fYMATIA nAlf.V 13TCF * A V ! UAV 1S01 THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE : Ko. 12 I'HAHL ST HURT. noHverrU by Carrier lu r ny part of tbo City. II.V. . TIL.TON MAXAOliK. TKLEI'IlONESi Business Office , No. 43. Night Editor. No. 23. Jll.\0lt JI N. Y. I' . Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal. Craft's chattel loans , ' . ' 04 Sapp block. Heal Hock Springs coal. Thatcher. Ill Main If you want water In y < " 'r yard or bouse. goto Blxby's , HOiMtrrlam block. John Smith and M Knrney were fined tlfi.10 apiece In pollco ivurl yesterday for drunkenness. St. Helena's guild wilt give a May party this evening at the Squire building , on Pa cille avenue , near Sixth uvenue. A marriage license was issued yesterday to Clark H. Uamp of St. Joseph. Mo. , and Ida 1C Fartuworth of Council Bluffs. The ladles' aid society of the fifth avenue McthoJh' , church will gi\o an ice cream so cial in the church parlors tomorrow evening. The Ladies' Aid society of Trinity Metho dist church will give a social at their pirlors next Friday evening. Strawborrles , mo cream and other delli-aulos will bo served , On Thursday evening the Pocahontas , do- grce'of the Order of Imnrovcd Kcdmcn will give a social and supper in the Castle hall , to which they invite nil Hedmen and their friends Dan Nichols was arrested bv Ofllcer O'Con- ncll yesterday morning while he was trying to sell some * ort of a patent lire extinguisher. Ho wai booked with peddling without a li cense , but was discharged by Judge McGee upon his promising to secure one. Nels Lewis , the proprietor of the Hillside dairy In Lewis township , had a horse stolen from his place Monday night. Ho reported lie theft yesterday morning to the polite au thorities , but so far there Is no clue to either the thief or the missing property. In superior court yesterday , tbo case 01 .1. C.Kchroeder against Oavid Hoover and wife , wai on trial. It Is a null which wan brought by the plaintiff , who is an Iowa City physi cian , to collect i\03 \ from the defendants for professional services. Hoover lives near Walnut , In this county. Marshal Tomplctou received intelligence yesterday of a serious accident which oc curred to ills sister , Mrs. Campbell , nt Mis souri Valley , last Saturday. Her clothing became Ignited while filling a gasoline stove , nnd she was seriously burned. Fortunately the Ilamcs were extinguished before danger ous injuries had been ihlllctcd. The pin ers of Lyons , Neb. , speak very highly of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Jiidd , who left this city some mouths ago , and are now keeping the new Logan house there. Among otljcr things , they state that some of the r finest paintings over seen In Lyons , are on thu walls of the hotel , nro the work of Mrs. Judd's sister , Miss Kittle Buchcll of Council Bluffs. The regular weekly meeting of the Hed Men occurs this evening. For some time the attendance has been very slim , and this evening It is desired to have all the membois in the city present. Thu order is very strong nnd popular here , and a full attendance will mean a hall full. Business of importance will be transacted. These who wifii to visit a library contrJn- Ing a small but unusually rare collection of books , can have this privilege tomorrow oven- dliiff between the hours of U and ID p. m. in the Preslivtcrlan parlors. Urforo the opening of the hiirnry a short programme of music will bo given , consisting of the celebrated Sun- liewer chorus and solo slngiuir by Mrs. Sher man and Miss Oliver. W. C. Corlto of Kearney is in the city. Mr. Coi-ke was formerly a member of the tirtn of Cocko & Morgan , whluh fulled several years ago. having been attached by creditors. Mr. Cocko hai a suit against the firm of M. E. Smith & Co. of Omaha for fl'-.OOO damages for wrongful attachment , and this suit is to como up for trial in the district court today. Mr. Cocko has como up to look after it A letter was received yesterday by tbo chief of police from Deputy Sheriff Boyer of Merrill. Wls. , who was in the Bluffs about two weeks ago , having como hero for the purpose of taking back home Oeorgo Me- Clcllan and Sevenma Norgaard.tho runaway couple who were kept hero for several davs. Thu letter stated that McClellan was taken to the Jail as soon as ho arrive.I in Merrill , nnd the girl was mot by her sister , who kissed her at the station and took her homo with her. Mr. Boyer is of the opinion that ho did not receive fair treatment from the Bluffs papers whllo ho wns here. He says that his temporary disappearance which was noted at that time , was tbo result of a change i in bis plans , and not on account of his having > Jpst his clothes , as was supposed by some. lllack organdies , the latest in black wash poods , every yard guaranteed absolutely fast black , tho" greatest craze of the season , a beautiful range of patterns all the way