HE A wim\rm nA'V' TvrrnTvrrxrn on Opinions of Doctors as to the Oansa of Sbecdy's ' Death. SYMPTOMS OF MORPHINE POISONING , of Ilio Ilrnln "May AHU ! Hiivo neon tli CatiHo Tlio Kvlilenco In the Case. Ltxcoi.x , Nob. , May 19. [ Special to Tun HRR.J Tha day lias boon devoted entirely to tbo hearing of expert teitlmony In thoShccdy inunlcr cnso. Tbo examination of Dr. Ever ett consumed tbo major portion of tbo dnv nml seine Interesting testimony was elicited from him The doctor helped dross Sbcedy's wound1 * tbo night bo win Injured , was culled in tbo next morning tit 4 o'clock , participated In the consultation a few hours later , helped nt the core ner's Inquest , and u little over three weeks ngo helped to dig up tbo body again , and had inndo a careful examination of tbo skull. The llvorond bladder had been turned over to I'rof. lluyncs of the Kush medical college , Chicago , ono of the most famous lexicologists In the country. Tlio latter statements caused considerable consternation among tbo attorneys for the defense. Dr. ( Jannctt , who was on the witness stand yesterday , was put on again today. He testified mainly concerning the effects of morphine poisoning. Ho declared that ordi narily a toxic dose of morphlno showed Its effects In from thirty to forty minutes. At this Juncture Strode soiled a small book bound In calf , and walking up to the witness held It In his face. Ho then asked : "What book is tbatl" pointing to the vol ume. "It Is labelled 'Tajlor on Poisons' , " was the reply. Opening the book , Strode said : "Just read those lines. " The witness road : "The effects of mor- pblno poisoning nro noticeable within from llftcon to thirty minutes. " "Now , " said Strode , "haven't you read an authority which says that tbo affects of mor phlno polsoi.lng nro noticeable within from fifteen to thirty minutes ( " Lambortson objected that such was not a fair and proper way of making an examina tion. "I object , " said he , "to these gentle men educating the witness. " The judge sustained the objection. Strode then asked the witness : "What medical authority can you elto that says that It , icqulrcs from thirty to forty minutes for n toxin dose of morphlno to innka Itself manifest ! " ' 1 nO WllUC.HS SIUU'U lUUk I1U UC1IUVUU UU UUU gotten tbo Men from n table of statistics published in a certain medical work. This work was lying on the table near which the attorneys were sitting. Strode sci/.cd it nnil demanded : ' Now show me whore it says that it takes from thlrtv to forty minutes for a toxic dose of morphlno to take effect. Just point It out. " Tno witness took the book , but after look ing through It for n few minutes , said that bo could not find anything. Whoivmpon Strode remarked : "Then you ware mistaken , weren't you ! " The witness admitted that bo was as far as tho"authority for the sumo wns concerned. Tbo wltnesss was then again asked when the effects 01 a toxic or poisonous dose of mor phine was administered bow long it would bo before tbo effects would bo noticeable. Ho replied : "In from twenty to fifty minutes , Judging from my own oxperlenco. " "Arc vou in tbo habit of administering poisonous dosiis of morphine ! " demanded Stearns. "You speak of your own experi ence. " Lnmbortson objected to this question as an Insult and the Interrogation was withdrawn. Tbo witness then was asked concerning bis oxperlenco with patients who bad been poisoned by morphlno. Ho related ono in- Blanco. In thit cnso the symptoms were tbo same ns tboso manifested by John Sboedy. Witness had also bad several other patients suffering from tbo same cause. Atlornoy Slrodo. counsel for Mrs. Shocdy , then naked : "Tho symptoms In concussion of t'ao brain , compression of the brain and morphlno poisoning may bo the same , may they noti" "Yes , sir , " was the reply. "Cannot death result from concussion of the brain without showing any disturbance in that organ at the post mortemi" "It might. " "Such n blow ns Hint received by John Sbecdy might cause concussion of the brain , might It not ! " "It might. " "Is it Impossible- dlagnoslcato a case of morphlno poisoning from Iho post inortom examination alonof. " "It Is. " The witness then continued : "Such a blow was sufllcient to cause death , but I do not think that In this case it did. Them was some extravasation of blood , but It was from mi oil [ wound at tbo back of tbo hood. " Strode then asked : "In death from morphine poisoning are not the convulutlons of the brain somewhat flattened ! " "I don't know. " The witness then continued : "In tbo post mortem of tlio bodv there was noticeable- excessive moisture of the brain. There was coagula in the heart. The lungs were slightly congested. From what I saw at the post mortem examination , 1 do not know that John Sbecdy bad died from tbo effects of mornhhio. I would not have suspected morphlno poisoning from what I saw."j Uo-cross examination : "Did you make an examination at ttio time of the upper part of the spinal cord or the medulla oblongtul" "I did. " "Stato Its conditions , " "Tho rcsseU were very congested at tbo surface. I wunld expect to see uch an en gorgement of the blood vessels at that point in case of morphine poisoning. " At this juncture tlia witness was asked to show the Jury certain dlscoloratlpns on tbo skull. This was objected to by Stroilo because i. cause the skull had not been offered In evi dence. Lambertson then said : " \Vo oiler the skull In evidence. Now , wo will see what you will object to. " Strode then said : "We object to the pres entation of tbo skull In evidence because it was taken from the body long after the oftlchd examination ; because it has not been in the ofllciul custody of anybody and because no pers-on on the part of the defense has known or been apprised of the fact that the ekull wns to bo offered in evidence. " Objection overruled. Tbo iloelor then stopped forward and showed the Jury the various dlsroloratlonson i the skull , The witness then stated : "On the ro-oxnmlimtton ot the skull after Uio autopsy I hnvo como to tha conclusion thai the blow was of greater force than 1 had at first believed. " On RoliiK back to the witness stand hn con tinued ; " 1 have seen several cases of mor phlno poisoning. The congestion of tbo nervous cord might have boon caused by compression or concussion of ttio brain , or by morphlno poisoning. " " \Vhnhircdyou to make this examina tion ! " demanded Strode. "Dr. Kvoruit asked mo to assist him In the work. " "How much money nro you to get forltl'1 and Strode cast a wfckjd look at tha witness. "I don't know. Nothing has been said about pay. " "So U Is n labor of love on vour part , Is It , " ancorad Strode , "or nro you interested in the conviction of Mrs. Sheeny I" To this Mr. Lambortson objected , "Mr. Btrodo , " said ho , "may go on the