THE OMAHA DAILY H.IOE : SATUKD&Y , MAY 10 , 1891-TWELVE PAGES. THE CITY. Andrew Olson , clmrged vlth Belling liquor on Sunday , lind u hearing In the police court yesterday nftcrnoon and was discharged. Thirteen vagrants , suspicious char acters nnd drunks wcro font to the county jail yostordny by Judge HoUloy iinil nvo wcro floated to Council UlulTs. Vincent A. Lilly was arrested yester day on a complaint Illcd by Mrs. Frank Davis. Lnlly IH charged with stealing tlU worth of" hnndkorcliiofs and several other Biimll articles. Jerry Uuck , K. C. Wliittlnp and Nora Huck procured n bottle of alcohol yes terday and after pouring most of it down their throats started to fitful. The twtrol wagon carted the trio to the lockup. William Orcen WIIH arrested yostordny nftcrnoon for writing and helling lot tery policies drawn on a Leaven worth , Kan. , lottery. Cireon has boon in .the habit of disposing of hla policies in sa loons nnd cheap lodging houses. Ho will have a hearing today. Tiit-re wns a slight bhi/o in the base ment of the St. I'htlotiK'im school , coi ner of Ninth and Howard streets , at ! JIO : ! o'clock yesterday afternoon. Some ' children 'had been playing with paper and matches in the furimco room of the building. No damage wns done. A bucket of water put the lire out before the department arrived. 'ii < il' tlio May. Say mil , the ( 'Iris say If inv face want s speckled lit ) with pimples , they'd itmko in "Queen of tlio May. " Wlint shall 1 clol Why , ft't n bottle of 'Mailer's sarsaparllla and burilouk , of course ; It's the most wonderful bloodpurlllcr of the age. The t liK'limiitl Convention. Tlio delegates to the National Union conference at Cincinnato leave Omaha union tlnpoi at ! : ! ( ( ) p. m. , Sunday , May 17 , \ ia Chicago & Northwestern railway. The local oommiUco has completed arrangements to meet and welcome the Incoming state delegates at all trains. The Jennings hotel 1ms been named as headquarters for the delegates while in Omaha. WHAT \ VHVAMC ON. Investigation of Sidewalks KcvoalH Homo Vrry I'cculliii- I liliigM. The board of public works held a spirited session yesterday afternoon , at which Tom Illrmlnghain , the slduwnlk inspector , eamo In for n roast. It happened in thlswnv : On May 1 Ed nurns , the sidewalk contractor , filed his esti mate on walks laid durlnir the month of April. This showed a bill of $ , ' , ( ) : il. The bill was passed by the inspector and the board ami city engineer decided to do a little Investigating before recommending payment. Since that tlmotho above named parties have been over Hums' work , and yesterday , when tlio bill was brought up , Engineer Tlllson said : " 1 have inspected the now walks laid by Hums , which were Inspected and passed by Jllnnlichain. I llnd that the Inspector bus allowed the contractor to lay n great deal of yellow plno , which Is contrary to the spcclli- cntlons , us they provide that nothing but whlto plno sliall bo used. I also llnd that many of the plunks are shaky and that the stringers are rotten. In this connection I will mention that one stringer , sixteen foot long , Is all rotten except Tour foot of one end. " Chairman Birkhnuser responded : "Tho man is paid by the city lor doing good woik. " "Perhaps ho thinks ho is doing good work , " replied the engineer. "If ho does think so , " said Major Fumy , "in that cuso wo certainly have a d d poor inspector. " "I have looked the whole ground over , " continued Kngincer Tlllson , "and have about come to the conclusion that the only thing to do Is to order out nil the rotten stringers , to gether with the rotten and yellow pine. " Mr. I'll ray did not think such action should bo taken by the board. Ho said the cilizons nro taking hold of tlio matter , and will bring it before the city council within n few days. Ho then moved that the .sidewalk inspector go out and perform his duty , that the board may know what disposition to make of Hums' estimate. After Mr. Egbert had said , "I would like to see the Inspector parform his duty once