from lOo to V < c. Now is'tho time to make your election \vhllo the choice patterns last. Boston Store. Folhunngham , Whitelaw .t Co. , Council Bluffs. PrcHitlont in Oinnhn Wednesday , May 13. Motor trains will run every 11 vo uud one-half minutes between Council Bluffs and Omaha. Library party Thursday evening. Mitts and gloves Our Hue is now com plete in nhick silk mitts at Me , S3c , We , Mo und IKc.V'o think and say vltbout the least hesitancy that we have the best value in tbo above that over entered any city. All pure silk and guaranteed fust blacks. Ask to see them ; wo delight in showing goods , whether you puivhnso or not. Boston Store , Kotlieringhum , Whltolaw & Co. , Council Bluffs. Don't forgot the Sunflower chorus. Furniture , carpets , refrigerators , baby car riages , stoves , crockery , and all house fur nishing goods , cash or oir easy payments , at Mundol A : Kltiu's. M'JiltS OX A L I'A HA G 11,1 I'll ft. Chief of Police Carey has returned from bl trip to St , Joseph. _ Mrs. Ira Johnson of Kearney. Nub. , U the puestof Mr * . C. F. Crawl of the Pocillo bouse. G , F. Boulton spent Monday in Valley , Neb. , where he was culled to transact some business. O. C. Gaston , court reporter for Judge Thornell , was in the city yesterday attending , district court. " Mr. nnd Mrs. Fremont Benjamin and limit-liter , Miss Winnie , , of Avoca are la the city , guests of tbo Grand. Miss Anna Oborholtzer loft Monday even ing for La Crosse , Wls , , whore she will visit bvrsUtor , Mrs. Mule Davis. A A. Watts , H. Mendel , J. S. Smith and Dan Austin , four prominent bui-iness men of Neula , were in tlio city yesterday. F. M Guult of tno Wabosh loft Monday for Stun bury , Mo. , to attend the annual meeting of the Omaha it St , Louis. M. Keating returned Monday night from Portland , On * . , where ho Is now located per manently. Ho will rcma'n a few days. H. W. Til ton , manager of the Council Bluffs department of Tin : flu : , left jester- day for Colfax , where lie will spend a week rtx-upe rating. M. B. Brown , formerly of Council Bluffs , hut uow tnauager of the Western Union telegraph offleo lu Salt Lake City , is vislliug lib old friends here. Hov. T. McIC. Stewart left last ovonlng for Ht. Louis to attend the annual meeting of the board of control of the Epworth league which opens to Jay. Ho will be uwuy until the latter part of the week. Charles Huntlngtou , a well known Council Bluff * buy , who has been connected with the itipply department of the Wells-Fargo ex press company ut Jersey City , N. J. , for t-e\ : rral yean ) past , i * > in the city vUitlng his par ents , Mr. ana Mrs. K. Hunliugtou. C , (5. Wilson , superintendent of the Iowa lines , of the Burlington : J , H. Duggati , su | > er , intcndoni at Crcston ; E. Junes , muster me chanic , of Creston. S. K. Crunco. superin " tendent of the St Joe , and G , M. Hobl , for- "inerly superintendent of tbo St. Joe : W. Cray , assistant general freignt agent of the Kt. Joe , J , Iliiytrard , roadnmstcr of tne St. Joe. are In the city to-day , nttvlnt ; com o here to attend the quarterly meeting of r ullway luporlntcndeuU , which takes pluco Uili after- keen at the transfer. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , Resumption by the District Court of the Liquor Case Trials. NO NEW FEATURES WERE BROUGHT OUT. Alisencc of Attorneys nml rnlltirc to I'ruilituc ; Kvlilrnue I-Muttcns n Sensation An I'.fT rt In Jumps' lleliair. Judge Thorncll came to the city yesterday to finish the hearing of the liquor injunction suit of L. M. Turner against Kinlt itSchultz. Attorney Seabrook for the plaintiff and At- tortipyi Stewart and Mynster were on hand , but J. N" Haidw In was still in Chicago. It was expected that some new evidence would bo introduced , but it turned out that such was not the case , and the only thing done UAS .for the attor neys to make their arguments. The attorneys lor the defendants wanted the court to continue the casn till sometime next week , in order that Mr. Baldwin might hive another opportunity to make his speech , but Judge Thorncll stated that ho was through with the case , and it must bo submitted , although ho would have liked very much to hear Mr. Baldwin. The case was accord ingly submitted and taken under advise ment. The decision ol the court will bo rendered in the course of n few days. E. E. Aylesworth appeared before Judge Thorncll in behalf of his client , L. C James , and asked for a reduction of the appeal bond. James was convicted of bigamy at the last term of district court , and is now serving n two years' sentence for the offence. Mr. Aylesworth thought ho could show that James was suffering imprisonment without any intention of committing a crime having been shown. The matter was taken under advisement by the court. President i i Oinnlm Wednesday , May 13. Motor trains will run every five and bno-bnlf minutes between