0 THJli UJMAJrlA JJAlJjl' iJJLJU : Nl'JNUAjt ' , MAY IV , IttOl TWENTY THE OMAHA. BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE : No. 12 PEARL STREET , Delivered by Carrier in any jmrtof thoClty. H. W. T1LTON MANAOIiK. TKLKPHONKSi Business onicc , NO. 43. Night Editor. N'o. M. JIIAOlt N. Y. I' . Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal. Craft' * chattel loans , 204 Bapp block. Ilcal Hock Springs coal. Thatcher , 10 Main Thrco drunks worn fined In police court jrcstcnlny morning. If you want water in your yard or house go to Hlxby's , 'WJ Morrinm block. Samuel P. Hnss nnd Miss Ncra A. Flnloy , both of Omaha , wore rimrrlod Thursday evening by Justice Swinrlngton. Thoio will bo song service ton.orrow oven- me at Iho Hcrpiui Haptlst church , conducted by the Young Men's Chrlstlnn association. Special eommiintcatlon of ICxcelslor lodge , Ancient Frco nnd Accepted Masons. Work in the second degree this evening. 1J.V order of the \V. M. Miss Hiof has been appointed to the posi tion of teacher in the Hloomer school , to take the place of Miss ICva Lint-stow , who resigned day before Yesterday. The funeral of the late John Larson will occur this afternoon nl - oVIock from the family residence , CM East Broadway , Uov. II Uelchcnbach oniclatlng. N A. Homier was In the city yesterday selling stniwuerrics without a license for an Omiilm commission merchant. Ho was ar rested and had his ease continued until this morning. By mistake H disturbance was mentioned In yesterday's Hin : as having taken place nt Neumayr's hotel on t'pper Broadway. It occurred at a house ol ( juestloiiiible repute on Pierce street. The ( 'oniniorrl.il Pilgrims mi'ot at Carlns' book store opposite opara house nt " : ! ( ) o'clock tills evening and go to Omaha In a body to Institute council No. li of tne m-w order. All are Invited mill requested to bo on hand promptly. Buck Keith was bronchi before Justice Hammer yesterday ufioroon for a hearing on n charge of having committed an assault on one I'otur Nelson at Cut-Olf Island nbout , n wti-k ago with Intent to commit great bodily injury , and with the hard side of a brick The prosecuting witness agreed to reduce the charge to one of assault and battery and the pugnacious watchman was lined 10 and CObtS. The fifth musical of the pupils of Mrs. H. II. Frury will bo given at Mueller's hall next Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock. The fol lowing will take part : ICIla U'lrt , Kthyl Thomas , Myrtle Faul , Emma Durr , Marion Benton , Kdyth Thomas , ICdna Snydcr , Belle Bnvder , X.ulu Upo , Ula Wlllotts , Au'iioi Spies , Marie Bunlior , Sadie Farnsworth , Mabel Hicks. Lora Bunker , Cicrtlo Schlek- cntaiinnd llortense Forsyth. lustlco Cones rendered his decision yester day In the case of William Malonev , who was charged by Dan C'arrigg with having assaulted him with intent In commit murder. The Justice decided that there had been no proof made that the gun .vhich Maloney pulled on Carrigg was loaded , so he did not think so serious a ohargo could bo maintained against him. He accordingly discharged Maloney as to the charge that Carrigg had preferred against him and ordered that a now Information bo filed against him charging him with simple assault. _ Try Duquette & Co.'s Pomona fruit Juice tablets. Tlioy are delicious. When about to build don't fail to get prices on lumber of The .ludd ft Wells Co. , 813 Broadway. Telephone 'J87. Furniture , carpets , refrigerators , baby car riages , stoves , crockery , and all house fur nishing goods , cash or on easy payments , at Mandcl & Klein's. Ice ! Ice ! Ice ! ! ! If you want It pure and n And at a reasonable pr Follow no now dev Ico. But send to us In a tr At our off Mulholluna &Co. , No. 4 Pearl st. , Tel. 103. SeermiokcrH. 1f > 0 pieces seersuckers , stripes and plaids , So and llle quality , for fie during sale tonight from (1 ( p. m. Boston Store , Council Bluffs , lu. M'JKttSOXA / , I'.i It A Oil A VMS. Phil Armour of Cherokee was in the city yesterday. J. J , Dunn of Dubuque , state Inspector of oils , was ii. the Bluffs yesterday. John P. Weaver das returned from a trip to Col fax. He is much improved In health. Drs , Montgomery and Hancholt have re turned from Les ) Moincs , wliero they went to attend a state medical convention. Uov. T. J. Mneknv has returned from Davenport , where he went to attend the con vention of the Kpiscopni church lu Iowa. Black organdies , the latest In black wash goods , every yatd guaranteed absolutely fust black , the greatest cra/o of the season , a beautiful range of patterns all the way from le ( ) to 4r o. Now is'tho tlmo to make your Detection \\hllo the choice patterns last. Boston Store , * Fothornighani , Whitoluw & Co. , Council Binds. < liallle.s. Another great challlo salo. Just received , fi cases more of the most select patterns in light colored challios , 10 yards for-Tic during Bole tonight from I ) u. in. Boston Store , Council Bluffs , lu. Meat I'oiitry. When you nro hungry and want to eat tie to M. Wolker's t'i07 Main street , And get n piece of choice meat Which surely will satlafyyour appetite. Moats are received dally by the load And sold and delivered C. O. I ) . Don't forgot tlui place , and number , For it Is the best market by thunder. MUAT EATEH. Mitts nnd gloves Our line is now complete ploto in tilack silk mitts at 2flo , il'tc , liOc , V ) nnd tlTic. U'o think and say without the least hesitancy that wo have the best value 1 In the nbovo that over entered any city. All pure