Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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On account of new building , we start today the greatest moving- sale ever held in Omaha We are compelledIto vacate the two floors occupied since the sale of the Eiseman stock , and no sacrifice will seem too great to make
in order to close out the iprescnt immense stock at once. / *
Ladies' Knit
Underwear ,
Ladies Jersey Knit Vests So each , re
duced from 20c.
Ladles'Swiss Ribbed Vesta lOc , re
duced fiotn 2" ) .
Ladies' Willimantlc Li lo Vests , nice
ly finished , only 25c , reduced fiom 50c.
Ladies' Lisle Vests only COc , n bargain
at 7oc.
Having purchased the entire Block of
an eastern manufacturer , clo-jing out
every dollar's worth of their goods In
Block at about 40c on tno dollar , wo will
commence to-day the greatest Um
brella and Parasol sale over given in
One cnso of elegant French Sateen
Sunshades , oxidized handles , only C5o
for your choice of this lot.
Fine Gloria Silk Umbrellas , 20 inch ,
on beautiful handles , only # 1.1/5 / , worth
Extra line imported Gloria Sill ; Um
brellas , elegant handles , only $1.50 ,
worth $3.00.
Extra fine Serge Silk Umbrellas , 20
inch , only * 2.50 , a bargain at $4.00.
2(1 ( inch Rainbow Silk Umbrellas , clo-
gnnt handles , only $3.00 , actually worth
The greatest bargain of all the entire
stock of fine Silk Umbrella ! ) in this lot ,
worth $5.0(1 ( , $0.00 and $7.00 each , to bo
closed at $3.)0.
Children's I'arosols in endless variety
at prices so low that oyory child can got
nno..Make a note of it that Hayden Bros ,
is the place to buy Umbrellas.
Ladies' and
Children's Hosiery
One case of Indies' Fast Black Hose
only 80 per pair , reduced from 15c.
Ladies' Richelieu Ribbed Hose , fast
black , every pair warranted , only 125c.
reduced from 20e.
Ladies' pin and hair line Striped Hobo
only 12c } , r. bargain at 25c.
Ladies' Fast Black Hose , Hormsdorf
dye , plain or ribbed , only 25c per pair ,
reduced from 40c.
An elegant Fjiat Black Hose for In
dies , high spliced heel , only 35c per
pair , a bargain at 50c.
Buys' plain black nnd gray mixed
Hose only 80 , reduced from 15c.
Children's fast bliick Hose , warrant
ed , every pair comes with double boles ,
only 12e , worth 25c.
Children's Derby Ribbed Hose , fast
black , only 25c , worth 40c.
1 The Now Fountain of youth is Spanish
Court Fnco Powder , comes in throe
Dublin Jack took on several quarts of
fortutudo to prepare himself for the
( tights and scones attendant on the
presidents visit and now ho won't sco
the chief oxceutivo after all. The presi
dent will have boon gene nine days
when Jack again breathes free air.
The second number of the Western
Philntollo Knipiro , the organ of the
Omaha Philatelic hocloty , has made its
appearance. The organ is devoted to
promoting stamp collecting and facili
tating exchange among collector * . It
is a neatly gotten up pamphlet and will
bo ihsuod monthly.
The friends of Mr. and Mrs Lon
George will bo palnod to learn of the
death of their livo-yoar-old boy , Muriel
Albort. The child died of membraneous
croup in Kowanno , III. , last Sunday. Mr.
George arrived in Omaha yesterday
with the remains and the funeral will
taito place tomorrow at v o'cioclc from
COO North Fifteenth street.
The St. George mining and milling
company of Washington county , Utah.
today Illod articles of incorporation in
the olllco of the county clerk. The
mines of the company aro'in Utah , but
the principal olllco will bo located in
Omaha. The capital stock of the
company Is placed at Sl.OCO.OOO. The
incorporutor.s are G. W. Iloldrego , D.
Gurney and 1) . Uautn.
Queen of the May.
Say inn , the Rirls sny If my fnro wnnt so
rpooklcd up with plmplos. they'd innko me
"Qucon of Iho May. " What shall 1 do I
Why , j'ota bottloof HnUor'ssursaparHla and
burdock , of course ; It's the most wonderful
blooilntirlllor of the age.
Special Sale of SldHxmrdn.
S. A. Orchard , 14 It to 1118 Douglas ,
lias just received an olognnt line of line
and medium priced sideboards at prices
that will surprise you. These boards
are made in tno latest styles furnished
in antique and old English oak. Special
prices tills week.