nnd earn his pay , " the motion put and carried. The filial estimate of McKinncy & Hall for grading Eighth street from Douglas to edge , amounting totlill , was allowed. J. H. Smith it Co. wore allowed 1170.13 for paving blocks furnished the city. The bill of the Asphalt company Amount ing to fcslt.M ) , for repairing a sunken sewer on Capitol avenue , was referred to the sewer In- ipcctor. The resolution by Major Furay , that hero- ufter when a contract amounting to loss than 1500 Is awarded , all checks except the one presented by the successful bidder shall bo returned to the bidders. Heretofore it has been the custom to hold the checks of the second lowest buldur , to compel him to ac cept the contract if the lowest bldacr falls , to comply. Holler's barb wire liniment has mot with extraordinary favor , and cases pronounced Incurable have been treated with success. Kvcry farmer should keep n bottle of this Jastly celebrated remedy ; ready for Instant use. ON ITS OAV.V HOOK. Federal Oil-ami .Itiry Unwittingly IK- HOI-CM tlio ItiilKO and Marshal. Tito federal grand Jury created quite n sen sation yesterday afternoon nbout the govern ment building by ( luiotlv adjourning until next Tuesday withoutsaylni ? a word to Judge Iumly or tlio United States marshal nbout tlio mutter. When .ludgo Dundy hc.ird of the adjourn ment ho was considerably wrought up , and Ecntout half a dozen onici-rs to notify the Jurymen that they had mailo a mistake. "This Is the llrsl tnno in my Itfo that I ever had such a thing happen in connection with my court , " said .ludgu Untidy , "and I will got those men biclt tomorrow if 1 have to Bend an oftlcer after each Individual. " It Is necessary for a grand jury to inform tlio Judge when the work is completed , or when the Jury desires to adjourn for a day or two , but It seems that the present grand Jury ncted as though the judge had no Jurisdiction nor control over that body. "If n grand Jury could adjourn for four days , " said Judge Uundy , "without permis sion to do so , Micro would bo nothing to hin der an adjournment for live weeks. This matter Is a great oxpoino to the government , nnd these men must learn that thuy can't Juggle with the work they have been called hero to do , but must got down to business nnd await permission to adjourn. ! suppose they do not know the rules. " Some of tlio Jurymen returned to the build Ing lullfuu hour later , awl explained to the Judge that they had clcniipit up all the work in sight , and several of them wanted to go homo for Sunday , so they simply adjourned , not knowing that tliny should first have com municated with the Judge or marshal , and usked permission to take a recess until next wcok. The case of Vinton H. Stoppuhn ng.ilnst the Union I'ncltlo railway company for al Icgcd damages upon tlut ground that the uu frndant froze his ears at n small wav station out west of Fremont one night List winter while waiting for a tr.Uti that came late anil fulled to stop when it did urrlvo was given to the 1urv yesterday nftcrnoon. Steppubi claimed $10,000. The grand Jury was grinding away yes tcnlay upon the counterfeiting invcdtlga lion. A number of citizens ivero down f ron Wlsner , Hooper , \Vost I'oint and other sta lions along the lllkltorn , who bad gottoi § 01110 of the spurious dollars circulated in Ihoto towns recently. Testimony for the defense U being hcari In the case of Usher vs Tuc DEE. Horsfi > rtl' * Add riionpento MakcH OolioloiiH Iiiunnmulu A tcuspoonful added to a glass of hot o wlil water , and sweetened to the tuito , wll ) o found refreshing uud IN IXTHItHHT OK IjAltOlt Sx-Cntulltlato Decli Tnlkn Aliout Hi" I nd c | > p lid rn IH' lfiiNieuH | ( , State MnntorYorktnnn Uecli , Knight of obor , passed through the city yesterday on ils way to the convention which is to be held n Cincinnati on May 10. Mr. Doch was n candidate for lieutenant governor on the independent ticket In the campaign. His natno has recently Icon men- loncd in connection with the deputy com- nlssloncrshlp of labor , "I