TJTB OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATtTHDAJlT. MAY 10. 1S91 TWRLVE PAGE- POOLED ON OMAHA TERMINALS Ono Bridge Site for the Rook Island and Milwaukee. BIG DEAL IN SOUTH OMAHA PROPERTY The Companion Will Ilullil or Utiy a IM IHoUliiHim at Ills Desk AKuIn Other News. The location of the bridge across the Mh fiourl , to bo built nnd used jointly by the Hock tslnnd nnd Chicago , Milwaukee & St. I'aul roads , has been decided upon. The bridge u til bo built about on the boundary line between Omaha and South Omaha. About n year ago tbo Iloclc Island , through nn nirent named Phelps , purchased from Henry T Clarke nnd others land for depot grounds and tracks , extending from Albright to the river , nt a cost of JJOO.iXX ) YoMcrduy the fjock Island deeded to the Milwaukee road a half Interest In this land for a consideration of JlfO.OOO Nothing will bo done In the direction of building a bridge until tno case of the Hock Island ngninst the Union Pacific Is decided In the United State ; * court , but It Is probable that the construction will bo commenced soon after that case Is ended , \\hlcho\or way It goes , as a bridge will render these loads en tirely independent of the Union Pacific and IU pccuilat system of contracts DIckliiHon on Deck. Assistant General Manager H Dickinson of the Union Paclllu arrived In this city yesterday morning nnd within ton minutes bo was seated in his old place In the general oftlco and handling matters brougbt to his attention as though ho hud not been absent a day. His arrival was balled with delight and lllto xvlldtlre the word How from mouth to mouth "IM has come " "Ktl , " as Mr. Dick inson is familiarly called , Is n great favorlto with nil the oinplojcs , In the ofllces and on the load , nnd all vtoro glad to know that ho was once more at the bead of the operating Oonartmnnt The llrst thing which occupied Mr Dickln- non's attention was the icquest pioforrud by the committco from tbo Port Worth division of the Union Pacific for an incieaso in pay for the brukcmcn and conductors on the roil runs on thnt division and nn allowance for nil overtime over twelve hours The request was also coupled with other matters of much greater importance to the company than tno few dollars Involved In the granting of tbo Increase asked. The committee Is still bore , nnd superintendent Duncan of the Port Worth division was sent for and arrived this morning. A eonsiiltntinn was held this morning In which Messrs Clarke Dickinson nnd Dun can and the committco took part and the mutters f resented by the committco were gene over at length Mr W II Ilolcomb was nt the ofllco this morning closing up matteis connected with the road with Air Clarke and loft at 10 o'clock. Ho declined to state his future plans. Tourist Unto. "Tho pcoplo out In Colorado want the earth , " remarked a railroad ofllclnl In a tone of disgust as ho read the dis patch from Denver stating that the residents of that state had requested a radical reduc tion In tourist rates to Colorado common points. "Tho tourist rate between Omaha nnd any point In Colorado Is $2'J , which Is ono dollar loss than the rate last year , " ho continued. 'this is a reduction of 20 per cent from the regular rote. It Is made , as nil tourist latos are made , by taking bO per cent of the icgulnr local round trip rate ever the shortest lino. "What the Colorado people want Is a round trip rate of fii or $ jr > 0 between Omaha nnd points In Colorado. What a plc- nlo that would bo for the scalpers ! With a regular milwav rate of $13 15 and n round trip rate of fJO , wouldn't thov have every thing their own way I Well , I should Binilot" Sir. Tjeotls1 Prospects. A rumor Is ilo-itlng about In this vicinity to the effect that the lines In the Western Tranic association which insisted on the dis charge of Trnfllc Manager Leeds of the Mis souri Pacific will ask for his reinstatement , but no credence Is Riven the report. It Is known that Mr. Leeds has received on offer from the Merchants' bureau of St , Louis of the position of commissioner of the v bureau nt n salary of $12.000. Ho has the N * under consideration. Now 'I line Curd. A now tlmo card will bo put In effect on tbo Chicago , St. I'nul , Minneapolis fc. Oumlm road on Sunday noxt. The only clmnco will JMJ In tbo St. Paul llmltod , which will leave Omaha at Iil.r : > 11 m. instead of 0 p in. ns at iirosoiit , The train will leuch South IJlalr at fliliO p.m. instead of CufiO. Kxcopt on Sundays the train will not stop between IJlalr and Oiunbn. Wo find St , Patrick's Pills to bo very extra and to ( 'lvo splondld satisfaction. Tboy nro now about tbo only kind tailed for. W A Wallace , Oasis , la. Tor sao ! dy ditrggists , I'pns'ims Orantcd Westerners. WASHINGTON- , May ID. fSpecUl Teloeran : to THE HKK.J Nooraska : Oiklnnl Uen Joiuln W. Powers , James L. .Tones , Wilson IZ. Poor , Chilstophor Miller , John D. Hall John Lnrkln , Henry N. Merrill , Ulmor J Morse , Vun Huron Louis , Lcvl Pago. Slmoi BovNdcrs , John S. New berry , Edirnr F Teolo , Joseph Alonzo Ih'tchlnson , Solon L , Lossoy. Incronso JohnV McCrackcn Charlus W. Wilson , Wellington Pottori Tronklln S. Alnsuorth , John M. i'.irr , Joshua i'rl/zoll , IJobeit M M\crs , SothW Pearson. Uolsstio Jmnos Ai. IJovnll Oriif' Innl widows , etc. Sarjh , widow of Wllllan : Drown. Mexican sutvlvor Augustus C , Biivls low.c Oilglnnl ninuo L. Delano ( navy ) AIouzo A. Jonks , Liudloy M. Tuck , Charles U. Knott , SothT. Camp , John A. Bunker , Anthony Mowecr , Unniel Dontu right , Thornton Coloman. Herbert B. Brown iJobort C ! MclnUro , Robert J. Hlne , Xach nry T Huston , U'llbort Pooto , Albert Wor > ester , Daniel M Greenwood , Chnrlos Pey ton , Alex Moutuoincrv , Homer A. bhncklott , John Inman , Siiniuol