Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 17, 1891, Part Two, Page 11, Image 11

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A Brief Review of Business Condition * iq
' and Ont of Omaha.
Jlpporli or ) ! ' * to Cmjn lit Nc-
li-iskii ; I'roiii Dry " \Veathi-r Dis
puted -A Oooil llnln Won't'
lie HfMirtluliil.
While there ha been much to interest
financiers In the country at large , the past
week has not developed any especially new
features of n local nature. Money is fairly easy
In Omaha and borrowers do not appear
to bo nut to any inconvenience in get
ting tholr vvttnto supplied.
Tlio at tun ) condition oJ trade In thn city is
not all that r-ould he desinsd , nnd In some
lines it is rather tjulct , but it is generally ad
mitted that business U fully as peed
us was anticipated nt the commencement
of the vcar. Most business houses report a
fair movement of goods , but there Is not that
snap to the trade .vhlch they would like to
sto ind which Is to bo experienced only when
crops have been food and money plenty in
the country.
Till ! 4OI1I1IVO Til 1MB
of O.nahn holds up well , the conditions re-
rnai-iing vcrv much the same as were noted
* niiio tlmo ngo , A coed many ot the country
ordi rs aio small , the retail dealers being very
cmiscrvativo In the matter of buying. There
nt"pe " irs to bo u disposition among them not
U tano anv chances bj allowing stocks of
Koo.i < to pili upon their hands They figure
tint wnh a good crop this ycir trade
vvil be large. but that they can
\vait until the crop is assured
before lajtng In the stock of poods
As one dealer remarked " \Ve have n crop
fail ire behind us nnd we can't take any
chances on them bcinp another thii , season. '
In some lines of business n falling off in
the volume of trade is noted and charged up the farmers nio generally
very busy and are not taking any time to
\ nit the towns to do tr-idlnp. T.utlnp every
thing into consideration the jobbers have no
complaint coining.
IN roiTIIT i-itont-i K
the pist weolt has developed some feitures
of general Interest. In a general vv.iv it maybe
bo said that receipts have been liirht with
the demand moderate and a not overly ac
tive nvirkct. .
A noticeable feature is the advance in
eggs , which places them nt an unusually
lnph point , stock goliijt at lie which sold n
j ear ago nt IDe or less The receipts are
light at a time when they should be heavy
and man } dealers look to see the market rule
strong all the season
The chances In the butter mirket have
been Just the opposite from the egg market ,
1'riees have been weakening rapidly under
the influence of moro liberal receipts. Pretty
good stock sold the last of the week nt lie
] > or pound It was not very long ago that
Mock no better went as high as''Oc.
The iKiultry market has practically shown
no change in two weeks or more , prices re
maining in about the same notch
Hay dropped down under the influence of
litige receipts of poor stock and prices rue '
very low us compared to what they we're
three weeks ago.
The business interests of Omaha and the
iirroundlng country are dependent to such
on extent upon good crops that every bus !
ness man U watching the result of the farm
ers work and any information bearing on
ttio subject is welcome though the nature of
the news may not bo.
A great deal has been heard durine the
past few days regarding injury to crops from
tiry weather. As these reports come largely
from speculators who may be interested in
bulling the grain market they must be taken
with duo allowance. There appears , how
ever , to bo some ground for these
reports but the conditions nro not
t > o tiiffnvorablo as they would make
out. In some localities oats sown on poorly
cultivated ground arc turning yellow in
patches , dun to dry weather and cool nights ,
Wherever the ground was put In the proper
i-oiiilltloii few complaints have been heard.
Wheat is looking well all over the slate , and
n heavy } leld Is predicted.
While no damage , or at least none of
any consequence , has been done to the
growing crop as yet it is equally true that
the ground Is becoming too dry and that u
rain would boot great benollt all over the
state. Should theru bo nj rains for the next
week or two some damage might result , but
ns jet the crop conditions ore favorable and
Is promise of a bountiful harvest.
Jn grain and provisions have been quite In-
teiesling for the past wrok.
The Chicago wheat market has been char-
nctonml by scalping to a greater extent than
lor some months It has been very sensitive
to our homo Intluenccs , such as glowing crop
prospects , and has at times responded
strongly to the bull situation of Euiope It
closes at n gain of about lie over the close of
Baturdnv a week ugo. The piedlctiou of gen
eral tains or drj weather for twenty-four or
forty-dent hours has an effect of lo to He per
bushel and U nmy bo characterized us puroh
n weather nrirkct controlled by the scalping
crowd. The foreign situation continues very
Hroni : and our exports of wheat and Hour
have bAen large. Lake , canal ana oocan
freights are cheipor than over teforo. Predictions -
dictions arc valueless as all now depends upon
the weather of the next ten days and the out
come of our home crop.
Corn h > is shown 11 steady decline for the
past week. The receipt-shave materially in
creased. The urgent demand which has
boon exhibited during the past thirty da.vs
Is very much lessened and In some instaneos
the decline in the price of this cereal has
been , r > u pur bushel It is now impossible to
place corn to nirivo at any premium over the
Juno option. Planting seems to bo about
completed and only needs moisture to make a
s pic ml lit stand , which cannot help but ha\c a
bearish Intlucncc The market , seems very
heavy and declines of Its own weight.
Oatb have been quite active for the past
tU dnj * , cspociallj for the August and Sep
tember option There have been numerous
reports of damage by drouth and insects ,
out ttio cash supply Is largo and the demand
not urgent.
Provisions have had a bear week. Chicago
talent has boon hammering the market per
sistently and without mnrcy for the bulls ,
bnaking out the majority of'tlio u oak hold
ers. The week closes nt n net loss of about
7 , ' > c per birrel on pjrk. It is thought ty
many that the bear cHlo on this product ha's
' * v"-lticome nl most too | > opular , and the bears
may have trouble to buj in their shorts , iu
which ca&o there might bo a sharp upturn
OJlAil.l l.ll'K STUCK. .
OVIUIA , May 10
OATTI t-oniolal receipts of cattle i.i.W
a > compared with IUI vi > ste > rdav und 1.UI1
Mtturdtoof Itttwcok. The locelptsdurlni :
tlio week were 7.7--0 , ai > compared with
t-,777 the week prior. The market was active
und kti'iid ) lo urong on lie-eves and butcher
Muck. 1 1'cdi-rs s.ovv and unchangid ,
The quality of the root-hits was good NJIUC
i ry tine sit ers old tit J5 NI.
llons-unit-lnl root-tuts of hoc Mitt ns
compared with 4 , . . ' \eslenlay und 3.941
balurday of lust wt-ek. ' 1 he locelplH during
the vMok ni-ru V7. ' . " . ) ! , as compared with
24.W.1 the wot'k prior. The miirki-t was
fairly iie-tlvo and steady , closing weak The
r.uifu of prleos paid wu > | I. . NM fill , the bulk
n-lllnis nt * 1 402I..V ) . Unlit , it. ( net M : hcarv.
l44 i4iM ; mixed. M K'jCl TO , The avenge tit
the ( irloos paid was (1.44 as compared with
H \ \ jeiterJay and NoJ'i Saturday of mst
Othvliil recelnts of sheep I.2S3 as
rompim-d with ITllMitindny of ist week. The
receipts during the week were I.N'il , as coin-
jiarttl with -,7M the week prior. ' 1 ho market
wits unchanged .Niitlvui , ja.u > iiG.OO ; westurns ,
. ' .7. > a.\.NV
i-rioi-s on Ciitlle.
ThefolloHliuU u tublo ot prices ptlil on
tliN market for the graduof stock iiioiitlnnod :
I anttttt rs KO > to HA ) Ihs . . t\'L >
I'rlmn hit orI I J.V1 to 1471 Ibs . 4.-O
liotMl * tfrs 11W to Kl\J IhR . 4 W 1M.JO
lluU-liop , ' sleets , la'O to UUlbs . .400 M4 W
Kulrtitoers Hi ) lo mj ll > . . . . .U.V ) Ct4.oi
Common Moors MO to TAU Ibs . . : i.7 % itl.Ui
Kalrto * IHK ! cows . V.iO
Coed tochulcci'o 9. . , . 2. " .
