Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA DAILY THURSDAY. MAY 34. 181)1. ) r
Important Victory for tha State in the
Bhccdy Case.
Afcrn HiruiiKl < "lKlit AKalnut it Ity tin-
Hie JiiilKi * Di'flclc-H to
idinlL the NrKio'rt Sli > ry
M llx Idcnc.-o.
Nob. , May -Special [ to Tnr
BI-K.I-Tho presidential visit this morning
liad the effect of postponing the owning of
court In the great Sheedy murder trial until
1(1-30 ( o'clock. The witness who attracted
the most attention was Donnls Sheody , the
brother of the murdered nnn. Mr Shcetlx
Is ono of Donxei's millionaires and is vice
president of ono of the Denver banks , nnd
iccrolnry of the richest amoltliig company In
Colorado Ho Is a voiy ngreciblo and np
proaclnblo gentlemr.n , and xvhen scon out-
sldothu court room oxptossed himself xcr )
/locly In regard to the case Ho said.
"You have no idea hoxv much this terrible
crlmu has concerned mo I xxish it could all
bo buried nt the bottom of the sea Thu
great mistake of my brolhor's life xx-as in
marrying tint woman , but she evidently got
around him In a moment of vxcnknoss nnd
Induced him to yoke himself with her foi
life. Hut a brief lifoltwas for him Do I
bollovu her guilty of murdering my brother ,
her oun husband ) Just look at that face of
hers. Note the cold , cuiel expres
slon nnd you have my nnsxxor. Thai
look of hers reminds mo ot a
passage in ono of iho Icttois of
Junins in which hosajs 'If xou xxlsh to lie
successfully put on a cold , hard stare. ' I do
wet wish to bo vltullctixc , but I xxant the
fe'ullly person punished "
Ono of Iho Inlcrosllng thlntrs brought out
this morning xvns the cordial hatred xvhich
ex-Captain Carder cherishes for Dotecllvo
Jim Malonc , thoofllcer who untangled Iho
myslery surrounding Ihomuidernnd nrreslctl
Monday McFarland nnd Mrs Sheedy
Carder xxas voiy anxious to inform thu couit
why ho has disliked Mnlono slnco the Sliced )
inurdei. but thorouit was not desirous of
being enlightened In that rogird
Wnen the pilsoncrs xxnrc brought In till
morning n latgur croxxd limn ox or before wir
The mooted point as to xvhother Iho confos-
slon of Mend ix McPuilind should bu nil
milled xxas ngdn taken up , testimony being
presented both In favor of it and against It
Kx-Captaln Caicler xxas the Hist xxitnes'
called Ho represented Iho defense. Ho re
lated the influents in coiincc lion with Me
Fat-land's anosl and declared lhat Dctoctlx'c
Malone xx cut to McFurland's cell Iho night o
his arrest and oxtotted a confession bx
making Iho prisoner believe lhat tlieiu was a
mob of Hfly men after him nnd that the
croxvd xvould bo Increased lo a bundled lulor
On cross-examination Mr Hall asked Carder
"Didn't jou sav to Mcl'ailand 4lCeo |
your d n mouth shut , vou have said cnotigl
already to hang yourself' "
This caused a tilt between the opposing
laxvyers , but llnally tlio xxltncss xvas ulloxvcd
to ansxxur and ho admitted that ho had told
the negro to keep his mouth shut , but hac
Bald in addition , "You have already bcci
Beared enough " The witness further lostl
fled lhal xvlillo Malone xvas tnlkine xvith Me
Variant ! he ( Carder ) attempted to go lu , bu
was "llretl" by Mnlone. The xvitnoss wn1
Inclined to bo hard on Dutcrllxo Malone , am
finally Mr. Hall asked Iho xxltness If the to
latlons belxveon him nnd llio detective \vcro
Of a frlondlj' chutuctpc- . Carder cle
clarcd most emphatic-all v tint thov vxci
not , and not only volunteered to glvo thoroa
eons therofor , but Insisted on giving thorn
"They nro nxvful good ones , " said Carder
oven after his pioffor had been rofusod.
Ex-Marshal Mellck xxas put on the stand
lie tostillcd that the folloxxing question xxa.
put to McFailund at thu tlmu of the confes
Ion :
of that crime and it xvould bo best for jou to
make n clean bruast of It nud tell vx huther
any other pcisons woie connected xvith tlio
crlmo. "
This , the marshal doclaied , xvas nskod
really bcfoiothe formalanostof MoFnrland
On cross-examination Mellck teslllled : "I
mot McFarland opposita Can's saloon on Iho
day of thu arrest. I asked him to stop into
the doorway near bv. I then asked him-
'What do jou knoxv nbout bujing a
cano nt n pawnshop ? Who did j-ou buj' It
far and for what purpose I' "
Thu dufenso objeclcd to the nosxx'ors to
these questions being given , nnd the ob
joctlon xvas sustained. The witness then
continued :
"I then asked McFurlatid to goto mv ofllco ,
and Mnlono escorted him to that placo. "
Mr. Hull then naked "Didn't you say to
McFurlund , 'you'd bettor loll the facts In
thl cnso , If jou dolt will go bettor with
"Yos , sir. "
In reply to the next question the xvitnoss
declared tlmt McFarland's talk at first was a
general denial.
A question xvas then asked concerning the
confession that fo'loxxod ' , but this xvas ruled
out. Mr Mellok was then excused.
Dennis Sheody , the brother of the mur
dered man , xxas then put ou thu stand and
shown tha manuscript containing the confes
sion of McFarluml. Ho xxas asked if ho had
put a curtain question to.MuFurinnd , Mr. Hall
designating the same Ho admitted that ho
bail put thu question ,
The question was the ono which Mayor
Graham testified vdsteulaj xvas xxithdruxxh
hv Mr. Shcedv at Ills suegosilon. The xxlt
ness xvns then asked if ho had not xvlthdiaxxn
the question. Sttodo objected , but his ob
jection xx us ovorrulcd
The witness then tostillcd that nt the re
quest of Mayor Graham ho had withdrawn
the question.
This caused another outbreak on the part
of Strode , Mrs. Sheody's attorney Shaking
the typo written copy of the confession nl-
tnost ui.dor the nose of Shcudy ho demanded
if ho saw an ) thing about the xxtthdraxxal of
the qtu-sllon recorded Uieio.
"No , sir , " replied Mr Shoody , "I do nol.
T hav o road that copy n number ot times nnd
I Hnd not onlv that thai xvilhdiaxval but a
number of other things xxcre omitted. "
Strodu looked crestfallen , and the xvitnoss
continued "Several times Mayor Graham
said to Monday that bo xvanted 'his confes
slon free and voluntary. Ho tried to imptcss
this on htm , Once Graham said , 'Noxv In
. { tolling It jou have not been
under any undue Inllucnco You
liave made this confession voluntarily'
Mr ( iralmm said substantially iho same nt
the beginning of the conference. " After
some minor testimony tlio xxltness was ex
Detective Jim Malone xvas then called , lie
testified that ho xxas thu man tint took Me-
rarluml In charge on the Saturday night foi-
lowing the inurdor. "
Hu said 1 had some
conversntlou with McFuilund that night , Out
no confession xxns made "
At this Juncture Phllpot , counsel for Me-
Finland , arose and objected to Malone tos.
tifjlni ; as ho claimed lhat .Malono bad said
ton HhK leportorthat ho proposed camplne
on this case , and that yesterday Malone xxas
In n room adjoining iho court room
where ho was probably listening
to Grnhnm's testlnionv Ho oxen charged
that Malonu had be-on listening at thu door
and xxhen ho (1'hllpot ( ) xxeni into the room
Malone dropped on n lounge nnd piotondod
to bu asleep Philpot's mutton , l.oxxover , xxas
Malm o then continued. "MoFarland said
nothing of any material Importance to mo
early In thu evening. About 1 o'clock In the
morning Ofllccr Kinncy came to mo and
snld that MoFailand xvanted to see mo. I
xrcnt to his cell but befoii ) ho had talked
much Captain Carder catno In ami said ,
'Keep jour mouth shut. You haxo said
enough ah end v to hang jou. ' But llttlo
moro xx AS mud by McFarland that night. "
Mnlono xxas then asked u.s lo iho relations
bctxxoer , himself nnd ox-Captain Carder , and
Malone replied
"Tho relations bolwocii Carder . 'd myself
nrw extruuiely distant. "
' On cross examination xxltness said : "Noth
'ing xxas said nbout a mob that night. On
Sunday morning Monday said ho xx as afraid
of being moblxHl. Wo snld lo him that wo
would protect him In cuso such tin emergency
upould arise. "
Strode , counsel for Mr * . Sheody , then
asked1 "Didn't you sav Mrs. Sheedy has
gix-rn the xvholo d d thing nxx-ay and you had
better cough unl"
"No. sir , " xxas the reply.
