Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1891, Page 6, Image 14

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    G THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : N EDNESDAtf , MAY 20 , 1891 :
Trada on 'Change in Chicago Dull and
Fluctuations Narrow.
Grain I'rlcfisnt Other Points Gener
ally UlKlinr Advance In Fi
Mnrki'tH Sleeks and Honda
Mining Qiiotntloiis.
riiiOAno , Mtiy 10 , Ppcculatlon on tlio board
of triule today was dull ami fluctuations were
rnthcr narrow during most of tlio session.
Thu foatiiM'i of the whcnt market vns nn un
dertone of stubborn stroiiRth ivliloh resisted ralilH 5iy llio betirs. ThU was duo
to tliu fuel thnt Hourly nil of tlio early nons
tuisof nbilllNh character. All of the furnlitri
markols ivuro lilRhor and nn mlviiiieo of 3
conti pur contiil wa * reported nt Hun I'ran-
clsco im tlio ru-inlt of further buying for
French nccoitnt. Iliiltlinuro roporU'il 401,000
bushels taken for export ; thuro w.iM a dccllno
of I ' ' biishi'lson ocean passage last WCOK
nnil roi'olplH In the northwest were very lltfht.
Tim bom a not what tlioy could out of teportud
llltht ruins In the west and northwest , vrliero
liinoh rain was needed , and the continued
beavy oxportHof gold. The business of the
( liiy was very Il ht , the oiilsldo public as well
UH speculators seeming to bo Inolluod to
nwnlt developments. .July opened at Jl.osyffl
1.01. hold up to ? 1.0.l3i , dropped to fl.OJ'i ' , ral
lied to $ l.uiJ ; ! , sashed oft to tl.Oi'i and closed
C'lirn rcrnlvoil a little support from the
Rtrr-iutli In wheat and from buying by shorts
emly In tlio day. As the session advanced ,
lu.ivi'vor. the uirerlngi Increased iml the market -
ket lost tiiucli of Us buoyancy. The Increased
cilTi-rliiKs was the result of continued
heavy locelnts and oxccHent uradlnjj. July
htartfd at fiS'ii' , sold tip to Ml1- , elf to M\o. nml
ralili-d to M v. There wan fairly sooil buy INK cailv ami nn ailvanco of 'iffse , hut
the luportHor rain In the west wlu-ro It was
badly noc'dcd caiiM-il nu ncccssloi\ Belling
nml a rm'ussliin of 'iftsc.
I'nn Islnns r.niKcd hluhcr. Pliorts wcro buy
ers , ami oIlVrlncH wcio scarco. Iti'colpls of
ho 'H nl the yard * were C.UIO henil lossthan the
tnuli' ofpf'ti'il. The not result of the day's
tr.ullii ! ! was an ailvanco nf rj'i emits In .Inly
purl. , 10 In July lard , and 15 cents In .Inly ribs.
Thu loading futures ranged us follows :
WHEAT No. 2-
t 1 07 ! < III t 1 Ofi > (
Juiio. . I OJ ! < !
.Inly. . . 1 03H mft
Mny. .
Juno t'J MM
July. . .
Mny. . . MM
Junn. .
July. . . 47 > , 47
Mny 11 45 II Vl < 4 II 42
July n m 11 k74i II M4
Ki'ptomlior. H 62H 11 CO II 77.4
Mny CM ) fi 40 660
July li W
Hrptembor , Cbi.4 , 675 085
May COO 6(10 ( COO
July n 15 H 05 8 16
foi'tomliiT , li 45 C 4r >
Tush iiintnllims | were as follows :
I-'l.orn Firm. unchnnRod ; sprlus. $ . " > .00 < ! i
6..Vij'O ; straltx , U.IXKW.OO ; buk-
crs. Jl.iVitl.Mi.
WIIIJAT No. 2 sprliiK wheat. Jl.Ofi'j : No.
asiirlnawhcal , O.k-iWI.01.1 : No. S red , Sl.OKJiO
l.lS'i. '
COIIN No. S.ffic.
HATSNo. . a. M9ic : No. 2 white , SS'/i'aVle ' : No.
3whlto. rpD' ' iffMitC.
KVH-.No. a. ! Kc. )
llAlil.Kr No. 2. nominal : No. 3 , 72Il7Gc : No.
4. nominal.
KI.A.X HKP.II No. 1 , $1.17.
TIMOTHY SKBII Primp. tl.34iiii.R5.
I'OIIK Mfsi pork per barrel , 8Il.r.ill,524 ! ;
luiil. HIT cwt , WSO : short ribs sides ( loosoi.
Hl.u.' : : dry suited shoulders ( boxed ) , $ j.K ©
0.20s Hhort clour sides ( boxed ) . $3.IO < TW. | ! > 0.
WHISKY Ulstlllorb' finished uooda ucr gul-
lon. # 1.17.
SUIIAH Cut loaf , unchanged , 61c ( : crunu-
Intcd , unchaiiKcd , 4i4o ; stundunl "A , " un-
chanKcd. 4c.
Krcoipts and shipments today were as fol
lows :
New York .Market H.
NEW YOIIK , May lO.-Fr.otlii-Kocolpts , JO.KSO
packages ; exiiorts , 4,4'Si barrels , B.ltiO sacks ;
Ba.los , la.soo barrels. Market iiulet , unchanged -
changed ; sales. 10.700 barrels ; 'low ex
tras. ji.OWil : no ; winter wheat , low
grades , KI.WffW.RO : fair to fancy , I,70 W.40 ;
patents , H.MV5il.lM ; Minnesota clear. $4.50 > ;
BtralRht.8l.8JSiS.80 ; Mtnnesota patents , JAloffi
COHNMKAI , I'irin ; qulot. steady ; yellow
western , lW4f4.00.
WIIKAT-NO. 2 red. In store and eleva
tor ; $1.11 ; No. 1 northern , to arrive , tl,17ij ! [ :
Pia 1 hard to arrive , Jl.a ) ; opt ons opened
hwsio iii on freer foiolgn orders , trusting
cables and poor crop weather reports ;
declined M'Jo In roallzln , advanoi-d
5iic on huropcaii crop reports ; dellned ?
fa o with the west , and closed weak
nt H ' , { o over jcstordiiy. No. 2 rod , May ,
II.10U(1N. ( closlmr at ( I.IOU ; Jmio. ( I.14H& , closing at 8I.10U : July. II.IIMWI.IS * ;
closing at JI.1SM ; August , ll.10Uffil.10M , clos-
lir. nt tl.lO > 4 ,
UoiiK Itocelptx. .f.OO busholR ; exports , 0,988
nushclf ) ; sales. 7i' . JO bushels ; futures , quiet ,
gl'Ot ' market moderately active ; No. ' . ' inlxod.
Oinic : alloat. ungraded mixed , 71
Opt ons unchanged to iio up , light of-
: May. 70c. closing nt 70c ; June. CO
.olosliig at Cfl' c ; July , G.1U ® < Kc. closing
c ; Aiigust. n44acr ! > ! ic. closing nt GlUc ;
beptomtior. ti47iaa4 ( o , closing at C4Jo ! ; De
cember. fi7J4o.
