, IA TT-TT ? OMATTA FIATT.V HIT IT. TTVHAV At A V 17 1 01-'PW tiW'PV "PAH 17.fi. A FLOOD OF SUMMER SPORTS , The Usual Grind for the Baseball Orank , THE CORBETT - JACKSON MILL , Flying HIIIWH mill Wlilrtlnir Whocli In Hit ! riclil mill on tin ) Stronin oHsIp anil Answer-oil. Sporting men hero are dhciuslng the prob able result of the glove contest between Peter Jnck.ioti of Australia and Jom CorOott of San Francisco , who are to fight In the Cali fornia Athletic club gymnasium on May SI. Jackson , since ho recovered from his recent accident , has been training with renewed vigor , and already his trainer , Fltzpatrlck , claims hot \ lit to light for several hours. Jackson does not appear lo bo at all con cerned ever the result of his coming meeting with the California wonder and both himself nnd trainer are sangulno that ho will win the 110,000. Sam FIt/patrick , the Australian comet , who Is training Jackson , is looked upon as I'etur'.s mascot. Ho came from Australia with .IncKson and trained him for his battle with George Godfrey of Hoston. Ho also prepared Iho colored champion for his buttles with Joe McAuliffo , the Mission Hey , and I'atsy Cardiff of Minneapolis \Vhon Jackson went over to Kiigland to light Jem Smith , the champion of Kuglunu , under the manage ment of Parson Charles E. Davit's , Jackson Insisted Uir.t Fit/patrick should accompany him. Jackson dofe.itod Smith. Fitzpatrlok has won his spurs In the listie nrcna In Australia , and has n long record of buttles bo bus engaged in. Ho thoroughly understands Jackson , and there is probablv no man living who could Ixjtlci prepare the tall West-Indian for n prize ring encounter than Klt7gatrick. The latter Is not only con- lldenttliat.lucnsonwllldofn.it Oorbott , but bo believes that ho could defeat Frank I' . Slavln. In an Interview Jackson says. "If I defeat CorbotU-iiiid I expect to , barring tiaforseen accidents I nm not going to run away to Australia to tight Joe Goddard , who is now posing over there us the champion , but I shall meet Slavln. the contest will bavo to bo do- elded under tlm auspices of the California athletic cluli and It will , no doubt , olTor as big a purse as any one else. SUivin linhls that Police Gim'tto bolt which chnmpionsblp , rop- xvnuntfl the uhumnionshit ) of tint world , and If I nm fortunate It will bo In my possession before the snow lllcs ; at least , I shall do my licat toxvin it. I never was a boaster and I don't mu I can beat any ono In tinpriro ring , but , nevertheless , I nm going to kcrp trying , and no man in the world hr.s any licensn tn knock mo out , barring a chance blow. "Corbet t Is no doubt n clexor boxer nnd may bo a stayer. Ho will hnvo to hit hard and often to defeat me , anil I will keep him busy In tbo lucautimo. Slavln Is also no doubt a llr < t class man. I In did not defeat Jem .Smith as easily as I did , but bo put Joe McAullITe to sleep quicker , still It is doubtful If the Mission boy xvns at his best the day Slavin beat him Inside of six minutes. Slavln's ' real form will bo tested If ho lights either Coihott or myself , that Is , allowing that Corbel t Is a llrst class man , nnd ho must bo ncknowledced us such until ho isdqfentod. "The American public xvlll bo able to Jiidue xvhen I tight Cnrbutt xvhnther ho is the grout pugilist many easterners claim , and ttioy xvlll also have a line on Slavln after ho meets Kilraln. Should Corhctt defeat me ami Kll rain defeat Slavin , then xvlth John U Sulli van out of the ring , the question of xvho Is the champion xvlll rest betxvcon Kllralu and Corbott Should Slavln defeat Kllrain and I succeed In defeating Cot-holt , theu Slavin and mytjivjf. will have to settle tha champion ship question , unless Kllrain wins his inixteh with Slax'ln , and then Kllrnin and myself will have to eopo for ttio 1'ollco Gazette championship belt and championship of the world. " raiting nnd KlulilltiK Ai Following Is the hatting and Holding aver ages of the Oniahas , Llncoln.s and Sioux Cltys for the llrst three xveoks of thu season : OMAHA. > 3 5 > W _ llroakllist for Iho Cr.'inkH. Is catching well fur Milwaukee. Thrown on the ground are creulted as wild. [ turkctt is putting up a line gauio for the Farmers , "Knns batted In" don't go In the score hereaftur. Klmer Smith will pitch no more until Juno or thereabouts. Lincoln has released John Irwln and re signed Flanagan. VIcKcry shut out the Donvers the other day without a hit. Kansas City has been negotiating with Pitcher Cony Murphy , Kansas City pitchers have boon In bad form for several weeks. Charllu ( ionlns Is a great favorlto In Sioux City and so Is Joe Walsh. Dalrymplo is a slick base-runner , and ho uses the best of Judgment. The Denver * will bo as low as fourth before - fore they HOO Denver again. "Llnu" Lowe Is play Ing second for Boston. lee Qulnn's linger Is knocked out. Dlckov I'hflim.tho Prohibitionists' old sec end baseman , has fallen In n conl-holo. Morrlssey Is playing llrst all round Cam pion , and wielding the stick Just as effec tively. Philadelphia Vlckerr , with the Brewers , Is about the hardest hitting pitcher tn the asso ciation. Kansas City still dines Ui the eight hole , hut she'll climb out all right buforo many IIIOOI'S. ' The Western association race Is the pret tiest In tbo country , and no man can pick the winner. Charlie Cushman , manacnr of Ihc Mllwau koos , has gene b-iclt lo n No. U hat , Ills nor ; mal Mro. Kansas City has placed Hngmlor on the bench , and