THE OMAHA JDA1LY BEEtr TUESDAY , MAV 30. 181)1. ) 8PEG1HL NOTICES. AliVri'TIMiMKNT1 ' * for theno column * will be taken until 12 : Op. ni. . for the ovnn nu cdltltn. nnd until SCO p. in. , for tbo morning edition nnd hi.MiAV Itir. rpnitMB Cash In advance. T > ATr < Advertl'icmcntsnn this pacewlll'io J ehnrped for nt the rate of 1'4 ' cents per vein for the firstlnsorllon. nndlcentporxvord fi > r < nih Hill feculent Insertion , nnd H.V ) per jliir r'r month , No ndxirtlseniont taken for irm limn .ncintit for the first Insertion. 3 Ml IA L" . fizurcOymlols , etc , , countcach rom < word. rPIirsr advertisements must run ronetcn- JI tlxcly nnd tinder no circumstances-will tin y 1 e taken or discontinued by telcphono. 3JAM II H advertising In thosn column * nnd having t heir unsworn ti' | ' re cued to a' num.- Uiod letter In cnrnof TIIF UtE. will rccelxon , numlcird chock tornnblo tboin to pet their letters. Answer" will bo oellxered only on prostitution of this check. Fncloso answers in onvoInpoH proporlv nddrcs ed. A I I ndvortl omcnM under thrt bond of ' " 'prolnl Notlres" nre rmbllshort In Imtli the morn'nr nnd ox onlnis odltlonsof 1 nr III r , tbo circulation of which acpropntesinorothnn If.foflpnpor * dally , nnd gives tlir advertiser the 1 oneflt not only of thn largo circulation of Tnr Ilfn < n Oninhn. hut nlso In Council IllulTs , 7 Intoln nnd othorcities nnd townnln thowcst SITUATIONS WANTED. FnrrnO * , ttc , ttrtop nf fit st column on this pige. " \NTKI-"l1uatlon by cipibln stendv t'liniidbin miller a first or Hocond hand I ) . M . K07 Locust At. rpllOHOPOHLV expprlpncod and rellahlo - ImnkUei per. ( Inn ponmnn. oxcpllrnt tvpo- wrltlst ili-slrcs onico position Address M 4' llpp cilllt p. M704-11 * I ri'ATION WANTHD-Ilv n youne man to ilrlxo ilollvcry team. Address M X' lleo. MfVW-IO " ANll.D lly n Indy from tbo east : posl- t on us lioiiMl.tctr ! | ) In widower's family. Adilievt lj \ l.'l , Kapld City. H 1) . 573 1 * " \\r/ N'l I'D Position us salesman In whole- IT half tobacco 01 diu lionse. ) lu\u hud tlncouuia uxpurleuLU. Address , M 1.1 , lieu o111i ii. M5.'u iu "IVAN 1 Ll > Ily u youn ; ; man , asllnutlon as ' ' in IIL-ult'ili , oneiinil oiiu-hiilf yeai'n expo- rlentu lust of lofuirnios. AddicsH.M 27 , lite. M , 18 * " \\T AN I III ) MinulloiH for Rood girls , my ' wnltlnv , rooms nro abviiys full from' ) a. m to d p in. Caniidlan I'mploymont oilier. ilN'iS. nth. Tolopbono 81 TII3 WANTED MALE HELP. tvi talcs , ttc. , teet ii nf Urtl rolumncm tMtinge ] HvAN'TTlU-TeamVfor Vlscm hrainor A. Kramer , Labor aKency. .M B ditb iUh street. M7M a. * Kl. carihiRo painters untitoil at once. JJS1 H. 10th stitot , Lincoln. Nob. O J. itoiuan. iM'VT 2J * WANTI2D Man : rcuoho Instructions , ucop books. Call 015 Now Vorl. Mfo bnlldiim. ' ' * BU'JI 'JO WANTii : > 10 bililBoc.irponters fur work In WiomliiK AlbrlKht l.iboi uuonuy. 1120 I amam HI reel St 718 WANTIM ) I'lftv men to surface on the Missouri Pacific at I'tilon , .Nrb , JI.V ) per dny ; r.illioad faro llfti cents , binlth. ( illlett M7I1 ' . ' > JI' T OUT-Most u outlet fill idvcrtlshiK flc- Mce c\er knonn. fcoll to oxoiy iileieh.iiit HI d manufacturer : splendid employment ; oU mil stouly work. 1'nclosu atamp Are J Mfp. Co . Undue , \ \ Is. M747 PJ * " \\7ANTr.D Trnxclliu silosman : speclal- ties , ptiylns JJOO to .IH ) per month to ex- peilenced iiuin ; excellent sldo lino. Allison , Ii7 _ Montouht. , CblcuKO M75I 10' \ \ ANTID ) Competent enrpenturs cnn find ' steady employment In frt. Louis at $ .1 per dayofelKht hours. Apply at Mechan'ts' ' v\- chniiKu , Bt. I.dills , .Mo. MWV l * TVANTKO 3 first-class mllkeis nt Ames J' u\o. tlalry. J. 1' . I loch 7JJ ( iO * BOV wanted ; npo about 10 or IS yeirs Call at l'.M I ariinni street. 7--t8 " \\7ANTF.D Txvo first-class cedar blooic ' pavers Imniodlately , Apply i : I" . NaiiKb- Co , . 170rarnain. ! . 7J1 L'l TV ANTl'.D Salesman on commhislon for ' 'llni'lino perfumery and toilet luxuries "Address llniiillton , postolllco box J4W. Now York. Mfrll-vo * \ \ * ANTni ) rive first cla s tinners and jrnl- ' Xiinl/ed Iron eornlco workoisi steady out- plox'n nil. Apply at once. Cochraii A. I'ow- ciy , 1011) ) I'lno atrtet , bt. Louis. Mo. M&n 11 * AOKNTS wanted ovoryxUiero for newly pit- ented nutomatlo poukut letter toplcr. lllKgest Lummlsslon over offered , bend stamp for circular * . Bommor'a company , 14 Ann Blrcet. Now Vorl , . Aii > 4i lu * \\rANT7i : > AOnNTS-TlHJ "Novelty Wax 1'ad" proonts sticky Hat-Irons ; polishes culls , collars and bosoms , bnniplo " 5 cents Stumps tultun. btaynor& Co. 1'rovldenLe.H.I. Mt40'a ( * ANTKD Salesmen on salary or ( .omis sion to handle the now patent chemli-al K pencil ; the createst solllnc novelty vor produced ; orates Inlc tborouphly In two * 'ontlsno : abrasion of paper ; UOOto'iflOperct nt profit ; onn apeut's salesnii'Ountod toWJOInsK ila.xH ; anothorf.12 In two hours ; wo want ono General iiRcnt for each st.ito nnd territory , 1 oi' torniM nnd full particulars , add res.- , the Moproo Krasor MIR Co , La Crosse , \ \ Is. 47 > WAM'PD Coat and p intaloon inaKors to work In shop. Continental Olothlm ; [ KN xrlth ( food address. Met. M'f'c Co , 1500 Llloward St. , Umaha , or 137 N 12th. Lincoln. w Jlon to travel for our Canadian nurseries fa tonoA\VoIllnKton.Jl.idIbon.WIs "WANTED Iminodtatnlr. Orst class pio- ' T Aerlptlon olorlr ; must bo sober man. $ hi > ft .McConnell. M703 WANTED FEMALE HELP. I'ortatn.ctc , , tee top nf Jlrst column anthtspige. \\J ANTKD Two first class waist finishers. IT No others need apply. Mrs. liiixlton. 1 * > 2J rfln street. M 701 10 * . G ( KI. Per Kcncral housonork. BOSS 18th st. \\T ANT P.U Good coou. City hotel , V ni-2.1 * _ " \\7"ANTnn A j onnir. Rlrl to assist In tnUIni ; IT euro of baby. Apply atatorocor. 27th nnd HpuldlnK streets .MCM HI i * COOK Wanted A flrst-elass took ; wlUlio requlnd to do general houeeivork In Hinnll I fainlly ; High \\aRes Apply at ' 3M Uou lae st I _ JJD \VANTKU-Oooil Rlrl , gooil wages , 721 S.lllth IT eor I.e.iouortb 4lK ) FOR RENT-HOUSES. f'ortfimfc. . , i ff fop ii/ pOH HKNT eht ooniliotiso nnd barn. 8J4 AMinth i7th titrvet. Apply on the promises J1740 23 * IT'0 ' ! ' IlKNT. choip ; a peed ten room modern JL houso. Inquire 13-'J Capitol n\onue. 11. 11. Hoblson. MC7..III ! T7O11 HKNT Two houses. 0 aim 8 rooms ; Jicntrally loeatedi In first clnss order A. a \ \ uKolxy. 5 5 Now York Llfo bidg. .MU7J II ) HRiVr-Mrs. JV Cotton's house for summer ; fumUbed ; 2U N. IDth stieet. M71')2l ) * _ A\VKII.-PUHNISHin ; H-roDiii hou-e , with till coinenlunces nnd tomforts on p.m-d Btnet ; low rent to satisfactory sm ill family with good rtiforonces. Unfurnished If de- blrid. 