TTTTC OMAHA "HATT/V TVRlfc VVinTVNnr. n A V TUAV 19 1GO1 WHEN .THEY REACH OMAHA , How the Gate Olty Will Rcoeivo the Presi dential Tourists. CORDIAL WELCOME TO THE EXECUTIVE , " t rians for I'nrmlo ntitl SpceuhiiinkinR , JlnndsliakliiK null CarrlnK * ' Driven TliroiiKH Alrondy Gathering A lUuln : Surlltc. Today will bo n busy ono for the cltircns of Omaha , und If tlio details of tbo programme arranged nro carried out 1'resident Harrison nnd party will bo accorded u most enthus iastic welcome to Omaha by her loyal citizens. The special train bearing the presidential party will bo met nt Lincoln by a delegation of cltlmis nud osuortud to Oinabu , . arriving ntlll : ) o'clock. At the union depot the party will bo mot by the oxccutivo committee , nnd under escort of troop * from Fort Omaha , the Onmha guards and a platoon of police , will piocccd to the pavilion at the entrance to the court house grounds. Hero Mayor Cushlng will deliver the nddross of wolcomo. President Harrison will deliver an address , und speeches nro also cxpreunl from Post- inastcr General Wiwnm.iker and Secretary of Agriculture Husk. After the addresses , which will bo con eluded about 13:80 : o'clocit. the party will cross the street to the rotunda of Tun Ilci : building , where for ono hour the president , will shako hands with as many citizens and visitors as possible. Mrs. Hnriison and mem bers of the local reception committee will bo present nt the reception. The visitors will enter Tin : Urn building at tlio Farnam street entrance and , after greeting tlio chlof execu tive , will pass out through .the Seventeenth attcut entrance. At the expiration of the hour allotcd for the reception , the president and party will re-enter the carriages and start on n drive around the city. Stops will bo inado at the High school grounds and nt Crelghton col- lope , whuru the president will address the school children , the drlvo closing at the resi dence of Uovornor Saunders , Sherman nvenuo and Uraco street , whore the presi dent will lunch nnd rest until the time for departure by special train over the Wabash at f > : . ' { 0 o'clock. . President HarrisonGovcrnorTlmjcr , Hon. Jnnics K. Boyd and Aluyor li.C. Cushlng will occupy ono carriage. Tlie following Is tlio route of the carriage , drive : Lou vu HKF. building at l-i i p.m. . west on rnrnuni toTuontliitli , noilh on Twuntloth to Uodcu , west on Dodge to Twenty-second , north on Tnrtity-scuond to high school ground entrance , arrlvu at hl : h suliool Imlldlnx at ! . ' p. in. , lenri ) hlRh school litillilliiK at ' 'ISO p. in. , north on Tnuiity-bccond to Clilu.iKo , easton Chlciii'o toTuunty-llrHtiortlioiiTucnty-Ur ) > it to Oiillrornla , wust on I'aliforiii.i to Tttenty- llftli , south on Twcnty-lltlh to Dodge , west on ] > odK < > l < > Tweiity-llftli nxonuo , soutli oy Twenty-tl.'lli aventio to I'timum , nest on I'timum toSelilen , sonlli on Sulden to I.oavon- \forth , east on lAwvenuorth to 'I'hlrty-llrst , Houtli on Tlilrty-llrst to Woolworth avenue , cast on Woolnurtli avuiiuo to Twenty-ninth struct , north on Tui'iity-iilnUi slrojt U ) JaeK- non , cast .jin Jackson to Tu only-eighth , north on Twenty-eighth to Ili.rney. east oil llurnoy to Twunty-lltth avonno - . . . . * south on cwunty-jmi iivi'iiuu to St. Mary'n avenuu , on .St. Mary's avenue to Twenty-Tom th , north un Twenty-fourth to ] lurney , easton ilnrnny t < i Tlilrtuenth , north to Douglas , west to Flfti'HMth , noith to Dodge , vest to rilvtuuiilli , noith on Sixteenth to Gov- Humidors' , Sliurmun iivoiuio and Oruuo. TIME OF AHIUVAI , Of CAIUUAIJK ItlUE AT VAIU- OUfl 1'OINTS. 2:00 : D m. , IHeh school. Ssl.'i D. m. , Urolghton oolloso. 2X : ! ) p , in. , Kariiain und Twenty-fifth avcnug. 2:35 : j ) . tn , Kiiriium und Tlilrty-tlilrd , 2:40 : U. in. , Soldoii nnd Jones stri'ots. 2:45'p. : m. , Muioy anil Tlilrly-llrststri'uts. 2:50 : p. m. , AVoolworth avenue utidTcaty - nlntli uvontie. SsM p. m. , JnoKson und Twenty-eighth Btrcots. il:00p. : in. . SI. Mary's avenue and Twonty- flfth Htteot , : i05 ; p. iu. . Court house. 3:10 : p. in. , Jefferson 8iiiure. | 11:15 : o. m. Sliermiin avenue nnd Paul street. 3Up. : : ! in. , Governor Summers' lodldonco. Already Hero. Among prominent stnto ueoplo who arrived In the city yesterday and will participate in the wulcomo to the president were : Ex- Lieutenant Governor MclKeljohu of Fullerton - ton , Hon. Sol Draper and General Conkllng of Nlobrarn ; lion. John Mickey of Osccola ; Hon. A. O. Duckworth of North Platte ; ex- Governor Dnvld Butler of Pawnee City ; Captain J. H. Stickol and Hon. P. M. Wotherall of Hebron ; Hon. Joseph Dartloy v of Atkinson ; Judge A. W. Critos of * S , Ohndron ; Colonel Alloy of O'Neill ; > * S. L , Winter. Woodbine , Iu. ; L. Wossel , jr. , Efticoln ; C. A. Lcitlor , Portsmouth ; Adju- taut General Greene Dim wife , DCS Molnos ; C. D. Ham , Dos Molncs ; John C. Higby , sr. , Beatrice ; J. J. French nnd wlfo , Wayne ; L. T. P. Spongier , Hancock , la. ; C. L. IHcbards , Hebron ; P. M. Wothorald , Hebron ; M. U. Bontly , Hcd Cloud ; P. T. Borchurd , Norfolk ; W. S. Crawford , Sioux City : H. Watlo Glllis , Tokumuh ; Piorson D. > Smith , St. Edwards ; G. W. Clark and wile , Humphrey ; C. A. SlaUburgo nnd wife , Humphrey ; P. Summcrman , Uattlo Creek ; A. V. Carlson , Stromsburg ; M. S. H yward and wife , Nebraska City ; D. Butler , Puw- nco ; J. B. Stowurt , York ; O. E. Hull , Puw- 11 eo. The following delegation came down from Kournoy ; Dr. G. W. Martin , Mrs. E. E. Martin , George H. Downing and wlfo , George ; E. Ford , H. H. Greor , A. N. Scott , Mrs. L. B. Watson. The incoming trains last night were all heavily laden with visitors and the hotels were all crowded to their utmost capacity. It seemed as If everybody's country rela tions were Hocking Into the city to attend the presidential reception. with tlio I'rrsldont. Mr. John J. Sbrlvor , WashliiKton correspondent pendent for the Now York Mad and Express , arrived In the city yesterday. Mr. Shrivor loft Washington three days before tbo start ing of ttiu presidential party , nnd has visited each dty in advance of tlio chief executive. Ills Bchoilulo calls for his arrival In Washing ton two hours in advance of the presidential party. _ Cooked and Primed. Grand Marshal Wcller and Ids aides held a short meeting yesterday afternoon to talk Ikal over the arrangements for the presidential ale reception today. No changes in the pro- gr.tmmo wcro nmtlo. The executive commit tee authorized Marshal Wellur to make any changes today that ho ucomud nocossury. A Now Move. I.pslo ! & Leslie. 103 N. Iflth. C. J. Frlco , Mlllard Hotel. * W. J. Hughes , liliil Farnam. ( K4 N. 10th. J.V Clark , S. 2lth ! i Wooiworth ave. A. Sbrotor , 15'il Farnam. All tbo above named leading druggists liandlo tbo famous Excelsior Siu-ings , Mls- Buiirl , waters and Sterean Ginger Alo. Omaha Tout and Awning Co. , 1113 Ftirnaiu. I rnlt BllKlitly KBV.NOI.HS ob. , May li. ! . . { Special to ii n BKK. ] A heavy frost has somewhat od garden vegetables , but it Is safe to say that the fruit will bo although damaged to no extent , tbo orchards on high ground vo escaped serious injury. Howe scales , trucks , coilco mills , car- ttartcrs , Harrison convoyor. Catalogues of JJordon & Selleek Co. , agents , Chicago , 111. The croutest opportunity of your fein is now to know whut I lit * future 1ms in btoro for you. Consult Mrs. Dr. Do Sun , the BTtMitL-t-t cliilrvoyunt nud councilor in thu world. Now tit 8 ± 3 N. 10th street. iijht : ( More Soldiers Arrested. WAI.I..V WAI.H , Waih. , May 12. Eight [ more soldiers have been arrested by the mil itary uuthoiltlcs for complicity in the lynch lug of Hunt. This mukcs sixteen men now " u custody. Dr. Blrnoy euros euuirrn. Boo bid ? . li.V u N. J. , May 1'A Willlo Smith , the nino-yenr-old son of C. W. Smith , super intendent of Scott's printing press works , has been bitten by a vagrant dog In the street. HU loft oar was torn completely oft so that It hunt ? by u shred , nnd his throat was terribly lacerated. The boy was token homo In n fainting condition. A physician snld the dog's teeth bnrciv missed penetrating the Jtu.-n.lar vein. The boy is In n precarious con dition. All for Sister. How much iconcy tmvo I cot In my bank ! Korty-flvo cents , stranger only want ISvo cents more. What will I do then , strangorl Whyyou seo.slster has such n tcrrlblo cough , and people say it will bo bad on her if she don't get better soon , and thn folks tell mo Haller's sure coufth syrut ) will euro It right up ; so you see flvo cents ? Thank you , stranger. jiLAi'Aisn.r'ti tiot > \ ' nt ; Cremation ol'the Ucinalns of Theoso- I'i'lOHtOHS. LONDON , May lii. Tbo earthly tabernacle of Mine. Hlavatsky , the deceased high priestess of the thcosophlcnl cult , who has started on her spiritual progress to ICanna and Mlrvann , wai resolved Into Its original elements by the agency of flro yesterday In the presence of most of the disciples of tbo thcosophlcnl society In London. The funeral started from the St. John's Wood Temple at 10 o'clock in the morning , Thcuoflln was at tended by four nail bearers G. H. S. Mood , Mine. Ulavatsky's private secretary , Claude H. Wright , W. U. Old and Herbert Burrows. Tbo blor was covered with ( lowers , tbo cen tral wreath being conspicuous by the orange colored slln plush bow by which it was tied. When the procession arrived nt the cemetery - tery It halted und Mr. Mead read nn address eulogistic of tbo virtues and the mystic irift of thu departed priestess. The coftln was then convoyed to the furnace and the budy was reduced to nsbcs In two hours. Tbo ashes wcro placed In nn e.irthcnwnro Jar , which was handed to Mr. Meau and the countess of Wnchtmclster , * ono of tbo trustees of the theosophical society In Europe , who convoyed them to St. John's Wood , where they will bo transferred to a silver casket and deposited m Mmu. Blavat- slty's private loom , .which , In accordance with the last expressed wish of tbo deceased , will bo loft In precisely the same condition it was when she died. Nothing will bo touched or icmovcd. Ten members of the society went to Queenstown last night to meet Atuilo Besant , who will probably take up the sacerdotal robe dropped by the dead high priestess. Not many physicians make great therapeu tic discoveries. For tbo most part they con- flnethomsolves with administering Judiciously what is prescribed in the books. To Ur. J.C. Ayer , however , Is duo the credit of discover ing that irrcntost of blood purifiers Ayor's Sarsaparllla. 