The following niarruo ! Ilojiu3i WJTJ U-
tuod by Jmljjo ShloUU yostmvl ly ;
Nntno unit n'ldross. Ago.
j IK-nry Ij. MulCoon. Omaha . M
) Maria .lenseii , Unialm . L'l
j David M. l.owls , Uiiiuhu . 27
I Mary K. Jones , Unmhu . lu
I Trod Ahrous. Oinnlin . . . Id
I Ohira Ulson , Uinaho. . . . 20
Io not tnlto nay chnnco of boliiR polsoaod
or burned to death with liquid stovu polish.
paints or ruamcls la bottles. Tlio "Klsini ;
Sun Steve Polish" is safe , odorless , lirilllunt ,
the cheapest and bust steve polish niuito , and
the consumer nnyH for no uxtunslvu tin or
packngowith every purchase.
The 1'avton Hotel Flro
Dlil not effect the hotel proper in any
way so as to interfere with the operation
of the house. OnljMho annex was dam-
ngod and guests Have been cared for
without the interruption of a single day.
It Did Not Meet.
Messrs. ncchol , Hltimor , Unvls , .McLcnrle
And Spccht were the only member. ! of the
council who appeared ut the mooting hour
lost nlKht , and la the abscuco of a quorum
an adjournment wus taken for ono week.
For this disease there Is notlilnK better Umu
( 'Uftiiiborlnln's ' Pnln Halm. The prompt ro-
llof which it affords Is alone worth many
times Its cost , which is but llfty con Is per
bottle. Many very bad cases have been par-
paucntly cured PV It. For sale by druggists.
Gents' Furnishing
Goods Dept ,
We nro the lenders of popular prices ,
nnd prleon tire wluxt talk , having ro-
rclved tunny bargains from our eastern
buyer this wook. Everything put on
Bale today.
One case of Gents' Dotnot Flannel
Shirts , full nl/o nnd perfect liltingon'.y
2.c ) cnuti. a bargain tit 60e.
100 clo/.on gents' line Linen Cuffs go
in this Bale at Ifk * . reduced from 2 > o.
Special 2 > do/en Runts' largo sl/o
black Surah Silk lldkfs only oOc each ,
heap at $1.00 each.
Our great specialty in this department
is ti line of line Outing Shirts , compris
ing crepe cloths , miidrnti , bilk btrlpes ,
line Baterns nnd Prein'h llannols , your
choice of this lot only 11.00 * each , worth
81.CO and * 2.00.
Gents'extra fine Windsor Tics only
2oc. ri'dupod from -I0c.
Gents' fancy Bitlbriggan i Hose only
&c per pair , worth 12Jc.
Silk Department.
Special for Wednesday Only.
Or > c China bilk for li'ic.
75o Chlnnsilk for I5c.
$1.00 India silk for ( We.
81.00 wash silk for ( He.
( I5c colored plaid bilk for G3c.
$1.2.j frcnch laillcs for 83c. ( Now
nh ados ) .
$ ! . ' _ ' " ) blaclc French failles for 7oc.
8Hc satin rhadamos for 5"4c.
$1.2.5 draning chinas for 7ic. )
Too black and colored suruhs 60c.
$1.00 silic grenadines for 69c.
$1.2i ( silk twist grenadines OOc.
$1.50 iron frame grenadines $1.10.
$1.50 gloria cloth for $1.10.
50c pongee bill ; for I7ic. !
75c pongee slk 'or 47c.
Black Dress Goods
Black Alpacas 85c and Ojc.
Black English Cashmere at lOc and
Black Union Cashmere , 30 inch , at
25c , 29e and i53c.
Black all wool Henrietta , 40 inch , nt
48c nnd 080.
Silk finish Henrietta 75c , 83c and SSc.
Black Silk \Vnrp Henrietta Ooc and
Black Mohair BrillUntlnp 43c and 47c.
Brilliantine , 40 inches wide , feSc and
Blnck pollen , dot Brillinntino for 25c ,
worth 37ic.
All our blnck and white Plnids re
duced to 43c.
Black nnd white stripe for 35cand43c.
Fancy chocks and slripos in black , 40
inches wldo , ut C3c , Ooc and COc.
Black Serges , all wool , at 65c , CScand
Black Serge , 40 inch , at 75cand 82Jc
Black Hindo Twills , something now
62 Inch wide , at $1.17 and $1.25.
Blnck Grenadine , at 38c worth C5c.
Frightful Treatment of a Little Boy
l > y nil Irate Neighbour.