silk and guaranteed fast blacks. Ask to see them ; we delight in showing goods , whether you purchase or not. Boston Store , Potlierliiglmm , Whltelaw & Co. , Councl Bluffs. Itaii Away I'Yom Homo. Two runaway boys were caught In the Northwestern yards yesterday morning by Ofllcor O'Connoll , wtiero they wore ovl dontly watting for n train to take tncm west. They were brought to the pollco station whe'ro they gave their names as John Cava uaugh and John McUono. They said that they had loft their homes at Des Moines las _ Friday , and had been over since beating their way from town to town until they ur rived In the Ululls. The parents of the run awuys were notified yesterday morning , bui nothing has been heard from them as yet It Is supposed that someone will come or from Ics Moines touay or tomorrow to tak them In charge , HoHlery. A full rogu'ar ' made , guaranteed fastblncli | ladles' hose ; also aJ4 super unulcachot balbriggan ladles' hose ; also a full regular made striped Indies' hosix , The nbovo a.ro ai , H : ivgular Wo goods ; during sale from 0 p. m , tonight H'o ' a pair , or ! l pair for 50o. Boston btoro , Council Bluffs , la. The latest addition Is the .Shnntonu iKmgoo , India silk finish , sold everywhere for -'Oc , our price litsc ! ; u beautiful range of colors , iilne apple tissue , the great lender , for I..HC. Boston Store , Council Bluffs. Fruit farm for solo on reasonable tormy within ono nnd ono-half miles of the 1. u. ; nil in bearing ; good buildings ; possession ulvwi ut once. Call ou tt J. Hutchlusou & Co. , 017 Broadway. Dry storage at low rates , stoves and houso- boldI'oods. J. K. Suydor , Pearl street. Malr has nil sorU of fruit , sbado and orna Dioutal trees , Uroadway , opposite poatofflca NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , Matters in tha Northwestern Yards Resnmo Their Normal Status , PLENTY OF MEN TO DO ALL THE WORK , Olil KmploycH of tlie Company ' Kxcuutlvu I'oHltloiiH No giicH Asked Save ns to Ability ol'ApiillcuntH. Yesterday mornlne nil signs of disorder about the Northwestern passenger depot had vanished , and things were running , if possi ble , more smoothly than on the day before. All the vacancies that were made hy the summary discharge of Iho docn switchmen on Thursday mornlne had been filled. The trainmen had been performing the switch men's duties in accordance with an acroo- incnt that had been entered into by them and the company when the fractious hands were discharged. The men who wore appointed to 1111 the vacancies were without an excep tion experienced railroad men , most of them having been connected with the Northwestern In some ca pacity or othor. Among them were several who had been engaged In the nrosi > cctivo strikn. The fact li pointed to by the ofllclals of the roud to show that the move was made out of a deslro to rcorgani/e the department rather than to make war on any sot of men. In everv case the applications of the men who wanted to be put in to llll the vacancies were considered simply with respect to the qualification * for the position , and the ques tion of tholr previous record was not taken Into consideration at all , that is , If the state ments of the olllcmls can be trusted im plicltlv. Fred U'l-strlp was appointed to the posi tion of yaidmmtcr. Ho was formerly con nected witti the Northwestern at this point , but was removed in order to make seem fora conductor who had lost an nrm In the service. He was sent to Boonc , but after n short service ho was discharged upon the demand of the Hwitctimen's union , Wrstrip beluga non-union mmi. The fact of his appointment is considered a fair indication of the policy that may bo expected to bo taken by the company in the future. Oeneral Agent M. .1 Alworth said yester day : "In the past the switchmen have had everything their own way. Every demand that they nave made has been conceded , but we Inwo called a halt. The men who have been appointed understand that they are ex pected to obev ' , and not to command , and I don't think'wo will have any trouble with them. There was no agreement inado be tween them ami the comp my , but it is un derstood pretty perfectly , I think , Just how matters stand. " The move is universally conceded by rail road men to have been ono of the boldest that has ever been made by any railway com pany toward Its employes. Wlion the switch men wore discharged , the ofllcinls nt this point had not the slightest Idea whom they would put In to 1111 the vacancies. Had it not been for the fact that the war was onn between the switchmen on the one side and the company and tlio trainmen oil the other , the company must have been badly crippled and the public subjected to considerable an noyance. But the trainmen wont In nnd worked with n will , nnd the tesult wns tnnt the work was done without a hitch. Union Park races , Omaha and Council Bluffs , Juiiu IMS , flXX ( ) ; Sept. 8-11 , * < ) , r > 00 ; Oct. L'O-'J'J , $ . | , ( KX ) . for programmes address Nat Brown , seo'y. , Merchants' hotel , Omaha. Shugart & Co. carry largest stock of bulk Held , garden and Ilower seeds in the west Catalogue and samples by mall. Trees , all kinds , guaranteed to prow , prices cheap , at Malrs' , Uroadway , opposite postof- flco. _ District Court News. The case of Mays against the Hock Island railway company was on trial In district court all itay yesterday. It was finally argued and submitted to the jury. A suit was commenced yesterday by the Fred Miller brewing company , of Milwaukee , Wis. , against the Council Bluffs insurance company , to collect $1,2.11 , the amount of a Judgment which was rendered against the insurance company In December of IhbS , In tlio circuit court of Milwaukee county , Wis consin. It Is claimed that the iudgmont has never been paid , and a judgment is demanded against the defendant for the amount of the previous Judgment , together with the costs of the suit , and Interest from December , 1888. 