am going early to the convention , " ho aid , "because I want to go over the ground vlth some brother Knights and ascertain vliot it is ucst to do to advance the cause of abor. This convention Is the outgrowth of ho discussion on ttio subject by the Inde pendent partv , the Knights of Labor and ithcr kindred"organizations. . Tney all agreed .hat some such move was necessary , and flnnllv a cominoii day was selected. "Tho convention will bo one of the largest , .1 not the very largest delegate convention which has ever boon held In the country. There will bo delegates from forty states , east , west , north and. south. I'ho number of members In each delegation a not determined. Each state nnd organiza tion may scud as many delegates as chcoso to jo. Nebraska will ho icprcsented by not ess than four hundred men. These , how ever , will not go till later. Thuy could not go now , because the reduced rates on the rail roads are not available until the 17th lust. I tried to do something to obviate this , but without effect. The railroads have mode n nlstako which the delegates will greatly foci. Many of these men cannot reach Cincinnati Liofoio the opening of the conven tion , csiwcially by leaving when they may purchase cut rate tickets. As a conscquciicc , If tiny faction of men should feel to disposed they might , vcu know , call the convention to order nnd issuino control , bofoio a largo and Important lumber of thu delegates could reach the city. I do not , however , anticipate any such niovo. " Will the convention nominate a presiden tial ticket } " "Most assuredly. That has pr.ictlcally ticcn determined upon. The demand comes for it from all sections , the south us well as ttio north , lint , who can compose thu ticket ! All , there you have me. Nobody can tell. We are not looking In any one direction. Nor will we , until wo get down to business. \ \ o are all going there to do what Is best for labor , but not as wirepullers. " "Is the Independent parly increasing in numbers ( " It Is. Ho are also the labor organizations. Since I became master workman Inst spring , vou know , thoKnightsof Laborhavo doubled llieir number In this state. The party In the state Is also gaining accessions constantly. 1 do not attribute this to Ic disaffec tion occasioned by the Hoyd decision In the supreme court , biit rather to moral affect [ iroduccd by thu casting of 71,000 votes last fall. A party which can must T such n fol- owing naturally commends itsolt to men who may not bo willing to bo among the : lrst converts. 1 was not surprised by the .lecislon of the supreme court. I told Hcpro- tentative Hall , who Is ono of us and who is a leinoerat , that as soon as wo got n railroad till , which was demanded by the people , Hoyd would veto It. Hall did not credit mo vlth Intelligence. I told him , also , that after ioyd had vetoed the bill unJ the legislature lad adjourned , the supreme court would mock him out , and so It did. His ousting nay help us. but wo are decidedly satisfied vlth our prospects for the next campaign. " Not many physicians make great therapcu- ic discoveries. For the most part they con- incthomsclvi's with ndministerinpjiidlclouslv vhatis prescribed in the books. To Dr. J.C. \vor. liowover , is duo the credit of discover- ng that createst of blood purifiers Ayor's Sarsaparilla. Dr. Cram , S.W. cor. 16th nnd Dodge 3ts. , cures cancer and all chronic diseases. to Cincinnati. via the Wnbash. On May 17 and. 18 the Wtibash will soil tickets to everybody at one faro for the round trip. Sunday , May 17 , special excursion trnin with delegates nnd others will leave Omaha nt ! : ! ) ( ) mil Council Blurt's nt 5:00 : p. n. running through in about twenty-flvo hours , making this the quickest nnd best route. Reclining chair uid Pullman huffot bleeping ears on nil rains. Tickets will bo on aalo at iVabasli oliico , 1502 Fnrnnm street ; also , it Union Pacille depots , Omaha and Council niulls. For further information call on or write G. N. CLAYTON , Northwestern Passenger