Dr. Hcxfurd visited police court yesterday
0 file an information against Jack Shop-
lord for assnult nnd cruelty to children. The
ncn nro neighbors nt M5 South Twonty-flfth
nvonuo , nnd Monday ufternooon the young
children of each wore phiving nt
1 hydrant that Is Jointly used
jy the occupants of both houses.
; ioth wanted n Urinlc , nnd in the scufllo the
water was turned 911 the Shepherd child was
Itexford says that Shophcrd senior , wit-
icssod the occurrence through the window ,
nnd at onto strode oat unu seized the Hox-
fonl child by the cars , lifted it from the
{ round and shook It severely , after which
10 carried It a distance of forty foot to where
: ho mother was standing , and threw It on
the ground at her feet.
The llttlo sufferer was broujjht Into court
md Injuries were shown. Both ears wore
Lorn awnv from the head nt the top and bottom
tom , and It Is feared that ttio organs nro in
ured Internally. The llttlo follow suffered
great pain , and his nppcaranco oxcltod the
ulty mid Indignation of nil who saw him and
lieard the story.
How They Cure ItliottmatiHin In
Mr. .1. P. Molghan , a Pittsburgh cigar
dealer , awoke one morning with an attack of
rheumatism In his right arm. Working
around the store during the forenoon made it
worse. By noon the pain wus so severe that
ho could not ralso his hand to his head and
had to carry his arm In a sling. . Ono of his
customers , on learning the facts wont across
the street to E. E. Heck's drug store , nnd nt
his own ox\ionso \ procured n bottle of Cham
berlain's Pain Balm nnd porsuudod the cipar
dealer to try It. It eased the pain and ro-
diicod the swelling so that by tno next mornIng -
Ing hu could use Ills arm , ami by the second
morning was entirely well. This Is only ono
of the many severe cases of rheumatism that
have boon cured by this valuable remedy.
Fifty cent bottles forsalo by druggists.
FrcHli VaroliH ! Virus
At Sherman & McConnoll's , 2ddoor west
P. O.
Decision In Favor of the Chicago
Milwaukee & St. Paul Ity.
The now Palace sleeping cars of the
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul Ry. ,
with electric lights in every berth , will
continue to leave the Union depot ,
Omaha , at 0:10 : p. in. , daily. Passengers
taking this train avoid transfer at Coun
cil Bluffs , and arrive in Chicago at 0:30 :
n. in. , in ample time to make nil eastern
connections. Ticket olllce , 1501 Farnnm
itreot. F. A. NASH ,
J. E. PRESTON , General Agent
City Passenger Agent.
of Two Decades ,
Mr , Walter Pratt of Blackstone , Mass. , is
In the city on business connected with set
tling up an estate In which ho Is Intorostod.
Mr. Pratt was a machinist In the Union Pa
cific shops twenty-two years ago , and his
recollections of the city dnto back to the tirao
when ho saw 300 Indians camped on Capitol
hill , eating dried beef and brewing dog soup.
His surprise ut the growth and development
of the city Is unbounded.
A nipc ONI
J. H. Holcomb and uifo of Bolchervlllo ,
Texas , hove celebrated tbolr nftv-tlfth wed
ding anniversary , and nro still hole and
hearty. The secret of their long Itfo nnd
goou health Is that they correct any slight ail
ment promptly , and In that way avoid serious
sickness , L.IKQ most every ono else , they nro
more frequently troubled 'with constipation
tlmti any ether physical disorder. To correct
this they tulto St Patrick's Pills In preference
to any other , because , as Mr. Holcomb says ,
"Ttioy are a mild pill anil , besides , keep the
whole s ) utem In good order. Wo prize ttium
very ulgtily. " For sale by all druggists.
Fresh Viiuclno Vh-iiH
At Sherman & McCouncU's. 2d door west
P , 0.
Wash Dress Goods
"Korah Moire" Is nt ttio front. It
Is the Icndinc wash fabric today. Only
35e a yard. Nothing tocomparo'or take
its plnco as for fitylo , colors and po-
cultnrlty ns to weave. The only plnco
in Omaha to got it is nt Ilnyden's.
Parisian Silk , now fabric In the mar
ket this Eoiison , only 25c yard.
3(1 ( inch wide Brotonitv Suiting 15c
30 inch Lyons Serge lOc ynrtl.
3 ! ) inch Armenian Serge lOcyard.
8(1 ( inch best Batiste lOo yard.
30 inch Batiste 8c yard.
