Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1891, Image 1

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Fanners' ' Prospacts for a Prosperous Year
Never Bo Good as Now.
Largely Inornasil ! niul All
GraltiH Growing Finely Very lilt *
lie Compliant on Auuoiiut
of Went hoi1.
Forty-two reports of crop conditions from
ngonts and dealers have been received by
the Omaha elevator company , covering ttio
territory along the line of the Union Pnclllc
Eouth lolncludo Mnrysvlllo , Kan. , nnd west
to Stromsburg and North Pintle nnd north to
Grand Islund nnd Columbus. These reports
show that on the nights of the intlrand 10th
there were local showers at nearly every
station. They also indicate that there Is
plenty ot moisture , nn increase In the aero-
ngo nnd that the condition of the growing
* - . crops in that territory U all that could bodo-
In some sections Iho planting of corn Is
completed nnd In all sections at least three-
fourths of the planting Is dono. In some lo
calities the corn was up and doing nicely ,
oven before the rains. No complaints of
poor seed have been heard.
It will be noted tint some of these reports ,
which arc dated the loth , nnd which com
plain of the dry weather were sent out before
fore Iho ruins nrrlvcd , and Ihat good showers
huvo since removed the apprehension of any
Immediate damage from droulh.
It will also bo noticed that many of the
most favorable reports como from sections
which last season suffered u crop failure.
The following reports cover the tenllory 1m-
surrounding nnd tribulury to the
stations mentioned ,
Ost'KOM , Neb. , May 10. Small grain
doing nicely. Corn ubout the snmo ncruago
ns last your , mostly planted ; some of it up.
) Wheat has gained In acreage 120 per cent ;
/ . onts 10 per cent. There Is no barley or rye ,
< f nnd a falling off In the acreage of llax ot 'M
' - J per cut.
Mii.i.Aiin , Neb. . May 10. No llax sown , but
the ncrcngo of other cereals the same a- > lust
year. Corn is about three-fourths planted
and will sprout.
HI.IJB Srmxfls , Neb. , May 15. Corn is
most nil planted , coming up good. Fine
weather for corn , plenty of molsturo nnd an
increase of 20 per cent in the acreage. The
present outlook was never bettor In this part
of tbo stuto. Very little old corn loft In the
country. Wheat shows an Increase of 25 per
cent in ncreago and outs " 0 per cent. No
= damage is reported und the condition of the
IK crowing crop Is 100 per cent. Such n fnvora-
i .blo prospect has not been seen In ten years.
S Kyo Condition good , acrcugo ,7) ) per cent
* r more than last year. Flax Condition good ,
\r ncreago-10 per copt less than last year.
.Hoi.VBsviM.i : , Nob. , May 15. Corn Abou
three-quarters of the crop In thu ground nnd
plenty of moisture to make It grow. It is
growing nicely and the acreage Is about thn
Rumens last "year. Wheat All right and
doing finely. There nro live acres this year
to one last year. Oats All right so fa1 ,
nbout nn average acreage sown. Kyu All
right , doing woll. Flax Not as much
sown ns usual but looks woll.
NOIITII HKXD , Nob. , May 15. Corn Two-
thirds planted , early planting coming up.
but the corn that Is being planted now will
not come without ruin. Wheat Very llttlo
wns sown. Oats An average amount sown ,
but looking badly on account of the dry
weather. , fNob. , May 10. Immediate rains
will insure good crops. Corn Throe-fourths
Of entire crop planted , balance will not bo
put Into the ground until there Is rain ,
wheat Acreage 10 per cent Increase ever
last year ; stand good but sufTtirlng for the
want of rain. Oats Acreage about the
fiamo ; stand good , also need rnln badly. '
Hurley Very llttlo rulsed In this vicinity.
Hye Acreage 15 per cent laritor than last
'year ; stand good. Flax Not up , about two-
thirds planted.
. KITO. : Nob. , May 15. Ground hard nnd
needs rnln. Corn About one-fourth larger
ncrcngo , planting nearly done. Wheat Looks
line , largely winter. Outs Acreage about
the same ns In IS'.H ' ) ; not growing us it should.
Mariev None. Kyo Very little. Flax -
* nbout the same as In 1SOO , but not much sown
, -
* ' Fui.t.EiiTox , Nob. , May 15. General outlook -
\ look bright Corn Throe-fourths planted ,
Wheat and oats Good. Hurley Very little
sown. Kyo A No. 1 , l ° lux 'loo rurly to
determine ; prospects good. A delightful
ruin today.
WOOD HivKii , Nob. , May 10. Corn Acre
age Increased 10 per cont. The early plant
ing is up and tno rows can bo scun across the
liclds , and the stand is cood. It will all bo
planted by the middle of next week 1C the
wcuthor Is good. Wheat Acreage increased
10 per cent ; looks good. Oats Acreage uln
Increased 'JO per cent ; never looked bettor nat
this time of the your. No barley , rye or llax.
Having u nleo rain hero now and It rained
nil night The prospects never wcro bolter
for nil kinds of grain and grass than at the
present time.
YIITAN , Nob. , May 15. Corn Acreage
is larger , about three-quarters In the ground.
Corn that was planted deep sprouting ult
right ; shallow planting needed rain to
moisten the ground before It could posstblv
sprout. Had u nice shower this afternoon
which will sturt crops growing all right.
Wheat nnd burley none. Outs Acreage
nbout ono-Uitrd loss.
OviiiiTON , Neb. , May 15. Corn Acreage "
larger than last year : all planted und the
ground has Mlfllclont moisture to sprout the
need and the early planting Is growing nicely.
The ncrcngo of small grain Is Iho same as Inst
year and is looking very good at the present
WBSTON , Nob. , May 15. Corn Some early
planting up , good stand but making little
growth on account of drouth. One-half
planted. Wheat Acroauo sllghtlv Increased ,
short nnd suffering for rain. Outs Same
'iVrengo ; some frost-bitten ; short and need
ing ruin badly. Durloy None. Kyo Looks
well ; no change In ncreago. Flax Acreage
* sumo ns last your , curly planting looks well ,
5 STIIOMSIIUIIO , Nob. , May 111 , Prospects for
nil kinds of grain good nt the present time.
Hud u nice shower lust night which helps
outs out in good shape. It is a little cold for
corn to sprout woll. Corn acreage nbout 10
per cent more than lint year , about one-halt
planted. Wheat In good condition ; acreage
larger than for thrco or four years and 'M
per cent nbovolastyoar. Oats Looking well ,
never any botler for Hits tlmo of the venr ,
acreage ubout tlio same us lastycur. Barley
Not any to speak of. Kyo Very llttlo sown ;
looks well. Flux Acreage about -5 per cent
less than last year , but looking well.