witness Mmul himself if ho carries out his threats , and ho would not like to have mo ask him , how much ha was to got for his services for I i atttiniptlii' ' to save Mrs , Shccdy from pun- ' Ithtncul , " "W ll , " rctorlcJ Strodo. ! am not , at least , going to rccelvo ns much ns you said I was Saturday , tlfi.OOO. Furthermore , I have not been around to the newspaper men mak ing hints of the hlg fee to bo received by the lawyers on the other side , " and ho cost n semi-humorous , soinl-snvugo look at Lain- bertnon. "I am sorry , " said Mr. Lnmbertson in his usual qulot way , "that vou are not going to receive as much ns I believed you woro. " Dr. Kverctt was called. Ho testified that ho was at the Shecdy reslacnco n few min utes after the assault on Shcody. Mrs. Shccdy was calm and collected. Witness helped dress Shcedy's wound. Old not think the wound serious at the tlmo. " 1 was called ul-5 o'clock" ho continued , "tho morning fol low tng. Later there was a consultation of live physicians. I was present. All but ono symptom showed that there was evidence of morphia poisoning Instead of concussion of the brain. The salient symptoms of mor phine poisoning nro : Tbo respiration is slow , pulse more rapid at llrst , then slower , the limbs and organs nro paralyzed , the pupils of thaoyo bccomocontmetcd ; sometimes they nro dilated. In compression of the bmln the symptoms nro .somewhat .similar. In the case of Mr Shceilv the pupils of the eye were normal. It was supposed that atrophcno had been given In connection with the morphlno to produce this result , ns ntrophcno has di reetly the opposite effects of morphine and the two together would hnvo n neutral effect on the pupils of the eyo. Tbo symptoms of concussion of the brain nro dizziness , fnco palu. Tbo patient did not show any evi dence ) of concussion. Tbo patient was not In any way suffering from concussion of the brain when I was called In. Concussion Is mndo apparent Immediately. Morphine may lay In the stomach for n number of hours before manifesting luelf. Mor phia induces natural sleep nt llrst apparently. I participated In the autopsy. The brain was uccldeul.v wet , abnormally so. This to mj' mind was an evidence that death was produced from an Injury to the brain , " Tlio doctor then dcscriocd the condition of the various organs , the stomach and bowels being apparently healthy , the liver en larged , the heart showing fatty degeneracy , and a gall stone being In the gall bladder The description was similar to Dr. 13each ley's. "I do not think , " continued the witness , "that tbo condition of his vital organs had anything to do with his death. Had ho been n perfectly healthy man the blow might have killed him. I was present at the irrnvo April "J when tbo body wns disinterred the second tlmo. Wo took out the heat ! , liver and bladder. Dr. Gannett and myself took charge of the head. The bladder and liver were taken in charge bv Prof. Haynes of Hush medical college , Chicago. Ho Is n general chomlst and lexicologist. Ho Is considered among the best In the country. Dr. ( Jannott and I examined the skull and brain , and found the Injury far moro extensive than wo had at llrst supposed. " "What In your opinion was the cause of Shoedy's death ! " asked Lambortson. "I think John Shecdy died from morphine poisoning" was the startling reply. "If morphine poison had not been adminis tered , do you believe that tbo blow was sufll cient to kill him ? ' ' "Vna allI cln II At this nstonlshlngrcply everybody stared. Coutt then adjourned until 2 o'clock. On the reconvening of court in the after noon Dr. Everett was put on tbo witness stand nnd for nn hour nnd n quarter was sub jected to a 11 ro of sarcasm , qui/zing and ques tions. The effect of this cross lire did not af fect the witness except to strengthen the iis- sertlon that the blow might have been fatal. The witness did not , however , exhibit tbo positivcncss about the subject of morphine poisoning thnt wns expected. II. P. Love wns called. Ho testified : "I was passing ilown in front of the Hotel Muck on the Monday following the assault on John Shccdy. I accidentally ran against Monaay McFarland and ho said : 'Get out of the way or I will servo you ns I did Shcedv. ' " Strode then lost his head ana fired ques tions at Iho witness almost faster than ho could answer. His original statement was not , however , shaken. Witness then said that when Monday McFarland thus accosted him ho wns coming up out of the barber shop near tbo Mack hotel. Witness could not remember the nppcaranco of the cauo Mc Farland had nt the time. Dr. Mitchell was then called. Ho testi fied : "I was at the E'.ieedy residence nbout noon on the dnv following the assault of John Shocdy. I was called In to help consider tbo matter of trophanlng the smill. Wo came to the conclusion that it was not host. I con curred in that opinion.Vo could not tro- pliano the base of the brain because it is out of reach. In my opinion the pressure wns nt the bnso of the brain. A blow nt the front of the head may affect mainly the bnso of the brain. I was present nt the autopsy. I did not participate. I went there morel1 to see whether I wus cor rect In my opinion at the tlmo of the consul tation. " At this time Philpot nroso and declared tbnt Dr. Holyoke , a witnoss.was present nnd asked thnt ho bo ordered out. The Judge in formed the coroner to go , and ho got. The witness continuous "Iho medulla oblongnta was not entirely removed. The symptoms of compression of the brain are loss of consciousness nnd in ability to arouse tbo patient , sometimes there Is n slow pulse nnd sometimes it Is fast , the bowels are loose and tbo bladder torpid. I have no reason to believe that I should change my tlrst opinion that It was compres sion of the brain that caused death. The effects of compression of the brain nro not always manifest. Sometimes the effusion or pouriiiL' out of scrum through the membrane of the brain may not show its effects for hours. There wns n fracture of the malar bone , " When Lambertson nsked the witness why ho was nt the autopsy , Phllpot , attorney for the negro , objected to the answer and said : "Why , I was present at the autopsy my self Mid I didn't take any part in it. " Mr. Lmubortson retorted : "You were ruled out on account of incompctoncy. " A laugh went around nt this rejoinder. MaiMhnI Mollckwnsput on the stand nml Identified certain photographs ns fair ropre- fcntntlons of northeastern , north western and southern views of tbo Shccdy residence. The witness wns then excused. Mr. Lambortson then addressed the court and said that there were only two moro witnesses - nesses to bo pnt on the stand. They were Myron Wheeler , tbo stenographer who took n shorthand report of the second and third confessions of Monday MeFarlnnd , whllo