Agent , Omaha , Neb. Tlio Mutual Ijifc'M President. Hit-hard A. McCurdy , president of the Mutual Life insurance company of Now York , and it. A. Orannls , vice president of .ho same company , arrived in Omaha from New York yesterday nnd will remain a lay or two. In company with W. F. Alien , general agent lor the comnany in Omaha the lentlemcu visited Council HlutTs and South Dinaha and will take a drive about the city tomorrow. Mr. McCurdy nnd Mr. ( .Irunnfs nro both highly pleased with tlio great Mis- ouri ilver trio of busy , bustling cities. lihctimntisin. For this dUenso there is nothing better than Chamberlain's Pain Halm. The prompt ro- lof which it affords Is alone worth many lines Its cost , which is but fifty cents per bottlo. Many very bad cases have been per manently cured by it. For sale by druggists , Dpulhlon lu Favor of ttio Milwaukee * Kt. I'aul Kj. The now Palace sleeping cars of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Ky. , with electric lights in every berth , will continue to leave the Union depot , Omaha , at 0:20 : p. m. , dail.v. PnssongoM taking this train avoid transfer at Coun cil Bluffs , nnd arrive in Chicago nt 0:110 : n. m. , In nmplo time to make all eastern connections. Ticket ollicc , l. " > 01 Furnam street. F. A. NASH , J. E. PKKSTON , General 'Agent. City 1'iishongcr AgunU ' 1 lie 'llioimiH Orchestra. Final arrangements were completed yes terday with Mr. Snow , the representative of Theodore Thomas' orchestra , whereby the Apollo club will play that famous musical organisation at the Coliseum , Juno li and 'J. A icduced rate will probably bo granted bv the railroads for the engagement , thus giving the country people an oppoitunlty of hearing the great orchestra previous to Mr. Thomas' taking up his residence in Chicago. A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions' Homes 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pastry , Light Flaky Biscuit , Griddle Cakes , Palatable and Wholesome. uUo other baking jxnrdtr doca such work. COt'NCIIXVAK'II DOOM. .Sixteen of Them Itclnw IT.octl on the XIMV < 'H ) Halt. The watth deus for the city hull arrived In thu early hours this morning , nnd already four of them have been stationed nt Iholr posts above the northwest dormer windows , There nro sixteen of them In all , nnd they are nil regularly Impelled , full-blood rod sand stone bull terriers. Heard ono man say that hey are coyotes , but they nro not. They are he very best str.iiu of sandstone bull ter riers and the council has their padlgreo. ' ' 'ho irevnlllng onlnion that thwo dogs voro' specially Imported to watch over and see that the gmstlcutlscs at the front of .ho building d" not escape , Is erroneous , i'hoy are to watch the remnants of the old combine. Any ono of them can Miap off a Icrclict councilman's log nt a single snap- bey nro all warranted to do thh. They are o ho stationed over the dormer windows , ilgh up in the air , where their acute nostrils will catch the llrat whiffs of any Jobs that nay come llo.itlng up from the coun- :11 : chamber. They ro good matches for the glastlcutiscs , and will not cost a tenth ns much to keep , as they subsist principally upon old serap-lion nnd the nails out of thocolllns of defunct council- noii. Tno only danger apprehended is that they will Jump down from their exalted posi tions some night and grade Douglas street vith their tooth ! All lor Sister. How much n'oncy have I got In my bankl 'oity-llvo cents , stranger only want live cents more. What will I do then , stranger * Why , you sceslstor has such n terrible cough , and people say It will bo bad on her If she lon't cot better soon , and the folks toll mo laller'a sure cough syrnn will cure It right ip ; so you see 11 vo cents I Thank you , stranger. Commcrco Secretary Nason of the board of trade has cccivod a communication from C. A. Atkin son , secretary of the Lincoln board of trade , stating the following named gentleman will cprcsent that town in the Trans-Mississippi ongrcss that convenes in Denver next Tues day : K. K. Moon , O. P. Mason , T. , . C. Pace , O. < . Hrown , O. W. Webster , 10. 