Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1891, Page 12, Image 12

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What the WorM of Fashion is Doing
Throughout Nebraska.
CHIi'H mid oTowiiH In tlio Cfynmon
AW'iiltirninl Knjoj-lhcj Distinction
ol' HuliiK "In llio tiwlm" Movc
ILICIltH Of I'c < > llC.
Ouiafan's neighboring cltlo < ? . notwithstand
ing thnt .lurio dnyu nro npproachlnj , ' , contlnuo
to furnish u ti\n \ rit \ of social Horns , iis n
periisnl of the following will show :
M. H. Murphy was In Omaha Friday.
Lucinn Allllur was In Omatui Monilny.
J. .f. Wallers was In our city Tuesday.
Mrs. H. C. Kltclilo Is vlsltlnir In Ulcnwood.
Knniuul Kllno of Union wai In town Tliurs-
Jay.K. .
K. A. Davis caino In from the west Thurs
Andrew Matouch visited In Omaha Tues
Charles McICnlco left for St. Joseph Tues
John II. IJodtcr spent n day in our city last
Ware Allen of Ashland was in town last
VCClt. . 'f
, Miss Dora IFoka Is visiting this week in
W.j. \ . Ilrowno returned last week from
Bt. Louis.
John Donclan la visiting relatives In St.
Krniik Fclgcr was in town Tuesday from
Sum Patterson was a visitor in Omaha
Satti relay.
Mrs , John O. Huberts was in Omaha ilur-
liiK the weuk.
Miitthow ( .taring departed for Wichita ,
Kan. , Tuesday.
Mrs. Bird OHcullelU visited In Weeping
Water lust week.
O. H. Ilnllou and wife took in Omaha
Jurinp the week.
Mrs. .1. I'opporburg and son Key are visit
ing In St. Joseph.
A.V. . Atwood returned Monday to his'
home In Fremont.
Mrs. Lewis Myers of Cedar Creek was in
llio city last week.
Charles Forbes and wile are visiting
friends in Lincoln.
Mrs. Cliaso and daughter Fantilo were Lin
coln visitors last wool ; .
I. II. Young and wife bavo returned from
their visit in California.
Fred Sclinuler , the Cedar creek miller.was
In town during tbo week.
1'ntrlck jllussington of Louisville precinct
was in town Thursday last.
Mrs. J. M. 1'attprson. Miss iMagglo Samp-
ion and Miss IClla Write \voi-o in Omaha
during the wcuk.
Miss Mamie 1'atteo returned Tuesday from
Boston , Mass. , where slio has bcou visiting
with her grandparent * .
Mrs. I ) . Fitcho , who has bpcn visiting her
eon Fred the past week , departed for her
homo in the west last week.
Mrs. K. K. Livingstone and Mrs. John H
Cox attended tbo funeral of thu late Mrs.
Anderson of Glenwood , Tuesday.
The "ICaffeo Itlntch" was ontertaiuod by
Mrs. S. JI. Atwood at her cosy residence on
Uigli Scliool bill last Thursday evening.
Mrs. H. Leo Hatch of Jacksonville , 111. , do-
pnrte.l for homo Thursday morning via Kan-
ins City. She has been the guest of Mrs. S.
II. Atwood for a week.
"Lust week n merry party of yoiuiR people
comprl.slnu' the Misses Mary ( jraut , Minnie
Moore , Bertha Wise , Adclo Stcmpko ,
FranklA Stiles and Messrs.Vill Strolnut , A.
D. Egenbrodt and J. 1C. Pollock betook tbuni-
iclvcs to a ( juiot nook on the Platte river for
a day's onoymont-aml ] as they nro all mem
bers of a church choir , it Is presumed the
feathered songsters were outdone Incarrollug
for the uonco.
On Tuesday Dr. Edpar D. Cummins was
married to Miss Allco J. Phillips , the wed
ding taking place at the homo of the bride's
parents In Ottawa , 111. The future homo of
thq young couple will bo in this city , where
Dr. Cummins was born and reared. The
doptor is a favorite , both professionally and
ociiill.\Hiul Plattsinou th society will heartily
welcome his bride.