HUUXAUP , Nob. . May 111. Corn Acreage
about the same as last year , about SO per >
cent of it planted and the ground is in good
shnpo so fur us moisture is concerned , but the
weather Is too cool to grow well. Wheat
None to spook of and no rye or barley sown.
Flax Acreage 'JO per cent increase nnd pros
pects very good isVll
M.uivsvu.iB , Kan. , May 10. Corn All
planted ; ground in good condition ; raining
today. Wheat Is good uud outs nbout hong
snmo us lust .year.
" - - BAKNKvrox , Nob. , May 10. All growing
crops nil that could be desired. Corn Is about
all planted nnd there is sufllcient molsturo In
the ground to cause It to sprout ' 1 ho acre
age us compared with last year is : corn , 100
per cent ; whcut , I'OO ; oats , UO ; llax , OJ ; uo
barley or rye sown.
' WAHOO , Neb , , May 15. Crops are all looking -
ing well. Ono good rain would put all crops 1
in the best condition for years. Corn Aver-
ngo Increase 10 per cent ; about ull planted ;
. Bomo comlni ; up ; needs ruin budly. Wheat -
+ * Inrtrs't * IM avonjr"-1 * ' fT C nt ; IOC'.M wll ,
but int'ils rain. Outs Abuutthe MIIIIO amount
own , nnd Is doing well. Very little of bar
ley , rye or llax sown.
MOXIIOK , Neb , , May 10.- Weather very ;
Iry for the lost ten days , ground Is baked (
lorno from the very heavy rains of the early
spring. Corn Acreage 110 per cent ns com
pared with last year , nbout ( X ) per cent
planted ; needs rain. Wheat LOOKS well ;
about the same ncrcngo as last year. Oats-
Needs rain : good stand with W pur cent
of crop. Hurley Prospect good ; ncrcngo
about ttio same ns last year. Kyo-Short crop.
Flux Very llttlo sown.
SII.VEII CiifiKK. Nob. , May 15. Crops In
this locality nro all looking well , The ground
ns yet Is quite moist , although n light rain
would bo quite acceptable. Condition very
favorable nbout thunrorugo acreage , three-
fourths now planted , ground In
gooil shnpo. Wheat-Condition good ;
acreage below the average. Oats
Condition very favorable ; acreage
nbout the same ns last year. Hnrlcy Very
llttlo sown , will bo used for feed , and the
sr.tno can bo said of ryo. Flax Acrongo de
crease f > 0 per cent , looking good.
. VVI.I.KV , Nob. . May 15. Corn Acreage
about the snma ns last year , two-thirls
pliuiU'd , not Milferintf but needs rain ; sproutIng -
Ing In the valley all right but on the hills dry
nnd not sprouting. Wheat nnd oats Acre
ngo Increased ,
SI-IITM , Nob. , May 15. Corn Two acres
plained to ono last year. Wheat A good
crop If the dry weather don't last too long.
Every foot of ground Is Doing farmed.
HrMi'imnv , Nob. , May 15. Need rain
badlv nnd If it should como within fojror
flvo days then oats may turn out n full crop ,
but wheat will not ho over half n crop even
with plenty of nun. Corn must have rain to
como out of the ground , Corn will nil bo
planted by the 20th of the month. As to
acreage , corn , wheat and oats show a gain of
10 per cent ; li.irloy 2. " > per cent less and ( lux
15 less. No rye nt nil.
I'APIU.ION , Nob. , May 15. Corn Acreage
10 per cent increase : condition uvcrnee.
Wheat and oats Not tavorublo unless ruin
comes soon ; acreage same as last year. Hur
ley and rye Condition fair ; acreage same as
las' . year.
Court.ixi > , Neb. , May 15. Corn Acreage
same as last year ; enough molsturo to sprout
It. Wheat "Acreage one-third more. Barley
nnd rye Nona Flax One-third l s.
FiiBMnxr , Nob. , May 1(1. ( Corn About
two-thirds planted , but In many places there
Is not sulllcicnt moisture. Wheat None.
Oats Hutuer good and acreage large. Hur
ley None. Kyo Very limited amount. Flax
Coi.fMitrs , Nob. , Mnv 15. Ilhas bion very
dry up till today. A nice llttlo ruin which Is
now falling is very cooling and no doubt
will cause corn to sprout. Wheat nnd other
.small grain looks very promising , Corn Is
nbout all planted , but llttlo has sprouted yet.
Acreage : Corn , 15MJO per cent decrease ;
wheat , inrAJO per cent Increase ; oats and
barley , unchanged.
HoKU'ti , Neb , , May 10. The heavy rain
last nlirht makes nil' crops look bright , and
prospects for n bountiful harvest uro ex
cellent. Corn All planted , u llttlo larger
acreage. Wheat Outlook good , acreage
smaller. Oats slightly damaged by fn t ,
acreage less than last year. Hurley About
ono-half the ncroago of a year ago , prospects
good. No rye or llax ,
UiXTiAi. : ! CITV , Neb , , May 15. Never was
there n bettor prospect lor big crops. Corn-
Prospects good , acreage name us last year ,
about ' .wo-thirds planted , plenty of moisture
for thn present , but will need rnln before
many days. Wheat nnd -Condition good ,
ncreago greater than last. yunr. Barley -Vory
little raised here. Kyo None to speak of ,
, Flux -Samo ns last year.
PI.ATTI : CIIXTBII , Nob. , May Ifi. Farmers
are i complaining for the want of rain. Some
are t plowing up thcJr wheat nnd oats.
Should wo have another week of dry
weather the small grain will bo
short. CornOnethird less acreage.
one-fourth planted , prospect poor. Wheat
and oats One-third more acreage , IOOKS
badly. Bnrloy One-third less acreage , looks
badly 1 for want of rnln , Hye Very little
hero. Flax Ono-hnlf loss acreage , very llt
tlo put In tlio ground yet
SIIKI.IIV , Neb. , May 10. It is trying to
rum now , but don't amount to much yot. It
rained three miles south very hard , but did
not do any good hero. Corn Is not up yot.
but that which has boon planted long enough
Is sprouted ; acreage ns much or mbro than
lust year ; nbout 00 per cent planted. Wheat
Mostly winter , looking pretty good. Oats
are not looking well and are go'ing to bo thin
on the ground ; rain needed. Flax Coming
slowly and will not bo n full crop unless wo
have ruin soon.
Snmo In ItattSHN City.
ATCHISOX , Kan. , May -Special [ tele
gram to THBJJBIJ.J An elevator linn of this
city received reports from twenty-five ngonts
at different points of western nnd northern
Kansas this morning. They nil report n
decided change In the crop situation since
the late rains. Hut ono man had any fault
to Hud. Ho sain the yield of wheat would
only bo M ) per cent , of n full crop.
IHt. ftK.lVKS AltltKSTXIt.
