Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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"VnVEUTIHfcMKJiTS for these roliiinns will
XX bo token until 12.fl : p. m. . for the ovnn UK
Million , and until 8.0 : : p. in. , for tlio morning
edition and H-NDAV nice.
rilKKMS Cnsb In advance. ;
T ) ATK3- Advertisements on lh < s pnrowlll'ie
J chnrircd for nt the rate of 1'4 rents per
wonl for the first Insert'on. nnd 1 cent per word
tor ench ml ccquent ln citlon. I'tid ' II. " 'I per
line per month. No ndTjrtlscn.cnl taken for
Jem than 'Refills for the HrM insertion.
TNITIALH. fisuros , sytnLols etc. , couulcnch
JL mono word.
rpIIESE advertisement * mint run con .ecj- ]
JL lively and tinder no e Mumstnnc < is will
they le tnkrn or dlscon' Inno 1 l > y tclcphone.
1AltT1F.i < ndvcrtlslns In lbe < i columns nnd
linvlne their ansnrr < ' .ndri'f rd ton"num-
lered letter In rare of Tin : Hi K. 111 receive a
numl end cluck to enable tlirm to pel tliolt
loiters. Answers vrlll lo : nelivered only on
presentation of this check , fncloso utuwors
Ineiuulopcs propcrlv uddrissed.
AM , adverlt'emcnM upder thn hend of
"Special Notices" nro published In both
themorn'ntr ' and evening uiltlonsof TIIK Urn ,
the circulation of which at-creBatrsmornthan
lO.CW papers dally. nnd elves tlm odvcrt ! er
the benefit not only of thn Inrpo circulation of
TIIK Urn In Omaha , hut al o In Council MlnnX
Lincoln und olhrr cities and townsln the well
Advcrtlslnz for these co'umns will ho tikon
out litnl mo condition" . lit the followlnBhusI-
nc s houses who nro nitthnrlrrd to tnko upecwl
notices. tit the sntiio rates us can bo bud ut the
main ofllce. _ .
K3N. Street. Lister lllo.-K.
_ _ _
TOlfNv7lFELL , I'lmrmaelst ' , f 23 South Tenth
t' street ,
C IIAFE i ElinV. Stationers und Printer'
US South IGth street.
II. rAUNSWOUTH , Pharmacist , 2113
Cumtnc street.
,1 IirollES. Pharmacist , C24 North IGth
Ft reel.
. W. PA UK , Pharmacist , 1713 Leaven-
worth street.
r.I t'allKS1 THAUMACY. 2lth and Tarnam.
" ' " "
, tic. , tee top of first column on thtf page.
\\JA NTKD A "siluitiorT'liy "n f7y si7tcen
vi-nrs aid to learn the butcher's trade.
Voelluacel. I'lattMiiouth , Non. 411 15
ITirATION as watchman , day or nlstit.
Addre-s M P. lleo. 4BD 12 *
A LADY of experience desires a position In
school orfnmlly. Can tench the usual
Ensllfli branches , muthematlcs. cymna tlc'
snd danclne. Heferences. Address Mls
Mary It , Stuart , lliigpi-stunn. Md. M3I5 15'
OUTTEU wants situation ; ovnerlenced man ;
Kood references. Address , L f > 0 , Ilee _
ANTED-Sltuatlons for good clrls : my
waltlnK rooms are always full from 0 a.
m. ton p. m. Canadian Employment ofllee.
: il4'iS. Pith. Telephone ss | T.V ,
r rratr > , ite , , rcetitpn ralumnnn thttpnQr
WANTED At once , teams and teamsters
for Wisconsin. Tree fare. ICramnr fi
Kramer. Labor Agency , MVIS llthbt. M507 ti : *
TVT ANTED Salesmen for door plates nnd
' white enamel lettnrs for windows : 100 to
4'Kl ' ner cent prodt Address Wilght Mfe. Co. .
: I' rk How , New York. M494 13 *
" \\7ANTKD Immedlatelv. a reliable man
' for this Htiitu ; permanent position ; good
pay : gMvJssoldlo trailo only ; no betlcrsldo
llni'i enclose Mump. fe. .1. Owen , 415 Deiir-
born. Chicago. III. MI91 13 *
" \VANTED Salesman for every stnto nnd
' territory to soil our coeds by sample to
the wliolesalo and retail tr.'ido ; our goods
Bull everywhere ; peed al'iry paid : pormn-
iiont poslilon ; send stamp for tormi. Cava-
> > cope Manufacturing Company , Chicago. III.
51 Jo I la *
\\rEOITERagents bis money in exclusive
' tenllory. Our now intent t-afes sell at
sight In city or country. Nevr agents flrst In
field actunllv getting rich. Ono agent In ono
( lav denned ttfl. So can you. Oatalosuo free.
Alplno Safe company , IKKfil Clark street.
'Cincinnati. O.
A XJENTS. * . " to J10 per day collecting small
W-plot n res for us to coppy nnd enlarge. Sat-
iljfiictlon L'tiariinteed mid a $4 outfit free.
A. Dunne .t Co. . M ICoado street Now York
" \\7ANTED-Salesmen on salary or comls
IT slon to handle the now patent chemical
erasing pencil : the greatest selling novelty
ever produced : erases Ink thoroughly In two
Fornndniiio abrasion of paper ; 2"fl to.Wfl percent
profit ; one agent's sales amounted toNl.'Olnslx
nays : another In two hours ; wo want ono
general agent for each state and territory ,
ror terms and full particulars , address the
Monroe Eraser Mfg Co. , La Crosse , Wis. 475
" \\7ANTED Experienced clothlni salesmen.
> > Call at Plymouth Rock Pants Co. . nts S.
35th/street. - M474 13 *
" \\TANTr.D Two cncrgotle and reliable men
of good address can find permanent and
profltnblo i < mploymont by calling between 4
iind 5 p. m. , on O. H. Khelloy , room 522 first
Tt tlonal.l'ank. ' 412 12 *
ADDRESS box 202or call at 1417 rarnnin
' * * street , room 7 , for lives of Sherman nnd
'lliirnum. ' eW. M481 13 *
\VT A NT ED-Porter N. Y. Llfo barber shop.
, _ 417
"IV ANTED T o live , energetic solicitors :
> l good line , extra IndiicPint'iits , nocanvass-
tng. ( Jnll room 20-'l , southeast corner li'th and
Utodgti streets M3QQ 15 *
TV7ANTED-PaIcsiiian for line of cigars , $10J
Tl per month and expenses paid , Address
( with stamps , Sumatra Cigar Co. . Ch'caco. 111.
r M37714 *
\\7ANTED--A reliable and enorcotlc man of
Hnlinclal ability and a favorable eastern
ncimlntancn | to act as secretary nnd manacor
of nn extensive company for the promotion of
thu Industrial Interests of onn of the most
prlmUsInK cities of the northwest ; References
dnslrcd nnd correspondence solicited. Address
"W. " care of American Mortsaue Co. , Yank-
[ tbn. P. H. , 23715
"I\7ANTJJD-Ptnto manairer for a flrit class
lifolnsuranco company , t.'ilary or rom-
imls < Ion. Address , statlna experience , li M Ilee.
) l 13'
WANTED-l'Irst-elass earrlaeo black-
sniith. pointers anil trimmer ! good
waRes ; steady work. J , C. O'Dounell , Shcl-
\\7ANTKU Co l and pantaloon makers to
TT work In shop. Coiitlnunial l/lothtm :
Iloilsn. 177
\\rANTKD COO railroad laboier-i , teamsters ,
shoNclors and trackmen. Albrlcht's
labor agency , USD l-'ariiitin. M S10
M IN with seed address. > fet. Jl'f'B Co. , 1CM
llowanl st. , Omaha , or 137 N 12th , Lincoln.
I jWll *
AX7'ANTED Men to travel for our Canadian
nttrierles stone Wcllliuton.Madlson.Wls
_ _ 7IB.I1
\V ANTEO Enortietloyounuman to take or
ders. Address .Manufacturer I' . O. lx > x xi.
ITV-m 10
Furrteetf \ , , rff top of Krsl rr > mmil outfits pig ?
