THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , MAY 20 , 1891. o BUSINESS MEN GET TOGETHER Two Hundred Nebraska Marcbanls Working for Mutual Benefit ? , PLANS FOR PROTECTING RETAILERS , U'lio Second Animal Convniitlon or the State Business Mcn'fl AHHodu- tlon Opening Addresses The M orlc Ahead. f _ There nro sixty-five local branches of the " " " I Nebraska State Business Men's association with n total membership 1-153 , representing the .substantial retail merchants of the stnto Nearly two hundred members ore in attendance nt the second annual convention of the association , which commenced a tlirco days' session at the board of trade rooms nt 3 o'clock ' this afternoon. Thruo years ngo the Nebraska State Busi ness Men's association was organlrod , mainly through the efforts of Mr. G. H. Webster nnd Mr , H. F. HoOgln , the piosldont and general secretary , respectively of Iho state asso ciation. The orgunl/atiou wns form ed for the purpose of ntfordlng the retail dealers ot the stuto the proicction nnd advantages that nro se cured only by mutual nnd united effort. The laws of the state , so the orlglnntots of the movement hold , wore all against the inlet csts of the retail merchant , nnu mutual Intoiest nnd self-protection were the prlmo features in the organisation It wns proposed to orgnnlro local branches In each town of the state under n general stnto organisation with headquar ters In Omaha. A credit report system xjkjvas planned to furnish the retailer with the information concerning his customers that Dun and Bradstrcot furnishes the Jobbers concerning retail dealers. The plan caught the popular Idea and branch organisations were formed lu many of the towns of the stato. The efforts ot the state organization were directed to the passage of bellor laws for the retail merchants. The llrst annual convention of the nssoelatlon wns held In Omaha n year ORO and was well attended nnd much good work accomplished. Thu convention which not this afternoon promises to bo even moro productive of good results. Hussion. There wcro nbout one hundred delegates present when G H. Wobstor.prosldcntof the association , called Iho convention together at 2 ! ) p. m. Mayor Cushing welcomed the dolopatos to Omaha In a speech well calculated to Impress thorn that he understood the Importance to the community nt largo of the retailors' pros perity. Ho suggested bencllcial changes In the statutes , mid urged the retail men to stand together In their organization for thu . good of themselves nnd the stato. J President Webster called Vlco President Lee of Fremont to the chair , nnd responded * to the mayor's address. IIo said the organ ization had now got beyond the soothing syrup nnd soft food period and was ublo to nmstlcalo an > thing that gi own-up pcoplo could oat. Ho congratulated the mem- Dors on Iho success of the or ganization thus far , and conlldently predicted Its continuance. Olio suggestion ho mode was thjit each eastern man write Iiouio "a lotler giving Nebraska a good Bend-oft. " A committee of five was then unpointed tex x - report upon credentials. They were Haiibcn of Hastings , Mount of Omaha , Parsons of Schuylor , Kollins of Wnkulleld , Flak of iltsatrlco. jr Thu secretary then road his annual report. ,1 The report showed that the association had * local organizations In thlrtv cpuntias of the " -Btato. The association had 1M.U2 ! ! persons rated. Thlrty-nlno per cent of this vast num ber of customers were rated ns good pay and B7 per cent wore medium pay , 14 per cent wcro slow pay , whllo 10 per cent were so uncertain that inoi chants had to demand cash on delivery or run the rlslc of losing the bills sold to them. The lotal amount of col lections sent to the Commercial Directory company for collection was f'J.IO.lTS. This enormous sum represented the dead beat list and was mndo up from thu uucolUictud bills held by 7M > firms. Louis Hclmrod , chairman of the legislative committee , reported Iho failure of Iho bill which the association had Introduced at the last session of the legislature , nud recom mended that the association begin ntoncoto discuss nnd agitate the passage of n similar bill nt the next session of the state legisla ture. ture.Whllo Whllo the association waited for the com mittee on credentials lo prepare a report Mr. 6. S. English , of Eagle , was railed out and SPOKQ upon Iho objects ot ino association. Mr. Leo of Fremont said ho hud found that association rating book was n great beno- .In his business. y. Stcpler of Fremont