G THE OMAHA DAILY BEHAVE ONES DAY , JV1AY 13 , 1891. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Bullish Influences Htfleokd in the Chicago Wheat Pit. RANGE OF LEADING GRAIN FUTURES. New York ( Jrnlu nnd I'rovlnlon Trntlc Ijl\e StuuK litiHlncHi fiovcru > incut I OIK ! YitlttcH 'Iho World'H .Mnrkcts. CillCAno , May 12. The panlcUy fcellns In the financial centres of Knrojio over the ills- turoed fiscal situation in Portugal was not reflected In the uliiMt pit liorc as such matter ter- ) usually arc. Wheat ueted all Iho fore noon as though It was scoring for an advance. During the last hour thu advance came. IlcurUh news , no matter how Important , teemed to havii but temporary elTect. Hull- Ish newa , however , met n ready tosponse. It liMikcil as thr-nuh I'nrdrlilKo and the eastern people wore Nolllm ? vUio.it , but that the bal ance of thu big beats were working temporarily arily on the buying side , but a feature of thu session was tlio strength of May. fcc.ivors bill for It unitefreely. . As tbo olTurlncs wore scarce ho had no trouble In pnttlnp It out of llnu with July. This , of course , created a great dual of nurvoiisnoM among .Inly shorts , The bullish news that cnnio Increased the nervous fcclln ? . .Inly opened iitlisWi'J'io ' and ipilckly advanced to WiC , Influenced somewhat by tlio news In the morning papers that the imm-nf-wir Charleston was steaming down the t'aciflc coast In pursuit of the Itata with thu possi bility of a light. The market hung around this Hi ; nro as a ra'lylng point for a long time and It wns lifter noon when nnothci move ment wax made which eventually carried the prleo to tl.OIU. the highest figure of the day , though tlili ) was not accomplished without a. Htnhliorn resistance from the bears who made a nninhcr of r.ildson the HIIV ill ) They snc- ctedid In driving the price down to W'ic sev eral times and toDloonco. The repoits of a pan c In the I'uils hoursu and in Portugal were the main Items of news on thu hear side. The hulls broiightout reportsofdamagohy the llesslun lly In Illinois anil by the oil lousu In Missouri. To these were added a dccroaso of CT'.OOO bushels In the iiuantlty of wheat on ocean passive , light receipts and stronger closing ciblcH. Tlio fact that closing Paris cables weru high g iv o the bulls a great deal of toiirago as they sorxcdto dlscirdli the pub lic reports of u panic thuio. Heall/lng sales Bent the prlco on * a llttlo ut thu clo-.ii. Corn was as Ntuhbornly ntionn' as wheat , Ihuio WUHII good lively trado. bhorts were made nurvous by the fact that loc-al receipts were G'I cars short of the csllmate-i andthat estimates for tomoirow wcro iixtrumely lUlil. Tno bulge In whe.it also hclpul to filghton many shortH Into buying , July onuneil at f > s < ib D Uc. sold olV to "We , adv uni-oil with ono or two reactions tonuMi * . closing slightly lower Untsweru fairly active and firmer. Thoio weicMiino repoits of crop damage by lieu in Mlt-Koml but the main stri-muli I'limo fiom i inn and wheat und from shorts who bought In nly 1'rovlslons wore raided early by Ito im , Cminhy and other largo shorts vim weio playing for a breaU to et.ver. 'Iho result wiis a lotesslon of ! ! U'ic ' In the prlco of July perU , w hlch KUllered the brunt of the attack 01 'J'4c In July lard , and of > * > c In July ribs from Iho opening , hater. In sympathy with drains , there was n tally to a point slUbtly abovu the onenlng. closing at the oonliiK | ) figures' . The leading futures ranKctl as follows : AIITKItS WlirAl Nil 2 Mnjr t I 01 Junii . . . . 1 UI July Cims-.Nu. 2 * .luni ) . . . . " S3" July 5'JH ' OATH .So. 2- 'M Jl JlM Juno M Jiiljr MEHH I'OIIK- Mnr , 11 & 1 11 M juir ti ; 2' ' 11 "h Hc'plcmbor. 12 UO 12 OJ I.AIIII-- Mlljr 11 ( B 4JW C 40 Julr . . C IV d li'"u September MO fi 10 & M July t , 10 b 12H B 0514 0 J7 0 40 Pash ( imitations were as follows : FLOUII Steady , iinch.inRuil ; spring. J'iOO ' © 6 M | winter. K.IXX&V.'U ; straits , iMlWiJW ) ; bakers , J4 ' 'V8110. ! WllKAT Nil. 2 spline wheat , fl.04l04Ul No 3 sprlmr wheat , IK/aoSc : No. a red , fl.orxi& l.WM. COIIN No. 2 , Ki' c. OATH No. , , Mc : No. 2 white , Klcj No. 3 white , . KYK-NO. 2 , 67i28Sc. llAiii.KV No. a liarlcy. nominal ; No. 3,70 © 7fc ; No. 4. nominal. KI.AX Hl'Fii-No. 1 , 11.14. 1 TIMOTIIV hlKli I'rlino. $1.25. I'OIIK MI-MS pork per liarrol , $11.4V ( 'i11,45i lard HIT cwt. * i.IJi ! ! ; short rltis sliles ( loose ) , SMU DHSWiJj dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , J5.1VU 6.21 ; short i-loar bides ( boxed ) , fa40 < Siil ft WIIIRKY Distillers'tlnlshcd Kooils per gal lon. } ! 17. MIIIAII Cut loaf , unchanged ; granulated , unchanged vt'indaril "A " ; , unehnnzcit. Ht-coipts and Nhllimonts today were as fol lows ; On the produce oxchiingo today , the butter market was lower ; Kxtru prcami-ry , , ) ® . ' ; extra firsts ; aoi2c : firsts. I740IIIU ; extra dairy. 80@8c ! ; extra llrats , loQltu : Ursts , II ® 15c. New York 'Markets. NEW YOIIK , May 1' ' . ri.oim Itocclpts , 31,434 packages ; exports. 3,054 birrols 8.150 sacks ; market Irrognlur ; high grades weak , moder ately uetUe ; sains. 18.050 liuirnlh. WIIKAT lli'ci'lptb. 10,00) ) biuhols ; exports , 24,105 biiHhula ; sales , J,504.000 bushels fu- \ \ " , * ; ' , 'VW bu18ll Jl11 , RP < ' fal" > t market J'idWSic blijhor ; dull , closing nrm. No. 2 red. 11.14X01.1 % In oluvntorandhtoru ; tl.n'ittl 10 alloat ; tl.14Hni.in1 ! f. o. b. ; imgnulud rt'd. II.IQKUI.lOV ! No , 1 nortlii-rn , to ar- rlvp. IU4MM.l. % : No. 1 hiinl , to arrive , II.17VI.I8. Options Hdvanoing btundlly to Ui M2Sp above jcstcrday and close steady. Trading was slow hut general affairs wuru brlKhtuiipd by tlio bottur fort-lgn financial nuns. Thu decrease In pnbsagc bad little In- lluuncu , No. 2 rod , Mny , tU21,14. closing at $1.14 : . lunc.tl.O'l'.ai. IIS. closing ut $1.11 ; July. tl.07Sl.00 , closing at tl.OO ; Scptpinbi-r , t .oJ 4ffll.04K. closliiK at tI.04JSi October l 04 i , cloi'-g ' nt tl.OIV. December. llHatl.a ( % > i , cloning at tl < < 5S ! ; May ( It02) ) . tliSOLOUy , ohwiiiK iittLWHt. OOIIN Iti-cclptH , 1V250 tnisbuls ; uxportu , 1.040 usjiBlKj Balus 11.240 bukhols of futurcH : 84,000 bUHhela jpot. bpot markut lovvor and dull ; No. 8 , 7Na78'Sc In ulovutor ; 7l370 c afloat ! iingradod mixed , 77Gs2c. Options are strong hi'iiti'iiiiit'r. 04J4 t i5 4u. closing at l > 5'c. OATS-Heculpts , I55.i"i0liushulsi ox ports 21.1,000 busliP s ; sales , 84V.003 hiishuls futuios , ; 01,000 bushels sjnit.v.iot | markut Hull and Irrugular ; options iinli-t and btronger ; Muv , 57 J7Uo , ciliislngS.Uc ; Juno closing .w,0i July , w a MSc.uloHlnutMV'i tpptoinbur,4lc ; spot No. 8 vvhitP.5lXii'inmlxiil ) ) : wi-Murn. iMU.Uc : white wi-jtprn. illJKOc : No. 8 Chloago , 5Sic7 } HAV Dull andllrm. lloi-h-Ouli-t anil llrmi statp. i-ommon to choice. SMCiSo ; Parlllo coast ; av tsi.c. buiun Itaw. bari-ly Hioady and fairly mould A , 4"ic : stnndarn A , 4 J-liiu ; confi-ctlun- er * A , 4'ie ' ; cut loaf , .Vfo : ertiNhed , 5 > 4o ; pow- ilered. 