I'holioto funcy cuwi . . . . . . 375 & .VV )
llclforu . -J.OJ U.1..V )
Yt-KrllUKii . S.UO
Ketxlon , . S20 414W
Stockert . 1.-J3 Cu'.TS
Ounncr * . 100 51J.OO
XulU . 17S 4JXOO
1.60 tti.00
Western cornfed 2.VJ Iff. GO
Western sti-e-rs I V ) 44 PO
Western cows . i.oo oiss
Disposition Tor ttio Week ,
wuit'lil receipts nnd disposition of slock n
> hewn by llie hooka of the Union stockyards
compiny for the week ending at i o'clock p.
m Saturday , May 10.
n its 8Avi-i.i .
iMjICnrs Iloml Cars Itcml Cuts iioail. ;
. : < J' ' .f > 4 37.W1 S 1 8M
_ _
Ointilm Pirklnir I'o
ThII ) llamino
Ktrlft A Co
I-cttOrtr .
llcoi'lpts.and Shipment" .
Sho.ving the olli-lal receipts and shipments
of cattle , hogs and sheep on the dates Indi
Stock Kcuc-ipu.
Estimated Ted iv OIHcul jestcrdav ,
rattle V , cars I.I'.S Cattlo. 44 c irs. ( 4
llot-s 71 cars , 1 Ift'i Hogs . . C ) cars i 'MJ
ihcop . & car- , l/-'j llories 4 cms. tO
Highest null lo\v t-st Sa'cs ' of Ho ; ; * .
Today. Yesterday
IllKtie-st Wr.l HlL-hcst fliiO
Lowest . . . 14 iO Ix > we3t 4 ! i
KaiiKO or Prices I'uttl for llo a.
The fe > llt > vvlne table shows the ranzc of
tlio pi lees p lid for hu n ou the days Indl-
I rld.iy. M.y 1 ,
* ilurd iv. May 2
Monday. My I
Tuesday. May 5 . .
Wednesday May fi
'I hursdav. May 7
I'rlday M n 8
Siturdio. M iy 0
Mond.i > . Mav 11
Tuisdav , Mav 12
Uodno > daj. Mav I'l
Tbiir dav , Mav 14
I'rlday , Mav 1" >
! -aturdai , Mav Ifi.
A\er.iKO Price of Mo s.
Show-in ? the aver lie pnca piid for loads
ofho sonthe diys ladloatoJ in 1S33 , Ibi'J ,
1S ! and Is'.n.
niul liive Kt S ties of Hog * .
The followUK , condensed table shows the
highest ami lowest sales and highest and lo\v-
est averaKcof the sties of hoza and the dates
at this mirket In e ich month during the
montns stated :
Uantje ol" rriupi ol'SJic p.
The following table sho.Ts the prices paid
for sheep :
I'rline fit sheep $ . * > 11 ffiJ 00
Good fat clieoi ) 4 .Ti dfi'Jo
C'ommein to meilliini sla-ep - 73 ( 1 50
\\0atorns ' . ' 70 4s5 to
Iti-O'ipls null lls | > ' > sltloii of Stock.
Oniclul recolpls and dlspositlcn of * as
slum u by the books of tliu Union
coiiip my for the twenty-four hours ciidln , ; at
5 o'clock p. m. May l , lrtl :
Jlcprcscntative Sales.
. . .
1250 2 00 10 UVJ 2 M 1 l.MO 400
15. IU 2 0-J 1 12sJ 2 75 I 10VU 450
I.'IO 2 M 1 1S70 J 00 . . .
C.5 2 AO 500 II 00 1 570 300
1.25 2 HO l > 5 J 50 4. .
1UVO 3 00 ! J 55
FT til P.
1 1105 4 CO 1220 4 50
3 . 1IC 3 . ' 0 . . 1CU 4 50
Clilcnuo IjUo Stdi'k .Market
CMICAOO , May IB.--l peclil Telegram to THE
Ilrp ] The receipt * of oiittle wore estimated
at I..VX ) h id. of which iiiinibor about one thoir-
sind were from Texas. Of n-itlvrs the supply
WHS too scanty to make n market. Tin re was
fulr Inquiry fnrgtxxl tittle but values were
nominal. Veer and eointnon utock old lo i v
at I rldav s quotation * , which wore fl.VWW
for Inferior lo i-holce cows , heifers and bull" :
IJ.WTN M foi Mookers and feeders. 4 M&ari )
for eoinirtin to oxlra shipping steers ; ! l jo ®
f > .O ) for calves A liberal proportion of the re
ceipts belonged to looal dres cd beef
firms and were not olle-red for sale.
The week has born a quiet one , though
ulij th it should have been the ease is not
nltozether clear Notwithstanding the con-
tinned modcrato receipts , the fat margin be-
tv > een C'lilca 3iiuotatlons and llio-e current
In I.oiulon and Myerpool , and the healthy
condition of trade In the east , buyers have
manifested a lament ilile laek of Interest and
hav e successf illy loilsted the efforts of sales-
n.on to secure an advance. There Is no grade
of cittlo for which prlcei are appreciably
lilgher tlnn they were out ) week aio. while for
anjthini ; grading below KIKK ! the market Is
docldedlj lower.
Itoeolpts fell 17.400 held liclow the total for
the corresponding wool , la < t > ear and the loss
for the Ilia sixteen daysof this month Is
M-GOO head. I'ho ciih.iiu-ed cost of beef at
retail his of ooiit > o matorlilly lessoned
consumption , but aftoi inaUliu alldueallou-
anccfiir th tt faet it still Is Inovpl calile isave
on the hj pothesls < if comhlnatlcin union ; buy-
i-r ) th it prices for th" host grades of cattle
should ho no moro than 7'K.iil < 1 " 0 nor lX ( )
pounds higher ted iy than they weretwelvo
months ago. I'oorto fair grilles areiU" tViOo
lower than last WCOK The deollne was
aserlbod to too free offerings of 1 e-xu * i-attlo
of which loom head were put on sale during
the last six days The range of siles was ! l W
e.'i\ Cows and bulls so d prlnclpallv at J4,1 ' .5
4 W , and from J. > ( X/3oN"i bought the major
part of bteers.
The tone of the hog market was firm today
for the first time- during the week There w as
no more iiigoncy than before In the demand
but the ll.-ht receipts. Mop head , and the
prospei t of a decrt-ise-d run for next week had
the elfoct of parti illy restoring cuntldenoo.
mid the slightly advanced prices demiindcd
hi holders wore pild without crumbling. The
average was .V hlghoi than for jostcrdiy's
R lie1at fl 41 and fl "i for poor lo prim" heavy
and medium weights , und at J4 2. ai.75 for
lUlit : while sile of little pigs and t u Is were
anj where from { J.OO to)4S. > , Milppers t ok
the liirge-,1 part ofoirennt > I'ho receipts
for tillwetk uoro onlv about 1,000 head
greitor thin fur the prevlouc one but there
has he-en severe shrinkage In values neverthe
less I'ho market started In weik and
declining and there was steady re-
cis-ion | until the c'o-o of Irldaj's
trailing when quotations stoo I at $4 SO for best
heavy and medium weights , and at J4 70 for
prlmelUht Thatwasa dee-line from previous
weeks' prices of about Xe ) There w as a slight
re-eoverj todaj , but the general market Is
still i'uHOe lower thin last Mitunluy. A
m irked decrease In eastern orders ana a drop
In pruv Isions weio the caii-cs of tliu deprecia
tion In the value of the live animal. LUIiter
receipts for next weak are looktd for by the
trade generally , but opinions arc divided as
tu Iho probable courseof prices , the majority
anticipate a slight Impiovcment
C\TTI.B--Hocelpts. 1 , > M ; shipments , 1,000 :
market steady : extra to prime steers , $0.0 ®
fiSS. otlivrs , f45 < a.1UJ ; Texans , $ t 5U4JJ sj ; cows
J- .Vt 1.51
lliMis Hccelpts 1000) : shipments , 6,003 ;
m irl.ct stead ) , rough and oommon } ! , T5I6
4. . ' " > ; inlxod and packers , } 4 4.cai 70 : prime
he iv v and butcher weights } 4 "Xil.-3 ; light ,
" llhli' liocolpts , VMj slnpinonts , 300 ;
marUot steidy ; westerns 8".J. > 5U > , lambs ,
} < j " > © 7 3j.
