THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : JV&NDAY , MAY 18 , 1801. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE : No. 12 PEARL STREET. Delivered by Carrier In any part of the City. H. W. TILTON - MANAGEU , TELEPHONES l Business Ofllcc , No. 43. Night Editor. No. 23. JIJXOK JHEX'flOX. N. Y. P. Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal. Craft's chattel loons , 201 Sopp block. Heal Hock Springs coal. Thatcher , 1(5 ( Main If you want water In your yard or house KO to Ulxby'i , aou Morriain block. S. Tlttu left last evening for Whlto Hlvor Junction , Vt. , over the Milwaukee , C. W. U.irncs ot Chicago Is tno guest of W. U. Lincoln on South Ninth street. The Social union of the Presbyterian church will meet tomorrow evening at the church parlors , Mr. at.d Mrs. George Bennett of Wiscon sin nro In the city , the guests of tholr daughter , Mrs. T. B. Huys , on Seventh street. Miss Loulo Williams , who has been In Lincoln forsomo time past , spent Sunday In the city with her parents at their homo on Commercial street. IMin C. H. Gardner of Omaha addressed thu young men' meeting at the Voting Men's Christian association rooms yesterday after noon. Them wns a good attendance. Thu Council Bluffs wheel club started out yesterday morning from the Hotel Grand to talto n rldo to Glenwood nnd return. They relumed lust evening , having enjoyed a very pleasant run of forty miles. , „ W. H. Shccds , n man who has boon doing the music act on the streets with a tiarp and n contribution box , was arrested yesterday moniliifr. Ho was taken to thopollco station , where ho wns tiookuj with betrglnir on the BtreolH. Ho will have a hearing this morn Ing In polleo court. There will be a meeting of the city council this evening at which Aldc-rman Smith's ordinaiicu with roeard to u new city hall will coino up for consideration. Alderman Smith Is somewhat confident ttiat his move will incot with the approbation of the other mem bers of the council. The Unns-MlssKsIppt commercial congress convenes tomorrow at Denver , Colo. , nnd lasts four days. The following delegates , who were appointed by the board of trade ut Its last meeting to represent Council Bluffs , will start for Denver this afternoon at a"JO : o'clock over the Union 1'aclllu : W. H. M. J'nsoy , Lucius Wells , J. N. Casady , S. B. Wadsworth , D. W. Archer and Thomas Bow man. They will bo away about a weuk. The following arrivals were registered at the Grand hotel vcsterday : J , D. Warren , St. LouisF. . A. Wright , Boiton.J. F. Nell , Philadelphia : H. E. Moore. St. Joseph ; George Wcnthurbeo , Springlleld , 111. ; W. A. Garrett and wlfo. St. Louis ; H. C. Choynoy , fiioux Cltv ; Charles A. Hnmling. Boone ; John T. Morrlll , Chicago ; J. H. Williams , Billows Falls , N. H. ; Gcorgo S. Dwindle , Boston : M. H. King , Dos Molnes ; F. D. Smith nnd wlfo , Kansas City ; W. Boyt , Dos Molnes ; Harry Campbell , Lincoln ; F. A. Kavnnaugli , Panama. . KIlUH. Figured China silks ( We , fWic and 7fie this evening from (5 ( o'clock , on sale for 4'Jc. Boston Store , Council Bluffs , In. I. A. Cnspor , the florist , will bo at Fairview - view cemetery all of this week engaged In Mccorutlng graves. All plants ordered for comoterj work will ho sot out free. ICP ! 1oe ! Ice ! ! ! If you want It pure and n And at a reasonable pr Follow no now dev loo. ' ! i . But send to us In a tr V. ' . , Atpuroft Mulh0.lmd.&Co. } ! , No. 4 Pearl st. , Tel. 103. The Intent/addltlon / is the Shantong pongco , ' India silk' finish , sold everywhere for 'Me , our nrlcQ'l'o ; a beautiful range of colors , plnuapplo tissue , the { -rout leader , for ] 2J c. Bojtqu.Store , Council Bluffs. n When about to build iton't fail to get prices on lumber of The .ludd & Wells Co. , Slit Broadway. Telephone. 287. fiiindny at Miminvu. The Mannwa motor trains made regular half hour trips yesterday , each train com posed of three cars. During the afternoon all the coaches were loaded both ways , fully otic-halt of the visitors being from Omaha. Great Improvements have been made at the lake during the week , especially about the hotel and grounds , The change made Is seat at that visitors of last year scarcely know the place , nnd the Improvement is as great as the change. The steamers were running , carrying full loads of plcasuro seekers around the lake , while scores of row and sail boats carried small parlies. The line breczo und the excel lent stage of water made line sailing. Sev eral handsome , little clippers have been launched this spring , nnd sailing bids fair to bo the rage at the lake this summer. The hotel has been completely remodeled nnd refurnished , and tno date of the opening fixed for May 23. Since It has been moved to the luke front the lawn has been Increased by the addition of a couple of acres and the whole has been sodded and covered witn trees. Ornamental shrubbery has taken the pluro of the old-fashioned sunflowers , and the surroundings are pleasant and sightly. Numerous improvements are under way on the south side of the luko. The beach Is now in the bunds of a stock company composed of Omaha and South Omaha parties , chief of whom Is Mayor Sloan. They purpose to ex pend several thousand dollars In permanent improvements. Piling has been driven for the erection of a pavilion entirely surrounded by water , which u 111 bo used for dancing , re freshments , booths and boat landings. The schutzenvoreln people are also making extensive improvements In their property on the north sldo of tbo lake and