2JIU Hliun-y bt. KounUo place. "IJfiOH HUNT o number of bou > .cs , stores , - * Hats , oti'toOO per month and uji. Now list 1st nf each month. Uuorgo J. t'aul. icoi PII rni ; m street. tUI Jy2 TTIIVi ' : room home , ill , 212) S , llth street ! * - m574 in 2T ft-HOOM house ) , nice yard , sbado trees , olty t ) nud cistern water , imlghborhood. 'I blocks from street ears , 1411 8. 7th a > enuu. or Hull's phinnaay , ror. llth and Minon , aw "IjiUH HKNT 5-room house ou Iea\oin\orth. JL between nth nud 1'lth. ' in wood repair nlul peed ontbulhllngu , reasonable rent. John llnmlln. 017 Iilnton bloek. i-a "fJ OIl HUNT Ilnndsomo 11-room moih < rn J- house ; nil conveniences ; In perfect order ; pavml struuts : motor , and within 5 minutes wulk of ptMoniio , Mathan ' holton , 1014 Par- nuin Ntreut. MIM Qiil. On p. nvuinii' , n nlco P-room cottagn with i buth. I nq , 2JISCap riNeiliiO , M27U Si * T 10-rooiiihousecentrallylocatcI , J- modern Improvements. Inrjulro , 7U N , IDlh. 711 TVOU Jil.NT C-room cottage , bath , etc. 'JI " .Stiiiifiird Clrelo. " Apply , O. & Llgutlor. _ _ Tlist National hank Jlas'J ' TT OU HUNT On Juno I , n nine-room house , J- all inndorn oouxuulcnces , ut 230t Davenport - port K t rent , MIUX ) ' TI' you wUh to rent a bouuo or itoro * II. IX AColc. Coutiueutul block. 714 < FOR RENT HOUSES. Forratnele. , Ketnpofflritcr > lnmn onthlt p j inbll ilKNT Ilouswi Vllh all imxlern im- JL1 pro\pmentR , steam hontt 1 block from hlKh Kohoolt K.100 tof-'iOOO tHtr month. Also stores , 24th and Davenport , H , II. Iroy , 208 N.Y. Mfp. , "MAM < room for rent ; gentleman only : J price f < l 00. Call 017 N 17th street. 7-f "iron IlKNT 3 right-room brick bouses with JL ? oltr water , Intn ntid spwor. 100 fcot from rnbln lino. I' 1' . Williams , Tint NaU Hank bulldlnK. 8TJ OVH Daxcnport st. . fl rooms nnd all convpnl- onccH. J. > OW > ! ! T/OS / Dnxcnpnrtst. , It rooms and nil conveniences t'OOu : . ' ! I2 North 81th t. , 11 rooms nnd nil conveniences , ftt > 00 Tbeso bourns nrn In thn best residence portion of Onmlin , two blocks x > nst of high school. K II Chapman. Ml 1'axton block , owner. f > M 1/1011 HKNT-lViur < 1 nnd ' -room II its with JL hntb , hot water , etc. : naxul Ntreets ; near nil ImproxcniontS ! only Wi per mo s reinimul , The Menu Investment Co. . 4U UPC bulldlns. 740 TOR Itr.NT Tbo 10-room house. No. Ifll'l " JL1 Dmitrla * s . _ y9 "lOK Itr.NT Two 10-room brlek rcsldenco * , J all ionxonli'nco , lust completed , fiJ7-VJ ) Oeorillnnvu. limit * W ) for first vtur lleunl- yivNTir.N : : e-ll brlok houses with bath , kftoworiigo , etc. , li block from ave Motor on Kynor street : 123V ) par mo.utor paid 0. T. llnrilson UIJ N V l.lto. MS FP R551il y nNISHED ROOMS 1'urratrt , rtr.reetnpofflrst nitumnnn ( Mi jnot- "IIIOR UENT-Onoor moro furnlshpd rooms -1. for centlcmun and nlfo for summur months In first cl IMS Inc.illty nnd mrnk'rn lioitso. Host roforentt's rt'ciulred. Addri' s M f , ' . ' . Hue. M 740 21 * Fl'HNISIIii : > or unfi.rnlHlicd rooms for rent , modem , ut tvn ( ) rthUtll strce . M031 Su _ _ _ CI furnished room southern exposure - uro , KUS , etc. Ml bouth li.tli strtot. H it I ) YI'HVdeslriblc roomsut tbo 1 renter , ( llhei furnished or unfurnished. 110 North . ' . ' > lh Ktu-nt. I OK HUNT Two furnished rooms ; JIO L Northwest corner J.'d and Cninlnir slieols MOIT.'I * OllOICr. rooms , slnglo or en suite , 21GN inth sticot. MI.NI-1U' Oil lTi.N : I'-Neatly furnished room S'.IO _ _ IL'j"pi : -y 1 ' 21 DINING room and kitchen , newly furnished IIrst class condition , for rt'ntlchcjp ; fash ion ihlu p.irt of city ; hou > > e full boirdcrs None l > ul exuerlciiLi'tl need upply Addicss M 4t , lleo Mfi'll ' 1U * rpo Kl'.NT-A kitchen and dlnlns room. 2IG JL N lUth street. M tel 13 * 13l.iASAN'T : furnlshecl room with boird. I Itefereneos 2214 I'ltrnuni. SW-22 * MI'S ' I ) rooms for rent , refi-rencos stipot. ( ilJ-'O * 1 'Oth and Davenport. f.lS-1 ! ) * ) N P. larce Houth loom for rent at JIOO OOIIK- lashlreet. 64J-SO * 17iOR RHN'r An clcR int sulloof rooms for -I family , Just iiapered , o\ur NUI I low ml st : | iili i ! IIS uer month btootrcl , mo\td to 714 k lllth . 404 _ _ NltULV I iiinKliod I irgo south room for rent ; modem LoiiNcnlL'ni.t.s , .1)19 ) Hainey btrcet. _ TJ OR RHN L' Pnrnlhhod rooms , luor DoiiBl is J3 740 rPIli : St. Clilr Kiironean hotel , cor lltband X Dods-c , will hero liter make low rates for rooms by tboteU or month , Llthcr with or wltliont board. 731 FORRENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED I'oi latcs , etc. , tec top n/ flat column on tltl * pmt rilHIM'i : rooms llrst floor and thieo on sec- JL end In pi huto house. 01J fcouth lull strti't. i75(5 ! ( SO * PORRKNT " 01 3unfuriilbhcd roons chc'ip 171" > Cass st. MOM-10' ) IT1OR RKNT 5 pleisint rooms , modern tm- J proteiiiunts. Oil i ? 17tb a\u. 5l4i.'Q * _ PNPUUMSIIii : ) rooms , first floor , modern Impiovemcnts , r.tnisu In kitchen. JI08. 'Joth st. M117 J4 * _ _ _ OR RKN'l J rooms , W4 b. 17th St. 515 SO * "I71OR Iir.NT Pine , email family apartments , JL an outside rooms Lct locality , modem Impiovcmeuts , IiuiiilioCUi 1'axton block. M7 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. rorratesetc. , tcetoj > ofjl > st column mi this pane. ANICH furnished room and board for iwo $ IH ) per weuKvSOll llarnoy stieet. 7.'fl-20 I > LiASANT : furnished room with excellent table boird 4DJ N. tilth sticot. TJJ-U'O * fToo5lh"unl ( board. 2103 Douglas | IV J1702 23 * rtOll IM'NT I'urnlshed rooms with or wlth- out bo.ird , SM St. Mary's avenue. MG97 19 * HANUsOMPLY furnished rooms with Hrs- cla s bo.ud. Day boulders-lOllclttd. Ue.i- sonublo prices. 17 Capitol mo. .MG9.119 * HANDbOJin IOOIIH with first elas- , board : lufeicnoo . " . ' ' ' * Ih.'Chicago btreet. M' > 'l-20 I A HOI ! nicely furnished front room , with -I boiird , 20111 Callfoi niastieot. MSJ-'i SM * " 1/MJHMMIP.lTrooms and lodging IIOUEC , 1411) JN , loth , opposite JulTuisonquiiro quiiroMS05m30 " 17\OH \ HUNT A large , ilnoly furnished loom J- with bo.ird , to a man and wlfo. The inos pleas nil j ) irt of elty , nnd private family ; nether other boarders : lefcrcncoo. Addres > s , U 4. , lleo. 74' ) TJlUHNlbllKU looms and bo ird , 192U bodco. FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES. Foi intes , ete.tret < ipofjiittcolvmn nn thtt pigc. TpOUUliNl' Olllcu over Norrls i- OtJ IJIOU lliN : r The 4-story bilek biilldhiR.xt Ith JL1 or without power , formerly occupied by the Itco riibltsbliiR CoDid st , The build- In , ' has a llicproof cement bnseiiicnt.compltito steamhe.itlnufixtureswater on all the Hoots , Kan , otc. Apply at the ollleo of The lleo. U15 TilOH KKNT-Or sale , my building on Jones -L1 O.A.LIndritilst.JlOb.lDth 747 IT10H -1 IUNT josk room , at (111 ( N. V. Ufa - bids. 8.9 . i 1/OH HP.NT The three-story brick bulld- - Inp , 1110 Uoimlnsstreet , sultablo for nholu- silo