Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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/ \nr A TT A. A T t . "V 131717' ' mTTTTTXJ ! I"v A \ f A IT 1 I 1 OfM
Tv'KlTTIr.MKNTS for thcwi columns will
bo ttikon until I2i : p. tit. , for tlio even Ing
( dltlnn , und untllfll.'flp. in. , fur tlio morning
i ditlon nr. < l Sir.MiAV HUE.
ri H- < * ti h In nUrnnco. ;
T ? \Tr < < Advertisements on Iliti ptieewlllhc
J * phnrped for nt HIP nito < > t lit cents per
wuid forlhfi first Insertion. mill Iccnttierword
fur r. CM iiiliFentiftit Insottlnn. ntul II. V ) per
) Jii < < I'-r iiiontli. Nontl etll i iiient tnken for
loxthnn .r. cents for tlu > llrM Insort'on.
I Nil IAJ.S. flciire4Vyriil.oK : etc. , countcnoli
ft on < i word.
rplll Lilverllroments mint rtm eonsecn-
J llvciy mid wider no r reumstnnd'i " 111
Iliry le taken nrdlseon'lnm" ! Ijy telephone.
3 ) Ali'I If * ndvrrtlslnts In these column ! and
liiivltig their iin iuersnilrr ( ed toa"num-
l trul iMterlrt rnroof Tin : \'tr. \ will receive a
riuinl end check to enable them to pet tholr
letter * An wi-m will le delivered only n
jirp < | Ion nf this rlirck. Inclose answers
in rim-lopes properlv iiddreR ed.
A I , I. niUortkomenls tinner tlm bend of
"Speelnl Noth-oH" nro published In both
the rr.nrn'ni anil evening rdltlonsof Tm : HUE.
the circulation of which nffrropnlosmorntlinn
10KX ) | rin'r | dull } ' . nnil plves tlm advertiser
Ihnlx'iioni not only of tlm Inrpo plrmlntlon of
Tm. IIMIn tininlm , lint nlso In Council ItlulK
Lincoln iinil other cities and towns in the west
Ailvertlstrn : forthoio colutnns will bo tnknn
ontlio nlmnrnndltlnn" . tit the followlns bnsl-
nrss housei who aronnthorlrpil to tnKospei'lal the Barno rates as cun bo had at the
main olllre.
SCZIN. Strppt. M tpr I
TOHN U' . I'hnimiiclst.faJHoutliTunth '
< street.
CIlAf-r A I'T DV. Mntloncrs and Printers
1KI until Ifith street.
11. rAllNHWOKTIir Pharmacist , 2115
Ciltnlne Htreet.
iy : , I'harmaclst , C21 North ICth
W. 1'AUI ! , 1'harrnnclst. 171 $ Leaven-
worth street.
H ' PIIAKMACV. 21th and Karnarn.
7'or rctri > , fir. , tcttr > ) > of flrrt roliimn mi tMs
\\7ANTPD I'osltlon as salesman In wholesale -
' sale tolmcco or drug house. Have hud
Ihreo years exporlcneo. Address , M 1.1. Ileo
ofllco. MMG 10' '
W ANTI'D A situation imroaflunnn. Oood
rcfuionee. Address , M 14 , Ileo olllce.
M" > 24 ir > *
\VANTI.M-A situation by a 1 ly sixteen
' ild to learn the butcher's trade ,
( enrgii Voellnrigol , riattsmoulh. Noli. 414 13
A KADY of experience desires a position h :
school or family. Can leach the usiia
KiiL'lMi blanches , rnalheinntli s. . ' } mnasllcs
nnd il'inelnif. Iteforonces. Address Mis'
Mn-v II Stuart , llagerstovvn. Mil , M3l"i 15
wauls sltuiitloiiioxticrlenrid man ;
Wftood references Address , I , 66 , Hco.
SSI ! ( , '
\\rANTri ) situations for good clrls ; my
" walling rooms are always full from n a
m to H p. m. Canadian I'mploymont ofllce ,
llll' } s nth Telephone Ss | fs.
7 01 talrf , tie. , rcr tup nf lint roluinii on tlilnjingf.
W ANTI.D A Hrnnrt errand bov ; auo be
tueeii IB and ISyoars. Miss Allco Isaacsl
So Iflth. M.1I7
"r > ° ' Wanted Hey about Is xcars old. Anplv
J Jat I.M < t riirnain st. 510 ii ;
WANTI'D Salesmen on snlnry or comls
slim to handle the now patent chomlca.
praslng pencil ; the groitest selling novelty
o\er prnducod ; erases Ink thoroughly fn twc
focniids'.no abrasion of papers ttOto.WO per cen
profit ; one agent's sales a iron tiled toWSOInsI
fluys ; another t U In twohonrs ; wo wantoni
'Coneral agent for each Htalo and territory.
J'or terms and full particulars , address tlm
Monroe Kr.iser Mfg Co , Ia ( 'rosso , WIs. 473
\v 7ANTI3D Tnpnty first class nliiinbers , $
for nine hours ; Ntendy worlt ; rome a
WLlard A l'o cll , Duluth , Minn.SI
J'l'ST ' OUT Most wninlfirfill i.dvertlslnp do
vice ever Known ; sel's to overv rnorohan
nnd niaiinfaetiirer : snlrnclld employmont. bit ,
pay , steady work : enclose M.imii. Aro.I Mini
iifaclnrliiK Company , Itaolnevls. . .M.'OJ M
irANTKD-I'ortor iN. V. Life bather shr.p
"lA1 ANTTD Tvvollvo. onerirotlo Millcltors
' I good line , extra Induccmcntx , no canvass
Ing. Call room 203 , southeast corner llith and
Jodgo streets .MIt'li ' IS
v\f A.vrui ) salesman for line of olgniH , JIOQ
Tt PIT month and expenses pnld , Addiess
with Htamus , Sumatra Cigar Co. . Cli caco. III.
MII77 It'
T\7 ANTHD A reliable and energetic man of
IT financial ability and a favorable eastern
Rcniialntanco to act as secretary mid manager
of tin extensive comjmny for the piomoilon of
Industrial Interests of one of the most
ng cities of the not thivest. References
andeoirespomloni'o solicited. Address
" \V"cato of American Mortgage Co. , Yimk-
(011 ( , H. I ) , 8715
" \VANTP.I ) State manager for a first class
lifolnsuranco company , salary or com
mission. Addioss , blatlng experience , 1 < fW Ileo.
iJUl 1.1
\\T ANTiiI'lrstolass : carriage blaok-
' smlili. pointers niul trimmer : good
wages ; steady work , J , 0. O'Dimnoll , Shel
don , la. 211-1.1
WANTED Coat and pantaloon makers to
work In Hhop , Continental Olothlnc
r llouso 177
TV ! T.N with good address. Mot , M'f'g Co. . 1609
I'l Howard st. , Omaha , or 137 N 12th , Lincoln.
M ) Men to travel for our Canadian
nurseries btonoXWelllngton.MadUon.Wls
_ 7.flll !
\ \ f A NTHO Dioreotlo voung man to take or-
f dors. Address Manufacturer 1' . O. box BIT ,
172-in in
/'or i nfM , < ' < . , KC top of firtl ealumn onthtep-n/c.
\\rANTii ; ) Hood girl for general houso-
* > kenpliiK. Inniilio 4WI N. SM st. M500 1U *
" \\7ANTKO-Aglrl for general housework
' > at WIS North 20th street. ai.WJ 14 *
' \\7ANTI.D A good girl for general housework -
' work ; Kood wages paid. 520 Ho. 28th.
- class shlrl finisher. Address -
dress Norfolk Steam Laundry , stating
pxporloneo nnd wages expected. .MM.-l.'s
rANTKI-rirst ohiHS girl In small family ;
goo.1 wages. 1100 South 3lrd street.
street..M5031.1 *
ACHANCHof a llfetlmo for aotlvo ladles
and cent lemon to secure a > cry pleasant
and protlt iblo business. Address , with 2-pent
Btamp , Consolidated Shoo Company. S-ilem ,
Mass. MR. ' ! U *
rANTnil A eompntent girl for general
honsonork. 2124 Chicago street. M51H 15 *
\VANTil : ) A strong nurse girl. Mrs. M.
? l.ovy , LUtr Dodjjo street , opposite
school. M515-1U
CJOOII ghl housework who ean
'cook and lanndeireferences
; loqulrod. In
quire llr Mattk-o , J7th , north of rarnam.