St. Ijoiiis IJMstock. | .
ST. I.oris , Mo , May 10. CATTI.K lleeeijits ,
Mu ; shlpmoiits , none ; marUot sto idy :
to fancy natlvo steers. II lu O 10 ; Texans and
Indians steers stronger. Jl W > Ii'JO.
lions Itecelpls. 1.0Kj ) shipment1,700 : mar-
Uct stead } : lioav v , Jl.b)34 75 ; mUcd , J ! 20S
4 05 : lltfht , * 4 503I ( A.
a City Ijive Stouk ,
celpts , yy < 0 ; shipment8.4iiO ; market steady :
steers , i.l0X3.1 u. ' , ; cowsfJ.oO'it4.75 ' ; stoe-ker * and
feeders. f.'viffil.V ) .
llodsItocolptG.2M ; shipments , 3,200 ;
market steady ; all grades , M0 > 34l > j.
The potato market Is very dull and low.
Dea ers ce-ncrally are advising the holdlnp of
stoe-k In the country until the market Is given
a chance to recover.
The follow liu ( jnotallons are based on yes
terday's sales :
.NKVV POTATOK * Peril ) , 2'S < iW e.
MHTTIU.UN HK . .V.V i\ , * 175ft.00 per 'i
bushel box ; siring , il.23itJl.'iO per * j bushel
box ,
TOP O.MOVK-Per bunch. COc.
fiiNcii - 1'er lib ! . Jl.--Mtl.50.
Te > vnTOL9 Southern stock , bucliol boxes ,
" > dO ; fancy , enitos. fi baskotP. J5.5J per crate.
LKTTl'i-r.-Chole-o stoe-k. : iJ4.c.
AM-AUAOU--Homo grovvn btocV. C5a7Je per
SQUASH - Per crate of 't dozen. $ if > 0.
POTATE Home sro n stock , W&SQa ; west
ern stock , f 1 00 < ai.l9.
PIE Pi.\M-l'crlb. 2'4e.
Per do/en Lunches ,
I p s Per bushel boOU ; per ! , bushel
box. 7" > c.
Ci-ctlvini us I'er do/on , II. VI.
C.A miOK California stock , per Ib , 2lje ;
southern , per erate. tl " > J.
fcouTHEii.N LOW i.H Per dozen , 12 25tt
Michigan stock , per bu , lOc ,
Per bushel , fl ( X ) .
Ti , IVi bil-hel. Jl 00.
I'AHsMi' I er bushel , tl.OJ.
IlEANs Mediums JJ.iJO ; n ivy , } 2,75.
fresh Pr ilts.
The market was well supplied with straw
berries of coed quallt } and the market vva' '
lower California cherries were on the mar
ket. but In limited quantities.
The following quotations are based on yes
terday's s-ilos :
OIU.NOI.S Los Angeles , J27. ' < i.lOO per box ; 00 ; Ulvcraldos , f-lW.
1'iM.Al-i-i.Ks I'or tli ) ? , tl 'SiZiM.
STIIwiihitiiiLs Per 24-quart case , J3.00&3 V )
for good
Ai'i-i.js The market Is practically out of
good sh pnln5 stock.
I-fcvioNb Choice stock , per box , Jfl.50 ; fancy ,
J7 0 .
1UN \s-Pcr bunch , $ J.MX2AOO for fancy
stock -hipping. .
CAI.UOIIMA CiiEiuiiES 1'er I0-lb box , JJ.M
Country I'roiluce.
The hay niaikct was a lltt'o ' firmer , but
othorwlse tno market vtas about steady. IC sS
arc llrm and butter wouU.
lluttor Is weak and pi Ices low. liny Is a
little tinner.
The ( ollowlr.g quotations are based on yes-
lordaj's sales :
II u Host upland. J10.00 per ton.
IIUTTHI Oood to choice country , lOSllc.
Kdils.-llulK of saleHe. .
I'otTi.TmChoice live hens , W 00 ; roosters
83 SOiW 73.
The Iiiipi-oiciiieiit K c < ml
The following fleures show the totals 01
real estate transfers , biiildiog permits and
bank clearings for the week ;
Monday . ! W.202
Tiiovday . 7I.M
Wednesday . 0. c.
Thursday . 2C2.W
Trldav . Vi.K.
Saturday . r,7.V/
Total . M5j.K
Monday . f 8.100
Tili'-dnv . , . 5.4IK
\\cdiiOMlay . .V.'T
Tliursdav . 2'U
i'rlduy . 10
baturday . , ' < 00
Total . t 15.JJO
Monday . t 740.340..V )
Tuo-dav . Cs,4.47
\\odntMluy . nJ3.N > 7.1
ThurMlny . cuuusrc.
I'rlduy .
Saturday .
A decrease of : c. per cent from the corru
spoudhij week of lust voar ,
lulu tor 'I lioniM-lvos.
Milliner flends are bad enough , but th
dressmaUer flend is worse. Once in a while
the milliner gets the benefit of a small doubt
a very small one from the fact of your noi
being informed on the actual cost of straw
ami beads , and tinsel , and eoA-gaws , You
never have a suggestion of doubt about the
imposition of the dressmaker's bill. The real
real swell dressmaker never allows you t <
, " . " She will allowou
biy tbo "tludlnps. \ou to
select the goods of which you are to have a
dress made If it agrees perfectly w 1th ho
ideas of good taste and fashion. The "find
ings" the linings , drc&s braids , binding rib
boil , whalebone. ? , thread , buttons , shields
belting , trimmings and everything else usct
in the production she insists on furalshlnu
herself , bccaute she Is "so very particular
and these things have so much to do with tnu
style of a dross. " They may be the wbol
secret of style you cannot say but tbo
talk for tbemselvci iu tbo blU
l ! -J
Chicago Wheit Pricss Tak * ' a Drop on
Receipt of Bearish' Hews ,
_ _ _ ' 1J
Decline Jn NVvv York jcjt onl"Quiet
Woe It In Chicago l U- < > Stuck ,
* rlcSIlK'iil ' } '
Other MnrkclH.
CHICAGO , May IB Itoports of generous rnln-
alls In the southwestern Dolt were clr-
ulated on the board of tratio at the opening
tils inornliiz. It uritoihilly changed tlio
peenlatlvo situation In the u licit pit , as it
uloted all foirof damage by drj wcnthur
nil temporarily silenced the talk of Insect
amago. It was thought that copious rains In
uin ns bad t-crtilnly drowned out the chinch
ings. Acting on th's ' theory iho boar leaders
udo a llttlo more aggress\ | campaign , and
ln'i' pot help In tlio shape of selling
rders from tlio southwest and from
utsldcrs gone-rilly Tliu local dnmand was In fact the locil traders seemed
o be acting against thdr privileges. When-
ver tliu market ro iched the price at wnlch
puts"had ' old last night the holders of thc-e
> rlvlleic , having an ltis.ur.inco asa'tut ' loss ,
vonld do a little biijnu. Any bulge , how-
; v 01 , brought most of this ivho it on tlio mar-
vet again Charters of vessel ro mi for about
H , OJO bushels of wheit were made
ioro List night and this morning
'ho news becimo public during the
nornlng and lifted prices ilmost to Hie point
it which they closed yesterday The bulge
was not malnt.tlned. lion ever , ac offerings
voro liberal. The bear leaders during thed iy
were lii'iim and Linn , who put out substantial
lues of shorts Dullish news wa not want-
ng. The fat arable New York banUstatiment ,
ontlnued dry weither and prospect * for a
Ight crop season In tlio n > rlhwest , ndxlces
rom ban I'raneUoo that bulng by Trance
hero had been rinowcd , several llrni cables
and estimates of a heavy decrease In the vlsl-
ble upply were among them In the face of
ill this. however , tlio hci\y pressure to
ell b } lo al bears and the representative * of
Now York , St. Louis and other houses give
ho market an evident weik tone during
nest of the clay July opened at ! 102'i and
mmedlately broke to ilO.1 and rallied to
l.OJ' , . declined to Jl.Ol'i , reeo\ored to Jl 02' , .
figged off and closed at $1.01 'i.
