fi THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : HATUR1&Y. MAY 1(5. ( 1891-TWELVE PACJES. MARKETS , Brain Values In Chicago Generally Quoted Slightly Higher , LIMITED OFFERINGS OF PROVISIONS. of I.cnflliiK ritliirrn In Now Vork Ccrraln Values llonllri nwl SlockB CIoiiliu ? Min ing Quotation * ) . CnirAOO , Mny ISVhoat was norn'tu all lay but ranged wllliln narrow limits The jienliiR prlcoxxm tlio lowest point touched itiil the fluctuations Uaroiflcr were from Iho it irilnx point to lUc hlithor July opened at II ulVittl 02 niul Mild up to tl.eTJ's , raiiRc-d bo- iween ( I 01. " * find $1 ' ' . " 4 durlntf must of thu forenoon hroko to tl 011 * , recovered to II 02' < . Icwul 'tSiUo lower Tlioolurno of builncM tratn.ieted was not in largo -is yrstord iy or tliu proeodlNK ilii ) * of tlio woolt I r.ulluK win ipasmodle Ht tlnin tlio market Rhoulr.R some Mi'matlon anil ut others rilling quint iinililull The neither and crop condlllonsKixo more ex-- l'l ( tict of InlluencltiK llio iniirliol Flic llrmnos * wax clue to reports of dry xx-enthcr , uui ? stories and Bowl export buying at tlm soitioird , tnnilly , howoxor , for deferred Shlpmi nli nhlln weaker oalile denial of any serious dam IRQ ( o xvhpit by insects imd repot it of rain In ihonnrtlixxrst and some sections of tlio winter hi at btll unused tlio woiKue which existed .itotio time Kilns were reported In Mlnnesnt i and H iKot i and u llttlo In Mlchl- Knn Predictions were for rain In Kins is and Nebraska Itcports of d image to whcit by lnels we it received from 1C ins is I'lio late rally to the highest point of the day xx is duo to cablegrams from Purls tliat llio market ad % intrd 30 centimeiftor tlio olllclal closing bee ii.uu ( if Hit get buying for Hungarian .ic'count l'ro t wiis uredlotcd In Iowa anillsconsin tonight 1'ardrldgo coxorod slioit why-it nil mornlnc xvhonoxcr tlio in irl.ut showed any Indications of weakness It looked xery iniii'h as though the other largo loaders on thu bear side were doing .1 llttlo soiling 'i ho coin crond dlspoicd to hammer the maikct nt tlio ontsut , but all ( if the olTurs we roijulckly t.iUen and values moxod iii | In sympathy with Tlio announcement of SOO c irs as tomorrow a receipts caused a break from lop prices , but sympitliy xvlth whont and proxlslons ipaln helped Millies up. July Opened lit il'i'Jl.'iSV ' , sold up to fiOVtC , OlT to S&4ffiV ' ! > , p , and ( losed .it rH'tc. O its xxi ro active , unsettled , with a hl.'hni range of xaliics , espni'l illy for Iho lion- crop features August and Septembi'r , xxhlcb were bought on drouth stories from tlio northwest arid ri ports of bugs In tlio louthwust ' 1 ho fe itiui ) of the pioIslim niurl.rl was the llmlttd oirorliig-e and Iho good dum ind for tlio product by loading Incil housc-s Armour' * name xxas glx en bv sove-ial hiukori as their principal In purchase" , of oonslilertiblo lines of liork ( iidahy was a buyer of Inly pork on i weak spot at the op < nlng unit xvas u seller for Hepteml crlati fin tin d i > . rl hero was a good domuiid nil di\ for lard jind ribs. ' 1 he cloio ihows an adxiineoof IJ'iC In the value of.I ill v pork , 7' o In 1 ird , and Me In ribs , uomiiircd with ye steid i > 's tin il llgnres. The loading futurts r.mgod us follows- f'nsh quotations xvcroas follows : I'lotni Dull nnd unchinged ; spring. $500 ® fc.50 ; winter. $5 00(3180 ( ; straits , * 4 G05 00 ; bak ers $4 21 ® 4 W WIIFAT No. 2 spring wheat , fl.OfiVl No . ) prlng wheat , lise : No. 8 red. $1 Od'4l 08V CoitN No J , OATH N'o. 2 , 5l > , e ; No 2 white , 52 > 45.l > 4-e ; No .1 white1. . ' \lc. lUK-No 2 , 00Mic. | HAIII KV No 2. nominal ; No. 3 , nominal ; No 4. f o b , 747O. I'l.AX bifii Nn 1. fl.ll TIMOTIIX ' KPII I'rlmefl SO. I'oitk-Miss pork per birrol , $11,21 ; lard. percxvt. NOiifi 41 ; short ribs side sloose ( ) . II'K ) 41000 , dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , $5 155 2.1 ; liort cle ir sides ( hem d ) . HVVXM 4tt WIIISKIDistillers' finished goods per gal lon , f 1 17 MtfiAii-Out lo-if , iinehangcd ; granulated , unchanged ; Mamlnid "A , " uncliangcd. Heceipts and shipments today xvero as fol lows1 On the produce exchange today , tl-o hut tor market xvau loxve-r ; extra ereainery , INtifle ; extra llrsts , lViJI7c ( ! ; Ilists. 1HOI1- ; e-\tr.i dally , KiCclHo ; extra llrsts , IJfflllc ; llrsts , Iiai.'c. Now York MnrkctN. Niw VOIIK , .May 11 rioim-Hecoluls , K.Z-JJ pacKnges ; exports , .11,0.1 ! ) harrols , I4,7fl ( s icUs ; inarUut rels. iiilct | , unchinged ; sales , lUlWhai- ' " 'AT-Kecdpts , 2 ) ,40) ) uushels ; exports. 2H.200 hushols , sales , 4'IO,000 hiishels fu- if rVVl"01 ' ? ! " " ' ' u'1 ' * t-pot. i-pot niarUot IGl'So higher , strong , fairly nellxe , chlelly Vfi"9' ' , Nor 'l-JI-H'V ' ® ! 17' , ltibtoroitl.17'4 ® im alloit ; tl.I7 , Ol 18 % f. o. b. ; nut graded red , II.WWI.II1. , ; No l north- t-rn , to arrlxe. H.luys No. 1 hard to arrlxe , Jl I'llie ; options opened 'iiift'uc lowei , but soon rallied ami advanced I'ssil'.e on reports of dioiith and htrongor eahles. clos ing llrni. as there xwiHcoutlnuod tnoulrx fioin Shippers for special dellx ory , while the millers' ? ! ltililltn\u1lK/ullilllllKU"ori11- . ! . / ! No Sru < l- > i. fl.U'Sai 1.1V. closing ut ( I I1 4 ; June. IMJufa 1.1 1' ' , , closing at $1.111 , ; -Inly , fl o nffil juy. closing at l 10 > i ; Au.-Uht. Jl 0.1 ® ! avr clos , ' ! Kil il U1'W Vi' hl)1l"l ) % > " ' 1'i ' > " > * IU4ffliaiS. closing at 11 mo , toher closing at Jl 05 > ; Deeeiii. tier. ( I u.1 > . < ai 07 , using , atllod5 4 ; May II OUU < itl.lOi * * own ' , . closing utJI W\ , COIIN lifi-i < lptH.2l.KX ) hushols ; oxports,1 (149 ( ' ' " ' MlU < ' ' ' " WJ ill'A'1 , ' , 1 - iMlshcls fiiture-s ; 14(1- ( . 