Tuesday morning the residence of Mrs. R.
n. Livingston was the scene of considerable
piety , the occasion being the celebration of
tbo marriage of her oldest daughter , Anna ,
to Mr. 1 { . J. Franklin of Denver. The cere
mony , after the ritual of the Kpiscopal
church , was performed by Uov. H. B. Bur-
BC.-.S and was witnessed by only the immediate
members of the fntnily. The bridal party
loft on the morning train for Omaha , and
ftcr a few days' sojourn there will leave for
Denver , their futrtro homo ,
Go m : vn.
Mr , Charles Hyde has boon granted an In
crease of pension.
Miss ICato Fisher is confined to her homo
by an attack of rheumatism.
The Woman's Itcllcf corps iravo an ice
croam'Sbclal Friday night which was largely
attondqjl. "
A nice tennis ground has boon laid off
south of the park and a clut ) organized for
the practice of thai sport.
Miss Iiia J. Smith , lately of Indianapolis ,
is spending a week with friends hero pro-
vioui-to nt'coptlng a position mJLIncoln ,
Mr. J. A. U'ells , Jr. , of McCook is in town
Rupcrlntemling the completion of the room
ROOII to bo occupied bv tbo store of J. Albert
Wells & Son.
Messrs.V. . S. Huston , J. Jensen , Rev. .1.
A. Barker and Mr. and Mrs , ( } . W. .Smith
wore among those in Omaha Wednesday to
see the president.
Ono hundred and llftv CJoncvaltes were at-
traded to Fairmont Wednesday morning by
the presidential party making a ten minute's
slop there. A special train waa run oti the
U. & M.
Mr. W. TI. Jameson and daughter , Mrs.
Matthews , returned from Omaha Tuesday.
Mr. Jameson is rno of ( Jenova's highly re
spectable citizens and the people bore are in
sympathy with any action ho may have taken
In the Hotel Cu ey affair.
Mrs. H. Torpin wont to Oakdalo Monday
to visit her sou , C. H. Torpin.
T. D , Black has gone to Bancroft , Mo. , to
remain for n few weeks on business.
Mrs. ( ! . K. Haskell has gone to Lynxvllle ,
WIs. , for a month's visit at her old homo.
Bela Baldwin has gone to Pennsylvania on
n visit to his father , at the old homestead.
Mrs. Nannie Tumor Jay Is in the city from
Chicago visiting her mother , Mrs. Turner.
Mrs. A. J. Mokler of Omaha Is in the city
for ( i visit with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. T.
D. Black.
Mrs. A. O. Noreen and children wont to
Omaha Tuesday for a few days' visit with
relatives ,
Mrs. A. W. Atwood and daughter , Halite ,
returned Monday from n week's visit at
Mr. and , Mrs. Alfred L. Atwood were on-
tcrtiimltig tills week Mr. and Mrs , O. M.
Dunlavy of Kelthsburg , 111.
Pcumonl's ' W attended the presidential
reception at Omaha. It was n gala dny for
those who wont from Fremont.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Kiteham of Sault
Btc. Marlf. Minn. , were In the city this week
renewing their old Fremont friendships.
Dr. J. S. Devries returned Thursday from
Lincoln , where ho was In attendance , upon
the mutual meeting of the Stale Medical as
A. H. Wlltz attended the biennial state
meeting of the Ancient Order of United
Workmen held at ( Jrand Island Tuesday and
Postmaster II. ( J. Walcott and H , W.
Turner have ROHO to Hot Springs , S. D. , for
a brief stay with the hope of overcoming
their rheumatic twinges.
A. M. Clomonco and 0. W. D. Reynolds
rarae homo Monday night from Kansas City ,
where they went as delegates to the National
Young Men's Christian association.
Mr. aud Mrs. George End and daughter ,
MUs Qlura , are In tbo city , guests of their
daughters , Mrs. Ray Nye ud Mrs. Qua
Sehnige , They nro on their way homo to
Shoboygati from a visit on the Pnclllo coast.
Superintendent of Census Porter and
wife , Hon. John F. Plummor. Colonel
I'aynonnd Dr. Saundcrs of New ork cltv
weru In the city Saturday evening for a
couple of hours. They stopped hero on Invi
tation of Hon. O.V. . K. Dorsey , who drove
them about the city , after which n levco was
held at the Dorsey residence.
The Young Ladles' Lunch club met this
week with Miss Joiophlno Ui hards on Fri
day evening. Each member of the club pre
pares n dlMi for the menu at each mealing ,
und thus sociability nnd tua culinary art nr
happily blended. On this occasion the gen
tlemen friends of tbo members were
Invited in to enjoy Iho dnlnty
repast which the ladles bad prepared.