"Didn't you say to Dotecttvo PInnco tlmt
you got McFarland to confess by polling him
ntousxvont box I"
"No , sir "
"Weren't you In the corridor leading to
ilonday's cell moio than txvleo that nlghtl"
"No , sir , "
The xvltness xvas then excused nnd the
court adjourned for dinner.
Iho afternoon session was consumed
nalnly In finishing tip the testimony concern-
nc the mlluoncos that b id been used In so-
tiring a confession Irani Monday McPar-
and The croxx'd In ntlpndanco xvas larger
than ever and standing room wn nt n pre
mium. A largo porcuntugo of the spectators
were ladles.
Frank Walter , an attorney , xvas the fiwt
witness called.
He testified that Malone said to him that
bo ( Malonc ) had put Mcl'arlnnd In thu sxveat
box and made him bclluvu lhat there xxas a
mob there after him and that seared it out of
Detective Pluneo xx as the next xvltness Ho
teslillcd lint Dotecllvo Malone lold htm Unit
ho had McFarland In the sweat box and told
him Unit a mob was going to tiling him and
ho could tnho his choice In being hung by Iho
neekor olhorwlse Wllness tcstilled that
this statement was made by Malone nbout
March " 1
'I ho opposing attorneys ihon proceeded to
argue concerning thou'lmlssabllll ) of thcjcon-
fc-sslon of M < uidax McFailnnd , in xxhlcli ho
declared tlmt Mrs Shocdy was the moving
spirll In iho murder
Mi Stearns , counsel for Mrs. Sheedy , do-
claiod that any confession seemed xxhen n
piisoner vxas not In : i calm and unlmpas-
sinned condition xxtis not udmlssable Hu
cited a number of authorities In support of
his assertion. Mi Weir , ntloinux for Mis
Sluedy. loltorated at length xvhat Steams
had said in bilef
Mr Hall , counsel for t'.io ptosecution , then
arose and thus spoke "l.vcry confession
must stand on its oxxn merits No txvo con
fessions are tiliko and given under similar
clrcuinstances No ilgid rule Ihnrcforo can
be applied to all confessions. H is necessary
lo Hist scttlo In our minds xvhat Inducements
xxeic held out to secuio the confession Mr.
Stearns has declared that when a confession
s m ido the prisoner should bo In n calm and
tinnnpassloncd condition of mind It is im
possible to Hud .1 man xvho Is guilty ofmui-
dcr who xx III not ha In n perturbed state of
mind If Monday MiFnrland had bolluxed
the night of his arrest thai a mob xvas after
him xxould ho nol haxo confessed al lhat
llmo that ho xxas conuecled xxllh the oil me
insleid of xx ailing until next day xxhen ho
knoxx positive ! ) thai thoio xxas no mob ! '
Mr Hall then touched Ihu xarious ques
tions asked at thu tlmo of the confession , and
decl.ned that no piomlsu or guniatiloo xxas
m ido lo to secure the confession
it xxas mad" in fieodom and puifecl xvtiling
m ss It xvns not extorted eitber tlnough in
tiinidatlon or piomiscs Mr Hall cited nu-
mi r uis authorities and cases in xxhich con
fessions xxero ob'Rinod Uiiough officers or
other peisons b ) nssmlng c-tlmlmls that the
host POU iso xxas tntc.ll thutiuth Hellion
dcclaicd nil Malonu nud ttio other nlll-
CPIS nad donn xxas to meicl ) tUxlse McFur-
land lo tell the tiulh.
Air Woodaid , counsel for Mondnv
lind , arose and In a melodiamatlc tone de-
claipd that his cltont , McFarland , xxas taken
lisa lamb to the si iiighter on that oxcntful
moinlng and the confession xvas extolled
fiom him "Will this couit date , " said he ,
"in the llghl ot the nlneteontli century nlloxv
this ronfcsslon to go in ivs uvldOnco Will It
endorse the action of these detecllves nud
hounds lhat after keeping mv poor colored
client In tot lure all night extorlod tbo con
fession from html Malone said to my
colotod client 'I'll
poor , gel jou
before morning' Ho also said lo
ni ) cllcnl , 'tho mob Is hero. ' Wheeler ,
the shorthand reporter , declaios that he did
not beat Dennis Slieedv xvllhdrnxx tbo ques
tion , xxhich ho claims ho did nt the tlmo of
the examination.
Fornboul n quaitor of an hour Woodaid
discoursed eloquently about Mr Hall prac-
llclng decoll in reading only nut of a cert
ain decision in xvhich a confession xvas
secured. Mr. Lambertson suddenly called
Woodaid cloxxn and asked him if he knoxx
xvhal ho was talking aboul.
Captain Woodard declared emphatically
that ho did , -x hereupon Lnmbertsou called
the attention of the couit to the fid that
Woodurd bad got two cases mixed , the ono
quoted bj- Hall being ftom Ne.v Jersey ,
whllo the ono that Woodard xx'as quoting was
frnm Alnhnntn
Woodaid colored up an.l an auaibla smile
xx cut about the court 100111.
Woodard then i Hod a number of cases In
xvhlch tcsllmony xxas excluded through
threats , promises or advieo. Ho declared
that Iho burden of proof lay on Iho prosocu-
lion. Hx'cn in casn of tnuidor , said ho , Iho
counsel for the dulenso h s onlv to anso and
say mv client Is Insanu and the prosecution
bos then to provo thai ho Is not.
The decision of the court was breathlessly
axxalted nnd xvhon iho Judge decided lo let the
confession go in as ovulenco , there xxns nol a
lltllo oxcllomenl iiilhacioxxd of spectators
Strode immcdialclx Jumped lo his /cot and
entered exceptions , but the Judge , nppainntly
nol noticing the interruption , continued :
' 'Tho Jury is instructed lo consider Iho tes
timony as It affects Iho person making Ihu
confession. Other persons nio not , lo bo af
fected by H.1
Court then ndjournod , for the reason that
the confession xxas lee Vila to be read in the
presence of so manv ladlos. The confession
is to bo read Immediitelvon iho convening of
the court lomonoxv morning.
Will Invc i ) intc the Humor.
LINCOLN , Neb , May III. ( Special Telegram -
gram toTiu. IUr.1 At the meoling of the
Slate African-American league today a com-
niillro xvas appointed lo Invosllgalo Iho ru
mors concerning the attorneys of Monday
McParlaud In the Shcedv murder trial en
tering Into n conspiracy to hinp lliolr client ,
the uogro , In order to save Mrs. Sheody.
Husine-H .Shown lor thn
1'iiHt Week.
CINCISVATI , O , May 111. [ Special Tclo-
gram to Tin : IJi.iJ : Totnorrotv's Pik-o Cur
rent ivill say The past xxcokshoxxa enlarged
niarkettngof hogs. The total xvostern packIng -
Ing xvas 1C ! > ,000 , against 15" ,000 the preceding
wpek , and 'JS'ijOOOl ast v oar. Total , y..OO.OOu
sineo Mmch 1 , airainst LVilfi.OOO last jour.
Leading places compare as follows :
CIllCIRO 81501)0 ) 7 000
Omntia. . . 'I.'UOIJ1 ItiUU )
HI Ixiuli in out iti-.uuu
ItiiUannpoUa ' w/xn
Mllwnuluo. US CKX1 H ) UK )
Cincinnati , I.MUJ , li.\UUU
hlouxCltr 6UCUU ll.'ttU
XXIililtn & .IOUO 4uua
a u ; < : t.i > HV A
A YOIIIIJJ < ! lrl
Itnii illy Troutcd hy a
Midnight Visitor.
Si-iilsciFiKi i > , 111. , May 1.1 Miss Lllllo
Stieehail , u hitndsomo joung lady of this
citj , the daughter of a Wabash conductor ,
xxas jcstorday morning found bound and
gagged and almost lifoluhs on the lloor In her
loom. A btnglar eutorod her room during
the night and after tying her hands nnd slop
ping her mouth wilh n toxxol threatened to
kill b'-r If she did not Inform him xxhero thu
valuables were concealed. Ho was frightened
axvay by some noise outsuiu aim loft her.