will have a beautiful park for the summer amusements. A ninety-foot bowline alloy was completed Saturday. Kvcry Indication promises that this season will bo the best in the history ot the lake. Fruit farm for sale on reasonable terms ; within ono and one-half miles of the P. O. ; oil In bearing ; good buildings ; possession given at once. Cull ou D. J. Hutchlusou Co. , 017 Broadway. Pianos , orgatu , C. B. Muslo Co. , 533 B'd'y. r-- Drs. Woodbury. dentists , 30 I'oarl street , - * , n.xt , to Grand hotel. Telephone 145. High grade work u specialty. Black orgundlc.s , the latest In black wash goods , every yard guaranteed absolutely fast black , the greatest cruzo of the season , a beautiful rangu of patterns all the way from lOo to We. Now Is the tlmo to make vour selection whllo the choice patterns last. Hoston Storo. Fothoringham , Whitolaw & Co. , Council Uluffs. Tlioy Ijovo Full-mount 1'nrk. The motor company carried fully ono thousand people Into Falrmount park yester day afternoon. The delightful day and the magmllcicnt view afforded from every point of the mngnltlclcnt nark made an after dinner haunter very enjoyable. "I never tire of Falrmount park , " said a visitor from Omaha yesterday. "I have spent many days huro In the past two seasons and this summer I thli.k I will have my family hero every ple.isant Sunday after noon. If I lived nearer It I would spend the greater part of my leisure tlmo In It. " The park commissioners have carefully expended tholr smalt allowance , und the handsome public breathing ground Is cleaner , brighter and plcasantor than over. It will bo moro popular than over this summer. Underwear We can fltyou out with almost anything in the underwear lino. Anything wo have not got In stock wo ran got for you If to bo found In Now York city , having an oftlco In Now York and nn oxiKtrienccd man always ou the pot u rings us In direct com munication with the great inorcuntllo ccntur of the world. Uoston Store , Council Uluffs Dry storage at low rates , stove * and house hold goods. J. It. Snyder , Pearl street. Malr has all sorts of fruit , shade and orna trees , Broadway , opposite postoDlco NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , Safe Burglars Get in Thuir Work tit L. Harris1 Establishment , NO MONEY WAS SECURED BY THEM , Tlicy AVrcckcit tinSnfo nml Ollloo niul Carried Off the Combination Number with Tliom. OWhcn L. Harris , who runs t bottling works on Broadway near the Northwestern depot , opened up his establishment yester day morning , ho found unmistakable cvl- dcnca that ho had bad some callers during his absence. A largo ofllco chair was lying on the lloor In a statu of smash tip , the door of his largo steel safe was lying peacefully on thu lloor several foot from Its moorings , nnd thu light wooden partition wlncti divides the front onlco from the rest of the building was tilled with holes through which n cat could have been thrown without Injury to the cut. cut.On On Investigation ho found thata window In thn rear door of the building had been broken out , and that through the hole thus made the visitors had made their entrance. A hole about largo enough to admit the Inser tion of n lead pencil In the top of the safe told the tide. A charge of gun powder had been nut Inside the hole imJ then Ignltud , thus ac counting for this torn up condition of things Inthootllco. The explosion had resulted In the complete ruin of the sufo , which means u loss of about $150. The thieves failed to realize anything on their expedition , as the safe had been emp tied ot all Its valuables bcforu closing up Saturday night , nnd the only tulng In It was the number of thu safe combination. This was appropriated by the thieves. There Is no clue to the perpetrators , but Iho sudden advent into the city a day or two ngoofacouplu of well known crooks bus caused n knowing expression to creep over thu faces of the police. MUCH. Figured China silks on sale , COo. 65o and 75c.Momlay evening from U o'clock. Boston store , Council Bluffs , la. Sun Umbrellas. Special sale for tomorrow , Monday , f 1.50 , nnd $1.75. Sun umbrellas fl.sD. Boston store , Coaucll Bluffs , la. A THICK OI'Vl'JIE THADK. A News A no nt Gets Into Trouble Through IlchiK Too Greedy. Thomas Sweeney Is a young man who has been making a living by selling specked apples and polrillcd ilps on board the Union I'acltlc trains. Ho took a lay off yesterday nnd Is now In the city Jail awaiting a hearing on the charge of obtaining money under false nrotcnsea. J. B. Scott Is the name of the prosecuting witness. Scott claims that ho bought some of Sweeney's wares Saturday night at the transfer and gave him a live dollar bill to get changed. Sweeney went out with the bill. When ho returned ho gave Scott 00 cents mid run off. Scott tried to stop him and get him to give him back the rest of his change , but Sweeney disappeared and that was the last seen of him. Scott , however , was not going to lut him go free , so he laid hero over night , instiaJ of going directly west , as ho had Intended. Yes terday Swosney came back to the transfer and was arrested by Oftlccr Qulnn. When searched at thu station ho had $17. > ou him. Later In thu day Scott was also arrested , so that ho mignt bo held as n witness. Ho gave u bund for his appearance against Sweeney In police court this morning. The finest line of spring and summer coeds , most export workmen , Is what you will find at Heller's , the tailor , 310 Broadway. Snugart & Co. carry largest stock of bulk Held , garden