also spoke briefly , recommending iho work of iho association. The committee on ciodentlals loportcd the following delegates present and entitled to seats in the convention : Kails Cltyi T. J. Gist , K. 1' . Sullivan. Wakolluld : Thomas Uawllns Olarks : II. M. Kukjor , J. U. Uastlo and E. S. BoIM. . Hustings : II. 0. Hanson , I' , Donodlct , M. Mo In tyro. H. bhaokolford , Al 1'errens und John IiceUnian. bchuylor : M. T. Itohmnn , J. A. Pierce , Henry Holt r nnd A. M. I'ursons. rrninont : I K. Stonier , W. K. Bmiillos. O. on. William II iW H. T. Htiullor. A. „ _ ! , K. S. bnilth , John Sherman uud 11. llliimonth.U. Omaha : II. J. Coles , I'red II. Hancock , 1\ Durrolt , U. & llcnuwii , Geurgo A. llunmitt , Uhiiries It. Courtney , I' . E. Cutler , William I. Klorktunil , lt.M. Donnoy , W. 1C. Prtimmoml , N. II. rnlconiT , W. J. Klshor , Chris Uunscii , T. O. lliivons , Clmrlfs llunley , Charles h. lluv- wood , I.ouls lloltnrod , John II. lluviln. 1' . A Jones , II. I , . Kennedy. J. M. Jlotcalf. W.V. . Mai-o , 8. 1 * . Morso. I ) . T. Mount. J. 11. 5-oliinldt. T. W. Smith and \V. r. Stoetfol. riiUtmnoiith : Tli.iothy Clnrk. John Wntor- inlin , Charles Cumiiiliis , M. II. Muipliy , Ka - HHIH I'utorson , A. II Knott. Hoatrli'o : O. II. Davenport , .T , L. 1'Nk. A. 0. Jordan. J. 11. I'urkor , J J. fakon. 0 , I1. Mor- rl'on. It. J , bmlth. West I'olnt : L. Ii Chiibhuok , Prank IIului. Mlndi'ii ! James 11. Cllno , II. J , Van Vulkou- burg. The meotlng was then adjourned until this morning nt' ) o'clock , when it Is expected that delegates from other towns will bo present. Work Ahead. Today will he a busy dav as a number of Important matters will bo discussed. On Thursday moinlng the actual work of the convention will bo completed nnd the after noon gi\cn over to pleasure seeking. An excursion train will leave the Union Pacific depot at 1M5 o'clock for Soulh Omaha whore iho packing houses will bo vlsllod. The dologalos will return at 4 o'clock nnd will bo taken nt the Union depot -uud-given a carriage drive through tlio city and a banquet at the Mlllard tiotel lu the evening. Omaha Jobbers nro expected to take a prominent part In cntcitalnlng the visitors. TnlkH u ith A number of prominent delegates were seen by Tim UKK aiiu nil had an oncouruglntr word to say about iho crop prospoels throughout1 thn Htntn. C. B. Huffman , hardwaio merchant of Clarks , sulu crops look very well nnd Indica tions are that the crou will bo onoimous. The grain will bo markolod early , for farm ers want money , ll. W. Dovoy of PlatUmouth said business wns fair and collections slow. ( U. B. TchuhotT , stationer and book seller of IMattsmoulh. said business was pretty good In his lino. T. J. Clst ! of Falls City , In iho general merchandise ) business , said lhat business In bis part of tbo slntonsprnlty good. Good crops are proinUod and good times seem lo bo coming. T. F. Sullivan , n lumber merchant of Falls City , said business was very good In his lino. Timothy Clark , a coal dealer In 1'lntts- mouth , found collections very slow. "Nover Saw closer times since 1 have been in aho Btato. " I. B , Parker of Bcatrlco sells harness nnd saddlery. Ho snld : "Business Is fair. I like thu association plan of collecting bad debts. " I. U Flsk. of Beatrice , U n grocor. "Trndo Is fair , " said Mr. Fisk.and collections nro a llttlo slow. The pros poets for fruit and grain In dago county were never boiler than now. " . .f'iU. . Bcckman , a butcher of Hastings , and TC. Hanson , a prominent Implement acalor of the snnio city , flixld trade was quiet and col lections slow , but thu crop prospect is the finest they over saw. Seine of Iho small gram , they said , was already heading out. II. J. Lee , a Fremont merchant , staled thai business \vns vary quiet In bis neighborhood , The farmers are very busy , be snld , celling In Iholr crops nnd there was every Indication of n largo yield. A. W. Parsons of Schtiylnr said there WM a larger acreage this year than over bo fore. Ho predicted good prices this fall anil Inrgo croiis. Tlio supply of nil kinds of farm t > roducts lind been About exhausted and ho was of the opinion that good prices would prevail for mi other vonr. II. J. Van Valkonburg , an old grain man of Mlndon , was enthusiastic over the crop pros pects. "Our farmers are putting In moro grain than over before , " said ho. "nnd they nro not pulling all their oses In ono bas ket. They are sowing nil kinds of grain nnd there Is every Indication of n good yield. Wo Imvo had plenty of rain nnd no