. ' 12 inch ChnlHcs , n'owstyles , 12jc yard.
Now styles In American Challies nt
2jc , 6e and Scynra.
Fine Satleons , cashmere ombre styles ,
reduced to ( ) } o yard.
Special bargain in Suttoens at lOc
Best Pacific Liuvns , light or dnn ;
styles , only 5o yard.
32 inch wide Avoyron cloth ICic yard.
White checked 'Nnin 6ok 5c , worth
Fine Lawn Checks nt 10c , very cheap.
Beautiful line of white and fast black
Lawns in btripos and chocks nt 15c and
20c ynrd.
Lace btripo Lawns 7e yard.
Kein nan Is of fast blnck lace Lawns 5c
Indin Linen 6c , Oc , 7c , 8c , lOc , 12jc ,
15c , 20c nnd 25c yard.
Rcmuantb of Wabh Goods at prices to
200 pieces now stvlo Dress Gingham
5o ynrd ; compare them as to style and
The" largest stock of Wnsh ircss
Goods in the west and the lowoht prices
on first class goods or money cheerfully
Jackets and Capes
Ladies' Standlcs Capos in black , tan
nnd gray , trimmed in gold and silver ,
$5 , reduced from $8.
Ladies' Blazers in black , bilvor
trimmed , $3 , reduced from $5.
Ladies' Bla/.ors in tan and gray , $4
reduced from $8.
Misses' Blazers , from 14 to 18 years , in
aek and blue , $2.60 , reduced 'from $5.
blChildren's Bln'/ors and Recfarsin tnnr
blue and cardinal , gold nnd silve-
trimmcd , from 4 to 12 "years t $2.50 , re
duced from $5.
Ladies' Dressing Sacks , embroidered ,
with bolts , 75c , USe , $1.15 to $5.
Ladies' Muslin
Underwear \
100 dozen ladies' Night Gowns only
50c each , reduced from 75c.
Wo will make special display of 7oc
An olognnt 60c Corset reduced tolOo.
75c Corsets reduced to 50c.
An elegant $1.50 Corset reaucod to $1
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
Tne most widely and favorably known § pe < y
IMIstilntlie Unite ! States. Their Ions ex
perience , romarkuulo iktll and umvorial suo-
ce a In the treatment and cum of Nervous ,
Chronic nnd Hnrtjlcal IMsunsci. entitle those
eminent physicians to tlic. full confidence ot
th nflllotrd ovorywhnro. They piiarnnti'o :
the awful effect a of early vlco nnd the .lUmer-
oii : > ovlli that follow In It * train.
epnortlly. completely nnd permanently cured.
OKDEIIB yield readily to thulr klUf ul treat
guaranteed cured without pain or detention
from nuHlnoss.
nently nnd successfully cured In every oiso. :
nmtorrKohumluul Wonknuss , Lost Manliood ,
Night Kinlssloiis. Decayed KiioultleH , KoinuU
Weakness and nil delicate disorder ! ) peculiar
to either sex posltl\oly cured , na well as all
functional disorders tlmt result from youthf.'J
fnlllcaor the oxceiHof tnatiiro ycurs.
Tlir'nnl < Ounmntcod vnrmune n tly
O I IMVxl UlMj cured , removal complete ,
without cutting , caustio or dllntntlnn. Oure
efffoted at liumo by patient without iuo-
merit's pain or iinnoyunre.
The nwful "Tocts ot
/V OUK.L LUKU early vlco which brhiRi
pruanlo weaknrss , destro > lnK both mind nnd
body , with all Its dreaded Ills , permanently
cured.RFTTQ Address those who have 1m-
. JJLil 1O paired thi-mi Ivrs by Improper -
proper Indulgence uuil solltury nnblti , which
ruin both mind and body , urUlUliig thorn for
builnrs * . study or inarrlupo.
MAHHIKI ) lilKN or these cntnrlnn on that
hajipy llfo , aware of physical debility i quickly
Is based upon facts. First Practical eip rl-
enco. Becond Kvcry cane Is ipoolally studied ,
thus itartlns ? rlRlit. Third medicines are
prepared In our laboratory exactly to ( tult
each cn e , thui ulToctlng euros without Injury.
Drs. Betts & Belts ,
Graduate Dentist.