and flower seeds In the west Catalogue and samples by mall. Trees , all kinds , guaranteed to grow , prices heap , at Malrs' , Broadway , opposite post of fice. Sun UniUrclliis. Special sale for today , $1.50 nnd (1.75 sun umbrellas for 1.33. Boston Store , -Council Bluffs , la. Lace curtains cleaned from 50c to $1.35 per pair , ut Twin City dye works. Sunday Sports. A largo crowd assembled at the driving park yesterday afternoon to witness the ath letic exhibition whlcn wns given by the members of Hose team No. 5 , for the purpose of raising money to send them to the state llromou's tournament at Cedar Kaplds next month. An Interesting programme of sports : md been arranged and was carried out with out n hitch. The first thing was the fifty- yard dash. There were seven contestants , Grant , Hess , Gerhart , Ponpor , Loslcr , Stow and Oiler. Grant won first place , his tlmo being 5 4-5 seconds. Uoss came second. The rest of the contests wore as follows : Sovonty-IIvo yards dush ; ( utrles Grant , Iloss , Loslor , Oiler , Pepper and Ilouub. Grunt first placo. Time , 7 4-5gcconds. Bicycle race , half milo ; entries Wcrtz , i'lxloy and Snoll. Wortz first placo. Tlmo , 1 minute , 41J < seconds. Plxloy second. One hundred yards dash ; entries-Grant , Ross , Pepper. Hough and Lozlor. Grant first place. Time , 10 seconds. Keas second. In each of the foot races the first prize was $10 and the second f5. The prlzo for tbo suc cessful contestant in the blcyclo race was a beautiful gold badge , consisting of a small bicycle suspended from a heavy gold cross bar. bar.While While thu contests were going on a ball gomo was in progress between the South Omaha club and the Models of this city. It was a wonderful game , so far as errors were concerned , although to the credit of the homo team bo It said they were mostly made on tbo other Rldo. At the close of the game the scoru was 20 to 0 in favor of the Models. The last thing ou the programme was an exhibition run by the John N. Baldwin. Jr. , hose team , which Is expecting to go to Cedar Hnplds and bear off the honors of the tourna ment. Trio boys made an excellent run , and show signs of good training. All In all the exhibition was a great suc cess , and a neat sum was cleared to bo used in defraying the expenses of the proposuj trip to Ctdixr Uaplds. Union Park races , Omaha and Council Bluffs , JunuO-12 , M,000 ; Sept. 8-11 , fl > ,500 ; Oct. 'JO- * ' , f 1,1)00. ) For programmes address Nut Brown , seo'y. , Merchants' hotel , Omaha. Dress ginghams Everything In that line from the 7c dross gingham to the Quest Scotch goods. At 7o , 8c , lOo nnd 12 } < u wo show u beautiful raugo of patterns. At IGc wo show a very fine line of zonliyr ginghams , the style and finish almost as good as the most expensive. Boston Store , Counci * Uluffs. Furniture , carpets , refrigerators , baby car riages , stoves , crockery , and all house fur nishing goods , cash or on easy payments , at Mandel & Klein's. Mitts and gloves Our line is now com plete in nlack silk mitts at 25o , 33e , 39c , 50o and K > o.'o think and say without the least hesitancy that wo have the best value In the ubovo that over entered any city. All pure silk and guaranteed fast blacks. Auk to see them ; wo delight m showing goods , whether you purchnHO or not. Boston Store. Fotherhigham , Whitolaw & Co. , Council Bluffs. _ Decoration Day. The committees on Decoration day oxcr- clsos mot In Grand Army hull yesterday after noon at 'J o'clock for the purpose of confer ring together nnd finding out what progress was being made. The afternoon was de voted mostly to talulng over matters , and but llttlo business wan transacted. The pro gramme has been arranged so far as speak ers are concerned , although It U not ready for publication , und wilt not bo until nemo Umo next week. Dr. E. A. Gilbert ot Du- huquo Is to bo the orator of the occasion. Dr. Gilbert Is grand master for the stMo of Iowa of the Masonic fraternity , nnd is medical di rector of the Grand Army of Iowa. Ho Is a flno speaker , nnd will no doubt bo a great at- traction. Try Duquette A Co.'s Pomona fruit Julco tablets. They are delicious. SO VTJI "ujIAH.t. A Ocnerous Gift. The managers of the packing houses , recognizing the needs of the city and its In ability to supply needed flro apparatus , have given the South Omaha flro department a omph'to flro company outllt , including u line earn of horses , hose , hose carriage and all equipments. Gcorgo W. Murrow of the Cudahy Pack ing fompanv had the matter in charge nnd male the offer. Chief Fred Ml Smith and his firemen are delighted with thu needed present nnd manifested apprccatlon ot the llremen. IVIntci-H' Annu-il llnll. Typographical Union No. 2(50 ( will glvo Its first annual ball In Rowley's hall this even ing. Messrs. Samuel C. Shrlgloy , C. W. Miller and A. C. Powers nnd Misses Amanda Bovur and M. Ella Hudson are on the recep tion committee , and Messrs. Morgan Heafcy , E. O. Maylleld. Captain Frank E. Hart , IX A , Pearce and E. G. Smith will do the ele gant on the lloor. A largo number of tickets have been sold , nuil the big Omaha delegation promises to fill the hall and jslvo lovers of the dance a genuine typographical dance. Stock VnrdH Next Saturday afternoon the fat and lean men of the exchange will play a game of ball. Thu aggregations will marshal as fol lows : Leans. Positions. Fills. U-oN.Triiltt . I'ltohor. . . . Daniel Muruhy M. It. Murphy . Catcher. . . .W. II.WMUork Chillies ( 'hi tti' mien First . George .Inckson Cnnliilri W. It. Hell . .Second . . .James K. llotn r. . I ) . Wvlkur . Third .Charles UolTiiuui Hcroy It Hoiih..HhoitHtnp. ; K. bcott llnrrull 1'i'ti-r. Mitchell . Left Hold. . . . I. . T. Martin Ab.Viigconur . Hlghl Held John Monrou James u , Martin Center Held ,1'rcd Uubiinuii Notes About tlio City. Frank I. Lee has returned from Wlntcrset , Iowa. The city council will hold a session this evening. Edward McCormtcK , after a western trip , bos returned. Hon. John McMillan has returned to Twenty-third and N streets. Mrs. Amelia Pierce nnd family have ro- movnd to this city from Grand Junction , la. Fred Wagner will pay ? 