[ I 'I 8 THE OiMAHA DAILY BIEKj TUESDAY j\LA\r \ 10 , 1SOI. THE CUT. Jolm Brown wn sentenced yesterday to fllteon ( InysVonllnomcnt Ira the ootinty inll on Irenu ntid walor bv.JiK.lgo Holsley or stealing n coat from Henry Osthoff , Olllcor C'of.'nn arrested G-eorpo Ball nt tlio corncrof'lVontyfourt.il nml Clark atreolH 3 < j8tculiiy afternoon rorattcmnt- Ing to sell countoifolt moticr- Hull will liavoiv Jieiirlnf , ' lotlny. A Lout sv wcok npoft flno Indies' ( fold watch WEIH tnkon from a piLsoiior ul the police slntlon , The wntchi.3 supposed to hnvo boon stolen , and la i n uliurgo ol Chief Scnvoy awaiting tin oiv-nor. Nets Tonson , the Swede rlio IIIIH been etuallnc cariontora' | tools lor the past two wuo'ks , waived exnnilncitlon In po- lloo court yesterday , and wiis bound over In tlio sum of $1,000. About $ -100 worth o ( tools Btolon lnivo been rocnvored by the ilotcoUitos. Most of Lliu plunder AMIS planted In South Oinaht. CII/\IIGIJII \ WITH 31C7 111)13 II. Citso Now Ilrlr # N ( ' toft IIP ClIUltM , Tliocouvts were nil set Intnolion yesterday morning , runl tlio worn of tits May term commenced In earnest. lioforo .Tiidgo Estcllo tlio ease npalnst Thomas VIcNnmco was coinmcn ceil , mid the greater jort ion of the day cxluustcd In securing - curing n jury. It idclurKcdthaton Tobrunrj T'.McNanico ' mimlired ono lilslo Williamson , in u Ninth atrcet house oflll fnine. Thoilcfciulant ox- pccts to rrovo trmt on the d v- prior to the nllcfjrJ commission of tlio cri nil1 , the \Vil- llnmsoii vomiin wlillo in stuto of Intoxica tion , felt flown stairs nnd sustained injuries that caused horiloutli. Dr. Chid wick was tlio onlv vttnctf sworn. Ilo testified that lie \vn called in to sco tlio "Williamson , or Nicholas , woman on the Mon day iirlorto her ilcnth , whlchoccuiTod Fri day. Bh < was suffering with it severe hcnil- nefic. lie wns also present nttlio post mor- tcin. Sav the train utter It vas removed. It was badly discolored on thoripht side , which miiicatcil thnt deceased had been Btruck onThohend. The othcrorKiuis of the boiiv worn in n health v condition , llothoueht dentil resulted from a blow upon the right slilo of the head. McNainccvntnn Interested spectatornnil Bccmoil to express tonsidentolo sufpilso uhcn his iittornoys itiKgostcd ltialllrliht's ; disease inltrht have accounted lor tlio discol oration of thobnxlr. In JuO&e InIno's ' court tlio ci = icof Adolph Kolmrc against the licit llnot-nlUvay com pany U on triul. Two years np > . during ( air timo. ICotiirp nnd iinumhor of others \ \ croon on North Sixteenth sticot , opioslte the fair grounds. Kobarp was struck by a passenger engine nnd injured. Ilo ilnlns nogllpcuco upon the part of the company in iot Riving notice of tlio nppioach of its tra.in and sues for daiuncos. JiulgoValccloy hc.trd testimony nnd argu ments in the mnttor of the Injunction of Thomai Stvobo URiiInst thn electric Unlit com pany nnd look the cnso under ndrisomont. In JuUfto Hopowcll'a court tbo case ot Mnron M Peterson uirnlnst lor husband , Sorcti T. I'ctorsou , is on trial. The wife is Btiinir for divorce , a division of I tic property , which \iiluod At W.OOO. nnd tlio custody of tlio two minor children. The hin band offered tliovlfo $1,000 and nprced not to make n do- fcnso , tiutnbo doiniuuicd moro , and the case will noiv lo foiiRht to n finish. Since itls now a well established fact that catarrh is n blood dlscnso , medical man nro riliito goncrally prescribing AjorTs Sarsapar- lllaforihnk mostlo.ithsomocoinpl aliitnndtho result , In nearly every instant * , proves the wisdom ol their advlco. Utllou Not Va Ere many days the city council will bo given nnoibor opportunity to wrestle \vlth the Ballou clcctrlo light franchise ordl- n nn co. Mr. itallou was In the city ln-st night and snM : "Next week I shall make nnottacr applica tion for n a. frnnchlse , hut cannot say what Buccess I shall meet with , as 1 tit-vo not made nny canvass toflndout how the uicmliors of the council stand upon the proposition. All th.it I wart is n fair show ar.ci I will give Omaha chonp ulectrlo liuht. " Councilman KNii.ssor , chalmian of the com- mittoooa llro and water has not soon the .proposed ordinance. Ilo , ho\\i > -\cr , insists that before it can t > .tss it must srtto ! the iniix- Imuin rate that the no\v uouipanr iiroposcs to charge forMtrcct lighting. 0vor 450 , OOO Howe scales have been sold nUthodcrnand ineronsin ; ? contliio.ally. Bor- cn & Scll&jh Co. , Chicago , 111. 1'OOP IMihiHkl. Count Arthur Pulnski is it n peck of trouble. Some tlmo ago ono of the pound- master's ' nen roped In an old end worthless hoi so. Tht owncrof thonnlmnl\'asnotillcd , but rofi > sc4 to redeem the beast. The count is anxious to obtain his fees us well as the cost of koopinc the horse Puliiskl wanted tohnvotliA owner of the horse arrested , but City Prosecutor Oobb declined to issue a complaint. On this account Putt M Is avaKonlglits trjlug to find soiuo uny to get his money buck. Small in size , proat in roiulls. : DoYltt' L.Utlo Harlv Uliors. Best pill Tor ( 'onstipn tlon , best for SloK Ilonduolio , lu l for Sour Stonmch. Jtrntnl Battle Till CD CH. Yostcrdiy afternoon two uniciiown men ordered the ynrd of Ilnnnnli Nelson on Thir ty eighth street near I'mknoy , o.nd deliber ately untlcU her cow nnd started to drive the animal nivay. Naturally Mrs. Nelson ob jected , nnd thotuo men fell upon nor , and besides bruising Mrs. JJolson , lj.Uly cut her face. face.A complaint nnd descrlptlonof the men WAS loft ivlth tlio police and tbo miscreants will botaVun Into custody itfouid. No grlplnp , no nausea , no ptiu uhen Do \Vltt's Ulltle Karly UiscM are t > Uen. Small pill. 8af ) ) ! ! . Host pill. KJI A'.VTS * . Clarence Dale the big headed t > oy now on 9ihlbitlon at the Kdon Musou tits weolc Is a ( Terltablu ivouder Ho Is butsixj-ears of age , fct ho talks with the lutelligencis of u man of foity. Ho is blight , wlttv , and \\otl informed - formed uiid tt Is a plensuru to eomorsu him. Ilo will Uo hero but ono uesok. in tlio theater tlio FltzKcrald-LawU comedy com nitny prchout a meritorious couiody-draina boarliiR tlo Utlo of "Desperate Chance * . Uho ? ilulo/uu U well written au.d the Inci dents ami tableaux superb , A ipoclalty coin- rany occuploa the uppur sta o. A I'hre ' Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used In Millions of Homes .jo Years the Standard. pcllcioui Okc nnd Pastry , Light Flaky UUcuit , drlddlc Cakes , FaJntablc ind Wholesome , I No otter baVliiu powder doci suchwoilc. \VOUKI2n ON Ilurglars llcfiud to Obncrvo the Hnt'iTcInoss ( flliolay. The rcsldonco ofV. . F , Pahs , 1113 ParTf nvonuo , was bjrglarlzccl Sunday afternooa , wlillo the fimillv u-aj at Hnnscom pirljllstd- Ing to tlio sacred concert. Entrance was ifT- fcctod' Dy forcing the bncK door. The burg lars went through the