1888.A A decree was rendered hy Judge Deouier yesterday morning in the case of the East Omaha land company against Henry Coombs and others , In which the ownership ton sixty-six aero tract of land near the corner of Avenue M and Twenty-first street was the point at issue. Thu decree gives the prop erty to the plaintiff. A motion tor a new trial was lllcd lu the case of M. Selplo against I. it. Snydcr , in which a verdict was rendered In favor of the defendant ou Thursday , by the instruction of thu court. | A motion was tiled by the defendants in the case of G. W. Strong ncninst M. Welkor and C. Wesley , to dissolve the injunction that Is now ponding. Lace curtains cleaned from 50c to $1.23 per pair , at Twin City dye works. Pianos , organs , C. B. Music Co. , ! > 33 B'd'y. Underwear Wo can fit you out with almost anything in the underwear line. Anything we have not got In stock wo can get for you If to bo found In Now York city , having'nn ofllco la Now York and an experienced man always on the spot brings us in direct com munication with the great mercantile center of the world. Boston Store , Council 11 luffs llnll Cor Ucnt. Oil account of leaving town I will rent my boll , togothca with parlor room , dining room , kitchen , with steve , city water in the kitchen , for ono year or more. It is the mo t conven ient hall In the- city ; all In first-class "order. Iiujuiro J. F. Peterson , I'M Broadway. Ohl , Old Story. Sheriff W. C. Delashmutt of Mills county was In the Bluffs yesterday , searching for three men who relieved n Mills county farmer of $ lr.OO last Wednesday. Tha victim was Aaron Lewis , who lives nbout llvo miles south of Silver City. Lewis received a visit from a voung man last Tuesday. The young man stayed over night at the farmer's house , nnd whllo there learned that the fanner had some wealth , On Wednesday two other men called nnd they induced the farmer to go to Hlllsdalo on some pretext , where ho druw $ ; t"iOU from thu bank. A gaino of cards followed and lf > 00 was secured , when they loft. Onicors were notllied and n hot ehaso followed , but tbuv escaped. One of thu men was In this city Wednesday evening - ing , and Is known , but the other two nro strangers. . Sheriff Dolashmutt Is confidant that ho will bo able to capture the confidence men , Drs. Woodbury , dentists , 30 Pearl sti-eot , next to Grand hotel , Telephone 115. High grade work u specialty. Dress ginghams Kver.vthlng in that line from the Tc druss gingham to tha finest Scotch goods. At "c , be. lOo and I'J' ' o wo show a beautiful range of patterns At ISo wu show a very tine line of zonhyr ginghams , thu btylo and finish almost as good as the most expensive. JJojluu Store , Council Bluffs. Tlio 1'iiHt U-illronil Train. Cicorpo A. Haynci ol Sal Ida , Colo. , was In the Bluffs yesterday. Ho was formerly county recorder of Pottawattamlo county , nnd onu of the ilrst things ho did on arriving in the city was to hunt up the oftlco and 8co how much It hud changed slnco ho did duty there In 1N17. In looking ovur the books ho found a record that ho had miulu on January 1 , 1M1T , the day when the llrst railroad tr.iln entered Council Bluffs. Itwui over tlio North , western railroad , nnd ha watched the great event take place from the window of the court house , which was at that tlmo bon Upper Broadway. Ho had a One view of thu train u it stood upon the tracks at the heal ; depot , the lower part of the city hcin all a ) vast wilderness of nothing , llu was rnatly interested In noting the various changes that had taken place since his removal. HAI.OON KKii : iilS MUST PAY Klnc tlio Injunction Ijiuvycr Won't ( Jut HIS I'VCH. A decision has been rendered by Attorney General John V. Stone which will prove of Interest to all who nro in any way interested in the enforcement of the prohibitory liquor law , nnd especially so to these who are taking an actlvo part In the closing of the saloons , The decision was In reply to a list of ques tions which wore sent to him by S. 1 * . Van Dyke , county auditor of IJoriton county. One point which was raised was whotlnr an attorney who had succeeded in getting a defendant convicted of the offcnco of main- talnlng a nuisance , and in having the cus- ternary attorney ices taxed uu to the con vli-tcd party , could hold the county responsi ble for the lees in case tlio salaonUcepor had no money and had to pay his line by board ing it out in the county Jail. In answer to this question , the attorney cener.il said that thu attorney fees were not mentioned among the other fees in such c.iscs which by law nro to bo taxed up airainst the county , and that It wns his opinion tnat if it had been the Intention of the legislators to nllow the attorney fees to bo taxed up In that way It would have been so s tiled U. Iho law. A second point was whether a county at torney was entitled to his usual poi cent of the fees in cases which ho had not helped to prosecute. The attorney general decided that lie was. The third point wns , when a flno is Im posed but not paid until after January 1 , when the