Council Bluffs and Omaha. Lace curtains cleaned from OOo to $1.23 per pair , nt Twin Citv dye works. A delightful evening can be spoilt in ex im- ining lovely books with lovely bindings. Go and 'en tbo beautiful books in the library In thu Presbyterian parlors. Pianos , organs , C. B. Music Co. , MS B'd'y. Underwear - We can fit you out with almost anything in the underwear lino. Anvtbing we two not got In stock we can get for you if to bo found in Now York city , havinr an ofllco in New York and an cxj > erienccd min always on the spot Brings us in direct com munication with the creat mercantile ccnt'ir of the world. Boston Store , Council lllufls Sitiicrlntciiilont'H Meport. Superintendent Sawyer did not present his report to the school board nt Its meeting Mondav night , on account of the fuel that ho had neglected to bring it , to the room with him. It was dul.v prepared , however , and shows the following figures : Entire enrollment for the yrar1,740 ; total enrollment for April , 284 ! ! ; average per cent of membership , 8S per cent , average dally attendance. 'J.SiOT ; number of pupils neither absent nor tardy. 070 ; number of cases of tardiness. HO'.I ; number of cases of corporal punishment , 4'J ; number of cases of suspension in the city. a. Tno superintend ent in his report calls attention to the defini tion of corporal punishment , AS understood in the public schools of this city. It includes all cases where a teacher is even compelled to lay her hand on a pupil in order to enforce obedience. The cases whore actual punish ment is required are very rare. Meat i uctry. When vou are hungry and want to eat Go to M. Wolker's ( X > 7 Main street , And get a piece of choice meat Which su-ely will satisfy your appetite. Meats are received dally bv the load And sold and delivered C. O. D Don't forget the place , and number , For It Is the best market by thunder. MEAT EVTEH. Try Duquette .fc Co.'s Pomona fruit juice tablets. 1 hey are delicious. Fruit farm for saio on reasonable terms ; within one and one-half miles of the P. O. ; all in bearing ; good buildings ; possession given at once. ( Jail on D. J. Hutchlubon & Co. , 017 Broadway. Young ladles desiring to fit themselves for nurses can have all instruction free at , the Womens' Christian Association hospital , Council Bluffs , la. Bring credentials as to moral character. Apply to Mrs. It. J. Osborne , O''O First avenue , Council Bluffs , la. Go and near the popular singers , Mrs. bhermai. ana Miss Oliver , Thursday even- Ing. I'lVhldent tn Oiiinlin Wednesday , May 13. Motor trains will run every rive and one-half minutes between Council Bluffs and Omaha. ChniitniHiim Notes. Attractions are being added slowly to the Cbuutuuqua programme. One of the latest is a debate botwccn Iguallus Donnelly and 1'rof. J. C. Freeman on the Shakespeare- Bacon controversy. The delate wiH occur on Juno 20 and 21 , and will arouse much interest on account of ttio uotorietv which Mr. Donnelly has obtained by his views on the subject of tlio Shake spearean drama. July 4 has been agreed upon as the day which will ho devoted to the Grand Annv of Hepublic. Hov. A. J. Palmer , D. D. , New- York , will deliver a lecture on "Company D , the Dio-no-Mores. " llnll Tor Kent. Oi. account of leaving town I will rent my boll , togntuca with parlor room , dining room , kitchen , with stove , city water in the kitchen , for ono year or more. It is the most conven ient hall lu the city ; all in first-class order. Inquire J. F. Peterson , 130 Broadway. For lovely books go to the entertainment Thursday evening , For neat bindings go to Moorohouso i ; Co. , Pearl street , When about to build don't fail to get prices on lumber of The .ludd & Wells Co. , S13 Broadway. Telephone . Union Park races , Omaha and Council BlufT.s. Junuli-12 , $4,000 ; Sept. 8-11 , fci.noO ; Oct. ' . ' 0-22 , W.OOO. For programmes address Nut Brown , sec'y. , Merchants' hotel , Omaha. Muir has all sorts of fruit , shade and orna mental treoi , Broadway , opposite poitoBice. Ice ! let" : Ice ! IS If you want it pure and n And nt a reasonable pr Follow no now dev Ico. But send to us In a tr At our oil Mulhollaud &Co. , No. 4 Pearlst , Tel. 1C2. A No KlitH-rlinotl Fight. D. Simmons and P. McKlnna , who live on avenue I near the corner of Twenty-sixth street , got into a qurrrel yesterday morning , Simmons , according to the story told by Mrs. Anna Bloom , sister of Mclvlnna's , raised s.a a largo crop of hades in the vicinity. He . came to McKlnnu'8 house and commenced to pound the proprietor , and when Mrs. Bloom ' tried to protect her brother ho turned his attention to her and pulled several handfuU | MliDlCAL WRITKRS admit nil the remarlmblo tjualitlcs of the { jetiuliin imported CurlblKia Surudol Suit as iin aporient , laxative nnd diur etic' The Brent fame of the wonderful CarUbad Sprudnl Spring IB duo to real worth. Ue sure