000 bushel' ( .pot , .spot market decidedly lower free hellers , moderately aetlxo No ' . ' , toi7lc I'i4'Jtnil'or1 ' ' ! r.Hu alloat ; ungraded mixed , 7ixa7o ( , ; .Nil . ) , We Options declined on near mouths Ittl'.o on Increasing supplies , and close el ucaU ; Into months advance-d vavo May , ,0o. elusliu at Ttiu : June , dd acj-c , clos " " - . Oll'flv' ; closln. ; ntcH'4e ; beptemoei - - , closing at Me. OATS-Hc-celpts , 711 IKK ) bushels , exports 57.1 bus ui s ; sales , ( k1XJ ( bushels futures ; h2 003 uuHlialH hMit | J-pot market eiulot , unsettled , c c > s huoislor ; options dull. Irregular ; Max , eloslnv , : xi'c. ' Juno cleislug at Vie ( ; July , ! * ! .j0l''i"'llil" ; llt M > t's s"ot N ( > - "white. SIKtlifM'K.- ' mixed ; xxestern , Maioc xvhltuxest ; \xest- orn. uWOc ; .No ' 'tlhlcago , fei.c. ' 11 AI'lnn nulet , lloi-s-guiet. Sun \li-llaxx , iiulet , stendy ; s-iles. txvo cur- goes centrifugals IM test , lit , l > o , to Huston nnd t\\e \ > cat goes Muscoxudo. S' ) test , at S O ajiOti ) I hlliidelphla Ketlned. iiulet and uii- I'OIIK Quiet , steady ; old mess , fll 0031250 ; n mess , li7'i IJ50 ; extr.i prime , Jll.75 ® LrtiT .Mhvrb-.Qiilot and steady ; middles. I.Aiiii..i-treiiger. qnlutt xxestern steam , K1" "ifH * ' * ? NY aiIU , | | " Wlk" " " - > tier , os Miiy.M.,1 iiskid ; Jul ) . Ww. closing at W81 ITWl bid15" " ' ' ' ' 'I'K.'iuber. J7.0 , e-ioslng at lltiTThii-Qiilut , xxeaker ; xxestern dairy , lixa IBc- ; xxejtern creamer ) , r < Qa , xustcrii factor - tor ) . lu tlu < ; Klglns am t'w LSI ' \ \ eak , iiulet ; part skims , va.sijc. Lods-l'mr ; demand firmer ; western , ICo. ltecelpts",7lK3 packages St. I , ouls Markets. hT. I.OUIH. Ma. May IJ-WilKAT-Stroug cash , tl tilt July , t's'i. ' ; t'oiis I'lriiier ; cash. coie { ; July. .Vije. lATs-I.enxer ; cash. M e ; July , 45'4c. I'olik Kiihlerat til .Witll ( U ! , . I , Aimgulet at M23 \\IIII > K > II.IK. IltiiTfcit I'nchanged ; creamorv , 2l(2I.1 ( dairy , 17U.'le ; northern roll , C'lnuliinutl CINCINII. . O. , May \VlltAT-Streiig ; Nei.2 re-el. * l UNiil.lH ( \UN Drooping ; Nix 2 mixed. CCo. OATH--I.'IIHV ; .No. 2 mixed , \ \ liont Market. Minn , May 15 WiitAT All * hcat but No , t uyrthcru , dull today , Ite- celpts. 75 ears ! shipments. Rl c'irs Closet No llurd , Mny , II ufl ; on track , Jl.WUCitl.lO ; No. I northern , May. fl.O'Ui Juno (1.0.1 ; on track , IIU7MWI07H ! No. i northern. M iy , ( l oJj on track , ; i ovqi ovt Iilvcrpool "Murke-ts. T < ivrnpoot. Mny II WIIKAT Quiet inel steady , dciuiind poor , holders nfTcr sp irlngly Hecelpts of wheat for th past three dayn , 11.1,000 centals Including 14 OX ) American. Coitv Kasy ; demand poor ; mixed xvestorn. 6s 4d He eclpts nf American corn for the pist thrcudajs 4 . ' . ' 00centals. 1UON elcir. 45 llu..10sM per owt. 1,111 rsr American flne t white and colored , Super cwt , HKEI Aniorlean refrigeratorhcef foroqinr- Inrs 4s yd , hind quarters is d peril ) . LONtioi , May 1,1 American refrigerator hce f. forerunners , 2s Cd ; html nuartors , 4s Ul pel I" ! h by the carcan KniiHiiH City MnrkcMH. KxwusC'iTi. Mo , May 11VitfAT Weaker ; No Jliiril. cash , 07c ; May , Uublel ; No. 2 red , ciish , IMO . _ f'oil.N IVsy ! No 2 , cash. 58Uqj May , B,1 * ® CVIcO \TS-\VeaUcr ; No 2 , cash and .May , 49'o ' bid Toledo Markets. TOI.KOO O. May 15.--WitEAT Higher ; cash and M iy , fl OD'i ' t'ouv I.oxvci ; cash. Wo. OATS Qulol , eash , We. . Mllxxaukcc > Inrkot . Mtt.xxAtiKtEVls , M.iy 15. I'liox'tsioss I'lrm Point-July III 41 NIOIi S I All llOXlt S. Nrxv YOIIK , May II - The stock m irkot con tinued to dccre iso Its volume of business to day , \ \ n narrowing of speculation , the general list being eompar- atlxely neglect oil xOille all the tnteiest and tlm o-foiiilhs of the biisliuss xxurecoiillned to .men stocks ' t Paul , I.ackaxvanin , Union 1'aciric , l.oulsxllle .V Nashxllle , Atclilsou.llur- llngtnn A. Qtiliioy and siuor The general eoiiise of pikes was dinxnxxard the coiublni d ipsult of further heixy takings of gold foi sh pinent nnil' London selling In duced by the higher rates for money at th it center and the ( llsn.iili'1 ng tin im iai conipllcat'ons ' at Lisbon and In Argent no 'Iho bullish fouling Is hold In i-ht ( * U hv I hi-sn t roubles and Ax hllci the dome-s- tlc outlook continues of the must nattering char ictci , the foreign solution dominates the market at ptcscnt , That holders are not sc ired hy the foreign complications , hov-oxer. r -elxc sd illy demonslatlon and the drain of gold xx Ith Its threat of cieatlnga scircltxof funds here Is not allowi d to brhu the larger holdings upon the marKi t. Theio xvas , how- oxer , consider iblo selling to leall/o piollts on those of ) terdiy by the trading element , and Indications , among which vtas the limited demand foi stock In the loin i roxtd Is not thu least show that the shorts hiixu cox ere d large-ly In thu last few days 1 ho selling foi both the foreigners and the traders made the opening of the market fraction illv lower this morning , lint coxcrlng xvas resumed and a mateilal r illy followed , In which IIONX- oxe i , only the CD il stocks and the Industrials xxcio prominent the meeting of the agents today being the main cause In the stiength dlsplaed by the former The gains In these nhai-s i cached oxer I percent , hut the general list barely n cox erc-d the opening and eirly losses The gold shipments then met the ris ing market and the fear that the large ship ments of neatly f.01(1,000 ( would make a loss In the surplus re-serves eif the banks tomorrow of about f" > , OOOOOJ but as thu receipt of cur rency fiom the Interior haxe been quite heax'y It Is like Iy that the loss In the reserxo will not bo as gre it ig estl'nated The tendency of prices , hoxvvxtr continued downward throughout the remalnclei of the clay , xvlth n slkht r ill ) only In the list hour 'Iho a 1- v.inies in all the stioiu stool , of the forenoon xxere neutrall/o I except In ne-laxxaro A , Mud- sou , x hlch Is the only stock to show any in i- terlal Improvement for the el iy , The losses re ichod I U per cent , but In most stocks x\oio conllned to iiactlous 1 he late tally xvas In duced by coxeilng , but the close xvas still ho ixy at close to the loxxe-st prices I ho dual ch inges are In most of Iho aetlxo stocks , which grade large fiactlouil losses , xvhllo loulsxlllu Is doxxn I'B and St. I'aul. U'lioelliu A. I < iko Krlo prcfcncd and \\abash profcried each 1 per cent , ulillci Delaware A. Hudson Is up 1 per cent There xxas thu usual Insignificant tiadlng In rail road bonds , but thu temper of the inaikct xvas reaction irv and small losses icsultol thu fluctuations being on the s imp limited Bcnlo us thu business , which amounted to onlv $ USI.