the other wns Mrs. P. H. Swift. Nothing wns said about the Introduction of PrDf. Hnyncs of Chicago ns n witness. Mr. Lambertson do- clared that Airs. P. II Swift and Mr. Wheeler were not available nnd nskod that court bo ndjourned until tomorrow morning. This mlscd n most decided objection from the defense ngnlust Mrs. P.H.Swift up- pearlng , ns her nnmo had been endorsed on the information ns P. H. Smith , btrodo tin- nlly acknowledged thnt ho had been to sco Airs. Swift's husband to endeavor to discover what testimony she would produce. Mr. Lnmbertson then remarked : "So you went down to see Mrs. Swift , did yout" Strode retorted : "Paul Drawn , the great i . - criminal lawyer , says thnt the defense should I i ndmlt nothing.n " 1 think. " said Mr. Lambertson , "that ho nlso added 'In desperate cases.1" "You mean in desperate cases for tbo piosocutlon , " spoke up Strodo. Lnmbortson l6okod at Strode in n fatherly wav nnd the usual quiet laugh went around , The defense then wanted to know why Oennls She dy , sr. , nnd Dennis ShcoJy , Jr. , were not to bo put on the witness stand. They declared that they wished to put these gentlemen on the witness stand and supposed that ns their names were endorsed on the bnck of the Information that they were to appear nsjvltnossos. "If you wish , " said Mr. Lnmbortson , "wo will send for these gentlemen nnd pay their faro hero so thnt they mny nppcar as wit nesses for vou.1 Court then adjourned. Later it was learned from tlio prosecution thnt Prof. Hayncs wus sick and unnblo to npncur , a fact that wns dec ply rcgruttcd , as his examina tion of the contents of the bladder wns ono of the most important things to bo presented in ovldmico. Cut Down hy Krost. Hooi'esTo.v , 111 , , May 10. Growing crops and fruit were badly damaged by n heavy frost last night. Grapes were killed. Two- nthirds of the bOO acres of peas belonging tote tl'o ' Iloopcston canning company were cut to . tbo ground , ' IGNATIUS HAD A SCHEME , Minnesota's ' Oipbor Statesman Causes a Sensation at the Oincinuati Conference NIPPED IN THE BUD BY THE CHAIRMAN , Scvcrnl StatcH Knvor the Tlilril Party I'laii AVenvcr Slnkcs Hlinsoir Ilcnril Committee I'lut- form Appointed. CIXCINXATI , O. , May 19. The opening dav of the national union conference was blessed with mild temperature. The morning hours were occupied by the state delegations per fecting their organization. A feature that has attracted some attention this morning Is the apparent apathy of the south , the dele gates from that section being few In number. Wide interest attached to the presence among the delegates of an unusually inrco number of prominent labor men , particularly Kalghts of Labor loaders. It is rtimorod that the knights nro In nctlvo alliance with tbo southern delegates nnd others to prevent the convention organizing n third party nt this tlmo. General Master Workman Powdorly. in an Interview with the Asso ciated press representative today. Just before the convention wns called to order said : "It is not true that cither myself or the other general officers or members of the order here nro , as u body , working In nny such way. As a matter of fact , " continued Pow- derly , "I am not hers as n delegate to the convention , but to attend the mooting of the general executive board of the Knights of Labor , called to meet hero simply that the members of the board wished to keep heartily in touch with the people wno would bo hero. " The various states held n meeting at Music hall this morning. The attendance was largo and tbo buslniws was chiefly of n routine character. The Ohio delegation decided in favor of the immediate organization of a third party and of government loans direct to tbo people on reasonable secur ity , nt interest not to exceed 2 per cent per annum. Almost to n man they declared themselves , regardless of what ac tion wns taken by the national conference , ns bound to hnvo nt once nn independent state ticket In the field In Ohio. The delegations froti Massachusetts , Penn sylvania. Tennessee , California and Louisi ana also favor n third party. South Dakota opposed the formation of n Uilrd party. Of these from Kansas the majority were favor- nblo to a now organisation , but there was some opposition to nny radical action nt this time. A bout seven ty-llvo delegates nro preset t from Illinois , but as there was some trouble nhnnt. nnulnntlnlit nn ilnnlalnn ti'no r-ilrnn 'I'lin Iowa delegates , of which there are sovcntv- iivo present , favor n new party , but are in doubt ns to Its advisability at this time. Prominent among the members of the com- mittco on resolutions are General J. B. Weaver of Iowa and John SelU of Ohio. While tbo state meetings wnro in progress tbo Illinois men to the number of 10J met nnd elected A. J. Strcoter chairman of the dele gation nnd II. 13. Tnnborcek vlco chairman. Colonel S. P. Norton of Chicago , wns elected as the Illinois member of the national com mittee. To the inspiring strain of the "Star Spangled Manner'1 from the great organ tbo delegates took the places assigned them , Kansas and Nebraska getting the most prom inent places , close to tbo stago. Resides the national colors the only decorations were the banners of the Knights of Labor assemblies and kindred traJo organizations. At exactly 2 p. in. n conference delegate advanced to the front of tbo stapo and ac companied by the great organ , lead the nud- lenco in singing , "My Countrv , 'Tls of Thee. " At the conclusion of the song Rev. D. T. Foster .of Cincinnati invoked the divine blessing. The delegates repeated with him the Lord's prayer. Captain Power of Indiana tbon read the official call for tbo conference nnd requested organizations therein named to rise ns their names were called , which was done. The appearance of each delegation was erected with applause. Charles E. Cunningham of Arkansas was introduced as temporary chairman , the formality of nn election belngdlspensed with , lie made a fervid appeal for harmony. An alllaneo song to the tune of "John Brown's Body" wns the next feature of the proceeiiings. W. H. Hobbo of Iowa nnd G. F. Wnshburn of Massachusetts were made assistant secre taries. The first real excitement In the convention wns caused by no loss u person than Ignatius Donnelly of Minneapolis. IIo did It with n harmless looking llttlo suggosslon. Every thing was sailing alone In serenity , with roll call following roll call on the appointment of committees , when Mr. Donnelly nroso nnd moved that to save tlmo tbo appointment of committcemen by each state be compiled In n lump , each state naming all of its committeemen - men at once , including the member of the nominal commlito. Instantly there wns nn uproar nnd dozens of dcloRntcs were on their feet shouting for n chance to strike the first blow in the fight