Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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    I B
/ - miA Tr A n A TT."V virwriA A.r A ATID iorn
A nVKittlHKSfKNTP forthcuocolmnnfi will
bo tnkrn until 12 ; . Op. in. , ( uttho evrnlMff
edition , and until 8 : . n p. in. , for the morning
edition nnd SUMIAV ll .r.
In advance. ;
\ "OATH. " Adrortlcrmentson thin tmcewlllbe
J * clnirsod for nt thn rateof 1W cents per
* enl for the llrst Insertion , nnd 1 cent nor word
or rncli Mil sequent ltiuitlon. nnd II.M per
( Ini per n until. No ndvertl'-enirnt taken for
in limn 'A cent * for tlio first Insertion.
7 MTIAI.H. llpnrc * , ; ' yml'olB. cto , . countcnch
A i HOIIU word.
H ndvertlicmenM must run con ccn-
tlvi-ly nnd under no c.roumitnnr "i will
they lo ; taken or discontinued by telephone
1JAII1 1FH nd\crtlsln < 2 In the n columns and
liutliie their iimwrrsaodrcscd toa"num-
Irrid letter In rare of THE Hut will recthoa
nnnil end check to rnablo tliem to pel their
letters. Answers will lo Delivered only on
presentation of this clirck. f neloso aiuwcrs
In einelopes properly addressed.
A 1,1 , n < Mertl ementa unt'er thn bend of
"Speelal Notleos" nro published In tmth
tlio mornlnit and ovenlnp edltlonsof Tlir. Ilr.K.
the circulation of which nfprrpnlcs inornthnn
in.COn papers dally , nnd plvcs tlio ad\ertl er
the benefit riot only of thn InrRo circulation of
Tin : IHr. In Oimilm , but al o In Council IllnlTn ,
1 liicnln lind other cities and toprnnln thn west
Advertising fortheso columns will bo taknn
onthn al ovorondltlonw , nt the following bui-l-
ness houses who aronutliorlred to take special
notices , at the nniuu rates as can bo had at the
main oDIcc. .
ICKIN. Hrect , Unter HIooK.
TOIIN . HELL , Pharmacist , fiSJBouth Tenth
l street.
CHASE k nni > V. Ptatloncrs and Printers
1ii : South IGth Rtrcet.
Q Tl. rAHNS\VORTH. I'hnnnnclst , 2115
> ' Cumliig street.
" \\r .1. Itruiins ' , rimrmaclst. Kit North IGtli
> T street.
EO W. I'ARR , riiarmacNt , 1713 I.caven-
woith street.
y IMIAHMACY. 21th and Furnam.
1'orralet. etc. , tec tnp of flrrt column on IM vage
\ ANTRD Position ns brcail and caUo
baker. Strictly tctnpurnt > . Country Job
preferred. Address M 22. Hee. KAMI , *
CUTTER wants situation ; experienced man ;
good references. Address , L M , Ilec.
* 8 > i 1 it
experienced and reliable
J bookkeeper , tine penman , excellent tvpo-
writlst deslies ollleu position. Address M 4,1.
Heo olllee. M704-10 *
AVOI'Nn man would like a position In a
wholesilu house with chance of advance
ment. Address M 42 , lice. .MiVJillS
or > N WANTED -Hy a young man to
ilrlvoilellvery team. Addiess MX' llee.
WANTKD 1'osltlon as bookkeeper by lady
of experience ; rofotcnces. K'U Loeust
stieot. M.WS lb'
\\7 ANTED Hy a lady from thu east a posl-
TT t'on ' us housekeeper In widower's family.
Addiess tn.v I.M. Itapld City. S. I ) . CT ! ! >
"XXrANTl'D Position as salesman In nholo-
T T sale tobneco or dm ? douse. lla > o hail
tlireo years oxperlonco. Address , M 13. Heo
olllee. MHO IUr
WANTED Hy a young man , a situation as
drtii : clerk ; one and ono-half year's o\pe-
rlenc-u : best of references. Addiess.M' , llee.
' '
AWANTED Situations for good irlrls ; my
> i walling rooms are always full from 0 a.
in. to (1 ( p. m. Canadian Employment olllee ,
HUM S. 1.1th. Telephone Ssl 73.1
X Ferrate * , tic. , teetop of flrtt columnon Ihltpcigt
WANTED Man ; receive Instructions : keep
U. _ TT books. Call 033 Mow Vork Life building.
MVJ4 ] H
V7 A N T 111) A man to take care of ho"rM )
TT ami cow , make himself gcncrullv useful
about the premises. Apply cor. llth and
ICarndy'i.ttvctg , Allen Koch. Oil Hi
BAUHEIt wanted at once. Addiess it. II.
Uiitlln. ToUainah. Nob. KKI 10
GOOD coat maknr wanted. Wrlto to II. Oug-
conlielm.West Point. Neb. 574-10
VV ANTED KncrsQtloyoung man to take orT -
T T dor" . Addroas Manufacturer P. O. box ! M7.
, ir.-m 1C
\\7ANTKD-An active , reliable man salary
TT J70 to JhO monthly , with Increase , to rep
resent In his own section a responsible New
Vrtrk house , Inferences. Manufacturer , Lock
bjx 15 I New Vork.
\\7ANTED-Compctont carpenters can Hnd
TT bteuuy employment In ht. l.ouls at Kl per
day of eight hours. Apply at Mechanics' ux-
changit. St. f.ouls , aio. SlMMa *
° \V ANTED Salesman on commission for
i line line perfumery and toilet luxuries
Aildrosn Hamilton , pustolltco boJ4S.S. . New
VVT ANTr.D I'ivo llrst elnsa tinners and gal-
TT vant/ed Iron cornice
workers ; steady em-
rljyiiiFin. Apply at onco. I' .t I'ow-
ers 1U1'.I Pine street , it. l.on.s. .Mo. MOIII 2J'
$0.00 n day iniule handling our "l.xoert Add
ing muclilno. " Any out-can add rapidly.
IMiie.itlon unnecessary. Imuossiblc to miiKo
a mistake. Meets with ready s.ile. Agents
wanted In every section. Howl $1 for samolo
or stamu for agent's terms The Kxpert Adder
company , Jancsvlllo , Wls. Jll.12 is'
AGENTS wanted every where for newly pat
ented automatic poekut letter copier ,
lllggest ciiinmlsslpn over oll'erud. .Send stamp
for clieulars. Soininur's company , 14 Ann
Rticot-Now Vork. Mail ID *
\ VANTKI ) AGENTS-Tho "Novelty Wax
T T Pud" prevents sticky Hat-Irons ; polishes
< -ufls , collars and bosoms. Sample 25 cents.
btunips taken. Staynor&Co. Providence.R.I.
\\7ANTI.D-1.0oa railroad laborers for the
TT Great Northoin extension In Montana ,
Idaho and Washington. C'hcap faro. tKnitiiur
& Kramer , labor agency , IWI S. llth street.
- - - - -
is *
THREE carriage palntnr.s wanted : it once.
127 South 1.1th stieot , Lincoln. Neb. mCat-18 *
_ _ \\7ANT1.D Salesmen on salary or eomlt.-
TT slon'to handle the new patent chemical
erasing pencil ; tlio greatest selling not city
ever prcduted ; erases Ink thoroughly in tuo
sceonduino abrasion of paper ; 2(0to50i ( per cent
piotlt ; one agent's salesineiiiinted to * ( ) Inblx
uays : anotlior WJ In two hours ; wo want one
general agent for each state nnd territory ,
ror terms and full particulars , address the
Monroe Eraser Mfg Co. , La Crosae , Wls. 175
\\7ANTED Twenly first ela"ss'TU"imbors. tl
TT for nine hours
; uteiidy woiK ; eonni at
once. Wldard .V Powull , Duluth , Minn.M523
M523 19
" \\7ANTI D Coat and pantaloon makers to
> work In shop. Continental tllothlng
lion ,
M EN with good address. .Met. M'f'g Co. , 11)0 )
Howaid St. , Omaha , or 137 N 12th , Lincoln.