und tecuro only the t'CUUlUO. of hair out of her head. He then returned to bis tint enemy and beat him and kicked him about the head In a terrible manner Olllccr Burke arrested both men and when Me- Kin na was brought totl.o police station bis bend showed plainly the ordeal it had passed through. H was covered with a thick layer of bumps , and the blood from the wounds bad trickled down and frc coed his face In n picturesque fashion , Both parties will bo called upon to plead to the charge of disturb ing the peace this morning in police court. Yesterday afternoon an information was filed In the onico of City Clerk Stcphonson charging Simmons with assault and battery. It was filed by Mrs. Bloom. Dross ginghams Everything In that line from the 7c dress gingham to the finest Scotch goods. At Te , be , IOC and I'J'tfo wo show a beautiful range of patterns At Ific wo show a very tine line of zephyr ginghams , the style and finish almost as irood as tbo most expensive. Boston Store , Council Bluffs. Dry storage at low rates , stoves and house hold good * . J. It. Snydcr , Pearl street. The Bercnn Temple will servo dinner today noon at 740 Broadwav , Uanforth block , Ice cream also , for the benefit of the Christian home. Drs. Woodbury. dentists , 30 Pearl street , next to Grand hotel Telephone 14' ) . High grade work u specialty. More Is the Money ? Attorney Frank Trlmblo has unearthed a piece of business which the late Justice Patton - ton was concerned in , and he is now at work unearthing some more of it. A violin was seized by Constable Austin some tlmo ago to satisfy a claim upon a certain music teacher of Omaha. The writ of attachment was is- sued from Justice Patton's court , and the in strument was advertised for sale. When the ' day appointed for the sale came , there was no one on band to bid , so the violin was filed away in the Judicial archives for future ref erence. A few days ago Trimble's client came in , wanting to know where the money was that had been paid for the violin. Ho found that the violin had disappeared , hut there was no record on the books of the oftlco showing that any money had ever been received for it. it was afterwards learned that Prof. B.Cor - kowsky had purchased the Instrument from Justice Patton for & \M. \ Where the money went nobody knows. Ex-Justico Patton Is away from the city and bis statement of the Aso could not bo obtained , but Trimble has decided to work that j .5U for all there is in it , and find out , If possible j , what became of It , Tbo latest addition is the Shantong pongee , India silk finish , sold everywhere for L'Oc , our price l--jC } ; n beautiful range of colors , pine apple tissue , tbo f real leader , for l- } c. oston Store , Council Bluffs. For an evening's enjoyment go to the Pres byterian parlors Thursday evening. Snugart it Co. carry largest stocu of bulk field , garden and Hewer seeds in the west Catalogue and samples by mall. From n Dmtnncc. President Harrison will pass through the Bluffs this evening ntnboutoiyo o'clock. The presidential party will not como nearer the city than the Union Pacific transfer , but will lie over there about half an hour , leaving over the Wnbash about 0 o'clock. An Invitation was extended to the mayor and city council sc me time ago by tbo mayor of Omaha , to attend the demonstrations which are to take place in Omaha today in honor of the arrival of the president , and the invitation was accepted. Last evening , how ever , Mayor Macrae stated to s reporter that in all probability the mayor and council would not bo there at least In n body. A largo number of prominent and other wise citizens will probably go in indi vidual crowds to the city across the river , however , to witness the parade and to take part in the other festivities. A call has been Issued by commander F. S. Thomas of Abe Lincoln post , Grand Army of the t Kepubllo to his comrades , calling them to t assemble at the armory on Pearl street this i afternoon at 5 o'clock , and take a motor tram to the tragsfer to meet tbo president. President in Oinnha Wednesday , May 13. Motor trains will run every live and one-half minutes between Council Bluffs and Omaha. Seed oats , corn , millet and seed potatoes , garden seeds of all kinds , at H. L. Carman's , 500 Main and 501 Pearl streets. Trees , all kinds' , guaranteed to grow , prices cheap , at Mairs' , Broadway , opposite postof- flco > _ MJinn the Sheriff. The First- National bank commenced suit yesterday against Sheriff O'Neill to get pos session of eighty head of steers , formerly the property of B. E. Hortou , which are valued at about # . ' ,000. Tbo bank claims tbo steers by virtue of two chattel mortgages which were given by B. E. Hcrton and A. Sails- burr , ono of $725 and the other forSsCO , both executed during October and November , IbOO. The plaintiffs allege that the sheriff holds tbo property by