for or against the immediate organization of n national third party. If Donnelly's ' mo " tion was carried" the convention was 1mi plledly committed thereby to immediate or | ganlzotlon and nil hone of postponing such action was thrown to Iho winds. General J. B. Weaver of Iowa was the in- I dividual whoso lungs proved the strongest. ' Striding down the alsld , his white moustache quivering with pugnacity , ho pointed his long arm at Donnelly and hotly denounced the latter's proposition ns nn attempt to pledge tbo convention on the sly to the most vital action without ono word of dissension. Donnelly's sturdy figure , bolt upright , could bo been among the Minncioti delega tion , his blue eyes llnshlne whllo Weaver stormed. The celebrated originator of the Shakespeare-Bacon cipher restrained himself with dltliculty under the lashing of the Iowa man and when Donnelly finally got a chauco to edge n word of reply" his smooth shaven , clear cut countenance was flushed with pas sion. IIo disclaimed any intention to take an undue ndvantago. Again there was n prolonged hubbub , ended nt last by the b.ild-headed , silver-bearded , genial chairman , Cunningham , dexterously putting olT for the tlmo being the inevitable struggle by declaring Donnelly's motion out . of order. Whllo the skirmish was then progressing a - few bets weru offered among the spectators that the convention would cot no furtherout 1 would split it nt the very outset. A motion to adjourn until T o'clock this . evening did not prevail and the following I names were ndopted ns members of the com- mittco on resolutions witti instructions to go Into session nnd prepare tbo convention's. ' 'ntfgrm . : Alabama , ; Arkansas , J. O. Bush ; California , II. K. Dillon ; Colorado , U. J. CurtU ; Connecticut. Uquort Stone ; North Dakota. ; South Dakota , Charles M. Fee ; District of Columbia , D. A. Bahnd ; Genririn , 15. D. Post ; Idaho , j Illinois , James W. Dill ; Indiana , M. C Kankin ; In dian territory , , Iowa , J. B. Weaver ; Nebraska , J. H. Poivcrs ; Kansas , J. G. Otis ; Kentucky , L. D. Dustln ; Massachusetts. W. D. Smith ; Michi gan , Mrs. S. 13. Mercy ; Minnesota , I. Donnelly ; Missouri , Loverott Leonard ; Montana , ; Navnda , ; Now Hampshire , ; NOW.ICMOV , ; Now Moxlco , ; Now York , Will ! tin IIwiry ; North Carolina , ; Ohio , John Soltz ; Oregon , Pennsylvania , F1. U. Agtiow ; HohoJo Maud. Kalthclst ; South Carolina , ; Tennessee , 11. II Osborno ; Texas , J. O. D'lvlsj ' Virginia. ; Washington , ; West Vlrgtihu , Viii A. Dinzis \ - conMn , N. Schilling ; Wyoming , II. K. Shears ; Oklahoma , . The courtesies of the Cincinnati chamber of commnrco nnd tbo Merchants' exchange of Cincinnati were hero announced ns extended to the delegates during their stay in the city nnd nn enterprising photographer worked in the further announcement that ho would gratuitously take tbo pictures of tbo Kansas Amid si-cat laughter nud cheering for Kan- sas tbo conference adjourned till tomorrow nt U n. m , A mortifying occurrence took place nt the opening of the session. Tbo newly elected farmer United Suites senator from Kansas was seen by tbo reporters from the re.ir. Conscious of the fresh nnd well won laurels that metaphorically rested upou his brow Senator Porter smiled proudly ns ho stepped down the long pnisageway to the scat of honor that had been reserved for him. Kvory newspaper man was Instantly on the nlort to witness nn ovation that would break nil previous records. As lucit would have It the same Instant intention or what ever It wns that led to the untimely outbreak for Congressman Simpson brought nbout ox- nctly nn opposite effect In the cnso of Senator' I'orrer. 1 ho Knns.Uis . were nbsorbcd In the selection of n committee or some equally en grossing conference as ho took his seat , ab solutely unrecognized. Senator PetTcr's ' ox- panslon slowly but surely disappeared be hind his shaggy board llko n forest sunset In winter. Tonight everybody fell In behind n gor ' geous brass band , for which funds were scared up somowhcro Just in the nick of t ino , nnd nt n meeting in Muslo hall Senator Peffer ngnln loomed up smiling this tlmo ns chief orator. The committee on resolutions mot after the adjournment of the convention this evening and organized by making Ig amis Donnelly chairman. Thceommltteo did not get to work In earnest for a considerable tlmo and no one appeared to know how long It would take them to conclude their labors and reconcIle - cIlo , If such n thing was possible , the con- llictlng elements with which they had to deal. General Weaver nnd other members of the committee who emerged nt intervals from the committee room predicted that , the committee would do Its work harmoniously and suld that the St. Louis platform would bo taken ns a basis upon which to proceed. It is understood that when the states were called In the commlttcoon resolutions tonight Cpngrcssiiian Otis of Kansas proposed that this conference reaffirm tbo Ocnln nnd St. Louis platforms and appoint n national com mittee consisting of ono person from each state to confer with the members of the . ° l 1Kn0Joh ° ld ln Cincinnati February .M , , , , " W , Ibltt , nt which Dr. Mncuno , L. F. Liv ingston , L. L. Polk , Jerry Simpson nnd oth ers who nro not fnvorablo ton now party will bo the leading spirits. Mr. Otis' proposition , it is said , was warmly supported by General Weaver of Iowa and Ignatius -Donnelly of Minnesota , nnii u lvl11 Irol" ) Wy form the basis upon which the committee will perform Its labors. iho now party men In this conference who ore hourly growing bolder In their demands for Immediate action are determined to head off the Mncuno - Polk - Simpson contingent , nnd to that end they nro exerting themselves to have the convention tnko such action and adopt such n platform ns will make n new party a certainty in 18 ! . As " ' n prominent delegate expressed It tonight , "W'o propose to strllto whllo the iron is hot nnd won't tolerate busl- nny wishy-washy - Prohibition nnd woman suffrage were aired by the committee. Messrs Mncuno mm Simpson nre charged with lingering so lone in Washington after the adjournment of congress that they liavo become Impressed with the Ideas of tboso who uro opposed to action looking to the formation of n now party. At this hour midnight the committee on resolution is still In session with n prospect for nn all night meeting. From tlmo to tlmo there hnvo boon intimations of discord and It is pretty certain thntjhero is by no means perfect harmony. 