frost , nnd I see nothing to pi event a very prosperous year. Our folks have n largo acreage In sugar borti and wooxpoctto have n suirar factory homo lime. The now warehouse law Is n great thing for Ibis state , tlio nearer homo wo cnn got our market iho better It will bo for UH. Wo oxpocl to Imvo n largo elevator In Mlndon this year for storing grain. It will bo croctoit by the nlllnnue. " S. S. Kupllsh. editor of the Knglot , a weekly nanor published In Kaglo , said mat ters In general were very quiet In his rotrlon but with every pros pool of good crops nnd u generally prosperous year. I'HVSIClANs'lX COUNCIL. Sixteenth Annual Mec-tlni ; of the Eolccllo Medical Society. The Nebraska State Eclectic Medical so ciety Is holding Its sixteenth annual mootIng - Ing In the parlors of Iho Paxton hotel , and will bo lu session1 today and Thursday. The society has n very largo membership which Is Increased nt each annual meeting , nnd ranks well up with Iho other similar organizations of the state. A few of the physicians arrived on yester day's ' morning trains , nnd qulto a delegation came In nt noon , but the greater of those rom the central and western part of the itato. as well as some who do not rcsldo .is fur awnv will not bo in until this motnlng. Special railroad and hotel rates veto secured for the visitors , nnd It Is xpectod that fully 150 disciples of iclcotlclsm will bo here to attend the meat- yf * The society Is ofllcorcd as follows : Prosl- cut. Dr. W. Molntyro , Unadllla ; llrst vice resident , Dr. O. M. Moore , : soc- nil vlco presidentDr. O. L. NlcholsOmnba ; .etretary , Dr. M. A. Carrlckor. Nebraska mtv ; treasurer , Dr. A. L. Hoot , Lincoln. Censors Drs. J. H. Woodwnul , Sowardj t. S. Urimos , Lincoln , and H. U. Mortou , .Valioo. . Committee on legislation Drs. U. L. Bent- y , Lincoln ; T. tBrltt. . Lincoln ; M. A. Car- iker , Nebraska Cilv ; M. Colotnan , Stroms- > urg ; C. H. Chubbuck. Tecumseh ; S. 0\ Dean , Alma ; I. P. Howard. Harvard ; " > V. Mclntyio , Unadllla ; II. B. Mouon , .Vahoo . ; O. M. Mooro. Bradsniuv ; O. L. S'lchols , Omaha ; A. L. Hoot , Lincoln. The session yesterday nflornoon was on- Iroly of a business nnluro. It Included oil-call , reading Ibo tmnulos of the last iicottng , applications for niombcrshlpreports if the secretary ana treasurer , balloting for 'ondidalos. ' report of the board of censors , nymont of duos and appointment of com- Dittoes. At the evening session quite n number of hi ) members who hud failed to arrive In tlmo 'or the afternoon mooting were present. Mayor Gushing delivered a short address. iVelcomlng the medical mon to the city , nnd rotnised them a hearty welcome should they hold another convention In the city. Dr. H. S. Grimes of Lincoln , replied to the nayor's address and stated the progress of ho society since Its formation. Inclosing ) r. Grimes saidVo : are here for profos- lonal purposes nnd I trust that when wo lave Mulshed our labors wo shall feel that vo have done good work for cloctlcism. I iopo wo will accomplish work which shall ilnco our cause upon a basis which cannot bo verthrown. " Dr. Woodward of Seward , Dr. Opporman f Auburn , Dr. Potter of Soward. and Drs. , Varren nnd Carrikcr of Omaha wore ad- ilttod to membership. Four other applications were received und , helr names were referred to the board of . 'cnsors. ' A prfpor was rend by Dr. Cnrrikor of No- iraska CUv ' - " and -Hydro-Therapy , one jy Dr. A. Opperman of Auburn on "Hydro- Thorn poutios. " The remainder of Iho evening session was alcen up In Iho discussion of thcso papers. Another session will bo held at SM : a. m. .oday , 8TA.KS HXTINGUISIIRD. Seine Policemen Pitt Out That New Won Slay Slop In. The board of flro and police commissioners iiold a special meeting last evening for the purpose of appointing now members of the [ loltco force , and after a short deliberation the following list was agreed upon ; N. V. Halter , H. W. Dunn , John Uavon- kampV. . E. Abbott , A. M. Glover , S. D. Ulcnolmnn , Theodore Bcnnott , H. M. Flint , Richard Flynn , A. L. Jnckmnn , Michael Della rd , F. 0. Holman. S. D. Cory , John F. uoffgo , George W. Briee. These fifteen mon were ordered to report nt once at the ofllco of the board and then to the city physician for physical examination. It Is expected to Imvo them go on patrol duty about Juno 1. It Is not the intention to Increase the size of the foroo , so It will bo necessary to ctcalo a few vacancies. There nro live vacancies now existing1 , but about a dozen of the present