A Full Hot of Tooth on Ilubbor ,
for rlVi : HOLLA us. A perfcU
tltKunrantoeit , Tcetli extrnitui
, , , without pain or danger , nnl
, J without nnaoithvtlci. ( ioM anil
k * illver lllllnvri nt luwc t men.
llrliliio and CrowuVork. . Teeth
_ without platct. All work war
Kntrance , I6tu tlrcet clorator. Open uicnlngi
until U o'clock.
a ly derarraatlni ( wcakntM , lent maiihood , eto.
I will acud a valuable treatlw ( IK-alcJ ) < xintolnln |
full particulars for bema cure. VIIKB of charge
A. aplendld medical work | abouM l > a read br eterj
man who la ntnroni and ilabullatMl. Adilnra
V.t'iVOWLK8 noodu , r
Colored Dress Goods.
Double fold , Dobolgo for summer
wear , nil in lutcat colors , formerly ISe ,
now ( lc. }
All fancy bummer Serge , worth 12c } ,
now tijc.
Colored Cashmere , in nil colors , was
ICc , now 'He.
Will reduce all our English Cash
meres for today to lOc and 20c.
Henrietta Cloth for today only 83c.
Silk llnish Henrietta , former price
81.25 , now 8Sc.
Silk finish IIonnottaJM. now 7/ic. /
A big bill-gain in all wool Plaids onlv
27jc yard.
28 inch wide Plaids HOc yard.
40 inch wide all wool Plaids -lOc , We ,
63c , ( We , 7il ( % and 800 yard.
Fancy nil wool Stripes HOc yard.
A largo variety of Sackings.
Nice line of Dross Flannels 35c , 39c ,
50c , 58c , O.jc nnd 7Gc yard.
Fine colored Mohair , worth 75c , re
duced to HOc yard.
Spccinl bargains in Remnants of Dress
Goods from 2 to 8 yards , at prices to suit
Ladies' Shirt
"Waists and Blouses.
Ladies' Shirt Waists nnd Blouses.
Uidics'calico Waists with bolts -15c.
Ladies' outing llanncl Blouses 05c.
Ladies' cambric Waists with bolts ,
and pleated , $1 to $2.50.
Ladies' bilk Waists and Blouses from
$2 to So.
Children's White Dresses , from 0 to
10 years , $1.60 to $ o , reduced one-half
of former prices.
Ladies' white and calico Wrappers ,
OSc , $1.15 , $1.25 to $ o.
Ladles' Skirts OSc , reduced from 81.50.
Ladies' House Jorsoya in black , tan ,
blue nnd cardinal , 08o.
Millinery Dept.
The reasonable prices ami oxquipito
novelties coming in every day makes
this the most attractive millinery store
in the city. Nothing but a live , active
trade could make it possible to have the
latest attractions constantly on hand.
The price's for Children's School flats
also Ladies' Untrimmed Hats , Bonnets
and Toques , nrolebs than usual whole
sale cost. Special sale this week on
line Millinery Ribbons , Ornaments ,
Laces nnd Trimmings.
It is worth while to sco the splendid
display of line French Flowers of every
description. It will pay to get prices
for comparison.
' Embroideries.
Fine Swiss and Hamburg Embroider
ies in black , in whito. and in colors , in
ulnin'nncl hemstitched edges. This immense -
menso collodion of embrpidoribs up to
the finest made , represent the newest
styles and aroOiv < sale at surprisingly
low .
prices. i i
Fine Hamburg arid. Swiss Skirtings at
2oc , 30c. 35c nnd 50c.
Fine Hemstitched Skirtings in blacker
or whito.
Laces. Laces.
Splendid values nnd endless variety.
Real Hand-made Linen Torchon
Laces at 4c , at 5o , at Oc , up to 25c ; actual
value lOc up to 50c.
Medici Laces , in line quality , at 5c ,
7c , lOc up to 33c.
Nottingham Pillow Laces nt le , 2c , 3c ,
4c and 6c , from 2 to 5 iuchcs wideworth
up to ISc.
Fancy Trimming Laces of all kinds' '
nt reasonably low prices. .
Fine black and cream Silk Laces , of
every description , at Sc , nt lOc , nt 12c ,
nt 15c , up to 25c. worth 18o up lo Oic.
Black Drapery Nets at 17c , 21c , 23c ,
-7i' , 33o and Hoc.
Finest Black Silk Drapery Nets , 48
inches wide , in absolutely now styles , at
17e , 45c , 50c , 55c , 03c , 75c , 87c , $1. SI. 1/5 / ,
up to $2.75 , actual value Ooc up to $0.
Jewelry Dept.