4ie ( ; granulated , 4ite ; uiibeH 4)io. ) MOLASSES Foreign , dull ; Nuw orluan , quiet and Htuady ; Hlo. steady. KIHIS tjnlct ; western , 16c ; ri-celpts , I2t > s0 pUI'kllgPH. Wooiv-SU-ady ; donu-stlo fh-ice , 344J.l7c : pulled , ajIWk ! ! Toxim. I7 t8c. I'OIIK Market quiet and steady ; old metis , til. 7V < tl2 25. now mibs , I13.V4CU V5 ; extra prime. MI.7.vai2.25. I'i'T MKATB I asy : jploklcd bclllps. svOfio ; pickled NhouldcrK , * KW : ; pickled hums , liw lotiu ; mlddloK , dull , linn ; nburt clear , "c. IAlil-insler : , dull ; western steiiiu , (4X70 ; , 850 tlerees nt $ j 78i | . Options bales , 4,730 llrrcus ; May , W.74 ; July , MblCf G.M , closIng - Ing ID K asked : August , W.M ubked ; beplum- ber. (7.0X17 10. closing. t7.0tl. llt'rren-l.lbural receipts ; qnlot. lower ; Hiiturn dairy. 1454 o ; vve-.tunicrpiimiiry.2ltt ' , c ; wi stern factory , Utt-Mo ; I.lglna , 2Ui& 2 'to . oaty : part skim , MtsHc. \ \ In-lit Jlnrket , HlK.NrACOi.lH , Minn. May 12 , WMKAT Cash huuttl w ! poor Krudi-H neglpcted : receipts , hlniiienl , Mcar . UlobC : No , 1 hard , Uy , li.V7 | cu track , tl.07ttQl.04i No. 1 uurtu- crn. Mny.fl.OV July , l Mjti on track , JI.OJ'J ( itl.ifi'i : No.- northern , Slay , tl.O'J ! on track , ii.osai.oi. Liverpool MnrkctH. T.ivpnrnou May IS. WncAT-flrmi demand Improvrdi Imlilcrs offer moderately i Gull- furnla No. 1. 8sul percental ! Kan as winter hard , Ks5'd , Iti-ccipts of wlieit In thu past three diiyx , 1.2UJ ( centals I , MIDWestern,33s .Id per cwt. I'liKKsu American , line-it , vvhlto anil col ored , Ms td ! per cwt. SI. Itoiila Markets. PT. Lniiif ) , Mny 1. . WHEAT Higher ; cash , tl.oM ( : July , tl.oa'i. ' . . . . . , Conv Illglmr ; Cash , MI < C ; July. M'lGoiUc. OATS Illgbur ; ra b. 5l ! i" July , 43'ie I'OIIK IJisy ut t ll.V&ll > bi ! ( . I.Alin iasy : at 1025. \\lll < KV tl.lo. . , . . IIUTTKii Iowrr ; crpnrncry , 2O55c ! ! dairy , li Q.81o ; northern roll , UiJtUc. KniiHiiH City Mnrkctf ) . KAN AH CITV , Mo , Mny 12. Wnr.AT-Qulct ; No. 2 barn , cash , 021 io ; May , UJc bid ; No. 8 red , cash , ( UB'ito. , . . CoiiN-rirmer ; No. 2 , cash. BCUc bid ; May , f.oSc bid. . . . . OATs-hteaily : No. 2 , cash , 40'iC ' bid ; May , 48\cbld. _ Mnrket" . MII.WAUKBP , WIs. May -Wilf AT-rirm ; No 2Hprlng , cash , ll.Ottftfoi ; July , tl 00. COIIN- Firm ; No. 3 , tl'ip , OATS-FIrm : Nos whltp. K&'tic. I'ltovisiONS Hti-ady : pork , * II.OO. Cliu-iiiiintl CINCINNATI. O. , May 12. WHEAT Nominal ; No 2 red. tl oil Cons Lowers No 2 mixed , fi"c. OATH In fair demand ; No 8 mixed , We. \\lllski-J1.17. _ Toli-ilo Mni-lcuH. Tm.MHi. O. May l2.--\\niAT Higher ; cash mid May. $1 ( H. < DUN Steady ; push. G"c. OATS Dull : cash. 51'4c. AM * IlOXItf. Ni.vv Yoitic , May 17 The stock market again hesitated toilay , and there was u renewal of thu selling pressure on a limited s-alc. whllo the Inlying which was RO marked during a Kii-at deal of yesterday's tr ullng was entirely lacking. Under thu circumst.ini'is prices dropped , and In some cases declined nmtc- ilaliy. 1 he principal cause foi the check to tlio upward moNcmcnt Is to bo found In tlio disquieting hews from abroad , the London and continental lour-cs being depressed through heavy sales of Poitiigucso and bpinlsh sccuilllcs which Hiougbt every thing ulso along wlthtnciu to some ex tent. Ihcro weio further engagumcnts of gohl. but these were not of such magnitude is tocauso any duullnu of notp , and thu sltu- itlon Is to bu I rated to the fear of further Inamilal complications ahio.ul which will necessitate a further decline upon us for funds. The favorable Hums In tbo situation iru all to bu found In this country , whllo the : llsquli-llng conditions are nil abroad at pres ent , and the situation In tbo stock markut hinges upon tbo probablll- : li-s of : i further withdi iwal of rfold n the nuar future or a return of .some of that already sent- Until tills uncertainty Is removed , therefore , lliu general expectation is for a fuvurlsh and unsuttlud maiktt with llttlo animation outside of the feu loading stocks which aiu now In thu hands of cliques Karly adv Ices from London this morning lu- : iorted u p inlcky foiling thete and the same is reported of Parl , and at the opening of our narkut London was a seller to a moderate ox- ; unt , making a fuvntlsh and lunuroponlng , thu osicsfmm last night's llginus uxtemLng to 3i lioriunt , Thciu vsas , however , an undcrtoneof stiunglli loft In the mat Uut and most of the opening losses were regained In the eaily trading , but lack of buyers soon made Itself fell and a drooping tendency uccamupiovalcnt nlileh carrlcil prliusilown ng iln anil they 10- imlned below the level of thu opening till the ; losu of thu day. ' 1 ho Industrials were again prominent In the market taking second rank io thu grangers , but sugar WIH decidedly weak , and coiclagu only llttlo less so. ' 1 bo steady decline In prices lo.ichul material liniportlons lowaid delivery hour when an iltort to cover by the short a made a slight rally In the markut. Thu only strong point In thu list liming the duy were \\heeilng K. Laku l > lo stocks , and Iho preferred slanils alone this evening In showing a small advance. The market , finally closed weak at or about tlio bottom prices. Kvcrythlng , with tlie excep tion noli d , Is lower and sugar declined 2)4 ) ; Oluvulnnd. Columbus. Chicago & , bt. Louis , ItocU Island and Louisville , l'i ; 1'aellie .Mail and llnlun Pacific.li \ ; Atclilson , Noilhwesl- crn , St. Paul and Northern Pacific piufoiruil , I'i ; llurllngton , JJi , and New Knglaml I pur cunt H.illro id bonds wcro entirely unlntorcstlng today , tbo s.iles rcHChlng only fOU'.WU and thu [ luctuiitlons beln generally on the h.imu lim ited se.ile , but tlio movoinunt sympathUcd wltli the weakness In stocks und prices uro In almost all easts lower. Oovurnincnt bonds wcro dull and heavy. State bonds were dull ami fe mire-loss. Petroleum opened weak , hut there was no .Movement after the llrst sales and thu market closed dull. Pennsylvania oil , Juno onlion. closing at 70'io. Total n.ilus , 0,000 barrels. ' 1 bu following are thu closing quotations for the leading stocks on thu Now York stock xchnngo today : AtchlBun II .No.lliweitern lUTU Ailnuii Kxprosn . . . .145 doprefcrred U4 Allen ATcrru llnuto Wile N Y. Coal ml 100H ilo prafcrreil . . . . 1"5 N. V , C. A St. L 12)4 Anii-rlcnii Kxprcia . .114 do prufurred ( fi II. C. It AN K ) OMoA Mississippi. . 17H uida 1'ncllle TO do preferred . . . . 85 Cunnilii Snutln-rn . . .US Ontario A Weilfrn . ( 14 Ccntrnl rnclllc 31' a Improve . . . 2-1 liun AOhlo 17 .Ireiton .Nnv . , . , "M ito lit prcfcrrcil . . . 4d Ori-Kun Trans 15 > i do nilprcferriiil . . . 2' > I'nilllo Mull 3A ClilcnuoAAltun. . . .U. ! i'corla , Dec. A KTIIIIB. 19U tII * y Bi. I'lttsburg 148 C U. U. &rit. I , i I'ullnma I'alucu ISJ Oulnwnro.V Hudson.3H \ \ Heading 31 llcl.I. * W IJM * ItucU Inland 7516 1) . \ It. O. preferred 67 HI. 1 , . AS. F. l tpfd . . 07H hunt Telia l'l St. 1'aiil OITii du 1st prefcrreil . . . 6r > dopreferred HUH dn 2d preferred . . l& St. I' . , Minn A Mnn. 10 % Trio 1 H Ht 1'aulA Oinnhn. . . . 25 do preferred W dopreferred 8.1 Fort \\nrno 151 Tenn. Co l A Iron. . . .13 Chi. A Kiut. Ill l Texan rneltlc U7i Hocking Vnller < Tel A O. Cen pref'd. fO Houston A Tuzns. . . . .1 Unlun 1'iiclric 4C Illinois rcntrnl t3 ! U. B Kxpremi U Ht. t'liul.v Dulutli. . . . 27 W. Ht. L. A 1' 10 Knn s Jt 'ruxim I4U dopreferred ! WK 1 nko Krln.Vcefn. . . U VVolli-hnrgo \ . . . .140 du preferred 57 Western Union Kllfi Inku Short- W < H Am. Cotton Oil ' . ' 4U l.ouliTlllo.tNnili. . . . Tt. Coloraito Conl J51. , lHul vllle ft .New A. . 