W.ilker. Dinlot II. Walker , Jesse Mavitv , Wnlter II Morton John S Miles , Joseph Moore , I'otur Uockon --4lorf , .Iphn M. I'hllders , Sylvester M , Koster , Joppo Dlerrlng , U'illlnin U , Clmniu. Additional ( imvv ) Warrci M. Kcod , Thonuis II Po.ibodv. Ues totatlon and IncioaiO U.uld Way Itu'reasod ( nnvy-JoUn ) T U.ivls. Mlcb.if McDonald , Ilyinan M. llow.ird , Jnines W I C.utnr , Thomas u. Cliirn , Jacob Ulder , Uobert IJ. Hockv.oll , Kllas G. Moore , Jo enli H. Dnpnnl , Lucloti Partlclt , William A inu , uu uim 1J.IV1 < * lieiSSUU OIlll Ij. Holinen. Milt's M Miller , Phillip Stein. Ho- issue ntut Increase William . Adnmson , \Vllllitiii Wilson. ' bouth Dakota : Original Simuol J. Jono , JolMi Isonhart , Bennett Orslwrn , Uconro N. Mason , Ornn H Amy , Frederick Uicilatut. OrlKlnnlidos IJos.i Lidow of GeorKQ It. Kussell. Thpy Out It of ( JlmlohJlml I say , Jim ! Youp-comln' , mam ; hat's cr matterl Why baby 1ms got the cello ; nm down to drug store and get u bottle of Halter's pain par.dyzer ; quick , now , WoHt4 < rn Union Colonel It. C. Clowry , vloo-projldout nnd ge-ienil manngur ; M C. Bristol , general bUtxTintcmlont of construction , C. II. Summers - r mers , olortriclnii of the central division of the Western Union telegraph company , ae- companion by Thomas Kcltcrt , Jr. , arrived In thu city last evening over the Missouri Pa- clllo In tholr special car , "Electric. " The party Is on a tour of insiiectioii to the coast and will remain In the city until Monday before - fore departing for the ucs Dr. Blrnoy euros catarrn. Boo bldff. Another Sneak Unuultt. Geonro Scott was arrested lost night by OnlcorCusIck and charged with larceny. Yesterday Scott \\eut into AI Johnson's saloon at the corner of Twonty-fourth nnd Lalto street * , and after sporjB'ng a drink , went to the rear of the saloon ivhcro u ward * robe was standing. Scott opened the ward robe and stele a suit of clothes nnd two over coats. The matter was reported to the pollco along with a description of "Scotty. " A do- ectlva recovered the stolen goods from a enth street pawn shop and later Ofilcor uslck met Scott nt the corner of Thirteenth nnd Jones street and took him In charge. Small In size , eroat tn results ! DoWItt' kittle Earlv Hlion. Best pill for Constlpa .Jon , best for SlcK Headache , bast for Sour stomach , OFFICt.lI , 8TA.TEJ1RXTH , What Authorities Hay or tlio Strnmlctl Insurance Coinpiny. LINCOI V , Nob. , May 15. fSpoclal to THE BHK.J Tno failure of the Nebraska insurance company of Omaha , with Vlco President G. W. Madilon's criticisms of Auditor Bcnton , stirred fjulto a ripple of Interest bore In insurance - suranco nnd ofllclal circles. The auditor was n consultation with 'Attorney General Hast- tigs when a DPI : rcprosontativo cnllod , and at tirst bo asked to bo excused from ni iking a statement because ho had no Ucslro to rush nto print to defend his ofllclal actions. "It Is not neccssarv that t should make any statement for publication I only acted in the line of my duty to protect the Interests of the policy holdon , and followed the laxv In m cry particular. Mr Madden , acting on the lartlal report of an examiner sent by th's ' department to invojtigito the nffulM of his comp.inv , asked to have a receiver ap pointed. " When pressed for the facts In the cose for the benollt of the public ana particularly the policy holders of the defunct compiny , Au ditor Bcnton gracefully yielded the desired Information or at least so much of It OA his council thought proper to glvo up at this staga of the proceedings. 'Tho Nebraska insurance company chunpod ownership April 13. Previous to that date h It Johnson was president , L B. Williams was vlco piosldont , and M. J. Burns was secretary. Tlioso gentlemen are wealth v residents of Omaha , and Interested with them were other rich stockholders. Any statement they nmv make Is entitled to confidence , and ttioy are good for almost any financial obligation they nm llnblo to Incur. "Hero Is the nnnual report of the company for the year ending December 31 , IS'JO , made to the Insurance department of the state The assets , jou will notice , were $193,991 ti'J. The liabilities , exclusive of the capital stock , weroSTIjIUl t > l , and with the capital stock Included , $17"T.t.M ( VI , leaving a surplus of Jil.WI tfj. The capital stock was JlOO.OOU , one-half of which had been paid In in cash , and the other half was lepresentcd bv f. > U,0 < X ) in well secured notes given by the stockholders ns provided by law. The report was regular in n't tespects , and from these llguros it will bo scon that the capital stock was not Impaired. "A short time uftor the change In owner ship on Apt 1113 , reports about this company reached mo that made It my plain UiiU to In- \ estlgato its affairs , and I proceeded to do so. An expert examiner uns put to work on the books and found grave irregularities. For instance , on the day bofora tbo change the company had $33,000 cash In bank subject to check Tdoro were also on hand tbo J.V1.000 of stock notes signed by the old stockholders nnd backed by approved security. The day after the change the M. > ,000 in the bank to HID credit of the company had disappeared , nud the concern bed less than $200 In cash on hand. The 100,000 of stock notes , signed by men of means amply good for the amount had also disappeared. In their place were now notes for only $111,000 , and us to their value I will not say nt present. " The auditor was asked If the old stock holders had been allowed in the deal to tnko back their sto'-k notes and retain the $ . ) > ,000 in bank , but he declined to answer the ques tion ut present. Hcsutning the thread of his statement , ho sali < : "After ttio examination had progressed far