Honest goods nnd unquestionably low
prices nro making this department very
popular. No jewelry store in Omaha
can show buch an attractive line of line
Ladies' Gold Filled Watches $10 ,
worth $17.50.
Ladies' Silvorino Wntches $3.60 ,
worth 810.
Lndios'Sivorino Watches 8worth $10
Gents' Coin Silver Watches $10 ,
wortli $22.50.
Laaies' Nickel Silverlno Watches
$2.50 , worth $5.50.
22 styles in gentlemen's gold and sil
ver watches , guaranteed 60 per cent uu-
vcr jewelers' prices.
Fine ornnmentnl household Clocks nt
50c , 75o , $1 and $1.25.
Largo Marbloizeu Mantel Clocks
Large iron Mantel Clocks $5.
Large ornamental Mantel Clocks , ca
thedral chimes at $0 , regular $10 clod ; .
Fine silver Castors nt 75c , nt $1 , at
$1.50 , at $2 and at , $2.50.
Good Steel Glasses at lOc , loc and 23c.
Best Steel Glasses , littod , $1.
Splendid Coin Nickel glasses $1.23.
Finest Solid Gold Glasses $2.25.
Ladies' and children's Solid Gold
Rings 25c up to $1.25.
Solid gold Baby Rings 25c.
Baby Carriages ,
Wo offer during the balance of this
week our loader for $1.25. a full sized
reed carriage , upholstered in cretonne ,
on Sspring gear.
Our No. 1 Special Fine rood body ,
upholstered in satin russo with plush
roll , lace edge parasol , on A coil spring
gear , wire or wood wheels , worth 810 ,
for $7.25.
Our No. 2 Spec'al Worth $13 , for
only $8.45. A line vnrnibhed reed body ,
upholstered In satin russo , with plush
roll , Inco edge parasol. Coil .spring
I Remember wo have the largest , line
in the city at the lowest pricos. No
trouble to show our goods.
Lace Curtains ,
2,500 pairs Nottingham lace curtains
at 65o , 03c , OSc , 75c , 87o and $1 per pair.
Real Swiss , tambour , Irish point and
trench lace curtains in endless vnriotv.
Chlnn silk drapery nt 65c , 05c , 75e mid
l > 5c yatd.
Art cotton for draperies 7je , lOc , 12c ,
l.'c , 17e and 23c.
St'iim for curtnins nt 2Jc , 3c , oc , 7c
and lOc.
Dotted Swiss for sash curtrins , lOc ,
< \ Ifa , 17o nnd We.
Splendid line fringes , tapestries nnd
trl tilings.
JJniM trimmed curtain poc ! < * l.'lc.
Self-acting mounted shades 17c , 19o
and 2oc.
Garden Hose.
Wo will sell you n Green Hoe nt lOc
per foot. This is not made of a lot of
old rags with a thin covering of rubber.
The friction on this hose is capable of
standing SO-lb pressure , and at the end
of the beason will bo as good as at the
beginning of the beacon , nnd will be so
for several years. If you should burst a
length wo will refund you your money.
This ho < ? o has never beun bold any loss
than 17ic per foot. All wo wore able to
obtain of tills ho o was 10,000 feet. The
lOc per foot includes couplings and all
ready for use.
Peerless Refrigerators.
The Peerless Refrigerators are mndo
of-oak , antique finish , mineral fibre fill
ing. They are made open to allow a
por/oct circulation of dry cold air. The
construction of the upper horizontal
lluo is such that it can bo opened or
closed nt any time. This is an important
new device not employed in any other
refrigerator , and is patented. The space
between the outer and inner cases is
filled closely with a mineral fibre which
is superior for this purpose to anything
ever before used. Other makers use
saw-dust or charcoal as a filling or leave
the space empty. The saw-dust will
rot and decay , the charcoal will settle
and leave blank spaces hero and there.
The mineral fibre In the Peerless will
never settle or shako out ; it is colorless ,
odorless and indestructible by boat or
even fire ; vermin or germ cannot exist
in it ; as a non-conductor of heat it is
double that of charcoal and greater thiin
that of any known substance. The
Peerless is the only refrigerator using
mineral fibre filling , giving you the best
refrigerator made in the world for the
least monoy.
Our No. 1 $8.50 ; all other makes of
the snmo sl/o soli from Jl'J to $14.
Our No. 2 $10 ; all other makosof the
same size sell from $ li > to $18.