members nro to bo lot out. as was predicted seine time ngo. Some of Iheso nro physically Incapacitated , while others are , as one of the commissioners expressed It , "of no earthly USD to a police department or anything else. " Then the quoUlou of who should step down and out same up , nnd in less fine than it takes to toll it the following resolution was promulgated : Ilcbolvcd , That the board do hereby con sider and declare that It Is noce'.aary for the piopcr iiiniiuKomcnt nnd discipline , und for tlio more olTcctlvn working and service of the police department to rctnovo Iho following members of iald department , unil they art ) hereby remo\oU , said removal to lake elTcot atTo'clookp m . on tlio Mist day of Mav. 13'l ) , vJz : Ulmrlcs Kverly.'J. It. I'lddos , It. W. Mollrldo , I'otor Mut/u. I'HXIIK Johnson. Gnorgo Undo , 1'nirlokJ. Knrlght. 1'atrlck lllnelioy , David O. Kowdon , Juhn Doll , Patrick Unslclt. The matter of cleaning up the city was dis cussed , and vigorous stops will ho taken at once to compel property owners to lomovo all accumulated rubbish. Thomas' Dntcft Chan Rod. Owing to a rearrangement of dates In other cities the Thomas orchestral concerts In Omaha will bo given Wednesday afternoon nnd evening , Juno 3. A complete change of programme will bo made , and all the artists will appear at each concert , nnd several popular request numbers added to the pro grammes which will bo selected by the ticket buyers through n plan to bo announced- later In the weak. Mauugor Blakoly has kindly added another feature to the concerts In the person of the celebrated tenor , Slg. Halo Campanlnl , who joins Mr. Thomas hero for the remainder of his tour. Surely with the grand orchestra such brilliant soloists us Josoffy , Cntnpaulni and Miss Floinmlug , no doubt should exist as to iho grand buccoss of those coucoits. Never had a preparation a moro nppron- prlato uamo than AVer's Hnlr Vigor. Whom the capillary glands bccoma enfeebled by disease , ago , or neglect , this dressing Im parts renewed Ufa to the scalp , so that the Imlr assumes much of IU youthful fullness and beauty , > In the Onurtfl. The murder trial now being hoard before Judge Estello , whoroln Tom MoNamoo Is charged with having killed Klslo William son , alias Kate Nichols , > , as da void of intor- oit or sensation , Dr. Coulter was on the stand during n greater portion of the day answering medical questions. Judge Davis lookup the cnso of Christine Noble apalnst the city of Omaha. The plaintiff claims that October 12 , 1839 , in company wllh her husband , Seven I- ' . Noulo , sha wa * walklngr along Soulh Thlr- looiilu street , In the vicinity of Park Forest. It was u dark , rainy evening and as sha was crossing' tno street she slipped and foil over an oiubankmonl , breaking her hip bones , bo- sldoi injuring bar apluol cord. This Impaired her general health uiul she now wonts & 3.000 damages. Constipation poison * tno Dlooa : OoWltt's Little Early Risers cure Constipation. The cause roiuocd the disease Is gone , . SPECIAL : Twice eacli year , once in the fall and once about this time in the spring , we arrange a grand Benefit sale of Clothing for our customers. This we do for a two-fold purpose : First , to show , in a measure , our appreciation of the magnificent " support accorded us By" ; the citizens of Omaha and the west since the day we opened , and second , to create a grand and lasting advertisement for our store. Every man who takes advantage of the sale which we began on this WEDNESDAY MORNING and who will tell his friends of the wonderful bargain he gets , is by far the best advertisement we can get , and we intend to have eighteen hundred such advertisements talking for us in the next ten days. We have been preparing for this sale ( and the sales to follow ) for weeks. Our buyer has scoured the eastern markets day after day for bargains fas a scourer he beats Sapoliq ) . He has bought twenty-five suits of one kind , fifty of another , a hundred of another , a hundred and fifty of another , and so on , making a grand total of :18OO : SUITS. ! These Suits have been selected -with great care. They come in sacks and frocks. They come in all sizes , from 34 to 42. They come in dark colors , medium colors and light colors. There are suits for young men , suits for middle-aged men , and suits for men -who sit in the "bald head" row. There are suits for the laboring man , the mechanic , the merchant and the professional man. Not a suit in the entire lot but -what is worth a full