' A.VI'KD .Men to travel for our OaiiaO'liiii
nil r&crtcsS toneitVellln lon..MuIKon. Wls
Jf \\7ANTED First-class tii\ellnc man ; good
T T > balary ; rufcrence. iJ Times blilg. Chlea-
jj go. Jlnitt is *
T\l"AStNS and iilasterers desiring a homo
( ail call and wo the nice lots offered for sale
In Cottage Pliieo and Westlawn. I'an furnish
Rteady omploymei.t to parties buying , llleks.
N , 1. I.lfo oldK. Ollleo opun evenings. 71'J l- >
\\rAVl EH Immediately. ( H-st class pro-
T ncrlptlon clerk ; must bo sober man.
Sherman .t
, M70d
For rate * , tic. , tee top < > f flnt column nnthtspagt.
rANTKD-HIrl to work at .
must l > t experienced. : Ut N. llth , 370 Ib „ *
\yANTEI-l'lrst-elass ) Klrl to do general
_ TT | ) onsonork , at is''l lllnney st , 5sii-lt ,
\VAXTK1)- A compoteiit Minlne woman
TT rnrinuneiileiiili ' ] > ynifiit , Mrs. O.M. . Car
ter , SKtlti I'linuun street. M7CC-lsi *
\\TANTI.D-li04Mlplrltoilo general
T T work at Dr. McUlanalmn' * , ' * & Hamilton
-Klrst class wnUtMactfrs. l6Si
j 11
-v _ IKxlKO.
_ MiVsa l.s
I \\7ANTKI ) A yoiinu lrl to assist In tu ! > lni ;
; I TT oaroofuah/ Apply ut store cor. 27th
nnd HpulJIiiK stroclR. Mao lit *
' . ' . , ' wanted for general housework In
\ - family of two. German preferred , ill
Kirk n wiuic. Mi.'W ' I j
TA7ANTF.D A eood girl house-
T 1 work ; good u IIKCS pulu. iVO o. xlJth.
. MM !
10OKVaiitcJA ' nrHt-Ma cook ? will bo
'ri'iiulred to do irenvral housevfork In smull
llyi lilxh nuRca. Apply at Sa Douglas st.
_ IE * )
WANVr.D-Uooil clrl , good HUKC * . tt S.19th
< Mir. Lonxemsortli. 400
( Tor term * , etc. . rte lop of flrtt column nn thu | ig <
) -HOO.M honso on car line , rent H H. K.
OWIIIIumi , 2I05S. Mthst. r.0 10
T1 _ JIL m m i 1 . . . . . *
1 ! < tt N. 2.nii street. line 8-room house , cltr
water , sewers for rent or sale. 547 10 *
F5 IlKNT 0-rooin house , furnished , JVvOO.
ddress M 17 , lice. MO 1C *
molt KENT I'urnMied room house all '
L' conveniences ; 10 hlo.'ks from I' , O. Address
MK1. lice. KW-IO *
"I71OU HKNT. cheap ; n good ten room modern
Jhouse. . Imiulro 2TOI Capitol iivennn. II.
II. Itobl on. MO J10
[ roll HKNT Two houses. (1 ( nnu 8 rooms ;
- cenlrallv located ! In llrst clnns order. A.
\Vnkclny. . f > 5 Now York Mfo bids. MG7JJU
TEW brick lipuHe. 0 rooms , 257S Ilnrncy st.
> The bmeuton A. Allen Co. , 11X37 1'arnam st.
'jtilw-is *
FOR KENT N'lcc I nnd .1 room h ousefi. Kn-
iiulru la tour of UI2 S llth it.
A WEM.-1TRNIHIILI > -room l house , with
all convrnlcnccs and comforts , on paled
street ; low rent lo satisfactory smull family
with good references. Unfurnished if de
sired. M.V.G
iroll ' HKNT Large ntimborof houses stores ,
JL' Huts , ete.ViOO per month and Uk | New
list 1st of eiich mouth. Ueor u J. 1'aul. ICOO
Kirnam Htreiit , Ml Jv2
ll VE room house , JI4 , 2121S. llth street ,
1,1174 , m
5-ROOM lion c , nlcu yard , shade trees , city
and cistern water , elegant neighborhood , 2
blocks from street cars , 1411 S. 7th avenue , or
Hell's pharmacy , cor , lltli and Mason , Ml
"IPOR RENT ft-ronm housoon Ijeavonworth ,
J- between l.'ithaiid Kith , In good repair and
rood outbuilding" , reasonable rent. John
Hamlln , 017 Union block. AM
TJ1OH HENTllandsomo ll-room modern
-I- house : all conveniences ; In perfect order :
pmecl streets : motor , and within 5 minutes
walk of postolllco. Nathan Shelton , 1C11 I'nr-
numstteet. M1. > 1
Oil2 ( Cnp. avenue , a nlcofi-room cottagn with
bath. lm | . 2.11S Cap avenue. M270 2 ; >
FOR HKNT 10-room hoii ecentrally located ,
modern Improvements. Inquire , 712 N. 1'Jth.
TTKiR RENT fi-room cottae. bath , etc.
JU "Manford Circle. " Apply , C. S. Elgutter ,
W , I'lrst National bank .Mt-'J :
FOR RENT On Juno 1. a nine-room house ,
all mc < lern conveniences , at W4 D.-nen-
poit street. MO20 *
RENT-Ilouses with all modern im-
JL1 provements steam heat : 1 block from high
school ; J2.VOO to fil.OO pel month. Also stores ,
21th and UiM : iinurt. 11. H. Irey , 2UO N.V.Ufo.
FT you u Ish to rent a house or store see II. E.
Cole. Continental block. 741
Ii OR RENT 2 elglit-room brick houses with
eltr water , bath and sewer , 10J fcot from
cable lino. F. 1' . Williams , First Nat. Dank
building. dJiJ
OVM Davenport st. . 0 rooms and all convenl-
ences. { .V.iO ; 2."iOS Davenport st. . 11 roomsand
all convenlenees , $70.0(1 ( ; 1112 North 2.1th st. , 11
rooms and all conveniences. V > .00. Thcso
hou-es are In thn best residence portion of
Omaha , two blocks west of high school. E II.
Chapman , 5J4 I'axton block , owner. .MS )
' 1/1OR RENT-I'oiir 0 and 7-room 11 its with
JL bath , hot water , etc. ; paved streets ; near
business ; all Improvements ! only in per mo.
References required. The Mead Investment
Co. . 44 , ' llee building. 740
FOR RENT The 10-room house , tso. Ifilli
Doiiglu * st. SI'J '
FOR RENT Two 10-room brick residences ,
all conveniences. Just completed , ! V)7-.VJ )
Georgia ave. Rent i4U.OO for llrst year. Uennl-
son X Ilros. 7
< JE\TNTEEN f-R. brick houses with bath ,
sewerage , etc , 15 block from Shcitnun ave. .
Motor on Ivynor street ; J22..V ) nor mo. Water
paid. 0. F. Harrison. 012 N. V. Ufo. ass
Pur rates , etc. , eeetnitnfjlrit rnliimn on thts jiiu ,
"IjirRNISHED or iinfi.rnlshcd rooms for rent ,
J-1 modern , at 800 North 17th street. M021 20 *
"VTIOKLY furnished room , southern expos-
J- > ure , gas , etc. 524 South ICth street. Hat D.
M72J10 *
VERY desli able rooms at the I' render , cither
furnished or unfurnished. 110 North 2.1th
street. JIGsJ-10 *
"iriOR RENT Two furnished rooms ; IO.
JL1 Northwest cornortf.'d and Cumlng streets.