signed Jack Carroll , the old 8t. I > aul outfielder. Uuipiro Knight , bw'.ng as much to his gen tlf inanlv character as anything tilse , i * wcl llkod wherever ho goes. The Omaha team U the recipient of praises everywhere they go. They call the Lambs uro pennant winners at St. Paul , lan Shannon Is doing about all the timely hitting , and his second base play for tno past \vcok ha > been something phenomenal. The Athtrtloljasoball club hat rcorganliod nd Is anxious to moot any and all comers , Aitdrw * J , Coffee , liU ) , Bouth Twelfth strcoU Tbo I ] , & , M. baseball team would like to hoar from any of the amateur teams of the city who play Saturday afternoons. Address C. Katokin , H. A M. Horuliimrtors. | ilnlllgan continues to hit hard. Ho prom ises to bo up in the Jlrst orcnoslra row when the bailing records nro compiled next fall. Vlckery has inado an excellent Impression In the west. Ho hasn't as good control ever his temper , however , as ho has over the ball. The Mllwaukoo outlleluors claim to have n patent glove that iirovonts iniining ll.v b.ills. Sonio Holders ought to use three or four of thorn. thorn.Watklns' Watklns' Apostles are praying for bettor luck. The boys play well at times , but the nltchlng department Is greatly In need of improvement. Columbus has Joined Louisville on the toboggan. St. Louis appears to bo the only Western association team that is "In It" to any great extent. The Sporting Times says Omaha Is dolnir bolter than she might to , nnd that was a week ago when the Lamb * wore losing every game. Was It Irony , or what ! [ t Is tliiiu'tlmt Dnvo Kowo was working bis Jaw. As long as the Farmers were nursing the last hole , ho was silent , but now that they are winning , look out for him. Hilly Karlo Is doing ail of the Corn Huskors' cntchlng , but not any too well Hilly in dulges In too much exertion when nnno at all is called for. Ho Is on Iho rush tliu whole tlmo. tlmo.Worden Worden Is playing a great flrsi base gamo. Ho was never considered a line llrst baseman before , lint his first month's work this ye.ir shows him to have a wonderful Holding record. Ho Is also hitting the bull with clock work regularity. Jack O'Connor can't throw a Ilttlo bit. His catching when ho coos behind the bat Is away oil also , and b iserunners have a picnic In purloining base" . The wav of the trans gressor Is hard , after all , and O'Connor HnUs but few O'Noill sympathl7ers--Palmor not amoni : the hunibur. Kansas Cityans are clamoring for the release - lease of somti of their glass-arm pitchers. I'hoy sav that pitchers should got in condi tion before at tempting to pitch Young Sow- ders took gymnasium exercises nil wlntcr.and Ls the only pitcher In the team who doesn't complain of n lame arm. Taylor , of the Loulsvlllo club , Is ono of the bo.st players In the country. Two years ago he was unknown , but managed to pull nIT $ < > n month us onool the stars of the Hlmlr.i club , ol the Now Yoik stiilo league. Ho now pulls off moro in n week than ho did In u month In l.SV.i. Sucn Is fame ! "Hick" Carpi-liter Is putting up a gllt- edged third liaso garno for Kansas City. Ho Is n great favorlto with the resident of the city on the banks of the raging Kaw. O , across tlio raging Kawtho coppers drink whisky raw ; and the women light when they got tight and defy the Kansas law. Manager Cushman nnd Hlmcr Smith are a little bit sere at ouch other. It Is on account of that ' Pittsburg letter In the Sporting Times , 'In which Klmor said "Cush" wanted u fo'v games thrown his wav. In the first Milwaukee game , Elmer made four hlts.how- over , piobably to show Cushmau ho had no j grudge against ti.im ' And they said In Columbus that Ralph Jolmson couldn't slide. Corno up hero , > ou fault-llnding , pig-hcajod children of u day of. wrath , and see whether ho can slide. Ho went headfirst Into second b.iso yesterday , evading "Ulddy" Mcl'heo as gracefully as it trained boxer keeps out ot the way of his op ponent , . When It comes to running there uro not many that ran b\it him. John U. Foster In this Cleveland Loader. There uro many "long service" men In the Western"association. . Hick Carpenter has been oivnrtlug on the diamond slnco IS7.1 , when ho was a member of the Grafton ( MassO team Dave nnd Jack Itowo struck out In ' 77 ; also McClollnn and Dalrymplo , nnd , in IH78 , Tommy Poorman was pitching for iho Jersey City team. Ami to think that Deacon Whlto thinks borlously of Joining this band of antiquarians. The pitchers of the four western clubs In the association have greatly overshadowed their eastern brethren so far , and the super iority of their work is becoming moro no ticeable as the season advances , says the Haltlmoro Sun. The cause Is partly found in the fact that the eastern men nro older in voars nnd service , nnd consciiuently will not bo at their bust until summer beat loosens the Joints and muscles of their arms. On the other hand , many of the westerners , such as Stlvltts , Knoll , Mains. Ncal nnd Doian , are young men who have but recently passed twnntv-oiio , nnd nro full of supple ness and skill at all seasons of the year. Wehring is the only eastern nltchor who has yet Held a club down to as few bits as two , while btlvotts and Uwycr have each inado records of but ono hit to a game oft their deliveries. A Hash oCSports , Candle pin tournaments are popular In Bos on. 