission of
three ollleials to visit Buffalo , N. Y. , and
select a public building site.
The Caster , S. D. , poitnfllco has boon
elevated to the rank of a prcdcntinl ofllco and
will got more liberal allowances horcaftcr.
A. V. ICIndall wns today appointed post >
master at Flugloss , Marlon county , nnd G. F.
Hoipstreck at Neptune , Plymouth county , la ,
Airs. 10. F. Domlll 1100 Fontonello , a mem
ber of the Unmha tribe
of Inalnns and nn ex-
teacher at the Carlisle Indian school , who
months studying stenography and typc-
writlnir , loft the oily last evening for her
homo In Nebraska. PKUUV S. ilivm.
.V Illtnry TrnnHf'ors.
WAMIIXOTON' , May 20. Second Lieutenant
W. A. Phillips , Twenty-second Infantry , has
been transferred from Company B to Conv
cany G. Privates John Jordan , troop F ,
Fourth cavalry , John Joyce , Twenty-first in
fantry ( unasslgncd ) , nnd August F. Pnbro-
zlnslcy , Company C , Twenty-third infantry ,
have beun disc-harped. Privates J , B. Ainos ,
Company A , and Henry Stork and Joseph
Thompson , Company G. Fifteenth Infantry ,
have been transferred to the Fifth infantry
for assignment to a cnmpnuv at Mount Ver-
lion barracks. First Sergeant John Gorman
and Private Timothy O'Connor , light battery
I' , Fourth artillery , have been ordered to re
turn to Fort Kihjy with permission to Ser
geant Gorman to delay twenty days and Pri
vate O'Connor five days on route.
/ / / „ . ! IMi'ti FVVUKK COVKSE ,
Hon-ln-Imw Copplngcr Doesn't , Know
Anything About It.
ST. Loris , Mo , , May 20. Lieutenant Cop-
pinger , son-in-law of Secretary Hlalnc , who
Is In the city , when asked If ho knew or had
heard whether Blaine had inado any positive
statement tnat he wouhl not ho n candidate
before the repu oilcan convention next year
or that he would accept thn nomination
If offered him , replied : "I do not know. I
never heard any statement of that kind , nor
have I heard It spoken of. "
Still Improving.
Ni\v VOIIK , May 20. Scoroinry Blnlno'i
condition Is much improved this morning.
MM. Blalno , when asked whether the secre
tary was likely to lonvo for Washington , ro-
nl led that no delinito arrangements had yet
been made for their departure.
.Mny Upset Italy'H Ministry.
HoMn , AIuy20. The controversy with the-
United States growing out of the Now
Orleans mnssacro Is playing an Important
part In Italian politics. It furnUbot. material
tor the opposition and may yet result In the
overturn of the present ministry. It Is re
ported that the Marquis dl Kudlnl avows that.
Signal" Corto was recalled from Now Orleans
because the cabinet did not npprovo of hu
conduct. The press sharply attacks the prim *
Indian PrlHOiinrn Kucape.
Asin.ANi ) , VVIs. , May 20.--.Iohn Haddy , au ,
Indian brought up from the Baa river reser
vation south of Ashland for trial before
Judge Calkins of this city has nmdo hli 03. "
cape , Tlio court had sentenced him and the
afiiccrs started with him to jail when he
broke loose and nn exciting ctmio followed.
The prl-.onor ran like n doer and the oukert ,
fired several ebon ut him.