10 llnu nnd $9.25 costs by tlmo in the county Jail for cruelty to dumb beasts. Twenty-four to fi was the way the Council Bluffs Models icceived and embraced our uall club vesterday. Messrs. Josgph W. Edgerton , C. W. Mil ler und S. D. Hynearson went to the Cincin nati conference from this city. Mrs. Cleveland of Omaha and Miss Ella Hill of Wahoo are thu charming guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. John F. Rltchhart. Robert R. Livingston post. No. 2S2 , Grand Army of the Republic , will hold u meeting in the post rooms , 1C. P. hall , McGInnis blork , this evening. The second entertainment by 'tho Sunday .school classes In the Presbyterian church last evening drew a largo audience und gave the best of satisfaction. Sidney Leodbettor has resigned his position as night car checker on the Union Pacific nt this point to accept n similar but better posi tion in Omaha. Mr. Jones has been ap pointed to fill the vacancy. A citizens' alliance was organized in this city Saturday night with twenty charter members. At the next meeting , Tuesday evening. May 20 , n county organizer will bo appointed. J. V. Rose of Lincoln , state organizer , was present and organized the alliance and installed the officers. Most complexion powders have a vulgar glare , but Po/zonl's is a true beautillcr whoso effects are lasting. ONLY IMAGINATION. Shadows On UNO a Policeman toThink He I Ins a Hur lnr. About 10 o'clock last night , Oflicor Foley passed the grocery store of QulsUrard at the corner of Seventeenth and Capital avenue , The onlcor noticed that tboro was no light in the store as is the usual custom. Sus pecting burglars , an Investigation was made. A passing pedestrian was pressed into ser vice nnd Instructed to guard the front door whllo the omccr.icxaratucd tLo roar en trance. The guard nt the front door became excited - cited and asserted that ho saw u man conceal ing himself behind the counter. A call was sent In for tuo patrol wagon and a squad of men under Captain Mostyn soon bud the building surrounded. Investigation proved that the gas light had been blown out in some way , but no burglar was found und nothing had been disturbed. All the doors and 'windows were securely fastened and the supposed burglar was an invention of the stranger who had boon pressed into service. Two men nro now serving terms in the penitentiary for breaking Into nnd robbing this storo. Dr. Birnoy euros catarrh , Bee bldjj. OMAHA'S MAFIA. Olio KiitlitiHliiHtiu Italian Coos Gun ning Tor a Countryman. "Dago alloy" furnished a small sized sen sation last evening. Brony Toucbl and T. Laroy , two natives of sunny Italy , engaged In a quarrel about a woman. Both men were candidates for the smiles of a dark eyed Italian maiden. Words soon led to blows. Then keen edged stlllotos were flashed nnd thrcati made. Finally Touchl procured a revolver and commenced shooting at his hated rival. No one was struck by the bul lets 11 red at random , but the shots attracted Officer Fancy's ' attention. The ofllcor took both men Into custody and thus stopped hos tilities for the tlmo. Touch ! Is charged with shooting with Intent - tent to kill , and Laroy Is held as a witness. Agate bearing scales , coffee mills with fee power , grcoors refrigerators , butter coolers Catalogue of Borden & Sollock Co. , Chicago B. I' . O. J3. Sixth Aiuiuil Convention oft'ie Order lit IjOlliKvlllc. LOUISVILLK , Ky. , May 17. The sixth annual convention of the Benevolent nnd Protective Order of Elks began here today. Delegations were present from Indianapolis , Baltimore , Erie , Cleveland , Butler , Pa. ; Columbus , O. , Evansvlllo , Ind. , St. Louis , Chicago , Reading , Pa. , Pittsbure , Kulaina- zoo , Grand Rapids , Detroit , Birmingham , Ala. , Greenville , Miss. , Mlddlesboro , Ky. , Hartford , Conn. , Washington , Now York , Boston and San Francisco. The mooting will contluuo three days. This afternoon , nt Cave Hill cemetery , In the presence of 10,000 people the Elks' Rest was dedicated. After u march through the streets the delegates formed upon tholr crounds. Judge W. B. Hoko or Loulsvlllo nindo the first address , delivering the grounds to the order , nnd Exalted Ruler Apperlv of the Louisville ledge accepted. Prof. Erch- eron then eave a cornet tolo , "Nearer , My God , to Thee. " The unveiling of the monument ment by Grand Esqulro Dudley of San FruncUco was next In order , an address by Grand Exulted Ruler Dr. Simon Qulnluu of Chicago , the reading of Will Caileton's K > umCover Them Over , " by Exnlter uler William H. Friday of rirooklvn ; an address by Past Grand Chaplain Rov. Henry G. Perry of Chicago and the benediction by Grand Chaplain George A. Reynolds of Hartford , Conn. , concluded the programme. The monument consists of a bronze elk twelve foot high upon u base four feet high. The plat is to bo the last resting place of members of the order who shall so do-dro. The