Miss Sheehan was paitlilly paral ) ? cd , Iho
result of nn accident xx hich happened to her
sotnu time ago , and xx'as unable 10 offer much
resistance to the brute , xxho hauled her out
of bed and kicked her ns she lav on the floor.
Thu joung lady Is In a ciltlcal condition
Thcru Is no duo to the identity of her assail
He-tall Iminher
CiiuAcio , May lit. 'Iho United association
of retail lumber dealers , composed ot the
presidents and secretaries of local ossocla
tlons In vat Ions cities throughout the country ,
was In session hero today , and received a re
port from the committee on competition by
xxholusnlo dealers who also sell nt lotall , The
lepoil recommended a blacklist of such deal
crs to bo distributed to all members and that
they bo box coiled It xxas dtseaveiod that
Hiich n cohnu would render the members
liable to prosecution for consplrucv. so thu
recommendation xxas merely ordered spread
upon the inlnutot as a recomiucndalloi < to the
vaiiaua local bodies.
_ _ _ _ _
Papers to Bo Filed in tlio Unitud States
Supreme Court Today ,
No n\trn ' - for
I'njfor Siimlny Work
Condition of { secretary lllalno's
Health A Ilnnl AVorkln Ar-
cliltcot Army Tranifcrs.
fiin rouiiTi-iiSTii SnirET ,
WASIIISOTOV , D. C. , May 13.1
H. r . I'stabrook of Oiuah.i at rived Into
last night and tegtstcrcd at the Wlllard
This morning cirl > ho loft the hotel , slnco
when ho has been seen by 110110 of his ac
quaintances nnd could not bo found by Tin :
Hi K cot respondent tonight. Mr. nstubrook
catno to present the wilt of ciror pipers In
the Got 01 nor liojd citizenship case before
the supreme couit , nnd I le.irn tonight that
ho has been at woik all clay with ox-Attor-
nej ( icncril Gailand completing the prellmt-
naty papois in the case MOSSH Ustubiook
and Garland 1110 expected to Hlo the pi-
pcis lotnoirow if completed and ask for
u stnv of pioceedlngs bv application to As
sociitoJustlco Hroner , who ori-sUes eve
the Nobtablc.i circuit Justice lltewcr told
Tin Ilrr coriespondciit this o\cuing that
neither Mr Hstabrook nor Mr. Garland had
appeared before him as jut.
1 I Tri It C tltim IIS llHU't'OlMTt ) .
The lettoi catrlers thioughout the country
will bo disappointed to luirn that the supci-
intonclent ot the frco delivery sjstom mis In-
toipreted the now eight-hour law for letter
carrlets to demand llfty six hours of work
for evorj week of seven dajs. Ho
holds that inasmuch as carriers nro
pild lor seven dav's work In each
week and nro expected to render service ) on
Sund ijs , thoic is onlv ono way the law can
bo interpreted , and that Is to demand : v >
inucli wet k on Sundays as other davs. Ho
savsthopav for humlnjs Is the same us tor
other week dajs , and" why not exact the
elKht houis for the Hrst day in each week I
The i oumaster goneial does not holim o In a
Sund ly mall set vice , it is stated , but slnco
tbo la\v pioildos for It and the people do
mjiid it ho will have to sustain thu decision
of Supoilntendent Pollock of the fteo deliv
ery dix islou The letter carriers fought
many j ears for the law limiting a
dux s xxotic to eight houts. 1'hoy
seiil delegates to importune imny
congiessos out the clepaitinentofllciuls sav no
complaint c in Justly bo made of thu holding inun > hours must bo demanded timler
llio nexv luxv for Sunday as anj other day ,
slnco fullpiy Is icceivod. In man ) cities
SuncH ) is a clay of rest for caiueis , nnd this
decision xx ill bu received with grimaces , but
it is hold In the postolllco department that
this constiuclion should huxo been antici
pated in the law if it xx us lo bo considered n
Hardship in xiuxv of olhcr concessions
smtbriKi m XIM 's iifAi.rn.
Sccretaiy Hlalno's atlack of illness In Nexv
Yoik has put mam of his ftlends hero to
discussing his health An ollieial filcnd who
scos him dull ) xvhcn In Washington dc-
hcribos his condition "as buoxnnt as a bal
loon and al times almost as likelj to collapse. "
Ills guncial c-ondition of health is good , how
ever. Mr iilaine Is not a rugged man , phy-
slcallx , hut tie is likely to llxoas long and boas
vigorous as any mm of his jears. The secre
tary loons fairly lobust xvhen xxulklng on the
slrcel UN shoulders are hllghllv bei\t \ for-
xvatd , his face is pallid and coloiloss and to
some his e.xo- . appear heax'y and baggy , jet
thcso characteristics are llttlo moio
marked than they were xx hen ho made his
spirited campaign six vears ago. Of late ,
hoxvox or , Mr. Dlalno has failed to keep up
his customnrx care as lo dialing and the coto-
lossnoss has had Its eftecl. Ho altciids frequent -
quent dinner parties xvhero tliaspint of the
occasion leids him to throw aside all cau
tion and to eat viands and pastry xxhichdo
not agieo with him. Mrs. Hlaine under
stands ttio care ho must oxoiciso and usually
sils bcsldo him and ptoxouls his eating the
things xxhtch xvlll haxo a bad cited , but ,
htlUUIl T1IU 11 IlUb Ui > Itttlt ( .1 VI * VI 0Vr4 t.ll J ! tt J U f
ovcrj tiling put before him. When the Ital
iim alTaiis xvas at Its height , thu secretaiy
allonded a dinner paily and ale frcoly of
plum puctding ntlamu xxllh rum. The next
da ) 2 lie had nn acute attack of Indigestion
which developed Into gou . It was this at
tack xx bich hold him fast at homo xvullo the
.ivn aftalr kept the state dopatlmcnt in hot
water nnd precipitated the country Into an
international Jangle. All of Iho ctlsp letters
to Kudlnl xxhich came from lilaino at that
tinio xx ore w i Illen from his sick room. Ho is
n scnsltiva man , and when ho fools Indis
posed ho itnmndiaielv sends for bis phvsl-
cian , Dr. Lincoln Aflor Ihroxving oil the
attack ho xvas in fair hcallh up to the lima of
his going to Noxv Yoik , and hts close filoads
hero bcllcvo that It xvns only inattention to
diet at s.01110 Noxv York dinner party that
brought about the present sick
ness. Aside fiom his carelessness of
diet Mr. : liluino Is scrupulously regular In
his daily habits. Ho rises nt 7.1'Q o'clock ,
takes u cold bath and has a light breakfast ut
8:30. : HU private mail is brought from the
stale department ever to his residence and
ho spends an hovr looking it ox-or. At 10:80 :
ho guts 10 Iho department and remains there
about three hours. By 1 : . ! 0 the business ol
tha day is over and uorotutns lo his homo lo
lunch , Then lie reads Iho noxvpipers and
lakes a walk or a dtivo. At 4 o'clock tno
clerk brings him the ollieial mail ot the de
partment to iccclvo his signature. The rest
of the evening is consumed iu receiving
and making calls , an occasional dinner party
ami in the coin foils of his private study. Mr.
Illalno will soon celebrate his slxty-Hist
birthday. It will lind him a lobust man foi
his yoais and xxllh buoyant spirits , xvhlcl
give a healthy appearance. There is onlj
ono weak point and that Is in the oxtromel )
delicate condition of his digestion. Ho
knows thu cnro which Is needed , but some
times ho falls tocxeiclsu It and it is this weak
point xvhlch sometimes sends him to his sick
bed and xvhich may some tlmo cause him
very sorlous trouble.
Blackburn of TIIK Bit editorial staff , now
in the city , called at the ofllco of th-i super
vising atohilect of the treasury today , nc
companled by Assistant Secretary
inquiio about the work upon tbo plans for
the noxv public building at Omaha and they
were Informed that nothing had as yet boot
done , that the supoivUing architect had no
.v et ox on determined hoxv much money bo
would put Into the superstructure , and tba
that question , the size , character of material
and several other questions not yet rcachuc
xxould haxo to bo determined before tin
plans could be begun or anj of tbo details o
the specltlcallons piopaicd.
Mist KI i Avrors.
Lieutenant Colonel Dallas Bacho , surcreon
is relieved from duty as a member of th
army medical examining board at Noxv Yor !
city , and will return to his proper station n
Omaha and rosutno his duties as mcdlca
director of the dopaitinont of the Platlo.
Leave of absence for four months 1
granted Lieutenant James M. Arrastnith
Second infantry.