grown ten-dollar bill , most of them worth twelve to fourteen dollars , and many are worth up to fifteen dollars. We have put the entire eighteen hundred suits in onegrandlot , and for ten daysbeginning Wednesday morning , you can take you pick for Remember we are going to sell eighteen hundred suits in the next ten days a hundred and eighty a day an.d we always make a success of our undertakings. nn CORNER DOTJ0LAS AND FOURTEENTH STREETS. ENDED GRIEF IN THE RIVER , A Chicago Girl Goas from Her Mother's Gravoto Her Death- MONUMENT FOR ' 'MARTYR" ' ANARCHISTS. iiislilo Vlow of the Chilian Ucvolutlou and the CUHSOH AVhloh Ijcil to It To Heoolve I'ur- null JOuvoys. CHICAGO OFPICE OF Tun REE , ) CHICAGO , Mny 19. f Bertha Camontz , daughlor of a well-to-do Gorman living on Iho west sldo , coinmlttoil ulcldo yesterday after a lone visit to her mother's grave. The girl hud been suflerinc from melancholia overslnco tbo death of her mother , nnd her father was to accompany I her back to Uonnuny In accordance with her frequently expressed wish. The trunks were packed nnd sent to the station when the girl wns found to bo missI I ng. A handkerchief was found by J her mother's grave und the crushed grass showed that she bad boon recently lying upon , t. Investigation showed tnat she had gene directly from the cemetery nnd thrown herself - self into the river nt the foot of Bluckhawk street. MOSUMKNT FOU TUB AVAIICIIISTS. Socialists will erect n hanasomo monument of npproprlato design In Walhclm comotcry to marit the spot where Spies , Par sons , Fischer , Llnpp nnd Engel are burled. The monument will cost $5,000 and the base wjll cover thirty squnro foot of ground. Whllo no choice has yet beep made ns to the design , the central ideate to bo brought out by the designers , as ex plained by the committee , is that of "liber ty , " nt whoso altar the "mnrtyrod proletar ians" are supposed to have offered their lives. The uuvolllng of the monument will take place during tbo progress of the Columbian exposition nnd In connection with the opening of the Intornntloual Workingman'h ' congress. SOUTH AMKU1CAX AffAIUS DISCUSSr.t ) . General Thomas L. Osborno , ox-United States minister to Iho Arponlino Republic , nrrivod bore yestordav. Ho has been In South America for the past thirtu < n years nnd is well qualified to sneak on matlors poilaluing to that country. Ho Is nn Intimate friend of President Bnlmaeedu of Chill , lu spcaulng of thu latter ho said : "A more determined man I never saw. Ho was Chilian minister to the Arqonllno Ko- dubllo during my tlmo thoro. Very shrewd ho is , too , and Intelligent. I think eventually ho will succeed. You probably know the i evolution wns occasioned by the Chilian con gress refusing to permit him to name bis suc cessor. Thu members of congress wout aboard the vessels of Iho Hoot , all of which save some now ones wcio on its side. Bui- maccda retained the army by offering It double pay. The war Is a terrible ono. The Chilians are dcscondod from the Arcanla In dians , who were never defeated , No prison ers are taken. Everybody Is killed. Haltuacoda lives in bis palace. His mother , who cooks his meals , says she wants him to dlo there If ale he must. Ho contlscatcd all the property belonging to the insurgents nnd the moment any mnn.iIcU or poor , raises his hand In defense of the In surgents or shows the slightest Inclination to luru against the government , Unlmacodu claps tnat man In jail and confiscates hts property. Kdwnrds Jlrothers , Iho big bank ers worth over $ . ' > ,000,000 , favored the insur gents nnd they are now comparatively poor. The boiler classes nro with the insurgents , but so long as the nrmy , which Is UU.UOO strong , continues with Ualmaccda , uo will hold out. The insurgents nro trying hard to form a land force , and If they succeed Iho lido will bo turned against Dnlmacoda. For tbl * purpose they nro buying arms lu the United Stales. The Itata probably has a big supply. " "Was anything In nalmaccdn's administra tion criticised by the Chilians ! " "No , It wns satisfactory. Hut they feared that his wanting lo appoint his own successor meant that ho had somothlng to cover up and congress objected. The war will sot Chill back fifty yoara. " "On which aide ls the church I" "Neutral. About six year * ago Mont , the then president sent the ' , pope's roprusonla- Uvos bag and baggage back lo Rome. Prior to tnat time the pope ran things in Chill. Mont Insisted that the state and not the church was supreme , nnd sj'nco then It has ! boon. " t Referring to the financial situation In Argentine , General Osborno says : "Tho worst tlmo has been passedinnd an upward movement Is continuing will soon bo on Its fret. " The generarwlll be In Chicago a week end will then leave for Washington. Totm OP rAii.s'EM. 