house , apparently ut- ng their tlmo nnu making n thorough scimU . They secured a couple of watches andsovtr- nl pieces of Jewelry , the whole valued tt nhou t * 'iO. Several ot the stolen articles wcro Kconsukcs or family heirlooms , ono watch In pirtlculnr , which Mr. Fnhi said WM not rcnllj worth $ j , yet ho would not tiavotnUcn J.'OO for It. N'oono saw the burglars , nic3. tne police have no cluo. Never bnUn preparation a moro uo.irio. prlato iiumathun Ayor's Ilalr Vigor. When , the capillary glands becomj cnfcoblod ly dlienso , IIRO , or nexlcct , thin ilrtuslnjr In- iirt.sroniuect ) ) Ufa lo the scalp , so tliat Uo hair assumes much of Its youthful fullnas and bcsauty. Mllllniy Alnttcrs. Major Bcnhnm left yesterday for Sldtity nnd other western military polls to Inspwt the rillc practice. Ho will bo gone about tea. days. Uhlof Cleric T , II. D. Jones of the quarttr- mastcr's ilepirtnienthas gene to Mlnnesola on a Jlslilnw expedition. Mrs. Uoutoinmt Trultt will leave for Neiv Yorktomonowto visit her mint and undo at Fort \Vadsworth. \ First Lioutunant Ooorgo I , . Scott of tto Kixtii cavalry has been ordered to appear t headquarters not Inter thnn May > ' ) to prt- p.iro lortho Inspection nnd purchasoof horsca for the cavnlrv service. Votcrlnnry Surgeon John P. Turner of tte bixth cavuliy has been ordered to hcnj- qunrtcrs not later thm May 2y , for the sanies purpose , _ /V Slocp Iiulneo s. Ildi'scford's Ac-id I'lumplintc , Dr. J. 12. Lockridgo. Iiullananolis. Ind. says : "Prom my experience. I would sir that as ancrvo restoier in exhaustion front any cnuso , nna as a sleep Inducor , It is of tto TO in rut.sr i urij. Tom Orr Hce < iincs Chief Clct-k t (2cncr < il .Manager ( , ' | i\rk. Tom \V. Orr hit returned to his old position as chlof clerk In tbio ofllco of thn vice-presi dent and gcnon.1 iinmmcr of the Union Pacific , succeedlrxR J. K Coylccndnll , ro- signed. Mr. Orr IsonooiT the best known railroad men In \vestintl will bo perfectly nt homo In the Union ' - ' 1'inlf-Jogcncrul inannKor'a olllco. Ilo was chief el il < to Uuncrnl Mnno ur Clark under the old roglmo and nftorwnrxU served in thnt caducity under OencmlJIan- ngors I'ottcr , Cn-llowny , Klmball aiut llol- comb. Forthe | sa < t yoarhohas bceti gen eral ngcnt of the Mcrnanattonal ft Great Northern atSan/Viitonlo. Don'c ' IV < ; JV . | | , And yotyounroivotsielc enough tocoiisult n doctor , or you nCraln from so doing for ( oar I jou will alarm . \ounclfund f rlends-\vo will ] tell you Just wlia-t , yon need. It is Howl's Snrsaparllln , wWoli will lift you out o f that uncertain , uncomfortable , clangorous condi tion , into a statoof good health , conlldciifo nnd cheerfulness "You've ' no Ide.i how potent this peculiar incillclno Is In suses like Itlarrlcigu The followingrn irrU o liojuoi worj Is - sued by .lud 'j ShloldJ yiiJUj.'Jjy : . Nnrno anu a-Jclross. Aze. JC'linilos.Ioiics , Omnln 80 IICntoA ClM-r , I'ts.Dillon ' ! 