OATtf-Hccelpts , ll.lloo tiushols ; exports S,80S
Jiis ) he s ; sales , 110,000 bushels futures ; ir.,100
bushpls spot. Spot market higher , active ,
steady. Options ilrrnor ; May. WAic. closing nt
Dd ? c ; June , Me , closing at.c ; July.Ki - c.
closing nt MMei August , fi5 (3fl7e ( , closing at
o ; spot , No. 8. white. RSV4o ; mixed western ,
HKl" WC9tor"'M ° i No-2 Chicago , 6SKc.
BUOAU ifnw. nctlvo ; fair roOnlng. 07'c :
ccntrlfiigalsli test , 4V ir l-lic ( ; sales , NX ) bags
muscovado. U4 test. 8io ; 111.000 bags centrifu
gal. HO test. riUc : rellncd , oiilotnnd steady.
MOMHSKS I'orolgn , dull ; Now Orleans ,
qulot and steady.
HiCK-Otilet. htoady.
hiuiH-Qiilot , westorn. 10 c. Ilccelpta , 1.040
Pome More notlvo ; old mess , Jll.0031t.50 ;
now mess. l'.0uii.oo. :
CUT MKAT8--Iull ; ploklod bellies. fc ;
pickled Hlmuldors. 4Jio ; pickled hams , IW ®
lOVJc ; middles , quiet and firm.
, I'A.VD"Wt'om ! steam , M.57M : option salrs.
MO tlprcos ; May. W. : ; Juno. Jfl.rJ ; July , W.78 ;
' , l , , ri ; September ,
I7.SO. closliiL' . * 7.m bid ; October. $7.18.
IIUTTKii llettor domnnd ; western dairy , 1.o :
westerii creamery , 14 < ai5o ; western factory ,
15o ; Klglns , llio.
CuKKsu-nriii ; part skinm , SSSiio.
Kt. Louis ItfnrkctH.
BT' ' ' ' ' -WuKAT-Hlglaor l ;
cash , ( I.OR'J ; July , M ; o.
CoHN-llfghorcash. ; CO'io ; July. S7c.
CUTS-Mrin : cash. 404o ! ; July , iilic ,
1'ollK-Qulet at til. MX
LAKH ( lull nt . .
IIUTTKII- Largely lower ! creamery , 155J17c ;
flalry , U-
I < lvcriool | .
I.iVKiii'ooi , May 10.Vlll AT-flrnli demand
P ° L"rJ.'JSl ' ' ( > rit"ri'r 8P fl"Klyi Oullfurnlii No
J. fen OiiafflM 7d per cental. The receipts al
wheat tlio iiast three days were 110.000 centals
Of which M.OJO centals were American.
COIIN tlrni ; finest white 5 aa per cental.
I'l.ouu-ateiuly. _
KANBABOlTV. Mo. , Mliy 10.-\VllKAT-PtronB !
No. 8 haru , cash , 07o ; May , 07o bid : No. 2 rod
CoiiN Lower ; No. 2 , cash , B5oi May , MSio
OATB Lower ; No. 2 , cash , 47oi May , 485io
Mlhvnukco Mnrknts.
MII.WAUKKKVls. . , May lO.-WniUT Qulot ;
No. 8 spring , cash , tl.OJj July , fl.osy ,
ColiN-Oulet ; No. 5 , KJtic.
OATS-Klrmurt No. 2 white , MKO.W.
Quiet ; jKirk , July ,
Toledo MnrlcctH.
TOLEDO , 0. , May IO. WIIEAT'Lower ; cash ,
COIIN Lower ; cnsli , ( We ,
OATS Qulot ; cash , Kc ,
\Vhont Jlnrkot. ) , Minn. , May 10. WIIKAT
Norlhnrn No. 1 and No , 2 wheat sold null to
day but poor gradca wcro uoulected ; receipts ,
y > n.irs ; shlpmoniA , 109 cnr § . Closing prlcei ! No.
Ihiird , May. ll.USinntr.ick. tlnSit.OO ! | No. 1
northern , Mny. 11.00 ; July , II. On ; on track ,
H.o < mCilU7K ; No , 3 northern , May , tl.Rli on
track , ? l,0 ' ® I.O/ / .
CINCINNATI. O. , Mny 19. WIICAT Qulot !
No. 2rcd.4l.ti7i. !
COIIN Steady : No. 2 mixed , C3o.
OATH Weak ; No. 2 mixed , We.
NEW YOIIK , May 10. Thostock marVcttoilay
favc promise of developing a reaction from
, ho depression of the last few days , but not
withstanding the more hopeful and favorable
advice ? from nlirond , the continuation of the
gold shipments caused u renewal of the pros-
mire to sell for both sides of the account nml
the Improvement scored early In the day
could not bo maintained. There Is n great
loal better fcollng In London for American
securities ; they were up ns much ns U In some
cases , while all foreign securities wcro reported
od steady , oven Portuguese. The general bull-
sh feeling engcndoicd by the buoyancy of the
'orulgn ' market and buying of the niultrntlon
mikers was sulllcleiit to cause a rally hero
which before noon had placed almost all the
leading shares high above the opening prices.
St. 1'iiul , Itock Island , Chicago Uns and Union
i'aclllc were especially piomlnont for the
stiftigth displayed. The first named gaining
nearly 1 per cent. Then severe drives were
miide by the bears nt nil the leading shares
vhcn Union 1'aclflo dropped away 2 points
and the others to 'i among the active shares.
The lowest prices wcro reached before ( 'ollv-
eiy hour , nnil later Iho covering caused a rally
which brought prices up ( i to 1 per cent. The
niii-iii ! ! , dually closed firm at the rally.
1'lie Until ehanues show an advance , and the
mly material loss for the day la 1 per cent In
Railroad bonds were dull though transac
tions reached $710,000. which Is slightly muro
, ban usual of late. The buslnes wss rather
nero widely distributed than usual but failed
o develop uiiv feature of Intelest.
State bonds nave been dull and steady.
I'etrnlcum opened steady and after a sllcht
decline moved up ! { on western buying. The
market then became dull and remained so till
the close , nil , .spot , closing , CS.
Options opening , W\ ( \ highest , C7'i , closing ,
OT'iBali's. ' . ' , ' 7uW barrels.