MCI7-2i :
OIIOIOE rooms , single or en suite , Slfl N. 10th
street. MGM-1U *
TJ1OII HENT Neatly furnished room. 2510
III ! rnoy. MlCl 1 *
f > INING room and kitchen , newly furnished
JLr first olnss condition , for rent ehcap : fnsh-
ioumf lo part of city ; house full boarders ,
Non , , hut experienced need appl ) . Address
M 44 , Itco. MUM 1U"
rpo RENT A kitchen" and dining room. 210
JL N. 1'Jth street. M OS11U *
11LEASANT furnished room with board.
Heforences. 2214 Furnatn. ! b-S2'
Fl'HNlrillED rooms for rent , references' ,
ir.'l Dodge street. 014-20 *
rpWO nlivly fin nlshed rooms for rent. 2I2S
JL Harney street. MD07 Is *
ni'HNI&HED front , room for rent n w cor
20th and Davenport. Ki-j-lD'
o NK large south room for rent nt 2109 Dong-
las street. 343-20 *
17'OH RENT An elegant snltoof rooms for
Jfamily. . Just papered , ever 1821 Howard st. :
prleojIH per month , fctootzol , moved to 714
S. loth. 401
NIC1.LV I'nrnlshcd largo south room for
rent ; modem conveniences , 2010 Harney
street. MW1
Tj'OU RENT rurnlsho'J rooms , 1007 Douglas
rplIE St. Clalr Eurojioan hotel , cor. 13th and
J Dodge , will hnro.ifter make low rates for
rooms by the week or month , cither with or
without hoard. 7dl
I'oriatcs , etc. , tee top of flnt column on thto } > agn
"I71OR RENT 2 or3 unfurnished rooms cheap
J1715 Cass st. JICCO-IU1
OR RENT 5 pleasant rooms , modern Im-
piovcmont.s. Ml S. 17th ave. 51420 *
4UNI'tMMSIIED : rooms , llrst floor , moden
Improvements , r.ingo In kitchen. 310 fc. ait I
st. M117J4 *
KENT 3 looms , Ul ) ri. I7th st.
545 20 *
FOI { HF.NT I'lno , small family apartments ,
all outside rooms , beat locality , modern
Improvements. Inquire Ctii Pa\tcii block. b'J7
For rnles , t tc , teetopofflrtt foliiiiin n lhtn pugt.
"I71OR RENT Kurnlshed rooms with
' or wlth-
1out board , 2.V15St Mary's in untie. MB'i7 19
SOMELY furnlsheT rooms with firsT
uourd. D.iy boarders solicited. Rea
HANDSOME iixiini with llrst elas- , board :
references Is ; " Chicago street. MN4-20 *
LAHfiE nlcelv furnished front room , with
board , 2U1U California street. M52 : > 211 *
17 > LUENISI1EII riKims and lodging house , 1411
L N. ICth. opposite Jeirurson Square.
FOR RENT A large , llnoly furnished roon
nlthboanl , toamun and wife. The HUH
pleasant part of city , and private famllv ; n
otherbo.tnU > rs ; references. Aditrc8s.U4i , Hoe
D rooms and board , lti2U Dodge
7'nriiiM , * ( < „ leetup uf fritcolvmn on thli pige
"IJiOR RENT The 4-story bilck bulldlng.wltl
Jor without ,
power formerly occupied by the
lice Publishing Co. , Old Knrniini sU Thu build
Ing has a Urcproof cement biisomcntcomploto
steam-heating Hxtures.water on all the Moors
gas , otc. Apply at the ottlco of The Hee UK
IJUR RENT-Orwile ,
my building on Jono
4-1 t , bet. 10th .V. llth. U.A.LIndijulst,3IOi.lDtli
oit RF.NT-Dcsk room , at dll N. V. Llf-
_ gi !
l OR RENT The three-story brlok build
- - Ing , 1110 DouKlashtreot , snltnblo for whole
sale purixvses 1110 per mouth. Chaa Kuuf
maun , IJuj IKniRlas st. on.
1/iOR RENT-llrlek wnrohoimo
, two itorlos
-L high basement , hydraulic ulovutor , truck
use ; Lest location In city. A C. I'owcll. 'SU
Forrattttic. , ttttop ofjlnt column nnthttpMa
QO ncrn blue grnss pn turo for horses. Insldo
C t city limits. | I.M ( per week. Inquire H. A.
lliimiin. 4l3South ittli : street Mri'723
\\7K have the best horse pasture In this
' ' st'itn. at ( lllmoro Station , three miles
Routh of Omaha ; 100 acrcsof bluegrass , Hprlng
water , board fence ; have ngood one-half mile
track ! on thn farm : will take a few horses or
rolls lo break or train , liar ton \ . Phelps or
A. W. Phelps A Son. MUI : 23 *
I HAVE u good pasture , two miles from
South Omaha , for horses nnd colts ; blue ,
timothy nnd clover grnss ; horses called for.
Oeo. Cl. nans. South Omah.l M54.1-M23 *
'orrattt. itc. , tee top nfftnt column on thtt jnu .
UrANTKD ' Hnlte of furnished rooms by a
prominent yonnir bns'ness man. .Must bo
n rst-oinss nnd located between Kill and Hh ,
louard and ( . 'liluapo treels. Hoarding houses
eednotnpply. liMlIoe. U.VJ
\\7ANTKO To rent florid-room hou o. mod-
i cm conveniences , no row preferred. Ad-
rcss look bovua Mill
Pertain , tit. , "t Input flrtt rrltimn on thtt rxige.
HE. COM. , runtul agency , Continental blk
R IKUV. rental uRent , 200 N. V. l.lfo.
. M. % in23
Korrnfw , ctc.itcctopofftrtt column oitf/iu j > ao < -
O .Dr.ST. cheapest and best storage house In
city. Williams & Cross , 1214 Hartley street.
BEST storage building In Omaha , govern
ment bonded warehouse ; household goods
cared for ; lowest rates. W. M , Hushman , 10I" >
.eavoiiHorth. Iti'J '
CHEAPEST and best storage for furniture.
Wells 1111 I'urnumst. 7117
of household goods ; clean , dry
' ' 'Place , privately stored , terms moderate ;
vn also More stoves during the summer ; we
will get tlimn from the houses nnd deliver
hem In the fall in good trim. Tel. COO. 12(17 (
ilouglas. Omaha htove Repair Works. 7 9
I'orrate * , etc. , tec tn ) > of first column on thts
ITiOKSALtruinlturoof 24 room house. All
-L' rented and In good part of city. Address
Uoodrlch. CO" S. 13th street. 41U-24 *
ITIL'RNlTIJREof ll-room house , used one
JU year ; desirable location ; .M 17 , llee. _
"IjU'KNlTriSE of an eight room house for
JL'sale cheap. Lease of hoiiao If desired. 171. >
Dotlse street. MG71-1S *
H ortnniOU ) furniture by the piece at 130. !
Georgia live. 582-20 *
TPOR SAKE At a great sacrlflco , elegant
JL1 household fiiinlture. tine carriage team ,
carriages , sleigh , hainess and robes , also line
Jersey cow. A. J , lianscoin , 1824 Douglas st.
00730 *
VTOr.-EIIOI.D ! furniture by the piece at IIII3
Georgia ave. 5s2 Is *
F I OR SALE Furnltuio of a 10-tx > om house.
Cheaii. House for rent. Innulro 1023 Dodge.
Fomituttc.icetntmf fral column on//i / ( . < ptge.