25 llouientuku 10 Mi-mplili A. Clinr . . . . 35 Iron Silver 100 Mil hlitiui Central 69 Ualiirlo 3'J Mil , L H .V W ,4 Qulckillver 5H doprefiirred 100M do piefcrred 38 Mlun AHt , L 4 Sulru & do preferred 10 Ilill er 85 Mliiourl I'ncltlc < Itlch AW I'.Tcr. . . l\H \ .MollliA.OIili 40 \Vliconnln Central. IU N'linliTlIlM Clmtt 91 Creit.Vorthrrnpfd. . Wv < N. J. Central IIS Clilcngu lia 49H Norfolk A \ \ en pfil . W I nil Trust 16 d Norlliern 1'acltlc.24ti SiiKnr Trust do preferred. . Ii71 < Honlhurn I'nrine , . . . ? U. 1' . Denver A Uuir.20ii Ore S U A Utah Xur 2 The total s.iles of stoclc toilay were 2tttXU ( shares , Including Atehlson , 18,011 ; Delaware , Iiiickawnnnii A. Western. r > ,4i > 0 ; Ionl8vlllo fi Nushvllle. 1.74. ; Missouri I'anlllo. 7.7--1) ) ; Northern I'auiflo. 8,700 : Hti-liniond A. West I'olnt , yuo ; bt. I'anl , S4.10U ; Union Pacific , 6,71)0. ) Financial llevicw. Nisw YOIIK. Mav 12. The 1'ost says : To understand vvliv Ktiiono Is atile todr.ivv on nn for BO inncli cash at this time It U necessiiry to refer back lo thu elTucts of the MeKlnley tariff. In the six months of September M , Is'JJ , the Imports of merchandise Into the United StutcH were * 7Mlri.OUl In excess of the exports nf merchandise , helnw a trade balance of that miieh against us In the Intcichango of commodities. 'I he UXCCSH of Imports or mi'ichiindlso over exports In the name period of lh.v ) w.isf.'il > 4uVll , HO thai hciowns an Inereaso of f7,007,7UJ In the ailvoiso trade balance of that six months. This Inerca.so was nmilutocsc.ipu thu taillY and the goods vveni sent hern l.ir-'ely on speculative account by the foreign nt-alcrs and wore not to he p ml for until the Importers iioiu had distributed them tliinngh the country and collected for thi'in , These Roods were distributed lust In ter , they being colleetccl for , and now the money Is being paid to the foreign bhlppois and UiU makes the Immediate ilemiind for for eign exchange. Ilnt-lrir-n also fiom about the middle of July until December 1 there "as a li.ilanee of xincUH andseenrltles | ireulpltated ilium this m irki-t from I In rene In coiisciincncu til the Argentine troubles. These were not Ilku the ininorted merehandise , they had to he paid for at once. At llrst this did take out some gold , and In July the tot.U exnoits or Kiild exceeded the Imports by * H'M.I7I. ' ( lint by that time ourcxpoits wore Incroaslng rap idly , and evi-n up from a tot.U f-Vl.Hl.b..1 In July to JWt.'StH'l ' In October , M > that In the tlvu months to the i ml of I'elini.iry , Ib'il ' , the i-xei-ssof expoitsof mereliandisu over the lin- iMtrtHuf the same wait * 11 15I' ! , This lingo balance In imr favor not only paid foi thu Moelis that vveru sent liack to us from Km one lint a uood deal more IIH was shown by thu fiii't that during those live months the Imports of gold Heri'17ilKU-ii In uxcessof thu exports of the siime. It will be seen Unit as the slocks required Immediate payment they h.ivu nn- ilimhti-dly all been paid for. This also furn- Ishi-sioiniiKiimnil for the presumption that the .iiuoiint of xtDuKs vent buck from Unropu In thu Instklx monthsnf IMM were approximately suuiothlng nu.irlllU.OOO.oooioJO'OJW)0. | . Il U the KIMUU hough t last summer that vvu are pnylng for now. As to how much moro vvu xmil ! have to iuy on that account U of course dlttlcnlt to even estimate , but thu fact that klncu the end of January we huvu already exported about liVOJU.100. nf KQld In exeesH of Importx , wlierea- - tliu siuiiB limn In IHUO thu Imporls of gold were uoj.oou in excess of thuuxportH of the hiunc , wouia kceiu ground for ihu urciumptlou that ho excessive Imports of gold last summer were about all paid for. Nn matter how crazy hey may bo for money In Europe they cannot Iraw on us for more cash than wo owe them ; inlej.s they borrow It. It ink Clcurnuons. NF.VV YOIIK , May 12-Cloarlngs were JIOI.OOI- .V. ; balances. ! 'iJ.V > , W3. llAt/rivioiiF. Mil. , May 12. Hank clcarlnirs to- lay. . ' , l4.jjO ! balances , * ! 4JJi Hate at I ! percent. l'lltlAl > FM-lltA , May 12. Hank cloarlnzs to lay were Jll.OIR.5 ; bilaucos.Jl.SoO.Ji ! ' . Money- I4it5'i percent. OINCI.WATI , O. . May 12 Money , firmer , fifto per cent. New York exchange , C0tt70 prom- linn. Clearings , tlUO > ,000. HOSTON , May 12. Clearings , JIR.GO''Wl : bal ances , Jl.lll.liJ. Money. 0 per cent. hxchunjo on New York , .VOID per cent discount. CillCAno , May l:1. 11ink clearings were $1(1.- ( IW.OOO. Now York cxchtngo was 7.vasO per cent premium. Hates for money were nn- haiiRed at Ci'iHflpercent for ordinary Io ins. Sterling oAChauju was steady and unchanged , The Money Market. NF.VV YnitK , May 12. MONEV ON CAM. Easy , ranging from 4 to5 per cent ; last loins at 4 per cent ; closing olTcrcd .it 2 per cent I'niMB MKIICANTII.K PAI-KII .VB > 7 ncr cent. bTKin.iNil nxcilANOK Qnlct and easy nt $4.b4' ' , for sixty-day hills und II.MU for de mand. The following wcio the closing pricei on bonds : tl s < , ri'Klilored 11H ( < | M l < AT til U H l § ooupnrn IIUt ) Mutual Union ll < IIU N .I Cent Int Cert .coupon 101 .Northern t'nc. l ls Hi- ! * _ Iticl , . . of W .111 ito'Jdi . . . HIM IiOiilslnnn Slump Is 87 Norinwi'it' coniol.s H , 'lonru'S'Oc.'N H l ! < . 101 ilu dL'ln'iiHiru.'Har \ ill ) . 101 st I. , v I. VI Con in W do . ! . . 70 Ht I , \ S P lou ! M 105 Cnnnda Southern : Mi ' .if St I'niil consuls 1SJ Central I'nclllc l ls ID SI I' C Jl I' UIS..1I2 I ) .V It ( ] , l tt m > < 1' I' I , < ! Tr KtH W III ) 44 M T I' . II U Tr Kcls Krli-.Ms . . IOJ' > Union I'ntlllc Isls . . 108 M K. A T. lien I Its 78 iVVei-t slinrg . I02 Itoutou StDIJC Mlll-kct. HOSTOV. Mass , M'iy 12. Tlio following vvero the el < Hn : prices on stocks in the Boston block market toili > . Atcl > l on , V Tupuka l H hraaklln . . . . * . . 17 llo liiiiAlbiiny JJI Huron . . . im > till Iliir \ Oiilucy n-ihc.irjnrKO . . . . H'4 1 llchliiirult It .8' l ) ci-uU . . Hint A I'ero M . ( id itioy 04 iln profcrn-d . -iiiita Ku Copper . 1R5 Mn < . Ccntrnl I'M m i ruck . . . . . Moirk.m Con com 2U Morton I.nud Co -N V A N Ung . . ' Han Dli K < > l.nml Co , 20 do 7s 'iVi \Voit Knd I.nnd Co 2022X Old Coionj. . . Mi7 * Dull Tcli-ilione | \VN Cent com I'Oi ' I. utHoii btnru S . AlldiH'z MlnLunun ( ) vVuti-r 1'uHur . . . . AtluntlL- CM lloitiin \ Mont , . N i : T L'liluiui-t , V llo-la ' II. . * II C StOOlCH , r.ONDQV. May 12 , 4 p. m , Closing quotations ! CnnioK inuncy .1.1 l-li , Coii'ols , nccuunt . U > K lllluulH Cc-ntinl , . IUU4 " " ' st. l-iuil common . . . MH U. S l'n ' , . ! . .ml N V Cdiitrnl . . . 103 N V.I' . A O Ists . USfi Ki-ndlui ; . . . * If'K Cuanillnn 1'ncltlc . . . . 781/ .Mexlciui Central 49 41 Bar fllher It'id ' per ounce Hank oriiiKiaiul : Itulllon. I.ONDOV , May 12. The amounttof bullion vvltbdriwn from the Hank of Kugland on bal ance today , i'OO.OJO. I'arlH lieiitos. PAIIIS. May 12. Thrco per cent rentes , OU 2.'o foi the account. Ucnvi-r Mining Slocks. .Col. , May 12. Although thoattond- ante of hotli brokers and spccnl.itors at the two calls of tbu mining cM-hange tod.iy wiis veiy light a eomlder.ible amount of business was done and the wholu market showed n he.ilthy Improvcinent. Total sales J4 MO. Closing pi Ices : Allvulmn ) . Iiiat cu Amlt > ij(11,1-unl ( ' louder 4'j Anwnnut IS I.lltlu Itulc . llnllninl J7 Matchless 2s SniiiKiller May Mazopia | l.'l MornlntKillm < 4 Hates Hunter 70 Ore (0 ( Illv Indlnn 81 { I'ny Itock J IllKSIx ] t'l I'utosl b' Hrowntow 7U I'ark ciin 20 Cillloiio 20 Iteed .Nntlonul Century at Hlilto tw Clny County 101) Kunnluif Lode twUJ Ca hliu ; 10 " .ticivoiiwurtli. . . . . . . II ) Uluuioiiil II . . . . GU Jolm.l pfil Doiivorlias&OII . 