40.1 11
COOIC Wanted A first-class cookj will bo
reiiulrcd to do general hoiuovvork In Riuall
family ! nluli vviiKes. Apply at liWU Douglas st.
\\7ANTin-(3owl : girl for Kt'noral houso-
work. SIH
Harnoy. 41S U *
\\r ANTKI > - An experienced ulrl for general 1
housouork , No. " 8IU Hickory st. 1' . II. Hal-
moil SIS
f ANTKD-Oood girl , good wages , 781 S.IOth
cor. l.o.ivonvvorth. 4yo
JVir i nli" . etc. , tee top of ftnt column on till * page.
"IWA.NT to liny Second hand hav pioss.
' < tllvo maker s name and name of press
with particulars and loucst price on board
curs at juur nearest station , Attdrosi 1M ,
earo lice , 'iyi-u
l tlll SAI.K-nioap , 1 full platform e ton-
M slim-top earrhiKP , homo m.ike , cost ftV ) ,
prlcoilint line extension-top j platform t-ar-
rliiL'e , Jl'Ji ; one extension-top carriage , now
cloth lining. 1100 ; on" side-liar , ciiliopv-top
Biirroy , fi\ Address W U. Driunmoiut i Co. ,
onrrl.-iRe n aniifactory. toil
TTH'UMTl'Ui : boiiKlit , sold , btorod. Wells.
Jllll Puriium Ktrot't. Wells.7J7
* Furratetetr. , $ eetopoffint column on thl *
COItUl.M'OM-A corroiipomlenco bureau (
for milIna and '
gentlemen. I'urtlcnlars In
t-U iihiln Houlcil env elope for 2o atarnu. Look Hoi I
, Omalm.
- NcU 770 ui2a * I
Forratei , etc , , ft fop nffli it column on IhM ptge.
UKNT-Umisft. 412 ranter street. ,1
riMims. and barn for6teams , r.i.01 a month ,
fitrlnecr & I'cnny. llarkcr block. A1300-I.V
71OK HENT I'lirnUhrd home , 0 rooms , nil
. modern Irnprovniacnts , Konntre I'lnets
Will eiuhanso for board for two. Addicts ,
Mil , llcuolllcu. MliTJ 13'
HKNT IjnrKpnumborof housri , stores ,
Huts , eto..r > .03 per month nnd up. Now
ist ' lnt of ciii'li iiiontli. Ucorgo J , I'linl. IGOU
'nrnnm strcot. UOI-JV2
TtlVK room house , til. 2121 H. Ilth street.
m'i74 m 2S
5-KOOM house , nleo yard , slnulc' treo' , eltv
nnd cistern nator , elepant neighborhood , 2
locks from street cars , lilt S. Till avenue , or
Hell's pharmacy , cor. Ilth and Mason.
lOH Ki.NT-No. : 2113 Capltolaver all modern
convenlenres. 11 rooms , first class eondl-
tlon. The O. I' . Davis Co 737
. . . Kr.NT-Iliinil omo ll-room modern
house ; all conveniences ! In perfect order ;
p-ived utrectH ; motor , and within 5 minutes
wnlkof postolllco. Nathan feholton , ICIt I nr-
n u in street. MI5I
OUOO.M house with barn.alt modern conven
iences. 1202 South Sid street. Itundy A. fo ,
1414 Capitol live. M trtO
TJIOIt KI'NT An 8-room house and barn , No.
JL'joa } Half llow.ird si. ( 'huap to right p.irty.
Htar Loan and Trust Co. .19 ? II *
] ] 1Olt HKNT h-rooin house , bath , iras sower-
ie. ete. . Slst u\u , , near St. Mary's. W.
\\iHh.ins. ! . K.W N. V. LlfobldR. W
rpo LI'/P Tor the summer months at Old
J Orehtird be.ich. Me. , a llnlshed and fur
nished colt igo Tor particulars apply to Mrs.
\V. II. Ilminoiis , 8S Summer struct , ll.ith. Me
M 311-18'
Q1I3 ( Jap ( ueniie. a nlcoR-room cotlagn with
2 li.ith , Ini | . ITiHCnp atvmio. JI27U n *
1 "i1Oll ' UINT : SO houses and stores Apply
room 1 , Uurkcr block , 0. T. Taylor.
IjUiKUKNT 10-roomhouspecntralty located ,
-L' iiioilcrnlmpio\umcnts. Inijulro , 71'JN. lUMi.
not'SK for rent ll-room house , modern 1m-
provuinonts , corner Llltli and I lodge , posses
sion gl\nn Immedl ilidy , Knqillro , 1 0.1 t'avtnn
bloek. M. L. Itopilor. 741
Hr.NT (1-rooin ( eotta''p. bath , etc.
"Manforil C'lrele. " Apply , O. S. Klguttor.
I'lrst National bank. Mas'J '
"IjlOH KDNT lloiiBiOrooms.modein conven-
JIcnccsi L'024 Davenport 8treot ; } .l > per
n.onth. ms'llm 8 *
i Itr.NT Houses with all modern im-
provernenls , steam heat : I block from high
school ; fJTi.00 to Mo00 pel month. Also stores
' . ' 4tliand D.ivenpoil. II. It. Iroy , S0 N.Y l.lfe.
'T I' you wish to rent i house or store sue II. \ " . ,
I Cole. Ooiitineiilal bloi'U. 7M
FOR KKNT 'i eight-room brick houses with
cltv water , b'lth and sower. 10J foot from
cable lino. P. I' . Williams , I'lrst iNat , Itauk
building. si :
< ) .VI ) Davenport st. . 0 rooms and nil convonl-
I'liccs. J.'nl.lUi 2.VS D.uenpoi t st. , II roiimsand
all conveniences , J7i.0l ( ( ; ill : ! North Kith st. , 11
moms and all eomeiilenees , WOO. These
housoi are In the best teslduncn portion of
Omaha , two blocks \\est of high school. K. II.
Chapmiin , r'l I'axtou bloc K , ow ner ,
TjlOH HKNT-roiir R nnd 7-room Hits with
J b.ith. hot water , etc ; pa\ed Ktieets ; near
business ; nil linnioi uincnls : only J.Ti per mo.
1 te f e re n res required. The Mead Invistment
Co. 44J lice building. 710
'OR KENT'-Tho 10-ioom house. No. Kill !
Douglas st. S 4r
IriOU lll'N'T IO and IL'-room now rnoduni
houses. In very deslr.iblo location , on paved
streets. W U. Human. lOomsSnud 10. l'ren/er
\i\\i. \ \ \
T71OIJ UHNT House , 8 rooms , 211fi California
JL' Ht. House , 10 looms , 1'arlcnvo. O , 1' , Davis
Co. , 1KB rarnam st. U1W 1'
I71OK UINT Two 10-room brick resiliences.
JL1 all conveniences , lust poinulutod , 507-.MJ
Georgia avo. Hont$4J.OO for llrst ioar. Ilonnl-
urVKNTiP.N r-It. hrlok houses with Inth ,
tJ * sewerage , etc. , 't ' block from Miormaii live.
Motor on Kynur strcot ; f J2.AO per mo. Water
paid. C. R Harrison. HI' . ' N. Y. Lite.
I'orratm , etc. , tcrtoftofftint mluinn on thti pi
TI1O KKNT A ple-isant south room with nl
X conveniences Call after C o'clock p. m. at
loom I1 , IMS Chicago st. 511 13 *
TJIOIt ItnNT-rurnlshed front room li
JL1 private family. 8.17 Hoiith 17tn. J14T8 14' '
33LHASANT furnished room for two gentlo-
nicn , modem coniionleneo , southern ex
posure. .14 S Mth street , I-'lat I ) 48' > 14 *
TjiOU UHNT An elegant suite of rooms for
JL1 family , just papered , over 1E1 Howard st. ;
price tlS per month , btootzol , moved to 714
inn. .
TTMJTtNlSHKn rooms sliiRlo or ensulte , all
JL modern conveniences , ! ! N 15th street.
411 North Nineteenth , ono front suite for4
Kontlemen , also single rooms with hoard.
Itents reduced. MtST : IS *
ir-tJUNlSlini ) rooms ; tcforoncej. L'Jll DOUR-
- jus. _ tilt 17 *
f ) 1'KONT rooms S'.OO and $300 per month
liL'LL'l1 ' rjliili MJ07 14 *
N'lOI'IjY Km ntshed largo south loom for
rent ; modern conveniences , X'OIU Hainov
streot. Mltl !