\\rANTEn-iood girl for general house-
* ' ki-epliiR. Iinullo400 .V.J.kt st. M5M 10 *
" \\7ANTED A girl for cencral housework
> ' at IJI ! North Mlh street. MSOs ) 14 *
-A coed Klrl for general housc-
nork ; good HUKCI paid. .VMso. ftth.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M50I
* \V ANTEDI'lrfct class sh7rTlfii7ihcr7 A < U
ilres , , Norfolk Steam Laundry , statini ;
ciuerleiifo and mines uxpocted. M503-15
\\7 A XT E 1 i-ri rsTcTassirlrl In small family :
1 1 Kooa aifo . 11W aouth3rd ktrct't.
N'KW Emplonment Itureau. Itoum 4U. llan"k
ImlUlliK , directly opuoslt llayden's. M\ .
trentli and Dodce ; refun nees : Woman's
Christian Association ; tim class female lielp.
. _ _ *
"Y\r ANTKH3 waitresses for the west JV ono
for NellEh IJ.W. I'aros paid. Omaha
Employment onioo. ll'J N IGtli , 4ss | 2 *
GOM ) girl for General housework who rnn
iMxik ami launder ; references nuiulred lu.
qultv Dr. Muttlce , U7th , north of furuum.
_ _ 401 n
\VANTED-Oirl forsencrul houscwor k.3417
> <
Hurt street. 4U-I2J
\\f A NTrt-A servant clrl. must be a Rood
' ' rooV. nonootlier lined apply ; munt , coma
well rurommondixl. Apply In the forenoon nt
411 N. loth st. 4W-1S
fOO } \Vauttxl-A arat-clasi cook ;
V 'ri'iiulred to do cenonil housework In small
family ; hlch wages. Apply at 2KI Douglas .t ,
_ _ _ M
\\rANTKI-aood Klrl for general houso-
Jfl wprk.S4.1i liarney. 418
* AV ANTKIAn p i > erlnnce < l Klrl forgniieml
hou ork. No. SSI3 Hickory it. 1' , H. nl-
mon ig
AV ANTED-Oood Ctrl , Oed wase * . T2J S.13th
l cor. Leurenworlh. tM
For rate * , ttc. , reetnp o/lr tr4ilumn rmt/id / pays.
Y. KENT-Houso. 412 Center streot. 3
_ room" , nnd barn forGtPams. W.OO n month ,
Stringer A. I'cnny. llarker block. M.VXM5 *
FOIt HENT 1'urnlshed house. 0 rooms , nil
modern Improvements , Kntintzo Place.
U'ill exchanzo for board for two. Address.
Mil , Heeofllco. MIPD 15 *
FOIt KENT To desirable parties , new ro I-
denrc , with barn , lawn , trees , nil modern
conveniences ; nlnn rooms , newly papered :
Idlewlld nd. John O. Willis. Mi'iJ ' la *
KENT The 8-room house nnd barn 810
H. 27th street , near Leavcnwurth. Key at
I'ctersoti's ftrocery , 2711 Lcavonworth M ! 04
1OU HENT Ltir i > number of hou cs. stores.
-L lints. etc.1 W per month and up. New
list 1st of each month. Ueorgo J. I'.iul. 1 < V
rninam slrent. mi Jy2
FIVE room house , ill , 2131S. llth street.
m'i74 m 25
K-HOOM hoii'e , nice ynrd , shade trees , city
/ nnd cistern water , olezant neighborhood , 'J
blocks from street cars , Kit 9. 7lh avenue , or
Hull's pharmacy , cor. Ilili and Mason. 3M
OK IlENT-No 2113 Capitol ave , all modern
conencnecs. ! II rooms , first class condi
tion. The O. I' . Davli Co. 7s7
ATEW 8-room brick notice , eholco location
1 only J-iVtO a month. Come early , for this
Is a snap. 11. E. C'ole. ' . 'online ntul blk. Mac 13
"IjlOIl KENT lluiiclsome It-room modern
JL house ; nil conveniences : In perfect order ;
paved streets ; motor , and within 5 minutes
walk of ixMtolllcc. Nathan Sbelton , 1CK Par-
mtm street. M151
S ItOOM house with barn.all modern convcn-
-.lenccs. ISO. South 2.'d struct , llundy & Co. ,
1014 Capitol avc. M 050
TjlOR IinXT An S-room house and barn , No.
JL1 aril Half Howard st. Cheap to right party.
Star Loan and Tttist Co. : WT U'
ELEGANT 2-floor house : all modern Im
provements. No. 40 $ North 23rd Htreet.
Apply at 1J09 I'arnam street. M.W5-13
IjlOIt ltENT-6-room house , bath , ens. PWIT-
JL1 ape. etc. . 21st me. , near bt. Mary's. W.
J. Wcishans. K300 < i.y. Y. I.lfobldg. JHJ
rpp I.l'T I'or tlio.iuiiitner jiionths at .Old
OrcliHrd heaeh. Me. , a finished iind fur
nished cott.ize. I'or partleulars i
W. II. Enimons , A * summer street ,
M I ) 11-1C *
O512Cap. a > enue , a nlco S-room cottagn'wlth
bath. Inn. 2" > lSCap avenue. > li7i ) 1J *
1J1OK ItHNT 50 houses and stores. Apply
J.1 room 1 , B-irkor block , 0. T. Taylor.M231
M231 14
ITOH KENT 10- room liousp.con trail v located ,
JL1 modern Improvements , lucjulrc , 712 N. 1'Jtli.
HOI'SI * for runt It-room house , modern Im-
provumentt- , corner SOtli and Oodne.DOSses-
slnn Riven Immediately. Enquire , 40.1 1'axton
bJook.M. L Itoedcr. _ 7 1
FOK IJENT C-rooin cotta-c. bath , etc.
"Stanford Circle. " Apply , O S. Elguttor ,
40rirst National bank. Mw'J :
FOR KENT House I ) rooms.modern cntivcn-
Itncesi " ! K4 Davenport btrvat ; J.t > pr
month. iiu-.CJin.S *
OK KENT Houf-es with all modern nn-
proxernents , steam heat : I block from liich
school : $ i"i.OU to K3M per month. Also stores ,
24th und Davenport. II. II. lioy , 200 N. V. 1/lfu.
OK KENT Ilrlelc house 11 rooms bath.
laundry , furnace , red oak tlnlsh. south and
east front , finely decorated. 0 minutes walk
from P. O. Kej d atWl ) Uapltol MAC. , adjoin
ing IW.-l-lL"
/I' you wish to rent a hniiiu or store see H. K.
Cole. Contlnentiil block. 744
015 KENT 2 elaht-room brick bouses with ,
cltr ater. bath and sewer. 10) feet from
cable line. I' . 1' . Williams , First Nat. Hank
bulldlnv. U3
f'M Davenport t.t. . 0 rooms and all convonl-
enccs. t. > 0.iOi ( 2.VJ3 Davenport nt. . 11 rooiusand
all conveniences , J70.0U : : 2 North 25th st. . 11
rooms and all conveniences. $05.00. These
hotioes nrn In the best rnsldcnco portion of
Omaha , two blocks vsust of hlsh school. H. I ) .
Cliapinan. 5''l Paxton block , owner. KM
1/1OU HBNT I'our fl and 7-room flats with
JL' bath , hot water , etc. : paved streets ; near
business : all Improvements ; only $ - . ' " > per mo.
Itoforenoes required. The Mead Investment
Co. . 442 lice building 740
iOIl HHNT The 10-rooin house , No. IhlU
Douglas st. S4U
KENT 10 and 12-room now modern
J houses. In vorydeslrablo location , on paved
streets. W.K. lloman. roomsfland 10. 1'reu/er
blk MK ) l.'i
"fjlOK KENT House , 8 rooms , 21 IB California
J. st. House , 10 rooms , I'urlcove. O. I' . Davis
Co. , 1505 I'liniain Bt. i J 13
FOH KENT Two 10-room hrlek residences ,
all conveniences , just eomulutod , 5J7-.WJ
OcorRla avo. Kent { 40.00 for tlrst year. liennl-
son Sc llros. a7
CEVENTEEN f-K. hrlok houses with bath ,
? sew erase , etcK block from Sherman avo.