'About 11 o'clock T. V. Powdcrly was summoned nnd nt midnight ho entered the committee room. Itis claimed that ho was called to enlighten the committee on the subject ot the lai/jr plank. Tbo eight- hour proposition , submitted in tbo interest nnd nt the request of the Now England mon , Is said to have been aimed at him , nnd the object in having him , before the committee was a declaration ns to his attitude on the question In its present bearing. When Air. Powderly nrrlvcs nt the Hotel Emory , where the committee la holdIng - Ing the session , ho was nt once hustled bo fore the committee. ' Ralph Bo.iumont was also present. The appearance of Powdorly caused something of n scnsntlon nnd ho was greeted with applause when ho entered the committee room. Mr. Norton of the Chicago Sentinel nil- dressed the commlttop nt great length , urg ing the formation of n new party nt once , nnd announcing his intention in the event thai , the committee shirked their responsibility im , posed upon it , to carry the light into the con vention. The feeling In favor of decisive nnd imme diate action ns to the formation of a now party has been steadily , growing , nnd what was bcforo a suggestion is now n demand. It is said that at least 1UU propositions affecting different questions must bo passed upon by the committee. Ignatius Donnelly declares that the proceedings were harmonious. The third-partv-on-tbu-spot tonight onthu- siastlcallv blossomed out wearing pieces of blue ribbon about nn Inch square on their white badges. Ono of them said , when asked its meaning , "Tho child Is already horn and wo menu to put clothes on It right away , " in timating that tbo growth of tbo now party spirit had been such that these who had been concealing their real sentiments from pru dential motives are inclined to throw off the mask and urge immediate notion In the mat- tor. The committee on permanent organization tonight selected Sorintor Poffcr for perma nent chairman. During the mooting of the committee a communication was sent in by | the ICnnsas mon to the effect that they had withdrawn Peffer nnd desired the selection of Dclamatcr for permanent chairman , but , their action was not regarded by the com mittee in making tholr choice. . , The committee- rules and order of bus iness tonight decided that on nil disputed questions the stntcs phall be called nnd tha chairman of each delegation shall announce . tbo number of persqns In favor of n proposl- tlon nnd those ngnintt it , nnd the majority ' si i all rule. Kansas will bo entitled to cas't tbo full vote of thosp present , thus giving that stnto n decided ndvantn'/o , especially on the third party question. The easy method of the unconventional delegates' this conference were finely illustrated by the oponms of the mass meet ing sot for 7:1)0 : ) tpnight. The advertised speakers were Senator Porter nnd others , but nt 7 : l0 ! no chairman or other celebrities were . on band. The nudienco negan calling for favorite speakers. At length Sam Wood ? ' of Kansas rcspoudcd by climbing on the stngo nnd nsklng n fcllow-dclegato to Introduce him. Mr. WooJ.s used up n nat urally strong volco iij his highly successful effort nt amusing the meeting nnd served nn excellent purpose until tbo regular order was taken up. The meeting propM opened with n song by n Kansas glee club. For nn encore the song , ' 'Good Bye , Old Pafty , Good liyo , " rose and fell with something of the cadence of iln funeral dirge as the nudionco Joined In the ' ringing refrain. Conrad Burkhausor was made chairman. The orator of the evening , Senator Pott of Kansas , moved with dignity to the front of the s Intro , this timb amid a storm of ap plause , nnd began nt , neo bis speech. Ills voice , wl'.h its soimrcui tonoand _ explosive bursts , was used deliberately 'and was up- parcntlv heard eaMly throughout the hall , lie delivered n regular farmers' alllaneo speech. He ndvocn'od the government own ership of railroads ; the raising of the people to power , who would make their own money nnd iso ) It , the dethron ing of the mono/ power and the ro- ostaulhlunont of tie authority of the people. Mr. Poffor closed hy giving the now p.my n great boom llko this ' 'Does this mean n now party / [ Cries of "yes. " I What else nro wo hero for ! " fApplaiise. ] "Tho prophesy of the hour Is that u new party U to bn bom hero and Its immo Is to bo the national paity. ' ' [ Applause. ) After another song by the glee club , lion. H. H.llkln of Kansas nuurossed the crowd. The next spenuer was ono who .had no1 been advertised , bnj jvho received n greeting that seemed to rnlsu the vaulted nof. I wns Grand Mutci : < Workman Powdu-ly. IL began bv dculnrlnu tliat bo could tav amen V every word Mr. Peffer and Mr. Wllkln bin voiced , Continuing , ho said , with animation "For twenty years men who have followoi thai banner ( pointing to a Knights o Labor ting In the roar of the btago ) , [ cOKTIXLEt ) aTilllll ) I'.VUE. ] Fully One Thotuaad Dolojatos Prosant at the Opanbg Session , NO SPACE ALLOTTED FOR PROXIES. Only lloiitlnu HIINIIC | < IH Transitelcil Tliruatcncil Split AVdcti tie ! Vote on Permanent tlon IM Taken. Dcvvnn , Colo. , May 19. Ono thousand earnest , Intelligent men , roprajontltig the leaders of public opinion In the iiortli , south and west , responded promptly thin morning nt 10 o'clock when the doors of the Fif tusntri street theater were oponeJ to tha second session of the trans-MlssljsIppl congress Such an array of IntflHlconco is seldom scon nnd the businesallko nlr of tbo i1ole.itai pro duced n speedy dlsp itch of business a.nd the ruling out of everything that could in nny measure interfere with thoivlim of Lho promoters meters , who have only commercial uitoroits nt stake. That the mooting will bo tlivojtofl of politics is apparent. Aerlciiltun ) , trans portation and mineral development nro the only topics under dlscjssloa uiul the ro port order of business clearly inclicatos thnt no ulterior motive Is masked by tlio call for tbo convention. Houtlno business occupied tlioilny nnil to morrow the delegates will lO ) cnllod upon to vote upon the question of permanent organi zation. This Is tbo llrst trouble tuioatoncct and possibly the convention will Irrevocably divldo over the question of silver. Ex-Governor Anthony of Kansas was nominated in committee forclm Irmnn , with D. M. Ferry of Utah second cliolco. Tlio former mot with strong opposition o\vltig \ to an Interview in which ho U said to hnvo nsoJ the words , "I am In favor of free cola ago [ f you only put 35 cents moro silver In tlio del lar. " This alleged declnr.itlon aroused the animosity of the western mon unJ tlie veto stood to 7 , two dologntes bclnK absent. As no compromise could bo reached two reports will bo submitted , anil it is probable that Mnyor Shnkospoaro of New Orleans may eventually preside. Mnyor Shakespeare of New Oilcans nnd a full complement from Louisiana readied the city nt daybreak , having been ilolayod by ovorllows on the Klo ( Sranilo. which e.iusorl bom to rldo fifty miles with the water ever ho car axles. They