First Lieutenant Hiram M. Chittendcn I
relieved from the station at Omaha and fiom
duty under the orders of the Missouri com
mission , to tnko effect on thu expiration o
his present sick loax o of ubsonco , nnd xx 11
proceed to St. Paul , Minn. , to take station
there and tepott 10 Major William Jones
coips of engineers for duty under his Immo
dluto orders.
A dally exchange of registered pouche
xx 111 commence between Omaha and Dead
wood Ma ) " . " > Pouches leave Omaha nt 0 a
in via thu Omaha X Hastings railroad post
flftln ) , and Doadxxood nt I p m. via the Long
Pine and Dcadwood railroad postofticc. Afto
thai data the through registered mat - , ,
pouches between Omaha and Whitewood , S. I i
D , will bo discontinued 1 '
Assistant Secretary Chandler today uf.
tinned tlio decision of the commissioner of
general land olllce , holding for cancellation j
the timber culture entry of Mapglo L McMahon -
Mahon , contested by William Dills fiom the
Wati-rtoxvii , S D. , district. I
J C. McKa > of Yatikton , S D. , Is at the
National j
Dr J M Parker of Mount Pleasant , H i
Is at the bt James I
J rred Movers of the treasury dcpirt *
mont , and his son , H. W Majors , of the
Deiilson , la , Havioxv , loft today tor Ger
manv , w horn thuy go to collect stallstlcs for
the United States labor bureau , ,
1'Klllll S. HhATH.
Dcutii or itov. it. u.
CIIKTPNSK , Wyo , May 13. - [ Spccl il Tele-
Brain to THE Bcu.-Uov. ] U. li Held , who
! hai for the putsovcfc V6i boon pistor of
the First Prcsbyterfan church hero , fell from
his chair this evening and died In n few uilti *
utes. The ImincdlnUt-cnuso of his death xvas
paralysis of the hcait. Ho had been
suffering from an a'tack of the grip but
believed ho was recovering , and xxas Just
previous to his deatlrchautng pleas intly w llh
his \vlfo. Mr. Field was fortx-oiio jears of
ago , a graduate of Princeton and Union
colleges. Ho xxas fc ep\oral jears assistant
to Hov. Dr. Cu.xlorof Nexv York , nnd for
three > ears pastor-of the Capital Avenue
Presbytcilun church of Denver
A O T J-MM f r Kit A Tiit.
l-'orrst I-'h-ci in Sniiiii'sota an Hail ns
Kltnt tlt'iiortcil.
ST. PAU Mlun. , May la. folographlc re
ports of the bush and lumber llres xvhlch
have raged for several dnxs In the vicinity
of Su pel lor provo not to have been ut all ox-
j | nggeratod Knglnoer Frarier of the Omaha
| passenger train , No. (1 , duo In St. Paul at 7
I o'clock this morning , thinks the danger to
the Omaha's tincks and btldgos by llio is al
most over , though lost evening il looked as If
the bridges betxxeoiiHaxxthorno and Superior
xeio doomed to destruction 1'r.ulor states
lint the through passongcr for Chicago was
ela.x ed several hours by Hro near Htixx--
borne. At that point the roar of tin' Humes
at o'clock ' xx as terrific and the Hro xvas
unking dlicctly for the trestle bridges
Ctuxxs of men taught the lira at dllTciont
) olnts along the line all day. At li 30 there
ro reached the long tiustlu near Hunt homo
ml all clloits were dltected loward saving
he bridge. As soon as Iho llames reached
ho bridge 11 look lira from end lo end The
nen succeeded in gelling Iho llio oul bofoio
ho stiuetuio was consumed The Humes
x-cio shortl ) afteixxntds dixerted by n
hungu of the xx Ind , and xx out ten ing across
ho country in u dltectlon axxaj fiom tlio
alltoad companj's propertv.
Kepoits rccoixecl toda.x ftom the vicinity of
ho lire states that theio Is no lurlhcr danger
o rallioad iiroiieit ) . There Is uppiehension ,
lowoxer , of a further outbreak. The forests
ire lltored xvlth dead trees and clogged xxllh
underbrush , xxhich makes them extremely
Train Dispatcher Smith of the St Paul A ,
) uluth tecelxed void by xxho this moinlng
hat a Ilia wits raging Horcolv in
ho vicinity of Noithorn I'acllic
unction , Call ton , At Cloqliot some
lanmgo xxas done to the railroad prop-
crtx , but otherxvlso there vvai-no loss to 10-
> ort Thcru Is somo-ilio oiftho Northern
'acitlc bctxxeen Ashland uud tjuperior but
lolhlng alaunlng. , jr'
'Iho Uaslorn Minnesota also icports flic on
ts lines , Superintendent PonniiiKton of the
See ropoits tbtit xvhilu there lias been numer
ous Hies along the line fioin 100 miles cast of
Minneapolis to llio See , ihoy-tiro praclicail )
extinguished now
A dense s-tnoko hangs over St. Paul to-
ilcht , haxing been appaiently bloun from
the foiest Hic-s , xxhich. sto tar as knoxxn , ate
lot nearer that 100 rnilcs
Hxi PXXIN , Mich. , May 1.1 The fotest fires
nro not j ? t under control Thompsonx llio Is
.hieatcued , but the citizens are doing exeiy-
.liing possible lo piuxont tbo loxxn from
Toxvns along the line of the I'r.mkfort A
Southeastern nro in danger from Hiexxhich
no ropoited along th6 enliro toad , The Hrcs
it West M.inlsleo . ( unction are out and no
moro danger li. fcarod In that dnaction.
A nuiubcr of pcopla from the binned dis
tricts have asked tho'raiixxay companies fov
transportalion lo places xxhrro they have
rriends , as they xvoro not ahlo to save moro
than the clothing Ihoyiworo.
Bin Hxi'ins , Mich t May IX At Boer's
stalion , Ihreo miles from here , a tract six
miles long and tbrco miles wide was burned
over.Asniiiv PAUK , N. J , , lay in. A big fire
slatted today in the pluo xxoods back of As-
bui v Park and is spreading rapidly to the
xvoods at West Elborbn and Long Branch.
WIST SiPHtioit , Wis , May I , ' ! . Fires
havomoixed a pathxxny from the St. Louis
ilvoi to the south shore of Lake Superior
and extending over , , a territory from two lo
twenty mlles In xvidth. The damage to
property cannot barenlmatcd at this lime ,
bul the bulk of the lass will bo In standing
pine destiocd nnd logs already cut and
icadv for the saxv. At'present the greatest
damage is repoitod irom along ino line ot tlio
Omaha road , ou both sides of xvhich and ex
tending to Like Superior on tno north , tires
aio still raging furiously.
Lute last night a tcport reached the city
Ihut S. M. Blocking's camps , near Iho Brulo
river , and 2,000,000 feat of lo s had been
buined. Mr. Stocking savs that from all ho
can loam the damage in the timber districts
east of Superior has been very hcax-y.
Northwestern Ijluble to Ito Tied
Up Today.
CIIILAOO , May 13. A sorlous strike is ex-
pectcd to occur on the Chicago & Noith-
weslorn railroad at 0.30 tomorroxv moinlng.
The dlfllcultv Is xvith Iho switchmen , who
are backed , it is understood , by the train
men. Great secrecy xxas maintained to
night , both by employes and officials , wilh
the result that the question is an open QUO
xvbothor the trouble will not involve the
whole system.
U xvas definitely knoxvn at midnight that
the company xxas making preparations for a
sliugrle. In the northern part of
the city nearly ono hundred police
man have been ordered on ro-
sorxo duty , and In tbo southern suburbs nn
equal number were celled on. In llio central
station every available officer has been told
report for duty In the mornlug.
Word has been spread that workmen out of
employment could find positions by applying
lomorroxv by 0 a. in. at n place near the
Northxxoalorn depot.
It Is said that tbo expected strlko is the
on too tno of the reinstatement of sultctimca
obnoxious lo the union , about which there
has boon much contiovorsy.