JL1 "JjlOU ICIINT rurnlslioJ rooms , ICO ? Douglas
ritll i : St. Olalr European hotel , cor. lllth and
-1 lodic , will horoarlor make low rates for
rooms by the week or month , cither with or
without board. 781
, , rtrtnpnf fir l roliimii mi ( Jif < page.
HAND.sOMI" looms with first class board ;
leferonccs. 18v" . ' t'hlcago street. M5.4-'JO
IAItOK nicolv furnlslied from room , with
J bo ml , 2011) ) California street. JI.W5 ! . ' 0
"VflCI'LV furnlslicd rooms for Uvo
J- > men , with board , App'y ' , 1707 Dodgn street.
" _ _ _ _ l.V
lTF.N"T With boafd , largo seen ml "story
front room , desirahlo location ; till con-
v enlences. iM ! S. auh avenue. M ! 1 1
I bl'ASANT furiiKhed room with board ,
Iteforenees. SSI4 I'nrnai.i. 2Us-lft *
T7nJUNlllTiiTr7)o7iis : and lodtthiR house , 1410
* N. 10th.
- - opposite Jolforsoii Square.
l l'KN'lMli : ! ) rooms vvitli first class board.
-L1 'jfkCl tit. Jlarv's avo. -js'J ' 15 *
TTIOH KKNT A large , llnoly furnished room
- * - with board , to a man and wife. Tlio mos
pleasant part of cltv , and private family ; n
other bo irdcrs ; references. Address , U4' , lice.
± TTiUUN > l&UKI ) rooms and boarJ , Itttl Uodso
Tyi'I.I.MAN house. 1,110 Dodces M , for Kood
JL board , nice rooms , modern Improvements ,
rates X location cannot be excelled , Mrs. Horn ,
SSUrnlJ *
Cii , etc. , rrr ( up ( i/JIralfolittau on tlilt
UNI't'ltNlHHlVni rooms , tlrt noori modern
Impiuvements , range In kitchen. IIIOS. i'lith
at. Ml IT J I *
371OK IJI.NT I'lno , amall family apartments ,
all outside rooms best loiallty , modern
Improvements. InquireUWI I'uxton block. MJ7
Furrattt , tic , , nee top of juit toltmn nnlMtpige ,
VI'.HV dcslrablo ollico room to rem on first
lloor N.Y l.lfo llltiK. Illvki Act. 4MS--14
TpOR UHNT-Ullleu over NorrN A. WlleoxX
UKN r The 4-story brick hullillmr.wlth
or w Ithout pnvvtir , formerly ocenplod by tlio
lice 1'ubllshliiK Co.,010 l-'arnam st. The build-
Inn has a fireproof cement basementcomplete
htoam-hoatlm ; fixtureswater on all the lloors ,
gas , etc. Apply at the ollit-e of The lice. 015
" 1J1OU KKNT Or Mile , my Imlldlne on Jones
- L1st. . bet. 10th * Ilth. U.A.IJniliinlstlllGSl5lli
UKNT-Dcsk room , at Ctl N. V. JJf-j
bhlR. 8 18
l OK KKNT The three-story brick Imlhl-
* Imr. 1110 Doiik-las lrceU suitable for whole
sale purposes , II10 per month. Chas Kanf-
mann , lltrj Douglas st , wt !
IT OK KI.NT Ilrlck warehouse , two itorlo
' ;
JhlEh hasonicnt , hydrHUlle elevator
, track-
aKo ; host location In city. A , U Powell. UL'l
> ' ( irnifcjrf. ( , tettopofflrtt rnluniri on Chit
1. > I.ST line hair ? oed $ In west ; rmlrdressing ,
J'wlffn. bwttches , bniie , hair chains , etc. . a
specialty. Duvles , hair Rood * nnd milliner ,
onyoslte postotllce , Ul 6.15th Mt-.Omuhu. 7M
For rate * , etc , , ite top offlnt cotnmn onthtcpwe
HAVH rtxiiii for about 10 more horses In
laruo pasture ; cooJ water and shade.
iRh O Clarke , 12I llarnoy strcot. .MMI-18
WK have the best horse pasture In this
Ht-itn. nt Ollmorn Station , three miles
south of Uniaha ; 1QO acrcsof blnoBrass , njirlni ?
water , board fence ; have aitood one-half mile
track on thofarnu will take a few horses or
colts to break or train. Ilarton ft I'lielps or
A. W. I'liclps & Son. M.r < > gl'
I HAVE a peed pasture , two miles from
fotith Omaha , for horses and colts ; nine ,
timothy and clover Brass ; horses called for.
( ! eo. O. Oans , i-outh Omalii M.UI-MKV *
} rrrfitmt rtf , . ff ? tonnfIr / ; a ( itmn on ttili
HK. J COI.K , rental agency. Continental blk
t Til
II.II. J . lltr.V , rental ngunl. i U N. V. l.lfn.
.MKCJ ; ; mr.
for rate * , ttc. . utetnjtnf flint tiilumnnn thl *
, . , Suite of furnished looms by a
't pioniinent young bus ness man. Must bo
first-class and located between 17th anil ill li.
Howard ami Chicago treels. Itoardlng houses
need not apply. l < ( * lleo. 3.Y1
VV A NTiiTo : rent Oor in-rnoin hou t > . moiU
TT cm eon enlencos , no row nroforrcd. Ad
dress lock hot ( I - Milt
Forr < itri.rtc.frctnpoffliil column nnlliu ) igr.
OIjOn T , cheapest nnd best storage house In
city. Williams A. Cross , 1J14 Hnrney street.
, M4')7 ' )
BKST storage bullillni ; In Omaha , govern
ment bonded warehouse ; household goods
cared for ; lowest r.ites , W. M. lluahmaii , lOl'i
Leavonwoith Ib'J
OlinAI'IXr and best storage for furniture.
\VolK llll I'arnam st , 737
KTOKACJU of household goods ; clean , dry
place , privately stored , terms moderate ;
wo also store stoves during the summer : we
will get them from the nouses and deliver
them In the fall in good trim. Tel. 000. 1207
Douglas. Omaha Steve Repair Works. 713
For rate * , etc. , tec top nf flnl column on Mf pigr.
i'OR SAliK I'm nlturo of "I room house. All
routed and In good pat t of city. Adtlii'fu
tioodricli , W7 b. 13th struct. 410-17 *
1J1OR ' yAljIrurnltiite of a 10-room house ,
- * Cheap , llouso t > ir rent. Imjulte 1U.KI Dodao.
2o ! )
J'cirta/ft / , cc.i4fe/ii/ ( ( | Sitl riiliiKin on fMi
" 17 ' > OK SALi : A pacing horse : good saddier.
JL' nnd \vorUanjwlicie.sliigleoriloiible. .
Perfectly gentle for ladles or chlldicn. Ad-
diess .M IK , HeooMlce. M. il-U *
IjlOU SMil ! Ladles' drhlng horse , piiaeton
- - mid harness ; just the outllt for city use.
Address 1' . O , lloL'tl. . 41'J 17 *
IpOK SALII Plx good \\heel scrapers , 1 horse
and bug , ' } ' , 4 lie.n v wagons. 1 pouv.L or
gans , ! . ' sou Ing machines , and nice lot of household -
hold furniture. All on easy payments If de-
hired incjulro aims I'aMon blk. Mltvj 1'j
I71OK SALi--l : double oiril.igo , 1 phaeton , S
-L horses. 1 double harness , 1 sin-Mo harness ,
t fresh milk cow Inqnlru at the Itoston
stoic , 114 fiiulh Ifith stivot U't
I""OK SA LE-rajiilIy'"parrliii0. Leo i. Nlch-
ols. stable S8th and Le.ivennorth , M-Wt
HOKPI. auction every Saturday. " p in , , at
I'loneer st'ibles , l.'lth and Harnoy. Horses ,
wagons harness , etc. lluyers aim Millers
should attend these sales. H. lloman , I'rop
II. Wells , iiuctloni'or. > -
Forralf * , etc. , tcct < > i > ofjlr < t column on tlitijnge.