12 I'uzzlor Kinmuna 41 Clnudlii J Oold 'Ircnauro J2 Ironclad 'M San I-VniiclHL-o Mini -K Quotations. SAN I'IIANCISCO. ( Jala. , May U.--'lbo olllclal closing nuotatlons for mining stocks today wcro us follows ; Alta 115 Oplilr . 7,17,4' Host A DolLlier ( J.- I'otosl . 415 IIiidieCoiiBOlldated. l. 0 Chollar ,140 Sierra .Nevada . SU ) Con. Cain. A Va. . . .llJv'i tJnlim Con . 440 Crown Point 210 tltu'i . HO ( lould A Currr .UO Yellow Jacket . 2JO Hate A .Norcruss IU Commonwealth . 85 .Mexlcnn 450 Hello tale . M N U.T . 100 St. IiOiilH Mining ; Quotations. ST. Louis. Mo , May 12. Thu mining market was fairly active to lay and sales considerable In amount. The following bids were made on call : AdauiH 185 Montrose . K > M American r.'M Hopes . 9 Ill-Metal J.'oii O-ntral Sllicr 2H Kllriibcth Uranlto M , 255U Vuirm . 85 l.lltle Albert IUH New York Mining QnotntioiiR. NBW VoiiK , May 12. Thu following aru the closing mining stock quotations : Alice 145 Central Silver KU Adtims Con 17r > Ontario JHOU AHpen .ttO Savngo 3.1) Con. Cila AVa MM Sierra Nurnda 150 Kureka .t-KJ Standard 100 lloniostako .W Union Con 4 a llornHllvor 480 Yellow Jacket 270 New York Options. NEW VOHK , May li Coffee options opened steady at 10 points up , to 10 points uown ; closed steady and unchanged to 20 points Hlo , dull , steady ; fair cargoes , J-UOO. MUocllnncoiiH ItfurkctN. NEW YOIIK , May 12. PETIIOLEUM Steady ; United closed at Tuiicfor June. COTTON SJKLU Oir < Strong , dull. PlO IIION Qulot ; American J10.00S18 00. COITKII Nominal. LEAU-Diill. tlrni ; domestic. * 4.2i. ! ! TIN Quiet and htoatly ; straits , t--O.OO. TALI.-IVY Oulot and llrm. HOSIN Qulot and steady. Tuiii'fcNTiNB Quiet and steadier at a4540c. ! HIDES yulot and llrm. Trniler'H Talk. CillCAno , May 12. Kcnnott. Houklns .t Co. to K A. McWhortor Thu course of tno market has been a surnrise. The news In general has been rather bearish , especially fiom abroad and outside markets snowed little strength. The Cngllsh correspondent of the New York Times states that during the p.ist ten days there has been a moat benellclunt change In the harvest , prospects of Europe and that In 1'rancu and tieimany the recent high nrlcus have bad thu oiled of discovering considera bly larger stocks of old < ttbli > than had been supposed to exist. 'ImP * Indian exports since April 1 shows an Increase of 1.01 pur cent over these for thu same Deriod last year showing that thu now ciopU much bettor than expected. Now York advices wore discouraging from the export business although a moderate business was donu. On thu whole , a moderate icuction Been.oil probable today , but Instead It proved to bo a very strong market , for which there seems to bu no satisfactory explanation be yond thu demand from shorts. Thu late II nn ness was on tliu reported working licru of 200'joo ' bushels spring wheat at "ie over July , \VhlIo our faith In much higher prices Is titrong , fieiiii-nt reactions aru to bu expected and prudent traders Mil bu o.unions about buying on bulges. Corn and oats have had a natural reaction from tbo depression i-aimed by short sulllnir. the short Intuiuit h id hocomu unuelldy and wuru largely driven In to lay. Thoru may bu a fiirthui advance for a day or two. but on good rallies pro'Its should Lo taken There has bi-on free soiling on long'pork which went toeovur .shoits The toss of confidence In thu vuluu of thu property Is probably due In a largo measure to t head value of spring who.it aim the continued high promise of abundant crops. Iaril and ribs weitj but Uttlu Inltu- uncud anil recovered from a small decline. CiiiCAdo. .May. li W. O. McCormlck A , Co , , lo 1\ t ) , swurtz A. Co , The wheat market , has been strong from start to llnls. The bears attacked It o illy with wo.ikei lam- dim rallies and with news of t..u O.OOJ gold taken for shipment , but wuru uniblu to maku iinv lasting Impression. The bulls vroiu out In forcu anil thu bears who have been short weio as a rnlo good buyers. Later entiles from llerlln , Paris and Liverpool wore stioiu anil higher and there l.s undoubtedly an ac tive demand for spot vvheit wherever good lots can lie procured. A s ilu of UKI , 100 liusliu s Is reported huro. Now York and llaltlmoru shipped 40,000 bushels. Tburu are onu or two largu lines of shorts Htlll out and It would not surprise us If the bulls advanced prices still further vvltn n vlnw to drlvln : these lines In. Ucculpts nto'evi-ii ' primary points weru.us.00 j shlpmunU. I1.1I.IHK ) . I'ar ocs on passage de creased 74ooo. Corn has ruled strong throughout - out tbu day , althon'h ; trading lias been by no means active. The estlm ited receipts for tomorrow , -VJears. arc considered light und It Is expected that they will conllnuo no throughout the week. ( 'urlotH vvi-ru victlvo at an udviinco of IHc over j cktuiduy. ' 1 bu eloso U Btroug ut toy prices. Outs dull , but Urui wllb no nntcwortlty foal tires. Provisions opened steady , tnit tfcio actively raided by several prominent top orders. Thcro was good buy Ing on tl/dVhjatt / and the market re gained n pott Ion oft do decline. Pork was tbo principal .point of attack , lard and ribs showing decided Hrmncss and closing at higher than last nljHt's prices.Ve bullevu the break lias uvtunlU-il fur enough for thn iiri-scnt and that ptuUmses on thu nruuk will be safe. . ' Mayaa-Kcnncll , Hopkins A. Co. toB. A.Mo\\hortur Tlmdciii-e to wlilcb our stock market Is under tlio Intlucnco of Mnnn- clal affairs In Kuropu lias been clearly demon strated today. No ono expected when the market closed so stnitu and appiruntly with Komuch confidence yesterday that today's opening would bo weak , but when It was Iiarned tlritKuron | > un bourses were depressed the most acutii symptom ? being In Paris , and prices of American -ccur ties In London wcro nil heavy at considerably below n parity of our closn of yesterday , tradets under went a decided change. The spoon- lathe pulnlc is not disposed to Ignore nor to contend with tlio unsettled llniinclnl situation abroad , notwithstanding everything pert'ilnlng to thu atfairs of this country In the vvayofrrop outlook and Improved railway management Is i-nconraglng to the holders of stocks There have been additional amounts of goal taken for shipment as well isun- nuunceinents that other sums would bu taken by Thursday , bo this week the actual ami the proposed engagements amount to * 2,7.M > .ix > J. AH this gold Is morn to satisfy the absolute necessities of lairopcan financial conditions It Is Impossible to statu when they will lenso or what thi-y will amount to nnd It Is this uncertainty which Is having a depressing ellett upon the minds of all thu stock opuiators as well IIH Invt-stors and keepIng - Ing them from taking Interests In the maiket. Ht. Paul has heen the most actively dealt In to Iny and has siilTend a decline of I1 if. The stouk has ninny friends who nro buying It IIH It declines and no doubt tlio short Interest IUIH Increased In thu past few days. It Is fair to piexume tliut In tlio wholu miuket the short Interest Is largiii than It has Leon for some tlmu pist and If thu tension of thu foreign situation slum d bu removed a slioit tally would Inku place. ! T l.ot'is. May 12. T.angcnburg llrothors to Cockroll llrothor : Today's iccclpts wuru : Wheat , tun" : coin. m\Si , oats , IiO.Md. Tor the the rungu of pi Ices for the July option : 1'iiicmT sr. COvivioniTV I Upi-n | Illtli | 1.10)0 \el'r j \VIIKAT July. . . CoilN- Iiily . . . KH OATS July. 42 OJ1A1I.I AlVK STOCK. . Mny 12 OATTI.E oniclal rocoints of cattle 2.101 as con.p.ired with l,7JO yesturdav unit l.O.'J I'nc-silay of last week. IJeslrablo grades of beeves woio about slow and steady , others slow and weak. Hood butcher stoJk nctlvo and llrm , less desirable grades slow to lOc lower. 