Ynidmastor McNernj , a prominent mem
ber of the ordorof trulnraou , is Iho siuinbling
block. About six
xxeeks ago McNerny ordered -
dored a car sxx Itched ox'or to the Wisconsin
Central tracks , but the switchmen Infotmod
him that according to their rules , this could
not bo dono. McNerny discharged thico
mon for disobojing his orders. The
switchmen thereupon struck , but
McNetuy temporarily relieved the
company of omban.ussmcnt by tender
ing his resignation. The sinkers xx-oro
jubilant , and demanded lhat Croxv of the dis
charged sxvltehmon bo put In McNerny's
place , which was dono. Now the trainmen
of nil tha divisions have taken up Mo-
Noruj's case , and nothing can upparonlly
a vert a conflict/ between thorn and the 1,700
switchmen It Is an unusual fight. Instead
or the company being' against all the o tu
ple ) es the majority of the omplox es and the
company are walking together against tbo
n . . <
Thlity-flvo hundrcul xveavcrs struck nt
Ghent , llelclum. '
A priest In Diininori ) , Ireland has refused to
admlnlslur the s icramt nt to I'arnollltus ,
Sex cr Sorx loj , defaulting treasurer of Chip
now a county , \\Kconsln. was sentenced t
four yours In the penitent 1 iry.
Iteturns from Tuc-sliii txogalos. nnd four
other places In Arl/otui Indicate that thu un-
tlro republican tlc-kel'ls ' lcctod
Indians of OUano .ln.'founty. Washington ,
are Ic-.ixIne there , owing , to the prevalence of
grip. Ono hundred ornaro , ) lmu died.
llls.tatcd that thf\ negotiations between
KiiRlnnd and I'ortucal for mi agn-eincint In re-
lallon to South Africaihui' been concluded ,
The chief of the bureau of statistics reports
thu total xuliiu of C\port < cif UomcMlo broad-
Ktulfs from the United btatos during April
is il , at l.-a,000. '
The prince of Wales Is Hun i.rlnx from a
slight attack of Inllmm/a His InitNpOHlilon
pnocmtvd him from attending the clnwlnx
room hold nt llucKlngham patacn by the
princess of Wales ,
The Nnw VorU prindjiiry filed an Imllct-
im > nt ngaiimt I arl W Harris a JOIIIIR inc-dlcal
stmlenl. foi minder In the Ill t decree. They
i-har u Harris xvlth niindpiliu his wife , Helen
Nelson I'otts , b ) Klxln her murphlne.
The eighth annual ponxontlon of the Wo
men's missionary society of the
Unlttd I'lt'-b ) torlan olmruh of North
Aiuerleacoiixened at I'lttshurg xxlth dcile atc-x
pu-sent from al1 pirls of the < onntry Tno
hcsslon uasdoxntud to routlnu business.
Mr. I'arnc-ll uddicssed > \ inectlng at I.lino
House , uiiu of thu suburbs of London ' 1 ho
bis udln rents ux u rlsu to mueh
d sordc r. The building xvhcro the niretliu
was hold XMIS Inxncled by iinti-l'aiiu'Mtts nnd
thuru w s it licrco tonllkt on n staircase ,
"liltbtlie iMillcu urecalled on lo NiippnHS
.Many biokcn hcad resulted from thu dls
tin bum u.
Vcngeanco for Minneapolis' Meanness Vis-
itotl on Suffering Sioux Oity ,
llronk on the Trip Thin Par
Denver Tnkcrttlic Iiiist IVoni
Minneapolis Other
( allies.
Omaha , 0 ; Slouv. City , fi.
Dcnvur , 10 , Minneapolis , 3.
St. Paul No game.
Milwaukee No gamo.
Sioux Cm , In , May lit. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim Hii.l Sineo jestordaj's
slaughter thi-ro was nothing heard lu Sioux
City but muttered demands for icvongo.
Today wo would show the proud Onmhogs
sotno now tilcks In baseball savagery And ,
in truth , up to the eighth Inning all went
merry at n marriage boll. The \lsltors'
scalp had boon hung up to diy , \vhoii they
suddonlv ! rose In tholr might removed It from
the polo and unplaced It where It belonged
and scalped the scalpers
Txxitohcll pitched n nice offectlxo game ,
except In the fifth Inning when ho
was hit quite fioelx. Hut it xxas n
fair gutno. The steady nerve and peed stay
ing fluidities of the \ isitora pulled Ihciu
sufeiv out of a deep hoio loxxards the last of
the game.
1'oorin in hit hot to Shannon and got first ,
but xx as caught tr > ing to steal second Schoi-
bock perished In the same way , after hitting
safe , and Nicholson struck out Omalm was
soon done for. Shannon Hovx out to Mchol-
son. Ilalligan hit safe. Then Cionliis made
an elegant one-hand stop of SutclitTo's hot
llnor , cutting him off at llrat , and Txxllchelt
Hew out to Pool man.
Sxx nrtxx-ood opened the second Inning by
fouling out to Donnelly. Morrlssey hit safe
and Kaile pot n base on halls , and lioth ad
vanced onTiallluj's wild tluow Ooi.lns hit
safe , but Momssey was caught at the liomo
plate. Genius stolosccond , btitSttauss wont
out at 111 si Hut Omaha suicided with
equal fiuttlesstioss Ciiiniu got to Hist on
Genius' ciror Walsh died at Hist , Doti-
ncllx did not stop until ho got to second
Then McCox got Ins base on Dills , tilling the
bases , but Trallle ) stiuclc out and Shannon
Hexx out to Monisso ) .
'Iho third inning was productive for the
Sivnges , for Donald got his b.iso on imlls ,
I'ootnnn hit safe and Srhoibeckgot his biso
Then Nicholson got bis base on balls , foi dug
Dow aid in , but It stopped light thc'to
Swartwood flow out to bhannon , Morrisso.x
fouled out to Trallloy and Kurlo How out to
Walsh Tlio Lambs woiollrcd out to pastuio
In shoit oidor. Ilalligan wont out at first ,
SutclllTo How out to Nicholson ami
Twitohell's hot grounder to second couldn't
put him on nist DISC.
In the fourth Inning both sides were
? oroed. Ooiiins fouled out , Sliauss Hoxv out
to left , and after Donald got his base on
balls Poorman was piavojardod at Hrst.
Then Uriflln Hew out to short , Wulsh died
at llrsl , Donnelly hit saf" , MeCauloy got a
biso on balls and Trallloy went Into the
abyss before teaching Hist.
In tbo fourth inning Sioux Citv stock aud-
donlv boomed and was quoted above the
clouds. Scheibeek got to Hrst bv Donnelly's
error. Nicholson How out to Griflln , wacn
Swartwood laid on the willow for three bugs ,
scoring Sohoibeck. Then Moirlssoy nmuo n
sxx cot hit , scoring Swartwood. Uarl fouled
out. Then Gonlns made a vicious swipe
for three hags and Mot nssoy catno homo.
Strauss hit safe and Genius scoiod. Donald
swatted the nail , but Gtlflln made a running
Jump on the sphere , like a Kocky mountain
coat , retiring the side But Omaha wanted
no runs just jot , tali-union fouled out to
Morrissey , Hnlligan fouled out and SutclllTo
How out to Strauss.
L UUllUUU UI'UUUU Ul W11U U ItlUU 1111 , OU1K 1 *
beck got to Hrst on Giiflln's muff. I'oorman
illdn't sco the inn IT , although It was as big
us a birrol , nud started back for Hrst base
and was destroyed. Nicholson's sao-
rillco advance Scheibeck to second , but
Sxvarlxvood dtopped out tit Hrst. And now
the Lambs began to despoil themselves
Tnitcholl fouled out to Eailo , Griflln hit
safe. Walsh got a base on balls , and Donnelly
hit for two bugs , scoting Gtlllln. McCnuloy
How out to Poormaii , but Walsh got in.
Shannon flew out to Morrissoy.
The seventh was opened by Morilssoy's
pop-up 1 to Shannon. Uurlo made a safe hit.
Gonlns How out to Shannon. Karla got to
third on a passed ball , but Strauss croaked
at Hrst. Shannon spit on his hands and the re
sult was a three-bagger , llalllgnu wentout at
Hrst. Sutcllffo hit to Genins , and Shannon
scored on his bad throw. Griflln hit safe ,
Walsh hit to short and GrIQIn died at sec
Sioux City tried hard to Increase its load ,
but 1 uftor Dawald got his base on balls Poor-
man bit to Walsh , who ran to second and ro-
tlred t Don-aid on a double. Schctbock nont
out at Hrst. At this moment the Lambs
needed i three scotos to win , and the } ' soon
1c had 1 them. Donnelly hit safe ami got second
1c on c rocky Holding at center. McCauley wont
out at Hrst. Then Traflloy hit a
petite 1 ono to Gonlns , who broke the
corn ' palace heart bj a wild throw homo on
which Donnelly ncorod. Shannon then
giound ( to powder the fragments of that ten
der < organ by u homo run which brought
Tiaftloy In ahead of him.