purposL's , J110 pur mouth , Cbas Kauf- inanii , 1JU2 UoilKla.s st. UU FOR RENT WAREHOUSE. FOH HUNT Ilrlek warehouse , two stories ; hleh b.isomont , hydraullo eloxator , track- iis , best location In city. A O. 1'iiwcll. U21 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. Fin rates , etc , , tec top offal column ont/ifeuja 1 > AHN for lent. 2023 Howard slrcoU J > M74 1 21 SOacrohlnoKraxs ji.isturo for horses Insldo city limits , il no ijor > cel , Inqnlro II A Hitman , IIJ outh lltli all cot Mb > 723 \\Tiim\e ; the be t hor-.u p.uturo In this IT btutc , at tillmuro htntlon , three miles Honth of Omaha ; iwincrcaof bluu grass , npi IIIK water , board fe'icoi II.IM- wood one-half mile traek on the farm : will take few horses or rolls to bre il. 01 ti.iln. Hartoii A. 1'bolps or A. W. I'helps . * > > on. M.SU 23' JHAVi ; H uiKMl pasture , two miles from South Onmh i , for horses nnd colts ; him , timothy and cloer griiss ; hories called for. lieo I ! fians , f-onth OniiihA * RENTAL AGENCY. twratr * , tte , , ft Input frsi mfiunii on this HI' . CUI.i ; , rental anonoy , Continental blk 741 1.7 II. MtKV. icntal ocont , 'JO N. v. .i lfo. MJCtt ni25 STORAGb. Vurratrs , etc , , tec tnp of Jlrtt column nntliu - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OLUnSI' , cheapest and best stornRO house In oily , \\llllnms & Cro s , l.Mt llarnoy itrcot. M T itoniuo building In Omahu - BnST , gox-orn- incut bonilud * iirolionso : hoiuehold goods earoil for ; lowest ratca. W. M , Itusbmun , 1011 I.i'.ivoimorth. Ib'J OlliArP.STRndbe : t storage for furniture. Well * . Mil I'urniun it. 7J7 . . - - - i n , i - STOItAUK ot household coodst clean , dry pluiu. privately storetl , terms modenilo ; wo also moro htoxos diirlnit the sumnier ; wo will cot thorn from tbo bouses anddelUor them In the full In Rood trim. Tel. 600. )2U7 Oougla * . Onmhft Store Kepalr Work * . 7UO WANTED TO RENT. rorrnlf * . fie. , tte top njjlrst column on ( An WANTED A yotniR buchclor of qulot habits wants a. coy room witb uw of ) alh. Address , Riving terms. JI 5J Bieofllco. M TOO ! ? 0 BOAIttl WAXTED-Wllh room , bv slnulo ( rent. In nlco prhato family ! modern lin- lirovoments : iirleo rcfi enable ; rcfcronrc. A < 1- IressMSI , llooolllce. MW'SO ' * \\7ANTKD-Oood lred unfurnished room In prlvatH rosldoncoi must bo choiip. A < l- tlrc OI I'l. ' Hep. taMU * ' ANTTU-lly Juno I , cottngo : not less than Ilvo rooms ; within ten blocks of lleo Imlldlnz : glxu location nnd price. A < 1- dit s M M , lleoolilto. 7JJ--'Ot \\TANTiD-Snlto : of furnUlird rootnsbyn prominent younir bustncvj mill. Mint bo first-class and located between l"th mid Kith , Howard and l'hlcaB'o ctrects Uoanllng liousos : ieed not apply L Mi Heo. U.V5 W A STUD To rontOor 10-room lmii c. inod- ern toioonlences , norow orcforred. A < 1- tires * lot-It bet 012. Mill FOR SAUh FURNIIURE TC. 1'or rates , tie. , tee topof first colmriil on tliti if.OK SAI.K rurnltnro of 21 room house. All rented nnd In good pirtof city. Aihlrc-ss : ioodrlch. 007 8. l.ltli street. llJ--M * IjllIItNlTUUn of homo , used ono JL' year ; doslrablo locatioui M47 , Hoe.M70123 M-701-23 HOPSnilObl ) furniture by tbo uloeo at l.'Jftl Cieorlaa\o. M.-20 "IT\OH \ SAl.I' At a ( Treat fucrlhYe. JL. ' household furniture , line c irrhiRO teiun irhiK'-s , slelRli. h irnoss anl robes , nlso line Jersoj tow. A J. llanscotn , 1ST4 Uouslasst. 007iO : * HOl > rilOU > fnrnlturoby the pluco lit ISI'I Ueorclaiivo. CW 1 * poll SAI.I I'uriilturo of n 10-rooni lioumi. Cheap. House tor runt. Inquire ID-1" ! Doclco StO FOR SALE HOR hS WA.GONS ETC. 1'orrnld. ttc , rretip } > if flixl roliuini on tM 77KJR > ALK OK TKAIi-A ) soml nniroand X1 cnll ormiro alone for good milk cow Ad dress llox 441. I' . O MM7-10 * A liOODborbo for sale cheap. J3H I'nrkor st JIUVJ-1U * A Good drl > IIIK horsp , looks well undsufo for lady , SOS N. Y. Life. OU Ki * FOK SALH--HX KOOA wlicelscripers , 1 liorso and biip v , 4 lca ] y wagons , 1 ponv 2 or- p.ins , 2 sowlns machines , multipoint of liott c- hold furniture All on osisy payments If lo- slred Inqnlro ntCIS 1'axtonbLk MW1U 171OK t-ALK l donblo c irrhtto , 1 plrieton. S -L horsos. t double liarne- , 1 slimlo b irncss 1 fresh milk cow Inquiry a.t the Hoston fatoio , 114 South 10th sticot 1U. > FOR SALr-Pmnlly cnrrlajo. Leo X Nlch ols st iblo kSth and LcmiiMorth. MV ) ; HOHbEaititlon ovcry Satur < lny. 2 p. m , at 1'lonou stubles , l.ith nnd Iliirncy Horses , wajsons , li.iriipst. etc. Ilujers ana si'llort should attend these sales. II. Human , Prop. K Wells , auctioneer. II.'U FOR SALE COWS. I'nrrnte * etc , fcetoimflliit colttmnim t/if pi/e. ( C 0\VS rORSALn-T\vothoroiiKlibrcd fresh lor-soy cows for salo. Inqiilrc at 810 Pont h 8 > th street. Oninha. M75T > ll ! FOR SALt IVlltiCELLANtOUS. t'orrates , etc , , rcctnp ofjlrtt column on t/ifsjnoe. FOR SALI' An oleiinnt flr iirofjf safe with burglar ( .best. I'hll btliiiiiiol , Oil JonussU , Omaha , Nt'b. IWI B ; bedrooms ; 8.TCOO to 000. lliitclilnsonead. . 15.4 Donslas. 000-18 FOR t-ALI Clioip , I full platforin oxton- Hlon-top I'anliKo. homo make , cost $ lr > 0 , prkoJIW ) : one exti'iislon-top Y platform cnr- ilaBe , 1121 ; ono extension-top currhiRC , now cloth lining. IIUO ; onn , canopv-top sunny. Us" > UrtinnnoiitKv Co. , tarrlago irnnnf.ictory. 100 PI RNITURE bounht , sold , stored. Wulls. lilt Puiu mi street. TUT "IT lNn unriKht piano at a sicrlflec. Innillro JL1 after 7 o'clock , evenings , at . ' 119 Caluwcll street. SIMM ITIOR SAM" No. 2 Kunilngloii tyntnvrltor ; J-1 good us now. with oak desk ; coatSl.r > ; will take JIOO. M , A. Upton Co. , room 204. lleo building. 178 AOOOD piano at a big s icrlflco , onlv WO 00. Call after 7 o'clock , c\cnlnssi at 24IB Cnlil- wollstreot. S1531 S THAMIlOAr Per Milo-btuatn ilea iiro yacht , with capacity for : US piSbeiiKOis ; spued Ihintles per hour ; IctiRlU 15 feet , width of beam 8 foot : upright steel boiler sub merged line ; cnulnu 10 horse wn\or. All In perfect order ; ottered for sale at a bargain and upon easy tornis Addresi M 10 , Itco olllco. CeH-SO" T71 10R bALH 'W loads of sawdust ; also kliul- X . Omaha liox L'uctorj , hast Omaha. JI5 'J WANTED TO BUY. 1'or ratct , < ( ( „ ice < opo//rstroiimnon ! this page. [ P } ou have any old clothes to soil lot mo LKnow by .Mail. luillsh , 215 i 13lh street. M C7i-J10 ( WANTED to buy ; for cash , full lot Inl'laln- vluw add , norttieast or northwest corner preferred ; must boa birgaln. Owner nddrobo JL 51 , lleo olllte , by letter with dlscrlptlon 7.17-21 * MISCELLANEOUS. For rates , ete , , etc fop nfjlrtl roluimi on Hits pge. . rpUAOKA(7i : for lease. I luvo a desirable X piece of tiackago bltuntcd on the corner of lllth and \\lllliiius st. abiuthalf an iicro with an 8-room house on It , wliU-h 1 will loiso to the right party for a tein ot years Ad dress I'otor Ullrich , 102U N.'itli st. , Omaha. 