virtue of a chattel mortgage which was given by Horton to M. E. Palmer. They nsk for the possession of the property , and f-VX ) in addition , as damages for tbo wrongful detention by the sheriff and nis deputies. Caligraph Writing Machine received the only gold medal at Mechanics' Fair , Boston OUMsllY'3 OPTICS. Their Shar-mesn Lends to a Clever Capture. While standing at the corner of Fourteenth and Farnam streets yesterday afternoon Ser geant Tom Ormsby saw a man pass whoso face looked familiar. After watching the man a moment Ormsby placed the man under arrest. Tbo prisoner proved to bo William Fields , one of the most noted and smoothest safe blowers in the country , Some three years ago Fields was in Omaha and was ar rested for having burglar's tools in his pos session. After serving a short sentence Fields departed for tno cast and turned up in Cin cinnati. In November , Ibti'.i , the chief of police of Cincinnati wrote a letter to Chief Seavoy stating that Fields had been arrested In Dayton. O , for blowing a safe In a Cin cinnati railroad ofllco and asking for Inform ation about the prisoner. The letter also stated that when taken into custody at Day ton Fields had in n.ts pockets ono of the finest and most , complete sets of burglars tools known to bo made. Fields looks as if bo had just been released from prison. He will bo hold a few days to prevent his doing any work and then be ordered to leave town. Gessler's. Magic Headache Wafers. Cures all hcadichcs in 20 minutes. At all druggists Pointers. The attempt to make a match between Jack Davis and Billy Woods proved futile , and the Parson Davles combination pulled out for Denver last evening. The Parson says the two men are sure of a purse , hovv- ever , before one of the Cullfoinln athletic clubs , and will make nu endeavor to fix it for June , Jack Davis' school of boxers Is arranging for a grand banquet to bo tendered the pio- fesor at an early date. There are a number of handy pupils in Ins classns , and thov ought 'to bo able to give a rattling good exhibition Hurry Gllmoro is out with a challenge to light any -poundcr In the world. Harry's gull increases with the fleeting years. White and Slddons are anxious to lake it over again. -DeWitt's Little Early Risers ; only pill to cure bick headache and regulate the bowels Itoxforil Getting Kvcu Last night Dr. Hex ford met on Harncy street Jack Shepherd , who maltreated the doctor's boy , and a fight ensued. Both men went at It In dead earnest nnd for some tlmo It would have been a bard matter to name the winner. Finally Hcxford managed to get the third finger on Shupard's left hand in his mouth and bit the end clear off. This ended tbo fight , and while Shcpard started for a doctor the voierluury surgcou struck out for the pollco station , where ho gave himself up. The charge of assault was placed against hU name on the blotter. FALKEi ) TO AKDltN'f ' ADMIRERS Ex-President Olcvoland 'Addresses Buffalo's Big Bourbon Orgl'nization. ' GREETED WITH GREAT ENTHUSIASM , Mlii | > lcil Kinotlons of' nesponwltilllty and 1'riilo Course Through Him - Public" i\trnva- : Ills * riiiMtio. , N. Y. , May 12. The Cleveland democratic club , Buffalo's foremost political organization , uo\v seven years old and having a membership i of upwards of 1,700 , opened Its nc club house on Washington street this evening , with ex-1'resldont Cleveland as the evgt guest uud speaker of the occasion. The house was crowded and the scone a very brilliant one. one.At At 7:00 : o'clock Mr. Cleveland was escorted to the club house , which was crowded almost to suffocation. Mr. Cleveland was greeted with the wildest cheering , long continued aim often repeated. The president of the club , Herbert P. llissoll , delivered an ad dress upon the purpose and growth of th organization and in wolcouio to its dis tinguished patron and guest. Mr. Cleveland replied with a speech which was delivered with great earnestness and which was received enthusiastically He said in part : Mr. 1'rcslflcnt and Gentlemen : As I < slnnd for the llrst tlmo face to face with tlie Cluvo- land democracy , 1 experience mingled emo tions of responsibility anil pride. My sense ol responsibility arl-.es from my relation to your or ant7utlon us Its cotlfiithcr. and my pride from the nonlo manner in which von have borne my name. I acKnowlcdpo ymir rleht to lequlru of mo at this tlmo tin account of the manner In which I ha\o Kept the polit ical fallh to which yon uie devotrd. This rinlit crows out of the fact that the wuid "democrat1 } ' , " as It stands In the name of your organization , means vo much and is - \\oitliy of your care , that Its lRnlflrancc should not bo In the least clouded by any profit which is not In keeping with democratic alms and pur poses. In giving an account of my political be havior. 