'JMOUSAXlt l > 0tl , < lll > i .1 l-MiM" . A IIlK Gninhllnn Game Which Has Got Into Court. BOSTONMass. . , May 12. There was r storv of gambling extraordinary in the trlu ! of tbo case of Annie B. Everett against John Stetson. Mrs. Everett is suinir to recover $1 ,000 , which is three tlnioi tl.o amount she alleges was won nt the gaming table from Jonathan Bourne , the Now Bedford million aire. Mr. Stetson is president of the Carleton - ton club , in which the nllogcd gambling was done. The defense bus been reached , nnd the explanation of the loss of the money was given. It was admitted that there was gambling , but according to the defense ) it was done in Bourne's room lit the Adams house. Fifteen thousand dollars was won from the millionaire In flipping coppers at $1,000 a flip. After losing $15.000 , Million aire Bourne hauled $10,000 in big bills from nn Insldo pocket and Insisted In staking that sum against the $15,000 which had already been won from him. Mr. Wescotl , who had been flipping In great luck , demurred at llrst , but finally covered the $10,000 with the $15,000 , which ho had already won. Then the copper was Illpocd and the big stake was won by Jilr , Wescotl. It Is probably the biggest sum which ever figured in n penny tossing contest. The case Is not yet finished. The lindicH Delighted. The pleasant effect nnd the perfoo safety with which ladles may use the liquid fruit laxutivo , Syrup of Figs , under all con dltlons make it their favorite remedy. It is pleasing to the eye and to the taste , gciitlo , yet olTcctual In acting on the kidneys , liver and bowels. VEXSVS nvKEAV ox nmiTS. The Unlt : l StntpH tlio Most Favored Nation. WASHINGTON , May 12. The census bureau has issued n bulletin upon tbo debts of the world. As far a-s can bo obtained the debt of foreign nations In 1390 was , less n sinking fund , $3fli3(5,070,000 ( ( , nn increase over 1S80 of $7,154,50.1,055. The debt of tuo United States for the same time shows a decrease of $1,007- 455,000 , or moro than half the amount of the debt in 18SO. The decrease in the debt of the states and territories for ten years to IbOO is $07,210,000. In the saaio tlmo the debt of the counties increased $17.840,000. Hola- lively the burdens of debt falls far heavier upon the Inhabitants of the principal foreign countries , except these of Germany , than these of this country , whllo the individual fluctuations of amounts of indebtedness of sovcnty-nino foreign nations reported have been considerable during the dec.ulu. The aggregated indebtedness shows relatively but little chniiRO , csiiooiully If compared with tlio increase of population. Aggregating tlio miUonnl , state mm county Indebotednoss per capita sliows a decrease from $40.5 ! ) In ltSUto * S 0.4G in 1S90. The aKgroaato surplus ro- o.'lpts of anottior dacado liku the o'no Just past would relieve the country from nearly all the national , state and county indebted ness , could they be distributed for the pur- poso. HoUSi : OP Rltl'IICSKNTATIVKS , D. C. The Excelsior Springs , Mo , waters nro delicious to the taste and splendid in ro- milts when used In bllous and malarial con ditions of tbo system. C. H , Mnnsur , M. C. JKLOrjW Wl'lit A lUjiXIt GfllL. She Hu'l Money and Her 1C AVns Overlooked. CociircTOV , N. Y. , May 12. M. S. Tyler , n leading business man of Damascus , Pa. , across the Delaware river from this plnco . , had lived happily witn his wlfo and family many years. Several days ago ho disappeared and about the saino titnn n young blind girl , 'a ' daughter of the most conspicuous family "In this part of the Delaware valley , was missed. A brother of tno girl traced her to Now York and Lack toMlddloton , Ornngo countywhoro ho found her living with Tyler. All his efforts to induce her to rot urn homo wore of no avail. The girl recently came in posses sion of $12,000 , a bequest from her father > , who died a few years , a < o. No intimacy wus ever Known or suspected between her mm Tyler. The families lived close neighbors. The girl was always modest and retiring s.iu disposition , She is said to have made over her money nnd property to Tyler. Hnllcr's barb wire liniment has met will : extraordinary favor , and cases pronouncot Ini'urublo nuvo been treated with sufcoss , Every farmer should keep a bottle of thl ; Justly celebrated remedy ; ready for instunl use. 71V AX 1/tVA.V 110(3. Terrible Fate Which He Co 11 n Sniiil KIIIIHIIS Hoy. WICHITA , Kau. , May 13. A shocking tale comes from ICIowa county relative to the death yesterday of Johnulo Hennond , the six-year-old son of a farmer. The boy and an eight-year-old sister were playing at "bury ing. " A hole had been dug , Johnnie su down In it , and the girl had piled In the earth till It reached the boy's chin and ho was tightly imbedded. At this Juncture an ild sow and her brood appeared und savagely nt tucked the girl who wus standing over ho brothers head and drove , her uwav. The sow then turned on the unprotected head o the boy at.d sunk her tooth In the face and skull ttovorul times. By this time the screams : of the children had been heard and assistance arrived , but by the tlmo the boy was taken from his position bo was dead. DcWltt's Little Ku rlr Rlscrsfortbo Liver IVVP ? Presidential Party