FOR S A IjE A good bay mare , seven years
old perfectly kind and gent'o. Apply to
lienry Gibson. 418 N.21st St. MUJO-1S
FOirsALE OR THADE-A good mariTand
colt or mare alone for good milk cons. Address -
dross HOT 44.1 , P. o. atrar-io *
A OOODhoi-c for sale cheap. 31114 Parker
A Good driving horse , looks well andsafo
for lady , 303 N. V. Life. 012 22 *
FOR SALE i-lx good wheel scrapers , 1 horse
and buggy , 4 heavy wagons. 1 ponv , 2 or
gans , 2 sowing machines , nndnlcnlot of house
hold furniture. All on easy payments If de
sired. Inquire at VIS Paxton blK. M3S2 19
F 1OR SAliE 1 double carriage , 1 phaeton , 2
horses , 1 double harness , 1 .single harness ,
1 fresh milk cow. Inrnilru at thu Beaten
store , 114 South IGth stieot. 135
TfOR SALE Fnmlly carriage. & Nlch-
JL1 ols. stable 28th and I.oa\enwortb. M500
HOUSE auction every Saturday , 2 p. m. , at
Pioneer stables , 13th and Harney. llorsos ,
wagons , harness , etc. Huyers and sellers
should attend these sales. II , Iloinuu , 1'rop.
H. Wells , auctioneer. 3j2
Forrates , etc. . icetopofflrtt column on thtspnge.
HAVE always on hand n lot of first class
milch cows for sale or will trade ( or dry
ones at barn. S. E. corner 10th and Leaven-
worth. S. J. Montgomery. M430 Mis *
Forrata , etc. , tee top ofjlnt column an thtu p igt.
STE AMHOAT roSalotea m pleasure
yneht , with cajiacity for 3 , " > passengers ;
Hpoccl is miles per hour ; length : > 5 feet , width
of beam 8 feet : upright steel boiler sub
merged Hue ; engine 10 horse ponor. All In
perfect older ; offered for sale at a bargain
and upon easy terms. Address M 10 , lice olllco.
fl S-20 *
FOR SALE .10 loads of sawdust ; also kind
ling 5 Umaha Uox 1'actory , East Omaha.
M5M )
Furrdtcf , etc. , teetnp of flnt column nn thti pags
Gper cent llrst mortgage loans. Richard C ,
Patterson , 007 Now Vork Life. M674
MORTCJAtlES wanted , long or short time.
George n. Wallace , 310 J , J. Hrowu build
ing. IGth and Douglas. W.
$ MOOOto Uvin on Improved Omaha business
propeity at 0 per cent Interest. Address ,
Security In-veatnient Co. , Lincoln. Nob. M 1. > I
JlIONEVto lonu on Improved city property
I'I ut curient rates ; funds on hand : no de
lay. Oeo. I' . Hlust & Co. , 20:1 : Ramgo bldg. 751
OF k O. M. Anthony , 3ISN.V. Life building
lend money on farms In choice counties In
Nebraska and Iowa , also on good Omaha resi
dence property : lowest rates ; best terms : no
delav ; money ready. Titles and values passed
on horo. 753
| > | TILDINO loans Oto 7 nor cent ; no addl-
IJUoiialelwrecsfoi1 commission or attorney's
fees , W. H. Molkle , Klrst National bank bldg.
'PRIVATE money to loan. J. D. Zlttle , OH
JL N. V. Life , 73i
" \rORTOAOE . loans wanted. McCaguo In-
'Lvestment company. 73 :
MONP.V to lo'in on Omaha property , rid el -
Ity Trust company , 1014 I'arnam. 7.V )
EASTERN money to loan atery low rated
II. H. lroy.2CON. V. Life. M : a
FIRST and second mortgage loans. Alex
Moore , 401 Heo bldg. Httmlb *
CHEAP Money PI.lla. . Mortgage nnd Trust
Co. . wants gilt edge loans. Oeo. W , P.
Coates , representative , 7 Hoard Trade ( XI
Forrata , etc. , rcctop of flrtt coliini i on this j > ige.
MONKY" to loan by H. I' . Masters on ehntto
and collateralsecurltlcs for any tlnio frou
1 to 12 months. In any amount to suit bor
Loans made on household goods , pianos , or
gans , horses , mules , houses , leases warehouse ! the lowest rates possible with
out publicity or removal of property.
My loans are so arranged tliatyon can make
a payment of any amount at any time and re
duce both principle and Interest.
If you owe a balance on your property or
have a loan that you want changed I will pay
It off and carry H for you. If you linn It moro
comcnlont call up telephone 1021 and your
business will be arranged nt home.
Money always on hand. No delav. No pub
licity. Lowest rates. H V. Masters ,
Room 4. Wltlmcll blk. l.Mh and Harney sts.
HA , DARNER loans money on chattel so
curltr. Room 51 , Chamber of Commerce
_ M JJa ] U
/CHATTEL bank , 'I10 S. 15th St. . loans money
V onchatteUorcollatoral at reasonable rates
_ 7li
MONEVon furniture , horses , etc. Keystone
Mortgage Co. . room 20d Mieuly block. MM )
" \f ONEV loaned on furniture , live Mock. etc.
J'-Lfrom 1 to 3 months , without publicity
lowest rated. Dulf Green , room 20 , Uontlnenta
MUJ in- ; :
CHATTLE loans at lowest rates , 021 N. V
Life. R. A. Morris. 3SI.M3U
Forratet , tie. , leetopofjlnt foiiimn on th
BEST line hair goods In west ; linlrarrxslng
wigs , switches , bangs , hair chains , etc. . n
specialty. Davles lialr goods and mllilnnr
oppoilto postotllce. 111 S. 15th kU.Umaba. 750
Far rate , le. ,
* e trttopofflnteolumnnn Mto page.
i I * yoli hnvo dny olrtRcfflnhes mo
know by Mail. KaJ3 E , 313 S. 13th Hreel. !
\ _ . MG7C-JIO |
pESinENCE-4 bedrooms ; J.T.000 O 15,000. - i
.1 lltitchlnson > V Wend , I.VU Douglas. WJ-I9
rOK SALK-Olieap , 1 full platform exten
sion-top carriage , home make , cost f4. > o ,
price til"1' ' ! ono 'i platform car
riage , ? I2" > : one nxttiiimn-top earrlnge , new
cloth lining. IIIX ) ; okJside-bar ( , cnnopv-toi )
Hiirmy. tnJ. Address W. H. Drummond & Co. ,
cnrrlnge tranufiielory , lee
Fi 'UNITUHK boimht. sold , stored. Wells ,
.111 rurnam street. TJ7
"irilNE upright piano nt a sacrifice. Inntilra
-I-1 after 7 o'clock , evenings , at 21111 Caldwell
street. . _ > 1520
FOH SAliE Na 2 Itcmlngton typewriter ;
good as now , with oak desk ; cost ( IK ; 111
take (100. M. A. Upton Co. , room 204. Hee
building. ITS
A HOOP phino ' at A big sacrifice , only JfiO.on.
fall after7 o'clock , "
oxcnlngs , nt"41DCnld-
well street. M.V.'t
FOH SALE Anofoeant flre proof safe with
burglarchcst. I'hll Stlmmol , Oil Jones st. ,
Omaha , Nob. Ml
1 Fvrratei , tte , , tec top of ' flrtl cotiimu on thli pige.
1 jlbTl S A TJ K TUi n furnlturoof n.Vi-runni hotel
J- now dolni ; uood business ! pocxl reasons for
Helling. ' Address 1-1 South llth street , Ijlncoln ,
> 'ob. iVi , ' 1C'
T7IO11 SALi : Kino stock of Roods , running In
Jcity , terms easy , nr will take cash and
clear lots. Address M a * . Hep. MC.Vi ID
"I71OK SAI K Stoek of drnjts and drill ? sun-
A ; dries , \\all assortud , Imoloo at onothou-
HUIH ! dollars ; for sale If taken at once for
oventy cents on the dollar of wholesale price.
Will trade for clear property. Address. ' ! ' . II.
Clawson. York. Nob. aU-Ju
HOTlMv I.easo and furniture of forty room
hotel doliiK Rood business. Must ho sold ,
oven at a sacrifice , as proiirletor has other
business. Centrally located In e'ty ' nfw.000.
Addre-a . S. Cooper , No. 10 , Main street.