enough to glvo nn Idea of tno standing of the company I went to Omnlm and called on the officers of the company in person. J notified them thnt tholr capital was impaired and that it was necessary under the laws to make it good ut onto. The company failed to make up the Impairment , and I communi cated that fact to Attorney General Hastings. Ho Immediately fook the matter up and no companlcd mo to Omaha. Wo called In the olllco of the coinpany yesterday morning , explained - plained tbe law on the subject and our dutlos under it. > Wo adjourned at noon with the understanding that tbo meeting would bo resumed nt i ! o'clock. Dur ing that Interim Mr. Madden appllcc for the appointment of a receiver , thus waiving the service of notice which tin attorney general would have had to give nlm Hero is usamploof Mr. Maddnn's statements , according to his Intotview in THE Bhh : Ho speaks of the company's 'deposits in Lincoln nnd of ' $100,000 of securities on deposit. Under the Nebraska laws no deposit with the insurance department is required. I have no doslro to cuter Into a newspaper controversy over this matter , and am only concerned in following the law and doing mj best to pro tect the policy holders. " The nnnual statement of the company for 1SUO on tile in the auditor's ollicc shows the following facts : The net cash received from premiums dur Ing the jcnr was $ TiUS09.Ul ; from interest oa notes , commUston earnings , etc , ? I,15T.14 , making the total Income , ffiJ/.W.OI The ex penditures woic. Tor losses , $ J,2.M.O'j ! ) com missions , fV.U7.biJ ; salaries , fees and nil oilier charges of ofllcors , clerks , agents anil all other employes , SlO.bTJ Ul ; taxes , $ H 1 .UU : all other expenses ( alveitlslng , stationery telegrams , postage , special agents , etc. ) , $ U ! , r > 'Hi.bO ; total expenses , fiiJ.WU.y. . Kisks in force December Jl , 1SSU..812,091,117 Wiitton during Ib90 aJ70,390 Total $ ir.,9oii ; ] : Hlsks toiminatcd 4UtlU-IU In force December 10 , 1S90 ? llm,4t ; > Uninsured llis/JtJ Not amount In force Decem ber 31 , 16'JO $11,202,500 The assets nn December 'il , 1S90 , were figured ntU3,091.i.l ! ; ; the liabilities at ? 175 , : Ul.t ) , leaving n surplus of S-J.i.UU'J ' 1) ) ' . . The assets weio Mortgages , with interest $0.010 15 , chattel loins and Judgments , $11 , iUU.irJ , Interest due , $ dll& 00 , gross piemlums In course of collection , $13bn 50 ; notes foi premiums , not duo , J4I(1793J ( : notes pas duof fl- > 3l H , cash , $ . | 7IJ97 ! ) ; all othei propel ty , $0,003.b7j stockholders' notes , $50 , The liabilities were : Unpaid losses , fOi > 75 reinsurance (40 ( per cent of gross premium on unoxplrod risks ) , ? iH,2lV > S ; duo for salaries , etc. , $ * OI ( Ml , cap.tal stock , ? 100OOJ Since its organization the compniv hat' received for premiums , ? . ) 11,200.0 ! ) , and hntt paid losses to the amount of $170,13701 No dividend was ever declared. Tlio President's Statement. President Ummingor of the Nebraska In surancu compainestorday said"I won to Inform the puullo tluit Auditor Bontoi has always dealt fairly with the Nobrask. company. "Vlco President Madden labors under a misapprehension. It is true that M M White , Benton's export examiner , had bcci working upon the books for twelve days , hu bis snrvkos uoulil have boon worth moro than $10 per day to any Insurance company "Kcgurding the liabilities , 1 cannot sii\ what they will amount to , though they are much moro than stated by Mr. Madden. The assets are not as claimed by Mr. Madden but ut thta time It is Impossible for mo to gho anything llko a correct report of thol -c-ondittiHi. "I cannot blame the auditor , as I know that ho had nothing to do w 1th forcing us to the wall. "Mr. Muddon talks too much , when yoi take Into consideration the fact that ho knew but llttlo about the management of the com nany. Ho bought his stock , remained in DCS Molnos lost hU money , and now , I suppose ho tools soro. "Tho affair * of the company are in bai shape , and in u few days 1 will bo ublo to sa\ moro about the failure. " DcWitt's Llttlo Earlv HUeNfortho Liver. Tlio I'nxtnn Hotel Flro Did not ofToct thu liotol proper In nn' wityso us to intorfoTO with tlio oponitloi oJ the house. Only the iinnox was tliun ntjoU nnd guests hiivo boon cared fo without the Interruption of n slnglodiiy SOUTH OMAHA'S ' NEW HOPES. 'ackingtown to HOTO Two Mora Important Direct Railroad Connections. SIGNIFICANCE OF YESTERDAY'S ' DEAL. Ilock Island nnd Mllwiukco Itonds Will Kilter ( lie City from Hast Omnlm Other Magta City News. Railroad circles arc all agog over the grant- ng by the Chicago , Hock Island & 1'aclllc ralhond company to the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway company of n right-of- way over tbo Hock Island right-of-way through the southern part of this city nnd northern part of Snrpy county. The grant by the Hock Island company , together with grants by Individuals for right-of-way pur- loses Is valued at above $100,000. Nothing definite can jot bo learned about the matter , but a gentleman closely con nected with the Hock Island road admitted of negotiations of some kind that would not bo clo'cd for a tlmo yet , but was nou-com- initial as to anything further. A gentleman , thoroughly familiar with railroad , transportation and stockyards busi ness , gnvo It as n plausible theory that the Chicago , Hock Island & Pacific nnd the Chicago cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad com panies had closed n contract w Ith the Hast Dmahaland sjndlcato company for bridge sei vice ever the now combination railroad , street car and wagon brldeo being con structed by the syndicate company. As the sjndicat" has ample funds nnd is backed by the Droxols of Philadelphia and