brought n hanUsomo .lornl ornament six foot high , surmounted by u dove , ns n present to the temporary cbnlr- nan. W. W. W. nchnn of Now Orlonns presented the emblem. Tlio Creicont City- lias hopes of capturing the convention for the : hlrd session , and is only opposed by AVich- ta. which will make n , hard Unlit for the coveted privilege. Southern dologntos will insist upon appropriations for the Mississippi river , and In return will favor * the cla.itr.soC Galveston fora deep water Inrbor. Texas is divided ngainst Itself , Houston nssortlng1 thnt Galveston published an ofllclal rrapoC Texas and omitted It completely. At a con ference this afternoon it is said Gnlvcston offered to publicly apologize , but If the npol- ogv Is not forthcoming Houston will intro duce n scathing resolution and throw its strength against the Island town. On tbo resumption of business In the after noon the committee on credentials ranortod delegates present from shtcon states nnd territories with several en route to hear from. The actual number in uttendinco could not bo estimated owing' to tlio brief tlmo allowed the committee. \ recess of half nu hour wns profitably employed by the reception committee In dis tributing souvenir badges. Thcovoro of conventional style , suspended Iroin a solid clasp and embellished with n small silver brick , the entire motulllc decoration being 1,000 line. Mnyor Shnkesponro of Nea * Orlenns wns nvltcd to the stand for a llvo inlnutos' speech , nnd amid loud crie.i or insistence ho wns compelled to mount ttio platform. Ho was received with cheers that were prolonged for-several minutes. Ho said ho Uuruly thought the compliment WM.S personal. It was his fortune to ho plnced in Ills city to grnpplo with ono of the greatest questions of this country. They baa ono of the most peaceable cities in the country , certainly an American one. [ Cbecrs.J Ho was called upon to cope with a thousand Imported as sassins whoso equal in crime could not bo found elsewhere. 'Americans had no fear of assassination. They were brought UD that way and paid no attention to Idle boasts. Ho loft his own city in pence and had no appre hensions but that It would icinnin so. Ex-Governor George T. Anthony of Kan sas snld ho did not euro to talk to people who did not want to hear him. Ho confessed em barrassment to follow Mayor Shakesjie.iro , . whom ho rcmarkcdhad occupied tlio-thou hts ' of every man , woman nnd child for tbo Inst two months. Itwould pay all to attend the convention if only to hear Mr. Shakespeare. Ho could say that Now Orlonns was an American city. So ho could say of every other city in iho United Stntcs. [ Cheers. ] Theory sold that this country could contest anything that was wrong. Ho would say if theics wa ? anything that lav heavy on the stoinich to throw It out. All were entitled to tha fruits of equal ity , but to pluck them they must be A-inorl- can citizens. Ex-Sonator II. A. Tabor of Colorado , was called upon , nnd drawing out n roll of manu script entered Into n discussion of tbo mater ial resources of the country from the coast of Maine to the Arctic sen , IIo urtred cheap water transportation by rUor nnd rail and declared the tlmn hud como for u fusion of south and west. They were too powerful to submit to the dietitian of tbo inUlJlo stitos. Itcclproc'ty of interest was domnnded. Oivo up the 25 cents on the dollar Knstorn mon took cereals by a demonctl/ed dollar. Ho endorsed the resolution ndg | > tcd at the ( Jnl- vcston , meeting , favoring free colnns-'o , and insisted that congress tnko remedial stops. The government bought sllvor at iW cents nnd coined it into coin nt SI.'Ji , nii'l ' thus rob bed tbo farmers. Silver producers alone lost JI.'i 000,003 a year , and farmers n sreat deal moro on account of their gioator production. The speaker clto.l statistics to sustain bis position , and closed hy referring to thu rapid depreciation of Tarn , lands in MiimchiisoUs and the alleged Inlluonco of Wall strrct hi congress , Ho nli < o requested pontlemcn hav ing resolutions in their pockets to withhold them if they were calculated to pioduco ills- nslon. t this Juncture the committee on order of business reported , According to their roe- ommendotlon tlio convontlon will set dully from ' .I n. in. to ! > p. m. , with tivo houra reccis nt noon. Dates for the diiL'U'-s.loii ' of special subjects nro ns follows : Tuesday , 9 n. m. , silver coinage , each speaker limltwd to twenty minutes ; Weduo l.iv , Si : : i ) n. in. , ir rigation nnd reclamation of arid lands , trans portation , Mississippi Imnroveiiu'iits , gov ernment control of lovcos. Hoiiiicpln canal. Oilier buhjccts to bo diM'ii'.sea at the llrst opportunity nro r.ulwiiv Kvlsl.itIon , A moil- ean lead , government of the western Htatos nnd deep water on the gulf co ist. No prox ies will bo accepted. Crawford of Toxns offered an amendment to the subjects for discussion presirv.it Ion of forests of thu United Suites and reproducing lore-its of the United State ? . Another delegate oxplalnc.l tint the Rub ied had been covered under tlio boicl of tim ber culture , but tlio motion was adopted. Adclcgntc | from Louisiana supgcston n na tional board of health us a further topic. Adopted. Utah wanted Indian lands plvon In sever ally and provldelnB for tholr hiln. "With drawn , The report m full ns amended was udop- Ud. Major It. J , Illntori , special ng.-'nt of nrtcs- - Inn underflow anil Irrigation inquiries , nd- dressed the meetlnv In u-rim most < omt > ll mnntnry of Denver nnd sum urnlingcountry , The questions before th nio'tltu' ' , ho rild , were of such Importance thii' tli' y could no * divotu too much tlmo to their Regarding the reclamation of arid lands , ho favr ! hu liberal policy In congress dl < j- ho resolution of the pjonlo which wouv * . V > bl thorn to build up n now empire on tllj. Mitliicnt with "Irrigation and In- iluHtty * \\io \ \ motto of the people nnd thu .safe- euiinl-\io { toller. AtP \ ? " Wluslon of Mr Hlnton's remarks tha coil ; . * V took a resets until tomoirow o'clock. They U\\Atteiupt to JimtHV tlio * \ Ki ling. STUKOH. \ V , May lO.-fSppelal Tele- ( ? r.-.m to 'n . ii-SboriiT : : | Honvor nml United St-Uus Marshal Matthle.ien returned this afternoon wtt'i ' Pete and Nols Culbort- son , Alvm Marvin and James Jitiens , four parties Indicted for killing Indian Few Tails. The other Ouliwrtson will come In nnd stand Ji'lnl nj soon ns word reaches him that ho Is InillctiM , The prlioncn made nn reslstenco when the oniccrs found them. They nre vcrv reticent but express the belluf that they will ! , ' , T , ° no trollbl ° 'o ' Justify the killing of Few i nils , l ho men wilt bo arraigned tomorrow , imt as the United States prosecuting nttor- tioy for boiuh Dakota cannot bo present to assist the state's Attorney , owing to Plenty hoi-scs' now trial nt Sioux Falls on the SMh lust , , they will bo held till the fall term of the circuit court. KcfiTshing D.ikotu Shower. 