Illfl Admission to 1U.I Will lie Acted
on Today.
DBNVKII , Colo. , May 18. Dr. Craves was
arrested this afternoon nnd taken to the
county Jail , where ho will spend at least ono
night. Tomorrow ho will have a hearing ,
when the question whether ho will bo ad-
muted to ball or not will bo decided.
The sensational developments spoken of In
last night's dispatches did not materialize
toduy , but Ills said upon good authority that
Miss Sulllc Ilanley has also been indicted ,
It was thought yesterday that an indict
ment ngainst Mrs. Graves had been found ,
nnd It Is said that such was the case , but
the grand Jury , uoilng on the odvlco of Dis
trict Attorney Stevens , reconsidered their
notion , not having evidence enough to war
rant It. The theory Is that Mrs. Graves
wrote thn laoel on the bottle sent to Mrs.
Hnrnaby , while Miss Hnnloy carried tt to
Boston and mailed It there.
Detective Hanseom , who has charge of the
case , went cast last night to secure further
Dividoll Up tliMoney. .
WISIIIXOTOX , May 18.In the district
court today Judge James announced the
opinion of the court in the suits of Ward
Lamon and others against McKee to recover
part of the largo amount the latter received
for services in the Choutuw claims cases ,
wh'oh ' resulted In the Indians getting a land
award. The court decided that Lamon was
entitled to recover from McKee nn amount
estimated at ? 150,000 for services In the
prosecution of claims from 1S07 Jo 1874 , and
for moneys expended ; ttmt Lathrop was en
titled to recover $75,000 , McPherson nnd the
assignees of Luke Lea was entitled to $14- I
000 , nnd Mrs , Cochrana has a right to 5 per
cent of the amount McKee received. The
court directed that the $147,003 paid Into
court by McKee be divided pro ratn among
those persons and Judgments bo given them
Forest F.r. H.
PiTTsni-ita , Pa. , May 18.A special from
Edlnburg says : The forest llrcs which have
been raging in this vicinity have been doing
n great deal of damage to property. Among
other losses uro two steam sawmills , which
were ournod on Sunday , together with sev
eral houses.
WATKHTOWX , N. Y. , May IS. A great flro
Is raging In the woods near the town roof
Theresa. Over six hundred acres are al
ready burned ovor. Uc
TCHIU AI.TA , W. Vn. . May IS. Destruc
tive forest tires have boon raging on the
Cheat Klvor mountains for a week. A tract
ot 50,000 acres north of hero has burned ever
nnd u number of farm houses destroyed. ort
Oakland vllla/o great alarm Is felt , as the
town is almost entirely surrounded by burnIng -
Ing forests ,
Murderer ItroiikN Jntl.
Sioux CITV , la. , May 18. [ Special Telegram , -
gram to TUB HKB.J William Molntyre , ono
is under indictment for the. brutal murder of
Christopher Oomeg last winter , broke Jail
tonlgnt shortly after.0 o'clock. Jailer Mag
netvr.s putti'i the prisoners > the , " ign 3
{ and Mclntyro lingered behind thu rest n d
arstruck the juilor u u-rrillo blow on tno id
with n lur e Iron buckle and then rusheo. out
into the street. The entire police force wus
in pursuit within tlvn minutes. Muguvr usU
badly hurt.
Ghastly Witness Aga'ns' the Accused Mur
derers Introduced in Court.
Testimony of n Phy.slclan Thit : Death
Not the llc.milt of u Illow
The Skull Not
LINCOLNNob. . , Muy 18. fSpcclal to Tin :
HRI : . ] The most profound sensation yet pro
duced in the Shecdy murder trial occurred
nbout 5 o'clock this nftoruoon , when the
skull of John Shocdy wns brought Into conrt.
It was not known at the time that it wus pre
sented that It was the skull of the murdered
mun , und Dr. Gannett , who was on the wit
. ness stand , showed on the ghastly relic
handed ' to him where there hud been
outer fractures. The osseojs tissue from
the check bone to the process of the
temporal bono wns missing. The doctor
tcstilled that the blow that John Shocdy
had ( received wns of nn exactly slmi
Inr nature. That it had crushed the outer
portion < of the slcull , but hud not in any manner
ner niTcctcd the inner plato of tlio skull or the
Mr. Lambertson , attorney for the state ,
then asked :
"Whoso skull is that you hold in your
hand ! "
The witness replied : "It is the skull of
Joiin Sheody I"
For a few moments the Judge , Jury , spec
tators , but ubovo all the attorneys for the
defense were paralyzed. Even Mrs. Sheody
dropped her eyes for n moment , but after
wards raised then ) , llrst In a dazed manner ,
but later she recovered and In a scrutinizing
way she looked at it as though it were a
curiosity. She did not shod n tear , or oven
look troubled after the first surprise. She
could not help but recognize the grinning ap
parition as that of liar murdered
husband , because in the forehead
of the bony structure wns the depression
familiar to her where once n would-be mur
derer attempted to blow her husband's brains
out and almost succeeded. Shccdy had re
covered from that shot , but the depression In
the forehead was apparant over since , nnd
even in the grinning skull the same reminder
of that deadly assault wus apparent the same
us In life.
The composure of Mrs. Shcedy wns uni
versally remarked. Hcrslsfirs showed evi
dences of emotion. The attorneys for Mrs.
Shecdy did not recover from the surprise for
some time , and they ovlncd a disposition
seed afterwards to have the court adjourn
as soon as possible.
The result of the arraignment of Mon
day McFarlnud nnd Mrs. Sheody for the
alleged murder of Mr. John Shoedy Is a matter -
tor . of speculation. The popular belief tnus
fur Is that there Is not sulllclont testimony to
convict Mrs. Shecdy , unless the negro goes
on the stand , und thut already enough evi
dence has been brought to send the negro to
the penitentiary , if not hang him.
The testimony todny was not considered
very strong from the point of the prosecu
tion. Something of a sensation was raised
by Detective Malone denying that ho mndo
certain statements nt the coroner's inquest ,
which Mr. Strode claimed ho had.
F. C. Fisk , the llrst witness , showed a dia
gram of the Interior arrangement of the
Shecdy residence.
Marshal Mollck testified that the socks ,
neckties and night shirts presented nt the
coroner's Jury were the same that were found
In Wiilstrom's trunk.
County Attorney Snoll presented n num
ber of photoitrnph'lo yiows of the Shcedy res
idence , but they were not allowed In evi
Dctcctlvo Jim Malone was then put on the
stand. Ho testified that ho wont to Wai-
Strom's room niter the arrest of that follow
nnd found there some socks , neckties and
nicht shirts which ho showed lo certain .
clerks nt Herpolshcimcr's uud Schwab's , nnd
they idontillcd them ns the ones sold to Mrs.