Corn started with an appe iranco of strength
iut It was very quickly dlsslp ited when It be
came Unovvn that the predictions of fiost In
ho northwestern corn bolt , made for
ast night , wcro not verified Instead of
sufTerlng damage , the young corn plants
were benefited by rain. fhls caused holder *
of property to throw It on the market , anil
these offerings , coupled with the weakness In
wheat , gave u decidedly heavy tone to the
inurKi't- July , which opened at S'lfU-Wi , sold
straight down to 5s,1 * . and after a si ght rally
dropped to 57V closing at 1 point higher.
Oats ranged lower , because of the rainfall ,
wnlcli did away with talkof d imago by the
oat louse , the net loss for tLedav In Julj be
ing J4c
1'rovlslons started out very strong , but
weakened on heavy p-iles by holders of all
sorts The market ranged steadllv down
ward but the tr.insictlons after the nrsl hour
were light. Ju ! } pork opened at t I Go and
sold off to Jll.uO. closing 2'Jc ' higher. Lard Is
off T'.c. compared with yesterday , and ribs lOe1.
The leading futures rallied as foMow- . :
Cash quotations were as follows :
1'i.OLK Dull and unehanzed : ep
t > ft" " ; winter. * ' > UOiS52U ; straits , 4 ( XXS500 ; bak
ers. $4.2.VS4..V ) .
WHEAT No. 2 spring wheat. fl.OOSI 00' , : No
3 sprlnz w heat , 0-ctl.01 ; No. 2 red , f l.Obicl.08.
COKN No 2 , C2'ic.
O\Ts-No. 2 , il'iei No. 2 white , 515io2'c ;
No. J white. M'lGjl'jC.
HAHIEV No. 2. nominal ; No. 3 , f o. b , O&a
75e : No. 4. f. o. b , 70c.
I'I.AX fchEi ) No. 1 , Jl.l'i
TIMOTIH fcFEi > Prime. M. ? * .
I'OUK Moss pork per barrel , ! ll.l2'iail.r > ;
lard. perewt.fJ.iV2Jj.4U : ; short ribs sldeslooie ( ) .
f.sji3ir > yO ; dry salted shoulders ( bo\edi , $ s.t9ft !
0.40 : short clear sides ( bovedl. Jti.lOirwl 4a
WIIISKV Distillers' finished xoods per gal
lon. Si 17.
i-Uiii Cut loaf , unchanged : cranulated ,
unch uiRcd ; M unlaid "A , " unchaiiRed.
Koeeiptsund hhlpmenis today were as fol
lows :
Klour , barrels . K.OTM 7 OX )
W he-at , bushels ItOUJU ratuo
Corn , Iiu hel9 . 257.UUO
Outs , bu hcM . . 1'JS UUU U20UJ
lt > c. buoliels 7UOO 2.0UO
Uarloy. bualicl ; SI'XI
On the produce cxchanzo today , the butler
market was lower ; extra creamery , Iv Mc ;
extra tlrsts , ir ai7c ; nrsts. I4 iV' ; o\tra
dairy , KiftlScextra ; firsts , U3l3c ; Urals , Iiai2c.
New \ ork. 'Markets.
NEW VOIIK , May 10 Ti ouu Kecotpts , 11,602
pickaees ; oxporls , i.isi birrels , ; > ,4H sucks ;
market iiile't | , closing otsyales ; , U.7dO bai-
roU ; low extras , W Ilifftl Do ; vvlnler low
grades , f.WtM.V ) ; filr lo fancy , * 4.7l a : ) 40 ;
patents. J4.MKSI.OO : Mlnne-ota clear. ti.WS. i.lO ;
straight , J4 sjijj M ; Minnesota patents , jj-ICXSi
G. 15.
CoiiNMBtti Dull ; yellow vTCstorn , $ .T.40ffilOX
\\IIB\T Uee'elpts , 74t.0i hushols ; evporta ,
127.Mi bnshc'ls : sales. 4.0MX ) ( busliols fu-
inros : IC.iO ) bushels hpuu biot | marknt
dull , vvoakersNo - . ' rod. J1.IO In store ; Jl lo > 4 < a
1 17 afloat : il ini , , ® ! 1SU f o. b. ; niiKradcd red ,
tl.OSi 'iJi.iO ' ; No 3 northern , to arrive , tl r , .
4J1 10 ; No. 1 hard to arrive , il.IS1,0,1.l ! > c ; No
2 Milwaukee , Jl.lul. ; opt ons opened ' 8iajtc
hl : lie-ronjHor Kn llsh weather reports de
clined l\ l'ic on coon western erop news ,
rallying and cloln ; llrm on cxpoit domund at
40. 0 I olon yosterda } No 2 rod. May , clos-
Itu ut il 15 ; Juno closlns at f'.1.1 ' : .Inly. * l Vf ,
10' , , closing at JI.10 ; Auirust , * I.W'iiH ! OO't.
oloslni : at } | .UV4j Heptembor , Jl 04. oloslng at
ll.Oi4Hd.-i * , ; Oeiobcr , fL04"4 > 4 , eloslng at
1105 ; December , JI.U'i'i3.1 07 , closhu' atJl.OO ;
M > ( IMG ) } l 073 < < ll.O'iS closins at Jl.WV
lUiu.KV < ) ut of t-o i-on.
4'ons ItoceipU , llv'.aV ) hnvhols ; exporls , 7,7 2
InislieU ; Miles 'JI4.000 ruisliols futures ; 14KOjO
bushels spot J-pot , in trkct Irregular , weik ,
fairly active No 2 , ( X > ijffCl c. In elevator ; 7u' , < S
71' , o ; ungraded mixed , ( * ,07'c ;
Options i , to Ic lowoi-4ih free soiling of In
creased roi-olpts : May , fJ'o. ' closing at C'V ;
.lime , ivV < clGj'ie , closing stMSc ; July , 04il''i
CG'.o. closing at 65e ; Ancilkl , O4'4ln4' c , clos-
In.t ut C4 , -cptemtercUslng ; at Kt' c.
tHT--Rccelpt8 , cu jfl niiPhe'lR ; exports 10000
bii-hels , sales , 1W.OOO bubheU futuies ; 51,000
bushels -pot. Spot market dull , lower , op
tions dull. Irregular ! Ma } , closing , VVie :
Juno eloslng. M'o ' ; July , 54J43-Vlc. closln/
We ; Augiibt , 4ii4'ic ( ! ; f-uptcmiier , No.'white ,
f > -c ; mixed western , Mfvflot vibito western ,
Wi'Oc ; No. 2 Chicago , 57'fi. > c.
llu Qulot and firm ; shipping , 50CWc ; good
to choice. SOSJ-Oc.
lloi-s ririn. iulot | ; sPite common to choice ,
; I'aolllo coast. J.v.
t.nnririn : westero. l4Sloo. Itecelpts ,
C.'ti- piie-kage-s ' '
I'oiiK < julet , fctcidripld mess. $11.00(112 'fl ;
now mess , U2.7&ai3 : . ( ) ; extra prime , J11.7ia
CUT MrtTS-Pteady ; quiet : pickled bellies.
ft'4c ; pickled shoulders. 4'iC. pickled hams , u
ulO > , c ; middle : , , quiet -and tlriu , short clear ,
ULTTLU Dull , we-uk ; vrrstcrndairy. IKiillo ;
western oroamrry , 15330c ; western factory ,
IwfcUio : Klglns , 20e.
CiUKsu e.tnlet , easy ; part skim * . Vfi.s4c.
fccoAii Haw. dull ; nominal : fair rotlnlng.