57020 NKW Ktnploymcnt Itiircau Iloom10 , bank liulldlntr. lljth anU DotUu sts. . . dlreotlv op- poslto Ilajdcn'x , RpfcronctsVotnaa's Chris tian Association. I'lrat-eluss foinalo holp. 6IO-1S ENGRAVING Wood , zinc , chalk , etc. Work guaranteed on tlmo aud c.imllty. ] llrlg- ham. houth Omnha , G AUDCN farm to lont. T,31uriay. 51748 1OO1 > homo for ladlci during contlneinint. J Inquire at Mrs. M. I'rusll , UTO South ICth. Ml.'l J4 "VTIN'H trottbiK stallloiH at Omaha filr JLl Kiiiunds welRhlnR fintn IOIW to MWlbs , coinlirlslnethelilood of lluinbtotonliin. Amcrl- , I\l \ inibrlno Oliluf , Kllnui Allen , Al- inontniid 1'llot , Jr. Terms fiuinilj tot'iO for the season. O ill and sou the lit > r ej und their colts. A. Thomson. MASS-AGntroatnicnt.olectro-tlicrmalbathi , scalp and Iialr truatinont , nmiiluuro aiul chiropodist. Mrs.rostUl JSb.taiiWlthiiullblk. W1 house mover , CU gouth 17th street , und bU bouth 2jtli aveuuu. Its-May 25 CLAIRVOYANl rmratn , eie , , ' < e top of first columnonthti ptge. l. "WAI.I.AOK , clnlrioya'ntV clftod ; tells pastund future , lo\o troub les , absent frlonds , chungrs , IraU'l , btislnoss. ] . ! > 1 arn im stieut. bOI M. . > * US. PoTT'l' , palmist fortuiio teller , tells past and future fioni Him of tlio liatul In old nyp--y way ; Indies onlj ; fie II 0) . Win N. 21th. .M7. 02\ * _ HT WAMiAUK , clamoymt ! naturally gifted ; tolls past ami future , love troubles , alisont frlcmH. ubungus. travel , busi ness. 1UOS rarnani street. COl Mia * MHS. Naiinlo Y. A\arron.clairioyant , tr.ipeo speaking , writing and rtlinulo business medium , four years In Omah'J . i > * loth , 75- MAbdAQK Maduiu Dolzlor.ovirfllO 8. Uth. 20U-JU MHS. DB. HE sAN may bo consultoa at her parlors on all alt airs of life , tlio U acolo- brattd busluosi medluiik und Ins a ropiitiitlju throushout thu world fur nccuratu and truth ful roidlnrsof tbo piat. prusunt nnd futltro event * of your llft > livery lilddoii mystery roveilcd ; liulps all wbo uro Intruublo ; novur falls ; gives udvlio on all points , of Interest , business truntiiotlonH , lute alTidrs , fnnilly troubles , stock ( peculation. Itvrsults. ubseut frlonds , lottury numbers , Inclcy ilnys , Intur- prcts dniaiiH , locates illsoisci , hlihlnn treas ures and stolen goods ; restore ) Ion atl'oetlons. brtnRs the sepiirntrd toKethor , makes speedy und happy marrlngas wltn the 0119 you love by proper art vice ; tolls If thoonoynu love Ii true or fuUoi Klvei lucky Hoinan-E yptluu talisman to liolp all out of trouble ; pur feet sitlsfaotlon suuranteecl by umlli send two stimps for Illustrated circular , ICJ North Kth itroot , Oniahn. 8I9.M.1 * PATENT SOLICITORS. i'orntfw , etc. , tee topof Jlrtt coumriun tlilt page " " ' " fiATENT jalvy"ofs7no"so1l'oitorsoT\V."siios ; fc JL Co. , llee building , Omabii. llrjinch ofllcu nt D , O. Con uU tloa ( r o. 7il MONEY TO LOAfT = RFAL ESTATE I'orraiu , tic . Hctoppfiflntt ruliunn nn tfili uaff FIHST nml second Wiortgaso loam. Alex M core , 4 01 llco blilgto * 0 per cent first morticujro loans. Hlchard U I'atlcr < on.m7 Mowjfirk Mfo. M074 MdlUOAOI'1 * wanted , , lotut or liort ll < ows O. Wallace.tllO J. J. Ill-own build * n Ifitliiind Djiilas'-1 ' d > SOOCOto lounon Improved Oinaln lni .lnc-si P property ntOpor cent Inlrrost. Address , jfecurlty luxMtnu'iitCfoLincoln. N'qb M l.M MOM'A' to loin on ImDroved city property nt current ratosi ( unds on hand : no do- lay. Uco. K Hhmt X CU ; SO-I Haingo bldR 731 nTi C. M. Anthnnvit3N\ : ' . LlfobulMlni : londmoneyon farnm In choice conntlrs In N'obrnska nndlovvii , aUo on need Oniiihnrosl- ilonco property ; loweu rates ! best tornm ; nn delav : money ready. Titles nnd xaluos jiasscil on hero. 75i riLDINO loans flto 7 per cent ; no nddl * ttonnl ebnmi's for com tmiMon or at toruov'i fees. W H. Mclklo , 1'lrst National bank bldg T > UIVATK inonuv to loin , J. 1) . Kittle , 014 JL N. V Mfo. 757 MOHTGAOi : lonns anteJ. MCC.IKUO In * vtfstinoiit company. 753 MOMiV to loin on Omnlia property 1'Idnl * Ity Trust company , mnlarnini , 7. > ) STFHN' money to loan nt > ory low rates J-L. u. II lrey,2oON. V i . ito. MK OHIIAl' Money IM lla. Jlortcngonnd Trust Co. , ivnuts gilt cclgo loan * , llco. W. I1. C'ontos. representative. 7 Hoard TraUo Pol MONEY TO LOAN CHATThLSi Kor ratei , etc , rtt tup of frtt coliini i on f Jifa p ige. MON'KV to loin by II P Mustoi-s on chittol undcollntrril securities for any tlino from 1 to U muntlij , In any amount to .null bor row or , Loans miidc on household Roods , pltuios , or- p ins , horsi's , mules , houses , Hasps. wurelioUMo iccelptsotc , at the lo est ritus iosslblo ) with out publicity or removal of property. My loins tire so tirr.ingod tint 3 on cnn mnko a p iynicnt of nny nmoiint at my tlmu und reduce - duce both principle and Interest. If vonowon lialnnco on vonr nroprrty or haxn a loin tlnit you xvant clianijcd 1 will pay ItolT anilcarrylt forjou Ifjoullnu It moro conviMiltMit ( Mil up tclepbnnt ) Iti'l and > our business 111 bo HIT incc.d nl home Money always on baud N'odelav Nopub- llelty Lowest r.ites 11 V Masters. Uoom4 , Wltbnell blk , 15th and llarnoy sts. 701 H.A , DAKNKIt lours money on clinttcl so- . curltv. ItooinW.L'batnborof Commerce M J.'S1 i ) / lIIATTEMinlc , . ' 110 S. IJthst. . loins iiionoy Won clmttulsorcollatcral at reason ililo riitoi MONLV on furniture , horsfi , otc. Keystone MorUnRoCo , room aiSSIieoly block , lb01 M ONKVloantd on furnlturp , lUostock.otc. , from 1 to J ino.itlis , without publicity : lowest ritus. Duff Gum , room -0 , Continental block. M440 intt ! C HATTLE loins at lowest r. tes , Oil N. Y. Life. R. A. Morris a.SI-M. 0 * BUSINESS CHANCES. rorratttctcifctopof Jlrsl roluniti n ( /if W AM'KD A pormanentinrty nlth U.OOO cish to Imvst wlioro norlsft Is Incurred and tiiko in iniRonient of our business at Omaha , .Nob JIOO per month salary Kuaran- toed anil porcentacoof prollticl\tn , must bo- Rln soon u nil pIvo bcit of rpfeienii's ( Jlvo loiroctnainoand : iddru > H , and address The II L Mfu Uo.M Louis , Mo. M74S 20 * FOR bAI E Mout mnrkot at Curtis , n di vision station on tlio II. & M. rillrond ; only iii irkol In IhooltTi OV \ IJlibop.Oiirtls. Neb. S1749 10 * FOU SALH Stock of driiRi and druu sun- drles , wol ) assorted , hi\olco at onotliiiu- sind dollars ; for said If taken at onto for scxenty cents on tlio dplllir of wholes iloprlcu ; Will tiado for clunr pfomnty. Addruss , T. II. Clawson Vork. Not ) . \ 214-Jo HOTPILonso and tnriilttiro of forty room lioti'l cloliiK good biTslnoss. Must bo sold , o > en at a Hiiirilloo , n&r prolirlotor lias otlii'r business Centrally luiiiittil In elty of .W.UOO Address \ . S. Cooper , No 18 , Main htruot , C'oiinc'll Hill IK Iowa. " ljBiJ4 FOH bAI P Purnlturo and undertnklnz business In good Ijirtvii , with orlthout store building ; part cyui , bdanco gilt edge Jiapcr or ei ' .ir real pstntoi tiivolcps about 1000. llov 04J Llncoln < iji Y 7Ua IjlOll SAT K-An old pstablUhecl. and good -L1 paying clsrar'Storo ; Rood fCAbons given for solliii } ; . ICSOIIca'ofllco 6J3 FOR EXCHANGE. Forratti , etc. , teetop nf Jlrtt column onii jictge , WlLLoxoluitiKo my fine , JOIIIIR thoroimli- Iiiul Kugllsli mastltr bitch. pcdlKiecd , forsafotyor bleyolo , aud pay sonio ulireiiaco C. H. A. , 6.IJ S. 21 t. JtbJJ 20 * WANTP.P To trade piano for a family horse and light phaeton buggy. A. llospc. lIU Donslas. 