Enthusiastically Wel comed to the Colorado Metropolis. IMMENSE CROWDS AT THE DEPOT , School Children Strew the Pathway of the DlHtliiKiilrilKMl Visitors with Flowers linter- tallied at I.unch. , Colo. , May 12. A Joyous shout of welcome from thousands of patriotic voices , the booming of caution from the distant hills , the waving of Hags and the sound of martial music such were the expressions of welcome with which President Harrison was re- celved In Denver today. The president's train was timed to urrlvo ntOiin a. tn. , antl four hours bnforo a great crowd had gathered around the union depot nnd Its vicinity. The depot , llko all other portions of the city , was gaily decorated In his honor , From every spot where a point of vantugo was to bo gained the crowd young and old , small and great - assembled and roared themselves hearse ns the train bearing the chlof magis trate of tuo United Stales steamed up to tlio station , Tlio reception coirmlttco bad long boon waiting on the platform. At last the gov ernor's special car appeal oil in sight. There eiw was a rush to the train , u fulling back , with expression : of disappointment. The gov ernor was accompanied only by his little daughter. Ten minutes later the nresldent's train , bedecked with bunting , pulled Into the station. A cheer was raised by the little band , surrounding bis special car. Tlio cheer was tukvn up by the throug without nnd taken up and returned till the echo faintly died away like the booming of the cannon which csmmcnccd the moment thu president arrived. ptl General U'olcott nnd Senator Teller were the lirst to approach the president's rarilugo tltl bid him welcome to the city. Then utttnu thu governor anil another cheer was raised. The president raised his hat , uowod anil smiled ; , and Mrs. Harrison with equal grace acknowledged the enthusiasm of the peoplu. The other members of the company with their relatives und Iricnds niipourou and preparations 1 were made for the procession to start. On tliu other sldo of the entrance to the depot were tbo Colorado national guards 11S the high school cadets , then the United States Infantry under the command of Colonel Merrmm of Fort Logan. The presi dent , Mrs. Harrison and the other members of tuo party passed throiU'h to their car- riago.i. A blast of the bu lo called the military guard Into line and the carriages which woto to bear the party over the " -nuto of the proces sion took the places assigned to them. Ho- sldo < the president sat the governor , Scoretary USK nnd Postmaster General \Vunuinnlccr. n the next carriage sat Mrs. Harrison , the myor and his wife nnd than the ether mom- bora of the party followed. The procession was then started. First came the mounted police , clearing the rouil , vhlch Was a dlfilcult matter , for the crowd vus so densely massed that as street car riages wended their way through the various .treeta they were almost blocned at every urn. Oftlcors on foot , helped to keep a clear ) assage. After the police came the United jtiUea marshal and his staff , then thu .oncers . , n picturesque body , mugnlllccntly iiountcd ; next followed the Patriarchs Mill- ant , like the lancers , a branch of the Oclil- 'ellows. Then the Sixteenth Infantry and .hen . lastly the high school cadets. All along no line of march the president and party vcro cheered till the crowd became hoarso. At the high school were messed row after row of children. They received the guest of .he aay with cueors and strewed llowors iu his pathway as ho passed through the gates. Vftor ho had made an address to the little mlldrcn the procession moved on to the Hotel Metropolitan , where lunch was served. Then tbo procession started for tbo stand at -lincolu avenue , where the address of the dav was mado. iu's The procession wound up nt the Mctropoll- : an hotel , where the party was received bv Sir. Busch and accompanied to the magnifi cently decorated room In which lunch wus served. The table was a ma. s of Mowers. At its intersection was a bank of llowors , growing out of a foundation of fresh , green Terns. The flowers were four foot long and two foot wide. In the loft of the r join was [ iluccd an easel , sustaining u life like painting of the president. The painting was enclosed between a display of iloral plants and the national colors. Thirty-eight covers were laid. These present included Senators Teller and U'olcott , the officials of the state , the governor , the Judicial bench and a few friends. Thu health of the president was appropri ately proposed by Mr. Buscb , Mr. Harrison suitably responded. The ladies of the party were entertained at Mrs. Governor Houtt's , where a reception was held. Previous to tbo reception nn organ recital was given in honor of Mrs. Harrison at Trinity Methodist Episcopal church , which was thronged with a fashion able congregation. Mamma ( lo her little boy ) Now , Bonnie , If you ' 11 bo good and go to sloop , mamma ' 11 give you ono of Dr. Ayor's nice sugar-coated Cathartic Pills next time you need medl-clno. Bennlo , smiling sweetly , dropped off to sleep nt ouco. VATAI , n'HITK VAl' I ATcnnessoo OutrnBo Which May Ilo- Htilt iii Moro Deaths. CIIATTANOOOA , Tonn. , Muy 12. As a result of tlio recent white can sensation the bride who