1C. Hrown , C. \ . Atkinson. .1. .1. Oilliiuml , H. M. Hushncll , I. C. F. McKesson , Albert Watklns , Webster Caton , Joseph Hoehmer , C ! . K. Montgomery , D. W. Moscioy , K. C. Phillips. Thcso gentlemen will lo.fvo Lincoln Mon- lay over the H. it M. and hope to be nccom- mnlcd by the Omaha delegation. Ho wise in time. You have too many gray toirs for one so young looulng. Use Hall's lair Koncwor , the best preparation out o cure them. Try it. Pennsylvania Five trains leave Chicago via the Pennsylvania lines for the east carrying . 'ullman vestibule dining and hleoping ears which inn through without change o PitUburg , Baltimore , Washington , 'hiludcljhia and Now York. Direct onto , superior train service , rock bill- listed track free from dust , and all tlio aeilitios for a speedy and pleasant jour- loy are alTorded by tlieso lines. 'CONTINENTAL Beginning today we will place on sale 150 young men's Sack Suits , sizes 14 to 19 years , in fine medium shade Cheviots and Cassimercs , at $10.00 per suit ; the regular retail price is $15.00. They were bought away under price and were made by one of the best New York houses. . . Theire.are eight different shades. To those who appreciate well- made and perfect fitting goods these will prove the best values ever shown in Omaha. Don't fail to see them ; ask for the advertised suit. FINE BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR. We have opened five cases of full finished Balbriggan Underwear , in natural wool colors , which we will sell for 75c per suit , in all sizes , 34 to 44. Mail orders must be ac companied with sufficient postage. We can't afford to pay postage ; these goods are sold for double this price in other stores. Continental Clothing House , Oor. Douglas and IQth @ts. THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPI NO 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Seventeen years oxperli-ms. A rejular umlnnto In m-illclno , n * illplntiti ho r tmtlll trottlatt with ( houic.iteit miccei * . nil Nervotn. Chronic unit I'rlrAta Dliontn. A par ninunteuro uiiarivntool for Catarrh ( pernintorrlKin. ho t.Manhood , Semlnnl Weakness Night I.O ioi , lmotoncy. Srplillli , Mrlcturo , nn 1 ailrilJ- t-\ies of thu Illoml kln imrt Urinary Oronv N II. I irunnintQd * > > ' for ovorr caie 1 unilortiku an I fill t ; cure Coneullatlon free. Uook ( Myifvrlut of l.lfo ) lonl froj. O.llJOhourJ 'J a. m. loS p. ra. aun.u > ' u a m to U in. 1(1 ( lUlilllUll U INSTITUTIS. Korthetrtmmontof nil CIIIION'IO AND SUIUJICAr , Hid HA ii US. tlmoei , Appliance ) for DotorniHIos nn t Trunooi llent KneliltlO ! , Appnr.ttui tnd Itomodloi foriuccusiful truitmont of orory form of ilUuma tCTtllrllu Medical or Hurulcal Trentmont. NI.NIC'l'V IKJOMS KOIl 1'ATIKNTH , Hoard nnd Altomlnncj Ile t Accommodation ! ' .Vrst Write for clrcul.iri on Defonnltlei and llraco , Tnli-oi , Club Feet. I'urr.i. turui of Hl > I e , rilot , Tumors , Cnncer , Catnrrh , llrnnchllli , Inliulatlon , Kloctrlcltr , rnrnlyali , Kpll- ryty Kldnoyt , Illadder , Kjo. Kar , Skin and Illooil , and nil HurKlcnl ( iperatloni. HISKASKS Of WO.MKN nrprclnllo. Hook o ll ei o of Women t'roa. Wo h vc iBtely aildmt n lyln. In Uopirtment for Women During contlnemimt ( Strictly 1'rlvntu. ) Only llolli. bio Medical tnitltuta Making a Specialty of 1'ltl- VATK DlHKAhKS. All llUod Illroases nucaoMfully trealol. Mudlclni 3t Initrumrnti > ont by mall or oxpren tecuroly packed , no rairki to Indicate conlonti or n'nlor. Onoper > onai Interview profurroJ. Call nml ooniull ui or > cnd hltory of your cmo. and wo will en I la Inln uroppor our HOOK TO MHN KltKU. upon IM- rate. Hpcclal or Nervout Ulioaaei , v > ltuiuoitloullis Addrcisall Itttori to Dr. A. T. McLnuahlln , Prosldan 1th ami llnrnny Striinta. Oinulia. "HOTEL "DBLLONE. Corner l < lth and Capitol Avemu. Jnst cotnplated , ha ? 