L.'onnell lilnlTs. low.i. _ 1IJ8J4
bAI.r riirnlluro und undurtnklnit
business In Rood town , with or without
slore building ; part eaih , balance Rill edRU
iniper or clear real estate ; Invoices about
JI.WW. HUT Ul' ! Lincoln. 70S
I71OK SAl.K-An old c.stablUhed and Rood
JL' paying clirnr store ; good reasons given for
soiling. 1C 20 lieu oHlco
BLACKSMITH and wagon si-op , with dwell-
1ns ; splendid location ; write 'or partlini-
Inrs ; reason for selling , poor health , Tappo
Hrothcrs. Verdon. Nob. M.'Cilml ! ) *
Forratet , etc. , tee top nflrtl column on thlt page ,
farm land for a stock of boots nnd shoos.
Address 1 > . O. Ho.x 81 , Hroken How , Neb.
M70Q-S3 *
WlljI-exchaiiso my fine , younff thoroujsh-
bied Kngllsh mastltr bitch , pedlRreed ,
forsafuor blcyelo , and pay soiao difference.
C. II. A. , KM S. 21st. MK13 1U *
rrOK KXCIIANGn- or 4 nicely situated
JL' Kaiild City , South Dakota , lotslnexchaiiRo
for a half llrowdter. full storm , sprliiR , slnclo
top IniRRy or one t'iiiiliy | as Rood. A snap for
some one. liofcronces gicn. Address M 40 ,
Hoe. MC-'Q 10 *
IP you hao land , city pioperty or imlso. for
oxchanRo eorrcspoud , with us ; will put on
cash on wood trade. ' Western KxchaiiRo Co. .
Coliiiiilius , Nob. ' ' MCCC 1& *
FOU SAM * or tradoTor nnenciimbered land ,
4 tenement brlukJionso In Kount c Place.
Frank T. ItaiiMim. 4Jita\ton ; bldg. 512 Zl
FOR RXCHANOK-1-MCOO equity In modern
8- room brick lioiui ) , now. for clear out-
sldo lots well located ) A. 1' . Tukoy. Now
York Ufo. , . , M M
TT OK SALK or tradft'for nnenciimbored land ,
J6rooni hon-c and JMots In Nebraska City.
1'rank T. UaiiBom , 4.M I'axton bids. nii2 {
OliRAN goncrnl atbck of morchandlso for
farm and money. 'Bovi.'Jj , I'rankfort , Ind.
1 7G
F OH SALE A hantlmu ] family horsu , rc-
llablo and sontlo : peed for doulilo seated
rigor ladles' driver. Enquire 1403 Douglas.
Jflk 989
Furraleittc.ttctt > p ffil column on Ihto
"OASTU11E Ltirco 'blue crass pasture at
X Hellovue and Klkhorn City for rent. If. T.
Clarke , room 10 , board of trado. 104 M10
RKMOVAL-Antlcjniirlnn book store removed
to4 S. 15th St. , iicarllowaro.Karbach blk
AOEI.KSTlAIj vision of aiiReU scone at
I'ort Collins , Col. , on May 7,163J. Acts2:17.
Dr. A. II. I'rlng. DCS Molnes , In. SICCO 18 *
T WIIiL mall sample of a remedy which
-Loured mo entirely of female weakness of 12
years standliiR. to any ladv endlnjr mo her
self-addiessed envelope. Mrs. Lucy Edwards ,
Smith llcnd , Ind , Lock box 04. MCCS IS *
rpUACKAGK for lease. 1 hnvo n desirable
JLpleco of trackage situated on the corner
of luth and Williams st. about half an aero
with an S-room housoon It , which 1 will lease
to the rlsht narty for a term of years. Ad
dress I'eior Ullrich , 1020 N. 24th st , , Omaha.
.TTG 20 *
NI'W Employment Hnroau Room 40 , bank
building. 15th anfl Dodge sts. . directly" op
posite llayden's , References : Woman's Chris
tian Association. First-class female help.
TT NGRAVING Wood , zinc , chalk , oto. Work
-LU guaranteed .on time and quality , Hrlg-
liam. South Omaha.
OrAHDEN farm to rent. T.Murray.
G ODD homo for ladles during confinement.
Imiulro at Mrs. M. 1'rasil , 1470 South Ifith.
M12I Jl
trotting stallions at Omaha fair
grounds weighing from 1,000 to lKXlbs : ) ,
comprising the blood of Hainblotonlan , Ameri
can btar , Mambrlno Chief , Ethan Allen , Al-
mont and Pilot , jr. Terms from $13 to * W for
the season , Call und see the horses and tholr
colts. A. Thomson. P37 J2
ISSMAVER , JMGShceloy bk. choropodlst
manicure , best equipped ladles' halrdress-
Ing department In the city. Ladlcs'halr bleach-
lug children's hair cutting specialty. M 203 MIS'
MASsACJE treatmentolectro-therriml baths ,
sen I p and hair treatment , manlcuro and
chiropodist. Mrs.Post,310H S.lSth.WIthnoll blk.
WILLIS COV. house mover , 513 South 17th
street , and bJU South 25th avenue.
l3SJRIay23 *
Forrates , tte. , tee tap nf flrtt column onthli pige.
MRS. WALLAOE. clairvoyant ; naturally
pitted ; tells paat iiid | future , love
troubles , absent friends , changes , travel , busl-
ncss. IliOS rarnani atroot. 001 MIS *
MRS. Nannlo V. Wnrrcii.olairvoynnt , trance
speuklng , writing and reliable Dullness
medium , four years In Omaha , 119 iV ICth , 731
rASSAUE-Madam L Dolzler , over CIO S. Kilti.
D . . SOU-JO
MRS. Da DE SAN KUiy bo consultoa at her
parlors on all afTurrH of life. Shu is a celebrated -
brated business tiled [ mil and has n reputation
throughout the worldifar accurate and truth
ful readings of thu uiqftt. present nnd future
events of your life , .JJvory hidden mystery
revealed ; helus ull wtin'aru in trouble ; never
falls ; given udvlconn > 9rl points of Interest ,
business transaction love allairs family
troubled , stock speculation. Inwsulf , absent
frlondu. lottery niiw/ur.-i ) / , luoky days , Inter
prets dreams , locate * < Xuases , hidden treasures -
uros and stolen goods ! teMores lost nlfoctlons ,
brings the supiirated'toftutlior , makes speedy
and happy murrlniMfrtth ! the ono you love
by proper advice ; tejls'jf the ono you love Is
true or false ; glvosnlujjky Roman-Egyptian
talisman Ui help all put of trouble ; perfect
satisfaction guaranrecd by mall ; send two
stamps for Illustrated Wrcular. U22 North ICth
street , Omaha. ocas 8l'JM21 *
For ipt Cf , etc. , tittup of flrtt foiiimn on thli page
Hlflll class dressmaking. Evening , dinner
and weddlin.trouseiiu a specialty. Pit
and style wtirran ed perfect. R , U. Maxwell ,
Ramgo blook. room 4g. 4omu
ENU AGEMENT8 to do dressmaking In fam
ilies solicited. Miss bturay , 2010 llarimy
M32 *
< iji >
ttc.tetopofjlr t column on ( ftl < pige
* } ? i ElisON A I-A w Jdow aged 47 wishes to cor-
J respond with a gentleman of KOIIIU means ;
object , marriage. Address M an. Heo. 57.15. .
pORRESPO.ND-A corresi-ondenTo bureau
\ > tor ladles und gentlemen. Partlonlun In
plain sealed envelope for So stamu. Look Hux
J-tj , Omaha. Noli. _ 770 mSb *
JJIRED Mohlo , S. E. cor. I'arnam and llth.
Forratt , ttr. , tee tupof nr t column on thl * i > nji
rJMO Heal Hslato Investors and Others
Holng compelled to reside In California
obliges mo to olTcr my properly here for dis
posal. 1 am , thorofote. prepared to gho pos
it h o bargains and easy terms on Iho fol'ow- '
Ing , vl ? :
\Mstil > tanttal3story and basement brick
store buildings , always occupied by respect
able tenants at cheap rental of o or t.W.PO
pur month.