HAVH always on hand a lot of first class
milch eows for saloorwill trade for dry
ones at barn. .S. V. . cornorlOth nnd I/caTon-
ttiirth. f. J MontgOMioi v M-llll ) Ml *
2'or rates , etc. , ecctnp ofRrst column nn tht jnge ,
"IT'INn upright piano at a sacrlrtce. Innulro
JL after 7 o'clock , etenlngs , at illll Caluuell
htieel. AIM I
I71OK SALi : No 2 Uomlngton typowiltcr :
A. good ns now , lth oak desk ; cost J.i. | > : will
take J100. .M. A. Upton Co. , room -Ml. Ilee
liulidlng. 178
AHOOI ) piano at a blgsaeilllco , onlv JfiOOP.
Call after 7 o'clock , e > eiilngs , at 2110 Calf -
wollfctroot. M.v.'l
FOK SALH An elegant flro juoof s.ifo with
burglarchcst. I'hll Stlmmol , 911 Jones st. .
Omaha. Nob. OHI
rorratei , ctr.eetopnfflrit column on till * pigc.
E NORA VINO Wood. zinc , chalk , etc. Work
guaranteed on time and quality. Drlg
1mm. South Omaha. Mlli"
a MtDCN farm to rent. T. Murray.
G OOP homo for ladles during confinement.
Imiiilroat Mrs. M. 1'rasll , 1470 frouth 10th.
M181 J4
trotting stallions at Omaha fall-
grounds weighing from 1,000 to Ul'Olbs ,
comprising the blood of llamblotonlan , Ameri
can Star , Mambilno Ohiof , Ktliini Allen , Al-
mont and I'llot , jr. Terms from il * > to * V ) for
the season , C ill and sco the her > os and tholr
colts. A. Thomson. 0.T ! .12
MISSMAYKIt , ; 0 Shceloy bk choropodlst
manlcuio , best equipped ladle ' halrdreas-
Ing department In thocUy , Ladles'lialrbloaeh-
lug child ron's hair cut ting special tv. M-M.I.M1S'
MASS AUI treat men t , elect ro-thornml baths ,
scalp ana hair tieatmont. manicure and
chlropoillst. Mrs.l'ost.UIUU b.l&th.Wlthnoll blk.
EKMOVAL-AntlquarlanlKiok store removed
to 4V2 b. 15th Ht. , near HowardKarbach blk
173M1U *
OASTt'llK Lariro blue crass pasture nt
J Ilellovuo and nikhorn City for rent. II. T ,
Clarke , room 1 ! > , boaid of trade. 101 Mill
W ILLIaCOY. house mover , 613 South 17th
street , and SU South 2olh UNOIIIIO.
iw-May25 :
Vi ratesete.teetnpnf flrl roliimu onHilj
" "
" "
gifted ; tolls past and future , love
troubles , absent friends , changes , travel , busi
ness. KWa rarnam street. COI.M16 *
MHS. Nannie V , Warrenclairvoyant , trance
speaking , w riling and reliable uuslnoss
medium , fouryo.irs In Omaha , II ! ) iV. IIth. , 7. > ;
MAbSAGn-Madam Dotzler , overUlO S. lillli.
MUR. I'OKT. palmist fortune teller , tells
past and future from lines ot the hand In
old gypsy ivoy ; ladles only ; fee Jl.OJ. IW-S N
241 h. M208MI7 *
MUS. DK. DK SAN may bo consulto.l at her
parlors on all affairs of life , she Is n cele
brated business medium.and has a reputation
throughout the world for accurate and truth
ful readings of the past , present and future
events of your life , Kvory hidden mystery
revealed ; helps all who are In trouble ; never
falls ; givcaiidvlcoon nil poInU of Interest ,
business transactions , love affairs , family
troubles , block speculation , law.siiliabsent
friends , lottery numbers , lucky days , Inter
prets dreams , loca'es diseases , hidden trois-
ures und stolen goods ; restores lost nllecllons ,
brings the supar.ited to.-ollior , makes upeedy
and happy marrlagos with the one you love
by proper advice ; tells If the one you love Is
true or false ; gives luukv Uoman-Kgyptfan
talisman to help all out of trouble ; perfect
satisfaction guaranteed by mall ; send tno
stamps for Illustrated circular. 32 North 10th
Htreet , Omaha. BIO M'-'P
Tor totes , tie. , teetitj > nffirtt column on f/ito / pane
HIGH class dressmaking. KvenfiiB. dinner
and wcddhu.trousttaii '
n specialty. I'll
and style warran ed perfect. IL 0. Muxuell ,
IJamgo blook , room 4 r ' . 40.MIU *
ENUAOKM NTS to do dressmaking In faTi
Hies bollcited , JIlss bturay , 2010 Harney
street. MJ2U Jo *
etc. , itetnp tifjlrtt column on thti p tge
H fit , E. II. COMMINOS. late of Chicago col-
ail. lego of music , will receive pupils on the
banjo , study 19311 bhooly blk. MMiMtt *
Gr.O. I" . Uellcnbeck. teacher of the banjo ,
with Hojpo , 15U Douglas. xw
Bi-i ; " . bnyliiK a piano cxainlno the new
( settle Klmball plario. AUo.-Dc,15U Douglai.
lorrateittc. , tee topofflrtt coumn onil ( <
I MTENTTavvyor-s id'hollcltors , O.V.HnoTX
( Jo. , llott hullUlnjf. Umalm. liranch otlk-o at
\\uahlnston , U. U , OoniuUatlon free. 7ol
Forratei , etc. , teetop of , rft column on thli
$50.000 to loan on Improved Omaha buslnosi
property at n per cent Interest. Address ,
becurlty InveUmt-nt On. . Lincoln. Neb. M 154
MONEY to lonn otplmnroved city property
at current rates : funds on hand : no de
lay. Ueo. 1' . Illust A C' i. , .UlRiiingo bldg. 751
O. lend money on farm's In c'holco counties In
Nebraska and Iowa , aNi'on ' good Omaha resi
dence property ) loweniratcs : best terms ; no
( U-liiv ; money ready. Title * and values passed
on hero. I t 75ft
At lowest rates , u ,
Klmhall , Champ * flynn ,
1235 1'arnurn strouti Ul 14
B'IM)1NO ( loans (1 ( to 7 r > cr cents no addi
tional rhnrtrosforcomniNslonor attorney's
fees. W. II. Mclkle , first National bank blili : .
JUIVATK money to loan. J. I.ittlo I , 014
N. Y. Mfo. 757
rORTtlAOK loans wanted. McOnguo In-
Lv estmont company. 751
MONTY to loan on Omaha property I'ldel-
Ity Trust eornp uiy. 1HII rnririin. 7.VI
EASTKUN money to loan nt > ury low rates.
11. II. Iroy.axiNVV. Life. MSW
1711UST nnd second rnoitRiiso loans. Alex
-L1 Moore , < 0t Ileo hlilg. W tnlS'
WONKY on unimproved or Improved city
JI J propel ty low rain of interest from nrlvato
liiM-stors. I ll M.cbstcr , Wi N. V. hl/e / ,
CIIHAP ( Money PI Ha. MortcaRe and Trust
Co. , wants Kilt odpo loans , ( ii-u W. I' ,
( o.ites , lepresentatlve , T Ilo.ird Trade ( Kil
I'nrrnto , etc. . ttetop of fitt codimu oi Ihts jxiye.
\TONKY to loan by 11. V Masters on chattel
' -1 nnd collateralsucurltles for any tlmo from
1 tu 12 mouths , In any amount to suit bor-
Loans made on household Roods , ptnnos. or-
pans. hor-es , mules , bouses , leases , warelioiisi )
recelpts.utc , at the lowest rates possible with
out publicity or removal of nropoity.
My loans uro so arranged unit you can mnko
n t p'lymenl of any amount nt iny time and ro-
ilueo both principle and Interest.
Ifvouowoa balance on jour property or
have 1 a loan that you waul elianum ) I will pay
It oil and carry It for you. If j ou Una It moro
conxenlont call up tclephomi 1U.U nnd your
business ' will ho arranged at homo ,
Money always on hand. Nodelav. No pub-
lleltv. Lowest r'ltes. I ) 1 * . Masters.
UoonHVltlinull blk. l.Mli and Ilainoy sts.
H A. HAKNiU : loans money on chattel so-
cuiltv , Hoom .M , Chan.berof Commerce.