73o rPO K.XCIIANOE JC.OOO liardward stock In 1-cood Nobi jku town , for,000 cushnnd jjood Oniiliii renl estate : best reasons for soil ing. C , 1' . IIurrNon , OliN. Y. Mfo 7JI5-L' EXCHANGE Cnsh and unlnctiinhered farm land fur n stock of boots nncl shoes. Address 1' , O. llox 01 , How , Not ) . M7 < W-23 * IfOR r\'CIlANGn 1 or 4 nicely situated JL Ha Did Olty , bouth IHkota , lotslncxchiinKO for a half Itrewstor. full storm , suilng. .slnclo top buggy or ono equiliy as good. A snap for some one given- Address JI 40 , Her. .MUM 10 * I I'you have land , city ptoiicrty or nidso. for * exchange corrcsDonil with us ; will put on cash nil Kood ti ido.estoni \ H.xcbanco Co. . Columbus , Neb , MMX ! 19 * FOIl SAT/H orttndo for unonruinbcrod land , 4 tcncmont brlclc botiso In ICount/o IMico , 1'rank r. Hansom , 4J01'a\ton nldjr. 512 til FOH i\CIIANGC : $1000 equity In modern 8-room brick house , now , for clear out- sldo lots well located. A. 1' . Tukey. Now Yoikl.lfc. MSM T71OK SAI < K or trade for iinoncumbcrod Hud , * - ' 0-room house and21ots In N'obrabku City. Prank T , Hansom , 4-i9 I'axton bide. CM r. C general stock of morchandlso for farm und money. Ho * 2i)5 ) , Prunkfort , hid. FOR SALE A luindsomo family horse , ro- llabloanditoiitlojjqod ; for douUu soiled rigor l.inles' driver. Enquire ItOJ DouRlns. MUSIC ART AND LANGUAGE. I'm ratatte. , scttop ufflnt column unthti pass Ct I ) CASK Voninan , teiolios poiiinnn- " sIiliiTucsday tiuilPrlda ) ovonlnps.211 S 18th street. M74J .12 * Ml ! . II. Cl'MMlNGS. liito of ChlcnKo ool- logoof 1 Jiinslc. will reciho pupils on the banjo. S-tuclIo Jll Shocly blk. 510-20 * GI.O. P. Gollcnbock , teacher of the banjo with Ilosjic. 13U Douk'l.-is. 21 ! > KKO1K ( buying a piano c-vaiiilno tlio nuvv > nealo KImball piano. A.Hospo.lMJ DoiiRlna. 7 o MASSAGE , i"orraf , tfc. , Kttnpo/Jjfjt column nn f/ifn / JITOS. MA bS AO n cablnot Iritli * , tttlio worms cnrcil In 24 liouis , Mel me ( .iiuietto. IV/Ja Doclirc. M707J 10 * ASsAOi : bath tit Smith's parlor- Jnl lloor , 420 S. mil si root. 'T-4' MASbAOK trcatiiu' 7V , ' Kloctrlo lutlis by Iiicl ) of oxporlcncii from tlio east , Hours from 1 too p m Ifc07 I'lirnnm strcol M.'M'I- ' * TV ! AfabAan Maduin lMzlcr7\ CIO s ! Wtl J-'J , 2WJ-JO * LOST For rate * , etc. , icetop ofifrtt riitumti onthfi } ) io . JOsT- < > OO roniml jl ( bo pVlil for the re -t turn to--Ml IlniiiicMihtrect of brown line white pointer pup about no\en mnntlis old bason cliiln collar wltU uuiio O.Y hlili Ills M74I ' . ' 0 rpsT-May 10 , NowWunilland do ; , inalo JJ breast and two bind fict tlppod will white , wldn leather collar with niiinuand ad dress Hctiirn toI510 Douxl.u or JU Kuril 87th and get rowurd , Mnublns M73I i'O LOsT hlto bulldog ; oara clipped Kc wuril If returned to OU N. lotli Htreet DRESbMAKIISG. i'or roftj , etc. , irtlop of first column on f/i / It JK TTlfill class drossm.ilcliiR. Kvoiilng. dinner and wodflliuc.trouiouu a Hpeolilty. Pit and style wurrun od perfect. It. ( } , Muvvell Hamgo block , room U. . 40 10 ENUAOP.MKNTS to do dressmaking In fun lllos lolloltod. Alias faturay , WilO llurnny street , Mi'OJii HAIK OUUUb WlGa , ETC ? . f'orrii ( , ( ( e. . ttttnp of flu t column nil IhU ' ' BKST line Iialr goods In west ) nitlraresslnir wls. HWltcbes , banes , hair chains , oto. , a specialty. Ouvles , lialr Rood ! and milllnor opposite iioatolllce. 111 S. 15th st-.Omub * . T FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 'or rcil < , etc , , tfe lap n/ / tint colmnrt. on t hit ji ij HO Heal Estate Investors and Otliors lieltii ! compelled to rf < ld In Cullfornln Irilitesmo toniTtrtiiyprnuor'lrliori ! for dls- > o al. I mo , thfrcfoM. prepttred In Klvo pos- tlvo bargains nnuoaty itruison tlio fol'ow- ' , xU : wosuhstimtlnKI < lnrv-iincl ln * cii ont brick toro bullillnjs. nlwu ) oieniildl by tespoct- able tenants , at cho.ip rvntiilut over J.'OO.OO HT nioiitb , Ooodbusiness corner on T , < niotworth nnd Ooorpla axeniio , Hi ( Vol. fmntlnir on I.raven- vortli.and SHrotto nlloyon Urortlti nxentir. Storts and lint son tliomi lot 1 nt tlio price I vouldiell them irlll iitTurd liatnlsoiiio profit on thooiltlay Pour very ik" < lrabloro lJrnci ) loN on iioth troetiienrloiivotix\ortli In 'h'esiron I'lncc. " 'Iwolot.s L.iavonvvorth 5lrt > ot. rourbuslnoss IpU. MvlSI fc ? l on I.oav- nuorth , t > ct JTitliuvinuo aiul stroot. In Toaron 1'laco. " \\ouhl creler tlllnitliocutlri ( ) list to ono mty la order toclosooutat onto. Tluno do- Blrousof InvFstlRntliuthcoppurtunlty I olTcr lll please call onor address for lOd.ijs , lliprenflur , U MiiKlimls , . " fl fast llth it , 2.101 Lcueiiixorth st. n. Oiklaml , Cal. Ml84 19 * hAI < Kor cxohntmo for city ro'ldenco proiioily , ICO iicroslnvil fitrm load joining hotowuof Tllford. IHtu-kllllK S H. i.V per acre , \\nrrantoo ( Iced AililrcM O SI Mi'iid. . " . ' 17 California Htroot. MUJ ) 'JO * rOR SAljF \\otkliiKtncn only ( spoon- Inters nfcd not iipplylon llnio or monthly niymunts a ncnt cottngu nt li tlian uctual \iiltie. Insldo proptTtv , only ouo lilook to ilcctrlc line Imiulro nt room D" , Omaha Natloiul bank bulldlnjt. rOR ncrosnhit lots In Kust OniLlii sco .Stir Loan A. Trust lo. M744 24 T OU bAl.K A iiltn eottnjo ultliln txvo iblix ks of motor anil erelilo HIIP . I'rlco very on , terms eisyrlRht \ A Ltisbury , UOl llowaril street. > i ( asl' ' ) f'i ' nores mc-rlooKIn , ; Onuilia 11 boiutlful -J spot , iiluiilOblocko from motor closer soon ; tIBuO. 8' , acies iidjolnlns 1 ! R.U ( miles from I' . O. JI20. 5 acici 4 miles from P. O ! * T 000. llutchlnsoiul. Voacl I5211)oiula ) COO-IS "irou SALi-iiRlit : room IIOTO. full lot for JL' $ jjoo , enquire ot owiiunit i'sJl nionilo st U0022 * IT10K SALK-pnraonllilyiuvyinonli. lot nnd * ' two houses on ' . Ifith st , niur Uoic > i < < . O. P , Dav Is Co , r > 05 I arimiii st. UOl 2J L. Itlco , real estate. Dii IJto TulldliiR. 