county attorney who pre.sscuted the case has retired from ofllco and his suc cessor has taken his place , winch attorney Is entitled to the fees , the ono who prosecuted 0t the case or the ono who Is in olllco at the 0I time the line is paid ! The decision of the attorney - torney general was that the county attorney who held ofllco at the time the line was im posed ' was the ono who wns entitled to the I'I The . last two questions are not of so much I't Importance I , save to county attorneys throughout the state , or to the members of the county boards who have to nllow the fees to the county attorneys , but the llrst is of moro L'eneral Interest. It is thought that the decision of the attorney general In regard to that point , whllo It doas not carry with it the force of the absolute law , will yet have a great deal to do with keeping lawyers nnd others from going Into the saloon closing business for the solo purpose of making what fees they can out of the saloonkeepers. It has heretofore been thought that the attorney fees can bo taxed up to the county la case they cannot bo collected from the convicted parties I , but the fact that the fees must bo jiaid by the convict or by no ono will un doubtedly bo adopted as the rule of action by the county boards throughout the state , and will consciucntlv ( put a stop to a largo per ccntngo of the Injunction business that is in dulged in in the cities. Dress Goods Sale. Special sale tonight from t ! p. in. 100 pieces Columbia suitings , a full dress pattern of yaids for 8.C. Soy show windows. The pat terns and colorings nro the most select , being copied from the llnest suitings In stripes , checks nnd plaids. Boston Store , Council BlulTs , In. Change < > ( ' Management. The Hotel drain ! changed hands yesterday at noon , the firm ol Cragin & Co. stepping out nnd the linn of Kimbali & Champ stop ping 1 in. The change created but little sur prise , ns it has been nn open secret for several days past that such a change would bo inado soon. Ever since last Sunday rumors of various sorts have been lloatlng around the city , and have been discussed freely on the street corners. These rumors were not at all complimentary to the man agers of the hotel , but as they were unsub stantiated by proof It was dccUcd that the best thing for the hotel , the city , and all other parties concerned , was that nothing should bo done by the owners of the building which would add to the publicity of the matter , but that the managers should step quietly down and out. Ever since the hotel was opened it has moro than paid expenses. That this was so was a surprise to the owners , as it was sup posed that , it would bo necessary to run it at a loss until its reputation should bccomo es tablished. But Instead of that the books have shown nn amount of business that sur- passed all expectations and compared very favorably with the Omaha hostolnes. i > iussrs. Kimbali & Champ managed affairs from noon until last evening , when the an- nounceinent was inado that the management of the hotel had been offered to Mr. George T. 1'hclps , and hnd been accepted by him. Mr. Phelps was formerly connected with the Ogdcn house , at a tlmo when it wns in thu 1 height of its glory , and is well nnd favorably known to traveling men throughout the stato. Mr. E. A Troutman was appointed head clcrkand thu now force took possession nt once. 1IUYING CAll LOADS. Tlio Kntlro Product of Factories Taken. "Whore do nil the poods fjo ? The many tuains und oinplojes needed to con duct so largo nn establishment. Younjj folks just starting housekeeping. It is easy to catch ft stifrgostion of the way ir. which it is possible in such n largo establishment as The People's Mammoth Installment Company to got any sort of household goods not only on an easy and convenient credit , but at prices quito as moderate as nt any of the casli houses nnd often oven lower. The immense storage space nt com mand enables the linn to buy goods in very largo quantities , nnd being a center - tor frequented by so many tlio goods tire rapidly turned over. Such largo qunn titles us nro purchased by The People's Mammoth Installment Company com mand largo dlscounts.nnd Unit of course , means lower priced for the mirehnsor. This is illustrated in regard to furni ture , probably the most expensive of the departments dealt with. Men wore seen on Saturday bringing in immense num bers of largo nnd queer looking parcels nil carefully padded and packed in the most careful nml scientific manner. It proved to bo u carload of furnitures coining in. 'Is this anything unusual1" the in telligent mid well informed head of Unit department was asked. "Not nt nil , " was the reply ; "wo al ways buy furniture by tlio carload , nnd moreover , take the entire product of several largo furniture manufnetorius in different parts of the country. " Point ing to a very attraotivo and nrtistio group of parlor furniture ho added : "You HCO that $ lo sot of furniture in seven pieces so exquisitely upholstered. \Voll , many whndor how wo can fcoll it nt that price. Tlio fact is wo are the only houno that has it ; wo take nil that can bo manufactured , and by rapidly disposing of it nro able to sell it nt that moderate llguro. The several parts of tlio building of The People's Mammoth Installment Company's establishment devoted to fur niture make it look like n number of good-sized furniture establishments hidden - don away under ono roof. There is furniture - nituro botli in front and roar of OK ! , in the front nnd roar of U15 , Immense areas of furni ture in ttio front nnd back basements , acres of furniture stored on the upper floors , and furniture- the landings of the stairway and almost all over the houso. Ono of the leading buyers for the concern commenting on this said : "I am often astounded at the way in which such masses of furniture appear and disappear in an establishment like this , You como here today and you sco n long line of bedsteads , nn nvalancho of chairs and n perfect kaleidoscope of household furnishings. You come tomorrow nnd they nro all gene and others have taken tholr place different in style and finish nnd wholly unlike thorn in form. They ulllor ua much as does ono trco from nnothor or as thw'individual ' designs , drawn , by dllloron'l"artists. Ono \uoU there may bo morb vjilnut. nnothor o.tk preponderates ntfffjven tlio oaks vary nf much us thoUuh they wore not the same wood. The , .iniitorlul from which these nrticles % , Vjiuimin comfort and j convenience nro nindo may como from ; forests a thousundiinllos npartnndono , design may bo from an English model and another from.ln Gorman. Often , when I buy bv t/lm / carload nnd sco it , coming in , I wondj-V where wo tire going te put it or whordll is going to go , but in an liu'rcdlbly h'liprt tfino it vanishes , I cannot toll how harwhoro. " What ho said was well illustrated b iv , a circumstance that occurred whllo ta .Ik- Ing. As ho was about going un stairs with the writer of thisnrllclo ho pointed out ono of the late t novelties in bed room . convenience yet devised. It was a folding bed that combined a bureau and di cnso and wardrobe. It was in ll ! oak and really a wonderful con trivance. There was u revolving glass nnd adjustable drawers , by means of which n man could shnvo in bed or n lady make the preliminaries of her toilet before arising. Then with ono move ment ! the bed was closed , the wardrobe opened ] and n complete dressing case on tlio other sldo disclosed- When alto- got - shut up thoalTair with its plato glass mirror doors and graceful outlines was ns ( ! ornamental a piece of furniture as could ( bo scon anywhere. The price was $100. Grouped * with it wore several other handsome articles. After a sur vey of tlio departments up stairs , lo and behold ! on coming down a transforma tion had taken itlaco. The ingenious piece of household mechanism had boon , sold , and being required Immediately by some ono wanting to have a homo celebration of their own , had been shipped and was on the way homo along with other articles that had stood near it. \ \ O.MAX AXI ) Till' ; 1IOMK. Her Interest In tlio lleuutU'ul Now Available for KtirnlMliliii ; . Interesting as it is to a man , the great credit establishment of The People's Mammoth Installment House is oven moro so to the ladies , who always have had the greater share in homo build ing , for while the man provides it is the housewife who furnishes and preserves. Usually she is the moro economical member of the family. From collar to the topmost lloor there is not an inch of this great cosmopolitan ba/.aar that does not appeal to woman and her domestic aspirations for a cheerful and comfort able home. And in this connection it is not Inap propriate to consider that , no matter what her nationality , it is woman who has j exerted the greatest influence in bringliitr about not only the develop ment in the beauty of the belongings of the home , but in fostering and extend ing the keen appreciation which brings them into such general application. The influence of , women in bringing about all these , .modifications of the household menage has been a powerful ono. From the -diiy when religious in fluences succeeded tin prevailing upon the barbarous man , who was in tlio hab it of making himself the husband of as many wives as ll .could alTord to care for , to imitate his neighbor , who was the husband of but ono wife , they made the marriage ceiemony a thing of splendid note , with the urte of their most sacred and memorable rite's. From that hofiFhomo became sacred and developed into a shrine of beauty , where sanctified ( injection sat enthroned. Possessing the ability to manage her husband's" alTairsinnd to entertain his guests , the mistress of the place , having her way in most things not unreason able , soon came to win him to procure for her all the garniture that rumor whispered her some other lord had brought his dame from the Levant , from the Moors in Spain , or , later , out of Bur gundy. And so she procures , piece by piece , her square of carpet that has come all the way from Persia to bo sold in ono of the yearly fairs not too far off ; hoi- . flowered leather from Brabant , to hang before ' the high hack of the great elab orately carvo'd scat , to got which and her rioblo dresser inado she had such ado. She would not have had much dif ficulty , though , in her work had her per- honal influence been less ; for there were few nobles of any importance who , be fore the end of the fourth Crusade , had not made their journey into the east , or into Africa , and had not be come accustomed there to unheard of splendor , had not admired and desired it themselves , had hot brought homo such things as wore transportable , and when they had told their wives the story , it was' for the women to m-ocuro the rest for themselves. All this household dnintinesd and elegance as revived in modern times is to bo been exemplified in tlio comprehensive display which The People's Mammoth