M.K ! ) j 0
OHATTHL bank , : il ! ) S. 11th st. . loans money
on chattels or collateral at reasonable rates
MONI'.V on furniture , horses , otc. ICeystono
Jloi tu'iige Co. . room 20S Shecly block. Msoi
MoNKV loaned on furniture , llvestock.etc. ,
from 1 to : i months , nlthout publicity ;
lo esl rates Dull Uiecn , room " 0 , Continental
block. M44D m''J
-IIIATrLH lonns at lowest rates , P21 N. Y.
Lifo. R A. Morris. IW1-M20 *
J'ot riif'.i , rlf. ttetoiinf ftisl riiluinri onift ( / jnoe.
/ MHJCnitV stock of JI.VJJ to exchange for
VJ cash .irul iinlncuioliercd real estate Ad
dress M 10 IIM , ollhe. 4S7-II *
SALI C.irpcitor | and eablnot shop ;
centrally located. 'Address M U , lice.
V\rANTii : ) A u.utner In the garden busIness -
Iness , small caplthl required. Addrscs M
, Ilee olllce. i 41U III *
"IJ'OH ' SALK Kleganti , olcaii hardware stock
-L' of about * > ,0t)0 ) valuo. In one of the best
towns of the state ; leading store In thotoun ;
best reasons for tiollInK ; J-.WO cash , balance
t-'ood Omaha real estuto. U. 1Harrison. . 012
N. Y. Life. t 420
1710 U SALH ! Stock of drugs and drug sun
i1 dries ; , well asserted , Invoice'at one thou
sand dollars ; for sale If taken at once for
'oxi'iity cents on the ( lollar \\holosaloprlco )
Wllltiadofoi clear property. Address. T. It.
Clawson. York , Nob. fc , 214-JU
HOTTL Lease and furnlturo of forty room
hotel doing goodlj'iudness. .Must bo sold ,
oM'nnt : i Micnllce , ns 'proprlotor has other
busliiPhs. Ccnti.illy Idcnti-if In eltv ofllO.OOO.
Address W.S. Coopiir , > Nov in , Main stnot.
wji. 1JOJ4
EpOR bALF rurnlturo und undertnklnz
- * - ' business In good town , with or without
store building ; part cash , balance gilt edge
paper or clear real estate ; Invoices about
* , ItoxOl-J Lincoln. 7uS
[ jlOR SAM ? An old established and peed
JL p.iylng cigar btoro ; good reasons given for
soiling. 1C 20 lloo ofllco 5- "
BLACKSMITH and wagon shop , with dwell
ing ; splendid location ; write for particu
lars ; reason for selling , poor health. Tappo
Ill-others. Vordon. Noli. MKtmlS *
Vet rate * , etc. , sec fop nf flat column on Hi ( a pit/a. /
-iV. either. In exchange for hardware or cash.
Addiess M 15 , Ileo ofllco. M.V10-H *
rrtOK SALi : or trade for unencumbered land ,
. .A4 tcnament lulck house In Kountza I'lacc ,
I'rank T. Hansom , 4T > l'a\ton bldg. B121
TO i\chango : , choice ten aero trhct In U'est
Onittha close to Holt Line Kv , will make
fifty nice hits ; can oxehango for good residence
propel ty. 0 30 N. Kicks , N. Y , Life Itldg.
4b 14
T OH n.XCHANOi : $1,00) ) equity In modern
JL 6-ioorn brick house , now. for clear out-
slilo lots well located. A , 1' , Tukoy , Now
York JJ f e
IT'OKSAriKor trade for iinoncnmbcied land ,
JL1 C-room house and 2 lots In Nebraska City.
I' T. Kansom , 4 'J 1'axton bldg. 51.1''J
FOUKXCHANHn-Splondld rent il properties
for f.ums , vacant lots , stocks of morchan-
dlso , otc. 1 aNo have cloir iROO-.icru llnoly
Improved ranch to exchange for good Omaha
acreage or business lot and assume tncum-
biancc , W. U. IIOman , rooms b and 10 , l'inn-
orblk. si 15
C LEAN general ntoi'k of merchandise for
farm and money , llov'"J3 , 1'rankfort , Ind.
7W )
POU.SALK A liandsomo family her = o , ro-
llablu and uontlo ; good for double seated
rIper laalos' driver. Kmiulro llul Douglas.
tin ttiln.rlf tr lop nf i < rn'itmuil ' < nl/l
"I OST--A largo Ilainond
( settlnir , on the see-
JJ end floor of the Itco bldg. Hcturii to It.
1)0.1 , Itco bldg and get row-ird. M.V.7
JOhT A diamond "II" Initial rlnion Tenth
J.iml Harnoy. Tinder please return to Win.
ISodemer , jr. , 407-0 So. Tenth st. , and recelvo
Hbeiul regard. Ml l.ri *
ijioi'o { ALs 1'ou iiticTioN ; or SCHOOL
L building. United States Indian school set
\lce , aonoa Industrial school , tJenoa , Neb. ,
May 8 , 1 ( > 01. .sealed propnuals. enilor.-iul "I'ro-
posals for erection , , f suhool building , " and
nddressca to the undersUncd at denoa , Nob. ,
\\IHbeiecolvedatthls school until l o'clock
of June 1 , isui , forfiirn shlng the material anil
electing a g.rls1 . brick dormitory building on
the school grounds In aroordanco with plans
and sneeltliatlons that may bo examined at
the ofllco of the "Ileo" at Omaha , Nob. , and at
this school. The neccsf.nry excavation and
grading will bodono bytho school and the
gravel required In concrete work furnished ,
unscreened on the ground , wllhoutcost to
the contractor. Certified t hccktI'ach bid
must bo accompat\l , > d by a certified
chock or draft upon some I'liiled Statei1 depos
itory or solvent national bank In the vicinity
of the bidder's place of business , made pay
able to the order of tlM'conim sslonerot In
dian atralrs , for nt-lMMt ( > per cent of the
amount of the proposal/which chock or dr.ift
will bo forfeited to the fnlted States In case
tiny bidder or bidders receiving an award
shall fall to promptly execute n contnct with
good and Hiimclent sureties , othornlso to bo
letiirned to the bidder. The rliiht Is reserved
to reject nny and all bids or any pait of any
bid If deemed for the best Interests of the
tervicc. W. II. Jluckus , sunorlntcndont
i i IK un.u/rv MAUKir. ;
TNSTUUMENT3 placed ou rooor4 May 13.
wtmuvrr nesoi
Jacob Meyer and wlte to J. A. L Mover ,
lot : e. block 14 , On-hard Hill . . . " . * 11,310
\ \ . . \
\\.l.\Vugneranu wife to Kmtl Oustnf-
son. lot 4 , block 2 , Mxleonth street add 4W
Narllla Ward to J. A. Connor , o-ist 100
foot ' of Houth half of lot II , block 2 ,
place n.OJO
G. II , Thomas to O. S. Hoffman , lot 14 ,
block.i , sill ) , of J. I , Itodlok'u add. . . . 5
Total amount of trauifers I " 'J5
ForrnfM , etc , , ttf ti > p f tint column on I/if * 11
A VENUK 11 Is being paved
1'rom ntovcnth street to Carter Load Works ,
In I'.iit Omaha.
Electric motor line vtlll bo running to I'ast
Orn aha
Within slTtydays.
Within two miles of postofllco and
Only one block
I'lom the motor line nnd street being paved ,
above referred to. at
$750.00 cash.
Lots In Potter . \ ( Jcor o Company's
Addition to I'ast Omaha
JT25COtoM. ' 0.00 ,
Only 1100.0) cnsh ,
Iliilnnco within reasonable tlmo at 7 per cent ,
Tlio streets In this addition are already
S. W.coinor loth and 1'iiinani streets
SOUTH Omaha Hand comp-inys
New Addition.
Adjoining Spring i.nUo 1'ark.
City water and sidewalks.
I'lncst rcsldcnco lots In the city.
70 sold in 'A weeks.
Insldes , 51x1.11 feet.
Corncis , BixlJOfe"t.
IVIco Insldes , JiV ) to JSiU.
1'r Ice corners , Jli ) tofl,2UO.
One-fifth cash , balunco easy.
Ed Johnston & Co. ,
Mit7-ln :
CAIM'ENTEUS. masons , plasterers and
others desiring homes n 111 do well to call
and examine the nice lots wo oiler for s-ilo In
West LIIVMI and West Lawn I'ark. near the
now fall mounds. West Omaha , To parties
buying can furnish employment for the sum
mer. Hicks , N. Y. Life bnlldhi , , ' . Olllco open
evenings. 4stl4
l/'OIt ' ' SALE-One lot IS'\12J at a bargain.