Shccdy. On Iho day of the arrest the wit
ness wns with Marshal Mclick when
thnt ofllcor showed Monday McFur-
lund bis own cano and nskcd him whether ho
had bought such a cano ns that at Gold-
water's. McFurlund snld ho had bought a
cano like that for a man from the Black
Hills. When the witness started lo tnKo
McFurlnnd to the police station a parson
near by remarked , "Ah. there , I thought
that the. * 'd got you. " It was ono of the
barbers in ttio shop who said this. The
witness continued :
"I showed Monday McFarland the cano
found on the porch after ttio assault on John
Shoedy. January 11. Monday Identified the
cano. I asked him where ho was the even
ing of the assault and his nnsucrs were such
that I chnrgod him with being at John
Shecdy's between eight minutes after 7 and
710 : ! the evening thnt Sheedy wns struck.
Wo then locked him up. "
The witness then toslltlcd ttmt ho was
present nt the lima the llrst confession wns
mado. This wus on the Sunday morning
following the urrost. The witness then de
tailed the confession , It being In every par
ticular exactly like thut given in
evidence by Ofllccr Klnnoy , telling
of the criminal intimacy between Mrs.
Snceaynnd the negro , how the murderous
plot wus llrst rovtnled to Mondny nnd the
full particulars loading up to the assault.
While the confession wus being made Curdor
cumo In nnd told McFurlund to keen his
mouth shut ns he had told enough already to
hang him. McFurlnnd did not appear scared
at thu tlmo.
Philpot then asked the witness : "Didn't
you tell mo on the day of the confession that
MoFarland was frightened and would prob
ably commit suicide ! "
"No , sir , " was the reply.
"Vory well , " said Plnlpct , "I will probably
go on the stand myself. "
This bluff , however , had no effect on
Strode than commenced asking the witness
n number of questions ns to whether ho did
not stale at the coroner's Jury that John
Sheody said to him before dying thut ho
believed It was Frank Williams who made
the assault. This question was ruled out by
the Judge , but Strode persisted In puttlngtho
sumo question under different forms , Finally
Lamborton arose und declared that Strode
wus merely resorting to u trick for the pur
pose of having n certain effect on the Jury.
Steams came to the rescue of Strode and
asked sarcastically If Lumborton hud not re
sorted to a trick when he got Gus Saundcrs
to testify about Mrs. Sheedy being u mis
tress to Shoedy several years before the marriage -
riago of the two ,
"No , " said Lamberton , "I didn't , because
the court at llrst ruled that the questions
wcro all right , hut I notice thut you catch
onto a trick about as quickly as anybody. "
A general smlln wont around ,
Strode then demanded if the witness had
not told him ( Strode ) on the evening after
the confession thnt a lUatomcnt hud been
scared out of the negro. The witness replied
that ho had not. Strode reiterated the ques
tion nnd shook his long Index linger at the
witness , but Malone wus imperturbable und
re I used to accommodate Strode by answer
ing in the ufllrmatlyo.
Mr. Lnmhertson then remarked in his
usual quiet manner :
"Wasn't Mr. Stro.lo nnd a legion of olher
lawyers nt the Jail there tbut evening anxious
to get the cnsol"
This made Strode angry , and , before the
witness could answer , Strode demanded with
blazing eyes :
"Mr. Mulone have you ever scon mo go
begging for cases ubout tno police stotlont"
The answer wus drowned in a ripple of
lau-rhicr. Mr , Htrodi than ronMnuntl :
" 1 think 1 huvo hail ut least us many caej
in the criminal courU ns you have , Mr. j
Lambert son. "
"Well , gentlemen , " said the Judge , who
had been trying mcunwhllo to conceal u
smile , "tho records are the best evidence um
that matter. Wo will now. proceed with this
case. "
Dr. H. M , Casobecr , ono of the physicians
who helped conduct thu autopsy ever the
body of John Sheedy , wus then called. Ho-
fore ho got through with his testimony the
eyes of the attorneys for the defense began
to gleam with pleasure while the
attorneys for the prosecution looked
decidedly ill nt case Thu witness did not
show n very familiar knowledge cither with
anatomy or with the effects of morphine.
Once when Mr. Lambertson asked him :
"U'liat bono is hero I" pointing to the cheek ,
the witness replied :
"That Is tlio temporal bono. "
"Is It not the molar bonal" nskcd Mr.
"Oh , yes , excuse mo , It is , " said the wit
In describing the effects of morphine the
witness twice stated it caused t1 , dilution of
the pupils of the oye. For the third tlmo
the question was put to htm :
"Dr. Cnsebeer , do you mean to say thnt
morphine causes dilation of the pupils of the
oyoi" : ho replied :
"O , no , I inoiii It causes contraction. "
Mounwhllo Ltimbortson asked the witness
if such bones were not called by certain
mimes and put nearly all Ids questions In
such u leading manner that tlnully the de
fense raised a great objection to such coach-
ing of n witness.
Meanwhile the witness declared that from
the symptoms of tbo imtlont ns described by
Mr. Lambertson and from the result of the
autopsy that Sheody had died from the
effects of morphine poisoning.
'I ' don't ' said
bollove,1' Phllpot , attorney
for Monday McFurlnnd , but who has done
most of the lighting for MM. Sheedy on tbo
poison theory , "that thnt follow knows whore
the arbor vitue Is sltuutedl"
Thu colonel then came to the front and
asked the witness :
"Doctor , can you toll me whore the arbor
vltaots located ! "
"I don't know that there Is such a place , "
replied the witness.
"Havo you not In some of the books read of
n place that Is supposed to represent the cen
ter of life and I.s known by the nunio of nrbor
vltne , or ireo of life ! "
The physician declared that ho had never
hoard of such u thing nnd the eyes of Col
onel Philpot twinkled merrily , lie then pro
ceeded to display his knowledge of physiol
ogy nnd toxicology and though apparently
less ! conversant with the subjects
thnn Lanibortson , ho succeeded In
gelling the witness to admit that ho had
formed his theory of morphlno poisoning be
fore the autopsy was inii-le ; that in case of
morphine poisoning the bladder would bo
liable to contain moro evidences of the same
than the kidneys and yot'tho uriuo had not
been examined at all.
Otherwise the doctor's testimony ngrced
In the main with that of Dr. Heachloy , the
witness declaring that the brain and medulla
oblougnta , or portion of the epinal cord next
to the brain showed no evidences of blood
clot. The skull was not fractured. A small
clot of blood was found In the right ventricle
of the heart. Ho was nocpositivo that blood
clots in tlio heart Indicated morphine poisonIng -
1c Ing 1 , nor wus ho sure that the lungs were
congested In cases of morphine poisoning.
At the afternoon session Dr. Casobecr was
aeoiu put on the stand. Colonel Philpot re
sumed the cross examination. '
"How long is the medulla oblongnta , doc
tor , " said he , "between two and three
incnns ) " ' .