other wealthy eastern capitalists , and will have Just such a bridge as these two roads want , with excellent terminals and direct routes and easy grades through this city to the Hock Island Hacks at Albright , ho thought it probable that this Is the secret of tbo late move. The roads crossing the river nt East Omaha , wlthovcrv convenience on both sides of the river , could construct a raid bed through the Fort Omaha crounds and passing south through the western part of the city would have nn easy grade and an inexpensive route to South Omalui coming , in just west of the Cudahy nnd Omaha packintr houses , making direct connections with the Union stockyards , and passing youth just west of tbo packing houses of Swift ft Co , could connocl with the now Hock Island extension at Albright. This would pivc much better terminal facilities than the Union Pacific could possibly fur nish , would gUo inn pie grounds at certainly loss cost than could beseemed at any other point In the city , would put the roads directly in the heart of Omaha , and give them un- surpsased facilities for reaching this point. Conceding that It is only n theory. It Is at least much more plausible than to think the roads would pass by Omaha by building a bridge at the Sarpy county line , to sav noth ing of going to the expense of building n Bridge. Manager W N. Babcock of the Union stockyards thought It a very Important mat ter. "It undoubtedly moans , " said ho , "that these railroads will reach this market. And It means much moro for us. If the companies cross nt Hast Omaha , they will have the very beat terminal facilities and ' running their'truins through to this side will practically do nwoy with the transfer delay that has been nnd is such a nuisance nnd such a hindrance to this market. Moro than that , with proper shipping facilities , the whole of western Iowa , extending fiom ono hundred and llfty to two hundred miles , will bo opened up to our jobbing trade. It would not then require twenty-four hours to deliver ( roods to w estcrn Iowa , as has been the case much of the tlmo of late , practically cutting Omaha jobbers and the packing house job bing trade from all that territory. " Council Proceed The city council met Thursday night to act on nnd granted sixty-live liquor licenses. The following persons were granted1 licenses : Christ & Lowry , Thomas Honlv , Henry Mar- tlr , Martin Tigho , Henry Mfes. George W. Bull , James Mnngnoll. Hill & Dofozal.Georgo Hofnel. M. J. Franlc , r. J. Hggcr , James Cal- luhan"McNco & Tonncsy , Dennis Qulnn , J. P. Thompson , Voclnr Pivouka , Bernard Krebs , Ftanlc Bohner , William Livingston , Prank Humport. Bowloy & Co . John Frey , Edward Burke. Augusta Honuso , William F. Hnwor , Gotleib Zan- ter , Thomas W. Gillosplo , * Howard J. Hobb nhd Charles Moore , Thomas O'Con nor , Alfred Burch , Michael P. O'Connor , Michael Flaherty , Conrad Hoynlch , Stock Yards company , Joseph Kunzcl , B. Jette , N. Burke , Smith it Glynn , M. Woolstoin & Co. , Crawford Brothers , August Solddor , Balthas Jcttcr , Edward Zimmerman , Lundron & Carlson , John Bagloy , Thomas Board , Fred Howloy , Lundgrcn & Carlson , Janncscheit Brothers , George J. Seltzer , James II. Fiem- ing , Batbman & Anderson , Herman Zeller , Buchman & Anderson , Frank Petcko.Antouo Belovek , Setter & Graves , Edward Soykora & Co. , Augustln Ilaaga , Bernard Ilium , Thomas W. Fleming , Kenny & Hairlugtoti , John Doughotty. William S. Cook was granted a permit to do plumbing for himself. The following resolutions , offered by Coun oilman Haley , were adopted : In consideration of the courtesy extended to the inn ) or and council of South Omaha by the mayor nnd city council of Omaha , on the occasion of President Harrison's visit to Omulm , bo it hereby Hesolvcd , That wo , the city council of bouth Omaha , return our thanks to saia major and city council for courtesies ex tended , and assure the mayor nnd council of Omaha that should an opportunity over pre sent Itself we would gladly reciprocate. Be It furtner He&olved , That a copy of these resolution bo forwarded to the mayor and council ol Omaha Mc-or Sloano appointed members of the boird of registration to till vac inclcs. The board will moot Friday mid Saturday , the iiJd and aid , and Saturday the UOth. The n w board is as follows : First Wnid First precinct , K A. Carpen ter , Judge J. Levy and T. IJ. Hatchor ; Second end precinct , Michael P Connors , Charles L. Porter and Thomas Go iry , Third precinct , Ell II Doud , Hugh Caipcnter and Michael P. O'Doniioll. Second \Vnid First precinct , Joseph Voley , Edward Murray ami William S An derson ; Second precinct , Jeremiah Kain Henry Michols and J. S. Vosburg ; Thin piccinct , James Callahan , Philip Monroe am ilerman Swanbnck. Third Ward First precinct , Patrick Tratnor , Charles ICanfhold nml Joseph Duffy Second product , Thomas Dow Hug , Patrick H\nn and Hunrv DIUen. Fouith Wnnl-D H. Scott , J. W. Kelly and Charles Cummlngs Notes Aliout tlio City. H. L Hobson of Auburn Is visiting Hey C Hall. Hall.Charles Charles T. Van Akcn has returned from Hlllsdale , Mich Mrs. C W Milter will go to Sioux City to make a visit with friends V. J. Hose of Lincoln Is in the city arrang Ing to orgatilzn a citizens' ' all Ian co. Miss Joiinlo McAnneny of Council Bluffs Is the guest of Miss Jonnia Graham. Mrs A. J Cauehoy and son Grant have gene to Atlantic , la , to visit friends. A marrheo license has been gritod to Charles Cook una Tony Straka , both of this city. city.Tho The South Omaha ball club will go to Council Bluffs Sundaj to play tno MoJsls o that city Dr. M. ICirkpatrlck , who has been In Lin coln attending the meeting of the state mod leal society , has returned , Josep Teahon , traveling