- 0(10. ( The de illngs dcxeloped absolutely no fe iture of Interest. Uuxeminent bonds ntixo been dull and steady. State bonds li ixo been dealt tu dull and steady , 1'etioleuiu was dull again In the oirly tridlng , but after noon a number of selling eiders were put nnd sun- pott at the same tlmo xxlthdraxvn , ii'snlthu In a sudden decline of Il'fcc The in irkot then rallied Jt percent and elosed ste idy. There was no news to .ici-ount for the selling , and It xvns generallv I olloved lo bo pure manipula tion. l'omislxanla oil Juno option ope ncd at 70' ' , ; highest , 70' ; lowest. el73 { , closing at W I he total s ui-s were tti.OOO barrels The foiloxxIng aio the closing quotations for the le idlng stocks on the New Vork stock ex change today The teital mlos eif stocks today XMTO I'JII share-s , Inolndliu AtohNon , U' Ldi ; I. ickixvannn , IR 1 ; luusxllo ! ! A. N.ishxlllo. 10TO- > ! Northern I'.ielll.U'W : no preferred , 5,770M. ; 1'aul. Sl.lUOj Union I'.iclllc. 1JJ. The Money Market. NKXX VOHK , May 11 MOMCV ov CAM , Hisy , ranging from Ito 0 per cent ; last lo in , clos ing olfercd at .1 percent. PittxiK MFUCANTII.K I'Ai'FH 'Vi7 percent , bTMii.iNii I\CIIAMII : : Quiet at ifl 84 > i for sixty-day bills and Jl SMI for dem.ind. The following xvero the closlni ; urlcct on bonds : \1 \ * - 4s roi ; In tor ell ll'JMi M K A r Ss 40 U B 4s ooupems ll'.i1/ : Xlutuai Union Us 4 8 , ronlstere-d IU ) N J Cent Int Curt IIU 44s cuupons lul Northern I'ac Isla llli { racllleilsof "i , | | . ' ito Ms . . . 1u-ji < ' Louisiana - < lnnip Is vi .Sortliwcst'eomols .Hi ) 'lanncistoN S b 101 I dJ delienluru s lot ll" ! > * . lOJ'ft I. ft I. XI < , en Ss H\ , , 'lo Js , 7j ( IM I , , VS I Ion M Htt ( nnadnHoiithem 3ds ur iSt I'anl cunsiils IJi tentral faellla Ists IOJ ISIL 1 U \ I' Ists . . .111 I ) , ft II ( < Ms . . HM < | * V I , ( . IT itUi hT. . . ,1' ' " , ' WX T I'H ( i Tr Itcls IP ? hrle.'ds , .KJ.I t'nlon I'iclllo Isls . . IOHI/ M K. A 1' ( .onl is 773(1 xxestShore ) lo.'lj H ink Cle-arnnccs' . today xxoro bilr.nces , fsi . . , rt O , May H Now York ex change. "So piomlum Cle.iruus. J.Jli-)7. i llu.Tixioiir , Md . May n ( Jlearlims today wero,7.T.'S ; U.iliiuccs , ti14WW Itato.C per l'llli.\iPtfliiA. ) May 15-ll.iuk cloarlng-j today xxero ; bilancos , * 1 , wu'lo. Money at 4'dM , percent. UOSTON. May -llanlc elearlius today xxero , * IVf > .IH : bil.incni , f | ( HIOVi. Money , .1 percent. Uxchunguon Now York , loftno ills- count. I'lllOAno , May 1\ II ink ole irlnss were } l I- , 081,000 Nov. York exchange XUIH si ceiiits pro- mluiu Kates unchauged nt'i'Tt ' ( ; per cent , sterling eic-hango wasxteady and iint'luingt il , Moslem Hinu c Market. IloSTON. Musi. M.iy l\-Tliu folluwins were the e-Iosliu prices on dtooka In the Huston Mock market today A"1.1"1".1 ' .V1" ! ' " ' * ! HU Ailnntlo TiTJ llo.'l"'J * Vlbimy Jill Huston ft Mont .IV do nil Maine llur ACMlmjr S.Xk Vjink n . l"u MchburirlUt , BIJ/ Huron . . Mint \IVreiM pfd ; s he.-ar.aruo . lju Mass. L nlral u 'iVwubln ' . , ( neiw ) 10,1 Me > > liaiUe > n coin JOtjiOubuy . . Jju .ii'V' l l ' Colony 'ilor" - ' l " > els , .UlKanla j 'fanuruck ' - Copper 'in J | " t""IU" aV'Annlatem ' e"f , ! IJind Co fti \\li CVnt f d com | j | \\\st'l-f1 ? ' < i ! . " ' ! , ' nl , IM I'm Is lU-nte-N. llnnk eiriliiLiliiiiel Uulllon. LONDON , Muy 15-Tljo amount of bulllou gone Into the llnnk of t'tiglanel balance JL'll- 010. London HtoulCH. Losnov , May 15. I'ollowlng are tlio closing prices ! Consols , money VI l-ld Meulonn ordinary . . Consols , account USIt ; st I'aul common IT s 4s . Ul V V re-nlral . 1 U. 3 ms Mi Pennsylvania . l N V , 1' ft O Ists Jit | Hemline . . . . Canadian I'acltlc . . . 78 , Xlejilcan central n 4s. hrle5ils _ -j.-0'1 ' * ! Yesterday's report of ex dividend was erroneous llarnllxpr 41'jil per ounce. Money 4Ui4 percent. Itato of discount for three month M and Hhm t loans , , ) ' , uer cent. Deiuor Mining Stocks. DBVVFH , Col , May n Mining stocks xvoro In fair demand , but as buyers and sellers Inmost ci es refuse-d the xarlous bids and olTcrs , the transactions xxeru not rent irkablv heaxy , Quotations xxere as follows : St. IjoiilH Mining ST I.ouis. Mo. Mnv 15. There xxas more ae- tlx Ity em today's mining oxclunse than was eharacterbed ye-steidiyi H lies \xure small In amount and prices lower 1 he following bids xxeio made on e ill " _ _ _ Adnmn MIMnHI ( | TJ American ( ll/nlictli SIO I. Illln Albert II "I \unii .Vcxv York Mining QnotatlotiH. NKIV YOIIK , May 15 The following are the closing mining stock ( | iiotatlons : IlnliKV Virrross ) ) l cllnw laikot Now Vork li y Oootln. Nnxx YOIIK , May r t'ontr.ietsxero re- celxul for llannels bl inkots and drc"-s ioo < ts and some deHoilitloti | of brown umUoloiul Mini ) c'ontnu Is are pending , the tlmo h ix Inc airlxulxhen It Is possible fiirbuxers and sell ers to oomo together \\hlto anil other II in- nils are much llrmei th in a fo\v weeks tiK < > and pike ehaiiKes me Uttlo talked of 1'hero Is a ( 'ood business In hosiery and Collec Niw VoitK , Muy IV C'oiToo options opened ste uly : iinc'h iiiKtid to 10 points down , elos'n dull and uncli in.'cil to III points up bales. fir.Obws. Inolndliiir Mav , $1700 ; luly. JIT 6J& 1770 ; Auuust , J17 lIKiDI" -epttmbor l : , til , fi ® IK Ml ; October , ill IHtfin 5 ; .Nox ember. fl."J. > ( ii U'W. fair cargoes. fJUUJ ; No 7 JIH.'iOSIS OJ'i. Markets. YOUK , May 11 I'ETUOI.HM Sto idy ami cjulet ; Unhid elosed nttoofoi June COTTON t-fm ou < Dull and uneliiiiiKc.d. TAM.OXX Dull and ixuik. HOSIN stp i < ly anil quiet ; str.ilnul , Lonimon to uooil , fl OJ'iiiOl.fiS Tt'itiM.NTiMi. Dull and steady . .itf't : \ } ' < 3 > t\c Htm s rirtii and quiet. Woou Dull mill ste uly ; domestle flei.ce , 34 ® .lo : pulled , a time ; Tex is I7ff-'le Pin lltov-Qiilot ! fll.OlttlSOO. Ooi'i'bit Nomin il ; lake. May. He. IiFAli Qulut and ste ulj ; domestic. $4 S'i. TIN Less aetlxo ; sh ulcc isler str.ilts. J.H ) 4'i I INHOS , May Ir > . SWIAH Cub.i test , NsQd. l.isst i ii CiiUc1. l"is per ton for western. I.iss ! 1 1 > Oir , u"'s ' 4' jo nor CM t I'KTUOi.ruM Uutlnuil.nvi Per gallon. Ito-lN I'lne. ( is lid per owl Ti inters' Talk. ST. I.outi , May ! " > . Lingonbure Hrothor to Cotkioll llrothors It Is reported hero the Missouri crop will stio\v .1 bli ; dccro.ise In the pi reuMt.uo on INK to the dimii o from In sect II fo. Itecolpts today : \ \ heat , 14 'J" > i ; corn , MtiTOi outs , 4Hsii5 1'or tlio s line d iv list jo 11 ; \Vhoat , IS 04H ; torn. KB. .W ; o its , MT > ,000 The folloulng Is thu range of prices on this market : Nuxv YOUK , May 11 Kennett. Hopkins . Co. to ? . A. MoWhortcr London his cut iiilto | a figure In our stock market ted iy , first In eiuotlng American stocks at a sharp decline f torn our close of yesterday and throughout the dux In selling freely the whole list In xxhlch tliat market b is spouatlxo ! Interests. The market has behaxed well under the pres sure ) which has bee-n brought against It. Prices haxo yielded stubbornly. Tridersaro bearish but the publlo maintains a linn gilp on Its possessions. There hccms to bo but a limited amount of stock coming out. The market Is smaller than It has been because of this fact and because additional purchases for \o\\x \ \ \ account are dlsunira-'C'cl by the general oral appe irance of the market and continued laigo eiiiajements eif gold.Ve \ learn promi nent banking firms predict a continuance of gold shipments next week. Our banks hixo lost .t reat dual of money slnco Saturday and this certainly will bo rollectcd In tno bank statement tomorrow to some extent , though not xvhnll ) . and unless there Is a sharp falling oir In deposits the dec-re aso In reserxo xvlll be heaxy. xIth the exception of coal stocks the moxcmontof prices ted iy bus boon quite uni form. The HII | Inka o raiu'lnz from ' { to 1 pei cent. 1'olnters are out for lower prices for l.oulsxllle & . Naslixllle , but xve do not le irn what they * are based on. Coil agents ad vanced prices on eoul tcxjay lie nae ton , to take olTect July 1 , and announce tlielr Inten tion of adx nniln them giaduallv throughout the summer , blocks closed quiet and Inaotlx o at no irly the lowest jirlces of the day. Giiirtoo , M iy II.-W. G. McCormlck & , Co to 1' . U bwartXCo.Vohixo : had a xventhor market In xvho it today. The piomlsed lain xxhlch xxas the boar fo ituro > esterday failed to iimtoilullro last nUht , which became the bull point of the e irly morning. Alti rn ito rumors eif latei rains and of diy cold weither wore the forces which worked prices no and down and xvhlpsaxxed the scalpers badly. All In all , It has boi'ii a xery unsatisfactory day foi them , lluylng xxas good both for shorts and for lon account , mil thu undorlonu of the market has shown decided stii'ngth Cablei , ulthoiu'h not higher , xvero sto idy and exhibit iioiio of tho.xvo I'OKSS ' which might haxo been expected fioin eiiir bri'ak eif x ester- d iy Clear inees from New Veirk xvoro 8t,00 ( ) bushels of x heat and 80,0H ) barrels of Hour. Hecelpts at eloxen primary points , lU'.OOJ bushels ; shlnuiLiil * . fl'il.OOO Com opened Ilrmer on rumors of dry xxeather. but has bt'cn dull during the entire morning Thu cash market has been xery dull and , i sharp break In Now York prices has been rumored. Wo see nothln ; to bull this market , unless dry weather should ere ito a scarcity. Oats opened higher on thu IIOWH of serious daimuo bx the oat louse , but the1 ad vane o met be ivy hi'lflng and the m irketi'losos decidedly xxouk. I'roxlslons xre'ro soxeiely hammori'd at the opunlng and It appo ired xxeak. The de cline mot hcax y buying from our host class of looal operators , and thomiukot tinned up rapidly , closing stroiiat nearly top pi Ices A considerable shortage has accumulated among operators xvho haxo not sold short until pilces broke 'Ihowoak Ion is haxiiHolel out and If thu shoitagu should become fright ened they would Unit considerable dltllculty in cox e ring xxlthoutiidxiinclng prices sh irply , CIIKUOO May II Kennett Hopkins .V Co , to S. A , Mc\\ honor \Vheathaspurtlilly 10- eoxore-el from ieslordav's rahl and closes higher than \\iduiHilny hex era ) determined I'lrorts xxeuei niiido to bleak the prices on short solllii , ' . but they xxero ein'y ' momcutiully sueei'ssfiil , and each leactlnu on cmcilngcar- rled the ) marUet lo a higher point. I'lirc'lun adx lies , while not particular ! ) encoiiragliu , XMiro h nelly as we-ak as e-xpeete-el London , Llxerpooland 1'arls went lower , Antxxoip anil Ilerlin higher. A good export business was done Domestle nexvH xvas bullish Itei elpts In thu northwest xxoio small , liullc.itIng a nun exhaustion ( if resources. Crop dnm- ii.'i ) reporlN are ) morn niinieioiis and -lii'i-IIU- . The possibility ol'snlllulont damn go toelostroy prospects of liumpor crop are beginning to bo discussed , If there should bo any serious dam igo to our crop with certainty eif a largo deficiency abroad speculation would curry prices xory high Our p'ofe-slem il traders lake more kindly to the lie ir side and mo slow lo credit notes of disaster. They will abandon their position only when compelled and will rildthe niniket from tlmo tcitlmo under all e'licumstaiici s It Is a good scalping market and purchases on the breaks generally p iy quick prollts In c orn and o its con plaints of backwardness of the season ami uiifaxontblo conditions In certain d'strlcts ' are ) numerous enough to ciiuso a prudi'iit tradi r to liisltatu In getting In short at the protein prlc es I'ntll theru Is an Improxud outlook purc'liase-rs on fi > ! r de clines are tiufcir than short solllnz. 1'rlees mny go Homo higher anil nro not likely lei fall off materially under thu circumstances In precisions thu report th it dry weather Is af- feiiitlng llio coming crop turned thu market. Men w ho xxuru selling ) csterday bought today and sin rts generally tlumghl It prudent to c cix or after so gro it a decline 'the market for homo tlmo Income ) will doubtless bo on- fommonly sunsltlxo te > the eieirn creip condi tions for ft Is cimcet led on all hands thnt any M-rlmis daiiuuo lo that crop would e'liuso a Bieat i.imimo In proxlslous O.TI.I it.t 1.11 v ; .t 7o VH OMAHA , May 15 , OATTi-K-onielal rocolutH of cattle till , an compared with KI4 joHiurdnv and 1,011 1'rlduy of Inst weok. Desirable handy gnulca of steers were btvady , ethers xvcaU to lOo lower ; good butchcivtvck itns steady , other grades slow and wcaK . feeders nctlxo and unehangod. , Hoos-OIIIclal rocollits of lions 4..1I3. us pom pared with 4.240 yesterday and ano7 I rlday of last xvoek. The inarkiit opened slow and elosed actlvti with the decline re gained. All sold. Tlin ranso of price * paid/ was $1. tfifflino , thu bulk selling at $4 4J 4.50. Light. JI.WitlM ; henvr. $4.41l.ra ; nilxeel. $4 40 4 no. 'I ho axerauffbf the price * tuild was $4.41 as compared xvlt * i 4 48 ? < yesterday and M14 , 1'rldiy of lastWouk. tMihEi1 There xxoio no fresh receipts of sheep The market It nominally lower. Na- tlxcs W 25 < aauO ! western's , MWX25 HO. IIocMitHiiiHl | IXii osKloti of Hlook. Ofllclal receipts and tllspixttlrn of in'.el : as shown by thu books of thu Union Btockyards comp my for the txvcnt yfour hours endliu at 5 o'clock p. in May 15 , Isui ; UKCitt : > Td. Uoirosciuntlvt | ! Stiles. OXEN. 2 1010 J OJ STAO3. 4 00 rins AND noucii. . ira s oo . ' . . . . IV ) 340 .420 250 53 .UU ICO 400 . .81 y 25 Chicago Live Stook t'nrket ' CIIICAOO. Muy 15 [ fcpuolul ToIoKmiii to Tun ULL ] There xxsis fairly llbornl liuvliiB toiluj of e.ittlo both for lou il uncl shlppiiii ; uccount. nnil xxlulo tlm taut of inoilorato ntrlx.ils uiicl oneoiiniirlni ! ensturn udxlc-os did not eii.iblo selleia to put up prlcut. It stliiiululul clo- niiituls , unci pens werocusllx otnptlcd at pro- xlous dajs' ( | iiot itlons Not enough pi line slilpplni ; bttors xxoro huru to till oidurs , but there xrns no Hciirolty of loxv Krados , nnd If there xxns a luck of nrmnoss anyxvliuro It xxas con'Iiied to tlio lattor. 10\tra uunlltleK of cattle - tloxoro nominal. Cholco K ratios coniprlsod a f.ilr proportion of receipts and xteio s.ilablo nt 15 KViiT'l , xvhllo forc-onimoii to ( jooil 1,010 to l,0.tO-pound steers ? 471ffV,11voro prevallln , ; prices 1'oorer olusstsof CO\XH and bulls \\ont to lot-ill c inners at $ I.KKi3.71. ! To\as c.ittlu were tlrin lit tliodecllno notocl earlloi In the xxook The t-'onoral market llulshod iiultu stroiit ; . Thu ho ; market started In on about a sto.idy bisls , ? l hici > ' > bolni ; p ild foriliolco huaxy and niidluin , and host light ucl ht soiling aioiind * ITi A llttlo lutor In the inoriilne tin so pilioi xxero not obtain ilile The miirUot iio\x weaUei soon after the open- IIIK anil bvl ) o'clock showed a reduction of 5 ® lOe. Sales iiiado further along did not show to any better mix tint ue. though the oloso iv s rather Ilrmer. Iroui * . uwiji . was uottoi tlian $1 71 , nor \veio tunny olforlius so poor tli it prices bulon ft 25 had to bo IK ceptod , Thin pljs ami culls were neglected at ti 10 UATTI.IUocelpts K'KHj ' shlpinonts , 8,000 ; miirUctstOiidy to Mrone : o\tr.i prime steers. W 0 ® fi 25 ; othoi s , 1 1 ( 01(61 Ul ; I'uxans. W 00565 81 ; stookois , $ IUO100 ; cows and holfors , * . ' ' ' ( " | 18",00) ; shipments , 10,001 ; mill Icet dull to lower ; rough and itom- nion , $ l7r > ( | il,10 ; mixed and pauKors , $4 4U © 4.70 ; pilme hoax'V and butcher xvolghts , fl.ul © I 8J ; lU'hl4.8lV3l70 MIKI I' itecolpts , 2,100 ; shimouts ] , none ; market xxeik and lower ; nattxes , $175 ; xxostorns fi.V > u,1 < iU ; liuiilis , MOWitT'iJ. ' New Vork Mvo Stook. NRXX YOHK , .May 11 HKBVES Uecolpts , 2,804. Ineluillng seven ears for wile ; m irket ciulut ; n itlxes , $18or01 8J per I JO His. ; bulls and cous. * . ' .8iai fi ) . Diii'sm n Jlpi. t steady at 8'5ilOo ' } per pound fornatlxos ; HhlpiiiiintB today. "JO iunrlirs | of hi of ; tomorrow , iiOJ beuxLH and 500 quarters of OAI.XKS Receipts , 1.810 head. Market ' 4e per pound loHiirxuiIs MOOItolO poi owt , ; but- tormllUb f.l l' " , t 0) ) . r'llU'i' ' Hieolpts,8li70 lie id ; marKet Meady ; Hhi cp , JlUOiKHH ) per out ; yearlings , WOWTS 7.00 ; liiinhs , fs oil ; dressed mutton , OtSllo per pound ; dressed yo irlln s , ll'tislio ; drussud kins iiu , llocis Iteuilpts , fi .1 head , eonslgned direct ; nomlnall > sto idy at tt J0"fli.40 poi cwt. Ht. l.oitlM Ijlvo Stook. ST Lotus , Mo , May 15. CATTI.V liecciiits. 