The Coin Huskcis gnashed their teeth
with high josolvos , hut the resolves nero not
transmuted Into losults. Nicholson stiucK
out , Si\attwood fouled out to Donnully and
Morrissey was a corpse nt Hrst , and the
Sioux City spectators sneaked homo and told
their ftlcuds that they had notsecn thogamo.
AD. II. Ill 811. I'd. A. U
I'oornian , ef s o J o 2 o 1
bcholhock. ss
Nicholson , 'h 4 0 U 1 : t U 0
Swartwood. r ( . 5
Monlsscy , Ib 5 1 I ! 0 1J 0 0
Kane , o 6 0 1 0 ; i 0 0
Cienlns , .11) ' . '
Strauss. If
DctWuld , p
Totals 35 5 10 1 24 1ft U
AII. n IK HII. ro , A. K
Shannon. ! ! ! ) f > 1 1 0 6 .1 0
HulllKun. rf S 1 ' . ' 0 0 0 0
Siltollrfu. If .
Twltchull. p 4 1 J 0 2 1 1
Walsh , fcs I 1 0 1 .1 2 0
Donnelly , , lh 4
McOuuluy. Ib 2
Trallloy , o '
Totals an o 10 3.7 n
Sioux City . 5
Onillhu . 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 3 6
Knrnod runs1 Sioux I'lly , > 1 ; Omnlin , 1
Tlirco-baso hits Swartxu > od , ( icnlns , Sliiiu-
IHIII llomu runs. Sh-iunon Stolen buses ,
li'onlns Huns butted In * Hwartwood , Mor-
rlsscty , ( umlns , Sti iilss. llallUan. 2 , Donnelly , I
McCaulo ) . ! . Double plays \\alsh to Me- I
( J.iule ) 1'lrst b isu on built * Slouv Oltj. fl ;
Omaha , 2 lilt bx pitched lull. McUtnluy
Strnuttont lly ( ) o\Valil , I ; hy Tt/llchull. . ' .
Will ! pltflieTivltcholl. . 2 Tliair One
hour and tlnrty-lhu mlniitos. umplro :
Dnucr 'Io jk the
, Minn. , May III. Minneapolis
put up n very ragged gnmo today and plnj ea
in a manner thai would shutno school boys.
Werrick and Shueau's playing were the
special features. Score :
llt.SNk.AI-01 IS I
11 111 I-U A I ICllll'O A K
Muriihr if U U I I I'xicOlonn ' Ib U I 0 U
MiOualil If U 1 U U 0 'lotiomi rf i 1 t 1 I
Miuuart 1 . ' 0 .1 I XVe-rrltk. St ) 1 I I 4 U
Diirllnir rf I i U I U Cnrtlt If I I 1 U u
Uyn. Hi 0 t 11 0 U il-llrlon II ) I 3 l. 0 0
lrl , Sb liXVIillu m ,1 - t I 0
lloiiKlo 3li . . .0 I 4 2 U McC'Iclhin , rf I I t 0 U
Klllin li I I U 3 I llornolrts , f U 0 A I 0
IiU.itulu ) v 0 1 T 4 .1 l\o tep 0 I U I U
Total 1 U 34 H I cilal ! Q 11 87 H 1
hiollL 111 ISMMIS
Mlnncnpolls 00100000 2-S
IHnvcr . ) 0 10
Knrneil run Mlnnpnpulli 3 Two HB O Iilta Mo-
Qualil. IlLMuli' . Diiuilitlc Iliiniiirun Klllrn nUilun
Imtoi Shuxiirl , 1 , Darllni : . 'lulnnu , Whllu , loiilil
lilHTii Knrlo , liunulu ninl Hyn I Irnt li&iia ( in LulU
lir Klllen , J , t > r Keefe I lilt by pitched ImlH
WUllo Struck out. Uy Kllltu , 7if ; \ Kunla , I I'mieJ
linll < , Duirilnlp 2 Time Uun h mr nud thirty mln
ul i t'ui | > lrc ;
n AsNoclut on
1'liiycd. Won. ! < ost. Tor O't.
IVnver . . ' 4 14 10 . "HI
Uninlin . "J ! 13 10 .Mt
Minneapolis . . . . as 12 10 .Ml
Sioux t'ltv . 22 II 11 . ' * J
Milwaukee . 21 IS 1. . 0
I.iiu'oln . . . .21 U 11 .47H
M. Paul . . .23 10 li .4 % ' *
Kan-tut City . .2:1 : U 14 . .r.u
.v. i TI ot / / i > i : . t < : VK.
s 1'rct/t'l Itnttrry CJets Auaj
, May l.'t. lloth Ditchers were ef
fective hut Getzolii had a shudo the bast of
It , betides batting In two runs on Ins double
to center in the tUth Inning. Scoro.
Chicago ooooiooio-o
Uosloil 0 0 0 0 2 0 U 2 * 4
lli o hits'hlcavo. . Bs llcHton , t * . Errors
( hli'uuo , I : Hoiton , v. I anted runs lloston ,
II. Twu hii'o lilts ( lot/i In I/owr Throi' b isc
hits ( liimliort. It ) .in Moli'ii liM ) linidlt'
\\lliniil 1 Irst on lulls IK ( InmlHTt 2 , lij
dcl/iilii , J. Hit tin It's ( liimlici t ami Kltti lilo ,
dut/t'ln mill ( liuirul l > utilialtcd In llv
( iiiiiilicil 1 : ( ict/uln , . ' , I owe 1 ; I ! rod 1C. I
'I ' line Unu lioiu anil forlj nilnntcs I mplic1
OlMK \ \ A1 sUITr'l | | >
1'iTTsiitJno , Pii , M.iy I.I The game be
tween New Yoik and I'ittsburg this ntti-r-
noon was solilted The Giants had tno best
of It nt the start , but the iotln < mrnt of Utu U-
loy , who was injuied In the I ! fill liming , ron-
ttibutod laigoly to tholt defeat Attendanci' ,
' . ' , OtO. bcoro.
riltslnir , ' . 1 0 0 0 I 1 0 t 2-fi
N < yv York 000002 1 00 1
Hi4pilt | I'lttshuri ; n ; Now York T Tr-
rors l'lit nur > r , J : N i \ork.l HiittiMli'i
( InMIn ami llurcu. lluslo , llui'McN mid
( ) Uonil > u I' lined runs I'lltsbtir il , Ncu
olK. 1 Tuo-liiio hits l'lltl > iiis , ,1 , .Ncu
\nrK.3 Thrpt'-hnso lilts Iliuklc ) . Connoi
llnini ) inn ; lii > lll > Morn biscs. llaiilim
Double plats llucklcy and ( ( innoi I'll it
liasu on b ills I'lttslinr . 4 , New York ,1
Mrurk nut It\ | { nsk > , T , 1) ) > dihln , 2
I'.i-ivt'd b ills < ) IJourl.i' , 2 I line cif gimp
Uno hour and llfly inlinitiH 1 mplri' llni-l
CISUNNVTI , May l.'t IMnrlnimtl made ono
run In the lltst Inning and held Htooklvn
down to nothing until the eighth Inning ,
whcMi Pout/ undo n hit ami Hums , who had
struck out three times in succession bofoio ,
knocked out a home inn and biought In two
winning inns Attend men , 6'iU bcoro.
I'lmimi iti o 0 1
Ill-ooliUn . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 . '
llasci hits Clnolnn ill n , HrooUi n. I I'r-
rorClm Inn ill , 0 , UIIMIKI > II. o P. it nud
runs Cliii'lnn ill I ; llronkivn , . ' Tnn-bisu
lilt- . Keen in ( Irlllln , t'on ) > I'liu i-bnso
lilt M.irr Home inn lulinn limns , stolen
b isus Mcl'hi t > , llollldav I mil/ Double plaj
Tom I ) il > and Collins l'n > , t b su on nails
Clni'lnn n I , 1 , ItuioKhn . ' ISiini butted In
li.illinn Hums , J Iiiu'k out 'Hv Dnruia ri ,
bv In ty , 4 I'lini line limn and tltn liiln-
utirinnlin Mil.'nild Il.itlurlu
. ! > lui > i.i
and ICei'niiii , 1'i'iij ami Dib
look lot nn i s INMMIS
Ci i'1 1 1 vsn , O , Ma1 1 1 The length of the
game ! to dav was not the onlv foiiute. C'lo\o-
land should h.i\o won , but stupid b iso i mining
and bad cirors punonted Hsper , the left-
handed pltchor was too much fortholoft-
haniled b.ittois of the homo team Attend-
mice. . ' , ' , ' 00. bcoro
Clcoliilid . 00200001200000 1
I'hlladi Iphl i 1 0 o 0 1 l I 0 1 o 0 o 0 I t )
llnsohlis Clt'U'l mil. II , I'hlladi-lphla , 14
I riors ( Imoland ft , I'hllniU Iphlii , 2 laim'd
inns. Cli'M land , 2 , I'lill ulcliilua. 2 I'uo-
I ) iso hts DivN , 2 ; Slilndle , ( liMiii'iits , Miii-
i rs ' tolon b iscs Chllds. VI in lilnilli * .