Motor on Kyner street : * .M nor ma Water
paid. O. K. Harrison. N. Y. Ufa. 3g
for rate * , tie , , rtetiipofjirfl mtumn on tlits
ItKNT I'nrnlshed front room In
private family. H.17 South ITtli. 51478 14 *
JiJLEASAJVT furnished room for two gentle
men , modern conucnlenoe. southern ex
posure. 5V4 3 Pith street. Plat D 4Si 14 *
EiOR RENT An elegant .Rulto of rooms for
family. Just papered , over 1021 Howard St. ;
price $13 per month. Stoctzul , moved to 714
H. 10th. 404
TnURNISHED rooms single or ensulte * all
JL modern conveniences , U22 N 15th street.
410-13 *
OR RENT-Neatly furnished front room ,
uast , south nnd north exposure ; all con-
venlcnccs. U54 fc. 20th street. MM5 1U *
411 North Nineteenth , ono front sulto for4
gentlemen , also blnglo rooms with board.
Rents reduced. MIK7 15 *
ITlURNIHHED rooms ; retcroncos. 2315 Doug.
JL1 las. Ct4 17 *
2 ritONT ' rooms 17.00 and 13.00 per month.
iSlOl'arnam. M207 f4 *
O rURNIPHED rooms with gas and bath ;
iprlce 17 and JA 1013 Douglas. 100 12 *
"VTICELY Kurnlshed largo south room for
1rent ; niodcin com enlunces , 2019 Harnev
street. MWil
Tji"oit RENT-rurnlhhod rooms , 1007 Douglas
Fn ili : St. Olalr European , hotel , cor. Kith and
1. Hedge , will horv.iftcr make low rates for
rooms by the week or month , either with or
without board. 7til
r r ralM , etc. , netopo/Jlrst f "In mil imib < / paye.
K'ICELY furnished rooms for two gentle
men , with board , A pp'y , 1707 Dodge street.
M4'.B 15 *
IJit'RNISHED room and board , summer
JU prices ; rerotrneus. Oil X IRth. 213 12 *
I OR RENT With board , largo second story
\ciilence . 'Ml S , 25th avenue. M3C3 14 *
FOR RENT rurnlshod room with boaid.
2019 California .st. ltd 12 *
furnished room with board.
Heft-runccs. 2211 Purnan. 208-15 *
FURNISHED rooms nmTTodi-TmT homo , 1 5
ft. IGth. opiH ltu JelTerson &utiaro.
_ _ MSQ5-m30 *
"niFIfNl ilKD nxinis wlthlirst class bo ird.
J. ' 2.VCI St. Marys avo. vsU 15 *
FOR RENT A large , flnolr furnished room
with board , to it man and wlfo , The mos
ple.isant part of city , and private famllv ; n
othcruoardcrs ; references. AdUiist > , D47 , Iteo.
J tllNISHED rooms undbo.ird , 1023 Dodgo.
l t'LLMAN hous. % 1310 Dodges St. for good
.L board , ntco rooms , modern Improvements ,
ratej X ! cc.-Uloii cannot bo uxcullud. .Mrs.Horn ,
22 ml7 *
FPI rattn , etc. , sre top of Jlrft column on tills ptct
O VNPUKNIbllElat CM ri. 17th st.
X UNFUKNIbllEl ) rooms for rent at Sll &
17th uve. 400-li. "
/I I'NPL'HNLSIiri ) rooms. llr i floor , modern
M : Improvements , ranjo In kitchen , aiof. SOth
t M117J4 *
. . 1'F'Ji } ' Plna , imull family npurtmvnts ,
all outside rooms. U-st loeallty , modern
Improvements. ImiulroCia Puxton block. KJ7
J-'cr roles , etc. , tee lop of first column on IMs page
HIGH clan dres-nmklng , ETi nliiit. Otuner
and weddln.trniucitn a kpeciulty , I'll
and style vrarrunTcd pvrfoct. It. U. Ma * ull.
Ruiiigu block , room U. . 4110
to do dressmaking In fao
tiles wlklted. Ulu Sturay. MIO Ilarnry
forrafw , ett , , feetopof jintailcmn on Ihli pige ,
YERY deslrabln olllco room to rent on first
floor N. Y Llfo Illdg. Hicks A t. 4sO--i4
JJ1 OR RENT-Offlco over Norrls &
1J10R UENT-Tho 4-story hrlck bulldlng.wlth
JLJ or without power , formerly occupied by the
lleo Publishing Co..DIGPurnam su The buildIng -
Ing has a fireproof cement lii etncirteomploto
ute-iiii-hcatlntr fl.\tures.watcr on All the floors ,
gas. etc. Apply at the otllco of The Ilee. UI5
FOR ItENT-Or cale , my building on Jones 10th.tilth , G.A.LIndiiulstU10tj.15tlu
nr 11 OR RENT Desk room , at Oil N. Y. Llfs
bldg. 8(0 (
IfOR RENT The three-story brick build-
JIng , 1110 Douslasstreot , nultablo for wholo-
al < purpo < es , 1110 per mouth. Ouas Kauf-
maiin. l.'t/J Douglas su 003
FOR RENT IlrloU warehouse ? , two stories ;
high basement , hydraulic elevator , track
age : best location In city. A. C. PowcIL U21
Forrate.i , etc. , leetop of flrst column onthtepiat
HAVE room for about 10 more her es In
largo pasture : good water uud shade.
Hugh 0 Clarke , 1218 Hartley street. M504-16
\VE have the best horse pasture In this
state , at Gllmorc fetation , three miles
south of Omaha ; 10T acrcsof bluegrass , spring
water , board fence ; have a good one-half mile
track on the farm ; will take a few horses or
eolts to break or train , llartou > l Phelps or
A. W. Phelps & Son. M3.VJ 23 *
I HAVE a good pasture , two miles from
South Omaha , for horses and colts ; blue ,
timothy and clover grass ; horses called for.
tieo. O. Cans. South Omaha M541-M25 *
FrrrntM. etc. , Kr tonnf fr i eiMmn nn this
E. COLE , rental agency , Continental blk
> 744
H.u 1UEY , rental aRcut , ' 'jO N. Y. Ufa.
. MIKJU m2."i
TorrnlM , etc. , rre top of first column on thl * pnge.
WANTED Hooms or cottace , furnished or
unfurnUhnd. for housekeeping. Answer
at once. Address M 12 , lleo olTlcu. M.VW 1:1 : *
\\7ANTED-rurnlshed room : plensodescrlbe
M room and state terms. Address M. Parks ,
313 & 15th st. M4W IU
WANTED At once furnished house TorS
rooms all conveniences. Addros L N.ll.
Nllthslreo , 415-12 *
\\TANTED Sulto of furnished rooms by a
' T prominent yotinc business man. Must bo
first-class and located between 17th and 2.1th.
Howard and Chicago stieuts , Uoaidlng houses
need not apply. L fo lice. U50
\\7 ANTED To rcntOor 10-room hoti'-e. mod-
crnconvenlei > ces , norow preferred. Ad
dress lock lK > x Gi' . Mill
i , etc. , neitnp offlr l column on Iftix pnge.
O LDEST. cheapest and best storage house In
city. Williams & Cross , 1214 Hartley street.
BEST storage building In Omaha , govcin-
ment bonded waiohouso ; household goods
caiod for ; lowest rules. W. M. llushuian , 1015
Leavonworth IS'J
CHEAPEST and best storage for funTiture.
Wells 1111 I'arnam st. TIC
STORAGE of household goods ; clean , dry
place , privately stored , terms moderato ;
we also store stoves during the summer : wo
will got them from the houses and deliver
them In the fall in good trim , Tel. MX ) . 1207
Douglas. Omaha btovo Repair Works. 7JU
For rate , etc. , tee topofftrtt column on IMt pagi.
TTIOR SALE Furniture of 21 room house. All
J- rented and In good part of city. Address
Goodrich , U07 S. nth street. 41B-H *
F 5jAljE--Furnltuio of a 10-room house.