8rot'vl'\ii.i/s S. IX , May lit. fSpicml Tel CKrom to Tni : BirTho : ] first heavy rain shower In two weeks occurred this morning nml crops nro braced-up wonderfully. The entire Sioux valley , covering n width of 100 miles , received tno benefit of the shower. CllvMiiniii.MN , S. I ) . , May 111 [ Special Telegram to Tin : Hii : : . | A severe rainstorm Is general In this section of tbo state tonight but llttlo rain had fallen during the past two \vooks and the ground had become very dry on the surface. The largo amount of moisture previously In the ground having , hoivovcr , pulled growing crnln through with out injurv. The rain tonight will greatly en- coui-airo farmers. Ijlijuor , Mrii liAin\ooi : > , S. D. , May 19. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BI.I : . I Four of the saloon nun of Central City were arrested today nnd brought Into the county court on Information charging the halo of Intoxicating liquors in violation of the prohibition law. The men were released on bail to appear and plead at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. These nre the llrst criminnl proceedings brought against liquor men in the Hluck Hills , and will be \vutcked with interest. ( irniul Ijodgo orOddlVllows. YASKTON , S. D. , May 19. [ Special Tclo- trrnm to Tin : Hm.l : The first annual meet- inp of the grand lodge of Oddfellows of South Dakota Is In session in this city. The attend ance Is largo nnd the.session Is ono of much importance. Ono year ago the territorial grand lodpo was dlvliled and out of It the two grand lodges of South Dakota and North Da kota were created. The territorial grand loJgo was orgariUed In Vuukton sixteen jears ago. Women at tin ; I'ollu. MiTcnn.i. , S. D. , May 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tut ; 13ii : ; . ] The election for mem bers of the hoard of education today de veloped quite-n , lively contest. Henry Noble nad AV. II , llohvlg were elected without op position , whllo Ooorgo Minor was elected over D. Collins and L. Q. Hurdcsty ever II. D. VCinrd. This was the first trial of the women nt voting , nbouU sovonty-Ilvo of whom availed tuomsolvci of the opportunity. KUIfd liy HiH Own Trap. DnApwoon , S. D. , May 10. ( Special Tele gram to TIM : Bcc. | Word was brought to Dendwood today that while trying to bait n bear trap bo had just completed , George Hod- and , a Swede living near the mining camp of Kochford , full into the trap ho himself had set nnd wns instantly killed by two of the sharpened wooden htakes penetrating his body , one Into the lungs , tbo other golnp into his bowels. A Hey Drowned. Srntoi , S. D. , May 10. | Special Tele ) i gram to Tin : Bin : . ' ; Word reached hero this I 1 afternoon of the drowning of the flvo-ycar- 31U L > oy 01 Isaac AI. uase , a ranchman living twenty miles in the country. This is tbo second child lost uy the family in this man ner. The mother is losing her mind from griof. THE JDEM'EJt I'OISOKI.VK. Mr . Worrell' * Trent iiiont of Itnrnnliy In Situ Kruiiuisco. Svx Piuscisco , Cal. , May 19. Mrs. Uarunhy , the wealthy Hhodo Island widow , vlio tiled at Denver last month from the effects of poison , was in this city from March 23 to April 0 nnd , during that time was .mated by Mrs. Dr. Martin for paralysis. Mrs. Martin says whenever Mrs. Durnaby Isitcd her oftico she was nc'-ompantod by a woman who is said to have been Mrs. Wor- rci. According to the physician , the woman treated Mrs. Bnrnuby very roughly and the latter feared her greatly. The doctor said Mrs. Unrnahy told her she wanted to leave the woman , but she was unable to do so. How Dr. Graves PIIHSCS tlin Tlmo , DB.vvnii , Colo. , May 111. Dr. Thatcher jravos spent a very peaceful night In the county Jail and early -this morning was reetcd hy his wife , who came ever from her hotel , took breakfast and remained with him during the day. Ho was granted the priv ilege of the corridors nnd is only locked up nt night. In conversation today ho dnclarcd ho was plaa ho hnd been nrrniteil , for it will give him an opportunity to prove his Inno cence. IIo will bo arraigned before Judge ( iiahnm tomorrow nnd will enter n plea of not entity. No attempt will ho inndo to se cure Dall until District Attorney Stevens re turns from CJrcolr , whcro ho Is attending the McCoy murJcr trial. Till : It'K.t'M'HIllt t'UKEV.ltT. For Omnha nnd Vicinity Showers ; slightly wannor. For the Dahotns Showers ; stationary temperature , oxeupt cooler In southern South Datolfa mid extreme North Dakota ; south- orlvwinds. . For Iowa Showers , with severe local storms ; cooler by Wednesday night ; south Winds. For Nebraska Showers ; cooler by Wednes day night ; winils becoming northeily. For Missouri generally fair , except show ers nnd hlfh winds In Njrthwoiturn portion ; slltrlitlv wanner ; southeast winds. For Kimsas Generally fair , except show ers in extreme eastern portions ; cooler by \\cdnesdny \ night ; winds becoming north westerly. For Colorado Generally fair ; coo'ler ; variable \ \ bids. ! f-Hiushlp Arrivals. At Ilreir.cn The F.ms , from Now Yprk. Pa soJ rtrowheud The CiVyof Now Yorlc , for LiverpDol from Now York. At Southampton The Steamer Hnvol , from New York for Urummi. At Qiiconstovvn The Novndn , from Now Yorlc for Liverpool. At New York The Frlostaml , from Ant werp ; iho Galileo , from Hull. Tin' Ponili Iteoui-il. ATfiii'Ov , Kan. , May 19. fSpaclnl Tele- pram toTin. HBP. ) Colonel Jaciib S. Go.ir- linrt , u roalilont of Atchlson nlm-j I MM , died this morning of kidnuy tmuble , ngud suv- cnty-thMO yoirs. Ho was colonel of the ICIslith 11111101 * cavalry during the war. Must Siniiil 'I Hal. YOIIK , Mav 111 , The demurrer of the New Hnven railroad directors to the indict- mouts chnrglng them with keeping stoves in tholr Bic.iin curs contrary to the statute wns overruled , and they uust now stand trial. NUMBER 3IU. WEARY OF POLITICAL ABUSE , General Belief That Pension Oommisslonel Hanm Will Design , CANDIDATES ANXIOUS TO SUCCEED HIM , KslnlilUheil AgnliiHt Ciiu- nitliin Moult CiittltSlilpniDiit lU-g- iilatloiiM Allliiui'o NIMVH nt AYitBli Ing ton I'.iteiitH G ranlcil. WASHINOTOV itnr.xwTnn HKK , ) filJt \iMiTin I : STIIIIKT , > WA iiisiirov , 1) . O. , May IP. ) Up to this evening I'linslon Commissioner Knnm has not called upon the president nnil the Impression Is thnt ho Is wnltlng to tioo Secretary Noble , who will i-oturr. from St. Louis within n day or two , nnd that both the secretary nml the commissioner wi confer with the president rotative to tbo latter re signing. It Is generally believed that tbo commissioner will retire from the ofllce , being weary of abuse from his political and person * ! enemies. The