14 jCicniRuFord , Ownlm 211 lAlollIu I'llton , Om Jiliu 20 ID.in rtahotty. F .illiliiialin . . . .S3 IMiirv J.avun. Sol .li Onuihii 'J-J IMIko Hiibuir , Oinn.ln ie ! I Itoso Ornlsl < y , Una aha Its ll.ncloti PottlnallU Oinnlia . , . .20 I Kuto Loncrcslicr. Omaha . , , " 3 IIons N.Heon , Oi silm . . . , , il I Anna Junsvn , Oiiksilia sa I I'd. A. MeKcniu , Oniului . . . . .CO IJoliiitina ItcsaiiI-lrlstol , Coluiuliiu . . . . .50 ( Tutor O. llolsi'ii.l r ln ton SI llloriiilnii U. Ilouon , Iowa 2J Do IJ orses Talk ? Wo have our den lits on this subject , but If they couldwo believe thoirllrst words would ho to asl { masters sr.hva.vs to Iccep n bottle of Hallor's linrbed TlroUnlinonton liana. It 13 unequalled for ttxti , bruise * and sprains. In fact , liorsos tiS. rly cry for it. HALF ; SAKE Beginning Monday wevill offer 125 d ( 'j&a-lbriggan Shirts and Drawers at 3Sc each , in all sizes , 34 to 44 , in a natural niixti , ' neck , and in every respect a regular 7Sc garment. T his great value will kl ) t of six cases are sold , Mail" orders promptly filled , but must be acconipnitl postage. Lot No. 2 Wevill offer 100 dozen of Id Shirts , made French neck , pearl buttons , and full size , 34 to 44at25c each , s nay more for these goods than we sell them for. Send in your mail orders ; they same care in our mail order depart- ment that any customer would in our store , Lot No. 3350 dozen of regular cutgawSM over the city at 35c and 40c. Wo \vill offer at this sale the entire lot at I5c caclw I n our Douglas street show windows. REDUCED PRICES on all lines of Underwear. We arc overstocked in this department , and have inaugurated thissjl w Icwto reduce some large lots. CORNER DOUGL4VV STREETS , A" Leiircjest , Olo-triirag Hoiif \ of tlie Mississippi- /if / ' f \i WE WILL SELL THIS COMING WEEK 500 FANCY HEV SIZES 34 to 44 , WELL CUT , WELL TRIMMED WELL MADE , AT A SUIT , Nebraska Glolhina Go , Dougleis a.nd. It AVon't I'ny tlio riper. Yesterday Juilto Dunily iinnouncod that. the jury lu the ullegcdltliol suit of Lintou J , Ushcrof Leavouwoitn , ICan , , vs TiiKlJui publlshini ; company hud rolurucJ a verdict for the ulnlntltT of ST.OO. Ho aaliod whether counsel desired to enter a motion for a now trial and was Informed by GcnorxliT. L , YVob tcr , who rcprosentcj tbt ilcfoudnnt , that ho illil not know what would bo ilono In tlio iimnlsc.i. Tbn court then staled tliat ho would ncl enter JudBinent until counsel would have de termined as to Hlmt course tlioy would pursue sue- . sueThe amount sued for was r > 0,000. Dr. Elrnoy euros caxarrn. 13oo bld ' . "Get A. meeting of the advisory board of th Koal JStnto Owners' association of Oirahi. is called for 4 o'clock this , Tuesday , after noon to moot In the rooms of the association , Nos. 5M3 and 213 New York Life luauwucs building. Rvcryono of the fifty members of thli boerd should be present nt tills , tholr Hrst. nvotlnp , nnd back ui ) tbo directors nnd olllcors. of the association by tholr presence , ( -ooJ will and nil vice. Matters of much Import ance to every citizen nnd property owner of Omnlm will come ooforo this mcoting. De\\'Ut's \ UttloKurlv UUenfor the J.lvcr , Propcriy PoHiitl. Sonic ton days ngo the rcslaenco ot Mrv Wary Bpnuldlng , Third nnd Oak streets , wii barijlarUcd uurhiK the absence of Mn. Spauldlup. A. larpo quantity of clothliiR ami tahlo linen wns taken. Yesterday Oftlccrs hullivun nnd Dennett discovered two tine % > rn ( > s , A dress pattern and sumo table llncik sccrotod unaor the sllowalU ou Kl hth street. U'ho pronei ty was taken to the police stnticn and il . Pjiav-Ulns notli'.cd , Most complexion powder * have a vulcar plarc , lut 1'ozionl's is u true beaullucr \\hosc tffccts are lasting , NOTICE ft ) DRUGGISTS , In order to satisfy the puljlic that we mcairwhat we advertise , you are hereby notified that if there is any complaint made , or people ar& not satisfied