"Yes , sir , In that neighborhood. "
Colonel Philpot then sayagely demanded :
"Don't ' you know thnt the. medulla oblongata -
gata Is seldom an Inch 'and ' a , quarter long ,
nnd In fact ono was never known to be an
inch and a quarter long ! " Why , the medulla
of the eight-foot Missouri girl niut an inch
and n half long.M *
The doctor snld notlilrighand the audicuco
laughed. Mr. Strode tlicujook the witness
and began yuestieuluir him ; as to the differ
ence of symptoms in case * of concussion of
the brain and 'compression' the
bruin , nnd Mr Stropo handed the witness a
medical book , but Juilgp Field said ttmt such
n proceeding was out of order as the books
should bo Introduced in evidence , A quest
ion wns dually'put to the witness as to what
ho would expect in cat.o a dose of morphine
had been given to Joln ) Shccdy nt 1 a. m. ,
nnd the condition of the mun was the same nt
that time ns has been already given in evi
dence. The witness rqpllcd :
"I think a fatal dose of mornhlno could bo
piven at 1 o'clock to n patient who had vom
ited two or three times and not bo manifest
within thrco hours. If the stomach had
nothing but food in it a toxic dosa would bo
manifest within nn hour. "
The next witness called wus Mr. D. G.
Courtnu3' , an attorney who had looked after
the legal interests of Mr. Sheedy.
Mr. Courtnay tcstilled thnt ho was
at the Sheedy residence shortly after the
murderous assault. Ho helped put him to
bed and undrosshim , took chargeof Sheod.v's
papers , advised Mrs. Shoody to deposit $ .V >
found among papers , in a banksubject to her
check. Had conversations with Shoedy
dailv since the shooting oho month previous
to his death. These occurred In the ofllco of
ine witness. Sheody suspected E. L. 13 rn-
dom , Moso Smith , Alex Juttes and Frank
Williams of conspiring to put him out of the
way. The witness udvlsod Sheedy to employ
detectives , \Vns nskcd by Mrs. Sheedy uftor
Iho funornl if ho ( Courluu.v ) thought her
guilty. [ Overruled ] . This question was
Induced by the look Courtnay gave Mrs.
Sheedy on entering her house. The conver
sations with Mrs. Sheedy were of a financial
nature. The witness refused to let MoFar-
land In the house the next day because there
was lee much of n crowd.
Dr. Gannett wns then called. Ho testified
that ho was present at tbo autopsy over the
body of John Shccdy'and participated in the
samo. His testimony In regard to It was ex
actly like that of Dr. Boachley , who test I fled
last Saturday.
The skull of John Sheody wns produced
with the result noted above. The last ques
tions were :
"Stale whether from the examination you
have made of the skull of John Shccdy if In
your opinion tno blow tL'Ut was administered
at that tlmo wus sufficient to produce death I"
" 1 think so , " was the answer.
"Was the blow that was administered
to John Sheedy and the wound in-
Hided on him sulllcieut in your
opinion lo account for , the symptoms lhat
you saw In his last Illness f"
The uiidienco bent ougerlv forward to
catch the reply thai curao out distinct and
clear :
"No , sir. " i
The witness wns excused and Mrs. P. H.
Swift wns called. The defense kicked on her
iippearuncii ns they declared that the name
on the back of the information was P. II.
Smith and that they had bo'en hunting all
over creation to find such rt man. The judge
llnully ended the matter by adjourning court ,
TMIK ir/M'fllKli JtUHKV.lST ,
For Omaha and VIcinityf-rFnlr ; warmer.
WASIIIXOTOX , May ISiForooast till 8 p.
m. Tuesday : For Mlsspiirl Fair Tuesday ;
slightly warmer , except stationary tempera
ture ; south winds.
For Iowa Generally fair ; cooler by Tues
day night ; winds becoming northwest.
For North Dakota Fair Tuesday ; cooler ;
northwest winds , :
ForSouth Dakota Shqwers ; cooler ; north
west winds.
For Nebraska Fulr uud cooler Tuesday ,
except showers In norlh portion ; winds becoming ) -
coming northwest
For Kansas Fair Tuesday ; warmer ;
southerly winds.
For Colorado Fulr , Tuesday ; cooler by
Tuesday night ; winds becoming north.
TinI ) < ; nti | Iloll.
CIXCIXXATI , O. , May 18. Colonel L. M.
Dayton , a prominent member of tbo society
of the army of Tennessee , and who perhaps
was the closest to General Sherman of all his
military family , died hero this morning. Usnl
KroKt-K , In. , May 1A Judge Edward
Johnslotio , president of the Iowa Columbian
exposition , is dead. Judgu Johnstono was uua
member of the '
Iowa' constitutional convon-
lion , was twice speaker of the house , innd
once chosen sonutmV His brother was ) ndr
mrrly governor of Pennsylvania.
CiiiCAOi ) . May 18Kov. . Jo oph Travis
is dead. Ho ha been In tha active-"Inlstry
in Iho Free Methodist church thlrty-ttvo
years' wus one of the orpunUfrs of the Illi-
nols , lowu und Wisconsin ronfcronco IInd
presiding older of different dlstructs for
twenty years post.
Cincinnati Crowded with Delegates ti the
Great National Conference.
Stormy Session nfttio ICutiHns Coiitln-
Muu'i HpoiMiliitlon as to
the I'laH'orm DciiHUuls
of the Kust.
CIXCIXXATI , O , , May 18. The throe or four
hundred delegates who had arrived yesterday
to attend the national conference which begins -
gins In this city tomorrow wore reinforced
this morning bv the arrival of u special train
bearing ten carloads of delegates from the
western states.
This afternoon was devoted chiefly to con
ferences of the various stuto delegations , they
being . for the most part harmonious in their
The lowu delegation , among other things ,
adopted n resolution urging the nomination
of n full Independent ticket next Juno , and
telegraphed Its decision to prominent men of
the party In sympathy with the movement.
There was n ruthor turbulent meeting of
the delegation from Kansas , duo largely to
the fact that It Is much stronger In point of
numbers than that of any other state , there
being nearly 800 persons hero representing
seven organizations , viz : The farmers' alli
ance , the citizens' nlllanco , the people's party ,
the Knights of Labor , the National Industrial
nl 11 inico , the anti-monopolist party nnd the
single tax men. Tiioro was n largo
attendance nt Dexter hall and Congressman-
elect Otis was chosen to preside. A ques
tion soon uroso ns to the basis of representa
tion to be accorded the various organizations ,
and n motion that each organisation ba al
lowed to select two parsons to net ns com-
mlttcomcn provoked n lively discussion. It
was urged that the different organisations
should have n representation In proportion to
their power nnd numerical strength. Several
amendments with that object in view , wcro
offered , but were subsequently withdrawn ,
and the motion , as It finally prevailed , con
ne templated the selection of the poisons from
each organization presented.