'fcNvors. The Pixrnoll onvoj s' recepliou committee has received a letter from James Kelly , M. P. , the chief of the Parnell delegation to this country , stating that William Kodmond. member of parliament for Fermanagh , will ninvo In Chicago this week nnd take charge of the organl/atlon of Iho mcollngs in the western nnd middle states , A general moot ing of Pnincll sympathl/ers will bo held In this city next Sunday at which Mr. Hcdmond will deliver an nadress. The duto of the Chicago demonstration will then bo fixed. Mr. Kelly says that the envoys' tour In Canada was verv successful and their meet ings in New York state and Now Kngland nro very well attended. A TltOUm.KU DEMOCRAT. The activity of republicans In starting the canvass of Ib'JJ Is a tnoru In Ihu sldo of ox- State Senator Henry WcUtlcld of Soutn C.uollim , and unless domociats bostlr thorn- solves simllaiiy , the republicans will by next 3 car bo so far ahead , ho says , as to defy all power. "Why 1 Since the convention of the rcbub- lican league in Cincinnati , republicans have boon working llko beavers down our way or ganising clubs , " ho said at the Palmer house today. "They nro what count. They did business in IbSS and will In 1S92 If the domo- crnts don't wnko up. It seem * as If the ban quet of last Jail still lies heavy on the demo | cratic stomach and Instead of the leaders i doing anything lo enlist their followers in the I light they mo occupying themselves with I backbiting ono another. Down our way those in charge of the ropubllcan club now are doing splendid service and I understand It Is the sumo In other states. They are getting many lecruits nnd If inoro U anything In or- ganl7atlon the lopubllcans are going to como so near winning that It will tuko n magnify ing glass to distinguish any difference be tween them and the leaders. " A TKUIIini.C 1'U.Ii. Charles Helm , nn Iron worker , fell nlnn stories nbout U o'clock this morning , strik ing upon r. ullo of planks and Iron pipf > s nnd lives to tell of it. Helm was employed in the now Manhattan building which H being erected at 315-U17 Dearborn street. Ills in juries are severe but the physicians thluk ho may live. siionr OK FUNDS. Owing lo u threatened bhortaso in the po- Hco fund it Is probable that the force will bo relieved of nbout five hundred men , although moro mon are really required for tno proper protection ol the city. WhSTEHN PHOI'MS IX CHICAGO. Among the western people In Chicago today were the following At the Palmer A. A. Mlllor. Payotto , Idaho ; C. W. Hlbbard. Sioux Falls , S. D. ; Chuilos Hayward , Uupid City , S. D. ; Ed- word M. Friend , Lincoln , Nob. At the Auditorium C. Jc E. West , H. A. Chamborlin , Uushvillo , Neb , ; Mr. and Mrs. M. Strnubs , H. C. Norse , 'Des ' Molnos , In. ; T. D. MoMartln , Sioux Fulls , S. I ) . ; Mr. and Mrs. Watson Plckrell , Beatrice , Nob. At tha Grand I'acllloK. . ' M. Morsoman , L. J. Diako , Omaha ; Wohstor Eaton , Lin coln , Neb , ; Mr. and Mrs.V. ' . L. May , Fremont - mont , Neo. ' i" At the Shorman-E. S. eely , H. A. God- frcy , Cedur Ilaplds , la. " onns AMI nsi)3. Although public gambling has apparently boon effectually suppressed , Miwor Wash- burno savs pool selling will , bo permitted at race tracks this summer. , , ' Major William J. Pollock , suporintundont of the free delivery system of the postal service , arrived In Chicago yesterday on ft tour of Inspection of thu largest postoftlcos of the eountrv. , „ Major W H. Wllllarti , asocial ncont of the treasury department , passdd throuph Ihocliv yesterday on his way to Ataska under special orders to Investigate rather c-ontradlolory re ports sent In by the special ngcnls now there regarding the condition of the tUhcrlos. ATKINSON. KxaspcratlnK If ) no Nnnio for It. Now , husband , I told you to got blue rib- bon. and you brought rod , and yon brought codfish when I snld mutton , nod , worst of nil , you forgot that bottle ot H"'lf ' = > i am Paraiyrer , when you knoyy how I suffer from headache and rheumatism , and it's thu ouly thing lover pot that helps mo. O , dear I What a mau , Advertising Oinnhi , Yesterday the director ! and advisory board of tbo Omaha Heal Estate Owners' associa tion mot for the first time la formal session. About