with the effects o ( the Turkish Rem edies , that is Turkish Tea , Liniment , Cough Cure , A.sth- ma Cure ancl Malm's Golden Dyspepsia Cwe , to notify us and return eixipty package and \ve \ will cheerfully refund the monej' . . Respectfiilly yours , Turkish Keiaedy Company , Omalia , Neb , roocron 7b > Celebrated r.N'UUSIl ; IMlta nr l'o llvoCureforSlcU ! : i&GKER'S lutlif , Jllilouipf. . , indj C < m lli > all ti. Small , j > l u -j I PURE ant nJ n fulorlle llh llic ; i.Jl ? , Sold In EngUnil for lu. ; SJ- In Amerlc * for 8 .c. Qet * i PINK hnc from your Ururc'ft ' * , ° I oiA to w. n.iiouim * io ; i PILLS ( IS Vt.l llro > Jw y , , T.rl. { WRITE TO HER ! " 1 wninotnbloto d > nj houiowork for li nr M' MrliulMluoii , Jo2t.l > lvlilonHtll. lit. i > ouutu will ui.uy piif.1. ui rr t tuj.a ) cnkuc .anl ui"il inrvnrrcmi'illi > < * N > c * iridme ! lumilr HUIIH njer ! ajuiuj own nork. llnrbu Hiilxixei for 15. Address. MJllVB JII3N CO. UUrTAU ) , 31 V B M bT Uoodimn l > ns Co IWraiBim tit. , DIME EDEI > T MIT SEE. Corner 13th.ind Kanuini StrccU. WKEKOK MAY 1ST [ I. ci-.uiESoE DAi.n , TUB mo cin.vnno 1IDV. TliifliT-iiiusof a man ; body of u buy. DKSI'KltATnOHANCKS , u cmiu-dv-dramalii threo'ictiliy tlioh'lt flruld-l.ewl' * Co. 1'rnf. 15. Abl's DI Milvln Views , uncl a flrst- cliiss Variety ICnUirtiilninuiit. I'rliliiy , l.udlei * Souvenir Day , LECTURE m'Sf IMP J. p. mm , j rp First Methodist Church , 2Oh | anclDnvonporU Sis. SUBJECT- THE MARCH OF CIVILIZATION : Tuesday , May J9th , A'T 8ID : P. M. Tickets on t. 1o ut Lluihnv'8 Jouolrjr "stow. IMOlioiuluiMruttiinn ! IjyL. U lli borts , "II Houth 19th htrcct. AclinlsjIonSO ooiits , Heals uiin bu rt" > urM'l ut Lliuls ty'a without uMra DR , BAILEY , Graduate Dentist. A Full act of Teeth on ItubHr. hr HVK Del LA III. Apurfwt Btguarantuoil , Ttclli cilrnctal uluiout | > uln or ila-nier , nnl iltlioultnaoitlietlci. OolJ anj illiur tilllnu * Hi lonroit raoli. McJ sni rrown V.'i.Ti T-Yi Illiuut ) il.uui All won wtr- "dFFICE , PAXTON BLOCK , 15TH AN [ > fARNAM i'ntrnnctf , Mb Ueol lot tor. Oiec& tieulu < i unlllg o'clock. HEALING COOLING DOES NOT SMART N % , CHECKS BLEEDING. tyv ANY INFLAMMATION , IT rsioOD WHICH THE DFC-A.WN NEAR THE SURFACEjWi , . SOFT AND SMOOTHk/L / CAUSED BY OTHER 1 % ! ft ! FAR SUPERIOR TO [ IIi. | f' ' FUMED WATER. YOU HAVE A. BOTTLE , WHEN PURCHASING , REFUSE SUQSTITUTii POND'S EXTRACT NO GUREi 1316 Douglas SeTenteen jtrim eii'Brlm'a Itfjuiir. . Is 'till traulni wliti ( hu pre&tt'H HurcQf * . t'l ' Norrutiv Chronleinl wunrantoo 1 for Oitirrh trormntorrhma , l.o t lUnhond Stinliul Rent plil. ' J , lUrlcliire , unit nil mix IKHUI or Iht Itlooil skin Mnl Urln rirm ) Hi „ , ' * /x K < 9 I umlurttku nnj ftil ti cure Cpciultnllon tree. lUnt iMjiloiliiol l-'i ted 11. m. HunUr II In Dm "Wi c. _ UREIorall _ Fulidirtctiontnl'lhiaclt See slgnalirool E. U DOCTOH Mc BEW ; THE SPECIALIST . Moro tlian 11 roara experience In tlio treatment oZ . PRIVATE DISEASES. A euro guaranteed In .1to5 d.iya without helOHOf on lionr'H llnio. GLEE1. Tlio rae t complete nml alunhito euro ( or gleet nnd nllnnnuyliiKdl olmruo < i evorknown to tlio uiudlcni lirufuaolou. rcrmanantljr cutcil In frorai to lUUaff - STRICTURE Orpnlnln relieving the bladder curort without pal * or Instrument' , no cuttlnit.no dllntlnir ' 1 ho moil rcmarkublo rcmeil/ known to modern cl < mce SYPHILIS. Ciirortln M lo SUrtayn Dr. McC3roir' tronlnirnt for tills tcitlblo