During the discussion Mr. McOrath called
attention to the fact that there had been too
llttlo attention paid to the elites nnd the in
terests of wage workers , and urged that the
Knights of Labor should bo properly recog
nized by the mooting.
After the adoption of the motion to appoint
two persons from each organization names
were suggested for the places , and the man
ner in which It was done evoked n spirited
protest from Mr. Schonault , who insisted 1
that two or three men were undertaking to
naino the persons who should bo chosen by
all the members of each organization.
There was considerable excitement , and a
motion to nllow ouch organization to appoint
Its members was adopted , us was also u mo
tion to ndlourn.
The delegates then gathered in groups
about tno hall , discussing the situation and
selecting persons to represent the various
organizations under the motion ns It was
adopted. It was announced from the stage
that the members of the farmers' alllanco
would hold a separata mooting in the hall ,
and the inquiry was made' whether the hall
hud been engaged for the delegates from
Kansas or the fnrmors' nlllnnco alone.
The farmers' alllanco immediately mot and
was culled to order tiy Mr. McOrath , its
president , and Mr. McCormlck was chosen
secretary. A motion carried to "pass the
word , " and all persons not members were ex
cluded from the hall. At a late hour in the
afternoon the mooting was still In session. .1.
T. Little and S , S. Snyder were chosen to
represent the citizens' alllanco , nnd S. II.
IIuzo and Lovl Humboldt the people's party.
The other names were not made public.
The National Hoform Press association
hold a mooting before noon , and atiO ! ) : : It Is
probable that there will bo u night session.
Questions pertaining to the admission of now
members and the use of boiler plato matter
were discussed at length , the proposition
falling to receive favorable action.
There Is much speculation as to the plat
form. Objection to the Ocala declaration Is
strong in some quarters and therd is a dispo
sition to follow the St. Louis platform.
The eastern men nro quite active In rocard
to the position to bo taken on the silver ques
tion and an "eight hour plan. " A conference
wus held today with the leading delegates
from the west and south nnd the demands of
the east were fully made known mid received
with favor. Eastern men wunt this planlc
adopted on the silver question : "That the
conference favors the restoration of silver to
the position it occupied before 187H , viz : On
an equality with gold as n monetary stand
ard of value ; " ulso the following : "As eight
hours constitute a legal day's worl : for gov
ernment employes In mechanical departments
wo bollovo this principal should bo further
extended so as to apply to all forms and cor
porations employing labor In the different
stated of the union , thus reducing the hours
of labor and in proportion increasing the de
mand for it. "
Eastern men announce their determination
to make n strong effort to secure the Incorpor
ation of these planks in the platform and in
dicate that their zoul In the future will depend -
pond largely upon their adoption.
Mr. O. F. Washburn , president of the Now
England Industrial alllanco , said in relation
to the mattori "We feel that the work of tlio
alliance has not boon broad enoutrti. for it has
been directed ohlolly to agricultural interests ,
while wo of thii east have many important Is
sues nt stako. Unless this conference will
broaden the scope of the work already com
menced by the movement which has led to nit
wo feel that it will scarcely bo worth :
while to go Into It further. If
they will grant us what wo
asl ; , however , wo nro ready to push the work
forward In 18W. Wo have conferred with a
number of persons from the western and
southern states and find that there Is a dis
position on their part to view the matter sas
wo no. A largo number of pcoplo In Now
England nro anxiously waiting to learn what
action the conference will tauo in regard to two planks which wo will propose and
which wo will Insist shall be made part idof
the platform to bo m pted. They are anx
ious to see an Inclination to broaden the
principles on which the Independent move
ment is based and hope to have their Inter ;
ests us well ns these of persons who live rIn
other sections consulted and recognized. "
Among the arrivals tonleht nro Senator
I'eiTcr nnd ex-dovernor St. John of Kan
sas , and Miss Helen Cougar. Senator I'ef-
fer , who has been quoted as an opposing
party , states that such n couwo would bo
rather n queer ono for him , considering the
part ho has taken In the Independent move
ment anil tno olllrlnl position lie holds , "but
I doubt whether it would bo wlso for us to
go too far at present , " said ho. "Wo should
act prudently nnd cautiously. Hut there will
surely bo u third party in IblW. "
The third party fooling Is growing , and It
Is said that in the event that a majority of
the delegates should decide , against It the
minority will withdraw nnd declare them
selves in favor of it. Tlio claim Is that mho
conference Is simply u muss meeting nnd
such action by the minority would thoroforu
M , K , Humphrey of Texas , organizer of the
colored ttlllnnco , claims u membership for
thu organization of 1,800,000 in thirty
states , nnd Instances ai.OOO In
Texas , 100,000 In Alabama , 10,000 )
in Mississippi , 75,000 in North Carolina and
80.000 In Georgia. It is . .aid that an effort
will bo imulo to Incorporate n plank In the
platform or "Declaration of Principles" pledg.
Ing the now party , if formed , nguinst sup
porting any mun for the presidency or vice
presidency who has ever favorou liquor
license laws. orP.
The Kansas Knights of Labor selected P.
H. MUAOII and " ' K. Hn h ns their repre
sentatives on the commlHcu pruvidi-il for
this afternoon nt thom etlug of the Kansas
delegation ,
' As goes Kansas so will go thu convcu-
tlon , " has been n popular expression ever
alniM the llrst contingent of delegates put in
an appearance , and the repnv tutlvcs of Iho
grasshopper state lifter u ef" ? 4a that lusted
several IIOUM decided l.ito toU-i'lt to support
the organization of a thlrif. ' * | Hy lltroiigh
thick und thin. x
The caucus was marked t ; tovcrul de
cidedly lively expressions P. \ opinion
niul especially when Concrfe , Icn Slmp-
BOII mid Clover endeavored t \ convince
the assemblage that dlscrcti. ' * Uvus Iho
better 1I 1 part of vulor , nnd thut I tould bo
1e boiler lo adopt a pisiform contnll i tv few
ossontlul doctrines , appoint n cii Jltteo on
propaganda 1 uud then ndjourn \ ' u no.\t
spring , then to determine whothotro \ wus
bone j und sinew and stamina enou' , In the
granger labor element to urgtio tno forinul
baptism of n third party and the placing of
nn Independent pro-tldcntlnl ticket In the
Held. The enunciation of these views was
received with u shout of disapprobation thut
had thoioffect of putting nil effectual quietus on
the newly Hedged representatives , nnd third
party resolutions went through without n dis
senting voice.