'Jack L-'ogarty Is manager of the new Ariel nlhlotlo club at Philadelphia. Launcolot , the noted pointer , has been pur- . ased by II. F. Amsden of Boston. Guy Wlckalls , the English amateur rowing ihamplon , is coming to the states this sum mer. Jnko Schaofer'and Frank Ivoi are to sail for Paris Juno 0. They will appear at Uos- ton a fortnight henco. Dalton , the American swimmer , surprised Londoners by swimming sixteen consecutive "lours in the KnglUh channel. Malcolm \V. Ford has Joined to Man- mttan athletic club nnd will go to England with the knightfi of the cherry diamond. A. Curtis , the amateur champion walker of treat Britain , lowered the English r''cord for two miles to Hm 10 l-5s at London re cently , G. II. CiOoJrich has been elected president of the Muscoutah konncl club ut Chicago. Next year's bench show will bo held from February U to li ! . The Ohio Trap Shoolers' Icncuo will hold Us annual meeting at FIndla.v , May 12. 1 ! ) nnd 14 next. The business mooting will bo held on the evening of the 1'Jth. Tom Melnornoy , the Irish-American cham pion , and Billy GIbbs , the Kansas Demon , nro to Join Stowo Brothers' circus to do wrestling , sparring nnd ' 'statue" acts. Yale has declared war against Harvard's Irresponsible" athlotlo management and has notllled Harvard's baseball men that tbo Yale nine will not play tlio scries arranged for the coming .season. Tom Uynn of Chicago , the champion welter weight , lias accepted the challenge of Charles Kcmiuia of Minneapolis to fight him to u fin ish for stakes of $10,000 and a purse of $3,500. offered b } ' the athletic clubs of St. Paul and Minneapolis. Kolla Helkos not only succeeded in hie at tempt to break I.'O nrtlllclal flights at trapshooting - shooting in ninety minutes , but established anew now record , lie shot at 5' l flights nnd broke the stipulated 4.V ) in fifty-two minutes and fifty-eight seconds. J. A. it A. II. Morris of Now York have n j oarllng thoroughbred In Kncland by Galo- pin , out of Jennie B. , that , is attracting a great dual of attention. The elder Morris has received several cablegrams asking him to put a price on the royally-bred youngster. Another champion will retire from the cin der path. Tlio surprising news has been ro- celvod from Detroit that John Owens , Jr. , Iho world champion sprinter and holder of U 4-5 seconds record for 100 yards , U about to ro ll ro from the track. Owens Is to bo married In June and after that month has decided lo give up competitive athletics. Peorla's great bicycle tournament U booked to take placo'Soptomuor 18 and 10. TrU will bo on a grander scale than ever before and should they gain the national championships It will bo the largest ever hold In the world. Monday the 21st and Tuesday thu 2'd will bo record-tiroaklng days. A 100-mIlo track race will probably bo run on Monday. The Breeder and Sportsman of San Fran cisco says : "Why are smooth nnd curly coated rotrlovcrs at our bench shows not p/o- vldod for ) Are they not far superior to a do/en classes of good-for-nothings for which provision H madot Well , I should say so , and as handsome as paintings , besides , and can bo taught almost anything except to talk and soil goods. " Among the two-year-old J that will stand backing nt the BrooKlyu meeting are Messrs. Morris' . Illly Georgia , by HI my or , and St. Fiorina , by St. UUlsoj Mr. Thornton's Call- fornla-brcd colt.s by D.irobln , dam Maria F. , and John ' Happy , dam Llzzlo P. ; M. F. Dwyor's Manhoisot , Burrldgo Bros. " St. Felix and Panway , D. Gideon's Merry Alon- urch nnd McConnack , ntul F. C. McLewoo's Fred Leo and Hollgato. This U all based on roporU from tbo training grounds. There may bo ' 'dark one * " able to swallo w them. The Horbcman. John A , Logan , Jr. , of Youngstown , O. , soiled from Now York on Saturday last for England. Durlug his stay ho will purchase und Import twenty head of Knglliu hackney stallions and mares , and will aim to get the best that ran IH > found , Tbo Fraternity Wheel club of Buffalo Is composed entirely of Masons. W , P. Koorkol defeated Otto Schenk In a half mlle blcyrio rnco nt Cottngo Grounds. Tominto Connor nnd Thomas Cavanaugh , the "Buffalo Kid , " are matched to light to a finish. Miss Price nnd Miss Kitty Klopfcl , two fair blcvcllsU of Buffalo , nro arranging for a nin to Erie. Gcorgo Mason nnd George Hutchlnson are matched to run 103 yards for f . ' ( W nt Mlamls- burg Juno 'J. The bonofU for the faintly of Louis Bczl- nnh , the murdered pugilist , takes place nt Havlln's theater on the ld. Jack McAullffo Is to go out ns "a actor" next year with Edward F. Mayor. Ho will play Iho part of a tout In "In Gotham. " II. O. Mossier nnd Frame Hart are matched to meet In n 1,000-mIlo heel and too match ut St. Paul commencing May 10. G. E. dishing of Minneapolis has bought of B. J. Tiiicoy the four-voar-old horse Out look , by Onondaga , out of Sunlight , for f'J.OOO. Narvtno Thompson was beaten In ono round by Elmer Grant at Beaver Falls , Pa. Ono rap on the Jaw put the big Cleveland darkey to sleep. Billy Meyer's ' contest with Andy Bowen , the Now Orleans octoroon , lakes place before the Olympic club In the Crescent City next Tuesday night. PotorPuddyor Pittsburg and Harry D.ir- rln , England's crack runner , are to Indulge In n three mile race nt Exhibition park , Pitls- burg , on Decoration day. Henrv Simons of Lonlsvillo ha.s purchased from Byron McClelland the two-year-old colt Covcrton , by Imported Deceiver , out of Ladv Peyton , dam of Lord Peyton , Clara Belle , Jessie C'onun , Knto Adams , Addle Moore , Emma Ueed anil Mine. Xoo- light are the "sawdust unmet" of the dames who have boon cliaslng each other In u ladies' pcdcslrlan matcli up nt Kaiama/oo. Scoggnn Brothers have sold to W. I. Cherry ot Nashville the bay colt Lord Clifton II , by Buchanan , dam Mishap , for Sl.