2'4 a-kod ; centrifugals,01 test , J o asked ;
refined , qulut mill unuhanged ,
Moi . \ EI.-I ortlgn Now Orleans , steady ;
common lo fancy , 23&i5c.
ItieE Dull , btu.idy ; domestic fair to eitra ,
& 0'cj Japan , cat ! ' o.
MlnneaptilisVlicul 'Mjirki-t.
MI.SM.AI-OI IH , Minn. May 10. Wlil'AT
Sample lie-it was dull today nt u lower
range of prices. The offerings were not lurdo
but they were In excess of the demand , which
WHS lUht for the best wheat There "us little
demand for the poorer classes and fuw sale *
were made One buyer took about alt the No
1 northern that was sold at a cent under July
Klovator compinlrs wore not In the m.irket
nnd only a few cars wore bought to po toout
side mill * . Hoeolpl" . lift ears ; shipments , lit
car * . Closing prices. No 1 hiird , May , Jl 00 , on
track , JI.Pji. ! No. 1 northern. May. 11.00' , ;
Juno , 11.07 ; July. fl.o'S ; on track. JI.07 : No
2 northern , May , Ji.04 ; on track , J1.0IV H Oft.
ST. Ioii8. ) Mo. Mav 10. WHEAT Lowers
cash. JI.04 : July.07J4 a'C * !
t'on.N lAiwcr ; cish M' o : July. S5' c.
O * Uiwcr ; ca h , W ; July , 4lc.
1'oiiK-yiiiot at jit noaii.K'i. '
I.tltP-'Ljulotat fa 12'i.
\\III-K\- I is.
lli'm.u-Lower ; creamery , isawc : dairy ,
v Cllj J
Cur. Mo. May -\VnrsT-niill l ; !
No 2 him , cash , Scjc , May , ( do bid ; No. 2 rod ,
cash , ii-iiO'i-'o ' '
I'ou.N Lower ; No. 2 , c-ish. r-G'c : May , M
ts Lower ; No. 2 , cash and May , 4 le
. Milwaukee Mnrket * .
Mn.vtADKKE.Vls , MUV 10. WIIE\T I'lrm ;
cash. } l ( CKii.104 ; Julv. ilol'i
'oliv-i-islor. : No ,1 , Cl" .
O\T LowerNo 2 while. ftf'iftV )
riuni ioN K.i-lor ; | nirk Jul } , Ill.V ) .
Duliitli V. In-ill Mnrkot.
DtLlTH Minn. . May 1C. -\T-Opened |
e..sand dee-llnod 2 ci nts during Iho diiv lo- !
oeipls. it e irs. Clnslni prleos- May , tl 10 > i :
Juno , till ; ) , ; II'N 1. ilIO ; No. 1
hind , { I ( ; No 2 no thi rn , tl Ut
CINCINNATI. O. . May 1CVni.vT Heavy ;
No S rod. } l 07.
l tins Unver : No. 2 mlxod. fUc.
HAT Lower : No. 2 mlxod , Me.
Toletlo Market * . O , May 10.--\VitiAT Lower ; cash
and May. il n-1
COIIN Kislor ; oish Me. ,
OATS ( J ulel ; cash. Mo.
MMt'KS , IM > 1IOM S.
NEW YOIIK. Mav 16. The stock mnrkit
tod.i ) was active , and while weak al first
rallied irpl > iieirly roooverlnj the early
los-o and brliiginx priceup olo-o to those of
la-t evening The general expectation Inlow
of the cMraordln iry hoiv -hlpments of gold
for the last two wonks was thai Iho b ink
st-iloiueiit would show -urioiis decrease In
the rosorvefc If not a complete lo-s of ro-crvos.
There wathcroforo , a \ Igorons elTort toell
all Iho stick whleh the maihot would
lake In Die eailv trading , altiiii.-h :
there was unilouhtedly good sup-
r > orl given man } of Iho leidlng sharos.
Thee'lTect was to make an extremely feverish
market. The support wps apparent ! } with
drawn loward 11 uVloek , and the pressure to
sell became more urgent , o that a sharp de
cline all along the line brought prices down
from 1 to 2 pel cent from lust even ng's tlguios ,
and i he lowesl u rices of the vtoek wore re ached.
On the downw ird movement. Manhattan ,
Chicago Has. LouKvllle . \ , Nnstivllle , Paclfie
Mail , 1'nlon Paelflc and liouk Island , were
specially promlnont The -trongost sjiot on
the list was iho Noithorn Pacific , which was
helped by the cable adv Ices from Ilorlln which
gave Interviews with -omc lulluenti il ollieors
of the Deutsche bank In whle'itho ' } expressed
great friendship for Mr Villard and dopio-
c Hod the roeont stones uf u break between
that gonlli man and the bink. Iho bank
statement however vv lion It appeared show i d
a smull Introaso In Hie reserves inslo id of the
loss expected and there- wits a rush lo lui }
grt.ilcr even than the previous prcs-ure to
sell and prlce-i r.illied verharp ! } recover
ing In the llftoon minutes loft in do bu-moss
almost all tlio losseof the morning llieie
was must excellent biilngoftho Northern
Pacific.S heel ng \ L ike Erie. Hock IM.ind
and I n on Pacific , hill Iho entire list sh nod
In the improvement , which vras inaU-rl il In
all portions The market clo-cd active and
strong at the iccovery The Una ! ehiingcs are
generallmall fi.ictlonal lo-ses. but Iho
Northern Pacific Is higher and Lmilsvlile
tl Nishvlllo Is down Is , and Pacific Mall 1 per
Hallro'id bonds were qu'ot and followed
clo-cly the movements In the share list , being
weak in me eariy uc mugs , uni sinionoii up
liter. The final changes are as usual Insig
nificant among the active Issues , but baattlo
Luke Miore ( lists lost .I'i at OS.
< lo\eminent bonds wore ( lull and steady.
Mate bonds vv ere dull nnd without feature
Petroleum opened steady , adv ane-od \ on a
few buying ordr r- from the west , then became
dull and remained so until the clo-e. Ponn-
M-lvanla Oil , June option , openliihkhest. ( ; .
Gs34 ; lowest. Cs ; eloslng , 053A Total sales ,
10.IKD birrol .
The exports of specie from this city during
Iho wock iimniintod to f7. ' ) o.'M of which
Jf.Mfi fflO w is In gold and Jl i4,7V ) sllv or
The Imports of spe-cle amoiintod toJ7J94 * , of
which Jll.'JIO was In gold and WI.OJssilver.
A steamer which sallod today took ? -t. MO.COO
In gold coin , of wh oh Jl.VXi < W w as eor.slgned
toLlvoipuol and JI.7iJ.OX ) to London. The
steamer L 11 hampagnc took Ji 0WJ gold coin
consigned lo Paris
The following ure the c osingfjuot-itlons for
the leading sleeks on Hie New \ ork slock ex
change today
The total sales of slo' ks today wore
H-SJI fcharos. Including Ate-hlsoii. Id 550) )
Lickiwanna , t',170 ' , LoulsvileA Nishvlllo.
HMU ; Missouri 1'aelfl.1.075 : Northwestern ,
J.VMJ North Amilinn. . S.J'H ' ; Northern Paolllc.
U5 ; Northern 1'acllk1 preferred. U.iUj Uloh-
inomiol Wc t Point. o.KttSt pnni 5j,5ioj Union
I'aclQc , I,4M : U fstern 1'nlon. J.J05.
I'i limit ; nl lc-\lcvv.
Tlio Post Rays : There was nothing doing In
the exchange maikot , but the .orient feeling
was ibat Dm gold i xports would com in uo next
week nnd that as long as they do , It Indieates
Unit Knropo Is nard up fur money and not
likely to bo a bu > i r of stork.