Cheap. Housn for rent. Inqulro 1E3 ! Uodce.
I"orrata , ctc.tcctopof fnt column onthl * pugs.
SALE Ladles'driving horse , phaeton
und harness ; just the outfit for cltv use.
Address P. 0.110X264. 41217 *
FOR PALE SIx good wheel scrapers , 1 horse
and htigvy , 4 heavy wagons. 1 ponv 2 or
gans , 2 .sen Ing machines , and nice lot of hou-o-
liolil furnlttiie. All on easy payments If de
sired. Inquire at OIS Paxton blk. MM ! 10
FOR SALE-ldoubiu carriage , 1 phaeton , "
horses. 1 double harness , l single harness ,
1 fresh milk cow. Inqulru at the Huston
store , 114 South IGth street. U >
FOR SALE-Fiimlly carriage. Leo & Nich
ols , stable 2Slh and Lc.ivonworth. M.VM
HORSE auction every Saturday. 2-p. ro. . at
Pioneer stables , 13th and Harnoy. Horses ,
wagons , harness , etc. lluycrs ana fullers
should attend these sales. H. lloman , Prop.
R. Wells , auctioneer. 'M
Korrr.fw , etc. , ece topofflret column on thtt page ,
HAVE always on hand a lot of flrst class
milch cows for sulo or will trade for dry
ones at barn. S. E. corner 10th und Leaven-
worth. 8. J. Montgomery. S14M ) Mis *
Ferrates , etc. , tcetop offlrtt column on thtipigc.
FOR SALE At half price , wiuiirc piano , 4
burner gasoline stove , rofilgerator and
cheironler , all In good condition. 2430 Ersklnu
St. ; take IGth struct motor. 402 12 *
FOR SALi ; No. 2 Remington typowri
good as new. with oak desk ; cost Jl.'lJ ; wll.
take -1100. Muadlmbor phaeton , black mare
nndood harness ; cot f425 ; will take t-JO.
M. A. Upton Co. , room 2D4. lleo building. 17S
FOR SALE An elegant tire proof safe with
burglar cheat. Phil btlmmel , Oil Jones st. .
Omaha , Neb. US I
rorratetetc. , tee ( op nf flrtl column on thtt
MRS. WALLACE , Qlairvoyant ; naturally
gifted ; tells past and future , love
troubles , absent filenas , changes , travel , busi
ness. I'Ms I'arnam stTocu COlMlS *
MRS. Nannie V. Warren.clairvoyant , trance
speaking , writing and reliable nusinoss
medium , four years in Omaha , 119 N. IGth. 752
Madum Ilelzlcr , overGltf g. 13th.
MIJS. rOKT. patmUt fortune teller , tells
past and future from lines of thu hand In
old cytwy woy ; ladles only ; fee J1.00. w\M \ N ,
'M\i. \
A fllS. 1)K. DE SAN may b ) consultea at her
11 parlors on all atfalrsof life bhulsacele-
hratud medium uud has u reputation
throucliout tlio world for accurate and truth
ful readlmrs uf the past , present and fnturu
events of your life. Every hidden mystery
revealed ; helps all who are in trouble ; novur
falls ; gives tulvlco on all points of Interest ,
buhlncsa tr.uibactlons , love airu'.r > s family
troubles , stock siweuliitlon. lawniilts , uh unt
frlimdh. lottery numbers , luokr day.s. Inter
pret * ' dreams , locates diseases , hidden treas
urer and stolen Roodx ; restores lent atrectlons ,
brines the separated tosothur , iniikus speedy
and happy marriages \rltn tlio one you love
by proper advice ; tuIU If the ono you love Is
trim or false ; gives lucky Komitn-Egyiitlan
talisman to help all out of trouble ; perfect
satisfaction guaranteed by mall : xcnii two
stamps for Illustrated circular. US North 15th
street. OmulKi. Bia ML'l
For ralet , etc. , tee top of first column on this page.
A \7AVr to liny second-hand hay press.
< i IJIvo maker's namu and n.iino of press ,
with particulars and lowest price on board
cars at your notru t station. Addre s lSU.
: are lice. 250
TTOIt sALK ! Cheap , 1 full platform exton-
slon-top carriage , homo make
, cent } 4V ) ,
prlco tinut one tixtxiislon-top ' platform car
riage. ! ! - > ; onn extension-ton cnrr'ii'-e , new
oloth lining , flixi ; ono side-bar , canopy-ton
bitrroy , * s5. AddreH ? W It , lirumm mil , v Co. ,
carriage irunufuctory. lur
bou ht. solsto-v
111 ! I'uruam struct. 7J7
ForrJles , etc. , let tup f mil column itnthtt
GEO. V. liellenbuck. teacher of the banjo ,
with lloipe. 151.1 Douglas. :4U
"liEKOHEbuying n piano uxnuilna the new
-LJkC&Io Klmbull piano. A.llospcIS13 Douglas ,
tltKU MoLIe , & E. cor. Karnum'.atid.lltli.
Forralrs , ttc , seetop of'firft column nn thli piijl
( IfSO.OUOtoloun on lmpfifc.l Omahii business
P proiwrty ntopor Mnt Interest. Address ,
Security Investment VMl.lncolti. Neb. M 151
l ONEV to loan on JMoroved cltr property
1' current rates : futuls on hand : no de-
lay. co. r.lllust&qilliain'oblds. ! 75t
OE. ACTM. . Anthony , ,1IS NTv. hlfolmlldln ?
lend money on farnKIn choice counties In
Nobra'ka and Iowa , aUoott SIKK ! Omalia rosl-
dencc property ; lo estireites ( : best terms : no
dclnv ; luunoy ready. Tltlos nnd values passeil
on hero. 755
_ _
_ _ _
At lowest rates , r . ,
Klmball , Chump & Ilynn ,
1205 Tarnam street. 133 14
Bt'IIjDINO loans 0 to 7 iicr cent : no addi
tional eharees for commission or attorney's
fees. W. II. Jlelkle , Tlrsl Nutlonal bank bldir.
T > ltIVATE money to loan. J. U. Zlttle , flU
JL N. Y. Life. 75T
M OKTOAOE loans wanted. McJn uo In
vestment company. 753
MONEY to loan on Omaha property. 1'ldel-
Ity Trust company. 1014 I'arnam. 7.V )
" 17 ASTERN money to * loan at very low ratvi.
JM 11. It. Irey iMO N. Y. Llfo. M3GS
FIRST and second mortgage loans. Alex
Moore , 401 lleo bldR. 802rnl3 *
MONEY on unimproved or Improved city
property low rate of interest f rom prHato
iiuestors. fa. M. Webster , tot N. V. Life
125-M15 *
/111EAP Money I'Mla. MortcsRe nnd Trust
V Co. , wants pilt cdpe loans. Oisx W. 1' .
Coates. representative , 7 Hoard Trndo P61
I'or rcilc. ' , etc. , fee top of frst rnfttm'i on thtt p toe.
MONEY to loan hy It. I' Masters on chattel
and collateralRocurltlcs for any tlmo from
1 to 12 months ; lu any amount to suit bor
Loans made on household Roods , pianos , or-
pans , horses , mules , houses , leases , warehouse the lowest rates possible with
out publicity or removal of property.
My loans are so arranged that you can make
a nayment of any amount atmy lime and reduce -
duce both principle and Interest.
If von owe a balance on your property or
have a loan that you want changed I will pay
It off and carrv it for you. If jou lltul It more
conenlont call up telephone 1U21 and your
bu lm" < s will bo arranged at home.
Money always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity. Lowest rates. 11 P. Masters.
Koom4 , U'itlmell blkl 15th and Hartley sts.TGI
A. DAHNEU loans money on chattel so-
- curity. Itoom 54 , Chamber of Commerce.
M3' > i 0
/"CHATTEL bank , ntO g. 15th st. . loans money
Won chattels or collateral at reasonable rates
M IONKY on fuinlturc. horses , etc. Keystone
Moitsage Co. . room 208 i-heely block. MWl
MONEY loaned on furniture , ll\c stock , etc. .
from 1 to : i months , without publicity :
lowest rates. Duff Green , room " 0 , Continental
block. . M440 in-
CHATTLE loans at lowest rates , ! > 23 N. Y.