JL' on monthly payments or otherwise ! also
two lots fronting on paved street. Inquire \rA \
b. r.'th st. M4'Ki ' ir ,
HEItE Is the cheapest lot on the market.
M\I27 , south front , on Ohio street , ' ' ,
block west of 'Mb avenue , for onlv. Jl.ovi.0
W. II. ( lutes , na'tN Y. Life. JISlfl-tl (
llvo acres West Om-iln : a big
bargain at fM)0. ) Hicks N. Y. Life llldg
FOK SALE New modern icsldenco In host
p.nt of Omnha , convenlenf to motor ;
house has 11 rooms , attic will make II more ;
Inside finlsb cliciry and oik ; lot 111) feet
fiont. or will divide fora good cash piyment
\\illsell at a bargain. Ames , 1J07
street. 4U9-ii ;
KANCII 1,120 aeies. four miles from county
scat Holt countv , ECU acres pasture. 40) )
meadoiv , b.ilaneo work land , l.argo gloves ,
good fences and buildings. Sell whole 01 part
JIH.OO per acre. Addiess b II Hovvatd. O'Neill
Nob. MIIU 14 *
FOK SALE On monthly payments lot and
two houses on S. IMh st. , near Dorcas. O.
V. Davis Co. , l.V"i ) rarnam st. IWt 211
YOl'K choice of several beautiful residence
lots In Hansconi I'laco. I2.2JO to fl'1.000. '
Cull nnd see them. Illcks N. Y. Life llldg.
JL , Klco , real estate.0VJ Life building.
. 2.VU7 *
TT1OII ' SALE A line Improved farm of 200
JL' acres ; 100 nndei cultivation ; sliado trees ;
fruit , windmill , wagon scales , etc. ! 1' ) ) miles
wcstof Omaha ; fJU per acio. AdOrcss G 4llee.
T 7
T710K ' South Omaha propciry. tiuslness , track-
* uge or residence , go to the leudlti. real es
tate de.-ileis In South Omaha. Kd Johnston &
Co. . cor. 24th and N sts M'lVI
FOK SALE Extra bargain , choice Mlxl.'O.
with building ; rents JfOOper mo. ; one block
from now 1 * . O. U. L. Uracn. K 47 , lluikcr
block- . 7C-1
FOK SALE Lot a.l\W ) for } 0,000. Eniliilro
1011 Capitol ave. 12J-1S *
FIVE-room houses In Orchard Hill , $1,500
each on monthly payments. Thomas 1' .
Hall , llll 1'axton blk. 742
" 171OK SALUchea ) ) , easy payments : 1'J-story
-LHow C-room house with bath , collar , etc. ;
full lotN. . Shelton. 1 J4 1'nrrrini vn
J. UIHSON , solo agent Kountw I'laco.
loon , : i , Cielgliton block. UJ1
TflOR S'ALK A nice homo , , ' 4th and Loavcn-
-L worth ; now , pilce low , and teims accom
modating , ( lee W , P. Conies , repiubciit.itlvo.
7. Hoard ot Tiatle. ! XO M13
FOR SAM' H aero trackage property cheap ,
16th nnd Williams. A. Plouior , N. W. Cor.
13th and Williams sts. ] GU Mid *
BAKJAlNb ! Iliiigalns Olllce open every
nlu'lit and Trust eompany.
first floor N. Y. Life building. Mill Ml' . '
FOKbALE IW acres land 2 miles west ot
city limits , to close an estate. Tlio ( > . K
Davis Co. OSOM14
DO you Intend buying or building an ele
gant home ? If so , the reading of this udil
mnys.ivovou from HOUto Sf.OJO. The ad-
vortlscroilers mi elegant 12-room house on
the finest residence si reot , paved , In the cltv ,
1 mile from I' . O. lotOixUO , > 4 block fioni mo
tor line , house hasovcry modem convenience ;
price very low and v\ould take a goc.d rosl-
dcnco lot as part payment. Addiess L 1)7Ileo )
For wte , ctr , , * ee tnpiif Hint column on ( lit * pige.
MASs-AOK hath nt Madame smith's par'ors. '
.Id floor. 4JO s 15th eot. K.7-17 *
M 1 Madam DeUlcr , uver 010 S. llltl
20U-JI. '
J-1 T7UEED Mohlc , S. E. cor. r.mmmlund Ilth.
- 70
The Smith Premier Typo-rWrito
never fails to convinro tlioso who in-
voatignto its merits , that it is the most
durable , 1ms the most perfect iilicnunont
ia the lonrnod , nnd has more
good points than any other Typo-writer
on the market.
The Smith Premier Type Writer Co , ,
B. H. MAYHBW , Manager.
1609 } Itanmm Street , Omaha , Neb.
GKT TIIKRK CAl'SULKS , a positive
euro for ( jonorrlKr-a , ploot or any urina
ry trouble , will not cnuno stricture. For
weakness of both tnalo or female it has
no equal. Will tfiiarantoo to cure above
complai ntB with ono box. ICasy to take
and quick in effect , purlfyinj , ' 'the blood
at the same time. $1,50 pur box , by mailer
or your druccist.
: DOCTOR Them Cilrbnitrd UNUI.ISII ;
' rill. r aroilllreCurerorHlcU :
iAGKER'S adacliF , llllloutnefti , and !
Conttlpallon. Hvnall , plraft * *
I PURE ant aid u fatorlle vitlh ( lie !
luJU . Sold In England for !
I PINK 1HJ. , In > m rlc * for lrc. Oet ;
[ him from jour Urutr Uti , or ;
od to w. ii. noosmi A co , *
i PILLS < W..1 Hr.i4..r , X w T.rk. ;
Where the Fearful Dnngor of Qrlp Lies anil
How to Counteract It.
Mori' li something whloli line of the most
iromlnpiit dovtun In America recently said
nbout the crlpi
"Havo } ou noticed tliut only those pet-sons
wlio where aitedand fcobtu orilobllltatod died
of tlip Rrlp ? Tlio drip Itself Is not so serious or
dangerous , but It Is the terribly vvo.iUoncd con
dition t lint It loaves one In mid tin' fearful after
effects vvbleb It brings , Thopcoplo Vfhodlo do
not have vitality enough to recovers they
do not possess vigor enough to throw off tlio
iftor effects. Such people , In fact all people ,
should have help In some sensible MUV. to I li row
olT the dopiostlop , thodcbllllatlni ; , thonlmoit
suicidal feelings vvhleb the 11 rip al wnvs c.i uses.
Nothing wilt do this , nntlitnK will help nnturo
except sonic puiostltiitilaiil anil there is noth
ing In the way of Ntlmiilants equal to pure
whlsl.r.v. "
No medicinal stimulant r\t > r has nroilm-cd
theiesnlts , e > ei h'sieeel\ed | thooiidiiisoinonts
01 ever hns been so popular as llully's I'me
Malt \\hlsKoy. \ The reason li exceedingly sim-
pln. It Is because It has centlj. hoatthlfj anil
completely assisted ISuttiro , loiiiMl It up. en
abled It to resist the outside Influences whli'h
tended to disease and to assist toward the at
tractive path which leadstohn ilth. Tlio after
cltoctsof the ( lilp ate the \\oisl featnro of It.
Tluiv must tie eoitnteiMOted If stteiigth und
health me to lie regained. Tliev ean lie o\er-
eoine In but onecertaln u > anil Hint Nbvtl e
use of thosi'iislblo ellli'lenl und hlphlv ender
sed stliniiliint aboxe inriitloni'd. There Is
nothlii ) ; befole the pilblhhnli ean foi a
nioineiit eciinpite ulth It anil thu
should be Insist.d opnn
Too Fast
become listless , fretful , without ener
gy , thin and weak. But you can for
tify thorn and build them up , by tno
use of
Or JMme and 8o < Ia.
They will take it readily , for it is al
most as palatable as milk. And it
should bo remembered that AH A I'HK.
UNEQUAllED. AniMiHt > illliitIn iK > ffrrr < l.