the first matter tackled was a proposi tion to send the Oinnlm guards to the Indiiin- npolls chill. This was discussed mat dropped pending decision. Then the falling olT In Omaha's bank dealings was referred to und n committee appointed to see the executive committee of thu Omaha clearing house on thu subject. After this plans to make the worlc of the orgnniratiou otfoctlvo were ilUciused and subsetIptlon lists talked over. 4 > DoWitt's Llttlo Early Hisers. Best little pill over mado. Cure const ! pitlon every tlmo. None equal. Use thorn now. For Schlitz boor apply to R. R , Giotto. Dr. Cram , S.W. cor. 16th nnd Dodge ts.cures cuncor anil all chronicdisoasns. GO AS TlinV PIjHASK. Ohio Club People Will Plonio nt Paii-mount Park. The Ohio club hold n mooting last evening in room 919 Now York Life building to per fect arrangements for its third annual pic * nlc , to bo hold on Saturday afternoon , May 30 , In Falrmount pant , Council Bluffs. This club has a membership of a llttlo over four hundred and Is n social organization composed of former residents of Ohio. The ofllcorsaro ! George F. Brown , president ; Dr. L. F. McKontm , vli-o president ; W.V. . Slabaugh , secretary ; Will McCaguo , treas urer. The previous picnics of the organisation have ucon indoor affairs , the llrst at the Young Men's Christian association room ) and that of las > t year at the 1'axton. This year till Ohloans are Invited , whether they nro members of the club or not , and It Is ex pected that fully 3,000 psoplo will attend this Buckovo picnic. Everybody will go as they please , rind nil will meet In the park at : i o'ulock. Lunch will be served at 5 o'clock , alter which numerous speakers will iclato sketches of Ohio life. In the ovcnlng the club mcmbors Will hold a iccoptlon In thu parlors of the now Grand hotol. South Omaha has nn Ohio club partially organized , and Council Bluffs is nbout to tmlliito her example. The Ohloans of both places will participate lu the pleasures of the day. DoWitt's Little E rtv lluarifortho Llvar. I Court Deputy Marshal Charles Ljon returned yesterday from Batsott with Otis Pool , a llvorymnn of that town , who was arrested as nn nccomnllco In the recent couutorfolllng work lhat has boon discovered In towns alonn tha line of tha Elkhorn road. Judge Dundy has overruled the motion for a now trial In the case of Lynch against the Union Panllo. About twenty cases were continued until next term by Judge Hlnor. In the application of the Union Pnclflo for nn Injunction against thu Klmbail county water power nnd supply company , Judge Dundy decided to grnnt a toiiporary InJunction - Junction rostr.ilnlng the county treasurer from selling the bonds voted to snld com pany. The Union Pacific was required to furnish n bond of JJ.OJO. The cnso of the Knnsas paving nnd con duction company against Iho city of Omaha was postponed until next term of court. Dr. Birnoy euros caiarrn. Boo bldp. Mllltnrj Chaplain Nnvo , who has bean on n Icavo of nosonco at Fort Loavcimortn , passed through the city yesterday ou his way to Fort NIobrara. The following board of examiners has been appointed to moot nt Fort NIobrara nnd ox- amlno applicants for the position of commis sary icrgoant : Major Etnll Adam , Captain John B. Kerr mid Lieutenant Hugh I. Galla gher , nil of the Sixth cavalry. The following otlicors have been appointed for the same purpose at Fort Du Ctiospo , Utaht Major James F. Ktndlott and Cup- tain Eugene D. Dlmmlck of the Ninth cav alry nnd Lieutenant 0. D , Vance of tbo Six teenth infantry , Drs. Betts& Belts Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , 14O9 DOUGLAS STB.E1ET OMAUA. NEB , Tno most widely nnd fnvoruWy known ipeo * inllitiln the Unftoi States. Their IOIIR oi > porlonoe. remarkable skill nnd universal nuo- COM In the treatment and cure of Nervous , Chronic nnrt Surgical Dlifmses , entitle them eminent physicians to thn full confidence of the aflllotod oviirywliorn. Tlmy pnnrnntnoi A OEUTA1N AND POSITIVT. OUHB for the awful effects of early vlc < * und the iumor- or. evils Hint follow In UK train. k'RtVATK. Hl.OOn AND SKIN DISEASES spoocllly , completely nitil pcnmim'ntly cured. NERVOUS IlKfllUTY AND HKXUALDIS- OKDEHSylolU ro.ulily to their skillful troat- tnont. PILES , FISTULA AND ItERTAL ULCEIia cuarnntcod cured wltliont pain or detention from bUHlmm. HYDKOUILE AND VAUICOOELB porma- nontljr and successfully etired In every cuso , BYPniLlS. QONUUKIIKA , OIKKT. Spur- mi\torrl 05 , Hcinliml Weakness , Lost Mnnhood , NlRht EnilSHloiiH , Decayed I'uciiltloH , Komnlt WoaknoBi nnd nil dolloatu rtNorJers piicullaf to cither > ax positively oiirril , in well as nil functional disorders that result from youthf.u follloa or the oxruns of nmturo yo.irn. TPirTIIlMJ Ouar.intend yprinano n tl j J I S\l\u I U l\Ij oiirod , rcr.iov.U coinplotiv without uutt ln , cimstio or illhitiithin. Cur(4 ctTcatcd at homo by patient without B mo ment's imln nriinnoyauoi ) , TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE AGED MEN. awful offoeta ol criy , vcu which Ur , ilcntrnylni ; both mind anil body , with ull Its drujdod His. permanently HOC'np'niS ( Address those who have tm- L/rvo. 1U..1 1J paired tlminr Ivo by Im proper ImliilKoncn nnd Military nuhlts , which ruin both mind nnd body , nnllttlna thorn ( or bmlncm. mud v or tniirrluito. MAIUIIED MKN or those ontorlnf ? on that biippv life , uwaru of physical dublllty , quickly insisted. OUR SUCCESS la toneod upon fixels. Tlrit I'ntotloal exptrl * unco. Hecoinl 1\ : cry caio U apoclally studied , thus tartlnn rlRlif. Third medicines nro prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit each cute , thus affecting cures without Injury. Drs. Betts & Betts , H09 DOUGLAS STREET. OMAHA. NEB Gonorrlittcn , ( ilcrt and / . curud In'Jilnys by iho I'lonuli Ki'iumly n .titled llm KING. It ilUsoho-i QKiilust nml Is absorbed Into tno Inflamed puiU Will rufund money If It does not euro or eitusus stnulurn ( Ji'iitliinuin , hnni Is a reliable nrtliiln. Jlx psiuka 'o or - for ! ' per mall prop ilil. Mo- rnrniluk & Lund , Omiilia ; O. A Moluhnr , Howard Movers und 1 ; .1. Sevknra. .sniilh OrnMlni ; A , I ) rosier und M. I' , Kills Counell Illulfa. Not lee to Conlrnutorg. Notice Is lioroby islvon that go Uod bids will bo rnoolvod by the boml of puljllo hinds and IniUdlnjsut thu ollluo of thu hoorotury of Mate ni Lincoln. Nub , until thu ' 'nil day of Juno , 1B9I. lit 4 o'fllofk p. m. , foi Iho urni'llon , fDnslriictliin and complntlon of u Iwo-Hturv brluk and Htono bnlldlni ; known UN "Thu htuVy Industrial School for Hoys and UlrU , " lo bu ercuttxl ittticiuiva , rillnuiru county , iNuh , as pur iilaim , Hpoolflflallonsand iloHisiis now on IHi ) lu thuolllcttof thucntiiiiilsslnnnruf publlu liindHand bulldtnzH ul Lincoln. Neb L'ontructors will bn roiiilii ] > d to conform to rules and riuulatlom UH set forth In Hpuelll- cutlonii uilontuil by the bonrd , Thn hoird roiorvoi Iho tL'lit to nijoot uny and ull bills. Dated at Lincoln , Neb , May n. IS' ) ] . A. ll IIUMriiiiKV. I'rusldunt Hoard I'ubllo Lands and llulldlnus Attest : JOHN U. ALLIH , BccfCtury of Ulutu MUd'Jiui RRILWRY TIME GRRD ' ' inilCAHO , MIU i ST. T-ATJlTTTrri 0 pmnli i JJLLL-'lSJ'iL' . i " _ _ nnit Many hta | Oninlin GAO p ml Clil < ! iKo" kpren i ji/,0 nm u 11 H m i . . .Chicago Krprc'ii | ( 10 pm I.CITOJ I 011IUA0 ! , It J A l'Al'lil\ I Arrival Jninlin m ILl'iUHliJUHUi1 ' ! ! ! St < | Onmlia C20 p in NlKht Kxpruai V l.'i n in . . . . . . Atliinllo Kxpron . 4 ,10 p in . Vuxtllmlu l.linltoil J-onvos I SIOUA crrPACIHO. . 1 Arrive Oinnlia I Doput 10th unil .Mnrcy a It I ( ht tmlitu 7 11 n ml . . .Hlmiv ( Ity I-ii icnjfor ill ) g ) ra Jj3.1iml ! Ht. I'liiil K vine SB. . . .llos1 * n m HIOUX cirVA I i 10. Arrlvui Oiniilm I Doppt l.'tli imii u ehstor SM. Onntlin. DUUp lu | . . .Ht. 1'a'il Umltuil P Vi n m iniICA < ; o A. .NOUTIIWi-l'HllN : I ArrurV Oiimlin U I * dppnt , | IJlhniiil _ JlnrjySti _ ' Onmliii Nntlco to CoiitrnolorH. Nol lee U hi ) , oby flvnn Unit sealed bldii will bo u-vidxdd by the Hoard of IMurtillrm of Nrl-on , NnoknllH cininly , Nub , tit the 1'lrnt Nallonnl bunk In sulil ulty. until 8 o'ulook D in. 1'rlday , the " 'nil iluy of .May , 1-ul. for ilm orcullim und coniplctUin of a hUli hchool biilldliu ; . l.Hllnuitoil cost Hlxtrnii thoiiHiiiiU UNO hiinilri'd dillarshlVK(0) ( ) ( ) . I'luns on Illu ContractiirH will ucconipnny riinli hid with a curtllhxl cliri'k pityiibli ) to mild llouril or IMn- ciitlon In tha sum of tlvn hniHlicil dnlliiiH ( } V)0.00) ) as u uvldencn of KOO I faith , Tin ) board reserve * Iho rK'ht lo lojoot any or all bids. Uio. : K , JlcDuNAIil ) . iiilOdlliu Noilui ) . The annual tnoolliu ot HtnoltholdiTS of the rronionl. Klkhorn .V Mlniionrl Vulloy railroad roiiipiiny will ho hold at the olllen ot thu com- puny In Omnhii , Neb , , nn 1'rlilny , May 'J. , IH1I , nl'J o'ulock p. in. for thn olcglloii of < lln < otor- < und for Urn traiiNautlon of iiuili othur hiuluosi an may bu prunonti'd , Datud May H , 1MH J , U. llBimxuu , beornliiry , MU.1 | .1t 111 - , - * i