was whipped by women white caps has since died after terrible torture. Three men who were fired on will die of their wounds. The women who did the whipping have been arrested" but their friends say tnoy shall never go to Jail nnd a fight Is imminent bo- twcuu a mob and the ofilcers. Th ( > y Got It of Course. Jim I oh Jim ! I say , Jim I Yoiip comin' , mum ; what's cr matter I Why baby has got the colic ; mil down to drug store and get u bottle of Hnllor's pain paralyzcr ; quick , now. Itrealulowu in a Voluuno'H Crater. SANFIIANCISCO , Cal. , May IS. The steam ship Australia arrived this morning , seven days from Honolulu. Prof , flrlgham , In a report to tbo surveyor's oflleo concerning the recent breakdown In the crater of tlio volcano nt Klluuoa , says the entire lira area Is gono. Peaks , cones and pools have van ished and In their pluco is a pit crutor ol ollptlcal outline fiUO by : iXK ( ) feet In extent. Thc-avulls , ho suys , were perpendicular am ! It is estimated that S thoit depth was .WO feet. Constipation poisons the Uloon : DuU'itt's Little Kurly Hlsers cure Constipation. The cause removed tlio dlscaso is cone , DP Ijiiiiiiiron the War Ilov. A. W. Lnmnr , pastor of the Firs Baptist cnuri'li , delivered a lecture be fora the L. A. C. E. society at the Tumplo of Is moi last night. Dr. Lamur's subject was "UomlnUccnce : of the War. " Thu doctor took the humorous sloe of the subject and kept his audlenco Ii excellent humor. Many interesting aua pa tluitlc anecdotes were told. Clilol'of tlio Foreign Itiiroau. Ciiu'tfto , May IS , lion. Thomas M. Welter of Connecticut , llrst vlco president of the national Columbian committee , was today declared the choice of the director general nnd the foreign aiTalrs committee to bo thu chief of the department of foreign affairs. His headquarters will bo in Condon and hu will have branch bureaus in Paris , Vienna and other lurgo cities. Bo wise In tirao. You have too many gray hairs for one KO young loaning. Use Hall's HullUonowor , the best preparation outt o cure them. Try iu 's AOTCOXTKST. National Interest Jn. the Question lloyd'fl CUIzoiiHlilp. WASlltNOTpi' BlMlBAtrTllB BEK , J fil3 Pol'UTKBNTII STIjr.KT , > WA rfl\dTo.s , D. C. , May 12. ) At the supreme cotirt rooms this afternoon and by Associate Justice Browcr this even ing ' , It was stated tha no paiwra bed yo boon filed In the ras.p relating to Governor Boyd's ' citizenship and , the gubernatorial con test : In Nebraska. Information came from Omaha | yesterday that un attorney would arrive - rive from that city aud present the papers In a . . writ of error proceeding , but hu has not yet appeared. Justice Brewer says the papers will : bo formally'Dlcd with the clerk of the court , and ho will bo asked to lm > upon the question of trrnnilng a stay of proceedings Iu the ouster of Boyd. The attorneys on the other sldo have an ticipated . this move and already filed an objection so that , It Is believed , a stay of In junction will not bo granted , although It is possible , and the case , It Is thought by nt- tornoys competent to pass good Judgment , will go over till the supreme court recon venes In the fall. The case has excited con siderable Interest , here , involving as It dcoj , an tmiortant question that of n child be coming naturall/cd with or without the miturnlli'.alloii of the parents yet , it Is gen erally believed that the case does not present these elements of ctiiergonov which call for a stay of the ouster proceedings already had in thu displacement of Governor Boyd and the reinstatement of Governor Thayor. TIMIIKKLAMl IIIH I8IOV. Assistant Secretary Chandler today ren dered a decision in tlio timber culture appli cation c.tso of Thomas A. CotToy vs Bolivar Tracy and Walter C. Brown in which the general land ofllca rejected Coffoy's applica tion to enter tlio northeast quarter , section HO , township ! iU north of range 4s , \\est , Children , Neb. , dlstlict. Tbo assistant secretary - rotary decides that , Coffpy's contest proceed ings wen1 improperly brought and that ho tus no poforcncu right by reason thereof ; hat thu land was subject to entry when iroivn lllod the rollnqulshmont of True } and liggins and as ho was llrst to 'ipply his ntrv should bo allowed nml Colloy's ippllcatlon to enter should bo rejected. A ) . rt of tbo decision below Is therefore 'muted , but that portion from which an np- Is taken is affirmed , The assistant sec- utnry alllrina the decision ot the commis- loner holding intact the timber cultuto entry of Hurry \V. Ulako for tlio northwest qmir- cr section 2.1 , township 1'i'i , north of range I ) , wi-st , Aberdeen , S. D. , contested by Don- ils M. Frill. Patents were today grut.tod ns follows : Jlmrlcs K. Ulodgott. Toledo , la. , dally ro- nlndcr ; Kdwurd B. Gucnscl , Tracy , In. , for 'onstrilctiiig ' barb wlro fences , etc. ; .lobti W. luughuwout , Omaha , depurator ; John W , laughuwout , Omaha , vaginal syrinKO ; iXdolpli Ostlund , Contorvillo , la. , convertible chair for children ; Carrlo Shane , Vinton , a , , dross lilting apparatus ; Geoigo . Tur- icr , South Omahu , storage receptacle for cars ; Henry W 'ls. Burlington , In. , cell case. MIS.CKM.AXKOUS. Calvin S. Craig of Iowa , a six year graduate rom the nnvul nnadomy , has reported to the rensury department for examination for ap- loiutmcnt as third lieutenant In the revenue narino. Dr. O. O. Sawyer ivns today appointed a ncinber of the pension board at Flundroau , 5. D. . Charles Dryden of Omaha Is nt the Arling ton. ton.Mrs. . General A. V. Kautz and her two laughters , Miss Franccs'ciiniid MissNuvarra , mvo gene to Cincinnati , where they will ro- naln several weeks with Colonel and Mrs. Mark Brelt. Mrs. Mark Brclt will glvo Miss Navarra a garden party on SutuHay. 