general has told his friends that tie llrst wanted to talic the matter over fully with Secretary Noble , ex plaining everything , so that ho himself would bo blameless , nnd then If Uii > proiiilont felt that It would embarrass him to maintain the present conditions in the oftlco the re-dg- nation would bo promptly nt his disposal. Otherwise the resignation would not bo ton- tiered. ( ioiior.il Uaiim sinuily wants to do what Is best for the countrv nnd the adminis tration. Ho Is frank n > ul fair and his manly course Is making him friends dally. ( "AXIMIUTKS roil Till ) COMMISSIOSinisllll' . W bile the Indlannns have good reason to believe that the commissionur.shlii will go to thelrstato there is a Hurry among a nuinhcr of prominent men outside of that state anxi ous to become tictiornl Uaum's successor. The mime of ox-Governor Heaver of Penn sylvania Is again mentioned , ( ienoral Henvor was In the rnco at the time Uoncrnl Kauni was appointed. The fact thnt Senator Quay dropped into town yesterday nnd had n con ference with the president lias led to the bo- llof that the Pennsylvania senator was urg ing the qualifications of the Pennsylvania ex- governor. Deputy CVmmissioner of Pensions Lincoln Is nlso In the rice , but the best in formed nro certain that the president will bring ouo of his Inillnnn friends to the pen sion commlsslonershlp , AM.UNTi : SI.WS \V\SIIIXHTON. . Iltillet Ins nro houily received hero nt tl.o farmei'b' alllaneo headquarters , keeping thu oillcers informed of tbo proceedings of the Cincinnati convention , The rnnorls nro very discouraging to the principal ollleers , as they Indicate a settled purpose of launching a third partv nnd thus swamping the organiza tion. One of the ofllclals of the alliance who Is now In Cincinnati sends word that the third pnrtv advocates nro in a largo majority nnd will currv their point. Ho further says there Is a split between the cast and tha west , in which the socialists of the cnst , headed by the Uellamyltes of Boston , want an eight-hour plank and n tompornnco plank. The alliance headquarters are expecting i collapse of the convention and a general row at any tlmo. 1.1 VB STOCK ItllOUIATlOX- ) . On Thursday next representatives of nil the leading stenmshln lines which export American live stock will bo hero to have a confcrenccrwlth Secretary Husk. The last congi oss authorized the secretary of agricul ture to prescribe regulations for the proper aeio.nmodnti'jn of cattle , hogs , etc. , during their ocean passage. These regulations were not completed. The steamship mon nro anx- ions , however , to present their .sldo of the case before tbo regulations are llnnlly estab lished. Ono of the main points to bo settled Is ns to the amount of the spnco to be allotted each animal. Secretory Kusk is contending for two foot eight inches as the minimum space. When the regulations nro promul gated It is expected that they will do nwny with the frnmp steamers In the cattle trade nnd will put an end to tlio barbarities prnc- tlccd on llvo stock during shipment ivhlcti nro so common now. CANADIAN SWXn | QUAIlANTIXni ) . Secretary Uusk has decided to quarantine ; all sheep mid swine coming into this country from Canada The law allows a quarantine of Hi icon days against all sheep nnd swine Imported from Great Britain nnd the conti nent of Europe , but as Canada keeps up no quarnntlno against those foreign countries diseased sheep and s.vino get into this coun try by way of Caniuln. It Is for this reason that the secretary today put up the quaran tine bars against Caniidn , although It appears to bo n stretch ot the provisions of the law , which docs not Include Canada. rvTKXis ihsuiii ) . Patents were today granted to the follow- .owing : George 0. Ferguson , Odoll , Neb , , bco hive ; Albert A. Gibson , Omaha , railway switeii stand ; Frank F. Mncu , Sioux City , la. , corn planter ; Christian II. Martin , Sioux City , la. , piano truck ; Henry A. Palmer , At lantic , In. , locK , Jacob C Heed , Sioux City , In. , dovlcu for automatically closing doors to elevator wells ; Oscar D. Swartz , York , Not ) . , wall paper exhibitor ; Marlon N. and L. E. Tomblln , Dos Moines , la. , attachment for printing presses. ItlPCIIM.AXKOUH. Leave of absence for six months , to take effect upon his- being relieved from temporary ary command of troop G , Ninth cavalry , la granted ' Captain Walter L. Finloy. Mrs. Ualrd has taken rooms nt the Hamil ton. Captain Halrd is expecting to tnko his. EH ' troop of the Sixth cavalry to Nebraska upon the arrival of tbo troop of the Ninth nt Fort Meyer. Surgeon White , who accompanied Captain Parker's troop of the Fourth to California , will then loturn n-fnlii to Fort Meyer for duty. Colonel Carpenter is waiting "to turnover ever the rein" to Colonel Guy Henry , thu now commandant. J'uum S. Hivm. : / ' A I < ' 1S11I.\U Tit 11' . \ nrovaik \ 'Mon Drowned III tlio I'MHsjilc Kit or. Nn\v YOIIK , May 19.--Four Newark men went fishing on the Hackensack river ou Sntuidaj nlteriioon and novcr returned. They were Harry and .Incob Gasscr , broth ers , over thirty years old , Joseph Foss nnil Jacob Hallonback. They lured n boat at the. Pnssalc river bridge of iho Newark branch of the Central railroad of Now Jersey and put out In n happy mood , Inlcndini ; to follow their usual plan of remaining out nil night nnd returning some time on Sunday. Karly1 on Sunilny morning Fisherman Dusonborry pulled up one of hU p.ko nuts near the moutu of the liver nnd found that ho hud caught thu body of n man. On ono of the arms of thu body the letteiii " 1C w were tnttoed. This wns Harry U.tSbur His arm was tav- lord in this mntincr In nn ignorant Bailer nt sea , and his friend , ' ) often rallied him about , not Knowing how to spoil his namo. Thcf tnrngraph hi the papers yesterday dcscnb-i ing the tlml of the body ii'ul nn overturned bunt wns seen by a friend of the men In1 Newark , and sovcral of < inssor'h frlumls went to Jersey City and iilui > tilled thu body Then begun n search for the others , but no bodies weru found during the day. Thine U mourn ing In their Newark homes and a score oj ? cnlldren are fatherless. Knch of the Gassera had four children nnd Hullenbaek had threo. whllo Fosn was the lather of eight. Thu Gas' sur-i and Fuss wuru shnnmntcs In Ik-lners' Hi-Usors faetory , unit llellenbntk was em * ployed by ihu Dumcslli ; machliio company. tin was n well known member of tln > old Douicxtli ) baseball club. Hosldos their wives and children the Gassers had a father to sup. ' pott who Ishovuntv-throoyenri old and nearly I blind , Thu boat wus nn ordinary Hat boat. ' Mlalni ) Ahlo ( o Kit I'p Nnv Youic , May 10 , Secretary Blnlna continues to Improve. Ilot.it up this morn-i Ing and Joined Mrs liliinu and Mrs , Dum-t. rosch at a light frcalilust. '