1 can only olTor a record of political conduct familiar to all mv countrymen and supplement this refonl bv the declaration that I have done the best I could tudccro the conUdonco In me wlilc-h you have so Krncofullv manifested , I'oi the character of the reeoid thus presented , you yuiiueUet are answerable with me for It has been made under the Inllucnce and encourage ment of the sentiment and doctrines which the Cleveland democracy have culti vated and enforced.Vhcn we startid to- Kother In political life and responsibility , your acreplcd creed taucht that politics was Minietlilng more than adroit jujrulnry ; that there was still such a thing as olllclal duty and that It mc'int obligation to the people ; that the principles of our povi-rmnent. were worthy cf conscientious study , and that the doctrines-of true democracy , honcstlv and bravely enforced , promised the greatest good to all our countrymen and exacted through the length and bteadtu of our Innd. Impartial governmental care and Indlscrlnilnatlng just ice. I'utillc extravagance In its relation to In- eiiltablc | t.irllT laws not only lays an unjust tribute uuon the peoplo.lmt Is responslb o for unfair advantages bestowed upon specl il and favored Ink-rests as the price of partls.m sun- nort. Thus the e.xerclso of the popular will for the benefit of the emintry at largo Is re placed by sordid and selfish niothcb directed to personal advantage , while the oncourago- ntpiit of such niothes In-public place for party ends deadens the official conscience. Let us , then , as we push on In our campaign of education , especially Impiess upon our countrymen the lessou 'which ' teaches that public extravasanco Is a deadly , danuerons thing , that frugality and , economy are honor able , that the virtue and watchfulness of the people are the suicst safeguards against abuses In their government , and that those who profess to servo their follow citizens In public pin to must bo faithful to their trust. After the exercises 'in the assembly hall Mr. Cleveland , assisted'oy prominent demo crats of the city and county , held n reception in the drawing room of the club house. Dyspepsia's victims are numbered by the thousands. So nro the people who have boon ; restored to health by Hood's Sarsaparilla. SIVIXOLKU KOSDMIEt.1I. The Well Known Adventurer oil Trial In Ijomlon. LONDON , May 12. Edward Pinter , alias "Sheeny Al , " also said to be known in Neiv York under the name of Sondhclm , the American swindler who has been reaping gold in Europe by pretending to bo possessed of tno mythical philosopher's stone , was again under examination today at the Marlborough - borough street police station , charged with attempting to obtain $40,000 by false pre tenses from Edwin Streeter , tbo well known Bond street jeweler. Pinter , who was arrested on May 4 , had previously induced Streeter to go tolus ( Pin ter's ) bed room at Storev's hotel , where they could test the American's claim. Street er handed Pinter a sovereign , which the lat ter throw into a crucible , covered it with some kind of a powder and after appearing to molt it , pulled out a lump of gold equal In weight to about thrco sovereigns , "tabecnoy Al" then suggested that Streeter should fur nish him with 8.000 sovereigns , which ho would transform by use of the philosopher's stone into gold weighing 24,000 sovereigns , equal to a sum of $120,000. Streoter agreed to this , but became suspicious and had Pin ter placed under arrest. At the Marlborough police court the next morning the presiding magistrate said ttat it was just possible that Pinter might have discovered some method of increasing the weight of gold. Pinter , cheered by the magistrate's remark , insisted that ho could increase the weight of gold , and asked if it was just that be should bo compelled to divulge bis secret in court. The examination was continued today , but was not completed. Pinter , It seems , has also performed hla tnck in other countries. The case was then adjourned. Among the people who are said to have been victims of Pinter's philosopher's stone nro the names of members of the Rothschilds and a member of the lirmof Daring Brothers. Small In size , creat in results : Do Witt1 Little Early Hisers. Best pill for Constipa lion , best for Sicu Headache , best for Sour Stomach. Finns ! Omaha Tent and Awning Co. , 1113 Farnam. TWO HAD JOHNSONS. IJrnce of Sneak Thieves liy Hint Name Can n lit. Sneak Thief Franlc Jounson entered tbo residence of John Plxlcy , 'J210 Cass street between S and v'o'clock last niptht and stole a , ( silver Champion ship cup , a silver sUavjng mug , revolver , meerschaum pipe and several articles of NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla - > Of perfect purity. Lemon - Of great strength. Orange - Almond - Economy In tholr USD Rose etc.r Flavor as delicately and dcllclo'usly as the fresh fruit. BROWNING ; KING'S" Manufacturers and Retailers of Reliable Chi king. WPP If WE will