1 vPEUUT S. HEATH. Ulalnc'H He-turn to Washington. Nn\y YORK , May 12t ; Secretary Blalno ill probably return to Washington Wednes day or Thursday. St. Patrick's Pills glvo entire 'satisfaction [ have used them in my family. Thcv me Lho best I over usedifor the purpose. Frai Ic Sornelious , Purcell , ( Indian , Tor. For su o by druggists. Alliance CI.AV CRNTEII. Nob. , May 13. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB BIE. : | The Clay Center alliance mot today and elected J. L. Hodges of Edgar , Is'eb. , as delegate to attend the Cincinnati convention. Ho goes unlnstructed. The alllunco in tnls county favors placing in the Held an alllunco canatdato for prcsido.itial houots. Orctmrds,1414 to 1418 Douplas. sideboard bulo nil this wool : . O'N'clll ScndH Nob. , May 12. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tin : BF.K. ] A lureo delegation loft this city tonight nnd will Join a special train nt Norfolk to bo in attendance at Omaha on the occasion of the president's visit. O'Neill sends greetings to President Harrison and party. lr. ) Blrnov euros catarrn. Boo bld'g. Lynch Law In Maryland. BAI.TIMOIIE , Md. , May 12. Asbury Green ( colored ) , sentenced to the penitentiary for assault on Mrs. Tolson , was taken from the Jail at Ccntervlllo by a masked body of men this morning and bunged. St. Patrick's ' Pills hnvo given mo better satisfaction than any othor. M. H. Proud- foot , druggist , Granudu , Colorado. For sale by druggists. 4-EItS OXAL VA It A O RA VHS. P. G. Moorhead and wlfo of Lawrence nro stopping at the Merchants. Senator Switzlor's father , Colonel Swltzler of Missouri , and his sister , Mrs. Branham , arc iu Onmbti on a visit. Mr. Charles A. Jewell nnd wlfo of Hart ford , Coun. , nro in the city visiting their cousin , Mr. F. E. Alexander. Shut the door against disease. .Danger cornea oft- cncat through impure blood. Keep your blood in order , and you keep in health. For tlji $ nothing equals Dr. Piorco's Goltle'n Mcdicuf Discov ery. It invigorates the liver , puri fies and cnrichcS 'tlio ' blood , and rouses every orgdh into healthy ac tion. By this means it cures. Ev ery part of the fiVBtcm feels its saving influence. 7 , jDyspcpsia , Indication - cation , Biliousness , Scrofulous , § kin and Scalp Diseases even Consumption ( or Lung-scrofula ) in its earlier stages , all yield to it. It's the only Liver , Blood and Lung Remedy that's guaranteed to bene fit or euro , or the money is re funded. Trying terms to sell on but it's a medieino that can carry them out. " Golden Medical Discovery" contains no alcohol to inebriate , and no syrup or sugar to dcrango digestion. It's a concentrated vegetable ex tract ; put up iu largo bottles ; pleasant to the taste , and equally good for adults or children , Proclamation. HERE'AS , we have received the yearly contract to sup ply Douglas county with prescriptions and medical supplies , and are under heavy bonds to use none but the BEST and PUREST DRUGS and CHEMICADS , would it not pay you to give us a call , being certain of finding the most complete stock fresh goods in different lines in the city. We draw the finest glass of Soda in Omaha , using only the purest materials obtainable , without regard to cost. We are agents for TURNEY'S CELEBRATED NEW YORK CANDIES , UNEQUALLED FOR PURITY , ELE GANCE OF FINISH , and BEAUTY OF PACKAGE , in fact SUPERIOR , to any other handled in the city. Agreeable to many and persistent demands we have also added a stock of the FINEST STATIONERY , com prising WRITING PAPER , ENVELOPES , from the best American manufacturers , and LAST BUT NOT LEAST , we make a specialty of PRESCRIPTIONS , and FAMILY RECIPES , backed by an experience of 27 years. A. SCHROTER , PhannaM * SE. Cor. 16th & Farnam Do you know that you can buy a chimney to fit your lamp that will last till some acci dent happens to it ? Do you know that Macbeth's " pearl top " or " pearl glass " is that chimney ? You can - have it your . dealer will get it if you insist on it. He may tell you it costs him three times as much as some others. That is true. He may say they are just as good. Don't you believe it they may be better for him ; he may like the breaking. nttrhn- BAD BLOOD Ii Pimples on the Face | i Breaking Oat | ) Skin Troubles | j LlttloBores ! HotBkin ) ! Bollsl Blotches ) i Cold Bores ) Bad Breath | ; Bore Heather Lips | : tryou iliffir from our of ; tbeno rjroptomr , tnUe ; ENGLISH WHY ? BBOAKfi YAl fc1LOOD VETERIHARYSPECIFiCS For Eorsos , Cattle , Sheep , Dogs , Ecgs , J AND POULTRY. fiOOPaso Hook tinTrentmrnt of Animals and Chart bcut Free. cunES < FcYcr , Oon8cmloniiInnnmmntlon A.A.JHplnnl ItlenTnultli , AIIIU Fovcr. Jl.n. HtrulnBi IjninonfKH , Ulionmattmn * C' . ( ! . IlBtvmpnr , > iikal li chargC8 D.D. llotn or flrubVoruig. . > : .K.