1'eeders were dull and nncli iiigcd. lions Olllclut iccolpts of hogs O.V10. as compared with l. ' > 77 vcstcrday and fi.'Ul Tuosibiy of lust week. Tliu market was falr- IV aetlvu and lOc lowur than yesterday nioin- In 'H market. All sold. 'Iho rangu of pilcus Uild was ? l.404.70. the bulk selling at S4 WS 4dO. l.lgbt. H.40a4fi.ri ; heavy. M5. > a4.70 : mixed , fl .V > it4 W. The average of the prices paid was il .M as compared with 14 C4 yester day nnd tl.b-l'a Tuesday of last week. SiiEi.i1 Olllclal rueolpts of.beep 181 us comnaicd with .103 Tuesday of last \\i-ok. The miulat was lower. Natives , { J..WSU10 ! wes terns , JJ 2.YSU.OO. Hccelpts anil Disposition of Stouk. Olllclal receipts and dlsno-dtlcn of sn.ol' as shown by thu hooks of thu Union stockyards company for thu twenty-foui hours ondiiu at 5 o'clock p. in. May 12. 1801 : HKCKIlTd. Diai'OSlTlON. lluycrs. Cattle. Omnlm I'nrklng Co. . .Til 'IholJ. H. llnaimond Co. 2US ibl Swift A Co ft ; ? " 1SI 'Iliu Cudnliy I'flLklnii Ctii BO ' .1 1 * . Squires . . . ' 711 It , llcckcr & IK'Uon.i 14 ' 131 Mlli' Lett over 1,61'J Total JOIIi 7ors 181 Ilrpicsentntive Huloa. II 8TKEI13. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. 70 $ . ! 75 1. . DM $4 00 IB not $520 7W .ItW Ti 11UO 4 1)5 ) 21. . 121 nJ 520 ' - > - ' Hill 4 : & 11 .1001 4 1)5 ) 57 i12i 520 II Jl 4 M 40 10i2 ( 5 00 IB 1218 5 35 G IU4J 4 M 18 TW 5 00 1G 1.1 % 5 JO 14M ll.V 4 73 37 1125 5 00 42 1271 535 M MH 4 75 17 120) ) 5 00 20 1.W4 540 JO. l'J.8 4 80 20 1171 5 00 21 1M7 540 1000 4 85 yt. ! Uh7 6 15 21 l i | 540 24 1117 4 ! W M 1224 5 11 4 1.132 540 4. lU'J 4 110 10 1U7G D 15 M. 1.115 545 Al .11)12 ) 4 'JO 41 1207 fi 1 > 1 .128J 550 21. . UCO 4 IK ) 02 .1231 5 20 62. 14GS 550 in.xni ) . M. 094 4 75 24. 577 4 Oj COWS. a. . BIG 1 75 1 .1000 2 75 2. B45 350 G. . H 8 500 5 1002 fi 03 2 * 122.1 37' 14 ( A ) ' - ' 00 1 740 3 00 4 705 375 2. . 84ri 2 00 1 1150 3 00 27 . 1155 380 2. 1055 2 00 ] r < 040 II 23 8 10rj 409 4 . OK 2 00 2 1010 3 M 2. 1070 400 2 . 975 2 25 I 1ISO 3 50 1. 1100 400 I ) . . 1)711 ) 2 ill ) 10:5 : 3 I 3 .1200 425 3. . IM 2 50 ! . . 027 3 50 0 .1110 435 8. 810 2 75 ItU ) 3 50 HULLS. 1. . .155) 1 50 1470 2 50 1 1450 275 1 1100 1 75 UfiU 2 M 1 14.M 2SO 1 , 12.0 2 I'D 870 2 50 1..1700 305 1 .1J70 2 50 1500 2 bO CAI.V E-l. 1. . 2 00 140 II 50 1. . Iffl 400 1 . 170 3 00 , 140 4 00 205 50J 300 3 25 25STOCKF.ItS AM ) FI'EDEIIS. 7. . 548 2 25 1.1 . 512 2 Cft 20. . 7.10 350 5. . 500 2 40 2. . IfcO 3 05 8. . ? 3GO 1. . 000 2 05 UEimiS. 4. . 592 325 26. . fltU 4 25 STAGS. 1..1700 500 WrSTEIlN CATTLE. Av. Pr. Standard C.ittlo Co.-- , 41 helfon , corn-fed 1250 (5 40 uoos. No. Av. r5h. Pr. No. Av , Ph. Pr. 201 .IM 480 $4 10 42 214 $4 53 81. . . . .144 80 4 10 455 IIS . . .1B5 80 4 87 . , . .1'OtV 4 55 - . .125 4 25 HI. . . . /-V ! 455 02 17J 103 4 25 07 . . . .2--9 455 10 . . . .111 4 25 8 . . ' 455 02. . . . .101 40 4 I'O 74 . I'iiii 451 82 . . . .155 IdO 4 .f.'ii ) vh ! ) 455 77. .101 320 4 42'J ' 00. . ' * 455 71 2J1 2hO 4 42 ! , 51 . . . 28J 455 Hi . .1HU 80 4 45 CUM . . . .218 200 4 55 ' 1BO 4 M > . . . . 2. 7 12J 4 5F ; ; . ; ; 120 4 4 % 5 . . . . .264 455 74 . . . ,18S 40 4 45 G . . . .235 355 111 2IB 100 4 41 81 . . . .185 120 455 87 . . . .18.1 100 4 4 } IKS . . . IIW 80 455 * 170 480 4 08 , . . .2l.l ) 1X1 4fr , 4 . . . .I8J 200 4 4" 71) . . . .10 ! ) 4 57'/'t 5SMi | ! W 1(10 ( 4 45 07GO . . . .213 200 457 Mi UK ! 48J 4 45 GO . . . .213 120 40) f.7 . . .20J 200 4 45 5 : , .2'8 N ) 4 ( > 3 51 . . . 215 - - 4 50 75 210 2 sO 400 51Oi . . . .2.17 83 4 50 IU . . . 240 40 4 GO OiTO . . . 2W : - - 4 50 80 , . . .22J 410 TO , . , .ll'4 ' 12) 4 50 H7 . . ,407 M ) 400 54 . .2.17 ICO 4 50 ( / > . . 248 - - 4 ( < J 75M 20. 120 4 M 65 . . 3B 80 4UJ M . 167 4 M 2G . . aw 403 ftS . 128 1JO 4 5) ) G . .250 463 221 1.0 4 50 71 . 20S 203 410 77 . . 10 V.O 4 50 70 . . 210 - - 4ta 50 . 110 80 4 50 55 . 311 200 4 GO 1)0 ) .173 240 4 fill i 77 , .20 80 41,0 74 . .20" > 160 4 50 74 251 8J 4 Ml 70 . . .201 lliO 4 M 74El' 400 77 . . . . -3S ' . ' 40 4 60 El' 27(1 ( 4UO 18. . . .IVi 4 50 , 71 211 N ) 40J ( { 70 . IM 120 4 5'ii 47 . . . .2.X ) M 4 tu 78 .21.1 - 4 52K 47 „ 120 4 ( ft 78k'l . .255 240 4 5Jli ' 4S 4G5 . , S3l 2W 4 S.11 ' 0 } 2 a 40 Hi.- ) . . 215 WO 4 M i - 45. . . , an MI 4G' M ) . . .1114 N ) 4 5.1 52 211 4) ) 415 G. > .2.10 200 4 ftS 55 . . 27tl 120 4U > G.UKI. . . .2-'H 41 4 M 70M. 241 4 M Ml . . .10U 40 4 MJ M. . . : t * ira 71 214 - 4 55 18M 217 71Ut .214 IM 4 53 M . 273 HO 4f5 Ut 217 N ) 4 5i A M. . . : HK 2IH ) 40.5 on . . .25. fO 4 53 41yj. 40.- > 11 * . . 2U.I 120 4 15 yj. . . .242 40 45 ( ! 70 . . 211 J-H ) 4 55 20 . 213 4Ur 71 .187 100 4 55 25 4I 71U . 210 80 4 55 50 .33.1 470 U . .202 120 4 55 00 . 470 I'KH AMI IIOUOII. 1 . .270 2 81 11 . .14 300 1 . . .I5J 8 21 21 . . I.-O 375 1 . " " I 8 25 4 1VJ 400 1I I . . 1'fl 2 50 Olilunii > Ijlve 'ilook Ular'cct. Cnti'Ado , May U. The i\cnliiK : Jouuul 10- C\rriK--Iincclpts. 5,500 ; shipments , ; marUot uutlvo , Htnailyi natlv < > s , * 485SOOO ( ; Ti'Mim , , tl > 5 < i > t.lW ; hulfori , rj.5t/iJI85j c-iiWh , . llvcclts. | 10003 ; shipments. * - ; m.irknt stonily tn Inwi-r ; niu-'h and conimiin , JI'HXiil.lJ ; inlxi'd and put-Uiirs , l.7iil.K ; in line heavy and butcher weights tl.N5U4.lX > ; IlKhl , flbO.tl market Hlott. louer : niitlvim. f I \ ft ) dOwest \ - cms. i" .Now Vnrk llvi ) Ktookf NKW YOIIK. May 12. IIKEVKS-Itccolptu. no fresh arrivals ; ivollns Uriu , Dressed bcvf ntcaily at P'i ' < iHOo per pound ! shipments to morrow , 5,1V. ( | nartt-r if licuf. OAt.vKM-ltocclptsinj head. Market steady ! Toiil , t , > OW 5,50 per owt. | bnttcrmllks , } J5o < iJ And lambsrocclpts,3,008hcad , Mar ket ( cent per pound Inni-r. Clipped sin-op , t SVitnnti nor cwt ! clipped ycarllnui , M.37'tj lambs H"va'i.OO ! drc c < i mutton , slow. IQ'iW 12c per pound ; driv-std lumbs steady at 12ifi ! rise. lions Itccolpts , 5,429 head , Including two cars for .suli- . Market steady at il.4Mft5.05. St. IionlH Mvn Slock. PT. I.oitis , Mn.May 12. CATTI.F. Ilccpipt * . 0'iOO ; slilpincnt' . a-O ; stoidy ; fair tn fancy native itecrs. JlliO(3505j ( Tuxiins and Indians , M S4.70. lloiis-Hccolpts , P.OOOj shipments. 