offer Special Values in 4O different styles VJLDJV \ of Menis Sack and Cutaway Business Suits. At $15.00 ! $15.00 ! These Suits nro eqnnl to any $18.OO Suits shown In tlio city. They nre In Cheviots , Cnsslmeres nnd Serges and in light fli'ny nnd ctnrk colors in fnct , nil ssnsonnble shndes. In out1 Immense stock we hnvc till sizes and cnn fit any size ot * build of mnn perfectly. If you wnnt n Dress Suit , remember our Clny Worsteds nt $18 , $2O nnd $20. We gunrnntee saving of2O per cent to ev-Ji-y purchaser. . CHILDREN'S ' SUITS , Knee Pant Suits in many different styles and al colors. ALL WOOL. $2.00 , $2.50 and $3.00. Full Line of Men's Summer Furnishings Now In. Money goods Cheerfully do not Refunded satisfy. when BROWNING , KING & CO- , S. W. CORNER FIFTEENTH AND DOUGLAS STREETS. SEND FOR ILilAtlSTUATKlJ GA.TALxOGUK. Gas Heating Stoves. No ASHES ! No SMOKE. Just the tiling for b.ith rooms , bed rooms , eta. Cull and si-u otiriar c ii C. B. Gns and Electric Light Co. ! I1 I'eiirl and 210 Main Street. CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK . $150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 70,000 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. . . . 225.000 nmirroni f A Mlllor , F O Oleason , E L. EhUKart , E. E. HarU J I ) Edmuniiion. Uhirlm 11. Uannin ; Transact gener.il liniiklu : bjsi- ceii. Largest capital and surplui ot auy tanltln Southwestern INTERE3TON TIME DEPO3' ' T3. 31. H. < 'UAMIlKltMjl\ . H. Ejrc , Enr. Nn"c nnd Throat Specialist. Councillllutls , - > loin bore e > es , cross eyes pnlliful and nruk vision , c-nritche , deafnets , dta' chnrues frum the cnrs , rn < Uirrh , bar fever , ntthmn nnd nil acute itnd chronic affection ! of tlio thront ppectnlty. ( iln ; ) 004 tit- tort w lihout pain. ( ilie C9 accurately prescribed In dllUcuH cn u , often curlnu chronic neuralifU nnl tick headache. Kumlctl operation' , when uwe - ary , p&inleuly performed , assuring best roMilti Office.Sliuk'urt-llcuo block , rooml Council lllurls , laTe To Bee-Keepers I carry a full Hno of Beekeepers' sup plies , including comb foundiition , hun ey knives , smokers , sections and a supplies for the apiary. M. S. ROOP 620 E. Broad way , Council Bluffs , lowal Gonorrhoea , tile ft and M.ettcorrhoeit cured In S days by the 1'iench Itciuctly en titled the KINO , it dissolves against and Is ub orb -d Into tin : Inflainud purls Will refund money If It dot's not euro or causes t-tricturo Uentlt-tnun , lu-ro Is n reliable article. Ma uuckaxe or " fur J.'i per mull prepaid. Good * man Drue Co. . Umuha , clothinc. All of the property belonged to WillPixley , the bicyclist. An oflicor saw Johnson hurrying down Sixteenth street with the plunder and ar rested him. Younff Pixley called at the sta tion later nnd identified the property. Otto Johnson was hastening along Tenth street last night ana steering for the nearest pawn shop with a bolt of line cboviot under bis arm. He ran up against Ofticer Bloom and Otto's Journey was continued in the pa trol wagon. The cloth hud evidently been stolen. A tag attached to it was marked "H. 1C. , 200& . " Pozzonl's Complexion Powder oroJuces soft and beautiful skin ; it combines every clement of beauty and purity. STOOD OFF THE FOIICE. Fun n Crazy Man Hail with the Min- 10IIH Of tllC Ijl\V. Citizens and passers by out in the vicinity of South Thirteenth street nnd the Murray brick yard were treated to a show ns good as a circus yesterday , and tbo best point was there was no admission charged. George Suscorio , Insane , had pro-cmptcd a claim in tbo front upstairs room of the house where bo has been stopping and was evi dently determined to stand oft all efforts to oust him. Suscorie was turned over to the county some time ago as Insane , but after a short confinement appeared to improve and about ten days ago ho was allowed to depart us harmless. Yesterday forenoon his old trouble came back to him , and after supplying himself wltn numerous implements of war ho forti fied his stronghold and defied all comers. Three or four deputy sheriffs went out and tr.cd to arrest the crazv man. The attempt on the part of these officials scemeii to fun into llaine the sleeping lire * of Insanity , and in a moment ho was a raving maniac. Efforts wcra mada all the afternoon to take Suscorio into custody , but ho stood oil tbo gang of deputy sheriffs and citizens. Finally the pollco were sent for. They went out with the patrol wagon , but returned empty handed. Captain Cormack. Uotectlvo Haze and Ofllcer Stump then started out to , corral tbo subject for the asylum , and they j did It. A ladder was placed against the window - | dow , a long polo procured and after beating and punching tbo unfortunate with the pole , ' a dnsb was made up the ladder. Detective . Ilazo Jumped throuch the window , followed I by Cormack nnd Shoup. Hy a united effort Suscorio was mukj a pilsotier and taken to