--CouuliBi IlcnTCB , Pnfuuianliu > ' .K. Cello or GrlpCH. Itcllyacbo. < ; . ( . nilacarrlnBO. lloinorrlinuon. Jl.II.-Uriimry und lildnoy IliseiucB * I.I. Eruptive UlHcriMci ) , Rlantto. J.K. UlBCUHeMof J l CBtlon , I'arnlrsU. BlDRlo Dottle ( over BO doses ) , - - .00 Btablo Cane , with Speclflcs , Mannal. Veterinary Cure Oil onrt Moulcator , 87.0O Jnr Vcterlnnry CuroOll , - - 1.00 Bold by DrngsliU ; or Bent Prepaid anvwhcro Bad in any quantity on Receipt of Price. HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO. , Corner William and John Sts. , New York. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No. In use SO years. The oolr luccesBfnl remedy for Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness , and Prostration , from over-work or other caanoa. 91 per vial , or Svlala and larna Tisl powder , for * 3. BOLD BT DiiuoaisTs , nreent pcmtiuild on rocolpt otprlco.-HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO. , Oor. William and John Sts. , N. T. Kortho treatment of nil CIIHONIR AND SUIlQICAt. DISlCAaiid. llracoi , AppllanctM for DaforinlUejand Truiiuui. licit t'Mtllltloi. Apparatus end Itomodlai for uccos ful troittmont of every form of illiuMs loiiulrlnit Hedlcalor Huridcal Troitmont. NINKT1T ItUOMd FOIt J'ATlKNI'rt , lloanl nnj Atlundanoa lie t Acconunodntloni West Wrllo for circular * on Deformities anil llrncoi , Trussoi. Club Kuut , Curra- turoi of Hplnu , 1'llm , Tunion , Cancer , Catarrh , llronchltli. InlmlntLin. Kliftrlcltr. I'arulyilt , Kpll- eysy , Kldneri , lllnrtdor , Kje , iar. : Hkln and lllood , and all HurKlcal ( Jporatlont. WISKASISa OK WOMKN aipt'clalto. llookoi Dliea os of Wuuion lrou.Vu liavolMolr nddodnlylni-ln Dopirtrntnt forWomnn During conUnement ( Strictly Trlvato. ) Unly Itollv bloMuillcnl InOltuta ilaklnis a HpucUlty of t'ltl- VATK DISKASKd. All lllood Dltoaiei succoisfully trcalod. Medlolna jr InslrumenU sent by mall or oxpron eecuroly packed , no tnarki to Indicate nontunti or penttar Uneporsonn'i Interview preferred. Cull and consult tin or tend till ory of your caso. nnd WH will nencl In lain wrapparour IIUUKTO MUM KltHH ; upon 1'rl- v te , SpvcUl or Nervous Ulseaaoi , wlthquoitlonltK Address all Itlteri to Dr. A. T. McLnughlln , Proaldan ttli and Harn y titrtiots. Omuha. HOTEL. . .Vtiwattor. . Uth ntl it thn iHont mibHtinitliillu coimtrncteil Hotel Jlttilillitii lit Oniitliii , Het'fi-iil lifiii'ii brleli Jlra intlln fiinnlnu front biiNcinent tu ruuf. All tint fflllnun anil /tuoi-M Illicit irltlt AnltfHtou / / > ] -oi > f llilnii , tnnlilnu ( t iinixiHMlliln tn lint'lt /11/ < / . . t'li'fieMfiiiH-H ii nil jli-a iiliirntu tln-oiiuliuiit tint tinllilliiu. fitfiint lnit , liut Hint coltl iriiter tnitl nnnnlitneln rrerui'oou * . l"tjte iinaKfjxiatied itnj- K'/IVfC. B. BILL.OWAY , Prop. RMILWHYT1MEGHRD , llffltl.lNTTl'b.s ' A Do pot lOtli nnd MIIHOII Ms. n siv v , I.oavci IllUUI.lMi'l'O.N A MO. ltlVEU.1 Arrl Ten _ Omnhfi. I Depot lOlli nnd Mnfon Ht . | Onmh n _ . 10 25 n in llcnxr Day 4 Ui p in 10 ; . " ) n ra Driulirood ICxpieis. . . 4.u.i p m 10 ' 3J n m Dem or Kxpro's. . . . ( . l.'i p m 7 10 p m Denver Nl ht Kxpre n P..j n m SCO | > m Lincoln l.hnltid 11 : ) n m 8.15 n in Lincoln kee 8X ) p ra K. I' . , hT J ft 0"H. . Arrlrci Hunlia. | Depot llith ami Mmun 3t | Unnlm STtt ml. . . KimViTu ritTTny"lrr7rnss..i ; ) tUO p i (5 p mK. | U. Night Kx\ \ > Tin U. 1' Trims. | II n t I.IT.T03 I UNION 1'ACtFlf I Arrl\ei onnlin.J Denot HMIl nn1 Mnrrv I Ounln 10.10 a m Knnsns City rtinron ( eSun. . ) 4 M p ra 1U20 u m Ih'iivcr KtirP' | 4 m p m - > .M'p m . . Overlnnd Flt r HuTi p m 4.30 p m . ( irnnd lulnnd lltp. ( x. Hun ) 1155 n m 7.W p in , .1'nclllo : i.3U ; > u l.cavc ? ICIUCAC.O. .Mil. . A bT. 1'AUIArrives | Dmnjia. I U. I * , depot. Inth nnd .Mnrcy Sts | Onuhn. fi.tOl > mi ChlcnKO K .xpress" I i II. 1J a m [ Chlcuuu K iprots | . I I.envej I CKICAd'O. It. I. X I'ACIKIO. I Arrives Omnhn. | U. 1 * . depot. 10th nnd Mercy ata.l Onmha. O.Jl ) p m . . .Night Uxprea 110.05 n ra 9 OS a m . .Atlnntic Ilxprim U30 p m 430 p m .Vestibule l.lmltod 110 4ft n m Ixrnvoa I M1OUX CITV& I'ACIKIO. I Arrlvci COninha. I Depot 10th and Murcy Ms. I Omnlia. 7.15 a ml . . . .Sioux Cltr riusenijor i ISO p ml at. Paul Bxproi . . . .llQ.10 i hlOUX C1TVA 1'ACIMC. I Arrives Omaha. I Depot 15th anilVcbntor St . I Oiutthn. OOUp ml St. I'aul Limited I P85 a ro J.cnvos | ClllCA < ; O&NllTll\ViSTKIlN : I Arrlvca Omnhn. | U. I * , dppot. 10th nnd .Mcr-'y bta. I Oinnln , ti.ttn m ChlniKO Kxprcss. . . r'M p m 4.3p ! m Vuotlhulo l.lmlled. ' .i.M u m V.IUp m .Kusturn Myer. ' . ' .15 p ra O.lOp ui Kast Kx. ( except Monday ) 7.40 a m l.cnvoi I OMAHA A &r 1.OUIS I Arrlvi'j Omaha. | U. t' . licpot , IDlli uuil ilaruy Ht . | Uninlm. IXI p ml St. loul3 C.innun Hall | 12.SU p m Lenve F. . K. A.JIO. V41I < HV. Arrive Omaha. Depot 15th anU NVo baler Bta. Oniuhn. Leaven U..BT. ! . , M. S.O. I Arrives Omnlia. I Depot IMIi nml Wobatcf Sl . Otniilm. 8.IU a m . . .Hloux Cltr Ai-commoitnUon. . . u tu p m i 1.00 p m gloux Cltr Kiprom ( I'.x. .Similar ) 12 4U p m 0 DO p m bt. I'aul J.lmlloO U.2S n m 6.14 p m llancroft I'Micnm-T din SunUay ) 8.45 n m Lonrcs I M1SSOUKI 1'AClKIC. Arrives Ouiahn. I Depot IMU niul Wobntor hta. I Onmha 1030 n ru.St. ! Louis It K. O. Kxpre I 5.10 p m 8.1S p in.Mt. | l.olili A K.C. llxprma. . . . ! 