blood dlveaio lias been pronounced In * most successful railed'ovonllicovorPd ) for the ab- Boluto euro of tlio ilicoaso Illi auccoii nlilimli ( Ilsi'ri5o hai never boon cqualle 1. A cumpletu ourrt Kuaranlecd. LOST \NHOOD iicin nil noakneiiC9 of tl o Hcxim ] or nni , nerroul * And ilmldltrnnd duapoiuloncy nb-olntolj enrol , Tlio lollot Is Imiiioillnto aiul conuiletii. SKIN DISEASES. n ml nit ill cnuM of tlio blood , Ilvor , kidneys , not bliuldorpcrni&nuiilly cured. FEMALE DISEASES Tlio rtoctor "HomoTicntment" for Indies Is pro noiuici'il | , y nil \vlio Inivc u u.l It lo bo tlic moil coid > plctoanil convtinlcnt romi-ily ever ulTcretl for lh * Iriiliaratof feinnlo ill-i'i-ui U lunllyn wonderful remedy Iluura fur Indloi , frum'i lo 4 onlj. DB. MoGBEWS Mnrvellou ucceis In tlio Irontinont of prlvnto tllw oa e < hni won for lilm n U'pntntlon which it trulp nntlonalIn cliariicti'r. nnd lilswront nrray of pntf n-uihua from tlio Atlunllo to thi < 1'icltlP Th ' li a Kriulnnto of reuular * iniMllclnti nncl loii anil cnrcful cxporience in honpltiil i T unillt cla suil.uiuini ; the It-miln ipoclnlliKMi mod * i-riifolcnco Truatmonl by lurrfipondciiic Writ * forclrcilnrinbuntcnchof tbo nt > uro dlio i c , fro * . Oihce , Mth and Farnim 8troeU , OmahA Neb. Entrance on eitlior street MOORED ' TREE OF LIFE " 1 Omaliii , Nib. , Oct H5 , ' 80. I Tenft not only a urivuo o , ljut i duty it s.ij-agood woid for Dr. J. J , Moore's Ca tarrh curo. : Have bean troubled tor yoarl with patarrh. Froquuntly li.ul to resort to that tlisjgrecaiile hnv/kin niul hpittinK to clear my throat ol n tonglu strinay moeus that loclgo'l there. Had tnoJ dlllo out rom. oilies , without rohof A fv applloa ions ol Mooro'i CaUrrh KoinoJy almost entircji j- " HfVdJ mu. I rooommou 1 it wheiiover an opportunity proionts It.wlf. J. N. MOOHE. Mdoro'sTreouf Mfo n ponlllTe corn for Kldnor nnfl l.lritr toiii litnt nnd nil liloud ill oiie : llooi U ny lo suffer tviion you cnri bu cnrotl Or nslntr Alooru'l 'Iri'i'nf l.lfi' . tiiu ( reit l.lfo llvniedf ? Onlw Mcdicil and Snricil ? INST1TUTIV1. Forthotrmimentof nil CIIHOXI' . ' Nl > SIHt'HOAfj Hlrti\3lC'i : , llrscoi , Aiipllincoi forl < jforiiiltloiivn4 Tru iun iloit Kncllltlui AiMr.itin | | tnl Humodlal fur uccoiiful tru tmurit of ornrr formuf illiakif roqiilrlnx Muillcul or riiliKlcil Iroatraunt. NINKTir' ' IIOOMS Kill I'ATIBN IN , lluir , | nu.l Atlenilnno * . liu L Accu'imio'lnllnni ' . Wrilo fur clrnuliri o Dufonnillri mil | trncu > , Trill 01 , Cluh Fwt , Curriv. lurui of Hplnti , IMIoi , 'IMniurt , ( incur ( Jntnrrb , Jlronfhltli Inliiliitton. Ului'trlcltr l'nrilili , ipll : tjir , IClclnoru , HlMlilor. r.'rn , Knr. Skin me ! Illoocl unit allfnrKlcnlllpontlDni UHli VNK.-i OK WUMKil hiliocliltu llnok 01 Dlionu * of Vonion Kre . W Imvolntulr mtdfil n Irlnu In Dm irlniutit fur Womaa | ) urln conHneinent ( BlrlcllITIritU ) ) Onlr Hnltiv Lla.Moiilf.il lii.lltuto Mtliliu > HcuclAll/ I'M' VATK IIIHICAHKH. All Hljoa Dlnenim tuccjufutljr trciloit Mo.ycln * > r Initnnnotui mnl \ > r mill or oi | > rmi iocu l/ l > nck i ] no fn'irki ' to IniUc'ilt rJin'Huit ' or p n < l ( v I IMI ,1-fiii i iiirTiuv | i r > r J i. in nil I cumuli u ( irii-n 1 nil err if rniir i-.m inn ) v > will HM I la IMII in [ > , i.T inrKOX I' ) MttS KltU ' . ; uiiin l'rl tmo Hpe < ilur Sirvoiu UUoiid , wltaiuojloall | k. Arl.ri' | > nll IttUri til Ur. A. McLjxualilln , ttli aud llurney btrouti , Omuli .