The decided stand that has boon taken by
the representatives cf Industrial movements
in contradistinction to the granger clement
was largely responsible for this roiult. At
tin1 general caurus today of representatives
of most of the organizations that will have
delegates In the convention some pretty plain
talk wus Indulged In by President Wiishburn
of the Northeastern Industrial ulliunco , und
who voiced the Ideas of the labor elements
of the cities us apart from the agriculturist * .
Ho told Iho caucus that the liuiuslrlal cle
ment did not propose to bo used ns
cutspnws lo aid democratic success in the
next legislature. If a third party was to bo
formed Iho southern and southwestern dele
gates would have to como In us well as the
northern ones. The Industrial element of the
o.'Ht , west niul northwest were neither willing
or desirous to draw votes from the republican
states , while at the same tlmo the pseudo nl-
llnnco moil of the south wcro sticking to
their democratic allegiance ami helping to
make the solid south more solid than over.
Other speakers laid stress upon the fact
thai the eastern people's movement differed
fio.n that of the grangers , Inasmuch as its
organisation wus moulded after these of the
old political parties und recognized neither
secret rituals , grips or pass words. All this
flummery , It was contended , would have to
bo abolished If all parties coalesced on n
general platform.
Mason Greene of Boston , the personal rop-
resenlntlvo of Edward Bellamy and his
theories , Brown E. Gerry , the national
loader of the Christian socialists , nnd Itov.
W. D , Bliss also urged on the same line , and
the Kansas men , who had done all the listenIng -
Ing , then wont Into caucus and placed thorn-
selves on record. There has been no confer
ence of the sirlclly southern delegates , but
In conversation they expressed the opinion
thu it would bo unwise to endorse inde
pendent political action so long ns tboro was
n possibility that they weald bo able to got
relief on the most important economic ques
tions through the older parties.
Arrival of Many DclcKiitcH to tlio
DKXVIIII , Col , , M-iy 18. The hotels are
crowded tonight with delegates from all over
the country who are to take part in or bo
present nt the deliberations of the commer
cial congress , which assembles at the Fif
teenth street theatre tomorrow evening.
Five hundred delegates have been
accommodated at the hotels in the
city , nnd it is expected that at
least flvo hundred moro will arrive ,
Provision will have to bo tnudo for them
whcrovor it can bo found. _ chamber of commerce has boon a cen-
or of activity during the day. The reception
committee mot at 0 o'clock this morning and
appointed n sub-committeo of flvo gentlemen
to await t\io \ arrival of the guests nt the
union depot and to give them all information
as to hotel accommodations and other matters -
tors so us to otivinto any difficulties which
they might experience. Tno entertainment
committee met In the afternoon and dis
cussed plans for the arrangement of the ex
cursion to the most Interesting points In the
Tonight the Colorado delegates moot the
Denver committees at n public mooting In
chamber of commerce. The principal matter
to bo discussed Is the action of the Colorado
delegation upon the arid land question.
The Fifteenth street theater is to bo decor
ated tonight. The moment the curtain falls
upon the last act the men will begin their
work , nnd by morning it will present nn
Interesting nppearntico.
The mooting opens nt 10 o'clock. Mayor
Rogers will welcome the delegates on belmlf
of the city and Governor iioutt will perform
a similar duty on behalf of the stnto. The
llrst business will bo the appointment of
committees on credentials , o.i order of busl-
nnss and on resolutions. After this the dis
cussion of the subjects to bo brought before
the convention will bo opened. Among these
who have arrived is Mr. D. Ilinton of the
Irrigation engineering department Washing
ton , He has been deputed by his olllco to
represent it at the congrens.
Accompanied l > y tlicHoywho Signaled
ChiuC lIcnnoHHy's Approach.
WASIIIXOTOX , May 18. Consul Corto of
Now Orlcnns nrrivod hero toduy with Gas
parl Grlmaldl , the boy who , It is charged ,
gave the whistle ns a signal that Hcnnossy
was approaching on the night when the chief
was shot to death In the streets of Now Or-
Icons. Grlmnldl was confined in the prison
at the time the citizens broke Ir. nnd took
vengeance for the death of Chief Ilcnnossy ,
and Is the ono who saved his life
by hiding under a box In n cell
across the corridor from the cell In
which his father , tlio older Machi'si ,
was crouching when his body was riddled
with bullets. Consul Corto nnd the boy uro
on their way to Homo to give Marquis Uudlni
n personal account of nil that transpired.
They loft for Now York this afternoon and
will sail for Kuropo cither on IMo Majestic
or the City of Herlln.
A reporter called on Mr. Corto this nftor-
noon uud found him willing to talk upon the
subject of what he had done nnd what ho In
tended to do , Mr. Corto protested vigor
ously against the treatment ho had received
nt tlio hands of the newspapers.
" 1 huvo no fault to ilnU wltn the popula
tion of Now Orleans" ho continued. "They
nro u line sot of pcoplo , und us u rule they nro
opposed to all that has been done , The
trouble Is that there is a largo class of know-
nothing people who are hostile to the for
eigners , and the dinlculttes wcro all brought
nbout by them. I also hold Mayor Shake-
spcuro responsible for whut has taken place.
Hundreds of law-abiding citizens have called
upon mo to assure mo of their disapproval
and disgust at the outrage that
was commlttod upon these persons.
O , but that was n shocking
outrage , for. although there may have been
criminal * among their number , thrco men I
bullevu under heaven Innocent of the charge
of murdering Hennussy , ns Innocent of the
charge as you or I uro. Hut Caspar ! Grl-
nmldi , the boy who escaped that day. Is up
stairs nnd will toll you what no saw if you
wish. "
In ti few moments Grlnnldl cnmo down
stairs , as Immtsomo u young Cor.ilc.ui us Is
over met with in llctlon. Husuldhe wus four
teen years und six months old. "Da putta
mo in Jail for whistling when dachofu como. "
said the boy , oxcltudly. "Mo no whlstlu ; mo
know nothfiiL' nbout the whole thing. Mo
fader wus put In Jail , too , and he was killed
fornottliiff. "
Like a Ghoht Klory.
KANSAS CirrMo. . , May 18. Mrs. A. A.