2A.U7 "IjlOIt SALH-A H o Imiirovcil firm of ' . " 00 -1-HITCH ; lOOnnder i'iiltl > itlonl Hindi ) trrui ; fruit , windmill , WHKOII siilcs , cLt * i 10) ) miles xvcstof Oninlii ; fJOporaoro. AilOrusi O HBrr 7fi7 "TjlOK fontb Oiniili i property , nusi no < m , ti ipk- JL' IIRO or rcsldcnic. jro tullio Ioi llii'4 real cs- latodoilers In foilthOiiiahti , 1(1 Johnston & Co. cor. 21th and N sts M7U.1 T710U bA LI i\tra barealri choice Gn\1.U * ! with building ! rents flJOpi'rino. ,0110 hloolc from now 1' . 0. 0 li GHuii. U (7 ( , llaikor block. 7M POU hALr-Lot IWxCO for , WX Cnqulrn 1011 Capitol u\c U'-ls 71IVl > rootn houses In Orclnrd 11111,11,109 Jeaoh on monthly paymoiiK lliomas P FOR SAIjUclionp. easy injinciits Pi-story now b-rooin liousiItn unlli , cellar , otc ; full lot. N. Hiolton. 1814 Kuril am < > r > J.J. . UIIIbON , silo n cnt Koiintzo Place , . rooir , J , Crclglitoiibloclc O'J.t DO you Intend linylm or build Ing nn ele- Kantl.ome ? Kso , tlio roatlltu ot tills add you from ilOOJto JI09O The ad- Ncrtlserollurs tin eleaiit l-rootnlioiiso on the finest rosiduiKOsmut.imtiJ , In tliocltv , 1 nillo from I' . O , lot ( i ! < 140 > 4 bloc K f I oni ino- torllno , house husovcry inodoinconv unleiao ; jirlco very lo\v and \ > o\il < l take : L good resl- tkncu lot as purt piyinont AddroM Ij fT.llco is" PERSONALi , rorratfi.etc.itelofnftintmlumi\ \ tliti CORHE'-l'ONl ) iV lorrcsiondiiico biiru.iu foi ladles anilKontlonicn. 1'nrlli'ulnrs In pl'iln staled emolopo ( or-u stamp. Lock Itox .126 , Omaha , cl ) . 770 uiS9 * PAWN BROKERS. flUElJSlohlc 1 , S.E. cor. ITamum und llth. 70 PROPOSALS , PHOl'OuAL ! > KOUriKOlI : ( ( > N Ol' SCHOO'I building. United Staten InilKu sohool ser vice , Genoa Industrial hihool , Cliuoa , Nub , Mays , i < ) -Scaled prnposils. ciulor"cd "Pro posals ( or erection of HL-IIOO ! liiilldliiR , " and ucklrcssea to thn undersigned at Genoa , Neb , will bo recolu'd atlhls school until 1 o'clock of Jiuiol , 18'Jl forfurnlsliliu tboniiitorlal nnd orcctliiRii girls' biluk ilonnltory Ijulldlng on the school grounds In accordant ulth plans and spcclhcatlonslhat iniiy 1)0 examined at tbo olllco of tlm "llco" at Omali i , N cb. . and nt this school. The nootssary uxcivitlon and gr.idlngwill bo done liy tlio school and the gruel required In cononto vorlc ( iirnUhed , unscreened on the jrroinil.illioutoost to the contractor. Cirtlflcd Chetkl ? . Knch bid must Do aiooiiipanlcU by a ' certified check or d raft u pen some tlnl t il b tate d euos- Itnry orsoHint nitloinl hjnUIn the vicinity of the bidder's plnco o ( Ijuslticss , tnido pay- nblototbo order of tlio coiiiinlsslonuror In dian allulrH , for ut least 5 per contoftbo unioiintof thoproposnl , wlilcli ilicck or draft will bo forfeited to tlicUnlto < l Mn.tos la casn nny bidder or bidders rcrohln r nn auatd sh ill full to proniptly cxecuto ntniilr ict 1th good anl sulllilontsuictlns otliervlso to bo loturned to tlio bidder The rljlit h FCSIM \ rd torclect any and all bills crany pirt of nny hid If deemed for the bc t Intcrcits of the senko. W. II IlncUusHuiorIntcndPiit , | M10d2ltm Notice to Contrautors. Notice Is hereby El von tint soiled blda will bo n cubed by the bo. ird otpu Ulo hnds und bulldlnfsiit the oflico of the iocrotnry of Htito at Lincoln. lNol . . until the iltid tlay of .lunc , IbOl , at4o' ) loilc p iii.foi the orectlon. construction and eoinplotlon of a tuo-story brick and stone bulletin ; kno\vna % "Tlio btute Inilustrill School ( or Hoys and Ulrls , " to bu erected at Gcnovn , Klllinoro county , Mob , as per plans , spcclilcitlont ami < lcii ns now on tlio In the olllooof llio lonirnlsiloiici-uf public lands and bulldliiKs at Mneolii , Ni > l ) Contractorswl 11 bo roiinlrod to oonform to rules and rogulntlnns as sot foilh in spoclll- catlons ndouiuil brtho boanl. 'llio boiid rcsorM4 ! tlio iljht to rcjoct any anil all bids. Dated at Lincoln , Nub. . Jhy 0 1301. A 11. IIUMIMIIEV. Preside-ill Hoard Public I tiiuls nnct lluilillngs Attest : JOHN O. AL.I.SS , bo cieUry of btnto MDil2lm Notluo lo Notice Is hoioby nlvoa that setlod bids will bo rcciltcd by the llnard of education ol Nelson , Nuckolls county. Neb , nt the Plrst National banlc In said city , until 8 o'clock p m , Irldny , tbo 22ml day of Miiy. IMII. for the erection and loinplotlon oti liUh school liulldln ? . Kbllmutcd cost slxlren thousatid II\ohuniltea dollars ( * lilr > ( )000) ) . I'lnns ' on tile. Contrictors will accompimy nch bid with u cortllled check pnjablu tosakl Hoard of IMu- eatlon la tlio sum of ilvo hunilind dollai-s ( f.VKOO ) ) as as ovldoiice of Rood faith The board reserves tlm rhht to reject iny or all biiu 01:0 i : . MtJiuNA in HW4 tin Joseph A. flrand rshritl railroad - conipnny. Mocklinldou micllmr Thn .111- nual meotlngof thObtoUcholdoHof the at. , lo- HCIiliduiiid Island lallnud ii > miuiy | for thn choice of dliuclora for the enduing year anil the transaction of nay'othur bitslnrss which may loyally cnnio bufun > tlio meol- Ing , will bo lii'U at tbo olllcii of Halt company In 1 Iwood. Kan , cm Tues day , tlio Bth diiy of .Hini'.lWil. nt 10 o'clock a , m 1 ho Moot , t rmisf i r bonks ill 11 closed for thtipiirjxmothlrty < lilofore ) the datoof thoinot'tlii ! Alexander511 llor. secre tary , Ilonton. Masi , May l > , IbDl. Mll-lv.-i Jt ) Notice to Conlr.ictor-4. Pealed 'proosali | ) will tit rcrelvpd at the olllcuofj P. Laming k < 'o. . Muroln. Nub room ? ) , Rlchard'sbloclt , for tliecunstructloi of .111 Ojicra , house anil business block. 101 nrr Thlrtounth and 1' streets Until Tuesday May 20. ut 2 p in. A certified tlicck of &V must accompany caoh procosnl 'Ihu proprietors rcsuno tlm riglitlo rojec any and all proposilH I'liuis-nnd spi ldi itlniis may bo scon at tbo ofllcu of I. P. lunslnfr Al'o , llondsln thosnniot iJ\000 will bo require ! of Ihu tontraclor to whom the contract ! nwirdoil J I" UNSI.VO , M171)Jt'lI IIUMIV Oil VI It , 1'ronrlutori ' Notlco. Tlio annual meeting ; of s took holders of the Promont , F.lkliorii.t MUsourl Vulloy ritllroiu company w 111 bo tirld at tbo ofllcu of tlio com pauyMnOmahi , Neb. , on Krklay.Mny ± 3 , Ib'JI at 'o'clock p.m. for tlioolutlon ut d I motor1 aud for tbo transuctlonof luchothorhuilnesi aa may to proiouti1 ! ) . Dated MayB. Ifiut J , U. llKUHEC.1) . Beirotary. MUliatn e. Mtierfill li.KxtpiM. b 4 > c liliraplfoi . AWtolLlOX DKUG CO , Uutilo. N. Y. Per sala be Goodman Druj Co , Ouabn. IICK HEADACHE ' I'owltlvely cured l y CARTER'S these Little IMila. They also relieve Via tress from Dyspepsia , In ITTLE dl v 8tlon anrt Too Hearty IVER Kitting. A perfect rcm oily Tor nizzlocsn. Nausea , PILLS. Drowsiness , Had Taste In tlio Mouth. Coated Tongue , lnln tn the Side , TOlll'ID LIVER. They ogulato tto BoneU. 1'urely Vegetable. iMAtLPILL , SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE , 3S3KSWBSJSS * 'IMPHOVEMEXT THE OKDBlfoI the AGE" The Smith I'romior Typo-rWxIto novcr fails to convince these xvlio in- cati utu its merits , that it is the most lurablo , hns the moat perfect nliirnincnt s the easiest learned , nnd has moro food points than any other T.x po-vvritor m the market. The Mil Premier Type Writer Co , , R H. MAYHEW , Mnnnsro- . 