The follow HIT aio the closing quotations for
the loading siocks on the Now York slock ex
change today
Ati'lilron ' jN. V. Oulral H't '
Admin l.xprc" 117 N.Y.C.ASt. I , I''H
Alton AlVrre llnuto. 32 do preferred ( " >
dopreferrcd 125 Ohio A Mlssl-slppl. . . 18
Amcrlcm : Kxpruss . .111 do preferred 85
II. C. U. A N 21 Ontario A Western. . liiM
Cnnailn I'nclllc 7ti' ( Oregon Improve 27
Cntiiid.1 Southern 13 lllriwii Nnv Kl
Ci'iilral 1'nclllo 27JU Orwiti Trnni l.M {
CIie . AOIilo 15'h I'aclllo Mull MVj
do 1st preferred. . . . II I'corln , Dec.A Evans. 1H' {
do2ndprcforred. . . . 2il I'lttsburu 1411
Chlc.ieo A Alton. . . .12. ! I'ullnmii 1'nlaco ISO
Ull. A ( j M''f llcmlliiK 31
C.C.I' . A St. I , ( Ml * llock Island W (
Dclanaro A lludion..lWiiHl. I. . A H. K. 1st pfd. . . C5
Del. , It. A W LiSt. . I'nul ( illfi
1) . A H. ( J. preferred 55 dnprcforroil ID'i'ij
East Tean 6'1 ' St. I' . , Minn. A Man. .105
du 1st preferred. . . . HI St. Paul A Oiniiha. . . . 25
do 2d preferred M doprefcrrcd H''W
Brie : l'Js ) Tcnn. Con ) A Iron. . . S'l
do preferred Ml Teznsraclllc II
Fort Wayne ISO To ) . A O. Ccn. prof'd. DO
Clil. A Hnit. Ill r..iij Union 1'ncinc I3
Hocking Valley 2ii U. S. Kxpross GO
Houston A Texas. . . . M W. St. I , . A 1' 10
Illinois Central ! 1i dopreferrcd iOXi
HI. I'ntil A Duluth. . . . 25 Welli-Fumo Kx 110
Kansas ATetns I3' ' < Western Union T3 ! (
I.nko Krlo A West'n. . 12H Am. Cotton Oil 2Ji (
do prufern-cl , ' , . ' > ' < Colorado Coal HS ! <
Lake Shore lOjIJ i Homcituku ] ( )
IiOUlsvllluANniili. . . . 74 Iron Silver 120
I ulsvlllo A Sew A. . 2 < ? f Ontario 3Sii !
Memphis A Cliur S.'i Qlllclisllvur 5'
Michigan Contrul S'"ii ( to preferred 30k
MII..UH.AW li ! ) Sutro 7
doproferriMl 1)3 ) llulwer 30
Minn. A St. I , 4 Klcli. & W. I * . Tcr. . . . l&if
dopreforred 10VlKconiln Centrnl. . . . 10
Missouri Pncllic liiiTt llrcnt Xoitliurn pfd. . b'J7i (
Mobile AOlilo TO fhlriixo ( ! ai 4b ) (
Nashville Clmtt 91 Lead Trust 18
N. J. C'cntml lllMi Sim-nr Trust MH
Norfolk A Won pfd. . 6' ' Soulbcrn I'aclllc 'Mi
Northern.I'lirltlc 23) ) Ore. S. U A Utah Nor 'tl
doprefi'rrcd ( ; 7 Hlo ( irnnda Western " ' "
U. I1. Denver A Gulf. 1 ! ) do preferred U7)4
Norlliwe turn 10I ? <
dopruforred. . . . . . .la : )
The total sales of stocks today were 'KIV107
shares. Includlii' ; : Atuhlsoii , 4. > , OSO ; Dolawaic.
I.ackawaiimi .t Wosturn , O.VI : Kansas it
Toxas. UK ) : Louisville .t Nashville , 31JXI ; Mis
souri I'aclllc , 14,9X1 ; North American. 3.215 :
Northern I'aclllc. 4,24:1 : : Northern I'uclllo pre
ferred , 2J.450 : Ulchmoml fc West Point. 4.COO ;
KU Paul. 8.1.150 ; Union Pacific , 21.820 : Western
Union , 8,200.
Financial Iluvtcw.
NEW Yonic. .May 1 ! ) . The post says : Today
wns the llrst time that thcro appeared to bo a
diminishing domnnd for oxchuiiRO , Import
ers wore liolilliiK olT In expectation of lower
rates , which Indicates that the adverse bal
ances against the United States nml the
heavy imports of last summer are geltlm ; well
paid off. It may huvo been this aspect of the
oxchaiiL'O market which induced the Hunk of
Kmlaiid to Increase the premium for cold In
hopes that H would Induce the Importers hero
tiibiiy morooxchniiKO at the lowest prices.
Hut If our debt Is boliiK any where uoarly paid ,
oxchain'o r.itos may drop any day to where It
will cost the Itauk of KiiKlank anywhere from
1 to 2 nor centto set the isolil , nnil it IH bc-
llovod the bunk would not bo wlliint ; to pay
such a price for monoy.
Tlio Money 'Mnrkot.
NEW VOIIK , May 1 ! ) . MONEY ON-CAM , Easy ,
raiiKliiR from li to 5 percent ; lust loun a per
cent ; closing olTorcd at 3 per cent ,
PiiiMK MGiiCANTir.K I'Ai-uii Ktf per cent.
STKUI.INO KXCIIANIH : Qulot but weak
nt $4.K1 for sixty-day bills and fl.871 for
The following were the closing prices on
bonds :
U. H. Is , reitlMcrcd. . . ! ! ' . ) M. K. AT 5s . K'H '
U. B. ii , coupons Ill ) Mutual Union Cs. . . . KSIW
4 s , reulitered 100 N. J. Cenl IntCort. . , 11 OH
< H' . con pom lul Norlliern 1'uc. Utn. . .III !
I'aclllelliof itt ill do'Jds .Ill
IxmUluna Slump Is , . bH Norlliwest' conaols. . , UUi
Tenneasco N. S.Us..lUU do debentureM. . . 101H
do 6s 100 St. U A I. M. ( ien. As 85
do 3s 7u. ' ( . St. I. . A S. K ( Ion. M .104
Cnnadn Boutliorn 2ila 117 St. Paul consols 123
Central I'uclllo l ts.,107U St. P. C. A. P. Ists. . . 10 (
1) . AU.D.lBts 1I5H T. P. I , . O. Tr. Hcts , S'J
do 4 * 2 T. P. U. O. Tr. llots. , 01 {
I ) . A It. O. west l tM. . . ; cH Union Pncltlc Ists. . . , iom
Brlu2di 100 West Shore 102H
M. K. AT. Gon'l Us. 7li-H
Iltnlr Clenriinocfl.
NEwVonic , May I'J.-Clearlngs , $121,450,760 ;
balRiicos , J4.S7.JOJ. ! ) (
HOSTON , May 10. Olourlnss , $15,215,173 : bal
ances , tli.W,72. : . Money , S per cent.
lUt.Ti.MOiiK , Mil. , May IB. Clourlncs , J2.100-
217 : balances , } J75,46I1. Monoy. 0 per cent ,
Pllir.AUEi.PiiiA. Mny 19. 01ourliiKS$12,241lKJ :
balances , tl,0lu,90Q. Money , 4a iJ per cont.
UHIOAOO , May 10. llunkolourliiBs. I14.MO.OOO.
Now York exchange was easier ut C05S70 punts
promlum. iloney ousy iitOi 7 per cont. Ster
ling exchange wus steady und unchanged ,
IJoHton Stoo'c market.
nosTON. Mass. , May 19. The following were
the closing prices on stooki In the lloston
stock market today.
Loiulon Stocks.
LONDON , May 19. 'i p. m. closing :
liar nllver 4 < il pox ounce.
Unto of discount In the open market ( or
short und thrco months' bills , 4 ; ; uorout ,
Itank Htati'incnt.