Life. It A. MorrU. tol-MSO *
, of ri titttirnit ml
LOST-A SIO and M hills on Pranklln. be
tween 2Gtli and l th streets. Leave at
corner 2Jth and 1'rauKItn stieuts , and cet
roward. M50S13 *
IOST Red leather pocliot hook containing
J J5.00 bill and papers. JJeturn to J. L. Rlee.
922 N , Y. Llfo and cct icward. 4s4 13 *
LOsT Hold huntln ? Maso watch on rarnam
street , between 12th nnU 21th. Liberal re
ward for return to 1322 1'arnam street.
LOsT A vallso full of notions near Council
BUifls. lieturn to Hco " olllco and get re
ward. 422 02 *
LOPT-Larse English vmstlff. 0 months old.
Any Information of. or the return to Max
Myers will bollLtjrally rowarded. 407-12
Forrata , ftc..tcctnpof JlfiLcolumn on thlt pigc.
. . < of SJJJi'JO to exchange for
_ cash nnd unlncilrabpred real estatu. Ad
dress M 10 UKE oflicc. 437 14 *
7J10H SALE Carpenter nnd cabinet shop ;
* - centrally located. * AUdiess M-0 , Uee.
A partner In the garden bus-
' Incas. small capital jcoulred. Addrsos M
8 , lleo otlice. 41l ! D4
T7 > OU SALE ElesanUclean hardware stock
JL1 of about ? fiOUO value. In ono of the
towns of the state ; leadln ; ; store In the ton n ;
bestrtH ! ons for selling : $ . ' .000 cash , balancu
cor.d Omaha real estate. 0. V. Harrison. 012
N. Y. Lift ) . 420 13
F OK SALE Stock of drugs and drug sun
dries , well assorted.Invoice at ono thou
sand dollHr > ; for sftlo If taken at once for
hoventy cents on the dollar of wholesale jirlco.
Will trade for clear property. Address. ' ! ' . It.
Clawson. York. Neb. 214-Jt )
HOTEI , Lease nnd furniture of forty room
hotel doing good Vuslness. Must bo sold ,
even at a Micntlco , as4 proprietor has other
huslness. Centrally located In city of30W3.
Addrc.-s W S. Cooper , No. 10 , Main street.
Cminc ! ! lilulfs Iowa. * KIOJ4
FOIJ hALE Cheap , photograph gallery and
liistriiments , In.rooil location Jn city. Call
oruddruss luOJN , V. Life Ins. building.
TpOIl SALE rurnltiiro und undertaktnsr
-L business In g < xd town , with or without
store building : part cash , balance gill edge
paper or clear real estate ; Invoices about
? J.OOO , Hex DM Lincoln. , ,7GS
C1OH SALE An old established and good
JL1 paying cigar store ; good reasons given for
selling. KM lleo olllco KT.
BLACKSMITH and wagon shop , with dwell
ing ; splendid location ; write for particu
lars : roil BO n for soiling , poor health. Tapp
brothers. Verdon. Neb.
Forrattictc , ttctopnffrft column on thU j
BALDNESS positively cured. No mistake
about it. Send for descriptive circular
Address "Antl-Ilald. " Dov'.U ) , Uavenport. la
ENO11AVINO Wood , zinc.chalk , cto. Work
guaranteed on tlmo and finality , llilg-
ham. Smith Omaha. M1U *
iAKDENfarm to rent. T.Murray.
GOOD homo for ladles durinz confinement.
Inquire at Mrs. M. Prasll , 1470 froutli ifitli
M12I J4
trotting stallions at Omaha fair
- grounds weighing from J/JOO to l.IiiXJIbs
comprising the blood of Hamblotonlan , Ameri
can btar. Mambrlno Ohlof. Ethan Allen. Al-
mont and Pilot , jr. Terms from 415 to t' < 0 for
the season. U.ill and see tlio horses and their
colts. A.Thomson. IU7J2
ISSMAYEIf , SOGShecley bk. cheropodlst
matilcuru , best equipped lartlos * halrdress-
Ing depart men tin tliuclty. Ladlus'halrlileach-
lug children's hair cuttlngppeclalty. M2ti.M18 *
MAfesA.OEtreatmeDt.oliJctro-tliermal baths
scalp and hair treatment , manicure niu
chiropodist. Mrs.Polil9 : > i b.lMh.Wlthnoll blk
17 EMOVA L-Antiquarian book store rctuot DC
J-ito4'2 S. 15th t. , nearllpwara.Karbach hlk
" | 3ASTUIE ! Larzo blue grass pnsturo t
JL Itellovuu and Elkhorn City for rent , H. T
Clarke , room 1'J ' , board ofitr.ule. 104 MH
"IJ1OH door und window K-reensKet Hamilton
Jllros. . prlctn ; curiHinV'r jobbing it ono 01
bhurt notice ; 411 S lath htr eu Tel. 117u.
OX Ml"
WILLlriCOY. house mover. 013 South 17tl
street , and bl3 boutb 25th avenue.
US-May 2J *
Forrattfitetttnpofflrxt column on
AfA ! > SA(5E bath nt Madamu smith1 ! ! par'ors '
J-'J-3d lloor. 4JO h 15th street , i7l7
MASSAIJE-Madam DeUler , frver 010 8. 13(1 (
lrorrattieie. , tettopo/flnt column un thlt
BEST line hair seeds In west ; halroresslng
wigs. kwltcliBS , hansn. hair chains. ctc a
Davles , hair goods and milliner
opposite pottoftlcc. lit b. 15th oU.Onixliu. 7.V
Fumiteiftenttopnfjlrat column on thlt
TUSySrAlj-T'hyslclan : ased 40 ttoslres ai'-
qiiHlntuncu nlth lady with MIIUO means und
no Incumbruncu. Ohjuct marriage , Addroi
In couOacnco with particulars L 'M , lieu.
* 1s4-10
pOItUiat'OND-A corretipoudenco burouu
v for Indies and gentlemen. PurtlcuUrs H
plain sealed entttlopu forSfi stamp. Look Ito
too , Ow ha. Neb. 770 m2s
'orroltf , ( ft. , te ( tnpnf trtl coin run on thlt p
A VKNUE H Is being paved
'rom Eleventh street to Curler Lead Works.
In East Omaha.
Electric motor Him will bo miming to Cast
Within slttydays.
lots Vxl2S. )
Within two miles of postofllco and
Only ono block
'torn the motor line and street being paved ,
above referred to. at
1750.00 cash.
Lots In Potter A. ( Jeorgo Company's
Addition to East Omaha
f.125.00toJ.l."O.OO ,
Only 1100.0) cash.
lalancc within reasonable time at 7 per cent.
The streets In tills addition are already
\V.corner IGth nnd Partium streets.
SOUTH Omaha Land company's
New Addition.
Adjoining Spring l.ako I'arli
City water and sidewalks.
rincst residence lots In the c\tf \
70 sold in : i weeks.
Insldcs , 5i\in : feet.
Prlco Insldcs , fiV ) to i-OJ.
Price corners , I15J to JI.200.
Onc-flfth cash , balance easy.
Ed Johnston & Co. ,
/"lAItl'ENTEUS. masons , plaiterora and
VAithure desiring homes will Oo well to call
mil examine the nlco lots wo oiler for s.ilo In
West Lawn and West Lawn Park , near the
new fairgrounds. West Omaha. To parties
buyljigean furnish employment forthosum-
ner. Hicks , N. Y. Llfo bulldiug. Ofllco open
evenings. 41 > 0-I4
771011 ' SALE Ono lot ( 'i\l20 at a bargain ,
JL' on monthly payments or othurn ! ; also
two lots fronting on paved street. liiqulreWH
S. 12th st. M4'K)1C' '
POU SALE A bargain fi-room cottage and
lotcentrally located. Jia rent , with mod
ern Impro\emcnts ; ulsoS lots In SHinders X
Hlmpl > aUL'h's addition to Walnut Hill. Ad
dress L 14. lleo. M47013
KSALE live acroi West Om-iha : a big
bargain at 2SOO. HIcUs N. Y. Llfo Illdg.