1000 } Fitriiutii Strrot , Onitihn , Nob. f lie Best Pill On Dr. IlobbV Llfflo Vegetable fill * ncl Rontly yet promptly on tbo I.IVIMI , It ID. NK\ Smut 110 WICLS , nml < 'il ln , clonnelng tbo eyctcui tbor- ou lily nnd tlioy cur * Imbltunl oonetlpntlon. They nro euflnr cuatcil , Ui > not ( jrlpoery einnll , oa y tu tnip , ono 1)111 n dote , and nro purely tCKCtnblo. 45 iitllaineach vlnl. Per. feet dlspttloa fotlonn thflr nso. 'lliey AJISO- LUTICLV ODIIK NICK UKADArilK , mil nro Hccoinnii'iHlol liy LcaiHn I'li- llclniis. For pnl by driiKKlets or eont by mall. JO tents n vial or B for 81 oo. Addrosj HOUIt'S MEUICIXl ] CO. , Props , jan Francisco , Cal. Chicago , III Nh.URA'sK.A. National Bank U. S. DEPOSITOR V. OMAH \ X1 t npltnl , - - - S4OO.OOO Surplus Jan. 1st , 189O , - Oii.SOO Officer ! and Ilrpctor"llunry XX' Yntoi , ProiMont. ItwtsS. llco I Xlco-1'nt'iilunt ; .liuiioi XV * bnrnxoV V. Morse John S Collins It V Uu hlru J. N U I'utrlctXY 11 B ItuutitH , cnililor Tl-llii IRON BANK. Corner U'tu nuil t'arnnraSH A 11 uiklti ; Hiisluosa Trans letot A IUNIMNK MlCltOIIKICIljI.UIl Is Kllltl S ( lUHM HllADICATOIl-Ciirea all illicascs bccnU'O U kills tlio lulirobu or korrn IMilup aiul rolutled In JIp and to iil/i" * , Ihu Inltur - 1-2 KnlloiiH hc > nt nny- lipro | > ripilil on receipt of prlco orC O I ) \\o Issnon k'lunmti'o to euro U liu pulillc tinilonnl tibbcr ) Bupplliil by Ilio ( lOoilniaii Drui ; Co MI- Ciirmlrk A lainil. tlmiilin I' A Mukliur , llunnnl Miersimil K .1 Scykorrt , t" > iith Oni ill A l > 1-us- Ipr unit M I * Kills , Council Illnlli GafTorinc from tllO ( 'ITl'LtS Ol yutilhful crron RHILWKY TIME GRRD I.CITOI itniLAdu. niriti.TKTrioN * .Arrives Um ilia I Depot 10th nml > tji oii st Oiiiuba. < W p m . ( hlciKO Voatlliulu 8 SfiTm li'iOnni , . . .Uik.iKO lixiiroia 10 U'i a ru 'i A ) p m . riilciiKO Kxprenji. . . i > .M p ni b 50 p ml . . .Chlcixo \ lown Local . . 8 15 n ni Leaves IUU11I.1M ; 1O.N A. TWO IllX'KIt I Arrives Omalm | Depot IQlli niul Mn on Sts I Onmlin 10 i.i n ml len\ir li ir l xptou I 4 IU p m ID''in m . IlLMIllnilOtl i.V : | > lUH3 . . I 4 Hi p in It ) & -i m Denver UvprosH - ( ) ] > m 7 II ) | > m Denver Mxlil ixpross : . ) 15 a ni 5UU p ni I.lmoln l.lmiua 11 M a in 815 n ni . l.lncnln Locnl H OU | i m 1,1 lives K ( , bl J ft V H I Arrl' Omnbi ] ) opotjutli mill Xlnsim His _ ) i ! i U n ni | hi Illy Day Kxprr H i f ) ; 9J'i p m K C Mu-lit IJTJI f ! 'Iniin I 1.45 . lx-ivo I I'MOS I'.XCIHI Arrlvoj Omalri _ | Dnpot 10th nnil .Xlnrcj Sts Oiuili 1010 raj Knn ns C'lty Kxnron ( at bun ) 4" pni IU20 n in . Denver Kxpross , . . . 4 ( JO p in 2Mim ) , Overlnmt Klvt-r IIU5 p in 4 TO p m Urniu ! lilanil ixp. ( ox Sun ) 11 . ' > . " ) n in 7 JO p ui | . . I'.icltlo Kxproaa ,1-W p m Lenvos irillCACO , Mil * , A bT I'AUl. F A rrl vo Omnlia IH r itcput , IDtli anil Mnrci all Ijjmnliii G.Opml . . . .rcliloiiKO Hxpresi . . . "tisu am ' .MJural , , ( liknKo Kxpross . . I.IO piu LOITOJ I CHICACO It 1 A. 1'ACIl 1C I Arrives OruahaU _ ; I' Uejmt 10th nml Mnrcy bis [ Oimihn I.cives ( .IllU.VliU .X NOIITIIXX Kb'l Kll.N I Arrives Omalm U I * di'joMjlliniiit ) Mnriy M I Oninhn 1)15 ) n ml t l B 15 a m t M p m l ' Xo'llbulo I.liiiltud I' W n m ! < M p ai' Kuilorn Klycr 2&J p m OWp _ KuUl.xJoxcopt Monday ) J ) p m ll-SVo l OMAHA ' . & 81' I.OIJIS lArrlvo ? Oiinlm | U I' dupiil lutli luiil Inrty HU I Onmlin 4 OU p ml M luuln Cnnnun Hull l.iiivu I P. , i : V MO VA 1 , 1,1:1" : I ArrlvT" Qmalm I Deput Tilli iinil WohstorSti | Onmlm UOO n ml lllntk IIIIU Kxprusi I a M Ti"m 9V ) .1 m ( Kx ' nli Wyn i\ : | ( Kx Monl 5.0 p m 510 p nilMnlino . \ . Lincoln liti ( Kx Hunt II nnm 5 10 p ml _ \orlt _ A .N'orfnlk ( BHiiiiilny ) | M J5n m Imvos | r ST iM .to Arrltc Omnlia I _ yl" > t IStli nnil Wolntt'r St 8 10 a mi Mom Clly Accommoilnrimr .1 iiu'i p m 1 00 p in "loiix Lit ) HArri ! ( Hr Sunilnyi is in p m SO p ml t. I'.inl l.liultnil ID ii n m 5 li p m llnncrull l'in eiitur ! ( Kvbiiiuliiy _ ; it 15 a in uSTorj MTB oTfiu FATiTTc' r i ATrlvS Onmlin.I Depot 15lh nnd XX'illislcr SI1 * I Oiualm 10 iU n in I ? il.oul \K O KxprTTa i riTTo"n m a lip nil bl Ixniln.tlC t'j : > _ pri iH | > .1) p m "I ciTP-1 K ( HT 70K A C"li TArr"i"vff Irnnarerl Union llupot " , L'ouix II lllulTn ll'rinifcr 1007 n nil "Clljrnny 8 43 p m lim p ml l\ limns City MKlitH _ prmi' 11 a a ni I.OIXV01 I ( HH'UIO , U I A IMCIHC Arrlr > Trnnfor I 1 nlon Di'iMil , Council llluir.s ' 1 riiimfer " r , TO p m l > M n in 1 > M o m Atlimtln Kvpru s A .Vi p in BUI p m \tillbiila ) 1. United II ) a n m I.itivoi ILIIICAIIO.x N)11TIIKHI nit.V I Arrlvus Irnniferl Union Depot , t'liuricll IMnrM iTriinsfor 9 4i ) n m p ni 5 ( XI n m \tlitlbllll > l.llMlle i U u in : iUpm ) ) Knitornl'lvor . jsuiuiil UUOpinj . . . . .Atluntlo'nll , . . I 7.H-i in ti JI p liilluirt Acciniiinoilritlon IS I only ) ' I. 40 p in 1,01 IS 1'nlnn Ieiol ) | , COIIIK II Hint's t II ) pm _ _ " * ' l-'ml'diiion llnll Trnrnffrl 'nlon ' l/yot / ( miiull UliilTii' I'r'r'niisfor U w o ra < lilcnuii Kxpn * s , , | nju | i nl 10U ) p ml . Cliliaiiu Kxpruia . . | ii.iu n m 7U > | > m | . . . . , trti lon Local . . . , 11 lu u in 'Ixufoi I BfoTnc < Trr'AciRTT" " Tnm lcr | Union Dnsiit C'diiiicll lllurTj. | l ranilor "Ui n ml I'uulA ! < iminoitHtlon I .Mil n in 004 p ml S"t " I'uul ros . . .llOUO pni TherowiH bo n KOiicrnl mootliif ( of the rorcJtors of Omalm nnd South Onmlm at Metz hall on South Thirteenth street , itn Tuasaay ovcnlns to wolcoino nnd entertain High Cblof Uangor Cutiiinlni.'j , Hlnh Secre tary Launders , Hl h Medical Uxatnluor Dr. Johnson rind. cx-IIIgh Hocrutury ICI1 | Htrick , vrbo nro hern on u visit from Chicago. On Wcrtnosdny ovotilnp uuothor mooting will take iilaco In Soutu OninUa in A. O. U. W. hall. DeWlll'a Lltllo Early Risers , best pill. MOltK HYDUINTS TII.VN CASIt. IMnns for InurrniPtl Klro I'r > totMlon nt nKin.ill 1'vpcnsc. Urlght nnil p.irly tills ttiornlnp Couu- rlliiicn nUa'sorftitd OsttiolT , nceompnnlod by Chief Oalllgnn of the tire dormrtnwnt , will start out to hunt useless lire hyd rant * , Mr. HNasscr thinks that in various per tlons of tlio city thcro nro some thirty or forty hydnmti that nro not neixlod , ns they nroloiiillstaticos ( ? from nny buildings. These ho projio'os to take out and replant. eighteen of llio hydrants will bo located in Clifton Hill , 11 In the toirlloiy boumtoJ by Font tb , I'lf tli , 1'lorci ) nml Ulokory strtots , 'l on Dorcns shoots near Sixteenth and Twcutloth ; 'J near Howill'i luiubor yard ntidil in the \lilnllr of the chair factory on the Holt ( .Inoraliuay lu spoakltiRot this matter of rcsctthiR h.v- drnnts , Cotiiuiliimn 1'lsassor stntod thai ho had Hiked with the cltnttornoy , and Una thcro U no doubt but that the city has the right to take up such hydrnnUs anil order them reset. This ho clalim cnn bo done at nn expense of $ . * ) U iwr hydrant Ho also claim' ' * tlmthen tlio council b.i < > deslKtmtctl \\hero the lijilnuits nro to bo located , then nnd tbcro \\iiter\vorks \ company tuusitlay its ninlns I'loshlont t'tiilcrwooil of the \vnter\\oiki roinpniij lias a different Idea about this mat ter Ho was seen this morning , niidsilil- "Tlnit hb'a of ro platitlnu hydinnts li nil bosh if sncli aitilo could bo otifoicod ulth ono tlio city could compel us to lay a lltu' to Hciitoti " 1 li.