1,1/K ) ; KhlpnientM , 1,1W ! mnrkiit Moulj ; fall to faney natlxo stcuM. tl OOiiU 10 ; loxnns and Indians. * . ' .W4 71. llods-Kocolpts , 5,000 , hlilpinciitK , 4,210 ; mar ket sto idy. hoax v , ( KJcC475 ; inl\cd , { 180 ® 4.70. light , * l 50W4 til. KIIIIH.IH ctyljUo Stock. S CIT . MiMay 11 OAITI.F-UO- colpts , .1,100 ; shipments. lOliX ( ) ; market steady and HloloxviT. HtuirJ ! , . I.U''W"5 ( ' : cows , J.'MXS 4 71 ; stoi-Kor-aiid foeilerK , * J UKiJI V ) llocis-ltecolpts , ll'lX ) ; shipments , J.700 ; inarkut lower ; all gr.nlf * . HOKt4ti3. O.TI.I7/.I Quito a number of oimiijes xvlll hn noted In tlio quotations on > ue.tahles 'Iho market lontlinus to bo wollixniplled xxltb oxerythlng In seasoii ; The folloxxInR qiiuiivtloiis are based on y us- tirday'ssiles : 1 .Nl.xx I'OTATOI I'orlu. 8'ie ' Sgi'AMl I'orcratuotid do/on , * - ' V ) . I'inATOts Homo ciOwn stock. MlftflOa ; west ern htock * l Uf'H ' ID. 1'IK I'l.ANT-I'lirlt ) 2'C ' Hoinili UN IUANSia.JI75pcr H bushel box ; strln , ' , II avail. * ) per 'j bushel box. ' 1 OP ONIONS I'ur biincli , .Oc , HlMVAi-ll-rorbbl , Jir-0. UAIIISIIKS l'erdoen bunches 8)ai1o. | 'c\s j'cr bushel box , ti OJ ; per 'j biibliol box , 71e , cm oxiiint1 * I'IT do/en , < l. ' < n , ( 'Aiiiuiih-Oallfornla stock , per Ib , 2'c { , Miuthorn. pererale. f I > ) . hoiTTilbliN LUlll.iU.OHUt 1'erdiwen , JJ 85 ® TdxiATOJS Soutliiirn stock , bushel boxes , $ liiO ; fancy , crates , tl baskets , Ji.5ft150 per crate I.mrrr Choleo stock. 40c. UUIAIIAIIsMleliUan stook , per Im , Mo , lln Tl'or bushol. II ( W. ( 'AilitoTS-l'er ' bushel , II 00. I'AiiSMl'M-l'erbusliol , JIOO. Ill \ > H Muilliiins l-.Wl ti tx J , tl. ' " > . AHl'iHAIIUHlllllllU ! " > II Stock. 5JO per (104 , I'lour. Onuilia Mllllui ; Co , Hollancn I'atont , II 10 ; Invlni'lblo 1'ateut. f.'SO : l.ono .Star riipi.rla- tlMi i-M ; MuiMllake , fi.lU ; I uuoy 1 umlly , "it r. Davis Mill Co , lllglt 1'atcut No. 1 auo t'renm. J.d1 ; Illuo I ) , full pitnt.l60 ; Hawk- rye. Imlf putrnt , ti40 ( Special lloyul , patent. r\o 10 H.IO ! Mlnnpsotn 1'iitent , . ' W ! Kiunas Hard \\heat , niitont , f.'G.1 | Nebraska HtirliiR \ \ heat , imtent , JJ.OO. Oskamp'N ready to rlio buckwheat ( lour , | > per oii P of M)2-lb packnties ) biickwbrat , In bids , N. V. . M00 | Kxrelslor brand , MK ) ; flap Jack Meal , t.l7J pcrcaso of M 8-lb pack- URcV . P nilnmn'iOold Midal , KM ; Pmm Whltr , t2 0 ; yiiowllake. ( J20i loxv grade , II.GJi bran , I00 ! chopped feed , t.T.OO. I'l-CHll I'rilltN. There wns no Imiiort.uit clinngo In the tnnr- kot yesterday Straxvberrles xxero In llbural supply and tno quality xxas Rood The following quotations are basid on yesterday's sales : OHANOM I < o * Angeles , K.TXtai ) ) per box ; Hlxeras. t-lOO ; Ulxorsldes , $ l no. I'm AlM'l.f s-l'or doJ.1 2-p8.'iO. STIIAXXIIKUIIIIS ri < r24-iuart ( case , J.1W ) , At'i'i.Ks The market Is practlc illy of goon sblppliig stock. I.t MONO Cliolco stock , per box , IC.50 ; fancy , 1 1. IX ) . ( IliAfK I'ltt'tT 1'erbox. JI.10 , 1IANA.NA8 I'er buiieh , ? -iOt.OO. ( I'rotlticr. Tlio liay market xxas a little firmer , but otherwise ) the market xxas about steady , t'ggs are linn and butter weak. The following limitations are based on vts * terday'H tt'les- MAX Iltst upland , } 900aiOOO per tons poorer gradi s , JO nWf,7.00. Koos Hulk of sales He. IIUTTi.H-.lIood to choice country butter. 12 ® Ifie I'otri.Titx.Cholco llxo liens , $4 00 ; roosters. t.1 W i I 75. _ Ijiimticr. Quotations are for car lots on board cars at Omahii. . UlMKNmONS 18. II X 111 ft. 1R ft. 20 ft , 22 ft. 24 ft 2x4 til 50 ( Hi (10 ! 1U M (17 00 f IS 00 2\C II 00 11 V ) It , 00 IS (10 ( 18 00 2x8 15 OJ I' . W Ifi 00 17 50 IK 00 2x10 11 ( K ) 11 50 II , UO 1750 18 00 2xU 1000 1000 17 tO 1850 ID CO 4x4 to 8x8 1C 00 17 00 18 00 IS 00 19 00 lUrrtN" , Wri i'l ITIIIMI , Krr O O.2"-lueli , 05c. 'ix I , sis , ( .c.2-lnch xvcll tubing il. & M and boxJ'l 00 ; pickets , 1) , \ 11 llat , IJ850 ; I ) . and II Minarc , { . . ' 50. rjMiNd-.No 1 , Oln 12 and 14 ft , rf. flOOO ; No I. ( t In , Id ft , Jill 01 , 4 In , Jl'iOfl ' ; No 2 , d In , IJ and 14 ft , rf $14 (0. ( 4 In , fH OJ ; No 8. ti In , 111 ft. JIB 'O ; 4 in 110 IK ) , N'o .1,0 In 12 and 14 ft. til 00 ; 4 In , tl.1.00 ; No. II. Gin , 10 ft , IIJOJ ; 4 In , til 00. hllilNO-A. 12 14 and 10 ft J22.00 , C$1750 ; II , 1. . 14 and Id ft , JJ050 , D , 114 W. IIOMios-Nii 1 coin , f ISM ; No 2 com , $1500 ; No .1 com. til V ) , No 4 com , til V ) bTOiu HAlilib-A , 1. In , sis $1300 ; II. 12 In. sis $11 01) ) ; C , JIOOO ; ! > . t.'IOj ; No I coinri on , 12 In , sis , 10 , 12 and IS ft * . ' ! 00 ; No. 2 , tls W ; No 1 eoiimon , l.'ln , sis. 14 f t , f.'O 0 ; Nn 2 , J17 10 ; No I common , 12 In , sis , in ft fl'lll ' ; No 2 , 170) ) ; No. icoiii'non , l.'ln , sis , 20ft , J.'l 00 , No ! , Jls W. Hui'i.AiNo 1 plain , 8 and 10 In , ? I9 00 ; No 2. Jib 00 ; No I , O 11 ,8 in. J1UOO. No 2. SIOV ) ; 10 lu.grooxed roofing , 1. ' , 14 and 10 ft , Jin 'a I'MsiiiNd 1st and 2d , cl. , 1 In K. ' . M'HMjlU , I'i ' and 2 In , $1' ' ) 00 ; , ld cle.u , 1 in , s.'s , tllOU ; I' . , , l' ' and J In , ! 4700 , A.seliet , I In , s.'s , $11 00 ; 1' , , I1 , and 'In , WiOd ; II , soloi t , t In. s.'s , HI 00 ; I1 * , 1' , and 2 In. JIO 00 ; t'.bulcet , 1 In , s.'s , * . ' 7.UO , H , 1' ' , and 2 In $1500. A , Ifor C holeet , all Ifl-foot , Jl.OO extra. SOUTIII UN Yn t OH I'lM1st and Jd clear conn Mooring , I.I1(1. ( . l.'l 00 ; 1 1- | ( . star , $ IHUO ; common lloorlng , U-lfi. tlO 00 ; rift clear , 1,1-10 , J.'oOO ; 1st and 2d clear J4 colling , f 14 V ) ; island 8d clo ir. " > celling , J11I5J ; 1st and 2d eloar , celling , jriOO ; 1st and 2d elenr , llnlsh , s.'s , from 1 Inch. TT Oil ; 1st and 2d cleai , llnlsh , sjs , from 1'4 Inch , * WOO ; 1st aii(12d ( cle.ii , llnlsh , s2s , from I' , and 2 inch. iMO 00 ; 1st and 2d clear , y. p. casings tP.OI ) . b.i'uMO 00. I'oi'i.AH I uxiiini-8-lncli and up , Ut and 2d clcir , 1-Inch s2h $ .1000 ; h-incli ancl up 1st and 1.M eloar ' , Inch panel , ! -"M)0 ) bn , Doolis , I ; to. Par boird , $1 sash. 5.1 per cc nt ; doors , 5) ) pi r ct ; blinds. 