Wo have over 30 dilToront styles with
corresponding pricos.
y -
A A Beginning today we will place on sale 150 young men's Sack Suits , sizes 14 to
-.UU 19 years , in fine medium shade Cheviots and Cassimeres , at $10,00 per suitt1 ;
regular retail price is $15.00. They were bought away under price and were made by ojier
the best New York houses. There are eight different shades. To those who appreciate-well-
made and perfect fitting goods these will prove the best values ever shown in Omaha. Don't
fail to see them ; ask for the advertised suit. . - <
We have opened five eases of full finished Balbriggan Underwear , in natural * wool
3Q colors , which we will sell for 75c per suit , in all sizes , 34 to 44. Mail orders must be ac
companied with sufficient postage. We can't afford to pay postage ; these goods are sold for
double this price in other stores.
Continental Clothing House ,
Oor. Douglas and ISth Sts.
GOLD MEDAL , PABI3 , 1878.
W."BAKER&(10.'S (
fitom which tlio excess of
oil has boon roinovcJ , Is
Absolutely Pure
and it is Soluble.
No Chemicals
nro used in its preparation. It has
more than three times the strenyth of
Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot
or Sugar , nnd is therefore far more
economical , costiny less thnn one cent
a cup. It is delicious , uoinishing ,
strengthening , KASHA' DIGESTED ,
nnd admirably adapted for invalids
as well as for persons in health.
Sold by Crooors everywhere.
W. BAKER & GO , , Dorchester , Mass ,
. . . .
DrClVUrCllOl IIKU * ' * tV IW O * a Ktav tw - - -
Trilia" " Uhaacuredthouaanda I Ifyou wanlthe
IIKMT.aend4olniUmpa urfreel'aiupliletfto. I.
Hacntllo UUille Ituii Cu. , Ban Fr.uclico. f-'U
The Original and Genuine
Imparts the roe t delicious taito and ze t
TLKMAN at Mad-
rat , to Iila brother
May , leil. HOT & COLD
that tlielr sauce la
hlxlily mtecmed In
opinion , the iiion' \VILSII- :
imlatable , aa well
aa the luott nuclu. HAKKIIITS ,
notne MUCO that la
luado. " iVc.
Beware of Imitations ;
eeo that you get Lea & Perms' '
Biynituro en every liott'.enf Orltrlutl It Ocnulne.
it. * . . lyVirallltM
iinnatuiitt UhHhaiKC'a an'
prlvctt'i. oii * > c of tntn /
certain tunlor the ilcl.lll.
tatlnc nvuUniii jieiullar
Jprvacr beltnnilfpeliila
THtt 'NtCHtMiruCo In rfC < imni iidlnK It W
Moltl b
fnli ii.oo.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Iho KreatSirauccBi"aflNorvoui. . nifon" < ! n5 Prlrato ll > aiiui. A permanent cure nuarauteal
bpenaalorrh' " . ' ' * ' " " 1' ' " ' 811'101 Wakne . NUhll.OMo . Impotanor , Hrphllli. Htrlcturo ,
. . . Own , . N II 1 auaranton tWJfor overr C4o 1 undartaka
eaiva of tha * * i vuit . . .TBIH . _ ami . _ UrliLirj _ . . . " 7 . . _ , . _
cure Consultation free. IlogkM/ lerlo of Ufa ) sent f ra s . OJloonouM a. UL ted p in.
a. m. to II i
m r IIQ O Ok * .
It ran tie ffUiu In a vuit of fotTte * > r t u , or In nr.
, 'JtlM of fWU , witboul l&a knowlodgu ot inn patient.
if noae.oiry. It l t > aolutolv h rml * and will tHert
p rm ii > JDt anil peoilr our * , "hethir Ui p u ni tj
uodoratodrlna r oranalooUoIlow rcok. 1 f > r.cli
LAil.N. n op ratt > o qutnlly aud with Hugh o.r-
Uluty that tb undoruoei no luoonlennnce ,
and era ha ! awaro. hl couipleta relorruntlcd le
effeuted. 4BpaffQ book of particular * Iree. Toltliadol
KU11N A. CO."Hi < : lioaa\tit.fc \ lnh ft Lumingbta ,
plled by 11. . * KE. 1JKUOB & W > . tnd
N UUUO CO. . Omana
Others In
comfnriwin ro flow or
IF.AI ) . Ifmffirlnctry
U rt-nrlralf , lte-
with a * Itarml , ! , Amtdr. SDd ttaiap for particular ! .
OUOIilCUllA 2IFU. CO. Ill Vlat , Claclaaatl , 0.
Granite Ware.
Wo have purchased the blppost Hue
of Granite \\'i\ro OVOP rccolvoil in Oinii-
hit. Our nrioos toll the story.