100 room ? , thrai ttnlrwsyn , from the top to the bottom , hii tine elevator and dluninj room servloj , i flru proof throughout , line blllar.l rooma and thu nnest toilet rooms In tlxs city. Large nmple room ? , Bultej with bath Ai3. Ca : l < lth and Cacltol Aro. Street car serrlaa In all directions. RateJ. from SL'.OO to $1.00 OFFENSIVE FEETJKUE with a HarmUli Bm dy. Sl&d it mp for pftrtlcalarc. CO. ill Ylat. CUclauitl , 0. CANDV 5IiNlN : ! COXKHUI3NCH. HfliiK MMIu In Itnlsc ( Itcl'rlco r Hwi ct stttn1. The cnntly ninntirteturora of the Missouri valley liclil n nicotln 'nt the Murniy Tliura- ilny nftornoon to tnlhTovcr tlio situation , nml sco what , i-onltl bo < tlono toward ix'f'iliitli.t' ! prices. Tlio session wns nn informal ono nnil tlicro wcro about a dozen manufacturers present , ns the meet Ing was held by mutual agreement , There worn representatives present from 1,1'itvenwortb , St. i.Fbo , Atehlson. ICunsaj Clt.v , Uounull UlulTH. Miu-oln und Omitha. Ye-stertlay they held another session at Lincoln. Tlicro Isn't u factory alonf , ' the river that hasn't been losing money the past six months , " said ono of the local niiiniifactufors this afternoon. "Tito men on the road hayo been cutting the llfo out of eiteh other , nnd wo hud to pot togcUier.nml sco If wo couldn't stop It.Vo " \Vo want to regiilnto things , but thuro will bo no advance In prices. Homo folks have an Idea that when sii'ar ( falls ' cents , candy might to drop ! ! cents , but that rule won't work. KvufythliiK else Uas potto up. Olucoso has raised ' 5 cent u pound , chocolate bus ponoun II cents anil all flavors ami ex tracts have advanced. There Is little object now In uMiiK Kluccuc. us It Is only about 1 cent cheaper than Mignr. What wo want to do Is to n tiluto prices and improve the quality of the ( -oods instead of cnttlnu' titles limiting poorer goods. There Is too much cheap stulT on the market now. The crm'ker light hits hurt candv manufacturers , us the biscuit trusts have been turning things upside down. Tlio retail grocers have boon giving bigger discounts limn the factories and candy has been golnijnioiig with crackcrr. Wo hn\o to have a good prolit on our goods , bccauso wo take big risks. Wo sell to an irresponsible class to a very great extent , nnd if they can't pay they arc exempt from execu tion and wo can't collect. An insurance com pany would call it a hazardous risk and charge heavier rates for taking it , and Unit Is the way we fuel about it. The manufacturers tire meeting with the grocers' association In Lincoln today , and talking the matter over. We are not forming any trust , but wo want an under standing nil nlotig tno lino. Wo had nn as sociation three years ago. built went to pieces , and what wo do now is simply as in dividuals meeting to exchange ideas and dis cuss any suggestions that may bo offered. " . - lloiv ' 1 licy Curt ; lUiriimatism in IVmisylviuilii. Mr. .1. R Mcighan , u Pittsburgh cigar dealer , awoke 0110 morning with an attack of rlieuinn'lsm In his right arm. Working around the store during the forenoon made it worse. Uy noon Uio pain was so severe that ho could not raise his hand to his bean and had to carry his arm in a sling. Ono of his customers , on learning the facts went across the street to K. 13. Heck's drug store , and at his own expense procured a bottle of Cham berlain's Pain Halm and persuaded the cigar dealer to try it. It o.tsed the pain and re duced the swelling so that by tno next morn ing ho could use his arm , and by the second morning was entirely well. This Is only ono of the many severe oases of rheumatism Unit have been cured by this valuable remedy. Fifty cent bottles for sale by druggists. Orelmrds , ! 114 to M18 Douglas. Special sideboard wale all this week. LINCOLN Floral Conversatory. South East Oor. 0 and 17tb , Lincoln , Neb W. S. Sawyer & Co. PLANTS AND CUF FLOWERS , Ocncrnl ciillrctlon of piiints anil cut flnwt < n always on liuiid. I'loral II < KKIIS | biiiiiiicH | liasUoK. ulo. , for iiirtli-s. Wi'dillngs iinil fiiu- n spccliilty , und hont tn uny imrt oftho ttnto. 