-'OO. Ixinl Clifton performed well nt the early southern meetings , nnd Is regarded as a smart colt. H. S. Henry of Morrlsvlllo. Pa.has bought of Iho liowmans of Lexlnglon the five-year- old b.iy marc , Nutlena , by Nutwood , dam Marcia Sby Williams' Mutnnrlno.sccond dam the great brood mare , Old Nod , by Edivln Forrest , forlS.10. J. M. Brown .t Co. , hnvo sold Monitn Har dy , 5 , by King Bau-BulT und Blue , to General W. H. Jackson lor a round price , nnd she will bo bred to Iroquols. Monitn Hardy was a line rnco mnro ana Is ono that should prove the dam of winners. Tbo wrestling match between MikoMoonoy and Bert Walker at the People's resulted In a draw. Mooney won the llrst bout in fourteen minutes , and Walker the second In six. The contestants wrestled thirty-nlno minutes In the third nnd they had to stop at midnight. W. C. W'oodford was the only man among twenty who kept uwako In th'o seven ilavs1 "sleep fast" at S.in Francisco. Ho broke the record of MI hours and twenty minutes which was inado In Detroit. Wooaford received 1100 nnd Jackson nnd Harris , who remained awake over ninety-six hours , $30 und SJ. > re spectively. Wcstlake , an Irish Jockey , from the Cur- ragii of Klldarc , has been engaged by Mr. Appleby , the owner of Tristan , Stockton , etc. , to ride for him during the coming sea son. Connolly , a promising youngster , has been engaged by Foxhall Kceno. Charlie Hill lias signed to ride for the Hanover stable , William Blake for tbo Khattan s'ablo , E. Van Deuscn for Kelley & Samuels. John Teenier , late of McKcesport , Pa. , now of St. Joseph , Mo. , has challenged Jacob Gaudaur , lain of St. Louis , but now of Can ada , to row him three races for $2,500 a side , bo.st two out of three , to take entire amount , and a fair portion of the gate receipts. It that does not suit Gaudaur , Teomer will row a rrtco of three miles on any body of water In the United States for n purse of 51,000 or any amount Gaudaur wants "to put up. The result of the race for 2,000 guineas has established Common n hot fnvotitofor the English derby. Last week Lord Arling ton's colt was quoted nt the very short price of 11 ! to 8 ; toward the end of the week he became - came warmeratlO to 8. The Doomstor is next at fi to one , and Orion is quoted at 0 lo 1. The downfall of Peter ( lower nnd Govornour has been marked. From 5 lo 1 against thorn the day before the Newmarket event , they have gone down to no support nt all , the pub- Ho refraining from backing them for the present. Govemour appears in the quota tions at 100 to 0 , nnd Peter Flower at 10 to 1. Orvloto is 100 to a. There will bo no baseball games this year bolwcen the Yale and Harvard university teams. This is Yale's decision after consid ering Harvard's latest statomon. . Captain Calhoun , who has had charge of the matter , consulted rtilh the Yale nlumnl nnd profes sors interested in baseball und has decided to adhere to the position tauen last week to the i letter declining to play Harvard this year. In Yale's second letter Captain Calhouii reiter ates Yale's position , declaring that the Har vard captain and manager mot Yale nnd Princeton at Springfield and in good faith ar ranged n series of games with these colleges. Now because Harvard has failed to keep her side of tno agreement , Yule declines to make any further arrangements for n series of games this year Sports from All Sources. Captain A. II. Bogardus and Al. Handle are likely to meet In n friendly pigeon match. Jlmnilo Ilngcn was defeated by Jimmy Larkin - kin In fourteen rounds at the Granite club of Hoboken. Them \vill bo a series of athletic contests nt the driving park , Council Bluffs , today , including foot and bicycle races , baseball , Jumping and an exhibition hose team run. It has now been dotlnately sotllod that Fremont will hnvo n ball team In the field tills season. Grounds wore ycstordav laid out nnd fences and amphitheater will bo erected at once. A team has been signed und funds raised lo meet the necessary ex penses of maintaining Iho club. Austin Gibbons , the American who Is matched to fight Jim Verrall , has gene into training. Vorrnll is tbo favorite. Scotty Cox of Now York has been matched to llpnt with Gcorgo Ingram in Julv. Bill Header has challenged winner of Glubons and Vor- rall match. Kllrain nnd Slavln match creat ing considerable talk in London. tin ) Wheel. The ball team Is defunct. Lack of interest killed It. Joe Ellick of the Fremont bioyclo club was down to see "Benny" last Wednesday. C. W. Dabnoy has been called homo to Union City , Pa. , by the sicknois of his wife. The tourists go to Paplllion today and stop ever for dinner , a regular old-fashioned coun try dinner , too. The run to South Omaka on the evening of the Kith was qulto well attended and enjovod by nil who took part. The League of American wheelmen has 2II.OOO niejnbers ; the last number issued was 2i,077 ; and was given to a rider In Franco. Chicago will soon have n oyclo club com posed entirely of colored men Gracious 1 what a lot of dark horses there will bo when Ihe club has n race moot. The Bl-World of this week contains a good photo-ongrnvlng of Tom Hoa and his Ilttlo daughter. It Is very cutely entitled "Papa , Ills Hamblor an' Mo. " Pnnco and Dingley nro talking "real sassy" to each other and no doubt will have a whack at ono another before long. > It will bo a great race and a great fako. Omaha has 500 riders and not ono-flfth of thorn are league members. What's the matter , boys ) Can't ' wo double our present membership by the tlmo snow files I Senator Morgan , of Coliseum fame , writes a very intorasiln ? nnd lengthy letter to The Hcfcroo thii wook. The senator is tonchlng thr- young idea bow to "blko" ever at Portland , Oro. Whore , oh , where , Is our color bearer and tbo club colors ! Tuny both should bo at ibo front In every club run. Our bugler , too , seems to hnvo forgotten that ho was ap pointed to act as ono of the road ofllcers , Last Sunday's run to Fremont was spoiled by the morning shower. A trip to Surpy Mills was taken Instead , and several hours were spent In angling for auntlsh ID the clas sic waters of tbo Papplo. A good catoh of crawfish and turtles was taken , with honors oven. oven.Kastraan Kastraan and Gyggor pedaled over the twenty miles of road wnlch sopnrnto us from PlatUmouth last Sunday. The fore part of the trip was inado In a soaking rain. Jack's pnoutuutlo was given a severe test by riding through stubble fields , badly cut roads and cinder ballast , and did not receive a serious scratch or puncture. Oyggor rode n solid tired SRfetytmut ho wasn't In It at nil. Ilo says ho hadhll bo could do to koou In hailing distance. By the way , how the "billoon" "res do rnlso the dust. Ask Frank Slofkln nnd ho will toll you all nbout It. V. Bnrotbjr' , of Fremont. Nob. , passed through Iho city en route for Now YorK , Sat urday of last week. Mr. Barothy uses an Eagle for n mount nnd expocto to reach Now \ork about the middle of July. From there ho will go direct by stcamor lo the continent and tour It awheel. In the nbsonco of Captain Townscnd , nil club runs wlU bo In charge of tbo lieutenant , ana all members who rldo are asked to turn out when posJIblo Hero Is tbo "called runs" card lonMay , dating from today : . May 11 Start at 9:00 : n. m. , Gleuwood nnd return , M ) mUoi ? May SU-Slurtnt 7:15 : p. m. , Florence and return , II miles. May 21-Stnrt at 0:00 : n. m. , Park Mills and return ; stnrt nti:00 ; : p. m. , Fort Omaha and return , 2.T miles. May 27 Start nt7:15 p. m. , Council Bluffs and return , 10 miles. May HI Start at 0:00 : a.m. , Calhour. and return. 'Ill miles. The country roads nro In fair condlllon , and as none of the above runs are long ones , there is no reason why a good crowd should not answer iho bugio TinApollo'H < ; < > SH | | > . IJIch , the eastern flyer , will not race this year. Selh Khodes will bo soon on Iho palh again this season. Heading nnd Martin have returned from their eastern trip-busted ! WerU nnd Pixley ride n ono-lmlf mlle rnco at Matmwu tomorrow afternoon. The Denver cyclist union holds Its spring meet the .Wtli and yist of this month. It Is said that the Omaha Wheel club will put a racing team on Iho palh Ibis season. The Apollo social will bo hold next Saturday - day evening Inslcad of Friday. All mom- tiers invited. The Nebraska division is still booming. uo ought 13 have 30tT members by December or January , Ibiy. Boris , Zimmerman nnd Anthony will go to hnjslmul thfc spring. They will wear Iho Manhattan colors. There has been n colored men's cvcllng club formed In Chicago. Omaha hns'but a few colored riders. . . .uls , liable that WortMunteferlng and PKloy will ride under the Omaha Athletic club colors this season. Last Wednesday evening n high five party consisting of A polios was entertained at the residence of Henry Togger. Captain Biendorf has called a run to Lin coln for Decoration dav.remaiulng thereover night , and returning Sunday. Articles of alliance between the Amateur ill , . ° uni < " > and League of American \ \ heolmen wore signed May 5. Tlio called run to Elk City lost Sunday was postponed on account of rain. Several of the members run down to Irvingtou In the after noon , however. Decoration day is close nt hand and our wheelman should prepuro for it. All of them should decorate their wheels nnd Join In the parndo instead of running road races on this A sneak thief made a raid on the Pixley mansion the other day and got aw.y with u number of Billy's medals. Tbo thief , bow- over , was run in later on ana the medals re covered. , Out of fifty4 wheelmen who made the run from Chicago to Pullman last Sunday 00 per cent of thoin'rod.o the "good old ordinary. " and yet they tull\js Ihu ordinary has gene but of dale in Uio e.ast. The roads nro In fine condition Just at pres ent and most wheelmen nro taking advantage or the line weather and roads. 