After tbo men had been duly disposed of
and its merits critically discussed tbo party
enjoyed an hour or two of dancing to wind
up the pleasant occasion. Tlio o present
were : The Misses Lizzlo Thomas , Louise
Torpin , Jesslo Holding , Nell McPherson ,
Llda Fife , Hotlo Leo , Josephine Richards ,
Mabel Sberwin Miud May Frelda Mngo-
lllllUUi ilV-ltll , * > A AMll * ! l' f , * iwiiti * -
nan , Bella Mneiuiu , Mabe' CrooMamo
DcntiPby , L. Louise Gerber , Mrs. C. M.
Stebblns , Messrs. C. B. Nlcodmnus. C. B.
Onrvln , TlmJ Qiilim , " . D. Dunning , W.
Vance , A. C. Hears , John Thomson , F. W.
Vaughn. Frank Elllck , A. Ar
M. Stobblns"
Nolmiska City.
Miss Hird Is in Dtinbar.
Mayor Ireland Sundayod in Omaha.
MKs Moars of 1'eru Is visiting In the olty. '
Miss Fannlo Wllcox is visiting In Omaha.
Miss Anna Clark visited on Tues
day.Mrs. "
Mrs. A. P. Stafford Is visiting her sister in
Mrs. J. T. Storms Is liomo from a visit to
Mrs. C.V. . Seymour has recovered from a
.sick spell.
Mrs. F. N. Lawrcnco has gene to Syracuse
on a visit.
Sam Davics and wife were In Omaha
Mrs. D. P. Uolfo loft Wednesday for Bath ,
N. Y. , on a visit.
Dr. Schwartz spent Sunday with friends In
Mound City , Mo.
Hon. J. Sterling Morton and his sister are
visiting in llio east.
Mrs. Thomas U'hltchtll Is visiting her
parents In Creston , la.
Canoy Hanks and daughter have gene to
Manltou Springs Cob.
Postmaster F. J. Ho'voy ' nndwlfo visited
Omaha on Harrison day.
Miss Molllo Wood of Syracuse Is in the city
visiting her tnaliy friends.
HMiss Kattmnii and Miss Amia Korff are
homo from a vl.sit in Lincoln.
City Treasurer Frad Hellor and wife vis
ited Omaha o.irly la llio week.
County Clerk Frank McCartney nnd wife
visited Omaha on Harrison day.
Miss Maggie Roddy , who is attending nor
mal in Peru , spent Sunday with her parents.
General C. H. Van Wyck nnd wife went
to Omaha to mlnglo withj.ho prosldonllal
Mrs. W. II. GIbbs nnd daughter are in
Kansas City. Mrs. Gibbs' father is danger
ously 111.
Colonel R. A. Eaton'of the World-Herald
spent Sunday with his many friends In No-
Mrs. Patrick Koddy nud brother , Mr. J.
Ilonzic , of Lcatlvillo , Col. , loft Wednesday for
Fort Dodge , la.
Henry VIISQ of Omana was In the city on
Monday. Ho will build a $10.000 residence
for Mr. BIscholT.
Mrs. Lr. ) Line of Aberdeen , S. D , , arrived
in timeto attend the funeral of her step
mother , Mrs. Jrwin.
Mr. Koonoy. private secretary to Hon. John
C. Watson , visited friends at Lincoln and
Omaha early iu the week.
Miss Gortlo Van Motor , local manager of
the Western Union telegraph olllco , spent
Harrison day al Omaha.
Mrs. II. Y. Blrkby and Mrs. George Hor-
chors , who have been visiting their parents
in Iowa , roUirned home Friday.
Miss Emily Coleman of Brownvillo , Nob. ,
is in the eltv visiting with her nephew ,
County Attorney John A' . Murgan.
Miss Myrtia Hargus returned to her "homo
Wednesday to spend the summer. Her sis
ter , Miss Cora , will return Saturday.
Mr.s. Michael Dcruin has concluded to make
her permanent homo in Detroit , Mich. This
lady lias n largo number of warm friends in
tills city who will bo sorry indcod to learn
this news. '
Little Esther Plnnoy gave a birthday party
to a number of her young frinuds Monday
evening. It was the eighth anniversary of
her birth , nnd the oceaslou was very much
01 , joyed by the company.