1'ilcu Hit fit'o. Discount to nn.lur- uUers on funeral work. Telephone , : i)4. ) or Klvo relief Ilku'Mir. Vleroeli Miuinetlo Klutlo . " currdtliou anil wanttlio Trim. HIia l Hyuii nUR'r..Anil.ln In tamn torf ree I'aninhlet . I. UlMlloTruu C . , Utu FriucUco , t l F UN IN FURNISHINGS. * - ROM now until ten o'clock Saturday night we propose to make our immense Furnish * ing Goods Department hum with activity. line Every of goods in this department is now com- plcte in every particular. This department in itself alone , occupies more room , represents more capital , employs more help , and sells more goods than many entire clothing stores. Every dollar's worth of goods in it comes direct to us from the makers nnd importers , and direct to you from ' us. There's only our small profit between you and the maker. First you're invited to a stupendous NECKTIE PARTY Wash 4-ln-Hands lOc , ! 5c , 20c , UNDERWEAR.A 11QT WAVE GQES WITH EACH-PURCHASE. , 20c Buys Men's G.IUZC Wrappers , in tan and huff shades. 25c Buy. ; Men's Gauze Wrappers , in gray , with short sleeves. 3Oc Buvs Men's Fine Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers , with French necks , worth 45c. 35c Buys French Itolbriggan Shirts and Drawers , full finished , worth 50c. 45c Buys Fancy Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers , in lilac , cream , tan and natural. 50c Buys very fine 6-thrcad Ficnch Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers , or mace stripes , worth 75c , AlTWAYS ON TOR OUR We have placed ic'stock this season si full line of Men's Straw Hats. This is our first season on straws. Tlioy'ro nil now , no old ones to bringdown and elean up and nut new bands on and call 'em now. They AUK new ; mmlo for this season , bought this season , and will ! > e sold thisseasou. Notice that till our straws are straight brims they don't turn up. 1,000 dozen Men's Half Hose , in balbriggaii , lisle , cotton , otr , In French , Gor HEEL AND TOE. man and domcstie goods , in blacks , faniies , solid colors and unbleauhod , at 5c , lOc , 15c. 2Oo und 2Gc. Nebraska Glothina Co. , \ Corner DotiQleis 0.11 cl * WATCH - - LOOK AT OUR AD. MONDAY - - WAIT. NEBRASKA National Bank U.S. DEPOSITORY , UMAU.V. N31. Cnpltnl , - - - - S4OO.OOO Surplus Jan. 1st , 189O , - Oii.BOO OIHcer' and llrcctor ) * * llo'iryV. . Vnto * , Proildenti I.cwli s. Itood , Vlco-l'r il'leiU ' ; JiiinoV. . S vutV V.llorso. John U. Colllni , It U CuiUInx J. N. U 1'ulrlck. W. H. S. lliitflKM , ciuhlur. Tl-llfL IRON BANK. Corner ISth nud KarnvuSti A General Hiitikln ; lluslnusj Tr.ins.ictal nnnllTI SANDAI.WOOD cAt'sut.Ks am tin Illlllll I A belt nnd only capiulei | > reicrlliu 1 by I n roimlr | | ihy < itHm for llu eur it Uonorhoea and ilUcluirxoi fro u lUu urinary organs ulierlteJ or uouulroi. I-ij pjr uji. All ilnu ht HOTEL. .mil-ran , t'or. 1-ttli nnil it tin' iniiHt HiiliNltintlHllu Hotel ilitllillnu lit Oinnlid. Nci-fftil Jn-iii'il brirkIre inittH i-nnnlna from Imm-iiit-nt to roof. All tin- < / / / ! / / nnil ftoortitlitril irttli AHbcnton flro jn-oof iiiiiftiuiltltiii it iiniinxHthlc to Intni quirk. J'ti'C ficiii > fn mill Jirei olnrint tliroiiHliont tinutitlilina. . Meinn lieitt , liot ( iiitf t'"l < l n nter unit HiiiiHliliieln crci'Ui'O"1" ' 'ittblc nimtiriHiHuctl tut/ . tvlicra. B. SILLOWAY , Prop. frora Uie ellfcts ol ) oil tli C ill rrron early decay , wa tln wenVnosn , loft inaulioixl , elo. I will nend avalunlilo treatise ( " 'alo'll ' fOUtMulii ( full particulars for homo euro. I'll 1. 