11 nor ct , ; moulding , 50 per ct ; tarred felt , per cxvt. , J.21 ; stiaxx boaid. 1 2\ 1 MIOIIIMI A. Much , xxhlto pine , fis.00 ; C , ? .N50 ; II.lncli ( , , whlto pine J,00i ; I ) . $ . ' 100 ; II fi-lncli , xxhlto plno ( self-fencing ) , $1700 ; drop sld ng. 50o per .M extn. bitiNOihs , l/\TH-lxtia "A , " pine , $ . ' 80 ; standard "A , " f.4" > ; extra "A , " cedai , f.'lo ; ( i-lnch clear plno , JI.UO ; clear redwood , $425 ; lath , $100 1'ovrs Whlto cedar , ( i-lnch , ' 5s , 12c ; 0-Inch qrs , 12c ; xvnlto ccdai , I'J-lnch , ' } s , 10'ic ' ; t-lnch qrs lOHe : xxlilto teda" . 4-Inch loiind , lie ; split oak , Sc ; Tonnessco led ccd ir. split , 14c. IVIiHuullanootiH. Wooi , Kansas , Nebraska and Territory UnxMishcd : I'lne , axerage , U to Ijo ; choice. 15 to ICc ; medium , axcrage , IS to20c ; choice , 22 to 84oi quarter blood , ax era c 17 to 20c ; choice , 80to2Jc ; coarse , avoiage , 11 to Ida ; r-holce , 16 to 18' : ; colts and rough , axerage. 12 to 14c ; choice. 14 to He ; seedy or burry , choice , U to 14o ; black , choice , 15 to 17c : bucks and xery heaxy line , choice. 10 to 18o. Unwashed comb' Ing and delaine Pine delaine , ax eiage. 14 to 10o : choice , HI to 18e ; medium delaine , ax orage , 20 to 21c ; choice , 20 to 82c : intdlum combing , axerage , 20 to 21c ; choice , 20 to 82c ; quarter blood combing , axeragc' , 17 to I" " > e ; choice , IS to 20c ; eoarso combliu , ax orage , 11 to 17o ; choice. 17 to 18o ; bralo. axer.igc , IJ to I4c : chuijoo , H to Idc. Tub XMishcd Choice , ! S to UJc ; average , 85 to ' 'So , coarse 80 to 25o TAI.WIXV ANI > Our ASK Tallow No 1 , 4'54a ' o ; tallow No. 8 , .l34J' c ; greu e , xxhlto A. J'i ® .I'ic ; giease xxhlto II. .lUiWic ; grease , yellow , .lo ; grease , dark , 8 0 ; old buttci. . " ® J'c ; beeswax , prime , 20ffiJ5c ; rough tallow , I'/j ' ® I34e. Itovi s In Car Lots Only Dry bulTalo , per ton , $ HIOOI80J ; clr > counliv , bluached , per ton , f 1010 ® ! . ) 00 : drv countiv , damu and meaty , per too , $ S OOfclOnO These prices are for bones weighed and dcllxercd In C'hlcigo. hlii'i i' I'H.TS tireen salted , each , l5c < 8iM 81 ; green silted .slit , ir MIL'S ( slrort xtoolcd early skins ) No 1. cac h 5t&.uc ; diy slicarllngs ( shoit xtoolcd early skins ) No 1. e ich VtllOu ; dry shearlings ( short woolcd early hklns ) No 8 , ouch 1c ; dr > 'Hut ' Ivans is and Nebraska butcher xvool polls , per Ib actual weight , 10 ® 14c ; dry Hint Coloiaclo butcher wool polls nor Ib , actual xxelght , ldL"ic ; dry Hint Col- oiado mutrlan xxool pelts , jier Ib , actual xxelght. 8iRlOc ; dr > pieces und bucks , actual xvolght. "it'ie. ' Ilini-s Nn 1 tri > mi snltid littles. 5UCrL11f ( ) ! No 2 , 4't4'le ' ! ; No. 1 green s ilted hides , 2.1 to 40 Ibs , 5'jfc53ie ; No 2 , ® ' ; No 1 xoal calf , 8 to 11 His , fa'jo ' ; N'o . ' , ti'jc ' ; No I drv Hint hides , 7R7'ic ( ; No 2 , vaJ'.u ; No. 1 dry salted bides 5Co. GroocrloH. SIIOAII Grnnul ited. 5'Bc ' ; cubes , 5'5c ' ; cut loaf. SVe. powdered , standard , R'jc ; XXXX , powdeied , 7o ; yellow ( J , 4'4c ; canary , 41 o ; light oxtia I1 , 4'to ; confectioners' A , 5c. WooiitNXNAiit I'er do/eu Tubs , N'o 1 , $750 ; No 2 , $ d V ) ; N'o .1 , $110 ; kc eler , oak grain , 5 In , bc-st , $1.10 ; xxhlto cedar. 4 In. best , $125 ; pills , hoops , No. lstrlpocl$5X ( ) ; cciial , 1 brasshoops , No 1 , striped , f 1 10 ; horse , extra heaxy. No. 1 , $ J,71 ; xx ell buckets , * KL25 Iltitterwaro Tubs , ash , Jlnoh , poi nest , ; ash , 2 Inch , 2 lar/o sl/e , pel nest. 4" > c ; butter ladles , hard xxood , Too : butter padiilis or sp ides. TOc. Wash- boaids blnglc$1.40iil20D , double , $ . ' 50a.1. ] Clothespins 1 gross belies , fiDc. CohthH-Orecn-ltlo. 22'lo ; Jaxa , 87e ; Mo- olui , 2fe. Itoisted Arles i. $ J5 CO.Mcljaiighlln. ; XXXX , $5 fin ; lluiioln , $ J5iO ( ; Herman , 21' < jo ; Dllxxorth's , 2.'i'je ; l.lon , 121 dO ; Coidox la , JJ5dO ; Mocha. uOo ; O. (7 Java , 'J e. L'olTci * essence 'J gro boxes , Jl . .I ® I 50 : chicory , 7'iOSc. ' NUTH I'er pound Almonds , HK > llrarlls , IRe ; Illbo Is I.e. pecans , 1 ITul4o ; xxalnuts , llo ; peaiiutsrfancv xvhlte , fie ; roasted , 8c lluii.ii rittTiTs I'uiklsh prunes , less than liluls IbOO. fc'ie ' ; apples , oxaporated , new rliu , ehoki > . I4c ; apricots , diticj , In sacks , 2oc ; blackberries , new , he ; raspbenU's , 2J Ibs to box , -De ; currants , now. Ui Vntl//l eui rants , oxtia , In boxis , ( i54c ; peaches , Cat , choice , lie ; California dried grapes. In bags , do ; stidliss Suit mas , backs , Do ; muscatels bo ; now Valencia , 7'jo ; Unclura , lajer , 8'o ; figs , layers US''Oo. citron , Leghorn , 20c ; lemon peel , He OMX i s Quarts per doJl r > t ; pints , perdo/ , $ . ' 71 ; bulk , per gal. * I.4J Ullxcoll , < t pints , dor | n < r ( ! ! < < , SI loffwisu I AIIINAI i ill's Conns llarley , 4c ; farlnn , ko s , $5 00 ; split peas Pe ; green peas , 2c , o it- nieal , bids. $ lr > iKa.171 ; half bbls. * .I.1VB4V ) ; niacaronl , l.V , xermlcelll. l.'u ; sago and t.ipi- oe i. lidVi > ; Mum beans , 154e ; cc icallnc. $ l . ' 4 ; linked liomln ) , .to ; pearl hominy , $171 per binbU.T bU.T I ) tlry , 3M ) Ibs In bbls , biilK. } > 10 ; best grades , dl ) 5s J.MU ; best gi.idi > . 100 Js. $ JKI ; best grade. 84 Ida , $ . ' .4U , rock salt , eiiished , $ , ' 10 Oll.s 1',0 prime x lilte Do ; 110 water whlto ll'c ; headlight. l.V ; 74 gasolinetl'.r. . Ol cans 1 gal , } .l 00J Jo , 8 gal. UTD iDKl ; gal , $ I W81 00. 