3.000 ; innr- krt lower ! heiivv , J4.i5J4 15 ; inltcd , II20O 4.75llu ; htm > 04.70. Knnsiis City M o Stock. KANOAI OITV , Mo , May 12. CATTI.K Ho- colpK : i,800 ; shipments. 2.000 ; market stpinly , blKlu-r ; Htccru , * .l'i : > ffi5.75 ; co , t2.2Jl.70 : stockor" and fciilor$2 50(24 ( 50 , lions Hrcoluts , 12,200 ; shliimonts , 400 ( dull , higher ; all grade- ) , -lOXai.7U. 03UMI.4 H'ilOLUNALi : JIAHKKTS. Grocprlei. St'OAll Ornnulated. 5'ic ' : cubc , 5p ! { ; rut loaf , fiyi1. murdered , stuiuliiril , 5ijcX. ; \ , now ili-rcd. 7c ; yellow U. 4Uc ; caniiry. 4ale ; light extra C , 4loj { confcctlmu-r ' A , 5o. \VootiKSWAitn I'l-rdori-n Tubs , Nil. 1 , $750 ! No. 2. M Mi ; No. 3 , * 'i 50 ; lci-li-r , oak grain , 5 In , bi-stl.50i whltoccdai. 4 In , bust , (125 ; mills , 'I hoop , uuk gr.itm-d , tl.75 ; 2 hoop , tl.50 ; syrup , il 75 ; dowi-ll , SI.Ki ; paper , metal hiHip , j..rio ; collar , 3 brass hoops. No | , nil rod , f5 50- cedar , 3 brass hoops. No , 2 , ri-d. f50U ; crdar , 3 brass hoops. No istrlpodJ500 ; cedar. 3 brass hoops. No I , strlpi-d , $1 , > 0 ; horse , i-xtra hoiivy. No. I , J2.75 ; well buckets Was. llutti-rwaro Tubs , ash , Hindi , pin nest , 7'ic ; n h , 2 Inub , 2 l.u/o sinpur ni-st.4'ic ; butter ladli-s , hard vvooil , 70o : nutter puhlti-s or snadus. 70 < - . Wnsli- boaids lylimli' , Jl IOQ20J ; doublu , $2.i03.l.35. Clothespins 5 gross bo\r , dOc. UoFni-tri-i-ii : ltlo , L-Jji'-Mo ; Java , 27c ; Mo- plin. 2so. Koiisti-d Ailusii , JJ'i 00 ; Mcl.anglilln. XXXX , $ fioo ; Itunolii. JJ5fiJ ! German , 25'ac ' : Dllwurth'H , 2"i'ic ; I , Ion , i'.Ti 00 ; ( . 'ordov la , $ . ' ' > ,00 ; Mooha. 30o : O. 11 Java. 2-c ColTuu essence li cro boxes , 1 1 I5ffil 5' : chicory , 7'i5i8c. Nurs Per pound AlinoniN , UKHrarlK ; I8iIlllurts ; , i.'c ; pucan , I iBI4o : walnuts , 13o ; pciiniits. fiim-v white , Oc ; ro'istuil , 8c. DIIIKII l'ltl'lT-4 TuikNIi pruni'M , less than Mills Ib'X ' ) , Sic ( : apples , ovapn rated , now ring , choice. I4c ; aprliots , fanuj , in cacKs , 20o ; Ijlackbcrrlui , now , He ; r.isphorrli-s , 23 Ibs to box , 30c ; currants , new. Oc : VotlMl cnrranlH , extra , In bo\i-s , li c : peaches , Onl , choice , I.'KJ ; Uallfoinla dried grnpi-s. tn bugsGo ; si-cdli-ss hnltamts siu-Us , Oc ! mu'catels ( c ; now Viili-ncln , 7'ic ; Onilura. Injei.b'jc : ( Igs , layi-rs 141i20c : cltum , LcRnnrii , 20o ; lemon pt-cl , 15c. Uiirs Quarto , per do$1 51 ; pints , pcrdo ? , M.7i ! bulk , pprgnl , tl.il. Ollveoll. ' 5 pints , dopircii c , * l.5Xt520. ( ! F\iiiNAC'ioii8 ( loonHurley , 4c ; farina , Uo s , if > 00 ; split piIM. . .I'Jc ; en-en pens , 2c ; o.it- iniul , UbN. tn.fioari.75 ; half bbls , J.I.IVBI50 ; macauml , 12tpimli.olll ; , 1-V' ; s igo nnd tiipl- ocn. OSVi'lot ' Mma beans , 53 < c ; ci-tcalliip , H2I ; linked hominy , 3c ; pearl hominy , ? J73 pur -I ) ilry , 280 Ibs In bbls. bulK. * - ' 10 ; best gniilfs , 005s. # . ' .40 : best grade. 100 Us * . ' & 0 ; bust Kradu. 23 10s , $ 40 ; rock salt , crushed , 8J.10. lUKi.so Povv DKii Uoyal , dlmo cans , per doz , 0 c : V-'bcniib ' , $1.4r > ; ' 4-lbcans. t.'Gj ; 1-lb cans. 15.00 ; Pi Ico's i4-lb cans. $1 M : ' 4-lb cans. $ . ' 50 ; 1-lb cans , W.75 : other kinds , 1-lb cans , per doz , $1 OUO.1.85. WliAi-i'lNO I'Al-hlt Per Ib. best straw , Tixl8 to 3'x44 , l' o ; iliy goods , 4iic ; o\tri quality manllla , oic ! ; munllla tea , UxlS , Oc ; datU rag , hardware. 2J4'c. On.h IV ) prime vhltp. tic ; 150 water white ll'Jc ; headlight. I.'c : 74 gasollno , ll'ic. Ol c.ins-1 gal , $ JOO.2- ) ; gal. U75&JSO ; gui , J.I.505MOO. HOIIA PncUagi-s , 50 Itis to box. 5'Jo ; kps. yc. TIAS Japan , basket liru5,2l'ft5."icHun ' ; drlul , 3.VJf,4" > o ; gri IMI , 20Jt50c : gnnpow dor , 2050c ; I'n- Sllsh breakfast , .C/2.750 . ; young III son. " 0a5c ; olong. 2V3IKalb ; pauUiiRc dust , Ho. A.M.i ! ( IIIHAS.B Per gross I'rarlui's largo tins , $ .10 GO ; medium tins $ J7.00 ; small , 5.00 ; other maUcs , wood , $5.)0s)0. Ili.ACKl.Mi ado ? In box , : l75cladles' ; shoo dressing. 45c&tl.OO slovo uollsh , jior gross , t J 00(33 ( 50. Hl.UlNll Mquld , 4 07 , 3 do ? In box , 00c4l.75 ; 8 07 , 3 doIn box , Jl/iO2.75 ; dry , small , 25c ; large , 45c. AlAi'i.K SUCIAH Per Ib 5c cakus. 3111boxes , 1 ! c : lOc cukcM , : w-lb boxes liMvt 1-lb briuks , Jt Ibs In box. pure. IJe. HKOOMS 5-tlo puilor , M 00 : 4-tlo. J2.75 ; n-tlc. ( J.85 ; 3-tic. plain. II. 8j ; wuiehouse , iJOOtoy ; , 1.2i ; wblsk , JI.OJ1.25. tocoANUT 15-llicascB , y nnd H-lb packages , per Ib , 10 < 3.-Tc ; bulk. 15-lb nulls , 25c. Flout- . Omaha Milling Co , Ui-llunco Patent , $ .1.10 ; Inylnulhlo Patent. JJ.SO : Lone btnr biipcrla- tlve , t.'SO ; SnowllaUc , $ . ' .10 ; Fancy I'.imlly , K.'r. Davis Mill Co. , High Patent No. 1 ana Cream. J.8llluu ; I ) , full p itent.t..GO ; Hawk- pyo. half intent , { . ' .40 ; Special Iloyal , patent , No. 10. 13. 10 : Minnesota Patent , IJ.ro ; Kansas Hard \Vhcnt , patent , tJ.65 ; Nebraska bprlng Wheat , piitcnl , I..OO. Oskamp'B ready to rise buckwheat flour , W.8.1 pur case of 50 2-1 b pucltHgcs ; biickwhpiit , In bblfl , N. Y. . MOO ; Excelsior brand , S5.50 ; felap Jack Meal , J.1.75 per case of 50 2-1 1) pack- . Oilman's Gold Medal , V 91 ; Snow White , J2.00 ; Snow Hake. JJ.20 : low grade , 11.00 ; bran , W'-OO ' ; chopped feed , $ ' . ' 7.1)0. ) Country Pioilurc. The butter market Is very wealc , owing to the Iniiroiisud receipts and the break at east ern points. A heavy buyer and .shipper un- nouncOil that he could not pay above l-o ! for the best stock huro while ho has been paying 1.VJJJ18C fet the Miino stock. This Is.a . big come down , but no moro than wan oMicctod. The bay market contlnuiiHon the down grade. Tbo quality of the receipts Is not good , but the great iiuantlty of poor hay offered for snlo brings down tno pi Ice even on the boat grades. Kggs continue firm , receipts being moderate and tbo demand very fair. The following quotations are bused on yesterday's Hales. I'orm [ Inlk of sales lie. IIUTTKU Oood to choice countiy Lutter , 12 l8c. POUI.TIIV Choice live hens , 14.00 ; roosters , t3.5iKa.l75. HAY Host upland , $ r OGXJS.OO per ton. Kl-llitN. The market was almost bate of strawberries anil the few hoio wcutolT at a llvuly into. The following quotations aru based upon yostordnv's sales : OIIANOEM-LOS Angck-a , W.75S3.03 per bcx ; Klvuras. f.100 ; Riversides , $150. I'lNUAi'i'i.tb Per do/- , ? - 85G3 M ) . SriiAwnhliiiHS Pcrcasoof 24 quarts. Jl 03. Arri.KS The market Is practically of good shipping stock. lKMo.NS-Cliolco stocl ; , per box , to 50 ; fancy. J7.00. CHAPE I'IHIIT I'prbox. $ J.0 , UANANAS-1'or bunch. t-.UUi l 00. The general market was about steady , with no especially new features. Thu following quotations are based on yes terday's salts : Nr.w POTATOM Per Ib. . 2Jc. } SQUAHK Pur crate of 3 do/en. * ? .50. POTATOKR Homo grown block , $1.00 ; western stock , tl.00ffll.10. UUCUMIIKII * Ppr dozen. $1,50. OAIIIIAIIE California stock , per Ib , 2'/ic ; soiithorn , pur i-r.itu , $150. Pin PLANT Per Ib. 3o. SOUTHERN OAUMH.DWEII Per do/on , $2.25 © 2 : a. TOVIATOKS Southern stock , biishnl boxes , $5.00 ; fancy , orates , u baskets , tr > .85QS 50 per crato. SotmiEii.v Ili'ANS Wax. $ . ' 00 per H bushel box ; string , $ l.25l.50 per M biihhul box. Toi1 ONIONS Pur bunch , 20c. Si'i.Nscii-IVriibl. 