Mny 11) ) . Thostatumont of the Im-
pcrlul llaiiK or Gurmnny nhowa un luorcaso In
niicclo of u.&OJ.OOO murks.
Jlnnk oriCiiKlniul Hiilllon.
LONDON , Muy 10. The amount of bullion
ROIIO Into thu Hunk of KiiEluml on bulunco to
day U i'3QIM ( > .
Bnu FrnnclHiM ) Mining QuotnlloiiR.
BAN FIUNCISCO , Gala. , May 10. Tliooniolul
Now York Coffee Optlnnn.
Nisw VOIIK , May 10. Coffee options oiiened
.tcady , unuliiuiKed to 10 points up , closing
Spot moduli ; fair cargoes JW.OJj No. 7 , J18.50 ,
NBW VOIIK , .May 10. I'KTnot.KttM Kasyj
orudo In harrols , packers , iii.TO ; same In bulk ,
14.15 ; I'tiltcd closed at ( Wi'iofor Juno.
CJOTTON Hnr.i ) On , Quiet and steady.
TAI.WIW Weak ; city (12.UO ( for packages ) ,
5 I-KXiW'sf.
TUIIPKNTINK Weak at 3S4'ft.'iOc. ?
M'ool , Dull liut steady ; domestic fleece , 37 ®
.Me : pulled. ir.'iTjil'lo ; Texi'm , Ztte.
I'll ) llio.v-liil ) ! ; American , J 1(3.0J18.00. (
Coi'i'Kll Htaunant. nominal ,
IjiAl-Qutot : ) , stion : domestic , ! -I.G25. !
TIN Dull , easy j straits , J2I.IO.
ClllCAdo , May 1 ! ) . Losan .V Co. teA
A Bryan i Thu winter wlii-at croii that has
jlvi'ii siirli proinlso Is ii-porti-il two wi-oks
late In Kansas , nnd although looking very
dnaly In Missouri. It Is later than u your ago.
Itiilns nroroporteil asjonorul In the northwest.
This was iniich needcil. Today's nurkut has
I'oen narrow nnd largely local. Our opinion
still Is to buy It on all sudden dec-lines.
Tlio urlce of eorn looks high and ns
coiniiurcil with tlio past few years our ntooU Is
mall. The season Is late , and this , with the
iilyh price of oats and poor prosprcts of the
growing crop. In our opinion will toll crc weather
; ather another crop. Receivers say receipts
.vlll Inureaso In thu next wenU or two. Wo be-
love It will do to buy on all breaks.
ClllCAflo. May ID. IConnclt , Hopkins A ; Co. to
3. A. MeWhortor : Early eables were rather
ndlll'orcnt and room traders Bold on them ,
Uitor ones were stroiiRor anil the buyliiK that
followed eairled the price up to it.OI9 for
July. Iteporls of rains in the west nnd uurlli-
west Itiilticoil lllicrnl realizing and caused a
rciu-tlon of Ic , but forclxu advices and consld.
erablo export business woio Mifllclcnt to rally
Llio market to Jl.Oll'J. ' Lsitur reitllzliiK clmrd
the market about where It did yesterday.
Trade Is light. Iliiotutitluns small nnd those
who take moderate prollts on the buljirs buy-
[ TIS baok on Iho breaks bavo reason to he sat
isfied with their operations. Conditions favor
hlsiher prices where the mnrKot Kcts
out of Its rut. Corn and oats Liberal
receipts and estimates of still inoro liberal
ones In the near future Induce free selling bv
unnrs bub results urn not eneoiir.isliu for op
erations on that. Hide. Weather conditions uro
still more or less unfavorable nml while they
continue it would seem the safer policy to
take the lone side on fair bronks. Ll bt re
ceipts of boss and higher prices advanced pro
visions enouuh to cause considerable buying
to cover shotts which carried the market
lilKhcr and held It. The buslnobs was mostly
Niw VOIIK. May Il ! , ICennctt , Hopkins & Cote
to S. A. MoWhorter : Tim sto'jk market has !
been subject to frequent lluctiiatlims today In
which tbero was n lack of harmony through
out the list , resulting In iulte ] a decline for
sumo stocks , while others closed higher than
lastuhtht. The openlii ) ; of the market was
alTcctcd by the advance In Americans In Lon
don , and bv some purchases In this mat hot on
London. These were chlelly of St. 1'iiul , and
soon foreign dealings ceased until near the
close when they began to buy. Continental
bourses have been weak ana all centers In
Europe continue to make cITorts to obtain
gold. The Dank of Kimluml advanced
the price for Amerlunn oaule.i to TtisU'iil ,
which Is n sharp premium over the
ordinary price , Sterling exchange weak be-
causoof large olferlngs of bills against gold ,
for which there Is very llttlo demand. For
eign banking houses have had largo orders for
gold aggrugut Ing S'.V.O l.O ( ) gold taken nml nros-
pects of another * l.tWil.U'J. ' ) when these engage
ment * begin to be announced. Tlio stock
market began to sell olf. but later began to
plok up anil which hud support , such as
SU Paul , closed strong. Very little Is said In
the street about the falluie to advance thu
passenger rates between Chicago and St.
Louis or the alleged unsettled condition of
east-bound freight rates over trunk lines , but
the declaration of 1 per cent by tlio "Q. " Is
commented on favorably. The workings of
the speculative mind showthodrlftof thought
which Is no doubt bullish and wimlJ take a
decided form but for the discouragements at
tend ng gold shipments , etc. . at present.
CIIIOAOO , May 11) ) . W. G. Mrt'ormluk & Co. to
K. 0. SwartCo. . : The whe-it market has
been dull but fairly firm. Serious apprehen
sion has been felt for a day or two In regard
to the olTect of the dry weather on the spring
wheat , and It was natural , Wo expect a bre.ik
in prices as soon as wehnvo had good rains In
the northwest. These rains came today and
more arb predicted all around within the next
twenty-four hours , and'yet tlio wheat mar
ket has been stonily. Late cutilos noted strong
markets at Liverpool , London , llerlln nnd
Paris , especially for spot wheat. Clearances
from the four Atlantic ports were rJO.UOj
bushels of wheat und IT.MO packages of Hour.
Cargoes on passage to the United Kingdom
and continent showed a decrease of about a
million and half bushels but the English visi
ble supply showed an Increase of ( Ito-
colpts at cloven primary points , 4"o.ono busli-
cls ; shipments , : i7dKK ( ) bushels , Near the close
of the market It was reported that freight
room had been engaged for 400,000 bushels
of whcnt from llaltlmoro , but llttlo at
tention was paid to It , us It was
said to bo for September shipment.
Corn has bcon moderately firm but dull with
trading chlolly local. The Increasing receipts
are rather a weight on the market us the do-
mund for shipment Is decidedly slack. The
grading of the market Is much Improved and
the amount of contract corn Is Increasing.
The olTect. of the past dry weather Is more
bovcrely foil In oats than tiny other product ,
and If accounts OR trim thobanner crop which
has been promised us Is not llkoly to bo har
vested. The uneasiness has caused rather a
stronger undertone to tlio market. Provisions
IIAVO Dccn Him throughout thu dny with very
light offerings , and Indications of uncnslnoss
among the shorts who huvo sold on the broak.