4 > G 14
FOU SALE Now modern residence In best
P'lit of Omaha , convenient to motor ;
IIOIIHO has 11 rooms , attic will make 't more ;
Inside finish cherry and oak : lot 149 feet
front , or will divide for u good ca-h p-ivment.
Will sell at a bargain. Ames , 15U7 1 arnam
street. 4U9-13
KANCH lr.0 acres , four miles from county
seat Holt count v. II2J acres pasture. 40) )
meadow , balaneo woik land. l < argo groves ,
coed fences and buildings , ell whole or part
MO.UO per acre. Addre sS. It Howard. O'Neill
Neb. M3)3 ) 14 *
IT\OKSALK \ On monthly payments. lot and
-L two houses on S. l.lth nt. , near Dorcas , o.
T. Davis Co. . 1505 rarnam st. WJ1 ' 'J
yoUH choice of several beautiful residence
lots In Hanscom Place. I2.2UO to fcio.000.
Call and see them. Hicks N. Y. Life Hide.
JL , Rice , real estate. 022 Llfo building.
_ , lXtJ7 |
TTIOR SALE A flno tmpnivod fnrm of 200
X acres : 100 under cultivation ; shadn tieus ;
fruit , windmill , wagon scales , etc. ; 10) mllcx
westof Omaha ; 120 per aero. Address 0 4SHoc.
. . i , 707
T710R ' S6uth Omaha property , nuslness. track-
JL' HRO or residence , no to the leadlnz real es-
tatcdealers In South Omaha. Ed Johnston &
Co. . cor. 24th and N su. J17&J
TT10R SALE E'Jtni bargain. iholco : fifl\io.
i- with buUdlng ; rents $100 per mo. ; ono blooK
from now P. O. O. L. Urocn. R 47. llarker
block. 704
FOR SALE Lot UlxOO for W,0W. ( Enquire
1011 Capitol ave 125-16'
FIVE-room houses In Orchard Hill , jl.500
each on monthly payments. Thomas K.
Hall,311 Parton blk. 742
FOR SALE , cheap , cafey payments : IVS-story
new G-room houxu. with liath , lellur. etc. ;
full lot. N. Shelton. ir,14 ! '
r.T. UIRSON , solo ngont Kountw Plam ,
room U. Crclghton block , V.U
THOR SALE A nlco home , ; mli and Loaven-
JTorth ; now , price low , and terms accom
modating. Oco. W. P. Coates , repiusut.tatlve.
7. Hoard of Trade. DM MI3
FOR SALE iinorotrnvKitso property cheap ,
16th Hiid Williams. A. Ploujer. N. W. Cor.
13th and Williams sts. JliU Silo *
BAROAlNsl HHrRtilns Olllce open every
night. Star Loan and Trust company ,
fi i st lloor N. Y. Llfo building. Mill Ml >
"H1ORSALE 1W acres land'J miles west of
JLA city limits , to close an estate. The O. R
DuvlsCo. C8GM14
D I O you Intend buying or building an ele
gant home ? If so , the roadlnir of this add
may save you from ti,003 to $1,000. The ad-
\ertlseroifcrs an clogant 12-room house on
the finest residence street , paved. In the cltv ,
1 mlle from P. O. . lot 01x140 , U block from nib-
torllne , house has every modern convcnlciu-o ;
prlco very low and would take a gor.d rcsl-
denca lot as part payment. Address L 37Ilco.
. tie. , tcetop nf first column on IM > pzyc.
fl'O Exchange , choice ten ncro tr.iot In West
1 Omahacloso to Holt Linn Ry , ulll maku
fifty nlco loth ; can exchange for gooil rtBldence
property. Oeo N. Hicks , N. Y , Llfo Illdg.
4bU 14
T710R EXCHANGE-nooo equity In modern
-L o-room brick house , now. for clear out-
sldo lots well located , A. P. Tukey. Now
York Llfo. M 2:11 :
FOR EXClIANGE-Splendld rental properties
fur farms , \ acant lots , btockti of merchan
dise , etc. I also have clear lOJO-acro tlnoly
lmpro\cd ranch to exchange for good Omahti
acrcagaor business lot and assume Incuni-
lirnncc. W. 1L lloman , rooms Sand 10. 1'ien-
rcrblk. > io ir
/ 1LEAN general stock of merchandise for llox2U5 , 1'rankfort , Ind.
FOR SALE A handsome family hors , re-
llublo and gontlu ; good for dotil/lo HIM ted
rleor laalea' drUer. Enquire 1403 Douglas.
turrata , tic. , ret topofftnt coumn on tlili pioj
IT fENTa vyeTs 'id'oTcTto'rs7ow | ? ; Sui .V
Co. , lien building , Omaha. Branch ufllco ut
Washington , D. U. ( Joniultutlon free. Til
building. United States Indian school mr
vice , Genoa Industrial bchool , ( ienoi. : Neb. ,
Mayf , Isoi. Sealed proposals. endorM l "Pro-
po al > > for erection uf school building , " uni
addressed to the unduri > Igncd ut Gciio.i , Neb.
lll liu received at this school until 1 o'clock
of Juno 1 , Ifjl , for furnishing the material and
electing a g > rls * lirluk dormitory building 01
the school grounds In accordance with plans
and sjM'cllUutlon * Unit may bo i-Mimlned nt
thuolllcoof the "lieu" at Omahii , Neb. , urid in
thUcliKil. . Thu nece ury excavation nnt
grading will bodono by the school and thu
gravel required In ooncreto work furnished
unscreened on the grotintl. without cost ta
the contractor. Certified Check : ? . Eacli bit
m uk t bo accompanied by n cuitllitH
check or draft upon some ( 'tilled t-tutixJeim--
Itory or solvent national bunk In tlielclnlly
of thubldder'ii place of bu lness. made pay
able to the order of the comm aslonerot In
illiin allulrh. for at least fi per cent of tin
amount of tlio proposal , which check or dr.ift
will bo forfeltua to tlm United MaUiIn casu
liny bidder or bidder * receiving iiiiawatc
shall full to promptly oxecutu a contract will
good and sunk-lent ruidles , olhcrwlbu to be
returned to the bidder The rlplit Is reserves
to reject any und all bids or any part of any
bid If deemed for thu best Interests of the
ben Ice. W , It , llackus , Superintendent
The annual mcetlm : of stockholder * of the
rrcmonl. Elkhorn Ac MIxRourl Yulluy ritllroat
oompitiiy vlll bu ht'ld itl the otllvi * of tlm com
pany ' lu Omiihii , Neb. , 01 ; I'rlduy. May 'A l Jl
at 2o'oofk : p , m. for thuelection of directors
and for thu transaction of * ueh other huslnoas
as mar b present * . DiiKvl M.ty M , invi
J , It. laufltLD , iM'crtrtary.
( IKNt'lXK MICIU11IK KII.I.KU \ Kllltl S ( IK1IM
IllADlCATOIl Ouro.i nil Ol'Citos bpctu o It VIII *
tut uilcroba or ( jcrin Put ui > and rtit.illud In ft. ft
nd U slm , the latter 1 1-1 k-nlloii' ! * t > nt HUT-
wlieru t'fcpnldon roc lpt of prlco nrt * O II Wo
no n guarantee tooiirp. The public , iradu ant
obbrr > iiplle | < l bjr IliedooJnian Drtu Co. Uiua tin
fo euro nillon nc . Pick Hcadscho Con tlp lloa.
Malaria. IJTor Complaints , txko the ufo
and certain rotuvdjr , SMITH'S
tothoBMAI.I , SI7n(40 ( llttlo t an . to ( ho hot-
tie ) They nro tbouioal convenient , cult all imu.
Trlcoof cither Mtc , u&tantii per bottle.
EVEO&B\j& ! \ pan'olBUoorthU plcturiTror
e uu icoppers or ctnm p ) .
Vsiereof "Illlo Hums. SL Ixiuls. M < >
1400and 1411 Dodge Street , Omiilia , Neb
tt 'Wfiia } * rtf > w t ? *
Side Spring nltni luncnl , no liori > o motion.