08U a m Leavei I C'HKJAOO , It. I. A. r.M'IMC. I Arrival TramterJ Union Depot , Council niuffi iTranircr O.SO p m .Night Hxprcs ) I 00 a ra U 55 a m . .Atlantic Kxiro | s. . . . 5. . ' > 5 p ui 6.UU a in .Ventlbnlo Limited. . . . . . . | IO.iO 11 in Lcavoi | CIllCA < i.V NOUTIIWhaTKUN.I Arrives Transfer ! Union Pencil ' iinm-ii nliitlv ITrin f r U.4I1 n in . . . . . . . . . Chlcniio Kx press i < II ) p nl 600 p tn Vestibule Limited l > .IV 11 in 10 U ) p m Knslern I'ljor 200 p m 8.00 p in .Atlantic .Mull UK ) n m ii.30 p in Iowa Aoconimoilatlon ( Stit. only ) li.41) ) p m Lenvus ICUICAlit ) , MIL. ft tT. I'AUL.I Arrlvoi , Traiistorl Union Depot. Coil mil Hluira. I'frMisfi' i 0.40 p ml ClilciiRO ICxprca I 9.15 am IMP MI | ciilciiKO Kxpresi I 1J.35 pm Ll'HVOS I . . . . | > * rftf , u. . . Traiufcrl Union Depot. Council Hindu. Trnnslcr 1UU7 a m.KMMVii | City lny Kxprcas Tl rjTm lU.'S p m.KnmasClty | Mh-ht 1 iipren. . . e.Vi n m Leaves I OMAHA \ .ST. LOUIS. I Anlvos Irnnsfeal Union Depot , Council lllil s. | Triin tuf t 40 p ml St. Loulu Cnnon l'.ll I1S.I5 p m 'Uwves ICIIICAOO , IltIllI/.S V QUINCYT Arrives Transfer ! Union Depot , Ciiuni 11 lllulTn. Transfer IUU a m n.'M p in 10 00 p 111 . 9,40 u m 7.U5 p in . Lrrston Local 11.20 a m Leaves I HIOUX ( MTV A I'ACIKIO. Trnnnlcrl Union Doii t , Council Ilium. 7.05 a ru.rSloux | Llty A''rommodutlon , , . | 1MO s , m ft.0i p ml Ht. I'aul i : pri' s | IOI ) | , m MOORE'S TREE OF LIFE Omahn , Nob. , Oct. 25 , ' 80. I feel It not only a Privllajo , Lut a duty'to bay a good word for Dr. J. B , Mooro'a Oi- tarrh Cure. Hnva bein troubled tor yearn with catarrh. Frequently had to resort to that disagreeable huwltlna and Hiilttlng to clear my throat of a tough , stringy mocua that lodgoJ thoro. Ilad tr.oj dtlTa'unt rem edies without relief. Afewappllca ions of Mooru'sCatarrh Remedy almost entirely rd- llevjJ mo. I recommend it whenever an opportunity prebontsitielf. J. N. MOORE. Moore's Tree of Ufa. a pntltlva rnro for Klilner and 1.1 ror Complilnt and all liloort ill tu" ) . Doui It ay toinlti-r wlien you cnn bo rureil by usliu Muoro's Trcoof Life , tuu ( l.lfu Heineily ! Dr. IKi DIIU'H I'nrloilicul I'llln. Tuli trrncli remedy acts dlroctly uptn thu xonora > tlve orvfliis and c'lirus suppression of thu menses llortlireo for Ii , anil ran to mailed. Hliould not us uitxl durlni ! preinancy. Jobbers , ilnuxlsu und luu public luppllud by ( JuoUmau Uru Co. , Uuiaba. DOCTOR THE SPECIALIST. Moro Hum 15 TCMint rxperlt-nru In Ilia truntiuont of 1'HIVATK DIHKAS1SS. A euro Kiiarnutccil In : i to 5 iiny . without lie toil of un lioiir'i * tlmo. GLEET. The most compleU ) nml nti'oluta euro for iitcct nnd all niinoylnit iIlHclmrizeii over known In pnifeMiluii. Tlio most Mutil'Orn chronic nml tunic tanilliii ; cnica pcrninnt'iitljrcuriMllii from 5 tu lOOiiyi STRICTURE Or pnln In relieving tlio hlul : < lur iicrmnnonllr cure-it without piiln or Instrument * . IKI ( .uttlnx , nil ( Illntlnn. The most rKiiark-ililuruinc'd ) known to modern sci ence.Vrltu tur circulars. Cured In .10 to M ) ilnyn Dr. MclJrow'n treatment for tills lorrlfolo hlootlill-C'nGlm boon pronounced Ilio niont successful remedy ovt'r dltcovcrt'd for tin * ulm nohilo euro of tlio dliciait. Ills HUCCUM with till- ( llncn'11 IIIM mmir boon riiinlloil. A vouiilc'to | cur Kuarnntuud. Wrlto tor ulrcnliim. LOST MANHOOD And nil neikneum of tl o mixim ! orKnni , nomius- noHs , timidity nnd doapoiuloncy nhnolutoly enrol * The rulluf U liuincilluUi und ttiinpluti' . SKIN DISEASES , IlluMinmtlim anil nil dlou a < of tliu tilood , llvur kldnuys nnd tiluddur pennnnontly vurud. PtMALE DISEASES And tioiirnlKhi , nurviiiinnoii nnd illsimj'js of the ntotuBcli cured. The doctor "lloir-o Tn-atmont" for Indies Is pronounced hy nil who huvouiud It to ho the incut romi'leto ' iiml convcnlnnt rouiody oor < if- fenil for thu treatment of fomula dliouict. It U tru ly n wonderful remedy. No Instruments , no palu. Hours forludlfu. from 3 to 4 only. DR. McGREW'S Miirvollous aurcoBS in thu traatmont of privutc dibousos hns won for him n rop- utution which in truly imtlomil in chtir- ivctcr , nnd his great army of patioiiti roaches from the Atlnntic to tlio Pncillc. The doctor is n prut ] unto of ' 'regular" moUicino anil has had long and carufiil experience in hospital practice , and is classed among the loading specialists in modern scinnco. Troatniont by cor respondence. Writolor cirulars about cacli of the above diseases , free. Office Hth and Farnam Streets. OMAHA. NKI1. Entrance on Either Street. LINCOLN Floral Conversatory. South East Oor. 0 and 17tb , Lincoln , Neb W. S. Sawyer & Co. PIANTS AND P.IJT FIflWFRS lLilij.O HillJJi \ . ILUllMVJi Oonornl cnlloollnn nf iminH nnd cut flowon always on liiinil. Klontt ili-HlKiih , l > oiriii | < t > < tiiisKots , etc. , for pnrtliis. WcdillriBH mill fiui- orula u siioululty , mill Hunt to any purl i > f thu Btnte. 1'rlfn list fiun. DlHCOiinl. to iintlur- iiki-rsoii fiinrrul work , Tuluphono , 'HI. KnglUll I > Ui end Ill iJ. PnnllTA HA.NDAI.WOOD UAIMUI.KS am tin uuuu I A t > itnn4 onlycnpjuloi | > r crll > oi | by ri > Kul r ( ihrdcUnt ror tun cura of Oonorbo9anndill > chiir < o < fruai Ilio urlnnrr ubvrllvil uruo'julrol ' II.M PJf our.