00.P. P. T , HUGHES , \\UO\hhAhK CASH COMX1IS3IO.V MKUCIIA.NT ) VW IVil Market I.treot , Denver lolnrailo Klkln III n ml \\e stern t reamery llutter Kvusaml Chuc-ic lUOUU A 1 ( inptj CVB cases , itltn tillers to luan to mr slilp | > ers and eitlii-r lo tutlllut tlx u eases and up MHp | > i | , , i frUt | | , liood tlioiiOlutter | In duninnd durliiK Mny Itetllablu for < | untatlolis on tie- in lend SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO , LIMITED LIVE STOOK COMMISSION. A. D. Boyer & Co M-W Kxrhanga llulldln. , bouth Ouiahx S. J. Oofiinan , Smiley Hunter & Grwn , , , 30 i : chiinio llullcllnz Ilulldlni ; bauth Umaba. fc'outh OIUUUB. OMAHA will wo a DIRECTORY. BICYCLES. A. II , Pcrrigo&Oo. M , 0 , Daxon , All Makes All Prices All i Sold on Monthly Parts Payments reot. 1 S 'i' namSt , Onnlis , BOOK BINDERS & STATIONERS Omaha Republican Printing Co. , Law briefs , bank supplies ami CTcrthliiK In ttio printing Unit 10th ami Douglas streets Ackormann Bros. & Heintzo , Printer' , blmtcrs , clectrotrpers , blank book manu facturers , lllflllowurl street , Onmliv BOOTS AND SHOES. Charles A , Ooo & Oo. , j KirkeuiallJon ) , < H&Oo Mnnufactiirors nnU jobbers - \\tiolesala Manufacture bors AientB for lloston Hub- llOailownnliitrcct. lerMieoCo HOi 1104 , _ neM10u llarneyJit William ? , Van Aor- "W , V.Morse & 0o.7 nam k Harte , Phooliertory Cornerlltb 1212 llnrnnj utrout , nnd Doiiklnt sis Oma ha Merchants Invited Omatia Neb tocill and BOXES. I BUTCHERS. John L. Wilkw , Louis Holier , Oninliiipniier box factory Hiitehc'M' nnd Picker'1 1117-1111 DuuHi lo M t qupplle * Hoof , Orders promptly tlllol h"ir x ulu-ep emlnin lllti-1118 Inrkinn > < t COAL , COKE , ETC. DBY GOODS. M. E. Smith & Oo , , Kilpatriok-Kooh Dry Drj Roods , furnishing Goods Oo , , nottuui Dry Kooels , notions , ifonts furnishing uuo'l' Cor llth And Howard Corner llth und Hnrncy BLEOTBIOAL SUPPLIES. Wolf Electrical Oo. lllustrutc-il Catalo uo frco ICH Cupltol Avcnuo. FABM MAOHINEBY , ETC FLOUR. Broken Bow Keller E. T. Davis Mill Co. , Milling Co , . C , O Underwood , Onion and ware-house , Mnnnjrcr nt Onnho. 1UIJ M loth struct Cor 8th and Jackson stj. S. F. Oilman , Omaha Milling Co , , 1014 N. IGth stre3t Merchant Mlllorn , Olllconnd Mill 1 > I3 Ninth C. 1C. Illnck - MunaKOr llth btrcet. FURNITURE AND CARPETS. Dewey & Stone Furniture - Ohas , Shivoriok & Oo. nituro Oo. , t urnlturo and Carpets urnlturo and carpets , 1115-1119 tarmrn street , IW.-ISIO hnrnntu Bt. Boobo & Euuyan Fur niture Go. BuccosBOrs to C.A , Ilccbo A Co aracnnnel Hlh Hts GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Echneidor & Loomis , J. T. Robinson Notion Oo. , Jobbers and Importers of ' Rents' furnishing poods notions and furnishing m f g oeloliratuel brand goods , 1 lluikskln ' ov or nils , pants shirts coats eta. 1111 llnnrard street Cor Kill umt llow-ud U GLASS , PAINT , OIL AND DRUGS. GROCERIES. Paxton & Qallaghar , Meyer & Eaapko , 7W-71I H 10th utreot , 14IXI-1IIU llurne-ratroot , Omaha , Neb Omaha , Xcb D. M. Stcele & Oo. , Sloan , Johnson & Oo. U-Ol-l-W Jones streak ftu und -ivouwortU streets Umaha , Neb Omaha Neb , Allou Bros , , McOord , Brady & Oo , ( 1114 Darner street , ISthand Ix arcnworth , Omaha , Neb Omaha , Ketiraska GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Oookrell Bros. ' Ilrcjkcr * I'rlviito nlros to .Now Vork , ehluiifo \ Mt. l.ouls bpt-clal tttti-n- lloiiklx n to track tilds uugrain. GUN 1JOWDER. Eees Printing Oo. l.ttlmeraphlne , 1'rlntlni nnd Illnnk llociki llth nnd HowardSts R. R. Grotto , iPrank Dullono & Co. , Liquors and 10VO und lies tarn-mi St. xnda Price lists on application lIOo Douitlas Mioet. L. Kirscht & Co. , Frick & Herberta \ \ holes ilc . I.lquor Healers xx liolesalc l.tquorlU alert 1001 * arn im Street W4 SMS LUMBER. Charles R. Lee , Wyntt-BullarJ Lumber Ilardnond lumber , wood carpt ( N and parquet ber Oo. flooring Pth and IKiUKlai Mil ] anil Iisrd Strcoti , Cady & Gray , Louis Bradford , l.lme cement , etc , etc Lumber , lime ccment , ti cor , 1th and Douulai f.'J IouijlUK ) Btrcct. MILLINERY AND NOTIONS. 0. A. Stonehill , I. Oberfelder & Oo , , Millinery , Notion ? Importers and lobbers la Cloiki , Kto Millinery KW,3IUand U South llt& 11C-118S 1 . - h St. , Omaha rtrect MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS , ETO ' Max Mayer &Bro. Oo , A. Hospo , Jr. , M'f'R Jeweler * , rtealeri In 'lano musical Instruments , , Ornani , ArtlstV etc , Mntcrlnls , Kto , Farnam and 16th 1511 DoiiKlai street. CEMENT AND J > J , Johnson & Oo , , S18S 13th strait , Omaha , Xotx OILS. I OYSTERS. Consolidated Tank A , Booth Packing Oo. ( Line Oo. Osturi > , ib nnd cunn < 3 Ilcflncil nnct lubricating KOOd9 odn , nxlu grc-iua , ate A II llhhop , Manaiior 1103 LoaTenworlh. HABDWABB. Eeotor&WilbelmyOo LeelarkAndrecsoa Hardware Oo. 'J Cor 10th and Jackson s , 1103-lltO Harnoy f\.twt \ , r Omaha. Om ilia Nub X PBODUOB , COMMISSION. RUBBER GOODS. Bra Omaha Rubber Oo. , Mnnnfivcturlne un 1 Job * bera all kinds rubber Kooilt 1003 Knrnain stroat SBBD3. Eniorson BJO I 0 } , , Seed growers , deilort In liardfln Krui , urilnaail Ir.xi sea 11 , ( 'I ( JIHoilth 1'Hll SASH , DOOBS , BLINDS , BTO. M , A. Disbrow tfe Oo. , BD'JT Saih & Door Oo. Manufartiircrs of sash XIunufacturors of mo ilil- doors , blinds und IIIIM , bllnli , dojr ) , Mouldings llmndiof- Olti tki , IMi And I < url > t < Hth and CHrk streets. SYRUPS. STOVES. TEA , OOPPEB , SPICES , CIGARa Consolidated Ooffeb Company , 1414 and 141(1 ( Ilarnor It OmuliAs .Nob STEAM AND WATER SUPPLIES U. S. Wind Engine & A. L. Btrang & Sons , Pump Oo. , llallldar windmills pi ) HW.-IOOI Furnum street , and VII Joneti st ( ! V ) ( ( ) , actliu manniior. Omaha , IseU TOYd. BILLIARDS. . > v ' ' H. Hardy & Oo. , The Brunswick-Balks fifo , dolls , nlbuins.fanoir Cqllemler Oo. lioods , house f urnlsblnv Illlllard uierchuudlstt , goods , clillUrou'i carriage " Hnloon Bilurofc loth trust , riage * .