Pimples on the Taco |
Breaking Oat )
Skin Troubles |
Ilttlo Boreal Hot Skin )
Bolls ) Blotches |
Gold Sores ) Bad Breath |
Sere Mouth or Lips I
If sun nulfir IPIIIM nny r
tuctto i J Hiplttm * , tiiUc
lt royoii orcruiicil mironryt If fo , illJ yn
clvo yniimolf the nrcilrd atUntlon nt the tlnwl
\Vo n < ed not tbll you that you require n t'uo.1 '
nipdlcino , topiisliro frcpjlmn from tha nttpr cf-
feet * ! > ! - . AtUcr" . in : 1 oo.l l.tUlrUthp
only known medicine that will tlioroiiRlily crndl-
c-itJ the polnon from the \ntr..n'ii'fiti-i.Mi ' i
'niirdm&vl't. or willo to W H. IIOOUHI : A
O. , .1(1 AVcit llranitnrnjr , Aew ork City.
TCUlC'Ail ( ) , HUin.IM.'lON tt i Arrlios
Omutia. I Depot lOtli nnil Xluson y tu. Oniclm
rimfllin I linnet. Itltli nn/1 Mnunn Htm I / ) , , , . n.
10:5 n m . .Denver "
Dar Kxpreis 4 0" > p m
10 V > n m . . . .I > onilwoo(1 Kxprco i 05 p m
10 'i ! ii in . . . Dt'tivcr Kxprcss b 15 p m
7 10 ] > in .Denver Nlxht KYIMCIS ! ) its n in
6 Ul p in . . . . Lincoln l.lmluJ II SO n in
8 U n m l.lnt-tiln I . ' 00 p m
K ( ! , HT J , A C. H | Arrival
Uninha Depot lOtli null Mnson Sl , I Oinihn.
030 u nil . . . .Kinisns Clly llnr Kiprcua . , | MO p in
IMS p mK. | O. Nlidit Kxp via U. I * . Trnni.l B 4li a in
I.01TC5 UNION 1'AC1H ( . ' I Arrlvr <
OniHtm Dcnnt Kltli nn'l Mnrrv "l
1010im liaii'iis City tfxprmi ( ox Sun ) .is p m
10 .H ) n in 4 CO gi ra
2.SU P in . , < JVfHIUIll 1 1)1-1 . . . I lllrt | l III
4 .M p m . ( iriuul Island ICxp ( ex. Hun ) . 11.5o a ul
7.JJ p in I'nclllc Kipruts ill ,10 Jim
I.pnvns irillCACO , .Mil. A. yi1 I'Alll , I Arrlvif
Oninlm III l dcpot ICIli nml M-irtjJ ti I ciainli ,
010 p m , TTT.T .C1iU K Uxprciis .77. . . I I n ui ( liknno Kiprcva | I
U-nvos I ritlCAliO , U I , V I'AC'IKIC I Arrives
Oniiilm | U. 1 * . ill-put , IQtli ninl .Mnicy M3.I Onlalm
C.1U p m Nlvlit Kxprri ) IO.IC , u in
U 0 n m . Atlantic U . ' ,0 p ni
4 30 p in .Vostltialn l.linlloil 104i n m
I.cnves H1OUX C1TVA I'ACIHU I Arrive *
tOrwoha " Depot 10th nnil .Mnrcy Kt < I Ouinlnv
7 15 n ml . . . .Sioux ( It ?
ISO p ml St. 1'nui Kxpre . . . . .110 10 n ni
Leaves I SIOUX CH'V K. I'ACU 1C I Arrlvct
Uiiinlm. I Depot 15th anil Wolntcr hH. | Oninlm
d ( Kip nr ft. I'liul l.lnillctl j ji ij ! n ni
1,1'aves ICIIICACO A NOIlTHWKrirhllN. ! Arrlvtv
llnmlui 111 1 * . ih'i"l. | 10th anil ilnrjy fet-t.l C7milin
Kxprnta 0 W fi m
111 Voillliiilo I.lmltod .I Ml u in
II lUp III Flyer - ! . ! ' > | > ra
b.lOp m Local Knst Kt. ( oxcupt Moniluy ) 7 < 0 a m
i.eivuT"j' l.OUb"
Oinalin ' | U 1' . < l : ot , lOthjind .Mnrcy S.ta.1 Oiimlm
t' > J p'ml . .St. r.onls Cuii nun Hull 11380 p in
Lcavo K , K A .MO. VAI.I.UV Arrlvo
Onmhn Popot IStli nnil Welmtfr Kt , Oinohn
I avca I C. HI' I' . , M.AO I Arrlvui
Onmha | Depot ISthjiml Warmer8t I Omaliiv
B tu u ml sloux
Cltf Accommoitnttoa u Ui p m
1 00 p iniHIoux City jxirc ( lii hiuular ) IS 40 p in
000 p m . . St 1'nul l.lmllotl u JS n in
5 16 p inlHancrolt Tancnctr ( Kx Sunilnjr ) S 45 n m
l.unvva I MIFSOUIU 1'AdKIC' . I Arrives
Uinnha. I Depot lilli unit Web fr 8t . I Unmha
' "
10'aO n ml" . .i'l lAJUli A. K U ISxiri > t.s. . . . | 410 p in
9.15 p nl St Louis V KC _ _ Ilipruan . . . | I..10 n n
I.envin I C111I AiU , U I \ I'M UIC I Arrlva
Traii fer | Union Depot , Council llliilla. rrrnnnfei
15.10 p ml . N'lKht Uipreis . I20 I ii n
Atlantic Uiprf > i9 . 1 , ' . Viiin
. . , Vustltiulo l.tmllcil . . ,
N ult'l 1 1 W TST -UN I I A rrl v
IJifloa Hi'iint ' mi mil DIutlH I'll in i
' . < 10 n in Clilcniro llxiiro 1 * . . . ( i mi p m
6m p in Vottlluiln l.lmlluit . . . . ' . ' .ill a in
10 00 p m . . I'.intern Klycr -00 p H
800 p m Allantlu .Mull . . . . 7 . ) n n
> . J..I in Arciiiiiiiiiiilntlon iSit. mil ) ) 1,40 p m
Li'iivei | UlllCAi ( ( ) . Mil , * > ' ! ' I'AUI. Arrlvi
1 riiiislnrl llnjun llopot , C'ounill Illuffj Tf < inli'
R.IO p ml . ClilniKO Kxprc s . i ' . ' 15 niu
VJUnml . . .Clilcauo K.xuri's . . . I ills pn
I. < MVU i
TrHniterj t'nlun In-put Cuiini U IHulIi 'I runsi
1)07 a m CUy Itnjr'I MJ | i in
IU : ) p ni Knn n3 Clly MKht Liprem. . I L ; ) n in
'Irjinfral Union Dopul , Council IllufTi. iTrunifi-r
4 0 p m | . . . ht Loulu Canon l'.ill . . ' . . IU \ ! > p ra
I.eurei ICIIICACO UUItl/.V A ( JtJINCy l Arrives
Tranifcrl Union Depot. ( ouncll Illutli iTrnnifor
. . . . ( hti-KRO Kumtn . , I MO p in
1000 p m Chlcnito Kxpribt ti0 n m
7tt p m | ( rcston lll.'A ) R in
lA-avei I HldU.X riTV A I'AIIHO I Airlrca
Tranilcrl " Unlun ln ) ( t nnincll Illutfi. | 'lrnn > fur
7 05 B ml . .tifouxt Ity Auoimmojatlon . I V < 0 iTm
B.05 p mi M I'aul
Kiprm . . .lluul n m
lllnlno li > HtliiK Coiiil'ortnlily.
NKVV Vonu , May 1 ! ! . Secretary lllnlno I
resting comfortably this morning. Ho has
decided that ho will romnlQ In this city fo
the balance of the week before returning to
Not many ptiyslcians make ureat thorapcu
tie dlscovorlos. For the most part they con
flnethomsolvi * with udmliiiatcrinK judluiousK
what Is preserlboil In thol > ooks , To Dr. .1 C
Aver , hovvnvor , Is duo the credit of discover
Ing that creates ! of hlood punllers Ayer'
Tlm raxtoii Hotel Fire.
Did not ulTout tlio liotol proper In
way BO us to Interfere with the operutloi
of the liousa Only the nnnox WIIH tliun
nfrod anil K11C8lH htivo boon oared fo
without the intorruptlon of ti
sLtrr irir/i .1 r
lorrllilo nifcovor-y Iiulo In a Now
.It-i-Noy Hovel.