passenger aient o the Wnbush road , was in the city looking after delegates to the Cincinnati conference Judge Broon lined Michael Fanning.Bant costs for stealing straps from Peter Collier , and In default or uaynwnt committed him to Jail. Mathew Miller has boon granted n permit by Building Inspector Bayless to build n ? ii < > 0 cottage on Nineteenth street , between J am 1C sticuU. W. H , McCroary yesterday , In tbo horse racu for f. * > 0 , beat A. Beatham on George Burko's horse from the railroad tracks at tbo crossing to the Exchange , A son has been born uuto M * . and Mrs Fred Nelson , TwentAllRhth nnd .1 streets , andn daughter unto Mr and Mrs. J , Jacob- en , Twentieth nnd IvAtfcots. F. A. Lymnn , night manager of the Atnoil- can district telegraph ufllcc , has resigned to go to Dunlap , la. Tbo vacancy has boon UloJ by the uppolntuiuut of B. H. Hnwloy. A party of Alpha loAgp , Daughter * of Ho okah , attended the reception given by Huth edge No. 1 of Omahai'Dntightors of Hcbckah , nnd report n very cordial reception and a ilcasaut tlmo. I The peanut social aanouncod for next Man- , day evening by the Christian Kndenvor so ciety of the First Christian church has boon > ostponcd till next Friday evening In the Swedish Baptist chnrch , Twenty-second street , between J and K streets. Geonro Marples , the go n or ft 1 salesman for the Cudahy packing company , has boon sent on n combination pleasure and business trip of three months to Europe to represent the lacking company. V. .1. Gorman will 1111 the otnco duties of Mr. Marplos during his ab sence. Gcorgo \ . Jones , local agent for the Street stable car company , who has boon up to the Black Hills of Dakota nnd the neighboring grazing country , has ruturnod nnd reports good prospect for largo shipments of range cattle. The range cnttlo will not bo In condi tion to market till late In Juno or July. Mamma ( to horllttlo boy ) Now , Bennlo , .f , vou 'It bo good and go to sleep , mamma'11 ; lvo you ono of Dr. Ayer's nlco sugar-coated Cathartic Wlls next tlmo jou need modi-cine. Bcnnlc , smiling sweetly , dropped off to sleep nt once. MAYOR CUSIIING'S VKTO. Ho Applies It liberally to Various Con neil inn n lu Actions. There were llftcon members nt the meet- ting of the clt v council last night , and amoug other things , they made Major Dennis , the plumbing Inspector , bappv. The committee appointed to itnestlgato the chaigos preferred against the gentleman re ported that Dennis Fltzpatrick failed to make a case , that the prosecution was malicious and vindictive. The report was adopted and the following good things said about the old than la a resolution penned by Morearty : "Tho gratitude of the citizens of this city nnd the thanks , of their representatives in the city council nro likewise duo and arc" hereby tcndoicd Major Dennis for the faithful dis charge of his duty In carrjing out the pro- \ Islons of the ordinances as pertaining to the affairs of his otllco. " Major Cushlng returned without his ap proval the resolution providing for the con struction of a btldgo ever the creel : on La- foyetto avenue , to raise the present bridge on Nicholas street ; to construct a wooden culvert across Forty-sixth and I/ard streets , all at an expense of $1.000 , also to construct a drain plpo on Fortj-third sticot. Ills reason was that the contract should bo lot to the lowest bidder instead of the work being done bj instructions of the board of public works. The veto was sustained. The cess-pool ordinance was also vetoed. The mavor said that the ordinance should not have been passed until the onico of sani tary cotntnisssioner , as cieated by ordinance , had been abolished. Ho thought that with the ofllco of sanitary commissioner in exist ence that man would bo able to exact any fees that ho might sco flt to levy. The mayor favored the ordinance , but wanted the office of sanitary commissioner abolished be fore it became a law. This veto was sustained. A veto was sent in on the ordinance pro viding for the grading of Dorcas from Second to Tenth street. The mayor had doubts about tlio street having been legally opened. President Lowry took exception to the veto. Ho regarded it a personal thrust nt him. A lengthy discussion follow od and the veto was rejected. i An otdlnnnco granting William Coburn the tight to remote a frame building was vetoed. The icnson given was that such permission would bo nn exception to the pro visions of the lira limit ordinance. The veto was sustained. The mayor also yotood the ordinance pro viding for repealing "cjiaptorGS of Cornwall's ' compiled ordinances , entitled city physician. " Mho mayor said the chapter sought'to bo re pealed is IS and not bS , asbS relates to the duties of sttcct commissioner and not to that of city physician. A raft of routine- business was transacted. Among resolutions introduced and passed was ono asking the clearing house to nrrango to report weekly the full volume of business done by banks in Omaha and South Omaha. DoWltt's Llttlo Early Hlsers. Best llttlo pill ever mado. Cure constipation every time. None equal. Use them now. l' .IlSO AJL. J'A It A Gil A I'llS. J. S. Unto of Craig U at the Dellono. Thomas Trump of Lincoln Is at tbo Dellono. M. L. Elscmoro of Hustings U at the Mil- lard. J. S. Spaarman of bprlnglleld is at the Paxton. S. J. Yoongron of Broken Bow Is at the Pnxton. Hon. J. L. Caldwell of Lincoln Is at the Mlllard. George Wheolar of Fremont Is a guest at the Dcllouo. Watson Pickerel and wlfo of Beatrice are at the Murray. J. T. Miller and wife of Holdrego are guests nt the Murray. L. L. Beveridgo , manager of the Auburn ( Nob. ) Post , is in the city on business. M. J. Lumbard a leading merchant of Hastings was in Omaha justerdaj and made TIIK