meeting will bo continued tomorrow , with business rnd social sessions. Dr. Birnoy euros cuuirrn. Boo bid ? . Mnrdnred 11 Tramp. ST. Loan , Mo. , May 17 In a tramp's lodg'ng house on the levee , at a late hour tonight , uu employe named McCaulcy nearly soveio with a pockpt-knlto the hcadiof Louis Dolnn , n tramp , from his shoulders , ! the blade passIng - Ing through the Jugular vein nind the wind pipe. A quarrel over n trivial mntlcr.whother or not Dnhin should borrowifvpalrot pincers from the proprietor of the hotito , caused the rutting. The ofllcor who arrested McCnulcy had considerable dlfllcully In getting him safely to Jail , as 150 trumps in the tioaso corned determined to lynch 'him. McCauley doubtless owes his life to tbo prompt appear- nnco of the police. t . t No griping , no nausea , nfo pain when Do Witt's ' Little Early Risers aw taken. Small pill. Safe p < ll. Best pill. „ I AXO COJtllECTlOXN. Ministers from Ainonij the Dole-Kites Occupy ImllunnimllH I'ulpltH. NiHAXAroi.if , Ind. , May 17. This morn ing ministers from among the delegates to the conference of chanties and corrections occupied nearly all the city churches. Rov. Myron W. Rood preached the conference sermon. . This evening English's opera house was crowded nt thu public meeting. Rov. Myron Reed of Denver make a few remarks and Mr. Fnmu B..Sanborn of Massachusetts do llvered an address on "Public Charities In Europe. " Ho described the workings of the successful vagrant farm In Belgium and the labor colonies of Germany. Ho dwelt In do- tall upon the treatment ot paupers and Insane of each country in Europe. Mrs. Louise Seymour Houghton of Now York , told of her experiences us a charity organization visitor In New York , She held the tcmcmcnt house system rcsponslblu for a largn sham ot pauperism. The Rev. Fred H. Wines of Springfield , III. , spoke on the International conference to bo held In Chlraco during the world's ' fair. The object of holding It nt this tlmo was to take advantage of the great crowds of for eigners that would corao to this country. During the Paris exposition one of these international conferences was held , nnd nn invitation has been sent to the noted men attending there to attend the Chicago confer ence. During the big conference nt Romu an invitation was sent to all nations to send models of their prison cells , commonly found In the different countries , und samples of clothes for prisoners. Thcso celU were arranged by an Italian architect nnd they furnished an Interesting exhibit. A similar exhibit was held In St. Petersburg , and it Is proposed to enlarge upon these ut the world's fair. A building is to bo set apart and filled with models which "show the former cor rections used in all parts of the world. " Illinois will probably contribute § 101,000 for a stuto building nnd In that will bo found work and models showing what Illinois Is doing. It will expend the necessary amount to show ho.v the blind , the deaf and dumb and other defectives arc being taught , and It Is hoped the sister state of Indiana will co operate In a hearty manner In making this one of the most Interesting features of the fulr. fulr.After After n hymn had been sung by the audl- cnco the meeting adjourned. Do Witt's Llttlo Early Risers ; best llttlo pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bad breath. * XEH' VOItK'i * IlJiG HltlUGt : . AVork on the Structure Will Ec in In .k pptcmbcr. Nr.w Youis , May 17. The big Now York and New Jersey bridge , Which is to span the Hudson river nt West Seventy-seventh street and connect nil suburban towns with New York , Is no longer an enterprise of the future. Tbo coinmissldnors und directors are now In a position to'talk ' definitely upon the task of beginning work.und they expect to begin constructing the bridge approaches by September. The necessary capital , $100- 000,10.1 , has been subscribed by a syn dicate of capitalists of tni ? city and Now Jer sey and thu New Jers6y commission will moot next weolc to effc ctj a permanent organ- ! , zatlon. When this hasjbecn done the com pany will bo incorporated under both the laws of New York and' New Jersey. The work of construction will then Immediately bo begun. ' " - " Mr. Charles Swan , the , secretary11 of the New Yorlc Commlsslorf. wnbso office Is at 214 Broadway , said yesterday , speaking of the bridge In connection with the proposed rapid transit route , that the system when finished would bo the most com- In the world. Besides the Clcto facilities for travel he said the new bridge and approaches would open avenues of local commerce which would completely abolish the overcrowded condition of the North and East rivers. The bridge nnd approaches will bo the means of establishing frclirht and coal docks at Port Morris , tlio western end of Long Island Sound , where vessels can bo loaded without having to pass through Hell Gate and around the city of New York to Port Amboy nnd Ellzabothport. N. J. All the railroad cars now transported on lloats by the rivers con bo run over the bridge. A very small pill bat a vary ; j ) li D. Witt's Llttlo Eorlv Risers. 8COIC1I-IUI8II CO\VIIE8S. Session Devoted to nn Old- Fasliloned Covenanter's Meeting. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , May 17. The delegates to the Scotch-Irish congress tonight con ducted an old-fashioned Covenantor's moot ing at tuo Auditorium , the largest hall In the city. An audlonco of , ' 1,000 was present nnd many more were turned away. The lining out of the hymn and the careful explanation of the scriptural reading were the main char acteristic features. The Rov. C. R. Hemp- hill of the Warren Memorial church hero presided , and the Rov. J. L. McNair of Lovisvlllo lend the singing. There was no instrumental music , but all Joined with a hearty good will that hrougnt back tbo earnostno&a of the old Scotch Presbyterian In singing tbo 100th Psalm to the tuna of "Old Hundred. " The Invocation was then made by Rov. Dr. Bryson of Huntsvlllo , Ala. The Rev. Stuart Atchison of Toronto read Acts v. , 14-37. The twenty-third Psalm was sung to the tune of "Martyrdom. " The text was explained nt great length by Rov. J. S. Mo- In tosh of Philadelphia. Prayer was offered bv Rev. Woodsido , and Psalm 40 , to the tune of ' "Arlington , " was followed by n sermon by Rov. John Hall of Now York on the "Prophesy of Jool. " A prayer by Rov. Gcorgo Mi c'oskio , of Princeton , Psalm 08 , to the tune "Balerma , " and the benediction closed the exercises , which would probably have been tedious to all but for tholr novelty. Dr. Hall's ' sermon received close attention. Today the Presbyterian pulpits of the city were occupied by Drs. Molntosh , Woodsido , Atchtson , Hall , Moclosklo , Thomas , Murphy and Robert McElny , of Saintlleld , county Down , Ireland , A number of the delegates will tomorrow go on on excuralon to Mam moth cavo. 1 Small in size , trroat m results ; DoWltt' Llttlo Early Risers. 'Best ' pill for Constlpa lion , best for Sieu Headache , best for Sour Stomach , " Kansas Crop'Outlook Good. KANSAS CITY , Mo.Ma3'17. The Starsays : The crop reports franc Kansas have been get ting worse and worse every day for a week , nnd yesterday tboro were very few among local grain mon who d oyjiot fool anxious over the outlook. The torapqr of advices Is com pletely changed today , xiSoaklng rains fell last night and todayithroughout tbo wheat belt. Telegrams frop , 'Lnrucd , Ilutohlnson , Attica , Topeka , ElUw'ot h , Salina , Abilene , McPherson , Great I/uxI ) / ) , Dolphos nnd In dependence state thatgood rains fell , andi ut some of these places it is stll raining. The ruin Is moving eastward und It is probabublo that bofuro tomorrow morning the entire stuto of Kansas will have had a good wetting down. The rain will do an immense amount of good , but tboro Is some question still ni to whether In some sections the ravages of Insects have not gene too far to bo completely overcome by favorable weather. At any rate it now seems certain that the state will ralso from 40,000,000 to 50.000,000 bushels of wheat. NASHVII.I.E. Tonn. , May 17. Continued dry weather Is seriously Interfering with the crops in this section of Tennessee. The growth of vegetation is at a standstill nnd the prospect for cotton Is especially had. DeWitt's Llttlo Early Ilturito.-t n Llvar. I'o'Nonod by Smoked Sturgeon. PITTSIIUIIO , Pa. , May 17. About fifty ad ditional eases of poisoning are rerorted from Sharpsburg , caused from eating smoked sturgeon. Browning , King & Co. RETAILERS OF- MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS- We desire to call your attention to one thing in this department , and ask for the opportunity to prove the statements which we shall make in regard to quality which we offer and the prices we can name on MEN'S UNDERWEAR. Buying , as we do , for ELEVEN of the largest retail stores in the country , we make our selections from the leading manufacturers of the world , and through our unlimited orders are enabled to reach bottom prices. Every dealer may quote figures , but what we claim is THIS : That our purchasing facilities warrant us in offering UNDER WEAR at the popular prices of : 6Oc , 76c , $1.OO , $1.25 and $1.5O that is superior-in quality to that which the ordinary retailer can show. We carry finer grades also. You will find it to your advantage to watch our window display and examine our stock. BROWNING , KING & CO. , S. W. Corner 15tk and Douglas Streets. O Jlfoncy refunded'where goods do not satisfy. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. SOVTU It.tliOTA UHSSII' State Kali1'roHpcots Ot cr Hits of NOWH. PIKIIIIB , S. D. , May 17. [ Special to The Br.i : . ] South Dakota's State Fair will bo neld this year at Sioux Rills , Scntembor'J , il , 4 , 5 and G. If the good cron prospects con tinue It will probably bo the most elaborate affair of the kind over presented in this sec tion. Sioux Fall Is already at work prepar ing the grounds and buildings. A kite- shaped track along Coat's luke it is expected will be productive of some speed such as the ; climate Is becoming celebrated for. But the most unique performance will bo n rnco In which Senator Frank Pettlprew will drive one of his moose from his Buffalo park in South Sioux Falls against ono of Jesse Boyco's fastest stoppers. The animals are said to bo In training now. The moose finds plenty of backers. They are said to bo very fleet. fleet.Tho The grand lodge ; of the Oddfellows of this state moot at YmiKton May 111 for n four- days' session. All the divisions will bo largely represented , including the Canton nnd the Daughters of Robukah. The Black Hills alone will have some seventy delegates present. Grand Master O. S. Boosford of Redileld says that the Interest in their work was never so great as now , some twenty new lodges having been Insti.utcd during the past year. Speaking of Yankton , Charlie Bates of that town beat Charlie Hubbard of Sioux Falls in bidding for the contract for surveying and making the line between North and South Dakota just $200 , his bid being HiOO. : The monuments which will bo used to dcsignato the boundary are seven feet lonif , five of which will bo underground , and are placed every half mile. Pierre Is about to bo made n free delivery postofllco. The last report shows that she Is entitled to the same and the city council has accordingly mudo necessary application nnd appropriation. Indian agent McCuslck of the Slssctou reservation has resigned , and now the great question Is who will pot it ? Somebody Is.un- "doubtcdly after It red hot. m ConiinlKHloiicr Ilnuni STent. WASHINGTON' , May 17. Commissioner Rnum arrived hero tonight from Chicago , but declined to say anything concerning the probability of his resignation as the result of his son's resignation from the pension of- llco. RcHtriutrd to Certain L T. PcTKitsnuuo , May 17. It is stated that the government has ordered that Immediate steps bo taken In all provinces for the re moval of Jews into the quarters In which they are permitted to reside. Hclf to the Dul.odoiu of Fife. LION-POX , May 17. The Duchess of Fife guvo birth to a daughter at 5 o'clock Sunday mor..lng at the duko's residence , Shcon Houso. Amateur JKronaut Killed. SroKiNE FALLS , Wash , , May 17. "Prof. " W. F. Rountreo , an amateur aeronaut , fell from a balloon this afternoon and uas killed. DeWitt's Llttlo Early Risers , best pill. Mo.lern Girl. Life. She could trail the wild urbutus Up the rugged mountain sido. She could play lawn tennis , kick the ball , Could swim'and row und rido. She was a mutch for any man At any manly sport , But the coot who ate her biscuits Wont off with a loud report. tOPYRl&MT 1630 After dinner , if you have discomfort and Buffer ing , take Dr. Picrco's Pleasant Pellets , or Anti-Uilious Granules. They're made to assist Nature in her own way quietly , but thor oughly. AVhat the old-fashioned pill ( lid forcibly , these do mildly and gently. Ihoy do more , too. Their effects are lasting ; they regulate the system , as well as cleanse and renovate it. Ono little Pellet's a gcutlo laxative ; three to four act as a cathartic. They're the smallest , cheapest , the easiest to take. Unequaled as a Liver Pill. Sick Headache , Bilious Head ache , Constipation , Indigestion , Milieus - ious Attacks , and all derangements of the stomach and bowels , are promptly relieved and permanently cured. They're the cheapest pill you can buy , because they're guaranteed to give satisfaction , or your money is returned. You only pay for the good you get.Can Can you ask moro f CITIZENS STATE BANK Or Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK $150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 70.000 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. . . . 225.000 nmOTOHH I. A. . Mllliir , F. O Ola'x on , B. L BhuKart. E. R. Hurt , J , I ) . Edmunilsnn , Oharloi K. Hannan. general banklnt bint- neti Lanoit anil surpUu ut auy bnnkln Soutliwoiteni lotr.i. INTERESTON TIM i DEPO31 f3 , CA. . HAMMER , UST1CE OF THE PEACE , 41fi Ilro dway , Council HlufTs , la . D. H. McDaneld & Co. , Butchers' ' Paoton' Sunrm ; ( Market Fixtures , Casing , plccsuml Sansaijo Mikor-t' : Muuhlnery. K2J. fcSSMulnst. , Oounoll lllulTs. la. Also dealer ) n Hides und KUM. NEW OGDEN HOTEL. The Now Ogden liotul. In Council Uluffs. IIUN been completely refurnished and modernised throughout , and Is now one of the bent hotels In thu stnte. It Is located In the business part of the city and thu ulcctrlu motors pass thu door uvory four mlmitiH. 1'lro escapes and Ilro alarms throughout the building. Stoatn heat , hot and cold water und sunshine In every room. Table unsurpassed anywhere. Kates , $2,00 a day. QEO. M. WHITNEY , Manager. QRAND , Council Bluffs , la. This Elegantly Appointed Hotel is Now Open. Cragin & Co. , Proprietors. COUNCIL BLUFFS Medical and Surgical Institute. DUS. 11EUJNGEU9 , I'UOPa Chronic discuses of all Kinds und deform ities specialties. Nos. I'WH and 2IU1 Itroadway , Council HI u Its , la. M. if. CIl.-l.lIHKttKIX , KTC , Kar , Nose nmi Throat HpccliillsU Council lllulT.1 , - - Iowa , bora oyoi , crosi cyos , i painful nnd weak vlilon , , tmmcho , dcttfnuaa , tlh- charges from the uara. CM- tarrh , hay fever , aathma unil nil iicillo nnd chronic affections of the throat a pacliilljr. Glim eyoi nt- led without pain. ( ilis : < oj accurately iireacrlboj In dlttlcult cnsoi , oficn curing chronic U nnl alck huadacho. Burulcid operation * , when nocoi- nry , palnloisly performed , aumirlnz boU riMUlti Ofllce , tihunart-ltcno block , room 1 Council UluHj , 11 Gas Heating Stoves. No ASHES ! No SMOICUU Just the thine for bath rooms , bed rooms , eta Cull and sco our mr 'o assortment. C. B. Gas and Electric Light Co. Ill Peurl and 210 Main Street. COUNCIL ULUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS All kinds of Dying and Oluiinlm ilono In tli3 fllKhc&tdlylo of thu Art , FaduJ and SuinoJ Kubrlcs made to look us good as now. lluil ( 'outliers llluanuil lly Me.'tm , In Kirs ! C'litHi Mannar. Work promptly done and dolivoroJ In all part * of the country tend for prlM * o , A.