Two weddings have occurred In society
circles during tno past week , both occurring
on the same evening. Mr. William Mapes
and Miss Klla McCallnm wore married at
the liomo of the bride's parents and have
gone to Syrufiiso to spend the honeymoon.
Mr. Oscar O. Thomas and Miss Dora Mc
Cartney were married m the First Pros by
terlan church by Huv. Hunter in the pres
ence of more than a hundred friends. Their
future homo will bo at Strung , Nob.
Mrs. M. IJ. Snodgrass is at Lincoln this
week navini ; her eyes treated.
Horatio U. Saunders and wife lott for their
homo at Long pine the first of the week.
Uov. F. M. Esterbrook of Klslnro visited
with Hov. T. W. Sea&rook on Tuesday.
Mrs. M. B Cunningham attended the meet
ing of the W. F , M. S. nt Aurora ibis week.
Bird Dctwilor , banker at Ytittan , Nob. ,
visited with relatives and friends several
days this week.
A special train nnd special rates took al
most everybody that had the wherewith to
Omaha this week.
H. ( I. Campbell , editor of the Record , put
In n peed share of this wee k at Ouialia view-
inir President Harrison.
Mr. Lyman has taken possession of the
Palace hotel , while Mr , Patton , the old laud-
lord , will remove to Kearney.
Mrs , Ilov. J. W. Seabrook went to York on
Tuesday , and wa.s going from there to Aurora
ns a delegate to the W. F. M. S.
Mrs. Grant Hay visited her brother George
lu Omaha this week and Is now visiting her
husband's parents at Walnut , la.
Hon. J. II. Mickey went down to Omaha on
Tuesday , so as to avoid the rush and not lo
have to sleep on a cot ut the hotels.
Mrs. Dr. Whalgy and Mrs , Dr. Shaw at
tended the mooting of the Womnu's ' Christian
Temperance union at Milford , Nob. , this
The Misses Helllobower , Zilg , Van Horn
anil Jessie McGaw nnd Mr.s. Makeover , all
democrats , wont to Omaha to see u republi
can president on Wednesday.
Hon. E. L. King , V. II. Clark , Dr. Kunkcl ,
County Clerk Davidson and a host of others
took their opera glasses and went to Omaha
to see a president wno don't veto pension
Hon. I. F. Kelly , ox-county clerk , and wife
have returned from Oklahoma nnd think that
It Is "Just the nicest country. " Tli oy have
sola their residence hero and will move In
about two weeks ,
The Woman's Holio'f corns and Grand
Army of the Republic are making arrange-
incuts to keep Memorial day at Armstrong
this year. Hon. H. M. Marquis , county at
torney , will deliver the address.
Grand _
Henry T. Oxnard has returned from n
business trip to Norfolk. '
H. P. Browstorof the United Status land
oftleo went to Omaha Wednesday.
Clan Robinson toft last week for Denver
where ho expects to reside permanently.
J. W. Hoffman of Lincoln was a Grand
Island visitor Wednesday and Thursday.
Miss Nellie \Yhltq of 'Lincoln Is visiting in
the city , the guest of .Nfls * Carrie Wusmer.
Miss Jennie Maxwell of Kearney Is lsl
ing frlond.s and rouuwlng old aciiuulntancos
In the cily.
A company of young people went to Dam
phnn Tuesday evening and organized i
Christian Endeavor society.
Mayor Boydon wenfto Omaha Wednesday
morning on buslnosK connected with Iho State
Pharmaceutical asaoclatlon ,
George A. Roiuph of .tho flrm of Ltmback
it Roaugh , has' gene cast for a short trip
throuch Illinois nnd Michigan ,
Secretary Carothors of the Young Men's
Christian association has returned from Kan
sas City , where bo has boon In attendance al
the nationalconvention. ,
The Social Hour club gave another of 1U
select dances at the Ancbnt Order of United
Workmen hall Friday ovenlng. Tbcro was
n largo atlcndnnco of society people.
O. J. bmlth , the genial assistant cashier of
the Bank of Commerce , has purchased the J.
M. Marsh residence In West Lawn. Thoio
Is u matrimonial rumor In connection with
the purchase that will bo verlflod by later
The Pacific band was reorganized n short
time ago with twcntv-thrco momboM. The
boys were In the Ancient Order of United
Workmen procession Tuesday afternoon , the
first tlmo since Uiolr reorganl/alion , and re-
colvedgcncral praUo for tbo excellence of
their playing.