Hood business corner on I.oavonworlh and
Georgia avenue , w feet , fronting on I.oaven-
north , and M feet to alloy on Georgia atomic.
More * and IhiN on thene lots at the price I
uouldftoll them will nlfortl handsome protlt
on the outlay
I our very desirable resldenco lots on Itftli
street , near l.euenwoith : , In "I'rnroii I'lacn. "
T\\o Iotson3otli axcntie. near\enworth :
1'our business lots. 22vl2l feet , each on I.eav-
ennorth " ' , bet. Xith avenue and loth street , In
' "
Would prefer selling tlio entire list to ono
imrty In order to close out at ouct1. The o ilu-
slrons of Investigating the opportunity I oiler
will please call on or address for 10 days ,
Thereafter , H. Maglnnls ,
lb ) East nth st. , 2301 Lcavenworth st.
E. Oak land , Cal , Ml84 10 *
A VENUE II Is being paved
1'tom Eleventh street to Carter Lead Works ,
In East Omaha ,
Electric motor Irno will bo running to East
Wltliln sixty days.
lots M
Within two miles of postofllce and
Only ono block
1'iom the motor line and street bolng paved ,
above referred to. nt
(730.00 cash.
Lots In Potter X George Company's
Addition to EaslOmuha
12.1.00 to MVJ.OO ,
Only I100.0J cash.
Halanco within rcasonahlo time at 7 per cont.
The streets In this addition are already
S. W.cornor Kith and I'arnam street * . _
HOMES on ensy payments -3-room cottage ,
full lot. Monmouth Park , Jl.sOO. Well built
2-story house/ largo barn , well , cistern , full
lot. Central Park. jl.UKi. Now fi-ioom cottaco
and lot , Clifton Hill. J.MKW. 4-room cottiigo
and lot , Clifton Hill. 150 feet from motor.JUOO.
ll-room cottage and 110 foot lot. .Coward near
' "Jth , t..OOO. w ) foot lot and cottage , s'ime loca
tion , great bargain , J.I.2."O. Cheap homos In all
parts of the city. George G. Wallace , 310
J. .1. H row n building. Kith and Douglas. 5SI 1C
T71OR bALE 'i acre trackage property cheap.
JL1 i&th and Williams. A. Plouler , N. W. Cor.
mil and Williams sts. JOB M10
FORSALEor oM-hango for city residence
property , ICO acies level farmland joining
the town of Tilford , liluek Hills. S. I ) . i.'O pnr
acre , warrantor deed. Addiess C. M. Mead ,
2217 California street. MUtt 20 *
FOR SAljE To worklngmen only ( specu
lators need not apply ) on time or monthly
payments a cottage ut less than actual
value. Inside property , only ouo block to
electric line. Inquire at loom 202 , Om.ilia
National bank building. Mr. ! " )
N'EW live-room cottage , evtin well built ,
good lot , line neighborhood , near motor ;
J2.000 , easy terms , Alo\ Moore , 401 lice bldg.
MC.4 is *
"If OK SAl.E A nice eottagn within two
- * - blocks of motor and cable lines. Price voiy
low , terms easy. Wilght i. Lasbury , HOI
Howard street. JiCt.'lD
f\i \ acres overlooking Omaha a beautiful
spot , about 0 blocks from motor closer
.soon ; $1,300.
84 acres adjoining 15. H. 4i miles from P. O.
fl acres4 miles from P. O. ; $1.000.
Hutchlnson A. Woad , 1.VJ4 Dou.-lns. C09-18
ORSALE-Elght room house , full lot for
) ,3jO , enquire of owner ut 2s21 Hlondo st.
COO 22 *
FOR SALE On monthly payments , lot and
t wo houses on S. 15th at. , near Dorcas. O.
F. Davis Co. . 1303 I'lmiam st. 1)01 ) 23
L , Rice , real estate. 0 Llfo bulldlntr.
25.U7 *
FOR SALE A flno Improved farm of 200
aeres ; 100 under cultivation ; shade trees ;
fruit , windmill , wagon scales , otc. ; 10J miles
wcstof Omaha ; $20 per acre. AdOrcss G 43Ilce.
FOR South Omiihu property , nuslness , track
age or residence , go to the Icadlnz real es
tate dealers In South Omaha , Ed Johnston k
Co. . cor. 21th and N sts. JI7C3
Tmoil SALE Extra bargain , choloo CrtvliO.
V with building ; rents i 100per mo. ; ono block
from new P. O. G. L. Groen. R 47 , Uarker
block. 704
F PALE Lot UixCO for J6.000. Enqulro
1011 Capitol ave. 125-16 *
FIVE-room hoiues in Orehaul Hill , JI.500
each on monthly payments. Thomas P.
Hall. : ill Paxton blk. 742
171OR SALE , cheap , easy payments : 1'i-story
-L new C-room house , with bath , cellar , etc. ;
full lot. N. Sholton. 1014 1'arnam. lir.
J.I , tjIHsON. solo agent Kountzo Place.
. room 3. Crolghton blook , UJ3
DO you Intend buying or building an ele
gant homo ? If so , the rcadlni of this add
may save you from $1,00) to * 4,000. The ad
vertiser oilers an elegant 12-room house on
the linest residence street , paved , in tlio cltv ,
1 mile from P. O . lot 01x140 , > t block fiom mo
tor line , house has every modern convenience ;
prlco very low and would take a goc.d resi
dence lot as part payment. Address L37lleo _
Forrstu , etc. , see tnpofflrst column on thts page.
" \rASSAOEcablnctbaths , tape worms cured
Iu.ln24 hours. Mdmo Gueretto , 1023 Dodue.
MASSAGE treatment. Electric baths by
lady of oxpericnco from the east. Hours
from 1 ted p. m. ISO * I'arnam street. M539-22 *
M ASSAGE-Madam DoUicr , ever CIO S. liiti !
ForrJtfs , etc. , rcelnp i > f .nn > column nnthtt
MR , E. II. OIJMM1NGS. Into of Chicago college -
lego of music , will receive pupils on the
banjo. Studio 311 Shccly blk. M9-20 *
G EO. 1" . Oollenbeek. teacher of the banjo.
with Hospo , 151.1 Douglas. 249
BIU'ORE buying a piano examine the now
sciilo Klmball piano. AIIospel51J Douglas ,
I'orrista.ttc. , tte topof first coumu on thli page
"PATENT lawyei-s a'ld solicitors , Grwlsuer&
JCo. . , lice building , Omaha , olllco at
Washington , D. U. Consultation free. 731
Tough glass lamp-chimneys.
Macbcth's "pearl top" and
"pearl glass" are made of tough
glass. They rarely break
except from accident.
I'lttsburs. fir.o A. MAcntrnr & Co ,
KUAIMCATOIt-rurea till dUoalei bvcnu o It kllla
HID mltTol.o or iierm. 1'ut up und retailed In ii , i
and ( i Ue , the Inttor 1 1-2 Kullons Si'lit nnr-
) ivru prepaid un roct'lpt uf prlca orO. O II Wo
tituo n uuarnntee to ruro. Tliu puhllc. trade and
tobteri iiipnlled hr Iho ( ioudman llniir Co. .Me
rurmlck A l.und. Omaha ; C' A. .Mok'hur. lluwun
JlJurnniul K. J. Hi'jrkora , J > milli Oiuali : A I ) Ko <
tur und M I' . Kll ! , Council Illull. .
A fad of the momontntnongsonio fad-affect
ing young women is to chow a ( lower , or , to
put It raoro elegantly , to wear ono between
the lips. ThU , it may bo added. Is purnly a
house fashion. Tlio most advanced bollon do
not "wear" the mouth ( lower in the streets
When they are dressed , however , for ai
cveiilnK nt homo la * n silvery-gray gown
with a bunch of pink orcblda ut the * bolt , i
single ono must bo stolen to hold botweoa the
Why So Many Weak Men and , Women nro
Seen on Our StrooUTo-dny.