'Iho run to I'lorenco Is a fiiro ride , Iho roads being ns level ns n floor , while Paplllioii nnd Bcllovuo are not far behind. The Iowa rouls are not as good ut this tmo | of the year as Nebraska's "gumloi" are and most of the riding ia done on this side df the river. Omaha Kunncl Club. The Omaha kciincl club hold Us regular monthly mooting Tuewduy , May 19 , with a ' goodly number. Jt fa settled that tno club shall bo n member of , Iho American kennel club , all members present consenting. The necessary dues nnd arrangements shall bo ready at Now York when the American ken nel club meets next weok. Several applica tions wrro read nnd accepted as members , the most conspicuous being Hev. Mr. Leeds D. D. , rector of the Triuitv church nt Gon- vn TVnh Tlilo , . , . , , tl , , , „ , , , " , h , - , , , , „ , , , I a , nn very line specimens of Saint Bernards and In JMiglnnd was considered authority on this breed. The club tools pleased to have the reverend gentleman In their numbers , as ho Intends to bring to this country some of the wim.Ing strain ho loft behind him The president called a special meeting for Tues day , May 10 , to take action on all delinquent numbers. Homo Mori' Importations. The Caninn World , London , England , says that b. W. Smith of St. Bernard fame hn : parted with his grand young dogs ' 'Scottish Prince" nnd "Aristocrat , " together with a mate sired by tlio late "Champion Alton" ( who recently died in the konuels ofE. H. moorn of Melrose , Mass. . ) , the buyer being Mr. Huppert of Now York. The Canine World says of "Scotlish Prince" : Ho is very rich in culor , with perfect markings and shudings. and ho lias nlcnty of size and none , his character and expression being particu larly good. Ho has a long string of first and special prizes to his credit in .England and only two years old. If.tlio Americans keep buylnc up the English winners as they have been doing wo will soon compete with the best Iho world ever saw. OLKSTIOMt AX It AA'Slt'JKItS. LINCOLN. May 14. To the Snorting Kdltor of TIIK HUB. Will you kindly sial in Sunday's lKi ! : where Trost. who was signed last fall Ijy St. Paul , Is playing this your. It ut all ? Also , who Is considered the swlltuit pitcher now In this ? Aru " " ' playing country "IVto" C'ornvay and "Dark Days" Couway of the Kansas ( Jlty team brothers ? Homo Kim. Ans. (1. ( ) With Detroit. (2. ( ) Hutcninson. ( I ) . ) Yes. OMUIA , Nob. . May 15. To the Snorting Edi tor OMAHA Hci : : 1'ioaso state in Sunday's edition of BKI : wlmrn bhannon pluyed last season : uliat position ( lid be play , niul was heat at any tlmo captain of thu team ho played wlthV Constant Itnndor. Aus. ( I ) Now York Brotherhood. (2) ( ) Second base. ( Ii ) No. OMAHA. Jlub. . Mav IB. To the SporthiR KillturotTiiK HKK : I'lnnou answer In your next Sunday edition : If a riinnuron first base starts u > steal second as soon as the pltuher inaUi-s an utrort to deliver tlm ball and the batter bltssafoly , do you cerdlt the runner with n stolen base ? K. 11. W. Ans. Yes. ST. MAHYS , Ivan. , May 13. To the Snoring Kdltor of TiiiiHKjol. : , Is th.u batsman's line , nuiiiustono to plut drawn fl Inches front the con tor of the IUMUO base or U Indies from nearest udKO ot pinto ? U. Is the homo basu pointed coriiorwNo towards the pitcher's hover or bro'idsldo faoliij ; pitcher'/ . llosldei plac- IIIK two-base , hits , Lhree-ba > < u hits and home runs In the sniiutiiiry. are they also to 1m placed In the coluihii of "Ib" on score ? K. J. Cullulmn , St. College. Ans. (1) ( ) From1 the center. (2) ( ) Yes , cor- nerwlso. (8) ( ) YCrf.f OMAHA. Nub. . Mjay'J' ) . To the Sperling Kd- llnrof TIIK UIK : : vt'Viiiso Rlvo the nuiaos of the to-called "big Jour , " 'and s.iy with whut olub they trot thl aiiiiiio. Two Strikes. Ans. Brouthew , ' Uichnrdson. Kowo nnd While. BoslonJ'i ' OMAHA. May IJ.-jTo Iho Sporting Editor Oninba HKK : iWr sir. 1'leasu aiiMWcrthruuirh next Sunday's HKlOUio wins thu following bet , K.VOO. I * . O , AifctriH bets K. r. M are 1m that Sitlvntor has rnuiUio.fastest mlle on record : nunioly ono mlmii'j | , thlrtv-llvo seconds anil ono half. signed \ > . 0. Amlrus , r. r. Muroliii. Decided by Uoodxvln's ODtckil Guldo. Above Is un exact copy and stake holder rofnso.l to clvo up money as Ma roll n hits made a kluk snyliiK that It was not won fairly us the contract should road against time nnd linn It was a eutbh hot. Uo roud It over llrst and then signed It.ho \ wins the money ? I/ . U. A ml run. Ans. L. C. Andrus. There is a letter at the sporting depart ment of the UKK for the Manager of the Shamrock Base Ball club. lUictimntlHtn. For this disease there is nothing better than Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The prompt re- lof which It affords Is nlouo worth many lines Its cost , which is but fifty cents per bottle. Many very bad cases have boon per manently cured by it. For sale by druggists , John Drew will leave the company of Auguslln Daly next season and will bo started under thu management of Cnarles Frobman , Browning , King & Co. RETAILERS OP j MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. "We desire to call your attention to one thing in this department , and.ask for the opportunity to prove the statements -which we shalT" " " make in regard to quality which we offer and the prices we can name on MEN'S UNDERWEAR. Buying , as we do , for ELEVEN of the largest retail stores in the country , we make our selections from the leading manufacturers of the world , and through our unlimited orders are enabled to reach bottom prices. Every dealer may quote figures , but what we claim is THIS : That our purchasing facilities warrant us in offering UNDER WEAR at the popular prices of : BOc , 7Bc , $1.OO , $1.26 and $1.5O that is superior in quality to that which the ordinary retailer can show. We carry finer grades also. You will find it to your advantage to watch our window display and examine our stock. - BROWNING , KING & CO. , S. W. Corner 15th and Douglas Streets. Money refunded where goods do not satisfy. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. INSTITUTE. Korthotreitniontof nil CHIIOVIO AND SUHOIOAI. DISUASKS. HrnfG4 , Appltnncoi for Uutornillloj .in.l . Truinue * . Mou Knclllllui , Aiimr.