Dr. Sedgwlck Is visiting In Shnron , WIs.
Mrs. Emmolt Love loft for Greelcy Centre
Mr. nnd MM. O. W. Woods loft Wednes
day for Denver.
Walter Cowcll returned Tuesday from
Mrs. David Fisher Is visiting her son
Walter at Slonx Falls , S. D.
A. S. Harli.n and Frank Robertson left
Wednesday for Olympia , Wash.
Mr. nnd Mrs. George Blue of Fremont
were the guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. G. W.
Bemls Wednesday.
Mrs. N. V. Marian and daughter Gcrtlo
went to Omaha Tuesday.
A largo number of ) > ooplo went from hereto
to Omahn Wednesday lo see Iho president.
A concert at tbo Presbyterian church ,
under the direction of Prof. Parks , enter
tained n fair audience Monday evening.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Thompson of Sownrd nro the
guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. Boll.
Mrs. Loveland of Kearney Is visiting her
sister , Mrs. L. F. Soutbworth. She Is on
her way to Wisconsin for n summer's visit.
Messrs. Hatlleld , BowKcr nnd Flick , with
tlii-lr respective families , spent Wednesday
on the Blue river , llshlng.
Tlie public schools will hold n Memorial
dny celebration on the evening of May ; ) J.
An altrnctivo programme is in preparation.
Miss Jennie Nelson , who has been visiting
bRrsistor , Mrs. N. I' . Lrundccn , during the
winter , has gene homo.
Mesdames Miller , Spurluck , Small , Farley ,
Coy , Newman. Arnold nnd Miss Ella Linch
attended the woman's homo missionary con
vention in session ut Aurora Wednesday.
C ! . L. Burr , editor of the Aurora Register ,
was viewing Iho sighls of ibis city Monday.
Miss Fannlo Perryman nnd Mrs. Bcnton ,
wife of tbo state auditor , and her daughter ,
were the guests of Mrs. D. J. Hamilton last
The loyalists of the Baptist church gave n
banana s'ocial at tbo residence of E. V. Green
Thursiiuy ovcning.
Mr. Powell , the now Young Men's Chris
tian association secretary , arrived irom
Hustings ibis week , and look charge of Iho
rooms here.
Miss Myra Clark of Sutton arrived in the
city Tuesdav to visit with the family of
Mayor Bcmis for several days.
J. W. Small entertained G. M. Prcntiss ,
the Fairllold postmaster , for several days
this week.
The Senior Young People's Christian En
deavor society of the Congregational church
met .Monday evening at tbo homo of Mrs. C.
C. Cobb.
Mrs. Philip Meehnn nnd family returned
from their Illinois visit Friday. Mrs. Mon-
on , an aunt of Mrs. Alouimn's came witn
hem to spend the summer iu York.
Last Thursday evening the parlors of O.
A' . Post's beautiful residence wore thronged
ivith a largo number of happy pleasure seek-
TS. The occasion was a social given by the
'rosbytcrians. Mr. Post and his estimable
ivlfo were most untiring In their efforts to
nako their guesls feel perfectly at home , and
, vcll they succeeded. Tbo largo conservatory
eccntly added to their bouse nnd the ex-
etislvo nnd well kept lawn were beautifully
.Humiliated wltti Chinese lanterns. A liter-
iry and musical programme , under ttio dlrec-
rlon of Mrs. E. T. Franks , was n pleasing
. 'caturo of the evening. It was opened with
n solo by Miss Haunts , followed by roclta-
.ions , duets nnd Instrumental pieces by Miss
jreone. Mr. and Mrs. Klinck , Miss Corbett ,
Miss Gardner , Mr. Barnett , Miss Warner
nnd Miss Lanning of Now Jersey.
James Carter left Tuesday for an extended
eastern tour.
Hon. J. Sterling Morton of Arbor Ledge
wus in the cily Tuesday.
Mrs. W. Easlcrday started Tuesday for
Canton , O. , to visit friends.
Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Nowcomb of Omaha
were visiting iriends in the city Tuesday.
George Theirs of Chicago , formerly of this
city , is spending n few days with bis wife's
Lieutenant Dudlcv and wife arrived In the
cltv ' Tuesday and are the guests of Mrs. C.