Installment House has arranged with so much taste and public spirit. No greater mistake could bo made than to suppose that the majority of this furniture is common stutY , glued boards that como apart under the exigencies of heat and knock-around wear. An hour in The People's Mammoth Installment House's establishment will convince the most skoptlc.nl that it is not the taw dry any common that people who pur chase on credit or installments as a rule select. On the contrary the purchasers who draw a little on the future , and ask that their earning capacities bo taken into account as an element of credit , usually seek to got things of the better class , things that will last and have serviceable qualities as well as enduring beauty. Scat tered through the great establishment and especially in the art furniture rooms " on the second" lloor of the now building , there nro to be found as handsome pieces of furniture as may bo KOOII in any gen eral collection in the best establishments of the city. 11 Interesting as.is the extensive furniture - turo display in theillloor below it is all eclipsed b , ' the ulegnnt examples of the skilled upholBtorbr'H art and the attract ive designs in woofl and brass and other combinations on the lloor above. Jus tut the head of thiS ! stairway Is a suite of Parlor Furniture , cpvorod with the llnest Axmlnster Hugs , , Aho price of which is $ t.i ! : ! ; while the lirdt suite , no two pieces alike , and all covered with the tlnest Silk Hrocntelle' ' in blue , ecru and old pink , winch forms such a striking part of the furnishing of the moilol imrlor , is marked SUii/i. / Each suite contains live pieces. The Hoofs > of these bijou apart ments are rug-coyored , and Onyx Tables , Elegant Cnbinuts.i holding bVic-a-brac , Doulton and other China , and Hanging Pictures and Graceful Portieres and Cur tains , all add to the attractive and artis tic conception of what n pretty parlor can bo inado. OHoyond , on the loft , is n library , the full suite of which Is marked $75. All the dntails there are also carefully thought of. It is a spot full of suggcs- tlvoness. To so many the library moans much moro than the parlor a pluco where history brings up the past , where science pours out her secrets , whore the great travelers of the earth sit down and speak to you , the gosslpors of tlio courts whisper from behind their pages and the monarchs of the Intellectual world stop down from their thrones nnd become our familiars. Fashion varies in the shape of bookcases as in every thing ol o , but for these who do not care to build fixtures into a house the portable book case is most advantageous , and the bookcase - case combined with the writing desk most convenient. On the first , lloor in the 021 store therenro a great variety o bookcases , some high and somu low , nnu some ho arranged that with a comfort able desk in the middle the bookcases project on each side nnd tire made avail able without moving from the scat. There are also a great diversity of library chairs , varying in price nnd suited to the greatest diversity of taste ? . To the thoughtful observer , whether or not intent on purchase- ramble througirsuch a largo aim complete es tablishment as that of The People's Mammoth Installment House , with Us avenues of elegant and serviceable tie- ccsforlos of the homo , its congrega tions of chairs , its accumulation of bed steads and bedding and folding beds and nn aggregation and variety of almost every Known article of furniture be longing to the household , it is in the highest degree interesting to contem plate the s-jggcstlons of achievement in the way of human comfort which they convoy. Though furniture may not bo as im portant as temples or monuments , It has taken eras full of intense human inter ests in the movements of the world to produce these things. Kcllcs ol the crusades and of the renniriinnco may bo soon in the forms ot a single chair. Great have been the change" , since in Gothic times in the one great hall used for every service there was buta single chair , occupied In variably by the master of the house , and never surrendered by him except to some superior. Uncom fortable though it was , " and not to bo compared with some of the oa\v affairs at Tlio People's , In which one sinks at once into a do/.e , it was nevertheless the scat of honor. Remarkable has boon tlio revolution , since evoti the prosperous ate tholr meals from a cloth spread on the lloor while partially supported by cushions , of which the fautoitil remains a relic. Throughout the first floor , but moro os- po-hilly in the buildings OIo , 017 , ( > ! ! North Kith street , there is to bo found at The People's Mammoth Inslallmont House's great establishment such a di versity of household furnishings as is seldom soon under ono roof. Everything - thing that belongs to the comfort nnd convenience of a homo , from a stove or the humblest kitchen utensil to statuary or richly upholstered divans and lace curtains , are to bo found here , not re- btrlcted for the wealthy alone , but available to all and the most moderate income by moans of the credit system. Tlio array of attractive furniture takes in a variety of styles , as well ns diversity of forms , nnd any one wishing an ex quisitely upholstered parlor lounge , the equal in style of those in the very llnest houses , can have it as easily as the plainest and most practical dining room chair. It is no unusual thing for young people ple just beginning housekeeping to bo furnished