fin' ofllco n friendly call. 1. W. Turner nnd wlfo of NoiV York city nro visiting Mr. Tumor's sister , Mrs. J. E. Preston , at IOJ South Tw enty-liftb avenue. B. G. Bnrratt of Ottawa , 111. , was In the city jestcrdnv , called to the deathbed of his mother , Mis. Permolln ilnrratt , who died in this city Thursday. Mr. BairattoUcrdny accompanied the remains to Earl , 111.hero interment will bo made. DoWltt's Little Early Hisors ; only pill to euro sick headache and regulate the bowels TIIHV WUllE .NOT MATHS. , Joe Klo/n Settles Kumlly Troubles l > y Suicide. Joe ICloza , a Bohemian laborer living near the corner of Twenty-sixth nnd South Locust streets , went homo from worts yester day afternoon nnd after washing his hands and face sat down in n rocking chair mid shot himself , Tno weapon used was a 41-callbro revolver of the English bull dos type. The muzzle was placed directly over the heart nnd the heav\ bullet turo a large hole through the ni'in's clothing nnd llesh It is claimed that the jitlnclpnl cuuse of the man taking his lifo wiW on account of domestic - tic troubles There had been frequent family jars Kloza was an educated man , but his wife belonged to the lower classes , and they have no\er cotton nlonireil loL'etner. Deceased loaxes a widow anil one child The coroner was notlUod and after viewing the body bud the ronutlus rcmo\ed to I leafy kL He.ifj's morgue. An inquest will bo held by Coroner Ilarrl- gan at 10 o'clock today Pozzonl's Complexion Powder produces soft and beautiful skin , it combines every element of beuuty and purity. V. M. C. A. Olreutors. The following directors were elected nt a meeting of tuo Young Men's Clulstian nsso elation list Tuesday : William Fleming , W. H. HusHoll , W J. Van Aninm , J II McCul- lough , A P. I'ukoy. J. F. Wllholmy , C. A. Goss and M. A. Grant. Constipation poisons tno otoop : DaWltt's Llttlo Early KUers euro Constipation. The causa removed the dUeuso Is pone , The eolorod barbers' union Is tiftor S , II. .Smith , who collected duos for the or- pnni7iition , and , It lb ullogod , that ho la clio-t in his accounts to the extent of f 1 . ) ( ) . An Information filed by W H. Ilh'lctnan clwrjioa Smith with ombo < ulo- muni of Hint amount. St. Patrick's Pills glvo entire satisfaction I have used them in my family. Thov nro the boit I ever used for the purpose Frank Cornolioua , Purcell , Indian , Tor. For sale by druggists. DUN'S ' REVIEW OF THE WEEK , htlosk Moro Favorable , Excepting the Large Exports of Gold , BANK OF ENGLAND'S ' ADVANCED RATE , * i'cuiillnr Action or tlio Sjieciilfttlvo MarkctH , AVIieat AdvnncliiR nnd Curn Declining Trade Condi tions In Various Cities. NEW YOIIK. May in. H. G. Dun ft Co.'a Weekly Hovlow of Trade says : In every respect the outlook Is moro favorable - able excepting the largo exports of gold and .he advance lu the Bank of England' ! ) rate to i per cent , obviously for tbo purpose of drain- ng moro gold from this country Tliote- colpts for customs duties at Now York are argoly In silver cortlllcntcs and now treas ury notes , no less than 04l per cent for the first ten days of May , but It Is proper to remember - member that the now treasury notes , being redeemable "In gold or stiver coin , " with n provision of the law empowering : ho secretary to maintain the parity of gold nnd silver paper and coin , nro practi cally redeemable in gold and In value equal to greenbacks. It Is n most favorable symp tom that the continued exports of gold causes no panic In this market , and It is n signifi cant fart that the exports In April were about double last yoai's In value as to cotton ind showing an Increase in oil nud provis ions , but a decrease in cnttlo nnd lu bicad- stuffs. Yet in breadstuffs the decrease was wholly in eorn , and tno suiplus of wheat available for export May 1 was about thnty- nlno million bushels The exports of wheat from Atlantic ports have been much smaller than a year ago until last week , when an Incro no of 10 per cent appears. In corn the decrease Is heavy of course. The sncculatiuo markets have acted no- cullarly during the past week , wheat ad vancing 4 cents per bushel on reports not substantiated of injury to the crop In the northwest , while corn has declined It cents and oats 2 cents on moderate sales. Pork , lard and hogs nro also lower and a heavy do- cllno appears lu butter. Cotton , coffuo and oil nro unchanged , and tilts Is the moio remarkable - markablo as to cotton because much the larger crop over produced is going to mnrkot moro rapidly than ever before nt this season. The foreign manufactuiers appear to oo lay- inp iu a laigo stock because prices are close to the lowest known for foity } cars , while the consumption abroad is onotmous nnd there nro some signs that , the pioduction of goods exceeds the demand Hoports from other cities show a moderate distribution nt Boston , with easy money. Lumber is moro actho and expected to nso unless strikes prevent. At Philadelphia combing wool is in fair demand and knit goods works full of orders , but the diy goods tiado ! > limited Bessemer Iron is a llttlo inoro active at steady prices at Pltf-burgand glass actlx o. Trade is only fair at Cleveland and Detroit , helped by activity In building at Cincinnati , good nt Omaha and healthy nt Kansas City , but at Milwaukee and St. Paul the need of rain for crops Is felt. Chicago reports a tbiid Increase iu receipts of corn and chceso compared with last j oar and r > 0 percent increase lu sales of dry < joods , with very fair trade lu shoos , but a decrease In meats. At the south trade is seasonably dull , with cotton in light domatiu at Now Oilcans and sugar inactive. The Iron furnaces In blast May 1 were of about two thousand tons greater weekly ca pacity than