'Iho gold sent from hero is rolievlng Iho
sltu.Ulun , thus prepiirlnglhocomllilons which
will make Kur ipo a gro it buverof American
steur tlos. Hut for the present the stuck mur-
kolR are i-upiiorte-'l entire ! } bv Anurlcan
e-apllal. anl though ever } body hire
understands lhat all the condition *
In this country are In favor ol
hUher prices , for stock and securities , they
are for the time being noiitr illzed by the do-
mor il7cd ! cundlt on uf Kurope.n tlnunees ami
Iho aid wo are obli ed lo tend In prompt
payment of onrobllgat'ons for the Inrgo In
crease of Imports of me-rehannlRO list t > um-
mor Tholl.Ujd.mjOor soof htuok and securi
ties sent hack here from Kunipo In the last
live months uf 1MD were paid for at once anil
Kiiropo Is not soiling any more American si-
curllits. Thonnly business now Lotweeu this
clock and London is Dial of tliu iirlilirageurx
which Is like that of room traders , antl
Unit Ihoy buy one day and feel ! the next for
protlls of ' lo H , but with no roforcneo
whatever to the tncnl movement of prices
from week lo week On the whole It looks as
though the situation In Luiopo would now uo-
gln lo Improve and that while there may ho
further gold export * next week , there will
iiUotuft disposition Ihoie to buy American
Blocks , and llils. lo.'oltior with the strength
and undercurrent of bullish fever hero , will
make a bolter m irket for slocks m-xt wtok
The bank slaloment today was a demonstra
tion that this country U richer than many
people Imaglno and moro nearly Independent
of Kuropean finances than almost anybody
has iie-rotoforo ventured t > think.
It nk
lUi.TivmiiE , Md . May 1C. Olonrlnzs today
TTI re\tk4i balances , Is..U'C Money at 6
percent ,
CI > C NATI. O , May in Money ut SftG per
cuil. New York uxhaiiKC' , tOiioOc premium.
Niw : YOIIK , May 10 - Cp | irlnss lotlay wcro
lliV 7,4 balMH-os , \ lii.TtU. 1'or tlio week
clearings were K ' V > 4 I si ; balnncos. ! , . ' , V/JOA
( JiiKAdO , May Nl CloarluRi wore iliU4-
Hfl New Vork exchange ) wan hi cents pru-
. inliiin Itat < s for money woreVt tu pore-int.
I Merllngexi-linn.o steady and unehtinged.
! I'liiLADELi-iiiA , May 10. Clearings today
[ weru ir.iss.,4yi ; LdUucek , llfc43OCZ 1'or the
week ending totluv the cloirlnis
IV balances , { i , J45..U7 Money at 4niHi per
IO ! TOV. Mny in. Hank clearings tmlay
were , } 10.2 > 2,4'W ! balances. flO\4l. Money. 5
percent. Kxclmnee on New York. r.'H4M7o
dlsoount. For the week oloarlngs wcro J4.
3s'J.57.'i b.ilnncos , HO.JXWI 1'or the corro-
pnndlne vtcok last yoircloarlns * were lli\-
C.ti 0i balances , tl.vai.4- ) . ' .
'J ho Money
NKW YOIIK , Mav 16. MONKV ov C'i.t1'asy. .
with all at 0 per cent ; closing offered at J per
1'iiivtK Mrnr-KVTii.r. IHrtn ! Wt" percent Kxe-HAMin Quiet at J w 'i for
slxty-diy bills and ! l - > ? 14 fordomnnd.
The following were the cleislng prices on
bonds :
! ' 4 , recl tprtHl lUiiviVl K V T in JiT"
I' S I * c Miixinj IIIH , VlulUKl fllkin n . . Hl'd
44 MUlteriHl Im ) .N J Cent Int Cert 110
! ' ' . coupons 101 Northern 1'ne Iff 1IH'4
I'mincboir US . .IU tin Si ! . 1W"4
1 'Uiilntm xinnip Is w .Vorin e t onn ol .1W
le nc itN j > ii < UllW d i di-bi-ntiiri ! 101
do is . . l02'i l L \ I M lieu Si side
do 1 . . ; u l I. A - K ten M 1"4
Crnnlio itliern ! ds v ; 81 1'iul eon ol 1M
Centril 1'itclMc Ills III ; M I' C .V. I' ItH . . .111
U. A II U.litii . . I15S T I' U O Tr lids iv't
do 4 . ( -5U I' I' U ( I Tr Hctn tl'4
do Wess Ists . . 7i4 I nlun I'aelnc I l . . ! 0s'
KrlfJls . nil Wc lMiore . . .IW > 4
M K. AT ( .on I in Tm _ .
llo-to-i Stou'c Market.
HOSTOV. Muss , M iy 1C The following were
Iho e-Uisln prli-rs on sleeks In the Huston
stoA niarkot today.
Melil-un A Toi-oki ) ' { Calumet A llecla . iol
lliKton \lbany 2itl't t-rnnklln . . 17
di Maine . I in Hur.-n 2
Clil Hur t yulney s.v Kear-nrto . . . \1 \
d" f . Ul 'o-foiil.i ' . . SI1 *
Kltchbnrif It U M yulnc ) . . . . . IPO
do prcferreil 7ti . . -Hiiln I o Copper M4
Ma t ontril It > > t'lmarnck . . .145
Vli'ilcin t en com ai > Vnnl ltm Uunl Co 0
N \ A S Kn 1.4 . Hoitnn l.nml C't > 61.
OM l-ulnny . . luiit \\e t Umd Co 7i' (
itopfd . rs lloli rolophuiip .2ifi
\M Cent com W I.ninum "tore ! < . 37S
diipfd . , < > ( VVnter l'o er . . 2-
AlluiieiMIn Cotncnl < i C M . I.1 *
Atlantic . . . Ilutto V It C . . . 15't
Huston A Vlont . . 40' (
Ijoiiilon StocKu.
LONDON. Mav 1C ? p m closing :
Ctmviln nmney .W 4-U Krl < * .M . . . KU4
C m ol ncetmnt " 4V Illlimls eenlrnl 101't
I - 4 l.'l xiptirnn . . . 44H
t' . * 4'tn . IU. IM 1'iiul iiininiim I > IH
N v. | . A o it , .jit | , \ lItrnl 10.1'i
Cinnillnn I'aclnc SHv Vleikun teiilriil n 4s 7l >
irle : . -jy | _
liar nthor lid pi ounce
Halo of ilUcount In ihe upon fur both short
and three months' bills , 4 % per cont.
Hunk uI'Kiiul UK ! Itiillion.
LONDON. Mav Ifi I'ho ammint of bullion
gone into the Hank of Lngland on b ilanco to-
da } Is invxo. _
1'ai is Ill-nil" . .
PAIII * . May 10 Three per cenl rcnlcs , Cf
We foi the account. _
UCMIXOI'Minim : Stoi'lCH.
PENV m. Col . May Ifi 'locks on Ihe mining
exchange today wore -onii-what bum. ml and
acllvo al a genoril small idvam-o f ho total
sale of stocks was J,00i shire * rlosliig :
Alii ihnny 15 i lint cc . l.'i
AtnltT t' | . O
Argonnut l.ltlln llulo . 109
llillnrnl ill M itcile- ! . . . . 23
7K Vl'i ) Vlizeppn . . . I-1- !
C'l i VUirnlngdllm , . . . 44
Hunter . . 10' < Ore . H\
Illtf Indian . . . 1 Hi I'-iy Hiiek . . . . 23 {
Ill li . . . s-4 1'iitosl . 7' <
IlninutOH . . SO 1'irk em . . . . la'i
Cnllliie | , , l. , Ui-i-il .Nntltmil
tvntnrr . \01 \ Illilto . in1
Clny Cnunt ) . M n miilnit Ixido . . . ' . ' 4
( nihlni ; fn I e ix en drill . . lu
Dlitnond 11 13 , luhnJ pfd . . . . PI
Denver iini A Oil 4i . I'nii'cr . 7H
> niimn < _ > U' ( Cliuilln J . lrt (
< "dd 'I ri-asure . .f'-s ( , cttsburi ; . ZuVt
Irunclad I
Now York Mining
NFW > ' , 'it . M iy ! & . The following are tno
closing mining stok quot itlons :
Alice . ' IVi I lloim-tnle ! luiu
Adun.1 cein . . . 17' , Horn Hvtr . . . . .HXI
llclelicr . . . 5SO Xlcvlcnn . . . . 4O
11 A Belcher h.O lilnlirlo Ssuo
lliHllo . l Ophlr . . . C7i
( lioltlnr . S.'J txinnco . "J
Cri ) n Point 545lorre , Nevailn. 3M
r m Csln \ Va . 1W I nlon Con 3iO
Doadnood . 105 I\ellow Jacket
.St. ! . < > IIH Mining Quotniions.