P7irst Glass Garriasss ,
VOL'll I > ATIlOVAi ( ) : fOI.IClTKI ) .
"IN "
"Bv Hoary M. Stanley.
"The I.lohli ; rnmpany'i Attract w of thccholc
Oit " -I'no3' . > , Vol. 1
hlcblt ! unit intvit nuups had to tin prepare ! in suf-
llrlont ( itinntltlcii M serve out ( Upfiils t i uich weuk-
cncil limn us lie jlnfrizorod In l'aie KA Vul
1 One .M.-ull mamiKfil tu rrnwl HBir mr lunt ,
He fttis nt onci1 borne to n tire nnd talil Httliln n few
Inchui of It. nnd irltli tlm aildlllun of a pint of hot
lirntli mndu fnini the U < > t > ! u l unij.uiiy i Jlxtruct uf
llvcf no reiturtMl him t" his ivnotI'aco 5Vol.11
Oenutno only
fuc slmllo of J v x
Ltiiiti's sliriKitur. ' In
M'ic ink uctoss label ,
: DOCTOR Tin-to Cclcbiatcd KNCI.ISH ;
Uoltktlputlon. htnall , pirn * . !
! PURE nnl aud a fuTorllo with the !
inllri. Said in England for la. ;
PINK l > jd. , In America for 25c. Get ;
! llicir , from Tour Drujrgtstii. or ;
toud to W. II. I'.OOKtUl to. , ;
i PILLS. 40 M.t lro.J : .f , Vw ork , i
National Bank
Capital , - - - - S4OO.OOO
Surplus Jan. 1st , 189O. - Oi2.DOO
OHcers nnd Dlroctors'-Honry W. Vatn , I'ro ldant :
lA'wlj i ) . Itcud , Vlco-l'ro l'lontl Jamu WiSnrnzn. W
V..Morse. John S. Colllin. It. U CuihLni J. .V. U
Patrick. W. 1L d. llutno * , cashier.
Corner 12tb aud FarnatnSti.
A Gcnoralllankln : Ilu lpcn Transictol
Winslow Wilkes ,
The tastast 4-year-old pacing BtaJUou m th
World ,
llecordl II I-1. , nt Ix-xlneton , Kr . Sd li at , by niack
\Vllkc8 , rlam by Alrunnt & , will make trip fca'on or
1KI1 at 11X11 Vlnton otreiit , Onmlia , Ni-li. fct.\t-o.S fluu
with utualrcltrn urlvllrtirs.
Notlco t > Contraotoiw.
Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will
IK ; received by thu board of public' lands and
btilldlniHtit thu olllco of the tieorutary of
hlato at Lincoln , Neb. , until thu 2nd day of
June , liai , at 4 o'clock p. m. , for the uiuutlon ,
consttuctlon and eomplotion of u two-story
brick and stone building known as "The State
Industrial School for Hoys and Girls , " to bo
erected at Gunov.i , Plllrnoro county , JVob , as
per plans , specifications and designs now on
tile In the oiiico of thu commissioner of public
land * and buildings at Lincoln , Neb.
Contractors will be required to conform to
rules und regulations as bet forth lu spcolll-
catlons adopted by tlm board ,
The board reserves the Ilijht to rejcot uuy
and all bids.
Dated at Lincoln , Neb , , May ( I. Is'JL
A. ll IliiMi'itnr.r.
President Tloard Public Lands and llulldlngs.
Attest : JOHN C , AT.LEN , seeictary of at.itc.
( orner llth and Purnam .streets.
TANNIE MILLS , thu llig-rt > otcd Girl from
OllIO. Hill , HIMIIH Nt > , . ' > ' .
McANDHEWrf , the. Oilglnal Wiitormolon
The Famous PIT/.PATRIOK FAMILY , Ilell
Rlngurs , Mnge , Haueors iind t < omodlans ,
A lirst-cliiBs ! < pi'vliilty Enteriulnment.
TNSTRUMENT3 pl.icud on roeord May 12.
1 Ib'Jl.
JcnsAndcrnon and wlfu to J 0 Itus-
miis.Hun..s1i lot 10 , Ik'iuon A. Jolinsoii'n
sub , . . . . t 575
A A Hillings and husband to h DAhhott ,
u nd'j lots I , 2 und U. blk U. Hitchcock's
llrnt add . l
G I. llarker and wife to L K I'rench. lot
Id. blk 4 , Orchard Hill 075
R 0 Collins and ulfo toV L McCague.
lots 7 and H. blk 2. Isaacs A. Gulden. . . . 11,000
W T Doollttlu and ulfo to James Milll-
van , lot H , blky , 1 * Dollono'saod. . . 823
Dennis Donlhvr to l.'llun Donlher , lot 17 ,
Wlndwr Plnuo ext . . . 10
Dovrlc * A ; 'l ) lor Investment cumpany
toIoht and Trust uompuny , lot
15. lillcfi. Omaha View l.WW
O D. Roborti * to Carrlo M RoLoiU , lot 5 ,
blU.Uil.Oiniiliii . . . . 103
Hamu to same , nw pt lot .V Johnson'k add JWI
Peter I'lsliol ft al to C 1' I'uhn. lot 14 , blk
( -7. Pouth Omiiha 0,300
M H W Kullroy and wlfij to I' jfivin-
nlng. lot I. hlk M , Clifton Hill S.C50
DanlDl Murphv toV it llamltton , lot 19 ,
Harlem L.ino . , , " 75
Omaha rual estatu and trust company
to W H Lauton , lut 10. blk 2 , Sauuders
& IPs add to Walnut-Hill 450
G A Itohrbaiigh to Ida M Curtis , lot 7 ,
hlkli.subuf J I Kedlvk'x add 6.100
Louloohroeder und wlfotoTF Hall ,
loi.X hlk HiT , Uir.alm 49,000
A P Tukey etiiltoAO Muchin.uoy , Jot
9 , ulK7 , Ullfton Hill 3 , 00
It II Wood nnd wlfu to r. N Eii on , JOft
ad ) u side lot fi , blk 4s , Ornnha l
J I Rudlck und wlfit to O O Whltlook , lot
7 , blk 1 , Itosgs & Hill's Jirst 2
t > Kina. :
0 H Itrnuk , cpacml matter , to Otto Iluu-
man , lut la , blk 4 , Ouialiu view WO
Total amauntof traniferi $ " 71Ml
No grlplnp , no nausea , no pain when Dl
\Vltt' LHUo Karly Hl ors ere wkoa. tj ala
O.U.IM. .
City Coiinull
The fltmuco committee's fnvornblo report
on the bills of John Dosmoml , $ . * > ' ) ; Autono
I'lvoukn , | .VfiO ; C. R Hutctilnsoti , fit ; Ucr-
nnnt Luckoy , $1,00 , nnd James O'Hrlon , fl.lW ,
was adopted nnd orders were authorized.
The grndo will bo fixed nt . ' nnd Thirty-
third streets and Nineteenth nndVyman
streets before work bo eommeiu'oil on the uo\r
school luiildltigs.
Marshal Ilrcnimu will see tlmt sqttnttcrs on
MuC.iVock&O'KocfTo's } addition bo rctnovcil ,
The lleo nso rotniultttx ) will oxnmlno Into
lllognl 'iiHtdllnjt of oil.
It. H. Stanley wns allowed $ .17 * . 73 balance
duoou thoQ strce' , 5uwor.
KtiBlneer King's rci > ort , r-stlmntltiR 'JO.OOJ
cubic ym-ds of earth , costing f I , I'.M to gr.ulo
the nlley between Tuonty-scrontl ami
Twcnt.v-ll.lrd , aud fioin I ui L stu-ots , anil
iUWOcubli-yiitds. costing f I , MK ) to n\do the
alloy tain-eon Twonty-thlnl nnil 'I'n-enly-
fourth from K to M streets was lofcrred.
C'ouiicilmcn U'utors , Howloy and O'Kourko
will net with a like i-otntnltteo fwtn thu
Omaha city i-oiincll to s > eciiro bolter street
railway service.