throughout entirely from The People's Mammoth Installment House's establishment , as they find it much moro convenient , can make satis factory arrangements and can have hot ter facilities by selecting everything needful at one place under the same roof. Many a pretty and happy homo has had its beginning in H. llosenthnl & Co.'s establishment , and many who have started in this way have continued deal ing there , getting everything needful for the family as tlio years went by. The situation of the establishment on this main business thoroughfare , with tlio Ilanscotn park and Twenty-fourth street motor cars passing the door every few minutes , within ono block of tlio South Omaha and Shot-man avenue mo tor cars , within a live-minutes' ' walk from the terminus of the Council Bluffs motor , makes it the center , to which not only the people of Omaha , but hundreds from various parts of South Omaha and Council BlulTs , etc. , find their way. Indeedit may bo said that the conven ient credit of The ' system People's Mam moth Installment House has fully as great an appreciation outside of Omaha as in it. The number of regular cus tomers from Council BlulTs and otho'- parts of Iowa has been increasing with ovcry year , and no other trade has been found moro mutually satisfactory. If the exterior of this extensive estab lishment is prepossessing and a key to the ( thoroughly businesslike and com prehensive j character of the transactions of the concern , the interior is oven more so. The vast spaces occupied by single de partments ; the hundreds of bedsteads , the thousands of chairs , the vistas of curtains , the avenues of wardrobes , the tiers of tables , extending quite as far as tlio eye can easily measure , and the whole interesting aggregation broken and varied hero and there by displays of pictures , exhibits of bronzes and statuary , make up one superb and bo- wildorihg spectacle of the artistic in dustrial achievements of the present day , made at once available to the most ordinary means , that when scon makes any ono glad that ho or she is livlni ? in this favored ago and the favored land they are. sA farmer is a curiosity in many South Da- ola towns these duys , but ho will not bo so carco after harvest time. 'ilio Wonderful New Process Vnpoi- Stovo. Wo sell the only genuine Mew Process-- nnd tlio celebrated Quick Meal New Process Htovos. the best made. Ono difference be tween Iho genuine and imitations is that the Imitations have a small nocdlu-llko tube to draw olT oil that don't evaporate ; the genulnt tins no such flimflams. Wo have sold nearly ono hundred already this season. Lights like gas ; absolutely safe ; no smoke or soot ; as simple as a cook steve , Sco us before buying. A few fine f'Ki.OO gas ranges closing out at $10.00 each. llcfrlucratoi-H. The best ever offered ; 'JO per cent discount over last year's prices. Ijawu Mowers. Highest grade only $ < i.OO. Screen wire doors , frames , etc. , etc. UlcyoloH. Largest stock in the -.vest. The famous Little Giant boy's who < ; l , the Victor , highest grndo , world's best wheelboth for ladies and gontlemen. COM : it COM : , 41 Main Street. 1861 I TOLD YOU SO. .1891 The Jewel Vapor Steve is tlio host poiioratlotf steve in the market. The Hcliublo Process Is the loader in pro- COSH stoves. The hot uir tubes uro connected - noctod by rotnovublo iron elbows , nl- lowing easy access for cleaning pur- POHCS. The vaporixor is a , porforatoil brass cylinder hold in place by throe , brass spring iirinB , and can bo lifted out nnd cloanod. Our steve is the only ono BO provided. Wo have done iiivuv entirely with thosub-tlatno. Thollatno can be turned high or low. They are like hot cakes. The second car load ordered. LAWN MOWKRS. Buy tlio k'onulno 1'hiladolphla Lawn Mowur. It was unoxcolicd 17 years nye : it is unrivalled now. These rnado 17 years ago \voro good , but those made 'now uro very far in advance of thorn in cvory point of morit. KKPRIGKHATORS. Wo huvo a full line of hardwood re frigerators at prices that will soli thotn. l-'ly time 1 coming. Gotyour screoriH up before the Hies conio nnd you will CHcapo lots of annoyance. I liuvo tlio largest and best line of door nnd win dow bcroons in the market. P. C. IK\'OI 501 Broadway , and No. 10 Main Street. HENRY H. VAN BRUNT , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. UF.ALxMU IN / Bops , Carriages , Spring Mips , Curls , Head Wagons HARNESS , EXTO. , Gives Better Value for money thnn any house on Missouri Rlvop. Hamilton Grndo Vehicles , Columbia Carriage Co.'s . . . „ „ „ . . .o , Surrles and Phfotons , Bonanza Buggies nnd .Phrotons , Spring Wagons , all styles , Michigan and Van Brunt Road Wagons , Cartg and Harness in great variety. Correspondence solicited and cata- loguu and prices on application. " ( N TWIN CITY STEAM DYE WORKS , G. A. Sciioedsack , Proprietor , Offices 021 Broadway , Oounoll Bluffs and 1521 Farnam St. , Omaha. Dye , clean and refinlsh goo la of every description. Packages received at either office or at tha Works , Cor. Ave. A and 26th St. Council Bluffs. Send for price list. Merchants who hnvo shop-worn or soiled fabrics of miv clmnietor can htiva thorn redyetl and llniahod cqiuil to now SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL. BLUFFS. W ANTI2D Competent lrl for general hoiiHenork at 10''I Klflb avenue. tfOK gALl/ Our line fanilly Imrsc , Biiitabln 1 for rldliiKor driving. Apply to iu ; H. Oth o lovers of horses The larzost lot of oats JL ami tlie tlnest In the city ; uNo buy and fowl o."i all kinds at Uoldslolu & CUM ! > " - West llnmdwuy. IV < JK KENT Ham near court house. Apply J to II. W. Tllton. Itooolllco. OIAIHOVANT and psychometric , orehar- itcter rradlnKs ; uNo diagnosis nt ilUoase. Send loci ; of liulr for readings hy loiter. Sun days and uu'iiiii''i. Mrs. K. Hooper. 