Savrlllcu liltsMcAlcor Clillds. .lolnison
/.ImniLT. Vlau , Duluh ml ) ,2 , ( kineiits , Itiou n ,
Allon. l.c fl on I ) iso-i I'h'M'liml , II , I'lill.i-
ilolphh. 1. Struck out Virtue , ( ir ly. Mui-
< iys ll.iscs on balls Ity Vlnu , ( > ; by Kipcr , .t
Konblo plays Hamilton to Minois 1'lrst on
enors. ( 'In\oliiiul , li I'hlludntphla , 4. lilt by
pltchi-d b ill..limner. . U lid pitchesVlau
llittuilps : Vlau and /.limner , 1'spor and
C'lumonts. Tlmo : Two hours and thlrty-Uvo
minutes Umplro : I > ) nuli.
I'layed. Won Iost , Per C't
ChleaRO . is 11 7 Ml
Huston . 18 11 7 .011
I'lilladolnlila. . 10 10 II .Uii
llroolclyn . in in -I /ufl
Now York . IS < ) ! ) /iflo
1'lttshtirs . 18 II U .100
CluAclnnd . . . . 10 0 II ) 474
Ulnc-inn.ttl . 10 U 1.1 .ltd
Itoston Miulitr N'l-nr IJOSCH in tlio IJIIHI
IlosTov , Mass. , May in. Todaj's game
was Intctesting , and Columbus cair.o near
winning In the ninth Inning. Hasten boat
the record on wild pitching. Attendance
li , IbO. bcoro :
Itoston 0 2 0 1 .1 3 0 1 0-10
Columbus 0 2 .1 0 1 0 0 0 2 8
Hits : Itoston , 10 ; Columbus , II. Krrors-
Huston , (1 ( ; Columbus , I Iliitlorlns Carroll
and Itulllimton , Connor .mil Huston Kained
runs : Huston , 2 ; Columbus , , | Tuo-bisu
hitO Connor. Throo-h isu hit : r.iritill.
Htolun b isus. .loyru. . ' : HIOHII , 2 : ttrh-kcr , J ;
McTamanj. Double nhisI'ariull and
Hronthurs. Invln. Strlckni and Hiouthuis.
1'list on | bills. Itidford , Joyce , llrouihers ,
Irwin , btilukur , CiooKs Illtbv pitched ball
I'lirrt-ll. htrlcl.or , Hrottii. struck out : Hv
Hullln ton. 2 ; by O'ltrlon. 4 , Kaston , I. Wild
pitcher : Dullln ton , Caslon , 2. Umpire.
Koi Ins ,
WASHINGTON- , Mac 13. Washington's '
pitchers xvoio hit hard today , and aided bv
wretched Holding , in vxhlch' all the players
made errors except Hlnes and Uccchor , Cin
cinnati xxas enabled lo win easily. Attend 1-
ance , ! i,70U Score :
Washington 2
Cincinnati . . 1 17
lilts : Washington. 0 , Cincinnati. 18. I.r-
rorsXViishliizton , II ; C inclimti L' II it-
turlcs Mo-Uiilrii and .Mite. lluiloy
and CYine I' irnod inns : Wiisbltuton ,
1 : L'lnclmmtl. 1 Two-biso hits Uarni-y
'I liree-b isy . Stolen hisc-s :
Kelly - , Carney ' . ' , llatllold , ( 'in , Hurley
Double plays. Can iv in to Kelly to Carney ,
tian ix.iu to C.mie ) . 1'lisl on bills : Uasb-
liulon 4 : Cine-inn ill , I ' trneU outHv llnt-
Hold. .1 ; by Crinu. ! i I'.issc-d bulls : McUulroJ.
Tlmo. T o hours I'mplioJonid. .
ST. is c 011 PN'T ( OIIP.
. ' , Md. , Mny ii : McMahon and
Hoblnson put up agio-it game of bull today
and .shut out St Louts. A cloio decision In
favor of Uiiltimoro assisted in the result.
Attendance , 1,000. Score :
Haltlmoro 1 0 0 1-i :
St. I.onis 0
lilts : Hiiltlmore , 7 ; SU I.onls , ' > Krrors-
Ilultlmoro. .1 ; St. Louis , a Hattenes MoM ihon
and Itoblnson ; ( irllllih and lloyln.
learned inns llaltlmorc. ' . ' Stolen
bis < Hi II iltlmoie , 1. Double plays.
1 Kan and lloylo 1'lrst. on balls M. I.onls. . ' .
MrucU out. Hv McMahon. .1. hy ( iilllltli , ,1 ,
Wild pltohos Orinilh , 1. I'lrston urrois llal-
tlmore 'J ; Si l.ouls , ' . ' Left on bases , H illi-
more. 1) ) ; ht. Louis , II I'lmeOno hour and
llft-tlve minutes Umpire Mutlhcus.
Piinuin ntiA , May M The Athlotirs
xx-oti another game from Loulsvillo this after
noon. Hoth Doran nnd lloono xvoro hit haul
and each icec-ixed miserable suppott. Cilia-
ban xxas effective and xxas backed up 11 fault
less sljle. Attendance , " , I7U. Scorj
Alhlotlc-s . 40004 „ ' L1 4 H-IK
Ioillsxlllu . . - 1
llnsc hitsAtlihtlcs , 11 , I.oulsxII'K 7.
Trrors : Iouls\te | | , 8 Ilittc-iles ( 'iilla-
litin and iMclvooiigh , Doran and Coolt ,
I'arned runs- Athletics , 7 : Louis
ville , I. Tnu-busu hits. Mulvpr i .
Weaver , Mllllu'an Stolen ha os ( orkhlll. "
Mcio u by , shlnnlek. Doublu piavs Wood , [ !
nnd McKeoiiKhniilcii , Coicoran , Mu-
Kcouzh. llallnnn. 1'lrst on eriors ( 'alluhan , ,
2iriiik out Hv Dor in , ' . ' Cullaliun. I
I'ussod balls MrKfoiiKh. I , CooK , 1 Wild
pitches Dcir-in DoomI'ltm - One hour and 1
lift ) -one mlnuU s Uniplro I'erguson.
American AHsncliulon ( laiullni ; .
I'lavoaon. . Lost. 1'er ft
Hoslon . 27 I'l ' H .704
II tltlmnru . 2'i P. II .
St. Louis . -M ' . II , r >
Louls\lllo . . .11 I > in ,4
At hli tics. . . - ! > I M .4HJ
Columbus . U IS 17 ,4CI
Clm Inn ill . 11 I. 18 .400
. . . - ' " ' 7 18 . .8J
At Qulncy Qulnoy ! , OtUnu 'J.
At Daxonport DavcupoitS , . ( ollet t.
At Cedar Kapids Cedar Uapldi 0 , Au-
roia 1.
_ _
Coming Aiiallu |
ST Lot is , Mo , May 13. John Toomor has
chullongod Jacob Gauduer to low him three
races for $1J > W ) a i.Ido , for ontira money and
a fair portion of the g ito receipts.
Su > snN S W , May 1 ! ) A match has
been : il ranged for between McLean and
Suubury , oatsimm , for the cliampionstiip
uud i.Hxi uHldo. The rontost will talto plaeu
on tno Paramatta river , July 17 ,
In a ll'irco Htorm nhlch HHCipl ever Musso-
wah , India , thu building lui'd n.stlm barracki.
hiiudunly ( ollnpsi-d , kllllni ; BX ! soldier * out
right and sciloubly Injurlu tun olhcri ,
S LASl llllLiiIl'11 ,
llo Wins the Kontuokj Derby lu Scaroalj
Moro Than n Chut.r.
Croat DnthiisliiHiii Ainoni ; ttit Pcopto
\Vho Adinli-o ' 1 lioiougliliriMl
llotsi'ilosli Itodini ; ( oiii-
niLMitted at Itcliiionl 1'iiik.