Tliere.seem tohemoroweaU. dcliUK-ilcd mul
broken donn people In America to-dn.v titan
t\er before In the history of this country. Is
It a fnct that the American propto are growing
weaker.or Nit duo. to Mime local cause ? Them
cnn bo little doubt tlmt It Now Ing almost on-
tliely to tlu < fcurfnl after effects of tlio Orlp.
This terrible and myMcrlous complaint start-
Ini : unaccountably and running sou-rely , In-
vnrlablj leim-s the person In u weak , tiumms
nnd run ihmn condition , from which It reo.iilios
much tlnio to ii'ooM'r. When people ro In
such n Mate. Hlion iiatuio U neak nnd broken ,
that would ruiunion sense dictate should bo
liinolr : assist nut u re , htlmulato liurliiitglni :
faculties luilld her up. llowV Ity using n
pure medicinal stimulant , and for this purpose
liorolsmitlhngciiuitl to pntu whiskey. Doc
tor * , sclcntlllu men nnd tliu lending thinkers
of the Innd IHIVO declared this and liuvu un-
icsltatliiKly aireed that there Is no whiskey
HO pnro and ofliclcnt as Dulfy's I'uro .Malt. It
stimulates healthily mid bullets up wasted tls-
UMIIU. It r.tiuiua tin. ti.tfi miu nriiiiyit Inn nltrl
assists t < > health. It Is popular because It Is
so olllclent. Ureat care should bu taken liow-
ovcr to secure only thu Komilne. IMstriHtany
loalor wlio for liny reason seeks to Itulueeou
to buy MiniclhltiK "Justusgood. " Hy thojndl-
t'lons use of this pure stimulant anil the after
oiTeet-H of tbu Orlp may bo rumored and ho.ilth
md strength put In placu of weakness and
TJr.SCAM ) J. "
SCOPT'S LOIHII : , Ditiri'ixa
SIMUNO , N. M. , April 10 , IRI. ! ) While
sitting lioro tonight in u rude cabin in
the heart of thu Stn : Andreas inouiitaiiis
in Now Mcxiuo , my mind pleasantly ro-
vui'ta to n recent vihit to Oregon and the
liaby state of Washington , and t-bpecl-
ally pleasing reooHuctlons pome to mo
of a bojourn with I'olonol Will L. Vis-
chor , who permits a nowhpapor at
Pnirlmvun to Moat liis illustrious
name at its masthead. As the
glowing features of my old
time companion illuminate the can van
of iny mumory , I recall a season of rare
enjoyment ho and I si > ent together In
these mountains , writes Captain Jack
Crawford in the isow York Clipper.
. "Vifech. " nnd 1 had been traveling to-
pother , { jiving what wo called tin enter
tainment. I cannot now recall the title
the people applied to it. His portion of
it was known as "Sixty Minutes in the
War. " Whether or no that was the
length of his borvico during the rebel
lion I could novoi- induce him to tell mo ,
oven in his most confiding moment * .
Neither could I learn from him \\lioro
he acquired the title of "colonel , " his
invariable reply being that lie "won
it in a rnlllo in Kentucky. ' ' During
the entertainment 1 would occasionally
edge in u recitation of ono of my own
poems , to give a moral tone to the all ir
nnd give the audience time to catchniU
breath and mop the sweat from its rook
ing forehead. Wo thought our "show "
n taking one , and wo have occasionally
heard one of our auditors confess to ono
another that it was "tolerable good. "
Wo hud no set time for the duration of
our linguistic cyclone , but would con
tinue to assassinate the ears of our audi
ence until the proprietor nf the hall would
drop the curtain , to prevent the unwell
and b.iclv number vegetables from
mussing up the stage furniture. When
wo would succeed in cITocting our es
cape by the baggage elevator we would
flee to the "doppo , " as Vifcch called it in
his virgin French , and leave town by
the lirst freight train going our way. As
wo carried no baggage wo wore never
embarrassed by correspondence with the
proprietors of hotels wo left behind us.
On our last tour wo succeeded in evad
ing justice as far southward as my homo
at Fort Craig , Now Mexico , and , having
concluded to allow the public a brief re
spite until wo could invent now modes of
torture , wo caino out to ono of my min
ing camps at tnose springs.
iiero Viseh. was as a boy let lopso
from school. Ho roamed the hills
and gullies in the wildest glee , his
glad song reverberating in stir
ring echoes amid the eternal rocks ,
much to the surprise of the Mexi
can burros , who thought they had n
monopoly of that business. Thoao who
have hoard the colonel sing will readily
recall his rich burro-tone voice. Some
idea of his buoyancy of soul may be
formed from the following extract irom
a poem ho wrote \vhilo here , and which ,
after a most desperate struggle , I suc
ceeded in wresting from him when ho
attempted to read it to mo :
' My glad soul scorns to iizz utid squirt ,
Lilto ginger pop that's burst its fetters I
My biuzum surges , till my shirt
Js torn into 10,000 tatters !
Mv frontispiece , which ever glows
With ( julto surprising phosphorescence !
As this glad soul Hood outwnru Hews ,
Is tickled with thu effervescence 1
"Oil , would I wcro little birdl
To dwell amid these trees forever !
My Joyful twitters would bo hoard ,
Ten miles beyond yon rolling river I
Or were I but yon calf I see ,
Sporting about in bovine madness I
I'd flap tny tail in ghoulish glee ,
Aud over boiler bleats of gladness 1"
My jolly comrade's gladness of soul ,
however , was > but of short duration. Wo
cooked by turns. Ono morning Visch.
would sloop while I got up nnd prepared
breakfast ; the next I would get up and
got brcakfant and allow him to sleep.
Ono morning after I had started a lire
and was disinfecting a war relic in the
shape of n piecn of bacon , preparatory to
frying it , my pr.rd awoke , yawned until
liis ears seemed trembling on the brink
of a bottomless pit , and said :
"W-hatcha knockin' '
'round this time
o' night for , 'Jack' : " '
"Tills time o' night ! Why , man , the
sun is an hour high. "
Ho raited himself on ono elbow ,
scratched his breast in a thoughtful way
and replied :
"Oh , lot up ! You lie out here nearly
as bad as you do on the stage. Its pitch
dark yet ! ' '
I looked at him in astonishment , and
in a moment divined the truth. In his
rambles ho had como in contact with
sninn nolsnn ivv. nnd his fnen wiis * .n
swollen that both his
eyes were com
pletely hid from view.
lie was tone blind.
It may have been very wicked for mo
to make sport of the poor boy's nflllclion ,
but I couldn't liolp it. I crowded the
fun of a lifetime into the two days of his
blindness. J will say nothing of placing
a frying pan full of hot Hour gravy
whore ho would flop into it in his Block
ing feel , or of sitting the dbh water in
the water bucket's accustomed place
with u drinking cup beside it ; but I
must tell ono story , at the risk of violent
assassination when next I meet him.
Ho was hitting in front of the cabin ,
rollooting upon his piht _ ; sins and won
dering if lie would over reform ami lead
n bettor life , when I noticed our pack
animal , a small Mexican burro ( donkey )
standing in front of him in a dreamy at
titude , ov.dontly about half asleep. I
suddenly l/oromo nos.vjssed of a devil !
A wicked thought shot athwart my
brain , and aalzing my rlilo , I haul hur
riedly :
"Grout heiivens.Vlsch. , thoro't ) n mon
ster bear In the bushes on that raise just
in front of us ! Don't move , and I will
got him. "
Quietly stealing awr.y from the pooi
eighties * follow , f wont up to the hlopo a
short distance and fired n shot into the
"Did you kill lilm , JticUV" Vlhoh. cried
out , in : i trembling voice.
"No , " I replied , "but I've hurt him.
Ho acts like ho wanted a row1' !