1. of I'liarRO A ( .plendlU moillr/tl worKi tboulit IH < read hy e > cr ) man who la iifrvotM nnd dctillltntod. Addrufi I'rof. F. C. I'OIVLICK. Illootltis , Couii DOCTOR McGrBEW ; THE SPECIALIST. .More tliiui 13 > oius uxporlenvu In tlio treatment ai PRIVATE DISEASES. A euro Kunrnntccd In : i to 5 ilayi , vrllliont Uolosiot un hour'H time. GLEEf. The mon complete nnd abtolnti ) euro for elect nnfl nil unnoyliitf ilUchnrtfos uor known to the inoitlpai proft'sslon. I'urmanuntly curiMl In from 5 to lUduy > STRICTURE Or pnln In rellovliiK tlio lil.ulU > r cured wllhnu t pn or liijtruiuontn. no cuttlnu. nn dilating Tli ruutrkiblo : ; remedy knunn tu modern ncloncu. SYPHILIS. Cured In .10 to CO tiny * lr ) Mttirew'n trpntmpnt for till * terrlblo blood dUen- Inn been pronounced thp iiio tsucco' < ifiilriMiH1dy overdlHL'ovi'rnd fur the t > - nolutn uiiro of tlio diii'u. . ' Illi aucceij nlthlhll Ulsei'e Inn never been eiiiillo | ; I. A eornplcte. cur * Kuaranlucd. LOST M nNHOOD And nil "Oikiieinoi of II o xuxunl ortfnni. ncrvoiif- ne . tlinlillty nnil dunpointoncjr ohiolutcly cutoj. Tliort'llefla lmiiiciilito : uii.l roinplctK. SKIN DISEASES , nnd nil illen > oi of thu bloo 1 , lUur , kldnojrj , no4 bladdt'r pcrnmnpiitljr uuruil FEMALE DISEASES Tlio doctor "lloii.oTri' tuiunt" for InrtlPi li prof nniuieiMl by nil wlio lumi u uil It to bo tliuimipt coin * lilutunnil convenient reine ly ever olTered for tht Ircatiiient of feinnln ill e . ' < u lutruly n nuiiUcrlul remedy Houm for Imllui. ( rum 1 to 4 unljr DR. MoQUEW'S Stnivolloimiiccon In tlio trentinunt of prlvnte illii o ues Inis won for him n irpiilntlun nlilch In trulp nntloiril In clinrnctnr , nnd hli Kront nrmj of piilli > iiti U'ncliei fuiin Iho Atl.-inllc to Hit' I'ai'lllc. 'Iliuilodoll li u urniliiulo of ' rc'uulnr" medicine mill linn Laf IOMU nnd onroful uAporlonco In huapltul prnctluoL niifl IH clnKst'd tunoiiK Ilio leadlnt ; apeulnllBt In inoi ] ( ern Kelunro Treatment by corn'ipondcnto VVrlt * for circulars ( iboiit oncli of tlio ivtm\o illio lies , fioo. Ollico , Mtli nnd Farn m StrieU , Oni.ih * Nob. Kntrauco on oltlier Htreut. DR. BAILEY , Graduate Dentist. A Full Sot of Tooth on llnbliaf. lor hlVI ! llol.l.Alts , A rerfcci jt niKuarnnli'i'ii. Tueth oilrai tal . ; § wlllioiit pnln or dnniror unl . { without iiiino tliiitln dol'l and lHlliur \ ill'IniK nl lowest raoU. llrulk' * ' and Crown Work 'Ifeth nltliuut platu All nork vrar- OhHCE , PAXTON ULOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM Kntnincf. ICth itrcet plorator. Upen uutl.U o'clock. ADVANTAGES OP BUYING M-I-S-P-I-T- - - - - - - It woultl not pay tlio tailor to iniiko up poor inntgriiil ; thorofoi-p , in Inline mlsllts you nro always CDrtaln to not doth that will trlvo L'ootl satisfaction nnd lone borvico. Thou tlio tailor takes far nioro rare with lii work tliuii is bestoweil upon factory worlc , where the is to blight the tjarmont us inut-h ns possible in order to turn out work fh. ) ip. Another tfroat ntlvnntairu ib that , among our line miblltu , you \\iil llml the hnlf nnd cjuurUsr si/.os , nnd ruitlly bettor fitting goods thun can ho found in establishments that deal in ready nindo clothing. Then ny buying inislltH you nro rually nulling in your poekol what the tailor loses , for you got IIB good IIH the tailor would mulco you for just about half what the Uilor womd charge. All alterations done free of charge to insure a good lit. BARGAINS THAT SAVE DOLLARS , " PRIOELLIST. . - > SUITS. OVERCOATS PANTS. . ' . mmlo at I3 M S. ru Merchant Tailor 14 DO J2i 00 MorclnintTiilIorinntloat in fO t B 00 Mori'hunt ' Tullor niado at. (304 ; o ( xiMuti'haiit Tailor inuilo at (304n X < i o.Me re 11 : i nt Tiillor nmilo nt Hi W aa CO .Mnrehant Ta'lor ' mmlo at . . . .USO 8 (0 Murclinut Tallin Hindu at. n 40 00 Mvrulilint Tailor inndo at IH ta 40 (0 Men-bant Tullor mido at If "J 10 00 Merchant Tailor madu at. . 504 45 (0 ( Tallur mcdout ! W OJ 41 OKMrruhlint Tailor Hindu at 200) ) M UU Meri-liint Tailor made nt . . . . SIM . . 12 (10 ( Mcivliuiit Tullor madu ut. 80) M 10 ] Mtrt-liunt Tailor 2400 . Tullor Hindu ut -ii OJ ( VI W.Murchiiiit - (5 bo .Merchant Tailor mailo at . . Jl > OJ CO 00 Merchant Tailor mmlo at . i'O 00 15 00 Merchant Tallur inmlu at 73) ' , D W Merchant Tailor iimdu ut i ' & w ,0 CO McicUunt Tailor made at : Oi Ib 00 Murchunt Tullor inailu at. . . . . t)3) ) A perfect lit warranted , nnd nil goods sold on their merits. A puarunloo in ovcry cuso Just 113 ropi-osuntnd , nt th ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS , 1309 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb. 1309.