Mrs. M. L. Ruxton left Tuesday for an
extended visit at her former homo' ' near
Columbus , O.
Mrs. Dr. Trogdenand Mrs. C. F. Harphatn
mvo left for Mattoon , 111. , on u visit with
friends at their old homo.
Messrs. N. S. Micbner and C. B. Stock-
house have returned from Galveston , Tex. ,
where they have spent the wlnlor.
James E. Mallory , jr. , loft Monday for
Jacksonville , 111 , , his old homo , where ho will
visit parents nnd friends for a month or
Mrs. G. W. Bell , who has been an agree
able visitor for two weeks with her children
and Lincoln friends , loft Monday for her
homo In Idaho.
Mr. M. Sauermann has gene to Ontario ,
Canada , to attend the funeral of his nother.
Ho will take nn extended business trip east
nnd south bcforo returning.
G. S. Wedgowood nnd family left Monday
for Chicago where Mr. Wedgowood will In
the future bo located as manager for the cir
culation department of the American book
publishing company.
Elder J. G. Miller. Lincoln's old time citizen -
zen , arrived Tuesday from Pascdona , Cal. ,
nnd will bo in the city for n few weeks
wlillo looking after his property Interests in
the city nnd country.
Prof. A. H. Edgrcn of the state university
is making llnal preparations for removal to
Gothenburg , Sweden. Ho will sail with his
family Juno -t. Prof. Eagron expects to
spend the .summer in Germany , and his fain-
ilv will go to CoKMihagen | , where Mrs. Ed-
gren's parents reside.
Miss Mary Trailer of this cily and Jnsso II.
flycklt of Fnirileld , Neb. , were united In mar-
rlago In Iho presence of a number of friends
and relatives nt the bride's home , ItWO Q
streol , Tuesday evening at S o'clock. Uov.
F. Stein nf St. Paul Molhodlst Episcopal
church performed the ccromony. The happy
pair will make tlicir future homo in Fairllold ,
wliuro Mr. Byckit is engaged in business.
E. F. Fall-child spent Sunday nt Genoa.
County Treasurer Knoft was In town Tues
Mrs. Julia Patlerson is vislllng her sislcr ,
Mrs. H. E. Fonday.
Mrs. W. F. Culchfleld of Fullcrton was a
Genoa visitor Tuesday.
Mr. nnd Mrs , G. A. Mnllln spent Sunday
last with friends al Fullerton.
Miss Kutlo Waegoner of Wisconsin Is visit
Ing her brolhor , Fred , lliis week.
E. Campbell aud brolhor from Kansas
Sundayed with their brother Fred in Genoa.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Fonda drove to St. Ed
wards on Sunday last on a visit to their par-
E. Burke , who has been absent for some
time on a trip through Colorado , returned on
Posimastor Wheeler of Fullerton stopped
In town n short tlmo on Tuesday while on
his way to Omaha.
Quo of the most enjoyable dancing partlc
of the season was given at the opera hall on
Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Stock spent a portion
of the Week in Omaha , Mr. Stock having
been summoned to servo on the United States
Messrs. Mitchell , Goodwin , Bruso nnd
Bolsley started for Oreiron nn 'Thursday ' ,
whoro' they contemplate locating. Messrs.
Mitchell and Bruso are accompanied by their
A very pleasant occasion was the marrlago
of Mr. Alexander Clark und MUs Radical
Myers at the residence of the groom's parents '
on Sunday evening last , at which a large ;
party of friends were present.
H. Lewis. P. L. McFaydon , O. E. Green
and G. A , Mullln nra making propiu'utlQps
for a trip through Wyoming and tbo west ,
lurtlug next Monday , They expect tc bei
absent nbout four weeks. The trip Is to bo
purely for pleasure.
A. Wiifrgonor of Omaha was In the city
G. E. Jenkins of Fulrbury was hi the city
Charles U. Ulco of Stcclo City was In tbo
city Tuesday.
A. V. Whiting of Falrbury was In the city
Fred Meyer of Fremont was n Beatrice
vbltor Tuesday.
D. R , Hall of Grlswohl , la. , Is vislllng
friends In Iho city ,
Miss Grace NowUlrk has gene cast on n
visit of several weeks.
Mrs , S. Goiusott is homo again from n pro
longed visit In Illinois.