April 1 llfi.iiOJ tons against 11:1,443 : a month ago and ISO.O'JI n year ago. But trade Is loss depressed nnd the long delay in settlement of the coke strike tends to strengthen prices. The general industries nro fairly active , ex cept where interiupted bv strikes In the building trndo , as at New Yonc. The flnal prospect Just iiow turns larpoly on the oxpoit of cold. Merchandise oxpoits nro fortho tlmo comparatively small , $13,110- 000 in two weeks from New York , against $15,6.)9,000 ) last > oar , while impoits continue remarkably largo. The business failures occurring throughout the country durine the last seven davs num ber 237 , as compared with n total of 24'i last week. For the conespoudlng week of 1839 the figures were 212. J KXTKIlTAI.NMn.VTS. Places AVIicre Pleasure Seekers Found ICeurentloii L-.iHt Nl lit. The seating capiclty of the largo concert room In the basement of the First Methodist Episcopal church at Twentieth and Daven port streets was severely tried last evening by the largo audience that gathered to sco the presentation of the "Temple of Fame" by local musical nnd literary talent. Tho. pleas ing programme was carried out with scarcely a perceptible hitch , and onch participant was liberally applauded Where all did so well criticism would certainly bo inviduous. Some of these who made their premier public ap pearance last uichl showed lustrioiilo talent that was Indeed surprising , and 'gives rise to hopes on the part of their filoads that they will not fall to grant this natural ability nn opportunity to develop Itsolt. The joung ladles of the church netted a neat sum from the entertainment. Unity assembly No. 5141 , Knights of La bor , uavo its llfth annual ball at Metropoli tan hall last evening. The largo crowd ex pected was probably kept away by the thioatenlng weather. Still It was a very pleasant party and was gicatlv enjoyed by these present. Twentj-fivo dances were on the programme. The Ancient Older of Hibernians , division No 1 , gave their liftcenth nnnual ball nt Washington hall last evening. There was n largo crowd In attendance. Fully ono hundred couples occupied the floor. Tlio piogrammo consisted of twenty-four numbers of the latest dances. Musluwas fuinlshcd by the Ancient Order of Hiboinian band nud was very acceptable to the dancers. Under the nblo management of Albert Adolphus Kaiser , the master of ceremonies , nnd the commltteo of arrangements ovcrithtiur went oft smoothly When the "Homo , Sweet Homo" was rendered by the band everyone was thoroughly tired out , but all declared that they had spent n verj pleasant evening St. Patrick's Pills have given mo better satisfaction than any other M. H. Proud- foot , druggist , Granada , Colorado. For sale by druggists. oIIin true * 01 It * nn Irr tlitt liend , crntx , cnch uimHfmmt ( die ( eu c > u' HAKUr/rT I'rldny mornlnc , Mny IV In this city. Mrs ] > urini < lli Haiuitt. at tin- home of her duuirhtor , Mis Tames llnynis. .a thu IIKO of M years Her romaln * . IIPCOH puniil liy her ( Ianliter and a sun , wuio taken to l.irl 111 for Interment W MITT-At the family resident o MI'S ' How ar < l Rtreut. KilclU son of lloriimn and opliia Whifu. u-ed 4 joar-- funeral bnmla ) at 2 o'clock from family icslduiio anJ Intormunt ' at 1'urust KUUM NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla - \ Of porfoot purity. LemonI Lemon - Of great strength. Almond -I Eoonomyln tholruoo Rose etc.rj Flavor as delicately and dellclously no the fresh fruit. Why Suffer One Moment From Torturing Skin. Diseases When a single application of the Cuticura RcmodlGS will , in the great majority of cases , instantly relieve the most agonizing of itching , burning , scaly , crusted , pimply , nnd blotchy skin and scalp diseases , and point to a perma nent and economical ( because so speedy ) cure , when the best physicians and all other remedies fail ? Cuticura Rem edies arc the greatest skin cures , blood purifiers , and humor remedies of modern times , arc absolutely pure and agreeable to the most sensitive , and may be used by the youngest and most delicate \\ith per fect success. CUTICURA the great skin cure , instantly allays the most intense itching , burning , and inflam mation , permits rest and sleep , speedily heals the skin , and restores the hair. CtnicURA SOAP , an exquisite skin bcautificr , is indispensable in cleansing dis eased surfaces. CUTICUKA RESOLVENT , the new Blood and Skin Purifier and greatest of Humor Remedies , cleanses the blood of all impurities and pois onous elements , and thus removes the cause. Hence the Cuticura Remedies cure every disease and humor of the skin , scalp , and blood , \\ith loss of hair , from infancy to age , from pimples to scrofula. fl * "AiL Aaot'T TUB HLOOD , SKI- * , Scup , AND IIm" mailed frto to any ailJrcst , 64 nijej , jao Oil- easci. 10 llluilrilioni , and IDJ Tcllim-muli. A Iwok of piuelnt value la every vi'ferer ' CUTICU \ KKMPUIES .lie tolj everywhere. 1'rice , CUTICI IM , Ihc ( Jreat Slut Cute. COL . CirrictmA Srur , Alt Kxqimite bm Purifier ami Ilcjiilifier , Jc . CinictiRA KHOLVKNT , die iieticst ; of HUKX ! Punliecs anJ Humor K'mcdicJ , $ i 1'icpjrcJ hy I'ortEH UKLQ ASD CIIKMIC\L Lonruivno-i , iJtlU T5./-1 / V " * f-tninlnvi And punplt' . bUcVlieaJi , rej , riuh , t vl oily 0 n in.1 hinJ - > rc ptevenwJ anJ UlUplCAlUllb , cure(1 by th , , grcatc tof nt | SU , Purifier * anJ Ueimificrs , tlie cclcbrnled Cuticura Soap. Incomparably lupetur la all other &U i ai I conifi'euon wip' , while nv tiling in delicacy and surpassing m purity ihc moil expensive of toilet an J nurwry siAit. r'it an y inriii , itt , { tJittt leaf , an < i tkl only frcrtitnr xf tnftiminntwHanJr'jfniji/ttir firr * f ' < l , 'mfi.'rwnaldii/lf Si ! < - i i" in > iiirl il * > r ' ) , * vi.U Puce , 150. Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , 14O9 DO U GLi AS QTJRKIST OMAHA , Tno moit widely nnd favorably known p o- mllitn In the Unite J States. Tliolr loop ex perience , rcmnrUnbln ( kill and \ \ ncrsal BUO- ceas In the truntinont nnd cure of NervouH , Chronic and Bnritlcal UMnniM , entitle thesii eminent phjalclans to tlin full confidence of the unnoted everywhere They gunrnntoo : A OKUTAIN ArsD POSITIVE OUKU for the nwf ul effects of e irly vlco and the iuiner- ou ovlls thatfollow In ltn trnln PRIVATE. IILOOI ) AND &IUN DISEASES spoodllr. completely nnd porninnpntly cured. NKKVOU3 DEBILITY AND MIXUAL DIS ORDERS yield ro idlly to tholr skillful troat- TlLES. FISTULA AND Itr.fTAL OLOEU9 rtiarnntcod cured without pain or detention from rjustne * * IIYOUOUKLE AND VAUICOOELE perron- ncntly nud successfully cured In every case , SYPHILIS. QONOKRIIKA. GLEET. Bpor- nmtorrKobeinlunl \SeukrieH * , Lost Manhood , NlKlit EnilHiluna , Deonyeil rjcultlos , KeinaU Wenknras nnd nil delloato rtlMirilprs pcoullnr to either "x positively cured , na well ns nil functional dl onlcrs that rcsuitfroinyouthf.u follies or the oxiessof nuitiirn yoarn. CTPirqMlC'UOiinraiit.ed ormiine n t J j O 1 1\1U1 U S\Ei cured , roniovil complete , without cnttlne , cniistia or dilatation. Cun ollectod nt hone by patient without a mo ment's pnln or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE AGED MEN. A . 9111 ? 1 < Till ? I ? The awful effect * ol OUIVL. L > U1\L o-uly vice whloh brlngi orennlo wpnkne , di--tioylnjr lioth mind nnd body , with ull Us drujdoit Ills permanently cured. nbc PirnX Addrtii those who have tm- m\O. DI-.1 10 - pnlrod tliemi Ives by Im proper Indulgence and olltury nnblts. which ruin both mind nnd body , unfitting them for biMlnpgs. ntudv or mnrrliiKO MARRIED MEN or tliosa out print ? on tlmt h ippy life , awaru of phyblcul dobllltyquickly usslstod. OUR SUCCESS I § based upon ficH. First Practtoil ezpirl- ence. Second Every paso Is specially studied , thus Blurting right. Tlilid inedlalnos are prepared In our laboratory exactly to milt each cne , thus effcotlni ; cures without Injury. Drs. Betts & Belts , DOUGLAS STREFT OMAHA NER To euro r < > stl\piip 4tlin nipdlrlnn must Iio . muriitlian n ) iiuffilltn : It tiuiHt tunlnln tnnlc , ulIiT.llhouMd cutliiirtlo i > loiiltit | u. a tin-so qualities mill Hpn-dlty liiiotntlialiovv < iHtlii'lrn itnriil | motion , Notssi'iiliul tui ' " r BAD BLOOD ! Pimples on the Face | Breaking Ont | Skin Troubles | Llttlo Bores | Ilot Bkn ! | Boils i Blotches ) Cold Borei ) Bad Breath ) Bore Month or Lips I If TBII uir r Irom our of tfit.o ) iiiptuiiin , tuUt i5 WHY ? lUvo you etfr ujcil mercury ) If 10 , did yun Klvo your If tlm nrwlcil atunllnu at the lime \Vo lil iil nut U H jou Hint you nquji-o a liluujt incitl.'iiio , tooniuio fneilnii from tlio nft > r if liolV Dr AtLrr-iI.iu.IUIi Illu.i.l 1 llilrl tlip < .iily . hnu n nn Jidno tliat will lliorouithly rrsill- i itJtlin | iolM > n from tlio "i'1,111- * ' ' ' . ' ' ° ' , n II. IHMIIvl II Ai jo irilni l t or wrlto to U t ! ( ) . , Ill \ \ rut llrundiriiy , > \ ork liy Notice to Conlractoi s Notice Is licrt'liy sl\cn tlml.sealud bldn will bo received hy the Im.inl < if t due ition of Neil- son , NncKoils xiiinty , Nell , unto the o'rluc'U (5) ) sharp I ttw-'d d ( rlday - ij of Muy fur thr irecllim of a high school Imlldlnn eMlimited cost ( tli > , ' > " 0 > hlMeun thousand ll\o humKM ! ! dollars I milr.u lor- , must .iiuomp inj uieh bid with n cerlllled chouk of H\L' liunclrod ilul- lan ( f-MW ) inndi ) n lyablo to h.ild board ( if edu- i'itlon , us un uvldeiice of good fu'tli ' In blil- dliu. Tin ) ii .ins and HpcclfiouUons maybe Keen nt tliu rlrit National hank In said elly Tim lo ird reserves tno il ht to rujrot any or all bids bidsHoard Hoard : W I ! fiuwjouii President. W ( ' . Uir'f.MAN. st-iretnry , > A I.Ai'i1 , Tri-asuior. It M. ( ininu AY. . ( > Vi Aiiriu.n. I ) I ) Ilium N. O. K MoDosAi.n , ArcldtLut , M15 < lntni u IAI.KD : 1'itoi'osA rs wj ri , itr. uioni : vie : O ut Ihu olllco of ( J \ \ .McMllliin. Oniixvii. lu. . for Hit ) i outruction of u mrt IKIIIMI at On iwu , Monona enmity , Iu . until' ' u'elock 11. in. of Sutuidiiy , Muy ' 'l/lS'il. A cnrtltled cheek In tint hum of } QJ.W to ac company oaeb proposal. The eiiiiiinltteu reserves the rltflit to rejl'ot unv nnd nil proposals I'l.uis ami hpi > ( IllcatloiiH may be keen at tlm nllh d of O. W MoMlllan , Onaw.i. In . 01 at tlm nllleo of S. Ii Muxnn A. Co , urelilteets , In thu i'uxton bluuk , Omaha , Noli.t' t' r. WlllTlNd. Chulruiau of the llulldliib' Oommltli'c. JllSdJtm RHILWRYT1MBOAKG MOORE'S TREE OF LIFE Omihii , Nrb. Get U5 , ' 89 I feollt notonlv a prlviloje. rut a iutyto Bay ajjooJ word for Dr. J. t ) . Mooro's Cu- tarrh Curs Hava bean troulod ) tor ymrs with catarrh. Frequently bid to resort to that diB.igroeaMii huwlrlna and ftptttlni : to cleir my throat of a touuh , string/moous tint ledge I tr.ore. Had tr o 1 dtllu unt rem- edloa without relief A fuw appllca lonu of Mooro's Catarrh HomoJy almost entirely ra- HevjJ mo. I rocoTimend It whenever an opportunity preuontslUelf. J. N MOOHK. Mniirn's Tree nf l.lfo n poilltra rum Mr Kldnur nnd Llror Luinplilnt mil all liliHiililUnuini Iliailt iiy to miner trhon ynu can ba ruruj liy uiliu Muuro > 'Iruoof Ufa , tno ( l.lfo Hume if ? Notice. The annual niootliu of Hlooklioldi'rs of thu rrmnont. Clkhoru ft Ml " .our I Valley rillioinl coinpany ulll lie held nl thiiollleenf thiiioui- jiany In iJiuiihi , .Neb. , on I rlday , May ' . ' . ' , IHH , ut.'n'e iK'k | i in. for tbe iiluetlnii of dlircton and for the tr iiinitiitloii of Niieliother liuslneii us may liv iire eni d. I ) tloil May H , In'il , J. 11. Htunnuu , Secretary