-Utn | rrul ItouieUloi forauccossful truitmimt of overr form of Jlii'mi ) requiring .Muillcr.l or Siirulcul Treixtmont. NINKTV UOOMS KOH I'ATIKNI'H , lloinl nnd Alten.toncd. lln < l Accuuimoililluni ' . .VcuUVrlli ) for circular ] on Deformities ami llr.u'as , Trusiiu , Club Foot , Curvn- turoa of Splno , l'llo > , Tumors , Cnncor , Catarrh , UroiichltH , lntiiltitm : ! , Kluctrlcltr. I'.ir.ilyjh , Kpll- ejnj , Klilnivn , ItliuMer , Kj-o , ICar , SKlii anil llhuxl , nnd all PiirKlcnl ( ip sratlons DISK ASKS OK WOMKN aHpeclnltu. Hook o > Dhoasos of Women Kroa. Wo Imvo Intel/ lidded ; > lylnx In Department for Woman Durlnit conllnctmMit ( Strk-tlf 1'rlvaln.l Only Ucllv Llo.Mcdlciil In tltuto Milking a Sped.iltj of I'm- VATK DIHI5AHIW. All Iloo ! < llli > oi osmcceiifiillr troatoit. .Mellc-lni 3r Instrument ! ont by mull or oxprosi eocurolr packed , mi ui.irkt lo Indlrato cuiHimU or sou lor Ono peraonai Interview prufurroil. Cull ami consult unor pml hltory of your c-\so , imil wn wllUuiut In Inln wrnpiiornur UOOKTO MUV KIIKU ; upin l'rl- ' Ti > toSppplil or Nervous Dlnonsot , wlthciuostloa lilt Address nil Hltori to Dr. A. T. McLnunhUn , Prasldan 9th and llarnny streets. Umuhu. ESTAHMSHKI ) IMS A. J. SIMPSON , HOGuml Mil Iod u StrJUt , Uniali i , Neb Side t-prliiK tittiu'hmout , no liurt-e motion. IIU1LIIKIIS OP First Glass Carriages , THELEADINO STYLES. THE LOWEST PRICES YOUIl I'ATUO.VAdi : 5-OIICITiU. : HOTEL Corner 14th nud Capitol Avonuo. Just completed , ha ? 100 rooms , threa stairways , from the top to the bottom , hai line el ova tor and dinning room sarvlas , i Are ) -rooi throughout , tine billarJ rooms miJ the finest toilat room ? in tha city. Large amp lo rooms , Sultai with bath & 3. Cor 14th and Caultol Avo. Street car servloa in all directions. lUttas. Irom $2.50 to 1.00 Dr. TJO DIIC'H Poitodiciil Pills. ThU French remedy nets dlroclly npcn the Kunern- tlvu organs nnd cures Biippresslou of Ihu munseii. j''or three for I" > , and cm liu mailed. Should not hj dsed durliii ; iimftt invr. Jobben , driiexlsu nnd tha imbllc anpplluil bj Goodman Druu Co. , O n ilia : K. J. I'crkoniiind llonrnrd MJLTH. B'lillli ' Oinihi : : ; M. S. Kills nnd A. I ) . Foster. Council IHulTn. The Apollo club will K'VO ' Its closlutr con cert of the su.15011 at the tlrst M. 1C. church on Monday evening , Juno 1 , thu suacial at traction bohiB tbo production of "Tho Cm- sadurs , " a beautiful cantatn by Undo. The cantata \vlll bn glvon with ortrun , grand piano und orchestral accompanlmonls , Hans Albert playing llrst violin. Mr. Charles Knorr , thu well known Chicago artist , has been engaged for the lunor parts , Miss Bayliss , soprano , and Mr. I'arnell barltono. Ifow 'Ilioy Cure KlKMiiiintlHiii In I'lMiiiHylvanla. Mr. ,1. F. Molglmn , a Pittsburgh cigar tloalar , awoUo ouo morning with an attack of rheumatism In his right arm , Worldng around tliostoro during Iho forenoon madu il \vorso. By noon iho pain was so t > cvero tli.it ho could not ralso bU hand to his hoau and had to carry his arm in a sling. Ono of bis customers , on learning the facts wont across the street to K. K. Heck's drug store , and at his own oxicnsu procured u bottle of Cham- borlaln's I'uln Halm and porsuudoil Iho cigar dealer to try It. It eased Ihu pain and reduced - ducod Iho swelling so that by tno next mornIng - Ing bo could use his arm , and by the second morning was entirely well. Tills Is only ono of the many severe cases of rheumatism that have becu cured by this valuable remedy , Fifty cent bottles for sale by druggists. Mr. John Llo.vd , possessing ono of the most beautiful tenor voices over heard In lids country , has Just been engaged by the Boston Symphony Orchestral club for the tour of Iho coming season , which will bora- aflor have two great singers , instead of only ono as heretofore , assoclalod with Iho or chestral company. Miss Laura llurnhain , the prlma douna , with a beautiful high so prano vnlco and marvelous execution , is the latest addition lo ibis company. There Is a strong probability of this company appear ing in our city dutinir the raining season , A lllpu Old . \n < ; . J. U. Holcomb and wlfo of Bclchorvillo Texas , have celebrated tholr ilftv-llf th wed ding anniversary , and are still halo und hearlv. The secret of their long lito an gooa health Is that they correct any slight aid ment promptly , and la that way avoid serious sickness. Lilio , most evorv ono else , ihoy are moro frequently troubled with constipation than any other physical disorder. To correct this they take St. Patriot's Pills In preference lo any other , because , as Mr. Holcoinu hays , "They are a mild pill and , bpsldos , keep Ibo whole system in good order.Vo prlzo ttiora Ter.v hlgnly. " For sale by all druirclsts. Of the New Management of the LOUVRE GLOVE CO. , 1506 FARNAM STREET. Will offer at special sale their No. 40 , warranted Real Kid , 4-button , at $1.OO , in all shades ; former price $1.65. The quantity of this elegant glove being limited , every lady should avail herself of this opportunity. W. V. IRWIN , - MANAGER. DIME SAVINGS 1DO4 FJVRNA.M STRbllvT. Interest Paid on Ml ' Deposits from 5 Cents .tp $5,000. O. . .OLIltSKD OIUliOTOUB \V..H , KI'-'SKI.r , . PrL'slcIoiiJ : , . G. M. NATTINUKK Vli-c I'luildcne. TI10H. ' ' . . . . Cnshler. ICIM'ATIUC'K. 111. KOitTV. Cnshler.WM. . THUS. 11. PAILHV , . . ' . . WM. VI .1. ! ( lAUDNIJIt. . . , , . AIA'IN SAUNOKUS. . . I1. W. IIIIlS. J. II. UII < hisi'IK : , N. MCKIMAM Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , ULO9 DOUGL.AS OHA1IA , NER Tno most widely anil fiirorably known ipeo * mllsls In tiio Unltol Status. Tholr IOIIK 01- porlcnue. runmrkiiblu skill nnd nnivnrsul uo- co&s In thu truntiiitint and cum of Nervous , Chronlo and Hnrglrnl Ulsnnios , ontltlo tboia eminent pliyslolnns to thu full confidence of the aflllotncl ovorywlmro. They pimrnntoe : A OEHTAIN AND I'OSITIVK OUHB for 'tho ' awful o ( Tor Is of eiirly rlro and or.K ovlln tbatfollow In UN triln. : Pill VATK 111,001) ) AND SKIN DISEASE ? tpprdllr , romplwlnly nnil perniiuicntly cured , NEHvous nniui.iTr AND SK.