14'"J Ave- iiuoj % , near I'ornur KHIi st. . Council 11 ulln. "IJ OH HKNT T\u > iicwlv furnished rooms ; -L bath , hot and cold water and steam beat ( trunil hotel annox. second lloor. K Tor Kent Wanted If you want to buy , sell or rent unvthlng In the real t'statc Him don't do It until yon havu soon our largu llsit of bargains. 8\ran & Walker , No. II" Main and Hi ) I'eail streets Council lllulfs. FOK SALE or Tiado A flno imported Ulydesdiilo stallion. Call on 1) . J. lluteh- inson & Co. . lilT llroailway. SO.MK flno residence property for rent by Day jk Ih-hs. l.il I'earl htrijot. _ _ 171OK SALE Hotel centrally located , dolnit JL peed business. Or will ovcbansu for good farm In western Iowa. Hotel lease , furniture and llvtnrvs ; un A No. 1 chance to stop Into a peed paying busl- nois Keasoas for selling , oilier business re quiring all owner's attention. HurKalns In rusldcmuii and business prop erty. H. 1' . OIllciT , real estate and insurance agent. No. U X. Main st. . Council 111 nil's. (1AKDENS Homo choice garden land near y Council ItlulT. " for sale on easy terms , also vlneyaids and a luixo list of Iowa farms. Jlmsum itVunIMiH _ _ 'n. farm for sale or trade : well locate. ! and all In bearing ; KI" > I house and b.irn Will take " .omo good elty propoily , and KOOI ! tlmuKlvei. on balance. Call on or address U J. lliitchliison & Co. . 017 Uroadway. HIGH KBNT i'ho MoMahon" lilooTt torv JL ; brick , with basement and elevator. J. W i-qulre. lot 1'oarlj. reet. FOK3A.LK or Hunt aarclBB land , vrltb houiat , Ur J. It. Itloa. IU1 iliia it. , Uounoli Bluff. CITIZENS STATfi BANK Of Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK . $150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 70.000 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. . . . 225.000 nmiCTOiiR I. A. Mlllnr , P. O Ole.uoa , K. U Shuk-nrt. K. K. ll.irUJ. 13. K < lmunilson , Uharlei 11. llannan Tr.inaaot getierul banking bunl- new. Iar < cst capital und surplui ol an/ b&nkln Houthwoatora INTEREST ON TIMI DEPOSI T3. First--National--Bank : : - OK- COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. I'aitl U | ) Ciiiilltil , . . . . $ IOI,000 ) OliU t uruunl < i-il bunk In tlm cltr rurulk'n nml iliniiL'Btic oxclmnitu nml luc.il uranrilloi. K pi-cliil ntluiitliin pnlil to cullnctloii'i. ' Avonuiitii of Imllvlil- uiiN. liiinki , tiitiiki-r iinileurpurutluiiii nullollucl C'or- roHpoiuluiKti Invlli1' ' ! ( iio. : I1. bANFIIll ) . I'm lilont A. \ \ IllKKMAN , Cnnlilcr A T HICK. A il timHn lilcr NEW OGrDEN HOTEL. Till ! Now OKilnii llntol. In Connell Illiills. IIIIH boon foinplutulv riifiirnlshi'il anil iiiiHluinl/uil throiiKhout , and Is now onii of tliu IK"lioloM In tlio state It Is located In the business part of Ihocltynnil tlm "Irctrlo iiiotoiH IMISH tlio iliMiruvuir four minutes. I ro osoiipus ami Ilio alarms throiiKhout the linlldlnif. Hlunin lioat. hot and rold wnUir and snnshlno In ovcry room. Talilo unsurpassed any n hurt * . Itatfs , J..W ) a day. OEO. M. WHITNEY , Mannffor. COUNCIL BLUFFS Medical and Surgical Institute. IWP. HRIMNOEIIH , I'UOI'S. Chronic diseases nf all KlnilH and deform- Itlus bpcclnltii's. iNos. 'Mil und 'MM llroadway , L'oniiell Illulf ! ) , Iiu OFFICER & PUSEY ! BANKERS. Corner Main ana Hroadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. PeiUers In foroljn uul ; clomeitlo xoh Collection madu uud lutoroit valu ou dopoilt * . Electric Trussas , Belts , Chest Protectors , Eto. AGENTS WANTED. DR. C , B. JUD3. 606 Broadway , Council Bluffa , la OI'FIOE , COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS All kinds of Dylni ; ami Cleaning ilnno In tha ( IluhcstHtylaof Iho Art , Fade anil titalnoil * I'abrlcs made to look as food as new lle < i ' Cloaiicil Hy Mi'ain , In h'irhl Clasi .Maiinor. Worlc promntly done and dullvnroil In alt parU of the country tiund for piluo list. 0. A. MivCIIAN , Prop. , I01J Uroadwar , Near Norllnvustcru COUNCIL , lli.uft'.s. IA. 27 MAIN STREET. Over O. It. .Taequomln Si Co. , Jewelry "tori 'f H iT d R A N D , Council Bluffs , In. This Elegantly Appointed Hotel is Now Open , & Co. , Proprietors. , „ , at. n. ciiA.iiiti-Miili\ . it. Kyc , Knr , Noun iinil Tliront Council mult * , - - 100 Srini i'i'"i ' "Ois i'jet painful anil wruk vlilun , nirttche , rtoftfnoiii OU- iluirvu' * ( rum Ihu f.-ira , cu- tnrrh , Iny fever , antliini oml nil ndilo MILI rtirunlu nirn'tlciinj ( tlui tlinml it > | iu < lully ( ! or ' flt- It'd nUhnnl puln ( jlni'iM Gas Heating Stoves. No ABIICS ! No SMOKK. Just tlm thlnu for huth rooms , hnd rooms , oto. Call and neo our larxo assortment. C. D. Gas and Electric Light Co. 211 1'o.irl und 210 Main HtnioU Jlnic , t lllllllcrc Attornoynat law , I'rno- Ollllb U OitllllUUb tro | I , , tint ntit i unit fcdnral conrlH. KOJIIIK : i , I and S bhii att lluiio Ijloeli , Couiioll Illiiirla. . rinmhnrc Atinmny at f.aw , No. 19 , J , UliUIIIJUS , | ' , , , irl Blrret , ovur llush- noll's htoro. Tiluhonu | No. ZVI. lluslncil liours. 8 a , in. toU p. m. Council HIiiltH , in. D. H. McDaneld & Co. , Butchers' ' and Factors' ' Supili3j t-v ' Market Fixtures , Casing , nlcpsund fiansaije MalcurV Machinery KQ * fcii Main t. , Council Ulutf * , lu. AUg doulort n llldci auU Furi.