Mrs. Burnett of Blue Rapids , la. , Is visitIng -
Ing friends In the city.
H. S. Elmoroi has returned to Kansas City
to reside for tho-futuro.
Mrs. C. C. GillVspio is visiting friends nt
! nlrbtiry for a few weeks.
Mrs. Senator Paddock is In Omaha visiting
her daughter , Mrs. O. J. Colltnun.
Mrs. J. B. Hogan of Topakn was vislllng
friends in the city during the week.
Elden Thrift has gene to Chicago for a
brief visit witn his brolhor , M. B. Thrift.
Mrs. Mary Hiigv lias returned from an ox-
lended visit with friends at Swanton , Nob.
Tom. I. Hutoion nnd brother , J. C. Hute-
son of Now Yortt cily nro Beatrice visitors.
Miss Sallto Hortof Bloonitlcld , Inil. , is vis-
Itlng her brother , K. O. Hort , Glenovcr sub
urb , for the summer.
MM. Samuel Aycrs of Kansas City is visit
ing for n few days with tier friend , Mrs. H.
H. Moles , nt tbo Paddock hotel.
Mrs. G. C. Barker and Mrs. W. W. Johns
ton returned Tuesday from n visit of n few
days with friends at Marysvillc , Kan.
Will Mauger departed for a ion days' visit
to Ohio , Wednesday evening. H Is his tlrst
visit to his old homo for over II f teen years.
The Dempster hose company was given a
supper mid reception bv their Third ward
friends Tuesday night , 'i'ho ' boys were also
presented witli a well filled purse of money
by tholr Third ward admirers.
The public schools gave n benoiit May fes
tival performance nt tbo Paddock opera house
Tuesday for Prof. M. S. Calvin , the Instruc
tor of music for the schools. The perform
ance was n brilliant and tluuncial success.
Dr. J. T. Armstrong started Wednesday
for Frankfort , Ky , , to bo present at tbo an
nual convention of tbo national association of
medical olllcers of Institutes for feebleminded -
minded , of which organization ho Is the pres
ident. Ho will bo Joined ut Chicago by Mrs.
C. H. Holmes , recently stenographer to the
state board of transportation , hns boon ap
pointed court stenographer to Judge Broady ,
nnd will reliovu Mr. Boardsloy as soon as ho
gets his familv comfortably sotllcd in this
city , which will bo their homo. Mr. Beard-
sley succeeds Mr. Holmes on the state board
of transportation.
Fred Ohnstoad is In Wahoo this week.
Frank Leonard was in Lincoln Wednesday.
Mrs. Kulley of McCook Is visiting Mrs. B.
Congressman McKoigban and family were
in the city Monday.
Mrs , Dave Evans of Lincoln is visltmc her
parents in this city this week.
W. P. McCroary went to Omaha Wednes
day to see the presidential party.
Bishop Graves will conduct the services at
the Episcopal church next Sunday.
C. M. Weiss , attacked with grlppo in Chicago
cage , was brought hoort ) seriously ill this
Mr. and Mrs. N. Caldwcll of Lewisburg ,
la. , nro visiting their dauguUr , Mrs. C. L.
Commencement exercises of the high school
will take place ut the opera house on the
evening of May -'J.
Mr. John A. Caste will represent the Has
tings Elks at the national reunion at Louis-
vlllo , Ky. , commencing May 17.
Frank Crnblll Is attending the annual tour
nament this week of the Missouri Ktato Fisb
nnd Game Protective association.
The wheel club elected Charles Hcnrtwoll
president ; I. Ai Georyo , vico'prcUdent ; Curt
Clark , captain ; O' P. , Brown , secretary ; S.
C. Heacox , treasurer. The club was organ
ized Tuesday evening with tlfty members.
The event oftbo week-was the grand con
cert nt the Prcsb'ylerian church Thursday
ovcning , undemtho direction of Mr. John
Rocs , assisted by-Mr. Harrison W. Wild of
Cbicairo , Mr. Charles Kuorr , tenor , and a
largo local cnorus.
Wuh oo.
The now city. . hall was formally opened
Tuesday ovenhjgtby n banquet nnd ball given
b0tha Wnbonliro : department. Six tables ,
extending the full length of Iho largo lire-
men's hall , londdd down with all good Ihlngs
oalnblc , could not accommodate half of Iho
people present , ,1'rof. Bradbury of the pub-
iio schools was toastmasler. The programme ,
Ihough unusually' long , was interesting , the
leasts being witty nnd eloquent. The toasts
of Rev. Crossrnan , Judge Bates of York ,
Judpo Miller of this district , nnd J. R.