Nr.w VOIIK , May ll ! A horrible cnso of
> overty nnd dpgrnilntlon ontno to the niton-
leu of County I'hysldnu WrlgliUoti of Now
orspy on Motutny nlb'ht.ntulv.u tnailo publlo
ostcfilay. It was the discovery In n foul
moiling house In Montelnlr of the body of n
vonianvlio had boon dctuf several ( Invs. For
1.x orsovcn days the neighbors of MM. Ellen
ohnson of Now and Fulton streets , Mont-
lair , had seen nothlni ; of her , hut as ho was
i heavy ill-Inker and given to going on pi-o-
racleil sprees , both Indoors unit out , they'd thcinselvas but little us to her where-
nbouts. Her only roniianlon | was n little boy ,
\ho Is Just past eight jours old. Although
it ono time nllno looidiii ; woman , yeir-i oldo-
i.uiehery had wonderfully cliinigivl Mrs.
ohnson , not only In looks , hut In maum i.s ,
uid her neighbors had but little to do null
lur , its she was oviviMlngly noisy. On M m-
liiy afternoon the Ilttlo fclknv was out as
isunl nnd was begging food from people In
jvcry vicinity. Nothing w-ius thought of th s ,
iovvcve.r , us ho was ragged and dim and had
ilton asked f or n bite to eat bolero because of
lU mother's noglocl ,
Whllo -hurltntilo vsoiuan was ruodmi ;
ilin , ho was uslioil what had boi-onioof his
not her. "Kho Is "
ivslecp , was his ivplj
. -'urther questioning brought out the fact
hat she had "ocou tislecp" lor over a woIt. .
ois were docldedly susiilcious , unit after u
consultation , the neighbors determined to
enter the house. The > found Mr.s .lohiison
lj Ing on thu bed apparently asleep , but a do-
chted stench told them of death ami docompo-
sltioii. When the body was e\nmlni > dit win
round that the woman hud been n corpse for
some tlmo. Dr. U'rtglitson iiuulo nn exami
nation and found that she had been drinking
Imul and that death had
, been caused by a
convulsion brought on by her hard drinking.
The stinngest and most horrible part of the
affair fs the storv told to the county phj Mcian
by the dead woman's son. Ho ninl his
mother went to bed together on the night of
Suiulnv Mnv , 'l. ho snvs. Iteforo ho wmt to
sleep a mouse trap which had boon sot , and
donl.v shut with n snap , nnd Ills mother got
ui ) to HCO if u mouse had been caught bihu
soon returned to bed , mid In n few mlmitos
began to shako so hard that she shook the
whole bed Shu bocaino quiet , mid tin
thought she had gone to sdcoii. Kverv night
since then he .slept In the house , ami until
Thursday had occupied his usual place in thu
bed with Ills mother. Ho did not knou that
ho was sleeping beside a corp-,0 in fact he
did not know \vlmt death was , but slncu
Thursday he had slept on the lloor near thu
bed because of an awful smell. Ho thought
notlilni ; of her sleeping , ho said , as she often
slept for two or thrc'j ilnys after u big
drunk. The smell of the Illthv apiiitment
Itself was so bad , that not for four dnj s did ho
notii-o the now and offensive odor. Yostor-
d.i ) the nuthoiltlcs tntoireil tlio remains ,
Mrs Johnson had been n hard ilrinlicr , nnd
for this reason her Husband left her about
llvo years ago. Ills present wbeieabouUs tire
Hnllcr'i barb wlro liniment has met with
extraordinary favor , and eases pronounced
Incuniblo liavo been tientod with HUCCCSS.
Lvery farmer should keep n bottle of this
justly celebrated remedy ; ready for Instant
Declriiou In l''avinof the Clilrngo
Milwntikrc&Hl. Paul Itj.
The now Puliico sleeping earn of tlio
C'hicago , Milwnukoo it St. I'tutl Hy. ,
with olautriu lights in every horth , will
continuo to icnvo the Onion depot ,
Oninlm , ntti:10 : p. in. , dully. I'imsoiifjora
tnkin this trniii nvold tnuisfor nt Coun
cil Bluffy , nnd nrrivo in Uhicu''o nt ! ) :30 :
n. in. , in ample time to make nil custom
commotions. Ticket ollico , 1501 Farnaiu
itroot. R A. NA.SII ,
J. E. PUESTON , General
City Pnsbonpcr Agont.
Sit V I'll O.T//I//.I.
Spell innii Flnlicrty.
Miss Sadlo Spollmaii , the nccomplnhed
daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. William Spcllman
Hurtwell , Nob. , and Mr. Timothy J. Flaherty
of this city were married Tuesday nt lM ) : ) In
Miss Spollman Is ono of the most popular
and nccomnllshed young ladies of this city ,
mid bus ns many graces of mini ! and hojy as
she has friend i. Mr. Flaherty U ono of the
popular and trusty employes of thu Cudaliy
pacftlng houses. Tlio happy young enuplo
have returned to this city nnd gene to house
keeping at Thirty-third and Iv streets and
nro receiving the congratulations of many
I'tH'Icors' Xtitlonnl
The Paekors' National bank of South
Omaha witli a capital of $100,003 has boon
organl/cd. Tlio olllcers elected are as fol
lows : A. C. Foster , president ; John \i. \
Miles , vice president ; A P. Ht-ink , cashlor ,
diiectors , MOSSM. A. F. Foster. John Ij.
Miles , Kd ward A Cu Inhv. Hv H. Mcdny.
W. N. Habuock , Sainuol Uottncr , Carey M.
Hunt , A. W. Tr-umb'.o and Amos Oatos.
Ahum the Cl'y.
The board of education hold an adjourned
meeting Tuesday evening.
Swift & Co. , nro constructing largo Icing
sheds tit the packing housoi.
Hurt Bullock who had his ribs broken by
being struck by u windlass Is able to bo out.
W. Ii. Uurry Is building a line business
block on Twor.tlcth street and Mllroy tivo-
( . .JcorgoV. . Turner of this city has boon
grunted a patent for n storing rcuoptuclo for
Lyman Wilcox of Ida Grove , In. , Is visitIng -
Ing nis son , Hot t K. Wilcox , of Persons &
The estate of J. .f. Josslln Is having a largo
double Hat erected on Twenty-fourth and I )
sti cots ,
The Swift bnio nil ! eluh will play H. C' .
Hatty's Tips In McCormlck park , Omulm ,
Sunday nt 10 o'clock.
Secretary Funston was nuthorl/cd to id- |
vortlbo for bids to grade tlm Jtrown park mid
Fourth wnrd school loU ,
Colonel ,1. C. Sharp , socrotnry of the stocu
yards coinpanv , lias gene to } iotSprlngs , S.
O. Uoforo his return Colonel sharp will visit
the Dlack Hills.
Whllo at play yesterday , Klmcr , aged ten
yours , son of Fred Oloss , Twentieth and lj
streets , was pushed over u bank and had his
loft shoulder dislocated. A surgeon was
necessary to reduce the dislocation.
The Cun club has tirrangeu lor n llvo bird
shoot at tlio Third ward range Sunday after
noon , commencing ut'J o'clock. The club hns
had the range Hxod up and now has ono of
the In the state. A delegation of On.uiia
sliooti.'its will bo present Sunday.
Dr. iJlrnoy euros eaturrn. Boo bld .
Iliiunil Knsl with n Murderer.
Svv FIUMISIO , Cnl , May lit.Antonio
Frederick , alias John Ulccl , was arrested In
this city about thico weeks ago or the murder -
dor of Cltirlco JannollI at Coshocton , Pn , on
May 30 , 1VJO. Last night two detectives from
Pennsylvania departed for the cast with tlm
murderer , who was securely handcuffed.
of five HUM nre wvlrr till * lieml , Jlflj
; eneli Hilillllonnl line len cent' ,
of ' Mrs /.on ( Joldsboioussh , Albright , tiled at
1 o'clock yesterday iiuunlnit and was burled
In l.aurol Illll cemetery at a o'clock this af
' Poslllvoly rnret ! l > y
CARJER'S thn o Mttlc IMIlH.
Thov nlso relieve Din-
tress from Dygpcpsla , In-
ITTLE dlgestlou and Too Hearty
Katlng. A perfect ri-m
edy for Dizziness , Nausea ,
UrowBlnrtiH. Had Taste
In the Mouth , coated
Tongue , 1'aln In the SMe ,
TOIH'in UVKR. Tlioy
rct'ulato uio Dowels , 1'urcly Vegetable.