Wo notice good buying of all articles and ex
pect to i > co higher prices before wo have n
further break.
0.11. Ill A 1,1 I'll tilOUH.
OMAHA. May 10.
CATTM ; Ofllclal rocolots of cattle 1.4411 ,
as compared with MiTi yesterday and 2.101
Tuesday of hist wenk. The market was ac
tive and lOo higher on the best steers and slow
and barely steady on less desirable grades.
Hiltcher stock was stonily. Feeders hud
no life whatever.
1 Iocs1 Utllulal receipts of hoes O.X'j ns
compared with -.OOil yosturduy and fiWll
Tuesday of last week. The market was
active , the host hogs So higher , others steady
to stronger. All sold , The ran 1:0 of
the prices paid was tl.'J.VtM.fri. the bulk sell
ing nt fUuaU.V Llu'bt. ( l.'J.V3t.45 ; heavv
U.4.vaiM ; mixed. fl.iriW4.45. The average of
the prices paid was (4.411 us compared with
fl.IKHi yesterday and VI..V1 Tuesday of lust
SIIEKP Tlioro were no fresh receipts of
sheep. The market was nominally stoady.
Natives , t3.WKDsJ.uOi ( westerns. Ji.
anil llsiowltlou ) | of Stouk.
Uniclul receipts and disposition of stock as
uhown by the books of the Union stockyards
company for the twenty-four hours ending ut
& o'clock p. m. May 111 , 1M ) | .
Itoprosoiitatlvo Hnloa.
No. Av. Pr. No , Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
1.030 JOTS 51..1113 110) 0..121 * HO
IM L'3t 200 440 411 402 ICO 455
pins AND nouoii.
i : iso 2 ro 2 450 3 ! > o
1 2SO 2 M
uiiK" IjivcSt uk Slarkct.
ClllCAdo. Mny UV-LShcclnl Tolcgram to Tin :
ltii.1 : There was an extremely light supply
of good nntlvo cattle on the market today.
The aggregate receipts were fully up to the
average for Tuesday , but ollerlngs woio
principally of Texas cuttle , only n small pro
portion of wlilch wcro good enough to meet
the requirements ; , of the east'ern and export
trade , consequently. . , tbeio was a stronger
market for useful shipping steers , Fair to
choice. I.IOJ to 1,000 pounds cattle averaged
fully lOc higher and were uctivo nt the ad
vance. The Improvement did not embrace
common and medium qualities , they sold
slowly at barely' former prices. Sales of
natives were on a basis of tl.fVJ < i .r , .r > 0 for In
ferior COM s lo extra steers , with the greater
part trading ut $ i.00@r.53 ; for eows and bulls ,
and at f.'i.lOOO.OO for ; shipping steers. Texns
cattle were quoted1 nt tl.iVtft.'i.OO though prices
above $4.2.5 were reached In only a few
Instances. *
With today's reoolptsr of hogs confined
to about 14,000 head , sellers were In
position lo regain Tnjt of the previous days'
loss. Common to prime light weights sold at
* 4.Vvai.7 : > , and $4. X54.S21J ; was the ranueof
prices for heavy and medium weights. This
Is an advancoof V3. The demand from local
packers was slack , but shippers took hold In
an Interested way and all decent lots were
closed out long before noon. Thequnllty was
fair , better than for some days previous , and
the greater part of trading was at $4.f > .vrJ.u.
inquiry was principally for averages of from
IW ) lo 2ua pou nils. Lighter and heavier wo hts
were more or less neglected.
L'ATTljK Ucculpts H.OOO : shipments , 2,53 , ) ;
market slow and steady to lower ; extra steers ,
J.VMrTM.SO ; others. f4.00Q5.7" > ; Texans , W. IOQ >
5.15 ; cows. ft.2fli.50. ! :
lltHH-Uccelpts , 13.000 ; shipment ! ' , 7,000 ;
market active , steady to higher ; rough and
common , Ji."iyl.i."i : ; mixed ami packers , f l.ritXTft
I. ( ! . " > ; prime heavy and butcher weights , f4.h (
4.75 ; liKht.if4.fl4.70. (
SliuKiItecelpts. . 8,000 ; shrpmonls , 2.000 ;
mnrUet dull and wo.ik ; natives. ; 5.0D5.15 ;
Toxans. SI.OOJSI.7j ; westerns , 85.005J5.50 ; lumbH.
New York I.lvo stock > farcct.
NK\V VOIIK , May 10. ItniiVKS Kocolpts , 578
head , all for exporters and slaughterers.
Feeling firm. Dressed beef , steady at S'.JTJ '
lOc. Shipments , 4. > 0 boovcs , and 4,140 quartets
of beef.
CALVES Uocolpts , 3.140 ; market nominal.
A bunch of veals sold at $5 fij'l.
i-liKHi' Hecelpts , I'.lMli ; market ' & @ ' 4o lilghor.
Hheep , $4.'J.Vtl.oO ! ; lambs , $ " .2.'it'i.W ) ; dressed
mutton , WilOjc ; dressed lambs , ivfl5u. ; ( )
lltiiiH Iteci'Ipts. 8,401. consigned direct ;
nominally weak at
Kunsau City fjtvo stock.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , May 19. Cattle Hecolpts ,
3,500 head ; shipments. 1,020 head ; market
about steady ; steers , $ l. 05fo.R" ; cows J2.352 >
4.50 : stockers and feeders , tJ.MWl.M.
lines Hecelpts , 12,880 Head ; shipments. 370
head ; market steady to 5o lower ; bulk , J4.40
454.50 ; all tirades , $ 'l.lXlai.50. (
Slinni' Receipts. 1M ) head ; market , best ,
steady ; others 10 to I5o lower ,
St. IioulH Ijlvo Stock Market ,
BT. Louis , Mo. , May 10. CATTI.C Hecoipts.
6.200 ; shipments , l.bOO ; murket lower ; fair
to fanoy native Mcors. ( I.OU 'i.lKJ ; Toxuns and
Indians , (4,01X34.40.
Uoas Receipts , 0,100 , ; shipments , 4,100 ; mar
ket strong : heavy , { 1.5034.00 ; mixed , (4.00(3 (
4.50 ; light , * 4.3.vaJ.50.
Prices for the most part nro about steady.
The market Is practically bear of new
Choice "tocK ,
AHi'AHAHUB Homo grown stock , 50 { COo par
dorun ,
Nuw POTATOI-.S- Ib , 2' {
SOUTIIKIIN HIIANS Wux. * 1.7. " > per M bushel
box ; string. 11.25 per H bushel box.
TOP UNIONS Per onnoli. 2 < ic.
Hl'INACII-Por llUl.ll.Sftai.BO.
To.MATOis : Southern stock , bushel boxes ,
J5.00 ; fancy , crates , 0 baskets , $5.50 per crate.
POTATOKS Homo grown stock , bOHWJc : west
ern stock , ( I.OOdftltli ) .