-MAOHAN. Prop. , 1C1J uroadwav. Near Northwustorti bupol. COUNCIL , llt.ufk's. IA. Urcw PicturcH oFG Wlion Ilonico Grcoloy was u regular attendant ut Dr. Chupin'H church , there wns tilwnys to bo soon ut bin wide a bright-eyed llttlo girl , Buys the Now Yorlc Press. Slio wna a mibulilovous youngster , anil the people in surround ing pows bomotimes illacovuroU that , with u paper nnd pencil in hand , nlio wtiu drawing n picture of her clear old father nlil-nlU-nodding in his scat. Some of tlio very strict church-goers , who boliovuil that no sin was uxcuHiiblo in church oxcupt thai of going tobloop , predicted n v ry bad ontl for the mischievous llttlo girl ; but , us the fairy books tmy , she grow and ahu grow , and afterward became a very good woman. Tills fiolf-samo mischievous girl IH MBH | Gabrielle Greoloy , who bocnino the wlfo of tbo Kov. Frank Montrobo Clondonln Thursday , April 23 , SPECIAL NOTtOES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. \\7A.NTKO-A first class ImoUoopor , lady ' iiruferred. Address lock box U.VS Coun cil Illuirs la. boys wanted as nuwsagents nntralns , at 7J i Mouth 7th street , Council ItlulTs. TpOU ItKNT Itousa of Ilvo rooms , 18.00 pur * month. Onn of seven rooms , itUOU per month. 1C. I Muynu , Oil ) Kroiuhvny. furnished rooniH to runt. 1110 Cth avenue. \ ITANT1MTotiiy pony for children's use. TT Apply to Dr. llaiiulmtl , Council lllnirH , \\rANTKI-'ompotont { ulrl for general T ' housonork at lU''l 1'lfth iivenue. IpOK HA I.I' " Our duo famllr Inline , nultablo for rldlngor driving. Apply to 1IW U. Cth ' .i-oct. rpo lovur.s of horses The lamest lot of oati -L and the finest In the ulty ; also hay and food iv'i all kinds , utS. UoldBtolu > t Co's 1JS3 Vi esI llroiulwiiy. "p'OK ItKNT llarn near court house. Apply toll. W.TIUon. llouolllco. OliAIKVOYANT and psychometric , oruhur- tu-ter readings ; ulso diagnosis of ( llsouso. Send look of hair for readings by letter. Bun- days and oveiiliiRH. Mrs. 10. lloopor. 14K Avo- iinu 10. near I'orner 13th St. . Uounuil II ulTs. "IfOU KKNT Two newly furnished rootmt -L' bath , hot and cold wutor und Ntcanl heat Grand liotul nnnux. sucond Moor. " FOUSALiK KorKont Wonted If yon want to buy , null or rent anything In thu real estate line don't do II until you huvu scon our largo list of bargains. Hwan & Walker , Nn. 119 Main nnd ll.'l Pearl streets Council Illnirs. FOR SALE or Trade A Hiio imported ClydcsiluloHtulllon. Uull on 1) . J. llutoh- insnn A t'o. . HIT Hromlvray. SOME flno rcslclpnuo property for rent' by Day & Hess , it ) 1'uarl Hti--ot. _ _ Full SALE-Ilotcl centrally louutod , doing good business. Or will oxchan o for ROOU farm In western lowu. Hotel leaso. film turo and tlxtnros ; an A No. 1 cliunco to Atop Into a good payini ; busl- nc s , Iteusons fur sulllng , oilier business ro * quiring ; all owner's attention. IlurKulns In residence ) und business prop- rty. It. 1' . onluer , real cstuto an'l insurance No. 12 N. Main Nt. . Uuuncli Itlulfs. GARDENS Some choice garden bind near Council III nil. for sale onouxy terms , also vineyards nnd u largo list of lowu farms. Johnston & Van I'attun. EMtUITfurmfursatoor trudo ; well looatoj und nil In bourlnjt ; ROO 1 house an'l barn. Will take sumo Rood city property , and geol tlnioKlveu on balance. ( Jail on or address I ) . J. Ilutuhlnson ft Co. , 017 llroadway. ioil KENT The MoMuhon blook. 3 story brick , with basement und oluvutor. J. W. Squlro , ! 0l I'oarl street or Kant-Qtnlea land , wltU bouiei. t > r J > tUloa. . IDJ Halo it , OouaoU Ulutfi 'Iho Wonderful Now Process Vapor Movo. Wo sell the only irenulno Mew Process and the celebrated Quick Mcul New Process Htovos , the best nindo. Ono difference bo- twcen the Kenulno and Imitations is that the imitations bavo n small needle-like tube to draw olT oil that don'tuvaporuto ; the cronulm tins no such lilmllaiiH. Wo have sold nearly nno hundred nlrcndy this season. Lights llko pas ; absolutely safe ; no smoke or soot | as simple as a cook stovo. Sco us bofora buying. A few flno J3.00 ! gas ranges closing out at $10.00 cucb. Ilofrljreratorn. The best over offered ; 20 per cent discount over last year's prices. I jaw n Mowers. Highest grade only (0.00. Screen win doors , frames , etc. , etc. jUicyclcfl. Largest stock m the west. The fnmouj Little Glnnt boy'u who'd , the Victor , highest grade , world's ' best wheelboth for ladles and gentlemen. COM : & Uoi.i ; , 41 Main Street. 1861 I TOLD YOU SO. 1891 The .Towel Viipor Steve is the best tfOMomtiiif , ' steve In the market. The m Reliable Process is the Ictulor In pro cess stoves. Tlio hot uir tubes tire con nected by removable iron elbows , al lowing easy nucuss for clonriing pur poses. The vtvpori/.or IH u perforated brass cyllndar hold in place by three brass sprlntr arms , anil can bo lifted out und cloiined. Our stove is the only ono BO provided. Wo have donu away entirely with the sub-llama. The thun'o can be turned high or low. They ; are oin.r ( like hot cakes. The second cur load ordered. LAWN MOWKKS. liny the ffonulno Phlladolphla Lawn Mower. It was unexcelled 17 years ago ; it is unrivalled now. Tlioso nindo 17 years a'o ( , were { rood , hut those made now nro very far in advance of thorn in every point of merit. RBimiGERATOUS. Wo have n full line of Imrdwood re frigerators at prices that will sell thoin. i'ly time iseomintf. Gotyour screens up before the Hies comp and you will eHCtipo lots of annoyance. I h'avo the largest and best line of dour and win dow screens in the market. P. C. DiiVou 601 Broadway , nnd No. 10 Main Stroot. First--National--Bank : : -OK- OOUNOIL BLUFFS , IOWA. 1'ald Up Capital , . . . . $100,000 Oliloit orKnnliuil bank In thu ollr Kurulvn mid ilmm ktio ucchiinvo and local acciirltlu * . JCxpcclal nltuntloii ( mill t colluclluni. Acojtinli of JmllTld * unln. hunks , bnnkumumlourpurallun * ullvltud. Cor * niMptjixlviiio tnvlloil , UKO. I1. SANHHtl ) . rro.ldenU A. W. UIKKMAN. Ciuldor. A. T. 1UC1 ! . A3il tnatC iti ! r.