PT Louis Mo. Mav 10. The mining m.ukot
was fairly actlvo ted iy , but prleos luul a
downw.uil icndoney I'lio follovvlns bids weio
made on the mining exeh uue :
A d-imt i M ) TvT"HrecnTTTI 7. bKI
American . . W > MUnbetli . S 7h ,
Rohl Klne lO liumn . . . t H
l.lllle AlU-rl ii J
Ni-vv Vork Coffee Opt ( tins.
Nnvv YOIIK , May 10 CoiTep options opened
Rteady and unchingod lo 5 polnls decline :
closed b.nely bleady nnd unchanged lo 5
points down bales I'.iV ) bags. Ini-liidlng Ma } .
Jl7'iO , July , } 17 G. , < ai7 70 ; Augusl , fH-.M ; sop-
lombor , ! lu.W31ii. ( i : October , tlVJKtV oa ;
De-e-ember , } ! " > lo , snol Hlo , dinl and steady ;
fair cargoes , < JO 00 ; No 7. } | K.oaii , ( ,2vi.
ib .MarkotH.
Nrxr YOIIK , Ma } lG. 1'ETiioi.i.uM Quiet
nnilBtoidy ; crude In b-irrols Purser's , ffiT.'i ;
I'arkoi's e-iudo in bulk , tt'M ; rollnod New
York , K.0 ; Philadelphia and Daltlmoio , ? fi.s ; ,
CT7 l'i ; I'lilladolphl i and llaltlmorc In bulk.
$ I.W Ii4 G. > ; t'nllod closed at ( .s'.efor Juno.
OOTT N ino On/ Dull and stoadv ; i-rude
oir cradoV520o : yellow oil gi.ulo , .L',1 ( ii.tJc.
TAM.OVV Quiet and unsettled ; ell } iiJ.00 for
j ) ickagosi " > ' , o.
ICosiv itiiii t and slcad } ; stiainod , common
to good tl VK3.I r.'i
Tfiii'fcNTiM : Dull and steady at : tO > . , (3p ( > 'jc
HlDKs-Du 1 and firm ; wet sal.o 1 Now Or-
iciins solectoJ , ) " ) < ii75c : pounds. i/c ; Texas
selected , 'Otiii-io ; pounds. Oirv
I'lO IIION Dull ; Amorlenn
PT. Loui" , May HI L iriKonburg Hrothors to
CiiC'.rell ' Itiothors- The looelpls today wore
\\hoal , U'.s-fl biishols , coin. 5l.rri hnsholb ;
Ni.w OIIK. M iy Id Kcniioll. Hopkins iCo. .
to f. A .MuWhurler-Thc hunk statement , llrst It would ho and later
of what It really was. controlled Hie movc-
menl. Large gold shipments , thofaol that
the liiiane nl authorities ostlmiitod the hanks
lost ever tl.OOOi < XidnrliiJ ) the rok on o\C'ss
of locolpts from the Interior and thee. rlainty
that the hanks vioro vvor-e oil last Saturday
than the stalomenl showed ma lo the oxpccla-
tlon general th it the hank st.itomini would
cliovs a largo decrease In the ic-Mjrve During
the tlrst houi stocks were Mild fn-oly for Loth
sicks and t-hilnkigo in prlets wns
rapid and severe , tint when the hank
stutoment wax puhil-hed early Follcrs wore
anxloub to covet and iho advance wasovon
mine rapid and sharp than the t arly decline
Pneeshiivo moved In a mini ! or of Instaneos
over a range of . ' points , nhlih Is finite 1111-
if-iiul for a nvo-hniirs'-osslon The gain In
the rosorvcs Is due to a noorcase of ovtr
J\ i ! , < x In deposits iho hanks having I < M
I .IiHi.000 In cash The shlpmonls of gold nv
teulay't , hte.uiiei do not count In the averagi s ,
so the hunks ar > again worse ulT than the
Matements tniiki1 lliom. Advices from I'ltts-
l > urg give a mori onciiiiraglng uceinint of ou il
and Iron. The movement of pi.- lion iHsteadily
Improving and pilcts tlnn and upward ten
dency. The laboi bit nation Is Improv ing.
C mcuio , Maj 10 Konnott Hopkins .V Co , to
S A. Mchorter There wan a tush lo nell at
the opening In cem-t queiice of rains In the
we > st and rathr Indllli rent oaiilos lloth hulls
and hears p irtlc pate-d In the laid There wax
enl ) one prumliiont hnjer for Invistmont.
Pitrdri dgo oovuro I tin to a under No i. ' .
There was a rally of'4c on the prtdlction ol
trust In Mlnncsot t. W.sooiisin. llllnnls. Indi
ana arid Michlg in. and the working of J3 ,000
buMhcNof vi heal hero , hut the marki t bocami
dull Now ork produeo oxohangn having
closed down at II a m and a ho'ldii ) In Kng-
land , the professlunil traders hammini
Iirlee-s down again The hulls Momcd Indis
posed to tuko hold , profoirlng to wait
until Monlav. The hltuatliin Is sleidll >
growing slronuor to far as nctual whom Is
ooneetrned hut Iho pressiuo Is still kept up
Tliolslhlo supply will priiu.ibl ) nho.v a large
reduction on Monduv. 1 hi re seems to he hut
ono side to wheat and that Is lo buy on .ill
fiufo spot" . Curn iindo.iu huvoloen rather
hr iv j In i onse-iiio'ico | of Improved crop pros-
peels. They IIIHJ go lower Put wo ( lo not eon-
shier thorn Kufu shurt sales one-opt on good
rallies Provisions The advance of yester
day was lost luilaj Prominent bears wore
free boilers , buyers not as plenty as of lato. so
many Miorts having t-overod An avtr.igu
run of hois in oxpoctcd for lhl > monih and
Juno Provisions hujk heavy and will prob
ably go lower btfuro mui-h reaction If Iho
corn crop progresses favnrubl ) .
CHICAGO , liny Ifi.V O McCormlck A , Co to
I' C. awurtr X Co ; Tliu wmk i-lo-as wtili
lather adull da > In wheat and trading mohtlv
of a sculping tlmrac-lt i. The general lone of
the market it , not strong If wu consider the
bulllsli nature of advices received today.
1'rlvitto cables olosed , i arls'-O to a conllmeH
higher and st nod that much of the bprlng
wheat wh e-h hud bc.'n piiut < ! oxporlmcntally
VMis being pKHMlieil up us a failure , l lour-
anct s freini Now Vork weio l.'s.uoi bushels. It
v as Mated em what Mornod giNid authority
that JO i.O U Imsliels had boon engaged for
dlroi t shipment from hereto Liverpool Ite
celpts at prim iry point * worc' and Rhlp-
monlH 70UVO , 'in ' I yet Ihcsobull Inlluonoi"i
failed to clo-e the market uv on fairly Mouly
Thu rain * that foil ye.tenluy moro than
counterbalanced themV'u teem destined
or the pre < ont to liixvo a icnlplnir. markpt
botvficit Vand IM for July whc at v ltli out
own erops ns the bo.\r Inllucnco and the short
crop abroad and largo exports . iho bullish
> oncr Corn bus boon dull nnd weak , with a
locldod dovvnvTard tonnoncy The urgent do-
nand which exlslod a short time Rgo for carets
ots seems lo hitvo died out and thnso arriving
Imlay wen sold at nearly % o decline' from the
occlpts of a wet k ago. Indications nro that
.lie receipt * will lnormso , and well informed
receivers predict fur next Tuesday aj
iiuch asSVo bollovn that prices will still
tirtlier doi line In splteof ctTorts of local bulls
0 sustain them. Oals were falily acllvo. hut
vvoak and lower , the cause bciiiB oxnrossod by
1 rerolver whoch-iraclorl/od the tnirkot for
car luts us being the sickest bo had soon for a
nonlh Itootitits are good nnd prodli-tlmis a to
bill Ihoy will lucre tstv Provisions opened
'trong , but oi > e > l oil under hammering of thn
it-arpirl ) and the Rule of grain men who
woi * soiling mi aocount of weakness In corn
v\olollcvo , bowovor , that Iho dicllnn tun
> eon litrgo oiiiiugh , and that oven the boum
vvoiild bo glad lo see prices advance al pros-
nt Itlbs and lard sociuod to bow epccl l
Women I'leli pookolH.