PIE Pi.ANT-Per IK UfaJ'/tf.
HAIIIHIIKS Pordoieli buni'lieH , ? 0K25c. (
PEAS Per Imshol bbx , * 2.00 ; per H bushel
box , 75e. '
OtrciiMiiKHB Per flocn , 11.9.1.
CAHIIAUI : California stock , per Ib , 2ic ! ;
southern , perorate. M51.
2'Ki. ; i
HiTTAiiAdARMichigan stool' , per bushel , 50c.
HKETS Per bushel. J.OO ,
JAIIIIOTS Per bushol. ( I.OO.
PAIISNIPK Per husjioi , li.oo.
MEANtf-Mcdluiii , UpOi navy , 12.75.
The receipts of strawberries were again
largo but stooUs moved elf frcoly though
prlucs were lower ; '
The following quotations are based on yes-
torduy'a sulos ;
OIIANIIUH Los AnireloH , (2.751.00 per box ;
Ulverus , W.OO ; Klv < ir ldcs. Klfti ) .
Pl.NKAl'l'l.r.rt Per dot , * : ! .2. > < ai50.
STIIAWIIKIIHIKB 1'cr 24-quurt case , (2,75 ®
CAi.iroiisiA CiiEiiuirs Per 10-lb box , ( .1.00.
Ari'i.KS The market la practically out of
good shipping stock ,
liKMONH Choice stock , per box , ( G.50 ; fancy ,
llANANAS-Per bunch , IJ.SOJW.OO 'or fancy
stock for shipping. _ _
Omaha Milling Co. , Uullunco Patent , ( .1.10 ;
luylncllilo Patent , 12.60 ; Lone Star Superla
tive (2.50 ; Hnowllnke , I10 ; Fancy Family ,
It. T- . Davis Mill Co , , High Patent No. 1 ana
Crciim. ( J.K5 ; Illuo II. full putenl.l..OO ; HawK
eye , half patent , ( ' . ' ,40 ; Special Itoyul , jiulont
No. 10 , U 10 ; Mlpnciuta Patent , ti.UKansiis \ \
Hard Wheat , patent , (7.05 ; Nebraska Spring
Wheat , patent. (2.00.
Uskamp'H ready to rise buckwheat flour ,
(4.V5 per cuso of 50 2-lb packages ; buckwheat ,
lu bbls , N. V. , ( U.OOl UxocUlor brand , (3.50 ;
Slap J ack Meal , (3.75 per onso ot GO 2-lb pnok-
K. Oilman's Oolil Modftt , I2.00 | Snow White ,
(2.IO | Hnowilake , (2.20 ; low grade , ( I.OOj bran ,
001 chopped food , (37.00.
Country Produce.
The PRg market U rather flrmlnR up ns the
receipts uro light. The liny product Is also
stronger. Iluttor U plenty and wonk ,
The following quotations are bused on yes
terday's sales :
HAt llcst upland , 113.00 per ton.
llurrKH Good to choice country , 10Ql3o ;
low grades , G9c.
KonB-Ocnornl market , IBc.
POUI.TIIV Choice live hens , tl.OO ; roosters
and mixed , ta.503.75.
Ucsjlcr'sMaglolIcaJncho Wafers. Cures nil
ucudachcs In 'M mlnutCH. At nil
AVcstcrncrs Pensioned.
Mny 10. [ Special ToleRram
: o Tun IJnn.J Nobruskniis : Original
Oeorgo W. Herr , William 11. I'rino , Martin
Ovorhalt , Oliver C. Miles , ICilgnr A. Hemps-
worth , Wtllmm .Tounson , John T. Ooildlng ,
Andrew J. Crossloy , John Learltt , William
N. Worloy. Hcstorntlon oiul Incrcnso Alex.
Drown , Additional Amos L. Stcnrna ,
losoph Halley , Stephen Dnylos , William
Uurnes. .losupli RUlnvcr. . Inoreaso
Frnnklln 1'unln , N. lltirtloy , Solomon llnrt
sell , Unvlil McCullouglts. Heissuo Hobort
1'aully , John U. McUoiloiigli , Alex , Swallow.
Original widows Surah K. , widow of Edwin
O. Dnird.
Iowa ; Orlglnnlllllnin II. Kobortson , O.
Joseph Cue , Samuel Kcnnoy , Andruw Hell ,
William F. Uelntio , ( Jorviti II , Carr , IIIrani
II. Roberts. Nicholas I , Kuiiyon , Lewis
Uougliorty , William Alexander , 1'etor Uonlo ,
AbnerFlsli , Jlines Citmtuings , .lohn Kvcrctt ,
Cicrinnln S. Cbuvdovln , Andrew M. Culvers ,
Albert Dcnn , William II. Harncs , Andrew J.
I'ulinor , Oliver Halo Jr. , James Hoilgcs ,
Robert C. DIckey , Samuel I ) . Mcdiilro , Alex
Crossmun , Willia'n II. Miller , Job L. ( trace ,
Joslnh J. Jackson , John II. Mills , William
UrlOL'ford , Christina Heppo , Uavld Cubic ,
Job Laird. Aildltioual Josiah Htlgglns ,
Kobort Thomns m. H. Ntrhols. Increase
-Albert II. Barnes. Jolin T. Unrkor , IIuiir3 *
Hnrner , Joseph Smith , Edward Carpenter ,
John Oliver Wallace , licnjrxiiitii Cumloy.
Heissuo Jncob R Oolnroy , James P. Uraco.
Kelsstio mid Increase-Simon V. Cnrlsbic.
Original , widows , etc. 1'rlscilla , mother of
Theodore Uiley ; Corintbn , widow of George
VV. Smith ; Sc-nia , widow of Hiehanl Mun-
noil' , Louisa , widow of Frederick Schafcr ;
Ilnnnnh , mother of Charles II. Sears , Henry ,
father of Thomas Hchwnb.
South Dakota : Original Charles , T. West ,
Fredcrlelc Hclnes , William H. Wilcox , James
II. U'llks , Alfred P. Hall , William Creed.
John Acker , Harrison Loop , Ham' S. Hoblu-
son , Walter D Pratt , Xeplmnlnh E11U , ( addi
tional ) . Increase Henry Slater , Charles W.
A very small pill but n vorv good one. Do
Witt's Llttlo Earlv Ulsors.
An extra attraction has been secured by
the Apollo club for the Thomns concerts Juno
3 in the person of the noted tenor Sie. Cnm-
panlni , who makes his reappearance in
Omaha under more favorable circumstance ! )
than when hero before. An operation was
performed on his throat last summer which
was very successful , nnd nftor resting six
months ho again renewed his old time tri
umphs In New York. Boston and the cast.
Just now he is with Oilmore's band on their
spring tour , closing In New York Mny 'H
nnd comlne direct to Omaha , where ho will
join the Thomas orchestra for the remainder
of their trip nnd his presence hero will bo
welcomed by nil singers and musicians who
love to hear thnt rari avis a truly grout tenor.
Caligraph operators nro tnklutr the highest
nvernges 111 civil service examinations.
Will Ask for Honils.