11.50. LBTlUl'K Uhnluu stock , 40o. KuTMiAfiAS MlohUun block , par bu. Me. IIH.T.S Pur In.hhnl. $1.0 1. OAllllOTB PIT bushel , $1 00. HAIIIHIII.S Per dozen bnnuhcs , 4 05o ! . ) < > l'AiisNn-4 I'oi bimhul.tl.ni ItKA.vs Mi-iliiims , f.'OO , navy. * ! ' " > Asi-AHAnns Homo grown stock. 5Jo per doz. PKAK Pur busbol box , t..OO , peri ! bushel box , tl.25 ANOTHER OMAHA SLANDERER , Our Fair Nome Dcfhtncd by a Obicngo Preacher-Prohibitionist , ONE OF HIS BRETHREN CALLS HIM DOWN , Humor Tlint Secretary Noble Will lie- bltfii niul Ma Siu'uoodcd lij Car ter Tnlk About the Cin cinnati Conference. CHICAGO OFFICE or Tun Hp.n , ) CHICAGO , Muy 12. f At n meeting of Congregational ministers tlio high1 license question caused n lively ills cusston. Wulter Thorna Mills , the prohlbl- tton orator , talu Unit In Oinnlm , which was one of the oldest high license cities In the union , crlniL1 , ilrunltcnnoss and general wick edness wcio wore coinmnn Hum In any other Aineilcnn city. Mills' argument wasstrongly controvcitcil , however , bj another minister , who cltotl Ilnngornnil 1'orllnml , Maine's i > ro- hlbltlon cities , where , ho said , "cock tailsiitul whisky straights can bo procured at nnj hour of the r.ight oriluy. " V.VIM , Miiu.R iirsios ? Dr. C. 1C. Cok' , a lending cltixen of Mon tana and ono of Helena's ilchust men , has re ceived a letter from Washington at the Ami ! torlum hotel containing n statement Unit Secretary - rotary Noble would lesign in a conplo of months and that 'Ihomas Carter of Helena would bo the new secietnry of the Interior. eisciWAT ! losH'iuistr rii : 11 ATIOV. rtom correspondence received It Is shown thatthcio will bo a strong fouling against making n new party at the national union conference In Cincinnati next week , anil an effort will bo inndo to postpone do- clsivo action until next Tcbuiary , when n confluence of all tno ctuat labor anil fanner bodies will bo bold there. A MUTUAL IDVHO M\\ . Senator J 11 Delnmnr of Idaho proposes to donate toward the display of Hint state at the woild'fl fair as much as tlio legislature may apptopilato. Ho savs oven If the state raises J1UO.OUO ho will dupficato It. STO1TISO THAIS' ) TO IiU n MONTV. The citl/ons who adanccil money on time omeis given by omplinos against the Indiana Midland railwm , together with the bcellon men , have stonped the running of tialns on the mad by c.iptuiing and disconnecting them , putting out the llres and drawing the water from the engines They refuse to allow n train to go over tlio toad until the company settles for the money , now six months over due. A I1IO MANUFACTLIMNO I'UNT. Traycr & Chalmers , mamifncturcis of min ing machlneiy , have paid $ . < 00XK ( ) f or n twenty aero tract on the west side and will locate' theieon a manufacturing plant of nineteen buildings und covciing twelve acres of giound. HIS IOT NOT A JIUTT OVP. Olllccr Timothv Klt/ecrald stopped a run away horse when a bulldog Jumped from a passing milk wagon and badly lacerated both ills K'gs. The olllccr shot the dog and again sci/cd the noise , when the animal kicked him senseless , producing seiious intcinal In juries. GUATTMAI.t'S NEW MlSISTClt. Antonlon Batrcs , the recently appointed minister plenipotentiary from (5ir.itoMi.ilii to the United States , anived yesterday on mute to Washington Don IJntres Is ono of the best knonn and most popular members > of the dip lomatic corps. Twentv J ears ago lie was an attache of the Guatemalan legation at Wash ington und nndor Aithur was appointed min ister. Ho returned to his own country in lSM5mid Is now to resume his former position , succeeding Do Crusewho has been one of the most able members of the Pan-American congress. Ho is accompanied by H. A. Snla- zar , who bus been authorized by his govern ment to open a bureau of information and Im migration In New York city. "Wo , In Guatemala , " Dr. Hatros said , "have great hopes regarding the results of establishing such a bureau. The lack of ad equate information Is all that has prevented many Americans from taking advantage of tbo incalculable natural resources of our country. " THEY VVANTTIlnil MONEY. Martha Ellen Edwards , Catherine Agnes Edwards and Eugene Edwards , administra tors of the estate of the late Sarah Piorpout Edwards , have begun suit In the circuit court to recover t5UOO ! from Whcolor D. F. Edwards. An affidavit of attachment sots forth that the defendant is indebted to tbo plaintiffs In the above amount for money ho received belonging to them , which ho hascon- voitcd to MB own private use and refused to account for. Whcelor D. P. Edwards is a resident of Now York city , and the charuo Is made that ho Is about to dispose of Ills prop erty to ( tolniud the plaintiffs and other cied itors. The plaintiffs gave bond In fiO.OOO. MAKING 1IOIITEH CIOAHS. John W. Linclc , a special agent of the tieasury recently stationed In Now Orleans , has airivcd In Chicago uuJcr special orders to Investigate a phaseof the McKlnloy tax upon Cuban cigars that the government had not anticipated and which Is seriously Im pairing the revenue expected fioin the to- boeeo trade. Mr. Ltnck has discovered that Cubans have gotten aw av ahead of Undo bam without committing any fraud and nothing can stop them. Under the McKIn- lev law Cuban cigars aie taxed M.5U per pound and 25 cents ndvalorem duty. The other duty was f-I.M ) and 25 cents respectively. The new law sent the prices of Cuban cigars up according to the Incieaso , but soon denl- cis began to sell Cuban cigars at the ola prices , and on orders from the tieasury de partment , Mr. Uinck , who was then sta tioned at New Orleans , begun nn investiga tion wtilcb losulted in tlio discovci.v that Cuban cigaramkurs have been for some time making their cigars light. They wrapped the cigars much looser and slightly smaller , with the resultof saving fiom two to thrco pounds in evoty thousand cigais and the practical result Is that the increased duty docs not bear any hardur than the old tariff and the only difference to the smoker Is that ho gets n slightly smaller cigar loosely wrap ped. Mr Linen's Inquiries in this city have developed the fact that all Cuban sollcis arc cutting two and thieo pounds out of every l.Hl ( ) ) cigars. Mr Uncle will remain in Chicago cage for bcv eral daj s and then continue his investigations In eastern cities. OIIDt ASK ENDS. The Illinois cicmatory association will build hero una of tun finest crematories in the world at n cost of fctf.UOO. An institution to bo known as the Wesley hospital will ho built at Dcaiborn and Twentv-tlfth streets at a test of $ IMUOO , KosldenU about Normal park , an atlsto- tralio addition to the city , nro stiongly op posed to inaitistlu II.its. Unknown paitios toio down the walls ol several ilurinir the night and tilled the mot tar-boxes uilli brick and mud. Tbo Pcnnmgton alr-bhlp has Down at last REHD [ So That YoU Will Not BB Deceived. Unscfupuloua intiiiufiicturcrs of incdicincs tire olTeriiiff to supply the retail druggists with nn article put up in led A-rnppor , nlinoit identical in fjonu' ' 1 up- pcurnnuo , nnd closely nssiinilutod In every ilotail to Curtor'a Little Liver Tills. In this way they hope to prollt by the merit of Cut tor's Llttlo Liver I'llla , and palm oil nn Imitation on thouiiHUsptoting gullerer nnd purchaser. It