Preserving Kuttlo No. 10 2-qt. OOo
each ; rcgutni * price fiOo.
Preserving Kettle No. 20 3qt.13o
each ; roguliir price 7 < > e.
Preserving Kettle No. 22 4-qt. C2o
each ; rogulur iirlco t)0o. )
Prosorvlng Kettle No. 20 0-q.t. CSo
each ; roguhir price il. HI.
Preserving Koltlo No. 23 S-qt. Ola
each ; regular price $1.2" ) .
Tea Kettle No. 7 J1.25 ; regular price
9L. 2o.
( Tea KoUlo No. S * 1.S1 ; regular prlco
S.iuco Pans No , 10 2-qt. 30c each ;
regular ) ) rico 60c.
Sauce Pans No. 20 Il-qt. 43e each ;
regular prieo "oc.
Sauce P.tns No. 22 1-qt. 52c each ;
rogulur pi ice OOc.
Sauce Pans No. 20 G qt. CSc each ;
regular price $1.1l. !
Sauce P.ins No. 2S S-qt. Olc cach |
regular price 81.2o.
And the whole lln ocoiiiprifilng every
thing inndo in the above \\areatcorro
spoiidin g pricos.
Lawn Mowers.
Wo will gall you lawn mowers cheaper
thiin over before. Wo have just ro-
coivoil 000 Keen Kliupcrs from 10-inch
to Kith nt the following prices :
The 10-inch S. O. Keen Klippor ? o.09.
The 12-Inch S. G. Keen Klippor JO.oO.
Tlio 14-inch S. G. Keen Klippcr * 7.2o.
The 10-inch S. G. Keen Klippor i'.SO.
Ice Cream Freezers
2-quart Sl.lo.
4-qunrt 81.7fi.
Wo carry a full line of White Moun *
tain and Lightning' Freezers.
Screen Wire N
All widths at lie per square foot.
Ribbon Dept.
Fine Silk Ribbon at le , ut'2o , at Seat
at 4c , nt Co , up to 15c yard. Funoy Silli
Ribbons nnd Velvet Ribbons , in all -
widths for trimming nnd fanoy work.
and Ruchings.
LadioB' Silk Veilings , in plain nnd
fnnay suk weaves , nt 10n , 12c , 15c , 17o
Sillc CJropo Llsso Ruchings nt lOc , I2o ,
lee and 2 > a.
"SANATIVO. " th ,
Wonderful rtpanUbl
Hi mfdy. U told with a
\Vrlttcm ! uuranlf'O
t cure all Ncrvuun III * ,
cam , euch an Wtakt1
Memory i * of Ilrala
I'owor , Ii eadache ,
Wok ef iilncii , Ixiit Mat * .
hood , KcrrouiDf M , IA - '
iltude. all drain and
lota of power of tfce'
Uincratlvo Ontuni , la
enter tei , cauied tjr )
OTtr tirrtlon , youthful Indocrf lloui. or the ficdilTa
use of tobacco , oplutn , or itltuulantj , vhlch ultlmat tjr
tcud tn Infirmity , Coutumptlon and Inianlty 1'ut up
lu r'lQTrnltrnt form to carry In the veiipockeU 1'rlco
II a jiackege. or for M. With nery 13 order ic giro
a written Kuitrnntmi to euro or rofunil thi *
inniiny. Kent t > y mall tii any addreta. circuUr ttttt
Mention thli piper. AddreM ,
MADRID CHEMICAL CO , , Uraoch Office for U. S. A *
< I7 IVurliorii fltrift. rniCAflO. II U
1Cnlm A Co , Cor , 15th it Doutrlx hu.
J A Knlli-r A. Co. for Uth * UouiiUiBU.
* U I ( . IITCH Cuumil llliii' l
\\r A XTflil lA AuenK to lell the I' Jai *
11 / \ i > I 1M/.Cloihix I.IIIH the only 11 not'r
Invontol tlmt holds thoilnthii * wlthuut plni ; nier < .
frrtuniroi ; pnlfiil luconllx liHiicili told only bf
nmit' . In whiiin the nicluihii rlvht li Klveni on ro-
cnlptuf fOrinta e will iuii'1 n uninple line by main
nlxi clrculurti price Hit nnd terms lunKenti : pcour
ynnr territory at onceArtclroii'I'lUJ I'lNl.KHH
ti.orucs LINK CO. , i : Uormon 8t , w " * i ' .
11 an.