The city council held n lengthy session last
night nnd by a unnnlmous vote passed the
ordinance providing for a special election to
bo held Tuesday , Juno , ' ! 0. to vote upon the
question of issulntr $ ir > 0,000 , of paving anil
curbing bonds of the city.
The council nlso passed an ordinance creat
ing the ollico of assistant sewer inspector
and attaching thereto a salary of f 11)0 ) per
President Lowry appointed a committee of
seven to meet a citizens' committee ut Mayor
Cushlng's ofllco at 4 o'clcck this afternoon to
take stops looking to the erection , of a monument
ment to the memory of the late Ouoral
J. II. Paul of Chndron Is nt the Mlllnrd.
Henry St. Uayuor of Sidney is nt the Pax-
George A. Stevens of York Is nt the Mil-
James Manning of Lincoln is at the
Thomns F. Humwcll of Fremont Is nt the
Miss Hesslo El wood of Avocn , la. , is at the
C. D. Cooke of Boonc , In. , is stopping nt
the Murray.
W. K. Johnson and wife of North Plntto
are at the Dellono.
Dr. Benjamin F. Bailey nnd wife of Lin
coln nro at the Puxton.
F. J. Benedict and A. H. Farrons of Hast
ings nro at the Millard.
Dr. D. D. Pattern and Dr. J. II. Woodard
of Sewiird are nt the Paxton. .
Mosdumcs .1. II. Hoekfcllow nnd E. J. Dick-
cnson of Sioux City nro nt the Murray.
S. A. Orchnrd returned from Nnw York
vcstorday morning , having gone there to see
Miss Orchard safely aboard a European
Dr. Williamson of the Central United
Presbyterian church loft last evening for
Princeton , Ind. IIo represents ttio Omaha
presbytery of that denomination in the meet
ing of the general nssombly which Is held nt
s a mvolrtuo ; but tlio grateful
people , that S. S. S. lias cured , after
physicians hail declaicd them Ineiir.i-
In the thousands.
bio , number way up
Oscar Wiles of Huntln hvir } , ' , Ky. ,
says : "For years I was allliclod with
H blood taint , thit baillod the skill
of the best
Tlio dlsoitfo affected my o.o . < until I
was almost blind. I am tlim : im
say th it a few bottles of S. S. S. . cured
' . eyesight is co'ii-
ed mo onliie'y. My
plet > y risurcd , nnn my go.u-ral
health is bet or Uian It has been for
yo'irs. "
Book on eel ; and > kln d'seaRes fr ; o.
The Swift ) cclli' : Co , AtlanUi. tia.
Total Usuei of CITIES.
_ _ r..i - .v DIBTRICTO. WATER
Corroipundpncc nollcit4'd ,
19 .106 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO.
: S WsM Street. NEW YOIIK-
70 Stole St BOSTON- .
1M2.1654 Murket I.trcet , Denver , Colorado.
Klein , ill , , and Wustcrn Creamery lluttiir , Kvcsnnd
Chouse. 10,000 A I empty OKI ? cases , with tillers to
lonn to ror nh | | > | u'rs anil othurs lo bu llllu.l , llru emus
and up. Ship by hint ( rululit. Good , cheap Iluttor In
demnnd durhitf Muy. Itcllablo fur ijuutnUuhs on du-
A. D. Boyer & Oo
W-IJ Kxclianico
Boutli Ournlia.
8 , J. Ooffman , Suiiloy OrcoD ,
fcOo. , '
30 Kiclia'ngo IlullJlnz
24 Krcliar.k-o Ilulldlnx
boutU Ouiulio. buutli Omin .
A. II. Perrigo&Oo. ' M , 0. Daxon ,
AU.M Ves , All ITlcci , All tllcycles Bold on Monthly
Tarts. Payments.
13l5Iodgo Street.
Omaha Ropublicaii Printing Oo , ,
I , w Irlofs , bunt iuppllo" , nml UTerll > liu la the
rrlntlUR lino.
10th i\nJ Douul.ii
Ackeruiann Bros. & Hointzo ,
I > | IIII | < N , cloclrotrpprs book m.inu-
fncltiri'n ,
IHGIIottnrt strost , Onnha.
Charles A. Ooo & Oo. , KirkendallJonos&Oo
MnnufnctnrrM anil Job- \Vlioli'i.ilo .Mnniif.icliir'J
licrs. ' AxciitH for llnntiin tluh-
lT ! < ll)00. , I1UJ , 11UI ,
1109 lloirnnl street. llnrnevSt.
William ? , Van Aor-
nam & Harto , hon Knclnri , Cornprlllb
nii'l DiuiEhK nt * . , Oiiii-
12121lnrnoy itroot , Im. MurcliAita Inrltcil
Omaha , Neb. tocnll nn.1 vxnailno.
John L , WilUs , Louis Hcllor ,
Oinntmpnpor bet factory. . IlutcliorV and PnckorV
1317-1113 l > ou < l.ii. Tools A Supplies , lleuf ,
liop A sticop nDlmri.
Orders promptly Hllol. Ilin-lltS.laPkonn St.
W. T. Seaman ,
( Viinlm's l.arKcst Variety
Omaha Oarpet Oo. , Qilmoro 4 ; Ruhl.
Cnrpetd , oil cloth' , mil- Miuiufncturcrs .t Wliolo-
tingscurtain gooi1iot3. ( nlo Clothlpn ,
1511 Douilai BtrooU 1100 llnrney St.
West & Fritschor ,
Mnnufnctnrcrs nnoclgitri
1011 Fnrnnm ntroot
Omaha Goal , Ooko ani Oontant & Squires ,
Lima Oa.
. llnrd nnd noft coal Bhtp-
Ilnrcl nnd oft c ppr ,
S. I : . Cor. UHli nail 1309 Knrnnin street ,
IM ttreen. Omaha
Hulbert & Dlum , P. H. Mahoney & Oo.
Ohlohimp.Hock Spring' ,
Kxcc-Wor , Wiitnut lilic-'t , llnrd-Conl-Soft.
( cropn"i | nut. nntlirncUo , ' .
. cor.
P13 N' ICtli nnd
. .
oniltliliw. xto.iiu.
Ollloo''ll hi. IJtlMt. 10th nnil Dounliu Pti.
American Tuol Oo. Ho well & Oo. ,
Ehlpporn nml ilntlort In
. lUli street ,
uathrnclto nnd bitu 2178.
minous coal.
Omaha ,
2153. 15th si root.
Nebraska Fuel QJ , , Johusou Bros. ,
213 S. 15th street , ( Ill Fiirimm Sircet ,
Omnlia , Neb. ° * Oninlir , Neb.
Mount & Griffin ,
213 S. Uth street ,
Omnlm , Nob.
Eagle Oornico Works F. Kuempitifr
Mnmifnctnr rn ofdalvnn- Oalvnnlioil In n cornices ,
licit Iron Cornice. Dormer wlmtuwi" , ilnor
\V Inflow cHp , rm'tn lie skv- cnin , tin InN etc. Tin
llKliN rtc. 1110 nnd 1112 Iron nnI , Mute rnnfer.
DoclimSt. Bll I'imnm Kt.