A neatly dressed woman with blonde nil r
and apparently about thirty-live > ears of
npo ; , pranced Into the Tv\onty-olg.titli street
station of the Sixth avenue olovato.l road.
After purchasing lior ticket she Inquired of
.he ticket chopper , In n familiar nnnnor , if
Miss SomebcKlv had been about the station ,
sajs llie < Ne\v Yorlt Sun.
"Shoalvvajs nslis mo that question. " said
the ticket chopper , after the woman had
moved down the platform. "I have not the
least Idea who ttio vvoiiiun is whom she per
sists in Itiqulriuc for , and 1 doubt If she has.
The woman is a pickpocket. She works the
elevated trains We have not been able to
catch hi r , vet we hive her spotted '
"Aro there many others like her ! '
"Yes , about llfte-en of them that we nro
p-ottv coitain about , nnd I think the ) all
work in together There is reason to believe
that tbeie is a bind of these thieves , for
even few days wo find in the ladl's waiting
room a immb-'r of empty pocketbooks These
books art thrown there bj these pickpockets.
Only vt'iterdav wo found seventeen | Kcket-
boolts in the florets in this station In some
of them as many as twenty-live of them h-ivo
been found at onetime There is not n station
on tbo roaa vv hero these discoveries are not
constantl > made They work the trains
uhl'othev nro crowded , and only rob ladles
who are go-tic In and fro on shopping louis.
Tlicro now , that woman Is uelliiiK into the car liet In and watch her , " concluded
the ticket oboppor.
The car was e-omfortably filled and the sup
posed pie-kpoe-kol seated herself in one of the
CIMSS seats beside a womm with a llttlo
child. The blonde worn in bop-m at once' to
pet the ehild , and Dually managed to secure
tlo wo nan in converja'tion A poeketoook
with rather a pretty fastening , lay carelessly
ujHin tbo womin's lap The blonde's ojes
bccmi'd to bo frozen on it Several times she
KJane-ed nervously about , as If to see If she
was being watched Finally she took the
child's hand in tiers nnd laid It on the imcket-
book. Then she raised it from the woman's
lap , but the owner of Iho book evidently was
suspicious , for bho Krabbod her property
The blonde made a remark about the beauty
of the fastening of the book , and passed tbo
Incident off.
\ \ lint \Voiiiiin Affect.
There is n remarkable show of "spiders"
on Fifth avenue every mo-niiiK now.observoi
u Now York coriospondent of the I'hlcaKO
Ilerall Tills does not refer to tlio Insect ,
but to tbe pccular variety of vohirlo which
New York women affect. It Is something
like n phaeton , with a rumble behind for iho
groom , and it is the smartest thing In car.
ri-ics { this jear. Spiders are invariably
driven by women , and they are usually
drawn by thoroughbred little cob ? with
roiebed mines and banged tails Theie is
no prottlcr sight in the world than a hand
some worn in driving ono of these stvlish
vehicles throuRli the maze of Tiflli avenue
tiamV A ' liiror" invariably sits behind.
wilh Ills arms fo'ded and a look of statuesque
itnmobillu upon his f.ieo. No less than boven
of these tuinouls appeared upon the avenue
between 11 and I'J o'clock yesterday Two of
them wcro diUon by ladies of the Vander-
bill family , the third by Miss Morgan , tbo
fouith by the wife of n famous \Vali street
operator and the others by women moro or
less known in soulctv. The fashionable hour
for women to drive is between 10 and U.
They never hold the ribbons after 1
K i-n | > c tin-Troulilo i r Thinking.
Not long ago Tbo Woman heard of the one
person she had hoped nil her life to And.
This person was a woman , and some day The
Woman is going to hunt her out and stand
before her. nnd looking at her say "For
this have I lived all the jears of in v life. "
Tor tliis woman has dared to do what The
Woman has only sketched out to herself as a
splendid possibility but has lacked tbo cour
age to uccompllsh. For many years lias this
wise woman been reidlng. And now she baa
stopped , in the interests of thinking Not a
single line does she read or has she read for a
vcar and more Heioro that sbo read otn-
nlvorously in Just that restless , devouring
way that people have got into nowadays , us
if Just to be left ulono with our own brains
for n little while vvcro the worst calamity
that could befall us. We , it is n strain on
moat of us , nt any rate. Kovv of us have got
fat enough to hibernate on for very long Tlio
uneasy consciousness of that in her own caao
is what has kept The Woman reading Hut ,
the shifts that people make dav after day to
escape the trouble of thinking ! \\hy , a'liko
amount of nervous energy expended in think
ing would be sunk-lent to work out a new
sj stem of philosophy.
< \ Pietiiri1 nl' Annie ItpHiint.
The famous English woman vv ho has been
ostracised for her beliefs , who broke away
from all conventional restraints , who es
poused free thought , whoso name has for
years been the ono of most influence among
thcltborlng classoi of England , who can
quell a mob quicker than a body of mounted
police , who his perhaps suffered more than
any other woman of our day , shows visible
traces on her sad face of the mental agony
she has endured , bho is slight but well lire-
portioned , of medium height. Her face is
rattier Ions nnd narrow. Snehasgiay eyes
nnd a short tangle of gray curls , bho baa
pretty hands und has a trick of constantly
lifting ono or the other to her cheek She
speaks eloquently and with ease , but as if
terribly in earnest , She makes very few
gestures but rather expresses her emotions
by tlio tones of uer lull , round , Hen voice ,
bho was dre-sed very plainly in black cloth
and wnio a ion ( lower stuck in the bosom of
ne-r puwn and no ornaments save n rurloua
silver buckle at the bottom of her bad Ice and
n huge seal ring on her left hand.
A .Minrli'ilVoiiiiinV U III.
If a woman makes u will before marriage
the fact of her marriage makes the will
worthless. Thlis the common law mlo , nnd
still prevails in the largo majority of stales.
In Vciinont nnd peihapi some others mar
riage does not necessarily invalidate a
woman's will , btit ui less ono is certain of the
point in her own stak > she should attend to
the in alter bj making n new will immediate
1 > after marriage , and , if possible , securing
her husband s consent to It written nnd signed
on the document it-self. This consent Is not
everywhere necessary , but is alwav * wise.
In Massachusetts it is absolutely noeessary if
by iu terms Iho will cuts off any claim which
our law gives a widower on the estate of his
wife. A man's will , at common law and In
the majority of states now , is not invalidated
by his subsequent marriage alone , but if a
child is born the concurrcne-o of ttio two
events makes his will also worthless , und ho
must write another.
Mrs Dell Hodges was caught in the pralrlo
fire which ran over the northwest part ef
llrookings county , ami was badly burned.
Seeing no other way of escape , she ran to tt o
nearest slough and throw hors'-lf , face tlowi.-
ward , into the water , but unfortunate ! ) ble
turned her face upward Just as the llamoi
swept over the slough. Strangely her baoic
VVIH scared and blistered with Iho Inters *
heat , though the clothing thereon was not
lU.t 1S5I Market Ltrect , Itonror. Colorado. > , til nixl WoiLcrn Creamery Ilutler Ki/x und
Chei-c 10U/J A I empty CKK c u , with niler * ( u
lusn to rur > lili | > i-r und utliun lo buHllol llvueaiei
amlup M'llp by lint ( reUht. ( lood chuii | Ilutler la
duiuand durluv Muj. JU-liuJU for quuUltuUi ou a * <