Gilkeson were especially well received.
After the banquet the tables were cleared
away and the dancing commenced. The older
folks and church members made tlicir way
up-slairs , where high live and olhcr equally
us Inslrucllvo games were indulged in.
Wh u IJdby wui sick , we garo her Cfjtorla ,
When jliowM a CliilJ , ihocrleJ f or Cantoris ,
When iho became Mba , she clung to Cnstoria ,
When Eho hai ) Children , ( ho gavd UiemCutorlS ,
They mauo heroic effort * to free themitlvti.
i . but not hnovlng bow to lucctnlullr
liter t'.roupln Jciitalr ID < ! iluk laloftntftrlr
\ \yiuUaillKOUIlljn-tUMElrit
I .tut < " r ° " I " ' C"1' ! )
r r llmUr < ] l
I thjBhllOinphTOf Dli M
, ci and Affliction ! of th *
Oriaul of Man , andhowbr
I own , tht mint rnic ot
to it or Falling Manhood ,
r Oentral a&d Morvoai De
* Jbllll7. W akncii of Body
* ( and Mind , Eflicuof Errori
or EICIIIII , Stunt.d or
BhrnniiB On am can bn . ' roil. " " " ' JSAiK :
How to Enlarn and StrtnutlnnWEAK.UNDEVELOPED
OKOAN8 A PARTS of BODY mad * plalntoalllntcrtiifta.
M.n l.ilirt from ta Slfti.i. T.rrllorlri aoj * ' " fl'J(110"lJl'rJj
E WlEM E DF0 ! A i'COBU ! FFAllo | , H. V.
HeWs Nerve Tonic Pills
Hobb's Nerve Tonic Pills
They forlriR the ro f tint of Health to Ilia
inlluiv check. IJ youaroBUUjring from lo
ranRcmentof the NfsrvcHIuiiiuro Illood or
I'u t Urrora. 7011 ihoald at nnco take JJr.
Ilobbu * Ncrvo .OTonlc Pill * , the rou
l.iro ncno\ror , * ttiey will enrich your Uloocl
nii etromrtbonyounNerves. rtlce , BO ccata Til *
For Biilo by drucgl'ta or Beat by mail.
' CO. '
raopniitona ) ,
* .irty-fir hluhrti HwimU
linvoliei'iriflvfil hyhca-
Iniry A JohiiMin fnun illf-
fen-tit luturmitlonul expo.
Bltli.iH fur llio FtiiK-rloiUy
of iljvlr Porous I'lasterr
and other iroiKli , IK'nson'
rU'teri Imvo many com
petitors but no rivals. It
Is not n nostrum. Get the
French Jl ntliljrln i'ln' . An lu . > : u iblu li 1i | to
Krencliitudvnd mid teachers , r'reo auuipl * iuvj
A4ditiilUliu.ITX.kCo. . MaJUsa S . , .N " VutH
The down east trotters are making for their stables ,
The tide has come our way , as we knew it would.
Our trotter has been on the track these 37 years , and we know him s <
, vell that we know just when to pass such fellows as these.
Our $15 suit sale wa (
A Howling Success ,
We thank our bright minded community , and for the benefit of thos $
who were unable to take advantage of our mammoth offering , we will
continue for a few days to sell you " %
$3O Men's Fine Saclc and Frock Suits ALL
$28 Men's Fine Sack and Frock Suits
$28 Men's Fine Sack and Frock Suits
$22 Men's Fine Sack and Frock Suits AT
Sizes 32 to BO
This cut is tremendous.
The suits are the very latest spring styles.
The material includes the finest imported and American makes of
cheviots , worsteds , serges and cassimeres , in all colors and shades.
They are made in a peerless way , and are equal to fine merchant
tailor work.
Your Choice.
of Any Suit
At Hellman's
If you Want a $1,50 Straw Hat Come to the Store
Saturday and. Monday
" * * '
That's right. They are worth and sold elsewhere at $1.50
We've got 1,000 dozen of them at 50 cents.
Any Suit in the House ,
$15.00 ,
And Not One Reserved : '
Corner 13th andFarnam Streets.