Hnph 0 , Olark. J
Ccnl WMlcrn Agent of
lupont's Sporting ( inn *
Hinder , Atlas lilxn etplo-
l i'llln tltiK cap , fuso.
HIS Humpy street.
Oarpcntor Paper Oo , ,
Tarry full utook of
wrappliu anil
ur , carJ pu
rer , eto.
Qco. Oborno & Oo , , J , S. Smith & Oo , ,
(13 S. 13th street. 1103-111
Onmlin. Ouiali.i.
Paxton & Vicrlju ? Omnlia Snfo & Iron
. Iron Worki , ' Works
\\rouiilit niul cait Iron ,
bullilliiK work , CIIIIIIP | , Mnnufr tire nml tiiiTtfUr
bra work. Ki-nurnl pnwf jtiifi ( viinU * . Jull
fuiiiiilrr , ui.iPliliui mil work , irnh nhutlom nJ
bliickxiullli work. V. I' . tire i"onpc ( J. An-
Acme Iron ami Wire Wilson & Drake ,
Work ?
, M'f'K tubtihr HUPS. flr4
Iron , who iiml hra w'ks. box bullprx. tmV , old.
till 8. llllli lrcet
W. llochl , I'roprlelor. IMorco nn I UHli < lroet .
Hess Priutin Oo.
-iplilnir , 1'rllitlnt
l llooki.
lllb nii
Her & Co. , William D.irst ,
Liquor Merchants \Vlnci , l.liUors | and Cl-
1112 llnruoy streot. ' .
' ' L'ari.
MniHifni'lur'rs Kiuminly's
Kant India Hitters. IIII1 rnrnnni St . O nti %
E. E. Grotto , Frank Dellone & Oo , ,
Importer nnd Jntdjjr of
.lipior'nnd ( iiMiulnoN * *
lO''O nnd Wli r'ainam St. vmla Cluars.
Price lists on nppllc.iUnn. \yy \ < lloiiiilas Street.
L , Kirscht & Co , , Prick & Herberts
WliolO'nle Ilrtior | Dealers
1001 Knrnnni Street ffll-fflsS lOtbSt.
Q. W. Douglas & Oo , John A , WakefioliV
Import nl. A inrrlcnn.I'nrt
Hardwood Lumber , Innil LVn.t'iit.Mllwniikco
lljilriillllr Ccnicnl and
1310 North ICth Street. Qulupy White l.lino.
Charles H. Lo3 , Wyatt Bullard Luui
Itardwnod Ivnibcr , wood
cnrpiitx nml purquat ber Oo.
lloorlnir ,
fth nnd aitli nnd Unrd Streets ,
Cacly & Gray , Lenis Bradford ,
I.lmo , cement , etc. , etc
Lumber , llnic , cementoti
cor , lull nnd UniiKlnt K.'l Ilouulas Mtreet
Max Meyer & -Bro. Oo. A. Hospo , Jr. ,
.M'f'Kjewclprs , rtenleri In
niuslcnl 'lanot , Orgnnn , Artlttv
liiHtniinoilts ,
lo. , Mntcrliil' , Ktc ,
Knrnnni nnd IGth. I51H Doimlni Struft.
J. J. Johnson & Co. ,
2183. 13th troiu
Omnlia , N'olx
Oonsoliclatotl Tank A. Booth Packing Oo , ,
Liuo Oo. Oyators , tlih ana canntit
Ilcflnnd nnd hibrlcitlni
oils , nxlo Kroaio , Pto.
A. 11. HMiop , MamOTr. IMS hcixvonworth.
Rector & Wilhelmy Oo Lco-Chrk-Andreosaa
Hardware Oo ,
Cor. 10th nnd Jackson ta ,
1103-1110 llnrnurstroat ,
( fiantm. Onrih i N'i ) ' >
Kibbel & Sm'.th , Schroodar & GJ. ,
Ipnlor ) In country prod Cnsh linynri liuttur : nl
uce , fruits , voKulnbloj , epifx , nn 1 Ki'iii-ril ou.u'
l't > ' . iiilrt lmi iiiorclinati ,
1207 Howard street. aHuutli \ llth Btri'Ot.
0. Rosso & Oo. , E. B. Branch & Oo , ,
Korelun , California nnd I'rortiirn , frnln of : U
klndi , oyntoM ,
tropical fruits ,
1211 llownnl Direct.
1213 Howard Btroet.
Porter Bros. Oo. , Eobsrt Purvis ,
California , Klorldi and 1217 lloirnn ! treot
tropical fruits. Write f r jirlc" ! on tmb-
WI-HII .lonin ntrj'U tcr , win , poullrr ana
O. W. Hulls , .Mini nar. tiuniu.
Kirschbraun & Sons , Jos. A. Olark & Oo.
. lluttrr , clioi-13. o ji ,
Iluttor nnd poultry.
OKin poultry HIM a.vno ,
1203 llownrit iitrcot. W.I South Mill street.
B.itos & Oo , , Williami & Oroli ,
Country produce , ' rults * , I'roduco ami fr.iiU
ppoclnUUis , tun. pl"iii ,
lite. 4I7-41US. lIlliHt. ISM Hnrnoy stroit.
Eandazzo & Son ,
211 Koulh 12thStroot.
KorplKn , VIniestle ) Krults
Florida ( lruoi : ) | .VHIclly
Kiulls. llrniicb IIOIIHI-
N. I'otvrn Hi , New Orl'ni
Omaha Rubber Oo , ,
Manufacturing nn 1 Ju : > -
beronll klmli rubbiir
1003 Furn tin itroot.
3)u ) 1
Hooil vrnwor < , < 1e iHn In
K.irildii. u-rin , i'r.un.iiU
troit 4 ( > o 1 1 ,
l.'l-l'j ; rtoutll 1..lh.
M. A. Disbrow & Oo , , BahnSanoi
Mnnufiu > turtrs ( of MimiiractiiruM of ino'ild-
ilnor' , blinds and him , Win It. iljjrj ,
Moulillnns. llrnmiUof- uto.
llciv l.'tli and Izard ti. Ifilh and Chirk Ntrooti.
Farrell & Oomp my , Dafly-Trjwbridsa
Wholesale manfact'iruri Stova Miuufao'-j ' Oj.
iiyrups , niolassui uiij
vinegar * ,
U > ru iilpi ,
817-219 Hoiilh 8tli .
. .
I2H-I315 I.unvi-nworthiit.
Consolidated OofTdo
Oompany ,
1414 and Ilia llarnay it.
Oinnlin , Neb
U. S. Wind Engine < k A , L , String & Sons ,
Pump Oo , ,
llnlllday wind inllli. UU l'J02-10kll Kiirnini strott ,
nnd M ) JOIIIM nL ( i. K.
HOJ , ucllnii Mi.'iniuur. Dm u ho , .Vub.
H , Hardy & Oo. , JTho
Toys , dolls , ulbiiins.fanoy | Colldulur Oo ,
lioods.liousofuriiliililiu "IIHaril niuri-liiiiidliu ,
Koods , children's carI I 41 7.
rlttk' t. UlVlYwnauitt. I