'Hadn't 1 bettor try and llnd my way
into the lieu % < i' ( " ' ho asked ,
"Is'o , don't move , " I replied , "or you
will attract his attention toward you. "
A moment later I yelled : "tJroat
CVsiir , Visch. , lie's going right ntyouV"
and at the same time I started toward
him through the bushes , making all
the noise I could without using my
Vo gml8 of fun what a revel you must
hnvo then indulged In !
Viseh. raised to his fcot , and hi.4
snowy faro puled to ashy whiteness. Ho
trembled in every limb , nnd stretching
forth his hand to ward olT the coming
brute , cried out.
"Oh , my dear Jack , stop htm I Oh ,
what will 1 do ? li'wny from hero , you
brute ! O'h , Lordy ! Our
Father which art in Woosh ! Hi
there , joti foolV Now 1 lay mo
Oh , Helena , I don't know how to
pray ! Jack , shoot him , quick , or
| 10 fl > '
Just then I gave the donkev n quick
push right against the terror
stricken fellow , and as ho gra.sped it
desperately by the nose with both his
hands , ho uttered u shriek that rang
I could hold in no longer , and screamed
with laughter.
With that quick perception for which
: io is noted , ho grasped the situation in
in instant , and determined to turn the
joke on myself. Ho felt the donkov's
'ace carefully ever , and wnen ho lltmlly
cached its enormous earn , took one in
each hand , and said with a ( Hilot sinilo-
"Oh , I recognise you now , Jack , My
love , 1 thought sure you wore a bear1 '
Like a boomerang that sinful joku
came back at melalor with fearful force.
After our vacation vo again donned the
) latform war paint , our llrst entertain-
nont being given near my homo , where
[ was known to every man , woman and
child in the town.
While we wore sitting on the hotel
> orc'li , just before going to the hall ,
vlsch said :
"Jack , that bear joke you played on
no was a good one , wasn't itV
"It was a corker , old boy , " I replied.
"Yes. it was a stunner. Say , why
wouldn't that bo funny to tell that to
the people tonight ? "
The thought of the fmHt would create
struck mo forcibly , and J replied :
"Capital idea , Vis-ch. Of course it will
make a roar at your expense , but It will
make the hit of our tour if you loll the
story in your own inimitable way. Ci\o !
it to 'em right on the htart and it will
sort o' olTsot the allliction of vour regu
lar talk. "
"Hy Jove , I'll do it ! I'll inaugurate
Lho trouble tonight with that story , sure.
Let 'em guy mo. 1 don't care ! "
As I did 'not "como on" in the first
part of the entertainment , I lingered be-
liind talking to some friends , nnd as I
ascended the stairs 1 thought the walls
would tumble donn with the M'rennirt of
laughter which greeted my ears. Just
as I reached the door 1 hoard Visch.
say :
"I fear Jack will never forgive mo for
the joke , and it was. I admit , a Ilendish
act on my part to so frighten him when
lie was so blind ho could not distinguish
dnv from night. "
The sinner hnd told the story to a
iviot n/1 lintiuft Kt 11 It fl
M tiiViM > crwl 1 ii < i l rl
tacts , and iniido 1110 the victim of the
joke !
I at once rushed for tlio stnco door ,
and waited until Visch caino olT. Wlioii
the stngo Imtnls sticceudod in soparntins :
us and I wont out to ilolivor 1113inont
pathotlc recilalion , I was { 'rccteuV witli
a roar of latifrhtcr. SoiuolitintVin front
imitated tlio bray of a , blivrO , ' and in n
uioment thu entire audience
was t-croiiin-
ing nnd braving until J imagined I had
Btruck a JHCKIUM lunatic asylum. In vain
were my pchticulationa for niloncc , and I
was compelled to precipitaloly retire.
Tlio burden of the ontc'rrainmcnt that
nltfht fell upon tlio shoulderi } "ofjC loncl
William Ludo\ ice Visclior. t
"Tliol'oatiicout. ' '
Gciiprnl Ilutler'H
Nothinf"1 in a long time htiu croutod so
much oxcitiiniont in legal circles ns tlio
order of Judge Carpenter by which Oon-
prtil Butler wtib ejected froln the room
in which the session of the superior
court was being hold. This inn't the
tirsl time by any moaiib that the venerable -
able lighter and lawyer ha.i had dibputo
with a judge before whom ho has been
trying a caio , but , of course , it
is the llrst time that a jtidgo
retaliated in the way Judge Carpenter
used his authority. 'Tho general him
self likes to toll of his experience with
Chief Justice Shaw , before whom ho
tried the greatest cube of his life. The
general was a young man then , and ho
describes the justice as an able , but
shrewish gentleman. Many times dur
ing the progress of the case the general
and the judge "talked bacn" at each
other , and in coming in from Lowell on
the train ono morning the young lawyer
said to a car full of acquaintances that
ho was talcing a ferocious looking young
bull dog that accompanied him up to tlio
court room , that Judge Shaw might ,
teach him how lo growl. Very dilTor-
ent however , was the revenge that tlio
chief justice took from that taUcu by
Judge Carpenter , The case dragged on
for some tiuiu after , nnd Mr. Butler
heard nothing from hit ) disrespectful
reference to the learned judge. When
that gentleman deli voted liis decision ,
however , which was in favor of the gen-
oral's clients , ho tunicd about to the
audaoiotm young attorney and said with
a grim smile , "That is the liiht growl ,
Mr. Butler , nnd how do jou like it ? "
AVears a Stool Hlilri.
James D. Houston , who htui boon described -
scribed as the "llrot lieutenant" of tlio
lynching mob at New Orleans , is t-aid to
wear a coat of mall underneath his
everyday ulothof. For ton years lie wan
the political "bo s" of Louisiana and
held some of the most lucrative olllcos
in the Htato. Ho came into pouer in
1 LTIl lintlfil * lll/v flli.jt 1 _ . . _
/ < 11 frt / \ < t Mil t t j t itntn .1.1
ministration. Dtirltif , ' hin > jiorlod of of
fice lie wii un n od In Miino luilf-do/ou
rtliootitiff iilTmyt ) and ( isuapod from till ) f
tlioin without tt suratch. Tliosovlio
witiKwsod bovoral Holoninly afllnn Unit
tlio bullets of Houston's ' advofMU'y
bounded back from him , and in no cut-
tint ; sorapu could ho bo injured. ffo
waa regarded \vlth .suporrititlon by thu
Ignorant In Ne\v Orleans. Ho mot with
political defeat some yuara aj'o and hart
heldoin been before Iho pnbllo sliii'c.
With His Thumb ,
A hey Is MII | to liava siwctl th < .Vcllierbii'li
frem Iniinilatlini. Miillltii'lci h Mi hern
s.ivei ! from the Invailon of illva-M } hy a
hcttleof Ayer's SirsapirllLi. Tint incdlcina
Imparts tiiiin U > thn sjstfin ami atrvngt'iuiu '
eiery organ aii'l llhtu of tin body.
" I have tnkfii ,1 great deal of medicine ,
hat nothing lirn ilono me so much nouil M
Ayer's Snraiiarlila. I exporlenceil ll. < iiemv.
flcinl effects hefore I h.i'l ' 'inllo fiuhhuil oun
hottie , and I can freely tealily Dial It H Ilia
best blooil mcillclno I know of. " I.V. .
Ward , sr. , Woodlan-l , Tcxai ,
"Connaeil to an oflloi ! , m I nm , from ono
ycai's risil to another , with llttln or no o'it-
door excreli" , I fltvl great liclp In Aci'a
Hanap.irlll.ihlcli I nsM far jcvril
j'oaM , ami am m prosi-nt nsln , with excel
lent remits. It eiililiM ; mo to ktvp alu-t >
nt my poM , Rnjoylni ; tlm licit of health. "
II , C. lUrnes , MnlOen , Mais.
Ayer's Sarsaparilia
PR. J. 0. AVER tc. CO. , Lowell , Ma. " .