the central station , and cfterwards turned over to Sheriff Boyd and removed to the county Jail. The arrest caused considerable excitement in the neighborhood und furnished amuse ment to about a thousand curious people who stood about and gave any nmouul of gratui tous advice to tbo ofltcers. DoWitt's Llttlo Early Risers ; host llttlo pills for dyspepsia , sour stem icb. ba-J breath. Secret ry Nolilc In Miss itirl. \Vnnii CITT , Mo. , May I1 ' . Secretary Noble arrived here from Washington today to look after bis leud and zinc mines. Tonight hu was tendered a reception at the Commercial club roomH , which was attended by several hundrou citizens. General Noble delivered an address , Supreme l , < xlje Knight * of Honor. Sew OIII.EANH , La. , May 12. The eighth annual session of tbo supreme lodge of Knights of Honor convened at Greenwood's opera bouso in this city at - o'clock tbls afternoon. "That tLo watprs of Excelsior Springs , Mo. , cannot bo questioned. " I. N. Grave. M. D. Medical if ( rror , St , LoUis , Mo. , TWIN CITY STEAM DYE WORKS , G. A. Scnoedsack , Proprietor , Oifices 621 Brondwny , Council Bluffs and 1521 Farnam St. , Omahn. Dye , clean and reflnish goods of every description. Packages received at either office or at th Works , Cor. Ave. A and 20th St. Council Bluffs. Send for price list. Merchants who Imvo shop-worn or soiled fabrics of any character can havo- them redjed nnd finished equal to new. HENRY H. VAN BRUNT , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. DlilALUSR IN its , Cai'iiifes ' , Sprinf Mips , Curb , HARNESS , ETC. , Gives Better Value for money than any house on Missouri River * Hamilton Grade Vehicles , Columbia Carriage Co.'s Buggies , Surries and Phanons , Bonanza Buggies and Pheetons , Spring Wagons , all styles , Michigan and Van Brunt Road Wagons , Carts and Harness in great variety. Correspondence solicited and cata logue and prices on application. Mori > hln Ilnhil O cnr.dfj IQlo2 ( ) < Hyi SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BL'JrFS. ' l/'OK ' HAI.B-Ourfliio family horse , suitable -L for rldltiBordilvlng. Apply to I'M S. Oth btieut. rpo lexers of liorMis The lar.'L-Bt lot of oats Jund tint finest In the city : also buy and fpi-il iV > till klnils , ut fc. ( ioldslelti & COB ] U-"J West liroadnay. K't'KSE ' flrl wanted limnodlutoly. Good wages. Call ut''II Vine street. IfOIl 1 KK.NT Ilarn near couit hoiit > c. Apply toll. W. Tllton. llt'u ollleo. LOST Ily A. Hiotcky , on Tony crt-ok. ll\o miles from city. Mitchcl containing notions. Ketiirn to lllllcit'fl and pet icwuril. GI < AIKOYA.NT and psychometric , or char acter readings ; nlMi diagnosis of disease. end look of hair for tradings by letter Siin- days und evenings. Mis , K. llooptT. 14M A\u- nuoK _ , no.irrornerKltl _ &t. , Council II utfh. FOK SA L.K I'or Hunt-Wanted If you want to buy , hull or rent anything In thu leal estate llnu don't do It until you Imvu soon our laruu Italof bargains , fetvitnV WnUiir , No. 1U Main and tlJ I't-urlI htrt'ou Counc.il lllulf . PJH SALn or Trade A fine imported C'lydeidalusiuliiim. Uiill on 1) . J. Mulch- Insun fi Co. . IJI7 Broad way. SOME flno reslili'iioo properly for rent by _ Day & Ik-ss. uli I'l-arl htrnct. ITlUIlBAliE Hotel cunti.illy lo : iU > d , doltiir 4- ' coed buslnt-hs. Or will exchange for good farm In western low.u Hotel louso. furii turo and flxtuies ; an A No. 1 chiince to ht p Int'i a good paylnt ! busl- IIL--.S Keanotis for selling , other business ro- ( jvilrlns all owner's attention. llurgulns in residence und business prop erty , K. I' , Otllccr , real eMato und insurance agent. No. 13N. _ Main jst Pound ! HlulTs. GAItDKNK Some choice garden Innd near Council lllufTt-for HUle onuusy terms , ulho vineyards und a lurxo list of Iowa farms. Johnston & . Van I'ulU'ii. _ Ifltl'IT fiirni for sale or trade ; well louulo ! und all In bearlnz ; gooj uou u unJ barn. Will taUo homo coed city property , und good tlmeKlvei. on balance. Call on or uddress L ) . J. llutchluson A. Co. , CI7 llroadway. KENT The .MoMahon block , a story brick , with basement uud elevator. J. W. 101 I'tiarl - fctrnt-u _ _ _ _ _ FOUHA.US or Hunt 'Jir.lao Iin-lT with boutai , Of J , U. Utoa , W4 Mala U , OouuoU lilufft COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAU DYE WORKS All kinds of Dyln ; and Cleaning ilono In tha IllKhest style of the Art , KuduJ and Stained Fabrics made to look us Kood ui uovr. lied I'eatliei * L'lminud ' Hy Mourn , In I'IIHI Clum Manner \Sorlc promptly done an J dallTered In all paru of the country tend for prlca Hat. 0 , A. MAGMAS. Prop. , 10U liroadwuv. Near NortliweiU-ru U opot. COUNCIL , IA. 27 MAIN STREET. Over O. II. JucQUcmlQ k Co. , Jewelry Stora C. A. HAMMER , UST1CE OF THE PEACE OITICE , m IJroadwuy , Council Illuffs , la Tt-IEX QR.AND , Council Bluffs , la. This Elegantly Appointed Hotel is Now Open. Cragiti & Co. , Proprietors.