Centre of I'ottsdam , N. V. , who has been
visiting nt the home of W , W. Morgan , says
the bridcu of the Atuhlson at Alhuquorquo
fell last Friday , carrying with It n passenger
train two hours ahead of the train by which
fh" wns i raveling. Mrs. Centre says It was
rop'jitud mat tweU'i o ? frirtnon pcoplo wcro
kilted. No telegraphic npuri ut juci ! n '
wrocu has been iccolvod , i
Need of Improvement Rooogukod by tba
Fosttuaitor General ,
SonsclesH Critlo'sm of I'ri'Hlilent ll r-
rlsonAn InuUlont oCthu .loimioy
Com ) It ton ol' Cr-up * In
the Northwest.
fitii FOUIITIIXTII : : KruiiUT. >
WASIIIXOTOX , D. U. . May 18. I
Hosy , brown , hearty and heavy Postmns-
tor , f icncral Wunnmnkcr , after u 10H ( > 0 nillo
trip with the president , seeing his wlfo anil
daughter off to Europe , and spending Sunday
nt his homo In Philadelphia , airived in Wash
ington this morning and wns soon nt his desk
lit the department
"It was a great and perfect trip and has
enlarged my views on n largo number of
things , " said ho. "Tho president has
proven himself to bo the broadest minded of
men , nnd the attentions shown him nro the
touvco of common pride. I was anxious to
see something of the practical working of the
postal system In the fnr west ,
whore progiojs Is turning affairs
over every year or two , and to
know what should bo done for thoao pco
plo. You sco I have made some notes of my
trip and have prepared some memoranda as
to the needs of the country through which
wo passed , " and the postmaster general
pointed to a huge pile of newspapers on his
desk , A largo crowd of chiefs of divisions
nnd assistants crowded nbout the postmaster
general to conijratuluto him on his line np-
peuranco und libten to his interesting remi
niscences. Mr. Wunamnkor is nn entertain
ing talker and ho gave his hearers some val
uable Information direct from the hub of
practical life. Ho told of the wonderful nnd
stable growth of the west , the work and
needs of the postmasters nnd what was.
shown him nt various points of interest.
It scorns thnt at almost every plnco
Mr. Wnnanmkcr wns cornered by the post
master , taken to the postonlce , told what was
being done nnd what ought to bo done. Mr.
Wiinnmnkor is of an inquisitive turn ot
mind , anxious to comprehend his duties , the
wants of the pcoplo , and muko n line record
ns an olllcinl. Therefore tuts wns n tour for
Information to him. It Is snfo to say that it
wns lortunnto for the south and west that
the postmaster general accompanied tno
president on his trip , for ho comes back filled
brimful of the necessities of the country
through which ho traveled , and ho
believes It should have nil It
wunts. When Mr. Wnnanmkcr started
uwuv with the president ho had boon
at his desk twenty-live months with the ex
ception of a week or ten days now nnd then
at long intervals during the hot weather-
when no ran away to tlio sea shore. The
average duration of the head of the depart
ment without breaking down from ovorwoilc-
or being compelled to take prolonged rest
has been itftcon months.
, Evidence of ttio dospivatu > ttralu Into ,
whlcji tbo democratic press has been driven
in its efforts to find something to crlticizo In
President Harrison's conduct during his
recent tour of the south nnd.
Piicllio slope Is founds In n widely
published telegram from Portland , Ore. ,
that the president refused to shake bands
with a colored woman , n Mrs. Mary Jones ,
because she WHS colored , Some of the stories
based on this statement embody an Interview
with the woman , and reports her us honestly
believing thnt the president refused to take
her hnnd on account of Its color. Usually
such stories nro unworthy of the slightest
weight , but lost there nro others , nnd many
others , on the Pacific slope and along the entire -
tire scope of the president's journey who-
mny bo mudo to bellovn that they wcro
slighted , n word on thu point Is proper. At
svery point on his trip where the president
was taken ever a town or city there flocked
about him hundreds nnd thousands of people
who wanted to shako bunds with him.
Sometimes when ho was being taken to a
platform or carriage and way wus opened for
him to walk through , thousands of hands
were thrust forward for him to touch.
Many old soldiers asked him to tube the
hand of n comrade , and wherever the presi
dent had time ho spent It in shaking hands.
But at some places ho was hurried nnd ho
shook few or no hands. Had ho shaken nil
the hands extended ho would huvo now boon
out In Texas somewhere nhuklng hands.
It happened at Portland where
the colored woman stationed her
self along the lines of persons
between whom the president walked that bo
was hurried for time. Hundreds and hund
reds of hands were extended , and while ho
commenced to take them it finally
become necessary for him in order to reach
his destination to refuse to shako moro
hands Ho had to stop his hund slinking
much to his regret Just before ho reached , in
the line , a number of old soldier friends ,
some of whom ho served with In the war.
Along with them was the colored woman ,
Mrs. Mary Jones. Aft r stinking hands with
thousands and tens of thousands of colored
pcoplo it is potRiipposablo that the president
would stop with Mury Jones ol Oregon. She
was no moro slighted than the millions of
persons whom the president found It neces
sary lo simply salute , but with whom , for
the want ol lime , ho could not shako hands.
From the bulletin on the condition
of the growing crops Just Issued at the de
partment of agriculture , I take for TUB BBB
readers the following on Nebraska : Tbo
notublu tendency to change Iho acreage of
crops has been n decrease in corn from the
fact that with tbo exception of failure by
reason of drouth in 1800 the impression has
prevailed thnt In this wo were overcropped ,
Iicnco the decrease In corn acreage in many
parts of the state Is possibly 10 per cent. In
many other parts corn Is regarded us the
standard crop , nnd Iho disposition Is nt least
lo hold onand there Is uodecronso. In some
parts there Is n hlliiht decrease. The ncroago
in spring wheat Is largely Increased In most
parts of the stnto owing principally to the
falliiroof the com crop of lust year. The
ncroago of llax und broomcorn has been In
creasing from year lo year of Into with a
decided Increase this spring. Tlieso crops
seem well adapted to Nebraska and have
proved remunerative. Spring planting ( oil'
crops together ) shows nn Incronsn ns com
pared with last year. While last year was
very trying to Nebraska farmers nnd the
tfltidenoy In the moro stricken districts is to
decrease the acreage , still the increase In the
more favored sections will overbalance
any loss from Ibis course. The
ncreago of national mowing lands ,
( wild grasses ) decreases annually by reason
of more fanning lands , and as n matter of
course the acreage of tame grasses Increases.
The tame grasses more MICCCSSfully culti
vated nro red clover and timothy. Millet Is
largely grown , some rod-top , and In some
what urld districts whora irrigation Is avail-
nblo alfalfa is grown to some extent , The
latter Is not popular , howover. In this state ,
Thu total area of mowing lands has not boon
materially changed , If chargm ! at all It has
been decreased by rouson of the wild acreage
being put under plow. Thrifty farm
ers as u rule are ullllzlng corn-fod
der moro thnn before. Most of Iho month
lias been warm , growing weather , but con
tinued and heavy rains huvo retarded farm
work materially. In most cases where small
grain was sown It sprouted before it could bo
drugged or harrowed in. The rainfall all
over the ntnlo has been quite gonorul and far
above any average season's , oven west be
yond the 100th meridian , usually regarded
arid. The ground everywhere is Ihorougbly
saiuralcd , uplands as well as lowlands.
Gruss has como forward rapidly and pas-
Min > R are n.oro tliun usually advanced. In Nebraska thu peach , plum ant )