\UAI < DIS- OUDKUH yield readily to tholr skillful troat- ninnt. IMI.Ert. FISTULA AND HECTAI < ULCEH3 irnarantcod on red ulthont p.iln or detoullon from biiHlness. IIVOHOOKI < K AND VAUICOrKLE perma- nontlr and Hiioei-s > ifiilly iMircd In every cuio , SYPHILIS. IJONOUIlllK.A , OLKP/r , Hpor- mntorrlx ) : , Hainlnnl Wu.ikness Lost Mnnhood , NlRlit Emls lunn , Uocayvd KucnlttuH , Kemiilt Wcnknesi nnd till dellc.ttu illvirdurs pcoultni to either HIIX posltlvoly cured , HI null in nil functional disorders Hint rfsnitfroin j'outhf.'J follli'iior the nxcossof mature ynurs. T 1 ITT 1 1 P V aiiornnteoil parma n e n 1 1 y o I IVIV 1 u 1\I 01red , , reriionil coinplotn without ciitllntf , ciuutioor dllatntlon. Cure * oOVctnd at linniu tiy puticnt without uo * ment'n pnln or nnnoyniico. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. /V 9IIPK nik'K The awful nIToetii of early vlcu whk-h brlnm prcnnlo weakness , drntroylim hoth inlnd und body , with all Its clrojrlod ills , permanently cured. nl * s HUTIX AililrfM those who have lin- Ul\J. 1)11 1O ualrod tlienii Ivri by Improper - proper Indulgonci ) nnd villtiiry iiablt1 * . which ruin both mind nnd body , unfUlliiu Ibom for binlnpsN. itndv nr iimrrlaRi ) . MAItltlED MEN or thd u. entering on that happy life , uwuru of phyMcul dublllty , quickly aiilited. In bnsMl upon fact * . Klrst Practical exptrl- onca. Hecoud Kvery ciuu Is specially studied , th n n itartliiK rl liu Third inedlulno * nre prupnred In our laboratory exactly to milt each CHIC , thus cITuotlng cure * without Injury. Drs. Betts & Betts , H09 DOUGLAS STREET. OMAHA. NED . onixiy ( or all ill t imnalural dlnclmrgrs an'l l > rlvatKill * t iil men. A corlalnrur * forth * dthlll. tillnit w akri > peculiar lo.womon. Ipr crlh | t nilfe li t9 In remmnivudlni ; it to Mold 81.00. Trt UfPsilIflr&l Buffering Irom 111 WrAK MrNtha virvc | * ol IU IH LnlU lllK.lv youthful orron * rlrd c r , wimtloz we knp < i , Lot tuuib'x > l , cto. I wfll M'na a Taluabla trrollw ( hlriii cnnlnlnlnf fullranloulars for liorn * cure , l'-l' ( < > t clurn" A. ipltuilld mxllcal wurk ) khc.uld l i rriwl I'X T r ) man who U n nrnut siul deMlllaUil. A'tilrurt Prof. F. C. FOWLIiU , MooUu , Couu DOCTOB McGMlEW. THE SPECIALIST. Mora Hi.in 15 ) v n iKpurlnncu In tlm Uintinont of PRIVATE DISEASES. AcuroKunnuiti'c'il In 3 tn5 ilnyn. Mlthont holonsaf un lionr'.t tlniu. QLEBT. Tlio mnit ranipliitii nnil iitMiilntii euro fur Rlrat nml iilniiiiiiiyliik'illniliuiKi's ever kniinn to tliu nn'.lic.il ITuR'aslon I'urmiiiiuntly uuruil In fruiu.i . lu lUiliyi STRICTURE Or pulii In rclluvlritf tlio hliulilor riirn < l nltliuul pi In or ln lnilMi'iits , no caltliiti , nu illlallni ; . Tlio urjit rciuiirkaliluruuu-d ) knuwii In nindurii ncl'.Mii-O. SYPHILIS. ( mcdln ! lo.'Jlilu ) Dr > tirow' ! trc'iitmi-nt f > r tilt * trrlbtu Miiotl ilUpn.o tiu btvii pntiiniiiiceil tlif niont aurcodiifiil rniiioil/tnir dlHruvornil f.r . tin1 ftii solntii cuni of tliu ill i > .i4 . lll > mirrun with HIM Ulsi'nm Init never bi-on tviimllol. A cuinplutu cura uuuruntucil. LO T MANHOOD Ami nil woikn"i ( ni oftl u ciMiinl orn ni niirvun - ni'Kii. llnihllty iiml di'iponiluncr nliinlululr ruiul 1 liu rullul 1 InniuMtliilo nml complete. SKIN DISEASES , nml nil illvonioi nf the lilooJ , tlvor , Lltlnoyj atpl UlfiiltltT periniiiioiillr cured. FEMALE DISEASES Thoilortur "Homo Treatment'1 for Indies 1 pn > titiuiK'i'U Ity nil whti have u i it It to Uo the ui-tut - 'oin plulnnnU coitvi'iilfiit ri'tntMjr o or ( jtTcnil for tin irc.-ilMieiitof foiiirUiMlUt'iKO ! ItUtrul ) n wondorlnl Ilutim foi laOIci , from' ' to i unlr rculars ltl > oiu fui'ii n uiu ncuru uooinu , uru oi 11 th and Knrnim Btr oHt Omah i Nub. Knlranco ou oithur btreut HOTEL. Tlir . .Tiirivij'or. . UtH anil inllif tnoMt Hiilixliintlnllu Hotel itiilltltnu ' " Oiniilni. lirai'U tn-lt-k / / > iiYff/M dfiiiifiifiant txiHfiin-nt to raof All tlm fi-llinu < floor * Itnett trltk Auut'MtoM flrn tiilnii , tmi//iif/ tiii ) > < > * Hlt > ti < lit nnit-li , ! ' / ! rncni > eH nmllitt throiiiiliitnt tha lintlillnt/ > 'in lii-nt , hot nml colil irnti-r unit NIIIIN/I/II' < ' > et-eru fouin. 'Jiiltle < iiinnri > itHieil ; < mi/- tr/icve. B. SILLOWAY , Prop. . OHKAll , OU \tilAI , HKAlJ I Ir'lhll. H inii > r Tan , rim | > lM Turk- 'llWhi , K | IUM. | sklu Ul ! ursry tUuiUli u uljr , and drtlM i-iuui , It IIAJ tlund tl > tot ol ID rturi. Md | .o allulaiM u . . . .I'1 It tu b < * iir. ItU ( ili't * * t-rly iuaij , Aufpt no com it rfrlt uf aluilUr uaint * . lr ) L , A , haytr uilj tu &dj el Uiehaut ton i tlMil ) ! * 'A yoi | 1it ! > lltf Will lift * tliPIM , * I rr oiiimcinl HJoti , ' ' ' raud'il'iruiii'aiilli * a. l liannfut of all tliu tklu | iifra- | tlum " Kor Mlu hr All iMUKKl.tl Kltu tancjr Uuodt l > tll enlnllie llnlud l lr ( ' nad > i > n > l Kuropr rutU. T. IIUl'iiX3 , IVon'r. Jf Uie t Jouci 3U , N , Y.