-u o tii'-ml of the plan , but don't ttilnlc It u 111 ainotint to nn.tlilnj , ' . "Of fouisowo shnll oppose the taking u | > nnd losottincottlioso hjdi.ints Thoru oii is plain. Wlicra they tire uotv located wo < uv getting the mmunl lentul It the ) veto mocd to Clifton hill , anil the idea * * of * onio couucllincii wcronoodo would bo spending thousands of ilollirs to lay lines to h\dnnU Unit uoulil not nftoul us n dollar of nJcll- tlotml beiielit. " All of the council men admit that thuy can not tet tholijilt mts rc-snt , tliov cannot 10111- pel the w.itoiwotks i-ouipatiy to lay niij neir in.ilns , as there Is not n dollar In I ho treasuis to IM.V for now hyiliint Some or the nieniui'i's fix or pliifin hjilrmti nnd pn iiiK foi them .Janu.iry I , IVX' , xilicu the lovx U a\.iinblo , but this will bo op- posoil by tbo majority , who regard II a schoino to cixntonu ox in lap Pennsj Itanla I Incs. A daylight ildo ox'ur the fiimotl Allo- phony niountnliis nnd urotind the woit- tloiful hor-oslioo I'tirxo ! ? onjoycd h\- pii'-soiiRcrs who loitxo ( 'lilonjo x'ltitliu I'ontisjlvanlii lines ut 10ltO : u. in. , , ' ! :1S : p. in or o p. ni. These trains run d illy und i-nrrj 1'iillintiii x-usUbulo dinlnjjiinil Hlooping cms. The tain loavinj ; ntS | i. in is the famous 1'omisylxuniii limited , consisting' of dining , Hlooplny , smoking , library tind ob orxiition curs , which nun thtougli to N'o\v \ Yorlc in txx'onti-llxo liours. Mow It On i lie Ahoiit. Now , doctor , It's no use. I'x-o taken jour stuT ! ovot six month nnd I don't get ucll \\orth n cent inv llxer and stotnnch nro out of order , sojcu sa.x , but all jour nicdlclno ROCS for muiKlit. Now , I inn ROlng to quit jour remedies anil tnko Hnlloi's Snrsnparllla mil HurJock-ltcinvil mo once before x\lion I xvas all inn donn , and I haxc faith to uo- llox o It x\ ill do so again. UOM 1JXT.V | ) TAKis A. 11AXI ) . He CIiar oH ItieKiilaritli'H iiiNobiaska Klro Insurance Company Ailnlin. The nflalrs of the defunct Nebraska in- surauco tompiny contluuo in an outntiglod condition. Yesterday Auilltor nonton nrrix-od In the city and at once applied for nn Injunc tion to piovcnt liccoixor AlbriRht ftom taking any steps toluil up the businos * of the company Juilfjo Wnkoluy tssuod a lom- tioiarj lesti.ilulnu order nnd the tasolll bo beard next S.itutday. atvhicli tlino the auditor will asl < for a permanent ; injunction. The audltoi claims that nt the time tbo ic- ccivcr xvas appointed lie had chnixo of tlio books and hud not completed his Invest I cation of tlio mmnclal condition of tlm lonipati } ; that the ofilecr.s in ted in collmlon 111 the appointment of the iccelx'or , ana that their inovoas for the purpose of ilefiuudln the ci editors 'Iho lostraltiiiifj order compels the safe keeping of all books and papers atul ) ) rohllits the rcccix'cr or nny ofllcor lutorloiing with the stuto olllcorj IN no Xante for It. Now , liusbatul , I told you to pot blue ribbon - bon , atuljou brotiKht rod , and you brought codllsh u hen I sild mutton , und , xvorst of all , j ou forgot thnt bottle ot 11 allot-.s Vain Paraiyzer , vheii xoti know how t suffer from hcadaLho and rheumatism , and it's the only tiling I ever pit that helps mo. O , dear ! xx hat a man. Decision In I'm or of tlio Chicago Alil\\nuU ( > o < & St. Paul Uy. The now I'.ilnco Hlcopinpr cars of the Chicago , Mllw.uikoo & SU Paul Uy. , with elect fie light * in every berth , will continuo to Icax'O the Union depot , Omaha , ut U20 : ! p. in. , daily. I'aHsongofs taking this tinln avoid transfer tit Coun cil Bluffs , and nrrlvo in Chicago nt 9.110 a. in. , in tiniplotlnio to make all custom connoutions. Ticket oflico , 1001 Purimm tticot. 1 \ A. NASH , J. Ii Puns TON , Gone nil Aeoiit. City Passenger Agont. OITTO nr.NVKU. Onialin'H l"l'Kiitlon ( to tlm Trans- The Omaha deloLMtlon to tlio Trans-Miss. issippl cougi osi that coiix-encs in Denver to- d.iy , loft ox-er tlio Union Pucitic nt 2 : i'l ' yobterdny nfternoon. The ret u in will bo ox'or the ButllnRtan. The boird of tiudo xx'as roprcsonted by tbo folloxx'ltiK named ( jcntlemcti : I ) . J I. Wheeler , Jus. Stepbenson , W. N. Nnson , J. .1. O'Connor , HuKh ( I Lolaril , W. O. Slither , T U Wliito , ( J 1C. Kiiulies , C. O. UOMCT and I'd. Daxls. The county commissioners xxoio roprosontoJliV ( JeoiKO 13. Timino nml C ! K VunUanip Thor wout lu bettor tjii | than the boat il of I rado members , as they xvere accompanltJ by their prlx'ato set'iotniy , Unrnoy Uordon , The party xx 111 rotuin .Sun day. DoWitt's Lltllo Knrly Ulsors. Bet Ilttlo pill over inmlo Cure constipation ovoiy tlmo. None equal , U&u thuin now. 'JIio I'nuon Hotel Piro Did not ofToct Iho hotel propur In nny \\uytio \ as to Intoi-roio with the onoiitlioii of the hotino. Only tlm unnox XMisdim- ngotl and guests have boon cnrodfor \xithout tlio Interruption of a hlngloday. i in ; pluiul on rounr I Miy 18 , 4- 081)1 Charks PoUolierts nnd vilfu to r n Al- s uxiiiiilri , lnlMlilk ! I , llaKur l'lii < o 1 600 Iiniunu Hanson nml ulfutul , K KO-.S- Itur , s.Cl ft n ' ' . lot H , lillc . ' , Impiovu- inunt npsnulittloii nil 2409 W It Iloiiuin nnd ulfu lo A h Curler , u ( a ft lot. l , bl l ( 4 , auli of I I IlidicU's nn 1 > , IOO Annie II nvevtoM i : ( rlllltb.liif * 17 und If , hlkU-i. Wllcnx'K'Jil ml , . . . 110 Nnlllo Mcllrldo In I.ottlo W Miiltli. hits Ml. 7. 10 , II , I.1 and l.t. Ill I. I , Wuod'ii I'lito . . . 20100 M T 1'iitrtck anil lfo to I A Anilor-nn. w J lot. ) blk. ' | 'ittilil'iiiiil ' ) . DOJ DIlMuvei ot al to Dm ilia f > iiith- wiistorn riliio nl cnnip my < ' .i lot ft. ami u 'i ' lot7 lill , 111 Onn.l. . . IOCO I ) V bboh' ) , anil ullii to .1 It Mini * , u . : i ft of w , U ft lot IU blk U. Ill IUR'S I'lucn i 03 U II \ \ llson to I llS.ilmon , loth JI and JI , blk ! fl , llnnsunii I'lntu. . . OOOQ II II Warni-r ui'ihvlfu ' to K A llotcii , lots 7 nnd 8 , blk M , Ctntrul Turk I OCtl Totalainountof tranifuri. J i WliMJ llaby war. * lck , wo ( jure ! ier Ccjtorls , Wbun ilio was a CtUM , tliv rrlitl for Cnaloria , When > lie hneiuni iUn ! , > b rluni ; to C&storU , tVtiea li fi