Thu petition of MeGnvocK nnii O'Keofo
to bavo tin' name of Sixteenth street
from Missouri avenue to X street ehanKecl to
Seventeenth street was referred to City lilt-
ulneer Klnn , nndVlllliim S. CixiU's ' petition
for pormlislon to do his i > crsomil plumblni ;
nns ruforrod.
Mayor Sloano uptralntod Kiln-tint Murray
to till the vacancy on tlio Second ward board
of registration.
City Trensurer Thomas Hoctor's tx port was
road nnd referred , showitiK the following
amounts lu thodltTuront funds April ! 10 , isOI *
Police , Jl.'ai.lts ; tire and water , fl.UUUW.
public light , fUt. 11 , interest , $ 217 till , street
repair. fi ! . .V > ; salarv , $1,14' . ' IV < ; engineer ,
irf'.tsO ; Kr.ulliiff , M.'JJ ; , ? IU5-71 : ,
sewer , * il,74a.lK ; school. S'.l'NI ' ' ' 10 ; district
sewer No. UK ) , fJia r > ; inter.sectlou
paving , Sl.2ia.20 ; paving district
No. ' . ' , flt , SM 20 ; sidewalk district *
1 and 2 , fl4C..HO ! ; grading U'wenty-
tourth street , ; grading Twenty tilth
street , $007 KJ : grading 'Pwunty-st.vth stivct ,
fJUl.ri'J , proulsig Twonty-soventh street ,
f.'a't.S'i ; Kr.ulmjr Thirtleih street , $707t ; ,
pradlnp I'1 street , $ . ' 110.43 ; grading M street ,
fcllWW ; grading N street , ? I7.M ; grading Q
street , $152.28 ; grading Kust M stri-et , ( JTt7 75 ,
grudinp Uast Q strecu. flillLUl : dog fund , $ ! ' . ' ;
grading 1C street , SMll.Ts ; grading Missouri
avenue. l,72'.i..V ' > j inclilontals. flUl.llO ; sldu-
walk dUtrlct No. a , l-'lKt.tSt ; si-ooplng btitik ,
No. 1 , J.10.7a. Total. 54\1 ! 1''o. 1'nvini ;
district No. 1 overdraft. 3U.71. ! ) Hatnueo ,
? IS , 145.51.
Hoard of Kiliifutlon
In the absence of President Van AUen Vlco
1'residcnt Jotiu U. Koblnson presided nt tha
meeting of tbo board of education.
'J bo contract to build the Hrown I'ark
school building was nnnraed to Kggors &
Hock nt ? liir ( ) : > , and the Fourth ward build
ing to A. W. I'helps .t Son at$7,200 ,
It was decided to adopt , the Smead beating
nnd ventilating system and the contract for
the heating apparatus for both buildings , In
cluding ncec.ssary changes , was awarded to
the Stnoad company nt $1,075 for oaeb build-
iiiu . Adjourned to meet tonight.
M ill Hi' - the )
General Manager Edward H. Cudahy o !
the Cudahy packing company says that the
_ > aciing house will bo shut down tomorrow
as far as possible to allow their employes to
pay their retards to President Harrison und
party. Some departments will bo closoil
down all day , while other * will bo closed
from 10 a. 'in. toil p. m , Ills expected that
the other packing houses will shut down as
far us possible.
Independents t'oiCini'liinall. .
The Independent elnb met In tbo Lister
block with President S. D. KynoaMon in the
chair nnd P. A. Barrett , secretary. John D.
Lee was elected secretary. Funds will bo
contributed to buy tickets for the delegates.
An executive committee of three was ap
pointed to raso ( funds , till vacancies , etcto
report Friday evening. Delegates wcra
authorized to select their alternates.
M -u Organize.
Forty-turoo business firms were repre
sented nt the meeting bold in Knights ol
Pythins hall to organize a Uusinoas M n's
Mutual Bcnollt association. Ofllcon as fol
lows weio elected : Fred M , Smith , presi
dent : Lr. ) T. A. Berwick , vice preiklont ;
Oscar E. Walker , secretary ; W. K. Sape ,
treasurer. J. H. Errou , M , G. SCerbo nnd A
W. Bub cock were elected a board of direc
NOK-S About tlio City ,
E. O. Maylleld and daughter have returned
from Lincoln.
The postoftlco will be eloscd from 10 a. m.
to ! 1 p. m. today.
The board of education will meet again tnia
evening in tbo hlgU school building.
Mrs. Chase and daughter , Miss Lou ( Jbaso ,
of Avoca. In. , arc the guests of Mr. und Mrs ,
Charles H. Porter.
J. V. Uoso , stnto organiser , of Custct
county will bo in the city tbU week to or-
gabtzo a citizens' alliance.
Clarence H. Moodey of the commission
flnn of Pnrlihurst. Hopper k Parker , reports
that ho will visit Oklahoma , I. T.
The Ladles' mulllury society of the Epis
copal church will meet Friday afternoon at
the rcBidenco of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J.
Seykora. *
MUs May Doran of Orctna , who has been
visiting her slstor anil brother-in-law. Coun
cilman nnd Mw. John J. O'Uourke , has ro.
turned homo.
A enll has been Issued to old Independents
to meet this evening In the hMl Kb , VIW3 N
street , Lister block , to select dolcgutus to tha
Cincinnati conference.
The machinery of the old oleo department
nt the Cudahy packing plant , is bolng re
moved to the now oleo department , north
west of the oflico building ,
Secretary Blgelow of the stnto assembly
Knights of Labor , Lincoln , is In the city ar
ranging for a representation at the Cincin
nati conference on the tilth.
In the absence of Jurlgo KlngJusUcA Uroen
adjudged the pncu of the guilt of inoro than
n score of offenders yesterday , nnd a apodal
car was necessary to take them to Jail.
The reinrlns of the late Henry llowloy will
bo taken from thu famllv roaldcnco at ) : ) !
tomorrow forenoon to St. Agnos' church ,
where services will bo held at 10 o'clock.
Frank Uorsov , the popular representative
of the Junies II.
. Campbell commission com
pany , has gene to Baltimore , Md. , and Wnj > h-
ingtoii , D. C. , to bpcnd hU suminur vacation.
Building Inspector L. F. Daylu u 1ms Issued
permits to T. C. Hendrix , Twenty-third
street between II ami I streets , und to U' ,
H. Vaughn. Twenty-third street between 1
and J streets.
Dr. Stewart , veterinary surgeon , and as
sistant , Dr. Blschlag , appointed by the gov
ernment to Inspect stock nnd incut products
nt this point , have arrived and arc making
orranucinonu at thu packing houses of Swift
A : Co. for inspection under the low enacted
by the lust
Will ItcHl ut
NEW VOIIK , May 12. It has been decided
to inter the body of Mrs. William Henry
Smith nt Lake Forest , III. , whcro * ho resided
for many years , The members of the family
leave for Chicago with the romuius this afternoon -
noon nti'l go directly through to Laku Forest ,
reaching there Wednesday afternoon.
Many Clergymen ,
Klnuen , actor , and public speakers nsu
Aer' Chciry rcctoral. It Is thu fa\orlto
reiiii-dy fur huarseneis and all affections of
the \ocal organi , throat , and lungs , As an
anodyne and expectorant , the effects of
this ( ireparatlon are prompt ! ) realized.
"Aer' Cherry 1'ectoial hasdunu inegrcat
. It Is a splendid remedy for all dU-
cases of the throat and lungs , and 1 have
much pleasure In testifying to Iti merits. "
( Key. ) C. N. Nichols , No. TUbury , Man.
" In my profession of an auctioneer , any
affection of the volcoor throat \ n scrlom
matter , but , t each attack , I have been relieved -
lieved hy u few doses of Ayer' Cherry
I'ectoral. Tlil remedy , wHh ordinary caie ,
IiasuorkedvuchaiiiaelcalelK-cttliat 1 Vavo
suffered very little Inronvi'iilcnce , I ha o
also med it In my family , with very excellent -
lent result ! , In eoughi , colits , 4c. " Wm. U.
yuartly. Mlnlatou , Ho. Atntralla.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ,
runfAiiiin rr
DR. J. O. AYEH & CO. , Lowell , Mai *
ttold by ell UrutfUu. 1'rlcu l ;