Lot isvn t K , ixy . May 1H Although tha
Deibj proved , tame , Hal and uninteresting ,
thu i ocular spi ing meeting of iho Loulsvlll4
Jockey club xx'as most nuspiclouslx in.iupur-
nteil nt Cnuichills Doivns todav F.ailx iu
the morning low black cicnnls guxo ptomnu
of inln. The wind blexx In lltful gusts nnd
made tlio stteols of the citx dtaagronhlo It
turned cooler toxx mis noon , the clouds woto
drinen nxxa ) , the situ shouo out btlghtlx but
the dust and xx Iml remained
The seventeenth doihy , the fltst sovom
luco for wostmn thiOL'-joir-olds , xxas lo bu
tun In the nfti'inoon , and deibx dax In Louis-
xlllo means xxluil nil holiday put together
and tolled Into might do In other places I'lio
city was oxuirun by strangers attracted Iieio
by the conxmitlon , that assembled at noon
and adjouuied lu honor of the occasion , but
attiaetod pilnclpillv bx the itu-es and the
xxhoui state emptied Itself Into Loulsxlile ,
xxhcio the comliip oiiulno chutnplons weio to
meet In a hoart-bicaking tosl of stamina and
speed on thu turf
Vehicles of over ) kind xxeto in drmni d ,
and ns early as 1J o'cloc k the asphalt cli ix cs
and botiluxaids leading to Iho Downs wiuo
lined xxllh eoichas , oauliigos , bucgios , traps ,
pony caits , osptojs xxagons , onmtwissos and
vehicles of all kinds , nnd thu tldo of pedes
tiians and sticcl cur passengers xxas potning
Into the course Tlio Held Insldo thu track
laillngs xxa full of people of exciy
class llx ' _ ' ' '
o'clock tlieio xxeio J'l.lHlO
people in the Ili-ld , nnd exeij piomineiKO
xxithotil thu uiiclusino xxas blntk xxlth
people The gland stands , cnbnge-d slnco
lust , ami tl.o nexxlx teiiaced lawns xxeio
Jammed , and cm top of the stands so great
xx i * the cioxxd pen hod there thai approhen
slons xxeti ) felt Hi il theto vxoulil bo a col
lapse Knpugii pcolu ) p lid admission to
sxxoll llio attiMidiliuu to III.OJI and atnouir
them xxas the laigest nuinbuis of ladles even-
In tbo ladies' stands , dub houses and llixxns
The belling stand xxas occupied by llftx
bookmakers , mid the ) had a gic.u deal MIOIO
than the ) could attend tu Betting xxus ot
the llx cliesl . .iml and thu booli mullets in idc a
moiio.x haul
Of course thodeibx xxas the cifitesl at-
liacllon. It had boon announced thai the )
stintors In the derby would bo llutt \ \ nllico ,
Valcia , Cioorgcloxxn , Halgoxxan , Ixingiuan
and Huston nnd Lnabcu's ptcc-i , High i'ai-
IIT , and Poet Scout lion Dill Ovxuns of
( ! ( orgeloxxn.oxxncr of Gcoigetoxxnconcluded
his colt xxas not lit , nnd letused to subject
him to the trying or leal , and ho xxas an
nounced ns a non-sttiiter The tcvrgitn
brolh"ts nlso doc idod not to tr.x an ) oxpul
mcntsxxitli Vullcrs , xxhoni thox xx anted to
saxe. Hasten let High Tariff , Iho betlei 01 u
of his pair , icmalii in.
ICingman's in eat rae-o at Loxlngton en
tilled him to Hrst call In the betting , and It
xxas a liberal bookmaker tlmt laid odes of
$ .300 to J'lOO on bis winning Uulgoixun xxas
second choice at fito'J , xxllliH and IU to I
obtainable against Halt \\allacoand Hlgli
TarllT. The placed odds ngalusi Diilgoxxan
vxoio 3 to n Some mookmakeri laid
8 lo n against the Hold nnd some laid against
ICinginan In this fashion.
The Uumpelm's "bools nnd saddles1' nt t
o'clock cleat ed llio boiling slauds , and there
was a stampede for ndxnntagoous positions
on i.njpoint xx hero cvon aiij- kind of a vioxv
of the course could bo oblained. Everything
xvas expectancy , excitement and betokened
great Intorosl in xx hat xx'as to c unio. The course
xx-as cleniod and Mr IClnsoa Stone .Incobln's
ICinginan , king of equities , besiiodo by Isai o
Muijliy , ihocoloion Archer , Hrst iipearod. | )
Hecognltlon of lioisu nnd rider xxns folloxvcd
by unlhuslaslio cheers Hilgoxxnii next ap
peared. The colt xvas ridden by tlio
Ox it-ton , and if a conqueror xxas to bo found
for Kingmun , Hnlgoxx-uii was his name.
Kiloy , on Hail , nnd K. Williams . . . .
High ' 1 nift c intctod past lliocroxxdod .stands
and lo iho nail iiiito pole , xxhoro Slniiur
James H. Ferguson nxxnllud them.
Kangeil up , the ) xxeio given Ihu Hag at the
Hist atlauipl. "They'iuolT.1 from UiousnnUs
of throats coiuo next The Seventeenth
doibx xxiu malting , and theio never xvas such
clouding and Jamming for llrsl vioxv of Iho
raoers. Sloxvlv Iho pace ixas sot , xxlth High
Tat iff making thu running , Hallow an nt tno
saddle girths , aril ICinginan and Hint Wul-
hico xx ell up The pace xvas slow and at the
half llio positions xvure iinchangod , all n long
w.xv fiom the wire. ' 1 hov passed Iho stand
In the same order , but on the back stretch
Hurt Wallace and High Tailff Joined strides
wilh Halpoxvau ut thu same old placo. The
gap opened up to txvo lengths , but a motion
of Murphx's aims lot slip a lltlle moio head
loom th it ICinginan hud been lighting for ,
and the gap xvas sloxvly closing. The p-ico
quickened iml thu mdo xx is Hnlshed.
ICingman's stride xxas as icguliir and his
head xxas in thu air , although Muiphy
had been gr.iduullv iniproxlng his pof-
tion. Hounuing the last turn lofoio
stinlghtc.iing time , KiiiL'tmin's head was
dc/xvu , but ho seemed not anxious to cut n
pace al a livelier speed Ho had the other *
he it at any tlmo , and the only ono than made
u shoxv against him xxas Ualgoxvan , the lost
beaten back. The stiueglowns bilof. An-
ott.ui kink of Murphy's 111104 went out , the
xx hip descended , and the colt's losponsa xvas
n of speed that ctieolc the hard
whipped and hard-ridden li ilgoxvnn off and
sent him a xx inner of the Kentucky dei by of
IS'll bv an open length , lialgoxx-an * xxas second
end , a length from High Tin iff , Hurt Wnllaco
a half length to the reir.
Nobody uxpuotud fast tlmo for there xvas
nothing lo imiltu Kingman 11111 , and , with u
tnick hcivy with dust , there xx-as no dlsip-
point incut xvhen Captain Hlllv Williamson
hung out from tlio stand the Hginei"ii'4. ' .
The distance xvas the logular dot by louto'
ono and one-ball miles and each carried 1 i )
Spokane's tlmo wilh Proclor ICnott In the
by Klngm in The pecuniary vnluo of this
> oar'H dei oy U about $1,700
I'intnic'o , six furlongs , Hi-lllng welglil fir
IIKO ; sturti'is I'tto Mu'ot Ci lo li won hy a
Ipngth , Juhllco ( .0 oml , Hob L third Tlmo -
1 HI *
Diul rape , cluh pursn t > Q ) , tlirun-ynir-o d
m ildpns al o\\cd HM > pounds \M U-lits for u i ,
one inlln Seu stniiui * Milt \ oniu ; iStorii
uon , .M l HuiU. si coml , sir Aimer third I'lnm
SH-OIK ! race , purse SIM for two j car-old
millions MM' furlongs I'L-ht htmli M ( i\-
i iton and John > r in i dt-ml li at Inn
dill i a li luth nxvnj , puisu divided 'llno-
1 ill
I'lfth rue. holllnc. allowances for threc-
yu ir-iihU ami upwaidUO added by I rank
I ulir. thu e-iiiai | lets of u mile he its , uluvi u
slaitt-rs MillrosS xxon lint hunt. < l lo j ) ,
lioyal liurtur heeon 1 , Duku of Ill hlun I thlr I.
Tlniu-l II
Second ho itullross and lloynl fiaiter r n
a ' dead heat , l.d lloppur third TIIIIK I I 't
. Hun offSullross xxun us bu pluasud , Koyiil
llartor seiond. Tlmu I Id