Is ft source of nondcr to honest people , that there are : nen ready and willing to perpetrate sueh frauds. Let thorn beware ; a day of reckoning will surely come ; there are "upright judges" In the land who will punish such people. Hut the moral of it all is thin : When you ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills , insist upon having ' 'C-A-R-T-K-H--S , " and see that you got them. The proprietors of Carter's Little Liver Pills have spent hundreds of thous ands of dollars to make their value known. True moi'lj. always vvIns with tlio people , Carter's Llttlo Liver Pills have won. R Positive Cure for Sick Headache SMALL , FILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE- - on a flat-car. It Is said thn Ml. Cnrmol aeronaut hns now tlcrideil to tnnko n trip throilgh thu hcr.vcns from SU Louis. SldJons hns Issued n formal challenge to White for another fliflit for K > 00 to f1,000 it lilo under the satno conditions which pov- * crned at the KortVavno battle. The chnl- * lengo will In all probability ho accepted. Hurry Ullmoro , the man from whom Jack McAullfTo won the tltlo of light weight champion , has uostcd a forfeit nnd Issucil n clmllciiKo to light any I''U pound man in the world. Kcv. F. A. Cummlng , pastor of the First Mothoillst church at Ocnesco , used threat ening InnRiiago nt the house of Dr. Wells and was lined for disordcily conduct. ATKINSOV. DoWltt's Llttlo Eary lilscrs. Uost llttla pill over made. Cure constipation ovorjr. time. Nona equal. Use them now. Nuiiiln-p niul Coiullilon of the Conl Slliu-i'H Now WlllltiKly l "o. OTTUVIWA , la , May 12 iSpeclal Telogratn toTiiBUKi-.J-Tho Mtno UallroaU nullotln , Issued nt Mjstlc , sajs that In the following counties the men nro all out ami the mines are at a standstill : Appnnooso county , 1,300 men , Van Huron , ' . ' 00 , \\njno , 100 ; Monroe , Master Workman Scott and T M McAtty arrived today from Columbus They will talk to n meeting of miners hcio tomorrow morning and leave for the Second district In the afternoon. Secretaiv Fromm left for Ccntervllio last night , whoreho took n train for Avery to distribute linancial aid to the locked out miners. IOU.I'H Mi-all h. Di's Moisr , In. , May 1U ( Special Telegram - gram to THE Uisii.J Tlio state board of hcaltb began Its annual session today. Sec retary Kennedy , In his report , reviewed the diphtheria outbreak , and mentioned the fact that moro deaths have occurred In Iowa fiom la glipno within the last six months than from diphtheria. Consumption and pneu monia head the list as fatal diseases. Those , with diphtheria and choleia lufantum. caus > o half the deaths In Iowa l-'l\o applicant * were examined for ccittticatos , ono a Indv. The twenty sciond annual session of ifahn- matin Medical association of Iowa was held lion ? today with good attendance. The iiect- Ing this iiftetnoon was an Informal ono The physicians discussed the prevaling diseases uncountmcd duilng the past.\car , la nrlppo and diphtheria , scailet fever and measles ic- ceivlngmoio notlco than any others. This aftoinoon Dr. Dickinson of DoMolnoa do ll vored the welcoming adtlicss. This was followed by the president's address , after which the reports of the sociotary and treas urer and boatd of censers were leccivcd. The convention will continue tomoirow. Supreme Court .Mat torn. Dns MotNi-s , la , May 12. Tlio May term of the state supreme couit began today. JudgoGtatiger was called homo by the seri ous Illness of bis daughter , and Chief Justlco Heck announced that ho would bo unable to sit with the court much of the timo. Twen ty-seven applicants for admission to the bar wore pioiont , and n committee was appointed to examine them. Only ono opinion was tiled , that of thu state , appellant , against Jolm Mclfi tram Johnson district , reversed. Xot Iliunril. Detail til , In. , May 12. [ Special Telegram to Tin HII : : . | Ono thousand negroes pahseA' noith over the Uurllngton , Cedar Hapids ft Not them tailway today on their wav to Mon tana and Washington They Illled ten coaches , and all are fiom Hannibal , Mo. The ocutslon was gotten up by the Northern Pa- tillc railway. _ Kpvvortli bulimic. . Convention. CKDitli HMDS , la. , May 13. [ Special Tele gram to Tim BKE. ] The Epworth league. convention of this district opened ut Mount Vcrnon this morning , with a largo number of delegates In attendance. Tno mooting will lust two days. A very small pill but a very goodouo. Da Witt's ' Uttlu Early Ulsora. " \VI/.nril I ilUon'H Latest. Ctncvoo , May 13. Thomas A. ndlson , th clcctticul wizard , arrived here today. When asked If ho had an electrical novelty In store for the Columbian exhibition ho said : 'Well , I have u thing In view , but the de tails are not yet completed. My intention is to have such a happy combination of photo graphy and electricity that a man can sit in his own parlor nnd see depicted , upon a curtain the forms of player * In opera upon a distant * \\\j \ \ and hoar t'io voices of the MiiKors.Tion Jhls system Is perfected , which will bo la time for the fair , each tilth ) musclu of the singer's fuco will bo soon to work , even the color of bis or her nttiro will bo exactly ro- proUuccd and tbo stride and positions will be as natural as tnoso of the llvo characters. To the sporting fraternity I will state that ere long tills s\ stem can bo applied to priio lights. The vvbolo sccno with the nolso of the blows , talk , etc. , will bo truthfully trans- feirod. Arrangements can bo inndo to send views of the mill to the stock nnd iaca ticker. " DoWitt's Little Early Risers , best pill. UN Ijliibl Hies nrr Small. Nnvv YOIIK , May 12. The assignee an nounces that the liabilities of the Union Pa * clllc tea company will not exceed $ , ! 0,000. Ho thinks the company can pay in full and will resume. L'KE GE L GRANT'S. I had a cancer on mv Fatal tongue that spicail un results til my line t was so til- . fi clod that I could FO ircc- ly swallow. My phyiil- cancer clan salil It was a ca'o ous sores vrry sltnllar to Gi-n'l. have Q nnt'B. S S S. cu.el often me Bound and well. 1 been b Hove It saved my llfu. . averted Mis A. M. Coldsmltli , by taking - " lirookljn , N. Y. ing S S. S. Hook o i Blood and kin iliHean B Tico. T S ' S-i-l ' \t ant r.a. HOTEL DEI/LONE. Corner 14th and Capitol Avenue. Just completed , hai 100 rooms , thros ctalrwayn , from the top to the bottom , lias line elevator and dinning roan sarvioj , t flre proot throughout , tine hilUr.l roomi and ; tbo ( most totlot roomi in thj city. Largo ample rooms , Sultm with tnth t i. Cot J4th and Caultol Avo. Street car service In all d.ractlona. Hatos. from 4 .6U to 4.00 WANTED Total ls uei of CITIES , COUNTIES. SCHOOL m- . . , -m , DIOTRICTB , WATER COMPANIES , 8T.R.n.COMPANIE8 , ltt C'orreii-ondcnre solicitor ! . N.W.HARRIS&COMPANY.Bankers. 101-109 Denrborn Qlrnot , CHICAGO. :3 We'l Gtreet , MEW YOIIK/- 7Q Mate UI.UOBTOH. . . P. T. HUGHES , WIIOAiAM : ! OASII I1M.IM ! Mnikul l.ttiet , llunvur. Ciriundo. Kltiln , III niul WuntHrn Croiinurliutter , KuKminn Chui e IUUUI A 1 Diiiiilf IKK i ami , with tllluri tu lu.in lo rur nlil | > pui > uiiU oiliun i bo nil" I Mro lain * u nil up Hlili lir Uit fruliflit linuil clicup IliitUir In iiil ilutlu Muj. itvilktilv ( ur qjuUtlglii on au-